31C14SW2003 2.19373 GRIMSTHORPE 010 Report on Geological Mapping Mineral Claims 1194935,1194936 1194937, 1194938 1194939, 1194940 1195124 Grimsthorpe Township Plan M. 97 Southern Ontario Mining Division Covering work done between December 5-18, 1998 t 3 RECEIVED APR 1 3 1999 GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT Of F ICE,, April 8, 1999 T.J. Beesley

RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

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Page 1: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

31C14SW2003 2.19373 GRIMSTHORPE 010

Report on Geological Mapping

Mineral Claims 1194935,1194936 1194937, 1194938 1194939, 1194940

1195124Grimsthorpe Township Plan M. 97 Southern Ontario Mining Division

Covering work done between December 5-18, 1998

t 3


APR 1 3 1999


April 8, 1999 T.J. Beesley

Page 2: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

31C14SW2003 2.19373 GRIMSTHORPE 010C


Introduction l

Property, Location and Access l

Regional Geology l

Property Geology 3

List of References 5

List of Figures

Figure l. Location Map 2

List of Tables

Table of Formations 4

List of Drawings

Drawing 1. North Claims Option Geological Map Accompanying

Page 3: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during


The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during the period December 5-18,1998. Work consisted of geological mapping at a scale of 1:5,000 on lOOm-spaced crosslines with 25 m stations, from Line 200E to 3900E over the area indicated on the Geological Mapping Index on the accompanying Geological Map. The author is a geologist and professional engineer with 32 years continuous experience who graduated with a B. A. Se. in Applied Geology from the University of Toronto in 1965 and a M.S. degree in Geology from the University of Colorado in 1967.

The grid area mapped has been geophysically surveyed by magnetometer and VLF-EM. Geochemical soil samples were taken at 25 m stations on 100 m-spaced crosslines and analyzed for gold content.

Property. Location and Access

The property consists of seven mineral claims, as listed below, comprising 29 mineral claim units:-

1194935, 1194936, 1194937, 11949381194939,1194940,1195124.

The claims are held 50 percent each by:-T.J. Beesley C.J. Laidlaw24 Lothian Ave. RR 3Toronto, ON M8Z 4J8 Madoc, ON KOK 2KO.

The claims are located in the northwest quarter of Grimsthorpe Tp., east of Hwy. 62 halfway between Madoc and Bancroft. Access is achieved by branching east off Hwy 62 onto the Weslemkoon Lake road, proceeding through Gilmour to a junction right onto the Skootamatta Lake Forest Access Road and continuing to a junction right with the Lingham Lake Access Road. Shortly along the Lingham Lake Access Road the first two 4wd tracks leading off to the right access the property, the first to the north part and the second the south.

Regional Geology

The property lies within the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the mid-to late-Proterozoic Grenville Structural Province of the Canadian Precambrian Shield. The Central Metasedimentary Belt consists of complexly deformed metavolcanics, metasediments and plutonic rocks originating with tholeeitic mafic volcanism about 1300 million years ago and concluding with syenitic intrusions about 1140 million years ago. The part of this belt which hosts the Grimsthorpe Tp. claims, the Elzevir Terrane, is a 100km x 100km block along the southern margin of the belt which is characterized by upper greenschist facies metamorphism, the only part of the Grenville Province exhibiting such a low grade.


Page 4: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during



GRIMSTHORPE TOWNSHIP32 31 30 29 28 21 26 25 1 24X 23 22 21 20 19 , 18 17 16 ^15 14 13 12 11 10 9 87 65




Scale: As shown

^ \lf\-

Page 5: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

Property Geology

The property is predominantly underlain by Fe-tholeetic mafic metavolcanics. These rocks are generally massive flows, dark green and aphanitic to fine-grained +A hornblende. Numerous narrow interlayers of siliciclastic metasediments, aphanitic, grey and massive, occur within the metavolcanics in the central part of the grid, with their best development 2000E to 2900E, BL to SOON. Narrow (1-3 m)interbeds of graphitic pelite and in one instance conglomerate occur within the metavolcanics.

The metavolcanics are intruded by the Lingham Lake Diorite-Gabbro batholith along the southern margin of the claim block. The contact is irregular and rafts of metavolcanic in the batolith have been recrystallized. The Lingham Lake batholith at this point is a medium to coarse-grained non-foliated palgioclase-hornblende diorite.

Small plugs of quartz monzonite or quartz diorite, +I- foliation, intrude the metasediments and metavolcanics, notably at 1700E/075N in the company of a diabase dyke. These rocks are fine grained, flesh-coloured and quartz-bearing. Quartz-eye porphyry felsic dykes, +I- foliation intrude the country rocks, generally within bands of metasedimentary rock, as at 1000E/350N.

Perfectly round, small plugs (30 m) or domes of nonfoliated medium-grained diorite and granodiorite and coarse-grained porphyritic gabbro intrude the country rock, between 00-1300E in the area previously mapped A late intrusive unit of undeformed coarse-grained hornblende gabbro occurs widely over the western part of the grid, between 00-1300E, as at 550E/310N. A large body of this rock type outcrops 100E-800E/300S-575S.

A fine to medium-grained grey to black diabase dyke with ophitic texture outcrops over a 5x3 m area at 1700E/075N, in an area of metavolcanic outcrop. No contacts were observed and hence no attitude was derived. This was the only outcrop of this rock type observed on the claims.

A few narrow bull quartz veins were noted in outcrop locally. A black acicular mineral tentatively identified as tourmaline occurs in a quartz vein at 600E/390N.

Schistosities measured in the metavolcanics and metasediments trend 100-110 degrees and dip steeply south. This is also the trend of the metasedimentary units within the metavolcanics.

The country rock 200E-1200E/300N-500N and around 1700E/175N is highly fractured and carbonated (calcite). Biotite was noted in sheared metasediment and metavolcanic adjacent to a lineament trending parallel to the baseline, 2600E-2700E/100N-150N. In addition silicification was noted associated with this feature in metasediment at 2500E, and pyrite between 2700E and 2800E.


Page 6: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during


Diabase Dyke

Intrusive Contact

Nonfoliated Intrusives Granodiorite DioritePorphyritic Gabbro Hornblende Gabbro

Intrusive Contact

Felsic Intrusives +I- FoliationQuartz-eye felsic porphyry dyke Quartz monzonite Quartz diorite

Intrusive Contact

Lingham Lake Diorite/Gabbro

Intrusive Contact

MetasedimentsSiliciclastic metasedimentPelitic metasediment, rusty schist; +S- graphiteConglomerate

MetavolcanicsTholeeitic basalt


Page 7: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

List of References

Meen, V.B., 1944Geology of the Grimsthorpe-Barrie Area. Ontario Department of Mines, VOL. LI, Part IV, ppi-50,1942.

Easton, R.M. and Ford, F. 1990Project Unit 90-19. Geology of the Grimsthorpe Area. Summary of Field work And Other Activities. Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 151, pp 99-110., edited by M.E. Cherry, B.O. Dressler, O.L. White, R.B. Barlow and P. C. Lightfoot,

Easton, R.M. and Ford, F.D. 1994Geology of the Grimsthorpe Area, Hastings and Lennox and Addington counties, Grenville Province; Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary Map P.3267, scale 1:20,000.


Page 8: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

Ontario vidMnM

Declaration of Assessment Work Performed on Mining LandUb*w. A** , R.*.0. 1*M

Transaction Number (offlc* UM)

. QCOfi/-ASSSSSfftSflt FlSS RsSSSfCh hVWQlnQ

31C14SW2003 2.19373 GRIMSTHORPE

IwacOons 65(2) and 66(3) of the MWng Act Under section 8 oflhs MWng Act. this ant work and correspond wth the mining land holder. Questions about this cotoction wrtfand Mnss, 3rd Floor. 833 Ramtey Lato Road, Sudbury, Ontario, P3J9 5.900 r^^^F^^^8*

gsf-f.'tC— t^ i","^! j^1 "Instructions: - For work performed on Crown Lands before recording a claim, use form 02* O.K E- 'C E L-

- Please type or print in ink.

1. Recorded holders) (Attach a list if necessary)Clent Nt


4-ftCHent Number

Address Nuvnbsr


2. Type of work performed: Check ("O and report on only ONE of the following groups for this declaration.

Geotechnical: prospecting, surveys, assays and work under section 18 (regs) D Physical: drilling stripping,

trenching and associated assays O Rehabilitation


(o^Fbi-6 ̂ ̂ f^^L, /M /tff/Af^

DetaeWorii Frotn^ To ,^ j?

p^fcmwd 5 On 1 Men* /Z | Y-, ^J? ^D,y I^MonO, | YMT f/

Qlnhi^ (Tin Mtfiaibm 'Ci^laiii r^klii fit tMjallrktJ^ Town^A*. g ̂ ^ S^,^?:

M or 0-Ptan Number

^- f y

Office Use

Commodity \Total S Value of K. Work Claimed ^ S ̂ t S W-

NTS Reference

Mining Division ^O

Resident Geologist District

Please remember to: - obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources as required;- provide proper notice to surface rights holders before starting work; ry : ,- complete and attach a Statement of Costs, form 0212; j i'"i- provide a map showing contiguous mining lands that are linked for assigning work;- include two copies of your technical report. APR

3. Pereon or companies who prepared the technical report (Attach a list if necessary)Nairn

r/te J.Number

AddraM 2 4 FaxMumber ,&7Z)Telephone Number

Fax Number

NWTW Tstophons Ntvnbsf

Address Fax Number

4. Certification by Recorded Holder or Agent, do hereby certify that l have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in

this Declaration of Assessment Work having caused the work to be performed or witnessed the same during or after its completion and, to the best of my knowledge, the annexed report is true.

Signature of Recorded Ho Age

Agent's Address one Number* s* -X f w0241 (OMV7) -7

Page 9: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

^^ P6NC PHO* KX : -16 23. 9-2S Pp.. 14 1999 06:45*1 P2

: T. J. ^^f^'. ......vwl.u. ,,um cMi oniy oa assigned lo claims (hat w* contiguous (adjoining) to (he miningland where work was performed, a| Ida tbm work was performed. A map showing ttw contlouous link must accompany this (oim.

FROM : T. J.

VMi**f vatvwfcWM tfofM MI otfivr 4N0JWs

column ItM toeaSgn nuntor

unto. For cftydikntraSw nwwiQ hno.

NM 124.090



1234667 12 I24JJOO

1234569 f 1.MC2 Man
















f? 1M-I*



_______. do hereby certify that the above work credits are eligible under - j-

subsection 7 (1) of the Assessment Work Regulation oVM fbrassignmenl to eonUguoua claims or for application lo the dalm

where the work was done.

rt*d HajtfwjUp* Audited l -^Zr^T.^TLoA/y

t. Instructions for cutting back credits that are not approved.

feme of the credits daJmed In this declaration may be cut back. Please check (O In the boxes below to show how you wish to riorttza the delation of credits:

ST 1. Credits are to be cut back from the Bank first, followed by option 2 or 3 or 4 as Indicated. O 2. Credits are to be cut back starting with the claims Wed last, wortdng backwanjs; or G/^3. Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims Hsted In this declaration; or D 4. Credits are to be cut back as prioritized on the attached appendbc or as Mows (describe):

ote: If you have not Indicated now your credits are to be deleted, credits will be cut back from the Bank first, followed by option number 2 if necessary.

- Office Us* OnlyMind Stamp

1*W) ^t*^"^^\ \



Oit* NaaflaUon S*M

TaW VWw oTCradl Awnmtf

Approwd (or (bearding by Mnkv Reorder (SfcnUuw)

14 '99 09=32

Received Stamp

0241 (03*7)

Total Value of Credit Approved

416 234 9428

Deemed Approved Date

Date Approved

Approved for Recording by Mining Recorder (Signature)


APR I 3 1999


Page 10: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

Ontario Ministry olNorthern Development nd Mine*

Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit

Trantaction Number (office UM)

Personal (ntormatton collected on thto form to obtained under the authority of subsection 6(1) of Hw Assessment Work Regulation M6. Under section a of the Mining Act. the information to a pubfic record. TNs Information will be uMd to review the assessment work and correspond with the mining land holder. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Chief Mining Recorder, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 6th Floor, 933 Ramsay Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario. P3E 6B5.

Work Type

G(5oL.QL le^t. filAPfitfe

Units of WorkDepending on the type of work, list the number of hours/day* worked, metre* of drilling, kilo metre* of grid line, number of Mtnples. etc.

/Z- J2/4YJ


Associated Costs (e.g. supplies, mobilization and demobilization)./? .

jeffitfc Wife MS *wd D'Frtiatf #-jt0 &+J

C^Wlfc, "f&lt' Jj /@d-f^77A/ (s

Transportation Costs

/fe&A/xk toft jLocfti- X 2^ /^^

Food and Lodging Costs

/Ift to Atth faftfi\ X 2- J) v^/

Cost Per Unit of work

^ 325.CZ>

^T*9 - ?

ito-rt\ Rf^^lonMtahMLOf Assessment Work

Total Cost

5y tjO^.CTs

/M. toZ^o-trf


&S0* *^

fi ^Z^f. ffi

Calculations of Filing Discounts:

1. Work filed within two years of performanrrl In Plitlitffai2gn^BWrof the above Total Value of Assessment Work.2. If work is filed after two years and up to five years aftei pdMunmince, it can only be claimed at 500A of the Total

Value of Assessment Work. If this situation applies to your claims, use the calculation below:

TOTAL VALUE OF ASSESSMENT WORK x 0.50 Total S value of worked claimed.

Note:- Work older than 5 years Is not eligible for credit.- A recorded holder may be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 45 days of a request for verificatioo and/or correction/clarification. If verification and/or correction/clarification is not made, the Minister may reject all or part of the assessment work submitted.

Certification verifying costs:

l. //M-lr'TT' -J- , do hereby certify, that the amounts shown are as accurate as may(pbai* print full n*me)

reasonably be determined and the costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands indicated on

the accompanying Declaration of Work form as

to make this certification.

(recorded holder, egenl. or Mite company position with tlgnlng authority)l am authorized

0112(02/96)'5" ^93 T 3

Page 11: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

Ministry of Mlnlstere duNorthern Development Developpement du Nordand Mines et des Mines Ontario

Geoscience Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road

April 29, 1999 6th FloorSudbury, Ontario

TIMOTHY JOHN BEESLEY P3E 6B524 LOTHIAN AVENUETORONTO, ONTARIO Telephone: (888) 415-9846M8Z-4J8 Fax: (877)670-1555

Visit our website at: www.gov.on.ca/MNDM/MINES/LANDS/mlsmnpge.htm

Dear Sir or Madam: Submission Number: 2.19373

Status Subject: Transaction Number(s): W9990.00014 Deemed Approval

We have reviewed your Assessment Work submission with the above noted Transaction Number(s). The attached summary page(s) indicate the results of the review. WE RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS SUMMARY FOR THE DETAILS PERTAINING TO YOUR ASSESSMENT WORK.

If the status for a transaction is a 45 Day Notice, the summary will outline the reasons for the notice, and any steps you can take to remedy deficiencies. The 90-day deemed approval provision, subsection 6(7) of the Assessment Work Regulation, will no longer be in effect for assessment work which has received a 45 Day Notice. Allowable changes to your credit distribution can be made by contacting the Geoscience Assessment Office within this 45 Day period, otherwise assessment credit will be cut back and distributed as outlined in Section #6 of the Declaration of Assessment work form.

Please note any revisions must be submitted in DUPLICATE to the Geoscience Assessment Office, by the' response date on the summary.

If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Lucille Jerome by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at (705) 670-5858.

Yours sincerely,

ORIGINAL SIGNED BYBlair KiteSupervisor, Geoscience Assessment OfficeMining Lands Section

Correspondence ID: 13685

Copy for: Assessment Library

Page 12: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

Work Report Assessment Results

Submission Number: 2.19373

Date Correspondence Sent: April 29, 1999 Assessor: Lucille Jerome

Transaction Number


Section:12 Geological GEOL

First Claim Number


Township(s) / Area(s)



Deemed Approval

Approval Date

April 28, 1999

Correspondence to:

Resident Geologist Tweed, ON

Assessment Files Library Sudbury, ON

Recorded Holder(s) and/or Agent(s):



Page: 1

Correspondence ID: 13685

Page 13: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during


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33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 l! 10 8

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32 31 30 29 28 27 26

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31C14SW2003 2.19373 GRIMSTHORPE 200



Page 14: RPT ON GEOL MAPPING GRIMSTHORPE TP · 2017-01-16 · Introduction The geological mapping survey described herein was conducted by the author, T. J. Beesley, on 12 field days during

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Legend Geology

1 kilometre

Geological Mapping Index

jfj DiabaseIntrusive ContactNonfoliated intrusives

4a Granodiorite

Scale 1:5,000

100 200 300 400




DioritePorphyritic gabbroCoarse-grained hornblende gabbroIntrusive ContactFelsic intrusives ifoliationQuartz-eye felsic porphyry dykeFelsic plug or stock - quartz monzonite or quartz dioriteIntrusive ContactLinghan Lake diorite l gabbroIntrusive ContactMetasedimentSiliciclastic metasediment


|2ac| Carbonate - altered2b l Pelitic metasediment, rusty schist; tgraphite2c Conglomerate

Tholeiitic basalt - metavolcanic1c | Carbonate-altered


x Small outcropGeological contact, assumedStrike and dip of schistosity

A Angular boulder . qv Quartz vein

tour Tourmaline bx Breccia

mylon Mylonite bio Pyrite py Biotite

SwampGlacial transport direction

/yGrimsthorpe Township

Eastern Ontario

North Claims OptionGeol ical Map

1c-a Ankerite-alteredMarch 1999

31C14 SW2 003 2.19373 GRIMSTHORPE 210