Royal Bank of India

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  • 8/3/2019 Royal Bank of India




    Royal Bank of India is the oldest bank in India. Its current assets are about

    Rs.8000 crores and earnings for the most recent year exceeded Rs.130 crores.

    Down the years RBI has tried to maintain an image of pleasant, convenient and

    comfortable place to do ones banking. Of late, officials at the bank were

    concerned because of some dissatisfaction among the customers. Specifically,

    complaints seems to fall into the four categories: (1) slow moving lines (2) a

    pressured feeling of doing business with other customers crowded against ones

    back (3) withdrawal and check cashing transactions being easily observed by

    other customers (4) having to wait a long time to make a relatively minor


    In the light of these complaints, the bank officials were considering two

    proposals which might help improve customer service. Under the present

    system, the bank used teller units with 12 windows each, and a customer

    seeking service would enter any one of the 12 lines of people which had been

    formed in front of the windows. In the proposed Fast Teller Arrangements, all

    the customers would enter the same single line and as a teller became available,

    the first person in that line would move up to the available teller.

    The management felt that this setup might eliminate at least three of the major

    complaints. First, a customer would no longer have to wait in a particularlyslow moving line while line next to him moved more rapidly. Second, since

    only one person at a time would be standing at a teller window that persons

    transactions would be less easily observed by the other customers. Also that

    person shall feel less pressured to finish his or her business in a hurry since no

    one would be standing behind them.

    The second proposal being considered was Express Service. Currently, a wide

    range of transactions could take place at any teller such as savings deposits,

    checking, withdrawals, charges on the credit cards etc. The Express Service

    would utilize specialized teller windows where a customer would be limited toone or possibly two specific transactions. Although the management believed

    that this arrangement would expedite service, they were uncertain as to which

    particular transactions were used in combination by enough customers to

    warrant Express Service.

  • 8/3/2019 Royal Bank of India


    The bank officials gave Mr. Anil Banerjee, the assignment of studying and

    making recommendations concerning the addition of the two proposed services.

    Banerjee had been with the bank for the last two years, ever since his

    graduation from the State University. He had only recently been transferred to

    his present position in the service department. As Banerjee reviewed the

    assignment given to him, he felt that the banks information regarding the

    complaints was inadequate for making a recommendation and that more

    research would have to be done.

    Banerjee felt that either of the two approaches could be used to obtain the

    information needed to evaluate the Fast Teller service.He could conduct an

    attitudinal survey of banks image, getting at complaints in an indirect or

    disguised manner. Or he could conduct a survey asking directly for banks

    good or bad points. Regardless of which approach was used; he would have to

    determine how to select respondents and whether to interview in person, or by

    mail or by telephone.

    Banerjee believed that the evaluation of the Express Service proposal might be

    somewhat more complicated. This was due to the fact that the management

    wanted to know what specific transactions would qualify for the Express

    Service and which transactions could be most feasibly be combined at any

    given window. Banerjee wondered whether through observing and keeping a

    record of the transactions made by a sample of customers, he would be able to

    gather sufficient data to answer these questions. If he could get the needed

    information by this method, he would have to decide if he should combineobservation method with interviews or if observation would suffice.

    Furthermore Banerjee wondered if this research on Express Service should be

    carried out jointly with or independently of the research on the Fast teller



    1. What information should Banerjee collect to evaluate each if the proposed

    services?2. What research project(s) should be used in the evaluation of each of the

    proposed services?

    3. Design each of these projects. What method of collecting data should be

    used in each of the above?