WASHINGTON. Pel). 2* Government funda or $40,000,000 were available t<xlaj-,ftir crop prO' ducUon loan« to farmtrn. PrMldeni Rooflcvcit the cnah advancr ahouUl boabo Inat of Its kind. form of credit vran bad bualncm nnd flhoiiUl bu stopped, nnd indlcnt* Pd Jio would.prtfor Uutt fnmicrH Iwrrow from coopprntlvc prodiic- llnn credit uMOClfttlomi. V- The.m-productlon'credlt ti(Torciffl are cnplUillMd by tlic covcmmcnt. —Suf-Tjorrowing-iiirmcra.arc-rciiulr-. ed.to buy Bloclt. It ix hoped the nyslem eventually can bo buJlt up SIX KILLED BUS OVERTURNS WHEN MOTOR TN DITCH witliout Kovemmcnt aid. ThJ now 5S7 crcdlt orjoclatlons, which Governor Wllllnm I.’Mycrn of the form credit' ndnUnlslratlon cjitl- mntui can advnncc about $300.> " 000.000,■— --------------- - PrcBldcnt' noosevcit opprovcd Ho Kild tho.fimd "nhould be tho lOBl of Ito.klnd." Myero ftBnounced thnt fnrmcm flccUknE loans would be,directed to RS. URiLISIS D South Central Idaho Student GnthcrinB' Hears Locnl Prcsa Spettkcrs Mormon Group Meets Tragedy; Infant Among Dead f I'HOii.VIX. Ar(2., rvi). 21 ■('t'— iTrajicdy ovcrtooU :v rniiv.lc.I hu;i of Southci-n Cillfcirnia Mormon ti-mpip worltfM (in n h!j;hw.iy 8.') miUvi wciil of hiTo I'arly today whi'n the loailtil vclilcle HlticM.-.l on a niln-ilrcnclipil ros<J nnd owr- turnod 111 II ditch. MITEO.^ pa Vnndonbcrg Urffcj Qtiota 1 . At Nftllon’B Oapticity ' For Prodxlotlon , WASnmCTON, Peb. 24 <ai!)— ^ miRor quota for continental United Stnte.i nfl hlRh oa the na- (lon’a capacity for iiufar produc- tion wao propMcd to the nenutc finance ccmmlttce today by Sen- ftlor. Arthur Vandcnberir, l}cp., M|ch., a.1 henrlncB. on, lift Co.itl- l,nn flu^r bill were reoumed. Adralnlatratlon offlciala aup- portlnjr the biil hare pnpcaed that domestic productlon-bo Ifmlt' ed U) the level of rcccnt yearn. aVndenberp ftlao fropooed that nll-ftuthorlty In the bill,be limited to two ycajs. Vandenberg Is not a member of the Commlttcfl but waa Invited to participate In. the hearings be- catijie ot WIchlffim’a Buffnr beet induatry. *'Ctar” ChftrKO HalM>d ncp. Fred Cummlngfl. Dem.. Co)o„ charged that the Co.illjran bill would molte Secretary of ar - rlculturc Henry A. Wallace a “su- car csat'' with power to malie or brealc anv sugar, produclntr — " or countjy. A N. Mathers, re.pre.ientlng Nebraflka beet growero, charj;ed the motive underlying the bill wns to aove S700.000.000 ot American capital Inveated-W Cuba. American beet formern, he aal<I, •'ore -<IcflnlUly opposed to ,thc principle of rcduclnf a •non-our- p!u9 American crop and tumlnjr ' It over to Cuba,*' lU H N B M imnn Farley, Brown Tell Senatora No “ Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred . 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ Jamea A, Fnr- ley and fo'rmer poatmutcr generfti Walter F. Brown 08T«ed today be- fore thc'aenato olrmMI tnvoatlgnt- , • Ing committee , that; the- former I made "no dertgatory remarks About the’ eommltteo chairman Huiro L. Black. ' Brown rirat denfed that Farley made o “perMnal remark" about Black 08 ho waa called to the 8Uma for the sixth dAy. The "pe^ Mnol.rcmarK''.cplflOd() waa brought out In tcaUmonyye8t«rday but the wftrrflrtg wa«-not-rovWed. • 'yavifty.-the-Becond-wltneas ^ a y , llkewUo denied he had pawed nriy dirogTjtory rcmarw about the nouUicm. senator who has been In- ' veatigating ocean nnd alrmoil' con- - irMta',ror.mQntha.; Fnrloy olao denied ;Uiat ho bad - told'Brown: ' ' . , • . -r-'acn't have anyiiympalhy for .• Ih W , pQlltlcnJ.ltvveaUgatlpns.'’ . ' " I don’t regard thla Investlga- -r-IJnn’-ofi^MUcal'," Ppflpy. .«ald.____ Eighty-two- high school journal- l.iLs from the iiouth central Idnlio <lUltrlcf”TOef hrrc -tortny—ns -the fi^jeota of Fourth Estnto chapter, Quill and Scroll. Jiiitjo^ial hiijH school joumnll/itlc nt^lt-ty. It wi.T the flrat ■ convfntlnn of oiudent wrltera la l^iln dl.itrlct. The host jrroup Ifl aupervlned by MIm Eva, DUftngan.'-joumalurm-instinetoK-.— ' Shoshone. Flier." Burley, Kim- borly, and Twin Falls high schools were dll represented. At tho laat moment' tho G<x^lng dulegatlon was unoble to attend. Sepnwtn Tlleotlngn Ncwn writing, fcnturo writing, buslxioftfl and cditorlny s:miip.n held Bcpirate meetlngn ititc thLi aftur- noon. Speokers at theno Included: Robert Werner and Tla-rman Evans, Twin'Falla Ne\vn: Dorli Paraono; Don Beals; Winifred Nuttall: Alice Jean ‘ Clandon: Clelft-Hudwn. GoMlng: Iluperi Kaclhya: the Shoshone' a<lvlBrv Dorjno DJmoud; R. S. Tofflomln, Idaho Evening Tlmo.i; Victor Sklles, Burley: Usca Klbby; Em- ily Dayley, Filer; Miriam McF.ill; Jean BoUp. Gooding; Rophonn KOBier; Mlrlan McFull, an<l Mlia Miiry Uro«non, Kimberly. DiKCiLHHrH I-'uturc Iteglatrntion was completed at the opening of the flrr.t gencrnl neMlon at 10:30 ' a. m. Itny A. (Continued on Pago 2, Column 0) penSherf -In-the-wccbtj^nfTfl—J'i other occupaiil!> Injured, i-.jipritinMly. tho .-ilicrlffH offlco Col, L. H.- Brittin Released After 10-Day Sentcncc For Coiilempt • here reports Thu dw»l: Mr*.' Kliuibrtli - SJi«n,\rtliur, SouUiKutp, (?:»llf.; GeiievlPvn S h iid l o c k . Sbutlnpito; MubrI Gowi-m, Lyim'ood, CiiJlf.! 8nnih Cm>v- -.ford^-Soulhpilo: Mrs. .fmrtk, Klggri, IlimtUijftoii Piirlt, Cnilf.: the onr-yeor-old son of Clem HatvR, Saiithgnte. Mm. Haws ntid Mrs. Sliadlock’n husband were reported no neriou: !y Injured they were not c.'cpected to recover. Anibubncen CallMl Ambulnncc.i were rilihlng tlin ROAD CASE GOES U.S, Burlcy-Minidoka Controversy Translorred to Federal ■Dlitrict 'Tribunal The next Innlnfr In Uie legnl controversy, rained by the Buricy hlghwiiy -district, protftstlsg CVVA construction on tho part of Mini- doka county nuthorltle.i In Cassi.i. ,. ..vVonil o th e n iy ^ o^rloUKiy Injureil to St, Joiicph hoM)lliil hero, tho Hlierlff't. oftii wan Informed. Others were Irratpd, at u hoiipltal in Wlckenburg. Arlz. . -WWi Uie exception of one baby, nil 3J occupants of the bun were ;bruised, If not killed, or Injured iiurlou.niy enough to require' ho-f- pltal treatment. The accident occurreil. a mile cast of Aguiln while the party wiui en route home after a four day (Continued on Page 2, Column a ) Three Dead After Bu5-Truck Crash WHITECHUHCH. Kan,, Fel). 24 (i:.i;i—Three persons were Ulllwl and Uiree Injured near hero today when a npce<linK bus collided with n truck on a highway ob.neurcd by a hea\-y jinowatorni- Tivo of the dead were identified n.r iKiac JCnpln, Boston iiiiicsman, nnd Ed|;.ir F. Keith, Topeka, driver of the bus. Tin— 'aajoniinir" fought In the United States din- txlet court Thla decision had been made today, following a hearing here yesterday before Judge W. A. Babcock in district court. Traruiffir of the ouit was naked by Rupert county lltlgnntn afjer attorneys for the Burley Highway district sought to have a tern- poraty Injunction made perman- ent. . ' Road work InTOlvcd Included that on a cut-off to Cotterel from Montgomery bridge. For the rca- oon' that, tho instruction' Is be- ing done by federal labor and be- cause, two .counties nro. Involved, counsel for the' Itupart Interests contended the case was one for federal purview rather than tho district court, and the motion...... granted liy, the Judge. ' Leopold Planning - . Prisohs^Anineaty BRUSSELS. Fob, 24 (U.I!)-Klng Leopold UI extended rejoicing at his accession to tho prisons today aa iio nuda It his first .official buslncas to'-start work on a gen- eral amnesty plan, reducing pen- alties for all those. In Jail. Belglnhs generally continued their celebration. Music returned to the cifes'and nlmo.it everyone seewed out celebrating. _ Freight Loadings Higher for Week WASHINGTON. Feb. 24 Ull!)- Tho American Railway a-n-ioela- tlun today onnounced Ibflt cnr- ioadlnpi of revenue freight for the week ended Feb. 17 lotalicd 50R.- 8fiC cam, an Increase of 20.302 over-'the- preeedlng—woek—and 81,307 over the corrwponding week In 1033. 'feGERS '5ay$; NEW YORK— Ju.it flew up from Washington. Senate or the house, neither one was opemt- -Ing yesterday. Shows you what giving 'em a raise does. But they wM awful busy Inveatlgat- In', I run Into my old friends, Pat Harrison'nnd Bob LaFol- lettc, -nnd they was InvesUgat- Ing, sugar. We havo more ar- gumenta over sugar than xva do over all the things comblnetl that sugar goes on or in. Pot was kinder protecting Mississippi. They got a kind of a Kaffir com thnt renders out a thing they- think is sorter -flwoot. In. .another room tliey was Investigating Wall Street. That ivfts ft real sugar Investi- gation. Corporations loaned 20 billions to Wall street Ih ‘20. So Mr. Roosevelt didn't invent Uie word billion. Yours, WASIIIN-CTON. I'\b Col. 1,. 'u: Jirmin. f. ■prViinK-nl~'r“ tlir^'T>rlliu>;il~A'lr- wayii. complotccl til!i in-iliiy J:ill U-nn fdi- conU'mpt uf llu- ncnnli tixliiy anil net out lo try l‘> mak' u new ntart in 'lhp nvitillcin ltu!u;i :try.,------ ---------------------- . ... • Hi.i fimd.n depleted, the .-VS-yciir old former airline official iLild h. would aiart lookinjf for a new joi .•loon. He hopr<l he would lip ah!< to make jionn- npw connoctina li aviation. Brittin wnn found guilty by the tempt air- mail lnve/itl;;allnj; committco. Hi r e ni o v o d :>ome corri !ij)o:uk-ncr from the fllcji of Atloniry Wli- •':im P. MacCnickca afli-r li h;icl ,'en imbiKK'nued, . SJairCr«eke!i Appi-ali MftcCracken, ii.i.'ilatJint ;ii'cretary of coaiinerce In tlie llooi mlnialr.ilton and now :iccr<-tary of the American Bar n!i;n.ciiilion, ahio wh;( foim<l guilty of con- tempt. Hut he challenged llie ;n-n- le's mithority in the court-n ami [>;v iJi free on $ri,000 l>on(i pcml- ig action on hUi appeal. During hl!i 10 daya in Jail, Col. Brittin wa.-i a.viigned to ciirieal irlc. He had no ceil, but .•ifipt a dormitory with half a hi dred otherii.' Brittin nnid he iitUl felt that If . le Hcnate h.id tmderttood h tlve.1, it would not have niljudge.1 him guilty ot contempt. “However," he added, "mieh u . ..aaantne;ei afl I have miffer. L-t not lo }k! vvp/(r(ie<; itgnln.it Uic gainii that may accrue in the avl- .Him Industry If the gwviimnitnl vin reorganl7x itii alrnmil tract.*! In mich a way that ni oly will not bo foiitered." fSflUTHlOA Hanchdrs Greet Moiiiliirc As Benefit After Snowlcsa Winter Period (. Rain which began here yester- day gained In intensity during the night and early thLn morning turned into n light snow which «is iiulckly mcHcO hy iiddltlonsl ibowerit. Hailed by rnnchern and othern •la a nccdeil benefit to the ground, the molsturo. while compamtlvr- ly light, wa.i welcomed on the eve of spring. Especuilly In the dr>' farming arena and on those tracts where water condJllona are expected lo b« deficient thla oe.rion, ' recur- rence nf the precipitation was be- Uig looked forward to. , Ranges, too, are knowm to need the mol.fture on account of u lack of heavy Bnowfall. General condition, of the entire Snake river wateriihed Is now computed at 77 per cent of norm- al. Average snow depth Is given as 35 Inches, with water content averaging IC.8 Inche.', Precipitation at Jacluon lake reservoir nince Sept. 1 ha.-» to- talled 0.30 lnche.1. Storage reports show them* are 200.610 acre ftot In Jackflon lake and P9S,S50 acre feet In American Falls re.ier\'olr. i.ly t.'Pi. Ill,- ;;i,. Ingot milimi ihin wim- u ic:n- i< •Ml.. p.T <i:il (ir capagltv fiV,m |: por'.viil ia-u and ecilt at till^l tiiii.- la;,t ,Vrar. l^lvctiir |>.nvn- (.iitpiit ia;.t Wr. k i-rnl I • th.r I- ri-;ijio:;(iliii; |ic camiM..-.! witl. a )::.m of ll.i pr erni lit llii- pnTnlln;: wn'l{. Aiil-: m M im Divitleil B.il1ot • by Trusttea Extends Term of School Superintendent Conlr;.el of .Sij;)l. W. U. .S jhIi Ij till- Twin Kalla .-iclionls today hail hi'i-n i-xtcmii'd for n Uvn yoai perirHl frnin .Iiim-, a.-i llip r<- ilivldifl vol.- tak.-n at ; j'pcclai :alird I th<- •It. whci.'ip Spplemb.'r <if tht;i yr;ir. Mr.i. R. H. Smith, ci.-ric of Ih-- iKiard. voted a(:aln;iL the rcMiiu- explained todiiy. on gromidH that i:lu‘ wan opiML-ml to xlpnillng a conlMCt which did uii expire for inoiv than a year from nu-.v, 1,. L. I’atrlcU, chair- an of the Ixianl. did not vol.'. It, acconling to mlnuli-.'i of llip eeting, cxpr«';wieil Ida oppwilion the move. Another member not viillng an L. J. Tenckinck. Mol1<in to ;l.-nd the contract wan ni:nU' by S. H. Gnives nnd iieeomled tiy C. A. Baliey, and wh. t carriitl wilh Iheir v(ile.i and tliat of Mr. Sack- ■tt. No financial termn w.-ro men- icnwl In ‘the motion. Mr. .Smith uui a contract with the l»>ai\ l for . maximimi nalai-y «)f $ri,Ofiii an- .lunliy and ii minimum of 54.2.'ii). However, he voluntarily rcducrd the scale at the time other nal- ■r« out lo-'it year, to a figure alifrhtly leiii than J4,000, learned. OimVSENlEffi iDElESTCffi New Trial 'Will Be Demandud Under Reversal of Cook County Indictments Cheap Gasoline Invention Seen ROME, l-'eb. 24 (Ulfl-Inven- tion by a KiuicLnt ticlentist of a proee:i:i for generating gmioilne from charcoal offere<l the world toil.ay the joint procpect of cheap fuel and tremendwuily increaiiwl faellltlea for waging By p.vuiln^r ntenm not only over cliai-coal proper but over ch a rre d ngrlciiltural refuse, gaaollne ban been genernlM on a commercially profitable haslu at one-tenth of the cost of or- dinary gasoline, an official communique nald. Apparatus In whlcli the gas Li made is nttachcd to the back of ^ motor car and lookn about like an ordinar;' car trunk. The gan U passeil un- dfr the body of tho.car to the motor, Tho midget Flat lent car lia-i be«n able to make 312^i mlleo wiUiout refuelling with char- coal, Itfl aid In war maldng would bo to place counlrlc.i without mineral re.iouree.i It n' position Independent of block- ade. Profesflor Mario Ferr.^gutl, renowned ngrlcultumi expert and secretary of iluaaollnro central wheat comnilttec. Is author 6C the Invention, iiali'.ii. Th.' Whllo I! ir- mark.->l -that -tl..- ouioiM-l'a t. rrnrm h-:d-brrn rMiid.- I>ul>iln [*i tu it;; vrc<'l)i| hv ii<>. v.-II ;iiv!, in . ff. ct, tciid th<- tan;. Ili. i- lo niin.l liiM tnaiinrr.'i. i'..Iiii',iic:in!i now aiv h.-iric.i, I., l,,-i that. tli.y liavr .,,1 I. M.'il ;ii; a:iii, ;illn): (.'a;'..' pr. a \ l- 111.' votrr;(. The outlin.’ of .,pj)o,.lllon party’a anruou-nt lliat no Ju'diflcallon lia.'i ln-xu •Mic.vvn lor eaneellation of H.H-t’er ailioinijitrallon contrael.-f and tlic-y eltr l.-Mli.ioiiy a.i It ha;. drvrl„,„-<I no f;ir hrfor,. the innate inv.;;[l- i;:itlli(: (-.■.■iiniittiv. Claim No I'riind Till- Itepiihllean iiltiludr ia tha foniu r l'o;ir.n;i,Mor O nrral V.'ail. h .M> ^,llM:lelo^llv cl.fi-nd.d lii aKalii-t thi; charcc of Iraini nml e<iliij;,u,n <iffen-d liy I'o.Mnia.Mer (Irneral Kark-y. Thai, of eourse. I;; a niatl.-r of opinion. Th.r.- i:i the, -muddy" matter I.f i)..:>torrip.‘ rilea elllier ili'ritroved or ina.lvnl.nily temove.l from Ihi' dei>arl.m..nl with Urown'n per- ir,nal eorreiipontirnee. And then: Is- the • more irm.!;;:rT:i?.iiiTj,—pHi^iit of William r . MacCraeken, jr.. ll(«)ver ndm in ist ration n(ii'l;itii,nl .lecretarv of convmerec, who haa l)een adjuclgi-d guilty of <onle4ii[it nf Ihe Hcnate and iientenecci to 10 daya In jail. Failure In pi dui:e airniai! cc.rrr;ii>(miieace frc (Continued on Page 2, Column 3) Waahia;: .valchai;; ■ 11 air nia ,f tliem exjvi . lie the "hre.iU" CHICAGO, !-\-b, 21 ‘n:>—Till i.year-terni cotivietlon of Hog,.f Touhy and two f.-limv gangaipv; for kidnaping John Factor, weal tiiy jipeeulator, today bi-canu- It cane after an liilnoia.aupremi iirt rullnjr that every Cook county grand Jury Indictment re- irneil In recent year.i la illegal. Thc^ ruling waa handed down yeatcnlay In a minor robbery case which had ln-en appealed lo the high ciiurt. Tlio majority opinion ot the court, written hy Judge Wnrren H. Orr, Carthiige, held that the preaent method of choos- ing Cook county irrand .juric llle« ■ (junahed upon prop In hehalf ot accu.ned jienwna, l| nl;to may be the b.aala for at- lempt.-i to free .criminals now -lervlng aentpnccn. -- : William Scott Stewart, attorney •for'the—notrjrioun-gnngnters,--! nmmced-th«l-li.-woiild-niakik-J ot the new rulln/,’ lui ;3«unil.i for demand that hla client.T be glv- 1 a new Irliil. Every Indictment 'turned nince Chiengo wn.'i Incor- porated an a metropolln Is thro • doubt by tho ruling. TOGUESSK ABOUT HO'W MAW Mt;N CWOSiStTHE ROVAL C^JAD’AH . f^OUMTCD POLicq =5fi.T ANSWERS ON PAGE TWO COASISiSHES iracfi& Six Men, Two Women Seized In Police Raid Agaiiist Dope Smugglers 1,0S ANGI'.I.KS, l-Vb. 21 ■iiilee ili'tlvprixl a :mia;ihlng blo-.v it what they called a eoa.itwisi- ind, perhaps an Intematlonai, lau'olle , jimnjTgilm: ring lo<lay vhen ttu'v ni’i.-.-;te.l iilx men an-l •,vo women and conflaeated opium trid other narcotlcii valueii at jri.iino. Tile riiuniiup waa made un<ler the leader.'diip of Capt. T .<1 Cbit- wood ol tho i)ollee nan'otlc !‘^ua^i in a raid on an apartment and by .Sun police, Officenr /lalil the ring'a ac’.lvitlea extcmled lo IJiTjoklyn, N. Y. Sel7.<! Iz-adert Jop Oal!e;i, no, ami Hdillt- I’ara- mo. 2S. dei-erlije<l by police as the au;ippete<l ringleaiU-ni. were taken int.) cn-.lo.ly at the apart- ment. While rai.ieri! were r^areh- Irig the preml!ipa. four men ami a woman arrived and aUio were placed under arreat. Th'ey wen- Dave Hlneley of San Francisco, and Phil Oulnan. Itay Bn>okt t>ldle Franclri nnd the lattci •ife. .Marie, nil nf t>vi Angelo;i. Police liald Hlneley wnn tl driver of a car which waa honey- combc-d with neeret comp.irtmenla for thu traniijiorlnlion of contrt band. A second wontan tl-San, [ all ^va. iJiiJ-XiiIciihQac. CiDJIOIE Father Recovering But Mother Succumbs After Colorado Rcaidencc Fire STERLING, Colo.. Fob. 24 a'.l'l —Jame.') Candee, 40. wa.5 believed recovering today from bums ho suffered yesterday when flames' de.ntrcypd hb amnll home and cause<l the deaths of hi* wife and Ihree of hla children. H1.T oldest child, Wayne, eight. ,,a.s burned to a crl.tp In the flro which Btarted after Gandec had pourc<l kerosene from a •flve-gaU Ion can Into a kitchen stovo, causing an cxplo.ilori. Firemen re- covered the charred remain# of the boy's body after the fire had been extinguished. ilrs. Be.wio Condce. 28, and two the children, Phyllis, ago one, and L.oulac, four, were tiilcen out of the flaming house but all died within a few bour^.'< Another son, James, 10, owokc When the fire started nnd cscaped through a window. }{a notified his uncle, Joo Gandee, across the street, who helped take the chlldrcn o uf of the house. . li.-.V.-nii-', Wy.., with eight per- .a-. al).,ai'l. The j)laae;i, on- a regular transport aliip and. the other a -.':inf;lr-.'!e.ller. Weic- ■pll.-.tOd " In- ./ael! CyUru-n nml A. J. a.lti- v. leraa pii„l:r. Cotriliinl radio contact between Ihe i.eareh phine.'i and the local airporl will L.' maintained, offl- uiai:/ of the airline MiJ. {.■ot»miun» Bad - 3-'lying conditions were bad be- tween h'-r* and the Wj-omlng c-fty, IP plane, c.irrj’lng five pannen- anti a crew of three, hn.i nil.-i;ilng nince l:SO p. m. yes- :iv when it wa;> acheiluled to land at Cheyenne. I'aMeiigers on the mLlfllng ahip r: T. WalUcT. Rock Springs. I)..'r. Mi.)h.; IJ.-rL McUiujthllii. Perry. Iowa; K. W, Badland. Boone, Town; and M. Dlnmajiter, -, De:i Molne.'i, lo;\-a. The crew In- eluded pilot IJoyd AndeTOon.. Cheyenne, Wyo.j'J, DOnltlHOn, co- pilot. Chi'yenne; and Marj- Cur- ler, ate\vardelis, ijalt Liike City. Srde Clue ~'OfflclaIs’we'r?»^ertaBrtimt-tnr'- plane had been forced down alnco weather bureaus reported . heavy • iinowatorms rnglng ■over tho mount«ln.i b'etween Salt Lake jind R<«:k Springs, The only clue a-i to the nhiji* (Continued on Page 2.'Column 1) EiRGENCfilL lEASUREPASSEO Hou-ie Approves Bill Grantinf AuthorlEation for Army Postal Transport WASHINGTON. Feb. 24 «'.i;i— The liouM today paMcd tho eia- icy airmail bill giving con- gn-.-uiional authorization tejn* ■ porar>- flying of Uie jimils liy tho .rmy.nlr corps, I'aa.tagft came after a series of heated Republican attacks ut- tcmpUng to thrust on the nilintij- liitrutlon ftill blamo for air corps fatnlltlc.i resulting from the cm- •gency flying of tho mail. Ono Year CluaHO Th(f bill authorUes the jio.it- master general to use tho uir corpa to fly tho mall for one year and provides for transfer of po.it- ■ office department npproprlatlonci ' the flying. Stricken out of the bill before It. readied the floor wcn- provlslona permitting ttmporury contracts to be entered Into with . prlvntc-wmpanles, -...... - ----- The peremptory cnnccllatlona ere- termed—'hyjtteria"-by-Hcp. >hn-Br4i0lHst*rrRep,j-O.-------- TJie tjniuo applAUJeO A»- npp. Kelly, Rep.. Penna., "father of '.ho airmail," urged perinancnt lew legUIallon to elbnlnato aul> ildlcn nnd put the air tnollroo a iPtf.m>ntalntnp basis. ' has approved.................. „ ___ ntralgbt jnlleage paymentu to prU-nte lines, but haa wllhbeld further action pending subnlaaloa of new proposals by the oUmlnl#r ' traUon. , . CWA PREPARING FULL PAYROLi; Payrolls were bel»/r rompUed'at '■ tho office of the CWA hero today • In. preparaUoa /or the Usuanco .. of wages Monday-to the opproxl-..- mately 1,200 men and women ' workera on Uie- llata la» thU"? county. . There will be no reductloa l a - the number on tho r«1lfl 'uaUl March 2, Raymond F. Oravei^-^ ' county CWA secretary said. Ho received an «rOcr'effective .today putting alt civil .worka ocnrtcu' employe.*! on the CWA llrt.' Interpreted thla to ZBean that, w-omcn In the «rvlM' braBi would, thereby, be alfeelod by:«t reducUon orders .which rnlgl hereafter be made.'

ROVAL C^JAD’AH ftnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/P… · No “Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ

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Page 1: ROVAL C^JAD’AH ftnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/P… · No “Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ

WASHINGTON. Pel). 2* Government funda or $40,000,000 were available t<xlaj-,ftir crop prO' ducUon loan« to farmtrn. PrMldeni Rooflcvcit the cnah advancr ahouUl boabo Inat of Its kind.

form of c r e d itvran bad bualncm nnd flhoiiUl bu stopped, nnd indlcnt* Pd Jio would.prtfor Uutt fnmicrH Iwrrow from coopprntlvc prodiic- llnn credit uMOClfttlomi.

V- The.m-productlon'credlt ti(Torciffl are cnplUillMd by tlic covcmmcnt.

—Suf-Tjorrowing-iiirmcra.arc-rciiulr-. ed.to buy Bloclt. It ix hoped the nyslem eventually can bo buJlt up



witliout Kovemmcnt aid. ThJ now 5S7 crcdlt orjoclatlons, which Governor Wllllnm I .’Mycrn of the form credit' ndnUnlslratlon cjitl- mntui can advnncc about $300.>

" 000.000,■— --------------- -PrcBldcnt' noosevcit opprovcd

Ho Kild tho.fimd "nhould be tho lOBl of Ito.klnd."

Myero ftBnounced thnt fnrmcm flccUknE loans would be,directed to


South Central Idaho Student

GnthcrinB' Hears Locnl

Prcsa Spettkcrs

Mormon Group Meets Tragedy; Infant

Among Dead

f I'HOii.VIX. Ar(2., rvi). 21 ■('t'— iTrajicdy ovcrtooU :v rniiv.lc.I hu;i of Southci-n Cillfcirnia Mormon ti-mpip worltfM (in n h!j;hw.iy 8.') miUvi wciil of hiTo I'arly today whi'n the loailtil vclilcle HlticM.-.l on a niln-ilrcnclipil ros<J nnd owr- turnod 111 II ditch.

M IT E O .^p a

Vnndonbcrg Urffcj Qtiota 1

. A t Nftllon’B Oapticity

' For Prodxlotlon

, WASnmCTON, Peb. 24 <ai!)— ’ ^ miRor quota for continental

United Stnte.i nfl hlRh oa the na- (lon’a capacity for iiufar produc­tion wao propMcd to the nenutc finance ccmmlttce today by Sen- ftlor. Arthur Vandcnberir, l}cp., M|ch., a.1 henrlncB. on, lift Co.itl- l,nn flu ^r bill were reoumed.

Adralnlatratlon offlciala aup- portlnjr the biil hare pnpcaed that domestic productlon-bo Ifmlt' ed U) the level of rcccnt yearn.

aVndenberp ftlao fropooed that nll-ftuthorlty In the bill,be limited to two ycajs.

Vandenberg Is not a member of the Commlttcfl but waa Invited to participate In. the hearings be- catijie ot WIchlffim’a Buffnr beet induatry.

*'Ctar” ChftrKO HalM>d ncp. Fred Cummlngfl. Dem..

Co)o„ charged that the Co.illjran bill would molte Secretary of a r - rlculturc Henry A. Wallace a “su- car csat'' with power to malie or brealc anv sugar, produclntr — " or countjy.

A N. Mathers, re.pre.ientlng Nebraflka beet growero, charj;ed the motive underlying the bill wns to aove S700.000.000 ot American capital Inveated-W Cuba.

American beet formern, he aal<I, •'ore -<IcflnlUly opposed to ,thc principle of rcduclnf a •non-our- p!u9 American crop and tumlnjr

' It over to Cuba,*'

l U H N B Mim n n

Farley, Brown Tell Senatora

■ No “ Personal Bcrnark”

Was UUflred

. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ Jamea A, Fnr- ley and fo'rmer poatmutcr generfti Walter F. Brown 08T«ed today be­fore thc'aenato olrmMI tnvoatlgnt-

, • Ing committee , tha t; the- former I made "no dertgatory remarks

About the’ eommltteo chairman Huiro L. Black.' Brown rirat denfed that Farley made o “perMnal remark" about Black 08 ho waa called to the 8Uma for the sixth dAy. The "pe^Mnol.rcmarK''.cplflOd() waa broughtout In tcaUmonyye8t«rday but the wftrrflrtg wa«-not-rovWed.

• 'yavifty.-the-Becond-wltneas ^ a y , llkewUo denied he had pawed nriy dirogTjtory rcmarw about th e nouUicm. senator who has been In-

' veatigating ocean nnd alrmoil' con-- irMta',ror.mQntha.;

Fnrloy olao denied ;Uiat ho bad- told'Brown: ■ ' ' . ,• . -r-'acn't have anyiiympalhy for .• IhW , pQlltlcnJ.ltvveaUgatlpns.'’ .

' " I don’t regard thla Investlga--r-IJnn’-ofi^MUcal'," Ppflpy. .«ald.___ _

Eighty-two- high school journal- l.iLs from the iiouth central Idnlio <lUltrlcf”TOef hrrc -tortny—ns -the fi jeota of Fourth Estnto chapter, Quill and Scroll. Jiiitjo^ial hiijH school joumnll/itlc nt lt-ty. It wi.T the flrat ■ convfntlnn of oiudent wrltera la l iln dl.itrlct. The host jrroup Ifl aupervlned by MIm Eva, DUftngan.'-joumalurm-instinetoK-.— ' Shoshone. Flier." Burley, Kim- borly, and Twin Falls high schools were dll represented. At tho laat moment' tho G<x^lng dulegatlon was unoble to attend.

Sepnwtn TlleotlngnNcwn writing, fcnturo writing,

buslxioftfl and cditorlny s:miip.n held Bcpirate meetlngn ititc thLi aftur- noon. Speokers at theno Included: Robert Werner and Tla-rman Evans, Twin'Falla Ne\vn: Dorli Paraono; Don Beals; Winifred Nuttall: Alice Jean ‘ Clandon: Clelft-Hudwn. GoMlng: Iluperi Kaclhya: the Shoshone' a<lvlBrv Dorjno DJmoud; R. S. Tofflomln, Idaho Evening Tlmo.i; Victor Sklles, Burley: Usca Klbby; Em­ily Dayley, Filer; Miriam McF.ill; Jean BoUp. Gooding; Rophonn KOBier; Mlrlan McFull, an<l Mlia Miiry Uro«non, Kimberly.

DiKCiLHHrH I-'uturcIteglatrntion was completed at

the opening of the flrr.t gencrnl neMlon at 10:30 ' a. m. Itny A. (Continued on Pago 2, Column 0)

penSherf -In-the-wccbtj^nfTfl—J'iother occupaiil!> Injured,

i-.jipritinMly. tho .-ilicrlffH offlco

Col, L. H.- Brittin Released

After 10-Day Sentcncc

For Coiilempt •

here reportsThu dw»l: Mr*.' Kliuibrtli

- SJi«n,\rtliur, SouUiKutp, (?:»llf.;GeiievlPvn S h iid lo c k .

Sbutlnpito; M u b r I Gowi-m, Lyim'ood, CiiJlf.! 8nnih Cm>v-

-.ford^-Soulhpilo: Mrs. .fmrtk, Klggri, IlimtUijftoii Piirlt, Cnilf.: the onr-yeor-old son of Clem HatvR, Saiithgnte.Mm. Haws ntid Mrs. Sliadlock’n

husband were reported no neriou: !y Injured they were not c.'cpected to recover.

Anibubncen CallMl Ambulnncc.i were rilihlng tlin


Burlcy-Minidoka Controversy

Translorred to Federal

■ D litrict 'Tribunal

The next Innlnfr In Uie legnl controversy, rained by the Buricy hlghwiiy -district, protftstlsg CVVA construction on tho part of Mini- doka county nuthorltle.i In Cassi.i.

,. ..vVonil o then iy^ o^rloUKiy Injureil to St, Joiicph hoM)lliil hero, tho Hlierlff't. oftii wan Informed. Others were Irratpd, at u hoiipltal in Wlckenburg. Arlz. . - WWi Uie exception of one baby, nil 3J occupants of the bun were ; bruised, If not killed, or Injured iiurlou.niy enough to require' ho-f- pltal treatment.

The accident occurreil. a mile cast of Aguiln while the party wiui en route home after a four day (Continued on Page 2, Column a )

Three Dead AfterBu5-Truck Crash

WHITECHUHCH. Kan,, Fel). 24 (i:.i;i—Three persons were Ulllwl and Uiree Injured near hero today when a npce<linK bus collided with n truck on a highway ob.neurcd by a hea\-y jinowatorni-

Tivo of the dead were identified n.r iKiac JCnpln, Boston iiiiicsman, nnd Ed|;.ir F. Keith, Topeka, driver of the bus.

Tin— 'aajoniinir"fought In the United States din- txlet court

Thla decision had been made today, following a hearing here yesterday before Judge W. A. Babcock in district court.

Traruiffir of the ouit was naked by Rupert county lltlgnntn afjer attorneys for the Burley Highway district sought to have a tern- poraty Injunction made perman­ent. . '

Road work InTOlvcd Included that on a cut-off to Cotterel from Montgomery bridge. For the rca- oon' that, tho instruction' Is be­ing done by federal labor and be­cause, two .counties nro. Involved, counsel for the' Itupart Interests contended the case was one for federal purview rather than thodistrict court, and the motion......granted liy, the Judge. '

Leopold Planning - . Prisohs^Anineaty

BRUSSELS. Fob, 24 (U.I!)-Klng Leopold UI extended rejoicing at his accession to tho prisons today aa iio nuda It his first .official buslncas to'-start work on a gen­eral amnesty plan, reducing pen­alties for all those. In Jail.

Belglnhs generally continued their celebration. Music returned to the cifes'and nlmo.it everyone seewed out celebrating. _

Freight LoadingsHigher for Week

WASHINGTON. Feb. 24 Ull!)- Tho American Railway a-n-ioela- tlun today onnounced Ibflt cnr- ioadlnpi of revenue freight for the week ended Feb. 17 lotalicd 50R.- 8fiC cam, an Increase of 20.302 over-'the- preeedlng—woek—and 81,307 over the corrwponding week In 1033.


NEW YORK— Ju.it flew up from Washington. Senate or the house, neither one was opemt- -Ing yesterday. Shows you what giving 'em a raise does. But they wM awful busy Inveatlgat- In', I run Into my old friends, Pat Harrison'nnd Bob LaFol- lettc, -nnd they was InvesUgat-

■ Ing, sugar. We havo more ar- gumenta over sugar than xva do over all the things comblnetl that sugar goes on or in.

Pot was kinder protecting Mississippi. They got a kind of a Kaffir com thnt renders out a thing they- think is sorter

-flwoot. In. .another room tliey was Investigating Wall Street. That ivfts ft real sugar Investi­gation. Corporations loaned 20 billions to Wall street Ih ‘20. So Mr. Roosevelt didn't invent Uie word billion.


WASIIIN-CTON. I'\b Col. 1,. 'u: Jirmin. f. ■prViinK-nl~'r“ tlir^'T>rlliu>;il~A'lr-

wayii. complotccl til!i in-iliiy J:ill U-nn fdi- conU'mpt uf llu- ncnnli

tixliiy anil net out lo try l‘> mak' u new ntart in 'lhp nvitillcin ltu!u;i:try.,------ ---------------------- . . . .• Hi.i fimd.n depleted, the .-VS-yciir old former airline official iLild h. would aiart lookinjf for a new joi .•loon. He hopr<l he would lip ah!< to make jionn- npw connoctina li aviation.

Brittin wnn found guilty by thetempt air­

mail lnve/itl;;allnj; committco. Hi r e ni o v o d :>ome corri !ij)o:uk-ncr from the fllcji of Atloniry Wli- •':im P. MacCnickca afli-r li h;icl

,'en imbiKK'nued,

. SJairCr«eke!i Appi-ali

MftcCracken, ii.i.'ilatJint ;ii'cretary of coaiinerce In tlie llooi mlnialr.ilton and now :iccr<-tary of the American Bar n!i;n.ciiilion, ahio wh;( foim<l guilty of con­tempt. Hut he challenged llie ;n-n- le's mithority in the court-n ami [>;v iJi free on $ri,000 l>on(i pcml- ig action on hUi appeal.During hl!i 10 daya in Jail, Col.

Brittin wa.-i a.viigned to ciirieal irlc. He had no ceil, but .•ifipt a dormitory with half a hi

dred otherii.'Brittin nnid he iitUl felt that If

. le Hcnate h.id tmderttood h tlve.1, it would not have niljudge.1 him guilty ot contempt.

“However," he added, "mieh u . ..aaantne;ei afl I have miffer.L-t not lo }k! vvp/(r(ie<; itgnln.it Uic gainii that may accrue in the avl- .Him Industry If the gwviimnitnl vin reorganl7x itii alrnmil tract.*! In mich a way that ni oly will not bo foiitered."

fSflUTHlOAHanchdrs Greet Moiiiliirc As

Benefit A fter Snowlcsa

W inter Period (.

Rain which began here yester­day gained In intensity during the night and early thLn morning turned into n light snow which « is iiulckly mcHcO hy iiddltlonsl ibowerit.

Hailed by rnnchern and othern •la a nccdeil benefit to the ground, the molsturo. while compamtlvr- ly light, wa.i welcomed on the eve of spring.

Especuilly In the dr>' farming arena and on those tracts where water condJllona are expected lo b« deficient thla oe.rion, ' recur­rence nf the precipitation was be- Uig looked forward to., Ranges, too, are knowm to need the mol.fture on account of u lack of heavy Bnowfall.

General condition, of the entire Snake river wateriihed Is now computed at 77 per cent of norm­al. Average snow depth Is given as 35 Inches, with water content averaging IC.8 Inche.',

Precipitation at Jacluon lake reservoir nince Sept. 1 ha.-» to­talled 0.30 lnche.1. Storage reports show them* are 200.610 acre ftot In Jackflon lake and P9S,S50 acre feet In American Falls re.ier\'olr.

i.ly t.'Pi.Ill,- ;;i,.

Ingot milimi ihin wim-u ic:n- i< •Ml.. p.T <i:il (ir capagltv fiV,m |: por'.viil ia-u andecilt at till l tiiii.- la;,t ,Vrar.

l^lvctiir |>.nvn- (.iitpiit ia;.t Wr. ki-rnl I • th.r I-

ri-;ijio:;(iliii; |ic camiM..-.! witl. a )::.m of ll.i pr erni lit llii- pnTnlln;: wn'l{. Aiil-:

m M im

Divitleil B.il1ot • by Trusttea

Extends Term of School


Conlr;.el of .Sij;)l. W. U. .SjhIiIj till- Twin Kalla .-iclionls today

hail hi'i-n i-xtcmii'd for n Uvn yoai perirHl frnin .Iiim-, a.-i llip r<-

ilivldifl vol.- tak.-n at ;j'pcclai

:alird I th<-•It. whci.'ip

Spplemb.'r <if tht;i yr;ir.Mr.i. R. H. Smith, ci.-ric of Ih--

iKiard. voted a(:aln;iL the rcMiiu- • explained todiiy. on

gromidH that i:lu‘ wan opiML-ml to xlpnillng a conlMCt which did uii expire for inoiv than a year from nu-.v, 1,. L. I’atrlcU, chair-

an of the Ixianl. did not vol.'. It, acconling to mlnuli-.'i of llip eeting, cxpr«';wieil Ida oppwilion ■ the move.Another member not viillng an L. J. Tenckinck. Mol1<in to ;l.-nd the contract wan ni:nU' by

S. H. Gnives nnd iieeomled tiy C. A. Baliey, and wh.t carriitl wilh Iheir v(ile.i and tliat of Mr. Sack- ■tt.No financial termn w.-ro men-

icnwl In ‘the motion. Mr. .Smith uui a contract with the l»>ai\l for . maximimi nalai-y «)f $ri,Ofiii an-

.lunliy and ii minimum of 54.2.'ii). However, he voluntarily rcducrd the scale at the time other nal-

■r« out lo-'it year, to a figure alifrhtly leiii than J4,000,


O im V S E N lE ff iiD E lE S T C f f i

New Trial 'W ill Be Demandud

Under Reversal of Cook

County Indictments

Cheap Gasoline Invention Seen

ROME, l-'eb. 24 (Ulfl-Inven- tion by a KiuicLnt ticlentist of a proee:i:i for generating gmioilne from charcoal offere<l the world toil.ay the joint procpect of cheap fuel and tremendwuily increaiiwl faellltlea for waging

By p.vuiln^r ntenm not only over cliai-coal proper but over c h a r r e d ngrlciiltural refuse, gaaollne ban been genernlM on a commercially profitable haslu at one-tenth of the cost of or­dinary gasoline, an official communique nald.

Apparatus In whlcli the gas Li made is nttachcd to the back of ^ motor car and lookn about like an ordinar;' car trunk. The gan U passeil un- dfr the body of tho.car to the motor,

Tho midget Flat lent car lia-i be«n able to make 312^i mlleo wiUiout refuelling with char­coal, Itfl aid In war maldng would bo to place counlrlc.i without mineral re.iouree.i It n' position Independent of block­ade.

Profesflor Mario Ferr.^gutl, renowned ngrlcultumi expert and secretary of iluaaollnro central wheat comnilttec. Is author 6C the Invention,

iiali'.ii. Th.' Whllo I! ir- mark.->l -that -tl..- ouioiM-l'a t. rrnrm h-:d-brrn rMiid.- I>ul>iln [*i tu it;; vrc<'l)i| hv ii<>.v.-II ;iiv!, in . ff. ct, tciid th<- tan;.Ili. i- lo niin.l liiM tnaiinrr.'i.

i'..Iiii',iic:in!i now aiv h.-iric.i,I., l,,-i that. tli.y liavr .,,1 I. M.'il ;ii; a:iii, ;illn): (.'a;'..' pr. a \l- 111.' votrr;(. The outlin.’ of .,pj)o,.lllon party’a anruou-nt lliat no Ju'diflcallon lia.'i ln-xu •Mic.vvn lor eaneellation of H.H-t’er ailioinijitrallon contrael.-f and tlic-y eltr l.-Mli.ioiiy a.i It ha;. drvrl„,„-<I no f;ir hrfor,. the innate inv.;;[l- i;:itlli(: (-.■.■iiniittiv.

Claim No I'riind

Till- Itepiihllean iiltiludr ia tha foniu r l'o;ir.n;i,Mor Onrral V.'ail.h.M> ^,llM:lelo^llv cl.fi-nd.d lii

aKalii-t thi; charcc of Iraini nml e<iliij;,u,n <iffen-d liy I'o.Mnia.Mer (Irneral Kark-y. Thai, of eourse. I;; a niatl.-r of opinion.

Th.r.- i:i the, -muddy" matter I.f i)..:>torrip.‘ rilea elllier ili'ritroved or ina.lvnl.nily temove.l from Ihi' dei>arl.m..nl with Urown'n per- ir,nal eorreiipontirnee. And then: Is- the • more irm.!;;:rT:i?.iiiTj,—pHi iit of William r . MacCraeken, jr.. ll(«)ver ndm in ist ration n(ii'l;itii,nl .lecretarv of convmerec, who haa l)een adjuclgi-d guilty of <onle4ii[it nf Ihe Hcnate and iientenecci to 10 daya In jail. Failure In pi dui:e airniai! cc.rrr;ii>(miieace frc (Continued on Page 2, Column 3)

■ Waahia;: .valchai;; ■11 air nia ,f tliem exjvi

. lie the "hre.iU"

CHICAGO, !-\-b, 21 ‘n:>—Till i.year-terni cotivietlon of Hog,.f

Touhy and two f.-limv gangaipv; for kidnaping John Factor, weal tiiy jipeeulator, today bi-canu- ■ It cane after an liilnoia.aupremi

iirt rullnjr that every Cook county grand Jury Indictment re- irneil In recent year.i la illegal. Thc ruling waa handed down

yeatcnlay In a minor robbery case which had ln-en appealed lo the high ciiurt. Tlio majority opinion ot the court, written hy Judge Wnrren H. Orr, Carthiige, held that the preaent method of choos­ing Cook county irrand .juric llle« ■

(junahed upon prop In hehalf ot accu.ned jienwna, l| nl;to may be the b.aala for at- lempt.-i to free .criminals now -lervlng aentpnccn. - - :

William Scott Stewart, attorney •for'the—notrjrioun-gnngnters,--! nmmced-th«l-li.-woiild-niakik-Jot the new rulln/,’ lui ;3«unil.i for

demand that hla client.T be glv- 1 a new Irliil. Every Indictment 'turned nince Chiengo wn.'i Incor­

porated an a metropolln Is thro • doubt by tho ruling.





C O A S IS iS H ESi r a c f i&

Six Men, Two Women Seized

In Police Raid Agaiiist

Dope Smugglers

1,0S ANGI'.I.KS, l-Vb. 21 ■iiilee ili'tlvprixl a :mia;ihlng blo-.v it what they called a eoa.itwisi- ind, perhaps an Intematlonai, lau'olle , jimnjTgilm: ring lo<lay vhen ttu'v ni’i.-.-;te.l iilx men an-l •,vo women and conflaeated opium trid other narcotlcii valueii atjri.iino.

Tile riiuniiup waa made un<ler the leader.'diip of Capt. T.<1 Cbit- wood ol tho i)ollee nan'otlc !‘ ua i in a raid on an apartment and by .Sun police, Officenr /lalilthe ring'a ac’.lvitlea extcmled lo IJiTjoklyn, N. Y.

Sel7.<! Iz-adertJop Oal!e;i, no, ami Hdillt- I’ara-

mo. 2S. dei-erlije<l by police as the au;ippete<l ringleaiU-ni. were taken int.) cn-.lo.ly at the apart­ment. While rai.ieri! were r^areh- Irig the preml!ipa. four men ami a woman arrived and aUio were placed under arreat. Th'ey wen- Dave Hlneley of San Francisco, and Phil Oulnan. Itay Bn>okt t>ldle Franclri nnd the lattci •ife. .Marie, nil nf t>vi Angelo;i.Police liald Hlneley wnn tl

driver of a car which waa honey- combc-d with neeret comp.irtmenla for thu traniijiorlnlion of contrt band.

A second wontantl-San, [all ^va.


C i D J I O I E

Father Recovering But Mother

Succumbs After Colorado

Rcaidencc Fire

STERLING, Colo.. Fob. 24 a'.l'l —Jame.') Candee, 40. wa.5 believed recovering today from bums ho suffered yesterday when flames' de.ntrcypd hb amnll home and cause<l the deaths of hi* wife and Ihree of hla children.

H1.T oldest child, Wayne, eight. ,,a.s burned to a crl.tp In the flro which Btarted after Gandec had pourc<l kerosene from a •flve-gaU Ion can Into a kitchen stovo, causing an cxplo.ilori. Firemen re­covered the charred remain# of the boy's body after the fire had been extinguished.

ilrs. Be.wio Condce. 28, and two the children, Phyllis, ago one,

and L.oulac, four, were tiilcen out of the flaming house but all died within a few bour .'< Another son, James, 10, owokc When the fire started nnd cscaped through a window. }{a notified his uncle, Joo Gandee, across the street, who helped take the chlldrcn o u f of the house. .

li.-.V.-nii-', Wy.., with eight per- .a-. al).,ai'l.The j)laae;i, on- a regular

transport aliip and. the other a -.':inf;lr-.'!e.ller. Weic- ■pll.-.tOd "

In- ./ael! CyUru-n nml A. J. a.lti- v. leraa pii„l:r.

Cotriliinl radio contact between Ihe i.eareh phine.'i and the local airporl will L.' maintained, offl- uiai:/ of the airline MiJ.

{.■ot»miun» Bad - 3-'lying conditions were bad be­tween h'-r* and the Wj-omlng c-fty,

IP plane, c.irrj’lng five pannen- anti a crew of three, hn.i nil.-i;ilng nince l:SO p. m. yes-

:iv when it wa;> acheiluled to land at Cheyenne.

I'aMeiigers on the mLlfllng ahip

r: T. WalUcT. Rock Springs.

I)..'r. Mi.)h.; IJ.-rL McUiujthllii. Perry. Iowa; K. W, Badland. Boone, Town; and M. Dlnmajiter, -, De:i Molne.'i, lo;\-a. The crew In- eluded pilot IJoyd AndeTOon.. Cheyenne, Wyo.j'J, DOnltlHOn, co­pilot. Chi'yenne; and Marj- Cur­ler, ate\vardelis, ijalt Liike City.

Srde Clue ~'OfflclaIs’ we'r?»^ertaBrtimt-tnr'- plane had been forced down alnco weather bureaus reported . heavy • iinowatorms rnglng ■ over tho mount«ln.i b'etween Salt Lake jind R<«:k Springs,

The only clue a-i to the nhiji* (Continued on Page 2.'Column 1)


Hou-ie Approves B ill Grantinf

AuthorlEation for Army

Postal Transport

WASHINGTON. Feb. 24 «'.i;i— The liouM today paMcd tho eia-

icy airmail bill giving con-

gn-.-uiional authorization tejn* ■ porar>- flying of Uie jimils liy tho .rmy.nlr corps,

I'aa.tagft came after a series of heated Republican attacks ut- tcmpUng to thrust on the nilintij- liitrutlon ftill blamo for air corps fatnlltlc.i resulting from the cm-

•gency flying of tho mail.

Ono Year CluaHO

Th(f bill authorUes the jio.it- master general to use tho uir corpa to fly tho mall for one year and provides for transfer of po.it- ■ office department npproprlatlonci

' theflying. Stricken out of the bill before It. readied the floor wcn- provlslona permitting ttmporury contracts to be entered Into with .prlvntc-wmpanles, -......- -----

The peremptory cnnccllatlona ere- termed—'hyjtteria"-by-Hcp.>hn-Br4i0lHst*rrRep,j-O.--------TJie tjniuo applAUJeO A»- npp.

Kelly, Rep.. Penna., "father of '.ho airmail," urged perinancnt lew legUIallon to elbnlnato aul> ildlcn nnd put the air tnollroo a iPtf.m>ntalntnp basis. '

has approved.................. „ ___ntralgbt jnlleage paymentu to prU-nte lines, but haa wllhbeld further action pending subnlaaloa of new proposals by the oUmlnl#r ' traUon. , .


FULL PAYROL i;Payrolls were bel»/r rompUed'at '■

tho office of the CWA hero today • In. preparaUoa /or the Usuanco .. of wages Monday-to the opproxl-..- mately 1,200 men and women ' workera on Uie- llata la» thU"? county. .

There will be no reductloa l a ­the number on tho r«1lfl 'uaUl March 2, Raymond F. Oravei^- ' county CWA secretary said. Ho received an «rOcr'effective .today putting alt civil .worka ocnrtcu' employe.*! on the CWA llrt.' Interpreted thla to ZBean that, w-omcn In the «rvlM ' braBi would, thereby, be alfeelod by:«t reducUon orders .which rnlgl hereafter be made.'

Page 2: ROVAL C^JAD’AH ftnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/P… · No “Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ


W f l P L i E S

Five Passengers, Three Crew

~ • - Members Lost in Utah

/ M onntaln Area

(Cnntlnui'd from Pa"* On«) hcri:it)OUla wun the report th.il rinthcr.ncar nonOolpli. Utah.

If) mllc-1 fiorthea.1t of horr. li ‘ •on a piiuii’ circllnjr nmuntl, ii iifiiitly tryliijr lo find lU bc’i ij;.', at (> ji. m. yr.itcrtluy. A :ic .itfli:lal;i wiTr uiiii))]!- to n itii tlK' riincMiT'.'i name (ir tr:

h:xd not been able lo <lclcrnilnr' —WllLlhcr.C'r.iiKl thr plane ^lifhW

w;iii Uie JiiHiiilnjr nhlp.AcUnt.' on Ihc clue. Itflwcver.

-TMt<l<nitnHn-lhiil.-fii>elWn-<'r-41u» rr>imlry were conUicted liy ti'le% jilicitio whcTf'ver po.vilblc

; one rl/ic reportcil ncpinc the plane. It wnit p<)intc<l out that even

If pnMcnRm und member« of the . rn-A- wt-rc nafe In the event o

forceil Iftnclin;:. H'e region J«• :i[i;inii-ly netllcO lha l It woulil

Lil;ci huur.5 to XlnJ a phoae or,■ ihnl'mattcr, <ivcn a resilience.

.■Mnllrr cif Liick Other offlclu/Ji recalled that

when till- two array pUotJi. LlcU' tenant-'! Jean D. Grenier and EU' win D. White, were klllet! when JorcNl clown down _ .... while maWnfr the nnme trip lanl I'rlilay. It wafl only u matter of lucl( that they were found tui noon nil they w«>rp. The flriit. report or that craijh''r(sicht><l army head'

' (luartew 'at' ‘•SuJl Lake nearly elKht hours lUtor.'

The umiy pllota Weru dlacov- rn-a by Olvoa Miixwetl. u miner who haV Iho piano 'pou head'In AVebcr canyon, 20 mllei rojit of OaWey, Utah. He believed - aflylnff--..................0 low that It would

nn'd fmmedltttcly'iitartcd'in-Uuil direction. Ho ivttfl two bouhi find- Inj; the plane and offlciain who lnve.itlK«ted had to ride and walk more tlian alx mtlcs lhrouRh deep .mow to remove the T»dle.l.


Government FiiatlB Totalling

- 40,1)pO;WO viiilab!o-

(Contlnucd frotn Pajr® 9"?^-- iipply flrat lo the production cred­it njwoclatlon In their commuoUy. It tho iiflooclatlon docn 'not have autflclent funda or the applicant riinnot p>it up the retiulred .colUit- rral,- the Kovcmmept will mukn tho

Interest will bo 0^* per-cent....

rurmera borrowing from . the , credit aAnocIaUon or from tho jrov-:

emnicnt munt certify, their, cqtii pll.-inco with tho AAA crop contro

' proRrtun.Myero announced- tho fedora

Innd baolcn set a new record In thr ' week ending Feb. 21 by clonlop 15.

S04 mortfjnpe Joann totallnR JM. 000,000. Since the mortKope — /Inanclntr cnmpalpn iitarted

,June.- *.»38. vanccd.

News in B rie fncudfni of llie l:v»nl

...... I.rlcfr>artin»ni of -. TH- num.

Itfturn* from UitUrDorothy Kt-.i.ik-r hus r.-

tumed from llol.ie. where iihe wun calWd rcCWJlly by the lllnc.-« and dMth of her father. J . E. Kemilcr,

liolor Aiidllor HerrClarrncr- Van

public iiceountnnt, l.i hen nretloh wllh VvoiK for c Murtnuj.'ti.


Ilua .of I

.day01 (lie biiaril of c

lire .•.xjH-ct.-.l - Monthly. f<ir tho ir;

It 'poft Tlirf|.»Theft of a wanhin;r' n'mehlm

motor from the rt-at* tif the C. C. AJvJ«rnun-Hl«i«»i-nn<l—i«—jwhIi from the premise!! of Uiu Vaniry bakery uml confecllan-ry, have been reporti'd to'the •pnllco.

AbU* for DlvorenMrs, isinora Somburp him com-

mencc-d nult in tlbtrlct court ii.-ck- Ins divorce from.Jumeii Somhuri:. Shu charKc.i cruelty. The couple morrlcd at Provo, Utah, Mur. i;n, m o and arc Uio parrtit^ of two chlMren. O. C. Hall Iji attomc-y fer the plaintiff.


,,4|,Tjie Thipatprs:,COM lNb TO RO lXY SCREEN

Rcpubllcana EeUc .'on. Airmail

D ispute as Ohance;ior

Popular Appeal

'Continued from Pa'.’n One)hi’i prlvulr li';:.il flli:i lixl lo .M Crackin'.i dlfflcum.'-'i, .

AdililtiNIniUi'ii r'lljiti Thr ci)l/»)d.';i rrf llii- Illr.'i iim

iilly iiro r-.'ulcon-'il iin iioinUi (Ik i«liiilni;itrallim. 1)111 lh>' l.li l)crf;h lilcldcnt iin. nt thl ju-oph-. h. cnrn';i[>oncl.'iit .luin


. Hut I

CrunRp MunU-r Here W, W. Dcftl. maiilor f>f the Malic

Blntc Grani;e, accompanied by Gcorjy; JJarrctt. former jitate t urer. were Twin Falla vl.'illor day. They attended u (lunrliTly raeelln},' ofJerome county I’mno Granfc Uila afternoon.

iples InvltrO’oun*r Marrlttl I't-ople'il eliiii;j i

Cliu CljrUitlun church arc urjjlnj' larpo uttendence ut the iiervleu n

m. Sunday, uii a part of tli bcrahlp drive. ElKhty-flv_

___priaienl luat Sunday and theclftM.hopeo.lo c-xccetl. Uiat j

ronalderobly thin week.

Omnses to flfeelHanncn. Excehiior and Kimberly

Gf)fnKei\ jvll) ^neet In joint aewilon Monday at 7:15 p. m. for a put- lufck .lupper In the baflement of Iho ChriuUan church a t Klniberly, Each family la n.iked to hrlnp luble Bcrvlce; nandwichca, a ered dl«h, and ii pie.

Mayor Barrllla Clark. Idaho ra!b. were Twin Falln };iicnlji-Rinl evo- nine. The Idaho Tallii official waa en route lo Bolim on CWA matters, while tho capital city e-xecutlve

...iLi- (kt'0};den on necurinp nliol ment of fe<leral funtLi.

:op'R A O E IO ^

' Further ‘ JB xp i^lona ft«porlcd

In Indufl'tndl Activity

Tlffonehotit .U. 8.

[Continued from Pa^ro One) ed to S.inS.OOO-tons from 7,520.

'•'000 tons H year ago.Bank DepoalCs Up'

Banklnfi:- Itadera reported ' ntcady Inch-'iiao ' In depoallfl. In

nnrkcd conlrnat to condlHona i year af^> when heavy waiidravrala preceded Uie M a r c h banking erUib. According to Leo T. Crow ley. new chairman of the feder.i:

inf; bank deposits iiro;^ttriljut^>bk to tlm effecta of the Koveromenl’a hank depoalt lnsurenc4 pUin.• Improved financial', condltlonn hnve hclpod -stronethBn -icdcral {jovemment.cr^lt • _ , ' 'THrouRh 'thc BiiUainK ufl" W

— unli— Ti.'Uani----- — -----—55,000,000,000, the Urgtat asoem- bllns.of csuih in hlatory, the t]tea- nury han placed ilnelf la an im- piTfn'ahle jwaltlon la flnnnec. the ne.st Alajre of the recovery pro- nram which calla for the ouyxjur lOB of bllllowi of floUora Inh commercUil chiuincb.

rinno Tunlnjf. Lopui Wuilc.—


'ThM4 ato about-2EOO moB Jn tho n oy il XaaiuSIia Mount­ed Tollco. . Tho laland of Cr- nrus Ja'In Uio MBDITBRnANI- AN, 40 DiUea from Aala-Minor and 60 m»e« lrom E>Tl^ Xn- xico cnruBQ died la 1531. •

IlNlitrom Heiidii Tirc:xter*II. Hodatrom will -become

city mannRer of tho two local Publlx theaters, the Orpheum and Idaho. Sunday. It wan announced today. Hc'Wlll-have direct miper- vlalop of .'the O^heuOT. lui .nt rrreienl.' «md ,I.,eb Henderjion'will it«)me jnnnaffor. o£;..J.hc...ldii)(o, ucceedlnff A. U. Anrjeriion, who

_» rotlrlnjr to devote fil.t tlnir- lo the Vulcan Wlnea, Inc., of which he is manager. The property hi located In Elko county, Nevada.

m:'' til Mr. I’.dosrvi'll anil’]>iThap: a lili; line,

So far iilx :irmy alniicn h;vv( dlc<l ellh.r on route li. iilrinall an.'ii|,’iiuujil;i nr whc.n anluallj ciirrylnj; the ni.'ill.

Tlicre have In-en 13 .icclilciita, all Ilf which damuKi'd ctiutpimtil.


Reaponsc o f Idaho Prothiccrs

Indiciitcfl 100 Per Cent

Tlirouyh SUile

MOSCOU', Ida. (apcclal) - Thi,' re.lpon.ie of Idaho farmerii to the corn-hoi; ciiropalt'n up lo the prrii- ent lime Indlcatco .that conlxact fllCT^Op.wUl probably approuch-lOQ per cent of alt eligible producer;/, uccordinp to Information from the University oi Idaho e.xtenalon dl- \’|jil(in. ICxtcnnloii worker.! repiirt Ihat Uiey iir.- annwerln): rclatlvi'ly

technical fjueiilirin-t now -what tiern want t» know la'how :i«<m

they enn cet- tholr eontracta ap­proved. and when paymeiitji will lie

'Ived, On thr ba.ilji of thl.i nttl- :, c.ventiial paynn-nt,i of m leant

$3,000,000 In fiovornment elii ckii to liliiho corn and hoK prrxluci'ra Heem llliely.

.Mo»t on lIoKH ich llie greater pari of Ihla will come from hop reduc-

. Till! one yrar'a fi;;urea avail-, on hoK pniducllim dliow lli;it

n . s . J o y R m i sP- iVENES

South’ ' Cciitr;U.':idaiio 'Studeni

•Oatboring-Hears Local •

Press Speakers .

William Harrlpui and' ciorli. Stiiurt Im •Thr InvWlJe Man,” l»-nlii),- a Ibre^day; ruu-iit mldiil){hl t«tilKht.. a f J<«>-K», Itoxi

Unusual Tale Will, j Be Idaho Feature;

Till' ." l. MiTilr. revue Iti '"I'A iii j SuiMnn.rV li:ul nlinnni iia many j (.-i-lt-hriliea fur lin audlcnen All llollywiirtd (irrniliTe. The produc

iipi-na at the' Idaho nt mid I I'or n three-day nm. r wa.'i till' bl;: day oti tho pro

|.,n Iielu-diilr, More than 200 iji. ilaneiTfl, sltatm and'alllen 1 the ciilorfiil ulupc whlCl

..... Iic'-ii biilll 111 ■ repre.ient" UiifaMlilnnablr Swiiia Alp;i reflort. An linii|:in:itlv<: nuiidxr In which Milan Itarvry ddnee.T wllh■,;i„vwi;u>; a Dirlllinjr "hde by thi-iiUir dtiwii a lichlropf atrelchrd from II i>lalforni hii:h in the win* i iinil a tuneful orche.itrn wiTi*- tlie ina^nelJt which drew the reali • l i famou-'i virltorn, ."“ Will nufrc-i'.T. clad "In • nver.illrr,- pmyrd hum to a Kroup of l-'renf i ;olk. U-.nIle Uanlta broiichf th yiiiithful i;:irt of Chlcheater t. vii-w Ihi- iipcclacle. Elitio J»nl;i. Mli lam Jordan, Klj'cl Umce' uml Jran nurl'iw were amoni; the iilani who Jiilned Uie picture Jiudl- fner on the ;ria.

Gcno' n.n>‘mond. • L.calle Banlcn, Georjrla Caine and Podrecen'ii Pie- toll MJirlonelleii (lupport Lilian


iCohllnued frojn P.-irr Onel I!.-,Ill,, of thr Twin Pullfi New-i lldd^•-wd the ;.Tpup on •The.l'U- tiirr of a Hii;h .School Jinimnl- 1/it." Jian Carroll Whelan, prc*I- dent of I'ourth 1'1-ilotc' chapter, intv.' an iiiKlnyei. <if .w.-lcome, tn •which John Uuty. Kimberly, re. aptindol. ;rwln Kalh journiiliflb pul on a alunt repreaonlinc ihelr miilhod* of advertluliiK' l^-JJruln liljrli iiehool paper. A vucal-duet In- Mary Ellrn Grieve-and Joy Moorohiiii.n! and a violin BoIo;'b> Corl 'Wlliion.. Durley. concludednne-mnnjlnjr-nf.«lcr>.-'---- :— :—. At the luncheon held at .the New Ronenion.hotel u t noon Supt. of fa'ehooli. W. D. SnilUi apoke oti tho "nelatlon of a School Paper lo the Scho<il” and each .liijrh nchool Kroifj) priwnted ii atiint-

At a Eeneral acitdon Ihla aft- II. Shinn, of the

1 cdi.

50 A I I E i A’

■ 'iiere

Ed AnderJion, Twin I'alln. and Mm. Vela Cooper, Twin Fallo, were all admitted lo -Uie Jibnpltal today tfl u n d e rg o operatlonii. Dale Oilldcni, i'ller,^ Dorulliy llouKh, Twin Fnlln,.jipir -ffelen'Hull, Twin Fidls. medical pallenUi,'abo enlrr- ed-. Dbimhmed . were Mnt- I'luyd Lincoln. MurtiiUKh, Mni. ‘Norniun Ucck*tead, Twin Kallii, Mr». O. D.

Seen TodayPoRlofflce worker, who. com-

menllnf; on rcccnt rcfcrenco In You ila y Not Know Coluam to tho fact thill there la n place named She.ahone In Callfomlit, explulnlnf; that thb nlmllurlty of naincJi la not nearly no con- :fu3ln(; ttJi Albion, Nebninku, and Kimberly, Nevada. . . . Auto­mobile dealej-.n deploring tlieir Innbillly to keep cnouj;h cnra on hand to aupply. Uie demand, , . , Snow on the ground earjy thla

ance of tlie rain. lemllnK neveral to wonder If tlio wcaUier really koew wjjiit It wanted lo do.

pitidiiccd to 'marketablo age In Ida­ho. Maximum reduciinn paymentJi ac-thla-iiumbor -would-Ui jl.a.I?,- 500. I ’rellmlpnry ealimutea, how­ever, Indicate tlint the at;ilu pni- ‘duced'a'imiullcr number of ho,.•a In 1032 than In ll<.12, «o that the two- year bane period pniducticm will reduce Uie nl>i)ve figure iKiniewliat.'Bane production could l>t nii lt>w im ;’P5.000 head and '111111 rrlurn over J1,000,000 In the ev.rnl of a 10(1 p.-r ■irt.TlljTTKHpr-'Corn reduction' jiaynn'nta aro ex­

pected U. Iw relatively amall. Pni- wliii Col.' ’k ," 6- U’.ilt.Oucljon recordii ho far avidliibl.! iilni.-ln;;. and 11. 1C. Dlllbijrh allow that durlnjT Uu' Ix'it iievcn pn-.ilillnfr «:i toaatmaater, Amonj; yeura Jdalio'n iiyeracu com crop of, n„. (ipcukern waa I'c sl T. I’arkih,-l!i,00a Bcri-fl hnn vieldwlnn avoraKe Jrpuiv Olalrict crand mojitcr .ofof 1.7G3.500 buHh.'ln. An unlinown uie .Maaonlc onler. Mrs; Mnrfrnivt proporilon of Uda producUon. hut Wiwre wife of a charter member pnibably nt leafll one-half, will be‘ of „,e Klk-r chapter, and wife of Ineligible for contni,cl bccauiit- o f, tin- t . 1C. Moore, 'wlio (uTved

-Annual parly -if-Hit.i'ilcr..:.!.i ixinlc. lodj;e nnil. Ofder of thi Kuatern SUir chapti-r.irl the I. O. O, K liall .there larft evcnkijc tractetl nearly 150 peraom*. oral memhei-.i Kol^K froii and fxoxji iJllhl..

I'ollowlnj: the r.ervlnj: i

i thin cnasoj- many yearn.M-*mi ^ W f ) f the uaual ti.<»of much of ,ni.|,,i„ner. woJi clvcn an ouilion U for ‘[''''llftljc. C‘>rn .paymenUi,,it Hil-, conclualon e f . lirl.-f

' aml.icarda ' ..until

unlikely to e.xceed jr.I.OOO.

i-eagne Schedules imrdniKia.

E Gathering Tuesdaythe ICpvvorth L.-af.'iic, n waa dia-1 Colfax ICncampment, No. iO, J,contlnui-d In oourieny to the TolbylO O. T.. will me.'i “lii reKuhit*Kvantollatio nlni;eni. ijwi.-lon Tiiemlay. Krti. 27, al.7:3tf

Troy McCracken and June Wlae-'p. m. at th<- Odd Felknva Imll. man lefUIond.iy momliiK for Ke-: j{,.;,rcaenlattv.-a from’ Uulil. Miij:- imie 'I'rom Uiero they wdl (;o to grman. Goo<llnK. Jerome, ISden Ah'-sUa. |„n,t jtupert arc InvliwJ and'.will

The iR-nlor Cla.vi nltt-nded . a , be eiilerlalae<l at « .pro^Tam'of and dance laat i r,.ndin;:.i, .'ipe«hea and .tpeclalltloa

i after the hanlne;ei meetlnp. All ipent the cneumpmunt meniti.T.'i. whether In

j.'.xkI ataiidlii;: <>r not. are InvitedM.U.I.I.,. .. .,

Wi. and M: and Mra. i*uij Miy Shri-.'Ue.N Jlarold Koi-nij: aurpi Schaeffer of Twin K hirlhday, I

.'^l.lmtilut.i Tearhi-re IMr.i. Severln. and Mr;i, Carol i

Saturday evcnlnjr,Holand Hill. Jeronw. , .......

wi'cu-end hen- vlaitlni: frieada u relallv,-:;.

•a. U, T. Nyblad. Mr.;;„„,I Sroll. Mr. aiid Mra./'-"‘ ,.and Mr. and .Mra.'*— *

led Mra.'

I-' Ihr eveiiln/;.'

Congress Today.

Dlflpuited citizen trylnj; to Jack up a wlii'el to ctuinpe a tire on I ” q the atn-et Ihln forenoon. . . . Intii

• Dealer In •fpirOt’n • cealr\v»(T-rc•“ -JK^ lfl-h>v B-d >lnK-a-fiourl»Uln (— bujlnewi. even Uiln early In the

Min.1 I.lnd|:ren who II! at the linapital.

hfrii. Uyraina la •r hnme lij:re.Cecil MCoiii


Stabl^ed Husband On “Premonition”

BOSTON, il'P. — Mn<. Jea.nk Urldjre. ’ totally blind, had a pre­monition her husband waa (Tolnp to fltrlko h>r and /lo nhe »tabbe<l him In self-dt'fcnae. »ho told police.'.•'When niy huiib.ind I;t Kolnj,' tol

(itrllio me." idle nald, " I nhvftya[ have n prenionlUon."

■nd!njrJ)U-nlnr-ix.QoUci;t uiDulaivr the

CONSIDERATEIlEREA, Ky., Feb. Zl ir.l:i.

Three conaklvnitc handlta wli Kave ixick to their vlellm J7 and a half pint of whlaky "t kei'p warm,” kidnaped L. I Jone.i, Columbia, S. C. an robbed him of $-1,300, it w;i dbcloaed here today.

■-sKN-.-m: imtll Moailiiy.

'• eoaimillee <;ontlnuc! on Co»tii:an iiiiK(»r hJll. eonimltlee eoiitmueii In'

i'callcuUun -tjf air.' inull.conlrftct-t,,

---------- lld l ’KB--------Di'hatra'linmncr air mall bill. Niivii! affuira ennmiltteo heara

former Secretary AdiunR.MllltJiry affalra ei.mmlttec heara

Cien. i'oulola re(;ardln): army air­craft contraeL-i.

lnter:d:ite eoinmercc commltteu hearlncH

Uel regulation hill.

»OYD AT TIll-ClTV 5IEKTbu h l; Feb. 2-1 (Spcclal)—J, J,

Boyd, Ulah-Tdaho dL-ilxlct Klwan- [j govurnor. 'delivered an addren.1 TSiuriKlay ovcnlni: at Wel.ier. at a trl-clty meetlnfT of Klwanli.nii from the Welaer. I'ayetlo and On­tario cluha. It-iy Uanhnry, Father M. F. ftyiin, and Paui Uoy.l ae- cohijisnled him on the trlp.

......TltAlN DKILVirXnCLEVELAND, Keh. d’.I'i-

N’lno earn of n wc»l-l>ound New Vork Ccnlnil mall and cxpreR.i train were derailed near Euclid, a auhurb. twlay, Itallroiid offlcUiln

■ • no one wa.'i Injured.

PUBLIC SALE4 nillen Euxt, one : lee Station, H»|il. ■.North of Kllerw

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 at 11:30 a. m. gJ_ST O C K --- .»

7 Hend o f g-ood horaes, ' 'u8 M iik vcows, 7 heifers, 11 Shorlhon) slcers .and calves, a

■ X Turcbrccl'Jcrscy bull cftlf,- ' ' ' ' - .....................- ». 72 Head o f sheep. ■■ A good liuD of farm machinery, household goods and! - many miscellaneous articlcfi and tools. ■■ TKK-M.-—CASU Methodlnt Ladle?. Will Serve IJineh ■

FRED P. SHELTON, Owner ... ;■ I t F-. llOrKLVS.'Auelloneer "'a B B B B n B B D R H B ia ia H B R B B a B a a a B a v a a B a B a B a i

K<iherl Arjiislrnnir. nnd Jim­my (!lem.(.ii Bteal .latlRlw a" I he pr<.iiiot<-r» of » • “Baek-To- .Natur«^" hrallh funu Idea hi the Inleraatloaal Cunlml pie- tnrr, “Seamh - for Ileauty." tvlileh AtarlH lt» Ihroc-day run ut the Orpheiini theatrr'n nild- nlKhl «how tonlKht. Flfteeii p!i\HleaIly perftx't younK men iiiid I,-> Ix-antlful youHK wi.men um plnyliiK lending riilo In the ‘•Search for Ikan tj." They repn'nent the final hcleetlonN from all the KnclUh aiw.ikln;:

very Ilnwi yuunc men. and wumrn competed. Twin Fall" aent. tivo.-uI_lL-»-local Hlnnern to Hollywood liift niuiimer Iti thl» eonipctltluii.

i R S l L .mmmm

. Iletl for. i.i expected 'Lo. predom­inate In IVin Falln Monday aa riimth central Idaho Shihieiti aro ntU'KCled here by a ••mlnlaturo convention'' called lo orijanbe tho (jroilji into H Shrine club.

TenUiU'ii nliina call fo(v.ia*llnsb.int|Uet at the Park hotel, to

be followed liy a anmker at which ipeaktTfl will by heard nnd Uio irjiiinL-.ilion pecfected, /i.iya Joo <oehli:r. pri-nlili:nt of the Twlu

r^Hri Shrine club. ;ijpoiiMir of ffalr.The. reception cominlllee la to

ic nihfle up of Ur. H. A. I'arnitt, .1. L.. Dlnkeliicker. T. J. Koater. Jack joliii:Hiii, J. U. Gkindon and T. ■ IE.", Ilaiiscli. A. Wilton Peck will fl)J in CliarKe of Ihc h;in<iuct

170 Attend Church Dinner and Social

BUHU Fob. 2< (Special) —The membeni and altendimlii of the Methodlsl church enjoyed n pie dinner Wednendny evcninif In the church dinlnir roomn. - Places wert laid for ITO. Mra. C. E. Hyiin, tnaatmlidreja announct'd the pro- i:ram In whieh the foll.iwjnc took p.irt; Alr.T. C. li. Overhiiuuli. UlDy Overbauith. Mm. OverlMiUKh. and Mra. L- J. Johnaon. Helen Urooka, Everett Howard, hlKh iichool Har­monica band under the direction of Mia:: llarrlell Porter, .Mni. W. A. nr.'iV.-Mri..''X ir; MUr|.hy’and'Ml;i;i Hetty Luntey.

PItO.M T(> HE .MAItCII L’. EDIiN, Feb, 2-1 (Special)—Jun^

lur claaa of Uie Kdtn hifih nchool ill worklnc on a prom to bo prc- iiented March 15. Invitation.'! went out Ihhi week.. nnd dccorallona lire bi-Uif,' planned.' Three h'Ulidre I I n v 11 a 11 o n H' arc belnj; iMUCd (im<mi: nelchborlnj; nchool.-j.

m :sUAM )S FETKU BUHL, Fell, 2-i (Spccial)~Duhl

Mualc Study club entertained llielr hu-ibanda at-a dinner Tueu- day evisninir ot Uie home of Mr. and Mra. W, A. Gray. Miniature

interpkwB nt- Iho flv« quartet tiibfiyi. -Bridge and pinochle were playetl durinc- the ovenlDJT.............

and enli:rl;iliiment i alum

New Market Opens In Downto^vn Area

Sunaet marliet, a new Twin Falln bualnni.1 inatllutlon de.illn;;

■atn, jkilr}' nnd poultry prod- ucL'i, opened today at 124 Main ivonne aoulh In tho hulhllnK for­merly occilplo<l by the Hendrlek lowelry iitoiv. Matt Schmidt la proprietor of the marhet, which win be operali'<l by Fred Wa»:ner, ■ccently of Sait U lie City,

New fixtiire-1 have been In- lUdk'd and the ei;tabllah

mnka ractlve food filcro.


“ M A G W ET O ”Put In Shape for

The Spring Work

W e carry a complete lino of pahs for all makes of

magnetos. ■

MOTOR .—and—




^-Battery Service

Kyle M. WaiteE L E O m iO IA N

.Phone 23, Next to P. 0^

JOE-K SAYS:-Never .do a wonder((Jl piece

of work,' • Tho merely Kooil ■A'ork you' dii.thercftfter. will U.' conaiileied rotten. Kh what! But never Kd dliicuiiraKed for Ihert-'a Good Tinita ju.st uroimt

News of Record

Marriage Liconsea',;

iKfiUed; loday-^ty the county cordcr waa a mnrrla}:e license to Harold Fillmore and LUIIan How

crtlny'rii'nrcetwi. ■j:rahTcirC06ii-V CoopVr'nliaTvlva Luella AJy«r. AW the api'-ure realdenls of-Twln Fatl.

Ml. and.Mrs. Albert J. Andcri^i are the pdrcntJi.oC u um l>orii Feb. 2.T at the Imine-af Mr. .Anilerso. niolhee. Mm. A, ^l.'Andernoii, Blue I-ikea boiilevaril north.

' Furiefals'

CIUFFmi--GruveJiUle aerylce for Ciarlj .qrlfflUj,, county..hom resident who Oic( ye.ilcrday, ur t/i bo held-Sunday nt 1:30 i>,.in. I; uiD'no(nrcrcpJt“ cc'hifrery.7"Ail, Bert T. Slack, Salyatlnn nrtrly, wll offictote.

- D istrict C ou rt '

On appllcaUon of the plaintiff In ucUon. null for, divorce filed by John F. Golden vh. Jlrn. Cirrle F. Goljen, han heen diamlsaed tiy Judjie W. A. Babcoel(.


Ilolne ....CalRaryChlcai

Kalliipi'll .....Ifnw/is City . I>ia AMile.i City ....N<.w YorkPocatcSalt_lSoji .Friihcl.*i .SeattkTwin I'allji ... WllllalYellowiitonc .

Low HlKh Preclp

Husband Acquitted In-Death-of' Wife

PITTSBURGil. Feb, 24 lUJIi— ' llpberl S. Solea wan iicqulllcd lo- ilay on n char^'c of murdcrlns hln wife, Laroux, member of n prom' Incnt McKcenport family.'

Tho Jury^'ofidx women and alx men by Uielr verdict upheld Uio fUidlnR.i '^of ' AJluBheny county lulhorltloM iwho at thu_tlnie of

•ecorded..lt iin .a sulcldt. ..



STAIll-fi T^NITK AT 12 Ml Then Huu., Mon., Tuifi.

h o wd o e s th e s c r e e n ''show'^ an invisible




,'EXTR/V, '. ; ’ ,Maoliatlan ijJfoJiy • 'Dmko Okrtoon-S’ewi*''. Pcrlla of .Paullpo

lnfa'ntr“FiV ,Wdjriin-pofljh‘-- ' When-Mormon Workers’

. VeWcle Skids .

(Cohdn'iied trbm'Page One) vinit ut the Mesa, Arl*., Mormon temple.

Reporlfl received here wild that the brakes of thd heavy-vehicle Kielcod an tiu; driver iyr>ie<l a com­er, ukldcllnK Uie muchlnf into a ditch. The driver, Amonii Steed of Compton, • Calif., wa:i neverely hrulited.

For tnore than two hnurn,.<le#d_ andririJuruy'paiiHinKoivi''v/ere pin­ned In the wrecknge before rescu- ore could extricate *iiem.

When help arrlvi-.li tlie Injured wer'! n-TTKiyed ,in the Wlckenbuty honpltul and to tne SantiiFc rull- rosd ntiitlon nt Aj;iilla.

................. Call* Aid .' ThQ SanU i''e ai;cnl. diroctlnp the town'M Rold eommuntcaUon wyn- tcm by lelejrmph, dUipatched an appuat to Phoenix and ambuluncca nnd aurKcona hurried to the ncene. Their ml.riion wim retnrdcd by c

. An Inquest WI13 onlered to deter- nVine the orfleiiil caune ot the IrnKedy, It waa to be field at Wlckenhur},' lolc today.


nerftl arrannementi for Hugh N. Miller have been chunped from tho Presbyterian church In the Flnit MelhodlBt.Whurch ,at Buhl. Scrv- ices vvin.be held Sunday nt 2.p, m.'


Oot'• fnU\-,ahcM-fnHv,'Of" ■ ■ th ti r"-

m anob? sinslcal b h l


MARION DAVIESftn wJKAr' •.•snwtr.awiH :■

'.TAtsy.KiUt i




T h e ^ n i: -

You Have Been Waiti i For’

10 VE^s-uKE amiiS', ID T A E ZA IM ilK E MBTT-

WitS GIsrUWHIijm Hirrl««n. .L___ , _______yn* O'Connar, H«nfy.rf*»cn,:

NtyTE: j f « All In I'un. nnd \V Nwrr Ilal/io Onr P r i ^ I '

KIDDIES 10c — ADULTS 2.'>c.

H A ftV E YG e n e R a y m b 'n d

.'Leslie B a h l is '

^odretfq.U PIccoil Mcirlonffttet

■ Slutlnw KveiiinR S5c

m m




Page 3: ROVAL C^JAD’AH ftnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/P… · No “Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ
Page 4: ROVAL C^JAD’AH ftnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/P… · No “Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ

four TDAHO EVEKIKG TWIK FALLS. TPkHO 5ntiin lny,- .Pcijraai% ^^^^




Growei-s of this section luivc conic lo rolv witli confidence upon liie accuracy p f tlio annual wliiU;

■ f ly report of the l)uroau of entomolofj.v- Yesterday’s ))redicliori, jjubliiihed in llie Evening Times, was

ju s t as favorable as was the nno last year, and the

season turned out to l)e a most successful one. Prac­

tica lly the same situation oliliiined the year before

tha t.. A favorable report this year, in si)ite t)f the' mod-

■ erate winter, indicates that the authorities no long­

er consider an extremely cold w inter as a fact<)r

\ neccssary to reduce white fly populations, \vhich_ i;

■ ' encouraging in tlie light of. the extremely m ild

w eather experienced this past season.

The report o f yesterday ,means that there w ill

a g a in be a hirge sugar beet p lan ting , and that i f the

crop is successfully grown the sugar factories here

and at Burley ,will again opeiate next winter.

N ot on ly docs, the leaf hop])ei; j)rediction favor the

— b e e t crop-prosjiects,' but it aiJpiics- equally :us well- to

other crops, for the white, fly or curly top does not

, confine its injuries to beets.

The report is one of the highlights of the new

year and, being o])timistic in tone, helps to jiaijit

an altogether rosy iJicture fo r 193-i’ here.

JO U R N A LIS iV l O f interest to newspaper pereons is the high school

•journa lis tic conference being held here today. . .The fact ,that ^nost u n iv e rs it ie s and coliegcs hav

jo u r n a l is m depar tm en ts , and tha t high schools of

every ;size include a t least a few coui-ses on news-

■7 —5>ap_er-work-,is- e n d c n c e 7 Df--_thc-tmivcnCTl-iT]tcrcst--in-

t h e 's u b je c t and tlie im jio r ta n c e o f jo u rn a lis m in the-

of .education.'.........I f it lias not^been recognized befoi;e^events of the

p as t year Have proved the value o f the j7fess lii helj)-

in g to fashion the destiny of a nation . In the new era

___ w hich .is dawning this resposibility .will be increased.

ir T ra in ing of .new. m inds to^assunie.the task of keej)-

jn g the nation and the world inform ed intelligently

V on developments is a worthy effort. It.is to be hoped

tha t the conference here today w ill lend encourage'

rnent a long this line.

' N o th ing is quitd so im portan t as an intelligent; as

w e ll as a free i)res3. B u t back o f journalism as an in-

s titu tion is the hum an factor, sujjpHed by just such

T.- groups as that meeting hero today.

W A R N IN G S .

A n excellent text-book fo r anyone puzzled by the

tl-agic turmoil which sweejjs Europe these days

■" n tigh t be Carlyle’s “French Revolu tion .”

Carly le wrote'it something like 100 yeare ago. But

it- isn’t ,out of date, .even so. For the saiiie lesson

- w h ich he drew from his study of the French Revolu­

t io n can be draw n from the confused and bloody

mess in Europe today.

The.. French Revolution had many causes and

'■ m any effects and it was accom panicd by some very

lio rn b le happenings; fnit it illustrated, said Carlyle,

one great truth— that a lie canno t endure.forever.

. I t showed, in other words, th a t if men get .their

a ffa irs into a hoj)clesslv unsound atul unjust tangle,

a nd fa il .to m,u.ster the intelligence and the unseifish- ... ness necessary to straighten them out, forces l)eyond

hum an control eventually w ill break loose in a k ind ,o f explosion, an explosion which destroys .cood and

had thintrs idike and visits catastrophe uiicin saint

Q 'lid sMABEL

M cf L U O n ,

■ CIlAlTKIt XXXIX lyinCN T«m Wcntcr nwuns down ” the ramp 'to ilio Tarryiown

trnin tie c.iunltt ulnlii of n rnmillnr ncure Jiiiii uhciia of blra. lu«tead

as well as uj)i)n sinner.

A i l .of this .seems to applv w ith terrible force to

the upheaval which today rends Eun)pe. .

• These riots in Friince and Austria , these rumors

— D f^w a r 'a n d '.r e v o lu t in n r th i.s n m s in .t f 'o f 'T T o n p s - a lo n g

bnundary—Jincs— tiiev— d idn ’t_ iiappen_ jus tj3 ccausc . m en sudden ly ,got jierversL* and irritat)le (jvur noth­

ing . - '

They ciune, just as the French I’ evolution came,

because human affaii-s got into a dreadful mess,

a nd .because great masses o f people became con v inced that nothing but violence ever wouldstraight-

en them out.

The supreme folly o f .the W o rld war, the iihnost

equal folly of the peace treaties, the stuiiboi’n in

ab ility o f men. in high places to see that repression

and injustice never can pave the way for anything

bu t trouble— these are the direct and' logical causes

' o f the present disastei-s. .

There still is time to uvoi<l the woi-st conse([uences.

Ti-eaty revisions, i-emoval'of the Artificial econoniic

barriers which condemn men to starvation in the

m ids t o f plenty, liqu idation o f o])pressive-dictat{)r;

■ ships and a rearrangement a long etiuitiible lines of

na tio na l boundaries, would m ake j)ossil)ie a pe a< ^ able ' solution of Europe’s troubles.

B u t i f the m lers o f Euro|)e lack tlie courage and

" t h e vision to apply such measures, one only caii• rem em ber Carlyle’s warning.

Thbse a ir m ail lines that go t the fa t contracts may

have been tid ing to change the old provpi-l) to read.

• -“II. trilioaWJirej^fnivnkTalroTiirurj-TT:— ---- r ----

rrniKP mak'n nlmibill tin ; Irtlol 0 :iKli I


itil. Ililn Rhe (cil<I till ac'tuatly pursiirt] litmi nlmplr tinppeofltl tlilo wn^. VVlinrevor lie lin|ip«Dril to bo (Iimc UnyB. Itirro nlic wan n1«o, Alirnra prcllll;'. (anlfftilly clrcnHcJ. Swoclly icontwJ. elinrraJncJ/ inailc up.

In unite of Me tnsFThr'd ettpii'bo cnitlJ nnt help cstchlnr up with Vera iDnlKtiL Slie tcrnBil to «nior tlin cnr nt llio font of tlm romp uud utin .Aiiw-lilni. -K)io -wnrcil. Tom ftillanUy liMlciird and dropped laco a Bent Iienldo bcr.

Vom-B fair ti.ilr. under Ujb brim of h<*r iimall wlilto lint, wm rIIi ciirl^: h(ir Jl]i!i were scarlftt. 1

hn lirnt Kite looked coc

>nd that

tilec If be sod her around oceaaloDalljr. Ho Vera cood. tbouebt CDtlr. lo tM «ltb -two ' people « .ebocDMlTc*. ed ej'Dlral .about mar- <Iny». kepr-»arlDo Ujat

ibe wculd aarer marrj. as tlio nose

”I Duppone roiill tie Id TarrrtowB until tbc.rce umalJ.bonrB,"’Vera Milil carnally. Tora ccaaultcd 'hta tlniv latilc and tald he carcaloly would do no oiicb tbinc. He «i- ppctod to net tbo'8:3® back to town He'd told Oypnj be would be home ■iiorilr after 9. Thea lie remeta .tMTi'it, rather lardtly, 'that OypBT would tiot lie there. And be frowneiL Vrra notlccd It sad was ctirloui In .her Intricate CcmlDlce fanhloa.

"If I don't tlnd the Wlteoaa at tiomo n r wander arouDd aod have dinner liy tnyielf ftBd ctt tliat trola. too." Sho nonndrd nwfuliy-a<jwn. poor kill. Tom felt terrlblr torry for Iicr, When Eho sol off abe wared at lilm and bo vraa etod be had been decent to tier. It woao'C much fun. hcluc 3 cirl alose.lo New Vorl£.

Vcrn .didn’t take n lax! tip Ibe aald nbe waa^eotsi:

It Int a (Iruc atore

. She

10 booth I rtnla Now Tork i iltered and tdio arofullr Into tbe waa iimnfnc wbeo


tbine—#ay* »o ia » 'tb 'lii’e.' Crpirj tboucht-uneaallr. WI17. the poor boj tooka Calf daawated! Ob. Ttn afraid, rot afraid. . . .

Derek draloed the $lanii pnt b» fora elm. ilo put Din’ band oo tlie back of Ula'a c&alK ills exprr» »l9B WM aardoolt.

•Mf frlendB," Ij*; aald detlbcr ately. looklnc abour tilm. -woTe modern poopio .. . aJl oI Ds.. ('to

to eonrrat. . . to eobcratutiti«. niy rli’nl.’

"Doa’l bo rldlculou»."'LITaoftIy...."noa't

0 coSeo.i./ool..darllaa..

fibo dhla't d I (0


olcr.:inirlti. s you bom

iviiiii'h nflloo whoa lie bat

nnd wlmdoinll toiiRh 1 rood.•«B,-.V«ra-woe-

.(he npeak^r ::ibiirilcnlnn tilmaelf. relicorcd. rflffftStied- <lny Iio had boon a nt.ilio iilni of OypBj. flvcninn In Uuot Gib- y. Ho hadn’t rvally )lnr. with Hunt to

linrty.-TIie fello^

It. It wiut tiir.ii tin

liap. And ul I.llii'a. too

Slio tor'awfutly

flo bacln-1 • >ld. Sh«

TN Jitnl

rmicd In her frlcnda any didn't ereu try to Oad thoc went for ft walk up tiio'Dial

'lllnnc; she bougbt innilne and bad . a chocolate ilted milk and wandered 0 litailua.'' Tlio 8:36. wha a looc no away, but slio didn't Ind the-Idea of walllair.

exollc OInlDB room dnrk-linlrcd youac woman In

Riodlnli apricot aatlQ Romn looked dora (IiB lone labk . . . . a - handTOin« rc*her -diaherelled youni; man w.So hod junt entered Innitactlrcly ahe crlpped her bandi tocetiicr. Dcrok'a eyes wcro wllc .nnd hh tweeda stood out oddly It this nBiemblngc.or moa In full oto- nlns klL

Mlu roso to (he oecanlon superbly. "DaTles, a chair for Mr. Cllas,- Dorok. tny awcct. how nood of

drop-inr-v/iry-oton't ?uu m r w —t5^^erT0DrGyB!trn'amnt^la^tB;r you


Dcrck dropped Into tlio chali someone pushed forwurd. never laV Ing hla eyua from tier faco. 1( Llla woa dlnturbed by bln arrltal ihi coDcealed R well. Only Oypsy no tlcod'tliut tlio wblto lionoto. dipplai Into the deep V of her black laei decolloUKO, ro»o...nnd .fal|..jon„ ;i. Oiilckcr breatli. Iter coloring wa»

belRlitoncd one lota.1 cot b.ick this aflflrnoon,' tk B3ld tblcUIy. carcfully. 'I r Juat heard about . . . ":nrko' ecrapcd bla cliilr on the

potlahcd tloor, Intcrniptlns. “Vou iplcEdId, my dear follow

Splendid . . ."Derek (Ixed him with a nUlterlnfi

•10. •Tbanlia.' awfully,” Bo nald caTctully. “Thanks a lou Mlchty 3od of you lo any thnL" .Tlie tcnnlon In the bl(i blEh-

cclled room w.na almost a lanKlble :hlne. Outside, lo tlio darkanlog lumnter ntnht. tbo rumble o{ a itorm bcnan to deepen. LlBht&lns Ushed occnolODally nad In tbo mtoro nky clouds ratbored 'oml- louaty. A Rlrl tnurliod on a bleb, lorvoua noto. Tho wndlo flartJ dipped and nickcrc<l uneasily In iba

•eeie eomlnn In tbo long wlndowa. .JVhy, 'jlqcau'i aomoonq flq goma-

Uerek'Ignored tbe lolerrupttoti. "A<l »ory modern." ho went nulte art iLobo had not spokon tiiririTo'swhTs'WIfeTirnbtliff- He does tho decent tiling. Ho aaya, 'Uless you. my chlldroa.' Ho sicps .out of the plctur*. Inn't that «o my friends? He stops out of ih< picture."

Marko was i(an|II;>s now. hli face ruddy In th» dlro IlfihL “Com* alonn, my boy." I10 boomo-l. "Come alouB. Well baro a talk, In library." ,

rdlifortcdi .

-rm-8taylnt bcre." ho »old ccltfly. ’I'm (clllnc our frloads all about It. They knoW Tm a wodora man. They know these thlnki aro don* What are you afraid o tr

•UunU” Oypny half whlopered. h 'h li Is reallv dreadful. Ccn’t yoo do somelhlnR?"

lie shook bis head uncotnfortably aiJd tbo jirettj. falr-lialred Rlrl la Ico-bluo nalin who sat bealde bim Inughod 00 a hysterical hole.

Da an ImpulM Oypsy went to hldi. "Dorok. eoaio alone.' Lel'a go out on tb« tcrrace and cool otT,** ahe said softly. Ho gavo her a curloua. pcDclraUos slaoes.

"Ob. It's you. Is Itr I didn't kaow yoti ran with this crowd. Wbere'i tbst nice fotlow, yonr huaband?"

Cypsy’s color flamed. "Ilo'a nei here, Hcrok.. Hfi'a .Brorklnc....."

"Ah, ww-klnc." Derck'o express Blon iK-came eunnlai;. “ rhnt’a nood- Thal's tbe riBht Jde.v WeVc all modern people.

But..bo cot to bli feet anil L!la throw Gypsy one anuaed, dc:<iier;iie. cratefiil gloheo.

Til do samethlDR for you oom< day." aho said, oadcr lici

strolled out to tbe carniw terrnce '1th Ilo hiRb atono wall. Ita nwa-

IiiKS, ltd troea In'gayly pnliit'ed'tijhV The nirl waa trembllag nil orer.■ 'Jl'a golnc to storm," she aald.

stupidly and Jacoherontly. The air sultry. There wna la It that

feellug of blcli nnd unbo.irabl- icn ion.Oerck starod down nt her. Sul-

!tinea« bad.dropped.Xrom him like maak.' -Wby did you waat lo Ret

10 out of there. Illtla Qypnyr be rfVDtrd .io know. “What were yoa frald ofT Can't a raaa eoacratu-

Into hla wlfo oa getting a better an? That la. a richer oner "You really mustn't say these

dreailftil thlnna." abe prolcaied. "It aa't fair lo L l la . . . "• Ills Inuga was horrible to hear. 'No. let's bo fair to Lllu at all •usla," bo tald loudly. ’

ilo,leaned oa tho parapet. "Lo»cly city." be chanted, slarinc

at ibe rooma epread before bim like gray tapestry. "Lorcly, bolllsb.

faithless city. Jijst llko a vomas. {’romlsoa a l l. . . gives DOthlnc.

liirclied. and Iti that split Gyp

'Oerckl Ah. great hem ler. Ungers, groping, ply air. There waa no one I parapet sato henelt ,

.(T( uo .coniiuucJ); J-


'\TT7AA7'Q "RTTT-TT'NT'r Profcssorinl Influonco.ls now on the WRno,I N I l y V V O J D i l / n i i N i ^ . Consorvalivcs Driven O ff W hite House Lawn.

T T T : ' TVT TT' T i r o Roosevelt and Johnson Chnrl Future of NRA.j[ Jl I jjy iN H/ W O Ruii.>o-Japanc3c.Ponfliot Put O ff Unlil Spring.


(♦•-.p.vrlKlil 10.11 »}• raul .■'lull 'AHIIINGTON -- 'T.. nil f I Hjipidnincni the New L lwik--\ tl»' but on

ln:iUl« It t!i nl(;nlflcimtly dlffor ...................... i-tlitxc.-iilx.

nc nioMth-i.njju.Jt;i inn.T cliimictcr hii;i cl Till- Did Kniup tiocii no •o:ind tho \Vlill<- Mou.ic. ' ;i' clrcli- liaii bi'on ll(;htcr

tit It nri'iiia ulmojil nnn-c TtjniiriU.;nCL- -Dn-pnllclca-

iM-Kltinhij; lo - bo- up

■KOFESrtOIUSTh<-nine, fur

rtif.'« liiflu nco l;i j brainIMllvcl,it h.iM K'i'n vlrtuall

n now a collccllon of nni-ninr :h iilnylnir n dlfffrcni

tunc on nia own Inclivldiml piccolo I'mf. Tupvpll l;i,!illll' in <>fftc<'

but- IcM and Ic.ia in cviilcnc* uroiind th.; While Ihniar. Mr lloosrvrlt's mnln fnmi coniililtnni upprnni to txr AnrlculHiro Si'crc tiiry. LVfllhicc. whu. worlta will InU tidl for Tupvrll-

Prof..\V;irrrn la jmiwrinf: nroiim: (in .-I'nllvcr prlcc policy, hut hi n-'vv ))Mitl»n firrmn to tj.- that ot conflilfnlliil frlrnd to Prcaldunt Itiioscvelt ami. Sira-ctary Morten- Ihnti. r.ilhcr than Ihiil of mnncy policy director.

Prof, Moley la hu.iy running n mii»,'«r.lne. Mr -illpa down to

fjuirlly about

iin<- rliic nlLi on .I lini'i’ liny niore »• richt-hand ■0, Is UiltInK a <•. Hi‘ h.ia ddjic iilly nn.l probably

with of hll > did

L'dKc. n-•iinooth off the- TBURlj .itid the White Houne..y tlihiKa me working

out now IxickatiiKO, Mr. -Uoose- .vclUa.aj;iJ.htE.Juui;l>'- Judtc.nnJ. Jury for hh cosmi>polltiin crew of_wiirlii.'r;i^Tliry_ ciniic troopinj;' in io'liiiii I'vrry f("\v“ mlnutca"uf tho day tryinir to p-t him to dc thla or thill aboilt the piirticulai aiibji'cl im which tlicy nr<; work' inc. They pull.wlie.i to (ttt ccr- • ■ , pollclcii nkcyi.d. Other work-

pull wirva In atop tlii-m. Tin •a frcciiii-nlly hccomu- en-


I.1IJKUAI.SThat altuiitlon la llliintmtrd'hy

thr condition of tlur liberal!Aa thVy approach the fit

niveraary of the New Deal ■I, they note that they li.ive

ilrlvrn tin- t off


ff,"' pl•orr. rDunil town, ■ilci Joba.

' Wlille Hoi ■ntial ( . lila

the,While Unuae Ij Trcaaury .Secrotarj’ Woodln. Go- InK nnd nearly j:ono la Oeorfje IVck. The only conaervatlvc who ha. b.-''n able to rv-iule the liberal

, law-nniowor I.1 Jejiao Junc.i.'While In pon.n'wilon of tho field,

the llberalK are unable to reap ,thr frnlUi uf their victory. They have fljiiu mildly into fftctlona which are not Imrjiianloun- That la natural. To Ik- a libeml n man niiinl t>c an objeclor. When there are no conaervativen lo object to. the llbcrala muat object, lo cach other,

A l any rate nil of Uiem oppear. t<) be nn the outaUle looUlng In­to the White Houae. rnlher than on the Inalde looklnR out.

tilin (iehl of aeUvltj"

ha.i brei: : not Ihm

Some nay it

the AAA. but 'they 1, very iictlvc l«U;ly, III bcciiuao oinRrcar

... nnd the AAA boyn want to avoid ,.any now policies unlit Mr. Hooacvcll can roI Brcaa off bin and Ihcir neck.

ral' tlmoB.nnd out of the good the White Houae n«v At prr.ient he la In good. Mr. Roodeveft tru.sln him Implicitly. An one of hla trien<la said rcccnUyi.'^U Jolinaan.la.J^OT alnccrt. he la.lhe. I)c;it netor who 'cyd'_lnhiil>IU-'l_U'i’_eiirih/:______

He And Mr. Rooaevclt apparent­ly .have nnt decided what they ire polni; to do wlUi the NRA. That 1.1 wliy the two big ineet- Inpn are to ic held hero ohortly. They wisely net the "field .day for critlciflm" before the luwcjiibly, of hu'alneaa men,' so t!iL-y will find out how f.nr they, dfiro'to, go.'

Johnson Hiia given bualnejw men good rcpreaentation in the N^A ihd kcepan halter on the few lib­erals there. It la strictly n Jolm- .loti ■fiutflt.-bclnB nelUier llborul

lon-utlyc- ■ • ■

A ri’KAIl.\NCV:SAll thcjie new dealers have been

'orklng nmch.too hard .within the paat year. Krom Uie - White Houao on down they arc getting Jii.nl ii.lilUe touchy, and Impatlbnt ibout small things,

Mr. Iloosevclt loolta .well. 'At least hia nmllUig, pleoA.\nl maak hns nol.'cmcUcd. Ycl those who nee him inleniilUenUy nt CO'ttnd DO-<lfty periods have noticed lhal hia ,trcmendou.'< labors of thc’p»"t year, .have aged him. I/>ok nt u phntogrnph of him iil the In- nuguraUon and cump.ire it with hi* laleat; you will iieo .the dlf- Jeren'ce.

NOTES ..Everyone r

iveryonr elat

H I S T O R Y 0 £ Tw in Falls C ity & CountyM Cleaned froci n ie* or tbe


IS Years Ago

• For the aecond time In tw<i Weeks the Melhodlst church'jvus filled to tbe doors. Laitt Sunday nlgbt was moBtly given over to music. The choir gave 0, splendid rrndllinn of 'tbe cantata, •The Cdoil 'Shcphe"ril” 'and every num­ber wail enjoyed. They were libly aaolsted by the oreheotra.',Prof. Blue gftvi! a most admirable Hf- .te'en.mlmitcrliilk on 'T h^.Hecon- Hlructlo.n." He was listened lo wIUi rapt attention nnd heartily applauded at tho end....................

Wayne Danlelaon. 17 years. Wh'j left hts home at Bolac liuit Tues­day, waa located here Saturday when Inrurmatlon had reached his MUicr' that Aomc. frlcsda bad .seer him .In 'Twin Falla. HU rathei cume here and took tlju boy bucl' to Bolac.

27 Years. Ago

H. L. Holllatcr, who baa been ir Uic cUy ■ for sevcrol diiyn tlllend' ing lo mhttci3 In connection with Uic'Shoshone'falla power,.com- p.ntiy, left tjUnday tutcmoon lor liolae to-attend the hearing be­fore Judge Beatty-whlciriu sched­uled Monday.

H. E. Hunt . moved uevcnil bodfca from C(le . old burying grounda to the 'Twin Fnlis ceme Ibry the past week, -In connrctioi with the improvemcnta already underway nt the cemetery, ti.by- drauUc nim...wlll-..be . InstalkiJ ■within a lew wcckJi. Thla will fur-

nn ample aupply of water foi talcing earc of lav.T«, Three hun- xlred trcpa will nlao ce act out Jual as Boon aa the weather per­mits.

You May Not Know That—

II.l.I.llK. is

of Kiidillm

sc'iile.l ill

iiiiig Tinu'

-,.r niiil.Ilii

Ijui (fmitn:

iK-lil'f ill

long inler

.tunii-<l. !u

-nrmi.' knoi

• Tlu'


I'lil.-i, wisdom re-

f iir tli'iin d u;i>i

vti In ihr |iL-«il>lf

liy a-i!li<)i<-ii >l'l• ion <ndlni

Iluddhii.- n . A. BOBEtlTSON,

Iloute' 0. Duhl, Idaho,

:rn. I’ntmah hml Rankin. 1*111- dlil not algh the nppcal for

n vote until the lant moment and Rankin did not algn ul all.

' War drpartmrnt lilnldeni t>«“ Ilpvo tbn KiiMo-Jiipunnifl b«li- UllllcH will lie delayed until bite iiprlnif. They UlMgrcB with Ihc diplomatic ln*ldcm.,who sny tho ahootliiR will start within two nioiitlui. Tulte your pIcJc,

■ 13dwarrl F. Hutton, the wealthy broker, ha.-i sounded out govcm- nieril officials privately on the idea of handing hln Gcnnan-bullt yachl over to the navy for train­ing purpoaeJ. Ho had complained lo friends about the high dome*Uc tflsea, Bcfori' he brought the yacht Into Mliunl. he paid 500.DDO duly on her.

S|>ealier llalncy luiii 11 way of giving Ihn cold shoulder to houao DomocmUi who voto apiln.il the

idenL He pnnacn them In the without, sprnhing to thi

Mr. Giin icakor' bultonhnled tlium lUiil ruined

AS THE earth moves around the nun. the luilf lhiit la.in;Uio .lead at. any time Li that portion occupied by the last hilf-or;tho night tihd the forenoon part of Uie day. A metcomc mc6Ung the curth from the front .must meet thn atmosphere heado;^TJic friction la much grealcr.lhBn hud the meteorite caught Up.^r?ni behind. — • -

SIDE'GLANCES By George Gl^r'k

ipellcd rlgbt'7''.'

ig over the newnpapers carefully. /Ith Ills occretarU-a and figuring

out what nucatlons he m aybu usUcd.


POCATBLLu. T-eh- 2< (ijpccinl) •A.nki‘d tojiend reprcsenlntlvM-'to'

thn flfjit itimual poetry speiiklng featlval. lo bo lield April 20 I’ooi- lelln. Twin f-’iillfi, Kimberly. -Han-

- ind MurUiiKh high HuhcKjb nni cclpt Of an InvitaUon fnmi.lbc

pnriry apriiking cunmiltteo of thn Unlvemlty of .Idaho, SouUlem Urancli. on whnae campus the fra- tlval wilt Iw held with candfdatc.1 for honors from over all of souUi-

Idnho, .

Jerome Civic - Has C6lcw0 >'J[ ay

JBROME. Fcb.:24':(^c\iU)\— • Tncsduy wos CDlonlal-dBj>’;«ff.'Jer. omo,Civic club...-TwD.;lntcMi»Unfe pajieni were irfcad. tiy Mra.VN; T. Adums- on- ■‘CokJnlU.'UtciW'.lhe •Soutii^.'^ttid luy Mrs.'- E.vE.'.’U- Tiimer on -.-'Colohliil-Wfe-tn-the North.'-' Mlxn-JoflCo .HonMn'flvglrb' acxtot'fnim the high hfchohl Mflg twii rtumbem. Mm J; S.'iCchUall imd Mra.-Nclllii'nubcrta;w«!n);tioa.

- Arlsona lind .'New.', llexitfo. did not tnter Ubo -Unlon/.uiillC^HHa two years before tho outbreak ot the World war.

O U T O UR W A Y ..H ER 'S a ftULE

I H E R E .-. A B O U T ■R E C U N IN 6

- D U R lW '"W O IK lN "



;craa to have fooled in connection' with Moal -foiilrd |nr.xL

/ w h y S h o u l d. HE.;5fty . • - ..ANYTHtNG?.;- .

ZTH^n--Quy;iAikt±. .QUrTE.--«lTT'Nt---^* WAKE-—POW N, ER. QU,lTE --.\ 7\tA .‘-ART.; .'TOffi V;

' kN EEU N ‘>.ER QUITE/ , BE.1K' ■ NOT-'JUSH' X'y'im', d 6 w n ; Eft-. u^Tiv:

•\pUITE AStlE6R'r.

- ----■ :•

- H Q , b u t , :0 E j ..i^:.;A IN T .QUITE'- . STANpiNl.;Neft;>

w //m-THE -HAPPY H EO IU M .

Page 5: ROVAL C^JAD’AH ftnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/P… · No “Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ


m M T A D S

" f • • -• r ' V ----TELEPHONE, as

C6 a L BROODER FOR 8AU2- "1 mlle'Kaflt WoAhlfiKlon'School. W. A; CbJUlcrs. )

F O a SALE — T«am.. of • work iKirM^.'Or .will'.ludti fur colbi. lat hoiwe' North of . Huniicn hridt'c.

'■ -SAdilF jC E—’32 Plymoulh Dc- Luxe.Swlixo. new Ureii. heater. A*1 ccndlUon. C&ll R<Mm 3<i Raj;:eraon

••HotcL ; ............-.'.v..........

■ .'E am ftx tn i monry ,c t> p y I n ff Karpu^ A'ddreucA (or muJ onSer

Home JapuA'Umo, ■ Mpcri''


. TO TnADE — Q(xa Chevrolet toupo for Chev. coach or 'awlan. Inquire ^ raU North Flltr Folr Ground,

..WANTEDT-rUBed cars. ,WU1 Mil oil .conalxnment or will pay cub. Jno. B. WMU.

WANTErp TO BUY—1000 cart Jo wreck.. FamiBrB’ Aulo 8u ‘ Used Po jr ta _p«pL^^one2^


N a t u r a l Purmantm Mtnplcto 42.70. ...jlalr .cuta .25c. Shampoo, .fluffce. wave, dried 60c. 459 2niJ Ave. ND..,Mr8;3e<untr. Phone

. . FUnWITtTRE .WAJfTKD-Qwli fall] for- uBcd. fUrclture, coal

.rancrca, lieatlng stovea and circu­lator*. Phone 6, iloon’a.

UATTRSSBES renovated, and rccovorcd. Clcixn wool carded, 20c

•Ib.-Wo3hed nnd carded SOc. Fuhil- ture , upbolatcrln;.. .Twin Falla Maltreas Factory. Phone Cl-W.

8POX CA?H PAID for all ktodt of Used Furniture M d 'Stoves at Bert A. Sweet. Phone 1205.:

-CARBURErrORS, Carburetor •parts ond wrvlce. P. C. H. Motor . Beh^oe. 330 ' Shoshone . S t W., Twla Folio..

•'rTmNrTps^b^^." 'ro ft 'sAi.B-A,carload of lued

• •■;furnltyr*.' ‘TaxU,. -tivattreflBc#, .. _-jprlBga... tablcfl. ,p.halr«,...duofoldB,'

cloy beds, bM tfavenporU, rum ' . dreUeii:: -dresslnc ' tables,' b ^ .

roon^.aultc*,' UvlnB room suites ; >ndidiolQK‘'roam Jiujtes. Thla.fur- . >altura .u . in ,;jrood;-.conillUoQ'and v-«-wm!^Wn” W'gr»ricg97oB~aui of-'



' FOR'SXLE-240 htg^steKd and eligible H a m p s h ir e ewea with InmDV-SS.purAhrid'VAarllnc'namp '

Welchbrodt. Cballb. JftST .

. FOR /SALE — FUl«M young «wu, one Atud riun, all registered HahipdhlrM: - Stewart two drop shearing outfit,'oomplote; dipping vat, Smalley Imy chopper, and mUo- sheep NjulpraeM. Sell to. gelhor or- MMrattly.- Thousand Seringa-Farm. W;\V;Kellry. Phone jM-R-3, Wendrll.

for 8al6-SEED8 & >L&NTS

SAVE MONE? by buying bulk seeds thla yt ar. We have a full llnr Eberhort h Bums. 218 Main South. Phono SOKW.

FOR SALE-Tcfitcd Field. Gar- 4on-aod-Jlowi>r.»aads. DINCCL-^ SMITH SEED CO., Tel. No. 8, Twin Folls..Idaho.


WANTED—Good used four col- _.Tin cojih rejjlaler. and good u-ied counter scale;' Phone 107, Twin Fallu.

WANTED — Wheat. Barlry and Gate to ckiin and treat. DINCEL i SMITH SEED CO., Tel. No. 8, Twin Foils, Idaho.

WANTED TO m nr—Good smoll houee that con fo moved. Call at ,M7 Walnut, . .

7 0 S 8A12 OB TRADE

FOR SALE OR TRADE — 4 .jorn boua?, w6uld consider light truck. Phone CMJ.


urcK! I TitouciiiT wr.'D cio wry / Ctr 10 GOHr ROMAWTlC PlACC /



FOR SALE OR TRADE — * choice lota In Dlcket Addition, fcnced, fnj!t.lreeii,-would-conaldcf light truck. Phune &WU.



■FOR RENT;^>rumlflhed single apartment. Jn Boyd Block, steam heatcil, $33 per month. See Dr. Boyd. , .

apt. 3 room'o on'ground ,floor. 2 upstalra, private bath., for 330.00. Call 304 ath Ave. East . .

Pf>P. TtB>rP—T>.RAT. y.RTATg

FOB -RENT -;Spaco. now c pled by.BeckaUod Market, Inquire ut Armour Crcam'Statlon.............



___■ RowI«k)ivr „ S t'Twln;

I'CBAZr CJRYS- 'wur, .woy. .to

.. ...h>lts?d .The >r;:;-7S5xM(iIa;Xyc;

ffirsSiK-'MWtoivaSS;(rolrtut coiK, prlccd below regular

for.'(jUIcKfak-'Xenna t() , '« f f^ Jb lf t j iA r ty : .W ^ Post

' Oftfco; .'Twiai.PoJla.;,

■'.FOR ..SALB-^AnDther';carldad >q£; >£Unste''KalM'mino.~b.%u]k—:buyjv})At.yp')I.ne6d’a&d'l^S'.b{i^

tniitefbU yotr will 'he^, 'or 'U ^ want o p t^ tc r we-bave severelbn OUr'l|flt wbo will be glad to givs

. -you^~*;-price- -^ci' -youT'' work. MOON’C.^-:':.^-:

'• gQPfiE8 :^0R.BBNT.-. FOft RSN T —'fi.ro6m,furolah#d

.hpi)f|fc;Inliairp atl20UUi Bt. WMt..


-WlseM FUim fcad.'PriittiillMiol Office* of

-“ /V f'VITffta; 1 ,

: ■-Sgp>-^A1 B1H6

'■-DOM'T «niQW."3V^Y^ra{>SE • OwaJortAble ' abbc*.; Wo n?«Ke 'them. llk6';aBW,.'iU'prices ':^u oao. p fozT) ta T>iy. Tvm„7uU

'..Shoe itcpoirlng, 1S3 Sbosbooa .:, W«tvPboM'808.-- . ( . •

RELIXBLB SHOS-'SHOP FOR ,6Xp«rt- Jhoe repairing 'whUo’jpu :waIt.";N«at.jl« ' .w n i l , Ftult

. Stortf.-F'r^ MonMn, Prop.'.,;

.T O P ^O pT - ; WOBfeB

FOR fiAIiE ^WINbaHIELDA 'D ' Idoor gloss.’.Autoitoijis.'aad' qir*

. i^tala reP:^. covm-and; caavos


'DR- 'WinnAM .b: reyn^ s.,220. Sa.uUj',iriito fltjtet-

In the DUtrlct.Cfourt ot.lhe EIcv.- enth • Jndlclftl 'Dlatt;5ct'-, of /the Slate of Itlnlio; In and for Twin Falls County.'

NORTHWESTERN A N D P A C IJT IQ '■HyPOTHEEK. , HAlJKvlNorthweatemimd P(i- clflc^Mortgnge Coropany)’ a . corporation,' • . '•


B- F.'BLAYLOCK. - MAR- <3ARET,DLAYL0CK. hlawlfe, , a, H.-NIPPER anil- SYBIL E. • NIPPKR. b id wife, CRAVU- FO-RD' iiOORT3;, Trustee: TWIN FALLS CANAL COM­PANY;-ti'airponiUbnrroAHO POWER- -.COMPANY, n cnr-- pomtlon, ,• p ,

• .Defendants.

,Under..a(jd by''vlrtue/6f aniiOr* der'of-Sole, Issued,out of;tbo obove enUtled Court. Jn, the'above cntlU- ed actloo,' dated the.3Srd,day of ycbruiuy, 3034. .wherein the pJoln*. tifr'obtatncd'.'a decree ngalnat the dcfendtmta. on ■ the 23rd. day or F«bhmr)r,''ie34.-sold-decrco b i^ g recorded in Judsmeptbook Sixteen

iof 'Said Dialrict Court; I om'eom- manded to'sell all .that certaln lot, piece or parcel of.land.altuated to the Couniy.of Twin Falls, State of 7doh6, and bounded and dcacrib*

1 oa'follows, to-wlt!' Southwest Quarter of Norih- eaat-Quarter.(BWy, of NEvi) of Section, 'EfBht:.(8),.Town* ahip Ten- (10) South. Ronge Fifteen..,-(10J,-E..&.iL. alao 7.03-a6r*». ,:in the Northwest Quarter ,dt Mortbmt. Quarter <NW u,of NEW) of Section 8, Townanln.ip South..Ilange.lC,

IX)S AMSKI.C.SLOS ANCKLE3, Feb; 24 <l’ r i- j d a HO PALI^, Fob , 24

Blitter: Extra 25, prime flrsU 24, (Us d A) — Friilay: Upper vnllty alftndurds 24, under grndcs 23, l^nd Twin ' Falis-Buriey nectlon . Eggs’ Large, .unehiinged; extras ^ulk U, S,-I'h »onio.pointa-moot-17. up l: mtw]], unchiU}g.yJ. jy j i , Nome ffOe to 05c, U, S. l”-<»

.SAX.fWlSCO »'«uy »"=>»»■'SAN FRANCI.SCO, Feb, 24 (iUI)

—Uutti-r: 52 acore 25; D1 ncoru

l iv e s t o c k :

13!i: fmiul

• • 'CHICAGO - .CHICAGO. Pcb, 24 (llCI-EgKS

Firm; 10,233 cnsea: extra firiits iCi^c: frciih griiOM) flruts 10'.',c: dlrtleji 14c; current rccclpt.i 15c;cSccK-'nat e.--------------

Butter; Firm; 11,800 tuba; ntor- agc extras (02 Bcora) ZSV,c; «itor- „Vm.,„uago otundards (00) 23),ic: extra] ments U21. urrlvaM flnil« (DO-OIU) 24c to 24>4c: fih.U-(80-8CHf-23ctO-23t c:TiCC- onds- (60-67i^) 22>ic: cxtmii (02)23c: 'npccinla 26>4c to 20e: ntant!- ardfl 245;ei cent. 80 23'i;c: cent,88.22>,^c;.storage cent. S0-22J,iC.

- CHICAGO l.IVt iTXK'fC CIMCACO, K.-b, 21 il-,IV Hcic;i;

0,0011; iitnint: to Kta blj;liiT Hum Friday: 17» to 310 Ibx J4,r.O l<i $1,75; ti*;i J4,7:i: J3,r>» iinv.-n;

I lotii jiitclilnj: HOW.1 uruunti J4: tlii;irc<l lanl wci'U 2i-c to 20c

hifhcc on .•<!! rla-ifiM...................Call!--: 3D0; cnlvc.i 100; com-

purtd Friday lost w-i-tk. belter CHICAGO 1’OTATOE.S ' 'grodc yi'arlliiRii iinil llj;liL iitrcr#

CHICAGO, Feb. 24 HU’i-Potn-’ and .ill hi-avlcn hloa.ly; cum, mid-UM>»;-Supply—llberal;-ao_trAdlag_jncd.jyudi-.llghl !itrrr.'i and yciir-on account of cold weather: mar-, JlnK^ 25 ccnU iowor; inide uneven l!Cl notnlnaliy, unehangwl: flhlp- but clone on stceni fairly iictlvi-;

• ..................... .. truck largely ntccr run willi 1,100 lb.uvcra(,’efi higher in llbrmi supply,'

NEW yOUK 1‘OTATOK.SNEW YORlv, Feb. 24 ilUil—Po­

tatoes: Firm: I»ng Inland J1.50- J2,00 bbl-: sbuUiern 53-J3-2.’5 bbl.: MiLlnc Jl.40-J4.25 bbl.; Idaho 52.00-J2.05 uftck: Bermuda Sfi.50- J7 bbl.: Canada J2.10-J2.20 bbl.



MARCH l-OTATOES (Fumlflhed by Sudler, Wegener

—.......... and company)Idahii-RUMCta: March delivery;

J2.00 April $2.25. . ■


: pohit hU;hcr. Solcfl,'

. WOOL BOSTON. Fob. 24 il.'.l:) Wool

•bualjjc.na hun bten umuuftlly light flo far this month while , the . de- ninhd In January wn« abnorm­ally large. Small lol.n of, mi^lmn combing and carding wools are oelling at ntcndy prlcen. Throe- elghtha.- blood Ohio fleecen havesold at 43 Cfntn. grease, and MUUltVY SKNTENCED quortcrblood of the sajne general b q is e , Feb. 24 dl.rj Harry type ut 41 centa. Bright and a.rml- Murray, fonner Botie detective bright :quarterblood, fleeces iwve, sentenced tbrought 30-30 cents. Three-eightlw yeara late ye.itcrday

med, J7: 1421 lU, aver.igcn JG.25; bulk heavy slccrii jr> ta J5.7.5; med, light sl.-crn J. .25 down tt 54.75; ntocUurs arid fecdtr/r 25c lipT CO-s 25 eenU luwcr; bullu 15c to 25c higher: veulerii 25 ccnUi higher.

Sheep: 3,000; compared Friday Bl weelt, fat Jambu abfiut

l-iiCeadyi'Blicep'25 Ccntji or moro;Co^rn:

. Ahiiilui Jiin< --------- Ia III<-<! C!i>-iiilcal . . .

CHICAGO, Feb. 21 (nn—I-ur-lAmi-rlciuj Can tlicr Improvemept Id . 'tin- .souili-; American. .Smi-llliii: wi'iitern crop sUimtlon broiii:!it; American Trlrphimc lidling Into the wheat jilt on tlic-, Amrrlciiti Tobacro !I iKiiinl of trade twlny ami, In njilir | AiiaccnilH Copp-T of sporadic rallle:i, the iimrld't i Alcliiimn. Top-ka Sju cloBod fractionally lower. Dirn | Atianlic Ri-finUlg w;ijc In'dc'PcHdcnlly .■itcinly, Oat-i Aubui'ii Mi'>tnr;i'.

' l'l;iltlniorc * niilo

I l.y

.•aiitnl.At the clone wlicnt

cent itiwer, corr

• YORK. Feb. ZA Ute in automuhlle Sharca today ■lbc"'jitocIt' nmrlict lower'

period of flmines.i fea- n rl.K; in nvlntinn .iMUen.

WaH ;imall.1 M<itnrfl In-it a full point

- I’ricc-d group nnd auto accessory “ , iiliai'cii were down with the motor i'>;mup, SliTlH. with tile exceptivn

GRAIN TAHIJ-: CHICAGO. Fcl)."2l ir.ln-Cr;

ningc:U-h.'uf': 0[i

May .... S'July ...'...81 Sept....... 8'

'ili-Millx Avlntlon:l!rthl<-!lcm strol .................. 'Horclcn Cn...............................J.-I.- Cnfle-CO.-v;.:-— --TT.'■Chi.. Mil,, St. Paul * I’aclfio r,ii 1 Vorif Central wM a weokChO'»l'T Corp......................... 5ijit feature In an e.wler railroadCocii - Coin 107I,S ; group.CommcTcial .Soli-rn'- .....................

HIkI. ni.-o- Comm-4- Southern

olclnn J0,50 to J9-7.'5: pmcticnl top ’opt......, 54->; r.rJ0.85: bulk J0.35 to J0.75; top

Sept. ... .TI‘i 34'Rye

blood-territory combing, wooi.i 80*B3 cento, clean, and quarter* blood . 72-74 cents. Territory, fine combing, graded, ntrletly staple Is 8C-80 centjwand half 8.1>SG centn, Ohio Delaine In 35-37 centii and half.blood SC-37 , cents.


•‘COTTON CUTIF.S" SHOW ■EDEN. Feb. 24 (Special)—Edcn

GlrrRcftcrvea will pre.*icnt “ "Cotton Ciitlea Lady Mlj>.itfe!.- u Negro mammy ahow. March 1) In

--- — — —— —— the Edcn high achool auditorium.TIJ.IES WANT ADS GET RE-f Thlrtyone •'niammlc.V will t:ike

SULT3. part.

J7.00 to'$8: fat w(iol«l ewes J3.50 lo'S5.M: top J3.C5; fty^llng lambn atuent

Mny . July . Sept.

Iktriry:May , July ..

..C01A 03

H7L- [CoiilinrnUil Oil of O.-lawixi 8(lt/. H5\ 85% Com Produnf.»7v’ xCj" hj;-- Dti Pont lie Isumiiuni .......»■’<. hOU KfHlal. ......

►(!.. r,|.. KK'Clrlc AuUi Lit.' ............l-'o;? Klecti-ic-PuWer i- L!i;ht ...

HI-' M tl ...........................•M-,-. f’ S^cirnenil Klectric ...............1J3' li- iGenenil Ko<rda ...................

nj-!Grnerul Motor.n ..................i li i ' aJ; :Co<Hjyi-ar Tiro .....................•>-' ■” .ii j Jiit,eriJ.'itional Hnrvrjitrr .....roT rnv I Telephone .co.t

-47U 471c,

OSL^H.V UWViTOCK OMAHA. Feb. 24 Ui.W — Hogn;

3,000; market sleady-ntrong: top ,S4.40: bulk J4.25 to J4,35.

Cattle: 125; market for-jveek 'uneven moolly nteady-lower: bulk»4.00 to JO: heifera J4,25 to S5.25: o ..i.venl to^ -.SO nlockcro and feederfl

’ y » “4 “ > o r th= ««1., ..m M 'strong, h\lil 25c-to 50c higher; ^ '‘ n'‘ ............... ...............................aged slieip and feeders-steady: in v t ’ -iHadlo Corp.CloHlng bulle prices, fed wooled . Radio Keith Orpb.Inmba J0.25 to JB.GO, cloning top Reynolda Tobacco BJO.GO:;f«l C!lpp«l Iambs.J7.25 10^ ° ^ * ^ . ^-liito 35c. Safeway Stores Sa:'ch0lce held up-W j8:00: gw>d| 5^®- find choice cwca *4 {o 15,45. week

Johnn Manvflle ..Kcnnecott Copper..........

'Locw'n Inc.................... ..

" i i l K ' S ' ’ :'"'.:::::■'“ •-iNatlonnLOulry PhkIucI.-i

I New York Central ........Packard Motorn ...........I'arumount Puhllx ........Ptnna U. R ......................J, C. Pennry Co...............Pure Oil .

. ENaEAWSO'WEDDINO. ANNOUNCEMENTS •. and .cAlUnff,. cordo .engraved or - p r in ts Mainy'coirecl Btylej-to

: .ohooso from. .Call i t the Kvo--■ - ••nlM Tlni<i .& ,^ .2 5 0 Hoin■ . Atb.'.Bm L Tclepboao-JS. ' ,

^csVyiiag at Appoint, on JJie South w lit^ edge of Low Lino Canal, which, point-.bears North' UO. tM . .'from,.South- west cortier of'the NW%- of- NB34 ,of ■ Section' 8; Townnhlp

iz:iO;0hn\b;:'JUpp!'X(f:SrBrlAr.-z rvaiuaie tlMtee Nohh'SS Dtg.

~iO7'EiUi.~0Wrrp:«»uiee-Norui— .82 0cfr.-20’, East 00 ft., thence South ?e Peg, iS'^Xosl u l.fL .' IhcncoxSoutb BB'Dec O' East

•JOO. fL, thence Sbuth M Dcg. •30' Eiiot 110 ft.-.'t£enoe.WMC*' crly-along south-,lino of said NWi 6f-NEii .of.SecUonvS.x Townablp. Ifr fiotith.-Riage 4 3. •

f4r,lrrlgatioa-or otherwbe-ln ConniSctTon’lb^rewlth. together .wtth-all Blul'i;logular,lbo priv­ileged' 'tcncRiecU, ' hcrcdlto- m cn 'ts a'nd-appurteniuices ■thereuntobel longing.br,ln-any- wteo oppertoInJng;.PUBUC NOTJCH IS HEREBY

OIVEK: Thaten tha 19th day of Karch.1034. at.- lhc,hMir'of.3:00 o'clock P. M.'^MountAln'iTlnifl) o£ oald doy, at the east,front door of the Court Ilimaa'of'the.County of Twin FftUt. SUU of idoho. I..wlll, In'obedlence^tixsaUl Order of:^ale, flcll''tlio':abovta/d«sorlbed property to-nati^ 'pl*lnUfrs. decree . with Interest tbrrcoh,' toother w l^ all coala lhat;iiivfraecru»d or may ac* erne.- to the’highest,bidder for cash, lawful money of,the-United Sloten.

DATED'ati-Tft1n:FiUs.. Idaho,' this 2«th doy bfFebniaty, 1034.

• ; E..F. PRATEa . Sheriff, ,Twla Falla County, Idaho.';

; HORIZONTAL i 1 Woni'n

fanou in > ' popular s^rL

13 To deprlTe. 14Took'r6tuje. 1C Bona.'17 An oak. ISPoradiig.

-lOTo eubslsU, ■20‘In4 lan. • , . 22 Finale, n Assam

allkworm.25 Threefold. !7BoutheMt.- 'in n 'w hat sport

Answer to PreTlooF Phn lo*

2 Either..

IJConnicU ISUnsWe to per-

celre sounds. 210od o( lore. - 24 Drove.20 MIddaj-.SO Yellowlah gray 32 Drinking cups. 34 Wheel pad. ,30nolln of - tobacco.3SKlnd o( sheep. <0 Monetary unit

of Italy.41 Cantaloupes. 43riull) flower.45 HeaP'Ol

■19-UrM crueint. f llFlsh- , CJHelmnman, 13 To cluilty.JE Nortbewt >7 Part o( Verb

55 Upper human • limb.

E6 Coat of wall.


5 Lays a^b lh . C Removed


-4IIDli(lnctlve . Uieory.47 Southeast.4S Citrus

'frull. - :.WJe.-!».dcJfictoil.

-llTbtnl-tioto.- <2 Fishing, bag. J4 Sho Js — ,t - natlbnallly.

48 Limb.15 Tb* "

_CO.Slio_was_llic.. •wdmen's

— .several. times (pi.).

v e h t ic a ij

ICourt’foOl. ■

S Poiieised.9 NlRlit before.

lOReroklns.11 Half an em.12 Weak.

-&4-X,------ —'CS Black blrd .oC

:ihe cuckoo'fnmllr.South Carotins

5) Above.

i . 3* i- t -




5 ^.^ ^ 1 6

■ W-

is J} B h b

i 84..'

" r

4i .

•h ■il

s .^ i ■■■


55^. d


t'op '$5.C0| jfood and choice feed. !ng lam'bs J8.40 to J8.00; mixed fat and feeders up to J0,25.

•- l'rtEN\TIt 'UVESTOCK DE:NVER„ Colo,. Feb. 24 [lT,i:)—

Llvo.4toeU:: Cattld: 123! ateady: beef nleers $3 to JG; cowfl ohd heifers J2 to JS.25; colvos J3 to J7.50; feeders and ntoCkera'JS lo '55.75; bulls J2 to 42.75,

Hogs: 1,000: steady; top J4.50' bulk K .28'to JR| packing fwawn *2.75 to J3,25:,plgn J2.25 to J2.50.

Sheep: 11,500; no early sales.

Barley: 43c lo 43e to 80c.

Clover seed: $11 to J14. Timothy: J7.23 to J7.50.

Ecal Estate Transfers

tioii to mon- than a point gen-• - 1 [rmll>“r-Ulllitir!*-i>)ifned- voiiy-ajid----

re colitlliui;il to decline,

• -SILVKlt rUTi;KE.SYORIf. Fell. '24 fl'W-Sll-

• -8 v<T,futuri'B cloiiisl JO.to 36,polntfl^••• lower. Saira were 318 Jots. Feb.- I4'» ; 40,42. Mnrcli 4fl.42-.'45. April 40.70.' '

. • -’I'.i.M ay <(;,!»4.47,00. June 47.1S, July• -H'i 47.:i7. Aug. 47,5.5, Sept. 47.08, OcC •• -"SH I4H.0.5. Niiv, 4S,30, Due. 48,50..Jan.

, ______

- BAU HILVER n e w YORK. Feb. 24 O .i—

Handy ntid Harmnn quote bar• i/illvcr (prr ounce): New York

ccnUi, off U cent. U. S.•• -8'.4i treasury prlcc for newly mined .- ^;'Ji'mpUU C4'i ccnt^. London 20 0-10- -j!;;'!'I pence, off 1-10 penny.

• nKNVEIt METAL- I DENVER. Colo., Feb. 24 (I'.i:»~- Silver 4C^,e; Icml J4.

' nn-f-"— ----- :—4or: i I Local Markets

Scars Roebuck ........S/ie!l Union Oil ...........Simmonn Co.................Socony Vacuum ....Southern Pnclfic .........SUndonl Brands.........Standard Oil of Calif, .

•■’ “ 2 Tho-following market quato-- i* ; , .‘Oana arc corrected daJJy by Ch<- •’■[Idaho Evening Time* ond ropre*

i„ ,, laent the overage prlcefl paW. o:*- -“Lfjcording to OiQ best aviflabla In^

formation. The prlcf* are subject, I to change without notice 'by.-the '

late lop <1,60 -bn beat drlveUin; mixed kjndfl J4.50 down; packing BowB-'JS.W down.

CatUe; For Week, recelptJi I778-, best, cattle steady . to. allghtly

Information Fiimishrd by Intermountoln Title Quarsnty

Com pony,

U-EDNF^JDAY, FEB. 21 Deed: J. W, Adam to W. 0. Mc-

lUbben, $1 SE 32 10 H.Deed: Blanche P. McKlliben lo

E. E. Dell. JIO SE 32 10 14,Doed: E. K. Doll to F. L. Sumner

$10 SE 31 10 14.. Lease: lilorgiirct W. Moore to C. .,;^viaaoiU>iw.vWr^N£:sw-n-i'

load extra quality Utnh heifers ISr-topWor'seoson~load-S30-ib.-Utah and part load; Idahos J4.B0;.... ....... ,racd. nod .good' local’ ateera and 110 11 18. heifers M,N)-54;C0; med. and good cowa J2.2S-J2,8S; common J2'J223; lower grades J1.75 down; bulls J2-J2.80: few Iota vealera J8-J4.50.’ - ’

Sheep: For week, receipts S30t soles limited to drlveinn ateady at J6.C047,M> on med, to choice lambs. ■ ,

Deed: E. F. Proter, sheriff lo E. L. Patrick. Exec. J3.800, lot B Lov- ering'.s Sub., lots 1, 2, 3, block 88 Twin Falls. .. Deed: Jacob Schiiak to - Ivote Dutt. lot 0,'block 18. Filer, J30.


Te.Toa Corp,Tmns • America ..... .......Union Carbide i C.arlx)nUnion Pacific..................United A ircraft..............United CoiU. S, Steel, common .....Warner Bros, ................We.^tom Union................We.illnghoU!ie'Elpcljlc ...F. W. Woolworth Co......

N. V. CURB FACHANOErfli-nn anpgr.l>AU,fir_

ClUcs Service, common .. Electric Bond ic Share ,Ford Motor Ltd.............Swift A Co.

~! :'i‘ !ed to watch the notional i^rkeU " , i , ; !wlth . which theoe’local ■jnarketi •.^rf'^ilwlll riao and fall.

l/h lt^ Founders .,

fin. part 32 10 37.— DL-cd;"jrNrJemicn't61Inlli(j'T3; ■ Jansen. J15.383 NENE 0. NWNW


(USDA)—Hogs: Compared week ogo, 15c higher; packbg aowa only steady; top llghtwelghtn $3.10: bulk 105 to 210 lb, wcigbtn 55; few. J4.85 and down: 225 ,to 300 lba,.$4,25 to'J4,75i light llgbld mostly J4,2S to $4,S0; few upmml lo ,S 5 ; packing'90WB j3 iB / jj 43.S0; feeders J4; few upwaixls lo ,5430..I CatUc: Oompared WMk - ogo, mnrljel . 2£c higher; lop , nicer* •J0.10: two loads of 880 lb. 55.00; lajlk grain fed stecrn 55 to 5.1.70; plainer kinds 54.70.down to 54; heifers 54 to 53: com. loU down to 53; beef cdwa $5 to 54.1S; low cutters ohd cutters,' 51.70 to 'S2.23; bulls 52JS0 to 53:j0; med.■ to vcalera 55-to,57.t cholcc

TIIUI1.5DAY. FEB. 22 Lcanc: Twin Falla SecurlUe.n Co.,

lo A. Schneider N\iSW 2 10 10, Deed: W. D. Lowry to A. JIndaen

et al 51. lot 10. block lOl, Buhl, LeuAe: J. O. Eaatman, rcc„ lo R

Durk. 50GO Wi^SE 23 10 18.

RUNS U^'EIiy STABLE , BUHL. Ida. (UTi — Return of borSM In Idalio farming hns mode oporoUoa -of‘a livery otablo more profitable than a barber shop. Bud 'McDowell, barber, ^ la lne ,l. He 'recently closed his shop an'l took up tho art of wielding a ' ry tomb Instead of a razor..

"McGuffey'irRcadera" havo been In-use in Ameriean schooln since 1830,

fr^tlcs Vp to 57.50; (2iji)tab)c to 58 at close.• Sheep: Compared week ago. steady lo strong; top wooled lambs 58.251 few 57,70 to 58; com. to 'mcO. kinds JG to 57.50; jtged clasaes scarce; .med. ycar- llng« 55 to 5B.M; reed,' ewea 53; choice quotable to $4 ond obovj.

INVESTMENT T RU STS'" _(Fn™j«h«l_ by_aud(er,_iyfgencr

'and compan>0/■una. inv. ......................... J2,<0Fund. Truut, A .

Pittsburgh Trade Area Called Huge

' PITTSBUnaU, <ILE>-The Pitts­burgh "tnidlng oreo"—ewbraclng terrltorywllhln a lOO-niile tadlua of the city — hon .a .-population greater tlmn the cbmblncd popula* tion of 10 alntea and the Dlatrlct of Columbia.

The -Chamtxrr of Commerce re­cently released itatlstics placing tho population at 3.505,484—more than that of Maine, New Hamp* jihire. Vermont. Rhode lafand. North- Dakota. South Dakota, Del­aware. Montana. Idoho. Nevnila and the DLitrlct of Columbia. Tho area Includca parts of Pennayl- canlo. Weal Virginia, Ohio and/jO-land.

IflROKB -LEO DANCING NEVf HAVEN. Conn. <lli:i.- An

Intricato'-dance step landed John I-. Bowe.Tr., In a hnspltol. ^VhDe ahowing fJcndo how to execute 0 ncv.' movement he fell and broke ma leg." t ' ' • .

f I MUl r««d!‘ iBmn, 100 lb s .________‘ iBnin. 500 Iba. ____ _

U, S. G. N.'No. 2 ____52.00-?2a0v—Markot-waak ‘ ---- —No. 1 Small Reda U ._ : jl j» .t t0 0-- 2 Small Ee<ls --- J1.80-51.M

, .•. PoBltry Colored hens. 4 ^ to 0 ^ lb«. - 8CLlg1>t hena.'-- — ---- -— _ ScLegtiora heni ..J.— ......

..2a-Old cocko____Seeds ' I

Red clover, per cwt ;____ *-*10-78 . ' 'Common-alfalfa,-per cwt.-_5lb-80 .

'ittiaactii' ond Rurala: Too' little •' trading to estoblUh market.. , , ,

Vrodoes -: :Bulterfat _..:.....'..:.:-;.‘-._u__l21o - Eggs, , extra .i;.;-:.;--------'.10c '

Eggs.. mediumEgga. No. 2 J.- :.— :------ l-Oc

' UvWtOCk' . ,Choice light butehcn,- IW io

-210 poundera _____ ___-'~5*.00 '.Overweight bulcheit. 210 t o >

2!iO pounders \Overweight butcher* 280 b : ; - ' •;

300 pouadera y. ..:-.:—1 . « 53.PO.

Page 6: ROVAL C^JAD’AH ftnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/P… · No “Personal Bcrnark” Was UUflred. 'wAaHINGTON, Feb. 24 Hf.H)— Postroiifltor GoncmJ

mAHn EVRNTNr, m rK s, totn pai.i .s, mAHO, "'SaiWttiy.-FtlirililrT-i<- 18:H

Societyand Club News F|i[ R||[S AR[, A t THE CHURCHES-G tASS M EM BEKS- i-. ~ Calendar

EN JO Y MEETING i - AT CU RRY HOME; j ir ' i , .? '?

•■Mr. nnd Mni. fl. K. Joalln • nliT- Ulned m'vmbtra • nf tlir class or the McCbi>llni ]:pimr<>p;il cUurch ut Ujclr homu ni Currv liini evfnlntr- Sco^ Kll.tworlh wu«

■ elecUil prc«l<l'nt for tin- comln): ycAr, w. JL CliUac. »’/cc Mw. H. n . Crow, nrcrt-lury iiivl Mrs. Blnrchc Wlilrnrr. h„cIii1 p«l«ry.-•Gufdtfl plnycd iil ntin: tiU)lc!i of progrcMive K^mrs nftor tin- biiiil-

... fieaa mcctloL'. Mm. Aivii picii.'ti, Mm. Filsrcralil «nd ' r.iiy-Tir.-w! Gravcfl rccclvt'J hljjli in:oriii Mrn. Georcc Mci lTa\’erInn(l Inw nc

--- WiK-Plctur!:B,.s>rthJi WuiihlnRton, polnU fp i i t u r o i l .til,. ji

---Ihcme..Mr. nnd Mrn, Chujic mid 1

Mrn. Crow wrro ii;;!ilNtnnl nnil Helped Mm, Ju.'iUti in rcfrcshmffiil.T to thr <r> i;in'

l>KO(iICAM Ii()N'(MLS “n v O OltEAT i'ICKSU)F..NT.S

' Honorlnt' tlip rrcom lilrlhd.i.v anWverrjirlc.'i of boili Lincoln iin'j Waahlnglon the jiro^'ram for D«n McCoolc 'CirclP. Lailifd of llio GrajKt Army 'of lliy llcpiibltc, tum«l on ft pjilriotlc theme yoM-

. lertloy tirtcrnoon. llrs. E. G. Bracftcn wa.i ho.itM* to tli>- croup at her home on 3tionhonc iitrcci north. Mrs. Joseph l3lako. Mrs. Flora Bntcfl itnil Mm. li,-lrn At> wood wrre uubU/iK • 'Mr*. Ida Swi'ct, IciukT. Intr.) duccd tlic followlni; pix>t;rani: Mia tory of the ••SUir apunKltsl Itm ncT," Mrs. ncrth.a Clyde; irniiij

of tbi' number; naiutc :i the flafr; Lool’/I i ’rnyrr, U-d Mni. Uatps, chnplaln; 'nvciity- third I’anlm, favorite ncrlpturr ui bolh-pre.-iidfntfl,- Mrii. IJliili.';- I.ln- coln'a . favorite sonK.Shepherd," Mb.i HftMl Swert; hia favorite poem, "MorUlity," Mr« J . L. fJrcene; home nnd oarly lift

- of WnflhlnRton, Mrn. ICiitellc KuL ier; floral trfbutc coijt/uclrd by Mrs. J. W. Moon ' 'Mrs. Bate.i. ntul irroup nlncln},' of ■'America."

' ,Mnt. McKlIl unJ Mni.JCInppin- bur(; were Ruenl.i. UefreshmcnlJi were served.


Mrs. E, J. Malone puvo a com. prcheneive and Intrrcatlnfr dc. ocrlpUoa of the work of womv.n

___.uniler_th6. CWA. a^thc mccUnj: .)f, . Lcnd-a-HonfTciriTj riC~wlilch“ Iiriji.

C. C. Bell waa hoslenn yesterday —_ aftxirooon. AnoUicr.feature of the

day wn« the birthday cnlio served during the refreohmcnt hour In

" Tinnor MLw MorUiti.-Tumcr, w in cut aud .icrviTl it.

Mni. W. C. Ilulbcrt R.ive the Federation report, and Mm. C. T.

■ ■ tlampton-reported-the Bale twn nulltji. Mrs. Malone. Mrn. Kenneth Dougln.\ Mr*. ChcntPr I.Mra. E. D. Kdmuni Fom Proctor. Hn f:neiiUi of the 3:

Twin Foils Members Vote on

Resolution Condemning

Transport Shift

A re/uilullon oppnninB a pro. P<i!illlrm to place cill trunnporlatlon fnciliiirs iii the hanUa 'of the Inter- Hlntc commerce cominlwilon was pwai^l by ihn Twin Kalla Orange, which met In rcjrular jicaalon at the Odd I'ollowB hall last i-vcnlnK-

.Mni. C. K. McClain waa i-loctnl Hililc-1 f*run(;e chaplain Ui fill the vacancy

|c.iused.ljv the rriilBHiUlon of Mni.lfj I^wr/i Mbfi'. who in moving' li California. Mr». 13. .1. Malnne pr..-

t of.


Ix-lialf of'tlifr ir.inlzatlon.

H. G. Hiiycn of the May.-;, radc hatchery i;uve im Inntrucl lit un poultry production control, r. nnd Mrn. Oliver Johniion, urtnu(;h. and Mr. iind Mr:i. Cliar.

f’rj'or, /Jan.ten Gc.inr.t. «'crc vinltora, Jolmuon tallied on appor­tionment of nchool Uixea iin<! I'ry- 01- HI--.0 i;avc a talk.

W. J.;. WocKln prei.ent(Hl Mr. nnd Mra. Johnson, whone home wan re- ccnily ilentroycd by fire, with two inillln maJe by membera of the Twin FaUn Grunj:e. llcfrciibmcnt.i


Services Planned For Mrs. Madding

nd tnday nil fiervlcen Mra. Anna . of T. I early Ihb

ipilrUncnl. Hhe

u arranjcloK pay tribute t

Afiulclln/:,AJfldiUn;:. vvjio ,

iiiirnliitr nti:id been 111 lor » wceK.Mr.i. Mnddlnff In nurvlvcd by her

lur.bancl. thr^c dnuirhtera. Myrtle. J'.ilnjdc‘ iind .Ruth; a brother, John lln.-nnunaen. Twin Falla, and

— , , 11 a niBliT, Gertrude Ua-'anuB-ien,S u b u r b a n L . n u r c n e 6 11 D. nmarl(, Sh<- wnn n member of

*|lh<- Mrthodiat church.


HANSKN, Feb. 2* (Special) — Tiilby cvanKelhtle nlnccni are rc.it- in,; ihln week with r.ilntlvea after ho|.lln[; a two weekn old-time re- vlviil nt the NS’oodman hall. They will iH- in Twin Fallii at the United Brethern church h o ih Sunday mtimlni; anil cvenlnfr. From Ihere they will on to fill numeroua oUitr cntfairemenUi.

and Mm .

will cntei'-

TWIN KA1.I.S s t iii)i :n t .s TAKEN nV FUATKKMTtKS

Sororltle.i and fratomitlen at the Unlvernity of Idahn, Mojicow. hiivc reecnUy nnnounced llic Ini­tiation of ncvcral Twin Fiilln ntu-

•Henbi. MlMcn Vivian Ilm l, Helen E.'V/llnon and ftulh Mailer have been Initiated Into Drli;i Gamma sorority, Sljnm* Alplm Kpsllon announeen the Initiation of Stew- drt Brown and Vern Saclcett- MLv: Chorlottc Ahlqulat. Huhl. han been

■ Initiated Into Alpha Phi mroilty, • *nd Iloy ,I-lncoln. Filer. Into Sln- fni.AJpifO Bp»IIon.

ITCTES niUTHDAV .OK S.MALI. n A tlO im jll

Mm. CeorRc It, Johnr^in enter­tained In honor of the fourth blrtli- <lay of her daughter, Shirley Jnm- Johnnoh. late this week. Three

•nmiUl Klrl.i. Mnrjoric HID. Vcrln ■peUoiat and Betty Louise Thomnn. were jruonti. Rcfrenhmentn an<l appolntmcnt.i were nppmprlato t^ the Wftflhlni;lon'n birlh<l(iy Henjion.

XWEI-FTJI nm rn n A Y iNSi’iiiirs rm iErfVTATixy;

IP the twelfth birihday of URhtrr, MLi;< Kthel Me-

Cleao’. Mr. and Mra. Finnk Me- CJrflJ>' cnJerlnlncd at iin uttrnctive - • ;loclc.dlimcr.thln weelt nt thrlr hDrno on Jvffemun

pueiit.-i nt n table cleverly np|X)lnl- c:.l ’for WnBhlnKton’ii blrtlKjny. A huRo birthdny cnke, flaniied on

lidp by llchted topcM, i;cn-- :cnterplece. Miiia McCle.iry

recclvrd a number of attriictlve fCieur. I'rt.rcr (flnttcnf at ilir t w

tjnmen were Mm. Vera Ml:m I^rralne TIffiiny nnd

verly Woolry.


M<-ml«T!i of the Womrn'n Cbrliit- lan.Tempc-rance Union l;t)norr<l the 'iiundiT, Frances Wlllnnl, nt a me- lo'rlal pix)j:rani ye;itiTd;iy. Mra. 'red Grieve eniertiiin(r<l the i;roup t her home on Fifth avenue north.

Mni.' F. S. Bell. pi'OKr.mi Ii-ader.lid the early life of MIili Willard

nnd Dr. Friincen Honk dem-ribed !. nn n temnernnce leailer.

Mr.n. I. G. GooddlnR phiyed a piano )lo, Mr». Jnmra, Throeltmorlrn .-1 IJjj. devollunnlji. Mrn. J. C. orterfleld pR’nlded c uiilnean m'.i.'il<in, di; immlttec made thelr

c:a m i ' r m s Giitt-sWOKK ON 1IANI)I*..1

m-O-Chlelc i;r<

lUIML, Feb. ?A (SpecinD—Adult eotitiell of 111." V. W. C. A. i<p<mn- ored a benefit c;ird parly Tnendr.y evcnlnc nt the I. O. 6. Fr hall. Tvvc/ily-oBi? ijibli-.'i wrrr In pliiy. Prlr.e.'i were donate,! by the follow- lilir l)iiiilne;i.'i bc)iwe.-<; Idnlio Groc­ery, Uiihl llnrdware eorM(«iiiy."'na“

the: .M.-rrick Mai

Buhl That•Inj: Dnijc

nmii', iriiiuen uuii' alcire. Hiinyon Gn>eeiy, O. f . Skaujcii. Safeway, .1. C. i'enmy eiinipany, Kinj:'n Va­riety aton; and City HuUery. The p.-irty netCe-J the council which will be uav<i t'> coniluct the ;;enrral ImHlnc.'i-i in the Girl lle- iierve work. -

Evei-ywoman’s Club Givc.s Annual Tea

CASTI.P.F01U}. Feb. H fSpe- cial)-The annual nllvrr tea civen l)v i:ver>-v>.’oman'n club wnh he‘ ' Tlunnday nfiemoon at the home c Mr. . l..'e Shnver. with Mrn. 11, O. McCall un;datin(j. A liualneas i .•:i(ill v.'an conducted by the Hr


ThIM Avenue F^xit ■ A. \V.' Rnrbciatr pnHtor-

....... ' ■ :hool.11:00 1 -Mot r.nhlp

! F. a Wnlktr of Filer will

charRC of C. 1!. GreI.ter. Fllei “ ;30 Weilne.idiiy evening—I’i'ay-

er mcetlnc. We welcome »«lh frli-n(bi and atmnirer.i nt thene

roiut-SQirAKK GO.srivi. Fifth avenue ejat nml Third

fitreet, TWlti Knll.t (Old IJaptuit Church at Filer) Itev. How.ird and Myrtle Muy;

11.' -Sund.iy iichool i A. A. Walker, nupt

Flowei* Lovers Club Has Patriotic- Hour

BUHU L'tlj.?USpeclal)-Flov/. • Lovera club met W'cdneiiday af- rnoon at the home of Mni. George

nickelhftut. with her daujrhter •!i. Earl McCrnw. niwlntlnR-. Thlr- •n membera nn.iwered roll call d voted durlnj; the bunlnew •elin>: for the new offlcera. whc > Mrn. Luther Ilowunl, prcaident, d Mra. F. E- SouUiwlck, necrc

tarj-trcanurer. >A clevtr patriotic profirnm hon.

jrlnjr Lincoln nnd \S’niihlnj;ton war enjoyed. Mrs. Howard told a num­ber of incldcnln nnd Important hb'

eventJi during WashlnfTton'f and Mra. Southwlck jjave ii

rcaJin .-. Mrs. A. D. TiobcrLi JeJ in the flair Mlute. The hont> conducted a clever' content Waahlni'ton nml Lincoln cut-outi. Hi;;h prize wa.i rccclved by Hay Brown. *

Resolved: That Uit Platt amend­ment wnn and In undealrnble, l« the nubject of a Mrtts of debatea between members of the debate club under .the .aponaorahip of LewlB I’. Jom-o. 'Jioc'ial atudlea teftcher. Two- debatea of the serlefl were held this week. Uc- aultn were: - . -

Viuraduy, Ho!ico« DyUvmaa juii) Uorria Fmpey. ufflrmnHve. lont to Arthur Valllon und Robert Dou('- Ian, ni-tfuUve. . M. C. Uallnnscr. high nchool debater, B.ive the de­cision, In Tuojiday'fl debate. Mar­jorie June Haplln and Theora Belle Bumn, tiffirmatlve. won

Edward'Bertie and IxflnarU T'irMa. nerntlNV. ' Tracy Gipson., hijjh nchool . Oobater,Judce, Milner Dunn '- —' tary; '•


wtat un t il Iabated both iiiilts


JEROME, Feb. 24 (Spedal) — ,

Funeral acn’t^ea for Flora Pearl

Culnn. 3L who died at her home In • Canyonaitle yentcrduy momlng;. arc

lobe held at 2 p, m. Sunday at Uw

Methodist church. Rev. J. S. Ken- 'dall will oaidate.......................... •

Mrn. Gulnn’n death followed an lllnesn of acveral yearn. She la nurvlvcd by her huaband, CharltB Culnn and her dnu/rhter, Trixie. • Six alatem. Mrn. Maude Bullen. . Mnt. Eva Gibson, Mm. Anna Frei- . hour nnd Minn Mary Ruiuwll. all of Jerome. Mrs. Ruth Sutherland and Mr.i. Pfittrrlfl, Greenville.Ti-nn„ alno nurvlve. aa do five

ucU— Mart.:___

High School News

Girl Beocrve clubii presented a Wnahlnclon. u-uu'mbly ycntcrday ut 1 p. ni. Kathryn Goff, president cf J.O.y.. Introduced Supt W. B. Smith, who apiboily al-out \vftahln(;lon.

The puppet nroup, under the tlirecUon of Mina Alma Canion ■M. rrave a playluL and clfht of Mi,H. H. W. Mcrrltt’n danelnn cinM, Hccompanled by Mrn. Ray­mond Graven, prenented ii minuet, iKith In keoplnfr wUh the Wa.iU,-

{■in era. Fiorlan Hunt, nicmbfr J.O.Y.. pUiy<-<} Jivo flelccUon« her accordion und Minnie Mne

I’ryor. Blue Trl.inKie member, tad '-Trll-Talo Uenrt” by Edfjar ■lien Poe.An exhibition wait?, wpii' given

by the Folk Danclnc proup. ac­companied by Jeiiale Rlcka, piano, ind l.,^Nora Fulton, vocal. In mili­tary coaliuno the 0, R, glrlfl «f le chorua claiuT, winj; u novelty luslcftl number, -aecompanlcd by

Helen Slack, Apiea Davla anil MarRUfrlte Recil, drca-ied In cold

Riuaell and W 1111ft m Ru. iell, Cirecnvlile. Ralph and.G. D. Run- . sell, Jcrume. • .

Interment will be In Jerome , ^metcry under direction of L'Her- vin undertaklnjT parlom.

Hann ServicesnUHL. Feb. 24 (Special)—Rev.

Ccorce Barton will prealdc' at ' il nervlcen to be held at 4:16 ’, ...... tomorrow at the Baptist .church for Lealey Hann, oon of , Mr. and Mra. Claude Hunn, who

to tlic atuiienilillcd here Thursday. Interment l«I_fl,. r7..1.f m A

unlfor „ tap, <lance<l . Unnplaying the accompaniment

Kendcl Cliancu. yell kinp. took mrgfl of the pep aofiembly. to

nroujie cnthu.alaam for the Good Inff-Twjn FnJI.'J fouir. The scmbly waa {UKnUnsed after al ■ ijf Vamlty.

) be fn the CuhJ cemetery.


S W lNliOW 0LAH8Urlni: your aaah In anil imve the hruken i;lui.i replaced l>e- fur,i cold MVcuther Huts In. No ehnriio for labor aettlngr Elass.


WANTEDAll local find out of stat43 Building and Loan Oertificatcs,

UnliBted Stocks and Bonds ‘ ,■

GRAHAM «c LEE3’No'blc'BIdff. ^ -rx......... -Boiso

PRESSURE. UAIUATOR FLUSHINO Drive In todny nnd let ua

Rive your coolin j uyntem a thorough cleaning. The cont Is small und It may save ■ you’ many dollars.Call Ui for Electric Welding


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Watch America Foltow Fort'

Let Uh Care for Your Carl

Union Motor Company

■ YoUr FOllO Draler ■. Twin’ Fall*. Iduh'o .,