ROUND 13 2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

ROUND 1 13.doc  · Web viewROUND 13. Related Tossup/Bonus. 1. The list of them sometimes includes Balarama, and one of them saves Prahlada from his father. Another, named Vamana,

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Page 1: ROUND 1 13.doc  · Web viewROUND 13. Related Tossup/Bonus. 1. The list of them sometimes includes Balarama, and one of them saves Prahlada from his father. Another, named Vamana,


2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

Page 2: ROUND 1 13.doc  · Web viewROUND 13. Related Tossup/Bonus. 1. The list of them sometimes includes Balarama, and one of them saves Prahlada from his father. Another, named Vamana,

Related Tossup/Bonus

1. The list of them sometimes includes Balarama, and one of them saves Prahlada from his father. Another, named Vamana, covers the three worlds with three steps, while another told Manu of an impending flood and dragged a large boat to safety. Matsya, the boar Varaha, and the white horse-riding Kalki are members of this group along with one who slew Ravana and rescued Sita. For 10 points, name these earthbound forms of the Hindu deity who is often considered the “preserver” god.ANSWER: avatars of Vishnu [prompt on equivalents that do not use the word avatar]<Potru>

Bonus: In this work, Duryodhana, leader of the Kauravas, declares war on Yudhishthira and the Pandavas, dragging Drona and Bhishma into the conflict. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Hindu epic, which takes place mainly in Hastinapura and on a battlefield.ANSWER: the Mahabharata[10] The third of the Pandava brothers, this incredible archer wins their mutual wife Draupadi and is addressed in the Bhagavad-Gita.ANSWER: Arjuna<Potru>

2. In this opera, the hero consoles his mother with “Ai nostri monti.” In Act IV, a female lead sings of roseate wings and hears a choir chanting the Miserere. The death of Azucena’s mother, who had sacrificed her own son to save Count di Luna’s brother, is related in “Stride la vampa,” before Leonora’s attempt to free Manrico results in the pair dying. For 10 points, name this opera in which the waking gypsies sing the Anvil Chorus, a Giuseppe Verdi work about a troubadour.ANSWER: Il trovatore [accept The Troubadour before it is read]<Luo>

Bonus: Who says you need to feature a soprano in an opera? Identify these operas that do not emphasize the really high notes, for 10 points each.[10] A mezzo-soprano plays the Philistine temptress who shears the protagonist’s locks in this work, Camille Saint-Saëns’s only opera.ANSWER: Samson et Délila [or Samson and Delilah][10] The only soprano parts in this sprawling five-hour Berlioz opera are the children of Priam and Aeneas. The major female roles, Cassandra and Dido, are sung by mezzos.ANSWER: Les Troyens [or The Trojans]<Ismail>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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3. Its military government was disbanded by the Foraker Act in 1900. Its first settlement was displaced by Taino peoples and was founded in 1508 at Caparra,. It was the target of a 1595 invasion by Francis Drake, who tried to claim it for England. A 1950 Commonwealth Bill led nationalists from here to attempt the assassination of Harry Truman. For 10 points, name this island populated by U.S. citizens who cannot vote in Presidential elections, often the subject of discussions as the potential fifty-first state.ANSWER: Puerto Rico<Berdichevsky>

Bonus: Answer the following about the Mexican-American war for 10 points per part.[10] James K. Polk sent this diplomat to negotiate for New Mexico and California in 1845, but he was ignored. He was later arrested aboard the Trent with James Mason.ANSWER: John Slidell[10] This February 1847 battle, a victory for Taylor, turned the Mexican forces back southward, though the Mexicans left their campfires burning to delay Taylor’s pursuit.ANSWER: Battle of Buena Vista [or Battle of Angostura]<Luo>

4. He developed poetry to read at meetings of Group 47 and published those poems as his first volume of work, Advantages of Wind-Fowl. Novels such as The Call of the Toad and The Flounder followed his story about the sleepwalking Roswitha Raguna, scarred Herbert Truczinski, and dwarf-by-choice Oskar Matzerath. For 10 points, name this German author whose Dog Years and Cat and Mouse form the Danzig trilogy, along with The Tin Drum.ANSWER: Günter Grass<Bykowski>

Bonus: Name these works by Franz Kafka for 10 points each:[10] This Kafka novel concerns K, who is summoned to the title location but is unable to gain admittance. Other characters include Frieda and Barnabas.ANSWER: The Castle [or Das Schloss][10] In this novel, Karl Rossman arrives in the title place and becomes an elevator operator at the Hotel Occidental.ANSWER: Amerika<Mitchell>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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5. A reagent often employed to destroy them is cyanogen bromide, but a more selective elimination of them can be achieved by the Edman Degradation, which uses PITC to destroy only the terminal one. They are planar because of the resonance interaction between a lone pair of electrons and a carbonyl group, which produces a certain rigidity during folding processes. They usually exist in a trans configuration, with an important exception to this rule being proline. For 10 points, name this interaction between an acid group of one molecule and an N-group of another, a type of bond that links amino acids.ANSWER: peptide bond [prompt on “amino acids” etc.]<Westbrook>

Bonus: Protein structure revolves around protomeric interactions. For 10 points each:[10] Two polypeptides are often joined by this type of bond formed from oxidation of two cysteine molecules, releasing two hydrogens.ANSWER: disulfide bond[10] Proteins are often arranged in this antiparallel or parallel sheet-like structure in which hydrogen bonds are formed between adjacent peptide chains.ANSWER: beta (pleated) sheet<Luo>

6. It is the number of “Eccentrics of Yangzhou” in the name of a Chinese art movement, and the number of saints in the name of the war between Florence and Pope Gregory XI that ended the Avignon papacy. It is also the number of “immortals” in Daoist belief, the number of modes in medieval music theory, and another name for the Ashcan School that included George Bellows and Robert Henri. For 10 points, what is this number, which Kosel and Lewis found is the number of electrons in the outer shell of a noble gas atom?ANSWER: eight<Weiner>

Bonus: It is the snappy alternate name for the Battle of Lake Peipus. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this 1242 victory for Alexander Nevsky over the Teutonic Knights sent by Pope Gregory IX.ANSWER: Massacre on Ice[10] Eldridge Cleaver wrote this memoir about American racism that denounces the “omnipotent administrators” and accuses James Baldwin of hating black people.ANSWER: Soul on Ice<Mitchell>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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7. The victorious commander set out from Fort William and benefited from the rain which made the opposition’s fifty-three French artillery pieces ineffective. The smaller force hid behind a hill near the Hooghli River and was aided by an agreement with Mir Jaffar, who remained neutral. Thus, the Nawab of Bengal had no reinforcements and Robert Clive’s forces were victorious. For 10 points, identify this June 1757 battle that secured British dominance in India.ANSWER: Battle of Plassey<Berdichevsky>

Bonus: Answer the following about Britain’s relations with India, for 10 points per part.[10] John Holwell claimed that 126 Europeans died when placed here after the nawab Siraj-ud-Dawlah forced the surrender of Holwell’s garrison.ANSWER: Black Hole of Calcutta[10] The Supreme Allied Commander of Southeast Asia during World War II, he oversaw the transfer of power from Britain to India and Pakistan as the last viceroy.ANSWER: Louis Mountbatten<Douglass>

8. Along with Edmund Phelps, he argued that real wages will adjust to provide an equilibrium between the supply and demand for labor, leading to a “natural rate” of unemployment. He coined the phrase “Miracle of Chile” in reference to the economic policies of Augusto Pinochet, whom he notoriously advised. He also wrote books based on his PBS show and on the role of capitalism in society, the latter being Capitalism and Freedom. For 10 points, name this Chicago school economist, an advocate of monetarism.ANSWER: Milton Friedman<Kwartler>

Bonus: The percent of income is plotted on the y axis, while the percent of households is plotted on the x. For 10 points each:[10] Name this diagram, which displays the income distribution of a given society.ANSWER: Lorenz curve[10] The area between the actual Lorenz curve and the 45 degree line is known as this quantity, which purports to be a numerical measure of income inequality.ANSWER: Gini coefficient [accept equivalents containing the word “Gini”]<Kwartler>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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9. One of his works centers on Adam Salton’s trip to Mercia and meeting with the sinister Lady March, while his first book was a collection of fairy tales, Under the Sunset. His The Lair of the White Worm and The Jewel of the 7 Stars turn on supernatural encounters, much like his most popular work, which features the use of a crucifix to draw a circle in the snow. For 10 points identify this author who created the characters Arthur Holmwood, Lucy Westenra, Mina Harker, and Van Helsing in the novel Dracula.ANSWER: Abraham “Bram” Stoker<Berdichevsky>

Bonus: As a widow, she rejected a marriage proposal from Washington Irving. For 10 points each:[10] Name this author of The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck, Lodore, and The Last Man, who also wrote a novel in which Justine Moritz is falsely accused of murder.ANSWER: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley [accept Mary Godwin][10] This Mary Shelley novel features the title character’s destruction of a second creature in the Orkneys and the murders of Clerval and William.ANSWER: Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus<Luo>

10. The protein presenilin is located primarily in it, and filamentous material is associated with the center of each of its units. Complex glycosylation of molecules occurs within it by means of sugar transferases that face its lumen, and it actually breaks up and disappears at the onset of mitosis. Generally divided into cis, medial, and trans faces, the last of which releases clathrin-coated vesicles, it consists of a stack of five to eight flattened cisternae. For 10 points, name this organelle that processes proteins made in the endoplasmic reticulum, which is named for its Italian discoverer.ANSWER: Golgi apparatus<Potru>

Bonus: Name these cellular organelles for 10 points each.[10] In addition to helping digest certain lipids, these microbodies contain oxidase enzymes using molecular oxygen to oxidize certain organic molecules.ANSWER: peroxisome[10] These acidic organelles contain digestive hydrolase enzymes used to break down nucleic acids, proteins and polysaccharides.ANSWER: lysosome<Potru>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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1. It began as an accompaniment to the Giacomo di Diamano altarpiece, but after a legal dispute, it was repossessed by Ambrogio de Predis. Plants present in this work include cymbalaria and aquilega, which symbolize virtue and the Holy Spirit. The original version shows a feminine representation of the angel Uriel, who points to the title figure and holds the infant John the Baptist, at whom the infant Jesus is staring intently. For 10 points, name this painting set in a cave, by Leonardo da Vinci.ANSWER: Virgin of the Rocks [or Madonna of the Rocks]<Kwartler>

2. By the end of this period, reptiles greatly outnumbered amphibians. Bony fishes radiated and the largest insects ever found proliferated. About 90 percent of all species became extinct at the end of this period, although there were no meteorite collisions and only some volcanic activity in Siberia. Formation of large glaciers caused the sea level to drop, drying out shallow sea habitats. For 10 points, name this geological period lasting from 290 to 245 million years ago, coming after the Carboniferous, the last period of the Paleozoic era.ANSWER: Permian<Luo>

3. This man was forced to commit suicide after Akechi’s army trapped him at Honnoji. After launching a surprise attack on the army of Imagawa, this man won an early victory at the battle of Okehazama. He established his power base at Gifu, and he went on to lead a campaign on behalf of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, though he later turned on the Ashikaga and supported another clan. For 10 points, name this Japanese daimyo and mentor of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified much of his country before dying in 1582.ANSWER: Oda Nobunaga<Yaphe>

4. The last section of this man’s major poem describes something “Everpresent,” whispering “antiphonal in azure swing.” He considers the clipper ships Rainbow and the Leander in “Cutty Sark” and evokes Pocahontas in “Powhatan’s Daughter.” He also alludes to Walt Whitman, who wrote about crossing a ferry underneath the same Brooklyn landmark that this poet wrote about. For 10 points, name this author who used a stipend from Otto Kahn to write The Bridge.ANSWER: Harold Hart Crane<Berdichevsky>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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5. They were invented during the war between Acrisius and Proteus. Ovid says that Pallantias has one which is red at morning and night but white at midday, and Tatius and the Sabines buried Tarpeia under these. One of them shows a dance, a herd of cattle, a field being plowed, two cities, and the sky surrounded by Oceanus. That one was made by Hephaestus for Achilles. For 10 points, what are these objects, of which a bronze example was polished by Perseus in order to reflect the image of Medusa?ANSWER: shields<Weiner>

6. He posited that light is a periodic disturbance of a fine-grained media in his paper “Notes on the Electromagnetic Theory of Light.” His phenomena are seen as ringing in Fourier series near discontinuities, and his paradox deals with an apparent increase in entropy when two identical samples of gas are mixed. His phase rule describes the number of degrees of freedom in a system, but he is most famous for a function that governs the spontaneity of a chemical reaction. For 10 points, name this man whose namesake free energy is defined as H minus TS.ANSWER: Josiah Gibbs<Keller>

7. During a montage in this movie, a model Ferris wheel comes to a stop just before a bomb goes off in a scene that can be read as either murder or suicide. Based on a book by George Jonas, it features as Steve the newest James Bond, actor Daniel Craig. Also appearing are Geoffrey Rush, Ciaran Hinds, and Eric Bana, who plays the central role of Avner and is given a list of eleven names. For 10 points, name this 2005 film set after the murders of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics, directed by Steven Spielberg.ANSWER: Munich<Yaphe>

8. Wars named for this group were inflamed by rivalry between the brothers Wenceslas the Durnkard and Sigismund. They split into the Utraquists and Taborites and became notable for using chained morningstars and wagon-train artillery under the command of Jan Tzizka and Prokop the Great. The battle of Lipany won the crusade against them called by Martin V and secured the Catholic presence in Bohemia. For 10 points, name this group that followed a certain heretic burned at the Council of Constance in 1415.ANSWER: Hussites <Kendall>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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Arts: Its traditional form requires two subject groups, a transition section, and a codetta, which present the main themes to be developed in the remainder of the movement. For 15 points, this is what obligatory first section of a movement in sonata form?ANSWER: exposition<Ismail>

Current Events: He reversed his support for the Iraq war in his February 2006 New York Times piece “After Neoconservatism.” For 15 points, name this theorist who wrote that the fall of communism was the last major global conflict in The End of History and the Last Man.ANSWER: Francis Fukuyama<Weiner>

Geography: Moose and wolves compete for dominance on this island in Lake Superior, home of a namesake national park, which is closer to Ontario and Minnesota than the state it belongs to. For 15 points, name this island that is part of Michigan.ANSWER: Isle Royale<Greenstein>

History: Named for a North Carolina representative, it stated that, if either France of Great Britain agreed to respect neutral shipping rights, the U.S. would cut off trade with the other country. For 15 points, name this replacement for the Non-Intercourse Act.ANSWER: Macon’s Bill Number 2 [prompt on partial answer]<Beyer>

Literature: His Seeds of Tomorrow was part one of a two part novel about the collectivization of agriculture, Virgin Soil Upturned. For 15 points, Ivan Bunchuk and Gregor Melekhov face a culture clash in what Russian author’s novel And Quiet Flows the Don?ANSWER: Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov<Berdichevsky>

Popular Culture: Her father uses the HOWGAL plan to get her into Harvard after she has several adventures originally undergone by Megan McCafferty’s characters. For 15 points, who “got kissed, got wild, and got a life” in a plagiarized Kaavya Viswanathan novel?ANSWER: Opal Mehta [accept first or last name]<Weiner>

Religion/Mythology/Philosophy: Statements in Chronicles have led some to surmise that he wrote parts of those books, and he sent Uriah the Hittite to his death. For 15 points, name this prophet who used an allegory of a lamb and told David to build the Temple.ANSWER: Nathan [or Natan ha-Navi]<Passner>

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Mathematics Calculation: For 15 points, find the intersection of the curves y = x2 - 2x and (x-1)2 + (y + 3)2 = 4.ANSWER: (1,-1) [or x=1, y=-1]<Feist>

Science: It relates the log of the ratio of monochromatic incident and transmitted light, or absorbance, to the path length of the sample and the concentration of the absorbing species. For 15 points, name this law of spectrophotometry named for a German physicist.ANSWER: Beer-Lambert law<Luo>

Social Sciences: The “difference” type is the smallest identifiable change in a stimulus, while the “absolute” type is the smallest stimulus that can be detected. For 15 points, give this term for the boundary at which a human detects the presence or change of a stimulus.ANSWER: threshold<Connolly>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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Stretch Round

1. Composed of seventeen tercets and a quatrain, its text was written by Thomas of Celano. A partial setting of it can be found in the Cathedral scene of Schumann’s Scenes from Goethe’s Faust, while a notable example forms the second movement of a larger work honoring Alessandro Manzoni by Verdi. Based on chapter one of the Book of Zephaniah, it is the longest section of a standard Catholic mass for the dead. For 10 points, name this setting of the horrors of the Last Judgment, whose name translates to “Day of Wrath.”ANSWER: Dies irae [accept Day of Wrath before it is read]<Ismail>

Bonus: Sanzang, Pig, and Friar Sand cross the Milky Way and vanquish some demons in hopes of reaching the Thunder Monastery to find a Buddhist sutra. For 10 points each:[10] All that happens in what Chinese novel, named for the pilgrimage undertaken by those characters, written in the sixteenth century by Wu Cheng-en?ANSWER: Journey to the West [or His-yu chi; prompt on Monkey][10] Part of the band of travelers Journey to the West is Aware-of-Vacuity, the King of the Mountain of Flowers, who is this type of trickster animal.ANSWER: monkey[10] The “western” land to which the characters are journeying in order to reclaim original Buddhist texts is this place.ANSWER: India [accept clear equivalents]<Potru>

2. A variation of this experiment that added heavy lead blocks on one side to create asymmetry was performed by Gustaf Hammar. An attempt to reproduce it on a larger scale was conducted at by Dayton Miller, who had worked on trying to reevaluate the negligible fringe shift value that was observed in it. At the center of its setup was a semi-silvered mirror at a 45 degree angle, with two equidistant mirrors placed horizontally and vertically. For 10 points, what 1887 experiment used an interferometer to disprove the existence of the luminiferous aether?ANSWER: Michelson-Morley Experiment<Frankel>

Bonus: The title figure confuses Socrates by asking if there are forms for such things as mud. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Platonic dialogue, whose title figure was himself a major philosopher of the Eleatic school.ANSWER: Parmenides[10] The title figure of this Platonic dialogue is a student of Socrates from Elis who recounts the story of the death of his teacher.ANSWER: Phaedo[10] This other Platonic dialogue takes place after the trial of Socrates described in the Apology; the title figure tries to persuade Socrates to escape from prison.ANSWER: Crito

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13

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3. He collaborated with John Nicolay on two monumental works on Abraham Lincoln and wrote editorials for the New York Tribune for five years. He also wrote Castilian Days and the poems in Illinois dialect, Pike County Ballads. He pushed hard at the 1898 Paris conference to retain the Philippines and signed namesake treaties with Pauncefote and Herran. For 10 points, name this secretary of state under Theodore Roosevelt who negotiated the Panama Canal and formulated the Open Door policy.ANSWER: John Milton Hay<Luo>

Bonus: This sponsor of the 2008 Olympics produced the DeepComp 1800, which can operate at 1000 gigaflops. For 10 points each:[10] Name this company, now the third-largest personal computer manufacturer in the world.ANSWER: Lenovo Group Limited[10] Lenovo is based in this country, and is the successor to the Legend firm which made the first circuit board capable of converting to the native script, in 1987.ANSWER: People’s Republic of China [or Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo][10] Lenovo purchased the personal computer division of this very large American concern in April 2005 and is currently rebranding the line to the Lenovo name.ANSWER: International Business Machines Corporation<Chuck>

4. Minor characters include the sensible Aunt Dinah, whose relationship with her coachman is ridiculed by everyone save the protagonist, and Didius, an irritating barrister of the church. Volume III discusses a treatise on noses, while Volume IX includes the tale of mad Maria, which resurfaces in the same author’s A Sentimental Journey. Perhaps the most famous characters in the book are the pair of Parson Yorick and the narrator’s Uncle Toby. For 10 points identify this unconventionally structured work by Laurence Sterne.ANSWER: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman<Berdichevsky>

Bonus: The Medes were ultimately merged with the Persians after this man overthrew his grandfather Astyages. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Persian ruler.ANSWER: Cyrus II [or Cyrus the Great; prompt on Cyrus][10] Cyrus founded this dynasty in Persia.ANSWER: Achamaenids[10] Important to both the Medes and Persians were this priestly class which accomplished feats of prophecy, dream-interpretation, and sorcery later named for them.ANSWER: Magi<Kendall>

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5. American physicist J.H. van Vleck is perhaps best known for studying the geometric orientation of these and their effect on d orbitals that results in splitting. Easily reactive ones may be characterized as labile, and the chlorine ones found in cisplatin may be replaced by water molecules. They can attach in a unidentate or polydentate fashion, and the latter case results in a certain aromatic structure. For 10 points, chelates and coordination complexes are formed by what chemical groups bonded to a central metal atom?ANSWER: ligands [accept ligand field theory until “ones”]<Westbrook>

Bonus: Name these realist paintings, for 10 points each.[10] Destroyed in the bombing of Dresden, this Gustave Courbet painting showed a pair of workingmen hammering away at some rocks.ANSWER: The Stonebreakers[10] The title characters of this Jean-Francois Millet painting are three peasant women bending down and picking wheat in the fields.ANSWER: The Gleaners [or Les Glaneuses][10] A sleeping boy, an old woman with a basket in her lap, and a young mother with a baby in her arms sit in the front row in this Honore Daumier oil painting.ANSWER: The Third Class Carriage [or Le Wagon de Troisieme Classe]<Frankel>

6. His protagonists include Elias Gotobed, who visits England in The American Senator, as well as Alaric and Charley Tudor, who romance the daughters of Mrs. Woodward in The Three Clerks. Those books, along with The Way We Live Now and The Bertrams, were not part of his two most popular series, which include the volumes The Warden and The Duke’s Children. For 10 points, name this author who wrote about the Palliser family and Barset County in such novels as Phineas Finn and Barchester Towers.ANSWER: Anthony Trollope<Berdichevsky>

Bonus: Answer the following about a type of function for 10 points each:[10] Given one function, this is the function which is achieved when elements of its range map to values of its domain. ANSWER: Inverse Function[10] An inverse function can be graphed by a reflection of the original function about this line. ANSWER: y=x or 45 degree line [10] A function which has an inverse must have these two properties, meaning that each member of its range is mapped to by exactly one member of domain. ANSWER: Injective (One-to-One) and Surjective (Onto)<Romero>

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7. The area through which this thirty-mile long feature cuts may once have been a lake sixteen miles in diameter that filled with volcanic sediments. Its sides illustrate seven periods of accumulation, named Beds I through IV, then Masek, Ndutu, and Naisiusiu. The site is named for the Maasai word for the wild sisal plant. For 10 points, name this location in the Serengeti Plains of northern Tanzania, where fossils and tools of early humans were found by the Leakey family.ANSWER: Olduvai Gorge [or Oldupai Gorge]<Greenstein>

Bonus: Name these people who served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, for 10 points each.[10] Ambassador from 1975 to 1976, he served as a New York senator from 1977 until 2001, retiring from his seat and allowing Hillary Clinton to run.ANSWER: Daniel Patrick Moynihan[10] Kennedy appointed this former Illinois governor and presidential candidate as ambassador in 1961, a post he crucially held during the Cuban missile crisis.ANSWER: Adlai Stevenson[10] The cofounder of the Zapata Petroleum Company, this future president served as U.N. Ambassador before becoming director of the CIA in 1976.ANSWER: George Herbert Walker Bush [prompt on George Bush; accept Bush the elder or anything that distinguishes him from his son]<Douglass>

8. In January 2006, all civil service pay was reviewed in this country under a law stating that no one can make more than its president, who has cut his own salary in half to fulfill a campaign promise. In May, its government announced that expropriation of large landholdings is to follow the military occupation of gas fields and the quadrupling of taxes on foreign-owned energy firms. For 10 points, name this country governed by the Movement Towards Socialism party of former coca farmer Evo Morales.ANSWER: Republic of Bolivia [or Republica de Bolivia]<Weiner>

Bonus: Name these characters from Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, for 10 points each.[10] George’s next-door neighbor, schoolmate, fiancée, and later wife, she dies during childbirth.ANSWER: Emily Webb Gibbs [accept Emily Webb Gibbs; prompt on Gibbs][10] This character, known only by his occupation, also fills such roles as the old woman, the druggist, and the minister and controls the action of the play.ANSWER: the Stage Manager[10] Saying that human existence is nothing but “ignorance and blindness,” this alcoholic choirmaster hangs himself and appears as one of the dead souls in Act III.ANSWER: Simon Stimson [or Simon Stimson]<Bykowski>

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9. Jacob Emden was a noted opponent of people assuming this identity. One of them, Jacob Frank, declared the worthlessness of the Talmud before dubbing himself baron of Offenbach. Some accuse the founder of the Lubavitcher Hassidic sect, Rabbi Schneerson, of claiming this title. The best known may be Shabbtai Tzvi, who converted to Islam when captured. For 10 points, what is this category of people including Zadok the Priest, who attempt to fulfill the Jewish prophecy of the Moshiach?ANSWER: Jewish false messiahs [accept Moshiach before it is read]<Passner>

Bonus: The one of Tehuántepec separates the Yucatan peninsula and Central America from the rest of Mexico. For 10 points each:[10] Name this geographical feature whose other examples include Chignecto and Perekop.ANSWER: isthmus[10] A canal has been proposed for this isthmus between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, which connects the Malay Peninsula to the remainder of Asia.ANSWER: Isthmus of Kra [or Khokhok Kra][10] The site of many battles of the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland, this isthmus bounds the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga.ANSWER: Karelian Isthmus<Greenstein>

10. This author of the Defence of Philosophic Doubt arose violent opposition as Chief Secretary of Ireland, where his vigorous enforcement of the Crimes Act led to the nickname “Bloody.” Though he was Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905, his most memorable feats occurred as foreign secretary during the Washington Naval Conference and in a response to Chaim Weizmann. For 10 points, identify this British statesman, whose namesake “declaration” implied British support for a Jewish home in Palestine.ANSWER: Arthur James Balfour, First Earl of Balfour<Berdichevsky>

Bonus: They have a replication origin, a drug-resistance marker, and insertion sites. For 10 points each:[10] Name these extrachromosomal DNA fragments carried symbiotically in host cells.ANSWER: plasmids[10] Molecular cloning proceeds by mixing plasmid vectors with recombinant sequences inserted in bacterial cells, which can take up the plasmid by this process.ANSWER: transformation[10] This is the process by which two bacterial cells connect via a pilus and exchange an F-plasmid.ANSWER: conjugation<Luo>

2006 PACE National Scholastics Championship—ROUND 13