Rotary Bulbs - Addition

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  • 8/10/2019 Rotary Bulbs - Addition



    The proposal is a wrong lip seal sets indicated see red

    It was also proposed to carry out the central earing o! te!lon" and to #a$e this us

    as long as possile" pre!eraly in two parts with an inter#ediate space so that in this

    inter#ediate space luricating oil or grease can e stored%

    The #ain reason is doule"

    on the one hand under a &acuu# o! !riction sur!aces together usually arasi&e

    ecause no protecti&e o'ides or nitrides can e !or#ed as a hot spot occurs

    (opper is so!t so !or #ating #aterial is needed a &ery so!t #aterial

    toothed pulley


    Screws )*


    +olished slopescrew step

    copper co&er

  • 8/10/2019 Rotary Bulbs - Addition


    It is ad&ised to the lip seals as !ar apart as possile places-especially i! no with

    lurication is possile - to achie&e a #a'i#u# li!e

    There is de#and !or a centering chuc$ suggested ,'.',.%/ I do not $now where

    this is in" this is !or cla#ping o! the pulleys !or the central a'is0 )y suspicion is that

    the asse#ly with one" pre!eraly two ad1usting screws can e seen &ery satiate

    tor2ue !or the dri&e" please note in this case" the est on a slit steel slee&e pressing

    otherwise de!or#s the #aterial% There is #aintain a centering hole with re!erenceus% 3owe&er" this is not essential to the dri&e itsel! ecause ca %,## attle !or the

    elt is acceptale ut it does pro&ide i#alance% The ad1usting screw gi&es this also"

    it #ay e starting in the groo&e o! the tooth possily perpendicular to the a'is



    Teflon bus is preferable

    This should be 14x26x7.Two O ring embedded.

    Inermediae slee!e"lamping slee!e

  • 8/10/2019 Rotary Bulbs - Addition


    The #ounting o! the #ain earings is est done in earing loc$s which in turn are

    on a ase plate% These #ain earings ha&e ars with a ore !or the earing

    arrange#ent and positioning with circlips which are a!ter asse#ly then olted to the

    otto# plate" ut there is a slightly #ore e'pensi&e ut #ore elegant #ethod wherein

    the earing #ount has een split in a support with a lid 4cap5" wherein the whole in

    the earing arrange#ents can e #ade and then attached with the caps

    The #otors are as shown" elow" also secured to the ase plate% Ald !or e'a#ple" a

    ..## slide #otor is used #ay e an alu#inu# loc$ with a sliding ore .. is used

    on one side that is slit" at right angles to this slit&la$ is a olt which cla#ps the

    engine% Any strap length ad1ust#ents y lateral displace#ent o! the loc$ 4slit in the

    ase plate or shi# etween ase plate and #otor unit5

  • 8/10/2019 Rotary Bulbs - Addition



    There is a prole# with the long deli&ery ti#e o! these engines

    7ariale speed is re2uested y the custo#er

    The client has not specs o! what the sti!!ness or staility o! the speed #ust e neither

    as the !our-2uadrant control #ust e 4regeneration is possile5

    A D( dri&e !ro# a +S is the #ost con&enient ut not the #ost presiese 4eg speed is

    ad1ustale ut not directly related to the applied &oltage and the load tor2ue% A

    stepper #otor can e set an e'act speed ut !our 2uadrant is di!!icult

    8or D( dri&e is est to wor$ around the no#inal power" ut then the couple ha&e

    $nown what this is di!!icult to deter#ine

    Dee central a'is re2uires the least power unless the te!lon earing would cla#ps or

    no lurication and lip seals also insu!!icient lurication% In principle" it is esti#ated that

    so#e 9atts su!!ice% The center needs #ore power on the one hand" the lip seals

    larger in dia#eter ut the lower losses would also e worse especially i! the a'es

    with the uitenol oppositely rotating high

    A&ailale at the RS +ortescap engines actually interchangeale with )INI)OTOR

    The ,,9 /* R+) #otor is a&ailale


  • 8/10/2019 Rotary Bulbs - Addition


    There is a prole# with the long deli&ery ti#e o! these engines

    7ariale speed is re2uested y the custo#er

    The client has not specs o! what the sti!!ness or staility o! the speed #ust e neither

    as the !our-2uadrant control #ust e 4regeneration is possile5

    A D( dri&e !ro# a +S is the #ost con&enient ut not the #ost presiese 4eg speed is

    not ad1ustale ut grelateerd directly to the applied &oltage and the load tor2ue% A

    stepper #otor can e set an e'act speed ut !our 2uadrant is di!!icult

    8or D( dri&e is est to wor$ around the no#inal power" ut then the couple ha&e

    $nown what this is di!!icult to deter#ine

    A&ailale at the RS +ortescap engines actually interchangeale with )INI)OTOR

    The iron ,,9 /* rp# rushless #otor is a&ailale http:;;e.%rs-
