Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014


    In Nursery Class we had a visit from the fire brigade this week. The firemen talked about what they doand what the children should do ifthey came across a fire. They thendemonstrated the differentequipment that they use, such astheir breathing apparatus, thermalimaging cameras and doorenforcers.

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014


    The children in continue to love our Write Dance sessions. This week we werepractising straight and angled lines and movements through the theme'Robots'. It was without doubt, one of their favourites. So much so that wecontinued to practise the big movements and robot shapes in class, in messyshaving foam.

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014


    This week, in Year 1 , wemade the most of the sunby looking at theshadows we make when

    the sun shines at differenttimes of the day. Wechalked out where ourshadows were in themorning and again in theafternoon to see howthey had changed.

    In Year 2/3 we took a

    learning walk throughRosemary Gardens to focuson scene settings in ourstories. We took in thenatural materials using oursenses to inspire us, andafter a good 45 minutes, wewent back to class andwrote some amazing scene-setting pieces.

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014


    This week, the focus was for children to project their voices and speak clearly so our prizewinners did just that this week.

    Next weeks focus, as devised by a consensus of the children and staff is for children topay forward positive comments to each other with a view to making each other s day.

    The Artist of the Week went to Marika in Year 1. Her 8 bit design inspired by the streetartist Invader was well worked out and meticulously put together. Simple, authenticbeauty! Well done!

    The Musician of the Week goes to Gowan in Year 2. Paul said that during music this weekhe worked exceptionally well leading his group and composing an interesting melodicpattern using chime bars. He was inspired and seemed to really enjoy watching andlistening to the video of the marimba and glockenspiel being played. He also used greatvocabulary to describe the different sounds created by both instruments. Well done!

    For Your Diary 18 th March .............................................................................. Sport Relief Busk and Danceathon19 th March .............................................................................. Reception Class Assembly (at 10am)WB24th March ....................................................................... Parent/Teacher Consultation Week26 th March .............................................................................. Nursery Class Assembly (at 10am)4 th April .................................................................................... Last day of term (Easter Bonnet Parade) TBA

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014


  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014


    Busk and Danceathon for Sport Relief NEXT TUESDAY

    Year 1 and 2/3 will be going to Spitalfields Market on Tuesday 18 th Marchbetween 10am and 2pm to busk all the songs we ve been learning in schooland we ll be performing a dance routine (hopefully not just to keep warm!) inaid of Sport Relief. We hope to raise lots for charity and have fun along theway. Please come along to support us if you can. David & Sheryl will send youa note later this weekend.

    Traffic WardensIn order to keep our friends at bay, please ensure you have a Rosemary Works signdisplayed in your window for pick up and drop off and that you park on the roadon Branch Place not the estate.

    Teaching Post Ad NOW INWe have advertised the two teaching posts for Rosemary Works startingSeptember 2014, and within the first hour of publication, the applications arecoming in! As predicted, we ll have the lion s share of prospective teachers tochoose from ensuring the perfect Year 1 and Year 3/4 teacher for our children.

    L U N C H--------------------

    Pesto pasta served with

    green beans,broccoli,

    cauliflower &salad

    DESSERTFresh seasonal fruit

    T E A--------------------Beans on toast &


    L U N C H--------------------Cheese omelette

    served with

    sauted potatoes& baked beans

    DESSERTJam cake

    T E A--------------------Minestrone soup &

    fruit cake

    L U N C H-------------------

    Jacket potato served with

    cauliflower cheese,flaked fillet salmon

    & salad


    T E A--------------------

    Gnocchi & tomatobake & fruit & yoghurt

    L U N C H--------------------Vegetable curry

    served with

    rice and peas &salad

    DESSERTFresh seasonal fruit

    T E A--------------------Cheese on toast &

    apple crumble

    L U N C H--------------------


    served with

    sweetcorn & salad

    DESSERTRice pudding

    T E A--------------------Vegetable soup &

    seasonal cake

    Menu Next Week
  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 14th March 2014
