Rome and Christianity

Rome and Christianity

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Rome and Christianity. Roman Outline. Rome-began as a small agricultural city-state Then a republic An Empire Eventually Dominated the Mediterranean. The Etruscans. Th e Etruscans were Ionian Greeks who migrated to the Italian Peninsula around 1000BCE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Rome and Christianity

Rome and Christianity

Page 2: Rome and Christianity

Roman OutlineRome-began as a small agricultural city-

stateThen a republicAn EmpireEventually Dominated the


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The Etruscans The Etruscans

were Ionian Greeks who migrated to the Italian Peninsula around 1000BCE.

They most likely founded the city of Rome

The last Etruscan king was overthrown in 509BCE

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Roman MythologyWhy are we called “The Trojans”?The Aneid: Virgil.

Official Epic of RomeAneas escaped Troy and traveled the

Mediterranean searching for a new home for the Trojans

Settled in Latium fought the people thereMarried the daughter of the king and founded

what later became Rome.

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GeographyAlps to the north protected invasion from

landSea surrounded the peninsula limited a

naval attack unless by a large armada

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World AccessAlthough Rome was isolated, it was also a

crossroad. It had easy access to northern Africa,

Palestine, Greece, and Iberian Peninsula(Modern day Spain and Portugal). This meant easy access to the rest of the world.

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Roman Republic They avoided destructive class struggles

A republican form of gov’t-voice in gov’t for the wealthy aristocrats “patricians”

Later a voice for the common Roman citizens “plebeians”

2 executives known as “consuls” Senate-dominated by aristocrats 2 assemblies-one for plebeians and one for

patricians Tribune-10 men to speak for plebeians Dictator-executive decisions in times of a crisis

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Roman/Greek Gov’t vs. U.S. constitution

Roman republic was much more stable than the Greek democracy. In the Greek direct democracy every citizen was expected to vote on every issue.

In a republic, you have representatives so you don’t have to vote on every issue.

This is very similar to our democracy. We have representatives in Congress vote on all the major issues, so it is very much like a Republic.

Roman Law was also a combination of its own principles with foreign laws.

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Civil Laws Rome developed civil

laws to protect individual rights called the: Twelve Tables of

Rome-innocent until proven guilty

Similar to our Constitution and Bill of Rights

TABLE I Procedure: for courts and trials

TABLE II Trials, continued.


TABLE IV Rights of fathers (paterfamilias) over the family

TABLE V Legal guardianship and inheritance laws

TABLE VI Acquisition and possession

TABLE VII Land rights

TABLE VIII Torts and delicts (Laws of injury)

TABLE IX Public law

TABLE X Sacred law

TABLE XI Supplement I

TABLE XII Supplement II

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Ladder ofPolitical Advancement.

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Roman Expansion How were they able to control such a vast

empire? As they conquered people outside of “Italy”, they

allowed them to trade with the republic Were able to govern their own affairs-if they paid

taxes and remained loyal militarily speaking to Rome. Were also encouraged to intermarry with Romans Were even able to gain Roman citizenship Adopted the idea of standardized coinage: How would

this help?

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Roman expansion

After defeating the Greeks, Gauls, Carthaginians, Macedonians, and Spaniards- they built an extensive road network and aqueducts to maintain their vast empire.


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Silk Roads

Brought long distance trade, cultures, religions, ideas, disease and invading tribes in constant contact.

Most dangerous spot along silk roads was Taklamakan desert. “He who enters does not come back out!”

The stage is now set for new developments and massive change!

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Silk Roads

They linked the extreme ends of the Eurasian landmasses and these civilizations:

From Han capital Chang’an to Mediterranean port Antioch Han empire- China

Sinicization-spread of the Chinese culture Parthian empire- Persia and Mesopotamia Romans- Mediterranean world Kushan empire- northern India

Also had water routes of a series of ports which connected Asia with Africa and the South China Sea with the Red Sea.

Most prominent religion on these routes: Buddhism

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Rome and its Neighbors

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The Punic Wars: Rome vs. Carthage

Battle for control of Mediterranean Trade and Sicily

1st Punic War: Hamilcar Barca vs. Rome

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Punic Wars: Rome vs. Carthage 2nd 219-202 BCE: Hannibal

Greatest general in history? Father of Strategy Invaded Rome through Europe—Elephants over the

Alps Battle of Canae: Worst defeat in Roman History.

80,000 dead. Scipio Africanus invaded Carthage by sea. Hannibal

had to go home. Defeated at the Battle of Zama. 3rd: Carthage Defeated again. Salt plowed into the fields

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Punic Wars, 3 phases

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Gladiator Games

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Spartacus & Slave Rebellion73-71 BCEBorn a free man, served in the

Roman Army, but desertedCaught and sold into slaveryHe escapes and his legend

grew as he defeated smaller Roman legions

He eventually has an estimated 50,000-100,000 slave army

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The First Triumvirate: Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar

Pompey and Crassus were given their armies to capture the slaves

Crassus eventually defeats them, although Spartacus’s body was never found

Crassus crucified the 6,000 remaining slaves along the Apian Way

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CrassusRichest man in Roman

HistoryWanted to be known for his

military victoriesFinancial supporter of Julius

CaesarHis defeat at the Battle of

Carrhae vs. Persian

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Pompey the GreatWealthy Political and Military LeaderMarried Julius Caesar’s DaughterCrassus is defeated, it’s now just Pompey

and Julius Caesar. She dies and paranoia sets in on Roman control.

Pompey is in Rome and Caesar is in Gaul with his army

The Senate will back Pompey

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Julius Caesar Caesar is ordered to disband his army and give up his province of Gaul. Instead of giving up, Caesar crossed the Rubicon river setting off a civil war. After a five year struggle across many battlefields, Caesar defeated his enemies and was sole ruler of Rome. -Pompey fled to Egypt were he was assassinated-Caesar Declares himself “Dictator for Life”

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Julius Caesar & The Empire General who conquered Egypt, Greece,

and Gaul. Crossing the Rubicon Used this wealth to promote building and

entertainment in Rome. Pleased the public. “Bread and Circuses”

Seized lands from opponents and gave to his troops.

Let conquered people gain citizenship Named “dictator for life” by the Senate His actions frightened the Roman elite

class. Was murdered in 44BCE.

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The Second TriumvirateOctavius-Julius Caesar adopted him

as a nephewMarc Antony-General and one of the

closest friends to Julius CaesarLepidus-politician/governor of AfricaOctavius took the name of Augustus

Caesar “The Majestic One” and became emperor.

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Antony and Cleopatra DefeatedAntony flees to EgyptBy Augustus Caesar 31BCEThey both commit suicideAugust is now SupremeHe controlsEgypt’s grain

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“The End of the Republic” Imperial Expansion & Domestic Problems

Land distribution issues- Lands conquered by Rome often fell into the hands of the wealthy families. Enormous plantations started using conquered slave labor which produced products much cheaper than smaller landowners.

This displaced many small farmers into urban areas became very over crowded.

There were not enough jobs, currency became devalued high inflation.

Political leaders began fighting amongst themselves. Senate was weakened

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Religion in RomePaganism- Rome had always been a

pagan state. Citizens were required to make sacrifices to traditional Roman Gods.

Christianity- After the reign of Augustus a new religion arose.

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III. Christianity

A. Jewish Background1. Messiah Prophecy: 1st century BCE2. Messiah Cults and Revolts against Rome

B. Jesus of Nazareth: 6BCE-29CE1. Inner Transformation2. Simplicity of Law3. Crucifixion and Resurrection4. Paul of Tarsus

a. Son of Godb. Savior

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III. Christianity

C. Rise of Christianity1. Pre-200: Eucharist2. Persecution by Romans3. Late 200’s4. Constantine—Edict of Milan 3135. Theodosius the Great

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D. Creating the New Testament1. Letters from Paul2. The Gospel

a. Dozens originallyb. Gnostic Gospels—Thomasc. Canonic Gospels

III. Christianity

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ChristianityGrew from JudaismBoth were tolerated by Romans

until Jesus became the king of Jews

Christ “Christo” anointed oneMessianic secretDeath/Resurrection/DisciplesNero and persecution

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ChristianityExpanded into the non-Jewish

community of Rome.Gave hope that anyone could

reach salvation (lower class and women)

Was spread by disciplesChristianity would merge with

empire and eventually affect developments in a large segments of the world!

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Roman Timeline 44BCE Julius Caesar is murdered 27BCE Octavian = Augustus Caesar 1CE Jesus is born 14CEAugustus dies 33CEJesus is crucified 37CECaligula becomes Emperor 54CEClaudius is murdered/Nero Emperor 64CEFire destroys much of Rome 305CE Constantine1st Christian Emperor 476CE Western Roman Empire falls

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The Roman Peace

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Pax RomanaUnder Augustus, Rome

became the capital of the Western world, established:Rule of lawCommon coinageCivil serviceSecure travel for merchants

Pax Romana-200 year period of peace and prosperity; arts and sciences flourished!

Ended with Marcus Aurelius

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Comparisons…Pax Romana vs. Golden Ages of Greece,

Gupta India, & Han China

See the pattern: When a major empire greatly expands its territory, it becomes the center of artistic and scientific energy. This is because it has a tremendous amount of wealth flowing into its capital from its conquered regions, trade expands, and the people have the freedom and confidence to pursue goals other than military protection.

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A Divided Empire/New Official Religion

Diocleatian divides the Empire into 2 parts Constantine- his official conversion He moves capital to Byzantium and builds Constantinople Strategic site, linked West with Eastern trade and wealth In 325CE Council of Nicaea (human & divine) Edict of Milan- 380CE gave legal protections to Christians

Gave reparation of previously incurred losses. Banished men who worked on the galleys or in the mines were

recalled, confiscated estates were restored. Jews were forbidden to keep Christian slaves

The Bible But was it one of political stability or faith?

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An Empire Divided

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Comparing and Contrasting

2 Major causes of the decline of any empire:Internal-

Economic depressionNatural catastrophesSocial unrest

External-Invading armies

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Collapse of the Western Roman Empire

Over extension of resources Roman army could not maintain borders Slavery (1/3 of the population!) Lead in water from pipes Series of epidemics (trade & overcrowding)

Diseases killed off ¼ of the population in China and the Mediterranean

Economy (inflation and hoarding) Barbarian invasion (Germanic)

Final defeat fell to Odovacer Series of BAD emperors Christianity

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Barbarian Invasions Taxes were unfairly favoring the rich and the

military lost much of its funding The Huns invaded Europe in the mid 300’s and

caused many groups to migrate away from them.

The Visigoths were allowed to live in the Empire but were mistreated and rebelled.

The Battle of Adrianople in 378 followed by the Frist Sack of Rome in 410 showed that Rome had lost much of its power.

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Barbarian Invasions

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Barbarian Invasions The Vandals crossed into Rome in the early

400’s. The Vandals took out the outer regions of the

Empire in Gaul, Spain, and North Africa. Rome tried but lost every time.

The Ostrogoths arrived in the mid 400’s and sought to take over Rome.

In 476 Rome fell again to Odoacer who claimed to inherit the leadership of Rome.

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Legacy The Western Empire Limped on under the

Ostrogoths but was never a major power again. The Byzantine Empire became the major power

in Europe, lasting until 1453. The Christian world became divided. In the West, the absence of a major unifying

force led to the Dark Ages.

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Summary…Han fell because of internal pressuresGupta fell because of external pressuresRome fell the hardest, a victim of both

internal and external pressuresResults:

China would again return to greatnessRome would never reach this height again.

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What you’ve learned so far… Most common developments to civilizations are

agriculture, written language, and the use of metals which contributed to their growth.

Remember when people are less concerned about finding their next meal, they can accomplish great things.

Be able to describe how when civilizations become so dominate that they have no rivals A period of peace and prosperity, golden age of devoting

time and $ to the arts or…. They get too big, own people get restless, foreign threats

gain confidence and power, and if falls.

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Change Over TimeChange occurs in civilizations through

cultural diffusionTradeConquest

Religious beliefs Inventions and innovationsSome were more innovative while other

more adaptive. Most were both!

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Humans vs. Nature Humans changing their surroundings for their own

use and purpose Irrigation Stone-cutting Plowing Terraces Metal-working Calendars Concrete

As civilizations developed, they were less subject to natural events causing their demise, and more likely that an other civilization would do so…