Romanian-English Bible New Testament Romans

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  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Romans




    Scrisoarea lui Pavel ctre


    1 1.4 Duhul sfin^eniei Duhul Sfnt sau Duhul lui Dumnezeu,Duhul lui Cristos sau Mngietorul.

    1 1Pavel, sclav al lui Isus Cristos, chemats fiu apostol* `i ales s proclam VesteaBun* a lui Dumnezeu, 2care a fost promisde Dumnezeu prin profe^ii* Si n SfinteleScripturi*. 3Ea se refer la Fiul Su, Domnulnostru Isus Cristos. Dup natura Lui uman,Isus este urma`ul lui David*, 4iar dup

    Duhul sfin^eniei1

    , El a fost desemnat Fiullui Dumnezeu cu putere, prin nvierea Luidin mor^i. 5Prin El `i pentru Numele Su amprimit darul de a fi apostol `i de a chemana^iunile la ascultarea care vine din credin-^. 6i voi sunte^i ntre cei chema^i s fie ailui Isus Cristos.

    7V scriu tuturor celor care sunte^i nRoma `i care sunte^i iubi^i de Dumnezeu `ichema^i s fi^i sfin^i*.

    Har `i pace vou de la Dumnezeu, Tatlnostru, `i de la Domnul Isus Cristos.

    Rugciune de mul^umire8Pentru c se vorbe`te n toat lumea

    despre credin^a voastr, vreau mai nti s-Imul^umesc Dumnezeului meu, prin IsusCristos, pentru voi to^i. 9Dumnezeu, pecare-L slujesc din toat inima prin procla-marea Ve`tii Bune despre Fiul Su, mi estemartor c v amintesc ntotdeauna n rug-ciunile mele. 10M rog mereu ca, prin voialui Dumnezeu, s reu`esc, n sfr`it, s vinla voi. 11mi doresc foarte mult s v vd `is v mprt`esc un dar spiritual care sduc la ntrirea voastr, 12adic s ne ncu-rajm unii pe al^ii prin credin^a noastr, euprin a voastr, iar voi prin a mea. 13Fra^ilor`i surorilor, vreau s `ti^i c am ncercat demulte ori s vin la voi, dar pn acum amfost mpiedicat. Am dorit s vin la voi s v

    11:34 Holy Spirit Literally, spirit of holiness.

    1 1Greet ings f rom Paul, a servant of ChristJesus.God chose me to be an apostle* and gave me

    the work of telling his Good News.* 2Godpromised long ago through his prophets* in theHoly Scriptures* to give this Good News to hispeople. 34The Good News is about Gods Son,

    Jesus Christ our Lord. As a human, he was bornfrom the family of David,* but through the HolySpirit1 he was shown to be Gods powerful Sonwhen he was raised from death.

    5Through Christ, God gave me the special workof an apostleto lead people of all nations tobelieve and obey him. I do all this to honor Christ.6You are some of those who have been chosen tobelong to Jesus Christ.

    7This letter is to all of you in Rome. Godloves you and has chosen you to be his holypeople.*

    Grace* and peace to you from God our Fatherand from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    A Prayer of Thanks8First I want to say that I thank my God

    through Jesus Christ for all of you. I thank himbecause people everywhere in the world aretalking about your great faith. 910Every time Ipray, I always remember you. God knows this istrue. He is the one I serve with all my heart bytelling people the Good News* about his Son. Ipray that I will be allowed to come to you. It willhappen if God wants it. 11I want very much to seeyou and give you some spiritual gift to make yourfaith stronger. 12I mean that I want us to help eachother with the faith that we have. Your faith willhelp me, and my faith will help you.

    13Brothers and sisters, I want you to know thatI have planned many times to come to you, butsomething always happens to change my plans. Iwould like to see the same good result among you

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    322ROMANI 1.1427 ROMANS 1:1427

    11.17 Citat din Hab. 2.4.

    ajut s cre`te^i n credin^, a`a cum i-amajutat `i pe al^ii dintre neevrei.

    14Eu sunt dator att grecilor, ct `i barba-rilor, att celor n^elep^i, ct `i celor nenv-


    De aceea, sunt gata s v spun VesteaBun* `i vou, care sunte^i n Roma.16Mie nu-mi este ru`ine cu Vestea Bun

    pentru c ea este puterea lui Dumnezeu princare El i mntuie`te pe cei ce cred: este mainti pentru evrei `i apoi pentru neevrei.17n Vestea Bun este dezvluit dreptatealui Dumnezeu, ncepnd `i sfr`ind n cre-din^, dup cum este scris: Cel drept va triprin credin^.1

    To^i oamenii sunt pcto`i18Mnia lui Dumnezeu se arat din ceruri

    mpotriva oricrei necinstiri a lui Dumnezeu

    `i mpotriva oricrei nedrept^i a oamenilorcare nbu` adevrul prin cile lor rele.19Dumnezeu i arat mnia deoarece tot cese poate `ti despre El le-a fost artat oameni-lor de El nsu`i. 20Cci nsu`irile nevzuteale lui Dumnezeuatt puterea Lui etern,ct `i divinitatea Luisunt vzute limpedede la crearea lumii, fiind n^elese prin lucru-rile pe care le-a fcut El, a`a c oamenii nuse pot dezvinov i 21deoarece de`i l cunoscpe Dumnezeu, nu-L slvesc ca Dumnezeu `inici nu-I mul^umesc. Ei au nceput s segndeasc la lucruri care nu sunt importante,

    iar inimile lor fr pricepere s-au ntunecat.22Oamenii s-au crezut n^elep i `i au nnebu-nit. 23Au schimbat s lava Dumnezeuluinemuritor cu idoli ce reprezint oamenimuritori, psri, patrupede `i reptile.

    24i-au umplut inimile cu pofte imorale.De aceea, Dumnezeu i-a lsat prad imora-lit^ii pentru ca s-`i necinsteasc trupurilen tr e ei . 25Ei au schimbat adevrul luiDumnezeu cu o minciun. S-au nchinat `iau slujit creaturii n locul Creatorului careeste n veci binecuvntat. Amin.*

    26Pentru toate acestea , Dumnezeu i-alsat prad lucruri lor ru` inoase pe caredoreau s le fac. Femeile lor au schimbatrela^ ii le int ime fire` ti cu cele nefire` ti .27Tot a`a `i brba^ii au prsit rela iile lornormale cu femeile. Ei s-au aprins n poftalor pentru a l i brba i . Brba i i au comisfapte necuviincioase cu al^i brba i ` i au

    11:17 Quote from Hab. 2:4.

    that I have had from my work among the othernon-Jewish people.

    14I must serve all peopleGreeks* and non-Greeks, wise and foolish. 15That is why I want so

    much to tel l the Good News to you therein Rome.16I am proud of the Good News, because it is

    the power God uses to save everyone whobelievesto save the Jews first, and now to savethe non-Jews. 17The Good News shows how Godmakes people right with himself. Gods way ofmaking people right begins and ends with faith.As the Scriptures* say, The one who is right withGod by faith will live forever.1

    All People Have Done Wrong18God shows his anger from heaven against all

    the evil and wrong things that people do. Their

    evil lives hide the truth they have. 19This makesGod angry because they have been shown what heis like. Yes, God has made it clear to them.

    20There are things about God that peoplecannot seehis eternal power and all that makeshim God. But since the beginning of the world,those things have been easy for people to under-stand. They are made clear in what God has made.So people have no excuse for the evil they do.

    21People knew God, but they did not honor himas God, and they did not thank him. Their ideaswere all useless. There was not one good thoughtleft in their foolish minds. 22They said they were

    wise, but they became fools.23

    Instead of honoringthe divine greatness* of God, who lives forever,they traded it for the worship of idolsthingsmade to look like humans, who get sick and die,or like birds, animals, and snakes.

    24People wanted only to do evil. So God leftthem and let them go their sinful way. And sothey became completely immoral and used theirbodies in shameful ways with each other. 25Theytraded the truth of God for a lie. They boweddown and worshiped the things God made insteadof worshiping the God who made those things. Heis the one who should be praised forever. Amen.*

    26Because people did those things, God leftthem and let them do the shameful things theywanted to do. Women stopped having natural sexwith men and started having sex with otherwomen. 27In the same way, men stopped havingnatural sex with women and began wanting eachother all the time. Men did shameful things with

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    323 ROMANS 1:282:10 ROMANI 1.28 2.10

    12.7 slav mre^ia `i maiestatea lui Dumnezeu; starea glorioa-s a binecuvntrii n care vor intra cre`tinii adevra^i duprevenirea Mntuitorului din cer.

    primit n ei n` i i rsplata cuvenit pentrurtcirea lor.

    28Oamenii au refuzat s-L cunoasc peDumnezeu. Atunci Dumnezeu i-a lsat

    prad unei gndiri stricate care i-a conduss fac lucruri necuviincioase. 29Ei s-auumplut cu orice fel de nedreptate, de ruta-te, de lcomie `i de ur. Sunt plini de invi-die, de ucideri, de certuri, de n`elciuni `ide du`mnie. Sunt brfitori, 30defimtori,l ursc pe Dumnezeu; sunt obraznici, mn-dri, ludro`i, nscocitori de rele, neascult-tori de prin^i, 31fr minte; nu-`i in promi-siunile, nu au afec^iune natural `i nu aumil. 32Ace`ti oameni cunosc foarte binehotrrea dreapt a lui Dumnezeu, conformcreia cei ce fac astfel de lucruri merit smoar. Cu toate acestea, ei nu numai c lefac, dar i `i aprob pe cei ce le practic.

    i evreii sunt pcto`i

    2 1De aceea, tu, omule care judeci, oricineai fi, nu te mai po^i dezvinov^i. Cciatunci cnd l judeci pe altul, te condamnipe tine nsu^i pentru c `i tu faci ceea cejudeci. 2tim c judecata lui Dumnezeu asu-pra celor ce fac astfel de lucruri este dreap-t. 3Dar tu, cel ce-i judeci pe al^ii pentrulucrurile gre`ite pe care le faci `i tu, crezi cvei scpa de judecata lui Dumnezeu? 4Saudispre^uie`ti tu marea Lui buntate, ngdu-

    in^ `i rbdare? Nu `tii c buntatea Lui teconduce la schimbarea modului tu de agndi `i de a ac^iona? 5Din cauza ncp-^nrii voastre `i pentru c nu vre^i s vschimba^i modul de a gndi `i de a ac^ionaSe mnie Dumnezeu din ce n ce mai multpe voi. i ve^i fi pedepsi^i n ziua Judec^iide apoi. n acea zi va fi artat judecatadreapt a lui Dumnezeu. 6Fiecare va firspltit de Dumnezeu pentru faptele sale.7Celor ce struie n fapte bune `i cautslav1, cinste `i nemurire, le va da via^etern. 8Dar cei ce, din ambi^ie egoist,refuz s asculte adevrul `i ascult denedreptate, vor avea parte de mnia `i defuria Sa. 9Cel ce face rul, fie c este evreu,fie c nu este evreu, va avea parte de necaz`i de suferin^e. 10Dar cel ce face binele, vaavea slav, cinste `i pace: mai nti evreul,

    other men, and in their bodies they received thepunishment for those wrongs.

    28People did not think it was important to havea true knowledge of God. So God left them and

    allowed them to have their own worthlessthinking. And so they do what they should not do.29They are filled with every kind of sin, evil,greed, and hatred. They are full of jealousy,murder, fighting, lying, and thinking the worstthings about each other. They gossip 30and sayevil things about each other. They hate God. Theyare rude, proud, and brag about themselves. Theyinvent ways of doing evil. They dont obey theirparents, 31they are foolish, they dont keep theirpromises, and they show no kindness or mercy toothers. 32They know Gods law says that anyonewho lives like that should die. But they not onlycontinue to do these things themselves, but theyalso encourage others who do them.

    Let God Be the Judge

    2 1So do you think that you can judge thoseother people? You are wrong. You too areguilty of sin. You judge them, but you do thesame things they do. So when you judge them,you are really condemning yourself. 2God judgesall who do such things, and we know his judg-ment is right. 3And since you do the same thingsas those people you judge, surely you understandthat God will punish you too. How could youthink you would be able to escape his judgment?4

    God has been kind to you. He has been verypatient, waiting for you to change. But you thinknothing of his kindness. Maybe you dont under-stand that God is kind to you so that you willdecide to change your lives.

    5But you are so stubborn! You refuse tochange. So you are making your own punishmentgreater and greater. You will be punished on theday when God will show his anger. On that dayeveryone will see how right God is to judgepeople. 6He will reward or punish everyone forwhat they have done. 7Some people live for Godsglory,* for honor, and for life that cannot bedestroyed. They live for those things by alwayscontinuing to do good. God will give eternal lifeto them. 8But others are selfish and refuse tofollow truth. They follow evil. God will show hisanger and punish them. 9He will give trouble andsuffering to everyone who does evilto the Jewsfirst and also to the non-Jews. 10But he will giveglory, honor, and peace to everyone who doesgoodto the Jews first and also to the non-Jews.

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    324ROMANI 2.1127 ROMANS 2:1127

    12.24 Citat din Is. 52.5. Vezi Ezec. 36.2023.

    apoi `i neevreul. 11Dumnezeu nu este prti-nitor cu nimeni.

    12Cei ce au pctuit fr s cunoascLegea* scris a lui Dumnezeu, vor pieri fr

    Lege. To^i cei ce au pctuit sub Lege, vorf i condamna^ i dup Lege. 13naintea luiDumnezeu, nu sunt drep^i cei ce aud Legea,ci aceia care fac ceea ce le cere Legea.Ace`tia vor fi ndrept^i^ i de Dumnezeu.14Neevreii nu au Legea `i nu `tiu ce le cereaceasta. Dar cnd fac singuri ceea ce le cereLegea, ei singuri i sunt lege. 15Ei arat cporuncile Legii sunt scrise n inimile lor.Con tiin^a lor este martorul lor. Gndurilelor fie i vor acuza, fie i vor aproba 16nziua cnd Dumnezeu va judeca lucrurileascunse ale oamenilor. Vestea Bun* pecare eu o pr oclam oam en ilor spu ne cDumnezeu va judeca oamenii prin CristosIsus.

    Evreii `i Legea17Dar tu spui c e`ti evreu, te ncrezi n

    Lege* `i te lauzi cu Dumnezeu. 18Tucuno`ti voia Lui. Aprobi lucrurile care suntcele mai bune pentru c ai fost nv^at deLege. 19Tu te consider i un ghid pentru

    orbi, o lumin pentru cei ce sunt n ntune-ric; 20te crezi nv^torul celor fr minte`i al copii lor. n Lege gse t i nt rupareacuno`tin^ei `i a adevrului. 21De ce atunci,tu, care i nve^i pe al^ii, nu te nve^i petine nsu^i? Tu, care i nve^i pe al^ii s nufure, furi? 22Tu, care spui s nu comi^iadulter, comi i adulter? Tu, care dispre^u-ie`ti idolii, le jefuie`ti templele? 23Tu, carete lauzi cu Legea , l necins te` t i peDumnezeu nclcnd Legea? 24A`a cumeste scris: Din cauza voastr este vorbitd e r u N um el e lu i D umn ez eu p ri nt reneevrei.1

    25Circumcizia* nseamn ceva dac facice-^i cere Legea. Dac ncalci Legea, este ca`i cum nu ai fi circumcis. 26Neevreii nu suntcircumci`i. Dar dac fac ce le cere Legeaeste ca `i cum ar fi circumci`i. 27Cel careeste necircumcis `i mpline`te Legea te va

    12:22 temple A building people built for their idols (false gods). 22:24Quote from Isa. 52:5. See also Ezek. 36:2023.

    11God judges everyone the same. It doesnt matterwho they are.

    12People who have the law* and those whohave never heard of the law are all the same when

    they sin. People who dont have the law and aresinners will be lost. And, in the same way, thosewho have the law and are sinners will be judgedby the law. 13Hearing the law does not makepeople right with God. They will be right beforehim only if they always do what the law says.

    14The non-Jews dont have the law. But whenthey naturally do what the law commands withouteven knowing the law, then they are their ownlaw. This is true even though they dont have thewritten law. 15They show that in their heart theyknow what is right and wrong, the same as thelaw commands, and their conscience agrees.Sometimes their thoughts tell them that they havedone wrong, and this makes them guilty. Andsometimes their thoughts tell them that they havedone right, and this makes them not guilty.

    16All this will happen on the day when God willjudge peoples secret thoughts through Jesus Christ.This is part of the Good News* that I tell everyone.

    The Jews and the Law17What about you? You say you are a Jew. You

    trust in the law and proudly claim to be close toGod. 18You know what God wants you to do. Andyou know what is important, because you havelearned the law. 19You think you are a guide for

    people who dont know the right way, a light forthose who are in the dark. 20You think you canshow foolish people what is right. And you thinkyou are a teacher for those who are just beginningto learn. You have the law, and so you think youknow everything and have all truth. 21You teachothers, so why dont you teach yourself? You tellthem not to steal, but you yourself steal. 22You saythat they must not commit adultery,* but you your-self are guilty of that sin. You hate idols,* but yousteal from temples.1 23You are so proud that youhave Gods law, but you bring shame to God bybreaking his law. 24As the Scriptures* say, Peoplein other nations insult God because of you.2

    25If you follow the law,* then your circumci-sion* has meaning. But if you break the law, thenit is like you were never circumcised. 26The non-Jews are not circumcised. But if they do what thelaw says, then it is like they were circumcised.27You have the written law and circumcision, but

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    325 ROMANS 2:283:12 ROMANI 2.28 3.12

    condamna pe tine care, de`i e`ti circumcis,nu respec^i Legea.

    28Nu e ti evreu datorit unor caracteristici

    exterioare. Adevrata circumcizie nu este ntrup. 29Evreu adevrat este cel ce este evreununtrul su, iar adevrata circumcizie esteaceea a inimii, fcut de Duhul*, `i nu deLege. Lauda pe care o prime`te un astfel deom nu vine de la oameni, ci de la Dumnezeu.

    3 1Au deci evreii vreun avantaj fa^ deceilal^i oameni? Este important cir-cumcizia? 2Da, au multe avantaje, n toateprivin^ele. n primul rnd, lor le-au fostncredin^ate cuvintele lui Dumnezeu. 3nsunii au fost necredincio`i. Va anula aceastacredincio`ia lui Dumnezeu? 4Nici vorb!Dumnezeu va spune adevrul, chiar dactoat lumea va min^i. Dup cum este scris:

    i se va da dreptate cnd vei vorbi`i vei c tiga cnd vei fi judecat.

    Psalmul 51.4

    5ns dac nedreptatea noastr scoate neviden^ dreptatea lui Dumnezeu, ce vomspune? Putem spune c Dumnezeu estenedrept cnd ne pedepse te? (Vorbesc n feluloamenilor.) 6Nici vorb! Dac Dumnezeu arfi nedrept, cum ar putea judeca lumea?

    7Cineva ar putea spune: Dumnezeu esteslvit `i adevrul Lui se vede mai clar dato-

    rit minciunii mele. Atunci de ce mai sunteu judecat ca pctos? 8Cu alte cuvinte,s-ar prea, a`a cum au pretins unii, vorbin-du-ne de ru, c spunem: S facem rul, cas vin binele din el. Cei ce spun a`a ceva`i merit pedeapsa.

    To^i oamenii sunt vinova^i9Ce vom spune deci? Suntem noi, evreii,

    mai buni dect al^i oameni? Nu. Pentru cam spus deja c `i evreii `i neevreii suntvinova^i de pcat. 10Dup cum este scris:

    Nu este nimeni fr pcat! Nimeni.

    11 Nu este nimeni care n^elege.Nu-L caut nimeni pe Dumnezeu.

    12 Cu to^ii s-au ndeprtat de Dumnezeu`i au devenit nefolositori.

    1 2:28 circumcision See the Word List. Paul uses it here in a spiritualsense of believers who share in the new agreement God gave hispeople through Jesus.

    you break the law. So those who are not circum-cised in their bodies, but still obey the law, willshow that you are guilty.

    28You are not a true Jew if you are only a Jew in

    your physical body. True circumcision1

    is not onlyon the outside of the body. 29A true Jew is one whois a Jew inside. True circumcision is done in theheart. It is done by the Spirit,* not by the writtenlaw. And anyone who is circumcised in the heart bythe Spirit gets praise from God, not from people.

    3 1So, do Jews have anything that others donthave? Do they get any benefit from being cir-cumcised? 2Yes, the Jews have many benefits.The most important one is this: God trusted theJews with his teachings. 3It is true that some Jewswere not faithful to God. But will that stop Godfrom doing what he promised? 4No, even i f everyone else is a liar, God will always do whathe says. As the Scriptures say about him,

    You will be proved right in what you say,and you will win when people accuse you.

    Psalm 51:4

    5When we do wrong, that shows more clearlythat God is right. So can we say that God doeswrong when he punishes us? (Thats the waysome people think.) 6Of course not. If God couldnot punish us, how could he judge the world?

    7Someone might say, When I lie, it reallygives God glory,* because my lie makes his truth

    easier to see. So why am I judged a sinner? 8Itwould be the same to say, We should do evil sothat good will come. Many people criticize us,saying thats what we teach. They are wrong, andthey should be condemned for saying that.

    All People Are Guilty9So are we Jews better than other people? No,

    we have already said that Jews and non-Jews arethe same. They are all guilty of sin. 10As theScriptures* say,

    There is no one doing what is right,

    not even one.11 There is no one who understands.There is no one who is trying to be with God.

    12 They have all turned away from him,and now they are of no use to anyone.

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    326ROMANI 3.1325 ROMANS 3:1326

    1 3.24 ndrept^ire actul lui Dumnezeu prin care i declar peoameni liberi de vinov^ie `i plcu^i naintea Lui, considera^i cafiind drep^i. 2 3.24 har bunvoin^, favoare a lui Dumnezeufa^ de oameni; buntatea cu care Dumnezeu d favoruri celorce nu le merit `i acord pcto`ilor iertarea pcatelor lor `imntuirea etern prin Cristos.

    Nu este nici unul care s fac binele.Nici unul mcar! Psalmul 14.13

    13Gurile lor sunt ca ni te mormintedeschise.

    Cu limbile lor i n`al pe al^ii.Psalmul 5.9

    Ceea ce spun ei se aseamncu veninul `erpilor. Psalmul 140.3

    14Vorbirea lor este plin de blesteme`i amrciune. Psalmul 10.7

    15Sunt gata s ucid.16 Distrug tot ce gsesc n calea lor

    `i aduc necazuri pe oriunde trec.17 Ei nu `tiu cum e s trie ti n pace.

    Isaia 59.78

    18Nu au nici team, nici respect pentruDumnezeu. Psalmul 36.119Acum `tim c, prin tot ceea ce spune,

    Legea* vorbe`te celor care sunt sub Lege.Astfel nimeni nu se mai poate dezvinov^i`i ntreaga lume este tras la rspundere na-intea lui Dumnezeu. 20De aceea, nimeni nuva fi acceptat de Dumnezeu pe baza faptelorcerute de Lege. Legea aduce recunoa`tereapcatului.

    ndrept^irea prin credin^21Dar acum Dumnezeu a artat o cale

    prin care oamenii pot fi declara^i drep^i na-intea lui Dumnezeu fr Lege*. Despre eane-au adus mrturie Legea `i Profe^ii*.22Aceast dreptate vine de la Dumnezeuprin credin^a n Isus Cristos. Ea este dattuturor celor ce cred. Nu exist nici o dife-ren^ ntre oameni 23pentru c to i au pc-tuit `i sunt lipsi^i de slava lui Dumnezeu.24Dar ndrept^irea1 lor este un dar fcutprin harul2 lui Dumnezeu. Oamenii suntndrept^i^i prin eliberarea lor de pcat carevine prin Cristos Isus. 25Dumnezeu L-aprezentat pe Isus ca jertf, astfel ca, prin

    13:22 their faith in Or, the faithfulness of.

    There is no one who does good, not even one.Psalm 14:13

    13The words coming from their mouths are filthy,like the smell coming from an open grave.

    They use their tongues for telling lies.Psalm 5:9

    Their words are like the poison of snakes.Psalm 140:3

    14Their mouths are full of cursingand bitterness. Psalm 10:7

    15They are always ready to hurt and kill.16 Everywhere they go they cause ruin

    and sadness.17 They dont know the way of peace.

    Isaiah 59:78

    18They have no fear or respect for God.Psalm 36:1

    19What the law* says is for those who areu nder th e l aw. I t st ops an yon e fr om mak ingexcuses . And it br ings the whole world under Gods judgment, 20because no one can be maderight with God by following the law. The lawonly shows us our sin.

    How God Makes People Right21But God has a way to make people right, and

    it has nothing to do with the law. He has nowshown us that new way, which the law and theprophets* told us about. 22God makes people rightthrough their faith in1 Jesus Christ. He does thisfor all who believe in Christ. Everyone is thesame. 23All have sinned and are not good enoughto share Gods divine greatness.* 24They are maderight with God by his grace.* This is a free gift.They are made right with God by being made freefrom sin through Jesus Christ. 2526God gave

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    327 ROMANS 3:274:8 ROMANI 3.26 4.8

    14.3 Citat din Gen. 15.6.

    sngele Su, El s fie mijlocul prin caresunt iertate pcatele oamenilor, prin credin-^a lor n El. Dumnezeu a fcut aceasta cademonstrare a drept^ii Sale pentru c, n

    ndurarea Sa, Dumnezeu lsase nepedepsitepcatele din trecut. 26El L-a dat pe Isuspentru a arta c `i astzi El este drept. Eleste n acela`i timp `i Cel ce judec drept, `iCel ce ndrept^e`te pe acela care are cre-din^ n Isus.

    27Unde este deci lauda? A fost nlturat!Pe baza crui principiu? Al faptelor? Nu, cipe baza principiului credin^ei. 28Noi consi-derm c omul este ndrept^it naintea luiDumnezeu prin credin^, `i nu prin fapteleLegii. 29Dumnezeu nu este numai al evrei-l or . El e st e ` i D um ne ze ul n ee vr ei lo r.30Dumnezeu este Unul singur. El i vandrept^i prin credin^a lor `i pe evrei, `i peneevrei. 31Dar noi nu desfiin^m Legea cucredin^a, ci prin credin^ noi confirmmLegea.

    Exemplul lui Avraam

    4 1Ce putem spune despre Avraam* careeste strmo`ul nostru? Ce a aflat eldespre credin^? 2Dac Avraam a fos tndrept^ it prin faptele sale, atunci el sepoate luda, dar nu naintea lui Dumnezeu.3

    Cci ce spune Scriptura*

    ? Avraam s-ancrezut n Dumnezeu, iar credin^a lui i-afost considerat ca dreptate.1

    4Pentru cel ce lucreaz, salariul nu esteconsiderat ca un dar, ci este c`tigat deacesta prin munc. 5ns celui care nulucreaz dar crede n Cel care l ndrept^e`-te pe pctos, credin^a lui i este consideratca dreptate. 6La fel `i David vorbe`te desprefericirea celui pe care Dumnezeu l ndrep-t^e`te fr fapte.

    7Binecuvnta^i sunt ceiale cror gre`eli sunt iertate`i ale cror pcate sunt acoperite.

    8 Binecuvntat este omul cruiaDomnul nu-i ia n seam pcatul.

    Psalmul 32.12

    13:30 Jews Literally, circumcision. 23:30 non-Jews Literally, uncir-cumcision. 34:3 Quote from Gen. 15:6.

    Jesus as a way to forgive peoples sins throughtheir faith in him. God can forgive them becausethe blood sacrifice of Jesus pays for their sins.God gave Jesus to show that he always does what

    is right and fair. He was right in the past when hewas patient and did not punish people for theirsins. And in our own time he still does what isright. God worked all this out in a way that allowshim to be a just judge and still make right anyperson who has faith in Jesus.

    27So do we have any reason to boast about our-selves? No reason at all. And why not? Becausewe are depending on the way of faith, not on whatwe have done in following the law. 28I mean weare made right with God through faith, notthrough what we have done to follow the law.This is what we believe. 29God is not only theGod of the Jews. He is also the God of the non-Jews. 30There is only one God. He will makeJews1 right with him by their faith, and he willalso make non-Jews2 right with him through theirfaith. 31So do we destroy the law by following theway of faith? Not at all! In fact, faith causes us tobe what the law actually wants.

    The Example of Abraham

    4 1So what can we say about Abraham,* thefather of our people? What did he learn aboutfaith? 2If Abraham was made right by the thingshe did, he had a reason to boast about himself.But God knew different. 3Thats why the Scrip-


    say, Abraham bel ieved God, and Godaccep ted h is fai th . That made h im r ight wi thGod.3

    4When people work, their pay is not given tothem as a gift. They earn the pay they get. 5Butpeople cannot do any work that will make themright with God. So they must trust in him. Then heaccepts their faith, and that makes them right withhim. He is the one who makes even evil peopleright. 6David* said the same thing when he wastalking about the blessing people have when Godaccepts them as good without looking at whatthey have done:

    7What a blessing it iswhen people are forgivenfor the wrongs they have done,

    when their sins are erased!8 What a blessing it is

    when the Lord accepts peopleas if they are without sin! Psalm 32:12

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    328ROMANI 4.920 ROMANS 4:920

    14.17 Citat din Gen. 17.5. 24.18 Citat din Gen. 15.5.

    9Aceast binecuvntare nu este numaipentru cei circumci i, ci `i pentru cei necir-c um ci `i . N oi s pu ne m: Cr ed in ^a l uiAvraam i-a fost considerat ca dreptate.10

    Dar cnd i-a fost considerat ca dreptate?Pe cnd era ci rcumcis* sau pe cnd eranecircumcis? Pe cnd era necircumcis. 11Ela primit circumcizia ca dovad a ndrept^i-rii lui, ndrept^ire pe care a dobndit-o princredin^, pe cnd era necircumcis. Acum eleste tatl tuturor celor ce cred, dar nu suntcircumci i . i acestora li se va consideracredin^a ca dreptate. 12El este `i tatl celorcircumci i care calc pe urmele credin^ei pecare o avea tatl lor, Avraam, pe cnd eranecircumcis.

    Promisiunea lui Dumnezeu prin credin 13Lui Avraam i urma`ilor si li s-a pro-

    mis c vor mo`teni lumea. Aceast promisi-une nu a venit prin Lege*, ci prin dreptateacare vine din credin^. 14Cci dac cei carese bazeaz pe Lege sunt mo`tenitori, credin-^a a fost golit de sens `i promisiunea a fostanulat. 15Din cauza neascultrii oamenilor,Legea provoac mnia lui Dumnezeu.Acolo unde nu exist Lege, nu exist nicineascultare.

    16De aceea, promisiunea lui Dumnezeu

    vine prin credin^ pentru a fi primit ca undar de la Dumnezeu. Promisiunea este fcu-t tuturor urma`ilor lui Avraam: att celorce au Legea, ct `i celor ce au o credin^ caa lui Avraam. El este tatl nostru, al tuturor,17a`a cum este scris `i n Scripturi*: Te-amfcut tatl multor popoare.1 naintea luiDumnezeu, Avraam este tatl nostru. El acrezut n Dumnezeul care d via^ mor^ilor`i care cheam la existen^ lucrurile carenc nu exist.

    18Avraam a crezut cu speran^ mpotrivaoricrei speran^e. Astfel, el a devenit tatlmultor popoare, dup cum s-a spus: Attde numero`i vor fi urma`ii ti.2 19Credin^alui Avraam nu a slbit deloc. Avraam s-auitat la trupul su care era ca `i mort (elavea atunci 100 de ani) `i la faptul c Saranu putea avea copii. 20n ciuda acestui fapt,el nu s-a ndoit n necredin^ de promisiu-nea lui Dumnezeu, ci s-a ntrit n credin^

    14:17 Quote from Gen. 17:5. 24:18 Quote from Gen. 15:5.

    9Is this blessing only for those who are circum-cised*? Or is it also for those who are not circum-cised? We have already said that God acceptedAbrahams faith, and that made him right with


    So how did this happen? Did God acceptAbraham before or after he was circumcised? Godaccepted him before his circumcision. 11Abrahamwas circumcised later to show that God acceptedhim. His circumcision was proof that he was rightwith God through faith before he was circum-cised. So Abraham is the father of all those whobelieve but are not circumcised. They believe andare accepted as people who are right with God.12And Abraham is also the father of those whohave been circumcised. But it is not their circum-cision that makes him their father. He is theirfather only if they live following the faith that ourfather Abraham had before he was circumcised.

    Gods Promise Received Through Faith13Abraham* and his descendants received the

    promise that they would get the whole world. ButAbraham did not receive that promise because hefollowed the law.* He received that promise becausehe was right with God through his faith. 14If peoplecould get Gods promise by following the law, thenfaith is worthless. And Gods promise to Abrahamis worthless, 15because the law can only bringGods anger on those who disobey it. But if there isno law, then there is nothing to disobey.

    16So people get what God promised by having

    faith. This happens so that the promise can be afree gift. And if the promise is a free gift, then allof Abrahams people can have that promise. Thepromise is not just for those who live under thelaw of Moses.* It is for all who live with faith likeAbraham did. He is the father of us all. 17As theScriptures* say, I have made you a father ofmany nations.1 This is true before God, the oneAbraham believedthe God who gives life to thedead and speaks of things that dont yet exist as ifthey are real.

    18There was no hope that Abraham would havechildren, but Abraham believed God and con-tinued to hope. And that is why he became thefather of many nations. As God told him, Youwill have many descendants.2 19Abraham wasalmost a hundred years old, so he was past theage for having children. Also, Sarah could nothave children. Abraham was well aware of this,but his faith in God never became weak. 20Henever doubted that God would do what he

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    329 ROMANS 4:215:13 ROMANI 4.21 5.13

    14.22 Citat din Gen. 15.6.

    dnd slav lui Dumnezeu. 21Avraam eraconvins c Dumnezeu are puterea s `i facce a promis. 22De aceea, credin^a i-a fostconsiderat ca dreptate.1 23Scriptura*

    spune: credin^a i-a fost considerat cadreptate. Ea nu vorbe`te doar pentruAvraam, 24ci `i pentru noi, cei a crorcredin^ va fi considerat ca dreptate.Aceasta se va ntmpla acelora dintre noicare cred n Cel ce L-a nviat din mor^i peDomnul nostru Isus. 25El a fost dat s moarpentru pcatele noastre `i a nviat pentru canoi s fim ndrept^i^i.

    Roadele ndrept^irii

    5 1Pentru c am fost ndrept^i^i prin cre-din^, avem pace cu Dumnezeu, prinDomnul nostru Isus Cristos. 2Tot prin El `i

    prin credin^ am fost lsa^i s intrm nharul n care ne aflm acum. i ne bucurmdatorit speran^ei de a avea parte de slavalui Dumnezeu. 3Mai mult, noi ne bucurmchiar `i n necaz pentru c `tim c necazulproduce rbdare. 4Iar rbdarea producecaracter. Caracterul produce speran^, 5iarsperan^a nu ne va dezamgi pentru c dra-gostea lui Dumnezeu ne-a fost turnat ninimi prin Duhul Sfnt* care ne-a fost dat.

    6Cristos a murit pe cnd noi eram neaju-tora^i. La momentul potrivit El a murit

    pentru cei ri.7

    Cu greu ar muri cinevapentru un om cinstit, dar poate c s-ar gsicineva care ar avea curajul s-`i dea via^apentru un om bun. 8Cristos a murit pentrunoi pe cnd eram pcto`i. Prin aceasta `iarat Dumnezeu dragostea Lui pentru noi.

    9De vreme ce noi am fost ndrept^i i prinsngele lui Cristos, cu att mai mult vom fisalva i prin El de mnia lui Dumnezeu. 10Pecnd eram du`manii lui Dumnezeu, am fostmpca^i cu El prin moartea Fiului Su. Cuatt mai mult acum, c am fost mpca^i,vom fi `i mntui^ i prin via^a lui Cristos.11Mai mult, noi chiar ne bucurm nDumnezeu, prin Domnul nostru Isus Cristos.Prin El am fost mpca^i cu Dumnezeu.

    Adam `i Cristos12Pcatul a venit n lume printr-un singur

    om. Prin pcat a venit moartea. Iar moarteavine pentru fiecare om pentru c fiecare apctuit. 13Pcatul era n lume naintea

    14:22 Quote from Gen. 15:6.

    promised. He never stopped believing. In fact, hegrew stronger in his faith and just praised God.21Abraham felt sure that God was able to do whathe promised. 22So, God accepted Abrahams

    faith, and that made him right with God.1

    23These words (God accepted Abrahams faith)were written not only for Abraham. 24They werealso written for us. God will also accept usbecause we believe. We believe in the one whoraised Jesus our Lord from death. 25Jesus wasgiven to die for our sins, and he was raised fromdeath to make us right with God.

    Right With God

    5 1We have been made right with God becauseof our faith. So we have peace with himthrough our Lord Jesus Christ. 2Through our faith,

    Christ has brought us into that blessing of Godsgrace* that we now enjoy. And we are very happybecause of the hope we have of sharing Godsglory.* 3And we are also happy with the troubleswe have. Why are we happy with troubles?Because we know that these troubles make usmore patient. 4And this patience is proof that weare strong. And this proof gives us hope. 5Andthis hope will never disappoint us. We know thisbecause God has poured out his love to fill ourhearts through the Holy Spirit* he gave us.

    6Christ died for us when we were unable tohelp ourselves. We were living against God, but at

    just the right time Christ died for us.7

    Very fewpeople will die to save the life of someone else,even if it is for a good person. Someone might bewilling to die for an especially good person. 8ButChrist died for us while we were still sinners, andin that way God showed how much he loves us.

    9We have been made right with God by theblood sacrifice of Christ. So through Christ wewill surely be saved from Gods anger. 10I meanthat while we were Gods enemies, he madefriends with us through his Sons death. So surely,now that we are Gods friends, God will save usthrough his Sons life. 11And not only will we besaved, but we rejoice right now in what God hasdone for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. It isbecause of Jesus that we are now Gods friends.

    Adam and Christ12Sin came into the world because of what one

    man did. And with sin came death. So this is whyall people must diebecause all people havesinned. 13Sin was in the world before the law of

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    330ROMANI 5.14 6.4 ROMANS 5:146:4

    Legii*, dar n absen^a ei pcatul nu este luatn considerare. 14Totu`i to^i cei ce au tritdup Adam `i nainte de Moise au murit. iau murit chiar `i cei care nu au pctuit ca

    Adam, nclcnd n mod voit porunca luiDumnezeu.Adam a fost o imagine a Celui ce urma s

    vin, adic a lui Cristos. 15ns darul luiDumnezeu nu se aseamn cu gre`eala luiAdam. Dac, prin gre`eala unuia singur, aum ur it mul^i, cu att mai mult harul luiDumnezeu `i darul care a venit printr-un sin-gur Om, Isus Cristos, s-au revrsat din bel`ugpentru cei mul i. 16Iar darul nu se aseamncu ceea ce a venit prin cel ce a pctuit.Judecata care duce la condamnare a venitdup un singur pcat, dar darul care duce landrept^ire a venit dup mai multe nclcride Lege. 17De aceea, dac moartea a domnitprin gre`eala unuia singur, cu att mai multvor domni n via cei ce se bucur de abun-den^a harului lui Dumnezeu `i de ndrept^i-rea realizat de El prin acel Om, Isus Cristos.

    18Dac printr-o singur gre`eal a fostcondamnat toat omenirea, tot a`a, printr-osingur fapt dreapt, a venit ndrept irea `i,o dat cu ea, via^a etern pentru to^i oamenii.19Prin neascul tarea unui s ingur om, to^ ioamenii au fost fcu i pcto`i. La fel, prinascultarea unui singur Om, mul i oameni vorfi considera i drep^i naintea lui Dumnezeu.20Legea a fost introdus pentru ca gre`eliles se nmul^easc . Dar unde s-a nmul i tpcatul, acolo s-a nmul it `i mai mult harullui Dumnezeu. 21A`a cum pcatul a domnitprin moarte, tot a`a harul lui Dumnezeu vadomni prin dreptate, pentru a aduce via^aetern prin Isus Cristos, Domnul nostru.

    Mor^i fa^ de pcat, dar vii n Cristos

    6 1Ce vom spune atunci? S continum spctuim pentru ca s se nmul^eascharul? 2Nici vorb! Cum am putea noi, caream murit fa^ de pcat, s mai trim npcat? 3Sau nu `ti^i c to^i care am fostboteza^i n Cristos Isus, am fost boteza^i nmoartea Lui? 4Prin botezul*n moartea Lui,noi am fost ngropa^i mpreun cu El, pentruca, a`a cum Cristos a nviat din mor^i, prinputerea slvit a Tatlui, tot a`a `i noi strim o via^ nou.

    Moses.* But God does not consider people guiltyof sin if there is no law. 14But from the time ofAdam to the time of Moses, everyone had to die.Adam died because he sinned by not obeying

    Gods command. But even those who did not sinthat same way had to die.That one man, Adam, can be compared to

    Christ, the one who was coming in the future.15But Gods free gift is not like Adams sin.Many people died because of the sin of that oneman. But the grace* that people received fromGod was much greater. Many received Gods giftof life by the grace of this other man, JesusChrist. 16After Adam sinned once, he was judgedguilty. But the gift of God is different. His freegift came after many sins, and it makes peopleright with him. 17One man sinned, and so deathruled all people because of that one man. But nowsome people accept Gods full grace and his greatgift of being made right. Surely they will havetrue life and rule through the one man, JesusChrist.

    18So that one sin of Adam brought the punish-ment of death to all people. But in the same way,Christ did something so good that it makes allpeople right with God. And that brings them truelife. 19One man disobeyed God and many becamesinners. But in the same way, one man obeyedGod and many will be made right. 20The law wasbrought in so that more people would sin in the

    same way Adam did. But where sin increased,there was even more of Gods grace. 21Sin onceused death to rule us. But God gave us more of hisgrace so that grace could rule by making us rightwith him. And this brings us eternal life throughJesus Christ our Lord.

    Dead to Sin but Alive in Christ

    6 1So do you think we should continue sinningso that God will give us more and moregrace*? 2Of course not! Our old sinful life ended.Its dead. So how can we continue living in sin?3Did you forget that all of us became part ofChrist Jesus when we were baptized*? We sharedhis death in our baptism.* 4So when we were bap-tized, we were buried with Christ and shared inhis death. We were buried so that we could beraised from death like Christ was and live a newlife. Christ was raised from death by the won-derful power of the Father.

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    331 ROMANS 6:522 ROMANI 6.522

    5Dac am fost uni^i cu El ntr-o moarte caa Lui, atunci vom fi uni^i cu El `i ntr-onviere ca a Lui. 6Noi `tim c omul nostrucel vechi a fost rstignit cu Cristos, pentru

    ca puterea trupului care este supus pcatuluis fie distrus, astfel ca noi s nu mai fimsclavii pcatului. 7Pentru c cel ce a muriteste eliberat de pcat.

    8i dac am murit cu Cristos, credem cvom `i tri cu El. 9Pentru c `tim c Cristos,care a nviat din mor^i, nu mai moare.Moartea nu mai stpne`te peste El. 10El amurit pentru pcat o dat pentru totdeauna.Via^a pe care o trie`te acum, o trie`tepentru Dumnezeu. 11La fel considera i-v ivoi mor^i fa^ de pcat, dar vii pentruDumnezeu, n Cristos Isus.

    12Pcatul nu trebuie s v stpneasctrupurile muritoare, nici nu ar trebui sasculta^i de poftele sale rele. 13Nu trebuie smai lsa^i pr^i ale trupurilor voastre la dis-pozi^ia pcatului ca unelte ale rului.14Pcatul nu va mai domni peste voi pentruc voi nu sunte^i sub Lege*, ci sub harul luiDumnezeu.

    Sclavi ai drept^ii15Ce s facem atunci? S pctuim pentru

    c nu trim sub Lege*, ci sub har? Nicivorb! 16ti^i c atunci cnd v face^i sclavii

    cuiva, sunte^i sclavii celui de care asculta^i.Fie sunte^i sclavii pcatului, o sclavie careduce la moarte, fie sunte^i sclavii ascultriide Dumnezeu, o sclavie care duce la drepta-te. 17Dar mul^umiri fie aduse lui Dumnezeupentru c, de`i era^i sclavii pcatului, a^iascultat din toat inima de nv^tura creiav-a^i dedicat. 18A^i fost elibera^i de pcat `ia^i fost fcu^i sclavii drept^ii. 19Folosesc unexemplu u`or de n^eles pentru c pricepe^imai greu. A`a cum nainte punea^i la dispo-zi^ia necur^iei `i nelegiuirii unele pr^i aletrupului vostru, avnd ca rezultat nelegiui-rea, tot a`a pune^i-le acum la dispozi^iadrept^ii, avnd ca rezultat sfin^irea n sluji-rea lui Dumnezeu.

    20Cnd era^i sclavi ai pcatului, era^iliberi fa^ de dreptate. 21i ce fel de roadeaducea^i atunci? Roade de care acum veste ru`ine `i al cror rezultat este moartea.22Acum, c a^i fost elibera i de pcat `i a^ifost fcu^i sclavii lui Dumnezeu, roada

    5Christ died, and we have been joined with himby dying too. So we will also be joined with himby rising from death like he did. 6We know thatour old life was killed on the cross with Christ.

    This happened so that our sinful selves wouldhave no power over us. Then we would not beslaves to sin. 7Anyone who has died is made freefrom sins control.

    8If we died with Christ, we know that we willalso live with him. 9Christ was raised from death.And we know that he cannot die again. Death hasno power over him now. 10Yes, when Christ died,he died to defeat the power of sin one timeenough for all time. He now has a new life, andhis new life is with God. 11In the same way, youshould see yourselves as being dead to the powerof sin and alive for God through Christ Jesus.

    12But dont let sin control your life here onearth. You must not be ruled by the things yoursinful self makes you want to do. 13Dont offer theparts of your body to serve sin. Dont use your bodies to do evil, but offer yourselves to God, aspeople who have died and now live. Offer the partsof your body to God to be used for doing good.14Sin will not be your master, because you are notunder law. You now live under Gods grace.

    Slaves of Goodness15So what should we do? Should we sin

    because we are under grace* and not under law?Absolutely not! 16Surely you know that when you

    obey someone like a slave, they become yourmaster. You can follow sin, or you can obey God.Following sin brings spiritual death, but obeyingGod makes you right with him. 17In the past youwere slaves to sinsin controlled you. But thankGod, you fully obeyed what you were taught.18You were made free from sin, and now you areslaves to what is right. 19I use this example fromeveryday life because you need help in under-standing spiritual truths. In the past you offeredthe parts of your body to be slaves to yourimmoral and sinful thoughts. The result was thatyou lived only for sin. In the same way, you mustnow offer yourselves to be slaves to what is right.Then you will live only for God.

    20In the past you were slaves to sin, and you didnot even think about doing right. 21You did evilthings, and now you are ashamed of what you did.Did those things help you? No, they only broughtdeath. 22But now you are free from sin. You havebecome slaves of God, and the result is that you

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    332ROMANI 6.23 7.13 ROMANS 6:237:13

    17.7 Citat din Exod 20.17; Dt. 5.21

    voastr duce la sfin^enie `i, n final, la via^etern. 23Plata pcatului este moartea, dardarul oferit de Dumnezeu este via^a eternn Cristos Isus, Domnul nostru.

    Un exemplu din cstorie

    7 1Fra^ilor, Legea* are putere asupraoamenilor ct sunt n via^ (vorbesccelor ce cunosc Legea). 2De exemplu, ofemeie cstorit este legat prin lege deso^ul ei, ct timp trie`te acesta. Dac so^ulei moare, ea este eliberat de legea cstori-ei. 3Dac ea devine so^ia altui brbat cttimp so^ul ei trie`te, ea va fi consideratadulter. Dar dac so^ul ei moare, ea esteeliberat de legea cstoriei `i, dac se cs-tore`te cu altul, ea nu este adulter.

    4La fel a^i murit `i voi, fra^ii mei, fa^ deLege, prin trupul lui Cristos, pentru a puteadeveni ai Altuia, `i anume ai Celui care anviat dintre cei mor^i, pentru a aduce roadlui Dumnezeu. 5Pe cnd eram controla^i denatura noastr pctoas, patimile noastrepctoase lucrau n trupurile noastre, prinLege, pentru a produce roade care duc lamoarte. 6Din moment ce am murit fa^ deLegea care ne ^inea prizonieri, noi am fostelibera^i de sub stpnirea ei. Acum i slu-jim lui Dumnezeu, Stpnul nostru, ntr-ovia^ nou condus de Duhul*, `i nu n via^a

    veche condus de Lege.Lupta noastr mpotriva pcatului

    7Ce vom spune deci? S spunem cLegea* `i pcatul sunt acela`i lucru? Nu!Dar oricum, dac nu ar fi existat Legea, eunu a` fi `tiut ce este pcatul. Dac Legea nuar fi spus: S nu pofte`ti!1, eu nu a` fi`tiut ce nseamn pofta. 8Pcatul a gsitocazia, prin Lege, de a-mi produce tot felulde pofte. Cci, n lipsa Legii, pcatul estemort. 9Cndva, n lipsa Legii, eu eram viu.Dar a venit porunca `i pcatul a prins via^10`i eu am murit {din punct de vedere spiri-

    tual}. Iar porunca aceea care trebuia s-miaduc via^, mi-a adus moartea. 11Pcatuls-a folosit de porunc `i m-a amgit. i totprin aceast porunc m-a omort.

    12A`a c Legea este sfnt, iar poruncaeste sfnt , dreapt ` i bun. 13nseamnaceasta c ceea ce este bun mi-a adus

    17:7 Quote from Ex. 20:17; Deut. 5:21.

    live only for God. This will bring you eternal life.23When people sin, they earn what sin paysdeath. But God gives his people a free gifteternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    An Example From Marriage

    7 1Brothers and sisters, you all understand thelaw of Moses.* So surely you know that thelaw rules over people only while they are alive.2Its like what the law says about marriage: Awoman must stay married to her husband as longas he is alive. But if her husband dies, she is madefree from the law of marriage. 3But if she marriesanother man while her husband is still alive, thelaw says she is guilty of adultery.* But if her hus-band dies, she is made free from the law of mar-riage. So if she marries another man after her hus-band dies, she is not guilty of adultery.

    4In the same way, my brothers and sisters, yourold selves died and you became free from the law*through the body of Christ. Now you belong tosomeone else. You belong to the one who wasraised from death. We belong to Christ so that wecan be used in service to God. 5In the past we wereruled by our sinful selves. The law made us want todo sinful things. And those sinful desires controlledour bodies, so that what we did only brought usspiritual death. 6In the past the law held us as pris-oners, but our old selves died, and we were madefree from the law. So now we serve God in a newway, not in the old way with the written rules. Now

    we serve God in the new way, with the Spirit.*

    Our Fight Against Sin7You might think I am saying that sin and the

    law* are the same. That is not true. But the lawwas the only way I could learn what sin means. Iwould never have known it is wrong to wantsomething that is not mine. But the law said,You must not want what belongs to someoneelse.1 8And sin found a way to use that commandand make me want all kinds of things that werentmine. So sin came to me because of the command.But without the law, sin has no power. 9Before Iknew the law, I was alive. But when I heard the

    laws command, sin began to live, 10and I diedspiritually. The command was meant to bring life,but for me it brought death. 11Sin found a way tofool me by using the command to make me die.

    12Now the law is holy,* and the command isholy and right and good. 13Does this mean thatsomething that is good brought death to me? No,

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    333 ROMANS 7:148:4 ROMANI 7.14 8.4

    moartea? Nici vorb! Dar pcatul, pentru afi recunoscut ca pcat, mi-a adus moarteaprin ceea ce este bun. Astfel, prin aceaporunc, pcatul a fost artat ca fiind peste

    msur de pctos.Conflictul din om

    14tim c Legea* este spiritual, dar eu nusunt spiritual. Am fost vndut ca sclav pca-tului. 15Eu nu `tiu ce fac. Pentru c nu fac cevreau s fac, dar fac ceea ce ursc! 16i dacfac ceea ce nu vreau s fac, atunci recunoscc Legea este bun. 17Dar nu eu fac acesterele, ci pcatul care trie`te n mine. 18tiuc nimic bun nu trie`te n mine, adic nacea parte din mine care nu este spiritual.Eu doresc s fac binele, dar nu pot. 19Eu nufac binele pe care vreau s-l fac, ci fac rul

    pe care nu vreau s-l fac. 20i dac fac ceeace nu vreau s fac, atunci nu eu fac acestelucruri, ci pcatul care trie`te n mine.

    21Am descoperit legea urmtoare: cndvreau s fac binele, rul este ntotdeaunaprezent. 22n fiin^a mea interioar, sunt deacord cu legea lui Dumnezeu. 23Dar, ntrupul meu, vd c lucreaz o alt lege. iea se lupt cu legea din mintea mea `i mface prizonierul legii pcatului care lucreazn trupul meu. 24Sunt un om nenorocit! Cinem va scpa din acest trup al mor^ii?25Mul^umiri fie aduse lui Dumnezeu, prin

    Domnul nostru Isus Cristos!Prin urmare, cu mintea eu nsumi sunt unsclav al Legii lui Dumnezeu, dar n naturamea pctoas sunt un sclav al legii pcatului.

    Via^a n Duhul

    8 1Prin urmare, pentru cei ce sunt nCristos Isus nu exist condamnare2pentru c, n Cristos Isus, legea Duhului*,care aduce via^, m-a eliberat de legea pca-tului, care duce la moarte. 3Dumnezeu afcut singurul lucru pe care nu-l putea faceLegea*, care era lipsit de putere din cauzanaturii noastre pctoase. El L-a trimis pe

    singurul Su Fiu, ntr-un trup omenescsupus pcatului, la fel ca al nostru, spre a fijertf pentru pcat. Dumnezeu a condamnatpcatul n acest trup 4pentru ca cerin^eledrepte ale Legii s se mplineasc n noi.Noi nu mai trim ascultnd de ndemnurilenaturii noastre pctoase, ci ascultm dendemnurile Duhului.

    18:2 you Some Greek copies have me. Also in the next sentence.

    it was sin that used the good command to bringme death. This shows how terrible sin really is. Itcan use a good command to produce a result thatshows sin at its very worst.

    The War Inside Us14We know that the law* is spiritual, but I am

    not. I am so human. Sin rules me like I am itsslave. 15I dont understand why I act the way I do.I dont do the good I want to do, and I do the evil Ihate. 16And if I dont want to do what I do, thatmeans I agree that the law is good. 17But I am notreally the one doing the evil. It is sin living in methat does it. 18Yes, I know that nothing good livesin meI mean nothing good lives in the part ofme that is not spiritual. I want to do what is good,but I dont do it. 19I dont do the good that I want

    to do. I do the evil that I dont want to do. 20S o i f Ido what I dont want to do, then I am not really theone doing it. It is the sin living in me that does it.

    21So I have learned this rule: When I want to dogood, evil is there with me. 22In my mind I amhappy with Gods law. 23But I see another lawworking in my body. That law makes war againstthe law that my mind accepts. That other lawworking in my body is the law of sin, and that lawmakes me its prisoner. 24What a miserable personI am! Who will save me from this body thatbrings me death? 25I thank God for his salvationthrough Jesus Christ our Lord!

    So in my mind I am a slave to Gods law, but inmy sinful self I am a slave to the law of sin.

    Life in the Spirit

    8 1So now anyone who is in Christ Jesus is notjudged guilty. 2That is because in Christ Jesusthe law of the Spirit* that brings life made you1free. It made you free from the law that brings sinand death. 3The law* was without power becauseit was made weak by our sinful selves. But Goddid what the law could not do: He sent his ownSon to earth with the same human life that

    everyone else uses for sin. God sent him to be anoffering to pay for sin. So God used a human lifeto destroy sin. 4He did this so that we could beright like the law said we must be. Now we dontlive following our sinful selves. We live followingthe Spirit.

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    334ROMANI 8.519 ROMANS 8:519

    1 8.15 Ava nume pe care-l foloseau copiii pentru a-`i chematatl, n limba aramaic.

    5Cei care triesc dup voia naturii lor pc-toase se gndesc la dorin^ele naturii lor pc-toase. Cei care triesc n Duhul se gndesc lace dore te Duhul. 6Mintea controlat de natu-

    ra pctoas duce la moarte. Dar mintea con-trolat de Duhul duce la via `i pace. 7Minteacontrolat de natura pctoas este mpotrivalui Dumnezeu pentru c nu se supune `i nicinu se poate supune Legii lui Dumnezeu. 8Ceicare ascult de dorin^ele naturii lor pctoasenu pot fi pe placul lui Dumnezeu.

    9Dar voi sunte^i condu`i de Duhul `i nude natura voastr pctoas, dac Duhul luiDumnezeu locuie`te cu adevrat n voi. Dardac cineva nu are Duhul lui Cristos, nueste al lui Cristos. 10Pe de alt parte, dacCristos este n voi, de`i trupurile voastresunt moarte din cauza pcatului, Duhul vd via^ pentru c a^i fost ndrept^i^i. 11idac Duhul care L-a nviat pe Isus dintre ceimor^i trie`te n voi, Dumnezeu, care L-anviat pe Isus dintre cei mor^i, va da via^ `itrupurilor voastre muritoare, prin Duhul Sucare locuie`te n voi.

    12De aceea, fra^ilor, noi avem o obliga^ie,dar nu aceea de a tri conform naturii pc-toase. 13Dac ve^i tri n ascultare de naturavoastr pctoas, ve^i muri. Dar dac, prinputerea Duhului, omor^i lucrrile rele aletrupului, ve^i tri.

    14Cei ce sunt condu` i de Duhul luiDumnezeu sunt copiii lui Dumnezeu.15Duhul pe care L-a^i primit nu v face dinnou sclavi ai fricii. Voi a^i primit Duhulcare face din voi copii ai lui Dumnezeu.Prin Duhul strigm: Ava1, Tat! 16Duhulnsu`i mrturise`te cu duhurile noastre csuntem copiii lui Dumnezeu. 17Dac suntemcopiii lui Dumnezeu, suntem `i mo`tenitoriiLui. i suntem mo`tenitorii lui Dumnezeu `imo`tenitori mpreun cu Cristos. Dar pentrua primi aceast mo`tenire, trebuie s `i sufe-rim mpreun cu Cristos. Apoi vom fi `i noi

    slvi^i mpreun cu El.i noi vom fi slvi^i n viitor

    18Eu cred c suferin^ele noastre de acumnu se compar cu slava care ne va fi artat.19Crea^ia lui Dumnezeu a`teapt cu nerb-dare ziua cnd El i va arta pe cei ce sunt

    1 8:15 Abba An Aramaic word that was used by Jewish children as aname for their fathers.

    5People who live following their sinful selvesthink only about what they want. But those wholive following the Spirit are thinking about what theSpirit wants them to do. 6If your thinking is con-

    trolled by your sinful self, there is spiritual death.But if your thinking is controlled by the Spirit,there is life and peace. 7Why is this true? Becauseanyone whose thinking is controlled by their sinfulself is against God. They refuse to obey Gods law.And really they are not able to obey it. 8Those whoare ruled by their sinful selves cannot please God.

    9But you are not ruled by your sinful selves.You are ruled by the Spirit, if that Spirit of Godreally lives in you. But whoever does not have theSpirit of Christ does not belong to Christ. 10Yourbody will always be dead because of sin. But ifChrist is in you, then the Spirit gives you life,because Christ made you right with God. 11Godraised Jesus from death. And if Gods Spirit livesin you, he will also give life to your bodies thatdie. Yes, God is the one who raised Christ fromdeath, and he will raise you to life through hisSpirit living in you.

    12So, my brothers and sisters, we must not beruled by our sinful selves. We must not live theway our sinful selves want. 13If you use your livesto do what your sinful selves want, you will diespiritually. But if you use the Spirits help to stopdoing the wrong things you do with your body,you will have true life.

    14The true children of God are those who letGods Spirit lead them. 15The Spirit that wereceived is not a spirit that makes us slaves againand causes us to fear. The Spirit that we havemakes us Gods chosen children. And with thatSpirit we say, Abba,1 Father. 16And the Spirithimself speaks to our spirits and makes us surethat we are Gods children. 17If we are Gods chil-dren, we will get the blessings God has for hispeople. He will give us all that he has givenChrist. But we must suffer like Christ suffered.Then we will be able to share his glory.*

    We Will Have Glory in the Future18We have sufferings now, but these are

    nothing compared to the great glory* that will begiven to us. 19E ver yt hi ng t ha t Go d m ad e i swaiting with excitement for the time when he will

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    335 ROMANS 8:2033 ROMANI 8.2033

    18.29primul nscut acest lucru nseamn, probabil, c Cristoseste primul din familia lui Dumnezeu care are parte deslava Lui.

    copiii Si. 20Crea^ia a fost supus zdrnici-ei, dar nu de bunvoie, ci din cauza Celuicare a supus-o. Totu`i exist speran^a 21caceast lume creat va fi eliberat de sub

    sclavia degradrii `i c se va bucura delibertatea slavei copiilor lui Dumnezeu.22tim c ntreaga crea^ie a lui Dumnezeu aa`teptat pn acum, suspinnd n durere, cao femeie care na`te. 23i nu numai crea iasuspin, ci `i noi suspinm nuntrul nostru.Noi avem n fi in^a noastr Duhul luiDumnezeu ca prim parte `i ca o garan^ie ab i n e c u v n t r i i L u i ` i a ` t e p t m c aDumnezeu s ne nfieze deplin prin elibera-rea trupurilor noastre. 24Cci n aceast spe-ran^ am fost mntui^i. Dac am vedea ceeace sperm, atunci nu am mai avea speran^.Pentru c nu putem spera ceea ce avemdeja. 25Noi sperm ceea ce nu vedem nc `ia`teptm cu rbdare.

    26La fel ne ajut `i Duhul* n slbiciuneanoastr. Noi nu `tim pentru ce s ne rugm.Dar Duhul nsu`i i vorbe`te lui Dumnezeupentru noi, cu suspine nerostite. 27DarDumnezeu, care vede ce este n inimilenoastre, `tie ce vrea s-I spun Duhul.Duhul vorbe`te n numele sfin^ilor, dupvoia lui Dumnezeu.

    28tim c n toate lucrurile Dumnezeu

    lucreaz spre binele celor ce-L iubesc, alcelor chema^i dup planul Su. 29Dumnezeua `tiut cine sunt ei chiar nainte de a crealumea. i a hotrt ca ei s fie asemeneachipului Fiului Su pentru ca El s fie pri-mul nscut1 dintre mul^i fra^i. 30Dumnezeui-a chemat pe cei pe care i-a pus deoparte.i pe cei chema^i i-a `i ndrept^it. i celordeclara^i drep^i de El le-a dat `i slav.

    Dragostea lui Dumnezeu n Isus Cristos31Ce vom spune deci despre aceste

    lucruri? Dac Dumnezeu este pentru noi,cine va fi mpotriva noastr? 32El nu L-acru^at nici pe propriul Su Fiu, ci L-a dat cas fie omort pentru noi. Cu att mai multacum Dumnezeu ne va da totul mpreun cuFiul Su. 33Cine i va acuza pe ale`ii luiDumnezeu? Nimeni! Dumnezeu este Cel

    18:29 firstborn The first male child in a family. Here, it probably meansthat Christ was the first in Gods family to share Gods glory.

    show the world who his children are. The wholeworld wants very much for that to happen.20Everything God made was changed to be like itwas worth nothing. It did not want to change, but

    God decided to change it. But there was this hope:21That the creation would be made free fromruinthat everything God made would have thesame freedom and glory that belong to Godschildren.

    22We know that everything God made has beenwaiting until now in pain like a woman ready togive birth to a child. 23Not only the world, but wealso have been waiting with pain inside us. We havethe Spirit* as the first part of Gods promise. So weare waiting for God to finish making us his ownchildren. I mean we are waiting for our bodies to bemade free. 24We were saved to have this hope. If wecan see what we are waiting for, that is not reallyhope. People dont hope for something they alreadyhave. 25But we are hoping for something we donthave yet, and we are waiting for it patiently.

    26Also, the Spirit helps us. We are very weak,but the Spirit helps us with our weakness. Wedont know how to pray as we should, but theSpirit himself speaks to God for us. He begs Godfor us, speaking to him with feelings too deep forwords . 27God a l ready knows our deepestthoughts. And he understands what the Spirit issaying, because the Spirit speaks for his people inthe way that agrees with what God wants.

    28We know that in everything God works for

    the good of those who love him. These are thepeople God chose, because that was his plan.29God knew them before he made the world. Andhe decided that they would be like his Son. ThenJesus would be the firstborn1 of many brothersand sisters. 30God planned for them to be like hisSon. He chose them and made them right withhim. And after he made them right, he gave themhis glory.

    Gods Love in Christ Jesus31So what should we say about this? If God is

    for us, no one can stand against us. And God iswith us. 32He even let his own Son suffer for us.God gave his Son for us all. So now with Jesus,God will surely give us all things. 33Who canaccuse the people God has chosen? No one! God

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    336ROMANI 8.34 9.7 ROMANS 8:349:7

    19.6poporul Israel poporul evreu, prin care a ales Dumnezeus aduc binecuvntarea n lume.

    care-i ndrept^e`te. 34Cine i va condamna?Nimeni. Cristos Isus este Cel care a murit `i(ceea ce este `i mai important) a `i nviat. Elst la dreapta lui Dumnezeu `i mijloce`te

    pentru noi.35

    Ce ne va despr^i de dragostealui Cristos? Nimic. Nici necazul, nici sufe-rin^a, nici persecu^iile, nici foametea, nicilipsa de mbrcminte, nici primejdia, nicim o a r t e a . 36D u p c u m e st e sc r is nScripturi*:

    Pentru Tine suntem n primejdiede moarte tot timpul.

    Suntem considera^ica ni te oi destinate tierii.

    Psalmul 44.22

    37Dar n toate acestea noi suntem maimult dect nvingtori prin Dumnezeu carei-a artat dragostea Lui pentru noi.38Pentru c eu sunt convins c nici moartea,nici via^a, nici ngerii, nici duhurile condu-ctoare, nici prezentul, nici viitorul, niciputerile spirituale, 39nici ceea ce este deasu-pra noastr, nici ceea ce este sub noi `i niciun alt lucru creat nu ne poate despr^i dedragostea lui Dumnezeu pe care El ne-oarat n Cristos Isus, Domnul nostru.

    Dumnezeu `i evreii

    9 1Eu sunt n Cristos `i v spun adevrul.Nu v mint. Con`tiin^a mi este martor,prin Duhul Sfnt



    c inima mi-e plin de omare `i nencetat durere. 3Cci aproape midoresc ca eu nsumi s fiu blestemat `i sepa-rat de Cristos, pentru fra^ii mei, pentru ceidin poporul meu. 4Ei sunt evrei. Ei suntale`i de Dumnezeu s fie copiii Lui. Ei auvzut slava lui Dumnezeu, cu ei a fost fcutlegmntul. Lor le-au fost date Legea* `icortul de nchinare. i lor le-au fost fcutepromisiunile lui Dumnezeu. 5Ei sunturma`ii marilor no`tri strmo`i. i ei suntfamilia pmnteasc a lui Cristos care estepeste toate Dumnezeu binecuvntat pentrutotdeauna! Amin.*

    6Acum eu nu vreau s spun c Dumnezeunu i-a ^inut promisiunea. Dar unii dinpoporul Israel1 nu sunt cu adevrat poporullui Dumnezeu, 7ci numai unii dintre urma`iilui Avraam sunt cu adevrat copiii luiAvraam. Dumnezeu i-a spus lui Avraam:

    19:5 Christ forever This can also mean May God, who rules over allthings, be praised forever! 2 9:6 Gods people Literally, Israel, thepeople God chose to bring his blessings to the world.

    is the one who makes them right. 34Who can saythat Gods people are guilty? No one! Christ Jesusdied, but that is not all. He was also raised fromdeath. And now he is at Gods right side, speaking

    to him for us.35

    Can anything separate us fromChrists love? Can trouble or problems or perse-cution* separate us from his love? If we have nofood or clothes or face danger or even death, willtha t separa te us f rom his love? 36As theScriptures* say,

    For you we are in danger of death all the time.People think we are worth no more

    than sheep to be killed. Psalm 44:22

    37But in all these troubles we have completevictory through God, who has shown his love forus. 3839Yes, I am sure that nothing can separateus from Gods lovenot death, life, angels, orruling spirits. I am sur e that nothing now,nothing in the future, no powers, nothing aboveus or nothing below usnothing in the wholecreated worldwill ever be able to separate usfrom the love God has shown us in Christ Jesusour Lord.

    God and the Jewish People

    9 1I am in Christ and I am telling you the truth.I am not lying. And my conscience, ruled bythe Holy Spirit,


    agrees that what I say now istrue. 2I have great sorrow and always feel muchsadness 3for my own people . They are mybrothers and sisters, my earthly family. I wish Icould help them. I would even have a curse on meand cut myself off from Christ if that would helpthem. 4They are the people of Israel,* Godschosen children. They have the glory* of God andthe agreements he made between himself and hispeople. God gave them the law of Moses,* theTemple worship, and his promises. 5They are thedescendants of our great fathers,* and they are theearthly family of Christ. And Christ is God overall things. Praise him forever1! Amen.

    6I dont mean that God failed to keep hispromise to the Jewish people. But only some ofthe people of Israel are really Gods people.2 7Andonly some of Abrahams* descendants are truechildren of Abraham. This is what God said to

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    337 ROMANS 9:822 ROMANI 9.822

    1 9.7 Citat din Gen. 21.12. 2 9.9 Citat din Gen. 18.10, 14.39.1112 Citat din Gen. 25.23. 49.13 Citat din Mal. 1.23.Echivalent cu: L-am ales pe Iacov, dar l-am respins pe Esau.59.15 Citat din Exod 33.19. 69.17 faraonmpratul Egiptului.79.17 Citat din Exod 9.16.

    Urma`ii ti se vor trage din Isaac. 18Aceasta nseamn c nu to^i urma ii luiAvraam sun t cu adev ra t cop i i i lu iDumnezeu. Adevra^ii copii ai lui Avraam

    sunt aceia care au devenit copiii luiD u m n e z e u d a t o r i t p r o m i s i u n i i l u iDumnezeu. 9Iat ce i-a promis Dumnezeului Avraam: La momentul potrivit M vointoarce, iar Sara va avea un fiu.2

    10Mai mult, Rebeca a rmas nsrcinat custrmo`ul nostru Isaac `i a avut doi fii.1112nainte ca cei doi fii s se nasc,Dumnezeu i-a spus Rebeci: Fiul mai mareva sluji celui mai mic.3 El i-a spus aceastanainte ca cei doi s fi fcut ceva bun sauru. Dumnezeu a vorbit astfel nainte ca ei sse fi nscut, pentru ca biatul ales de El sfie ales dup planul Su. Cel mic a fost alespentru c Dumnezeu a dorit s-l cheme pe el,`i nu pentru c cei doi bie^i ar fi fcut ceva.13Dup cum este scris n Scripturi*: L-amiubit pe Iacov, dar l-am urt pe Esau.4

    14Ce vom spune deci? Este cumvaDumnezeu nedrept? 15Nici vorb! Cci Eli -a spus lui Moise : Voi arta ndurareoricui voi dori s art ndurare `i voi aveamil fa^ de oricine doresc s am mil.516Deci Dumnezeu va alege pe cel de care Ise va face mil. i alegerea nu va depindede ce doresc sau ncearc s fac oamenii.17n Scriptur*, Dumnezeu i-a spus unui

    faraon6: Te-am ridicat pentru a-Mi artaputerea n tine `i pentru ca Numele Meu sfie vestit pe ntreg pmntul.7 18A`a cDumnezeu arat ndurare fa^ de cine vreaEl `i mpietre`te pe cine vrea.

    19Dar mi vei spune: Dac a a stau lucru-rile, atunci de ce ne mai gse te vinova^i?Cci cine se va putea mpotrivi voii Lui?20Da, dar cine e`ti tu, omule, s-L tragi larspundere pe Dumnezeu? Oare va spunevasul olarului: De ce m-ai fcut a`a? Nu.21Olarul poate face din acela i lut mai multevase. El poate face unele vase pentru ocazii

    deosebite `i altele pentru a fi folosite zi de zi.22La fel a fcut `i Dumnezeu. De`i a dorits-i arate mnia, pentru ca oamenii s-Ivad puterea, Dumnezeu a avut rbdare fa^

    1 9:7 Quote from Gen. 21:12. 2 9:9 Quote from Gen. 18:10, 14.3 9:1112 Quote from Gen. 25:23. 4 9:13 Quote from Mal. 1:23.59:15 Quote from Ex. 33:19. 69:17 Quote from Ex. 9:16.

    Abraham: Your true descendants will be thosewho come through Isaac.1 8This means that notall of Abrahams descendants are Gods true chil-dren. Abrahams true children are those who

    become Gods children because of the promise hemade to Abraham. 9Here is what God said in thatpromise: About this time next year I will comeback, and Sarah will have a son.2

    10And that is not all. Rebecca also had sons,and they had the same father. He is our father Isaac. 1112But before the two sons were born,God told Rebecca, The older son will serve theyounger.3 This was before the boys had doneanything good or bad. God said this before theywere born so that the boy he wanted would bechosen because of God s own plan. He waschosen because he was the one God wanted tocall, not because of anything the boys did. 13Asthe Scriptures* say, I loved Jacob, but I hatedEsau.4

    14So what does this mean? That God is not fair?We cannot say that. 15God said to Moses, I willshow mercy to anyone I want to show mercy to. Iwill show pity to anyone I choose.5 16So Godwill choose anyone he decides to show mercy to,and his choice does not depend on what peoplewant or try to do. 17In the Scriptures God says toPharaoh*: I made you king so you could do thisfor me. I wanted to show my power through you. I

    wanted my name to be announced throughout theworld.6 18So God shows mercy to those he wantsto show mercy to and makes stubborn those hewants to make stubborn.

    19So one of you will ask me, If God controlswhat we do, why does he blame us for our sins?20Dont ask that. You are only human and have noright to question God. A clay jar does not questionthe one who made it. It does not say, Why did youmake me like this? 21The one who makes the jarcan make anything he wants. He uses the same clayto make different things. He might make one thing

    for special purposes and another for daily use.22It is the same way with what God has done.He wanted to show his anger and to let people seehis power. But he patiently endured those he was

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    338ROMANI 9.2333 ROMANS 9:2333

    1 9.33 Sion un alt nume pentru Ierusalim, cetatea sfnt apoporului lui Dumnezeu.

    de cei pe care Se mniase `i care erau gatas fie distru`i. 23Dumnezeu a a`teptat curbdare pentru a-i putea face cunoscutbog^ia slavei Sale fa^ de cei ce au primit

    ndura rea Lui `i pe care El i-a pregt itpentru a primi slava Lui. 24Este vorbadespre aceia pe care Dumnezeu i-a chemat,nu numai dintre evrei, ci `i dintre neevrei.25Dup cum este scris n Osea:

    Pe cei care nu erau poporul Meui voi numi poporul Meu

    `i pe femeia care nu a fost iubito voi numi iubit. Osea 2.23

    26i se va ntmpla c acolo unde li s-a spus:Nu sunte^i poporul Meu,

    n acela`i loc vor fi numi^ifii ai Dumnezeului celui viu. Osea 1.10

    27i Isaia veste`te cu privire la Israel:

    Chiar de ar fi copiii lui Israel la fel denumero`i ca nisipul mrii,

    numai c^iva vor fi mntui^i.28 Domnul `i va aduce la ndeplinire

    judecata pe pmnt cu repeziciune `in ntregime. Isaia 10.2223

    29i, dup cum a spus `i Isaia:

    Dac Dumnezeul atotputernic nu ne-ar fi

    lsat c^iva descenden^i,am fi fost ca Sodoma*`i am fi ajuns ca Gomora. Isaia 1.9

    30Deci ce vom spune? Putem spune cneevreii, de`i nu cutau ndrept^irea luiDumnezeu, au fost ndrept^i^i datorit cre-din^ei lor. 31Poporul Israel a urmrit Legeacare define`te ndrept^irea ns nu a ajunsla acea Lege. 32De ce? Pentru c ei nu aucutat s fie ndrept^i^i prin credin^, ci auncercat s ob^in ndrept^irea prin fapte.Ei s-au mpiedicat de piatra de poticnire,33dup cum este scris:

    Iat, pun n Sion1 o piatrde care oamenii se vor mpiedica,o piatr care i va face pe oameni s cad.

    Dar oricine crede n Elnu va fi fcut de ru`ine. Isaia 8.14; 28.16

    angry withpeople who were ready to bedestroyed. 23He waited with patience so that hecould make known the riches of his glory* to thepeople he has chosen to receive his mercy. God

    has already prepared them to share his glory.24We are those people, the ones God chose fromthe Jews and from the non-Jews. 25As the Scrip-tures say in the book of Hosea,

    The people who are not mineI will say they are my people.

    And the people I did not loveI will say they are the people I love.

    Hosea 2:2326And,

    Where God said in the past,You are not my peoplethere they will be called children

    of the living God. Hosea 1:1027And Isaiah cries out about Israel:

    There are so many people of Israel,they are like the grains of sand by the sea.

    But only a few of them will be saved.28 Yes, the Lord will quickly finish judging the

    people on the earth. Isaiah 10:2223

    29It is like Isaiah said:

    The Lord All-Powerful allowed some

    of our people to live.If he had not done that,

    we would now be like Sodom,*and we would be like Gomorrah.* Isaiah 1:9

    30So what does all this mean? It means this: Thatthe non-Jews were not trying to make themselvesright with God, but they were made right. Theybecame right because of their faith. 31And thepeople of Israel tried to follow a law to make them-selves right with God. But they did not succeed,32because they tried to make themselves right by thethings they did. They did not trust in God to makethem right. They fell over the stone that makespeople fall. 33The Scriptures talk about that stone:

    Look, I put in Zion* a stonethat will make people stumble.

    It is a rock that will make people fall.But anyone who trusts in that rock

    will never be disappointed. Isaiah 8:14; 28:16

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    339 ROMANS 10:115 ROMANI 10.115

    1 10.5 Citat din Lv. 18.5. 2 10.8 versetele 68 Citat dinDt. 30.1214. 310.11 Citat din Is. 28.16. 410.13 Citat dinIoel 2.32.

    10 1Fra^ilor, dorin^a inimii mele este cato^i evreii s fie mntui^i. i aceastaeste `i rugciunea mea ctre Dumnezeu. 2Eumrturisesc c ei au zel pentru Dumnezeu,

    dar acest zel nu se ntemeiaz pe o cunoa`-tere corect. 3Pentru c nu au cunoscutmodalitatea prin care Dumnezeu i consi-der drep^i pe oameni, ei au cutat o drepta-te a lor proprie `i nu s-au supus modalit^iiprin care Dumnezeu i consider drep^i.4Cristos este sfr itul Legii, pentru ca orici-ne crede s fie considerat drept naintea luiDumnezeu.

    5Cu privire la ndrept^irea care vine prinLeg e, Moise scri e: Cel ce face acest elucruri va tri prin ele.1 6Dar iat ce spuneScriptura cu privire la ndrept^irea care

    vine din credin : S nu spui: Cine se vaurca la ceruri? (Adic s-L coboare peCristos.) 7i s nu spui nici: Cine se vacobor n lumea de dedesubt? (Adic s-Laduc napoi pe Cristos dintre cei mor i.)8Scriptura spune: Cuvntul este aproapede tine, pe buzele tale `i n inima ta.2Acesta este mesajul despre credin^a pe careo proclamm: 9dac vei mrturisi cu gura tac Isus este Domn `i dac crezi n inima tac Dumnezeu L-a nviat dintre cei mor i,vei fi mntuit, 10fiindc trebuie s crezi cuinima pentru a fi ndrept^it, dar trebuie smrturise`ti cu gura pentru a f i mntuit.11Cci Scriptura zice: Oricine crede n Elnu va fi fcut de ru`ine.3 12Aceasta pentruc nu este nici o diferen^ ntre evreu `ineevreu. Acela`i Domn este Domn pesteto^i oamenii `i El este bogat n ndurare fa^de cei ce se ncred n El. 13Cci Orice omcare se ncrede n Numele Domnului va fimntuit.4

    14Dar cum vor putea s se ncreadpentru ajutor n Acela n care nu au crezut?i cum vor putea crede n Acela despre caren-au auzit? i cum vor putea auzi ei, dacnu le va predica cineva? 15i cum vor putea

    predica, dac nu vor fi trimi`i? Dup cum

    1 10:5 Quote from Lev. 18:5. 2 10:8 Verses 68 Quotes fromDeut. 30:1214. 310:11 Quote from Isa. 28:16. 410:13 who trusts inthe Lord Literally, who calls on the name of the Lord, meaning toshow faith in him by worshiping him or praying to him for help. 510:13Quote from Joel 2:32.

    10 1Brothers and sisters, what I want most isfor all the people of Israel to be saved.That is my prayer to God. 2I can say this aboutthem: They really try hard to follow God, but they

    dont know the right way. 3They did not know theway that God makes people right with him. Andthey tried to make themselves right in their ownway. So they did not accept Gods way of makingpeople r ight . 4Christ ended the law so thatev ery one wh o beli eve s in h im is mad e r ig htwith God.

    5Moses writes about being made right by fol-lowing the law. He says, The person who obeysthese laws is the one who will have life throughthem.1 6But this is what the Scriptures say about

    being made right through faith: Dont say toyourself, Who will go up into heaven? (Thatmeans Who will go up to heaven to get Christand bring him down to earth?) 7And dont say,Who will go down into the world below? (Thatmeans Who will go down to get Christ and bringhim up from death?)

    8This is what the Scripture says: Gods teachingis near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart.2It is the teaching of faith that we tell people. 9If youopenly say, Jesus is Lord and believe in yourheart that God raised him from death, you will besaved. 10Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts,and so we are made right with God. And we openlysay that we believe in him, and so we are saved.

    11Yes, the Scriptures say, Whoever believes inhim will never be disappointed.3 12It says thisbecause there is no difference between Jews andnon-Jews. The same Lord is the Lord of allpeople. And he richly blesses everyone who looksto him for help. 13Yes, everyone who trusts inthe Lord4 God will be saved.5

    14But before people can pray to the Lord forhelp, they must believe in him. And before theycan believe in the Lord, they must hear about him.And for anyone to hear about the Lord, someonemust tell them. 15And before anyone can go and

    tell them, they must be sent. As the Scriptures say,

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    340ROMANI 10.16 11.6 ROMANS 10:1611:6

    1 10.15 Citat din Is. 52.7. 2 10.16 primit lit. ascultat de.310.16 Citat din Is. 53.1. 411.3 Citat din 1 mp. 19.10, 14.

    este scris: Ct de frumoase sunt picioarelecelor care aduc Vestea Bun a pcii!1

    16Dar nu to^i au primit2 Vestea Bun* cubucurie. Isaia spune: Doamne, cine a crezut

    mesajul nostru?3 17

    Deci credin^a vine caurmare a auzirii mesajului, iar auzirea vineatunci cnd cineva vorbe te despre Cristos.

    18Dar ntreb: Nu au auzit ei mesajul?Ba da, l-au auzit! Scriptura spune:

    Glasul lor s-a auzit pe tot pmntul,iar cuvintele lor au ajuns

    pn la marginile lumii. Psalmul 19.419Dar eu zic din nou: Nu a n^eles poporulIsrael? Ba da, a n^eles. Mai nti, Moisea zis:

    Voi folosi ni`te oameni

    care nu sunt un popor,pentru a v face gelo`i.i voi folosi un popor fr pricepere,

    pentru a v mnia. Deuteronom 32.21

    20Apoi, Isaia este foarte ndrzne^ cnd spune:

    Am fost gsit de cei care nu M cutau.i M-am artat celor care

    nu doreau s cunoasc voia Mea.Isaia 65.1

    21Dar Dumnezeu spune despre poporulIsrael:

    Toat ziua Mi-am ntins mna spre unpopor neasculttor `i ncp^nat.Isaia 65.2

    Dumnezeu nu a uitat poporul Su

    11 1A`a c n t r eb : A r e sp i n sD um ne ze u p op or ul S u ? N ic ivorb! Pentru c `i eu sunt evreu, un urma`al lui Avraam din famil ia lui Beniamin.2Dumnezeu nu a respins poporul pe care-la les ese d ina int e! Sa u n u `t i^i ce sp un eScriptura* despre Ilie*, cnd se ruga luiDumnezeu mpotriva lui Israel? 3Doamne,i-au omort profe^ii*, i-au drmat altare-

    le*. Eu sunt singurul profet rmas `i acumncearc s m omoare `i pe mine.4 4Dar cei-a rspuns Dumnezeu? Mi-am ps trat`apte mii de brba i care nu s-au nchinat luiBaal*. 5La fel exist `i astzi un mic grupales de Dumnezeu, dup harul Su. 6i dacau fost ale i pe baza harului lui Dumnezeu,

    110:15 Quote from Isa. 52:7. 210:16 Quote from Isa. 53:1. 311:3Quote from 1 Kings 19:10, 14. 411:4 Quote from 1 Kings 19:18.

    How wonderful it is to see someone coming totell good news.1

    16But not all the people accepted that goodnews. Isaiah said, Lord, who believed what we

    told them?2 17

    So faith comes from hearing theGood News.* And people hear the Good Newswhen someone tells them about Christ.

    18But I ask, Did people not hear the GoodNews? Yes, they heardas the Scriptures say,

    Their voices went out all around the world.Their words went everywhere in the world.

    Psalm 19:4

    19Again I ask, Did the people of Israel not under-stand? Yes, they did understand. First, Mosessays this for God:

    I will use those who are not really

    a nation to make you jealous.I will use a nation that does not understand tomake you angry. Deuteronomy 32:21

    20Then Isaiah is bold enough to say this for God:

    The people who were not looking for methey are the ones who found me.

    I showed myself to those whodid not ask for me. Isaiah 65:1

    21But about the people of Israel God says,

    All day long I have waited for those people,but they refuse to obey or to follow me.Isaiah 65:2

    God Has Not Forgotten His People

    11 1So I ask, Did God force his people toleave him? Of course not. I myself am anIsraelite.* I am from the family of Abraham,* fromthe tribe of Benjamin. 2God chose the Israelites tobe his people before they were born. And he didnot force them to leave. Surely you know what theScriptures* say about Elijah.* The Scriptures tellabout Elijah praying to God against the people ofIsrael.* He said, 3Lord, they have killed your

    prophets* and destroyed your altars.* I am the onlyprophet still living, and they are trying to kill menow.3 4But what answer did God give to Elijah?God said, I have kept for myself seven thousandmen who have never given worship to Baal.*4

    5It is the same now. God has chosen a fewpeople by his grace.* 6And if he chose them by

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    341 ROMANS 11:716 ROMANI 11.716

    nseamn c n-au fost ale`i pe baza faptelorlor . Altfel harul lui Dumnezeu nu ar maifi har.


    Iat ce s-a ntmplat: poporul Israel nu agsit ce a cutat, dar cei ale`i au gsit, pecnd ceilal^i au fost mpietri^i. 8Dup cumspune Scriptura:

    Domnul a turnat peste voiun duh de adormire profund.

    Isaia 29.10

    Domnul v-a dat ochi care nu vd`i urechi care nu aud.

    i acest lucru este la felpn n ziua de astzi.

    Deuteronom 29.4

    9i David spune:

    Fie ca ei s fie prin`i ncurs la mesele lor!

    Fie ca ei s cad `i s-`iprimeasc pedeapsa!

    10 Fie ca ochii lor s se ntunece`i ei s nu mai vad!

    Fie ca spinarea lor s se aplece mereu,sub povara necazurilor!

    Psalmul 69.2223

    11A`a c ntreb: Cnd s-au poticnit evreii,

    a atras aceast poticnire cderea lor final?Nici vorb! Ci, mai degrab, prin gre`ealalor a venit mntuirea ` i printre neevrei ,pentru a-i face gelo`i {pe evrei}. 12Dar dacgre`eala lor a adus o bog^ie de binecuvn-tri pentru lume `i dac pierderea suferit deei a adus o bog^ie de binecuvntri pentruneevrei, gndi i-v ce mare binecuvntareva fi atunci cnd `i evreii vor veni la Cristos.

    13Acum v vorbesc celor care sunte^ineevrei. Eu sunt un apostol* trimis neevrei-lor. Eu fac tot ce pot pentru lucrarea mea.14i sper ca, prin ceea ce fac, s-i provoc la

    gelozie pe evrei, care sunt poporul meu, `is-i salvez pe unii dintre ei. 15Cci dac prinrespingerea lor de ctre Dumnezeu s-a ajunsla mpcarea lumii cu Dumnezeu, primirealor de ctre Dumnezeu va nsemna via^dup moarte.

    16Dac prima felie de pine i este oferitlui Dumnezeu, atunci ntreaga pine este

    grace, then it is not what they have done thatmade them his people. If they could be made hispeople by what they did, his gift of grace wouldnot really be a gift.


    So this is what has happened: The people ofIsrael wanted Gods blessing, but they did not allget it. The people he chose did get his blessing,but the others became hard and refused to listen tohim. 8As the Scriptures say,

    God caused the people to fall asleep.Isaiah 29:10

    God closed their eyes so that theycould not see,

    and he closed their ears so that they couldnot hear.

    This continues until now. Deuteronomy 29:4

    9And David says,

    Let those people be caught and trapped at theirown feasts.

    Let them fall and be punished.

    10 Let their eyes be closed so that they cannot see.And let them be troubled forever.

    Psalm 69:2223

    11So I ask: When the Jews fell, did that fall

    destroy them? No! But their mistake brought sal-vation to the non-Jews. The purpose of this was tomake the Jews jealous. 12Their mistake broughtrich blessings to the world. And what they lostbrought rich blessings to the non-Jewish people.So surely the world will get much richer blessingswhen enough Jews become the kind of peopleGod wants.

    13Now I am speaking to you people who are notJews. I am an apostle* to the non-Jews. So while Ihave that work, I will do the best I can. 14I hope Ican make my own people jealous. That way,

    maybe I can help some of them to be saved.15God turned away from the Jews. When that hap-pened, he became friends with the other people inthe world. So when he accepts the Jews, it will belike bringing people to life after death. 16If thefirst piece of bread is offered to God, then the

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    342ROMANI 11.1729 ROMANS 11:1729

    sfin^it. Dac rdcinile unui copac sunt sfin-te, atunci `i ramurile copacului sunt sfinte.

    17Tu , n ee vr eul , e `t i c a r am ur a u nu imslin slbatic. Dac unele din ramurile

    copacului sfnt sunt rupte `i tu e ti altoit nele, ai devenit `i tu prta` aceleia`i rd-cini. 18Dar s nu te lauzi fa^ de ramuri(adic evreii). Dac totu`i te lauzi, s `tii cnu tu ^ii rdcina, ci rdcina te ^ine petine. 19Acum ai putea spune: Da, dar ramurile au fost tiate pentru ca eu s fiualtoit. 20Este adevrat. Ele au fost tiatedatorit necredin^ei lor. Dar tu faci partedin copac datorit credin^ei tale. A`a c nute luda, ci, mai degrab, nfrico`eaz-te!21Pe nt ru c d ac D um nez eu n -a c ru ^atramurile naturale, atunci nu te va cru^a nicipe tine.

    22Vezi deci buntatea, dar `i severitatealui Dumnezeu. Severitate fa^ de cei care auczut `i buntate fa^ de tine. Dac nu veiasculta de El, vei fi tiat `i tu. 23i dacramurile tiate nu persist n necredin^, vorfi primite napoi. Cci Dumnezeu i poateprimi napoi. 24Voi, neevreii, sunte^i caramura unui mslin slbatic. Voi a^i fosttia^i din mslinul slbatic `i a^i fost altoi^i,mpotriva naturii, n mslinul bun. Cu attmai u`or va fi ca evreii, care sunt ramurilenaturale ale mslinului bun,