Roman Legion Camp From 2nd Century C.E. Found at Megiddo - Archaeology

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Campo da legião romana encontrado em Megido

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    Roman legion camp from 2nd centuryC.E. found at Megiddo - Archaeology

    Noa Shpigel

    Two years ago, it still did not seem completely real: Satellite photos

    and ground-penetrating radar images marked out for archaeologists

    the location of the permanent camp of the Roman legion that ruled

    all of northern Israel almost 2,000 years ago. The camp, near

    Kibbutz Megiddo, was discovered under a broad field used for

    farming located between the archaeological site of Tel Megiddo,

    where 24 layers of human settlement have been uncovered, and

    the village of Otnai, which was discovered under the grounds of the

    Megiddo Prison and includes one of the earliest churches ever


    Last winters heavy rains exposed part of the camp, which housed

    about 5,000 Roman soldiers, at the site known as Legio; and today

    parts of the streets running through the camp can be identified, as

    well as the orderly arrangement of the water pipes in the middle of

    the streets and the sewerage channels on both sides of them. The

    excavations also uncovered parts of the large bath house that was

    part of the home of the commander of the camp, which is paved

    with tiles bearing the stamp of the legion that was camped nearby.

    Archaeologist Yotam Tepper, codirector of the excavation together

    Roman legion camp from 2nd century C.E. found at Megiddo - Archaeology about:reader?url=

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  • with archaeologists Jonathan David and Matthew Adams, said the

    findings clearly show the commanders importance and wealth.

    The excavation is being carried out by the W.F. Albright Institute of

    Archaeological Research with the cooperation of the Israel

    Antiquities Authority, as part of the broader Jezreel Valley Regional


    In the second century of the Common Era the Legio Secunda

    Traiana, or Trajans Second Legion named after the emperor

    himself arrived at the site, which became the Roman military

    headquarters for the entire north. The legion built a permanent

    camp, and 20 years later it was replaced by the Legio VI Ferrata

    the Sixth Ironclad Legion, which stayed in the area for about 200

    years in a camp that spread over some 150 dunams (about 37

    acres), said Tepper.

    As opposed to what is commonly thought, there was also a good

    side to the military rule over the region: The soldiers of the Roman

    legion did not only rape and loot, they also built and paved [roads],

    Tepper said.

    The legion had engineering and technology units that helped

    develop the country, he noted. They were the masters of water and

    sewerage systems. The Roman army, like the American army

    today, brought new technologies with them, he said. The residents

    of the village of Otnai used twisting paths that were washed away in

    the winter, and the Romans arranged roads eight meters wide for

    them for use throughout the year.

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  • This Roman exactitude can be seen clearly at the site in the water

    system and the roads, says Tepper. The site was a major way

    station on the road between Beit Shean and Caesarea, and the

    original Megiddo junction was at its center, not far from todays

    modern intersection.

    There was a close relationship between Otnai and the legion camp,

    and the families of Christian soldiers lived in the village, alongside

    Jewish and Samaritan residents, with everyone keeping their own

    traditions. The prayer hall in the village, with a mosaic floor, was

    funded by one of the officers from the camp.

    The camp is similar to legion camps in the western part of the

    Roman Empire, which were usually built on the same model, and

    previous excavations of such camps aided the archaeologists in

    building their picture of where to dig. There are no other similar

    camps in Israel, Tepper noted, though there is the camp of the 10th

    Legion in Jerusalem, but this is buried under seven other layers of

    archaeological finds from different periods.

    The most important finding in this dig was to understand the camp

    itself, said Tepper.

    In archaeological terms, what is good about the site is that nothing

    was ever built over it later, which made the excavations far simpler

    and straightforward. The nearby Roman-Byzantine city was built

    later on the nearby hills and not on the lower fields.

    When the legion finally abandoned the camp, they did so in an

    orderly fashion, which also makes this site rather exceptional. It

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  • means there were very few finds accidently left behind, and almost

    everything was removed except for the buildings, roads and

    infrastructure. But the archaeologists still found a number of small

    items such as oil lamps, coins, metal tools, chiseled stone table

    legs in the form of panthers, and pieces of Roman armor.

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