St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Community Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor 701 Mt Rose Hwy, Incline Village, NV 89451 775.831.0490 office 775.831.2045 fax www.sftahoe.org July 29, 201817th Week of Ordinary Time 29 de Julio, 2018XVII Semana de Tiempo Ordinario WEEKLY MIRACLE: Today we begin to hear a long section from John’s Gospel, starting with the miracle of the multiplication of the loves and fishes. This miracle story is a prelude to the Lords’ statements that we will begin hearing in a few weeks, in which Jesus refers to himself as the “bread of life.” Each week we witness a miracle at Mass. We do not see a multiplication of loves before us. What our eyes of faith allow us to see is the miracle of the transformation of common elementsbread and wine—into the Lords’ Body and Blood. Once we have received the Lord, the multiplication begins, for in the Eucharist we are strengthened to multiply our efforts to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, and bring comfort to the despairing. MILAGRO SEMANAL: Hoy comenzamos a escuchar una larga sección del Evangelio según san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio de las declaraciones del Señor, que comenzaremos a escuchar en algunas semanas, en las que Jesús se llama a sí mismo el “Pan de Vida”. Cada semana somos testigos de un milagro en la Misa. No vemos la multiplicación de panes. Lo que vemos con los ojos de la fe es el milagro de la transformación de elementos comunes, pan y vino, en el Cuerpo y la Sangre del Señor. Una vez que hemos recibido al Señor, comienza la multiplicación, porque en la Eucaristía se nos fortalece para multiplicar nuestros esfuerzos por alimentar a los pobres, darles refugio a los que no tienen hogar y brindarles consuelo a los afligidos. DECLARACION de MISION: Hacer discípulos que compartan con alegría sus regalos y vivan el Evangelio con Jesucristo. MISSION STATEMENT: Making disciples who joyfully share their gifts to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

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Page 1: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Community Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno

Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor 701 Mt Rose Hwy, Incline Village, NV 89451 775.831.0490 office 775.831.2045 fax www.sftahoe.org

July 29, 2018—17th Week of Ordinary Time

29 de Julio, 2018—XVII Semana de Tiempo Ordinario

WEEKLY MIRACLE: Today we begin to hear a long section from John’s Gospel, starting with the miracle of the multiplication of the loves and fishes. This miracle story is a prelude to the Lords’ statements that we will begin hearing in a few weeks, in which Jesus refers to himself as the “bread of life.” Each week we witness a miracle at Mass. We do not see a multiplication of loves before us. What our eyes of faith allow us to see is the miracle of the transformation of common elements—bread and wine—into the Lords’ Body and Blood. Once we have received the Lord, the multiplication begins, for in the Eucharist we are strengthened to multiply our efforts to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, and bring comfort to the despairing.

MILAGRO SEMANAL: Hoy comenzamos a escuchar una larga sección del Evangelio según san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio de las declaraciones del Señor, que comenzaremos a escuchar en algunas semanas, en las que Jesús se llama a sí mismo el “Pan de Vida”. Cada semana somos testigos de un milagro en la Misa. No vemos la multiplicación de panes. Lo que vemos con los ojos de la fe es el milagro de la transformación de elementos comunes, pan y vino, en el Cuerpo y la Sangre del Señor. Una vez que hemos recibido al Señor, comienza la multiplicación, porque en la Eucaristía se nos fortalece para multiplicar nuestros esfuerzos por alimentar a los pobres, darles refugio a los que no tienen hogar y brindarles consuelo a los afligidos.


Hacer discípulos que compartan con alegría sus regalos y vivan el Evangelio con Jesucristo.


Making disciples who joyfully share their

gifts to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Page 2: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 2

Welcome to Saint Francis of Assisi /

Bienvenida a St. Francisco de Asís OFFICE HOURS

Monday through Saturday 9 am to 5 pm

Mass Times / Horario de Misa:

Saturday: 5 pm in English

Sunday: 9 am & 11 am in English / 5 pm en Español

Weekdays: 9 am—Tuesday through Friday

Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4 pm or by appointment.

Sacraments /Sacramentos

Baptism/Bautizo: Pre-baptismal English Classes are held the first Tuesday of each month; call Cathy Cecil at (775) 622-3378

or Sue Marshall at (908) 872-6054. Spanish Classes are held on

the first Monday of each month. Call Natividad Morales (775)

815-6835. Clases Pre-bautismales en ingles cada primer

martes del mes; hable con Cathy Cecil at

(775) 622-3378 o Sue Marshall a (908) 872-6054. En español,

cada primer lunes del mes hable Natividad Morales,

a (775) 815-6835.

Ministry to the Homebound / Eucaristía en Casa: Please call the parish office, 831-0490. Hable a la oficina.

Marriage Preparation/Preparación de Matrimonio: For English, call Beth & Dieter Krewedl at (530) 414-4653.


Pastor: Reverend William “Bill” Nadeau [email protected] Deacon: Don Korson [email protected] OR (775) 852-3650 Deacon: Jose Castro [email protected] Parish Office Manager: John Keehan [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Katie Christensen [email protected] Music Liturgy & Media Director: Lynne Cibulsky [email protected] Assoc. Music Director: Tim Callicrate [email protected] Director of Religious Education: Becky Massingill [email protected] Youth Minister: David Willems [email protected] Front Office: Barbara Allio & Dora Diaz [email protected] Bookkeeper: Saundra Whitt [email protected] Director of Latino Ministries: Natividad Morales (775) 815-6835 / [email protected] Director of Stewardship: Helen Neff [email protected] Grounds & Building Maintenance: John McManus (775) 831-0490

Parish Ministries & Programs / Ministerios y Programas de Parroquia In a wonderful and committed sense

of Christian stewardship, St. Francis of Assisi disciples are active in over 40 ministries and programs. We strongly

encourage you to get involved in a ministry which serves as a good use of your passion, time, talent, and treasure. For

a complete listing of all ministries, programs, and contacts, please visit our website at SFTahoe.org. You can also

access our bulletins, homilies and a wide array of information. We especially encourage you to take advantage of

Online Giving (OLG), a feature which allows you to make donations — regular and one-time — all online. This

mode of giving is convenient and simple to use, and provides year-end tax statements for your charitable giving.

BULLETIN REQUESTS: Please submit notices and articles for the church bulletin to Lynne Cibulsky at [email protected] by Tuesday at 5 pm. All requests are subject to approval and space-availability.

DECLARACION de MISION: Hacer discípulos que

compartan con alegría sus regalos y vivan el Evangelio con Jesucristo.

DECLARACION de VISION: Ser una comunidad vibrante que celebra, ora, estudia, da y que comparte su fe. Nos guiamos por el Espíritu Santo y nos involucramos en el Ministerio con otros a través del amor por Dios.

MISSION STATEMENT: Making disciples who joyfully

share their gifts to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

VISION STATEMENT: To be a vibrant community that welcomes, prays, studies, gives, and shares our faith.

We are guided by the Holy Spirit as we engage in ministry with others through our love of God.

Page 3: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Stewardship & Community / Administración y Comunidad

Good Stewardship: Sharing Our Treasure

Weekly Collection (thru July 22, 2018)

Envelope $ 1,660

Non-Envelope $ 7,971

Online Giving $ 1,538


Primary Collection

$ 11,169

Pg. 3

Adoration of the Eucharist is held on the first

Thursday each month from 8-9 am before Daily Mass.

Anointing of the Sick is offered on the fir st Fr iday of

each month immediately after Daily Mass or by


Reconciliation is scheduled on Saturday at 4 pm and

by appointment.

Low-Gluten Hosts* are available for Communion.

Please ask one of our Hospitality Ministers or our

Cantor for assistance. (*sanctioned by the USCCB)


Tuesday, July 31st at 9 am Paul Sloan† (9/11 Victim) by Mom & Dad

Wednesday, August 1st at 9 am Mary O’Donnell† by The Family

Thursday, August 2nd at 9 am Peg Raburn† by Jane & Mike Maloney

Friday, August 3rd at 9 am Alicia Gaskiewicz† by Marianne Mika

Saturday, August 4th at 5 pm Sister Joel (Jubilee) by Katie & Roger

Sunday, August 5th

9 am: LaVonne† & Frank† Amaral by Julia Amaral

11 am: Judy Kelly Page† by Steve Page

5 pm: Richard Caravelli† by Monica & Dave

July 29 - August 5, 2018

Weekend Presentation at Masses

“Relevant Radio”

Sunday, July 29th

9 am & 11 am Masses (English)

5 pm Mass (Spanish)

Monday, July 30th

4 pm Centering Prayer Group

6:30 pm Crecimiento Carismático

Tuesday, July 31st

9 am Daily Mass

9:30 am St. Francis of Assisi Camino

Wednesday, August 1st

9 am Daily Mass

Thursday, August 2nd

8 am Adoration of the Eucharist

9 am Daily Mass

2:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, August 3rd 9 am Daily Mass

9:30 am Anointing of the Sick 4 - 6 pm Fridays at the Beach

6:30 pm Rosario y Grupo Carismático

This Weekend: 2nd Collection for

Black & Indian Missions

Saturday, August 4th

10 am Baptisms

4 pm Reconciliation

5 pm Mass

Sunday, August 5th

9 am Mass (English)

10 am Baptism

11 am Masses (English)

5 pm Mass (Spanish)

Page 4: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 4

Our Mission: Making disciples who joyfully share their gifts to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Declaración de Misión: Hacer discípulos que compartan con alegría sus regalos y vivan el

Evangelio con Jesucristo.

QUERIDO SEÑOR, damos gracias por todos nuestros DISCÍPULOS DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS quienes voluntariamente y desinteresadamente ofrecen sus regalos y talentos para ayudar a fortalecer nuestra COMUNIDAD DE FE y que el ESPÍRITU SANTO PUEDA continuar vertiendo AMOR y BENDICIONES en sus CORAZONES.

DEAR LORD, we give thanks for all our SAINT FRANCIS of ASSISI DISCIPLES who willingly and unselfishly offer their gifts and talents to help strengthen our FAITH COMMUNITY. May the HOLY SPIRIT continue to pour LOVE and BLESSINGS into their HEARTS.

Our gratitude to everyone who made our 2018 Discipleship Weekend so successful, especially our Disciples

serving in Parish Ministry, Fr. Bill for the meaningful Blessing, everyone who worked so hard on the slide show

presentation, our staff who helped with the many details beforehand and during the weekend, John Adams for

photography, and the many other hands that helped over the weekend. We are grateful for YOU!

Nuestra gratitud a todos los que hicieron que Fin de Semana del Discipulado del 2018 fuera tan exitoso,

especialmente nuestros Discípulos sirviendo en el Ministerio Parroquial, y el Padre Bill por la bendición tan

significativa, y todos los que trabajaron arduamente en la mini presentación de los ministerios, y nuestro personal

que ayudó antes y durante con los detalles del fin de semana, John Adams el fotógrafo y todas las otras manos que

ayudaron durante el fin de semana. ¡Estamos agradecidos con USTEDES!

Helen Neff, Stewardship Director / Directora del discipulado

Page 5: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 5

Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Welcomes You!

¡San Francisco de Asís le da la Bienvenida!

Registration & Change Form / Formulario de inscripción

Family Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre de Familia

Physical Address : _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dirección Física

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dirección Postal

Phone : __________________________________ Numero Telefónico



Children’s Names & Dates of Birth:


Nombre de Hijos y fecha de nacimiento ________________________________________________________________________________

I am interested in receiving: Envelopes_____ Electronic Bulletin_____

Learning More About Stewardship Opportunities _____

Husband: ___________________________________________________ Esposo

Wife: ____________________________________________ Esposa

□ Seasonal / Part-Time

□ Full time

T H A N K Y O U! ¡G R A C I A S! (Slideshow Credits / Créditos de Presentación)

S t . F r a n c i s o f A s s i s i M u s i c M i n i s t r y

A l M i n i s t e r i o M ú s i c a d e l a I g l e s i a d e S a n F r a n c i s c o d e A s í s

Lynne Cibulsky and the St. Francis of Assisi Choir

Tim Callicrate ~ Piano, Chris Keenan ~ Guitar, Linda Lynch ~ Flute

Calixta Cordoba-Sosa ~ Soloist (Spanish)

N a r r a t o r s / N a r r a d o r e s

Tippi McIver, Cecilia Aceti, Jeff Whitt, Scarlet Ramos

P h o t o g r a p h y / F o t ó g r a f o s

Jim Abbott, Ken Reese, and numerous St. Francis of Assisi Disciples

P r o d u c t i o n / P r o d u c c i ó n

Dave Schmenk, Christian Schmenk, Bennett Welco, Hannah Welco

Page 6: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 6

From the Office of the Bishop

Notice of 2nd Collection on August 4-5, 2018 (NEXT weekend)

Black and Indian Missions

My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Black and Indian Mission Collection exists to help diocesan communities build the Church and preach the

Gospel of Jesus among the African American, Native American, and Alaska Native people of God. This collection

has, for the last 134 years, changed the landscape of evangelization and education efforts to these communities.

Every year, it is the amazing generosity of the Catholic faithful just like you, which enables the Black and Indian

Mission Office to support important priorities. Grant funds help African American and Native American ministries

sponsor events and formation that encourages living Christian life in culturally appropriate ways. Your contribution

also helps educators reach children and support good teachers in African American and Native American

communities. In 2017, your generous donations reached over 4,000 students in more than 250 schools and parishes

across the United States.

Our diocese benefits directly from this collection: Bishop Manogue Catholic High School receives a grant from

the Black and Indian Missions. This grant helps with tuition assistance for Native American and African American

students who would otherwise not have the opportunity to have a Catholic education.

Thank you for your prayerful support of the collection for the Black and Indian Missions.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Randolph R. Calvo, Bishop of Reno

Relevant Radio, broadcasting locally on 920 AM,

streaming live on our free APP, or on our website

RelevantRadio.com, is your “go to” place for 24/7

Catholic shows on all aspects of our Catholic Faith.

Tune in to find your favorite engaging and

informative show or relax and pray the Rosary live

at 5 pm every evening with Catholics across the

whole country. If you are here from out of town,

you can go to our website or pick up a brochure after

Mass where you can find a list of all 130 of our

Relevant Radio stations.

If you would like to promote your business, event or

services on air or on the website, please contact Tom

Huckins at [email protected] or call

him directly at (916) 660-5039.

Dee Dee Clark is your

local Parish Ambassador

here at St. Francis of Assisi,

so please feel free to contact

her at [email protected] if you have any

questions or need materials or bumper stickers.

Parish and local Social Justice representatives work with United for Action, a coalition of churches,

religions and community service organizations. This group has initiated a program to provide basic daily necessities to those in need – victims of domestic violence, and children or other victims of social or criminal consequences forced on to the street. To this end we have purchased 1,000 backpacks and filled then with the basic daily needs for health, hygiene and comfort.

Each pack is filled with life’s basic needs...a SURVIVAL LIFE PRESERVER, particularly for women and children who suffer domestic and/or sexual violence.

We, as a part of United for Action, are asking St. Francis of Assisi for DONATIONS to help pay for the packs, water bottles, and the assorted vital essentials that go into the packs for survival. No donation is too small, and ALL are so GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Page 7: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 7

Youth Ministry Help at St. Francis If you are an adult who loves God, loves

the Church and has a heart for teens, God might be calling you to courageously respond

to being that vitally important relationship in a teen’s life. Core Members welcome young

people into God’s family and into a relationship with His Son as they navigate these

crucial years of life. As mentor, model, and difference maker in the lives of our teens,

Core Members are at the heart of St. Francis Youth Ministry at every level. If interested,

contact David Willems at [email protected] .

How well are you passing on your faith?

¿Qué tan bien estás transmitiendo tu fe?

Early Bird Discount! Register before August 1! Descuento por Early Bird! Regístrese antes del 1 de agosto! (Discount: $15 per Family) (Hay Descuento: de $15 por Familia)

Registration forms for Religious Education 2018-1019 are available online and in the Parish office. Please

return completed forms, fees, and certificates of all the sacraments the student has received to the Religious

Education office Tuesday-Thursday.

Formularios de inscripción para educación religiosa 2018-1019 están disponibles en línea y en la oficina de

la Parroquia. Por favor devuelva los formularios completos, su pago y el certificado de todos los

sacramentos que el alumno recibió en la oficina de Educación Religiosa de martes a jueves. Gracias por su


Page 8: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 8

MILITARY PRAYER LIST: If you would like to add a family member or friend to our prayer list, please

send to [email protected], call (775) 831-0490, or drop off a note in our parish office. Due to current armed forces

recommendations, we will no longer include the location of our military men and women, but will simply list name,

rank and branch of service.

U.S. Air Force U.S. Army

Michael Caretti SPC Estevan Ruiz Benavidez

SSgt Alexandria J. Cibulsky PFC Jamie Bonnenfant

Lt. Col. Michael Drew LT Michael Boutte

Lt Col Greg Ebert Capt Sarah Casper

Col Michael Eltz LT Conor Keenan

Col Chris Hardgrave Gen Tim McGuire

Nicholas Hooker Lt Col Darren Moniot

Lt Col Robert “Bobby” Houston Capt David Nuletelich

The Mills Brothers Maj Chase Ochoa

U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Corps of Engineers LT Jeannie Crump MG Michael C. Wehr

U.S. Marine Corp U.S. Navy LT Jeffrey Caraway Payden Armstrong

LT Kylee Caraway LT Nathan Davey

Alex Herron MIDN 3/C George Hamilton

Cpl Ross P. McGrath LT Ashley Huff

Lt Mackenzie Spaich LT CDR Nelson Keyser IV

LT Joshua Kovach

Unlisted Branch of Service LT Robert Nordlund

Capt. Michael Cox LT CDR Preston Ochoa

Anna Verbeke, United Nations Nate Scott, Blue Angel

LT Jessica Sheffield

Page 9: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 9


Prayers for the Living ...Oraciones para la Vida

Coie O’Malley John Odin

Sofia Orduno Hank Oskam

Betsy (Gast) Ossler Robert Parrish Simona Peralta

Dolores Peterson Bonnie Poe

Amy, Reese & Mark Potts Joan & Leon Pujale

Victor & Maria Ramirez

Chris Reyes Carol & Don Rischow

Sonia Rivas Bob Roberts

Gilda Rodriguez Richard Rubsamen

Bob Rudloff Mary Ann Sabia

Guadalupe Tatengo Sanchez Maria Sanchez

Orlando Sanchez Laura Santimore

Scott Sawyer Steven Schmitz

Bobby Schreiber Ron Schurter Carter Scott

Mike Serrano Kim Sharp

Patti Sharpe Laurie & Jim Sibley

Rick Slavenes Andrew Solomon

Jean Starkey Barbara Stedman Jerry Stohlgren Andrea Tatengo

Petti & Rich Thall Carolyn Thompson

Theresa Tidwell Rich Todd

Breeanna Torsen Ellen Tuazon

Renato Tuazon Nancy Tupper

Gary VanHouten Saul Viveros

Noel VonHarten Tyler Whisler

Cody & John White The Michael Williams Family

Letty & Joe Wolpert The Zilis Family: Andy, Deb & Kara

Shirley Hack

Donna Hagemann Patricia Hames Kyla Hartman Sheldon Haun Alexis Herrera

Maryanne Heyde Les Inman

Charlene Jackson Mike Jackson Terry Jarcik

Marcie Johnson Rick Johnson

Michael Ryan Jones Joe Kambeitz Claire Keeys Katie King

Gerald Klein Charleen Knieriem Mary Ellen Kositzin

Marian LaFerla Maureen Lahey Della Laidlaw William Lamb Barbara Landis

Annabelle LeFrere Taylor Lietaert

Barbara A. Lowell Mary Ann Lowell Marjory Lucido Patrick Lynch

Tim Lynch Sherry McBride Miley McCrary

Lauren McLaughlin Kayla Mariani Toni Marszalek

Bob Mason Lori Mayo

Sharon Mazza Leslie Medeiros Vilma Merlos

Maureen Mika Michael Mimiaga Stephen Mimiaga

Scott Mitchell Kathy Montalbano Eduardo Morales

Suso Morales Tony Moulding Bob Mulcahy

Jill Mulcahy and Family Annabell Munoz-Rangel

Judi Neely Yvonne Nelson

Johnny A. O’Connor III

Please help us maintain this “Prayers for the Living” list

by letting us know when a name can be removed.

Emma Alden Al D. Asti

Violetta Avila Jimena Ayala

Michael Bacon Patti Barth

Meera Beser Dayann Barrios Bianca Bernal

Scarlette Bertolina Sandra Simko Blair

Jeanne Bomar Al Bonnenfant

Diana & Dale Borman Carole Bostick

Hayley Bosworth Josie Bowman Kyle Bradshaw

Bea Brenner Robert Brenner Meg Brenton Kitt Brosnan

Marie Cameron Maria Elena Canales

Esther Cano Victor Cardiel

Barbara Carmody Christopher Carrette

Tony Chirico Betty & Will Clarke

Cathie Collier Iola Cook

Gira Cooper Pat Crow

Brad Daniel The Danowski Family

Barbara Delaney Susan Devyak

Melba Edwards Chance Eichner

Jim Essling Sharon Filardo

Joshua Figueroa Lucia Flores Rose Flores Jim France

Carol Frenney Theresa Garstang Fr. Michael Glenn

Chuck Goble Familia Orosco Gonzalez

Javier Garcia-Raso & Family

Page 10: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 10




If you need assistance setting up an account or if you have

questions, please contact Helen at [email protected] or

call (775) 831-0490 to schedule an appointment at your


Please welcome our newest Bulletin Advertiser:

Walton’s Funerals & Cremations

You will find their ad in the upper

right quadrant of our back page. As

always, we thank you for patronizing

all of our Bulletin Advertisers!

Saturday, August 4, 2018 at 9 am across from the


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Page 11: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

Pg. 11

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Page 12: Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Rev. William Nadeau, Pastor · 29-07-2018  · san Juan que empieza con el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces. Este milagro es un preludio

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