Rodgers.practical Examples.ncrp 151

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Practical Examples, Including IMRT, TBI and SRS using NCRP 151 MethodsJames E. Rodgers, PhD Member NCRP Report 151 Committee Medical Radiation Physicist Maryland Regional Cancer Care Silver Spring MD e-mail: [email protected] Rodgers

ACMP 2006

I. Shielding Calculation Methods for Medical Photon SourcesBasics: 1. P= B* H0 P = shielding design goal per week, P reg. limit B = barrier transmission factor H0 = unattenuated dose equivalent , H0 , at the location to be protected 2. Compute B = P/H0 . 3. Determine the barrier thickness, x, needed to achieve B. [ using TVL data]J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Shielding Calculation Methods for Medical Photon Sources4. Two barrier types: Primary barrier The primary radiation is directly incident on this type. Secondary barrierOnly secondary radiations, leakage and scatter, impinge on this type.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Medical Linear Accelerator (6-25 MV X-rays)Secondary barrier

stand Primary barrier beam plane Primary barrier

Gantry rotational axisJ Rodgers

-Primary -Leakage -Scatter

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV Therapy VaultParking lot (uncontrolled, unattended)

Offices (unctrl) unctrl) Offices (unctrl.) unctrl.)

Equipment/ modulator



Console area (controlled)


J Rodgers

(contrl.) contrl.)

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV Vault---Primary Barrier Widthsadd 30 cm here w = 50 cm (d + 1 m)/ (1 m) w

d20o scattered radiation (impt. for 15 MV)

w add 30 cm here

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Primary Barriers for Therapy X- or Gamma-ray machinesH0 = weekly dose equivalent to be attenuated at location Q = Wpri U T/ds2 Wpri = workload per wk at 1 m (e.g., Gy*m2/wk ) (for primary barriers) For this example, Wpri = 35 pt/day*5 day/wk *2.5 Gy/pt *(1/0.6) = 730 Gy/wk = 73.0x103 cGy/wk [The 0.6 factor accounts for patient attenuation.] U = fraction of workload oriented at the barrier protecting Q T = fraction of work week that the maximally exposed individual is at or near Q ds = distance in m from Source to Q

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Primary Barriers Bpri = the barrier transmission factor P =shielding design goal P = Bpri H0 = Bpri Wpri U T/ds2 or, Bpri = Pds2 /(Wpri UT ) If TVL data is available: Bpri = 10-n(TVL) n(TVL) = log10(1/ Bpri ) = # of tenth value layers needed to satisfy the shielding design goal Often TVL1 TVLe , so the barrier thickness is: x = TVL1 + [n(TVL) 1] *TVLeJ Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Primary Barriers Suggested primary beam TVLs[NCRP 151,Table B.2]

MV 6

Barrier material

Concrete Steel Lead(Pb)

TVL1 (cm) 37 10. 5.7 45 11. 5.7

TVLeq (cm) 33 10. 5.7 43 11. 5.7


Concrete Steel Lead(Pb)J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV Therapy VaultParking lot (uncontrolled, unattended) A

T = 1/20

dA = 5.2 mOffices(public =uncontrol ledl) ledl)

dG = 10.9 mF G

dF = 7.7 m

T=1 T = 1/10Offices(public) Equipment/ modulator



dB = 4.7 m dD = 5.2 m dC = 4.1 mDConsole area (controlled)

dE = 6.5 mEEntrance (controlled)



T=1J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV Therapy Vault---Up on the roof.H, H The primed location is for an uncontrolled use of area. Barrier thicknesses will increase.

dH or dH

Offices (unctrl) unctrl)

3 m 1.3 mOffices (unctrl.) unctrl.)

1.3 m

Equipment/ modulator (controlled)

Important: Barrier width is determined by the beam divergence with gantry angle. Usually the width will match the primary barrier at the wall(s).

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Primary Wallslocation type Unctrl. Ctrl. Ctrl. Uctrl. P (mSv/wk) U T ds (m) Bpri 1.05e-4 1.77e-5 1.05e-4 2.36e-6 n 3.98 4.75 3.98 5.62 x (cm)


0.02 0.1 0.1 0.02

0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3

0.05 5.2+1 1 0.1 14.1+1 3.8+1 4.1+1

135.3 160.7 135.3 189.6

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

IDR, Rw, and RhFor each (primary barrier) location it is recommended to verify the following quantities are acceptable: Rw = Time-Averaged-DoseRate in a week = IDR* Wpri *U / DR1mwhere IDR = transmitted instantaneous dose rate = DR1m B/d2 Rw *T should not be > P

Rh = Time-averaged dose in-any-one-hour= (M/40) Rw where 40 hours of operation per week applies and M = ratio of maximum # of patients treatable in an hour to the average # For example, Avg# = 30 pts/8 h, or Wpri (Daverage)-1 (40 h wk)-1 Rh should not be greater than 2 mrem or 20 Sv (in-any-one-hour) in uncontrolled (public) areas (NRC reg. SSRs)J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Location IDRmSv/h









0.65 0.16 1.09 0.02

0.40 0.10 1.00 0.02

0.02 0.10 0.10 0.02

0.02 0.10 0.02 0.02

0.014 0.020 0.003 (0.020) 0.034 (0.020) 0.001 0.020

Yes No No Yes


J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Secondary Barriers Leakage Radiation to secondary barriers FDA regulation requires manufacturers of medical electron accelerators to permit leakage at a rate of less than 0.1% of the useful beam at 1 m. That is, 0.1% of the primary beam at 1 m from the x-ray target. Hence, leakage barrier calculations use the equation P = 10-3 BL WL T/dL2 1. Leakage radiation goes in all directions at roughly the same rate 2. Therefore, U is taken as 1 for many situations.(significant departures from the U=1 approximation may occur)J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Shielding Calculation Methods for MedicalLeakage Radiation to secondary barriersQ

dL Primary beam plane



J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Secondary Barriers ---Leakage Radiation Leakage Radiation to secondary barriers Leakage radiation of proportional to the total number of MU the machine produces per week. Thus, the workload for leakage, WL, will be larger than Wpri when IMRT, stereotactic radiosurgery and TBI procedures are being performed. In particular, for (100%) IMRT: WL = C * Wpri Where C is the ratio of average of # MU using IMRT to the average MU without IMRT C varies from 2 to 15 in current technology.J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Secondary Barriers ---Leakage Radiation For our example, we will use C = 4 and assume the accelerator will be used with IMRT for 75% of the patients. Thus, the leakage workload is: WL = 0.75*C*Wpri + 0.25 Wpri = 3.25 x Wpri = 2373 Gy/wk

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV Therapy VaultParking lot (uncontrolled, unattended) A

T = 1/20

dA = 5.2 mOffices(public =uncontrol ledl) ledl)

dG = 10.9 mF G

dF = 7.7 m

T=1 T = 1/10Offices(public) Equipment/ modulator



dB = 4.7 m dD = 5.2 m dC = 4.1 mDConsole area (controlled)

dE = 6.5 mEEntrance (controlled)



T=1J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Leakage Radiation to secondary barriers Leakage TVLs Material TVL1/TVLe (cm) Concrete 34/29 Concrete 36/34

MV 6 18Table B.7

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Shielding Calculation Methods for Medical Scatter radiation arises from two principal sourcesthe patient and barriers. We deal with patient scatter Q first.



J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Shielding Calculation Methods for Medical Scatter radiation to Secondary barriersWe set P(@Q) = Bsca Hsca = Bsca [Wpri U(Q) T/dsca2 ]*[a()/dsec2 ]*F/400cm2 Bsca is the secondary barrier transmission factor required to meet the shielding design goal (P) dsca = distance from target to scatterer(patient), (normally 1m) a() = is the fraction of the dose at patient scattered at angle with respect to the beam axis

dsec = distance from scatterer to Q

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Shielding Calculation Methods for Medical Scatter radiation to Secondary barriersF = field size at scatterer in cm2 (referenced 400 cm2)

Scattered radiation is normally much less penetrating than primary (especially for megavoltage x-rays). Exceptions to this may occur when 20.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Shielding Calculation Methods for Medical Scatter radiation to Secondary barriersNCRP 151 TABLES B.4 and B.6

(deg) 10 20 30 45 60 90 135 150

a() 1.04x10-2 6.73x10-3 2.77x10-3 1.39x10-3 8.24x10-4 4.26x10-4 3.00x10-4 2.87x10-4J Rodgers

Mean energy (MeV)

1.4 (1.6 at 0) 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.45 0.2 0.2 1 TVL(of the more penetrating radiation) , then use the larger thickness. If not (> 1 TVL), add 1 HVL (0.30 TVL) to the larger thickness.

This same rule applies whenever barrier thicknesses for two or more contributions are computed independently. For example, low- and hi- beams incident on a primary barrier.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Secondary Barrier-- Combined ResultsLocation



old t

new t

x= cos(ang) *t

B D E F G I IACMP 2006

cm 64.8 24.3 57.5 39.3 56.0 30.9 42.1

Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes YesJ Rodgers

cm 113.2 90.4 84.7 51.5 92.0 72.8 119.2

cm 113.2 99.1 84.7 51.5 92.0 72.8 119.2

cm 113.2 76.0 48.6# 51.5 92.0 46.8 76.6

# maze barrier thickness

Houston, we have a problem!The barrier thickness required for location G (92 cm) exceeds the barrier thickness (51.5 cm) for location F. However, there is no additional barrier beyond F protecting location G.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV Therapy VaultParking lot (uncontrolled, unattended)


Offices (unctrl) unctrl)


GOffices (unctrl.) unctrl.)


Equipment/ modulator (controlled)

DConsole area (controlled)

EEntrance (contrl.) contrl.)

C J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Houston, what do we do?This is not an uncommon problem when a uncontrolled location is just on the other side of a controlled location. Solution: Add 40.5 cm of concrete to barrier F, giving it the thickness of 92 cm. Alternatively, declare location F as uncontrolled.

Note: Putting T = 1 at location F, still does not solve this problem.J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

IDR, Rw and Rh Evaluations for Secondary BarriersThe weekly Time-Averaged-Dose-Rate (Rw) for leakage and scatter radiations is computed as follows: Rw = Rw(L) + Rw(sca) = 10-3 WL BL/dL2 + a() [F/400]Wpri U Bsca / dsec2 As usual, Rh = (M/40)*Rw The barrier transmission factors are (re)computed with the final thicknesses.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

IDR, Rw and Rh Evaluations for Secondary Barrierslocation B D E F G I I Rw TmSv/wk


P RwT ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesACMP 2006

0.02 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.10 0.02J Rodgers

0.02 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.10 0.02

IDR, Rw and Rh Evaluations for Secondary BarriersLocation IDRL IDRsca IDRtot Rh Limit Applic able? status

Sv/h B D E F G I I2.0


5.0 10 101. 2.0 101 2

1.4 0.1 1.6 0.0 13.0 0.1

Sv/h Sv 2.0 1.0 6.4 2.0 10.1 3.0 102.6 34 2.0 1.0 114 35 2.1 0.7J Rodgers

Sv 20 Yes (20) No (20) No (20) No 20 Yes (20) No 20 Yes


ACMP 2006


Low Energy Maze Entrance--Door

Contributions at door:Pri. scattered to maze wall to door (HS) Pt. Scatter to wall to door (HPS) Leakage scattered from maze wall to door (HLS) Leakage transmitted thru maze barrier (HLT) . For high energy beams photon neutrons must be considered. dL dz

GA0dr d0 dsec dzzEquipment/ modulator (controlled)

A1 Az


J Rodgers


ACMP 2006

The Maze Door---Low energyThe recommended method determines the total dose equivalent at the door, HTot, for all gantry orientations based on the sum of contributions, HG, at the door from a single gantry orientation(G): HG = f*HS + HPS + HLS + HLT And HTot = 2.64 HGThe sources contributing at the door are: HS = primary scattered from barrier to wall to door = [Wpri UG /d02] [0A0/dz2] [z(0.5 MeV)Az/dr2] is a reflection or differential-albedo coefficient the distances (m) are indicated in the Figures f is the fraction of primary transmitted through patients (~0.25 for low energy beams)J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

The Maze Door---Low energyHPS = scatter from patient to maze wall, then scattered to door = [Wpri UG/dsca2] [a() (F/400)/dsec2] [1A1/dzz2] HLS = leakage radiation scattered from (maze walls) to door = [10-3 WL UG/ dsec2] [1A1/dzz2] where 10-3 comes from the limit on head-leakage (could be lower) and the other parameters are defined in the Fig. And HLT = leakage radiation transmitted through maze barrier to door = 10-3 WL UG BL(G)/dL2 Here dL is the distance from x-ray target to door for gantry orientation G.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV Therapy Vault--Door

A0 =(2.6 m)^2 = 6.8 m2 A1 =(2.9 m)x(3m) = 8.7 m2 Az = 9.3 m2 d0 = 4.0 m dr = 5.8 m dsec = 5.5 m dL = 6.2 m dz = 3.9 m dzz = 6.6 m

GA0dr d0 dsec dzzEquipment/ modulator (controlled)

A1 Az

dL dz


J Rodgers


ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV maze door HS = 0.0223 mSv/wk HPS = 0.0051 mSv/wk HLS = 0.0200 mSv/wk HLT = 0.0220 mSv/wk HG = 0.0324 mSv/wk (using f = 0.25) HTot = 2.64 *HG = 0.0856 mSv/wk HTot < P = 0.10 mSv/wk HTot is just below the design goal.J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example: 6 MV maze door However, to ensure that P is met is is suggested that the door have some lead added to it. Figure 3-6 from McGinleys book gives the amount of Pb needed in the maze door. To lower the DE by 2 HVLs we need about 1 mm of Pb.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Data for Pb door (McGinley)

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

III. TBI ConsiderationsThe extended treatment distance, dTBI , can significantly increase the workloads (primary and leakage) at 1 m. e.g., WTBI = DTBI dTBI2 where, typically, ranges from 4-6 m from the x-ray target. Whereas the primary workload increase only affects the TBI barrier, the leakage radiation increase applies to all barriers.



J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

The workloads are the principal changes needed to be considered in this situation.1. If dTBI = 4 m and DTBI = 2 pt/wk *12 Gy/pt = 24 Gy/wk, then then the TBI contribution to the primary workload at 1 m is Wpri(TBI) = 16 x 24 = 384 Gy/wk The leakage radiation contribution at 1 m is WL(TBI) = Wpri(TBI) .

2. Next, assume that 35 patients are treated conventionally.Wpri(conv) = 35 pt/day (2.5 Gy/pt)(1/0.6)(5 day/wk) = 730 Gy/wk & WL(conv) = Wpri(conv)

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

3. Combined TBI and conventional workloads are: Directed at location Z (beyond the TBI barrier) is Wpri(Z) = U(conv)*Wpri(conv) + Wpri(TBI) = .2 *730+ 384 = 146 +384 = 530 Gy/wk and the leakage radiation workload for all barriers is: WL = WL(conv) + WL(TBI) = 730 + 384 = 1114 Gy/wk

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

4. We now allow that 40 % of the (conventional) patients are treated using IMRT. Take C = 4 as in prior example. The primary workload directed at Z remains the same (530 Gy/wk) and workloads of 730 Gy/wk*U are directed toward other primary barriers. The leakage radiation workload increases as follows: [WL(conv)+WL(IMRT)] = fIMRT*C*Wpri(conv)+(1- fIMRT) Wpri(conv) = 0.4(4)(730) + 0.6(730) = 2.2*730 = 1606 Gy/wk Thus, the total leakage radiation workload to be applied to all barriers is: WL(total) = WL(TBI) + [ WL(conv)+WL(IMRT)] = 384 + 1606 = 1990 Gy/wk 5. Evaluation of Rh is especially needed due to the long treatment time per fraction.J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

IV. The CyberKnife SRS-cranial and extracranial 2.5 ste. beam access All barriers are potentially primary High IMRT ratio, C (15) Low use factor, U Leakage & primary radiation barrier requirements are comparable.J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

More CK InformationAnalysis* of Georgetown University Hospital CyberKnife patient plan data yielded the following: 1. U =0.05, is a conservative use factor 2. C = 15 is an average ratio of MU to cGy 3. The average dose delivered per session is 12.5 Gy 4. The average # of treatment sessions (fractions or stages) is 3.2 per lesion. Range: 1-5 Also, 6 treatment sessions per 8 hour day is typical.*James Rodgers, CyberKnife Treatment Room Design and Radiation Protection,Chapter 5, Robotic Radiosurgery, Vol.1, (CyberKnife Society Press, Sunnyvale, CA, (2005)J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

More CK InformationThe standard treatment distance (x-ray target to point of deliver in tumor) is 80 cm. Although the CK does not have an isocenter, we use the 80 cm distance as a close approximation for the purpose of shielding calculations. The CK is calibrated (1 cGy/MU) at 80 cm. The IDR is 400 cGy/min at 80 cm. The leakage rate is < 0.1% at 100 cm. The machine has no flattening filter and uses circular cones, ranging in diameter from 0.5 to 6.0 cm.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Console area, controlled


dB = 5.4 m

Office, unctrl. A


dA= 4.3m

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

The RoofF(unctrl, e.g. office) or, F(ctrl) dF = 3.7 m 2.4 m 0.925 m

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Shielding Calculations

Primary barrier: P = Bpri Wpri(1m) U T /(diso +0.8 m)2 Wpri(1m) = 0.82 Wpri(0.8 m) = 0.64 (30 TX/wk*12.5 Gy/Tx) = 240 Gy/wk at 1 m and diso = distance(m) from pseudo-isocenter to location Leakage radiation (secondary) barrier: P = BL WL T/(diso)2 WL(1m) = C*Wpri(1m) = 15*240 Gy/wk = 3600 Gy/wk Patient scatter radiation is insignificant.

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Calculation ResultsLocation TCtrl/ Unctrl





Conc. x(cm)

Pb x(cm)


1 1 11/20


4.36 3.49 NA NA

3.99 3.09 4.12 2.12

4.66 3.79 4.12 2.12

146 24.3 119 19.8 129 21.5 65 11.0

TVL1/TVLe = 29.4 cm/31.9 cm (concrete), 4.8 cm/5.05 cm (Pb) [6.0 cm diameter field at 80 cm]J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

CK:IDR, Rw, and Rh EvaluationsLocat. (u/c) IDR(pri) * Sv/min. Rwpri *T Sv/wk RwL*T Sv/wk


Rhpri Sv

RhL Sv

Combined RhSv

A(u) B(c) F(u) F(c)

2.1 10.7 NA NA

10.0 50.1 NA NA

4.2 19.8 20. 100.

14.2 69.9 20 100.

0.5 2.5 NA

0.2 (1.0) 1.0

0.7 (3.5) 1.0 (100.)

NA (100.)

* IDR(L) is < 0.015 Sv/min except at F, 1.4 Sv/minJ Rodgers


M = 1.5/0.75ACMP 2006


High Energy (>10 MV) Machines

The determination of primary and secondary barriers is essentially the same as for low energy. In addition, the photon shielding in those barriers is normally adequate for photoneutrons. Photoneutrons do present additional dose equivalent contributions at the maze door. There are two principal sources of DE at the door: 1. Scattered neutrons (fast to thermal) 2. neutron-capture gamma-raysJ Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Photoneutron Scatter to the Maze DoorContributions at door:Photoneutrons entry the maze either directly or after multiple scattering in the room. They are attenuated exponentially in the maze.

S0 dJ




J Rodgers

Photoneutron DE at the doorThe Kersey method and a modified Kersey formula: The neutron DE per week at the door is Hn = WL HK or MK (Kersey) HK = H(do)

(S0/S1) (do/d1)2 10-[d2 / TVD]

where do = 1.41 m is measured from the x-ray target H(do) is the measured total n-DE at do and TVD = 5 m is the recommended tenth value distance S0 and S1 are defined in next Figure Or, Modified-Kersey (Wu and McGinley):

HMK = 2.4x10-15 A (S0/S1)0.5 [1.64x10-[d2 /1.9] + 10-[d2 / TN ] ]where TN = 2.06 (S1)0.5 is a TVD for fast neutrons

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

High Energy Capture Gamma Problem


A d2


J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

The Capture Gamma DE at the Maze DoorFormulas: Hcg = WL h , [in Sv/wk at door] h = K A 10-[d2 /TVD] , [ in neutron-Sv / photon-Gy] A = Qn/(4 d12) + 5.4 Qn/(2Sr ) +1.3 Qn /(2Sr ) , [in n/(m2Gy)] K = 6.9x10-16 m2 Sv/n TVD = tenth-value distance, 5.4m for 18-25 MV x-rays, 3.9 m for 15 MV x-rays Qn = neutrons produced per photon-Gy = fraction of fast neutrons transmitted thru accelerator shielding (=1 for Pb, = 0.85 for W) Sr = surface area of room (m2)J Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example :PhotoneutronData d1 = 5.08 m d2 = 4.5 m S0 = 6.6 m2 S1 = 3.6 m2 Sr = 144 m2 WL (30% IMRT) = 4*500(30%)Gy/wk + (70%)*500 Gy/wk

maze door

18 MV X-ray machine


S0 dJ

J S1



=950 Gy/wk

J Rodgers

Example-Results 18 MVKersey's formula (as modified by McGinley) HK = H(do) (S0/S1) (do/d1)2 10-[d2 / TVD] HK = 21.3E-03 mSv/Gyhere H0 = 1.2 mSv/Gy at d0 = 1.41 m

Modified Kersey---Wu-McGinley formula: HMK = 2.4x10-15 A (S0/S1)0.5 [1.64x10-[d2 /1.9] + 10-[d2 / TN ] ]TN = 2.06 (S1)0.5 = 3.91 m

J = Qn/(4 d12) + 5.4 Qn/(2Sr ) +1.3 Qn /(2Sr ) , [n/(m2Gy)] = 1 for Pb, Qn = 1.2E+12 n/Gy A = 1.259E+10 n /(m2 Gy), HMK= 3.17E-03 mSv/GyJ Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example-Results 18 MVKerseys formula gives a larger H value than modified Kersey by a factor of 6.7. The MK has a large amount of good recent data to support it. What to do? Take the average! H = 12.3 x10-3 mSv/Gy

The neutron DE per week at the door is estimated as: Hn = WL *H = 11.6 mSv/wk The Capture Gamma contribution at the door: Hcg = WL h , [in Sv/wk at door] h = K A 10-[d2 /TVD] , [ in neutron-Sv / photon-Gy] K = 6.9x10-16 m2 Sv/n TVD = tenth-value distance, 5.4m for 18-25 MV x-rays, h = 1.27E-06 Sv/Gy

Hcg = 1.21 mSv/wkJ Rodgers

ACMP 2006

Example-Results 18 MVCombining all DE contributions at the maze door, we have HW = Hn + Hcg + HTot where Hn = WL *H = 11.6 mSv/wk Hcg = 1.21 mSv/wk & Htot = photon (x-ray) contribution, guesstimated 0.2 mSv/wk So, the total neutron DE at the door, 12.8 mSv/wk, requires door shielding (Polyethylene and Pb).

J Rodgers

ACMP 2006