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Ka Hye Song

March 2016


This dissertation is online at: http://purl.stanford.edu/rt579ds2887

© 2016 by Ka Hye Song. All Rights Reserved.

Re-distributed by Stanford University under license with the author.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-3.0 United States License.


I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequatein scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Mark Horowitz, Primary Adviser

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequatein scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Emmanuel Candes

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequatein scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Farshid Moussavi

Approved for the Stanford University Committee on Graduate Studies.

Patricia J. Gumport, Vice Provost for Graduate Education

This signature page was generated electronically upon submission of this dissertation in electronic format. An original signed hard copy of the signature page is on file inUniversity Archives.



Cryo-electron tomography(CET ) is the only imaging modality that can image 3D density

maps of cells and viruses at their native state. It covers the resolution range of 4 - 8nm, and

can reach resolutions as low as 2nm and under by using subtomogram averaging. As such, it

bridges the gap between high resolution techniques such as the X-ray crystallography, and

low resolution ones such as the light microscopy. Thanks to this unique property, CET has

been extensively used to reveal the molecular organization of cellular structures in bacterial

cells and viruses.

Although CET can provide a higher resolution reconstruction of macromolecules than

other imaging modalities, there are several challenges to overcome to achieve high-quality

3D reconstructions of these structures. First, raw CET projections and tomograms have

very low SNR typically less than 1. Second, due to the limitations of the arrangement of

the sample holder and the transmission electron microscope, it is not possible to obtain

informative tomographic projections from all angles, which distorts the 3D reconstructions.

Due to these difficulties, conventional image processing techniques often fail to achieve

their goals. To make the image processing pipeline for CET more robust, utilizing the prior

information known about tomographic projections and reconstructions of interest is crucial.

In this thesis, two such examples are presented. One is an image in-painting algorithm using

l1 norm minimization to remove interferences in CET . This particular example exploits

the fact that CET projections are sparse in the discrete cosine domain (DCT ). The other

example is subtomogram averaging via nuclear norm minimization where we exploited the

observation that aligned structures span a very low dimensional space. Both examples


deliver promising results even when original density maps are heavily distorted and covered

with significant noise.



One can easily forget that one has reached beyond one�s ability and expanded one�s horizon

thanks to all the support from the very people right next one. Here, I want to remember

the people who enabled me to finish my thesis successfully.

First of all, it was one of my life time fortune to have Prof. Mark Horowitz as my Ph.D.

thesis advisor. He has shown me a great example of an encouraging and supportive advisor

as well as an educator to all of us in his research group. I really appreciate that he has

offered me a research opportunity where I can grow together with group members with very

different background and interest. In addition, I need to mention that without his patient

guidance, I would not be able to achieve the same level of excellence in my Ph.D. degree as

I did.

Another important person who shaped my thesis is Prof. Emmanuel Candes. When I

started out my Ph.D. candidacy, he offered a course in the compressed sensing theory which

inspired me to apply the ideas to improve the image processing techniques in cryo Electron

Tomography. After taking the class, Emmanuel graciously continued to advise me on my

thesis and introduced me smart colleagues who also contributed to this thesis as well.

I would also like to give my deepest appreciation to Dr. Farshid Moussavi for sharing

his insights and experiences on developing image processing techniques for cryo Electron

Tomography. In addition, he has been a very supportive mentor as well as a dependable

friend who readily helped me to finish my thesis.

Another important supporters for my Ph.D. degree are Prof. Dwight Nishimura and

Prof. John Pauly. I am grateful for their support not only because they served in my


defense committee but also they gave great classes in medical imaging. The first time I

learned about the mathematical principles of tomography was in Prof. Nishimura�s class,

and in Prof. Pauly�s classes, I went deeper into understanding how medical images are

formed and reconstructed.

Even though I am a EE major, thanks to Dr. Luis Comolli, I was able to publish in cryo

Electron Tomography. Although I did not have much background knowledge in structural

biology, Luis helped me to learn and appreciate how important advanced image processing

techniques are to study how cells work. Not only did he provide most of the data sets I have

used in this thesis, he also gave me advice on how to write to the audiences in the field. He

was very open to learn and use new image processing techniques that can bring out more

information from tomographic images, and motivated me to pursue directions that nobody

else has taken.

I am also very grateful to Dr. Ewout van den Berg who taught me how to use convex op-

timization techniques in the real world. Together with him, I was able to actually formulate

image processing problems into convex optimization problems that can be efficiently solved.

He has also been a great friend and a colleague with whom I spent great time working with.

I would like to also thank Dr. Fernando Amat for introducing me to cryo Electron

Tomography. Like Farshid, he has been working with Mark on cryo Electron Tomography

when I first joined Mark�s research group, and ever since then he has been a supportive

mentor and a great friend who I can discuss about a lot of things from research to life.

Before I became more interested in image processing and biomedical imaging, I was

interested in more theoretical statistical signal processing. While working on my Master�s

degree, Prof. Robert Gray graciously advised me on vector quantization and offered me

a research opportunity with him. I am also grateful that he supported me to pursue my


Throughout my Ph.D. candidacy, one of my pleasures was having lunch meetings with

my VLSI research group members where we talked about a lot of different things happening

around the world. Often, Mark would start conversations by asking “What is new and

interesting?” and since all of the members are very unique, intelligent and fun to talk to,


I had great time and learned so much from everyone. I really appreciated their fresh ideas

from different perspectives, and candid friendship.

Another group of people that I enjoyed meeting every week was my pseudo sisters, Yeo-

myoung, Eunah and Bora. We shared a lot of lows and highs in our lives and they truly

feel like my second family. And of course, I am fortunate to have all my friends I met on

Stanford campus. Some of whom also had spent my high school and college years together

as well, and they all became my extended family.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my family here in the U.S. and back in Korea.

First of all, I have to mention that my husband Erhan has been the most committed

supporter in my Ph.D. studies, and he has been there to hold me whenever I have doubts

on what I was pursuing. One of the memorable advice he gave was that ‘Research is like

farming. What you need to do is to get up everyday and do things diligently.’ This was

quite interesting analogy to me since I was thinking that research is something you need to

show off your skills and intelligence at. And all of his other advices also helped me going

through the whole journey with patience and tenacity. I am also grateful to our daughter

Elif for showing me a great example of being strong and resilient. She always reminds me

that there is going to be tomorrow and tomorrow is another day.

Among all my family members, I believe that I probably did not even think about doing

graduate studies without my parent�s encouragements. My mother has been especially vocal

about pursuing Ph.D. and how it can enrich my life and my father always showed deep trust

in my decisions. I am truly grateful to what they have provided for me to finish my Ph.D.

studies as well as to lead my own life as an independent being.



Abstract iv

Acknowledgments vi

1 Introduction 2

2 Background 6

2.1 Structure of Electron Microscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 Electron Microscope Image Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3 Challenges in Cryo Electron Tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4 Image Processing Pipeline for 3D CET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.5 Strengthening Image Processing Pipeline using Sparse Prior . . . . . . . . . 18

3 Digital In-painting via l1 Norm Minimization 22

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.2 Theoretical background and previous work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3 Proposed algorithm: Digital inpainting via compressed sensing . . . . . . . 29

3.4 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.5 Results and discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.6 Conclusions and future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4 Subtomogram Averaging via Nuclear Norm Minimization 49

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


4.2 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5 Conclusions 85

Bibliography 88


List of Tables

3.1 Quantitative comparison of inpainting fidelity using artificial fiducial markers

among different inpainting methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1 Clustering accuracy for GroEL & GroEL/ES and Helicases data sets . . . . 80


List of Figures

1.1 Examples of cellular structures of bacterial cells and viruses using CET . . 3

1.2 Missing wedge problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1 Structure of electron microscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Contrast transfer function examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.3 Missing wedge description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.4 CET image processing pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.5 Principles of CET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.1 Survey of energy loss in compressed 2D-DCT reconstructions of tomographic

projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.2 B. sphaericus S-layers and C. crescentus projections and theirDCT -compressed

2D-reconstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.3 Inpainting result of CET projections of isolated wild type B. sphaericus S-layer 35

3.4 CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of isolated wild type B. sphaericus

S-layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.5 CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of inpainted recombinant B. sphaer-

icus S-layer tomographic projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.6 Inpainting result of CET projections of C. crescentus . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.7 CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of inpainted C. crescentus projections. 41

3.8 CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of C. crescentus projections II . . . 42


3.9 Inpainting artificial fiducial markers in CET reconstructions of isolated wild

type B. sphaericus S-layer and C. crescentus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.10 Comparison of the averaged B. sphaericus S-layer unit models using the

original and the inpainted tomograms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1 Nuclear Norm Minimization Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2 Cross sections and radon measurements of GroEL and GroEL/ES . . . . . 61

4.3 Cross sections of the original Helicases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.4 Noisy Radon measurements of Helicases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.5 XYZ cross sections of the averaged GroEL structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.6 XYZ cross sections of the averaged GroEL/ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.7 Alignment accuracy for GroEL and GroEL/ES data set . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.8 Fourier shell correlation curves of GroEL and GroEL/ES . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.9 XYZ cross sections of the averaged Hel1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.10 XYZ cross sections of the averaged Hel2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.11 XYZ cross sections of the averaged Hel3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.12 Alignment accuracy for Helicases data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.13 Pairwise angles between the error rotation matrices for Helicases at SNR = 1 77

4.14 Fourier shell correlation curves of Helicases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.15 Confusion matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

4.16 Distributions of the top ten normalized singular values of GroEL, GroEL/ES

and Helicases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82



List of Symbols

CET Cryo-Electron Tomography

CCD Charge Couple Device

ET Electron Tomography

SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio

2D Two-dimensional

3D Three-dimensional

FSC Fourier Shell Correlation

CTF Contrast Transfer Function

TEM Transmission Electron Microscope

DCT Discrete Cosine Transform

CS Compressed Sensing

SV D Singular Value Decomposition

Chapter 1


Cryo-electron tomography(CET ) has become an important imaging technology in many

subfields of biology thanks to its ability to image intact cells, viruses and large molecular

complexes in their near-native frozen-hydrated state ([MNM04, LFB05, JB07, LJ09, Fer12,

GJ12]). Because samples are frozen within milliseconds in a controlled environment (humid-

ity and temperature), the aqueous suspension is vitrified without crystalline ice formation,

and samples’ subcellular structures and macromolecules are preserved with minimal dam-

age. Therefore, CET is an ideal tool to study their near-intact structure and relationship

to their native environment in the 3D volumetric reconstructions (known as tomograms)

at a resolution of ∼ 4 nm (∼ 2 nm with averaging techniques). This technique bridges

the resolution gap between the lower resolution imaging technologies, such as fluorescent

light microscopy, and the higher resolution ones such as X-ray crystallography and NMR

spectroscopy[GJ12, MS09, LFB05, MNM04].

Thanks to this unique property, CET has been extensively used to reveal the molecular

organization of cellular structures in bacterial cells and viruses. Four different examples of

such building blocks of cells are displayed in Figure. 1.1: (a) partially ordered hexagonal

arrangement of chemoreceptor arrays in Caulobacter crescentus cells in [KWS08] (b) two

predominant receptor conformations of the Escherichia coli serine receptor Tsr in [KWZ+08],

(c) the flagellar motor in cells of the Treponema primitia in [MLJ06], (d) distribution and



structure of ribosomes in Spiroplasma melliferum in [OFK+06]. In addition, CET has

been an indispensable vehicle to uncover AIDS virus envelope spikes [ZLBJ+06], HIV-1

capsids [SHR+15], the Ebola virus[BNR+12].

Figure 1.1: Examples of cellular structures of bacterial cells and viruses using CET :(a) Visualization of the three-dimensional structure (3D) and partially ordered hexago-nal arrangement of chemoreceptor arrays in Caulobacter crescentus cells. (b) The twopredominant receptor conformations of the Escherichia coli serine receptor Tsr derivedby 3D averaging, corresponding to the ’kinase-off’ and ’kinase-on’ signaling states. (c)The flagellar motor in cells of the Treponema primitia (scale bar 20 nm). (d) Distri-bution and structure of ribosomes (indicated by the arrow) in Spiroplasma melliferumwith green and yellow indicating higher or lower levels of accuracy of detection (scalebar 100 nm). Source: Jacqueline L.S. Milne & Sriram Subramaniam Nature ReviewsMicrobiology 7, 666-675 (September 2009) [MS09]

Although CET can provide a high resolution reconstruction of macromolecules, there are

two fundamental challenges that make it difficult to achieve high-quality 3D reconstructions

of these structures. First, raw CET projections and tomograms have a very low SNR—

typically less than 1. The image quality of CET reconstructions has certainly been much

improved with advances in imaging technologies ([MNM04, LFB05, JB07, LJ09]). However,

due to the low electron dose allowed in biological and organic materials to avoid significant


damage, the low SNR problem is not going to be easily overcome.

The other challenge is the missing frequency information (missing wedge or cone), which

is the consequence of the sampling geometries and the limited angular range within which

standard TEM stages can rotate (typically ± 72 deg). This is because the electron path

length within a sample increases as the tilt angle increases, which degrades the projection

image quality significantly beyond a certain tilt angle. The projection-slice theorem [Bra56]

states that the Fourier transformation of the Radon projection of a structure at a given

angle corresponds to a slice through the Fourier transformation of the structure. From this

it follows that projections at a limited range of angles lead to a wedge of missing data in

the frequency space. Direct reconstruction based on such partial data introduces severe dis-

tortion in the resulting density map, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. More specifically, features

are elongated along the direction of the missing wedge (or, in a direction orthogonal to the

stage rotation axis) and sometimes distorted features of undesired objects can create streak

artifacts that cast shadow on the biological specimen of interest. The missing frequency

domain can be minimized by different sample geometries and dual tilt data acquisition.

However, these limitations are also likely to remain for the near future on a vast range of

specimens and standard CET data acquisition techniques.

↓ F ↑ F−1


Figure 1.2: Counter-clockwise from top left: original structure; its representation infrequency domain; the missing wedge in frequency due to limitations in tilt angles; andthe effect this has on the structure reconstructed by means of an inverse Fourier trans-formation.


Because of these fundamental image quality constraints, analyzing tomograms is still a

challenging task. Researchers have been trying to manage these problems and obtain high

resolution structures by applying various image processing techniques as well as intelligent

image analysis techniques. A set of these techniques are routinely applied and formed a

image processing pipeline for CET .

Although, all components in this pipeline exist, they can be improved to better cope

with low SNR, missing wedge as well as various artifacts that are present in CET . In this

thesis, we propose two techniques that can widen the scope of CET imaging by utilizing

sparse priors. More specifically, we propose robust image processing techniques that find

solutions in a restricted space where we assume certain statistical properties are valid for

CET images. In particular, we assume that CET images and reconstructions have a sparse

representation in a specific domain. This assumption is tested on two different techniques.

The first is to seamlessly remove high contrast objects to minimize artifacts in the 3D den-

sity map (digital inpainting) and the second is to find a set of refined reconstructions of

multi-class macromolecules (subtomogram averaging).

To demonstrate and evaluate the applicability of spare prior inspired images processing

techniques on enhancing CET image analysis: in Chapter 2, we first discuss how CET

images are formulated as well as the challenges extracting information from CET projec-

tions and reconstructions. Next, the image processing pipeline for CET and robust image

processing techniques using sparse priors, compressive sensing, and low rank matrix approx-

imation, are introduced. Chapter 3 then presents an algorithm that removes high contrast

artifacts in CET projections and reconstructions via compressive sensing. Chapter 4 de-

scribes how tomograms of sub-cellular structures are simultaneously aligned and clustered

via nuclear norm minimization. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses the future perspective of robust

image processing techniques for CET .

Chapter 2


To gain insights about the signal characteristics of 2D cryo Electron Images as well as 3D

CET Reconstructions, this chapter provides a brief introduction to how images are formed

and acquired by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). For more background on how

Electron Microscope operates as well as how the images are formed by TEM , readers are

referred to Ch. 6 of [RK08] and Ch. 3 and 4 of [Fra06].

2.1 Structure of Electron Microscope

TEM is a projector that captures the 3D structure of the specimen of interest. As shown

in Fig 2.1, TEM is almost like an upside down light microscope that uses an electron

gun instead of light source and condenser lenses instead of optical lenses. In addition, the

entire path that electrons pass through is in a vacuum tube so the electron waves only

capture the interaction with the specimen. Highly coherent electrons are emitted from the

electron gun by thermal, Schottky, or field emission[RK08]. The directions of electrons

are controlled by multi stage condenser lenses to capture the specimen at various aperture

and magnification. The electrons that passed through the specimen are recorded by the

detectors and the resulting images can be directly recorded on a film or to a Charge Couple

Device (CCD) camera.



Figure 2.1: Structure of electron microscope. Image Source: http://www.microbiologyinfo.com/differences-between-light-microscope-and-electron-microscope/


2.2 Electron Microscope Image Formation

When electrons emitted from the electron gun, they interact with the ordered array of atoms

of the specimen and generate scattered electrons that are either elastically scattered or in-

elastically scattered. Among these, the elastically electrons carry the structural information

of the specimen. This interaction between the electrons and the specimen can be described

as a linear system, and we can see how the projected image of the specimen is formed on

the image plane by calculating the transferred wave out of the microscope according to the

Fourier optics. More specifically, the transfer function S(x, y) from the specimen can be

approximated in a following form:

S(x, y) = |S(x, y)| exp{iϕ(x, y)} (2.1)


ϕ(x, y) � − π


�V (x, y, z)dz. (2.2)

|S(x, y)| is the absorption and ϕ(x, y) is the phase shift caused by the specimen. V (x, y, z)

is the electron potential distribution of the specimen and λ is the electron wavelength, e is

the absolute electron charge, U is the accelerating voltage of the incoming electrons.

Thus, the wave diffracted by the atoms passing the specimen can be written as:

ψo(x, y) = S(x, y)ψs(x, y) (2.3)

where ψs(x, y) is the incoming planar wave function. According to the weak scattering

phase object approximation, we approximate the specimen transfer function as following.

S(x, y) ∼ (1− s(x, y))(1+ iϕ(x, y)− · · · ) ∼ 1− s(x, y)+ iϕ(x, y), s << 1 and ϕ << 1,


where s(x, y) is the inelastic scattering factor. By assuming that the incoming electron wave

is coherent and uniform magnitude, i.e. ψs(x, y) = 1, the Fourier transform of the exit wave


from the specimen becomes

ψo(kx, ky) =1

M(δ(kx, ky)− s(kx, ky) + iϕ(kx, ky)). (2.5)

This exit wave travels through the microscope whose transfer function can be approximated

as following in the frequency domain.

P (kx, ky) = a exp(−iγ(kx, ky)) (2.6)

where γ(kx, ky) =π2(Csλ3r4 − 2Δzλr2), r =

�k2x + k2y, Cs is a spherical aberration of the lens and

Δz is defocus. This lens characteristic function is known as a contrast transfer function


Then the wave out of the microscope can be defined in the frequency domain as

ψi(kx, ky) = P (kx, ky) · ψo(kx, ky) (2.7)


MP (kx, ky)(δ(kx, ky)− s(kx, ky) + iϕ(kx, ky)) (2.8)

where M is the magnification factor of the microscope. Then the resulting image on the

sensor can be written as

j(Mx,My) = M2|ψi(Mx,My)|2

= 1− 2

� �as(kx, ky) cos(γ(kx, ky)) exp 2πi(kxx+ kyy)dkxdky+


� �aϕ(kx, ky) sin(γ(kx, ky)) exp 2πi(kxx+ kyy)dkxdky. (2.9)

According to Eq. 2.9, in the electron microscope images, both amplitude contrast and

phase contrast terms are present. If we assume that the specimen of interest has very little

amplitude contrast because it is very thin, the resulting image can be further approximated



j(Mx,My) �� �

2aϕ(kx, ky) sin(γ(kx, ky)) exp 2πi(kxx+ kyy)dkxdky (2.10)

= ϕ(kx, ky) ∗ 2a�sin(γ(kx, ky)), (2.11)

where ∗ is a convolution operator and · is a Fourier Transform operator. �sin(γ(kx, ky))is a Fourier transform of sin(γ(kx, ky)). Since ϕ(kx, ky) � − π


�V (x, y, z)dz, the final

image can be interpreted as a microscope transferred version of the projected 3D potential

function of the specimen along Z axis. For phase contrast signals, the CTF often only refers

to 2a sin(γ(kx, ky)). As seen in Figure 2.2, this function changes the phase of frequency

components periodically depending on the defocus valueΔz. When the defocus is 1, the mid

frequency components are mostly amplified and as the defocus increases, the lower frequency

components are amplified as well as high frequency components. However, due to the nature

of the sinusoid function, the amplification sign oscillates and this phase incoherence created

by CTF typically limits the resolution of the 3D reconstruction to the first zero crossing of

CTF where all the frequency components have the same sign. Although, we do not have

the phase incoherence problem when the defocus is 1, we also do not have enough gain

on the low frequency components that contains most of the large structural information.

As a result, the CET projection images with defocus 1 tend to be poor. They highlight

the amplified noise in the mid frequency range. In reality, to achieve good amplification

through out the frequency range that contains the structural information of the specimen,

often the defocus has to be well adjusted or multiple tomograms taken at different defocus

values have to be combined.

2.3 Challenges in Cryo Electron Tomography

One of the most critical challenges of extracting structural information of the specimen from

CET images is a very low signal to noise ratio. The signal contrast from the phase contrast

imaging produced by elastically scattered electrons is very small. To this small signal, a


Figure 2.2: Plots for the microscope contrast transfer function sin(γ(kx, ky)) withdifferent defocus values. (a) Δz =

√Csλ = 1. (b) Δz =

√3Csλ =

√3. (c) Δz =√

5Csλ =√5. The x-axis corresponds to the spatial frequency up to p =


2)14 .

Figure from [Fra06] Ch. 3.

large level of noise is introduced by various sources, such as inelastic scattered electrons and

the detector noise added in the read out process. Normally the signal to noise ratio could

be boosted by increasing the illumination intensity. However, in CET this is not possible

since the amount of electrons that can be used without damaging samples is limited. In

addition, since we need to take multiple projections to create a tomographic reconstruction,

the electron dose is very limited per image. Acquisition techniques to improve SNR by

energy filtering and adjusting the defocus to steer the large gain frequency range of CTF

function to overlap with the frequency range that contains the most information about the

specimen have fundamental physical limits. As a result often conventional image processing

techniques have difficulty extracting the necessary information from CET images.

Another critical challenge to analyze 3D CET reconstructions is the missing wedge

problem. This refers to the fact that the projections of the specimen cannot be taken

throughout 180 degrees to complete all the frequency information. This is due to the

fixed electron beam geometry where the thin samples have to rotate around the sample

holders. When the thin sample is perpendicular to the beam facing the thin thickness,

the images have a higher SNR since the signal contrast from phase contrast imaging is the

strongest and the noise contributed by inelastically scattered electrons is minimal. However,

as the tilt angle increases, the actual thickness that electrons have to pass through increase


quickly producing a lot more inelastically scattered electrons, thus resulting in low signal

contrast. Therefore, the projection images taken at angles over ±70 degrees usually does

not contribute much information to 3D reconstruction due to the limited amount of electron

dose. This will result in missing frequency information which appears as significant artifacts

in the 3D reconstructions thus complicating the analysis at the later stage.

We will use a 2D problem to demonstrate the effect of the missing wedge. Given an

original object, assume that our electron beam is parallel to left diagonal angle of the image,

therefore creating a missing wedge around this diagonal line as seen in Figure 2.3. In this

case, the reconstruction is missing the frequency components along the left diagonal line,

thus creating blurry boundaries. This distortion of the appearance of the specimen is a

critical challenge in CET . Since, often there are many copies of the same specimen that

exist in the sample set and each copy of the same specimen will appear differently if they

happen to orient in different directions. For example, in this artificial example of a head

phantom in Figure 2.3, when the beam is aligned along the right diagonal line, it will create

the blur in the right diagonal direction, resulting in a different image than the previous

one. This can complicate the conventional image analysis techniques such as alignment and


2.4 Image Processing Pipeline for 3D CET

To cope with the challenges aforementioned and extract sound structural information of

the specimen of interest, an extensive image processing pipeline has been developed over

time. This procedure starting from acquiring electron microscope images to producing a

final analysis is known as an ‘Image processing pipeline for 3D CET ’, and it contains

higher level functional stages such as image acquisition, 3D reconstruction and analysis as

described in Figure 2.4.




Figure 2.3: Effect of missing wedge: Left: The original head phantom image. Cen-ter: Two different sets of Radon projection angles. Right: Reconstructions of the headphantom using the Radon projections produced by two sets of Radon projections withdifferent missing wedge.


Figure 2.4: Four stages in ‘Image processing pipeline for 3D CET ’: 1. Image processingtechniques to correct for imperfections introduced in tomographic image acquisition. 2.3D Reconstruction and refinement techniques 3. Techniques to identify and segment thespecimen of interest and further refining the 3D structure of the specimen. 4. The finalgoal of the image processing pipeline


2.4.1 Image Acquisition

This step involves taking a series of projections of a specimen for 3D tomographic recon-

struction as well as any post-processing required to enhance projection images. As shown

in the previous section, by taking a single image using an electron microscope, we can take

a projection of the specimen along Z axis as in Figure 2.5 B. To create 3D tomogram,

the specimen holder rotates along Y axis to capture projections of the specimen at multi-

ple angles. Typically, the sample holder rotates about ±70 degrees at 1 or 2 degree steps

apart as shown in Figure 2.5 A, and these projections are post-processed if necessary. Post-

processing in this step is very important to obtain a high resolution 3D reconstruction. One

of the most critical steps is aligning projection images. Often, the sample holder does not

keep the sample at the exact center when it rotates, the center of rotation axis is moving

in raw projection images. Since this motion error created by the sample holder rotation

can degrade the resolution of the 3D reconstruction, these images have to be aligned be-

fore reconstruction. Broadly speaking, there are two categories of alignment methods, one

utilizing a high contrast gold markers[BHE01, AMC+08] and the others utilizing the local

features of samples[SME+09, CDSAAF10]. Since the contrast of the biological samples in

CET is not very strong, often the markers are utilized to align projection images accu-

rately. After alignment, the projection images can be CTF corrected. As mentioned in the

previous section, CTF creates incoherent frequency components, therefore the resolution

of the final reconstruction is heavily limited. However, recent progress in CTF correction

techniques [FLC06, XMS+09, VSS+11] can help to further improve the resolution of the

final reconstruction. To avoid CTF correction and related issues, Zernike phase contrast

imaging [DKMN10] that has uniform transfer characteristics in the frequency domain can

be utilized instead of the conventional phase contrast imaging for CET .

2.4.2 3D Reconstruction

Once the projections are aligned and corrected, 3D reconstruction can be calculated using

well known methods such as filtered-back projection[Fra06], ART[GBH70] or SIRT[AK84].


Figure 2.5: Principles of CET : A. Sample holder rotation. B. Projection through thespecimen to create each image. C. Back-projection from the images to reconstruct the3D density function. Image source: http://www.ana.unibe.ch/forschung/experimentellemorphologie/index ger.html


The principals of these reconstructions are pictorially described in Figure 2.5 B and C. In B,

projection images contain the 2D slice of the 3D frequency components of a specimen are

taken, then by populating the 3D frequency characteristic function of a specimen using these

2D slices as in C. Then, by transforming this 3D frequency domain function to the image

space, the 3D density function of a specimen can be calculated[DK68, KS01]. All these

methods are implemented in a widely used CET software packages such as IMOD[KMM96]

and Bsoft[HCWS08]. For more comprehensive list of resources, refer to [Fer12].

To highlight certain features, 3D denoising algorithms can be applied after recon-

struction, which can be categorized into anisotropic diffusion based[FH01, FL05], wavelets

based[MHL+05], and linear filter based methods. Among these, anisotropic diffusion meth-

ods are most widely used and known to bring out the signal better than other methods for

CET [NAB+08].

2.4.3 Analysis

Once the 3D volume of a specimen is calculated and denoised, the structure of a specimen

can be analyzed using segmentation and subtomogram averaging. The goal of segmentation

is to isolate a set of pixels that contain specific structural features from the background.

There are two main properties of the structural components that can be utilized to separate

them. One is the property of a region such as color or texture, and the other is a prop-

erty of edges that separates two different structural components. The former is known as

region clustering or classification approach and the other is known as edge detection. For

CET , segmentation methods that utilizes the gradients of edges have been implemented

and have shown successes for certain types of specimen. For example, watershed method

for 3D structure described in [Vol02] has successfully segmented macromolecules and sub-

cellular structures. Another notable methods are to characterize the membrane features

as ridges [MSGF13] or structural tensors [MSGA+14] and detected pixels that has strong

membrane characteristics. Another type of approach is to combine template matching and

tracing to follow the pixels that contains particular characteristics conveyed in templates of

membrane[MHA+10] or filaments[RGH+12]. As shown here, there is not a single dominant


approach that can segment any type of specimen yet. This is due to the very low signal

contrast and the low SNR as well as other artifacts such as missing wedge.

Subtomogram averaging method is a method to refine the 3D density map of a specimen

by combining multiple observations, and is a critical step to obtain a high resolution model.

This method requires individual observations to be classified and aligned within each class

at the same time. This challenging task has been tackled in various ways for CET and

existing methods are discussed in detail in Chapter 4.

2.5 Strengthening Image Processing Pipeline using Sparse


So far, the image processing pipeline described above has been successfully utilized to

produce high resolution 3D density maps of various cellular structures and to analyze whole

cell images. However, the final analysis step still suffers from the fundamental challenge of

processing CET images, very low SNR with artifacts which requires human intervention

to obtain good results. To reduce the needed intervention, the following chapters present

a way to remove artifacts using a sparse prior (Chapter 3) and to enhance subtomogram

averaging (Chapter 4).

Sparse prior can be interpreted as a prior knowledge that the signal of interest has a

sparse representation, which means that most information carried by the signal lies within

a low dimensional space. For example, a continuous sinusoidal signal does not have a sparse

representation in the time domain, but it has a sparse representation in the frequency

domain. Another example is that a set of the images of the same person taken under various

illuminations span a low dimensional space[BJ03]. This section introduces the compressive

sensing theory and the matrix rank minimization problem as a practical way to frame and

solve image processing problems using sparse priors.


2.5.1 Compressed sensing

Compressed sensing (CS) theory claims that a signal can be reconstructed using a smaller

number of measurements than the number given by Nyquist sampling theory if the signal

meets the conditions below ([CDS98, CRT06a, CRT06c]).

1. A signal of interest is sparse in a known domain. (a sparse domain)

2. The measurements are sampled incoherently to the domain where a signal of interest

is sparsely represented.

For example, a sinusoid signal, y = sin(t), is sparse in the frequency domain because

it has only two nonzero frequency components. We can quantify sparsity, s (0 < s ≤ 1),

as a ratio between the number of nonzero elements of a transformed signal in the sparse

domain and the dimension of a signal in its original domain. Often, signals are not exactly

sparse but rather compressible. A sparse signal has few nonzero elements in the sparse

domain and all other elements are exactly zero. A compressible signal has few large el-

ements that contain the most energy and information of the signal in the sparse domain

and all other elements in this domain are not exactly zero but negligible compared to the

large elements. Hence, by using only these few large elements and discarding the smallest

ones, compressible signals can also be sparsely represented without much error. Due to

this characteristic of compressible signals, these signals can be regarded as sparse signals

in many applications. The classic examples of exploiting signal compressibility are JPEG

image compression schemes, which decompose images by DCT or discrete wavelet trans-

form (DWT) and compress them by setting the negligible coefficients in the DCT or DWT

domain to zero. In many applications of compressed sensing theory, compressible signals

can be reconstructed using the same methods used for sparse signals within bounded dis-

crepancy ([CRT06c]).

Incoherent sensing is a strategy to decrease the number of measurements needed to re-

construct a signal. It ensures that the information contained in the original signal is spread


out over a set of incoherent measurement functions that are not correlated to each other

and have small correlation with unit vectors in the domain where a signal of interest is

sparse. For example, one of the most commonly used incoherent functions are a set of ran-

domly selected rows of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix. Every DFT coefficient is

a linear combination of all signal elements in its original domain, thus, carries information

of all signal elements. According to CS theory, if a signal is sparse in the DFT domain, by

randomly measuring small number of samples of the signal in the original domain, we can

fully reconstruct the original signal with high probability because these random measure-

ments carry fraction of all signal elements [CRT06a]. If a signal is compressible in the DFT

domain, it still can recover the dominant components of the signal in the sparse domain

but not the negligible ones.

If a signal of interest is sparse in a known domain and its measurements are incoherent,

a sparse signal x0 ∈ Rn can be reconstructed by solving the convex optimization problem



||Ux||1 s.t. ||Ax− b||2 < � (2.12)

Here U ∈ Cn×n is a sparsifying transform and A ∈ Cm×n is a sensing matrix (m < n) where

m is the number of measurements. b ∈ Cm is the measurement of x0 using A (b = Ax0 if

there is no measurement noise) and � is the upper bound on the amount of noise present

in the measurement b.1 If the measurement is not corrupted by noise, � can be set to 0

and the solution of this optimization problem is the exact reconstruction of x0 if we have a

sufficient number of measurements [CRT06a].

2.5.2 Low rank matrix approximation

In the current image processing and computer vision problems, often we are interested in

learning an underlying structure that is common among the images while extracting the

discrepancies between the images. For example, when recognizing faces, it is very often

1If U is an identity matrix, A has to satisfy the incoherent sensing properties. Otherwise AU−1 has tobe an incoherent sensing matrix.


that a face of the same person does not appear the same in different images due to dif-

ferent color balancing and illuminations in addition to other cosmetic changes. Therefore,

a robust face recognizer learns the underlying structure from a set of training images and

try to recognize the same person from test images[BJ03, WYG+09]. One way to effectively

learn the underlying common structure from a set of different observations is to find the

low rank approximation of a matrix whose columns are vectorized observations. This low

rank approach is more general than face recognition and appears frequently in many differ-

ent applications such as removing occlusion and restoring low-rank texture[ZGLM12], and

detecting anomalies in video surveillances[CLMW11].

The problem of finding a matrix with minimum rank can be formulated as:


rank(X) s.t. ||A(X)−B||2 < �, (2.13)

where X is the row rank structure of the signals that measures to be B when applied to a

function A up to a noise limit �. If the measurement constraint is a convex set, it is well

documented that this problem can efficiently be solved using a nuclear norm heuristic for a

rank metric and convex programming [FHB01]. A nuclear norm of a matrix X ∈ Rm×n is

defined as

||X||∗ =min{m,n}�


σi(X), (2.14)

where σi(X) are the singular values of X.

Chapter 3

Digital In-painting via l1 Norm


3.1 Introduction

The low SNR and the limited angle tomography make analyzing tomograms a challeng-

ing task. Researchers have been trying to manage these problems in various ways. One

way to overcome the low SNR is utilizing colloidal gold beads as fiducial markers to align

tomographic projections precisely. Researchers have also been actively looking for geneti-

cally modifiable labels, equivalent to green fluorescent protein in the light microscopy, that

can help detect specific proteins or macromolecules in noisy tomograms [DFG+09, MD07,

WML11]. The benefits of using markers and labels1 are clear, but there are also disad-

vantages to using them, especially when markers are larger than objects of interest and

significantly denser than the background. A common problem that results from the pres-

ence of colloidal gold beads throughout the sample is the occlusion of features or regions of

interest in projections. Another, perhaps more serious problem, is that 3D reconstruction

algorithms are unable to perfectly handle the large and abrupt contrast difference between

1In this chapter, markers and labels are used interchangeably because they create artifacts of the samenature. However, they have different roles in image analysis. Typically markers are used as landmarks foraccurate alignment and labels are targeted to certain macromolecules of interest for better localization.



a sample and fiducial markers. As a result, a halo or a shadow created by markers is elon-

gated by missing wedge effects, and projects onto neighboring (and not occluded) sample

features. In addition, very serious ripple effects are also very common, in particular when

clusters of markers are imaged only through part of the angular range. Finally it is some-

times impossible not to have markers around objects if they are used as labels.

There are numerous cases where markers themselves or their artifacts interfere with

detecting objects of interest or analyzing them. For example, in CET reconstructions of

intact bacteria, the goal of the image analysis can be to segment filaments through the

length of the cell, or to understand the coherence range of repetitive structures. These

tasks are not possible in the presence of dense artifacts that distort the shape of filaments

or the repeating structures. Also, in CET sub-volumetric averaging of macromolecules and

viruses, the ripples and halos caused by nearby fiducial markers, together with the distor-

tions created by the missing wedge, hinder the precise alignment. When macromolecules

are nanogold-labeled, these electron-dense labels themselves can bias aligning the molecules

as well. Finally, in CET of aqueous suspensions of inorganic nanoparticles, quantitative

analysis of reconstructed volumes can also be biased by fiducial markers. These phenom-

ena are especially pronounced when specimens are thin and markers lie very close to the

target objects, or when markers lump together. Without these artifacts, the specimen of

interest can be studied with greater clarity, and valuable data sets that may include unique

structures or conformations that are short-lived and difficult to capture can be saved from

the shadowing artifacts. Therefore, to utilize the high SNR markers and labels for ana-

lyzing CET reconstructions without side effects, it is necessary to come up with ways to

reduce artifacts created by dense markers, or to erase markers during the image analysis

(skeletonization, segmentation, sub-volumetric alignment, quantitative image analysis of

nanoparticles suspensions, etc).

In this chapter, we propose a new algorithm that removes high contrast objects by

digital inpainting (defined in Sec. 3.2), which utilizes the fact that CET projections can


be decomposed into a sparse representation in the DCT domain. We fill in the missing

regions occluded by high contrast objects in projections and demonstrate that the resulting

inpainted projections and the reconstructed volume show minimal artifacts around the

regions near high contrast objects. To help readers solidly understand our new algorithm,

we start by reviewing the existing digital inpainting methods and the CS theory which

underlies some of them. Then we show that CET projections are sparse in the DCT

domain and how we can exploit this information to inpaint occluded regions in projections

in the framework of CS. For evaluation, we first examine the inpainted projections and

tomograms of the surface-layer (S-layer) of Bacillus sphaericus, which has a natural short-

range order property that results in projections with a sparse power spectral density. After

confirming the success of our proposed method with S-layers, we move on to inpaint whole

cell data sets of Caulobacter crescentus, which are not naturally sparse but compressible

(defined in Sec. 2.5.1). In each experiment, we compare the perceptual quality of inpainted

projections and reconstructions produced by our algorithm to those produced by the existing

inpainting methods. To assist the perceptual comparison of different inpainting techniques,

we also compute image similarity metrics for the inpainted tomograms. To verify whether

inpainting can also help quantitative analysis of tomograms by removing fiducial marker

artifacts, we average the S-layer units located near the inpainted regions and compare

these averaged volumes to a reference S-layer structure. These qualitative and quantitative

evaluations show that our algorithm can reduce artifacts from high contrast objects and

reveal their neighboring regions more clearly than the conventional algorithms without

creating secondary inpainting artifacts.

3.2 Theoretical background and previous work

High contrast metal artifacts are not a new problem in tomography and there are solu-

tions developed for different imaging modalities that suffer from the same problem. In

the X-ray tomography community, many researchers have been looking for solutions for

this problem, known as metal artifact reduction(MAR) ([WSOV96, ZRW+00, DND+00,


XRY+05, WK04]) because metal prostheses in patients’ body create artifacts that hinder

accurate medical diagnosis. The most common strategy is to fill in the regions occluded by

metal objects with locally interpolated values or maximum likelihood estimates in projec-

tions. Recently, approaches that specifically formulate MAR in a constrained optimization

framework have been introduced as well ([GZY+06, ZWX10]). They often minimize the

total variation of the reconstruction because typical X-ray images are well approximated

as piecewise constant functions. Metal objects can also be removed in a reconstruction

domain. This approach is less popular because it requires tracing all the artifacts that are

created in the process of reconstruction.

While it appears that these algorithms developed in the X-ray tomography community

can be easily applied to remove high contrast artifacts created by electron-dense markers in

CET , differences in image characteristics make this task challenging. X-ray projections and

tomograms have a higher SNR than CET ones, and X-ray tomograms do not suffer from a

missing wedge problem. In addition to these differences in image quality, X-ray tomograms

have different image statistics due to different contrast mechanisms. As previously men-

tioned, they often contain piecewise constant features while CET tomograms have more

textural ones. Therefore, we need to tailor these methods to remove high contrast objects

for CET .

Researchers in the CET community have also been removing fiducial markers by fill-

ing gaps with locally interpolated pixel values or with random numbers drawn from local

statistics. Although these methods rely on local statistics, boundaries are usually visible

and corrected regions look artificial both in projections and reconstructed volume. This is

because these methods rely on a very simple image model that does not account for the

overall signal property of a projection.


3.2.1 Digital Inpainting

Digital inpainting is a technique to fill in missing regions in images without visible traces

([BBC+01]). It is basically an interpolation scheme in which image models play an im-

portant role ([CKS02]). Images can be decomposed into two components, structure and

texture, and different image models are applied for these components because they exhibit

different statistical and perceptual characteristics. The first component, structure (also

known as cartoon), is defined as piecewise constant regions of images that also contain

sharp edges. The most common method to inpaint the structural part is a variational

approach, which tries to propagate information from existing parts of an image to missing

regions as smoothly as possible. This approach assumes that an image is a function that lies

in the Bounded Variational (BV) space; one way to implement this approach is to pose it

as a Total Variation (TV) minimization problem ([CS01]). The second component, texture,

is defined as rapidly varying or oscillating regions of images in terms of intensity. Texture

inpainting is often carried out by texture synthesis techniques that analyze the local statis-

tics of observed regions and predict missing ones. Structures and textures can overlay, and

there are approaches which try to inpaint both parts simultaneously ([BVSO03, ESQD05]).

Elad et al. in ([ESQD05]) showed how to use the compressed sensing technique to

digitally inpaint natural images. In this section, we show that CET projections satisfy the

conditions on signals that can be inpainted using the compressed sensing framework.

3.2.2 Sparsity of CET projections

In order to apply the compressed sensing framework to inpaint CET projections, we first

need to find a domain where projections have sparse representations. In general, it is very

difficult to analytically prove that projections of a specimen are sparse or compressible in

any known domain without any prior knowledge of an atomic structure of a specimen. How-

ever, the sparsity or compressibility of arbitrary signals can be demonstrated empirically


[LDP07, PL09]. For example, there have been extensive studies on the statistics of natu-

ral images and it has been generally accepted that natural images are compressible in the

DCT or DWT domain [TM02]. Following this practice, DCT has been used for sparsifying

textural parts and DWT for structural parts of natural images in [ESQD05]. This section

shows that CET projections are sparse in the DCT domain by evaluating the fidelity of

reconstructions of CET projections using only 1% and 5 % of their largest DCT coefficients

in terms of magnitude. We visually inspect the fidelity of compressed reconstructions and

also quantify the loss in signal energy from compression. We choose DCT as a sparsifying

transform because it sparsifies textural parts of images well, and CET projections contain

large texture parts due to the dense nature of biological specimens. DWT can be another

option. However, DWT is mostly used to sparsify piecewise smooth images ([SED05]), and

the resulting inpainted regions also tend to be flat and texture-less. Therefore, we focused

on DCT in this chapter to preserve the continuity in the image statistics in the inpainting

regions and the neighboring regions.

We surveyed the sparsity of 2D CET projections of B. sphaericus S-layers and of C.

crescentus of various shapes in the 2D-DCT domain using 704 projections from 11 tomo-

grams and 1527 projections from 13 tomograms respectively. Their projection angles vary

between −65◦ and 65◦. We evaluated the closeness between the compressed reconstruction

and the original image using normalized mean squared error (NMSE), which is defined as

||x0−xαDCT ||2F||x0||2F

. x0 is an original image, xαDCT is its compressed reconstruction using DCT

transform at compression rate at α and || · ||F is a Frobenious norm. This metric measures

the portion of signal energy lost from compression. When projections are compressed at

95%, it means that they are reconstructed by using only top 5% of 2D-DCT coefficients

in magnitude. The median loss of energy by compressing projections of S-layers at the

compression rate of 95% and 99% are 0.0011 and 0.0030 respectively. (See Fig. 3.1 plot (a)

and (b).) For the whole cells, the median NMSE is 0.0030 when compressed at 95% and

0.0051 when compressed at 99%. (See Fig. 3.1. plot (c) and (d).) This is very little loss

in signal energy given the high compression rate of 95 % and 99 %. Notice that we can


also indirectly see that the projections of whole cells are not as sparse as the projections of

S-layers by comparing the loss of energy from compression.

Upper 5% reconstruction(a)

Upper 1% reconstruction(b)










Figure 3.1: Survey of energy loss in compressed 2D-DCT reconstructions of tomo-graphic projections.: In (a) and (b) B. sphaericus S-layers ; In (c) and (d) C. crescentuswhole cells : In (a) and (c), NMSE of reconstructions using only top 5% magnitude2D-DCT coefficients. In (b) and (d) using top 1% coefficients.

When we visually compare the compressed reconstructions with the original projections,

it is very difficult to differentiate the reconstructions from the originals with naked eye. (See.

Fig. 3.2.) In addition to little signal energy loss and high visual fidelity, the statistics of the

residuals, differences between the original image and the reconstructed image, closely follow

the Gaussian statistics, shown in the last column of Fig. 3.2, which implies that the infor-

mation embedded in the discarded coefficients is mostly corrupted by noise.2 From these

2The noise of CET projections have Poisson statistics which can be safely approximated as a additiveGaussian noise when the mean value is sufficiently large.


observations, we can conclude that projections of B. sphaericus S-layers and C. crescentus

are compressible in the DCT domain.

3.2.3 Incoherent sensing of CET projections

In addition to the sparsity of projections, we also need to prove that the domain where

a signal is measured is incoherent to the domain where the signal is sparse to justify ap-

plying compressed sensing theory for inpainting CET projections. According to [CRT06a],

randomly selected orthonormal basis functions form an incoherent sensing matrix. In our

application, the overall sensing matrix is AU−1, where A, is an identity matrix with missing

rows at the locations where pixels are randomly missing (because gold beads are randomly

located.) and U is a 2D-DCT matrix, which is orthonormal. Therefore our sensing matrix,

AU−1, satisfies the incoherent sensing condition. In addition, we are inpainting small re-

gions of CET projections, our CS-based digital inpainting algorithm satisfies the minimum

measurement constraint for faithful reconstruction.

3.3 Proposed algorithm: Digital inpainting via compressed


The inpainting procedure starts with identifying objects to be removed. In this chapter,

we choose colloidal fiducial markers (diameter ∼ 10nm) as target high contrast objects to

be removed.3 We find fiducial markers in all projections to avoid creating inconsistencies

between projections. To do this, we select fiducial markers in the projection taken at 0

degree tilt angle and track them through out the tilt series using imodfindbeads and track

functions in IMOD ([KMM96]). When IMOD fails to detect or track the markers to be

removed, we hand-label markers. Based on locations and a radius of fiducial markers, we

create a binary mask for each projection that discards pixels occluded by fiducial markers.

3This algorithm can inpaint any missing or corrupted regions in CET projections, such as X-ray damagedpixels, as long as the problem satisfies the compressed sensing constraints mentioned in Sec. 2.5.1.


Figure 3.2: B. sphaericus S-layers (1) and C. crescentus (2-3) projections and theirDCT -compressed 2D-reconstructions: (a) Original projections at tilt angle 0 degree. (b-c) Compressed 2D-reconstructions of projection of (a) using only 5% and 1% of the largestDCT coefficients. (d) Normal probability plot of residuals of 5%, 1% reconstructions. Inthis plot, the residuals are plotted against the theoretical normal distribution to assessthe normality of the residuals. If the line is straight, the residuals follow the normalstatistics.


Once the fiducial markers are all detected and masks are created, we can inpaint the

projections by solving the optimization problem in Eq. 2.12. Here x ∈ Rn is a vectorized

square image where n = N2 and it is the inpainted image when this problem is successfully

solved. N is the number of rows or columns of a square image. We define U ∈ Rn×n as a re-

arranged 2D-DCT matrix that carries out 2D-DCT on a vectorized image x. A ∈ {0, 1}n×n

is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are binary. If the ith element of x is to be

inpainted, A(i, i) = 0 and A(i, i) = 1 otherwise. y ∈ Rm is a vector of observed pixel

values that are not occluded in the original image. � is an upper-bound on the amount of

discrepancy in unoccluded pixels while inpainting occluded ones. To preserve unoccluded

regions as intact as possible, we choose a small value of � from a range of [0.00001, 0.0005]

% of the l2 norm of the original image. By setting � as the noise floor in measurements,

we can also denoise projections ([CDS98]). However, we chose a very small � which is well

below the noise floor not to denoise projections because tomograms are often averaged to

reveal finer details that are often buried in noise.

Large scale convex optimization problems with a non-differentiable objective can take

long time to solve and the optimization problem formulated in Eq. 2.12 certainly belongs

to this category. Therefore, we use a l1 norm minimization solver, NESTA (a shorthand

for Nesterovs algorithm), which is specially developed for solving large scale compressed

sensing problems ([BBC11]). This solver minimizes a smoothened version of l1 norm by

a first-order method. This technique provides a good trade-off between computational ef-

ficiency and numerical accuracy. NESTA is also easy to configure because its parameters

can be intuitively determined. In addition to the sparsifying transform and sensing matrix

in Eq. 2.12, it requires a user to specify only two additional parameters. One is the final

smoothing factor, which determines the accuracy of the solution and the other is the error

bound, � in Eq. 2.12. In our case, the error bound is set to be small to avoid denoising and

the final smoothing parameter is set to be 10−5 to obtain accurate solutions. According

to our experience, if the final smoothing factor is small enough, smaller than 10−3, the


inpainted regions do not differ much perceptually while a smaller smoothing factor does

provide a solution with smaller l1 norm in the DCT domain. The computational time

increases as the smoothing factor decreases but the increase was in the order of tens of sec-

onds to solve a 2048 × 2048 matrix. NESTA has other parameters that have default values

and according to our experience, these default values provide accurate solutions within a

reasonable amount of time. Therefore, we have not fine-tuned these parameters.

Given these parameters, our inpainting algorithm takes about 5 minutes to inpaint an

image with 2048 × 2048 pixels using NESTA on a PC with Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU

E7500 2.93GHz and 8 GB RAM. The whole algorithm including the solver, NESTA, is

implemented in Matlab(TM), and we used an optimized 2D-DCT , not the default one

provided in Matlab, to minimize the run time. Projecting on to and recovering from the

sparse signal domain is the most expensive part of the digital inpainting computation,

totaling about 55% of the runtime. This rather long processing time (compared to seconds

using IMOD) is the price for more sophisticated inpainting. Inpainting a set of images can

be naturally parallelized for each image because each inpainting task is independent of each

other. Therefore, the runtime for inpainting a whole stack of tomographic projections can

be kept constant around the time to inpaint a single image.

3.4 Materials

Two kinds of datasets are used to test CS-based digital inpainting for CET projections:

an in-vitro, ordered self-assembled macromolecular system, and intact bacteria. For the

former, one tomogram of wild type S-layer protein from B. sphaericus (wtSbpA) and two

tomograms of in-vitro recombinant (truncated sequence) S-layer protein (rSbpA) were used

for digital inpainting. 8 additional tomograms of in-vitro recombinant rSbpA (total of 11

tomograms) were used to survey the sparsity of S-layer projections. The intact bacteria con-

sist of three tomograms of C. crescentus intact cells were used for inpainting and additional

10 tomograms of C. crescentus (total of 13 tomograms) were used to survey the sparsity


of CET projections of intact bacteria. Cell cultures, cryo-grids preparation, cryo-EM data

acquisition and processing were done as previously described in [ACN+10, BCG+10]. B.

sphaericus sample preparation and data acquisition were also done using the identical meth-

ods described in [ACN+10, BCG+10].

All the fiducial alignments were done with RAPTOR ([AMC+08]) and the reconstruc-

tions were performed with the weighted-back-projection provided by IMOD ([KMM96]).

3.5 Results and discussions

In this section, we present inpainted projections and tomograms of isolated S-layers of B.

sphaericus and whole cells of C. crescentus using the proposed method and compare these

images with the results obtained using the existing methods in the CET community. To

the best of our knowledge, there have not been many inpainting algorithms introduced in

the CET community and the most commonly used ones are polynomial interpolation in-

painting implemented in IMOD and random noise inpainting. To evaluate the quality of

inpainting performed by our method, we also inpainted all data sets using IMOD (ccderaser

function) with polynomial orders 0,1,2,4 and Poisson random noise inpainting, which fills

missing regions with randomly drawn pixel values from an estimated Poisson distribution

based on the local statistics.5

First, we visually evaluate the inpainting performance of all inpainting algorithms men-

tioned above by comparing the original projections and tomograms with their inpainted

pairs. Comparing reconstructed volume is very important because inpainting should not

create any secondary artifacts while removing high contrast objects. Secondly, we examine

whether inpainting high contrast objects can actually reveal the structure shadowed by ar-

tifacts by introducing artificial markers and inpainting them. Lastly, we perform a small

4For each data set, the best performing polynomial order is selected for figures in this section.5This method is to replace marker regions with artificially created backgrounds that has the same statis-

tical property of the background noise in CET projections.


scale S-layer subtomogram averaging experiment to see whether digital inpainting actually

enhances signals of interest in the uncovered regions, and to verify that these part of tomo-

grams can produce meaningful quantitative analysis. The result shows that the projections

inpainted by the proposed method are visually more natural and the corresponding regions

in tomograms show less severe artifacts. There are a few cases where we can see halos of

fiducial markers in reconstructions; however, in those cases, our method still creates less se-

vere artifacts than the existing methods. In addition, artificial fiducial marker experiments

and subtomogram averaging experiments confirm that digital inpainting enhances signals

of interest shadowed by high contrast artifacts by removing them, and both visual and

statistical fidelity of CS-inpainted volume is superior to the ones produced by the existing


3.5.1 Surface layers

S-layers of B. sphaericus are naturally formed 2D paracrystals that have a sparse structure

in the frequency domain, and their CET projections are also sparse in the DCT domain.

Therefore, our method should be able to inpaint the occluded regions with minimal artifacts.

We confirm that this hypothesis is true by visually inspecting the inpainted projections in

Fig. 3.3. The proposed method inpaints the areas occluded by fiducial markers without

artificial boundaries and the overall regions seem very natural while other methods simply

replace fiducial markers with artificial disks. This difference stems from the unrealistic

image models that the other methods are based upon. The IMOD model assumes that CET

projections locally form polynomials and random noise inpainting assumes that pixel values

within a close range in CET projections are drawn from an I.I.D. Poisson distribution. On

the other hand, our CS-based inpainting method does not create obvious discontinuities in

projections because it assumes that CET projections consist of a few DCT basis functions

which are continuous within the support of images.


Figure 3.3: CET projections of isolated wild type B. sphaericus S-layer: (a) Beforeinpainting: Fiducial markers are occluding S-layer surfaces. (b) CS inpainting: Markersare removed and no artificial boundaries are visible. (c) IMOD inpainting: Polynomialorder 0 is used, and the markers are replaced by a constant value disk. (d) Random noiseinpainting: The markers are replaced by I.I.D. Poisson random variables, which do notpreserve the continuity of the local pixel values.


Because our algorithm can inpaint CET projections without visible boundaries and ar-

tificial traces, we also expect that 3D tomograms reconstructed from projections inpainted

by our method will have less severe artifacts than those produced from projections inpainted

by the conventional methods. However, the apparent differences among the inpainted re-

gions of 3D tomograms produced by these different algorithms are not as striking as the

differences among the corresponding areas of the inpainted projections. We can see that

all methods remove markers without many visible traces of inpainting in the reconstructed

S-layers in Fig. 3.4. Although all inpainted reconstructions appear very similar to each

other, those inpainted by IMOD and random noise show more visible boundaries than the

tomogram inpainted by the proposed method. This phenomenon is more clearly visible in

Fig. 3.5 Slayer 1 plots, where we only have two fiducial markers that occlude the surface

of the S-layer. In Fig. 3.5, plot Slayer 1 (b), our method seamlessly unveils the underlying

S-layer unit without any artifacts while the other methods create obvious traces of inpaint-

ing. However, when there are many gold beads that are lumped together and occluding a

large area, all methods are rather unsuccessful at recovering the underlying structure. In

Fig. 3.5, in the second row, the surface of the S-layer is not exactly recovered by any of the

inpainting methods, instead they appear to shrink the area affected by the high contrast

artifacts. This different inpainting between the small and the large inpainted regions seen in

Fig. 3.5 can be attributed to the paracrystalline nature of S-layers. Unit cells of paracrys-

tals preserve their regularity only locally not globally. Therefore, if the occluded region is

small, our method can recover the regular structure in the occluded region without much

difficulty. If the occluded region is large, the unit cells around the occluded region do not

carry enough information to recover the missing structure because the regularity of these

unit cells are not preserved for a long range. Although any of the methods cannot suppress

the obvious inpainting artifacts when the inpainted area is large, the characteristic S-layer

lattice is more clearly visible and the boundaries of the recovered region look more seamless

in the tomogram inpainted by the proposed method than in the tomograms inpainted by

the other methods.


Figure 3.4: CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of isolated wild type B. sphaericusS-layer: (a) Before inpainting: The high-contrast artifacts created by colloidal fiducialmarkers are occluding surrounding regions. (b) CS inpainting: Most of the markers andtheir artifacts are removed. The structure of the S-layer around and inside the inpaint-ing regions seems to be better recovered than in the other inpainted reconstructions in(c) and (d). No obvious discontinuities are visible around the inpainting regions. (c)IMOD inpainting: Polynomial order 0 inpainting. Some inpainted areas look artificiallymonotone and smoothened. (d) Random noise inpainting: No artificially smoothenedareas are visible but the structure of the S-layer around and inside the inpainted regionsdoes not seem to be well recovered.


Figure 3.5: CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of recombinant B. sphaericus S-layer: In the first row, (a) Before inpainting: The high-contrast artifacts created by twocolloidal fiducial markers are occluding surrounding regions. (b) CS inpainting: Themarkers and their artifacts are removed. The structure of the S-layer around and insidethe inpainting regions appears to be better recovered than in the other inpainted re-constructions in (c) and (d). No obvious discontinuities and artifacts are visible aroundthe inpainting regions. (c) IMOD inpainting: Polynomial order 0 inpainting. The in-painted areas look artificially smoothened. (d) Random noise inpainting: No artificiallysmoothened areas are visible but the structure of the S-layer around and inside the in-painted regions does not appear to be well recovered. In the second row, (a) Markers arelumped together and occluding a large region. (b) All the markers and their artifacts areremoved. The structure of the S-layer around and inside the inpainting regions appearsto be slightly recovered. No obvious discontinuities are visible around the inpaintingregions. (c) The inpainted areas look artificially monotone and smoothened. (d) Noartificially smoothened areas visible but the structure of the S-layer around and insidethe inpainted regions does not appear to be well recovered.


3.5.2 Whole cells

The ultrastructure of C. crescentus, our model for bacteria in general, is not sparse in any

known domain. However, we have empirically demonstrated that CET projections of C.

crescentus are compressible in the DCT domain; therefore, we expect that our inpainting

method can remove high contrast objects without creating severe artifacts, as it does with

S-layers. This hypothesis is validated by the seamlessly inpainted projections in Fig. 3.6.

The projections inpainted by our CS-based method appear to be more natural to naked

eye, with less visible artifacts, than the projections created by other methods.

As seen in the previous section on S-layers, well-inpainted projections result in tomo-

grams with less severe artifacts. In Fig. 3.7 and Fig. 3.8. we see markers whose high

contrast artifacts cast shadow on the cell membrane. The challenge here is to inpaint the

occluded regions without disrupting the integrity of the neighboring cell membrane. Since

the membrane creates discontinuities that are not very sparse in the DCT domain, the oc-

cluded membranes are not fully recovered after inpainting in the projections as in Fig. 3.6.

However, we still do not find any artificial boundaries around the inpainted regions in the

CS-inpainted reconstructions in both Fig. 3.7 and Fig. 3.8 because our method inpaints

missing pixel values by estimates that blend well with the surroundings without disconti-

nuities, while other methods simply replace markers with artificial disks. If the markers

occlude the membrane in a small number of projections, the back-projected volume does

recover the membrane from the unoccluded projections. In this case, the contribution from

the inpainted membrane averages out as long as inpainting does not create gross errors.

Therefore, we can see membranes clearly without any artifacts in tomograms as in Fig. 3.7

and Fig. 3.8. If markers are occluding specific regions containing sharp edges in most of

the projections, these edges may not be clearly visible in the reconstructions because our

method does not necessarily recover the edges in the projections.


Figure 3.6: CET projections of C. crescentus: (a) Before inpainting: Fiducial markersocclude the cell membrane. (b) CS inpainting: Markers are removed and no artificialboundaries are visible. At the projection angle of -30 degree, we see markers that lieon the different plane of the tomogram. These markers were not labeled to be removed.(c) IMOD inpainting: Polynomial order 0 was used, and the markers are replaced by aconstant value disk. (d) Random noise inpainting: The markers are replaced by I.I.D.Poisson random variables which do not preserve the continuity of the local pixel values.


Figure 3.7: CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of C. crescentus I: (a) Beforeinpainting: Markers are casting shadow on the cell membrane. (b) CS inpainting: Allthe markers and their artifacts are removed and the nearby membrane areas are clearlyvisible without noticeable artifacts. (c) IMOD inpainting: Polynomial order 1 inpainting.The inpainted areas look artificially monotone and smoothened but the membrane is alsovisible. (d) Random noise inpainting: The halos from inpainting still occlude the nearbymembrane. (1-3) Different C. crescentus data set ID.


Figure 3.8: CET reconstructions (tomogram slices) of C. crescentus II: (a) Beforeinpainting: Markers are casting shadow on the cell membrane. (b) CS inpainting: Allthe markers and their artifacts are removed and the nearby membrane region is clearlyvisible without noticeable artifacts. (c) IMOD inpainting: Polynomial order 1 inpainting.The inpainted areas look artificially monotone and smoothened but the membrane is alsovisible. (d) Random noise inpainting: The halos from inpainting still occlude the nearbymembrane.


3.5.3 Artificial fiducial marker experiment

The purpose of inpainting high contrast objects is to reduce the associated artifacts and

reveal the underlying structure of a specimen. To verify whether removing fiducial markers

does uncover the nearby structure, we create artificial fiducial markers on actual CET

projections and remove them by inpainting. We then compare the revealed structure to

the corresponding one in the original tomogram visually as well as using image quality

metrics, NMSE and mutual information (MI). Artificial markers are created in projections

by applying a 2D Gaussian mask at locations calculated according to the single-axis data

acquisition geometry. In Fig. 3.9, we see the 3D reconstructions of the artificial markers

as well as the original tomograms and the inpainted reconstructions. While all inpainting

methods can remove the high contrast artifacts in tomograms, the proposed method creates

less obvious artificial traces from inpainting than others. Also the areas corrupted by

artificial markers appear to be smaller in the CS-inpainted tomograms than in others,

thus revealing the areas that are right next to the fiducial markers. Being able to contain

inpainting artifacts within a small area is especially important when markers are located

very closely to the objects of interest.

The numerical fidelity of the inpainted volumes are also evaluated by two image quality

metrics, NMSE and MI. NMSE measures the discrepancy in each pixel value relative to l2

norm of the original volume, and MI measures the discrepancy in the overall pixel value

distribution between two volumes. According to the information theory, MI quantifies the

amount of information one volume contains about the other ([PMV03]). The larger the MI

between two volumes, the more information of one volume can be explained by using the

information in the other. All metrics are computed using only voxels near the inpainted

regions. The size of a cropped cube-shape volume is 3 times of the diameter of the inpainted

fiducial marker. In Table 3.1, while all inpainting produces a similar amount of pixel-wise

discrepancies according to the median and mean NMSE, the CS-inpainted volumes have

higher MI than other inpainted volumes. This result can be explained by the nature of these

two metrics. While NMSE is blind to the overall composition of volumes, MI compares the


Figure 3.9: Artificial fiducial markers in CET reconstructions of isolated wild typeB. sphaericus S-layer (bead 1 and 2) and C. crescentus (bead 3 and 4). From left toright, (a) Original tomogram. (b) Artificial Fiducial markers. (c) CS-inpainted. (d)IMOD-inpainted(Polynomial order 0) (e) Random noise inpainted. The CS-inpaintedreconstructions have unnoticeable boundaries while IMOD and random noise inpaintedreconstructions have artificial regions with noticeable boundaries. The proposed methodalso recovers some structure of the S-layer occluded by the fiducial markers.


NMSE Mutual InformationBead ID CS IMOD Random CS IMOD Random

3DBrdU #1 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.7066 0.5735 0.34403DBrdU #2 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.4035 0.4306 0.27983Dwt1 #1 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 4.2246 4.1835 4.11113Dwt1 #2 0.0003 0.0004 0.0004 4.1326 3.9970 3.9889Slayer9 #1 0.0003 0.0004 0.0003 1.7839 1.4507 1.7569Slayer9 #2 0.0003 0.0004 0.0003 1.8236 1.4791 1.8002

mean 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 2.1792 2.0191 2.0468median 0.0003 0.0004 0.0003 1.8038 1.4649 1.7786

Table 3.1: Quantitative comparison of inpainting fidelity using artificial fiducial markersamong different inpainting methods. According to NMSE, all inpainting methods resultin a similar amount of pixel-wise discrepancies on average. However, according to MI,CS-inpainted volumes contain more information that can explain the original volume inmost of the cases.

statistics of pixel values in volumes, and CS-based inpainting does fill in the missing pixel

values using continuous waves that are inferred to preserve the global consistency of each

projection, which also resulted in the consistent tomographic reconstruction.

3.5.4 S-layer subtomogram averaging experiment

One of the advantages of removing fiducial markers is that post processing algorithms such

as subtomogram averaging are less affected by false patterns generated by high contrast

artifacts. To verify this conjecture, we average 77 carefully selected subtomograms of S-

layer units that are right next to fiducial markers from a single tomogram. We choose a

small number of subtomograms for two reasons: 1. We only choose those units near fiducial

markers, and 2. This experiment is intended not to solve a structure of S-layer units but

to see whether inpainted volumes actually contain enhanced signal from the specimen of

interest than the volumes with high contrast artifacts. We repeat the identical averaging

process using the same selection of subtomograms from the original tomogram and the

inpainted tomograms processed by the CS, IMOD and random inpainting methods. The

original tomogram was taken under ∼ −9µm defocus and it has a pixel size of 0.6854 nm.

Each subtomogram has the size of 77 × 77 × 77 pixels (∼ 53nm each side), and they are


centered on the green spheres shown in the original tomogram (Fig.3.10 plot (a)) and in

the CS-inpainted tomogram (Fig.3.10 plot B). The centers of subtomograms are located

20 voxels (∼ 14nm) away from the fiducial markers. We used the maximum likelihood

method ([SMVC09]) implemented in the Xmipp package for the iterative alignment and

averaging, and the initial reference was chosen by the algorithm. Since we use a single S-

layer reconstruction whose surface is relatively flat without too much shape distortion, we

search only a maximum of 45 degrees around each axis by 10 degree steps for 10 iterations.

In Fig.3.10 plot (b), the subtomograms from the original volume with fiducial markers

failed to align the S-layer structure because of the interfering artifacts created by nearby

fiducial markers. However, when the subtomograms at the same locations from the inpainted

volumes are iteratively aligned and averaged, they can reveal the grid arrangement of S-

layer units. In Fig.3.10 plot (c), We can see that all three averaged subtomograms using

the inpainted volume processed by the CS, IMOD and Random inpainting methods quickly

converged to a meaningful first averaged model or template that could be further refined,

and it is very difficult to tell the differences between these averaged models with naked

eye. Therefore, to achieve more accurate assessment, we compare these averaged models

to an independent averaged S-layer structure derived from different B. sphaericus S-layer

data sets, using Fourier Shell Coefficient criterion. As shown in Fig.3.10 plot (d), we can

see that the averaged S-layer volume from the CS-inpainted tomogram actually has higher

FSC than the ones from the other inpainted volumes especially near the spatial frequency

that corresponds to the periodicity between S-layer units. The periodicity of S-layer unit

is reported to be ∼ 13.5nm, and the diameter of each unit is ∼ 9.375nm. Also, the CS-

inpainted volume can produce an averaged S-layer structure comparable to the one using

the subtomograms from the fiducial marker free regions of the tomogram in terms of FSC.6

We computed FSC using bresolve from Bsoft ([HCWS08]). This result confirms that digital

6We also averaged 77 subtomograms from the fiducial markerless regions in the same tomogram usedfor this experiment described in the paragraph above. Except the location of the subtomograms, all otherexperiment parameters are controlled to be the same as the ones used for averaging subtomograms nearfiducial markers and their inpainted regions.


Figure 3.10: Comparison of the averaged B. sphaericus S-layer unit models using theoriginal and the inpainted tomograms. : (a) S-layer unit selections( marked by greencircles) in the original volume before inpainting (left) and in the CS-inpainted volume(right): The inset in the left hand side plot contains the fiducial markers that create theartifacts (located 20 voxels above the S-layer). (b) Iso-surfaces of the averaged S-layermodel from the original tomogram (left) and the CS-inpainted one (right): It is obviousthat the alignment procedure cannot align the S-layer lattice in the original tomogramwhile it can produce a fair initial S-layer lattice model from the CS-inpainted tomogram.(c) Averaged S-layer volumes in gray scale volume slices: 1. The original raw volumefailed to converge to a S-layer lattice structure. 2-4. All inpainted volumes convergeto a S-layer lattice structure with subtle differences. However, we can still observe thatthe averaged volume using the CS-inpainted tomogram show clearer barrel shape of aS-layer unit. (d) Quantitative comparison using FSC: Near the periodicity of S-layerunits, spatial frequency = 1/13.5 ∼ 0.0741(1/nm), the averaged S-layer volume from theCS-inpainted volume has the highest FSC which is very close to the averaged S-layervolume using fiducial markerless part of the original volume. The vertical line refers tothe calculated location of the first zero crossing created by the contrast transfer function(CTF) with ∼ −9µm defocus for our microscope.


inpainting can enhance signals from the structures occluded by removing high contrast

artifacts; in addition, by utilizing the structural information such as the sparsity of CET

projections in the DCT domain, our CS-based inpainting method can actually remove

artifacts more intelligently, which helps to align and refine the underlying structure.

3.6 Conclusions and future work

We have presented a digital inpainting algorithm based on compressed sensing theory, which

effectively removes artifacts created by high contrast objects such as fiducial markers. Our

algorithm estimates missing pixel values that sparsify the inpainted CET projections in

the DCT domain. This technique shows better performance in removing artifacts than the

conventional algorithms because it exploits the sparse or compressible nature of CET pro-

jections in the DCT domain. The proposed method successfully fills missing regions with

minimal distortions or artifacts, such as halos, shadows or ripples, in both projections and

reconstructions. It always provides projections and reconstructions that are perceptually

better than or as desirable as those provided by the conventional methods.

Without these adversary artifacts created by high contrast objects such as fiducial mark-

ers or individual macromolecular tags, specimen areas in the immediate vicinity of these

objects can be studied with greater clarity and the specimen can be used for further analy-

sis. For example, we can crop sub-volumes from these regions and use them for alignment

and averaging. This is very well illustrated in the case of the S-layer shown in Fig. 3.10.

Moreover, if our goal is to compute sub-volume averaging of tagged macromolecules, we can

inpaint their high contrast tags that can bias the alignment of the target macromolecules.

Chapter 4

Subtomogram Averaging via

Nuclear Norm Minimization

4.1 Introduction

To address the low SNR and the missing wedge distortion of cryo-ET reconstructions, one

acquires many sets of projections from multiple copies of the structure of interest and com-

bines them into a single reconstruction: by averaging multiple observations we can reduce

noise and thereby effectively raise the SNR. Moreover, because the specimens in the sample

holder are flash frozen in essentially random orientations, their projection data will have

missing wedges in different locations when aligned to a common orientation. Consequently,

combining sufficiently many observations allows us to fill in the frequency domain and to

eliminate the missing wedge. Although the general idea is simple, this process is by no

means trivial and has itself two main difficulties. The first difficulty is that the orientations

and the centers of each of the macromolecular complexes in the sample are unknown. The

second difficulty, when the sample contains a mixture of heterogeneous structures, is that

the class or type of each macromolecular complex is unknown. The subtomogram averaging

problem thus consists of two sub-problems: alignment and clustering/classification.



In this chapter we propose a new approach for the reference-free alignment and 3D to-

mographic reconstruction from a heterogeneous data set that may be partial in the sense

of the missing wedge. The approach is based on rank minimization and its nuclear-norm

relaxation, and we therefore refer to it as NN-CET (nuclear-norm based cryo-ET). The

inspiration of this algorithm comes from the robust image alignment work by Peng et

al. [PGW+12], in which a set of translated and rotated images with distortions, such as

different lighting conditions and partial occlusion, is aligned by means of iterative lineariza-

tion and nuclear-norm minimization. Our proposed algorithm is novel in several respects.

In particular, it

1. jointly solves the alignment and clustering problem;

2. introduces matrix rank as a collaborative metric to evaluate the alignment and clus-

tering accuracy;

3. estimates the alignment parameters by solving a series of convex optimization prob-

lems; and

4. is reference-free and does not even generate a reference model internally.

While this approach is promising, its current implementation has high computational

requirements and some convergence issues. As a result we were not able to align volumes

larger than 32 × 32 × 32 voxels and it requires coarse pre-alignment before starting our


To understand the context of this approach, we review existing works in Section 4.2 and

then provide a detailed discussion and derivation of the proposed method in Section 4.3. To

examine the effectiveness of the new method we describe experiments on two reconstruction

tasks using synthetic data sets in Section 4.4 and discuss the current algorithm’s limitations.

4.2 Previous Work

In the case of reconstructing a single structure, subtomogram averaging reduces to an

alignment problem, which has been well studied. Optimal alignment parameters are often


recovered by means of an exhaustive search over a predefined discrete range of parameters

[KFB+13, SMVC09, FMZ+05]. These methods work well for coarse alignment, but can

suffer from high computational complexity for accurate alignment where the search is over

a larger and finer parameter grid. Several approaches based on harmonic analysis have been

proposed to reduce this complexity [CPH+13, XBA12, BSL+08].

Single particle methods can also provide very high resolution density maps of isolated

and purified macromolecules. However, these methods require a reliable reference against

which all electron micrographs are aligned in order to find the correct alignment angles as

well as classes if the sample micrographs contain multiple classes. Since macromolecules are

purified, their structure in their native state cannot be easily resolved using this method.

Often, however, the structures of interest are not homogeneous, especially when they

are in their native state [MS09]. For the high-resolution reconstruction of each structure

it is therefore critical that both classification and alignment be accurate. Unfortunately,

these two problems are intricately linked: without good classification it is hard to find

meaningful alignment parameters; likewise, accurate classification is extremely challenging

without good alignment parameters. Pairwise comparison between subtomograms may seem

to be a solution, but this is compounded by an extremely low SNR and the missing wedge

problem. Various methods have been proposed to overcome these challenges by jointly

or alternatingly solving these subproblems. Indeed, such methods have been successfully

applied to uncover high-resolution macromolecular structures in their native state [BNR+12,

KCW+10, BS09, NSP+06, ZLBJ+06, FMZ+05]. Nevertheless, the subtomogram averaging

problem is far from solved and remains an active area of research.

By far the most widely used method for the subtomogram averaging problem is to solve

the clustering and the alignment problems iteratively by alternating between them (see

for example [KFB+13, BSL+08, SB08, Win07, FMZ+05] among many others). During the

alignment stage, these algorithms try to find the alignment parameters that are optimal

with respect to the current clustering. In most of these algorithms, this is done by means of

class reference models: a set of alignment parameters is determined by minimizing the dis-

similarity between a class reference and a subtomogram. This is complicated by the missing


frequency information in each subtomogram, and complex similarity metrics that take this

into account have been proposed. Perhaps the most commonly used metric between two

reconstructions with missing wedge is the constrained correlation between the angular com-

ponents that are observed in both reconstructions[CPH+13, XBA12, BSL+08, FMZ+05].

Another metric is proposed by Kuybeda et al. [KFB+13], who use the nuclear norm as a

metric to evaluate the overall alignment.

The reference classes used in alignment are typically determined by one of two ap-

proaches: they can either be calculated internally by averaging randomly selected subtomo-

grams in the data set, or they can be three-dimensional density maps of the target structures

that have been estimated externally. Once subtomograms are aligned to a reference, the

next clustering iteration can start, where all subtomograms are reclustered using well-known

methods such as hierarchical clustering or other methods based on multivariate statistical

analysis [vHF81].

One method that does not alternate between the alignment and clustering is the maximum-

likelihood (ML) approach by Scheres et al. [SMVC09]. This approach explicitly assumes

that tomograms contain heterogeneous structures and incorporates alignment and cluster-

ing into a single likelihood optimization problem. Nevertheless, this approach still relies

on a metric that quantifies the pairwise difference between a reference and an observation.

In addition, like many of the algorithms mentioned above, it also exhaustively searches for

rotation and translation parameters within a user-defined range.

Image alignment and clustering problems are also actively researched in various other

fields [PMV03, ZF03, Bro92]. In the computer vision community, for instance, there is an

increased interest in analyzing uncontrolled images and videos shared by users online. Ana-

lyzing such images shares some of the difficulties encountered in the subtomogram averaging.

First, user-generated images are heterogeneous and not aligned. Second, these images can

exhibit various degrees of missing information due to occlusion or varying lighting con-

ditions. To align and classify these natural images, various robust alignment algorithms

have been introduced [PGW+12, WN12, ClTCB11, lTB03, VGS08]. Many of these algo-

rithms exploit certain inherent low-dimensional structures in the data set, such as sparsity


or low-rankness. By taking advantage of this, it is possible to robustly align or classify

noisy and corrupted images. These approaches have been successful in recognizing faces in

natural images [PGW+12], analyzing 4D computed tomographic images [GCSZ11], and in

the generation of magnetic resonance images [WN12].

4.3 Methodology

This section shows how a low-rank matrix optimization problem can be used to align,

reconstruct and classify 3D structures. The motivation for the proposed approach and its

derivation is best explained starting from the data generation process.

4.3.1 Formation of the Signal

In cryo-ET we would like to reconstruct the density function of a small number of different

structures. Ideally, we would be able to generate a density function sl : R3 → R for each of

the l = 1, . . . , k different structures. Assuming that the density of the macromolecular struc-

tures in the sample are sufficiently separated from each other and that the tilt-series data

has been appropriately segmented, we can consider the process that generates a tilt-series

for an individual macromolecular structure as following. Suppose that a macromolecular

structure i ∈ [1, N ] belongs to a class ci ∈ [1, k] where N is the number of all observations.

Then we can describe each observation’s density in a normalized coordinate system by ap-

plying a suitable rigid transformation to the coordinate system, consisting of a rotation and

a translation. Denoting this transformation by τθi , with rotation and translation parameters

θi, we obtain the density function

fi = sci ◦ τ−1θi

. (4.1)

This assumes that all macromolecular structures of the same type have the exact same

density. In practice this will not hold exactly, but we can view density function s as an

average density function for the class and model deviations and slight perturbations from

this average as noise.


With the given macromolecular structure transformed to its physical orientation and

location we can now generate a tilt series. In practice this is done by collecting projection

data with the sample holder tilted at different angles. Here we equivalently fix the macro-

molecular structure and rotate the projection plane around the y axis instead. For a given

rotation angle α the projection function P : R3 → R2 for density function f is given by

Pα(fi)(u, v) =

� T


u cos(α)− γ sin(α)


u sin(α) + γ cos(α)

dγ. (4.2)

There are several simplifying assumptions we make here. First, we have chosen some-

what arbitrary integration limits. Mathematically we can choose (−∞,∞), but in practice

we only integrate from the irradiation source to the detector. Second, we assume that the

contrast-transfer function (CTF) is the identity. When a good model for the CTF is known,

however, this would be easy to integrate in (4.2). The second assumption is that there is no

degradation of the macromolecular structure in subsequent projections; i.e., the function fi

remains constant during the acquisition process. The sampling data d(i,j) for macromolec-

ular structure fi is obtained by evaluating Pα at a tilt angle of αj where j ∈ [1,M ], and

applying a suitable noise process. M is the number of projections.

Given only discrete data, the best we can hope for is to reconstruct discretized volumes

xl of the density functions sl. We can transform xl back to a function using for example (tri-

linear) interpolation: sl := I(xl). The resulting function can then be used for projections

by substituting sl in (4.1) by sl, followed by application of (4.2).

4.3.2 Rank Minimization

By reordering the elements we can express each 3D volume as a column vector xi and form

a matrix

X∗ = [x1, x2, . . . , xN ], (4.3)


where X∗ ∈ Rn×N , with n the number of voxels in each discretized volume xi. If we knew

the transformation parameters θ = {θ1, . . . , θN}, then we would be able to approximately

estimate the measured data, d(i,j), by evaluating the projections of the interpolated data

I(xi) under transformation τ−1θi

at locations (u, v) ∈ G:

d(i,j) ≈�Pαj (I(xi) ◦ τ−1

θi)(u, v)



where d(i,j) ∈ Rm×1, with m is the number of pixels in each projection image. For fixed θi

and αj , and assuming tri-linear interpolation, we can write the projection of the transformed

xi as the matrix vector product A(i,j)xi where

A(i,j) :=�Pαj (I(·) ◦ τ−1

θi)(u, v)



where A(i,j) ∈ Rm×n. From this, it may seem that we can reconstruct xi from data points

d(i,j) by solving (if feasible):

find x such that �A(i,j)x− d(i,j)�2 ≤ σ, ∀j, (4.4)

where j ∈ [1,M ] indexes the tilt angles, and σ is an estimate of the noise/misfit level. This

formulation requires that projections of the reconstructed volume x, match the observed

projection data up to the given noise level. Even though the transformation parameters

are given, this procedure would not give us the desired result. The reason for this is that

the reconstruction of each macromolecular structure i is treated entirely independently and

consequently suffers from the missing wedge problem. Moreover, even if two instances i1

and i2 are from the same class, i.e., ci1 = ci2 , there is absolutely no guarantee that xi1 = xi2 .

This is where low-rank matrix optimization comes in. If we carefully look at (4.3) we

can see that the rank of X∗ is at most equal to the number of distinct columns. In typical

cryo-ET settings the number of distinct classes k is very small compared to the number of

instances N , and much smaller than the length of each vector xi. Taking this into account


we can modify (4.4) to the problem


rank(X) s.t. �A(i,j)xi − d(i,j)�2 ≤ σ, ∀i, j, (4.5)

where xi is the i-th column of X. Using the rank takes care of two things. First, it

provides the heuristic on how heterogeneous the structures are in the entire sample set,

which can help us decide on the number of classes (more on this below). Second, the rank

structure links columns together, which means that, in effect, all the data for a given class

are combined, thereby solving the missing-wedge problem (provided of course that the data

covers the entire frequency space).

There are two problems with (4.5). The first problem is that it assumes that the

transformation parameters θi are known. This, of course, is a fundamental problem in

subtomogram averaging, where even a rough approximation may be difficult to obtain. The

second problem is that, even if we did know all parameters, rank minimization would still

be an NP-hard problem [MJCD08, RFP10]. We discuss each of these in more detail below.

4.3.3 Nuclear-Norm Approximation

One of the well-known approaches of avoiding the complexity associated with minimizing

the rank is to replace rank(X) by the nuclear-norm �X�∗, which is defined as the sum of the

singular values of X [RFP10]. This convex approximation can be seen as a generalization of

the highly-successful use of �1 instead of the cardinality, often referred to as �0, in compressed

sensing [CRT06b, CT06, Don06] (applied, in this case, to the vector of singular values).

Applied to (4.5) this gives


�X�∗ s.t. �A(i,j)xi − d(i,j)�2 ≤ σ, ∀i, j. (4.6)

As an example of this, we generated four different two-dimensional classes xi of size 33×33

(see Figure 4.1(a)). From this we generated 300 instances that were rotated uniformly at

random, and translated by up to ±10%. A tilt series, consisting of 11 equally-spaced


projections at angles ranging from −10◦ to +10◦ and sampled at 50 points, was then

generated for each instance. We then solved (4.6) by writing it as a series of penal-

ized formulations and solving them using, a fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm

(FISTA) [BT09a, BT09b]. The images corresponding to several of the columns xi of the

solution X∗ are illustrated in Figure 4.1(b). Despite the fact that no class information

was given, nuclear-norm minimization is still capable of combining the information from

the various instances of each class and obtaining accurate reconstructions. In other words,

nuclear-norm minimization is able to find a parsimonious model that explains the data.

Without the low-rank structure each reconstruction would simply have constituted a back-

projection from very incomplete data.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.1: Density of (a) four ground-truth structures, and (b) image representationof several columns of the solution X∗ to the nuclear-norm minimization problem whengiven a limited number of projections for each instance, along with their rotation andtranslation parameters, but without any information about the structure classes. Fourdistinct classes matching the ground-truth structures are clearly recovered.

4.3.4 Finding the Transformation Parameters

It now remains to incorporate the transformation parameters into the problem formulation.

For simplicity of notation and to make the dependency on θi explicit, we denote by Aθi ∈RmM×n the linear operator obtained by stacking projection matrix A(i,j) and likewise denote

by di ∈ RmM×1 the stacking of projection d(i,j). We further write θ = {θ1, . . . , θN}. Addingthe transformation parameters to (4.6) and combining the misfit of all data points for a

given xi, we obtain


�X�∗ s.t. �Aθixi − di�2 ≤ σi ∀i, (4.7)


with misfit parameters σi modified accordingly. Despite its friendly appearance this formu-

lation is still difficult to solve due to the nonlinearity of Aθi . Inspired by the work of Peng

et al. [PGW+12] we apply iterative linearization of A. The idea is that for sufficiently small

changes Δθi and Δxi we can approximate

A(θi+Δθi)(xi +Δxi) ≈ Aθi(xi +Δxi) + Jθi(xi)Δθi,

where Jθi(xi) ∈ RmM×6 denotes the Jacobian of Aθixi with respect to θi; that is, the changes

in the projection with respect to the transformation parameters of the transformed volume

xi. In our application, the observed tomograms are aligned by finding six transformation

parameters corresponding to the rotation and translation along X, Y, and Z axes. Note

that, due to the use of linear interpolation, Aθixi is not differentiable everywhere, although

the set of parameters θi at which this occurs is measure zero. For our experiments we use

finite-difference approximation for the Jacobian, thereby avoiding this problem. Adding

superscript iteration numbers k to the parameters we summarize the iterative algorithm as

follows. At every step we solve:

Xk+1,Δθk := argminX,Δθ

�X�∗ (4.8)

s.t. �Aθki(xi) + Jθki

(xki )Δθi − di�2 ≤ σi, ∀i

and then update θk+1 = θk + βΔθk, with stepsize 0 < β ≤ 1.

4.3.5 Solving the Subproblem

We solve each subproblem (4.8) by first reformulating it as a conic problem and then solving

it using templates for first-order conic solvers (TFOCS) [BCG11]. For the reformulation we

use the Lorentz cone, which is defined as K := {(x, σ) ∈ Rn × R | �x�2 ≤ σ}. With this it


is easy to see that we can rewrite (4.8) as



subject to


Jθki(xki )

0 0






∈ K, ∀i,

which is the final formulation of the subproblem.

4.3.6 Configuring the Solver

The proposed solver requires estimates for the noise level σi as well as the initial rotation

and translation parameters. The noise level needs to be chosen with care; choosing a σ

value that is too large results in the trivial solution X = 0, whereas choosing σi too small

leads to overly restrictive conditions and no feasible solutions. The noise level can either

be based on the experimental setup, or in a more heuristic way by choosing σi equal to

the norm of the projections and then gradually reducing it. Due to the non-convex nature

of the overall problem, the initial alignment parameters cannot deviate too much from the

desired alignment parameters. The suggested procedure therefore requires estimating initial

alignment parameters.

4.4 Experiments

We now evaluate the alignment and clustering performance of our proposed algorithm, NN-

CET, by comparing it against the performance of ML-TOMO [SMVC09], which is one of

several publicly available and widely used subtomogram algorithms in the community. We

used this particular method since it does joint alignment and clustering in a single framework

like our approach. In particular, we used the ML-TOMO implementation included in the

Xmipp Version 2.4 software package [SMVM+04].


4.4.1 Experiment Setup

Data generation

For test problems we used two sets of 3D density maps of macromolecules that have been

studied by single particle electron microscopy. The first set contains GroEL (EMD-1042)

and GroEL/ES (EMD-1180) [RFR+01]. The second set contains three different conforma-

tions of Helicase molecules (EMD-1135,1146,1148) [NRRM+06]. The density maps for these

structures were downloaded from the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) [emd]. For

the experiments, we rescaled the model structures while retaining the relative scales. The

original GroEL molecule in EMDB has a 3D volume of size 128 × 128 × 128 voxels and a

voxel width of 1.74 A, and GroEL/ES has a size of 192 × 192 × 192 voxels and a width

of 1.4 A. The first two Helicase molecules are of size 80 × 80 × 80 voxels, the third one

is of size 64 × 64 × 64 voxels. All Helicase molecules have a voxel width of 4.1 A. Given

the computational complexity of this method, all models were re-sampled using tri-linear

interpolation to a 32× 32× 32 volume of voxels of size 8.2 A in each dimension preserving

their relative size. Example density maps for GroEL and GroEL/ES, as well as Helicases

are illustrated in the top row of Figure 4.2.

To generate each simulation data, we sampled N = 100 instances with classes inde-

pendently chosen at random with uniform probability of 0.5 for each of the classes GroEL

or GroEL/ES. We then rotated the density function of each instance by (φxi , φyi , φ

zi ) ∈

[−180, 180]× [−180, 180]× [−180, 180] degrees at uniformly random and then translated the

rotated volume by (τxi , τyi , τ

zi ) ∈ [−5, 5]× [−5, 5]× [−5, 5] pixels at uniformly random. After

these rigid-body transformations, we applied the Radon transform to each of the instances

at 25 projection angles α = {−60,−55, . . . , 55, 60} degrees. Two-dimensional projections of

size 46×46 pixels1 were generated using the projxyz function in IMOD[KMM96]. The pixel

size in the projection was chosen to match that of the individual voxels and the grid size was

chosen slightly larger than the data volume dimension to ensure that all relevant projection

1The projection size of 46 pixels corresponds to the maximum projection width of a 32× 32× 32 volumewhen rotated along a single axis.


information was captured. The clean projections were then corrupted using i.i.d. Gaussian

measurement noise to obtain SNR levels of 1, 0.1, 0.03, and 0.01. Our definition of SNR is

var(x)var(n) , where x is the noiseless original projection image which is normalized to have zero

mean and unit variance and n is additive Gaussian noise with zero mean. Examples of the

observed projections of the GroEL and GroEL/ES density maps are shown in Figure 4.2



SNR=1 0.1 0.03 0.01




Figure 4.2: Top row: Cross sections of the original GroEL and GroEL/ES volumesalong the X, Y , and Z axes. Second and third rows: Radon measurements of GroELand GroEL/ES, respectively, for SNR 1, 0.1, 0.03, and 0.01.

For Helicases we have 3D density maps for each of the three conformation types, cross

sections of which can be seen in Figure 4.3. From these density maps we again generated

a set of N = 100 instances with conformation types chosen uniformly at random. Then

we successively applied the rotation, translation, and projection steps as described for the

GroEL and GroEL/ES dataset, and added measurement noise. Examples of the resulting

observations are shown in Figure 4.4.

Solver Setup and Parameter Initialization

The NN-CET algorithm requires three sets of initial parameters: matrix X, translation

and rotation parameters, and noise level estimates. For the initial X we simply generate






Figure 4.3: Cross sections of the original Helicases along the X, Y , and Z axes.

SNR=1 0.1 0.03 0.01




Figure 4.4: Noisy Radon measurements of Helicases at SNR = 1, 0.1 0.03, 0.01.


a random matrix with entries sampled i.i.d from the standard normal distribution N (0, 1).

The initial translation parameters are calculated by finding the center of gravity2 of each to-

mographic reconstruction, and the initial rotation parameters are randomly selected within

a range of [−15, 15] degrees from the correct value.

We have also experimented with running the application without the initial centering,

for situations where mass centering does not provide reliable estimates. In this case the

method does find a reasonable estimate of the centers, but the initial translation errors can

increase errors in the angular estimates. For this situation we use the proposed method

in a two-stage approach. First, the algorithm is run to estimate the center of structures

instead of mass centering. In the second stage we reinitialize and rerun the algorithm

using the calculated translation parameters from the first stage. Both approaches, with

mass centering and with two step processing, produce equivalent alignment and clustering


Finally, we need to provide noise level estimates σi. In our experiments, we used the

actual noise levels in each observation. It is important to have a reasonable value for σi to

obtain high alignment accuracy. When σi is too small there may not be a feasible solution

to (4.8). Likewise, we should certainly choose σi to be smaller than �di�2 otherwise the

corresponding solution xi will be zero.

Similarly for testing ML-TOMO, the initial rotation parameters were set within a range

±15 degrees around the ground truth rotation parameters for both the GroEL & GroEL/ES

and Helicases experiments. ML-TOMO was configured to search over a range of ±30 de-

grees around the initial alignment to allow more freedom in the alignment procedure. The

granularity for the rotation angles was set to be five degrees. The number of references is

set to two for GroEL and GroEL/ES, and three for Helicases. ML-TOMO simulations ran

for 20 iterations. The number of iterations for ML-TOMO is shorter because we observed

that the estimated alignment parameters as well as classes did not change much after about

2The center of mass of each tomogram is calculated by weighted sum of voxel coordinates, where theweight for each voxel is defined as the voxel’s gray level value divided by the sum of gray values of all voxels.For mass centering, a user does not need to provide 3D reconstructions but the algorithm will automaticallyreconstruct 3D volumes given tilt series information and calculate mass centers.


15 iterations.

Evaluation Metrics

We use two metrics to evaluate the quality of the resulting alignments: 1. Difference in the

recovered and the ground truth alignment parameters. 2. Difference in the recovered density

functions and the ground truth ones. The first metric quantifies the discrepancy between the

recovered alignment parameters and the true alignment parameters. We measure the error

in rotation parameters by comparing the rotation matrices. Given two rotation matrices S

and R in SO(3), we can define their inner-product as the trace of the product: �R,S� =Tr(RTS). Based on this we can derive two quantities. First, the inner product induces a

squared norm �S�2 = �S, S�, where �·� can be verified to be the Frobenius norm. Second, we

can define angles αr(S,R) (in radians) between two rotation matrices by using the standard


cos(αr(R,S)) :=�R,S�

�R�F �S�F.

The Frobenius norm of a rotation matrix in SO(d) is√d, and we therefore define the angles

in degree between two rotations as

α(R,S) :=180

π· acos




Our proposed method recovers rotation and translation parameters without any fixed

reference, which makes measuring the error to the ground truth challenging. As an example,

we can rotate all density maps (or at least those within the same class) arbitrarily without

affecting the projection data, provided that the associated rotation matrices are modified

accordingly. In other words, all that matters is the relative orientation and position between

the volumes. We therefore report on the variance of the translation and rotation parameters

within each class and remove any bias present. Given a set of translation parameter errors


{�i}Ni=1 in one class, we compute squared standard deviation:

[STD�]2 =





(�i − �)2,

with mean translation error � given by

� := argmin�





��− �i�22 =1





For rotation matrices {Ri}Ni=1 with corresponding ground truth {Si}Ni=1, we can define the

pairwise deviation Qi as the rotation matrix that satisfies QiSi = Ri, giving Qi = RiSTi .

The squared standard deviation of the rotation matrices is then given by

[STDQ]2 =





�Q−Qi�2F ,

where the mean rotation matrix Q is defined as follows [Moa02]:

Q := argminQ∈SO(3)





�Q−Qi�2F . (4.9)

When relaxed to the orthogonal group O(3) instead of SO(3) the solution of this is given

by Q = UV T , where UΣV T is the singular-value decomposition of 1N

�Ni=1Qi. In all our

experiments Q had a determinant of +1, thus indicating that Q lies in SO(3) and therefore

solves (4.9).

The standard deviation of translations or rotation matrices are sensitive to outliers. We

therefore also look at the pairwise difference, in term of angles or Frobenius-norm distances,

between deviations Qi and Qj , which can be plotted as matrices.

The second evaluation metric looks at the correlation between the recovered density

function and the true density function in terms of Fourier shell correlation (FSC) [HvH86].

FSC can provide information on the correlation between the recovered and the reference

function at each spatial frequency up to the Nyquist rate. Typically, a good reconstruction


has high FSC in both the high and low spatial frequency ranges.

4.4.2 Alignment Accuracy

The proposed method returns two types of refined reconstructions. The first uses the

estimated alignment parameters to align individual subtomograms from which averaged

structures of macromolecular complexes are formed. The second consists of the columns in

the recovered matrix X∗, each of which represents a volume in vectorized form. The first

type of reconstruction is used to evaluate alignment accuracy, and the second type is used

to cluster individual observations.

GroEL and GroEL/ES

Figures 4.5 and 4.6 show the recovery of GroEL and GroEL/ES structures using ML-

TOMO and our proposed method. It can be seen that both methods recovered the six-

fold symmetric structures when SNR = 1 and 0.1. As the SNR decreases, however, both

algorithms have difficulty recovering the underlying structure and the alignment parameters.

The standard deviation of the recovered rotation and translations parameters are plotted in

Figure 4.7 as a function of NN-CET iterations. It can be seen that the standard deviation of

the rotation parameter errors decreases steadily when the SNR is relatively high. For lower

SNR values of 0.03 and 0.01 the algorithm is unable to find the good rotational alignment

for either of the two classes. The variance in the translation errors decreases steadily for

all given noise levels, although for SNR of 0.01, the variance decreases more slowly. Note

in particular that, although the mass centering was not able to center structures very well

when SNR = 0.03, the proposed algorithm can still find the correct translation parameters

gradually as iterations progress. As mentioned in the prior section, this allows the proposed

method to center the observations without initial mass-based centering. From the FSC

plotted in Figure 4.8 for SNR = 1 and 0.1, we see that both ML-TOMO and NN-CET

recover the structures at a similar level of resolution for GroEL. However, as a result of

misclassification, ML-TOMO fails to recover GroEL/ES. We will discuss this in more detail

in Section 4.4.3.
























Figure 4.5: XYZ cross sections of the averaged GroEL structures for different SNRlevels. Each column contains X, Y, Z cross sections at the center of each side of thevolume. The rows, from top to bottom, correspond to: 1. Ground truth GroEL. Therest of even-numbered rows (2, 4, 6, 8) show the GroEL reconstructions of NN-CET atSNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively, and the rest of odd-numbered rows (3, 5, 7, 9)show the GroEL reconstructions of ML-TOMO at SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively.
























Figure 4.6: XYZ cross sections of the averaged GroEL/ES structures for differentSNR levels. Each column contains X, Y, Z cross sections at the center of each side of thevolume. The rows, from top to bottom, correspond to: 1. Ground truth GroEL. The restof even-numbered rows (2, 4, 6, 8) show the GroEL/ES reconstructions of NN-CET atSNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively, and the rest of odd-numbered rows (3, 5, 7, 9) showthe GroEL/ES reconstructions of ML-TOMO at SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively.


Rotation Translation

0 20 40 60 80 1000












n ST


Class 1Class 2

0 20 40 60 80 1000











Class 1Class 2

SNR = 1

0 20 40 60 80 1002











n ST


Class 1Class 2

0 20 40 60 80 1000















Class 1Class 2

SNR = 0.1

0 20 40 60 80 1002.5












n ST


Class 1Class 2

0 20 40 60 80 1001













Class 1Class 2

SNR = 0.03

0 20 40 60 80 1003.5











n ST



Class 1Class 2

0 20 40 60 80 1002.5










Class 1Class 2

SNR = 0.01

Figure 4.7: Alignment accuracy for GroEL and GroEL/ES data set quantified by therotation angle error STD (left) in degrees and the translation error STD (right) in pixelsas a function of NN-CET iteration, as defined in Section 4.4.1. Each row corresponds toa given SNR level.


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50






SNR = 0.1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50








SNR = 0.03

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 0.01

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50






SNR = 0.1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50








SNR = 0.03

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 0.01

Figure 4.8: Fourier shell correlation curves of GroEL (rows 1,2) and GroEL/ES (row3,4) at SNR = 1, 0.1 0.03, and 0.01. The curves are calculated between the ground truthstructure and the 1. NN-CET aligned reconstruction (our method, cyan); 2. ML-TOMOreconstruction (green).



Similar to the GroEL and GroEL/ES case, the reconstruction accuracy for Helicases suffers

from low SNR, as can be seen from Figures 4.9 to 4.11.

The standard deviation of the translation and rotation estimation errors for Helicases

are plotted in Figure 4.12. At SNR = 1, the in-class variation in rotation errors decreases

strongly until around 50 iterations, after which it increases again. When looking at the

pairwise difference between rotation matrix estimation errors, shown in Figure 4.13, we

see that the initial rotation alignment is poor. At iteration 50, the angles between all

pairs of rotation parameter misfits are very small, indicating good alignment. The pairwise

distances do increase again, but overall the level at iteration 100 is still smaller than at

the beginning. This means that although we do not have the most optimal alignment at

iteration = 100, the observations are still relatively better aligned than at the beginning of

the simulations (at iteration = 0) still maintaining the classes all reasonably aligned within

themselves. This particular observation indicates a few issues: 1. the algorithm can find the

well estimated aligned volumes as well as the alignment parameters, however, the current

formulation is not strongly constrained enough to stop at the optimal solution but keep

exploring different solutions when the optimal solution does not lie in a well constrained

region. 2. the current stopping criterion is not able to detect the best aligned moment for

each class. To cope with these issues, one can record the entire solution path and choose the

best solution for an external metric such as FSC. In this section, we provide the simulation

results obtained at iteration 50 for SNR = 1 to compare the best result, and for SNR = 0.1,

0.3 and 0.01, the simulation results are obtained at iteration 100. At SNR = 0.1 and SNR

= 0.03, the STD of rotation parameter errors fluctuate but overall do seem to decrease. At

SNR = 0.01, the proposed method was not able to find the good angular alignment for any


The FSC plots in Figure 4.14 show that NN-CET and ML-TOMO return reconstructions

that have a comparable spatial resolution to each other for SNR as low as 0.03. The


resolution of the averaged Hel2 of ML-TOMO, however, is much lower than that of NN-

CET due to misclassification as shown in the confusion matrix in Figure 4.15.
























Figure 4.9: XYZ cross sections of the averaged Hel1 structures for different SNR levels.Each column contains X, Y, Z cross sections at the center of each side of the volume.The first row contains the ground truth. The rest of even-numbered rows (2, 4, 6, 8)show the Hel1 reconstructions of NN-CET at SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively, andthe rest of odd-numbered rows (3, 5, 7, 9) show the Hel1 reconstructions of ML-TOMOat SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively.
























Figure 4.10: XYZ cross sections of the averaged Hel2 structures for different SNRlevels. Each column contains X, Y, Z cross sections at the center of each side of thevolume. The first row contains the ground truth. The rest of even-numbered rows (2, 4,6, 8) show the Hel2 reconstructions of NN-CET at SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively,and the rest of odd-numbered rows (3, 5, 7, 9) show the Hel2 reconstructions of ML-TOMO at SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively.
















Figure 4.11: XYZ cross sections of the averaged Hel3 structures for different SNRlevels. Each column contains X, Y, Z cross sections at the center of each side of thevolume. The first row contains the ground truth. The rest of even-numbered rows (2, 4,6, 8) show the Hel3 reconstructions of NN-CET at SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively,and the rest of odd-numbered rows (3, 5, 7, 9) show the Hel3 reconstructions of ML-TOMO at SNR = 1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01 respectively.


Rotation Translation

0 20 40 60 80 1000











n ST


Class 1Class 2Class 3

0 20 40 60 80 1000















Class 1Class 2Class 3

SNR = 1

0 20 40 60 80 1000













n ST


Class 1Class 2Class 3

0 20 40 60 80 1000















Class 1Class 2Class 3

SNR = 0.1

0 20 40 60 80 1002










n ST


Class 1Class 2Class 3

0 20 40 60 80 1000











Class 1Class 2Class 3

SNR = 0.03

0 20 40 60 80 1003















Class 1Class 2Class 3

0 20 40 60 80 1002












Class 1Class 2Class 3

SNR = 0.01

Figure 4.12: Alignment accuracy for Helicases data set quantified by the rotation angleerror STD (left) in degrees and the translation error STD (right) in pixels as a functionof NN-CET iteration, as defined in Section 4.4.1. Each row corresponds to a given SNRlevel.


Iteration: 1 50 100













Figure 4.13: Pairwise angles between the error rotation matrices between observationswithin classes in degrees for Helicases data set at SNR = 1.

4.4.3 Clustering Accuracy

In the previous section, we have seen that the alignment accuracy of the averaged struc-

tures of NN-CET and ML-TOMO is equivalent when ML-TOMO can accurately cluster

subtomograms. However, when ML-TOMO does not cluster instances accurately, those

clusters that do not contain many examples suffer significantly in terms of resolution. Our

algorithm does not explicitly cluster the samples, but provides a row-rank approximation

of the aligned reconstructions. By clustering the columns of the solution matrix X∗ us-

ing k-means, we can assign classes to each sample. By contrast, ML-TOMO explicitly

assigns each sample to a class that maximizes the overall likelihood of observing the data

set. We evaluate the clustering accuracy, which we define to be the percentage of correctly

labeled samples. As shown in Table 4.1, both NN-CET and ML-TOMO cluster GroEL and

GroEL/ES samples with a very high accuracy at SNR = 1 and 0.1, which gradually reduces

as the SNR decreases. For Helicases we see that ML-TOMO is unable to obtain accurate

clustering for any of the SNR levels, whereas our method clusters Helicases without any

error for SNR levels as low as 0.03. This can be attributed to the dimension reduction that

follows from the nuclear-norm minimization. The proposed approach aligns observations

considering the fact that the heterogeneity in the samples has to be much smaller than the


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50






SNR = 0.1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50








SNR = 0.03

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 0.01

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50






SNR = 0.1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50








SNR = 0.03

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 0.01

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50






SNR = 0.1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50








SNR = 0.03

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50







SNR = 0.01

Figure 4.14: Fourier shell correlation curves of Hel1 (rows 1,2), Hel2 (rows 3,4), Hel3(rows 5,6) at SNR = 1, 0.1 0.03, and 0.01. The curves are calculated between theground truth structure and the 1. NN-CET aligned reconstruction (our method, cyan);2. ML-TOMO reconstruction (green).


dimension of the space containing the observations. The efficacy of dimension reduction in

clustering tomograms has also been demonstrated in other works, where all subtomograms

are assumed to be aligned [HHM11, YSRR10].

The confusion matrices in Figure 4.15 provide a more detailed analysis on the perfor-

mance of the two different methods. As shown in the first two rows, the confusion matrices

of the instances clustered using NN-CET show a strong diagonal pattern (or permutation

thereof) until the noise level becomes too high (0.01 for Helicases and 0.03 for GroEL

and GroEL/ES). By contrast, the confusion matrices for the instances clustered using ML-

TOMO only show strong diagonal patterns for GroEL and GroEL/ES cases when SNR =

1 and 0.1. For Helicases, ML-TOMO failed to cluster accurately at any of the given SNR

levels even though the correct number of references is provided. Instead, it tends to create

one or two large clusters not three as provided.

By examining the distribution of the singular values in the nuclear-norm minimized

reconstruction X∗, we can also get an insight on the degree of heterogeneity of the sample

set. Singular values can be interpreted as a scaling factor of each orthogonal component

contained in the image space spanned by the reconstructions; the larger the singular value,

the stronger the component. In this light, if we see a set of singular values that are uniform,

this means that the image space contains a variety of structural components, therefore is

more heterogeneous. On the other hand, if we see a set of singular values with only a few

large values and all others small, we conclude that the set will have few distinct structural

components. There are three factors that affect the singular values of a subtomogram

set: 1. the number of different conformations in the set; 2. how well the reconstructions

are aligned; and 3. the amount of noise in the reconstruction. When the tomograms are

not well aligned or contain high level of noise, the singular values will have a rather flat

distribution. On the other hand, if the subtomogram averaging is successful in aligning

the structures and removing the noise, the only factors affecting the distribution of singular

values should be the number of conformation classes in the set and their similarity. As such,

the distribution of singular values provides a good heuristic to determine how well aligned

the samples are and how many distinct classes are present in the dataset. Figure 4.16 shows


GroEL/ES HelicasesSNR Unaligned X ML Unaligned X ML

1 59% 100% 100% 43% 100% 64%0.1 60% 100% 91% 43% 100% 69%0.03 54% 72% 70% 46% 100% 58%0.01 55% 57% 53% 50% 43% 38%

Table 4.1: Clustering accuracy for GroEL & GroEL/ES and Helicases data sets: Thehighest accuracy for each experiment is highlighted in bold. 1. The unaligned columncontains the accuracy of clustering subtomograms before aligning them. 2. The X columncontains the accuracy of clustering the solved X matrix using the proposed method. 3.The ML column contains the accuracy of labels returned by the Maximum Likelihoodmethod.

the sorted singular values of the nuclear-norm minimized reconstruction X∗ normalized

by the largest singular value on logarithmic scale, and likewise for matrices formed by

concatenating the raw subtomograms before subtomogram averaging (unaligned). For NN-

CET we see that the resulting distribution is extremely sparse with a sharp decrease after

1–3 significant singular values. The number of dominant singular values of GroEL and

GroEL/ES reconstructions at SNR = 1 and 0.1, and for Helicases at SNR = 1, 0.1, and

0.03 matches exactly the true number of conformational classes contained in the data set.

For the unaligned subtomograms prior to any processing, we see that the ten largest

singular values are at most 1–5 times smaller than the largest one. This indicates that the

set is not well aligned and/or severely affected by noise, and it is clearly not possible to

estimate the number of classes from this set of singular values.

In summary, we conclude that the dimension reduction carried out by the nuclear-

norm minimization in NN-CET enables more accurate clustering, and also provides a good

heuristic for determining the number of conformation classes contained in the data. The

procedures used in ML-TOMO do not provide any information equivalent to this.

4.4.4 Computational Complexity and Runtime

The proposed method was implemented in Matlab with a dependency on TFOCS [BCG11]

to solve the sub-problems. The computation was parallelized among 12 cores on a single


SNR=1 0.1 0.03 0.01









Figure 4.15: Confusion matrices. Each row contains the breakdown ratio of instancesof each true class into its estimated classes. ith row corresponds to the true class i andjth column corresponds to the estimated class j. Perfect classification is indicated by amatrix with “1.00” on the diagonal and “0.00” everywhere else.

machine, resulting in a per-iteration time of about 275 seconds and an overall runtime of

7.5 hours for 100 iterations. Around 25% of the compute time is spent on evaluating the

nuclear norm and applying singular-value soft thresholding. The remaining 75% is spent

on evaluating the measurement constraint, three-quarters of which was used for evaluating

projections and back-projections using the 3D Radon operator and its adjoint; amounting

to roughly half of the total computation. We ran Xmipp ML-TOMO (version 2.4) on a

single core taking about 36 hours for 20 iterations. The proposed method took around 53

hours for 100 iterations when ran on a single core.

As reflected in the lengthy run time, this initial implementation does not scale up well

to handle high resolution volumes. In our test, the convergence of parameter estimates

for high resolution data sets were also slower especially estimating accurate translation

parameters. This slow convergence and lengthy run time can be overcome by speeding

up the computation intensive 3D Radon operators as well as more efficient nuclear norm


The 3D Radon implementation used in the NN-CET solver has a complexity of O(N ·


GroEL/ES Helicases

2 4 6 8 10−1.5




SNR = 12 4 6 8 10





SNR = 1

2 4 6 8 10−1.5




SNR = 0.12 4 6 8 10





SNR = 0.1

2 4 6 8 10−1.5




SNR = 0.032 4 6 8 10





SNR = 0.03

2 4 6 8 10−1.5




SNR = 0.012 4 6 8 10





SNR = 0.01

Figure 4.16: Distributions of the top ten normalized singular values on base-ten loga-rithmic scale of: (Unaligned) the matrix containing subtomograms before aligning them;and (X) the solution matrix X∗ returned by NN-CET. Results for GroEL and GroEL/ESare on the left, those for Helicases on the right. From top to bottom: SNR= 1, 0.1, 0.03,and 0.01.


M ·m · s), where, N is the number of volumes, M is the number of projections per volume,

m is the number of samples/observations per projection (number of pixels per projection),

and s is the number of voxels along one side of a 3D cube, thus giving a total of n = s3

voxels. For the Radon operator and its adjoint, processing a single projection line takes O(s)

and can be parallelized over individual volumes as well as projection angles in the forward

case. We therefore expect that the computational cost could be significantly reduced by a

multi-threaded implementation of the Radon operator.

Further reductions in the compute time could be achieved by speeding up the nuclear

norm evaluation, which takes up around 25% of the total compute time. The complexity of

SVD, which is the core operation to evaluate nuclear norms is O(max(a2b, a2b)) for matrices

of size a× b. In our experiments we have a = n and b = N with n > N , giving a complexity

of O(n2 ·N) for evaluating the SVD. Techniques to reduce the computational complexity of

the SVD or methods that avoid it altogether (see for example [WYZ12]) could help further

reduce the compute time of NN-CET.

4.5 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have proposed NN-CET, an approach to the subtomogram averaging

problem based on matrix norm minimization. The proposed approach does not require any

prior information such as the number of classes or references of the target structures. In-

stead, it formulates the alignment and classification problem as a low-rank matrix recovery

problem that explicitly recovers the alignment parameters by calculating the linearized effect

of translation and rotation of the underlying structure on the tomographic measurements.

This approach implicitly addresses the missing wedge issue by formulating tomographic

sensing operators at each projection angle, which is known a priori. The nuclear-norm min-

imized solution matrix spans the principal components of the heterogeneous conformations

embedded in the observed samples, and we can effectively cluster reconstructions in this

low dimensional space.

Our experiments indicate that NN-CET successfully clusters structures during alignment


and manages to do so more accurately than ML-TOMO. The alignment accuracy of the

averaged structures of NN-CET and ML-TOMO are equivalent for those cases where ML-

TOMO can accurately cluster subtomograms. While our results are promising, there are

a number of issues that need to be addressed before it can be used as a reference free

subtomogram averaging algorithm with high clustering accuracy. The first is computational

cost. While we think our algorithm could easily leverage the parallel computation of a

cluster, we have not yet created a cluster version. The more significant issue is the one of

convergence. Further work is needed to improve the convergence of this algorithm, so larger

data sets can be run, as well as create a better stopping condition, to avoid the issues we

saw when dealing with Helicases.

Chapter 5


CET is an indispensable tool to discover the high resolution structure of the building

blocks of cells and viruses thanks to its capability of imaging in high resolution in 3D. This

success has not been possible without a significant research effort to cope with challenging

image characteristics of CET projections and reconstructions, which are very low SNR and

missing frequency components. The low SNR and contrast of CET images are here to

stay since it is limited by electron dose and voltage that we can apply to organic materials

without damaging it. The missing wedge problem is difficult to overcome as well since the

quality of CET projections are limited by the increase in the thickness of the sample when

it is rotated up to high tilt angles. The longer the path that electrons have to path, the

weaker the phase-contrast signal from the electrons becomes due to the increase in inelastic

scattering. Fortunately, these challenges have been managed by automated acquisition

techniques and image processing pipeline, that enables researchers take large amount of

samples and assemble them into high resolution models of macromolecules at higher SNR.

In this thesis, we have proposed robust image processing enhancements to the CET

image processing pipeline using sparse priors. The idea behind robust image processing

techniques proposed here is that often a single image or a set of images exhibit sparsity pat-

tern in an alternate signal domain. The first example is the digital inpainting algorithm for

CET . Here, we have empirically demonstrated that CET projections are sparse in theDCT



domain, and utilized this information to remove high contrast artifacts in the projections

images as well as 3D reconstructions in the CS framework. The algorithm can seamlessly

replace pixels occupied by high contrast objects such as gold markers in projection images.

Then, by reconstructing 3D volume using inpainted projections, we can produce artifact-free

tomograms. By removing high contrast artifacts casting shadow on specimens of interest,

we can study them with greater clarity as well as analyze them analytically with more

confidence. Artificial marker test and subtomogram averaging test have confirmed that the

proposed method preserves the structural integrity of the unpainted regions and their neigh-

boring regions free from artifacts better than the conventional inpainting methods used in

the CET community.

The presented method inpaints each individual projection separately, because this al-

lowed us to create a number of large, but tractable optimization problems. Unfortunately

optimizing each projection separately does not exactly solve the desired problem because

each optimization can result in an inpainted projection that is not necessarily consistent

with the 3D structure of a specimen, creating secondary inpainting artifacts. One straight-

forward application of CS techniques to provide a tomogram that is free from artifacts and

consistent with 3D structural information of a specimen can be jointly minimizing the 2D

sparsity of all projections in the DCT domain as well as the 3D sparsity in the Fourier

domain if applicable. However, this approach is not yet computationally tractable.

Another example of sparsity utilizing robust image processing technique demonstrated

in this thesis is a batch alignment and clustering algorithm for subtomograms. In this

case, we utilized the fact that a set of well aligned images span a low dimensional space.

Even a set of images containing multiple classes, if they are all well aligned within each

class, the whole image space spanned by these images should be as low dimension as the

number of classes. This means that an image matrix whose columns are vectorized version

of a subtomogram should have a low rank if all subtomograms are aligned within each

class. Utilizing this information, we framed the subtomogram averaging problem, basically

a simultaneous batch alignment and clustering problem, into a matrix norm minimization

problem, that can align and cluster subtomograms without prior references nor the number


of class information. This feature, that we do not have to impose a prior class information,

is very unique, since all subtomogram algorithms currently being used in the CET commu-

nity require one or both of this information. However, using prior references can bias the

resulting averaged structure. In our limited scale simulations, we have demonstrated that

this algorithm can efficiently produce clustered and aligned averaged models from noisy

and missing-wedge corrupted tomograms even using only a small number of observations.

The resulting averaged structure produced by the proposed method has higher FSC than

ones produced by the benchmark method. However, this algorithm has been only evaluated

using synthetic data sets, and it needs to be fully evaluated on large scale high resolution

real data set to prove its efficacy in the field.

Although, both examples in this thesis demonstrated positive opportunities for sparsity

inspired image processing algorithms for robust CET image analysis, there are a few im-

provements that can enhance these algorithms and be widely used on a large set of CET

images. One of the most significant improvement can come from expediting convex pro-

gramming used in these algorithms. Currently, l1 norm minimization used in the digital

inpainting algorithm can be solved quite quickly, therefore, the computational complexity is

less of a concern here. However, subtomogram averaging problem can be quite large. For ex-

ample, these days it has become quite common to align a set of 1000 or more high resolution

subtomograms of size 128× 128× 128 and to solve this scale of matrix norm minimization

problem, the current solver requires large amount of memory in addition to many compute

cores to solve large scale SVD and to evaluate each subtomogram’s measurement require-

ments. Fortunately, there are interesting developments in distributed memory computing

for large scale dense linear algebra [PMvdG+13, BCC+97] as well as GPU processing[LN09],

so this problem may become feasible in the near future.


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