Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Modeling for an Inverted Pendulum System

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  • 8/13/2019 Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Modeling for an Inverted Pendulum System



    Robust Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control Using FuzzyModeling for an Inverted-Pendulum System

    Chaio-Shiung Chen and Wen-Liang Chen

    AbstractIn this paper, a new robust adaptive control ar-chitecture is proposed for operation of an inverted-pendulummechanical system. The architecture employs a fuzzy system toadaptively compensate for the plant nonlinearities and forcesthe inverted pendulum to track a prescribed reference model.When matching with the model occurs, the pendulum will bestabilized at an upright position and the cart should return to itszero position. The control scheme has a sliding control input tocompensate for the modeling errors of the fuzzy system. The gainof the sliding input is automatically adjusted to a necessary levelto ensure the stability of the overall system. Global asymptoticstability of the algorithm is established via Lyapunovs stabilitytheorem. Experiments on an inverted-pendulum system are given

    to show the effectiveness of the proposed control structure.Index Terms Fuzzy system, inverted-pendulum system, Lya-

    punovs stability theorem, reference model, robust adaptive con-trol, sliding control.


    STABILIZATION of an inverted-pendulum system is a

    complex and nonlinear problem. It has been extensively

    studied by numerous researchers [7], [10]. An understanding

    of how to control such a system will allow us to easily solve

    the other related control problems, such as single-link flexible

    manipulators [11] and stabilization of a rocket booster by its

    own thrust vector.A practical problem with regard to control of an inverted

    pendulum on a cart is designing a controller to swing the

    inverted pendulum up from a pendant position, achieve in-

    verted stabilization, and simultaneously position the cart. This

    seemingly simple nonlinear control problem is surprisingly

    difficult to solve in a systematic fashion. This problem arises

    because there are two degrees of freedom, i.e., the pendulum

    angle and the cart position, but only one controls force.

    Further, when the pendulum has a large inclination, the strong

    nonlinearity makes it difficult to treat this problem using

    linear theory. Many authors have investigated such a problem.

    Matsuura [6] used two kinds of fuzzy tables, one for stabilizing

    the inverted pendulum and the other for positioning the cartlocation. Lin and Sheu [5] proposed a hybrid control method

    to operate a pendulumcart system, where fuzzy control is

    used to swing up the inverted pendulum and linear state

    feedback control is used to stabilize the pendulum near its

    upright position. Furuta et al. [16], [17] employed linear servo

    theory to stabilize a double and a triple inverted pendulum

    Manuscript received February 27, 1996; revised August 12, 1997.The authors are with the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering,

    National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 30043 Taiwan, R.O.C.Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(98)01569-X.

    and position the cart on an inclined rail. Meier et al. [18]

    also considered the triple-inverted-pendulumcart system, but

    used the optimal proportional state feedback control to solve

    such a problem. However, the previous work concentrated on

    the linearized model for the inverted-pendulum system, not on

    its nonlinear characteristics. Recently, some authors [2], [4],

    [19][21] have employed the approaches of neural network

    learning and fuzzy reasoning to solve the nonlinear control

    problem of an inverted-pendulum system.

    Fuzzy systems can be considered as general tools for

    modeling nonlinear functions. As indicated by Sugeno [15],

    fuzzy modeling is an important issue in fuzzy theory, sincethe linguistic fuzzy rules from human experts often contain

    rich information about how the system behaves. Wang [9]

    has developed an important adaptive fuzzy control system to

    incorporate with the expert information systematically and has

    shown the stability of adaptive control algorithms. An adaptive

    fuzzy system is a fuzzy logic system equipped with a training

    algorithm, where the fuzzy logic system is constructed from a

    set of fuzzy IFTHEN rules, and the training algorithm adjusts

    the parameters of the fuzzy logic system, so as to reduce

    the modeling error. Conceptually, adaptive fuzzy systems

    are constructed so that linguistic information from experts

    can be directly incorporated through fuzzy IFTHEN rules,

    and numerical information from sensors is incorporated bytraining the fuzzy logic system to match the input/output data.

    However, the perfect match via an adaptive fuzzy system is

    generally impossible. Although the stability of an adaptive

    fuzzy control system has been guaranteed in [9], [13], and [14],

    the modeling error may deteriorate the tracking performance.

    In this paper, we propose a new robust adaptive control

    architecture for the inverted-pendulum system. We first apply

    two simple control rules to swing up the pendulum from a

    pendant position to an upward position by driving the cart

    back and forth and then use the proposed adaptive control law

    to stabilize the inverted pendulum. The architecture employs

    a fuzzy system to adaptively model the plant nonlinearities,which have unknown uncertainties. Based on the fuzzy model,

    the adaptive control law is constructed to force the angle of

    the pendulum to follow a prescribed stable reference model,

    the inputs of which are the position and velocity of the cart

    and the output is the desired angle of the pendulum. When

    matching with the reference model occurs, the pendulum will

    be stabilized at an upright position and the cart should return

    to its zero position. In the proposed scheme, the bound of

    the modeling error, which results from the error between

    the fuzzy system and the actual nonlinear plant, is identified

    02780046/98$10.00 1998 IEEE

  • 8/13/2019 Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Modeling for an Inverted Pendulum System



    Fig. 1. The inverted-pendulum system.

    adaptively. Using this estimated bound, a sliding control

    input is calculated, such that the tracking error is forced

    to a predetermined boundary, and the boundedness of all

    signals of the closed-loop system is guaranteed in the sense of

    Lyapunov. The proposed scheme is also robust to the variation

    of the parameters of the inverted-pendulum system and even

    a bounded external disturbance. Finally, we demonstrate the

    effectiveness of our scheme via experiments on an inverted-pendulum mechanical system.

    This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the

    mathematical representation for an inverted system is derived.

    In Section III, a detailed design of the control system is

    proposed. In Section IV, the experimental results are given to

    illustrate the performance of the developed scheme. Finally,

    the conclusions of the paper are given in Section V.


    The inverted-pendulum system is a rigid pendulum hinged

    on a cart, so that the pendulum is driven to rotate around

    the pivot by advance and retreat of the cart, as shown inFig. 1. To get the dynamic equations of the inverted-pendulum

    system, we apply Lagranges formulations as follows. First,

    the Lagrange scale function is


    where is the acceleration due to gravity, is the mass of

    the cart, is the mass of the pendulum, and is the half

    length of the pendulum. Lagranges formulations are

    where is the applied force, is the friction of the cart on a

    track, is the friction of the pendulum on the pivot, and

    represents a uniformly bounded disturbance (i.e.,

    for all due to the measurement noise and noises in the

    power source. We thus obtain



    Assume that and where and

    are coefficients of friction. Rearranging (2) and (3), we have






    and has an unknown upper bound



    From (4) and (5), we see that the inverted-pendulum system

    includes two dynamic equations; (4) is the dynamic transitionfrom the control force to the angle of the pendulum and

    (5) is the dynamic relation between the position of the cart

    and the angle of the pendulum In the following section,

    we will present a robust adaptive control architecture for the

    system (4) to force the angle of the pendulum to follow a

    prescribed stable reference model, the inputs of which are the

    position and velocity of the cart and the output is the desired

    angle of the pendulum. When matching with the model occurs,

    the overall system is equivalent to the reference model and the

    system (5). Then, the inverted pendulum can be stabilized at

    an upright position and the cart will return to its zero position.

    A detailed description will be given in the next section.


    In this section, we first specify a reference model to stabilize

    the system (5) and then present a robust adaptive fuzzy

    architecture to force the system (4) to follow this reference

    model. We also propose two simple control rules to swing

    up the pendulum from the pendant position to the upward


    A. The Reference Model

    Let us linearize the system (5) around We

    thus obtain the following linear model:


    where If the

    uncertainties in the parameters and and the neglected

    high-order terms are considered, the linear model can be

    represented as


    where and for

    Choose a reference model as


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  • 8/13/2019 Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Modeling for an Inverted Pendulum System



    Fig. 2. The configuration of a fuzzy system.

    relation of the fuzzy system is obtained in [9] as


    where and are

    parameter vectors, and are called fuzzy basic functionsand defined by


    Let us define the optimal approximation parameters and

    in the fuzzy system as follows:


    where is a compact set of fuzzy input vector in allrules. In the compact set we have the following upper

    approximation error bounds:



    where and are unknown real numbers.

    C. Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control Law

    Next, we define the error metric as


    The equation defines a hyperplane in on which

    the tracking error decays exponentially to zero. Using

    the error equation (20), the time derivative of the error metric

    can be obtained as


    Fig. 3. The block diagram of the control structure.

    Fig. 4. Definition of the angle of the pendulum.



    Fig. 5. The direction of applied force for swinging up the pendulum. (a)Driving the cart from right to left. (b) Driving the cart from left to right.



    From (8) and (26), we have


    where In order to avoid the chattering

    of the controller on the switching hyperplane, a boundary of

    width is incorporated into the error metric by defining

    as [8]


    where is a saturation function.

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    Fig. 6. Experimental setup.


    From (28), an adaptive control law can be synthesized by


    where is a positive constant feedback gain, and

    is a sliding control gain, which is the estimated linear bound

    of in (29), i.e.,


    where and are the estimates of and respectively.Substituting the control law (31) into (28), and then using

    (23), yields


    where and An adaptive mechanism

    for the parameters of the fuzzy system and the sliding control

    gain is chosen as




    Fig. 7. The initial fuzzy rules for


    Fig. 8. The initial fuzzy rules for 0


    where are positive adaptive gains. The control

    architecture is shown in Fig. 3. By the adaptive mechanism in

    (34), we have the following results.

    Theorem 1: Consider the system (4) with the adaptive

    control law (31), where is given by (32), and

    and are given by (23). Let the and

    be adjusted by the adaptive mechanism (34). Then, all statesin the adaptive system will remain bounded, and the tracking

    errors asymptotically converge to a neighborhood of zero.

    Proof: Consider the Lyapunov function


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    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)


    Fig. 9. The dynamic responses of , and control voltage with initial conditions m .

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  • 8/13/2019 Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Modeling for an Inverted Pendulum System



    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)


    Fig. 10. The dynamic responses of , and control voltage with initial conditions 0 , .

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    implemented with a 100-Hz sampling rate via an IBM PC with

    an Intel i486DX-33 microprocessor. The PC is interfaced to the

    current servo amplifier and the sensors through a custom card

    containing two decoders and a one-channel D/A converter for

    one channel analog output. The proposed algorithm is written

    in C language .

    First, we determine the swing-up voltage and the

    traveling length of the cart If the swing-up voltage is

    set large, then the required time to swing up the pendulum to

    the upward position becomes short. However, it will induce the

    larger velocity when the pendulum is near the upward position.

    On the other hand, the limits the movement distance of

    the cart with respect to its zero position to ensure that the cart

    moves within the length of the rail. Therefore, the suitable

    values of and are chosen to be within 2.03.5 V

    and within 0.050.1 m. From experiments, it is is known

    that it takes about 4.5 s to swing up the pendulum to the

    upward position and change to the adaptive control law when

    we select 3.1 V for and 0.08 m for If is chosen

    less than 1.8 V, the pendulum cannot be swung up to the

    upward position. Further, when the pendulum is pumped tothe upward position, the adaptive control law takes over from

    the swing-up stage. The switching conditions are chosen as

    and s

    Next, we choose the parameters of the reference model in

    (11). In order to have a larger stability margin to robustify

    the equivalent linear dynamic system (12), we specify a series

    of the poles and the stability margin for different nominal

    cutoff frequencies , as shown in Table II, based on the

    Bessel prototype method [3]. From Table II, we see that a

    larger causes a faster dynamic response, but a smaller

    stability margin. By a tradeoff between the convergent rate

    of dynamic response and the stability margin, the poles are

    chosen as and for the nominalcutoff frequencies at rad/s, where

    The values of associated parameters are as follows:

    , and

    The fuzzy system used for both approximations and

    are described in (23). The fuzzy rule base is in

    the form of (22). For and we define five fuzzy sets

    with triangular membership functions to cover the fuzzy input

    region. By inspecting (6) and (7), we quantify the observation

    into 25 initial fuzzy rules for and as shown in

    Figs. 7 and 8.

    The parameters of the adaptive fuzzy control law are se-

    lected as follows:

    and , and thedesired error tolerance is set to 10, which is experimentally

    determined so that the control input is smooth. The initial

    values of the estimates and are chosen to be zero.

    Two cases are presented in the experiment. Fig. 9 shows

    the dynamic responses of and control

    voltage with the initial condition m and

    The proposed adaptive control scheme is

    directly used to drive the cart to return to its zero position and

    simultaneously stabilize the inverted pendulum. Fig. 10 shows

    the dynamic responses of and control

    voltage with the initial condition and

    The pendulum is first swung up from

    a pendulum position to an upward position, and then, the

    proposed adaptive control scheme is switched to stabilize

    the inverted pendulum. From Figs. 9 and 10, it can be seen

    that the proposed control law can successfully stabilize the

    pendulum at the upright position and regulate the position

    of the cart to a neighborhood of zero. The position of cart

    is bounded within 0.008 m and the angle of the pendulum

    within 0.4 . The results demonstrate the usefulness of the

    proposed controller in handling the unstable nonlinear system

    with unknown uncertainties.


    In this paper, the development and implementation of a

    robust adaptive control architecture to operate the inverted-

    pendulum system has been presented. The architecture em-

    ploys a fuzzy system to adaptively compensate for the plant

    nonlinearities and forces the angle of the inverted pendulum

    to follow a prescribed reference model. When matching with

    the model occurs, the overall control system is equivalent to

    a stable dynamic system, such that the inverted pendulum

    is stabilized at the upright position and the cart is posi-

    tioned at zero. The bounds of the fuzzy modeling error are

    estimated adaptively using an estimation algorithm and the

    global asymptotic stability of the algorithm is established

    in the Lyapunov sense, with tracking errors bounded in the

    predetermined tolerance. Finally, experimental results have

    verified the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.

    Although only the inverted-pendulum system has been studied

    in this paper, the proposed control scheme can also be used

    to address the conventional problem of a class of nonlinear

    control systems.


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