Robosoft Systems® 2.4 GHz RF module-General Topics

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  • 7/29/2019 Robosoft Systems 2.4 GHz RF module-General Topics


    Robosoft Systems 2.4 GHz RF module

    The above figure shows the first form window. In this window, there are three buttons:




    This window opens up as the first window whenever the sofware is run. This window allowsto select any one of the available COM Ports in your computer. All the available COM ports willbe listed in the box and the first entry will be marked as blue. You can scroll through theavailable COM ports and select any one of the ports. Make sure that you have clicked the COMport that you intend to select and its colour is blue. After that you can click on the Selectbutton so that you can use the COM port that you have selected. If you do not want to playaroud with the COM port and want to use the default COM port that is available in yourcomputer, you can click the Default button. This action will select the first COM port that isavailable in your computer by default. At any time, if you do not want to select the COM port,you can hit the Cancel button. Please note that on clicking the Cancel button, no COM port will

    be selected unless you have selected it before by invoking this window. You can also invoke thiswindow later from the main window later.

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  • 7/29/2019 Robosoft Systems 2.4 GHz RF module-General Topics


    The above figure shows the main form window. In this window, there are eight buttons:

    Open Port Send Packet


    Timer Start

    Timer Stop




    This window is the second to open up in your computer after the COM port selection dialog.If you have selected the COM port from the previous form, then the first button will read "Open

    Port" and the colour of the button will be green. If you had pressed "Cancel" earlier in theprevious window, then the button will be disabled. This is shown below:

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    If you want to send or receive any data through the COM port, you will not be able to do soas you have not selected the COM port. You will receive an error message as show below:

    If you want to open the COM port to send and reveive messages, you will have to select theport once again. You can do this by clicking the "Select COM Port" menu on the top of theform as highlighted below:

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    After you have selected the COM port from the window that opens up, you will see thebutton has been enabled and turned green.

    Now if you click the "Open Port" button to open the desired COM port, then you will findthat the name of the button has changed to "Close Port" and the colour of the button haschanged to green as shown below:

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    Now you can select the packet length from the Packet Length list box. Please note thatthis field has been provided so that you can define the Packet length before you actually send

    the packet. This results in synchronisation between the software and the CC2500 RF Module.After this you can now select the Device ID from the respective field to identify the correctdevice. You can now type in the packet contents in the Packet field. Please note that you wouldnot be able to type in more text than the size that you have defined in the Packet Lengthfield. After you have typed in the packet, ,you can now send the packet on its way by clickingthe "Send Packet" button. If you have made a mistake somewhere, you can hit the "Clear"button.

    If you want to send the packet periodically at regular intervals, instead of manually sendingit everytime, then you can hit the "Timer Start" button. If you hit this button, a new windowwill open up which will ask you for the timer interval which you will have to enter in millisecondsas shown below:

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    If you hit "OK", your packet will sent to the CC2500 RF Module every 500 milliseconds. Tostop the timer, you can hit the "Stop Timer" button.

    If you hit the "Refresh" button, the form will be reset and every text that you have writtenwill be erased.

    To show this help, you can hit the "Help" button or alternatively you can hit the F1 button

    anytime or you can click the Help menu and then Help Topics menu as shown:

    To configure the channel and the device ID of the module, you just need to click theConfigure Module tab on the window. This is as shown below.

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    Clicking on this button opens up the Configuration module window. From here you canconfigure the settings of the RF module.

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    The above figure shows the main form window. In this window, there are four buttons: Read




    The Read button is used to read the values into the boxes. These values are retrieved fromthe CC2500 microcontroller module and then put into the boxes.

    The Load button is used to write the values from the boxes into the CC2500 microcontrollermodule. Please ensure that you have all the three boxes marked as blue before you hit the Loadbutton.

    The Clear button is used to reset the three boxes to their default values. The default valuesfor thke Channel ID, Device ID and Baud Rate are 0, 0, 9600 respectively.

    The Quit button is used to quit the main program.

    To exit the program, you can hit the "Quit" button anytime during the execution of theprogram.

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