ROBINIA LIVE PLAY playing dreams

Robinia specifications

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Page 2: Robinia specifications


In general, wood is the best product when it comes to the environment. Not only because it integrates better into a natural space, but also because during transformation of the wood, little energy is consumed and CO2 emissions are lower than they would be during the processing of other products such as concrete, steel or aluminium. Moreover, each time that we surround ourselves with wood, we are storing CO2. The furniture, wood objects, are a true warehouse of gases causing the greenhouse effect. On the other hand, if the reforested and sustainable areas are profitable, rural populations will take care of them preventing the loss of population in large parts of the country, preventing wild fires and protecting the flora and fauna.


According to the concept of Biophilia (respect and love for biologic diversity) Erich Fromm defines biophilia as a tendency to conserve life.

Growing in a structural manner, not only concerns cells, but also the feelings and thoughts. The cycle of life is connection, being born and growing. A person who loves life, is attracted to the process of life.

Circuit integrated to the landscape

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In recent times, and as part of the consolidation of public opinion with the research and studies of ecologist and conservation organisations, the use of tropical wood is questioned and rejected. Amazon deforestation (also affecting parts of Africa and Asia) is one of the main environmental concerns, comparable to the degree of knowledge of the public related with whale hunting, sea pollution or climate change. Therefore, and even if this wood comes certified, it does not give a good image to governments to use this wood, since public spaces should set an example. Our advise is to use them as little as possible, while banning them during public bids for projects, as is being done in cities like Barcelona.


Amazon wood exploitation.

Greenpeace/ Natalie Behring-Chilsholm

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Robibia wood, as well as laminates of eucalyptus or Scandinavian pine tree, can be a good alternative to the use of tropical wood. Robinia has an important advantage being easy to treat. Robinia, or false acacia, is not an exotic tree. It is a type of non-penetrable wood (it has closed cells and it cannot be transformed by autoclave using the Bethel System).

But it forms a natural system that can be compared to a type-4 risk wood without the need of using biocides to prevent rotting.

Furthermore, it is a fast-growing tree with great productivity, although it is necessary to control its production since it is considered to be an invasive species, like all acacias.

We can say that wood is ecologic precisely because it prevents the use of hard or exotic woods. Hard or exotic woods, (such as teak, tali or grandillo wood) are being fought by environmentalist movements (even when they have been certified) since it is well known that the tropical forests where these trees are grown (such as Borneo) are home to endemic species in ways of extinction and certifications have not protected areas with a large ecologic value. Cases of political and administrative corruption and the action of mafias protected by the governments still cause deforestation in the tropical forests of Borneo where the last remaining groups of orang-utans live.


Floating amongst trees

Robinia Tree

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A sustainable forest nowadays must meet one condition: it must be fast-growing (such as robinia or even eucalyptus or bamboo). Hard or exotic wood has slow growth and it takes multiple generations to reclaim a deforested area even if it were properly handled. For that reason, even when wood companies try to “sell” the concept of sustainability using a reforestation nursery, it is ridiculous to think that this will maintain the original habitat. It is possible to substitute numerically the trees that have been cut down, but it is not possible to force the natural growth process of trees. When talking about habitat, it is important to remember that it is the sum of the coexistence between a number of specific species, a climate and a long period of time.

On the other hand, trees are usually cut just above the ground to facilitate the extraction of the trunks, and even when it is intended to be done selectively, cutting and extraction of one tree usually ends up destroying the surrounding trees. This damage is

similar to the indiscriminate destruction caused by trawl nets on the sea floor.

From the usage point of view, robinia has the limitation of not being able to be arranged to regular wood planks. For that reason, we use it in its natural form, simply peeling drying and sanding its surface. Being a product with a natural morphology, we are required to issue a certificate of compliance, since its structural resistance and trapping potential varies with each unit. This disadvantage has made the equipment using robinia, such as the one that is part of the Natura line, to be unique in nature. Each one of them is created with its location area in mind, and it resembles a craft-made product more than an industrial one. They are ideal for natural surroundings, such as river or lake shores, and as elements in hiking or walking trails, the elements made of robinia wood respectfully introduce playing into nature, with very limited alteration of the surroundings.

Robinia can be used for several kinds of games.

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Galopín gathers large amounts of raw Robinia wood of different lengths and thicknesses, with the aim of the wood to be perfectly dry and ready for its use. Its storage also guarantees its quick supply and the possibility to answer to any singular and specific operation.

Projects based on Robinia perfectly fit in natural environments. The installation is carried out respecting and protecting flora and fauna of each place, avoiding the use of any corrosive material or tool.

Robinia on Galopín facilities.

Installation of stumps to create a circuit between the trees.

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Certificate of Conformity will be used to certificate Playgrounds made of Robinia, given this material particularities; as raw wooden poles, they are all different and many complicated variables are faced in order to standardize this material in section, knots, area and conformation.

As Robinia playgrounds are designed based on available space and customer’s needs, once the designed is defined, the company will commit to the issuance of the corresponding Certificate of Conformity, complying with the Playground EN 1176 standard.

CertifiCate of Conformity

It is important to remark that, although it is valid for a specific area certification, this Certificate does not cover a serial production, and it includes only the items reference, without specifying any other parameter or feature.

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Pol. O Acevedo, Parcela A – 15185 Cerceda, Spain | +0034 981688070 | www.galopin.es

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