Robert BigRob Jackson's Notes

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  • 7/29/2019 Robert BigRob Jackson's Notes


    Gravity, What is it really? Its Sound! (Vibrational FrequencyWaves)

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 8:43am

    Gravity is the weakest force of the forces the scientists say, how can the gravity of the Sun hold a

    planet or anything a billion miles away? Answer,... it can't, and it doesn't thats how! Mass does notcreate or cause gravity! (see below). They (the so-called experts and scientists) they, like Newton, canexplain all its effects and even calculate and make all of the math come out right, but they still dontknow what gravity is! Well I'm here to tell you,.......,... ITS SOUND! That is to sayVibrational Frequency Waves! Dont just think audible sound, that's a narrow range, for narrow minds.No! I'm talking about ELF's (Extra Low Frequency Waves) - ULF's (Ultra Low Frequency Waves), orwaves we have yet discovered. Sound/Gravity can be switched off or turned down with soundcancellation/deadening techniques, frequency working against frequency(see Below). Again I say ''TheAncients knew all this'', The Vesica Piscis is a representation of it (see below). The two inter-weavmentof circles shown on the ancient Vesica Piscis, the one on the right is represenational of the creating for''The Master force'' a sound wave, the second circle represents everything else (matter, an atom, a

    planet, a sun/star, you, etc,..) the ''Master Force'' the first sound, rings all, it rings everything like a bell,The sound bounces back, off of the second (the object) it reverberates, returning back on itself,resonance sound (inductance) in symphony, holding,(as in gravity) lighting, protecting, As in a field,(the earths magnetosphere).

    All things have there own frequency, some frequencys are intuned to the master force more readilythan others, like loadstone (natural magnets),crystals, stone with many crystals etc,... others not somuch as they are not in harmonic tune, like when you hold a struck tuning fork up to a similarly tunedfrequency tuning fork and then one thats not in harmonic to the same frequency. Sound is responiblefor everything it is the push(the only force in the universe) it is responsible for electricty and how itmoves, sound is gravity, sound (see Cymatics) is how and where the planets move or stay, sound is why

    our Sun is so hot, its only 10,000 degrees on the surface but millions of miles in the Coronasphere itsabove its 5 to 6 million degrees! it does not conform to the second law of thermodynamics! The soundof our Sun itself heats up its own Coronasphere! (See Video Below). Solar wind is sound! The resonantsound bounceing off of objects like the sun and planets from the master force is responible for the lightseemingly bending around it own magnetosphere. Light does not travel, it is a particle the only reasonit also seems to move like a wave is that it is riding on the wave of sound! All particles ride the crest ofthese sonic waves, thats what electricity is, and thats what magnetic field lines are! Sound it thecreator! It pushes everything into existance (see below)

    Vesica Piscis
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    Vesica Piscis

    Vesica Piscis

    this is representational of the Vesica Piscis

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    Inductance is representational of a Vesica Piscis

    Inductance in symphony with tuning forks

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    sonic waves bounce back onto each other holding objects in place. Its the same on Earth

    Mass Doesn't Warp or Bend Space, Nor is it the Cause ofGravity!

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 10:21pm

    Mass doesn't cause gravity, it doesn't bend space or even cause light to curve around it! ..No! ...Massis not like a bowling ball on a trampoline and the planets like marbles following the depression. Its likecymatics(see below). Sound that is to say(Vibrational Frequency Waves) (don't confuse it with audibleacoustic) these ULF's (ultra low frequency) or ELF's (extra low frequency)are being emitted fromblack-holes,..this heartbeat sound,.. this "Master Force'', creates everything from water and then rings

    everything like a bell, from the smallest particle up to the galactic! This sound matrix (see Cymatics)resonates back off these objects/particles/atoms/planets/suns/stars etc,...and are preceived/detected, asin an atoms case as a valance/shells/orbits, and in the Earth's case, the magnetosphere. Ina magnet theyare called magnetic field lines.

    Everything has this resonance field around it, some which are more in tune frequency wise has astronger field ringing back, and some not so much in tuned is weaker to almost undetectable. Now thisresonant field iringing back is kinda like a force field around the object. Think in terms of of a flowingstream, flowing down, and as the water flow hits a rock in mid-stream the waters flow hits it bounces
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    off and then tumbles to one side or the other in an eddy/vortex. But if you watch and upon closerinspections of the rock one can see that the rebounding/resonant wave pushes off the rock and meets upand forms a sort of boundry force field off and in front of and away from the rock and facing towardsthe original flowing force of water, holding a boundery point away from the rock as it meets the firstincoming flow. This is what is happening to all things but with sound, sound from the ''Master Force''coming from black-holes, and just like the inductance of the symphany of two tuning forks, one being

    struck and the other one rings also if it is of similar frequency, electric current does the sameinductance. This is the same, the sound resonance wave and the Earths magnetosphere. All things havethis similar so-called ring back, meeting in the middle resonant force. This is what is represented in theVesica Piscis, the magic happens in the meeting in the middle called the fish(piscis). from this thevortices/eddies are born. The vortex is in everything, and I mean everything, the vortex is the key tonature and the ancients knew this! I am not saying anything new.

    So the mass doesn't bend the light to our observations, the field from the sound resonating/bouncingoff bends it like a Fresnel Lense! Mass is not gravity, sound is cause of gravity, and since sound/gravitycan be switched off or turned down with sound cancellation/deadening techniques, using frequency,like Tesla's ''earthquake machine'', He bolted the machine to a building then he duplicated the resonantfrequency of the building and then amplified that same frequency, it reverberated and reverberated

    back on itself ramping up faster and faster, harder nd harder til he had to destroy the machine before itbrought the whole building down! Everything has its own frequency everything! Again I say theancients knew all this!

    Dark Energy/Dark Matter

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 7:03am

    Dark Energy, Dark Matter, is just an ambiguous set of name tags given to some mysterious force orsubstance that they(the scientists) can detect is there but cannot see, I rank it right up there with''Spooky action at a distance'' yes this is an actual physics term. I will explain this one later.

    Its called Dark,... as in, cannot see. Energy,... because it seems to be some kind of force.Matter,..because it also has seems to exert some sort of gravitational influence, i.e. they dont knowwhat it is! Well, brace yourselves,..its water!.... I'll expound further,..Its,... Un-lit Water! Yes you guessit, opposed to lit water.

    The heartbeat sound i.e. (Vibrational Frequency Waves) like ULF's (Ultra Low Frequency Waves) &ELF's (Extra Low Frequency Waves) coming from Black-Holes (Black-Holes, they're not what youthink they are, they are pure sound,..think of them as exactly like neuron ports in a brain) (see below).This sound directly influences the waters (all the ancients in all the creation myths call this the greatdeep primordial watery abyss) waters that are around and in close proximity to the black-holes, thissound forms (structures) this water to a paradigmatic spherical shape, and then ignites it through aprocess called Cavitation and Sonarluminescence (see below), which causes fusion, so light/heat =fusion = other heavier elements = earth, air, all from one thing just like all the ancients reported. Wellnow you say,. sound and water are two things! Ah but sound is no thing (nothing) also just like theancients say, the un-created, or self-created one, created from no thing (nothing), sound has no mass, itis no thing, it has NO IMAGE, it has NO LIKENESS.

    SOUND i.e.(Vibrational Frequency Waves) has no mass yet commands all mass, again just like itstates in all of the creation myths, stories, and legends, in all the stellas, tablets, papyri, and texts, itstates the creator creates all from no thing (Sound) all from one thing (Water), commanded, declared,proclaimed, with music, song, word, utterence or breath. These are all sound representations, Two
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    common denominators in all the creation stories are sound and water, they are the alpha and omega

    This so-called Dark Energy/Matter (which is unlit water) is partly responible for what the scientistwrongly call ''Gravitational Lensing'', that is seemingly warping or bending light from our vantagepoint of observations. Also this unlit water gets in the way of our viewings of the universe and is thereal cause for the wrongy assumed ''Doppler Effect'' & the ''Big Bang Theory''. You see the light slowsdown in the unlit water causing the ''Red Shift'', it is not because everything is reeling away from

    everything else, No! And this is the only reason for the ''Big Bang'' theory in the first place, they (thescientist) just ''Reversed-Engineered'' the whole Universe on this premis. So ''No Big Bang'' (seebelow). More like many, many smaller big bangs and they are still happening, energy is always beingcreated and recycled everywhere in the Universe!

    Dark Energy/Matter

    Dark Energy/Matter

    Dark Energy/Matter

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    How the Universe was Created by Sound (VibrationalFrequency Waves)

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Monday, July 30, 2012 at 3:43pm

    The Universe was created by Sound, that is to say Vibrational Wave Frequencies. Not in one ''BigBang'' but many and simultaneously. Now I am not making this up and no its not an original thoughteither. Its in all of the ancient tales of creation, in tablets, texts, papyri, reliefs, stelas, etc,.. Its in all ofthe stories, myths, legends, and songs (see Cymatics videos below) The creator, or the ''self createdone'' or ''the creator from nothing''(no thing) that created all fronm nothing(no thing), and ''Everythingis all one thing'' and ''Made all from one thing,'' I'm sure you've heard of this. ''The creator created by:Commandment, Declaration, Proclaimation, Spoke, a Song or Music, a Word, an Utterance, or a Breathcreated all." these are all sound references! the common denominator is sound!

    So let me bring it on home for you. Sound has no mass, that means its No-Thing, its Nothing! Yetsound ''pushes'' all matter. ''Push'' is the only force in the universe by the way! This ''Master Force''sound,... pushes all, it directs all, all things move exactly where and when and why that sound wants it!(see Cymatics). Hold on now there is more, this '' Master Force'',. sound is coming from Black-holes,

    they are black and void because the sound has pushed out all of the matter. ''Wait there's more, and itsMoist'' And get this, the universe is like 3/4ths water! Just like it also says in all of the ancient creationstories! the pulsatiing heart beat sounds coming from black-holes shape the great waters that are inclose proximity to them to a paradigmatical spherical form and therby igniting them thru Cavitationand Sonarluminescence! so sound on water creates fusion = light, heat = matter(air earth) its all onething! and also Gravity is sound! and gravity can be turned off by sound cancellation techniques.

    Black-holes sre creating and recycling all the time! they are just like the neuro-transmitters andrecepticals in a brain sending out and receiving signals. And also just like a brain it is mostly water. ''Asabove so to below''
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    Black-Holes, They're Not What You Think They Are! They ArePure Sound Creating all The Time, Like Neuron Ports In aBrain

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 10:15am

    All the Black-Holes, which have been found at the centers of all spiral shaped galaxies, these Black-Holes are not such densely packed or collasping stars of great mass and matter and that they have suchstrong gravitional pull that not even light escapes. No! ... they are not even mass at all! They are puresound! Sound which has no mass, but thru standing waves, and this sound commands and pushes allmass. The center of this sound appears black and there is no light because the vibrational frequencywaves have swept up all matter and pushes it all away. sweepimng it along pushing(the only force inthe universe is push no such thing as a pulling force or attraction).

    I like to think of Black-Holes as like the input neuron ports in a brain. The mapped universe and themapped brain look identical! (see below) Cymatics on sand & fluid creations & with other substances,stationary and flowing effects, and pulsations) !

    Black-holes could conceivably be at the center of everything, every atom, every particle, even insidethe sun! Those are not sunspots but sunholes, revealing the inner Black-Hole! Sunspots are alot coolerthan the rest of the surface of the sun, which is about 10,000 degrees, sunspots(holes) have been

    detected and measured as low as 4,000 and even as low as 1,000 degrees!
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    No sunspot-Sun Hole!

    They (scientists & so-called experts) say that there is no energy being created nor destroyed in theuniverse! I say that is wrong, energy is always being created and recycled, again just like a brain, ablack hole creates with pulsating ''heartbeat'' sound, creating a bubble in the water (water that is all overthe universe (like 3/4ths 0f it) and thru cavitations, (collapsing bubble) and a process calledsonarluminescence, suns/stars are created. So only push is the force, this push forms the water which is

    in close enough proximity into paradigmatic spherical shapes and then thru cavitation andsonarluminescence ignites it (fusion)! Black-holes are at the center of the galaxies and they move(generate) from center outwards and up (and down) in a "Double Torus'' motion, as does everything,these vortices are seen in everything! The vortex is th key to nature! ''A DoubleTorus''

    ''Cavitation'' - ''Sonarluminscence'' - ''Here is an example in Nature! check out this lilguy! Sonarluminescence Pistol shrimp''

    Mass doesn't bend space and make light curve around it! ..No! ...The sound (Vibrational FrequencyWaves) from this "Master Force'' rings everything like a bell from the smallest particle up to the

    galactic! This sound matrix resonates back off these objects/particles/atoms/planets/suns/stars etc,...andare preceived in atoms case, as a valance/shells/orbits, and in the Earth's case, the magnetosphere,everything has this resonance field around it, some which are more in tune frequency wise, and somenot so much in tuned. This resonant field is kinda like a force field around the object, think in terms ofof a flowing stream flowing down and as the flow hits a rock in mide stream the waters flow hits it andthen tumbles to one side or the other in an eddy/vortex. But if you watch upon closer inspections of therock one can see that the rebounding/resonant wave pushes off the rock and meets up and forms a sortof force field in front of the rock facing towards the original flowing force, holding a boundery pointas it meets the first flow. this is like the inductance of the tuning forks resonance wave and the Earthsmagnetoshere. all things have this simular ring back meeting in the middle resonant force. This is whatis represented in the Vesica Piscis, the magic happens in the meeting in the middle called thefish(piscis). from this the vortices/eddies are born, again the ancients knew this!

    For those of you who know me and my theories from my sites on FB; ''The Sun is made of Water'' -"The Universe was created by Sound on Water thru Cavitation and Sonarluminescence" - "TheUniverse is made of 3/4ths Water'' - " The Ancients had the Power of a Sun on Earth'' - "AwakenedLightworkers and Indigo Children Unite". come and join the discussions.
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  • 7/29/2019 Robert BigRob Jackson's Notes


    Cavitation Sonarluminescence

    How Planets are Formed and Really Move! By Sound,..Cymatics!

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 1:09pm

    All things are ''pushed'' (the only force that there is) and travel in a vortex motion! And I meaneverything moves this way! The "Vortex'' is the key to nature! And its SOUND that is its engine! I callit ''The Master Force'' Sound (vibrational frequency waves) now provided down below is a short videoon Cymatics, it shows how sound (vibrational frequency waves), moves mass (all matter) in perfectlygeometrical forms. And proportional distances (spaces) too! This is how planets form and even staywhere they are,.. the sound from ''the master force'' shuffles everything where it is and it rotates matterand it moves matter. And it rings everything(all matter) like a bell! Now remember that sound has no
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    mass! it is no thing! NOTHING! (see below) When watching the short tutorials below, just imagineCymatics in all dimensions,.. a spider-web in all dimensions if you will, a web, an invisible web ofsound waves! Gravity is sound, and can be cancelled by sound cancelling techniques

    Robert BigBob Jackson Cymatics on sand & fluid creations & with other substances, stationaryand flowing effects, and pulsations !

    Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3) original films of Cymatics experiments were made in the 1960's by Swiss sc...

    Robert BigBob Jackson Cymatics on fluids showing double Toruses, and on plastics showinghow planets form.The spectrum of sound.* The Children of the sun begin to awake!
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    Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 2 of 3) original films of Cymatics experiments were made in the 1960's by Swiss sc...Robert BigBob Jackson

    ''The Master Force" Sound (Vibrational Frequency Waves)''The Master Force", the very thing that is missing in the ''Unified Field Theo...See MoreBy:Robert BigBob Jackson

    Thoughts on ''God'',''The Unified Field'',''The Theory ofEverything''!

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Monday, July 23, 2012 at 11:37am Upon reading this please leave all your pre-conceptions of god behind you, and enter Ye here with a

    clean slate and open mind.

    We personalize most everthing as humans, from all sorts of objects, our pets, and even our ideas, allthese and thoughts too are conceptualized by us personifiying them. For it seems we can better relatewhen we do, we are empathetically bound to such, and feel connected. The ancients too related all thatthey experienced and saw to these concepts, that is personifying all with simple and complex symbolsrendering thoughts, ideas, functions of set laws and theoreoms. What you see in the ancient Egyptian,Mayan, etc,.. Hieroglyphics are such renderings, they are math calculations and science symbolsforming schematical blueprints!

    It is only our own limitations and our own primitive understandings that we assume that these ancientsocieties thought of everything as deities! Our so-called scholars of the past came to these mis-guidedconclusions way back before the use of electricty was still in its infancy and was'nt even fullyunderstood! It still isn't! So we just assume that the ancients worshipped many gods and the sun in thesky. I say No! And that they had electricity and it was powered by a sun on Earth, and that they highlyvenerated the knowledge of the power of a created sun on earth, created by what we think they calledtheir creation god. ''The Un-Created One''. Or "The Self-Created One'', created from ''No-Thing''(meaning nothing).''The Creator'' which created "All'' from No-Thing (nothing) ''the Spirit on theWater''. You cannot see this Creator, nor can you make an image of this Creator or his creations (for itis forbidden, and folly). In all of the various ancient reliefs, stellas, tablets, scrolls, papyri, texts,legends, song, dance, myths and stories, that have ever come down to us that they all have a common

    denominator in that all of the Creator gods; proclaimed, declared, commanded, with music, song, sang,or spoke, through utterences, a word, or breath,.. brought everything into existance from no thing! Allof these are sounds representations! Here's one you know from John 1;1 ''In the beginning was theWord (a sound) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.''

    The Creator is ''Sound",.. that is to say ''Vibrational Frequency Waves'', I call this ''The MasterForce'', it is the illusive ''Grand Unified Field'', ''The Theory of Everything''. The ancients are conveyingthat ''Sound'' is the Creator, for sound has no mass it is (No-Thing) so it is nothing, but sound createsall, its all one thing, and sound pushes (directs) all! There is no such thing as a ''pulling force'' in natureit is all "Push''!
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    The Sound upon the waters of the deep pushed(formed) the waters into paradigmatical sphericalshapes and then through Cavitation, and Sonarluminescence (see below) illuminating these spheres intostars (suns) thus creating "All'' the other elements (through fusion), So Sound, Water, Light, Fire, Air,Earth, its all one thing, ''As above, so below. As below, so too above''. All life is over 75% water, so toois the Universe alive! Just like a big brain.

    The sound is coming from Black-Holes. They appear black because they are void of all

    matter(light), the sound has pushed all matter to a distance, they are just like the in input-outputs ofthe neuro-transmitters and recepticals in a brain, they are creating and recycling all the time! So themisconception, the falacy, of the 1st law of thermodynamics that ''There is no energy being created nordestroyed in the universe'' is totally wrong! For its always being created, and not ''destroyed'', butrecycled! The 2nd law of thermodynamics is also a falacy the sound of the sun itself heats up its owncorona millions of miles away! ''The Sound of the sun itself heats up its own corona'' 36:00 minutes in to 39:00

    The pulsing heart-beat, ELF/ULF (Extra/Ultra Low Frequency) waves (sound) from the Black-Holesare the driving force, the engine that forms and creates all of the galaxies, and in a Double Toroidal(Torus) motion, they move out from the center sides, then it sweeps up to the top and to the bottom andin, being recycled, just like the ''Coriolis Effect'' here on Earth. These vortices are the key to nature!And everything (And I mean everything) moves in a vortex!

    So to reiterate,.. everything is being pushed by sound! Gravity is sound! And can thus be ''turned off''by sound cancellation techniques. Gravitational waves are sound, solar wind is sound, all sacredgeometry are sound wave frequency representations. The ancient Star of David, the Swastka, the YinYang,the Cornucopia symbols, are all vortex representations, the vortex is the key to nature!

    Water can be structured by sound, DNA can be repaired by sound, so there is power in prayer,structured water is holy water! Water communicates with water, we are sacred geometry! May the theMaster Force be with you!

    "The Creator Gods of the Ancients, ''The Holy Ones'',.. TheyAre What We Call a Black-hole, Which is Pure Sound.

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Monday, November 21, 2011 at 8:15am

    I have determined,.. that what we think of,.. or the way we think of '' Black-Holes'' is wrong! Thatthey are not just at the center of all galaxies like a massive giant ''sucking hole'' made of so much densemass that not even light can escape, and are ready to devour all things! ...No,.. they are mostly creating

    still, recycling. And all the while spewing out too! From their centers in a double torus. Yes as youknow I see things backwards and I believe quite the opposite of most we are taught or think or lead tobelieve is true! The black-holes are in fact creating! (Those of you are familiar with my theories on''The Sun is made of water'', ''The Universe is made of 3/4ths water'' & ''The Ancients had a sun onEarth'' and ''The Universe was created by sound'',..all here on Facebook) I believe that Black-holes, thruvibrational sound wave frequencies, ignites the water that is present around it! Vibrating like a fly on aspiders web, lighting it up, thru ''Sonar-Luminescence'', And thesound of the vibrational frequency waves, carrying, (shooting out) from the sides in a type of double''Torus Effect'' a ''Double Torus''! and
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    then wrapping up from the sides in a (see Earth's water and weather) ''Coriolis Effect'', to the top andbottom and then inevitably going back down and in!

    Were the Ancients trying to tell us this in all of their creation myths and tales? ''that the uncreatedcreator (what we think they called their Gods) created everything out of nothingness'' Nothingness(their version of a black-hole?) and [Gods] was upon the face of the deep'', or ''God saw his reflectionin the deep watery abyss'' everything was created out of nothing! no thing! me that's a black

    hole! and all of the black holes are still creating! Creation is dependent on the continuous flow ofDivine life-force, without which it would revert to nothingness.

    Check this Guy out! an example of Sonarluminescence in nature! .

    There is No Such Thing as ''Pull',.. Only ''Push''!

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 7:22pm

    No Such Force as a 'Pull'?

    ''When I was in grade school they brought in a retired scientist each week to deliver lectures, dodemonstrations, and otherwise interest us in science. One of the things I still remember washis claim that with regards to forces; there is no such thing as a "pull" and there are only "pushes".

    When one student argued that he could "pull" the door of a refrigerator open, the scientist poined outthat his hand was really "pushing" on the away side of the handle. All other examples of alleged "pulls"were similarly explained away.

    Does this statemant hold up? A magnet "attracts" a piece of iron, but I vaguely remember explanationsthat the field of the magnet is causing perturbations to the far side of the individual magnetic fields ofthe iron atoms, resulting in a net push.

    Similarly a gravitational attraction might be explained by some field being lessened (or whatever) onthe far side of an item being attracted, also resulting in a net "push".

    Technically speaking, at the quantum level there is neither "push" nor "pull"; there is just an exchangeof virtual particles that mediate attractive and repulsive forces that results in a change of momentum,

    although the particles are never in physical contact (and in fact, are distributed as fields).

    I suppose one could talk about contact forces between "solid" objects as strictly being pushing(repulsive) forces, but by that logic, electric "cling" and magnetic attraction between opposite poleswould be pulling forces. In terms of a rigid body (or discrete element of a mechanical continuum) itdoesn't matter whether the force is "pushing" or "pulling"; it acts the same way at the barycenter orboundary condition regardless. ''
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    What is doing all the ''pushing'' in the universe then? In laymens terms its called ''Sound''. But if youconsider sound, that is to say, vibrational wave frequencies, which is the universal ''Master force" aforce without mass,..that dictates where and how mass moves,(see cymatics) there is a pushing,.. it isthe ''Unified Field'', pushing, and it does even resemble strings, the atomic or quantom level and onthe greatest of Magnitudes, (see string theory) and its coming from what we call black holes, a

    pulsating (heartbeat sound) in the form of ELF or ULF waves

    Sound is responsible for gravity. So gravity does not pull, it pushes.

    An experiment comes to mind,.. take two ballons and dangle them about ten inches apart on strings andthen blow a jet of air between them, what do you think will happen?.... they will come together.

    "This Is How It All Works! It's All One Thing!''

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 9:16pm

    There is no singular ''Big Bang'', and Einsteins E=MC2 is wrong! And Energy is constantly beingcreated and recycled. The Universe is like a brain,.. It looks like a brain, and it's mostly made of waterlike a brain, it has all the attributes of a brain. Sound (Vibrational wave frequencies) (ELF's, ULF's)from Black-holes (input receptors?) have structured and formed the surrounding waters thru (seeCymatics ) into a paradigmatic spherical shape and then illuminated (ignited) the spherical watersaround them and that are in close proximity, to illuminations, in a process called sonarluminescence,and Cavitation, the illuminations (light) begets the fusion(heat) processes and creates most of the otherheavier elements (earth, air etc,.). In turn the sun and stars reverborate like tuning forks (bells) withtheir own sound (like amplifiers) which dictates where the heavier elements will accumulate to createplanets, (again see Cymatics) the light particles from the suns, after awhile, will build a planet from theoutside, but mostly from the inside, growing like a fruit on the vine! Sound dictates where the starsmove and sound dictates where the planets move, and or stay as it were, in there positions, that is reallywhat gravity is,.. its Sound! That is what the ''Unified Field'' is , it is Sound that dictates where thingsmove! and where they congregate. Everything is made of all one thing sound on water! You say but thatis two things. Sound is no thing, for it has no mass, yet it commands all to be and conform, it is thepushing force in the universe.


    * - ''The Universe and a Brain''

    * - ''Sonarluminscence''

    * - Here is an example in Nature! check out this lil guy! A sonarluminescence Pistol shrimp

    * - Cymatics on sand & fliud creations & with other substances, stationary and flowing effects, andpulsations !

    * - Cymatics on fluids showing double Toruses, and on plastics showing how planets form.Thespectrum of sound.

    * - ''The Growing Earth''
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    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 8:39pm

    I no longer accept the ''Big Bang theory''! They ..(the scientists) only came to that assumption, "Thebirth of the Universe" by ''Reverse Engineering'' and then by the re-construction of the Universe onthe predicated facts of the perceived ''Doppler Effect''

    (discovered in the 1840's for sound) like train whistle, coming,.. and then going away fromyou, whereas in the theory of light waves it states that most all objects (Galaxies) seem to be ''RedShifted'' in the visible light spectrum, except the closest objects to us, like 2 Galaxies, seem to be ''BlueShifted'' in the visible light spectrum. A red shift meaning slowed light,(object going away from us) anda blue shift means a faster light! (object coming right at us) Their assumption being that since the redshift is occuring, then that means the galaxies are all going away from our vantage point and away fromall of the others also! so by that reasoning they figured if you just rewind time, that everything wouldcome back to a point in space and time (that's also how they ascertained the age of the universe) andsince they believe that light is a constant! Well that is not always true, or it is even totally false! If thelight passes thru another medium,..say like water, its slows down. For instance we have also sloweddown light here on Earth in laboratories to under the speed of sound! Now in another paper and on my

    other sites here on facebook tagged as ''The Universe is made of 3/4ths water''& ''The Sun is made ofwater'', and also ''The ancients had the power of the sun on Earth'' (please read the docs at the tops ofthe pages), I explain how and the reason that the light seems to slow down is that it has to travel fromthe very far reaches of the Universe to our observations, and that since it is such a geat distance it hastraveled thru some water that has not been ignited yet thrusonarluminescence (I explain that this is what thescientists call the mysterious Dark Matter/Energy that is detectable but cannot be seen. I say its water!And this water slows the light down causing the red shift, and then the reason that the closest things tous are not effected and seem to be ''Blue Shifted" is because of their close proximity to us and that nowater medium may be inbetween to effect the light!

    This may also explain the so called "Gravitational Lensing'' problem that the astronomers are

    experiencing! The water is refracting light and bending it!

    It's All One Thing! It's Water!

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 3:50pm

    I know that water is the most mysterious substance known to man! (Look It UP!) I also have 3 sites onhere that explains my views and theorems that I have submitted. They are "The Sun is made of water'',''The Universe is made of water,'' and ''The Ancients had the power of a Sun on Earth''! And if indeedwater does have memory, than it is the way God creates and communicates! It has all of the properties

    of God, hidden in plain site. It is the all knowing force that is within us and without us, it can be prayedto and structured with sound, it can communicate across the universe instantly! its is the Life, the Light(see sonoluninescence) and the Way! It is theTriune God,.. its also the only substance that exists as a solid, liquid and a gas, it is venerated by allancient cultures as in ritual baptisms and washes, The Tibetan singing prayer bowls, Nostradamuspeerings into it for revelations! And have you ever considered the reason why a shark can smell (detect)a drop of blood in the ocean a mile and a half away! Its not the sharks nose ! ITS THE WATER! Everheard of ''Hidden in plain sight''!? Water! ...just the fact that water is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygenis in itself is a wondrous thing! Water is the most mysterious substance known to man! look it up!
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    Water was triggered into luminscence by sound, so Water is also Light, Fire, Heat, Air, (and throughfusion building the heavier elements) Earth, Its all one thing!

    All life is made up of mostly water, our brains are like 90% water our blood 95% water the earth is75% water! ''As above so below, as below so too above!''

    1. The Universe is Made of Water!

    2. by Robert Big Bob Jackson on Monday, August 22, 2011 at 9:05am

    3. I declare that the universe is in a ''Steady State'' and ''Dark Energy/Matter'' is Water! In fact theuniverse is mostly water. As I stated in my previously sent document titled ''The Sun Is Made OfWater'' ''As above so below'', that I believe the universe is made up of at least 3/4 water! Whenthis water has congealed enough to form a sufficient and uniformed sphere, its own weightcollapses and tears through the ''Space Time Fabric'' thus forming a ''Black Hole'' that punchesthrough to somewhere else in the universe and is perceived as a Quasar, via folded space orwormhole.

    That then this action also triggers all the rest of the adjacent spherically shaped waters near ablack hole to illuminate through sonarluminescence (sound)! and then through fusion, creatingmost all the other matter (elements) detectable in the universe!

    This action was, and still is being performed all throughout the universe simultaneously, aform of recycling there was no single ''Big Bang'' event, but many several millions of smaller''Big Bang'' events. Space is not expanding, matter is, nor is it contracting. It is just constantlybeing changed, so there is plenty of Hydrogen being recycled.

    Astronomers are just reverse engineering the universe from only the perceived detection of the''Doppler Effect'', and came to this conclusion of the ''Big Bang'' because of their assumption ofit. The reason for this assumed ''Red Shift'' in the ''Doppler Effect'' is that the galaxies seem tobe going away from us and each other, but is in fact that the light that reaches us has beenslowed down due to the light having to go through water/dark energy/matter-a lensing effect.

    And light could be reflecting, akin to a house of mirrors.

    When the astronomers see an object that is ''Blue Shifted'' in the ''Doppler Effect'', it is said tobe coming toward us. But there are just very few detectable galaxies that are heading our wayand just happen to be our closest neighbors, and not really very far away as the universe goes.So I think that the reason of this detection is because of the galaxies close proximity to us, andthat the chances are greatly reduced that there is, or will be, any water/dark energy/matter in theway for re-fractional lensing to occur and obscure our sightings. There is no water/darkenergy/matter between them and our view point!

    The other galaxies are much, farther away so there is more distance and more probability forthe light to travel and slow down in the ''Universe Water'' and therefore it would get in the wayand cause all sorts of what the astronomers might call ''Gravitational Lensing''. When in fact it isjust ''Aqua Lensing'' (to coin yet another phrase) it is refracted slowed down light that is causingthe ''Red Shift''!

    Now this means,... No single ''Big Bang'' event! No fly away universe! No calculating the ageof the universe by the previous means of reversing the process either. I seriously doubt that theuniverse is even 14 billion years old. but we might conceivably calculate its age by measuringthe detection of Helium in the universe.

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    4. The problem of the elusive missing mass in the universe is water, the most mysterioussubstance known to man.

    5. There is no God particle. But there is a God sound!

    6. Max-Planck-Institut fr Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hgel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany

    7. INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, Loc. Poggio dei Pini, Strada 54, I-09012 Capoterra

    (CA), Italy8. Argelander-Institut fr Astronomie, Auf dem Hgel 71, D-53121 Bonn, Germany

    Timeless Earth! What the Ancients are Trying to Tell Us!

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 11:27am

    Most everyone, including the ''So-called Experts'' have ascertained the perceptions that the ancientswere backwards in their sciences and understandings of the universe. I believe the opposite is true andthat we in this time have not yet even acheived some of the pinnacles that some of the ancients had.

    Let's go over a scenario,.. one bound on the premise that the Earth has had possibly many, many, pastcivilizations, And some became very technologically advanced, and some, maybe not so much, and thatthese civilizations have been destroyed systematically by a re-occurring calamity in our solar system,and that thismis caused by a unseen and undetectable companion star or stars (and its satellites) to oursun, and every 3600 years, and just like clockwork, it rolls thru, and each and every time that thishappens, sometimes its really bad and sometimes not so much but a scraggly few survivors have to takeup the pieces and carry on! Starting all over! and also most probably, having gone underground, for ahalf, or even whole generations or more perhaps?

    Now wouldn't they try and chronicle these events and convey them down to future generationssomehow? You should ask yourself what would they want to convey to us,.. the future generations?

    What urgent knowledge would they want us to never forget?....Sure Laws;.. on diet, hygiene, healingmedicine, morality, civility, Etc,.. most certainly. But also and most importantly, they would want toconvey the knowledge of the Sun and Stars, and their respective places and functions in the sky, andhow to interpret their signs for the seasons, when to plant and when to harvest and such and soforth andespecially about our suns companion star or stars! and its or their eventual returnings! and if that theyreached a more technological advanced civilization than we have achieved too so far at this point,.. saya free and clean energy source, then they would have tried to convey that too! The secrets and keys ofnature like the vortex.

    How would you do these things? how would you go about warning your future great, great grandgenerations and fellow beings 3600 years in the future? or further?

    Well since your resources and ability to make paper, pens, pencils, books, etc,..and such has beendestroyed or considerably dwindled and come to nil, and lets face it, such items would most likely notlast a very long time anyway, and also your resources to produce such or anymore or even sufficient orefficient facsimiles, you would in fact choose stone to relay your clues to pass on this mostprecious knowledge! But also and maybe more importantly you would use the word of mouth! Youwould pass down knowledge to the future generations of such complicated knowledge throughsystematical mnemonic venerated stories, songs, prayers, customs, and traditions orally! Exclaimingthe utmost importance and urgency in each one! Each generation passing it along til it could berecorded more permanetly for that fateful time when at the given day in the future someone will SNAP!
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    and become conscious and figure it out and realize its true meanings and see it for what it is! Warnings!and patterns, schematics on how to construct some forgotten power or knowledge! There are plenty ofclues and directions in all the religious, myths, legends and stories, that have come down to us! InTablets, Papyri, Scrolls and Texts, buildings and structures, and we just need to decipher them properlyand weed out some of the embellishments over the years! These instructions and warnings are wordproblems, a ''Stonehenge'' in story form! Mnemonic allegorical devices designed to enlighten and some

    stories are or have probably become an amalgamation, a congloberation, a construct of such importantideas all rolled into one story, can you thing of any?

    The Sun And Stars Are Made Of Water!

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 11:28am


    I would like to declare and put on record that the Sun/Stars are made of WATER!.. or that is to saystarted out made of water. And that everything we think we know concerning the Sun/Stars, and theUniverse, is wrong!

    Furthermore that suns/stars, were/are triggered to illuminations by the direct actions and the presenceof "Black- Holes''. Suns Being lit up through standing sound pressure frequency vibrational waves in aprocess called ''Sonarluminescence'' causing cavitation.

    The Corona of the Sun is almost two to five million degrees hotter than the surface which is only10,000 degrees. The sound wave frequencies from the Sun itself excites the magnetic waves buffetingthem around and raising the temperatures through friction. This same action is present and occurring in

    and around "Black Holes'', they vibrate their surroundings like ''a buzzing fly caught in a spiders web!''

    I would also like to state that ''Dark Matter/Energy'' is also WATER ( the universe is at least 3/4thswater), and the reason that this water has not been detected is because the water has not beenilluminated! Nor can it be illuminated either, because of its distant proximity from a ''Black Hole'', orbecause of a restriction in its misshapen design to form a spherical ''bubble''. The water that ''IS''illuminated and turned into sun/stars by cavitation due to sonarluminecence are in close proximity tothe black-hole and are shaped by the standing waves into a pardigmatic spherical forms. DarkMatter/Energy is resonsible for precieved so-called ''Graviational Lensing''. This un-iluminated water isalso responsible for the ''Doppler Effect''. The light observed from far away objects is slowed down asgoes through this water and is red-shifted, the objects that are in closest proximity to us are observed

    without water in the way and is blue -shifted. this "Doppler Effect'' is the only reason for the singlar"Big Bang theory'', it is just ''reverse engineering'' at it worst!

    The science of the spectro-heliograph is relatively young, only a little over a hundred years old. Whenit comes to spectroscopy, I proclaim that we are observing the Sun or a similar object directly that ishighly magnetic and electrical in nature, one that it is in such great flux and in the processes of nuclearfusion, and all the time building and producing most of the heavier known elements. The fusion processis changing all at once and is bound to be extremely hard to make precise detections of the elementsfrom light spectrum analysis, especially Oxygen.
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    Considering the over a hundred anomalies of the most mysterious substances known to man on Earth -which is Water - could be just another instance that we don't understand about it. A super-cooled or sub-freezing bottle of water will not freeze over, and at a certain point will stay in liquid form unless adisturbance is introduced to it like slight shake or touch. This will cause a chemical reaction and it willimmediately freeze. I think a similar trick would ignite it through the use of sound viasonarluminescence.

    Oxygen is said to be the third most abundant element on the sun, and we calculate it as less than halfof 1% , which cannot be nearly enough for ignition or further combustion. The differences in theOxygen isotopic ratio between the Sun and the inner planets are, to me, proof that this calculation isinaccurate. Half of the mass of the Earth is Oxygen!

    Hydrogen is measured at about 72%+/- and Helium 25%+/-. All this about Helium 2,3, & 4's, is justthe first element that is produced through nuclear fusion. It has the lowest boiling and melting point.We could even possibly measure the collective age and date of the Universe by the measurements atwhich the Helium is produced.

    I find it interesting that the human body, every other living thing, and the Earth too, has the same ratio

    of water, as the Sun, and the Universe, has Hydrogen at 72%+/-. 72? Isn't it a coincidence that 72degrees is a very comfortable temperature for humans?

    Did we just overlook the fact that all of the 72% of Hydrogen we detected is indeed water? Its thesame ratio! I mean no ones looking for water right? I ask where is all the Oxygen that should be there?

    The Hydrogen and Helium are masking all of the Oxygen! There is much more Oxygen than we aredetecting. We mis-measured it because of all the Hydrogen and rapidly produced Helium atomssurrounding and concealing the Oxygen atoms on all sides. More Oxygen should be there. We missedit. Why? Because who would be looking for water on the Sun! Or the Sun being made of water!

    Hydrogen will not coagulate and congeal here on Earth, or in the vast coldness of the vacuum ofspace, instead it will disperse. It repels itself, the atoms are all of a positive charge.

    Hydrogen will not ignite without Oxygen, and Helium is inert. Helium is just out of the picture, its nocharge at all. Its neutral. Now Hydrogen and Oxygen on the other hand love to get together. You cansay its a ''match made in Heaven,'' because Oxygen has a negative charge they would naturally infusethe two together in space as well! They readily form a covalent bond, and also over time get a naturalspherical ''bubble'' shape in space. It would also be able to become immensely huge and extremelydense. Because water is one of the best insulators from heat and cold, it would not freeze completelyand also due to the great gravitational pressures.

    Ultra-Violet (UV) rays from the sun may even be an additional part of the culprits that are blocking

    the results of detection! I suspect these Ultra-Violet rays are another form of water and are some of themissing Oxygen. They are Forming with O2's and O3's being absorbed by, and making ozone on Earth,They contain oxygen!

    The UV rays, ''Light Oxygen'' or ''Light Water'', ''Oxygen Water''? that bombards a planet, creates anionasphere in the ''Goldilocks Zone'' (earth), it is like a water hose filling a fish tank. The action ischaos at first, until there is enough oxygen/water in the bottom of the tank to protect itself from thefurther harshness of the force of the current. The oxygen/water is protecting itself from itself, so tospeak. In the exact same way as water filling a fish tank, the ''light/ oxygen/water'' is projected onto aplanet that has enough mass to hold an atmosphere. The atmosphere then condenses and builds up

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    enough ozone to protect itself from itself. And I think this process occurs at a reletivly and surprisinglyrapid rate.

    Now I didn't come to these various conclusions by modern science alone. But through years ofstudying many ancient tablets, papyri, texts, books, stories, myths, and legends, I am convinced that theAncients attained this knowledge and even harnessed this power many times here on Earth. They havehanded down this secret and gave us many instructions, patterns, hints and clues on how to build such

    an apparatus! The power of a sun on Earth. A Sun on Earth!

    You can see more and/or contact me on my website on Facebook, ''The Sun is Made of Water''. I amthe only one saying this and I would like some recognition for this. Your help would be muchappreciated.

    You will scoff at this, I know. It does sound crazy. But it is true! It has just been greatly overlooked forages and the billions before us that had no clue or could not even fathom it! And who could blamethem? Who would believe it? But it is true! But we used to know! And may have been suppressed aswell!

    If you would just open your mind to it, and just apply it, and use its applications in everything youknow, then this thought will open all the doors. It is the KEY! You will see, everything will fall into


    You usually know the truth when you hear it, and you know the truth when you see it. Sound,..

    Light..., Water..., Fire..., Earth..., Air..., It's all the same. It is all one single thing! It is Everything forLife to Exist!

    Don't be daunted, just delve into the possibilities! Think Water! Think Sound!

    ''As of Above..., so too below..., as below so too above.''

    ''I have decoded the ''Emerald Tablet'', ''The Magnus Opus''

    (''The Great Work''.) The Sun is made of Water! Think Water!

    Newton's translation

    One translation, by Isaac Newton, found among his alchemical papers as reported by B. J. Dobbsin modern spelling:

    1. Tis true without lying, certain most true.

    2. That which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to dothe miracles of one only thing.

    3. And as all things have been arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birthfrom this one thing by adaptation.

    4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,

    5. The wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.

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    6. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.

    7. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.

    8. Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.

    9. It ascends from the earth to the heaven again it descends to the earth and receives the force of thingssuperior and inferior.

    10. By this means ye shall have the glory of the whole world thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.

    11. Its force is above all force. for it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing.

    12. So was the world created.

    13. From this are and do come admirable adaptations whereof the means (Or process) is here in this.

    14. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.

    15. That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished and ended.

    This is in the Bible (I will highlight the main points)

    Genesis 1

    1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2. And the earth was without form, and void; {and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And theSpirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.}

    3. And God said, {Let there be light: and there was light.}

    4. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    5. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morningwere the first day.

    6. And God said, Let there be a firmament {in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters fromthe waters.}

    7. And God made the firmament, {and divided the waters which were under the firmament from thewaters which were above the firmament:} and it was so.

    8. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

    JOHN 1

    1. In the beginning was the {Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.} (A Word is aSOUND!)

    2. The same was in the beginning with God.

    3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (fusion of the

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    4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not

    Rev 1:8

    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, andwhich is to come, the Almighty.

    Rev 21:6

    And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give untohim that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

    Rev 22:13

    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

    What Could Possibly Happen If We Had Free EnergyTechnologies. In Ancient Times, Now, & in The Future.

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 1:43pm

    Lets go over some scenarios shall we, first of all I believe that the ancients had free energytechnologies, they had the power of a Sun on Earth, and it was made of water, just like the sun/stars aremade of water! Sound on water (see Sonar-Luminescence & Cavitation) creates fusion. So they hadelectricty, they knew that sound was gravity, gravity was sound, Sound (Vibrationsl Frequency Waves)and could be switched off or turned down.

    Now I'm going to run with the premise that they (the Preist Kings) kept this secret from the massesand even made it a magical and religious ordeal deifying themself in the process (a natural process) andkeeping the masses just dumb enough to do menial jobs and only initiating the very few to the guilds ofthis privileged knowledge, and like the guilds in medievil theRenaissance times protected by the threatof death of you and your whole family, the glass guilds of Venice comes to mind, you were in it for life.Even today we have such proprietary practices between professions, protected by stringent laws andpunishments.

    For what good would it do if all the masses knew and could access free energies?

    How would the rich stay rich?

    How would they get rich in the first place?

    How could they attain power and or stay in power?

    How would free energy technologies effect the work force?

    Who would want to work if everything was so low in cost in the energy to mine, or to ship, or to makeproducts, or to ship the final products?
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    Little or no cost to heat and air their homes, grow and harvest their food, run vehicles, etc,..

    Where or what would the incentives be?

    Where would the masses get or have the gumption?

    Would mankind become complacent, or apathetic? OR




    Were we ready then?

    Are we ready now?

    More recent history comes to mind, when Nicoli Tesla (the father of the 21st century, and possible thewhole future of man) had it out with that capitalist pig J. P. Morgan. Teslas tower on Long Island wouldhave transmitted free electricity radio and television signals and much more, but Morgan could notenvision how he could charge for free energy or services, so he backed out and ruined Tesla.

    Its an age old story Im afraid, Those in power supressing this and simular knowledge, The OilComapanies, they're not so much in ''The Oil Business'' persay, but more like in ''The Oil ShortageBusiness''. Also there is no money (which is the gauge of power in our society) in curing diseases, thereis only big money in treating diseases

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    Sonarluminescence the star in the jar 10,000 degrees

    The Grand Deception, The Greatest of All Conspiracy's

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Friday, August 10, 2012 at 9:21am

    The greatest and most grand deception in all of history is that we have always had free energytechnologies! Back in ancient history we had it but it was highly gaurded secret by those initianted inits craft.These privy guilds opperated in mystic ceremony and pagentry and with all the illusions ofmagic, and deifying themselves as our preist kings and overlords! Placating the masses with ''dog andpony shows'', keeping them hypnotized, mystified and stupid with useless grand rituals and offerings,milking them for all they are worth. Controlling the masses with fear, rhetoric and empty promises, andsome religions. We are headed to an even more plutocratic oligarchical society where our preist kingskeep us dumbed down, poor and fearful, for there are no riches and power in free energy. The capitalistJ.P. Morgan comes to mind when he pulled the plug on Nicola Tesla's work.


    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Friday, September 14, 2012 at 9:05pm

    North-poles, south-pole, positive and negative, they are really kinda bad analogies for the way weneed to think about the forces of electro-magnetism. There are only 2 vortices they are a right spinvortex(clockwise) and a left spin vortex(counterclockwise), The vortex is the key to nature and theancients knew this (see below). And the word attraction and pull is also kind of a misnomer really.There is no such thing as pull or pulling force! There is only one force in nature and thats push!

    Gravity is pushing on us from above and then also from below, there is a convergence in the middle,

    and this convergence is from sound, that is to say Vibrational Frequency Waves! these Ultra Lowfrequency Waves (ULF's)and Extra Low Frequency Waves(ELF's) gravity is sound! and gravity can beswitched off and or turned down by sound cancellation/deadening techniques, its all in the frequencies.Everything is being rung like a bell from this ''master force'' (induction) Thats why whenthey(scientists) try to image an atom or sub-atomic particle it always shows it vibrates, and have youever got shocked by electricity? It vibrates you. Or held your tongue to a little 9 volt battery? It vibratesyou. it vibrates everything from sub-atomic to the galactic. This universal ''master force'' sound, can beseen as in our Earth's magnetosphere, those are the field/lines ringing back, some things have a strongring back(those in tune) and some not so much but everything has its own frequency!
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    The Electric Universe Model

    by Robert BigBob Jackson on Friday, September 14, 2012 at 9:53am

    Reguarding the Electric Universe model, well yes of coarse the detectible universe is electric innature, but this is only the result, it is only the effect, it is not cause, The cause is,.. Sound,..that is tosay, vibrational frequency waves.

    Sound has no mass, yet commands all mass on how to form and how to move. If you take in accounta cymatic table of sand and when you introduce sound waves to it, the different sound frequenciesstructures the sand into alternating and complex geometric patterns, these patterns have beendocumented throughout time by the ancients and these sound represenations are known as "SacredGeometry''. We, as human forms, are also "Sacred Geometry''! Simply put some water and cornstarchmixture on a speaker and fiddle with the sound frequency and you will see what I mean. creatures with

    heads, torso's, arms, legs and some even have breasts!

    Sound is the ''Master Force'' in the universe, it is the creator, It is the main force responisble inconjunction with the other three forces. It is the "push"(the only force that there is, is push) that pusheseverything, it not only creates all matter but also sweeps all matter/particles/photons along on its crestsof waves (see Cymatics and think in 3-D(that is in all directions). The first thing you must know is thatthe universe is just like a brain, it looks like a brain acts like abrain and also just like a brain its like80% water!

    All of the ancients knew this and documented it in all of the creation myths and stories that havecome down to us. And had created the power of the sun on earth.

    This sound (coming from black-holes(black-holes are not what you assume that they are) This sound

    from black-holes illuminates the surrounding waters of the great deep abyss that is in close enoughproximity to these black-holes (think of black-holes as nueron ports in a brain) (black-holes are thedriving energy force (pushing) at the center of all galaxies), pushing all the light away from them. Thissound from black-holes forms the water to paradigmatical spherical shapes and thru sonar-lluminescence which causes cavitation and starts the fusion process in stars/suns Thus creating all, allcreated from one thing,..Water,.. because sound is no thing(no mass) just like the ancients said! The un-created (self created) god, created all from nothing (no thing) i.e. a black-hole. So sound on watercreates light, fusion, heat, air and earth all from one thing! ''As above so below'' The Emerald Tablet''(see below, I have decoded this portion)

    So the sun/stars are made of water and they are hollow inside (except for a black-hole

    inside). Sunspots are holes not spots. This "Master Force''(sound) rings everything(all matter) like abell, and this sound, it dictates where this matter goes and where this matter how it forms and howit accumulates.

    Gravity is Sound! Its pushing us down. Sound can be switched off,.. or turned down throughcancellation/deadening techniques.

    Observe the Vesica Piscis, the sound (first wave) hits/bounces/reverberates/resonates off of thesecond object creating eddies these eddies(the fish) is where all the magic happens (the 2 crests meettogether and are represented, the earths case the magnetoshere, in an atoms case theirvalence/shells/orbits.
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    There is no such thing as north poles or south poles, that is a bad analogy, No! there is only rightspin(clockwise) and left spin(counterclockwise) vortices(these are the eddies) the vortex is the key tonature, the ancients knew this! Everything moves in a vortex, from the galaxies (in a doubletorus vortex) on the earth (Coriolis Effect) to the planets move, to the way electricty moves along awire.

    So to reiterate, black-holes are creating all the time and recycling too (the stars that are finally swept

    up(and or down) in the double Torus engine and are no longer in the influence of the illuminatingsound from the black-holes, turn back into water) Also water that is not in close enough proximity to beeffected by this sonarluminescence is deemed,.. the invisible force Dark Energy/Matter by thescientists. This unlit water is also partly responsible for the perceived "Graviational Lensing'' the othercultprit is sound. The notion that the universe expanding and galaxies are all flying away from eachother is soley because of the preceived "Dopper Effect", which is the only bases for ''Reverseengineering of the universe to a singular "Big Bang''this is wrong too! Water is in the way for ourobservations, slowing down the light (Red Shift in the light spectrum) all objects close to us are ''BlueShifted'', no water in the way.