ROAD ACCIDENT ANALYSIS: CASE STUDY OF KORBA CITY Richa Dinkar 1* , Mr. Piyush Das 2 1 Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Kalinga University , Atal Nagar, Raipur 2 Assistant Prof., Department of civil Engineering, Kalinga University, Atal Nagar, Raipur ABSTRACT Korba is a one of the populated city in Chhattisgarh, also known POWER HUB of Chhattisgarh. district comes under Bilaspur division. Korba Is so much polluted area with so much dust particles which is creats fog in atmosphere mainly in morning and eve time because of Industries, is one of the cause of accident in Korba city. There are lots of patches and pot holes in the road , because of the heavy vehicles runs more over here. In Korba city I choose black spot (accident prone) area is Rishdi chawk and Rishda chawk (Ring Road) both area are under Rampur thana, Korba. Keyword:- black spot, pot holes, patches, fatility, economic justification, roadways, power hub. 1. INTRODUCTION Korba district was accorded the status of a full fledged revenue district with effect from 25 th may 1998.The district headquarter is Korba city, which is situated on the banks of the confluence of rivers Hasdeo and Ahiran .Korba is the power capital of Chhattisgarh. The headquarter of Korba district situated about 200km., from the capital city Raipur. Korba is the power capital of the newly formed state Chhattisgarh. The district comes under Bilaspur division & is inhabited mainly by tribals including the protected tribe Korwas(pahadi korwa). The problem of accident is a very acute in highway transportation due to complex flow Pattern of vehicular traffic, presence of mixed traffic along with pedestrians. Traffic Accident leads to loss of life and property. Road accidents cannot be totally prevented but The accident rate can be reduced to a certain extent. For this reason systematic study of Traffic accidents are required to be carried out. Proper investigation of the cause of Accident will help to propose preventive measures in terms of design and control. 2.LITERATURE REVIEW:- The various causes of road accidents are:- 1. Road Users - Excessive speed and rash driving, violation of traffic rules, failure to perceive traffic situation or sign or signal in adequate time, carelessness, fatigue, alcohol,sleep etc. High Technology Letters Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021 ISSN NO : 1006-6748 http://www.gjstx-e.cn/ 322


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Richa Dinkar 1*

, Mr. Piyush Das2

1Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Kalinga University , Atal Nagar, Raipur

2Assistant Prof., Department of civil Engineering, Kalinga University, Atal Nagar, Raipur


Korba is a one of the populated city in Chhattisgarh, also known POWER HUB of Chhattisgarh.

district comes under Bilaspur division. Korba Is so much polluted area with so much dust

particles which is creats fog in atmosphere mainly in morning and eve time because of

Industries, is one of the cause of accident in Korba city. There are lots of patches and pot holes

in the road , because of the heavy vehicles runs more over here. In Korba city I choose black spot

(accident prone) area is Rishdi chawk and Rishda chawk (Ring Road) both area are under

Rampur thana, Korba.

Keyword:- black spot, pot holes, patches, fatility, economic justification, roadways, power hub.


Korba district was accorded the status of a full fledged revenue district with effect from 25th

may 1998.The district headquarter is Korba city, which is situated on the banks of the confluence

of rivers Hasdeo and Ahiran .Korba is the power capital of Chhattisgarh. The headquarter of

Korba district situated about 200km., from the capital city Raipur.

Korba is the power capital of the newly formed state Chhattisgarh. The district comes under

Bilaspur division & is inhabited mainly by tribals including the protected tribe Korwas(pahadi

korwa). The problem of accident is a very acute in highway transportation due to complex flow

Pattern of vehicular traffic, presence of mixed traffic along with pedestrians. Traffic Accident

leads to loss of life and property. Road accidents cannot be totally prevented but The accident

rate can be reduced to a certain extent. For this reason systematic study of Traffic accidents are

required to be carried out. Proper investigation of the cause of Accident will help to propose

preventive measures in terms of design and control.


• The various causes of road accidents are:- 1. Road Users - Excessive speed and rash

driving, violation of traffic rules, failure to perceive traffic situation or sign or signal in

adequate time, carelessness, fatigue, alcohol,sleep etc.

High Technology Letters

Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021

ISSN NO : 1006-6748


1. Vehicle - Defects such as failure of brakes, steering system, tyre burst,lighting system .

2. Road Condition - Skidding road surface, pot holes, ruts.

3. Road design - Defective geometric design like inadequate sight distance, inadequate

width of shoulders, improper curve design, improper traffic control devices and improper


4. Environmental factors -unfavorable weather conditions like mist, snow, smoke and

heavy rainfall which restrict normal visibility and and makes driving unsafe.

5. Other causes -improper location of advertisement boards, gate of level crossing not

closed when required etc.

• Safety audit:- It is the procedure of assessment of the safety measures employed for the

road. It has the advantages like proper planning and decision from beforehand ensures

minimization of future accidents, the long term cost associated with planning is also

reduced and enables all kinds of users to perceive clearly how to use it safely. Safety

audit takes place in five stages as suggested by Wrisberg and Nilsson, 1996. Five Stages

of Safety Audit are:

1. Feasibility Stage - The starting point for the design is determined such as number and

type of intersection, relationship of the new scheme to the existing road, the relevant

design standards.

2. Draft Stage - In this stage horizontal and vertical alignment, junction layout are

determined. After the completion of this stage decision about land acquisition is taken.

3. Detailed design stage - Signing, marking, lighting, other roadside equipment and

landscaping are determined.

4. Pre-opening stage - Before opening a new or modified road should be driven, walked or

cycled. It should be done at different condition like bad weather, darkness.

5. Monitoring of the road in use - Assessment is done at the final stage after the road has

been in operation for few months to determine whether the utilization is obtained as

intended and whether any adjustment to the design are required in the light of the actual

behavior of road users.

• Objectives:- To study of causes of accidents and suggest corrective measures, evaluate

existing device, design and control measures. Compute the financial losses, supposed the

proposed design, provide economic justice, calculate the financial cost, carry out after

and before studies after implementing changes.


• SITE SELECTION: One lane road Rishdi chawk and Rishda chawk(ring road)

connected to NH149B , major junction is NH49 near champa, NH130a near Urga,

NH130 near katghora. Rishdi comes in the Korba Municipal corporate, population of

Korba (Municipal corporate + out grwth) is 365253 according to Korba population


High Technology Letters

Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021

ISSN NO : 1006-6748


The following stretches were selected for data collection

1 Rishdi chawk - under Rampur thana(korba),

2 Rishda chawk(Ring Road) – under Rampur thana(korba), NH149B, 500meter

Rishdi chawk to Rishda chawk google map

NH149B by google map

The following stretches were selected for data collection:

under Rampur thana(korba), NH149B, length is 400meter.

under Rampur thana(korba), NH149B, 500meter

Rishdi chawk to Rishda chawk google map

High Technology Letters

Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021

ISSN NO : 1006-6748


Problem identified in the NH in different-different ways, photographes have been shown

which is causes of accidents.

Falling of sign board

Broken road side gutter which is packed of

Garbage .

High Technology Letters

Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021

ISSN NO : 1006-6748


Patches in road side

Tree;s stem in the middle of chauraha

Many accident occure in this area, like head on accident, direct collision, rear end

collision, sideswipe collision etc.

High Technology Letters

Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021

ISSN NO : 1006-6748


Side collision

Direct collision in between a heavy vehicle and a 4wheel vehicle


It is important to survey and research to all types of accident cause, only then can we control it.

Road accident due to many kind of eliments such as highway traffic control, vehicle types, no

road side lighting, sign board falls in the surface, so much pot holes and patches in the road,

heavy vehicle run in the wrong time, so much polluted area which conducted dust particle in the

atmosphere, wine shop in the near the road, drink and drive etc. Until we research the all

elements of accident, we cannot control them. NH 149B is most accident prone highway because

of lack of safety measurement and industrial city.

High Technology Letters

Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021

ISSN NO : 1006-6748



Book: B.C.Punamia, Transportation Engineering used for collecting details of road analysis

Courtesy: SP Office korba, police thana Rampur (Korba), RTO headquarter Korba for collecting

the Data accident

Courtesy: NCRB Report 2019,

Courtesy: Accident Studies notes by prof. Tom. V. Methew –IIT, Mumbai

Courtesy: Road accident analysis case study of Patna city by prof. Dr. Sanjay Singh.

Courtesy: Impact of Roadways condition , NIT Raurkela

Courtesy: Road accident of developing countries bu G.D. Jackeb in university of surrey.

Courtesy: Identification of factors of road accident through in depth analysis.

High Technology Letters

Volume 27, Issue 4, 2021

ISSN NO : 1006-6748
