Accident & Emergency Department, Juba Teaching Hospital, Juba, South Sudan Completion of Improvements May 2015 Real Medicine Foundation 11700 National Blvd, Suite 234 Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 8204502

RMF - A&E Dep Improvement, JTH - May 6, 2015 - Completion ... · Accident!&!Emergency!Department,JubaTeachingHospital,Juba,SouthSudan!!!!!Completion!of!Improvements!!!!! May!2015!

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Page 1: RMF - A&E Dep Improvement, JTH - May 6, 2015 - Completion ... · Accident!&!Emergency!Department,JubaTeachingHospital,Juba,SouthSudan!!!!!Completion!of!Improvements!!!!! May!2015!


Accident  &  Emergency  Department,  Juba  Teaching  Hospital,  Juba,  South  Sudan    

                   Completion  of  Improvements        


May  2015  

Real  Medicine  Foundation  11700  National  Blvd,  Suite  234  Los  Angeles,  CA  90064  (310)  820-­‐4502    

Page 2: RMF - A&E Dep Improvement, JTH - May 6, 2015 - Completion ... · Accident!&!Emergency!Department,JubaTeachingHospital,Juba,SouthSudan!!!!!Completion!of!Improvements!!!!! May!2015!

By  Dr.  Taban  Martin  Vitale,  RMF  South  Sudan    In   February   2014,   Real  Medicine   Foundation   (RMF)   represented   by   its   founder   and   CEO   Dr.  Martina   C.   Fuchs   together  with   RMF’s   South   Sudan   team   had   a   series   of  meetings  with   the  National  Ministry   of   Health   officials   (represented   by   the  Honorable  Minister,   Undersecretary  and  Director  Generals)  and  the  Juba  Teaching  Hospital  (JTH)  administration  on  how  to  improve  the   infrastructure   at   the  Accident   and   Emergency  Department.   Juba   Teaching  Hospital   is   the  only  national   referral   hospital   in   the  whole   country  of   South   Sudan  and  being   located   in   the  capital,   any   input   to   improve   services   there  will   be  perceived  by   the  general  population  as   a  common  property  of  the  whole  nation.      

In  June  30,  2014,  RMF  with  the  generous  support  from  its  Donor  collaborated  with  the  National  Ministry  of  Health,  which  matched  the  gift  of  RMF’s  donor  and  contributed  additional  funding,  and  contracted  Pan  Koung  Ltd.,  a  national  construction  company,  to  carry  out  the  improvement  of  the  Accident  and  Emergency  Department.    The  contractor  started  the  work  at  the  beginning  of  July  2014,  and  completed  most  of  the  work  by  December  2014.  Being  a  registered  national  company  and  wanting  to  contribute  to  their  new  country,  the  contractor  provided  a  significant  additional  amount  of  work  identified  during  the  course  of  implementation  without  amendment  of  the  original  budget.  In  mid-­‐December  2014,  the  MOH  opened  up  one  of  the  blocks,  housing  mainly  the  pharmacy,  radiology  unit,  some  consultation  rooms  and  the  reception  area  to  offer  services  for  the  growing  population  as  the  demand  continues  to  be  high.    

Monitoring   and   supervision   of   Pan   Koung’s   work   was   continuously   being   conducted   by   the  MOH  designated  engineer,  Martin  Oyo,  together  with  the  RMF  South  Sudan  team  and  the  Juba  Teaching   Hospital   administration.   The   Honorable   Minister   of   Health,   Dr.   Riek   Gai   Kok,   and  Undersecretary  Dr.  Makur  Matur  Kariom,  also  used  to  visit  the  site  frequently,  ensuring  quality  work.  In  February  2015,  a  joint  evaluation  of  Pan  Koung’s  work  was  conducted  by  RMF  CEO  Dr.  Martina   C.   Fuchs,   the   Undersecretary   of   the   MOH,   a   representative   from   the   Ministry   of  Housing  and  Physical   Infrastructure,   and   the   JTH  administration.   The   team  pointed  out   some  areas  which  needed  more  improvement.  The  contractor  acted  swiftly  to  improve  the  interiors  of  the  blocks.  RMF  paid  an  additional  $4,000  to  put  weather  guard  paint  on  the  exterior  walls  of  all  three  blocks  as  this  was  not  stipulated  in  the  original  contract.    

The  Ministry  of  Health   through   its   leadership,  H.E.  Dr.  Riek  Gai   Kok,  procured  and   started   to  deliver  furniture,  medical  equipment,  and  beds  and  mattresses  to  the  Accident  and  Emergency  Department   in   April   2015,   and   contracted   a   private   cleaning   company   to   maintain   the  cleanliness  and  hygiene  of  the  Department  as  well  as  the  whole  hospital.        

Patients   will   be   now   moved   into   the   A&E   Department   and   an   inauguration   celebration   is  planned  for  the  near  future.          

Project  photos  

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 R-­‐L:   Dr.   Martina   Fuchs,   Undersecretary   MOH,  Surveyor   from   Ministry   of   Housing   during   joint  evaluation      

 RMF’s   Dr.   Taban   Vitale   (R)   touring   the   A&E  Department  with  a  medical  team  from  the  US    

 Interior   of   one   of   the   rooms   after   repainting   the  areas  identified  during  evaluation  

 R-­‐L:  Jacob,  a  Pan  Koung  engineer  and  RMF’s  Okang  Wilson  discussing  some  areas  which  needed  more  improvement    

 Taban   in   the   A&E   dispensing   pharmacy;   the   staff  are  grateful  for  the  improvement  


 Interior   of   one   of   the   rooms   after   repainting   the  areas  identified  during  evaluation  

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 Interior   of   one   of   the   rooms   after   repainting   the  areas  identified  during  evaluation    

 Interior   of   one   of   the   rooms   after   repainting   the  areas  identified  during  evaluation    

 Interior   of   one   of   the   rooms   after   repainting   the  areas  identified  during  evaluation    

 Interior   of   one   of   the   rooms   after   repainting   the  areas  identified  during  evaluation    

 Interior   of   one   of   the   rooms   after   repainting   the  areas  identified  during  evaluation    

 Well  painted  shelf  in  one  of  the  nursing  stations      

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 Exterior  wall  of  Surgical  block  after  repainting  with  weather  guard  paint    

 Exterior  wall  of  Surgical  block  after  repainting  with  weather  guard  paint    

 R-­‐  Surgical  block  and  L-­‐  Medical  block  

 Exterior  wall  of   Surgical  block  after   repainting  with  weather  guard  paint    

 Exterior  wall  of  Medical  block  painted  with  weather  guard  paint    

 Exterior   wall   of   the   block   housing   Pharmacy,  Radiology,  Consultation  rooms,  Operating  theatres  

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 Exterior   wall   of   former   Lab   block   after   repainting  with  weather  guard  paint    

 Triage  area,  also  used   for   resuscitation  of   critically  ill  patients    

 A  truck  delivering  beds  procured  by  MOH  

 A  janitor  washing  the  exterior  wall  of  Surgical  block  after  repainting  with  weather  guard  paint    

   Well  cleaned  Triage  area,  flow  of  patients  now          controlled  to  ensure  privacy    

 R.  Marketing  manager  of   SINCO  Medical   Supplies,  company   contracted   by   MOH   to   supply   the   A&E  Department  

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 SINCO   staff   in   front   of   the  mattresses   supplied   by  them    

 Technicians  assembling  the  beds    

 Beds   and   mattresses   in   Medical   unit   of   A&E  Department  

 R-­‐L:   SMO,   DG,   MOH   representative,   Marketing  Manager,  SINCO  &  Technician  assembling  the  bed    

 Assembled  beds  in  one  of  the  rooms    

 Waste  collection  bins  procured  by  MOH  

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 Operating  tables  in  one  of  the  theatres  procured  by  MOH    

 Examination  bed  and  screen  procured  by  MOH    

 Janitors   cleaning   the   A&E   Department   contracted  by  MOH    

 Weighing  scales  and  furniture  procured  by  MOH      

 Patients  trolleys  procured  by  MOH    

 Janitors   cleaning   the   A&E   Department   contracted  by  MOH