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  • 7/23/2019 Rm Hard Copy Final


    Chapter 1: Introduction to Research

    Q. Define research. What are its characteristics?

    A. Research in simplified terms means searching for the facts searching for the replies to the

    various queries and also for the solutions to the various problems. Research is an inquiry or an

    investigation with a specific purpose to fulfill, it helps in clearing the various doubtful concepts

    and tries to solve or explain the various unexplained procedures or phenomenon.

    According to the encyclopedia of social science, research can be explained as the manipulation

    of generalizing to extend, connect or verify knowledge.

    !here are eight commonly agreed characteristics of research"

    #ystematic procedures, $ontrolled procedures, validity, rigorousness, logicality, critical thought,

    ob%ectivity and accuracy.

    !he characteristics of Research can be explained as follows"

    1. Empirical-

    Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.

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    2. Loical-

    Research is based on valid procedures and principles.

    !. C"clical-

    Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.

    #. $nal"tical-

    Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical,

    descriptive, experimental and case study.

    %. Critical-

    Research exhibits careful and precise %udgment.

    &. 'ethodical-

    Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and


    (. Replica)le-

    !he research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive

    at valid and conclusive results.

    Q. E*plain the need and importance of research in )usiness.

    A. !he significance of research in a number of fields of applied economics, whether associated

    with business, industry, commerce, trade, services or to the economy in general, has

    tremendously increased these days. !he extremely complex character of business, its size, fast

    changes in technology etc, has focused attention on the utilization of research in managing

    operational problems.

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    1. +estin of ne, products-

    &usiness research tests the possible success of fresh products. &usinesses need to know what

    kinds of services and products consumers want before they produce them. Research will reduce

    risk ' Research can help design a new product or service, figuring out what is needed and ensure

    that the development of a product is highly targeted towards demand.

    2. uaranteein adeuate distri)ution.

    &usinesses can also use research to guarantee sufficient distribution of their products. (or

    instance, a consumer products company might want to speak with merchants about the various

    brands they offer. !he outcomes of the business research can help managers decide where they

    need to increase their product distribution.

    !. In-house research is reuired for professional and self de/elopment of the ,or0ers

    throuh trainin and mentorin.

    )rganisational research and analysis would also be needed for assessment of performance

    management, process reengineering, departmental assessment and well"being of staff members.

    #. nderta0in research can help a compan" a/oid future failure.

    $arrying out research can also help a business determine whether now is the right time to expand

    into another town or whether it needs to apply for a new loan. *t may also help a small business

    decide if a process should be altered or if more needs to be done to meet the requirements of the

    customer base.

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    %. tud"in the competition.

    &usinesses frequently make use of research to study key rivals in their markets. &usinesses will

    often begin with secondary research information or information which is currently accessible.

    Research is important for any organization to remain competitive in the market. !he top function

    of research is to supply a business with an outlet to correctly determine its customers. +ith the

    help of surveys, an organization can analyze the preferences of its target consumers.

    (urthermore, these studies could also provide a business the chance to examine its competitors in

    the industry and analyze and emulate key strategies which could help in its operations.

    *t can also help in the recruitment of employees. *ts through proper research that human resource

    managers are able to determine and recruit qualified manpower. Recruitment of workers with the

    right skills and attitudes aids the company to improve its productivity levels. Research for the

    right staff members can be done via the internet, consultancy firms and institutions of higher


    A proper knowledge of the employees and healthy conversation would be important factors for a

    manager to boost performance of the individuals in the team. A good approach, winning attitude

    and behaviour of the manager with proper systems set up would certainly call for sound research

    to understand and improve the system

    Q. E*plain the need and importance of research in social sciences.

    A. +hile identifying order in the complexity of social life is the most fundamental goal of social

    research, there are many other, more specific goals that contribute to this larger goal. !hey are

    quite diverse. (or example, the goal of testing theories about social life contributes to the larger

    goal of identifying order in complexity so does the goal of collecting in"depth information on

    the diverse social groups that make up society. Another factor that contributes to the diversity of

    the goals of social research is the simple fact that social research reflects society, and society

    itself is diverse, multifaceted, and composed of many antagonistic groups. *t follows that the

    goals of social research are multiple and sometimes contradictory. !oday, no single goal

    dominates social research.

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    -. *dentifying general patterns and relationships

    . !esting and refining theories

    /. 0aking 1redictions

    2. *nterpreting culturally or historically significant phenomena

    3. 4xploring 5iversity

    6. 7iving 8oice

    9. Advancing :ew !heories

    1. Identif"in eneral patterns and relationship

    #ignificant social phenomena may be significant because they are common or general they

    affect many people, either directly or indirectly. !his quality of generality makes knowledge of

    such phenomena valuable. !hus, one of the ma%or goals of social research is to identify general

    patterns and relationships. *n some corners, this ob%ective is considered the primary goal because

    social research that is directed toward this end resembles research in the hard sciences. !his

    resemblance gives social research more legitimacy, making it seem more like social physics and

    less like social philosophy or political ideology.

    2. +estin and Refinin +heories

    A primary goal of social research is to improve and expand the pool of ideas known as theories

    by testing their implications and to refine their power to explain. !esting is carried by deriving

    hypotheses from theories and the implications of these theories are then tested with data that bear

    directly on the hypotheses. *deas and hypotheses that fail to receive support gradually lose their

    appeal, while those that are supported more consistently gain greater stature in the pool. !esting

    theories can also serve to refine them. &y working through the implications of a theory and then

    testing this refinement, it is possible to progressively improve and elaborate a set of ideas.

    !. 'a0in 3redictions

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    +hile social researchers use theories to derive ;predications; about what they expect to find in a

    set of data, they also use accumulated social scientific knowledge to make predictions about the

    future. $onsider the following example< Research indicates that ethnic conflict tends to increase

    when the supply of economic rewards and resources decreases. !hus, a social scientist would

    predict increased ethnic tension in an ethnically diverse country that has %ust experienced a

    serious economic downturn. 1rediction is often considered the highest goal of science. +e

    accumulate knowledge so that we can anticipate things to come.

    #. Interpretin Culturall" or 4istoricall" inificant 3henomena

    =nowledge of general patterns is not the only kind of valuable knowledge, however, especially

    when it comes to understanding social life. *n the social sciences, knowledge of specific

    situations and events, even if they are atypical is also highly valued. !he significance of most

    historical phenomena derives from their atypically, the fact that he are dramatically non"routine,

    and form their impact on who we are today.

    %. E*plorin Di/ersit"

    Another ma%or goal of social research is to explore and comprehend the social diversity that

    surrounds us. +hile this goal may seem similar to the goal of identifying general patterns, and

    does complement it in some respects, it is quite different. (or example, one general pattern is that

    education and economic development tend to go together countries with better schools and

    higher literacy rates tend to be richer. >owever, the fact that a general pattern exists doesn?t mean

    that there aren?t important and interesting exceptions. #ome poor countries have well"developed

    educational systems and very high literacy rates and some rich countries have poorly developed

    schools and surprisingly low levels of literacy.

    &. i/in 5oice

    #ometimes the goal of exploring diversity is taken one step further, and the researcher studies a

    group not simply to learn more about it, but also to contribute to its having an expressed voice in

    society. *n research of this type, the ob%ective is not only to increase the stock of knowledge

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    about different types, forms, and processes of social life, but to tell the story of a specific groups,

    usually in a way that enhances its visibility in society.

    8ery often the groups studies in this way are marginal groups, outside the social mainstream.

    !his approach to social research asserts that every group in society has a ;story to tell;.

    (. $d/ancin 6e, +heories

    0any different kinds of social research advance theory, even research that seeks to interpret

    historical or cultural significance. !he testing of theories @goal also advances theory in the

    limited sense that these tests indicate which theoretical ideas have more support as explanations

    of social life. !he goal of advancing theory as it used here, however, involves more than

    assessing and refining existing ideas. +hen theory is advanced, ideas are elaborated in some new

    way. !o advance theory it is not necessary to come up with a complete model of society or even

    some part of it. !he development of new ideas and new concepts is the most that research

    seeking to advance theory usually accomplishes.

    +hile the deduction"versus"induction distinction is a simple and appealing way to differentiate

    kinds of social research, most research includes elements of both. (or this reason some

    philosophers of science argue that all research involves retroduction " the interplay of induction

    and deduction. *t is impossible to do research without some initial ideas, even if the goal is to

    give voice to research sub%ects. !hus, almost all research has at least an element of deduction.

    #imilarly, almost all research can be used to advance theory in some way. After all, social

    theories are vague and imprecise. 4very test of a theory refines it, whether or not the test is

    supportive. Research involves retroduction because there is typically a dialogue of ideas and

    evidence in social research

    B.tate and e*plain the o)7ecti/es of research?

    A.!he ultimate aim of research is to generate measurable and testable data, gradually adding to

    the accumulation of human knowledge. Ancient philosophers believed that all answers could be

    achieved through deduction and reasoningrather than measurement. #cience now uses

    established research methodsand standard protocols to testtheories thoroughly. *t is important to

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    remember that science and philosophyare intertwined and are essential elements of human

    advancement, both contributing to the way we view the world. #cientificresearch, however,

    allows us totest hypothesesand lay solid foundations for future research and study.

    :o theoryor hypothesiscan ever be completely proved or disproved, but research enables us to

    make valid assumptions about the universe.

    1. Observation and Description

    !he first stage of any research is toobservethe world around us and to ask questions about why

    things are happening. 4very phenomenon in the universe has a reason behind it, and the aims of

    research are to understand and evaluate what is happening. >owever simple the phenomenon or

    however easy it appears to be to generate logical and intuitive answers, scientific

    researchdemands rigorous testing for a truth to be accepted. 5escribing the overall behavior of

    the sub%ect is the first stage of any research, whether it is a case studyor a full"blown ?true

    experimental design?.

    2. 3redict

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    !he aims of researchmay be to establish ?+hat are the underlying causes and relationships

    between the different processes fueling this trendD? *n most cases, it is necessary to review earlier

    research and try to separate the better quality sources from the inaccurate or poorly designed

    studies. *t is equally important to take into account any opposing points of view and accept that

    they may be equally valid. 4xplanation is about coming up with viable reasons and you must try

    to be as ob%ective and unbiasedas possible.

    B. What are the t"pes of research?

    A. Research can be classified in many different ways on the basis of the methodology of

    research" the knowledge it creates, the user group, the research problem it investigates etc.

    8$IC REE$RC4

    !he research is done for knowledge enhancement and does not have immediate commercial

    potential" for human welfare, animal welfare and plant kingdom welfare. *t is called basic, pure

    and fundamental research. !he main motivation is to expand man?s knowledge, not to create or

    invent something. !here is no obvious commercial value to the discoveries that result from basic

    research. &asic research lay down the foundation for the applied research. 5r.7.#moot says

    Epeople cannot foresee the future well enough to predict what is going to develop from the basic

    researchF 4g

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    undertaking research pro%ects, researchers should be well equipped with all the methodological

    aspects. As such, efforts should be made to provide short duration intensive courses for meeting

    this requirement.

    . !here is insufficient interaction between the university research departments on one side and

    business establishments, government departments and research institutions on the other side. A

    great deal of primary data of non"confidential nature remain untouchedKuntreated by the

    researchers for want of proper contacts. 4fforts should be made to develop satisfactory liaison

    among all concerned for better and realistic researches. !here is need for developing some

    mechanisms of a universityLindustry interaction programme so that academics can get ideas

    from practitioners on what needs to be researched and practitioners can apply the research done

    by the academics.

    /. 0ost of the business units in our country do not have the confidence that the material supplied

    by them to researchers will not be misused and as such they are often reluctant in supplying the

    needed information to researchers. !he concept of secrecy seems to be sacrosanct to business

    organisations in the country so much so that it proves an impermeable barrier to researchers.

    !hus, there is the need for generating the confidence that the informationKdata obtained from a

    business unit will not be misused.

    2. Research studies overlapping one another are undertaken quite often for want of adequate

    information. !his results in duplication and fritters away resources. !his problem can be solved

    by proper compilation and revision, at regular intervals, of a list of sub%ects on which and the

    places where the research is going on. 5ue attention should be given toward identification of

    research problems in various disciplines of applied science which are of immediate concern to

    the industries.

    3. !here does not exist a code of conduct for researchers and inter"university and

    interdepartmental rivalries are also quite common. >ence, there is need for developing a code of

    conduct for researchers which, if adhered sincerely, can win over this problem.

    6. 0any researchers in our country also face the difficulty of adequate and timely secretarial

    assistance, including computerial assistance. !his causes unnecessary delays in the completion of

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    research studies. All possible efforts be made in this direction so that efficient secretarial

    assistance is made available to researchers and that too well in time. Gniversity 7rants

    $ommission must play a dynamic role in solving this difficulty.

    9. Mibrary management and functioning is not satisfactory at many places and much of the time

    and energy of researchers are spent in tracing out the books, %ournals, reports, etc., rather than in

    tracing out relevant material from them.

    I. !here is also the difficulty of timely availability of published data from various government

    and other agencies doing this %ob in our country. Researcher also faces the problem on account of

    the fact that the published data vary quite significantly because of differences in coverage by the

    concerning agencies.

    Chapter 2: Research methodolo"

    B. E*plain Research methodolo"9 research methods and techniues.

    A. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. *t may be

    understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. *n it we study the various

    steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with thelogic behind them. *t is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research

    methodsKtechniques but also the methodology. Researchers not only need to know how to

    develop certain indices or tests, how to calculate the mean, the mode, the median or the standard

    deviation or chi"square, how to apply particular research techniques, but they also need to know

    which of these methods or techniques, are relevant and which are not, and what would they mean

    and indicate and why. Researchers also need to understand the assumptions underlying various

    techniques and they need to know the criteria by which they can decide that certain techniques

    and procedures will be applicable to certain problems and others will not. All this means that it is

    necessary for the researcher to design his methodology for his problem as the same may differ

    from problem to problem. (or example, an architect, who designs a building, has to consciously

    evaluate the basis of his decisions, i.e., he has to evaluate why and on what basis he selects

    particular size, number and location of doors, windows and ventilators, uses particular materials

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    and not others and the like. #imilarly, in research the scientist has to expose the research

    decisions to evaluation before they are implemented. >e has to specify very clearly and precisely

    what decisions he selects and why he selects them so that they can be evaluated by others also.

    Research methods or techniques, thus, refer to the methods the researchers use in performing

    research operations. *n other words, all those methods which are used by the researcher during

    the course of studying his research problem are termed as research methods. #ince the ob%ect of

    research, particularly the applied research, it to arrive at a solution for a given problem, the

    available data and the unknown aspects of the problem have to be related to each other to make a

    solution possible. =eeping this in view, research methods can be put into the following three

    groupsuman beings are naturally inquisitive, so they often come up with questions

    about things they see or hear and often develop ideas @hypotheses about why things are the way

    they are. !he best hypotheses lead to predictions that can be tested in various ways, including

    making further observations about nature. *n general, the strongest tests of hypotheses come

    from carefully controlled and replicated experiments that gather empirical data. 5epending on

    how well the tests match the predictions, the original hypothesis may require refinement,

    alteration, expansion or even re%ection. *f a particular hypothesis becomes very well supported a

    general theory may be developed.

    +hatever may be the types of research works and studies, one thing that is important is that they

    all meet on the common ground of scientific method employed by them. )ne expects scientific

    research to satisfy the following criteriaowever, it is also a good idea to limit the number of hypotheses you use in a study to six or

    fewer. #tudies that address more hypotheses than six will often be too time consuming to keep

    participants interested, and uninterested participants do not take the importance of their

    responses as seriously. Another advantage to limiting the number of formal hypotheses you

    formulate is that too many can make the discussion section of your paper very hard to write.

    *t is important to remember that you do not have to have a formal hypothesis to %ustify all

    comparisons and statistical procedures you might use. (or instance, it is only when you start

    doing exploratory analysis of your data that you realize that gender is an influencing factor. Cou

    do not have to back up and write a hypothesis that addresses this finding. *n fact, it is better in

    most cases to not do this. Cou can report any statistical findings you feel are relevant, whether or

    not you have a hypothesis that addressed them.

    !he final criterion listed above warrants additional mention. A good hypothesis is not only

    testable, that is, something you can actually test for in your study, but is must also be falsifiable.

    *t is tempting to ignore this requirement, especially as a new researcher. +e want so badly to find

    great things, and for our study to turn out exactly as we expect it to, that we tend to ignore the

    possibility that we dont know everything and that no prediction is failsafe when it comes to

    humans. !ry to keep in mind that all research is relevant. +hether or not your findings are what

    you expect, you will find something. &elieve it or not, failing to find group differences can be

    %ust as important as finding expected group differences. *n fact, studies that return results in

    opposition to what we were hoping for, or believed would logically occur, often lead to many

    more great studies than we could have hoped for. After all, it could be great for the findings of

    your current research to act as a guiding principal to your future research it is likely that this

    would require less work in terms of literature review, as you would always be familiar with at

    least a portion of the literature that is relevant to your latest studyS

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    Chapter !: Compan" sur/e"

    C;'3$6< 3R;ILE

    pice =etis a second largest company who is having a low"cost airline. 4arlier it was known as

    Royal Airways, and this Royal Airways was known as 0odiluft. And this was the first private

    company which had kept their step into *ndian Aviation #ector. And in the year HH3 it change its

    name to #pice Tet. !here was a ob%ective for launching of a lower cost fares with a very high

    consumer value, with this the company had en%oyed the market share of IU. @#piceTet Mtd.

    (ounded< /rd0ay HH3

    >ead office< :ew 5elhi

    5irector< 0r. A%ay #ingh

    *ndustry< Airlines K Aviation

    4mployees< 3HH

    +ebsite< http

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    #pice %et had its own -- &oeing 9/9 to IHH aircraft. And currently it is operating I/ flights daily

    which are connected to the -2 destination and it is highest in *ndia for the utilization of aircraft.

    *n the year HHI the #pice %et is awarded as emerging company of the year. *t is ranked among

    the top -H airlines in Asia. @#piceTet Mtd.

    !his pro%ect is on how strategies are important to face the competition in global market. * have

    done this pro%ect on *ndias low cost airlines #pice %et. !he strategies which are in use by #pice

    %et because spice %et is providing lowest air fares to people. * have done 4xternal analysis with

    help of 4(4 matrix, *ndustry life cycle and *nternal Analysis with help of 8R>: Resources,

    1rofit Resources, #upply $hain 0anagement and *(4 matrix. After analyzing internal and

    external factors * gave a look to vision and mission of company and saw the current strategies to

    achieve this mission and vision. $ompany is doing very well and some strategies are very good

    like, flying at /I,HHH feet at place of /2,HHH for savings of fuel and tie ups with #tar :avigation,

    Russell Adams and !ech Mog. !hese tie"ups are providing technology benefits to company.

    $ompany can also go and expand their business to :epal, &urma and &hutan. #o that company

    can give benefits to more customers and do progress.

    +he E*ternal En/ironment

    +he E*ternal actor Estimation 'atri* >EE

    !his sector is largely affected by the tourism sector as well as the policies of *ndian

    government. * have counted some key factors like the growth of tourism sector number of

    passenger is anticipated to increase and increasing wealth and lifestyle of *ndian middle

    class as key opportunities. * marked these opportunities and given them more weight age

    because the growth rate of tourism increase the number of passenger and increase in the

    wealth of *ndian middle class ultimately help this sector because increase purchasing powerallows them to travel frequently through airlines.+hile * have counted overregulation of industry by government, international terrorism and

    attrition rate of industry as ma%or threats. * have included these as ma%or threat because

    overregulation of the industry is not good for sector, attrition rate is very high and trained

    pilots are scarce. *nternational terrorism has come up as a very big threat for the industry in

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    the recent years @*ndia?s struggling airlines, HHJ @*ndian aviation industry to suffer V-.3b

    loss, says *A!A, H-H @#ulaimani, H-H

    $nal"sis of E*ternal factor Estimation >EE

    As * already pointed out some key opportunities and threats for the airline industry. After

    this * have put them weight age and rank as per the understanding. At the end * counted the

    whole score for #pice Tet and it comes up as .-. !he ideal score is said about .3 and more.

    *t indicates me that #piceTet is not utilizing the external environment properly but this score

    is also not too far from the ideal so * can say that if it tries a little more it can match to idea.

    +he Internal $ssessment

    +he Internal actor Estimation >IE

    !he *nternal factor analysis is done to analyze how well the company is using its resources.

    !he ob%ective behind this analysis is to find out what is the companys key strength which it

    can convert in competitive advantage and what are the companys weaknesses where it has

    to improve. * have identified some key strength which #pice Tet has in present. !he foremost

    strength of this company is its promise for the lowest fare at any route where it exists. *t is

    also important from this prospective that it has grown up its image in the mindset ofcustomers as the cheapest airline. !his company also has the tie"up with *ndias leading

    bank #tate &ank of *ndia @#&* for ticketing. *ts management team is also proving as

    strength for them as they have international experience of managing low cost airlines

    @#pice%et and 7alileo sign Agreement for 4xclusive Access to Mow (ares, HH6, @#inghal,

    HHI, @#piceTet is the most preferred airline in *ndia, HHJ, @#piceTet appoints #enior

    0anagers , HHJ, @#piceTet wins :ational Award for $ost 0anagement, HHJ

    !he main weakness of the company is their aircrafts due to this they are unable to givegood service to customers. !hey are not concentrating on advertising and we can say that

    there advertising is inadequate. Also they have to come with some new idea of cost

    efficiency to increase revenue because company is not making sufficient profit from existing


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    $nal"sis of Internal actor $nal"sis 'atri* >IE

    After pointing out all the strengths and weaknesses of the company * have given them

    appropriate weight age and ranking. At the end * got the whole score as .3. !he ideal score

    for this matrix is also .3 and more. *t means that company is exploiting its strengths andtrying to improve its weaknesses. &ut it still can improve because the ideal is more than .3

    and companys score is .3 so there is a scope for improvement and it is done by utilizing

    the strengths properly.

    +he ;rani@ational 3urpose


    #pice Tet?s vision is to ensure that flying is not only restricted to $4)?s and business



    !o become *ndias preferred low"cost airline, delivering the lowest air fares with the highest

    consumer value, to price sensitive consumers.

    trate" $nal"sis and Choice

    Internal-E*ternal 'atri* >IE

    !he *4 matrix is an important strategic tool which is use to explain the working situation

    and the strategic position of the company. *t includes both the external as well as the internal

    aspects which affect the company based on the scores *(4 and 4(4 we decide the

    companys spot in the 0atrix. !he matrix is divided into nine grids and the position of the

    company in the grid will devote their strategy. !he W"axis denotes *(4 matrix score while

    the C indicates 4(4 matrix score.

    #pice Tet with the score .3H in *(4 matrix and .-H in 4(4 matrix, falls in 3 thgrid which

    shows that it needs to hold, sustain and maintain their position in the competitive market.

    !hey should gradually look for opportunities for growth and market enhancement. >ence

    the company should give attention to more on product development and market penetration

    for in market profit maximization. As we already mentioned that in *ndian market, there is a

    huge competition and very low margins available. #o they can concentrate over few new

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    routes where no or low competition exist like north"east *ndia and neighbor countries of


    +;W 'atri*

    *n the !)+# matrix we use companys internal strength, weakness and external opportunities,

    threats to make strategy. As we already mentioned strength, weakness, opportunities and threats

    under *(4 and 4(4 matrix so now we directly move to make strategy and don not mention these


    +e have made some strategies for company to use opportunities and strength to eliminate

    weakness and threats. !he complete strategy formulation by !)+# is given in Annexure /.

    ; strateiesQ3'

    !he B#10 is a high level strategic planning approach for estimating the feasible set of

    strategies. !his is an analytical way of strategy formulation where we compare our strategies on

    various factors. After analyzing the whole we came to possible strategies for #pice Tet< "

    -. !hey should go international by launching services in &angladesh, #rilanka, :epal and

    &hutan.. !hey should acquire some new players in market like E7o AirF.

    Current trateies

    *n this time period where economy is slowly recovering from economic slowdown #pice Tet

    has some strategy which they are using now. #pice Tet is a low cost airline in an intense

    competition industry where profit margins are low. !o survive in this scenario they are using

    some strategies, which are as follows"

    !hey flight at a height of /IHHH feet which increase their fuel efficiency by -HU. @)utlook

    business, n.d.

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    #pice %et is paying to oil companies and flight operators before due date, so that they can

    avail discount and minimize their cost. @)utlook business, n.d.

    *t has a tie"up with =M0 Royal 5utch airlines for the maintenance support of its fleet. =M0

    is the oldest airline in the world and is well"known for the maintenance of fleets. !hrough

    this #pice Tet is getting fuel efficiency which further allows them to offer lowest fares

    @#ky!eam partners and alliances.

    #pice Tet has launched its own $adet 1ilot 1rogram to save itself from the shortage of

    1ilots. &ut this strategy is not working up to expectation @Gnited Aviation to train #piceTet

    pilots, HH6.

    *t has tie"up with #tar :avigation, Russell Adams and !ech Mog for state of the arttechnology @corporate overview.

    *t also announces some promotional schemes to recognize itself in customers such as it

    announced that on the occasion of 6H thRepublic 5ay it will give a -HHU discount to defense

    personnel from 6 Tanuary H-H to 6 0arch H-H @#piceTet offers -HHU discount for Army

    men , H-H



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    #piceTet posts profit of Rs -HJ cr. @H-H, H- . Retrieved H H3, H-H, from .business"

    standard.com< http