s - - -- - - ........ a jv5bbbbbb1 I DOW GIRLS GET UP A MUSCLE. ONE WAT IS TO JOIN THE "SWAGGER KINEPIN BOATTERERS" OP NEW YORK. JXhe Uovrllnji.Aller In a Popular Plnce la "Tono Up" After n Hcnaoii of Haclnl Dlealrfnllou TcnnU Indoor Another Form of Hccrcntlon Ocntleincti l'oot tlio I1IIU for tlio Privilege of Looking On. kT iSJJsNCE it bns becomo tlio ffljjfnslilou for you ni; I nSi lJJ'ilies to cnltivato nth- - ' I (n?5nP?ff'ecs especially dur- - , I IJvJrHf) l'nB tlio wlntor season, S ! ILflJffl; iMtfvS ST tuo tm's courts and Aw tmmbowlinB olleys in I f vIH IwvFn towu lmvo l,oen va WI II lUWwJd Groat demand. Homo I W VVvW of these, liko tho Ten. , '; lJ ills Building In Forty. first stroot, which conibluos facilities for both tenuis and bowling, thcro boing two full. t sized courts, and cloven alloys, havo becomo j very popular as social institutions, andjfor ' tbo coming Ecason will bo tbo headquarters of n number of private clubs. Tlio Forty-flr- st street building will number among its of private patrons this season tho Ijouox, which is exclusively n ladies' club; tho Arlington, tho Tuesday Evening, tho Ciuciunatus, tho Union, tho Owl and tho Knickerbocker. Of courso, ladies belong to each of tho latter clubs for what would ten. nis bu without tho girls? and each club do. . votes one evening a wook to its favorite sport. ' The Knickerbocker Bowling Club, which is tho most fashionablo of all tho organiza- tions of its class, will li ot commonco its yfj regular meetings until 7'V Lent. It has acquired tho title of the " Swug-- y A gerNincpinScattcrer" fysmfj, of New York, no doubt fi fRsm because its members J?wibj xWm. devoto less time and $$ggj ixSsS'W caro to tho cultivation ,. ISSnl'flw of their iuubcIcb than MA 1 till Kt to tho social enjoy- - . lIVTI.r incut to bo derived vl JIJllXU , from their weekly "(Jf inoetings. It has- tho largest membership of any of its rivals and includes within its select circlo not a few representatives of Gotham's upper swelldom. Tho idea of postponing active athletics nutil Lent is regarded by all tlio members as ovidenco of the largo and lieadB of tho Exccutivo Committee, which proposed the Bchemo. Outsido social affairs keep most of tho members too busy for tho present to permit them to waste any even-lug- s in sucn a humdrum maunor as rolling wooden balls about or knocking rubber balls over a not. After tho round of dissipation, which for tho present season promises, if anything, to bo moro exhausting than usual, the nood of bomo reactionary treatment will certainly bo felt. Then bowling and tennis will bo juBt tho thing to strengthen the re- laxed muscles, and tono up the system that has been worn out by late hours, Wagnerian opera and innumerable champagno suppers at Delmonico's. J As tho club, despite its largo membership, lias tho reputation of doing less bowling than jv any other association EfsT York, it is not to be S0sJr feared that its members tjjJ'tfr will over-exe-rt them- - &34& selves by tho violenco 1 taTtfa& tuo'r oxercuo and v3s! tuuB endanger their J i Ji7Vi health. The athletic I R I Jgr pursuits of tho club, f vJv 0 W however, such as they ' K? fiU t nroi w'u k agreeably tL!? Y variodbyamilu sort of ' ESsi ti. dissipation, not at all interfering with tho requirements of tho Lenten tcason in tho i way of a social reunion at tho close of each i monthly meeting, at which a supper and danc- - ) ing will bo prominent features or tho evening. On theso occasions some of tho ladies an. f nounco that thoy will appear in short drosses i without sloovts, although usually a street or j walking costume is the order of attiro. i It is argued that tho sleoveless dress has an i advantage because it allows tho arm full i play and unrestrained action in bowling, and ' it may be added that it also enables the fair !e members to dipplay tho results of thoir con- - J sciontious work in a forearm and biceps, whilo it certainly docs not I diminish their attractiveness in tho eyes of thoir admirers of tho steruor Bex. It may also bo stated that tho ladies of tho Knickerbocker aro all complimentary mem. bers, tlio dues and expenses of tho club being , nil paid by tho gentlemen, who aro permitted to bring invited guests to tho monthly enter. tainments as woll as to tho regular meetings. 1 A record of each member's scores is kept, ; and at tho end of tho season prizes aro 1 awarded to those who have mado tho best '. records. Tho competition for the trophies is i most exciting, but it is said to bo confined to only a few of tho moro ambitious members. i ! " Tbo World's Dollar Dinner for Four. Socp. Contributed Dally to Muttou Ilrotb. Tub World Fph. ; Boiled lUackflsb, by Ono of the Best , l'lcSlca Sauce. Known City Chefs. Boast. llcef. Mashed Potato. At market Stewed Tomatoes. ' Prices the material or ' TJESSEIIT Cream He. this atnner can be Sponge Cake. Apples. Coffee. purchased for $1. THE ONLY SIN OF Till! Late Duchesse de G. Written' for Tlie World oit c. a KsiNA I i MB HIIJE passing through 1nris BOmo timo ns jTi?eB on my wny to Vienna i vfei1, attonded ono of tho vj0sJ afternoon receptions tflliivu ''reiH? fl ' niy nloU10r-in'la- CsLl YlsR tla0 Mor(luiBO lu V rv5iV7Jf J n ltr hoiso in the ? M,W ' FnubourgSt.Gcrmaln. X ( lV I) t& persons resont hiV K vrcro discussing tho - OVV.;? Buddou death of tho Ivvi' Duollossotlo0'.'wWch I f J"x yy bad just taken placo. ' c j l.1"0 Duchesso, left a rV&l3M. childless widow with. l , in a year aftor her --2 marriage, had been ouo of tho most pcorlcss beauties of her timo, und had endeared herself to all, both rich and poor, by her sweetness of disposition, her unfailing charity and her undomon. sirativo piety. ' My niothor.in.lnw, who bad boon ono of her most intimate friouds, argued Unit her , life hnd beon eo perfectly blauiolebs that her soul was cortain to havo entered heaven at onoo, without any dolay in purgatory, and jL added with ono of lior quint Einllos, that sho 4p vas uro that tho Almighty mado oxcoptions with regard to tlio latter placo, iu the case of I Udloa bolonclnjj to tbo Faubourg St, Gor- - 'I aaia. This argument did not find favor in tho sight of General do L., who asserted that everybody was obliged to submit to tho rules and regulations on tho subject, and that no exceptions thereto wero possible Hereupon Prince M. , an old habitue' of tho Marquise's salon, remarked: " There aro exceptions to every rule. But I bolievo the inhabitants of heaven have a different and higher standard of distinguish, ing betweon good and ovil than wo havo hero on earth. In order to render my meaning clearor I will tell you a story which I heard a short timo ago and which it seems to mo might bo npplicablo to tho case of tho lamented Duchess. It is as follows: "Tho soul of tho Baroness A. had bid farowell to tho earth. Literally drenched with holy water aud provided with any number of absolutions and plenary bIio arrived at tho gates of Para- dise. Bho flattered herself that sho would bo received with open arms, and was disagree ably surprised when St. Peter mado his and, addressing her in a gruff tono, exclaimed: ' What do you want here V "' I am tho Baroness A, and I wish to enter Paradise.' " Oho 1 exclaimed St. Peter, ' Do you imagino that it is so cosy to get into heaven ? I supposo you wish to escapo purgatory ? If eo, what aro the grounds on whioh you baso your demand V "' Tho grounds, exolaimed the Baroness, ' horo thoy aro contained In this book, and with that sho oxtricatod a thick volume from the satchel which sho carried in her hand. " On seeing this, a sour look spread Itself over S4-- PtAr' face. Ilowdrer. uudotcrrsd " MADAME," HE EXCLAIMED, " I LOVE YOU." thereby, tho Baroness opened tho book and began to read aloud tho various items on which she founded her hopes of escaping purgatory. '"I havo beon present at 2,CC9 masses. '"I have burnt 10,000 candles at tho various holy shrines. " ' I havo crawled up tho (acred steps of tho Vatican on my knee. ftn vJatfalaMfca aftiaWiraBaiakraWBaAaa'aaaattiaaaaVn 222525522322252 "' I havo gone on a pilgrimage to Lourdcs.' "' My dear soul,' interrupted St. Voter, ' all that is but of littlo account. Let us turn to another chapter.' " 'Acts of charity,' read tlio Baroness. " 'That sounds better, remarked St. l'ctor. " ' Fifteen thousand francs towards the building of a chapel. "'Twenty thousand francs Inward tbo i maintenance of the Holy Places iu Palestine. " ' Ono hundred thousand francs towards tho building of churches. '" One hundred and twenty thousand francs towards tho missionary associations.' "' Go on,' eaid St. Peter. " 'iBu't that Biifllcieut? iwniircd tho Bar. on ess. '" Charity,'" replied St. Peter, 'only bo. comcB n virtue when it involves an act of self, sacritico. Tho poor man who gives ono cent is moro meritorious thou tho ricli man who gives nwny thousands of gold pieces. I ask you what biillerings lmvo you ministered to ? What sinners lmvo you brought to repeut-auc- o 1 Hy tho by, lot ub put that book usido and tell mo Bdmcthing of your own sins.' " ' I havo no sins on my conscience I' re- plied tho Ilaroucss. 'I became a widow iu my twentieth year and havo lived over since dovotcd to tho memory of my dead husband. Mv lifo has been ouo of piety and blamclcbs-ucss- .' " ' My daughter,' said St. Potcr, ' tlio children of uicu are sinful. Just think bnck. Have you never iu tho whole courbo of your lifo committed a sin i' " Tho llaronoss showed signs of agitation and at length, after soma hesitation, replied iu trembling tones: ' Yes, St. Peter, ouco iu my lifo I did wrong. Hut only ouco, and never again. '"Well, my child,' said tho Saint, 'tell mo all about it. Perhaps it may do your case moro good than harm.' "Tho liaroncss thoroupou spoke as fol-lo- : " ' It was iu tho year 1870, at tho timo when tho Germans wero devastating Franco aud when Hisinarck was ordering that all Franc- - tircurx caught blioulil bo iustnutly fcliot. I was living at that period iu ono of my chateaux uot far from Itlieiiim. Ouo day it dangcroubly wouuded Frnnctirour Bought rofuso in my house. Ho had killed al'russiau, had been pursued, shot at, aud had ultimately osenped by hidius in a ditch until it hccauio dark, when ho crawled uu hands aud feet to tho doors of my chfttcau. "' I concealed him. For several weeks ho lay in a most critical ntntc, but at length, by dint of constant nursing, ho became Suddenly, to my intenso horror, a company of Prussian noldiors wero billatud nt my house. Only two rooms wero loft ut my disposal. Iu order to mivo my patient I informed tho. commander uf tho detachment that ho was my hu3l;unJ. A few days later tho captain informed mo tlmt ho icqu'.rcd ono of my two romnining rooms forn German General who was nbout to arrive, aud that my husband (us ho believed tho wounded man to bo) must tako up his iiuarters iu my bedroom. " ' There was no help for it. Lato tho banio evening tho General reached tho chateau, aud after a heavy dinner rctiicd to hid room, which was only separated from initio by tho thinnest kind of a paititiou wall. Uo cursed aud snore iu tho most outrageous uiauner at his servant whilo being undressed, aud nt length got into bed. I, who had heard overy woid, was trembling from iiead to foot. The wounded rrnuctireur wa3 lying on tho bed, whilo I was lccliuiug iu au arm-chai- r. Tho General was snoring to such an exteut that tho cry walls trembled. Suddenly tho Franctireur aroso from tho bed. Ho was as palo as death, walked tounrds me aud throw iuikolf dowu on his kuoes at my feet, " ' " Madauio !" ho exclaimed, " I lovo you. sn"7rHsfe2SEiSEtfLBaMBBSsaE)aaaBU3BaaafcaMBu If you will not return my love, I would 'IU soouer die. If you spurn mo I will wake up 4' tho General nud inform him that I am j StlH Tranctireur who has shot a German soldier. 'B My lifo is in your hands. Yon havo saved mo 1yH from death. You can uow take my lifo." aH "'"You aro mad," I whispered, horror H struck. " Your braiu is disordered by fovor." 'H "'" No ! I am perfectly well. Inmflnnly ! rcsolvodt General I" cried tho unfortunato' sSKk mau, nloud. 'Hi "' Tho snoriug in tho uoxt room boenmo &M liflhtor. SaH "'" General i " ho called again, louder. ?vfl "' Tho buorius stopped. lil " ' " General ! " ho callod a third time. "'"Who calls?" thundered tho Gonorol'a 'j voico from tho uoxt room. 'llsfl " ' " Not a word more," I whispored, clos-- 'l in!; his mouth with both my hands 3H That will do," interrupted St. Peter. 1H w hilo ho wiped his eyes. " I can imagine tho 'iJH rest. You might havo loft that thick book at alV homo. If you had begun by tcllius: mo your Xal bin i ou would have been in paradlso on hoar sV ago." ' A deep silence reigned in the room for A rl fow minutes after tho Prince had finishod tjfll his btory. Finally tho General remarked : ''flfl " Ht. l'oter acted liko n thorough gentle- - 31 man, I hopo ho won't havo got into troublo H for disobeying tho regulations on the sab- - "fH ject," whilo tho old Marquise softly whis. iH pered to mo that sho was certain that tho I'jH heroino of the Prince's story was in reality ' hor own dear, lamented Dnchesso de O. '1 m m iaBBl TO OPEN AH ELECTRIC ROAD. j t Jamaica Peopls to IIrto n New BaUnay Una to Efit Now York. Tho work of transforming tho old horso-ca- r lino between East Now York and Jamaica into an olectrio railroad will bo finished within a few days. Tho first cars will bo run for rogular passougor trnfllo about next Thursday. Four handsomo coaches art) on tho way and ono has already arrived and will mako atrial trip Tho lino runs botween tho station on tho Brooklyn Elovatcd Kallroad at Alabama avenuo and tho proposed terminus at Smith street, in Jamaica, at its juuetion with Fill-to- n strcot. tho main thoroughfaro of the village. Tho company operating tho now road has built ten electric railways in this country and Canada, all of which aro now in successful operation. Ono in Blughamton, completed lost Juno, is tho only other in this Stato, but sevoral moro aro now in pro-ce- ss of completion. Sovoral have been in uso for three years. Thoy provo to bo moro economical, clcanlyond avnilablo than horso cars. A spcod of twenty-scvo- n miles au hour can bo maintained, and a grado of 10 per cent can bo surmounted. Tho "machinery for propelling tho car is simple It is under tho control of tho con. ductor, who stops or starts tho car or regu- lates tho R1eed with a touch, Tho current of electricity is produced by a powerful steam engino and conveyed to tho cars in transit by means of two heavy coppor wires supported by poles and passing ovor tho roadway its on. tiro length. From each of theso a wiro descends to tho motor, which is placed in tho forward part of tho car, and is carried along ovor the top of tho conducting cable by a pulley or grooved whcol running ovor it liko a on its rail. Tho road is six miles iu length. Tho engino which furnishes tho power Is located at tho old car stables, about midway between its termini. Tho road will bo lighted with aro lights. Tho villago is considering a pro. position to replaco tho g street lights with tho now eloctno system. Now stations will bo built at Richmond Hill Mid Woodhavon lano, as woll as at tho Jamaica terminus. Trains will run ovory fif- teen minutes. The faro will bo ten'cents through. TOO BUSY TO REGISTER PARES. That Mny Have risen the lleaaon Why the Condactor Pocketed Mont or Them. " I had always hold boll punches, street- car registers and spotters in detestation, and had an enduring faith in tho honesty of man, until I mado an early morning trip down-tow- n tho other day," said a downtown mer- chant. " Sly journoy was mado on a surfaco car, and my observations of tho conductor led mo to tho conclusion that all of tho de. vices for preventing theft by employees aro justifiable, yet unavailing. " I boarded tho car at Thirteenth street and found myself ono of thirty-tw- o passengers. I havo no idea of knowing how many moro had boarded and left tho car in its long jour, noy down to that point. Tho conductor stoppod in his perusal of a morning news, paper long enough to collect my fare and re. suincd his seat on the rear rail and his scan, niug of the day's news. Tho boll of the faro registor did not ring, and I glanced at tho dial to find that, according to the conductor's record, he had counted but nine passengers on tho down trip. This was tho boldest bit of ' knocking down ' I ever saw. Only nlno registered when fifteen boarded tho car at ouo stop 1 I don't blamo tho railway corpora-tion- s for their precautions." Mm. Potter Proinlard Not to Ktas. Vomo h'r York trlltr. Mrs. James Brown-Pott- er promised her husband, Jtut before her dbut hero asa processional actress, that she would never allow her mimic loveri of tho stage to klii ber. That Is what her acquaintances In society say, and the story la circumstantially proven brforo her audiences. In the first play la which sho was a heroine tho courtship did not re- sult in marriage, nor even In a sentimental and so the absence of klulnir did not ct much attention. Bat It was different in the ensuing piece. There sho was the intensely beloved wife of tbo hero, and at the outset they were repre- sented as meeting after months of separation. They ruined at each other, as huiband and wife might naturally be expected to; they embraced af- fectionately, they held passionate discourses for a quarter of an hour, and then they reluctantly parted again, but neither In the greeting nor the good-b- y was a kiss exchanged. Mrs. Potter per- mitted a hug and a few caresses, but the lips of her supposed husband never touched her face. It was curious to observe how quickly the audience, even to the least sophisticated, took note of the lack ot tho reasonable action. Comment on that point buzzed all over the house. Very Funny for Tom. IJYom ( 1 Intimate Friend Havo you been enjoying yonr honeymoon at Old Point Comfort T Ilclress (lately married) Yei, we've been there; but, do you know, I overheard Tom tell a filcnd of his it wss ' harvest-moon- " with him Instead of honeymoon. " What do yon Btfpose be meant 7 Funny, wasn't It? Friend (knowingly) Oh, yea, very for Tom. In a Philadelphia SundaySchool. tn-o- rw.ndf.i Teacher Now, children, I am going to tell you about the prophet Daniel, who, though cut Into a den of lions Now Scholar (fresh from New York) Have you only just got on to that here: Slrolaut from the Shoulder. WYom iht Burlington iVf 7'rcif. "No," said the reformed poet, sadly, "I haven't struck the lyre for more than a year." " Neither have I," replied hla companion, "till I met you." To one and all we aar uae AruuaoH'a Botakio Couort Balsam. Ileitdnvguu. Catarrh May iff wet any portion bt tlio body trliera tliemucoaa membra no U fuuuii. IIutciitArrli uf thw tiuad UbyUr tho luoitt ouramon, and, Htrangu to nj, tlio moat liable Utbu neglected. It ciriif inatea In a cold, cr vuccesalon of cold, combined with Impure blood. Tho wonderful success Hood's Kariaparllla has had In curing catarrh f arraitts us In urging all who suffer with IhU dlsaasa to try the iH'cullar medicine. It renovates and Invigorates thu bltjotj and tones every organ. Hood's Sarsaparilla ' For 25) cars I ha.eboeii troubled with catarrh in the lipod, Indlgesition and general duhllity I never had faith in such medicines, but concluded to try a bottlo cf Hood's Hans pari I la. It did me no much good that I con- tinued its una till I have taken lire bottles. My health hss greatly improved, and I feel like a different woman,' Mrs. J. li. ADAMB, 8 Klohmond t,t Nowar't, N. J, Cures Catarrh ' Hood's Bars parilla cured me of catarrh, soreness of tho bronchial tubus and tenible headache. "IE Hamilton, O. 'I hstu taktn HoodVSaruparUla for catarrh, and it has done me a great deal of good. I recommend It to all within my reach. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias boon worth ever) thing to KoiuilNS, Kast Thomp- son, Uonn Hood's Sarsaparilla Hold by all druaalata. 81 Cf.ir 43. Prepared onlj by U. I. HOOD A CO., Apothoci.ri.i9, Umvll, Mui, ItM) Dose, line Dollar. IIUSIN'KSS NOTICES. H UU.S--IA- w, ex- - W?B 'cllnnt In csgraclally for holiday praswnU. 'lilLw HUWAHI) A (JO.. UOI Mh are. 'vlaafl AMIISEMKNT3. 'H MI'.TllOrOMTAN OPHIIA-1IOUH- ttH JOSEF HOFMANN, ;M Undpr the direction nf Mxssra. Atby, Hohoeffal and .JM Urau, sartll kIta Throi l'lanofrirta Concerts, wlta liltAMl (llttlllKHTHA MU ny OMI lit NIMtl'.lf .UttrtfUIANS. H tindor tliottlrirtKiPnf Ad dpli Nmiendorff, TIIKHDAV KVlINtNtl, NOV. 19, at 8.111 fr. M. 'B TlllflmllAV MATINKU, 1IUO. 1, at'J.SOP. M. iB HATUHIIAY 10VKN1MI. UKC. 3, atS.lS P. M. JM I'rloc, 1',M, !Jl.M), ijl, uOe. Boiaa, J15. He.,, ou ,!.. M DOCKSTAER'S S!i?ilSI5: JM U'way and ptH at. Nla'atlr. 8.30; Bat. Mat., 2.S0. SsH " Air charged vtltli fun." N. Y. Sua. :Yct FAUST. M canton, HUMAH FARMYARD. ! TIIA.NKrl(ilVINC) AT WAfiHINdTO.V MAIIKBT. 'tH Kowtsuliaa and Danco MaUnc., ontlUed "TWILI011V t'H (lAMItoYs." iSM TwniiVn nmi vr ahtimtu iNTnonucED. M Kvr FIHST l'AUT Honjta by Hwaot Blmari. l'B a CADKMY OF MU3I0. " ''4V Flvo More Nights. One Matinee. DARK SECRET. 1 35c.,60e..7Sc., 81, Kelt W10IITS, ''Jl TTAV.IIKIAN':! PAIttC TIIKATIli:. Sal tl KDWAUD IIAUItUIAN Proprietor lUkH liiatntitanooua nud Htutwndoua Hucccaa of uKjHH .UK. I'.DU'AICli IIAKICIIJAN 3il In hlasrll.tlc and nator.l rhsracl.rwctlng of hvisH DAVK HltAIl AM and Ins rupolar Urchaatra, 4&M Wodnosdny Matlnao Haturday. Wll MAnlSOKKglTARRTItliATItE. H ......Hole Manaier ffliffl linlni;8 at H.110. Halurdsy Matin at 2. THE MARTYR, M lly tho author THK OKP11ANH, ' jflRH Ouaof thaatronffait tdayaover uresentod at tluahonsa haiV In preparation: H iti.AiNK. .rsssl With New, Iloaiitlful Hconcry, Coatumoa and Kffacta. 1 OTAH TllIlATHK. AH O Loasaand Mauarnra .Alibey, ScboaffalJI Qrau-- T.'jaH mil iiknkv Iuvino, XLm MISS KU.r.N TIUtllY Vail And thn I ycoum Company liV . . T.t.nlKht at b o'cliMdc, WM MKPltlKTOPIIKLnn Mfl. HKNItV IRVrfffT MAUOAIlhT ..Mlaa BLLKM TKUiiy H bgUARi: TI!KATnK....I.M.niLU Manacar iH UNION TKN 1 11 WKKK, ! ttm rnmixlisns. 'JbbbbbI KOnsO.N' AND CUA-NK-, AflH under tbniuansffmnentnftl. M. Hill ond Joseph Brooks iH in tlicprnst American nomdr. i?bbbbbb1 'JilK 1IKNH1K1TA, SrH tiy llrduson HowanJ. JPbbbbbb! K?nntnsat8.15. Hatnrday Mattnro st a. OutUcbbV NH 1U.45. Hosts itecund two weeks In ndranoe. 1 H. R. JACOBS'S 3D AVE. THEATRE. 9 Corner 31at at. and nd are. aBH HEBKItVED SKATS, MATINKKTO-MOnROt- '.?. AUSTIN'S AUSTRALIAN jM riOCi, NOVELTY CO. llaBSl Hecnro Koata In Adranc. tftflBal sJUC., UICWAUEOKSPKUyLATORS sfliH Dec. S Pat. Ilakarln llaVH liUC, OHH1B LENA. nl Ilroadsray and 8ttth St. H CASINO. Watlnws Satnrday all. ytJaSBBI POSITIVELY LAST WKKK OP TUB JVlBM Caalno'a Muat lleautlfnl Comic Opara Production, th lfBBal MAUlfUIH. VsH RKCKIVED WITH HOARS OP I.AUOIITKIl. I ''SM UraatCast. Chorus of ttO. Admlaalou, COo. H Monday, Deo. 5. tho Sparkling Comto Optra Madeloiu ..".wl OPERA-IIOUS- .tH GRAND aaata Orchoatra Clrot. and Dalconr, BOe. I IHELDBYTHEENEMY.I: "M Nest Mrak! .Ifffenwis. IsBBh NextSunday IMtllP. CROMWELL'S lsctura. WLm 70 WONDERS. 'jM MUHEH. tail ST., RET. STIt A 6TH AVK3. iH EDKN UKN. CUSTKR'S LAST IIATTLE. 1,'H UIRON'S ORKAT PAINTINH, "DEUX HCEUH3." ftM Concorta daily from '2 to Rand M m 11. 3H Admission ti all. Wo.j children 'iba. iaaBH A JEElt Th. Mystifying Cheas Automaton. livfl ALLAtfK'S. ttriH TO.NI(IIIT(lasttlmo)-CART- R. 1 Wodntmdar. Nov. WH Characters Ly AlesKni. Osin mdTttirlo, Harry Edwards. k1JH .1. W. Plirott. Mmo. Ponlal, MlajNctta llulou andULu WH Rom Coghlan. 7?l B'fJOU MONTH. ,BH RicttADtiey'aHamntuouaProdaetlatW PBB UlIRLKSOUE 'I'lllil.'DltrSAllt. MM COMPANY. with It Bciriooua nttfactlona. ' tr3!sBH ea ARTISTS. Ere'a at H (aharpl.Maf a Wad A Bat at3, J " ' nvii SENSES, faaBBI MAICARfS rihlliltlon at No. IS East Mh at., fin IbVS llo.r. from IU A. M. to 10 P. M. Sunday from 1 P. M. SaH to IU P. M. SEkM ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. 31 Till'. S.TIIK. Sth at. and Ith arsu H POOLE'S !Wo. Mata. Mon., Wl., Thur., Bat. mIsBH JO IN W. RAN.StlNK In his Oreal Drama. lsM ACROSS Till: ATLANTIC. BH Doc. 6. THE BTRANOLERS OF PARIS. T0W MSVKTO.?STN,l.!w COMPAnV."1 1m FERGUSON AND MAOK, MATINEES. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. 7jB rTH AVE. THEATRE. 'JaH O LAST TWO WEEKS. vSIB TUB I McOAULL , 3M Hl.iabl. I OPERA COMPANY. jFH EVENINU ATB. MATINEE SATURDAY AT. .fgffl afaar the wire. -- 1 .4 Tfl STREET THEATRE. Cor. CthaTs, mI JLti: Matinees Wwlnoeilsr and Saturday. 1BBBb DENMAN THOMPSON vtjH In THE OLD HOMESTEAD. iH Oallery. 35o. Reaorted, aic.. tUo., 76c.. tl, tl.M. 'flH ARMORY HALL VAIIDltVILLK fit E 41 ReTisO fH Tho ftneat variety company tn 'KaBH America. Enaaffement oxtrar.rdiaary. IlnahM and """BH Clark, l'rankio Do and boutheru Saranadaraai 1 under inauacetnenlLflJillySiicod. saVJ Head Tue 'Would to.morroo etening Jet H " The IXxlfs Card; or, A'ot fo Mlaek a !H J'ainted." 'H vsaaaaaj CHAJ. IN THE GREENROOMS. T- - MISS LILLIAN GRUBB'3 ENCOUNTER WIT1T A COLLECTOR FOR A CHARITY. lie Did Not Want Any Money from Her When He Learned Hhc wm nn Aclrri-i- t Hlnrlllns Kaect of Artnr llllllnril'a Terum on Manager Bllner 1'rndlirllnn f ' Tho Honarlh" Aiucnltlca of DInnnacr. in pri. Lillian in tho lives David in INSHHOUDED mamma during heon flat at gentleman of an ultra demuro aspect called ot tho flat about n week ago and asked to sco Mrs. llayman on vory particular' bust, noss mamma was obligcto tell him that sho was out. Tho following doy ho called again. Mrs. Haynian was still out. Ho was unsuc- cessful tlirei) times. On Saturday ho found Mrs. Ilaymau in and disclosed tho object of his mission. Ho was getting up a subscrip- tion for a most commcndnblo charity, ho said. Would Mrs. Hayman holp him ? Ho drow such a touching picture of tho misery which this charity was to abolish that Miss Grubb's eyes filled with tears. " Oh, I am bo sorry," sho said, putt lug her hand in hor pooket, " that I was out whon you first called, but I havo been extremely busy rehearsing." "Kehearsingl" exclaimed tho subscription gatherer, his eyos Btnrting from his head. ''You aro not an actressy" This with posi- tive terror in his voice. Mrs. Hayman opened an album on her table and pointed to a portrait of herself with tho name Miss Lillian Grubb" underneath. It acted in a strango way upon tho visitor. Ho seized his hot, started Btraight for tho door, rushed down stairB and was seen no more. Not a word of explanation did ho offer. MiKS Grubb felt hurt, wonderfully hurt. Bho sho had beon slighted. " But," baid she, "I'm 15 in pocket, unywuy." llobert C. Hilliard was asked yesterday afternoon if ho had concluded hiH arrange, ments with II. Clay Miner to support Mrs. James Brown Pottor. Said ho: "Minor asked mo my terms, and ho fell dead when I told him what they wero. Anyway," " I'd sooner piny a pnrt in which, if I mako a succors, I Bliall bo appreciated for myself. Oh, I've got a great scheme on hand. I can tell you a deuccdly good thing." " Tho Rogarth," which is to bo produced at tho Star Theatre on Jan. 10, was played for tho first timo in this country on Thanksgiv- ing night at Band's Opera-Hous- Troy. It is said that tho picco mot with instant suc- cess. It is tho work of George Darrell, n young Australian actor, who lias written several successful sensational plays. Promi-ncn- t among the peoplo in tho cast aro Miss Adele Bolgardo, Miss Lillian Conway, Miss Maude Whito, Luko Martin, Burr Macintosh, Honry Holland and W. H. Thompson. " it may bo said for tho benofitof thoso who don't know what tho word means, is Irish for priest. " Yes, indeed," Baid n well-know- n actress in her artless. Partingtoniau way yesterday, as sho listend to littlo Josef Hofmann at tho matiueo yesterday, " that boy is certainly a musical protege." llobert McWado. tho nearly veteran actor, wroto a play which was brought out somo three years ugo iu Ohio, under tho manage- ment of Col. It. E. J. Miles, nud ho is ex. trcmely anxious to get it produced in New York. He thinks ho has n chaucoof seeing it played hero in tlio spring, Bonie moneyed friends of his having half jiromised to hcln him. The nanio of Mr. McWade's play is "Franz Itochcllc," nnd it is said tn ho ex- ceptionally strong (ull plays aro. by tho byo, until they havo been Been). Mr. MoWado is so anxious to arrango matters for this play that ho will not leave Now York, and only appears in "Kip Van Winkle" for un occa- sional holiday. " Franz Itochcllu " is said to require $10,000 cold cash. Horry Leo is to join Mrs. Potter in placo of Joseph Haworth, who is engaged for tho coming production of " Anarchy " at tho Standard Theatre. Mr. Leo was to havo taken his play of " Angelo " on tho road, but " Angelo " has been sholved for tho present. Tho public ought to feel grateful. Charles K. Gardiner is arranging to star George Adams, tho burlesquo clown, next season, iu what ho calls a " speaking panto- mime," entitled " Ho, Sho, Him, Her," in which ho will appear iu a Now York theatro in August. Mr. Gardiner will bo a very busy man noxt season. Ho has n war play written by tho lato Elliott Barnes, and baid to bo as strong as "Held by tho Enemy," also to bo produced in this city next spring. Then ho is interested in " Only a Farmer's Daughter," " Only a Woman's Heart" oud "Zo-Zo.- " Chanuccy Depow, at tho recent Itobsou aud Crano banquet, mado ouo of his rare and brilliant speeches this timo lauding tho Amorlcan drama. Among other things, re. fcrring Indirectly.plso to "Tho Henrietta," ho said t " Wo have reached tho tieriod whore mi Amcricali play can bo written whoro it is proved thai American llfo fur. Irishes tho material for tho drama which can draw crowded houscu night after night and whoro tho American actor is equal to all tlio requirements of tlio American plav and American people and an Anioricnn audience." Now Manager Frohmaii, of tho Lyueum Theoft-o- , linn on his stage tho play of " Tlio Wife." oIbo n sircccssful American piece. Ho thought Mr. Dopow's remarks wero bo oxtremoly and happily npplicablo to his own successful production, as well as it was to Bobson and Oriino's, that ho quoted some of these rcmnrks in his mhertiseliients of " Tlio Wife," giiiu: ltnlmon and Cninn credit, however, for tlieir origin. Aftor ho had dono bo, Messrs. ltobson and Crano wrote him as follows : (It'll 1)K iu FiioiiMAN : Your "ad" Is an of raat.ogerl.il genius, 'I he anoelnlloii t lerclu ill nur niiiiea with Obatltiecy Urncw's In jour " adn of "Tho Wife" glMs un, however, tho hen nt the thunder. With best wlilic tor your " Wife," your friends, Hobson and Ciianu. WOMEN ATTHtrMAIIXEE. What I It Hint 23,000 f Them (lu to the Theatre (or Hnlimlny AI'lernnuiiT fVoni in ,ip Yorktr, Not Mr from i3,Wi women disport lliemsclvts at lnatlDocslnNew York on Haturdujs, and cry In- teresting audlonrea, to philosophical observer, they make. Now York Is a matinee city, nud a matlnco audience could lie told from an evening gathering If juu wero to meet than la the FIJI Itlnuds. Your inatluco people, In tlio first place, lire almost ull ot tliem feminine. Iu the nee-ol- id place, they aro nil In tailor gowns. One goes to the theatro la tho evening to sco dress. In thenfternoon thcrols nouolosce. You e.in't tell tho Fifth avenue belles In the boxer, an far as gun in gn, from the I'.IM side thop izlr.H who look down from tho gallery, i:cnlng drcn wuh nocr so varlouH, daylight toilets wero never 10 uniform before. Slender figure, clean cut fare, h:lgiit e.vin, trim fitting dark gown, chlo braided Jacket, bangs lem ilunlly vuliiinltinui thnn last year, darkglons, charactcrlzo ewry woman un- der thirty in tlio house; uml how eurlouxly out of place, ai If thoy had stayod In from lust jear, ihoso two girl Iu the balcony look who have lidded to tho well-bre- faultlessly monotonous dress of tho theatre u garden of chrjaanthomuins each, grnwlin: m the l.iprls of their tailor coats. A imitlneo Is rnrlotiily restrained, cautiously illgnllled as to Us dross, Inn women who have been shopping carry their bundles, school l.'irla clrou In with books on their arm and tho pencil mlrrVs not washed off their culls, and peo- ple who want to indulge more or lesn openly In caramels. To the actor tho matinee Is u black terror. Ho In painfully conscious of tho abscuco ot the critics, the literati ; thcro uro no haatvy swells, masculine or feminine, no familiar faces, nothing brllllaut to catch thu tie In the house. The actress doesn't hold tho nftcrnoon perform-'anee- x In iulto such honor, becnusi! she la shrewd enough to know that tho cohorts ot boarding, school iuIh'ch iromout of town who liuc dreamed all the week ntthc rootllghts.who adorn Modjcsko'a graro und Huso CoghlanM coquettish sauelnesa and Annlo Pl.Mcj's diamonds and .Mr, l'oltera gowns; tn whom the glitter of paste Is the shine of old mine Jewels, and wlioso lieirts swell with admiration or burst with envy at the frou-fro- u of silks, the tracery of laces or the art of make up that seems nature's own stamp of beauty to them; the actresses feeltaat no audience inn bu gath-cre- il that enjoys do much delight marred by bu little criticism. Women who can dress magnificently uro the best minSiee attractions. Among men there has never been a successor to Montague, 'lhe alleged Icnit-nln- u worship of liaiiusomo actors la mosllrHtuIT and nonsense, but what littlo truth there lain It applies to the school-gi- rl contingent of thu mail-Hue- s. Montague waa horribly bond by women, but they worshipped hint, and WiUlack's was never the same utter he died. Tliero Isn't a reign- ing favnrlto now. lllxey got a deal of adoration last season, but women huvo ilred ot Auonls. Handsome Hob Milliard held a guud many hearts in his hjtid till the feminine world somewhat slowly tumbled to the fact that both he and Dlxcy are married anil devoted to their wHcs, luce, when the owners of thu offered hearts havo re- claimed their property. Jluntcll was a sod In tho old dais when hu played I.orls InanofT to Daven- port's Fedora, but that Idolatry Ibis waned. Del-le- w has made sad havoc, but llellcw la married, and mnrrlago Is u sad destroyer of romance. Itlcli-ai- d Mansheld and Osmond Tearlo drew women to matinees, and Joseph Haworth has had somo wor- shippers ut his shrine, campanlnl Is a aehool girl's hero If alio doesn't happen to meet him oil tho stage und get disenchanted. The spectacular doesn't tako at a matinee. Women dou'l udtnlro tlulr own tux, as a rule, In lights, and would llko Lolo Fuller, for instance, lnucn better In a gown. Tho country contingent, with somo men In It, which makes up the t of nn afternoon audience, goes to the slamlnnl attrac- tions, and the spectacle has to look to the evening for Its big houses. A matlnco audience Is less sophisticated than nn evening house, and It ulwajs enjoys itself. Tho student of human nature (n)ojs t no audlcucj If there Is nothing dn crtitig on tho stage. I'lncliig llio ItrannnMblllty. from W; Mamma You should leal such a life, Johnnie, that If you died suddenly you would not be ashamed to meet your Maker. Johnnio (thoughtfully) I should think Uo was the ono to be ashamed If He's the .Maker. Kiiglliiti Hospitality. Irom I'unrh. Guest Well, good-b- old man I and you'vo really got a very nice little placo herel Host Yes; but It's rather bare Jus-- now. I hopo tho trees will have grown u good bit before jou'ro .back, old maul m m Answer to (,'orreapundcut. il. T. T. In radio dlco three aces will be high In one house and three sixes In another. Each house decides for Itself which shall bu high. Tluro Is no hard und fast rule. 7". 1)."U there nnv way by which I mar havo my legs straightened V Apply to tho Hoipltal for, the Itupturcd and Crippled, hurty-secon- d street und Lexington avenue, at u a. u. Jack Pot . It docs not matter what a man may ray his hand cousuts of. Talk Is not poker. When tho hands are called, they must bu laid down on the table, fuce up, and the highest hand takes tho pot without reference to any coniertatlon. II". 11". Jf. The managers of nny entertainment have a legal right to tit out any ptrson whose presence. In their opinion, Is likely to causa trou- ble, or not desired by them. Of courso they must tctiirn his money, If he has paid for admission. SPORTS OF THACK AND RING. ENTERTAINMENTS BY THE AMATttll ATH- LETIC CLUBS. Intrrmtlna i:inU Wlileh Will Tnuo l'lneo nt Ornnge, N. J., Htnlr'n lalnmt niiit Ihn fllrtropolltnn Oprrn Mouse-T- he .llnnlint-In- n Atlilette Cluli'n Trainer lnrc lor riiBlniiit-TohiiK- cnn Khnot tor llrnoklyn L'liRiiar nt llio I'leetnuml Tracli. "Nlffitaatiil " socinl culture and rj& yrp innocent amusement I byi lbTt'f w"'c athletlo clubs VrSr lFf (,f tho llifillcr or,lur Wn n& n'm nt "' well nn nt NNoJfr- -- TsS?' physical development, iSLj tlio cutertaintiiintH of I fr n tho Manhattans and rtTUi tifo Kow York8 do very "vJlPt ;v well. Tho coiiibina. SJV i,m' 1'owovcr. of tho 'j.;kl,t.'- - Si. Mnnlmttnn Athletic, Xj JU tho Ksscx County To- - iS '" JLlJy ',0Knu m"l "'" Slaten ""' h Island Athletic clubs "'(SPjjgSjy ""! tlio three great 2w2rJ?51 "wl" 1 lo ghon at Orange, N. J., Sttiten Island and tho Metropolitan Opcrn.HoiiKo, in this city, on Dee. IS, 17 and 20, will surpass anything of thu kind over attempted. The Sovcnth lteglinent, which is to kIiow whnt its athletes can do iu open-aiuato- competitions, on noxt Saturday evening, will contribute n gleo club, as will tlio Stock Kxchango. Tlio Seventh will also put in a "squad of its picked men for n fancy dress drill. Tliero will bo recitations, solos, mmrtets, clever instrumental performances mid a grand athletlo tableau to wind up. llesido, l'rof. Itondelle, tho fencing master of tho Manhattans will iu all probability havo to uphold his rhalleugo to l'rof. Seuao, the in. structor in fencing to tlio Now York Athletic Oltib. If a bout with soft gloves between tho Manhattan's newly appointed boxing master, l'rof. Austin, and tho New York Athlotio (Hub's teacher, l'rof. Miko Donovan, could bo arranged, thcro could bo nothing left to wish for. Horry Sullivan, tho trainer and track, master of thu Manhattan Athletlo Club, sailed for Knglaud last night. Ho will return to his position, bringing over his wifo and fnm-il- in tlio early spring. Sullivan was before ho left with tho handsome gold medal awarded him by tho National Associa- tion of Athletes for tho perfect condition in which ho placed (ho grounds at Lighty-slxt- h streot and Kighth avenuo for thu champion-shi- p games, whicli wero held tho 17th of last September. m Tho Nassau Athletic Club has decided on Jan. 18 as tho date for tlio championship boxing and wrestling competitions which this club has been authorized to hold this season. Work hat nlrendy commenced on throo toboggan sjioots tho Brooklyn Athletic As- sociation will lmvo on its DuKalbaud Graham avenue grounds this winter. Thorastimo Ath'lctio Club will havo its usual boxing coiifjietitioim this winter. It will hold them iu l'arepa Hall, Eighty-sixt- h btrcot and Third nveuue, tho last of January. Sixty men weut to work on tlio winter changes to bo mado at Fioctwood Driving Fiuk yesterday. Tho track will bo left open for driving, and for any match that may bo found for tho Biro Brothers' wonderful uiaro, Itobal'ud Wilkes, till tho last moment. Tho Members' pool tournament nt tho Man-hatta- n Athletic club-houB- o begins evening. Tho benefit to Jem Coruov this week will provo to him tliero aro honest sporting men in America. Tliero will be uo danger of this plucky .honest fighter returning to Lis family empty .handed. . m m A rhllndelphln Clcrsyiunn'a Dl nt Dudea. ltrporitifltn.M, r. J'tttr'i Sirmon.) We need another Ihackcray to ridicule the race ofBuooa that still exist. Man was mads for work. In tho beginning man was put lntbegsrden of Eden; not to loaf In It, but to "dress and keep it." Let our public schools teach leas Latin, Oreek and Infinitesimal calculns and train our youths In prac- tical mechanics. Young women aro not blameless In this regard. They are apt to look upon a me- chanic as socially Inferior and many a younz woman passes by the hotioit, Industrious mechanic becauso he has too much good sense to make u oash or Imitate tho monkcr suiucb ni tno Itinerant dude, Let the press aud tno public tuke up this subject and banish this amy prejudice out of our country. Thcro is nothln? to bu aihamcd of In work. Christ ss a carpenter. Let the coxcomn who has noth-li- g to do bo ushamed, but never let a man who works bo asna'i.ed of nla hard hands. A hammer la Is a much more honorable Implement thun a cane. I.earn to do your wori: well. Don't alight It. It la the unskilled laborer who has trouble to keep away the wolf of want from tho door of the house ho loves. When You liny Ouo Ounce or uiKEB'a A'Jr.iiiCAN sachet rownxn ronharnifutaiKoudrsAI'OUNIiuf ANY otiieb. Don't target thu tact, and juu will n"taa, a week ur ao after you havn mado up your inouiboir " cnee. Ac. t 'Ooisl Lord I llicmln No BMKIXto It it all." What you will hbjt l: " Isn't It lovalyf" "How awwt I" Ao. Insist on haTina KiKEii'a Hacukt rowncn and l'KnrcMER in thiioriirlnal iiickiir. l)i net allow any otiH to persusdt yon uthnrvvlut. Hold by almost all doilora throughout the Unitsd Ht3toa. If any druralst refuses V supply you, you can bo aura of ctttliur what yon ask for at too dty.Koods houses aud L'tmral atorea or direct from WM, 11, Ilium A Hon, drucalsta and perfumers, IMabllshnd 1S.IG. at 3M Mllth ate., New York. . CUTE SAYINGS BY LITTLE 0NE8. Proud Pnrratc of Kerr Ilnalnml Put Their Youngatera' Wit tn Print. nnd Colltttttm In Ihn Jtton tJloit. A nilOCRTOM (lllll.'S 1.IMITK0 I'OSSIlllUTIES. All'tle lirocktongltl, thrco years old, whilo try- ing to dross her feet one day, get her shoes mi tlio wrung feet. When told br in r mother to put them on the other feet, the bright face clouded tor a moment, then, looking up, sue pouted: "Mamma, 1 have no other feet to put them on. ql'ITK I'NSrf.rlStt. Utile Now Hertford girl, who had wltncsucd tho process of taking pp n contribution In church: "Thoy passed the plate to me, but I didn't tako any." a tiAi.tiKK iiov'h murine kxn.anatiow Thu following is my small Hoy's litest: " M.inuna, wlut are these funny sputa oil my feet (meaning goose-tlesh)- I replied, "1 don't know," "Oh. I know," ho add; "It most bo somo of my food sticking outl" WANTKI) T1IK nABV I'INISIIKP. I.lttlo Nellie, ago three Pupa, why don't mamma come lolireffast ?" Papa WhU my dear, didn't yo'i know tho doc- tor brought you n new bain lirolhirf I.lttlo Nellie Well, why don't It turn tn hreffaat? IMpa Why, It hasn't nnv teeth to eat with yet. ru, l.tttln Nellie (after deliberating a while) Well, pnpa, I viish you would tell tho doctor to tako It buck nud lltilsii It. A 1I0PTOS nOV'rt CONl'MlllUSI. I.lttlo d Jau.le, lining by hit uianiiuii: II Mamma, Old Port make me:" "Yes, (lod niado jou, Jamie." " Iinl ton make my clothea whilo Pod waa ?" "Yes." "Well, then, you know I was coming, didn't JOUJ'' WILMS rCTS IS TllltEK. I.lttlo Willie 11 , four years old, ssld to his mam- ma one day: " Miiiiun;i, wi:o will be my mamma when jou arc nn obi 'oinant" Un another dav Willie ajbl: " Mnmina,tcll Santa Clans not to send mo any moro play horses; I want a live hornr." Willie was Musing his papa, and mamma said: " Willie, save aomo klssea for mamma. " Willie snld: "on, iiiainiiri, I havo plenty. Inm lu'ikluj kifsis ull the time right In my tnoiif." Al'lUIl) llKAVXN WOL'l.tl H TOO KLI.I. I have a little boy Harry, four yeira old, and wo ran seen great many funerals go last my windows. Ouo day he saw four go past and he began to cry und say "Why don't Ood kill me? Iloaven will lie lull, and there will Le uo ruom for mo If I do not dieaoou. " A LITTI.K BIT OVBll Till: HAY. Knfant Terrible (running up to paterfamilias, who was taklug leave ot a party of ladles on the terandn) Papa, must oodoo ntross lo tho town adeu? "Yes my mtlo dear; I haven't been across now for n week. " Kufant Terrible (with a horrified look) Oh, Eapa, oowus, cos' June told me when oo came that oi was over tho bay last night. C'urlou l'neta About DrnfOlmo Mnrrlagei. tr.ll,i.Wj,(a JMfrul llfjhlr.t Prof. Bell infers from tho freuuent recttrrcneo of peculiar slrtaiucH In the catalogues of asylums for tho deaf and dumb tint certain families aro prono to that calamity. In the American Asylum, nt Hartford, among 1,171 uumes, 107, or moro than one-thir- occur moro than one. Of this 407, 8U occur tw lee, si three times, 43 four times and a few from live to thirteen times. A similar showing Is niacin by statistics uf lhe Hllliola Inotitntlon for tho Deaf and Dumb. Thu hereditary tendency Is supposed to be herein Indicated, of !l, 11X1 pupils at Hartford, C93 Iiad deaf-mut- e relatltes und iu nail uuu ur more children who were so nmicteJ. Matls-tle- s from six otner Institutions tor deaf-mut- show un arcrugo percentage of 29.3 pupll.i who burn du.if-mtit- o relatives, l.l.b percent, of theso purlin being utaf-iuutc- r.l per cent, congcnltally Ot an estimated ill, 743 sporadic eas's of dcafnesa In tho United States S.:yj are said by l'rof. Hell to be congenital, mid of the l?,liu who havo deaf-mut- e relatives V,'js9 are cougcnlt.il. Tbo total number possessing deaf-mut- e relatives is estimated at 80. 174. Ills Rtstcil, furthermore, that 78.0 per cent, of the deaf-mut- who matry chooie consorts who are nlso deaf-mut- and in. 1 per cent, or tho children born of such marriages aro deaf-mute- Our Latest Kitchen Importation. From jHtlgt, Mrs. Illauvclt (an hour before dinner) Did the terrapin come, KllenT Ellen Dlvll th' sight avthlm, ma'am; an' Mrs. Illauvelt, OI wish jtr.'d make thot tlh boyshtnp phluylng thrlcVa uuudaclnt g'rl. I'fwhatdidhodo an hour ugo but lav oslv nasty turslcs loose Iu th' kltch'nl It's In th' ash-bat- 'l Oi pit 'm. Correct Dellnltlon. (fronjtA Omnia H'orM.1 Teacher Class III definitions, attentlonl Class Yes, m'm. Teacher Define the word bombast. Urlght I'upll Anarchists tslkln' ubout bombs. Irfeotnplete. 'f r' tH I fnm r.t.l 4,11 Conntriman (to cpndactot,,pn .e.lJrlte,f$$;'f .' JmM Yoa.dqn't run a train V keen with." an engine llxei V, 'v JH that, do'jont '"Hl Conductor WhynotT Wnat'a , tno jnattei lrtth .'aH tho engino? .tuuSH Countryman It ain't got no eowkctcherontolt. i "rjM SorUliitf Huloly. 'lil From Texnt R(fligil H Anarchlat-Orctehe- Rlf roe a clean wklta, 'UH hlrtl H Wife Vat 1 Haf jott lost your ncnics, Adolphf jH Aiiirciiit Kelni but since Uot execution we nU Ausrcltlats haf to go in dl3gttlsc. L tVlsH

rj& byi VrSr Aw lJ INSHHOUDED - NYS Historic Papers · 2019-02-11 · sI-- ----..... a jv5bbbbbb1 DOW GIRLS GET UP A MUSCLE. ONE WAT IS TO JOIN THE "SWAGGER KINEPIN BOATTERERS" OP

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Page 1: rj& byi VrSr Aw lJ INSHHOUDED - NYS Historic Papers · 2019-02-11 · sI-- ----..... a jv5bbbbbb1 DOW GIRLS GET UP A MUSCLE. ONE WAT IS TO JOIN THE "SWAGGER KINEPIN BOATTERERS" OP

s - - -- - - ........ a jv5bbbbbb1




JXhe Uovrllnji.Aller In a Popular Plnce la"Tono Up" After n Hcnaoii of HaclnlDlealrfnllou TcnnU Indoor AnotherForm of Hccrcntlon Ocntleincti l'oot tlioI1IIU for tlio Privilege of Looking On.

kT iSJJsNCE it bns becomo tlioffljjfnslilou for you ni;

I nSi lJJ'ilies to cnltivato nth- -' I (n?5nP?ff'ecs especially dur- -

,I IJvJrHf) l'nB tlio wlntor season,

S! ILflJffl; iMtfvS ST tuo tm's courts and

Aw tmmbowlinB olleys inI f vIH IwvFn towu lmvo l,oen va

WI II lUWwJd Groat demand. HomoI W VVvW of these, liko tho Ten., '; lJ ills Building In Forty.

first stroot, which conibluos facilities for bothtenuis and bowling, thcro boing two full.

t sized courts, and cloven alloys, havo becomoj very popular as social institutions, andjfor' tbo coming Ecason will bo tbo headquarters of

n number of private clubs. Tlio Forty-flr- st

street building will number among itsof private patrons this season tho

Ijouox, which is exclusively n ladies' club;tho Arlington, tho Tuesday Evening, thoCiuciunatus, tho Union, tho Owl and thoKnickerbocker. Of courso, ladies belong toeach of tho latter clubs for what would ten.nis bu without tho girls? and each club do.

. votes one evening a wook to its favoritesport.' The Knickerbocker Bowling Club, which

is tho most fashionablo of all tho organiza-tions of its class, willli ot commonco its yfjregular meetings until 7'VLent. It has acquiredtho title of the " Swug-- y AgerNincpinScattcrer" fysmfj,of New York, no doubt fi fRsmbecause its members J?wibj xWm.devoto less time and $$ggj ixSsS'Wcaro to tho cultivation ,. ISSnl'flwof their iuubcIcb than MA 1 till Ktto tho social enjoy- - . lIVTI.rincut to bo derived vl JIJllXU

, from their weekly "(Jfinoetings. It has- tholargest membership of any of its rivals andincludes within its select circlo not a fewrepresentatives of Gotham's upper swelldom.

Tho idea of postponing active athleticsnutil Lent is regarded by all tlio members asovidenco of the largo andlieadB of tho Exccutivo Committee, whichproposed the Bchemo. Outsido social affairskeep most of tho members too busy for thopresent to permit them to waste any even-lug- s

in sucn a humdrum maunor as rollingwooden balls about or knocking rubber ballsover a not. After tho round of dissipation,which for tho present season promises, ifanything, to bo moro exhausting than usual,the nood of bomo reactionary treatment willcertainly bo felt. Then bowling and tenniswill bo juBt tho thing to strengthen the re-laxed muscles, and tono up the system thathas been worn out by late hours, Wagnerianopera and innumerable champagno suppersat Delmonico's.

J As tho club, despite its largo membership,lias tho reputation of doing less bowling than

jv any other association

EfsT York, it is not to beS0sJr feared that its memberstjjJ'tfr will over-exe- rt them- -

&34& selves by tho violenco1 taTtfa& tuo'r oxercuo and

v3s! tuuB endanger theirJi Ji7Vi health. The athleticI R I Jgr pursuits of tho club,f vJv 0 W however, such as they' K? fiU t nroi w'u k agreeably

tL!? Y variodbyamilu sort of' ESsi ti. dissipation, not at all

interfering with thorequirements of tho Lenten tcason in tho

i way of a social reunion at tho close of eachi monthly meeting, at which a supper and danc- -) ing will bo prominent features or tho evening.

On theso occasions some of tho ladies an.f nounco that thoy will appear in short drossesi without sloovts, although usually a street orj walking costume is the order of attiro.i It is argued that tho sleoveless dress has ani advantage because it allows tho arm fulli play and unrestrained action in bowling, and' it may be added that it also enables the fair!e members to dipplay tho results of thoir con- -J sciontious work in a forearm

and biceps, whilo it certainly docs notI diminish their attractiveness in tho eyes of

thoir admirers of tho steruor Bex.It may also bo stated that tho ladies of tho

Knickerbocker aro all complimentary mem.bers, tlio dues and expenses of tho club being

, nil paid by tho gentlemen, who aro permittedto bring invited guests to tho monthly enter.tainments as woll as to tho regular meetings.

1 A record of each member's scores is kept,; and at tho end of tho season prizes aro1 awarded to those who have mado tho best'. records. Tho competition for the trophies isi most exciting, but it is said to bo confined to

only a few of tho moro ambitious members.i

! " Tbo World's Dollar Dinner for Four.

Socp. Contributed Dally toMuttou Ilrotb.

Tub WorldFph.; Boiled lUackflsb, by Ono of the Best, l'lcSlca Sauce.

Known City Chefs.Boast.llcef.

Mashed Potato. At marketStewed Tomatoes.' Prices the material or' TJESSEIIT

Cream He. this atnner can beSponge Cake. Apples.Coffee. purchased for $1.


Late Duchesse de G.Written' for Tlie World oit c. a

KsiNA I iMB HIIJE passing through

1nris BOmo timo nsjTi?eB on my wny to Vienna

i vfei1, attonded ono of thovj0sJ afternoon receptionstflliivu ''reiH? fl ' niy nloU10r-in'la-

CsLl YlsR tla0 Mor(luiBO lu V

rv5iV7Jf J n ltr hoiso in the? M,W ' FnubourgSt.Gcrmaln.X ( lV I) t& persons resont

hiV K vrcro discussing tho- OVV.;? Buddou death of tho

Ivvi' Duollossotlo0'.'wWchI f J"x yy bad just taken placo.' c j l.1"0 Duchesso, left a

rV&l3M. childless widow with.l , in a year aftor her

--2 marriage, had been ouoof tho most pcorlcss beauties of her timo,und had endeared herself to all, both richand poor, by her sweetness of disposition,her unfailing charity and her undomon.sirativo piety.

' My niothor.in.lnw, who bad boon ono ofher most intimate friouds, argued Unit her

, life hnd beon eo perfectly blauiolebs that hersoul was cortain to havo entered heaven atonoo, without any dolay in purgatory, and

jL added with ono of lior quint Einllos, that sho4p vas uro that tho Almighty mado oxcoptions

with regard to tlio latter placo, iu the case ofI Udloa bolonclnjj to tbo Faubourg St, Gor- -

'I aaia.

This argument did not find favor in thosight of General do L., who asserted thateverybody was obliged to submit to tho rulesand regulations on tho subject, and that noexceptions thereto wero possible HereuponPrince M. , an old habitue' of tho Marquise'ssalon, remarked:

" There aro exceptions to every rule. But Ibolievo the inhabitants of heaven have adifferent and higher standard of distinguish,ing betweon good and ovil than wo havo heroon earth. In order to render my meaningclearor I will tell you a story which I heard ashort timo ago and which it seems to mo

might bo npplicablo to tho case of tholamented Duchess. It is as follows:

"Tho soul of tho Baroness A. had bidfarowell to tho earth. Literally drenchedwith holy water aud provided with anynumber of absolutions and plenary

bIio arrived at tho gates of Para-

dise. Bho flattered herself that sho would boreceived with open arms, and was disagreeably surprised when St. Peter mado his

and, addressing her in a gruff tono,exclaimed: ' What do you want here V

"' I am tho Baroness A, and I wish to enterParadise.'

" Oho 1 exclaimed St. Peter, ' Do youimagino that it is so cosy to get into heaven ?

I supposo you wish to escapo purgatory ? Ifeo, what aro the grounds on whioh you basoyour demand V

" ' Tho grounds, exolaimed the Baroness,' horo thoy aro contained In this book, andwith that sho oxtricatod a thick volume fromthe satchel which sho carried in her hand.

" On seeing this, a sour look spread Itselfover S4-- PtAr' face. Ilowdrer. uudotcrrsd


thereby, tho Baroness opened tho book andbegan to read aloud tho various items onwhich she founded her hopes of escapingpurgatory.'"I havo beon present at 2,CC9 masses.

'"I have burnt 10,000 candles at tho variousholy shrines.

" ' I havo crawled up tho (acred steps of thoVatican on my knee.

ftn vJatfalaMfca aftiaWiraBaiakraWBaAaa'aaaattiaaaaVn


" ' I havo gone on a pilgrimage to Lourdcs.'" ' My dear soul,' interrupted St. Voter,

' all that is but of littlo account. Let us turnto another chapter.'

" 'Acts of charity,' read tlio Baroness." 'That sounds better, remarked St. l'ctor." ' Fifteen thousand francs towards the

building of a chapel."'Twenty thousand francs Inward tbo


maintenance of the Holy Places iu Palestine." ' Ono hundred thousand francs towards

tho building of churches.'" One hundred and twenty thousand francs

towards tho missionary associations.'" ' Go on,' eaid St. Peter." 'iBu't that Biifllcieut? iwniircd tho Bar.

on ess.'" Charity,'" replied St. Peter, 'only bo.

comcB n virtue when it involves an act of self,sacritico. Tho poor man who gives ono centis moro meritorious thou tho ricli man whogives nwny thousands of gold pieces. I askyou what biillerings lmvo you ministered to ?

What sinners lmvo you brought to repeut-auc- o

1 Hy tho by, lot ub put that book usidoand tell mo Bdmcthing of your own sins.'

" ' I havo no sins on my conscience I' re-

plied tho Ilaroucss. 'I became a widow iumy twentieth year and havo lived over sincedovotcd to tho memory of my dead husband.Mv lifo has been ouo of piety and blamclcbs-ucss- .'

" ' My daughter,' said St. Potcr, ' tliochildren of uicu are sinful. Just thinkbnck. Have you never iu tho whole courboof your lifo committed a sin i'

" Tho llaronoss showed signs of agitationand at length, after soma hesitation, repliediu trembling tones: ' Yes, St. Peter, ouco iumy lifo I did wrong. Hut only ouco, andnever again.

'"Well, my child,' said tho Saint, 'tellmo all about it. Perhaps it may do yourcase moro good than harm.'

"Tho liaroncss thoroupou spoke as fol-lo-


" ' It was iu tho year 1870, at tho timo whentho Germans wero devastating Franco audwhen Hisinarck was ordering that all Franc- -

tircurx caught blioulil bo iustnutly fcliot. Iwas living at that period iu ono of my chateauxuot far from Itlieiiim. Ouo day it dangcroublywouuded Frnnctirour Bought rofuso in myhouse. Ho had killed al'russiau, had beenpursued, shot at, aud had ultimately osenpedby hidius in a ditch until it hccauio dark,when ho crawled uu hands aud feet to thodoors of my chfttcau.

" ' I concealed him. For several weeks holay in a most critical ntntc, but at length, bydint of constant nursing, ho became

Suddenly, to my intenso horror,a company of Prussian noldiors wero billatudnt my house. Only two rooms wero loft utmy disposal. Iu order to mivo my patient Iinformed tho. commander uf tho detachmentthat ho was my hu3l;unJ. A few days latertho captain informed mo tlmt ho icqu'.rcdono of my two romnining rooms forn GermanGeneral who was nbout to arrive, aud that myhusband (us ho believed tho wounded man tobo) must tako up his iiuarters iu my bedroom.

" ' There was no help for it. Lato tho banioevening tho General reached tho chateau, audafter a heavy dinner rctiicd to hid room,which was only separated from initio by thothinnest kind of a paititiou wall. Uo cursedaud snore iu tho most outrageous uiauner athis servant whilo being undressed, aud ntlength got into bed. I, who had heard overywoid, was trembling from iiead to foot.The wounded rrnuctireur wa3 lying on thobed, whilo I was lccliuiug iu au arm-chai- r.

Tho General was snoring to such an exteutthat tho cry walls trembled. Suddenly thoFranctireur aroso from tho bed. Ho was aspalo as death, walked tounrds me aud throwiuikolf dowu on his kuoes at my feet," ' " Madauio !" ho exclaimed, " I lovo you.


If you will not return my love, I would 'IUsoouer die. If you spurn mo I will wake up 4'tho General nud inform him that I am j StlHTranctireur who has shot a German soldier. 'BMy lifo is in your hands. Yon havo saved mo 1yHfrom death. You can uow take my lifo." aH

"'"You aro mad," I whispered, horror Hstruck. " Your braiu is disordered by fovor." 'H"'" No ! I am perfectly well. Inmflnnly !

rcsolvodt General I" cried tho unfortunato' sSKkmau, nloud. 'Hi" ' Tho snoriug in tho uoxt room boenmo &Mliflhtor. SaH

" ' " General i " ho called again, louder. ?vfl"' Tho buorius stopped. lil" ' " General ! " ho callod a third time."'"Who calls?" thundered tho Gonorol'a 'j

voico from tho uoxt room. 'llsfl" ' " Not a word more," I whispored, clos-- 'l

in!; his mouth with both my hands 3HThat will do," interrupted St. Peter. 1H

w hilo ho wiped his eyes. " I can imagine tho 'iJHrest. You might havo loft that thick book at alVhomo. If you had begun by tcllius: mo your Xalbin i ou would have been in paradlso on hoar sVago." '

A deep silence reigned in the room for A rlfow minutes after tho Prince had finishod tjfllhis btory. Finally tho General remarked : ''flfl

" Ht. l'oter acted liko n thorough gentle- - 31man, I hopo ho won't havo got into troublo Hfor disobeying tho regulations on the sab-- "fHject," whilo tho old Marquise softly whis. iHpered to mo that sho was certain that tho I'jHheroino of the Prince's story was in reality 'hor own dear, lamented Dnchesso de O. '1m m iaBBl

TO OPEN AH ELECTRIC ROAD.j tJamaica Peopls to IIrto n New BaUnay

Una to Efit Now York.Tho work of transforming tho old horso-ca- r

lino between East Now York and Jamaicainto an olectrio railroad will bo finishedwithin a few days. Tho first cars will borun for rogular passougor trnfllo about nextThursday. Four handsomo coaches art) ontho way and ono has already arrived and willmako atrial trip

Tho lino runs botween tho station on thoBrooklyn Elovatcd Kallroad at Alabamaavenuo and tho proposed terminus at Smithstreet, in Jamaica, at its juuetion with Fill-to- n

strcot. tho main thoroughfaro of thevillage. Tho company operating tho nowroad has built ten electric railways in thiscountry and Canada, all of which aro now insuccessful operation. Ono in Blughamton,completed lost Juno, is tho only other in thisStato, but sevoral moro aro now in pro-ce- ss

of completion. Sovoral have been inuso for three years. Thoy provo to bo moroeconomical, clcanlyond avnilablo than horsocars. A spcod of twenty-scvo- n miles au hourcan bo maintained, and a grado of 10 percent can bo surmounted.

Tho "machinery for propelling tho car issimple It is under tho control of tho con.ductor, who stops or starts tho car or regu-lates tho R1eed with a touch, Tho current ofelectricity is produced by a powerful steamengino and conveyed to tho cars in transit bymeans of two heavy coppor wires supportedby poles and passing ovor tho roadway its on.tiro length. From each of theso a wirodescends to tho motor, which is placed intho forward part of tho car, and is carriedalong ovor the top of tho conducting cableby a pulley or grooved whcol running ovor itliko a on its rail.

Tho road is six miles iu length. Thoengino which furnishes tho power Is locatedat tho old car stables, about midway betweenits termini. Tho road will bo lighted witharo lights. Tho villago is considering a pro.position to replaco tho g streetlights with tho now eloctno system.

Now stations will bo built at RichmondHill Mid Woodhavon lano, as woll as at thoJamaica terminus. Trains will run ovory fif-teen minutes. The faro will bo ten'centsthrough.


That Mny Have risen the lleaaon Why theCondactor Pocketed Mont or Them.

" I had always hold boll punches, street-car registers and spotters in detestation, andhad an enduring faith in tho honesty of man,until I mado an early morning trip down-tow- n

tho other day," said a downtown mer-chant. " Sly journoy was mado on a surfacocar, and my observations of tho conductorled mo to tho conclusion that all of tho de.vices for preventing theft by employees arojustifiable, yet unavailing.

" I boarded tho car at Thirteenth street andfound myself ono of thirty-tw- o passengers.I havo no idea of knowing how many morohad boarded and left tho car in its long jour,noy down to that point. Tho conductorstoppod in his perusal of a morning news,paper long enough to collect my fare and re.suincd his seat on the rear rail and his scan,niug of the day's news. Tho boll of the faroregistor did not ring, and I glanced at thodial to find that, according to the conductor'srecord, he had counted but nine passengerson tho down trip. This was tho boldest bitof ' knocking down ' I ever saw. Only nlnoregistered when fifteen boarded tho car atouo stop 1 I don't blamo tho railway corpora-tion- s

for their precautions."

Mm. Potter Proinlard Not to Ktas.Vomo h'r York trlltr.

Mrs. James Brown-Pott- er promised her husband,Jtut before her dbut hero asa processional actress,that she would never allow her mimic loveri of thostage to klii ber. That Is what her acquaintancesIn society say, and the story la circumstantiallyproven brforo her audiences. In the first play lawhich sho was a heroine tho courtship did not re-sult in marriage, nor even In a sentimental

and so the absence of klulnir did not ct

much attention. Bat It was differentin the ensuing piece. There sho wasthe intensely beloved wife of tbo hero,and at the outset they were repre-sented as meeting after months of separation.They ruined at each other, as huiband and wifemight naturally be expected to; they embraced af-fectionately, they held passionate discourses for aquarter of an hour, and then they reluctantlyparted again, but neither In the greeting nor thegood-b- y was a kiss exchanged. Mrs. Potter per-mitted a hug and a few caresses, but the lips of hersupposed husband never touched her face. It wascurious to observe how quickly the audience, evento the least sophisticated, took note of the lack ottho reasonable action. Comment on that pointbuzzed all over the house.

Very Funny for Tom.IJYom ( 1

Intimate Friend Havo you been enjoying yonrhoneymoon at Old Point Comfort T

Ilclress (lately married) Yei, we've been there;but, do you know, I overheard Tom tell a filcnd ofhis it wss ' harvest-moon- " with him Instead of

honeymoon. " What do yon Btfpose be meant 7Funny, wasn't It?

Friend (knowingly) Oh, yea, very for Tom.

In a Philadelphia SundaySchool.tn-o- rw.ndf.i

Teacher Now, children, I am going to tell youabout the prophet Daniel, who, though cut Into aden of lions

Now Scholar (fresh from New York) Have youonly just got on to that here:

Slrolaut from the Shoulder.WYom iht Burlington iVf 7'rcif.

"No," said the reformed poet, sadly, "Ihaven't struck the lyre for more than a year."

" Neither have I," replied hla companion, "tillI met you."

To one and all we aar uae AruuaoH'a Botakio CouortBalsam. Ileitdnvguu.

CatarrhMay iffwet any portion bt tlio body trliera tliemucoaamembra no U fuuuii. IIutciitArrli uf thw tiuad UbyUrtho luoitt ouramon, and, Htrangu to nj, tlio moat liableUtbu neglected. It ciriif inatea In a cold, cr vuccesalon ofcold, combined with Impure blood. Tho wonderfulsuccess Hood's Kariaparllla has had In curing catarrhf arraitts us In urging all who suffer with IhU dlsaasa to

try the iH'cullar medicine. It renovates and Invigoratesthu bltjotj and tones every organ.

Hood's Sarsaparilla' For 25) cars I ha.eboeii troubled with catarrh in the

lipod, Indlgesition and general duhllity I never had faithin such medicines, but concluded to try a bottlo cfHood's Hanspari I la. It did me no much good that I con-

tinued its una till I have taken lire bottles. My healthhss greatly improved, and I feel like a different woman,'

Mrs. J. li. ADAMB, 8 Klohmond t,t Nowar't, N. J,Cures Catarrh

' Hood's Bars parilla cured me of catarrh, soreness oftho bronchial tubus and tenible headache. "IE

Hamilton, O.

'I hstu taktn HoodVSaruparUla for catarrh, and ithas done me a great deal of good. I recommend It to allwithin my reach. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias boon worthever) thing to KoiuilNS, Kast Thomp-son, Uonn

Hood's SarsaparillaHold by all druaalata. 81 Cf.ir 43. Prepared onlj byU. I. HOOD A CO., Apothoci.ri.i9, Umvll, Mui,

ItM) Dose, line Dollar.


'cllnnt In csgraclally for holiday praswnU. 'lilLwHUWAHI) A (JO.. UOI Mh are. 'vlaafl


JOSEF HOFMANN, ;MUndpr the direction nf Mxssra. Atby, Hohoeffal and .JMUrau, sartll kIta Throi l'lanofrirta Concerts, wlta

liltAMl (llttlllKHTHA MUny OMI lit NIMtl'.lf .UttrtfUIANS. Htindor tliottlrirtKiPnf Ad dpli Nmiendorff,TIIKHDAV KVlINtNtl, NOV. 19, at 8.111 fr. M. 'BTlllflmllAV MATINKU, 1IUO. 1, at'J.SOP. M. iBHATUHIIAY 10VKN1MI. UKC. 3, atS.lS P. M. JMI'rloc, 1',M, !Jl.M), ijl, uOe. Boiaa, J15.He.,, ou ,!.. M

DOCKSTAER'S S!i?ilSI5: JMU'way and ptH at. Nla'atlr. 8.30; Bat. Mat., 2.S0. SsH" Air charged vtltli fun." N. Y. Sua.

:Yct FAUST. Mcanton, HUMAH FARMYARD. !TIIA.NKrl(ilVINC) AT WAfiHINdTO.V MAIIKBT. 'tHKowtsuliaa and Danco MaUnc., ontlUed "TWILI011V t'H(lAMItoYs." iSM

TwniiVn nmi vr ahtimtu iNTnonucED. MKvr FIHST l'AUT Honjta by Hwaot Blmari. l'Ba CADKMY OF MU3I0.

" ''4VFlvo More Nights. One Matinee.

DARK SECRET. 135c.,60e..7Sc., 81, Kelt W10IITS, ''JlTTAV.IIKIAN':! PAIttC TIIKATIli:. Saltl KDWAUD IIAUItUIAN Proprietor lUkH

liiatntitanooua nud Htutwndoua Hucccaa of uKjHH.UK. I'.DU'AICli IIAKICIIJAN 3ilIn hlasrll.tlc and nator.l rhsracl.rwctlng of hvisH

DAVK HltAIl AM and Ins rupolar Urchaatra, 4&MWodnosdny Matlnao Haturday. WllMAnlSOKKglTARRTItliATItE. H

......Hole Manaier ffliffllinlni;8 at H.110. Halurdsy Matin at 2.

THE MARTYR, Mlly tho author THK OKP11ANH, ' jflRH

Ouaof thaatronffait tdayaover uresentod at tluahonsa haiVIn preparation: Hiti.AiNK. .rssslWith New, Iloaiitlful Hconcry, Coatumoa and Kffacta. 1

OTAH TllIlATHK. AHO Loasaand Mauarnra .Alibey, ScboaffalJI Qrau-- T.'jaHmil iiknkv Iuvino, XLmMISS KU.r.N TIUtllY VailAnd thn I ycoum Company liV. . T.t.nlKht at b o'cliMdc, WM


bgUARi: TI!KATnK....I.M.niLU Manacar iHUNION TKN 1 11 WKKK, !ttm rnmixlisns. 'JbbbbbIKOnsO.N' AND CUA-NK-, AflH

under tbniuansffmnentnftl. M. Hill ond Joseph Brooks iHin tlicprnst American nomdr. i?bbbbbb1'JilK 1IKNH1K1TA, SrHtiy llrduson HowanJ. JPbbbbbb!

K?nntnsat8.15. Hatnrday Mattnro st a. OutUcbbV NH1U.45. Hosts itecund two weeks In ndranoe. 1H. R. JACOBS'S 3D AVE. THEATRE. 9Corner 31at at. and nd are. aBHHEBKItVED SKATS, MATINKKTO-MOnROt- '.?.AUSTIN'S AUSTRALIAN jMriOCi, NOVELTY CO. llaBSl

Hecnro Koata In Adranc. tftflBalsJUC., UICWAUEOKSPKUyLATORS sfliHDec. S Pat. Ilakarln llaVHliUC, OHH1B LENA. nlIlroadsray and 8ttth St. HCASINO. Watlnws Satnrday all. ytJaSBBIPOSITIVELY LAST WKKK OP TUB JVlBM

Caalno'a Muat lleautlfnl Comic Opara Production, th lfBBalMAUlfUIH. VsH

RKCKIVED WITH HOARS OP I.AUOIITKIl. I ''SMUraatCast. Chorus of ttO. Admlaalou, COo. H

Monday, Deo. 5. tho Sparkling Comto Optra Madeloiu ..".wlOPERA-IIOUS- .tHGRAND aaata Orchoatra Clrot. and Dalconr, BOe. I

IHELDBYTHEENEMY.I: "MNest Mrak! .Ifffenwis. IsBBh

NextSunday IMtllP. CROMWELL'S lsctura. WLm70 WONDERS. 'jM

MUHEH. tail ST., RET. STIt A 6TH AVK3. iHEDKN UKN. CUSTKR'S LAST IIATTLE. 1,'HUIRON'S ORKAT PAINTINH, "DEUX HCEUH3." ftMConcorta daily from '2 to Rand M m 11. 3HAdmission ti all. Wo.j children 'iba. iaaBH

A JEElt Th. Mystifying Cheas Automaton. livflALLAtfK'S. ttriH

TO.NI(IIIT(lasttlmo)-CART- R. 1

Wodntmdar. Nov. WHCharacters Ly AlesKni. Osin mdTttirlo, Harry Edwards. k1JH.1. W. Plirott. Mmo. Ponlal, MlajNctta llulou andULu WHRom Coghlan. 7?lB'fJOU MONTH. ,BH

RicttADtiey'aHamntuouaProdaetlatW PBBUlIRLKSOUE 'I'lllil.'DltrSAllt. MM

COMPANY. with It Bciriooua nttfactlona. ' tr3!sBHea ARTISTS. Ere'a at H (aharpl.Maf a Wad A Bat at3, J" 'nvii SENSES, faaBBIMAICARfSrihlliltlon at No. IS East Mh at., fin IbVS

llo.r. from IU A. M. to 10 P. M. Sunday from 1 P. M. SaHto IU P. M. SEkM

ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. 31Till'. S.TIIK. Sth at. and Ith arsu HPOOLE'S !Wo. Mata. Mon., Wl., Thur., Bat. mIsBH





afaar the wire.--1 .4 Tfl STREET THEATRE. Cor. CthaTs, mIJLti: Matinees Wwlnoeilsr and Saturday. 1BBBb

DENMAN THOMPSON vtjHIn THE OLD HOMESTEAD. iHOallery. 35o. Reaorted, aic.. tUo., 76c.. tl, tl.M. 'flH

ARMORY HALL VAIIDltVILLK fit E 41 ReTisO fHTho ftneat variety company tn 'KaBHAmerica. Enaaffement oxtrar.rdiaary. IlnahM and """BHClark, l'rankio Do and boutheru Saranadaraai 1under inauacetnenlLflJillySiicod. saVJ

Head Tue 'Would to.morroo etening Jet H" The IXxlfs Card; or, A'ot fo Mlaek a !HJ'ainted." 'H





lie Did Not Want Any Money from HerWhen He Learned Hhc wm nn Aclrri-i- t

Hlnrlllns Kaect of Artnr llllllnril'a Terumon Manager Bllner 1'rndlirllnn f ' ThoHonarlh" Aiucnltlca of DInnnacr.

in pri.Lillianin tho








gentleman of an ultra demuro aspectcalled ot tho flat about n week ago and askedto sco Mrs. llayman on vory particular' bust,noss mamma was obligcto tell him that showas out. Tho following doy ho called again.Mrs. Haynian was still out. Ho was unsuc-cessful tlirei) times. On Saturday ho foundMrs. Ilaymau in and disclosed tho object ofhis mission. Ho was getting up a subscrip-tion for a most commcndnblo charity, hosaid. Would Mrs. Hayman holp him ? Hodrow such a touching picture of tho miserywhich this charity was to abolish that MissGrubb's eyes filled with tears.

" Oh, I am bo sorry," sho said, putt lug herhand in hor pooket, " that I was out whonyou first called, but I havo been extremelybusy rehearsing."

"Kehearsingl" exclaimed tho subscriptiongatherer, his eyos Btnrting from his head.''You aro not an actressy" This with posi-tive terror in his voice.

Mrs. Hayman opened an album on hertable and pointed to a portrait of herself withtho name Miss Lillian Grubb" underneath.It acted in a strango way upon tho visitor. Hoseized his hot, started Btraight for tho door,rushed down stairB and was seen no more.Not a word of explanation did ho offer. MiKSGrubb felt hurt, wonderfully hurt. Bho

sho had beon slighted. " But," baidshe, "I'm 15 in pocket, unywuy."

llobert C. Hilliard was asked yesterdayafternoon if ho had concluded hiH arrange,ments with II. Clay Miner to support Mrs.James Brown Pottor. Said ho: "Minorasked mo my terms, and ho fell dead when Itold him what they wero. Anyway,"

" I'd sooner piny a pnrt in which,if I mako a succors, I Bliall bo appreciated formyself. Oh, I've got a great scheme onhand. I can tell you a deuccdly goodthing."

" Tho Rogarth," which is to bo produced attho Star Theatre on Jan. 10, was played fortho first timo in this country on Thanksgiv-ing night at Band's Opera-Hous- Troy. Itis said that tho picco mot with instant suc-cess. It is tho work of George Darrell, nyoung Australian actor, who lias writtenseveral successful sensational plays. Promi-ncn- t

among the peoplo in tho cast aro MissAdele Bolgardo, Miss Lillian Conway, MissMaude Whito, Luko Martin, Burr Macintosh,Honry Holland and W. H. Thompson. "

it may bo said for tho benofitof thosowho don't know what tho word means, isIrish for priest.

" Yes, indeed," Baid n well-know- n actressin her artless. Partingtoniau way yesterday,as sho listend to littlo Josef Hofmann at thomatiueo yesterday, " that boy is certainly amusical protege."

llobert McWado. tho nearly veteran actor,wroto a play which was brought out somothree years ugo iu Ohio, under tho manage-ment of Col. It. E. J. Miles, nud ho is ex.trcmely anxious to get it produced in NewYork. He thinks ho has n chaucoof seeing itplayed hero in tlio spring, Bonie moneyedfriends of his having half jiromised to hclnhim. The nanio of Mr. McWade's play is"Franz Itochcllc," nnd it is said tn ho ex-

ceptionally strong (ull plays aro. by tho byo,until they havo been Been). Mr. MoWado isso anxious to arrango matters for this playthat ho will not leave Now York, and onlyappears in "Kip Van Winkle" for un occa-sional holiday. " Franz Itochcllu " is saidto require $10,000 cold cash.

Horry Leo is to join Mrs. Potter in placo ofJoseph Haworth, who is engaged for thocoming production of " Anarchy " at thoStandard Theatre. Mr. Leo was to havotaken his play of " Angelo " on tho road, but" Angelo " has been sholved for tho present.Tho public ought to feel grateful.

Charles K. Gardiner is arranging to starGeorge Adams, tho burlesquo clown, nextseason, iu what ho calls a " speaking panto-mime," entitled " Ho, Sho, Him, Her," inwhich ho will appear iu a Now York theatroin August. Mr. Gardiner will bo a very busyman noxt season. Ho has n war play writtenby tho lato Elliott Barnes, and baid to bo asstrong as "Held by tho Enemy," also to boproduced in this city next spring. Then hois interested in " Only a Farmer's Daughter,"" Only a Woman's Heart" oud "Zo-Zo.- "

Chanuccy Depow, at tho recent Itobsou audCrano banquet, mado ouo of his rare andbrilliant speeches this timo lauding tho

Amorlcan drama. Among other things, re.fcrring Indirectly.plso to "Tho Henrietta,"ho said t " Wo have reached tho tieriodwhore mi Amcricali play can bo writtenwhoro it is proved thai American llfo fur.Irishes tho material for tho drama which candraw crowded houscu night after night andwhoro tho American actor is equal to all tliorequirements of tlio American plav andAmerican people and an Anioricnn audience."Now Manager Frohmaii, of tho LyueumTheoft-o- , linn on his stage tho play of " TlioWife." oIbo n sircccssful American piece.Ho thought Mr. Dopow's remarks wero booxtremoly and happily npplicablo to his ownsuccessful production, as well as it was toBobson and Oriino's, that ho quoted some ofthese rcmnrks in his mhertiseliients of " TlioWife," giiiu: ltnlmon and Cninn credit,however, for tlieir origin. Aftor ho had donobo, Messrs. ltobson and Crano wrote him asfollows :

(It'll 1)K iu FiioiiMAN : Your "ad" Is anof raat.ogerl.il genius, 'I he anoelnlloii

t lerclu ill nur niiiiea with Obatltiecy Urncw's Injour " adn of "Tho Wife" glMs un, however,tho hen nt the thunder. With best wlilic tor your" Wife," your friends, Hobson and Ciianu.


What I It Hint 23,000 f Them (lu to theTheatre (or Hnlimlny AI'lernnuiiT

fVoni in ,ip Yorktr,Not Mr from i3,Wi women disport lliemsclvts at

lnatlDocslnNew York on Haturdujs, and cry In-

teresting audlonrea, to philosophical observer,they make. Now York Is a matinee city,nud a matlnco audience could lie told from anevening gathering If juu wero to meet than la theFIJI Itlnuds. Your inatluco people, In tlio firstplace, lire almost ull ot tliem feminine. Iu the nee-ol- id

place, they aro nil In tailor gowns.One goes to the theatro la tho evening to sco

dress. In thenfternoon thcrols nouolosce. Youe.in't tell tho Fifth avenue belles In the boxer, anfar as gun in gn, from the I'.IM side thop izlr.H wholook down from tho gallery, i:cnlng drcn wuhnocr so varlouH, daylight toilets wero never 10uniform before. Slender figure, clean cut fare,h:lgiit e.vin, trim fitting dark gown, chlo braidedJacket, bangs lem ilunlly vuliiinltinui thnn lastyear, darkglons, charactcrlzo ewry woman un-der thirty in tlio house; uml how eurlouxly out ofplace, ai If thoy had stayod In from lust jear,ihoso two girl Iu the balcony look who have liddedto tho well-bre- faultlessly monotonous dress

of tho theatre u garden of chrjaanthomuinseach, grnwlin: m the l.iprls of their tailor coats.

A imitlneo Is rnrlotiily restrained, cautiouslyillgnllled as to Us dross, Inn women whohave been shopping carry their bundles, schooll.'irla clrou In with books on their arm and thopencil mlrrVs not washed off their culls, and peo-ple who want to indulge more or lesn openly Incaramels.

To the actor tho matinee Is u black terror. HoIn painfully conscious of tho abscuco ot the critics,the literati ; thcro uro no haatvy swells, masculineor feminine, no familiar faces, nothing brllllautto catch thu tie In the house.

The actress doesn't hold tho nftcrnoon perform-'anee- x

In iulto such honor, becnusi! she la shrewdenough to know that tho cohorts ot boarding,school iuIh'ch iromout of town who liuc dreamedall the week ntthc rootllghts.who adorn Modjcsko'agraro und Huso CoghlanM coquettish sauelnesaand Annlo Pl.Mcj's diamonds and .Mr, l'olteragowns; tn whom the glitter of paste Is the shineof old mine Jewels, and wlioso lieirts swell withadmiration or burst with envy at the frou-fro- u ofsilks, the tracery of laces or the art of make upthat seems nature's own stamp of beauty to them;the actresses feeltaat no audience inn bu gath-cre- il

that enjoys do much delight marred by bulittle criticism.

Women who can dress magnificently uro the bestminSiee attractions. Among men there has neverbeen a successor to Montague, 'lhe alleged Icnit-nln- u

worship of liaiiusomo actors la mosllrHtuITand nonsense, but what littlo truth there lain Itapplies to the school-gi- rl contingent of thu mail-Hue- s.

Montague waa horribly bond by women,but they worshipped hint, and WiUlack's wasnever the same utter he died. Tliero Isn't a reign-ing favnrlto now. lllxey got a deal of adorationlast season, but women huvo ilred ot Auonls.Handsome Hob Milliard held a guud many heartsin his hjtid till the feminine world somewhatslowly tumbled to the fact that both he and Dlxcyare married anil devoted to their wHcs, luce,when the owners of thu offered hearts havo re-claimed their property. Jluntcll was a sod In thoold dais when hu played I.orls InanofT to Daven-port's Fedora, but that Idolatry Ibis waned. Del-le- w

has made sad havoc, but llellcw la married,and mnrrlago Is u sad destroyer of romance. Itlcli-ai- d

Mansheld and Osmond Tearlo drew women tomatinees, and Joseph Haworth has had somo wor-shippers ut his shrine, campanlnl Is a aehool girl'shero If alio doesn't happen to meet him oil tho stageund get disenchanted.

The spectacular doesn't tako at a matinee.Women dou'l udtnlro tlulr own tux, as a rule, Inlights, and would llko Lolo Fuller, for instance,lnucn better In a gown. Tho country contingent,with somo men In It, which makes up the t ofnn afternoon audience, goes to the slamlnnl attrac-tions, and the spectacle has to look to the eveningfor Its big houses.

A matlnco audience Is less sophisticated than nnevening house, and It ulwajs enjoys itself. Thostudent of human nature (n)ojs t no audlcucj Ifthere Is nothing dn crtitig on tho stage.

I'lncliig llio ItrannnMblllty.from W;

Mamma You should leal such a life, Johnnie,that If you died suddenly you would not be ashamedto meet your Maker.

Johnnio (thoughtfully) I should think Uo wasthe ono to be ashamed If He's the .Maker.

Kiiglliiti Hospitality.Irom I'unrh.

Guest Well, good-b- old man I and you'voreally got a very nice little placo herel

Host Yes; but It's rather bare Jus-- now. I hopotho trees will have grown u good bit before jou'ro

.back, old maulm m

Answer to (,'orreapundcut.il. T. T. In radio dlco three aces will be high In

one house and three sixes In another. Each housedecides for Itself which shall bu high. Tluro Is nohard und fast rule.

7". 1)."U there nnv way by which I mar havomy legs straightened V Apply to tho Hoipltal for,the Itupturcd and Crippled, hurty-secon- d street undLexington avenue, at u a. u.

Jack Pot . It docs not matter what a man mayray his hand cousuts of. Talk Is not poker. Whentho hands are called, they must bu laid down onthe table, fuce up, and the highest hand takes thopot without reference to any coniertatlon.

II". 11". Jf. The managers of nny entertainmenthave a legal right to tit out any ptrson whosepresence. In their opinion, Is likely to causa trou-ble, or not desired by them. Of courso they musttctiirn his money, If he has paid for admission.




Intrrmtlna i:inU Wlileh Will Tnuo l'lneont Ornnge, N. J., Htnlr'n lalnmt niiit Ihnfllrtropolltnn Oprrn Mouse-T- he .llnnlint-In- n

Atlilette Cluli'n Trainer lnrc lorriiBlniiit-TohiiK- cnn Khnot tor llrnoklyn

L'liRiiar nt llio I'leetnuml Tracli.

"Nlffitaatiil " socinl culture and

rj& yrp innocent amusementI byi lbTt'f w"'c athletlo clubs

VrSr lFf (,f tho llifillcr or,lurWn n& n'm nt "' well nn nt

NNoJfr- -- TsS?' physical development,iSLj tlio cutertaintiiintH of

I fr n tho Manhattans and

rtTUi tifo Kow York8 do very

"vJlPt ;v well. Tho coiiibina.

SJV i,m' 1'owovcr. of tho'j.;kl,t.'- - Si. Mnnlmttnn Athletic,

Xj JU tho Ksscx County To- -

iS '" JLlJy ',0Knu m"l "'" Slaten""' h Island Athletic clubs

"'(SPjjgSjy ""! tlio three great2w2rJ?51 "wl" 1 lo ghon at

Orange, N. J., SttitenIsland and tho Metropolitan Opcrn.HoiiKo, inthis city, on Dee. IS, 17 and 20, will surpassanything of thu kind over attempted. TheSovcnth lteglinent, which is to kIiow whnt itsathletes can do iu open-aiuato- competitions,on noxt Saturday evening, will contribute ngleo club, as will tlio Stock Kxchango.Tlio Seventh will also put in a "squad

of its picked men for n fancy dress drill.Tliero will bo recitations, solos, mmrtets,clever instrumental performances mid agrand athletlo tableau to wind up. llesido,l'rof. Itondelle, tho fencing master of thoManhattans will iu all probability havo touphold his rhalleugo to l'rof. Seuao, the in.structor in fencing to tlio Now York AthleticOltib. If a bout with soft gloves between thoManhattan's newly appointed boxing master,l'rof. Austin, and tho New York Athlotio(Hub's teacher, l'rof. Miko Donovan, couldbo arranged, thcro could bo nothing left towish for.

Horry Sullivan, tho trainer and track,master of thu Manhattan Athletlo Club, sailedfor Knglaud last night. Ho will return tohis position, bringing over his wifo and fnm-il-

in tlio early spring. Sullivan wasbefore ho left with tho handsome gold

medal awarded him by tho National Associa-tion of Athletes for tho perfect condition inwhich ho placed (ho grounds at Lighty-slxt- h

streot and Kighth avenuo for thu champion-shi- p

games, whicli wero held tho 17th of lastSeptember.


Tho Nassau Athletic Club has decided onJan. 18 as tho date for tlio championshipboxing and wrestling competitions whichthis club has been authorized to hold thisseason.

Work hat nlrendy commenced on throotoboggan sjioots tho Brooklyn Athletic As-sociation will lmvo on its DuKalbaud Grahamavenue grounds this winter.

Thorastimo Ath'lctio Club will havo itsusual boxing coiifjietitioim this winter. Itwill hold them iu l'arepa Hall, Eighty-sixt-h

btrcot and Third nveuue, tho last of January.

Sixty men weut to work on tlio winterchanges to bo mado at Fioctwood DrivingFiuk yesterday. Tho track will bo left openfor driving, and for any match that may bofound for tho Biro Brothers' wonderful uiaro,Itobal'ud Wilkes, till tho last moment.

Tho Members' pool tournament nt tho Man-hatta- n

Athletic club-houB- o beginsevening.

Tho benefit to Jem Coruov this week willprovo to him tliero aro honest sporting menin America. Tliero will be uo danger of thisplucky .honest fighter returning to Lis familyempty .handed.

.m m

A rhllndelphln Clcrsyiunn'a Dl nt Dudea.ltrporitifltn.M, r. J'tttr'i Sirmon.)

We need another Ihackcray to ridicule the raceofBuooa that still exist. Man was mads for work.In tho beginning man was put lntbegsrden ofEden; not to loaf In It, but to "dress and keep it."Let our public schools teach leas Latin, Oreek andInfinitesimal calculns and train our youths In prac-tical mechanics. Young women aro not blamelessIn this regard. They are apt to look upon a me-chanic as socially Inferior and many a younzwoman passes by the hotioit, Industrious mechanicbecauso he has too much good sense to make u oashor Imitate tho monkcr suiucb ni tno Itinerant dude,Let the press aud tno public tuke up this subject andbanish this amy prejudice out of our country.Thcro is nothln? to bu aihamcd of In work. Christ

ss a carpenter. Let the coxcomn who has noth-li- g

to do bo ushamed, but never let a man whoworks bo asna'i.ed of nla hard hands. A hammer laIs a much more honorable Implement thun a

cane. I.earn to do your wori: well. Don'talight It. It la the unskilled laborer who has troubleto keep away the wolf of want from tho door of thehouse ho loves.

When You liny Ouo Ounceor

uiKEB'a A'Jr.iiiCAN sachet rownxnronharnifutaiKoudrsAI'OUNIiuf ANY otiieb. Don'ttarget thu tact, and juu will n"taa, a week ur ao afteryou havn mado up your inouiboir " cnee. Ac. t'Ooisl Lord I llicmln No BMKIXto It it all." What

you will hbjt l: " Isn't It lovalyf" "How awwt I"Ao. Insist on haTina KiKEii'a Hacukt rowncn andl'KnrcMER in thiioriirlnal iiickiir. l)i net allow anyotiH to persusdt yon uthnrvvlut. Hold by almost all doilorathroughout the Unitsd Ht3toa. If any druralst refuses Vsupply you, you can bo aura of ctttliur what yon ask forat too dty.Koods houses aud L'tmral atorea or direct from

WM, 11, Ilium A Hon, drucalsta and perfumers,IMabllshnd 1S.IG. at 3M Mllth ate., New York. .


Proud Pnrratc of Kerr Ilnalnml Put TheirYoungatera' Wit tn Print.nnd Colltttttm In Ihn Jtton tJloit.

A nilOCRTOM (lllll.'S 1.IMITK0 I'OSSIlllUTIES.All'tle lirocktongltl, thrco years old, whilo try-

ing to dross her feet one day, get her shoes mi tliowrung feet. When told br in r mother to put themon the other feet, the bright face clouded tor amoment, then, looking up, sue pouted: "Mamma,1 have no other feet to put them on.

ql'ITK I'NSrf.rlStt.Utile Now Hertford girl, who had wltncsucd tho

process of taking pp n contribution In church:"Thoy passed the plate to me, but I didn't takoany."

a tiAi.tiKK iiov'h murine kxn.anatiowThu following is my small Hoy's litest:" M.inuna, wlut are these funny sputa oil my feet

(meaning goose-tlesh)-

I replied, "1 don't know,""Oh. I know," ho add; "It most bo somo of

my food sticking outl"WANTKI) T1IK nABV I'INISIIKP.

I.lttlo Nellie, ago three Pupa, why don't mammacome lolireffast ?"

Papa WhU my dear, didn't yo'i know tho doc-tor brought you n new bain lirolhirf

I.lttlo Nellie Well, why don't It turn tn hreffaat?IMpa Why, It hasn't nnv teeth to eat with yet. ru,l.tttln Nellie (after deliberating a while) Well,

pnpa, I viish you would tell tho doctor to tako Itbuck nud lltilsii It.

A 1I0PTOS nOV'rt CONl'MlllUSI.I.lttlo d Jau.le, lining by hit

uianiiuii:II Mamma, Old Port make me:""Yes, (lod niado jou, Jamie."" Iinl ton make my clothea whilo Pod waa ?"

"Yes.""Well, then, you know I was coming, didn't


I.lttlo Willie 11 , four years old, ssld to his mam-ma one day: " Miiiiun;i, wi:o will be my mammawhen jou arc nn obi 'oinant"

Un another dav Willie ajbl: " Mnmina,tcll SantaClans not to send mo any moro play horses; I wanta live hornr."

Willie was Musing his papa, and mamma said:" Willie, save aomo klssea for mamma. "Willie snld: "on, iiiainiiri, I havo plenty. Inm

lu'ikluj kifsis ull the time right In my tnoiif."Al'lUIl) llKAVXN WOL'l.tl H TOO KLI.I.

I have a little boy Harry, four yeira old, and woran seen great many funerals go last my windows.Ouo day he saw four go past and he began to cryund say "Why don't Ood kill me? Iloaven will lielull, and there will Le uo ruom for mo If I do notdieaoou. "


Knfant Terrible (running up to paterfamilias, whowas taklug leave ot a party of ladles on theterandn) Papa, must oodoo ntross lo tho town

adeu?"Yes my mtlo dear; I haven't been across now

for n week. "Kufant Terrible (with a horrified look) Oh,

Eapa, oowus, cos' June told me when oo camethat oi was over tho bay last night.

C'urlou l'neta About DrnfOlmo Mnrrlagei.tr.ll,i.Wj,(a JMfrul llfjhlr.t

Prof. Bell infers from tho freuuent recttrrcneo ofpeculiar slrtaiucH In the catalogues of asylumsfor tho deaf and dumb tint certain families aroprono to that calamity. In the American Asylum,nt Hartford, among 1,171 uumes, 107, or moro thanone-thir- occur moro than one. Of this 407, 8Uoccur tw lee, si three times, 43 four times and afew from live to thirteen times. A similar showingIs niacin by statistics uf lhe Hllliola Inotitntlon fortho Deaf and Dumb. Thu hereditary tendency Issupposed to be herein Indicated, of !l, 11X1 pupils atHartford, C93 Iiad deaf-mut- e relatltes und iu nailuuu ur more children who were so nmicteJ. Matls-tle- s

from six otner Institutions tor deaf-mut-

show un arcrugo percentage of 29.3 pupll.i whoburn du.if-mtit- o relatives, l.l.b percent, of thesopurlin being utaf-iuutc- r.l percent, congcnltally Ot an estimatedill, 743 sporadic eas's of dcafnesa In tho UnitedStates S.:yj are said by l'rof. Hell to be congenital,mid of the l?,liu who havo deaf-mut- e relativesV,'js9 are cougcnlt.il. Tbo total number possessingdeaf-mut- e relatives is estimated at 80. 174. IllsRtstcil, furthermore, that 78.0 per cent, of thedeaf-mut- who matry chooie consorts who arenlso deaf-mut- and in. 1 per cent, or tho childrenborn of such marriages aro deaf-mute-

Our Latest Kitchen Importation.From jHtlgt,

Mrs. Illauvclt (an hour before dinner) Did theterrapin come, KllenT

Ellen Dlvll th' sight avthlm, ma'am; an' Mrs.Illauvelt, OI wish jtr.'d make thot tlh boyshtnpphluylng thrlcVa uuudaclnt g'rl. I'fwhatdidhodoan hour ugo but lav oslv nasty turslcs loose Iu th'kltch'nl It's In th' ash-bat- 'l Oi pit 'm.

Correct Dellnltlon.(fronjtA Omnia H'orM.1

Teacher Class III definitions, attentlonlClass Yes, m'm.Teacher Define the word bombast.Urlght I'upll Anarchists tslkln' ubout bombs.

Irfeotnplete. 'f r' tHI fnm r.t.l 4,11

Conntriman (to cpndactot,,pn .e.lJrlte,f$$;'f .' JmMYoa.dqn't run a train V keen with." an engine llxei V, 'v JHthat, do'jont '"HlConductor WhynotT Wnat'a ,tno jnattei lrtth .'aHtho engino? .tuuSHCountryman It ain't got no eowkctcherontolt. i "rjM

SorUliitf Huloly. 'lilFrom Texnt R(fligil HAnarchlat-Orctehe- Rlf roe a clean wklta, 'UH

hlrtl HWife Vat 1 Haf jott lost your ncnics, Adolphf jHAiiirciiit Kelni but since Uot execution we nUAusrcltlats haf to go in dl3gttlsc. L tVlsH