EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project work offers detailed information and analysis of the comparison of Lycamobile products with other telecom players. Lycamobile is the market leader in U.K and has recently started its operations in India. Lycamobile has a very good market reputation in U.K and it has also built a good brand value for its products. Lycamobile has won multiple awards for its excellent connectivity, network clearance, and innovation of new products. After its great successes in U.K, USA, and Middle East counties it has come to the Indian market which is challenging and not very adaptable to changes, with the vision that within 5 more years Lycamobile will be the market leader of international sim cards. To achieve its goal Lycamobile has differentiated its product from its competitors and is providing excellent services to its customers. This project describes the way Lycamobile operates and the strategies it plans to get a bigger market share as a new entry in the Indian market. This work also covers the profile and significance of Lycatel. A full report about the company profile and industrial profile has been drawn. The organizational hierarchy and the human resources have been studied and framed in this project. It also describes the roles and responsibilities which I was assigned to me during my internship, the kind of trainings I went through before my field work. 1

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sip about international calling cards

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This project work offers detailed information and analysis of the comparison of Lycamobile products with other telecom players. Lycamobile is the market leader in U.K and has recently started its operations in India. Lycamobile has a very good market reputation in U.K and it has also built a good brand value for its products. Lycamobile has won multiple awards for its excellent connectivity, network clearance, and innovation of new products.

After its great successes in U.K, USA, and Middle East counties it has come to the Indian market which is challenging and not very adaptable to changes, with the vision that within 5 more years Lycamobile will be the market leader of international sim cards. To achieve its goal Lycamobile has differentiated its product from its competitors and is providing excellent services to its customers.

This project describes the way Lycamobile operates and the strategies it plans to get a bigger market share as a new entry in the Indian market.

This work also covers the profile and significance of Lycatel. A full report about the company profile and industrial profile has been drawn. The organizational hierarchy and the human resources have been studied and framed in this project. It also describes the roles and responsibilities which I was assigned to me during my internship, the kind of trainings I went through before my field work.

On conclusion of this project work, a detailed report has been drawn up and herewith submitted.






Telecommunication has been recognized world-over as an important tool for socio-economic development for a nation and plays a phenomenal role in growth and modernization of various sectors of the economy. Over the last few years, Indian telecom market has shown overwhelming growth thanks to domestic demand, policy initiatives undertaken by the government and admirable efforts by the players of the industry and in the process, has managed to emerge as one of the youngest and fastest growing economies in the world today. Factors like regulatory liberalization, structural reforms and competition played a very important part in this rapid transformation.

The fact that India is one of world’s fastest growing telecom markets in the world, has acted as the primary driver for foreign and domestic telecommunication companies investing into the sector. It is also recognized as one of the most lucrative markets globally, resulting in massive investments being made in the sector both by the private and government sector in the last decade.

The telecom industry has witnessed significant growth in subscriber base over the last decade, with increasing network coverage and a competition-induced decline in tariffs acting as catalysts for the growth in subscriber base. The growth story and the potential have also served to attract newer players in the industry, with the result that the intensity of competition has kept increasing

Liberalization of the sector has not only led to rapid growth but also helped a great deal towards maximization of consumer benefits, evident from a huge fall in tariffs. Telecom sector has witnessed a continuous rising trend in the total number of telephone subscribers. From a meager 22.8 million telephone subscribers (wireless plus wire line) in 1999, it has grown to 926.53 million at the end of December, 2011, reaching tele density of 76.86 %. The total number of urban subscribers today stand at 611.19 Million (65.59 %) and rural subscribers at 315.33 Million (34.41 %). Wireless telephone connections have contributed to this growth as the number of wireless connections rose from 35.61 million in 2004 to 893.84 Million at the end of December, 2011.

Also, broadband segment has seen significant growth with total internet subscribers reaching 20.99 million in September, 2011, which includes 13.30 broadband subscribers.

The industry has touched newer heights with the rollout of newer circles by operators, successful auction of third-generation (3G) and broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum, network rollout in semi-rural areas and increased focus on the value added services (VAS) market.


Meanwhile, the introduction of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in India has made the Indian Telecom market more competitive, in terms of service offerings and quality.

With lower voice tariffs and low ARPUs in India, emergence of new technologies and advancements towards 3G amongst others reasons are motivating operators to shift their focus on VAS. Particularly, past few years have been quite revolutionary for the industry as it witnessed the emergence of smartphones; GPS enabled sets, and 3G handsets. Initiatives to connect the rural masses are already visible with service providers tie ups with content providers for services related to agriculture, weather and livelihood.

The emergence of the mobile has benefitted people across all walks of life. Going forward, it is expected to play a significant role in bridging the digital divide between the rich and poor, between near and far, thus in connecting the nation. It has not only become the primary communication medium for people, but is also finding numerous uses across various domains. Today, it is being used for banking transactions, making payments, acting as an educational and multimedia tool, etc. However, the urgent need is to deliver services that could enable efficient day- to- day life for the larger masses efficiently. It can be an efficient mode of spreading governance, and can also be used across verticals such as agriculture and healthcare. The rapid rise of high-end mobile phones (smart phones) has enabled the customers to access and utilize numerous software applications as utility or for entertainment.

The rapid pace of growth in telecommunications makes it necessary to develop India as a Global manufacturing hub. With its proven track record in the skill-intensive industries and the global trend to manufacture and source products in low cost countries, India is well placed to emerge as one of the leading hub for manufactured exports.

With the liberalization of the Indian economy, the telecom sector has become very attractive for mergers and acquisitions. M&A in India is subject to various laws the principle of them being The Companies Act 1956, Income Tax Act 1961 and the Takeover Code (for public listed companies). Regulatory considerations are also equally important to take note of in telecom M&A.


The Indian Telecom industry contributes 3 % in the GDP (2010). Foreign direct investment has been one of the major contributors in the growth of the Indian economy, and therefore, the need for higher FDI is felt across sectors in the Indian economy. The telecom sector has played a crucial role in attracting FDI in India. India's telecom sector received US$ 1093 million in foreign direct investment (FDI) during the first quarter (April-November) of financial year 2010-2011. Today, telecom is the third major sector attracting FDI inflows after services and computer software sector. In the telecom sector, FDI up to 49% is allowed under automatic route and


beyond that up to 74% is permitted through the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), a government body. As per the current telecom services policy, the sector has 74% of equity on basic cellular, unified access services and other value-added services.

An attractive trade and investment policy and lucrative incentives for foreign collaborations have made India one of the world’s most attractive markets for the telecom equipment suppliers and service providers. Few such constructive policies are:

• No industrial license is required for setting up manufacturing units for telecom equipment.

• 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is allowed through automatic route for manufacturing of telecom equipments.

• Payments for royalty, lump sum fee for transfer of technology and payments for use of trademark/brand name on the automatic route.

• Foreign equity of 74% (49 % under automatic route) is permitted for telecom services - basic, cellular mobile, paging, and value added services, NLD, ILD, and ISPs - and global mobile personal communications by satellite.

• Full reparability of dividend income and capital invested in the telecom sector. Research & Development

India has proven its dominance as a technology solution provider. Efforts are being continuously made to develop affordable technology for masses, as also comprehensive security infrastructure for telecom network. Research is on for the preparation of tested infrastructure for enabling interoperability in Next Generation Network. Pilot projects on the existing and emerging technologies have been undertaken including WiMax, 3G etc. Emphasis is being given to technologies having potential to improve rural connectivity. Also to beef up R&D infrastructure in the telecom sector and bridge the digital divide, cellular operators, top academic institutes and the Government of India together set up the Telecom Centers of Excellence (COEs).

Seven Centers of Excellences in various field of Telecom have been set up with the support of Government and the participation of private/public telecom operators as sponsors, at the selected academic institutions of India.

The proposed benefits from the R&D initiatives by the Government are:

• Pre-eminence of India as a technology solution provider.

• Comprehensive security infrastructure for telecom network.

• Tested infrastructure for enabling interoperability in Next Generation Network.


To support Research & development in the country and promoting Start ups focused on technology and innovation, a weighted deduction of 150% of expenditure incurred on in-house R&D is introduced under the Income Tax Ac. In addition to the existing scheme for funding various R&D projects have been funded through new scheme like Support International Patent Protection in Electronics & IT (SIP-EIT), Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS).

The government has initiated the setting up of an Open Technology Center through NIC aimed at giving effective direction to the country on Open Technology in the areas of Open Source Solutions, (OSS), Open Standard, Open Processes, Open Hardware specifications and Open Course-ware. This initiative will act as a National Knowledge facility providing synergy to the overall components of Open Technology globally.


The Indian Telegraph Act, 1885

This Act is one of the oldest legislations still in effect in India and is an Act to amend the law relating to telegraphs10 in India.

The Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933

This Act was enacted to regulate the possession of wireless telegraphy apparatus11. According to this Act, the possession of wireless telegraphy apparatus by any person can only be allowed in accordance with a license issued by the telecom authority. Further, the Act also levies penalties if any wireless telegraphy apparatus is held without a valid license.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 enabled the establishment of the TRAI. The role and functions of the TRAI have already been discussed in Chapter III above. Interestingly, the 1997 Act empowered the TRAI with quasi-judicial authority to adjudicate upon and settle telecom disputes. Later this Act was amended by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Amendment) Act, 2000 to bring in better clarity and distinction between the regulatory and recommendatory functions of TRAI.

The Information Technology Act, 2000


In 2000, the Indian Parliament passed the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“ITA”) mainly to promote e-commerce and give legal recognition to electronic documents and digital signatures as means to authenticate electronic documents. Later, the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 (“ITAA 2008”) was passed which provided additional focus on information security as well as added several new sections on offences including cyber terrorism and data protection.

Communication Convergence Bill

In the year 2000, the Government of India introduced a proposed Communication Convergence Bill (the “Convergence Bill”). As its name indicates, the objective of the Convergence Bill is to establish a new “converged” regulatory framework to promote and develop the communications sector (including broadcasting, telecommunications and “multimedia”) in an environment of increasing convergence of technologies, services and service providers.

National Telecom Policies:

Driven by various policy initiatives from NTP’94 and NTP’99, the Indian telecom sector witnessed a complete transformation in the last decade.

But, since then there has been a rapid advancement of technology, and many changes have arisen in the telecom scenario in the world, thus, creating a need for reviewing the current telecom policy. National Telecom Policy 2012 is expected to ensure that India’s growth doesn’t slow down and it plays a leadership role effectively.


Even though the Indian telecommunications sector has come a long way since the time of liberalization and promises growth, there are a number of issues which still pose a challenge to its progress. Two critical issues are:

Declining Average Revenue per User (“ARPU”)

The Indian telecommunications sector is a highly competitive sector. A sustained price war in the industry has resulted in declining ARPUs. As a result, operators are focusing more on data


and value added services to meet the revenue deficit caused by fall in revenue by their core business.

Lack of Telecom Infrastructure:

Operators have to incur huge capital costs to provide telecommunications services in the rural areas of India. Added to this cost is the logistical challenge posed by the lack of supporting infrastructure such as lack of roads and electricity.

With new players coming in, the intensity of competition in the industry has increased, especially over the last four years. The market share of the telecom companies reflects the fragmented nature of the industry, with as many as 15 players.

Future prospects as the fastest growing telecommunications market in the world, India is projected to have 1billion telephones by 2015 and is estimated to become world's largest mobile phone market by subscriptions by 2013. With a large population yet to have access to telecommunication and teledensity still being 76.86 % and rural tele-density at 37.48 %, there is significant growth opportunity for the sector, especially in rural areas and 3G and BWA yet to make significant inroads.

India offers an unprecedented opportunity for telecom service operators, infrastructure vendors, manufacturers and associated services companies. A host of factors are contributing to enlarged opportunities for growth and investment in telecom sector:

• An expanding Indian economy with increased focus on the services sector

• Population mix moving favorably towards a younger age profile

• Urbanization with increasing incomes

Investors can look to capture the gains of the Indian telecom boom and diversify their operations outside developed economies that are marked by saturated telecom markets and lower GDP growth rates.

An attractive trade and investment policy and lucrative incentives for foreign collaborations have made India one of the world’s most attractive markets for the telecom equipment suppliers and service providers.

Key factors, which will fuel the growth of the sector include increased access to services owing to launch of newer telecom technologies like 3G and BWA, better devices, changing consumer behavior and the emergence of cloud technologies. Majority of the investments will go into the capital expenditure for setting up newer networks like 3G and developing the backhaul.


Moreover, the introduction of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in India has made the Indian Telecom market more competitive, in terms of service offerings and quality.


The Indian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. Government policies and regulatory framework implemented by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) have provided conducive environment for service providers. This has made the sector more competitive, while enhancing the accessibility of telecommunication services at affordable tariffs to the consumers. In the last two decades, the Indian Telecom Sector and mobile telephony in particular has caught the imagination of India by revolutionizing the way we communicate, share information; and through its staggering growth helped millions stay connected. This growth, however, has and continues to be at the cost of the Climate, powered by an unsustainable and inefficient model of energy generation and usage. Simultaneously, this growth has also come at significant and growing loss to the state exchequer, raising fundamental questions on the future business and operation model of the Telecom sector.

The telecom industry has witnessed significant growth in subscriber base over the last decade, with increasing network coverage and a competition-induced decline in tariffs acting as catalysts for the growth in subscriber base. The growth story and the potential have also served to attract newer players in the industry, with the result that the intensity of competition has kept increasing. The sector expected to witness up to US$ 56.3 billion investments and the market will cross the US$ 101 billion mark in five years.


The Indian telecom sector has witnessed tremendous growth over the past decade. Today, the Indian telecom network is the second largest in the world after China. A liberal policy regime and involvement of the private sector have played an important role in transforming this sector.

The total number of telephones has increased from 429.73 million on 31 March 2009 to 926.55 million on 31December 2011.

The telecom industry has witnessed significant growth in subscriber base over the last decade, with increasing network coverage and a competition-induced decline in tariffs acting as catalysts


for the growth in subscriber base. The growth story and the potential have also served to attract newer players in the industry, with the result that the intensity of competition has kept increasing. Also, broadband segment has seen significant growth with total internet subscribers reaching 20.99 million in September 2011, which includes 13.30 broadband subscribers.

Liberalization of the sector has not only led to rapid growth but also helped a great deal towards maximization of consumer benefits, evident from a huge fall in tariffs. Telecom sector has witnessed a continuous rising trend in the total number of telephone subscribers and hence the teledensity. In simple terms, ‘Teledensity’ is the number of landline telephones in use for every 100 individuals living within an area. A tele-density greater than 100 means there are more telephones than people.

Third-world countries may have a tele-density of less than 10. Teledensity is also an important indicator of penetration in the country. Teledensity has increased from 18.2 per cent in March 2007 to 76.86 per cent in December 2011 Teledensity varies across circles and there is significant urban-rural divide.

While urban teledensity reached 167.4 percent at the end of December 2011 and rural teledensity was only 37.5 per cent. At circle levels also, while some circles such as steps that been undertaken to improve teledensity, particularly in rural areas.

Circle wise Tele-Density

All India……………………………. 79.58


Bihar ………………………………48.16

Madhya Pradesh……………………55.55

J & K……………………………… 57.71



North East…………………………..68.69


Andhra Pradesh……………………..81.39

West Bengal………………………..81.35



Gujarat…………………………….. 92.74




Punjab …………………………….…..109.71

Himanchal Pradesh……………………112.70

Tamil Nadu………………………….…110.05


The wireless segment broadly classified into GSM and CDMA segments based on the underlying technology. The GSM segment holds the majority of subscribers with 785.97 million at the end of Dec 2011. The remaining 107.88 million subscribers use CDMA based services. While the GSM segment is seeing a consistent increase in the number of subscribers, the CDMA segment is seeing a reduction. The CDMA wireless segment saw a decrease from 112.42 million at end of Sept 2011 to 107.88 million at the end of Dec 2011. In contrast the figures for GSM are 761.20 million and 785.97 million for Sept and Dec 2011 respectively. The overall wireless market and consequently the GSM market is led by BhartiAirtel which held 19.62% at the end of Feb 2012. It is followed by Reliance Communications, which holds 16.68% of the market and also the leader in the CDMA segment. In the GSM segment, Vodafone and Idea closely follow BhartiAirtel while Tata and Sistema follow Reliance Communications in the CDMA segment.


Growth Drivers

Key factors, which will fuel the growth of the sector include increased access to services owing to launch of newer telecom technologies like 3G and BWA, better devices, changing consumer behavior and the emergence of cloud technologies. A majority of the investments will go into the capital expenditure for setting up newer networks like 3G and developing the backhaul, among other things.

Subscriber Base


The mobile subscriber base in India is estimated rise by 9 per cent to 696 million connections this year, according to technology researcher Gartner. The mobile service penetration in the country is currently at 51 per cent and is expected to grow to 72 per cent by 2016.

Mobile Value Added Services (MVAS)

India's current MVAS industry has an estimated size of US$ 2.7 billion. The industry derives its revenues majorly from the top five to six products such as game based applications, music downloads, etc, which continue to form close to 80 per cent of VAS revenues. The Indian MVAS industry estimated to grow to US$ 10.8 billion by 2015, with the next wave of growth in subscriptions expected to come from semi-urban and rural areas.

Mobile Number Portability (MNP)

Mobile Number Portability requests increased from 41.88 million subscribers at the end of March 2012 to 45.89 million at the end of April 2012. In the month of April 2012 alone, 4.01 million requests have been made for MNP.

The mobile handset market's revenues in India will grow from US$ 5.7 billion in 2010 to US$7.8 billion in 2016, according to the study. India is the second largest mobile handset market in the world and is set to become an even larger market with unit shipment of 208.4 million in 2016 at a CAGR of 11.8 per cent from 2010 to 2016.

The Indian handset market witnessed a 14.1 per cent growth in 2011 to touch a total volume of 182 million handsets. The market continues to be dominated by Nokia with a share of 37.2 per cent, followed by Samsung with 14.9 per cent, G'Five with 7.5 per cent, and Micromax with 5.8 per cent.

Domestic and Chinese handset makers such as Micromax, G'Five, Karbonn, Spice, Maxx and Lava, have garnered a strong presence in the Indian market due to their feature-rich, localised products and low price points.






Lyca Telecom is largest distributor of prepaid sim cards of the prominent Lycatel Group which is headquartered in London, UK. We are leading telecom solution provider with over 30 million satisfied customers globally using Lyca network. Lycamobile sells international pay-as-you-go SIM cards to consumers wanting to make international telephone calls. An MVNO leases radio frequency from mobile phone network operators and it forms ¬partnerships with the operators in each country it serves. Lycamobile has also developed distinct business structures such as MVNA arrangements in different countries. Lycamobile states that its focus remains quality and affordable international calling for its customers. It has often adopted an aggressive pricing strategy on entry to new markets in order to acquire early market share. In some instances, MNO partners of Lycamobile have been surprised by the actual growth rather than their own projected estimated growth of Lycamobile's products.

Historically, the Lycamobile brand concept was launched in 2005 with the first trading using the brand taking place in 2006. Its business structure is arranged to have local national private companies branded under licence as "Lycamobile" and operating exclusively in the particular country as either a MVNO provider or as the principal wholesaler of Lycamobile branded products. The Lycamobile brand is owned by Hastings Trading e ServiçosLda, a Portuguese holding company located in Madeira.

Lycamobile currently operates in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Since its launch in Belgium in 2006, Lycamobile now has more than 6 million pay-as-you-go customers throughout all the countries it serves.

Lycaworld is a service where a single connection fee allows for calls of up to 30 minutes

The Lycamobile brand is distinct from the Lycatel brand and operates with different national corporate entities. Although there are some countries of overlap, Lycamobile and Lycatel do not necessarily operate in parallel. The main bulk of Lycamobile revenue is generated from Lycamobile's SIM products for consumers.

The company also operates under the 'GT Mobile' brand, which competes in many of the same markets as the Lycamobile brand, offering different price structures and options.

Lycamobiles is the World’s largest global MVNO helping over 30 million customers across 16 countries make affordable international and national calls to friends and family across the world.

Every two seconds a new customer joins the Lycamobile family

Has relationships with over 30 global mobile network operators for MVNO interconnect and SMS interworking

SIMs and Top-ups available in over 1,000,000 retail points of sale.



"To be a world class mobile telecommunications distributor, where we team up with business partners to continually drive down costs and deliver superior value propositions to our customers across the globe Penetrate the Indian market across 12 target cities"


"Low cost calling from anywhere in the world. To provide segment specific global products and services across all Indian cities. Provide high quality products and services at low cost by focusing on efficient distribution across India for customers who travel abroad. Specialized customer care and In-house technology to take care of our customers. Penetrate the Indian market across 12 target cities"

To be a benchmark MVNO globally. To provide the broadest distribution and highest quality services at the lowest cost in the

mobile international calling market.


Launched in 2006 and now Europe's largest MVNO helping over 27 million customers across 16 countries make affordable international and national calls.

Was ranked 36th by the Sunday Times as one of Britain's leading midsized private companies out of 250 in 2011Was ranked 2nd in the Sunday Times Tech Track 100 - Britain's leading technology private companies in 2012

Generates over 30 billion minutes per year. Handles over 33 million completed calls daily The Lycamobile brand operates in 16 countries with further market launches planned for

2013 Distributes all products through a 1,000,000 strong retail network including, Tesco, Esso,

BP, Shell, Sainsbury's, Albert Heijn, Carrefour, Interdiscount, Carphone Warehouse, Co-op, The Post Office, Swiss Post, Kiosk, Barclays ATM's and other retailers

Launched pioneering brand toggle mobile abolishing roaming charges in 15 countries Launched the Lycamoney Prepaid MasterCard, a mobile and money convergence product

offering our customers cost effective international remittances and monthly budget management

Utilises best of breed mobile technology solutions including MSC, HLR, SMSC, CAMEL IN, and Prepaid Intelligent Platforms


Offers the highest quality international calling at the lowest cost to mobile users. Supported by over 4,000 talented professionals in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Australia, Poland, Portugal, USA, Canada and India.


Lycamobile sells international pay-as-you-go SIM cards to consumers wanting to make international telephone calls. An MVNO leases radio frequency from mobile phone network operators and it forms partnerships with the operators in each country it serves. Lycamobile has also developed distinct business structures such as MVNA arrangements in different countries. Lycamobile states that its focus remains quality and affordable international calling for its customers. It has often adopted an aggressive pricing strategy on entry to new markets in order to acquire early market share. In some instances, MNO partners of Lycamobile have been surprised by the actual growth rather than their own projected estimated growth of Lycamobile's products.

Historically, the Lycamobile brand concept was launched in 2005 with the first trading using the brand taking place in 2006. Its business structure is arranged to have local national private companies branded under licensee as "Lycamobile" and operating exclusively in the particular country as either a MVNO provider or as the principal wholesaler of Lycamobile branded products. The Lycamobile brand is owned by Hastings Trading e Services Lad, a Portuguese holding company.

Lycamobile currently operates in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Since its launch in Belgium in 2006, Lycamobile now has more than 6 million pay-as-you-go customers throughout all the countries it serves.Lycaworld is a service where a single connection fee allows for calls of up to 30 minutes.


Products and services for final customers

• National top-ups

• International top-ups

• SIM cards

• Calling cards

• Electronic means of payment

• Lottery

• Shop online

Products and services for companies

• Electronic Transactions Processing

• Outsourcing

• Integration

• Disashop PC

• POS Terminals

• Self-service terminals design and manufacturing

Different calling cards of Lyca Mobile



































Lycatalk, part of Lycatel group who are pioneers in telecom industry and the only company in the globe to terminate more than 25 billion minutes per annum through its retail channels. Lycatalk'spinless dialing, CLI dialing service helps you to make cheap landline calls, mobile calls from existing phone numbers. The success of this unique service in UK has prompted us to launch Lycatalk in 17 countries around the world.

The Lycamoney Prepaid MasterCard is issued by Prepaid Financial Services Limited pursuant to a license from MasterCard International Incorporated. Prepaid Financial Services Limited is regulated and authorised by the Financial Services Authority.


Toggle is a special SIM card designed specifically for travelers and is owned by Lyca Mobile. The SIM comes with a UK Number (e.g. +447XXXXXXXX), but it also allows you add a new local number from any of the other countries in the toggle network (you will get a new number allocated by Toggle Mobile and you cannot attach/port an existing number you might have).

For example you can add an Australian Number (e.g. +614XXXXXXXX) and you will be able receive calls on both the UK number it comes with and your new Australian Number from anywhere in the world and for free on the Toggle Network. For family and friends this means they can call you on your new Australian number while you are travelling overseas and it will cost them the same amount it would to call any other Australian mobile number (and its free you to receive calls). You can add up to nine numbers from countries on the toggle network and receive calls to any of these numbers while travelling overseas (or while at home in Australia).

Lycatel products

Lycatel is a distinct operation from Lycamobile and is focused on the sale of calling cards to wholesalers to then sell on to the public. Lycatel offers online sales of calling cards and direct customer sales through the Lycateleshop. The Lycatel brand is not itself used as a calling card brand name, but acts as a parent brand name used on various branded calling cards. The most popular brands of Lycatel calling cards include Africa Tel, Cobra, Eurocity, One+One, Spicy Tel, Supertel, Unitel, Viper and World Call. Each calling card brand features different calling rates to different destinations with some being more suited to single use (known in the calling card industry as 'throw-away cards'). Others are more suited to occasional use but will feature a higher standard rate for each call placed. Whilst there is a fair level of confusion between pricing, Lycatel's underlying charges are significantly less than connecting international calls in a conventional sense.

Historically, the Lycatel (or as previously used 'Lyca Tel') brand has been in existence since 2001 although its early ownership and operational structure were significantly distinct in the early 2000s from the present day. The present day Lycatel brand owners and licensees form a larger organisation although the operational focus of Lycatel remains the sale of a variety of


differently branded calling cards to wholesalers. Wholesalers in turn sell onto retailers who then sell primarily to expatriate customers who want to make low-cost international calls.

Lycatel primarily operates via its own national reselling companies or through its service providers in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, India (an outsourcing operation), Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States.

Lycatel currently holds a wider country-by-country spread than the Lycamobile operations, although Lycamobile has begun operations in countries that Lycatel does not currently have a presence such as Poland. Although the calling card market is generally considered to be in decline with the arrival of mobile telephony, Lycatel as a whole remains a dominant and significant competitor in the calling card market in Europe.

The Lycatalk service

The Lycatalk brand is also part of the Lycatel family of brands and operates in the same jurisdictions as the calling card brands with the exception of Portugal. Lycatalk has less prominence than the Lycatel and Lycamobile brands but has a simply structured product with no set up fees or other maintenance charges. Lycatalk tariff rates are more settled and rarely vary wildly, unlike more aggressively price structured products such as calling cards.



Lycatel was ranked number 36 on the Top Track 250 listings of Mid-Market Private Companies

Lycatel has been ranked as number 36 in the country in the 7th annual Top Track 250 league table, which was published in The Sunday Times on 16th October 2011. The league table identifies the 250 biggest private companies, provided either sales or operating profits have increased in their latest available accounts.

Lycamobile confirmed as the largest MVNO in Spain as its growth outpaces the competition.

Lycamobile, the global leader for low cost international mobile calls, officially affirms its position as the largest MVNO in Spain according to the annual figures declared by the Commission's Telecommunications Market (CMT). The National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the telecommunications sector in Spain announced the 2011 results for operators in Spain in their Q4 annual report, confirming Lycamobile’s position as the market leader with 18% of the MVNO market. Lycamobile has achieved this success in less than 2 years since launch driven by


its strong brand, a compelling value proposition, high quality service and extensive retail distribution

Lycamobile UK gets the larger piece of the international mobile calls pie.

Lycamobile, the global leader for low cost international mobile calls, affirms its position as the most used MVNO in the UK leading the way in brand awareness and usage according to research. Sample research conducted by Government revealed Lycamobile as the number one consumer brand for international mobile calls across the globe. In the research study conducted for Lycamobile it was established that over 50% of respondents made international calls and in the category “International calls with a separate mobile phone” Lycamobile scored highest for awareness and usage.

Lycamobile Announces Partnership With The Tall Ships Races 2012.

The longstanding initiative to encourage international friendship and training for young people in the art of sailing. The Tall Ships Races, which take place annually across July and August, are organized and managed by Sail Training International, the global charity that creates sailing experiences to educate young people. Staged at five European ports between race legs, the four day event will provide a natural platform for Lycamobile to promote its services to key European markets which include France, Spain, Germany, and Norway. As an Official Event Partner for 2012, Lycamobile will have branded on-site activation at The Tall Ships Races in Lisbon, A Coruna, Cadiz and Dublin. With over 8 million customers across 14 countries, the international mobile communications brand will showcase its services to a cumulative live audience of 2 million more potential customers at these events.



Lycamobile Chairman Collects International Entrepreneur Of The Year Award.

Lycamobile Chairman wins prestigious award at the Asian Voice and Public Life Awards.

SubaskaranAllirajah, Chairman of international mobile telecoms provider Lycamobile, picked up the award for International entrepreneur of the year at the prestigious Asian Voice and Public Life Awards. "I am delighted to receive such a prestigious award. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organisers of the Asian Voice and Public Life Awards, my colleagues and also my family, without their support I would not have achieved this success," commented SubasAllirajah, Chairman, Lycamobile.


Lycamobile Chairman collects Best Overall Enterprise Award on behalf of Lycamobile

SubaskaranAllirajah, Chairman of international mobile telecoms provider Lycamobile, picked up the award on behalf of Lycamobile for Best Overall Enterprise at the prestigious Asian Achievers Awards, held at Wembley Stadium last Thursday the 30th of September. The Asian


Achievers Awards is the most respected award ceremony in the Asian community and celebrates the best in Asian sport, business, and community achievements.

Lycamobile wins two silver medal Stevie awards in 2012 international business awards

Lycamobile, the largest global provider of low cost international mobile calls, continues to boost its award-winning streak by taking home two silver medal awards at the Stevie Awards for ‘Company of the Year’ and ‘Chairman of the Year’.

The International Business Awards are the world’s premier business awards programme. Lycamobile was selected by more than 300 executives worldwide who participated in the judging process this year. Nicknamed the Stevies for the Greek word for “crowned,” the awards were presented to winners at a gala awards banquet at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on 15 October,2012.

This year, Lycamobile continues to outperform against the economic backdrop with strong growth figures. The company was ranked 2nd in The Sunday Times 2012 Tech Track 100 League table and the Chairman received the Platinum Award for Business Person of the Year at the Asian Achievers Award ceremony for the outstanding impact he has made.

SubaskaranAllirajah, Chairman and Founder of Lycamobile, commented:

“I am delighted that Lycamobile has once again been acknowledged for its success as one of the world’s leading global telecommunications companies. This is a fantastic recognition for the


hard work, commitment and entrepreneurial spirit of the team. Being named ‘Chairman of the Year’ is icing on the cake.”

In his speech at the glittering ceremony at the Ritz Carlton in Seoul - MilindKangle,Lycamobile Chief Executive said: “Thank you IBA. I am delighted that our Group Chairman SubaskaranAllirajah has been recognised as the Chairman of the Year with this prestigious award. I would like to dedicate the ‘Company of the Year’ award to our 4,000 employees who have worked tirelessly to help acquire over 25 million activations in 15 countries across the globe. In particular, I would like to thank their families who have made enormous sacrifices to help Lycamobile achieve this success.”

Toggle mobile, winner of the Innovative Service Award at the Mobile News awards March 2012.


Matrix International SIM Card, Uniconnect Roam 1 Clay Telecom



Management Profiles

Group Chairman--SubaskaranAllirajah

Subaskaran is a high profile industry thought leader, a visionary and entrepreneur.

Subas has 15 years’ experience in the prepaid telecommunications market. Subas’s knowledge, drive and determination have been instrumental in the success of the Lycatel and Lycamobile brands. A keen entrepreneur Subas has a proven track record of realising key opportunities to grow the Lycatel and Lycamobile brands. Subas is a member of the Institute of Directors.

Group Chief Executive Officer--- MilindKangle

Milind co-founded Lycamobile and his passion now is to develop a benchmark MVNO model for Lycamobile and make it the global number one international calling MVNO brand. He has led the growth of Lycamobile into 14 European and the Australian markets giving it the biggest international footprint of any international MVNO and has led the brand to acquire over 13 million customers in the 5 years since the initial launch in 2006.


Executive Vice President-- Chris Tooley

Chris has over 19 years of senior level experience in the prepaid telecom industry. He pioneered many of the technical, commercial and legal industry standards in Europe for prepaid products and has worked extensively with Government Regulators and Tax Authorities. Group Chief Operating Officer-- PremananthanSivasamy

Prem is responsible for global operations, driving synergy and efficiencies across the Lycatel and Lycamobile operating companies and service providers. Prem has over 11 Years’ experience in the Prepaid International telecommunications industry and prior to joining Lycatel was the Managing Director of United Networks Calling Card Division, He was also Managing Director of Voice Telecom with overall responsibility for driving revenue for both their calling card and residential telecoms products.

Chief Strategy Officer-- Kashmir Nijar

Kashmir is responsible for the development of distribution channel strategy for Lycamobile. Kashmir has over 15 years’ experience within the Mobile Industry. Kashmir joins Lycamobile from KPN Mobile, where he was Head of International Wholesale.


Group Legal Counsel-- Mohammed Malique

Mohammed is responsible for all legal, regulatory affairs and compliance for Lycatel and Lycamobile.

Mohammed is a Solicitor of the Supreme Court (England & Wales) and is Head of Legal, for Lycatel. He specializes in Telecommunications and also has wide ranging experience of Civil Litigation.with particular emphasis on High Court Litigation (Administrative Court). He also advises on mergers and acquisitions, in addition to IP rights, Telecom Regulatory matters and Corporate Immigration. Mohammed has lectured on Corporate Immigration, Human Rights matters and Company Commercial work, both in the U.K. and abroad.

Group Chief Technology Officer-- Mohan Kumar

Mohan joined Lycatel as Chief Technology Officer in 2007 with the responsibility for spearheading strategic technology, research and development across Lycatel and Lycamobile. Mohan has over 19 years senior experience in the technology and mobile sector and brings an unrivalled knowledge of implementing full MVNO technological architecture to Lycatel.

Group Chief Financial Officer-- Michael Landau


Michael is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Group Chief Financial Officer of the Lycamobile Group. He heads a Finance function that covers, Financial Management and Reporting, Group Structuring, Tax and Treasury, Corporate Finance and all external financial relationships to include mobile and carrier networks across the Lycamobile and Lycatel base

Customer Marketing Director-- Chris Liveing

Chris joins Lycamobile from Genie Global UK where he was Chief Executive Officer. Chris is responsible at Lycamobile for delivering customer experience for the brand, heading up the Knowledge based marketing function and delivering customer loyalty and retention across all markets. Chris holds a BA Honors degree in History and is an active member of the Marketing Society.

Head of Legal-- Stephen Lodge

Stephen is Head of Legal for the Lycamobile businesses, managing legal and regulatory affairs across Lycamobile's current operations and International developments. Prior to Lycamobile Stephen worked at Virgin Mobile for ten years - including three years as Head of Legal and Management team member - from its launch through its listing as a FTSE 250 company on the London Stock Exchange and eventual acquisition and integration into Virgin Media.

















The overall evaluation of a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is called SWOT analysis. It’s way of monitoring the external and internal marketing environment.

INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT (STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES)Every business organization has certain strengths and weaknesses. The best way to develop a business is to take advantage of their strengths and remove their weaknesses. The best way to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses within a business is by using Marketing Memo: checklist for performing strengths/weaknesses analysis.

EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT( OPPORTUNITIES & THREAT)A business unit must monitor key microenvironment forces and significant microenvironment factors that affect its ability to earn profits. Good marketing is the art of finding, developing, and profiting from these opportunities.

SWOT analysis helps in Goal formulation.



CHEAPEST TARIFF PLANThe tariff and plans of Lyca is way ahead economical than any of its competitor. This is its strongest point. Unlike other competitors it does not ask for any credit card details from the customer neither any rental fee is taken.

STRONG RETAIL DISTRIBUTIONApart from bulk sales there is also huge response for the retail sales.

GOOD MARKET REPUTATION IN FOREIGNLyca is the market leader in UK and have 7,50,000 stores worldwide. People who have travelled earlier to the European countries have seen the presence of Lyca, hence it becomes easier to convince them.

NO BAD FEEDBACKUnlike most of the competitors Lyca carries no bad name. If any of the customers face any kind of difficulty the executives always get back to them as soon as possible to clear all the doubts also there are Lyca stores in the visiting countries which always clear any problem.

SALES FORCE EFFECTIVENESSThe sales force of Lyca is hardworking and effective. They always create a healthy customer relationship and create brand loyalty and a good brand image.

DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE CUSTOMERSSales executives personally approach the targeted customers and close the deals. This way there is a form of brand loyalty built up by the customers as the executives creates a touch point with the customers.

GOOD SERVICE QUALITY( BETTER CONNECTIVITY & NETWORK)The service of Lyca is excellent. All that a telecom customer would want starting from economical call rates to good voice clearance, no call dropping or cross calling ever thing is taken care of. Lyca is well known for its good connectivity. The customers remain satisfied with the product.

GOOD GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGELyca is present in most of the important countries in the world where travelling takes place from India. In India it is present in all the major cities including the metro cities; hence it becomes easier to approach the targeted customers.


PRESENCE OF RETAIL STORESThere are 7, 50,000 Lyca stores worldwide. This helps in providing excellent customers services. The customers can approach these stores in any difficulty, they can also easily get their numbers recharged.



LESS AWARENESS ABOUT THE PRODUCT IN INDIAAs the company has entered India recently very few people know about the presence of Lyca. There is no sim card available to be used in India hence only people who are travelling abroad comes to know about its presence.

NO SEPARATE PLANS FOR LONG TERM & SHORT TERM TOURSThere is no facility available at present for differentiating for long & short term tours. There is specific denomination of top up so people who travel for a short period like 3 to 4 days usually fell like wasting their money in top up and sim.

NO ADVERTISEMENTS OF ANY FORM IN INDIAThe biggest drawback of the organization is no advertisements of any form. The company likes building up its market through healthy customer relationship rather than any sort of advertisement in the print media or TV.

LESS SALES PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIESAs it’s a startup company here in India, due to lack of funds very less sales promotional activities takes place. The place the company is choosing for its promotions right now are the corporates and tech parks where there are chances of business tours to foreign countries.

TIE UP OF THE COMPETITORS WITH ALL THE MAJOR CORPORATESMost of the competitors are in this market for more than a decade, so they are in tie up with all the major corporates from where travel in bulk number takes place. This makes It is difficult for Lyca to approach such customers travelling abroad.



PARTNERSHIP WITH O2British mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) Lycamobile has announced a new roaming agreement with O2 UK in a move the latter hopes will further expand its user base. Lycamobile plans to launch pay-as-you-go SIM cards tied to O2’s network. They have demonstrated a dedicated approach to this partnership and our deal will accelerate the success that the Lycamobile brand has already had in the UK.

GROWTH IN TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICIESIndia's telecommunication network is the second largest in the world based on the total number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone). It has the world's third-largest Internet user-base with over 137 million as of June 2012. Major sectors of the Indian telecommunication industry are telephony, internet and television broadcasting.

GROWTH IN THE NO OF PASSENGERS TRAVELLING ABROAD EVERY YEAR.India is the second highest growth in domestic air travel, next only to China's 16.6% against a global average of 5.7%.Indian domestic traffic spiked 7% compared to a year ago, the second strongest performance. A reduction in fares by several airlines serving the Indian domestic market is the likely cause of the demand boost," IATA said. The most visited countries include France, Germany, USA, UK, Italy, Spain; and Lyca are present in all these countries.


The Middle East saw a one percent increase in international tourist arrivals in the year 2012-2013 compared to the same period last year.


Dubai's Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) announced that it was seeking to double the number of tourists to 20 million by 2020. Tourism in Dubai is growing at a rate of 9 to 10 per cent a year.

Growth in the first three months of 2013 was 10.5 per cent compared with the same period a year ago. The absence of Lyca in these countries has led to loss of huge opportunities.



HIGHLY COMPETATIVE MARKETLyca being a startup company in India is facing a huge competition from Matrix and Labara. The presence of Matrix office in the USA/ UK embassy building makes it difficult for the Lyca team to approach the people travelling to UK/USA. Presence of Matrix office in the Bangalore International Airport further kills the chances of Lyca

team to Approach people in Airport.

RAPID TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGESTechnical facilities like using Skype, Google talk has make it easier for people travelling abroad to stay connected to their families and friends. Some of the people now-a-days prefer using such facilities.


Top Indian telecom players like Airtel& Vodafone have started providing international facilities for people travelling abroad from India. This has made opportunities less for Lyca.

COMPETITORS MAY REDUCE THEIR PRICE IN THE FUTURECompetitors may reduce their tariff in the near future to face the pricing competition by Lyca.






I have completed a 2 months internship in Lycatel under the marketing and sales department. I had to report to our Bangalore branch head, Mr. Prem Kumar.

The roles assigned to me during my internship were:


Lead generation is the process of creating sales leads which might convert into sale for the company. Lead generation is the practice of soliciting inquiries from potential customers. Traditionally lead generation occurred at places like trade shows – visitors to a company's booth would fill out a card with their contact information and turn it in to receive a call back from that company's sales team. Since the rise of the Internet, many businesses use their websites as a lead generation option.The leads may come from various sources or activities, for example, digitally via the Internet, through calls, through advertisement and list purchase. Companies may also rely on referrals, telemarketers, and advertisements to generate leads.

A sales lead is the identification of a person or entity that has the interest and authority to purchase a product or service. This step represents the first stage of a sales process. The identification of the sales lead is referred to as Lead Generation, a process conducted by either the marketing or sales organization.

While my internship in Lycatel, lead generation was one of the major function done by me.

The lead generation site assigned to me during my internship was the parking areas outside the German & France embassy. Our targeted customers were the people who are going inside the embassy for the interview.

This was one of the simplest ways of making people aware of the invasion of Lyca in the Indian market. People who have used Lycasim card before were easily convinced, others who have never used it before were happy to use Lyca for its economical tariff plans and good brand image in the foreign countries.

Every day I was able to get at least 4 lead, on Fridays I often managed to get more than 10 leads in a single day.

I was given a book where I use to write down the name, e mail id, and phone number of the interested customers, I had to hand over this information every day to my Branch head after lunch. The information was further given to other BDE’s by the Branch head for further proceedings. The closing of the deal was done by the BDE’s. Lead generations give a lot of business to the Bangalore branch.



Sales promotion is one of the seven aspects of the promotional mix. (The other six parts of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, publicity/public relations, corporate image and exhibitions.) Media and non-media marketing communication are employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples include contests, coupons, freebies, and loss leaders, point of purchase displays, premiums, prizes, product samples, and rebates

Sales promotions can be directed at the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at the consumer are called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted at retailers and wholesalers are called trade sales promotions. Some sale promotions, particularly ones with unusual methods, are considered gimmicks by many.

Sales promotion includes several communications activities that attempt to provide added value or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to stimulate immediate sales. These efforts can attempt to stimulate product interest, trial, or purchase. Examples of devices used in sales promotion include coupons, samples, premiums, point-of-purchase (POP) displays, contests, rebates, and sweepstakes.

During my internship in Lycatel I was given an excellent opportunity to participate in the sales promotions. I was guided under one of the Sr. BDE of the company, Mr. TausifHadi.

It was a two days promotions held on 14 th May & 15th May in the premises of CGI Group Inc. in Bangalore. The sales promotions brought a lot of business to Lycatel, we cracked a deal of 20 members travelling in a group to U.K for a project assigned to them for a long period.

The success of any sales promotions is judged by the awareness it created in the consumer’s mind, the sales promotions which we did brought us a lot of attention and finally on 15th May Mr. Tausif was called to sign a contract with the travel desk of CGI.



Delivery of a specially designed message to a prospect by a seller, usually in the form of face-to-face communication, personal correspondence, or a personal telephone conversation. Unlike advertising, a personal sales message can be more specifically targeted to individual prospects and easily altered if the desired behavior does not occur. Personal selling, however, is far more costly than advertising and is generally used only when its high expenditure can be justified. For example, the marketing of a sophisticated computer system may require the use of personal selling, while the introduction of a new product to millions of consumers would not. Two other forms of personal selling that are not used with high-end products are door-to-door selling and home demonstration parties. These two personal selling methods are primarily used for personal care products, cosmetics, cookware, encyclopedias, books, toys, food, and other items of special interest to homemakers. Ideally, personal selling should be supported by advertising to strengthen its impact.

The importance of personal selling also known as face to face selling is the verbal presentation and interaction with the prospective buyer, where effectiveness of a salesperson is an absolutely critical factor in the success of the business.

As an intern in Lycatel sometimes lead generation brought us in the notice of people who needed an international sim card immediately. In such a situation, I was trained to close the deal myself.

I use to explain the tariff plan thoroughly to the customer and also the emergency contact details. I always had to carry extra sim cards and forms with me, so providing the sim card in the spot was never a problem.

After the filling up of the form I use to hand over the sim card to the customer and ask him to send his passport’s & visa’s photocopy to the office’s mail id, so that his sim card could get activated within 12hours.

The activation process was then taken care by Mr. Prasanth Kumar, one of the BDE of Lycatel.



Cold calling is the marketing process of approaching prospective customers or clients typically via telephone, by email or through making a connection on a social network who were not expecting such an interaction. The word "cold" is used because the person receiving the call is not expecting a call or has not specifically asked to be contacted by a sales person. A cold call is usually the start of a sales process generally known as telemarketing.

The cold calling process in one of the way of doing good business in Lycatel. I was given training before starting up with cold calling by Mr. Sounak Chakra borty&

Mr. Arvindh Kumar. I was taught what to speak, how to speak, and how to close the deal, and how to react

when someone abuses or hang up. Before starting up with the calling process I was asked to gather up some data from the

net. I went to the website of big corporates and noted their mail id’s and phone number, also a huge data was provided by Mr. Sounak.

Every day after lunch from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. I used that data to make calls and explain about Lycatel’s products to the people. People who showed interest gave us appointment to meet them face to face for a meeting.


Most consumer goods are delivered from a point of production (factory or farm) through one or more points of storage (warehouses) to a point of sale (retail store), where the consumer buys the good and is responsible for its transportation to point of consumption. There are many variations on this model for specific types of goods and modes of sale. Products sold via catalogue or the Internet may be delivered directly from the manufacturer or warehouse to the consumer's home, or to an automated delivery booth.

Sometimes when all the B.D.E’s were already out for some meeting or other important work, I was asked to go down to a given address and deliver the sim card with any other fellow intern of the company.


On the first week of my joining, I was given a brief introduction about the company and extensive training about the various products of Lycatel. All the activities and roles performed by me in Lycatel were done under the guidance of our Branch Manager Mr. Prem Kumar and our trainers Mr. Arvindh Kumar & Mr. Sounak Chakraborty.

The training induced by Mr. Arvind Kumar was about product knowledge, the key learning’s were:

Learning about the countries where Lycamobile exists. The tariff plans for various countries. The value added services provided. Learning about the major competitors in India, and their strengths and

weaknesses. Learning about the way to approach customers for personal selling ( through role

plays). Learning about the current progress of the company. Understanding the procedure the customers have to go through before procuring

the sim card.

After the completion of my training, the company took a written test to check my progress. Teams were divided and we were asked to visit German Embassy and France Embassy on the alternative weeks. I was paired with my fellow interns, and was guided by Mr. TausifHadi.

I use to visit both the embassies alternatively early in the morning for lead generation. Later in the afternoon I had to report to my Branch Head Mr. Prem Kumar. After lunch I had to do calling to various company’s travel desk, make them aware of the product and fix a meeting with the concerned person of the company with our BDEs.

The training before Cold Calling and Sales Promotions were given by Mr. Sounak Chakra borty, Sr.Business Development Executive. The key learning’s were:

The way to approach any customer Before approaching, to observe the customer and understand his/her character

traits( for only sales promotions) The way to frame mails before group sending to potential customers The way to start up a call, and the way to end the call


I also visited different Corporates and Tech Parks for sales Promotions. Some of them were:

Manyata Embassy Business Park. CGI, Bangalore.

I was also given an excellent technical training by Lycatel’s Country Head, Mr.Amit Vijay Gupta, on his visit to Bangalore’s Branch. The training was about:

Understanding about MVNE, MNO, MVNO. The tie-ups of Lycamobile with O2 and other big telecom players in different

countries. Learning about ambush marketing, umbrella marketing; and ways Lyca imparts

all this form Learning about the billing process efficiency and transparency of Lycatel. Learning about White Labeling done by the competitors like Matrix


Lyca Telecom, Bangalore was the right platform for me to learn and implement my theoretical knowledge and to complete the project assigned to me during my summer internship. These two months were extremely important for me to understand the functions and practices of Marketing & Sales and with the help of Lyca Telecom; I understood and confronted that how marketing & sales job are done in a very efficient and effective way. Last but not least it was great experience for me to learn the entire thing which I read in the book.


After the efficient training, I was able to give a follow up of almost 120 customers, out of which 80 turned into sales. I was successful to fix the meeting of company’s BDE with various corporates which brought them good sales.I contributed on designing the company’s posters for Sales Promotions. I visited with the company’s BDE to various Corporates for the meeting and explaining our product.My efforts and contribution helped the company to earn revenue of Rs 24,000, and reach their targets to certain extend.





TOPIC: A comparative study of products offered by Lycamobile with other telecom players in India.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM- Lycamobile is the market leader in U.K. It has adopted aggressive pricing strategy to gain a good market share in India. This analysis will help us to know how Lycamobile’s pricing has helped to draw a keen line and differentiate its product and services from the other players in the market.


Primary Objectives:

To analyze the services provided by LYCA Telecom. To do a comparative analysis of the products and services offered by LYCA telecom with

its competitors.

Secondary Objective:

To study the SWOT analysis of LYCA telecom. To find out the difference in the tariff plan of the products of Lycatel with its competitors

in India. To find out how using Lycamobile’s product can be beneficial to the customers.


The study is restricted to only comparison with the competitors in Bangalore.

The analysis is done on the basis of secondary data.

Collection of primary data was difficult as Lyca is a startup company in India and not many people know about all the products offered by Lycamobile.

The project duration is limited to carry out the study of the topic. The figure and facts related to Lycamobile products may change in the near future.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:As there is no primary data available for the research, the whole research is based upon secondary data collected from various companies’ websites and the tariff plan comparison was collected from Lycatel office database.



1. BhartiAirtel2. Reliance3. Vodafone4. Idea5. Bsnl6. Tata7. Aircel8. Uninor

The Indian Telecommunications Industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Government policies and regulatory framework implemented by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)have provided conducive environment for service providers. This has made the sector more competitive, while enhancing the accessibility of telecommunication services at affordable tariffs to the consumers. In the last two decades, the Indian Telecom sector and mobile telephony in particular has caught the imagination of India by revolutionizing the way we communicate, share information; and through its staggering growth helped millions stay connected.

The Indian telecom sector has witnessed tremendous growth over the past decade. Today, the Indian Telecom network is the second largest in the world after China. A liberal policy regime and involvement of the private sector have played an important role in the transforming this sector. The total number of telephones has increased from 429.73 on 2009 to 926.55 on 2012.














Inference:The pie-chart shown above depicts the market share of all the top Indian telecom players.BhartiAirtel is the market leader in the national sim card business, with a market share of 20%, followed by Reliance India and Vodafone which has a market share of 17%& 16% respectively.

Differentiation of Lycamobile with Indian telecom playersThe product of Lyca varies from these top telecom players in India as the product of Lycia’s, the sim card which Lyca sells does not work in India. These sim cards are for foreign countries. There are specific sim cards for each country which is known as country specific sim card. People travelling to more than 1 country are often suggested to take a Toggle sim, this sim card works in 10 countries with different local numbers in each country.

LYCA MOBILE was launched in 2006 and it’s now Europe’s largest MVNO helping over 27 million customers across 16 countries make affordable international and national calls. The Lycamobile brand operates in 16 countries with further market launches planned for 2013. Supported by over 4,000 talented professionals in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Australia, Poland, Portugal, USA, Canada and India


Inference:The above pie-chart shows the market share of Lyca in U.K. Lycamobile has the largest market share of 36% in U.K, followed by Labara which have a market share 18%.

Lycamobile UK gets the larger piece of the international mobile calls pie.

Lycamobile, the global leader for low cost international mobile calls, affirms its position as the most used MVNO in the UK leading the way in brand awareness and usage according to research. Sample research conducted by Government revealed Lycamobile as the number one consumer brand for international mobile calls across the globe. In the research study conducted for Lycamobile it was established that over 50% of respondents made international calls and in the category “International calls with a separate mobile phone” Lycamobile scored highest for awareness and usage.

Lyca mobile is launched in India as Lycatel on February 2013. It started its operations in India by providing International sim cards to people travelling abroad. This sim card will not work in India but will work in the specific countries in which Lyca is present. Lycatel provides selling of calling cards and direct customers sales through the Lycatel shop. Lycatel brand is not itself used as a calling card brand name.

As the sim card is not used in India, hence the telecom service providers in India are not our competitor.

The competitors of Lyca in India are those telecom companies which provide International calling cards to people travelling abroad from India. The top competitors are:



Matrix is presently the market leader.


Telecommunication has been recognized world-over as an important tool for socio-economic development for a nation and plays a phenomenal role in growth and modernization of various sectors of the economy. Over the last few years, Indian telecom market has shown overwhelming growth thanks to domestic demand, policy initiatives undertaken by the government and admirable efforts by the players of the industry and in the process, has managed to emerge as one of the youngest and fastest growing economies in the world today. Factors like regulatory liberalization, structural reforms and competition played a very important part in this rapid transformation.

The fact that India is one of world’s fastest growing telecom markets in the world, has acted as the primary driver for foreign and domestic telecommunication companies investing into the sector. It is also recognized as one of the most lucrative markets globally, resulting in massive investments being made in the sector both by the private and government sector in the last decade.

The telecom industry has witnessed significant growth in subscriber base over the last decade, with increasing network coverage and a competition-induced decline in tariffs acting as catalysts for the growth in subscriber base. The growth story and the potential have also served to attract newer players in the industry, with the result that the intensity of competition has kept increasing.

Liberalization of the sector has not only led to rapid growth but also helped a great deal towards maximization of consumer benefits, evident from a huge fall in tariffs. Telecom sector has


witnessed a continuous rising trend in the total number of telephone subscribers. From a meager 22.8 million telephone subscribers (wireless plus wire line) in 1999, it has grown to 926.53 million at the end of December, 2011, reaching teledensity of 76.86 %. The total number of urban subscribers today stand at 611.19 Million (65.59 %) and rural subscribers at 315.33 Million (34.41 %). Wireless telephone connections have contributed to this growth as the number of wireless connections rose from 35.61 million in 2004 to 893.84 Million at the end of December, 2011.

Also, broadband segment has seen significant growth with total internet subscribers reaching 20.99 million in September, 2011, which includes 13.30 broadband subscribers


The biggest difference between Lyca and any other player is its pricing. Lyca follows aggressive pricing and no other telecom player can provide such tariff in the present scenario.

The tabulated columns represent the tariff plan of Lyca with various other Indian companies which deal with international sim card business, in Indian Rs per minute.

The pricing list of some of the countries is as follows:

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for U.K ( Rs/min)


COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1 Clay Telecom Uniconnect


Incoming Free Free Free Free Free

National Calls 2.61 16 25 20 25

International Calls 0.89 16 25 38 19














2.6116 25 20 250.89

1625 38 19

International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


The international calls of Lyca are Rs37 lesser than Clay Telecom, and Rs 15 lesser than the market leader Matrix.

Hence by using a Lyca sim, customers in U.K can cut down their billing up to 94% of the billing they have to pay by using Matrix sim.

The call tariff of Clay Telecom is the highest for U.K

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for U.S.A ( Rs/min)



COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1 Clay Telecom Uniconnect

Incoming Free 16.18 N/A N/A N/ANational Calls 1.08 16.18 N/A N/A N/A

International Calls 0.54 48.02 N/A N/A N/A

LYCA Matrix0



48.02International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Lycatel and Matrix are the only two telecom players available in India at present which provides international sim cards to people travelling to USA.

The difference in call rates for international calls are Rs47.48 and for national calls it is Rs 15 per minute, hence using a Lyca sim card a customer can save up to 98% for any international calls made from USA.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Australia ( Rs/min)

COUNTRY Australia


Clay Telecom



Incoming Free Free N/A N/A N/ANational Calls 3.48 24.96 N/A N/A N/A

International Calls 0.58 43.81 N/A N/A N/A















0 0 00.58


0 0 0International Calls

National Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Lycatel and Matrix are the only two telecom players available in India at present which provides international sim cards to people travelling to Australia.

Customers can save 98% of the billing charge if they go for Lyca sim card for making international calls, and 86% for the national calls made in Australia.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for France ( Rs/min)



COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1Clay

Telecom Uniconnect

Incoming Free Free Free Free FreeNational Calls 7.83 22 25 22 25

International Calls 3 102 25 65 19














7.83 22 25 22 253



19International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Customers using Lyca sim can save up to 97% if they are using Matrix, 95% if using Clay Telecom, 88% if using Roam1, and 84% if using Uniconnect sim cards, for the international calls.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Spain( Rs/min)



COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1 Clay Telecom


Incoming Free Free Free Free Free

National Calls 7.83 24 25 25 25

International Calls 0.73 108 25 35 19















7.83 24 25 25 250.73


25 35 19International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Customers using Lyca sim can save up to 99% if they are using Matrix, 95% if using Clay Telecom, 98% if using Roam1, and 96% if using Unniconnect sim cards, for the international calls.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Switzerland ( Rs/min)


COUNTRY Switzerland

COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1 Clay Telecom Uniconnect

Incoming Free 5 Free 5 23

National Calls 7.83 30 25 30 66

International Calls 4 55 25 46 39





























5 0 523

International CallsNational CallsIncoming


From the bar chartthe green color represents the charges imposed per minute for international calls by each of the players ,the red color represents the charges per minute for national calls, and the blue color represents incoming call rates. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Lyca provides absolutely free incoming calls for the people in Switzerland , while most of the market leaders have imposed tariff rates for the incoming calls also. Using a Lyca sim card a customer can save up to 93% of the billing paid for same international call duration by using a Matrix sim card.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Germany( Rs/min)



COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1 Clay Telecom


Incoming Free Free Free Free Free

National Calls 4 25 25 17 25

International Calls 0.73 57 25 21 19LY














425 25 17 250.73



19International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


For Germany all the international telecom players provides free charge for incoming calls.

For international calls matrix charge the highest rate Rs 57 per minute and Lyca charges the least Rs0.73, and for national calls Matrix charge Rs 25 whereas Lyca charge only Rs 4 per minute.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Netherlands(Rs/min)


COUNTRY Netherlands

COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1Clay

Telecom Uniconnect

Incoming Free Free Free 5 Free

National Calls 7.83 20 25 30 25

International Calls 7 94 25 46 19Fr



Free 5


LYCA Matrix Roam1 Clay Telecom










7.8320 25 30 257




19International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Incoming calls are free.

Matrix charges the highest call rate per minute Rs 94 for international calls and Lyca charges the least Rs 7.

For national calls Clay telecom charges the highest rate per minute Rs 30 and Lyca charges the least Rs7.83

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Poland(Rs/min)



COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1Clay

Telecom Uniconnect

Incoming Free 4 N/A N/A N/A

National Calls 4.35 23.2 N/A N/A N/AInternational


47.2 N/A N/A N/A


From the bar chart the green color represents the charges imposed per minute for international calls by each of the players ,the red color represents the charges per minute for national calls, and the blue color represents incoming call rates. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Lyca and Matrix are the only two telecom players in India who provide international sim cards for Poland.The tariff clearly shows that Lyca provides 98% cheaper rates Matrix for international calls made from Poland, and 81% cheaper rates for national calls in Poland.Incoming calls are absolutely free for Lyca but Users of Matrix have to pay Rs 4 per minute.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Sweden( Rs/min)

















0 0 0



0 0 04

International CallsNational CallsIncoming


COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1 Clay Telecom



4 N/A N/A N/A

National Calls0.09

23.2 N/A N/A N/A

International Calls1.26

47.2 N/A N/A N/A

LYCA Matrix0











47.2International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Lyca and Matrix are the only two telecom players in India who provide international sim cards for Sweden. Consumers using Lyca sim card saves 97% in international calls and almost 99% in national calls with respect to the consumers using Matrix sim card.Incoming calls are absolutely free for Lyca sim users.

Comparison in the tariff plan of Lyca with its competitors for Denmark( Rs/min)



COMPANY LYCA Matrix Roam1Clay

Telecom Uniconnect

Incoming Free 4 N/A N/A N/A

National Calls 0.1 23.2 N/A N/A N/AInternational


47.2 N/A N/A N/A

LYCA Matrix0




47.2International CallsNational Calls


From the bar chartthe blue color represents the charges imposed per minute for national calls by each of the players and the red color represents the charges per minute for international calls. The whole length of a single bar represents the total expenditure done for national and international calls in 1 minute.


Incoming calls are absolutely free as compared to Matrix which charges Rs 4 per minute for incoming.

A Lyca sim card user saves 97% in international calls, and 99% for national calls as compared to its competitor



So as we can see that Lyca is way ahead cheaper than any of its competitor from the tariff above. The reason behind such economical tariff plan is that Lyca has its own network while its competitors usually distribute sim cards in India through the process of white labeling.

Lyca is present in only 16 countries where as most of its competitors are present in almost 150 countries. Absence of Lyca in the Middle East countries leads to huge loss and it is beneficial for our competitors where they try building up a customer relationship by showing their presence worldwide.

LycaMobile is a virtual network operated by LycaTel. It was launched in 2006 and specializes in cheap international calls from mobiles. As a result, it has proved to be very popular amongst expatriate customers and signed up 1.6 million UK customers in its first year. Now, it has more than 6 million customers worldwide, connects over 2.5 million calls every day and has £1.1 billion revenue. It generates a total of 3 billion minutes of calls per year. LycaMobile operates on the O2 and Orange networks in the UK.

The billing system of Lyca is very transparent. It has no rental charges like most of its competitor. The company doesn’t even ask for any credit card details from the customers.

Lyca is fast in responding back to its customers. The company has its own customer care service which work 24 hours to reply back to its customers. The maximum time taken for settling any issue or problem which the customer is facing takes at the maximum of 4 hours, whereas for any other international sim card dealing company takes more than 24 hours. Lyca has this advantage because it has its own network while other companies in India takes sim cards of other companies like AT&T and work in their network.

Lyca has an innovative product called Toggle mobile, this sim card works up to 10 different countries with different numbers for each country and comparatively more economical for people travelling to multiple countries, none of its competitor has come out with such a product.


The calling cards provided and its other competitor’s deals with calling cards which work only in the specific countries while the customer’s stay in that country.

Lyca and its entire competitor’s depend a lot on direct lead generation for selling.



Customers using Lycatel sim calling cards saves 80%-90% more than people using

Matrix Sim card

The main differentiation is in the pricing

Matrix is the most costly international sim card overall, and its hidden costs charge the

customers even more

Lyca’s absence in countries like Iraq, Iran is a pitfall for the company

Toggle can become a very well-known product in the near future

The biggest strength of the company is the customer satisfaction after using the product.

Lycamobile can explore more on other cities of India, apart from the top metro cities.


Frequent Meetings should be held.

Some new Bundle plans for Switzerland, France, Germany should be formed.

Advertising should be there because many peoples don’t know about Lycatel.

Tie-ups with the big MNC companies rather than focusing on personal selling can fetch a

larger piece of the market share.



After doing my 2 months internship in Lycatel it can said that overall Lycatel has been

successful in understanding its customers’ requirements including all the workmen,

supervisors and executives.

At the same time Lycatel can also pay heed to some of the little grievances of its

employees regarding provision of flexi timings, working conditions etc.

However, surprisingly, it was found that the costumer considered Lycatel as the best sim

card to call back to India and they would willingly continue.

The most appreciating fact found in Lycatel gives flexibility to costumer to pay the

money. It can be said that Lycatel in every aspect deserves to be among the MNC


The dedication, efficiency, and the efforts of the sales person of the company has helped

it gain a good market share within very first three months of launching in India, and meet

its targets.


