Rittman United Methodist Church Points to Ponder - July 2017 Volume 48 - Issue No. 7 Ruthie Trigg, Pastor Sheila Stoll, Editor In God We Trust Sweet Land of Liberty Let Freedom Ring United We Stand To God be the glory, great things He hath done O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave

Rittman United Methodist Churchrittmanumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/July-Points-to...Church and the Delta Arts Club. Rittman Policemen, Firemen, EMS, School Bus Drivers and Crossing

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Rittman United Methodist Church Points to Ponder - July 2017

Volume 48 - Issue No. 7 Ruthie Trigg, Pastor Sheila Stoll, Editor

In God We Trust

Sweet Land of Liberty

Let Freedom Ring

United We Stand

To God be the glory, great things He hath done

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave o’er the land of the free

and the home of the brave

This is the logo from this year’s annual con-

ference. It is what we are being asked by our

bishop to concentrate on this year. We can ac-

complish this as we are CALLED, COMMITTED,


The Beginning of a New Church Year!

Annual Conference has come and gone again! It was a Spirit-filled week with a new Spirit-filled bishop, Bishop Tracy Smith Malone. She led our time together with guidance, patience, and grace; While learning the uniqueness of East Ohio Conference and its people. We completed the tasks at hand clearly, swiftly, and completely. All of this was intertwined with wonderful, uplifting worship.

As we begin a new year together, we will be starting new ministries

while continuing with others. I feel the Holy Spirit moving among us! Let’s continue to allow God to direct us each step of the way! He is the vine and we are His branches!

It does not seem possible that I have been with you for 2 years al-ready, but much has been accomplished and much is yet to be done! To God be the Glory!

We need to remember to seek first God’s will in what is to happen, and not be centered on what we want to do or be. If we center on God, eve-rything will fall into place. Matthew 6:33 (NIV) tells us, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Let’s bear fruit that lasts together for the honor and glory of God, as we become the hands and feet of Jesus Christ!


Pastor Ruthie

Dear Church Family,

Thank you for all the support and love shown to us during Ruthanne’s recent surgeries. Also, thanks for the food, visits, cards, phone calls and prayers. We are so blessed and our God is awesome.

In Christian Love, Bruce & Ruthanne

CONNECT Our After-School Program will begin on Tuesday, August 29th.

We will be having snacks, Bible stories, character building stories and ac-tivities, games, crafts, & tutoring. Many volunteers are going to be needed to make this a success. Please be praying about how you can help. Sign-up sheets are already available, so let us know where you can fit in. Our next meeting for planning will be Monday, July 31st at 7:00pm.

If you have any questions, please ask Pastor Ruthie.

Thank you to the Trustees for all you do for this church family. Administrative Board and Council on Ministries have combined to form the Administrative Council once again. The meeting of the Ad Council on June 21st was a success and took the place for this month of all the smaller committees that have to meet.

Worship is more about what you bring to it than it is about what you get from it. --Pastor Nathan Ward, Wooster

Women’s Prison Ministry

The Bible study with Betty Winchell and Sandy Gasser at the Women’s Ministry is going very well. There is still a need for hygiene items - 650 full size tubes of hand lotion are still needed. The ladies will be packing these at the end of July. Family Bonfire

July 2nd at 5pm campfire. Side dishes to go with hot dogs.

These are the answers to the June P2P puzzle. Lydia Stahl was the winner having all 20 books of the Bible identified correctly.

Department of Transportation sign: Turn Signals The Original Instant Message

Food Pantry 46 families (128 people) - 6 new families were helped in June. There are really 3 times for Food Pantry readiness: 1. Tuesday AM - packing grocery bags each month with Pat & Ed Seiler, Wilma Baker and Nancy McMillan. 2. Tuesday 6:30PM - packing toilet paper, face soap &

toothpaste. Set up tables for Wednesday’s meal. Tablecloths on tables. Chairs set up. Package coffee. Plates & silverware out on tables.

3. Wednesday 4-6PM - supper 4-5:30PM - help planning meal & serving meal. Carry out bags. Help with clients & their needs. Cleaning up in kitchen & dining room/social hall

Your help is really needed on Tuesday PM and W ednesday 4 -6PM only a few hours once a month. When we get a great number of people volunteering, you would only have to work once every 3rd or 4th months, maybe even less. On Tuesday PM, June 18th there were 3 generations working. Old was me, middle was Mark Turnbow and young was Amy Hutton. We really had a good time. We would have been done quicker than the 1-1/4 hours if we had had some more generations volunteering. See you next month - please! Thanks always for food donations.

Pentecost Sunday Happy Birthday to the Church. Meaningful - beautiful - delicious. Thanks to Dorothy Gillman for planning this special day. Rittman Safety Village Rittman Safety Village 2017 was a great event of learning for 46 pre-kindergarteners. This is a program sponsored by our United Methodist Church and the Delta Arts Club. Rittman Policemen, Firemen, EMS, School Bus Drivers and Crossing Guards visit and talk to the children about many safety issues. Rittman High School Students help the 5 year olds to participate in the program by being their buddy for the 2 day program.

Giving releases joy in our hearts.

1st Dale Stahl 2nd Eleanor Yoss 8th Nancy Booth 9th Ed Fetter 10th Matt Seiler 13th Tina Richards Lynn Staley 14th Sandy DiMascio 15th Danny Kiefer 16th Dana Dysinger 18th Dave Burkhart 19th Fred McKenzie 20th Lisa Hartman 23rd Josh Carey Trevor Rastorfer Fred Winkler 24th Ty Ramsier 25th Bailey Yoss 27th Bob Hartman Kyle Schumacher 28th Irene Hopton 29th Jordan Barnes 30th Elaine Fetter



1st Joe & Holly Staley 11th Mike & Debbie Knapic 14th Brent & Sarah Edington 29th Butch & Nancy McMillan

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others throw at him. -- David Brinkley

The Lord’s Prayer Rather cleverly done. This is in two parts, the prayer in regular print, and God’s response in bold print.

Our Father Who Art in Heaven Yes? Don’t interrupt me, I’m praying. But you called ME! Called you? No, I didn’t call you. I’m praying. Our Father who art in Heaven. There - you did it again! Did what? Called ME. You said, “Our Father who art in Heaven”. Well, here I am… what’s on your mind? But I didn’t mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord’s Prayer. It makes me feel good, kind of like fulfilling a duty. Well, all right. Go on. Okay, Hallowed be thy name. Hold it right there. What do you mean by that? By what? By “Hallowed be thy name”? It means… good grief, I don’t know what it means. How in the world should I know? It’s just part of the prayer. By the way, what does it mean? It means honored, holy, wonderful. Hey, that makes sense. I never thought about what ‘hallowed’ meant before. Thanks. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Do you really mean that? Sure, why not? What are you doing about it? Doing? Why, nothing, I guess. I just think it would be kind of neat if You got control of everything down here like You have up there. We’re kinda in a mess down here, you know. Yes, I know, but have I got control of you? Well, I go to church. That isn’t what I asked you. What about your bad temper? You’ve really got a problem there, you know. And then there’s the way you spend your money - all on yourself. And what about the kind of books you read or stuff you send on the internet? Now hold on a minute! Stop picking on me! I’m just as good as some the rest of those people at church! Excuse ME.. I thought you were praying for My will to be done. If that is to happen, it will have to start with the ones who are praying for it. Like you - for example. Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups. Now that You mention it, I could probably name some others. So could I. I haven’t thought about it very much until now, but I really would like to cut out some of those things. I would like to be really free - good - peaceful. Now we’re getting somewhere. We’ll work together you and ME. I’m proud of you. Look, Lord, if You don’t mind, I need to finish up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does. Give us this day our daily bread. You need to cut out the bread. You’re overweight as it is. Hey, wait a minute! What is this? Here I was doing my religious duty and all of a sudden You break in and remind me of all my hang ups. (continued on next page)

The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.

Praying is a dangerous thing. You might get what you ask for. Remember, you called ME - and here I am. It’s too late to stop now. Keep praying. Well, go on. I’m scared to. Scared? Of what? I know what You’ll say. Try ME. Forgive us our sings, as we forgive those who sin against us. What about Ann? See? I knew You would bring her up! Why, Lord, she’s told lies about me, been mean, hurt me. She never paid back the money she owes me. I’ve sworn to get even with her. But - your prayer - What about your prayer? I didn’t mean it! Well, at least you’re honest. But, it’s quite a load carrying around all that bitterness and resentment, isn’t it? Yes, but I’ll feel better as soon as I get even with her. Boy, have I got some plans for her. She’ll wish she’d never been born. No, you won’t feel any better. You’ll feel worse. Open your heart. Revenge isn’t sweet. Look deep inside. You know how unhappy you are - Well, I can change that. You can? How? Forgive Ann. Then, I’ll forgive you, and the hate and the sin and the hurt will be Ann’s problem - not yours. You will have settled the problem as far as you are concerned. Oh, You know, You’re right. You always are. And more that I want revenge, I want to be right with You. All right, all right - I forgive her. There now! Wonderful! How do you feel? Hmmm.. well, not bad. Not bad at all! In fact, I feel pretty great! You know, I think I’ll smile more and probably won’t go to bed so uptight tonight. I haven’t been getting much rest, You know. Yeah, I know. But, you’re not through with your prayer, are you? Go on. Oh, right… And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Good! Good! I’ll do that. Just don’t put yourself in a place where you can be tempted. What do you mean by that? You know what I mean. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Do you know what would bring Me glory? What would really make Me happy? No, but I’d like to know. I want to please You now. I’ve really made a mess of things. I want to truly follow You. I want to surrender the anger and live in peace. So, tell me, how do I make You happy? You just did!

JOYS OF GOD’S FAMILY AND THEIR FRIENDS Keely D. - improving Little boy - eyes Audrey W. - new home, June 28th Unspoken Ruthie S. - 125th Steele family reunion Nancy B. - sister Rita B. - saw God in sunset & sunrise Robin K. - good festival Irene H. - like May flies at Lakeside Brett R. - cross photo Great Car Show - help Food Pantry $1,000 Dave H. - had help to move, thanks for outside church help Mary W. - saw God with her Dad Betty W. & Sandy G. - good Bible study at prison Thanks to Joanna S. for gifts to church of boxes & doves

PRAYERS NEEDED Ruth P. - hospital Anita F. Randy & Chris B. - father Butch M. - hospital Ruthanne L. Mary W. - eye surgery Robin K. - cousin Rachel H. - friend’s baby Dale S. - knee surgery Scott T. - summer job Jacob H. - head surgery Dorothy G. - leg pain Pastor Ruthie & Don Schools - students, teachers, administrators & support staff Our nation, troops & their families Missionaries

DEATHS - PRAY FOR THE FAMILY OF: Jerry Williams’ sister Judy Richard Gish The Younger Family Child died in car accident Nick Bostos

NURSING HOME RESIDENTS Anita Frase - Smithville Western Care Center, 4110 E. Smithville-Western Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 Marvin Frase - Smithville Western Care Center, 4110 E. Smithville-Western Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 Stanley Moran - Apostolic Christian Home, 10680 Steiner Rd., Rittman, OH 44270 Marcy Taylor - Autumnwood Care Center, 275 E. Sunset Dr., Rittman, OH 44270