Risk Based Approach to Cultural Heritage Buildings www.firetech.be Prof. dr. ir. P. Vandevelde

Risk Based Approach to Cultural Heritage Buildings · 2013. 11. 12. · Risk Based Approach to cultural heritage Buildings - Prof. Vandevelde© 2 FiRE-TECH is a thematic Network Fire

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Page 1: Risk Based Approach to Cultural Heritage Buildings · 2013. 11. 12. · Risk Based Approach to cultural heritage Buildings - Prof. Vandevelde© 2 FiRE-TECH is a thematic Network Fire

Risk Based Approach to Cultural Heritage Buildings


Prof. dr. ir. P. Vandevelde

Page 2: Risk Based Approach to Cultural Heritage Buildings · 2013. 11. 12. · Risk Based Approach to cultural heritage Buildings - Prof. Vandevelde© 2 FiRE-TECH is a thematic Network Fire

Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


FiRE-TECH is a thematic NetworkFire Risk Evaluation

To European Cultural HeritageAIMEvaluate fire risk to cultural heritageSuggest quantification methodsElaborate decision methods for optimisation of the use of fire protection methods


Page 3: Risk Based Approach to Cultural Heritage Buildings · 2013. 11. 12. · Risk Based Approach to cultural heritage Buildings - Prof. Vandevelde© 2 FiRE-TECH is a thematic Network Fire

Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Consortium constituted in 200111 Partners

TNO (NL), WFR (UK), IST (P), CSTB (Fr), TUBS-iBMB (Ger), AUTH (Gr), UIBK (Au), IUAV (It), FSN (Sw), EMI (Hu)Coordinator: UGent (B)

Project started February 2002 Project finalised Spring 2005


Page 4: Risk Based Approach to Cultural Heritage Buildings · 2013. 11. 12. · Risk Based Approach to cultural heritage Buildings - Prof. Vandevelde© 2 FiRE-TECH is a thematic Network Fire

Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


MotivesFire presents most serious threat to cultural heritageEurope looses one Cultural Heritage building a day

Motives (1)

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


MotivesLack of interest from fire communityLack of specific national regulationsGeneral prescriptive regulations

Can often not be metSometimes detrimentalNot (cost) effective

BeneFeu project promoted risk based approach for fire protection

Motives (2)

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Two Main PartsCollection of useful informationDevelop a risk based approach optimizing the use of available protection means

Main Parts (1)

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Collection of information on:Existing practices and regulationsFires affecting cultural heritageFire performance of ancient materialsFire protection technologies and products

Main Parts (2)

Develop a risk based approachSelect suitable fire risk assessment methodsDevelop a quantitative decision model

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Existing practices and RegulationsFew specific regulations address Cultural Heritage

Some countries have guidance documents.

Examples of these guidelines are documents from Historic Scotland, English Heritage.

Most regulations are prescriptive.

Existing Practices and Regulations

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Analysis of fires affecting cultural heritageNo systematic statistical informationMain causes of fires:

ArsonRenovation worksOld electrical/gas installationsLate detection,…

Analysis fires affecting cultural heritage

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Evaluation of the fire behaviour ofancient materials and assembliesEvaluation of load-bearing elementsEvaluation of separating elements

Fire Behaviour of Ancient Materials and Assemblies

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Fire protection technologies and productsOverview of

Available technologies;Their efficiency;Their reliability;Their applicability and acceptability in cultural heritage buildings;Their cost.

Fire Protection Technologies and Products

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Fire risk assessment methods9 Ranking Methods

Risk Value Method: Fire Safety Evaluation System: Specific Commercial Property Evaluation Schedule: Dow Fire and Explosion Index: XPS FIREHierarchical ApproachSIA 81 - Gretener MethodFire Risk Assessment Method for EngineeringThe Fire Risk Index Method

Fire Risk Assessment Methods (1)

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Fire risk assessment methods7 Quantitative Methods

Computation of Risk Indices by Simulation ProceduresRisk-Cost Assessment Model (FiRECAM-Fire Risk Evaluation and Cost Assessment Model)The Building Fire Safety Engineering MethodFire Evaluation and Risk Assessment SystemPetri net to Fire Safety MeasuresEvent Tree Analysis as a Risk Analysis MethodFire Risk Assessment with Reliability Index β

Fire Risk Assessment Methods (2)

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Much attention paid toEvent Tree Analysis Method

Case Studies: De Nieuwe Kerk (Nl), Chiado (P), St Mary of Consolation (It) …

Fire Risk Index MethodCase Study: Hoffburg Schönbrunn (Au)

Fire Risk Assessment Method for EngineeringCase Study: Het Pand - Ugent (B)


Fire Risk Assessment Methods (3)

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Quantitative Decision Methods The Analytical Hierarchical ProcessDefines

General policyObjectivesStrategiesMeasures

Quantitative Decision Methods

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


The Analytical Hierarchical ProcessGeneral Policy

P1 - Fire Safety of Cultural Heritage Building



The Analytical Hierarchical Process (1)

OB1 - Protect the occupantsOB2 - Protect the firemenOB3 - Protect the building

OB4 - Protect contentsOB5 - Safeguard continuity of

activityOB6 - Protect the environment

ST1 - Reduce the probability of fire start

ST2 - Facilitate fire fighting

ST3 - Facilitate egressST4 - Limit the fire

development/propagationST5 - Limit the effects of fire

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


The Analytical Hierarchical ProcessMeasures

The Analytical Hierarchical Process (2)

M1 - Reaction to fireM2 - Fire resistance of structureM3 - Fire resistance of partitionsM4 - Size of fire compartmentsM5 - Characteristics and location

of openings on the facadesM6 - Distance between buildingsM7 - Geometry of egress pathsM8 - Access for the firemenM9 - Means for fire detectionM10 - Means for fire suppression

M11 - Smoke controlM12 - Emergency and alarm signsM13 - On site firemenM14 - Fire brigadeM15 - Maintenance of fire safety

systemsM16 - Education for fire safetyM17- Emergency planning +

trainingM18 -Salvage operation

managementM19 - Periodic inspection of the


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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Two Numerical ToolsALADIN (CSTB)

Fortran computer programmeLimited to comparison of six measures

Cost/Effectiveness Sheet (IST)Excel sheetNo limitation in the number measures that can be compared

Two Numerical Tools


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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Case Study: De Nieuwe Kerk

Extra measures are needed for both tower and church

Present situation – Risk Analysis Conclusions

tower: 35 % probability people in tower to be evacuated only by special means;church: 22% probability that more than 4% of the building would be destroyed

Building2000m² church - 25m² shop100m high tower

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


Case Study: De Nieuwe Kerk










0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

cos ts (kEUR)




s In




P13 + P15P13 + P15 + P2

P13 + P15 + P2 + P3

P13 + P15 + P2 + P3 + P5

… + P4 … + P14

… + P8… + P9 … + P10

… + P1

Note: With a budget of 200 k€ an improvement from an effectiveness index (EI) of 66.6% to 80.5%To reach the max. EI (± 90%) another 600 k€ is needed.

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Risk Based Approach to cultural heritageBuildings - Prof. Vandevelde©


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