Ref: RTW BCC RA Page 1 of 38 This assessment is produced in line with current government guidelines and may be subject to change, if and should the government issue further frameworks/guidelines. Risk Assessor Details Manager Details Directorate: Education and Skills Service/Team: Youth Service Location: Maypole Youth Centre Date: 22/06/2020 Activity: Returning to Work in BCC Premises Name: Juliet Faulkner Job Title: Senior Youth Worker Signature: Date: 29/06/2020 Name: Jan Collymore Job Title: Senior Youth Worker Signature: Date: Review Due*: Review Completed: Risk Assessment Form

RISK ASSESSMENT · Web viewRef: RTW BCC RA Ref: RTW BCC RA Ref: RTW BCC RA Page 4 of 5 This assessment is produced in line with current government guidelines and may be subject to

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Risk Assessment Form

Activity: Returning to Work in BCC Premises

Service/Team: Youth Service

Directorate: Education and Skills

Date: 22/06/2020

Location: Maypole Youth Centre

Risk Assessor Details

Job Title: Senior Youth Worker

Name: Juliet Faulkner

Date: 29/06/2020


Manager Details

Job Title: Senior Youth Worker

Name: Jan Collymore



Review Completed:

Review Due*:

*Risk assessments should be reviewed at least every 12 months and sooner in the event of an accident, a significant change to management, equipment, work process etc. or if a concern has been raised by an Employee or Safety Representative.

Review Record

Review Date

Reviewed by



Current Readiness level:

Current Readiness level:

Current Readiness level:

Current Readiness level:

Current Readiness level:

Current Readiness level:

Current Readiness level:

Risk Assessment


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Potential exposure to Covid-19 virus in the workplace

Returning to the workplace

Directly: Employees; service users; other

building users; external contractors,hirers

Indirectly: family or household members; members of the public

Increased risk for those individuals (or their family members) who are identified as being vulnerable


transmission of and infection with Covid-19 virus, leading to related symptoms including serious illness or possible death if contracted.

Stress and anxiety

Exacerbation of existing physical and mental health conditions

Building, Team and Service Managers will follow government guidance and co-ordinate arrangements as appropriate

Safe Workplace Guidance - Gov.UK

BCC COVID19 health & safety information

NYA – Readiness Tool Kit

Notification is required, reporting procedures and self- isolating timescales are in place for those with any suspected or confirmed infection or symptoms, including for individuals whose family members are affected.

At all times and in all areas of the workplace, individuals are encouraged to:

Follow relevant guidance

Adhere to instruction and advice for safe working

Take care of themselves and others

Speak to their manager with any suggestions, issues or concerns. In addition, the following advice will now also be given:

Practise the main infection control measures

Maintain social distancing

Wash hands regularly

Avoid touching face

Employees, who have been identified as being vulnerable, or live with shielded people, will be prioritised for continued home working arrangements, or, where not possible, alternative duties/redeployment to assure social distancing.

Only teams who have permanent workstation facilities will be permitted to return to work at their allocated desk. No hotdesk facilities will be available and workstations allocated to others should not be used

The need for employees to return to the workplace will be assessed and avoided so far as possible or frequency / duration reduced as far as possible by:

· identifying ways for home working arrangements to continue

· adapting work activity

· providing additional / specialist equipment by assessment

The number of employees required in the workplace at any one time, the frequency of attendance, handovers and time spent on the premises will be reduced by;

· identifying minimum levels of workplace cover required

· implementing suitable rotas and working patterns, preferably with long rotations e.g. 1 week workplace, 2 weeks homeworking etc.

· Staggering start/finish times

· Cohort teams – same groups on same shifts

Items such as phones, pens, headsets, IT equipment etc should not be shared – additional equipment will be provided where necessary to prevent the need for this

Where the wearing of PPE is identified as a necessary control measure, this will be provided free of charge and the appropriate training and instruction given. (current Guidance in terms of PPE is only to supply Hand Sanitiser) This guidance nationally and with BCC will be checked and monitored weekly

Staff MUST limit all printing and photocopying to reduce covid risks where shared printers/photocopiers are used. Distance from seated staff to photocopier needs to be reviewed, copier buttons should be cleaned after every use and at the beginning and end of the day. Review collection of and handling of paper copies for other staff.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

Area Youth Officer Jan Collymore

BCS Manager Sue Cromwell

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert

Once opening is agreed by Head of Service – prelim date set for 1st August 2020 with contractors

Preparing of work stations and internal work will follow from the 1st August providing we have been cleared to go into the building


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Potential exposure to Covid-19 virus in the workplace

Specific consideration required for those most at risk due to a number of personal circumstance or additional factors.

Age - those aged over 70 are particularly vulnerable

Clinically vulnerable people - those with underlying health conditions

Ethnicity – those at increased risks, particularly aged above 55 or have comorbidities (multiple medical conditions occurring at the same time).

Pregnancy - in particular those who are over 28 weeks or have underlying health conditions

Disabilities identified which may be the subject of reasonable adjustments

Review the risk assessment and existing control measures in place for the team and then determine the adequacy of the measures taken for those individuals most at risk.

However, managers are expected to consider individual risk assessment and identify control measures for those at greater risk and consider how social distancing may be maintained. Following risk assessment, those who cannot deliver their role home working may require changing working practices/ responsibilities and/or redeployment to support other areas of the business to allow a continuation of home working. This should be worked through with your directorate lead for business continuity.

Talk through the control measures with your team/employee and address the concerns of all.

Staff should notify managers of their existing health conditions/concerns, so managers can ensure these staff are supported, and prioritised to assure social distancing, by working from home where possible, otherwise by changing working practices/responsibilities and/or redeployment managers can email Occupational Health [email protected] to seek advice for staff with pre-existing conditions. Staff and managers should refer to BCC Guidance in relation to recording absence and working from home, recognising this could be for an extended period.

Consider the Stress Risk Assessment process and the 6 management standards.

Signpost employee(s) to the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) service, and wellbeing resources for support – there is a wealth of information on the intranet

Refer to Occupational Health via the manager referral route if there are further controls considered to be available.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Where ever possible activities to remain on the ground floor but where this is not possible to ensure lifts are up to date with their inspections and all emergency evacuation process are in place. Code of conduct for use of lifts that considers social distancing – only one person at a time unless carer.

The RA already states that Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) will be reviewed and updated to ensure that requirements are met.

Line Manager with support from

Occupational Health as required.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

Area Youth Officer Jan Collymore

BCS Manager Sue Cromwell

1st August


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Potential exposure to Covid-19 virus in the workplace

Access and Egress, corridors, doorways, stairwells, lifts, group rooms, 1-2-1 rooms, social area, sports hall communal waiting areas, meeting rooms or limited spaces where adequate distancing may not be possible

As above

Reduced number of people within the building (as above) and physical control measures identified and implemented to allow distancing in these areas to be maintained.

To include;

· systems for one-way access, egress and movement around the building

· signage and spacing demarcation on walls and floors

· removal or relocation of furniture in, restricted use or closure of, social areas or group rooms.

· re-arranging of workstations should be side or back facing.

· all ‘hot-desk’ workstations will be taken out of use

· meetings will be held remotely (phone, skype, MS Teams etc.) even if all attendees are on the premises.

· where use of meeting rooms is unavoidable, social distancing and hygiene measures should be observed, windows opened etc.

Automatic doors, revolving doors and push pad openers will be used where available and manual doors will be kept open (where this would not be a breach of fire or other safety regulations) to reduce the need for contact with door handles. Door wedges or magnetic systems (where fitted) should be used. Doors should not be propped open with fire extinguishers, chairs etc.

Lifts should be used following the guidelines on positioning / floor markings; stand side-by-side and facing away from other lift users.

In smaller lifts there is signage to indicate one person use at a time.

All rooms in use must be well ventilated i.e. windows open if this is not possible the room must be locked off and not used but will still remain part of the cleaning and hygiene process

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Outside gym equipment to be cleaned daily and before and after an individual has used the piece of equipment

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

PSO - Katy Swadkins

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

Preparing of workstations and internal work will follow from the 1st August providing we have been cleared to go into the building.

A completion date for the internal arrangement of the building will be 21st September providing the first phase of checks has been completed and dependant on 2nd lockdown/wave


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Potential exposure to Covid-19 virus in the workplace

Welfare facilities – bathrooms, kitchen and refreshment areas and equipment

As above

Consideration given to the likely increase in use of these areas, equipment and resources, due to government guidance on handwashing and the ongoing closure of catering outlets.

· Additional cleaning, handwashing and hygiene resources will be provided where required

· Air dryers or paper towels will be used where available.

· Roller towel systems will be taken out of use if it considered that they will not provide adequate levels of hygiene or protection

· paper towel filling and disposal procedures will be reviewed to ensure they are sufficient and do not increase the risk of infection

· where air hand dryers are not automatic, push buttons will be regularly cleaned throughout the day

· Use of showers if available should be avoided until further notice by Building Management.

· Separate bathrooms allocated for staff and young people

· Staff to wipe down surfaces after each user group or 1-2-1 sessions.

· Allocated eating and drinking utensils for staff and disposable for young people

Touch points on taps, cupboard handles, doors in kitchen areas are cleaned throughout the day include touch points on any vending machines and specifically on the change of a team or group.

Use of shared kitchen / refreshment facilities and equipment will be revised and will be restricted or modified where necessary.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

New signage in place on bathrooms

Hand Sanitiser unit placed by the main entry door

Hand towel dispensers and hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial spray/surface wipes placed in every office and group room

A detailed cleaning regime for each staff member on site dependent on daily site activity will be put in place to include expectations/responsibilities

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

Area Youth Officer Jan Collymore

PT Youth Workers David Oldfield, Martin Griffiths

PSO Katy Swadkins

BCS Manager Sue Cromwell

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert

Supplies of cleaning equipment in place by 24th August

Staff trained and familiarised with expectations by 1st September

Revised cleaning contract in place by 1st August


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Potential exposure to Covid-19 virus in the workplace

Public facing services – appointments, waiting reception areas,

group rooms, 1-2-1 rooms, social area, sports hall

Threat or assault – verbal or physical including deliberate coughing or spitting

As above

Injury, infection with air or blood borne disease,

Increased protection for employees and customers will be provided, where possible, by the implementation of procedures and resources including:

· Young People to access services or appointments by prior agreement, leaving adequate time to allow the cleaning down of surfaces/ equipment.

· utilise any introductions or changes to relevant legislation and procedures to reduce services requiring face-to-face attendance

· limit attendance in line with Youth Service Guidance

· advise young people of any requirements in advance of appointment

· revised opening and appointment times as per readiness level protocol

· changes to reception and checking in systems;

· removal or rearrangement of waiting areas

· installation of screens and dividers where necessary

· increased cleaning of communal furniture and public areas

· signage and floor demarcation in all areas

· pre-appointment checks and information – cancel or reschedule appointments where necessary

· staff awareness that young people’s behaviour may be adversely affected by the current situation and briefed by managers on any specific customer care and control measures

Staff to be informed of the procedures and reminded of the importance of reporting threat or assault to manager, police and safety services; first aid actions; self-isolation procedures etc.

Young People to be advised that there are no facilities to wait if they arrive early for appointment/session. Friends/family will not be permitted to wait or attend appointments/sessions.

Specific risk assessments to be completed and control measures implemented for home visits which should only be carried out where no other method of remote contact is possible (consider phone, online or contact centre appointments first).

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Signage to be prominently displayed to advise BCC will be operating a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding abuse etc. of Staff members

Paperwork that needs to be returned by young people will be kept to a minimum. Where a document needs to be signed young people will be asked to return in an envelop provided by the worker and both worker and young person will be expected to sanitise their hands afterwards. The envelop will not to be opened for 24 hours. A young person will be expected to have their own pen and where this is not the case the pen will be kept by the young person. Pens will not be shared between workers and young people.

Hands to be sanitised when handling paper.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

PT Youth Workers David Oldfield, Martin Griffiths

PSO Katy Swadkins

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert

Information and protocol to staff by 1st September and all regular clients/young people by 21st September

Covid packs/information for young people and clients produced by 1st September


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Potential exposure to Covid-19 virus in the workplace

Travelling to work using public transport

Including buses, trains, and taxis

As above

Government and Corporate Guidance Available

Public Transport Guidance- Gov.UK

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles - Gov.UK

The Birmingham Emergency Travel Plan measures – details here

In line with current government guidance, use of public transport to be avoided where possible.

Work methods and systems will be adapted to allow for continued homeworking where possible.

Those staff for whom use of public transport is unavoidable will be identified and additional consideration

· allocating shift times to support off-peak travel

· where possible work in a location nearer to home

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

PT Youth Workers David Oldfield, Martin Griffiths

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi

1 September


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Potential exposure to Covid-19 virus in the workplace

Use of BCC vehicles

including after long periods of non-use

Employees, public

As above

Accident and injury

Usual in-house daily vehicle checks and testing schedules to be reinstated

Before first use of a vehicle:

· Check MOT, insurance, tax and driving licence remains valid and update if necessary before using vehicle. DVLA have extended MOT certificates. Manager and vehicle user will ensure adherence to the requirements of this.

· Tyres, oil and water checks will be carried out and action taken where necessary

· Any issues to be reported and vehicle not to be used until confirmed as roadworthy

Review procedures for carrying passengers and hygiene facilities to ensure that distancing and infection control measures are in place where possible

Clean down Minibus inside every surface after each use including stopping and disembarking young people to use same seats both ways on the journey

Young people will not use the seat directly behind the driver and all widows to remain open

Dependent on Gov guidelines on social distancing will depend on how many passengers will be allowed on the minibus

Identify systems to eliminate or reduce vehicle sharing (drivers). Where this is not possible, additional interior cleaning

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Youth Worker Thomas Murhead

1st October


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


First Aid and Emergency Evacuation

Requirements of role – social distancing, infection control

Insufficient numbers of First Aiders, Fire Marshals and Evacuation Chair Operators FA, FM, EO)

Expired qualification or certification and retraining not available due to ongoing closure of services

As above

Incidents occurring or worsened outcomes due to lack of trained personnel available to act in the event of an accident or emergency

All First Aiders, Fire Marshals and Evacuation Chair Operators will be responsible for ensuring that their qualification remains valid or within official extension period and for renewing as soon as possible

· HSE have extended qualification period for any First Aid at work certificates that expire between 16th March 2020 and 30th June 2020. This will be under regular review and may be further extended if necessary.

· Guidance issued with regards to administration of First Aid and CPR

Fire Marshal qualifications will be extended until further notice by BCC Safety Services.

· FMs can access Mandatory Fire Safety I-learning for a refresher and will be advised of local arrangements in advance of their return to the workplace

· It may be possible to provide FM refresher training remotely and this will be advertised if and when available

· In line with new covid delivery of first aid – IE only chest compressions no mouth to mouth

Building managers/duty holders to review all emergency evacuation risk assessments, revise plans where necessary and assess numbers of FA, FM and EO’s, taking into account any reduction in numbers of employees in building at any one time

Team managers to contact any existing FA, FM or EO’s on availability.

Building and team managers to liaise regarding availability and to confirm sufficient availability

- share the first aiders of other neighbouring BCC locations to increase cover.

First Aiders, building and team managers are responsible for keeping themselves and others updated on guidance regarding modifications to the administration of First Aid and in addition a review of PPE arrangements.

Building Managers to contact all FA, FM and EO’s to advise of any changes to emergency plans and procedures.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) will be reviewed and updated to ensure that requirements are met

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

1st September


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed



Missed testing, actions not yet completed from previous tests

Build-up of legionella bacteria in taps, shower heads, air conditioning units etc. due to non-use during full or partial closure of premises

Inadequate water temperatures

Employees; service users; other building users; external contractors, tenants or hirers

Contracting Legionella (legionnaires disease)

LCA Guidance for Members on Reopening Buildings sent to the Managing Agent to ensure compliance is achieved.

Premises will not reopen until testing and any necessary action has been completed by appointed contractors

Taps, showers, air-conditioning systems etc. will not be operated for the first time since closure unless by a contractor or building manager/ duty holder under contractor advice -there are specific procedures that need to be followed

Contractor or building manager/duty holder will ensure that all hot water systems are to the required temperature before re-opening

Existing schedules to resume where contractors are able to resume service

Any outstanding actions to be completed as necessary

Legionella Contractors to be notified of any changes to use of premises or equipment especially in previously unused areas or where usage will increase as a result of changes made to working practice or procedure

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

PSO Katy Swadkins

Inspection Dates in place by 1st August dependant on permission to access building


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Statutory testing

Expired or missed testing schedules

Extended period of premises and equipment not being in use: including structural, asbestos management, electrical, gas, alarms and fire-fighting / protection

Installation of new equipment due to new working arrangements

Employees; colleagues; service users;

building users; external contractors, tenants or hirers

Serious injury or death through system or equipment fault/failure

Existing schedules to resume where contractors are able to resume service – alternatively risk assessments undertaken.

In house testing schedules to resume in advance of reopening

All alarms, early- warning systems, fire fighting equipment to be checked and replaced where necessary in advance of re-opening

Building manager/ duty holder will check schedules and test expiry dates and arrange for renewal before re-opening.

Where testing contractors are not available, advice will be sought on if/how to proceed – where extensions have been officially authorised, testing will be arranged for completion as soon as possible and within extension allowances.

Premises will not reopen until testing and any necessary action has been completed by an authorised contractor or exclusions recorded.

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

PSO Katy Swadkins

Inspection Dates in place by 1st August dependant on permission to access building


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Agile working - Office and/or when working at home.

Potential for Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULD) due to poor posture adopted, insufficient number of breaks, inappropriate workstation set up.

In circumstances were a full office workstation cannot be accessed, there should be an increase in the number of breaks taken.

DSE eLearning should be completed by those using such equipment. VDU Workstation checklist to be completed by all DSE users.

DSE / Agile working / Home working Intranet guidance for managers and employees is available and should be followed.

This will enable employees to set up their area of work to allow them neutral posture.

All DSE provided should be subject to a pre-use visual inspection.

Any defects or noticeable damage is reported immediately.

Consider impacts of agile working / work being done from home and if employee has followed guidance with regards to setting up a suitable workstation enabling them to achieve neutral posture.

Discuss any further requirements with them accordingly.

Consider sharing the following tutorial clip with those working from home;


Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

PSO Katy Swadkins

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert

Staff trained and familiarised with protocols /expectations by 1st September


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Maintenance contractors

Emergency and routine maintenance

Employees; colleagues; service users;

building users; external contractors, tenants or hirers

All contractor to attend site by appt only

Only one set of contractors on site at any one time

Limit access to area on site

No signing of paperwork with shared pen no digital signing

All contractors to sanitise hands every time they enter the site

Allocated toilet during time on site

Must provide own drinks and refreshments in own cups

Surfaces touched by contractor wiped down regularly or after job complete depending on how long job takes.

If concerns are raised suspend job or give feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

PSO Katy Swadkins

Protocols and supplier information pack/info by 1st August dependant on permission to access building


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Effects on physical and mental health and wellbeing caused by requirement to return to the workplace


Stress and anxiety

Emerging, or exacerbation of existing, physical or mental health issues

Ongoing regular contact between managers and employees while homeworking – phone, Microsoft Teams, Skype etc.

BCC intranet updates, FAQs and guidance including information such as Covid-19, Occupational Health and Safety, HR, ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions and weekly newsletters.

Staff guidance here: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/staffguidance

Managers ensure that any staff who do not have IT access or Log-on ID receive these opportunities and information by other methods.

HR procedures for sickness absence relating to Covid-19 in place.

Managers will liaise with employees to discuss what ‘returning to work’ means for them – health, vulnerable status, feelings, anxieties, conflicting responsibilities (vulnerable household members, childcare, care for other dependants, transport etc.) and to discuss and agree what, if any, allowances can be made to accommodate individual needs and provide reassurance.

Additional support available via self-referral to BCC Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), and manager referral to Occupational Health Services

All staff will be advised and updated of current requirements for notification and reporting of illness or contact with Covid 19, whether themselves or a member of their household, and either suspected or confirmed.

If concerns remain, consider feedback.

Monitor the effectiveness of the controls in place and the individuals understanding of these and explore any outstanding anxieties or concerns which may exist.

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

Area Youth Officer Jan Collymore

PT Youth Workers David Oldfield, Martin Griffiths

PSO Katy Swadkins

BCS Manager Sue Cromwell

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert

1st October


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Lone working



Inform line manager of dates and times, plan your work ahead of time to keep focus and manage time on site. Take breaks don’t take risks.

Carry mobile phone and check-in with another colleague or family member.

Door only to be opened to known colleagues (implement social distancing) Door should not be opened to young people known or not known or members of the public know or not known

Discuss lone working with line manager

Inform your line manager who your contact is and times you will be on site.

Put a sign on the door explaining you may be on site but are not allowed to open the door

Duty Holder Juliet Faulkner

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

PSO Katy Swadkins

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert

Staff provided with protocols and expectations 1st September


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Working with Partners/ visiting/ on site.

Those based in our building

Employees; colleagues; service users;

building users;

To follow existing centres and bcc protocols

Share protocols with partner agencies. Where appropriate.

Monitor compliance and address any issue and concerns immediately

Duty Holder – Juliet Faulkner

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

BCS - staff Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert


Who is at Risk & How?

Existing Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Action by whom

Action by when

Action Completed


Second Wave of Covid or localised or geographical lockdown

Employees; colleagues; service users;

building users;

To follow National and local guidance and BBC protocol

Revisit risk assessment

Keep employees, young people, partners and community well informed.

Maintain office 365 systems for home working.

Keep contact details for all who would need to be informed accessible from home

Have a list of services and users that will need to be contacted

Duty Holder – Juliet Faulkner

Youth Worker Stuart Oddy

PSO Katy Swadkins

BCS - employees Bal Kalsi, Eileen Huges, Jane Turbert

1st September

Protocols place

Delivery of youth work

Readiness Level

Permitted Activity Expected


(outdoors only)

• Online and digital youth services

• Detached local youth services

• 1-2-1 sessions with high-need young people

(outdoors only)


• Online and digital youth services

• Detached local youth activities (consistent with social distancing guidelines)

• 1-2-1 sessions with young people indoors

• Small group sessions delivered indoors

(consistent with social distancing guidelines)


• Indoor group work sessions (consistent with social distancing guidelines)

• Multiple sessions (1-2-1 or group work) within social distancing guidelines


• All services open as per normal yearly operations

• Overnight trips and visits

• International travel allowed within FCO advice


Who might be harmed and how?

What control measures are in place? Are they sufficient?

What Further Action Required

Readiness Level





Employee young people

Accusation of inappropriate contact of content

· Two members of staff should be in attendance.

· Follow safeguarding protocols

· Managing online behavior

Red Activity/ Amber activity


Employee young people

· See Detached risk assessment


Red Activity / Amber activity

One to one


Employee young people

· High need young people outdoors only – see detached risk assessment

· Delivery of wellbeing packages to young people’s home

· Doorstep chats

Update risk assessment to include social distance -one to one

Red Activity

One to One

(in doors)

Employee young people

· One to one with (any) young people indoors

· During time when strict measures and precautions are in place known young people can be allowed on site, a verbal, sensitive and polite assessment can be made as to welfare of the young person and suitability to attend site. Any young person not taking the risk seriously after the first warning will asked to leave the site.

· During time when strict measures are in place no unknown young people should be allowed on site, as measures relax a verbal, sensitive and polite assessment can be made as to welfare of the young person and suitability to attend site. Any young person not taking the risk seriously after the first warning will not be allowed on site.

· Staff should consider and take on board information and concerns of other professionals and staff members on site.

Amber Activity

Small group sessions

(in doors)

Employees young people

· Dependent on size of rooms – usual example of small group work is 4-6 young people.

· Small groups delivered indoors consistent with social distances guidelines

· Invited young people only to attend and consent gained from parent/guardian - young people should be given ground rules about personal space and social distancing prior to session and the expectations or participation.

· Staff to lead by example

· Create small group cohort system- where young people and staff do not interchange.

· See section site hygiene

Registered produced indicating that on signing in the young person confirms their parents know they are in the centre followed by a phone call by staff or written consent

Amber Activity

Multiple one to one

Employee young people

· Individuals are made aware of the space allocated to them.

· Ample time should be given between one to one sessions so that young people are not waiting/congregating in reception area and to enable clean down of each space after use.

Yellow Activity

Multiple Small group work sessions


Employee young people

· Each group is made aware of the space allocated to them.

· Ample time should be given between small group sessions so that young people are not waiting/congregating in reception area and to enable clean down

Yellow Activity

Group work sessions


Employee young people

· Dependent on size of rooms – usual example of group work is 10-15 young people, in a planned/organised session

Yellow Activity

Outdoor learning/trips/visits

Employee young people

· Social distancing/ including hired transport/minibuses

· Activity risk assessment /Nodv. Activity provider is operating in line with government guidelines.

Yellow Activity

all services open as per yearly operations

· Review all and risk assess prior to any visits

Green Activity

Over night trips/visits

· Review all and risk assess prior to any visits

Green Activity

Internation travel

· In line with fco (foreign & commonwealth office)

Green Activity

All youth work delivery will be assessed monitored and reviewed by: Senior Youth Worker Juliet Faulkner, Youth Worker Stuart Oddy, Area Youth Offier Jan Collmore on a weekly basis in consultation with David Oldfiled and Martin Griffths PT youth Workers


Potential conflict between existing workplace / work activity risk assessments and procedures and newly implemented arrangements required for returning to the workplace

All existing risk assesments to be reviewed and amended as appropriate to ensure continued compliance and safe working practice in all areas

Potential conflict between:

· building and team management risk assessments and procedures in multi – use premises especially CABs and those where external agencies operate.

· Work activity that has not yet been approved to re-start within premises that are re-opening for other business

High levels of co-operation and liaison required to ensure that building capacity and other safety requirements can be met. Team managers should discuss their requirements with building management as soon as possible. Although every effort will be made to accommodate all requirements, it may be necessary for team managers to amend or modify their plans in order to enable wider compliance and implementation of procedures

Building managers/duty holders to confirm ongoing compliance of users and groups, including appropriate certification, contracts and hire agreements which should be updated as soon as possible to reflect any changes or agreements

Implementation of new procedures, equipment or resources as part of Covid – 19 control measures

Ensure that exisitng procedures are updated to reflect any changes

Review and update risk assessments including CoSHH and Fire to include any new products or procedures

All employees to receive appropriate instruction and training in any new or revised procedures, equipment or resources including PPE

Other user groups to be notified of any changes that affect them or their service delivery

Detached youth work

See separate risk asessemnt

Equality of access for BAME, Shielded and vulnerable Young People

Ensure that we offer equality of access for those who are particularly vulnerable

Clinically vulnerable young people - those with underlying health conditions

or have comorbidities (multiple medical conditions occurring at the same time). Ethnicity – those at increased risks,

Pregnancy - in particular those who are over 28 weeks or have underlying health conditions

Disabilities identified which may be the subject of reasonable adjustments

Regularly review the risk assessment specifically for those at higher risk and control measures in place, determine the adequacy of the measures taken for those individuals at greater risk.



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This assessment is produced in line with current government guidelines and may be subject to change, if and should the government issue further frameworks/guidelines.


Employee Signature Record

(insert or delete rows as required)

I have read the attached Risk Assessment and confirm that:

· I understand what actions have been taken to reduce injury or ill health at work and what I must do to protect myself and others;

· I will ask for further information and guidance, if needed, before undertaking my duties;

· I am not aware of any additional hazards that should be considered in this risk assessment;

· I will speak to my Manager or Trade Union Representative if I have any Health, Safety and Welfare issues or concerns;

· I will report any accidents, incidents or near misses promptly to my Manager.

· If you have any concerns regarding the above you should speak with your Manager or Trade Union before signing this sheet




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