Risk Assessment Risk Assessment For: 10 Buckingham Court, Watford Way, London, NW4 4! !ate: 1 st  No"em#er $014 Carried out #y: %ess &ardoe Re"ie' !ate: ( rd  No"em#er $014 )a*ard &ersons affected Risk Contro+s Risk Rating Accet Risk Outline the controls in place Severity Likelihood Risk Yes/no Slip/Trip hazards. Emergency Evacuation Procedures Saety on steep staircases Risk o ire !anual handling issues  " S E  " S E  " S E  " S E S #ires to $e plugged into lo% level sockets %ith %ires run along the loor and close to the %all %here possi$le. "ny trailing %ires to $e covered or taped do%n. E&uipment and peripherals to $e kept clear o all %alk%ays. Spillages to $e made sae and %iped up Emergency e'its %ill $e easily accessi$le and pointed out $eore shooting $egins (se handrails provided) %atch your step Emergency e'its Students %ill $e helped %ith the movement o any e&uipment/urniture on *ov + rd ) $eore the shoot on *ov , th . - + + + - - - - + - Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s

Risk Assessment - Music Video (Location a)

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8/10/2019 Risk Assessment - Music Video (Location a)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/risk-assessment-music-video-location-a 1/3

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment For: 10 Buckingham Court, Watford Way,London, NW4 4!

!ate: 1st No"em#er $014

Carried out #y: %ess &ardoe Re"ie' !ate: (rd No"em#er $014

)a*ard &ersonsaffected

Risk Contro+s Risk Rating Accet Risk

Outline the controls in place Severity Likelihood Risk Yes/no

Slip/Trip hazards.

Emergency EvacuationProcedures

Saety on steep staircases

Risk o ire

!anual handling issues

 " S E

 " S E

 " S E

 " S E


#ires to $e plugged into lo% level sockets%ith %ires run along the loor and close tothe %all %here possi$le. "ny trailing %iresto $e covered or taped do%n. E&uipment

and peripherals to $e kept clear o all%alk%ays. Spillages to $e made sae and

%iped up

Emergency e'its %ill $e easily accessi$leand pointed out $eore shooting $egins

(se handrails provided) %atch your step

Emergency e'its

Students %ill $e helped %ith the movemento any e&uipment/urniture on *ov + rd)

$eore the shoot on *ov , th.
















8/10/2019 Risk Assessment - Music Video (Location a)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/risk-assessment-music-video-location-a 2/3

Lights $ecoming very hot

Electrical saety


#orking at height

Personal Protective E&uipment

 " S E

 " S E

 " S E

 " S E

 " S E

 "ctors and cre% to $e %arned that thelights may $ecome hot. Lights not to $ehandled until they have $een let to cool


re% only to use (niversity e&uipmentapproved $y their tutors and P"T tested

%here appropriate. " visual inspection o e&uipment must $e made $eore use.

!ains po%ered electrical e&uipment usedoutside must have a separate risk


Students must not ilm in traic routes

 "ll %orking at height activities must have aseparate and speciic risk assessment

#eather conditions should $e taken intoconsideration and appropriate oot%ear 

and clothing %orn.















8/10/2019 Risk Assessment - Music Video (Location a)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/risk-assessment-music-video-location-a 3/3

-e"erity Like+y .+ike+ihood/

0igh 1 2eath or ma3or in3ury 4as deined $y R522OR6 or illness causing long termdisa$ility

0igh 1 %here it is certain or near certain that harm %ill occur 

!edium 1 5n3uries or illness causing short tem disa$ility !edium 1 %here harm %ill oten occur  

Lo% 1 all other in3uries or illness7 Lo% 1 %here harm %ill seldom occur 

R- RAN2 Lo' +ike+ihood1

3edium +ike+ihood$

)igh +ike+ihood(

&ersons affected

 Lo' se"erity 1 Trivial Risk

Tolera$le Risk

-!oderate Risk


 " 1 "ctors

S 1 Students

E 1 E'tra cre%3edium se"erity $ Tolera$le Risk

-!oderate Risk

,Su$stantial Risk


)igh se"erity ( !oderate Risk+

Su$stantial Risk8

5ntolera$le risk9

A guide to a risk contro+ +an

Risk Le"e+ Action and imesca+e 4Timescales where required shall be determined by the appropriate school/service or management unit)

ri"ia+ *o action re&uired and no documentation necessary

o+era#+e *o additional controls are re&uired. !onitoring is re&uired to ensure that the controls are maintained.

3oderate Eorts should $e made to reduce the risk urther %here reasona$le and practica$le. Risk reduction measures 4%here identiied6 should$e implemented %ithin a deined period.

-u#stantia+ #ork should not $e started until the risk has $een reduced. 5 %ork is already in progress then urgent action should $e taken.

nto+era#+e Work shou+d N #e started or continued until the risk has $een reduced. 5 it is not possi$le to reduce the risk then %ork has toremain prohi$ited