Rising Dusk UPDATE 3!

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  • 8/14/2019 Rising Dusk UPDATE 3!


    I cradled my face in my hands as humanly as possible when Charlie

    came over. Charlie swung the now 9 month-old Renesmee into his arms andsoftly sang to her. I smiled when his voice cracked, although he had no idea

    that we could all hear.

    "So, is she 2 maybe 3 years now? Why haven't I been invited to the

    birthday parties?" Charlie complained. Renesmee now had her head on

    Charlie's shoulder and she was sucking her thumb and index finger. I shook

    my head and laughed, "She's not even 1 yet, Dad." Charlie looked at me

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    skeptically, but continued to sing to Renesmee. Edward was sitting on his

    piano bench playing my lullaby softly. Alice and Rosalie were upstairs

    choosing Renesmee's outfits for this week. And Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle,

    and Esme were out hunting. I got up from the white couch and went to sit

    beside Edward.

    "Hello, my love." Edward murmured in my ear, continuing to play. I

    smiled and kissed him on the cheek. I watched at his hands glided over the

    keys and then asked, "Will you teach me?" Edward stopped playing and

    nodded. He set my fingers on the correct keys to begin and put his hand over

    mine. "Just like dancing." I commented. "Just like dancing." He agreed. He

    guided my hands over the keys until I had played my entire lullaby.

    "Beautiful." I whispered. "Not quite as beautiful as you." Edward said. I bit

    my lip and lightly punched him on the shoulder. Edward lifted me onto his

    lap and switched places with me on the bench. He gestured at the piano and

    said, "Try it." He took my hands and placed them on the first keys.I hesitantly played my lullaby and am applaud filled the room. I

    turned to see Rosalie and Alice on the steps and Charlie and Renesmee on

    the couch. When I looked at Renesmee her wide, brown eyes were sparkling,

    her cheeks were a faint pink, and her plump hands were clapping together. I

    smiled at her and she squirmed in Charlies arms. He set her on the ground

    and she danced toward me. I opened my arms and she climbed into my lap.

    She pressed her hot hand to my cheek and I saw myself playing the lullaby.

    Then the sight changed and it was Renesmee now playing the piano.

    Do you want to learn? Edward asked softly. Renesmee nodded

    excitedly. He set her on his lap and put his hand over hers. Within minutes,

    Renesmee was playing Clair De Lune flawlessly. Charlies mouth was gaped

    open when Renesmee finished.

    I told ya she was special. Jacob said, walking through the front

    door. Charlie just nodded, not bothering to close his still gaping mouth.

    Jacob strode across the room and opened his arms, as if asking me if he

    could take her. I nodded slightly annoyed and he took her to the corner. It

    seemed that Jacob got more time with her then I did.

    Jasper and everyone else who went for the hunting trip entered the

    room and went to there usual places. Esme went to her room to work on blueprints and Carlisle went along with her. Alice glided down the stairs to take a

    seat next to Jasper, looking worried. Edward gasped beside me and my eyes

    locked on his.

    What? Whats wrong? I asked in panic. Edward shook his head

    staring directly at Alice and muttered, Later.

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    Whats with you, Bella? Jasper asked feeling my annoyance. I

    sighed and jutted my chin toward Jacob. He was in his own world with

    Renesmee, too busy to notice my gesture. Oh. Jasper said. Alice casually

    made her way back upstairs with Rosalie. Jasper opened his clamped fist and

    quickly scanned his eyes over the note Alice had given him. He met eyes

    with Edward and it was obvious they were having a conversation, well to me

    at least. Charlie seemed completely oblivious to the quiet exchange.

    Well, I better get going Bells. Im going to meet Sue in Port Angeles

    for dinner. Charlie said quickly. I waggled my perfect eyebrows at him and

    he chuckled. No, its not a date. I nodded slowly and said, Sure Dad.

    What ever you say. Charlie rolled his eyes and waved as he ducked out of

    the house, into the pouring rain.

    I heard a loud crash from upstairs and Edward and I darted to Alices

    room. What happened? I yelled. Rosalie and Alice were arguing, I told

    you, Rosalie! One pair at a time! Alices entire armoire of shoes was on theground and heels were everywhere. Well maybe you shouldnt stick 1,000

    pairs of shoes in one place! Rosalie shouted back. Edward chuckled quietly

    at their stupid fight and yelled, Break it up, break it up! Rosalie rolled her

    eyes at Alice and picked up the heavy armoire. In less then 2 minutes

    everything was back in place. Soon enough they were chatting like nothing

    had happened.

    Well that was easy, I muttered as Edward and I descended the

    stairs. He chuckled and took my hand. Jacob, Bella and I are going to go

    back to our cottage could we please have Renesmee? Edward said. Jacob

    growled, but let go of Renesmee so she could run back to us. You wanna go

    home, baby girl? I asked her softly. She quietly said, Yes. And rocked on

    her heels. Her voice was still like a shock to me. Although I had heard it

    quite a few times it was so new to me every time she spoke.

    She sprinted out of the front door at full speed and I heard her

    giggles in the distance. Edward and I traveled not far behind. It was almost

    dark when we got inside the house. Renesmee yawned loudly and Edward

    and she sat in the old rocking chair in the corner. I smiled and thought, This

    isnt a wonderful dream at all. This is my real family.

    I walked to our room and sat down on the bed looking at myself inthe mirror. Id actually gotten used to this new woman that was supposedly

    me. My slightly curly hair was to the small of my back and my lips were still

    marginally uneven. My figure was slightly less curvy then Rosalies, but

    there was really nothing to complain about. I finally made my way up to my

    eyes. I almost gasped at the beautiful topaz color that they were.

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    Edwards faint footsteps stopped at the entrance of the door and he

    sighed. I turned around to see him smiling his crooked grin. Gorgeous. He

    whispered. Same to you. I said as I made my way to him. He took my

    waist and I wrapped my long pale arms around his neck. He bent his head

    toward mine and our lips met in a new kind of way. He towed me toward the

    bed, our lips never parting.

    After almost 5 minutes, I gasped for an unnecessary breath. Wow. I

    said. He chuckled and said, That was a huge understatement. I laughed

    and asked, What were you and Alice thinking about today? Edward laid

    down on the bed. I mimicked him impatiently. He grabbed my hands in his

    and held them to his lips. We laid there for a while until I couldnt stand it.

    Edward, please tell me. He shook his head and pulled our hands away

    from his lips. It wouldnt be right. I looked into his liquid amber eyes and

    batted my eyelashes. Please? Edward scolded himself and said, Its

    impossible to say no to you, but youll most likely be angry at me or Alice.I propped myself up on my elbow and laughed at his absurdity. I

    could never ever be mad at you orAlice. Edward groaned and said,

    Theres a first for everything. Then I actually began to feel angry.

    Edward, tell me. Please. Alicehad a vision of you. He obviously

    wasnt finished, but it didnt seem as if he was planning on continuing.

    Okay, and? He furrowed his eyebrows and said, Your eyes were scarlet

    and filled with thirst and excitement. Bella, you killed a human.

    My breathing had stopped and Edward began to look worried.

    Bella? All of a sudden, a million emotions were released. Edward, no!

    You cant let this happen! I dont want to kill some one. You have to stop

    me! Lock me up if you have to! Do anything you can to keep this vision

    from coming true! Please, Edward, please!

    I was crying tearlessly and Edward wrapped his arms around me,

    pulling me toward him. He kissed my forehead and said, Ill do everything

    in my power, love. We can go somewhere until Alice is sure it wont happen.

    Alright? I nodded, still crying. Edward pulled my chin up and kissed me

    passionately, forcing the thought of the vision to the back of my mind.

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    octaves higher. Bella, Bella, Shhh. Its alright. Edward and I will protect

    you. Remember that its your choice. You can stop it. You just have to find

    the will. I kept on crying and then said, And if I cant Alice? Then what?!

    You cant let me! Please, Alice, Edward!

    Edward brought his lips to mine for a deep kiss. Trust me, love. He

    murmured against them. I nodded and continued until I heard a little throat

    clearing. Edward pulled away, but I still clung to his shirt.

    Sorry Alice. He said, chuckling. I closed my eyes and put two

    fingers to my temples. The rock suddenly disappeared below me and

    Edward was carrying me into the woods. I sweet scent hit my nose and my

    throat began to ache.

    Mountain lion? I asked quietly.

    Very good, Bella.

    Where did Alice go?

    She went back to try and look for a different future, but just to be safewere going to hunt.

    I nodded and we continued until we reached a small clearing that was

    new to me. The water was a beautiful aqua color. It seemed it couldve come

    right out of an amazing story book. My eyes darted from the water to its


    3 mountain lions were drinking from the clearing. 2 males and 1

    female. The males were especially plump. You take the one on the left.

    Should we let the female be? Edward asked in a whisper. I nodded and

    focused on the beating pulse under the lions thin skin.

    Edward counted to 3 and we lunged at the males. Id definitely

    gotten better at hunting since the first trip. After draining the mountain lions

    Edward and I were spotless.

    I smiled at myself proudly and Edward pulled me into a tight

    embrace. He put his chin on my shoulder and whispered, I love you with all

    my heart. You know that, right? Yes, I know. I love you with all my heart

    also, but what if I cant resist Edward? What if tasting human blood will put

    me in the stage where a newborn should be? What if I wont want you like I

    do now? He sighed on my shoulder, sending electric waved down my back

    and I shivered with pleasure. Trust me, love. I believe in you and I will doeverything I can to keep that from happening. I pursed my lips but didnt

    say anything.

    He let me go and we ran back to the house hand in hand. Renesmee

    was sitting in Alices lap, under the stairs listening to her sing when we got

    home. I smiled at them and Renesmee turned her rosy-cheeked face toward

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    mine. She was probably half an inch taller since when we left and her bronze

    ringlets hung about a third of an inch past her waist.

    I could hear Emmett grunting in the garage, because he was

    apparently lifting cars and Rosalie was out shopping with Esme according to

    Alice. All of a sudden, a beautiful male voice chimed in with Alices. I

    turned me head to see Jasper singing with Alice in his lap and Renesmee in


    I began to walk to the piano, still holding Edwards hand, but it

    slipped from mine. Im going to go to the grocery store so Renesmee can

    give human food a chance. Jacob has robbed our fridge in the past month.

    He kissed me quickly and ran to the garage. I continued to the piano and

    took a seat. I placed my hands on the correct keys and played through my

    lullaby. In the middle, I absently mindedly began to sing along with the


    When I finished I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to seeAlice with a shocked expression. That was absolutely beautiful, Bella. Your

    voice is even better then Rosalies! I laughed without humor and muttered,

    Yeah right. Id never been good at singing or anything really. No Bella,

    honestly! That was amazing! I could see the truth in her eyes and I asked,

    Really? She nodded excitedly and exclaimed, Yes! Really! I smiled now

    and patted the bench.

    Alice plopped down and began to play Clair De Lune. She and I both

    sung along. At the last note my jaw was to the floor. She was right. We

    sounded absolutely gorgeous together. Edward came through the garage

    door clapping. I hopped up and ran into his arms. He kissed me and

    murmured, Beautiful Against my lips. I pulled away and laughed, Thank

    you. He smiled and said, Anytime, love, anytime.

    We walked upstairs to his once bedroom. I added something for you

    in the cottage. He said. I sat down on the black couch and asked, What?

    He sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap. Youll see later. He picked

    out a movie and put it in the DVD player. I watched half of the time and the

    other half Edward and I were kissing.

    About a half hour before the movie ended and there was a loud

    piercing crack. I heard Renesmee scream and then there was a mouthwatering scent that filled the room. My throat burned with thirst. I lunged

    out of Edwards arms and began to run to the smell. No! Bella! Jasper,

    Emmett be ready! I couldnt make sense of his words. I looked down the

    staircase to see Renesmee crying as warm, sweet blood oozed from her tiny

    arm. The entire front glass wall was gone. I sprinted down the stairs then

    stopped dead in my tracks.

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    Was this what Alice had seen? Were my eyes red from my own

    daughters blood? I couldnt keep my thoughts straight as I crouched into a

    hunting position, my eyes locked on Renesmees arm. I smiled and sucked

    in a sweet breath.

    Please, find the will. I heard Edwards pained whisper from the top

    of the stairs. I broke into a sob and sprinted out of the door. I held my breath

    and ran until I heard Edward yelling my name.

    My knees trembled and I fell into the wet grass. Thunder boomed

    and it began to pour. I didnt care that my brand new Marc Jacobs dress was

    getting ruined. I sobbed into the grass until I felt arms under me. Edward

    pulled me into his arms like a baby. I buried my head into his chest and

    began to cry again.

    Shh, Bella, shhh. Its alright. I looked into his soft, butterscotch

    eyes and choked out, How can you say that! I wanted to kill my own

    daughter! Edward, Im a danger to my child! He stroked my hair andwhispered, You may have wanted to, but you didnt. Im proud of you

    Bella. Carlisle will stitch her up and we can pretend this never happened. I

    knew you had the will to avoid it. I shook my head and yelled, I cant go

    back! What if it happens again? What if I dont have the will next time,

    Edward? Then I kill her and we move on? Im not willing to take that risk

    with our daughter! He kissed my forehead and said, Of course not. You

    can wait as long as you feel is needed, but risk is a part of life. Ill stay with

    you. Why, Edward? Dont stay away from Renesmee just because I have

    to. Why would you do that for me? He looked me in the eyes and said,

    Because I love you. I love you too, but He interrupted me by pressing

    his lips to mine.

    No buts. Im staying as long as I have to.

    I was still in his arms as he ran to the cottage. He set me down at the

    front door, but kept hold of my hand. We walked to the closet to change out

    of our soaking clothes. I put on a camisole and pink, silk pants. Edward put

    on fleece plaid pants and that was it.

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    Well you look awfully nice. I murmured. He smiled and walked to

    turn on the stereo. I classic song came on and Edward put his hands on my

    hips. I placed my arms around his neck and put my ear to his bare chest.

    Youre not going to hear anything. Edward reminded me, placing his chin

    on my head. I know, but I can imagine. I murmured. He pulled me onto his

    feet and we spun around. A rapid knock on the door broke our trance. I

    pulled my robe on and Edward followed me to the door.

    Are you guys ready for bed? Jacob laughed. I glared at him and he

    put his hands up. Just kidding Bells. Nessie has been screaming for you

    since you left. I saw what happened and I will get on my knees and thank

    you a million times for not going at her! She was never going to go at

    her, Jacob! Edward growled. Okay jeez sorry, but you really should come

    home. She wont stop. I pursed my lips and shook my head. I cant Jacob.

    At least not now. One of his dark eyebrows shot up and he asked, How

    come? Shes all stitched up Bells. I looked into his dark browns eyes and hesaw the fear in mine. Im afraid Jacob. I dont want to hurt her. I dont think

    you want that either, so its probably best if I stay away. Ill call Rosalie and

    she can take care of her for awhile. Jacob just nodded. Go get some sleep,

    Jacob. Edward said coldly. Jacob just nodded and ran away.

    I grabbed the silver phone Edward had given me and hit Rosalies

    speed dial. Hello? Her beautiful voice rang. Hey, Rose. There was an

    accident today and Id really appreciate if you could get to Renesmee as

    soon as possible? Shes at the house. Of course, Bella. Ill see you soon. I

    flipped the phone closed and threw it on the couch.

    Why did you sound so mad? I asked placed my arms back around

    Edwards neck. He lifted me and we began to spin again. He was imagining

    you He didnt have to finish for me to understand. He was imagining

    me killing Renesmee? I asked in a whisper. Edward nodded and placed his

    cheek to my neck

    We spun for hours. I looked at the clock to see that it was 2 a.m.

    Would you like to go for a dip? Edward asked. I nodded. I changed into an

    appropriate bikini and admired my bikini body in the mirror. Edward came

    out laughing in swim trunks. We walked out the backdoor and into the warm

    water hand in hand.The water was sensational against my cold skin. Edward could see

    my stressed expression and he pulled me into his arms. Not to worry, love.

    Youll be able to see her again in just a few days. I sighed and turned to

    look at him. How can you know that? Edward smiled and I heard soft

    footsteps running toward us.

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    Alice appeared in a robe and waved to us. Alice? I asked happily.

    Alice slipped out of the robe wearing a swimsuit and she canon-balled into

    the water. I never knew anyone could look so graceful doing that until now.

    She swam up and smoothed back her hair.

    Yep! Bella youll get to see her in just five days. Oh and youll

    never believe whats doing to happen in a week or so! Alice was patting the

    water with excitement. I hugged Edward and practically shouted, Oh,

    Edward this is great! I was so worried. He smiled and said, I knew you

    would get past it.

    What were you talking about when you said something is going to

    happen in a week? Alice waggled her finger and said, Youll just have to

    wait and see. I sighed. Please Alice! Alice sealed her lips and shook her

    head. Lets just say that some one in your life will be a lot happier. I still

    didnt understand.

    We swam and talked for hours. Time didnt seem to matter anymore.The sun rose and fell.

    I think Id better get to Jasper. Oh! Alices eyes focused on

    something far away and I heard Edward sigh in relief. Fantastic! What are

    you doing Bella? Alice shouted frustrated. I hadnt done anything. I raised

    one of my eyebrows at her, but she shook her head. She jumped out of the

    water and put on her robe. Bye. She yelled, running home.

    What did she see, Edward? Edward grinned and jumped out of the

    water. He offered his hand and helped me out, although I didnt need it. I

    pulled on my old sweats and went to Renesmees room. I knew her scent

    was strongest there and I needed as much help as I could get. I stepped in

    and inhaled through my nose. My throat burned, but it was nothing

    unbearable. I observed the area and saw a grand piano in the corner. It was

    identical to Edwards.

    Do you like it? He came up behind me and put his hands on my

    waist. I love it. Thank you. I turned around and pecked him on the lips.

    Could I hear a song? He asked. I nodded. I would have never said yes if I

    was still human, but being a vampire gave me confidence.

    We walked to the piano and I began to sing and play my lullaby.

    Around the end, Edward joined in. Our voices were possibly the mostbeautiful thing Id ever heard. Lovely. I murmured after the last note.

    Absolutely. Edward whispered. I turned my face and his golden eyes

    scorched with love and happiness.

    You like this. I whispered. You have no idea how much I love

    knowing that you and I have a daughter and Bella, this is the most wonderful

    thing I could have imagined. I love you and in some amazing way, I have the

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    opportunity to call you mine forever. This is what I always dreamed of when

    I was human. Being with you for eternity is not something I I put my

    index finger to his lips and whispered, Me too.

    He cupped my face and leaned toward me. I threw myself against

    him and we hit the floor with a loud thud. Oh, gosh, sorry! I said as I

    began to pull myself up. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me

    back down. I was pulled into the night with Edwards arms around me.

    The sun began to show and something clicked. Oh, Edward! I can

    do it! I can see her! I shouted jumping off of him. I know. He said.

    Why am I always last to know about Alices visions? He chuckled and got


    I ran to the closet passing the mirror. I now noticed the tiny E-R in

    my tattoo. Edward and Renesmee. I looked at his and it showed B-R. I

    smiled at him and touched his tattoo. Do we really need a permanent

    marking to resemble our eternal love for each other? I asked. He shruggedand said, No, but its still nice to have some part of each other when we

    cant see one another. True. I changed into jeans and one of Edwards

    over-sized shirts.

    Hmmthat shirt looks a lot better on you then Emmett. I giggled

    and said, Why thank you. We ran to the house and I saw that the front wall

    was repaired, but all it showed was our reflection from the unusual sun, so I

    had no view of Renesmee. The hit us and our skin sparkled, but something

    drew my attention from our beauty.

    Her scent hit me like a bomb. I stopped and turned to Edward. Can I

    do this? He took my face into his hands and looked into my eyes. Yes.

    Bella, youre her mother. She has nothing to fear and neither do you. She

    knows your coming. Shes dreaming of you right now. I smiled and asked,

    What am I doing in her dream? Youre playing her a song on the piano.

    Shes very happy, Bella. She loves you and so do I. You can do this. I

    nodded and exhaled.

    I took a cautious step into the house and saw that Renesmee was

    sleeping in Jacobs arms. He tensed and glared at me. I furrowed my

    eyebrows and stomped across the room to him. Rose, take Renesmee. I

    demanded. She quickly took her and went upstairs, How dare you glare atme? I shouted to Jacob. Bella, Im sorry, but you said it yourself. Youre a

    danger to my Nessie! I heard Edward growl behind me. YourNessie?Jacob Black I want you out of this house in 5 seconds! I screamed. But

    Leave Jacob. Edward said curtly. Jacob snarled at us and dashed up the


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    Get away you mutt! Rosalie shrieked. There was a thud on the

    ground below the east window and I sprinted to see.

    Im sorry Bella, but I cant put her in danger! I heard Jacob shout

    from a distance. The sound of clothes tearing brought me to hysterics.

    Edward pulled me to him and I shouted, He took her Edward! I have to see

    her. I have to! I honestly hate him right now. Em, Jazz go find him.

    Edward growled. They ran to the woods and Edward pulled me away from

    him so he could look at me.

    He stroked my hair and traced my quivering lips with his finger.

    Shell be in your arms as soon as possible, I promise. All I could do was


    Edward, weve got a bit of a situation on our hands. Alice said

    coming outside rubbing her temples. Edward growled and asked, When?

    Alice sighed and groaned, One hour. What? Who? I asked. Mike

    Newton. He wants to come and check on you. Edward, what do you meanby check on? What could have happened that hed need to check on?

    Edward grunted and said, Renesmee. I froze. Hes coming to check and

    see if Edward and I have had a child? What a Well Im not seeing him

    after he walks through the door of your house, so Im assuming Renesmee

    should be back by then. Whether you have her with you or not is your

    choice. Oh, and hes going to be stuck in traffic so make that 2 hours. Alice

    said. I groaned.

    I went back to the cottage alone, because Edward said he had to

    make the house more human. I laughed, but accepted it. I went to our room

    and curled up on the bed.Knock, knock, knock!Bella? Jacobs deep voice asked through the thick wood of the

    door. Leave. I have no interest in talking to you. Mommy? Renesmee

    asked. My heart burned with happiness when she said my name. I opened

    the door to see that Jacob was nowhere in sight. I took Renesmee in my arms

    and completely forgot about her scent. Hi baby girl. Ive missed you. Me

    too. She whispered.

    She reached her hand to my face, but I caught a glimpse of her

    stitched arm. Oh Renesmee! Are you okay? I was so worried when I saw

    you get cut! Does it hurt? She nodded and I leaned down to kiss thestitches. She placed her hot hand on my face and the vision of her in her in

    her crib and me playing the piano to her filled my mind.

    I set her into her crib and sat down on the piano bench. I began

    fiddling with different notes until I had produced a lullaby. Renesmees

    lullaby. Edward walked into the room and kissed my cheek. 5 minutes. I

    groaned and asked, Is he coming here? Edward nodded. Are you

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    planning on holding Renesmee? I rolled my eyes and answered, Of

    course. I quickly gave Renesmee the same talk Edward gave her about no

    biting. She nodded and reached her arms toward me. I picked her up and we

    curled up on the couch with a blanket. I cradled Renesmee, but hid her under

    the blanket.

    Edward had the door before Mike even knocked. Hi, Edward.

    Mike said emotionlessly. Mike turned to me and his eyes widened in shock.

    Hey Bella! You look.amazing. What have you been up to? Edward sat

    down beside me and put his arm over my shoulder. Well Ive been thinking

    about college, but nothing really. I heard Renesmee inhale and she threw

    the blanket back with her tiny hand. Mike gasped, trying to hide his shock

    with a small smile.

    You had a kid while also thinking about college, huh? I nodded

    and he got on his knees in front of me. He smiled at Renesmee and shook

    her pinky. Well shes beautiful. You guys have really settled in, haventya? I nodded and asked, What have you been up to, Mike? Well Im

    going to Seattle Community College and Im looking for a place. Mikes

    eyes never left Renesmee as he spoke. Whats her name? Renesmee.

    Edward and I said in unison. I smiled and pecked him on the lips. I saw

    Mikes face twist in disgust. Well I better get going. Bye, it was nice to see

    you guys. We waved and he finally left.

    Hes really isnt happy. His thoughts were quite disturbing also. I

    laughed and asked, Like what? He was trying to imagine us conceiving

    Renesmee. I shuddered and he continued, And when he saw you well that

    was just disgusting. I giggled and looked into Renesmees chocolate brown


    You were very good. She smiled and nodded. Edward chuckled,

    She thought Mike looked like a creep. I laughed and got up to put

    Renesmee on the stone floor. My cell phone began to buzz against the

    leather of the couch and I rushed to get it.

    Hello? Bells! Im engaged! My dad shouted. My mouth dropped

    open and I asked, To Sue? I heard him sigh and he shouted, Yes! Isnt it

    great? The joy began to kick into my system and I said, Thats amazing

    dad! Congratulations! I heard Sue mumble in the background and Charlieyelled, Well, gotta go Bells! I love you! Bye! I smiled as I hung up the


    Edwards arms were around me in a second and he said, This is

    what Alice saw. Charlie is the person who is a lot happier in your life.

    Charlie decided he couldnt wait a week, so it happened a bit sooner then

    Alice had suspected. I traced my tongue along my bottom lip and then

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    smiled. I got onto my toes and pulled him into a deep kiss. I let go and he

    smiled widely, baring his teeth.

    Charlie and Sue are going to be here in about a hour. Do you want

    to go back to the house? Edward asked. I nodded and picked up Renesmee.

    Just as we stepped in the door Alice jumped in front of us. Oh Bella,

    your mother has been calling, but no one has answered and she keeps on

    changing her mind on whether or not to come and visit!Im sure my expression mimicked her worried look. Just piles and

    piles of fun things are happening today, arent they?! I shouted angrily.

    Edward now had Renesmee as I threw my hands in the air out of frustration.

    Well Bella, shes all the way across the country and air fare is

    expensive so it cant be too soon. Edward said, trying to reassure me. Alice

    shook her perfect little head and said, Wrong. Shes either leaving Sunday

    or not coming at all.

    I groaned and threw myself onto the couch. I heard a car coming up

    the pathway towards the house. Charlie.

    I put my arm over my eyes and shouted, Edward, I cant handle all

    this! Where is Jacob? I heard a howl from outside and Edward said, You

    said you didnt want to see him. So hes staying away. I threw him a

    sarcastic smile an exclaimed, Good. It should stay that way for now. There

    was a low whine that came from the depths of the forest, but I ignored it.

    Edward handed me Renesmee and I laid down on the couch with her in my

    arms. I closed my eyes and put Renesmees hand to my face.

    I could tell she was already sleeping so I pretended to dream using

    her dreams. Good. Sleep. Well not technically, because we cant sl

    Okay Alice. I said throwing in a light giggle. A thin blanket was thrownover us and I focused on Renesmees dreams.

    She was dreaming of Jacob. They were riding through the forest. She

    was on his back riding toward a rainbow. The sun was shining and her skin

    was slightly glittering. They were almost to the rainbow when it all

    disappeared. Clouds came over and it began to pour. The lush grass turned to

    cement and the trees turned into fast moving objects. The objects cleared and

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    black cloaked figures began walking toward them. One by one, their hoods

    fell to unveil their face. The Volturi. Caius set a fire and Aro was striding

    toward them.

    I felt a tear fall on my arm that was under Renesmees head. Her

    nightmare continued.

    Aro swung her down from Jacobs back and Jacob faded away. He

    cradled Renesmee and cooed to her. I saw Alecs face go into concentration

    behind Aro and Renesmees face went blank her eyes closed and her body

    limp. Aro raised her above his head.

    Renesmee! I shouted. Her eyes flashed open in shock. Tears were

    streaming down her face as I sat up. I pulled her into my arms and Edward

    put his arms around us. That was terrible. I murmured. I know. Edward

    said quietly. There were 2 sets of footsteps coming up the stairs towards the


    Charlie pushed it open, holding Sues hand. Sues skin was tan andher dark brown eyes were identical to Jacobs. She was wearing a long red

    sundress and her now shoulder length hair was pulled into a pretty bun.

    Charlie was wearing tuxedo pants and blue button up shirt.

    Well you look fancy, Dad! I said, tossing him a fake smile. Were

    going out dancing in Seattle. Sue gushed, hooking elbows with Charlie. Sue

    flashed a bright, white smile. She had never spoken to me directly. The ring

    on her left hand was beautiful and simple. The diamond was about the size

    of my pinky nail. Sue noticed me staring and she held her hand out to me.

    Do you like it? She was still smiling as I nodded. Charlie mouth

    Grandma Swan.

    I laughed at him and said, Have fun you guys! Sue bit her lip with

    excitement and pulled Charlie out the front door. I smiled, happy to see my

    dad happy.

    Edward smiled and kissed my cheek. See, it has all worked out. I

    nodded and pressed my forehead to his. I love you. I mouthed to him. He

    mouthed the same thing back and became stiff.

    Renees coming? I guessed. He nodded and said, She should be

    here in about 2 days or so. I groaned and got up.

    Alice? Her black bob shot up at the sound of her name. How longwill she be here? Alice bit her lip and looked into the distance. At least 4

    days, Bella. But I highly doubt it will be long enough for her to notice

    Renesmees growth spurts, I sighed in relief. So, we will be showing her

    Renesmee? Edward asked excitedly, still on the sofa. Yes, but nothing

    about werewolves or vampires. It was strange how naturally I could say the

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    word now. It now held more meaning and feeling. It was effortless, now that

    I was included. He smiled and nodded.

    I walked to the garage to find Emmett lifting my Ferrari. I laughed

    and he set down the car. Wanna give it a try, Sis? I bit my then nodded. He

    took Renesmee expertly into his arms and I walked to Emmetts jeep. You

    sure you dont wanna try the little girls toy first? He asked motioning to

    Edwards Volvo. He chuckled as I rolled my eyes. I think Ill be just fine.

    You were seeming to have a hard time with my little toy. He burst out

    laughing, startling Renesmee awake.

    She blinked a few times and looked around. She pressed her tiny hand

    to Emmetts face and he darted back into the house. He was back before the

    door shut again, without Renesmee. Well lets see it, Sis. He said. I laughed

    and placed my hands under the car. With little force I picked it up and said,

    Who needs the little girl toy now, Em? He raised one of his eyebrows and

    walked to me. Give me that, Super Girl. Emmett took the jeep and Ibrought my arms up, flexing my muscles. Emmett continued saying, Why

    dont you and Edward go play some chess back at cottage like you do every

    night. There really must be nothing better to do. Did you grab his queen last

    night? I pursed my lips and glared at Emmett. You promised that when I

    won our wrestling match that you would stop making jokes about my sex

    life. He now flexed his muscles and said, Well how bout a rematch? Since

    Super Girl can do everything. Deal. You, me tomorrow across the river.

    I know the perfect place. Plus itll give me chance to make fun of you

    because of tonight. I punched his arm and he quietly winced. See ya, Em.

    I muttered walking through the door to the house. Bye, Super Girl.

    I giggled and Edwards arms wrapped around my waist. I cant wait

    to see that tomorrow. He murmured in my ear. I giggled and pressed my

    lips to the hollow of the throat. A low moan rumbled in his throat and I

    traced my lips up his neck to meet his. Save it for tonight, Super Girl.

    Emmett said, walking in through the door wiping his hands on a towel.

    Why hold back now, Em? I muttered against Edwards lips, still kissing.

    Oh not need to worry about that, Sis. Ill have some good ones by

    tomorrow. I laughed getting on my toes to make our kiss deeper. Edward

    began to pick me up, but Esme was about to enter the front door, so we bothpulled away. I tried to straighten my twisted blouse and smooth out my

    ruffled hair. Edward re-shaped his hair and buttoned the two buttons Id

    accidentally pulled open. It brought back a cloudy human memory.

    I quickly pushed my shield out and replayed the entire night that

    Edward officially proposed to me as clearly as I could. His head snapped up

    and his smile was dazzling with the pleasure of reading my mind. He took

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    my hands in his and put his forehead to mine. Thank you. He whispered,

    his sweet breath caressing my face. Anytime. I kissed him quickly and

    Esme came in with a huge smile on her face. Seth and Leah filed in also,

    Leah looking a little happier then usual, but still sad or maybe it was mad. It

    was so hard to tell.

    Hey Bella. Jake wants to know if he can come back in. Its

    been killing him, not being able to Nessie and all. Seth said, casually sitting

    on the sofa. Leah sat on the arm of the couch, silent. Huh. Until now I had

    completely forgotten about Jake. A small growl escaped my throat and I

    gruffly said, Fine.

    Jake came running in and practically grabbed Renesmee from

    Rosalies arms. Rosalie growled, but Edward held his hand up, causing her

    to stop. He placed it back around my waist and I sat on his lap in another

    chair. Renesmee giggled and kissed Jacobs nose, acting as if nothing had

    happened. He flashed a smilemy smile--and kissed Renesmees forehead.She put her hand to Jacobs cheek and he went to sit in the corner with her to

    catch up on what he had missed.

    You wont believe how different this whole marriage thing, has made

    our mom! Seth exclaimed. I smiled and said, Same with Charlie. Im so

    happy for them. I turned to look at Leah who was staring off into space.

    She nodded absent-mindedly, meeting my gaze. Looking into her sad dark

    eyes reminded me of Edwards eyes just before he left me. Hard and

    emotionless. It was heartbreaking to think some one so beautiful would have

    to go through so much pain. I imagined what it would be like if Edward

    suddenly stopped loving me because he was destined to be with someone

    else. Edward shuddered and I realized that I had never pulled my shield back

    into place. He kissed the side of my neck and whispered, Never. I nodded

    in agreement, but my eyes never left Leahs. Her brown hair was now to her

    shoulders and she was dressed like any other bored teenage girl. Jeans and a


    Esme walked to the middle of the living room and called

    everyone to come and sit down. Alice flitted down the stairs with Jasper at

    her heels. She and him sat on the bottom step impatiently. Her face was

    twisted in confusion. Alice doesnt know whats going on. Well theres afirst. Emmett had one of his arms wrapped around Rosalie, leaning against

    the side of the stairs and Carlisle strode to Esmes side, smiling.

    We have a surprise guest! Esme said, excitement filling her

    wind-chime voice. Nahuel the only male half-vampire, half-human vampire

    came through the front door, also smiling. His hair was no longer braided, it

    was now cut short and spiky, almost like Jacobs had been when he first

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    joined Sams pack. His impossibly rich skin was almost glowing. He was

    still beautiful, just as he had been a few months ago when we had our

    encounter with the Volturi.

    Nahuel looked around the room to nod hello to everyone, but he

    stopped at Leah. They gazed into each others eyes for a immeasurable

    moment and he walked toward her. Nahuel. She whispered his name,

    tenderness and love wrapping around it. ImLeah. She finished. Leah.

    He murmured. His beautiful voice caressed her name with love. Then it hit

    me.Leah is imprinted. I looked at Seth, kind of doubting my thought. He

    met my gaze and nodded. My solid expression formed into a full teethed

    smile. His hand cupped her jaw and he leaned in and softly pecked her lips.

    Happiness took over my whole body. I felt so happy for her. After losing her

    love she has finally found her soul mate and of course he is also something


    Everyone dispersed, acting as if they had something to do soNahuel and Leah could talk. Alice began to tidy up the unnecessary kitchen

    that didnt even need tidying. Carlisle grabbed a thick book, that I had seen

    him read a million times, and began reading it. Emmett and Rose made their

    way up the stairs, their eyes never leaving Leah and Nahuel. Esme was

    cleaning the front wall and Edward and I just stared at each other.

    I could stare into his golden amber eyes for the rest of eternity and

    never get bored. Every time I looked into them I discovered something new.

    It was like a journey into the beautiful, golden unknown. This night his eyes

    were filled with deep, affectionate ardor. It felt like I was home. I was in his

    lap, surrounded by his embrace, and I was deeply in love as I would be for

    the rest of eternity. What more could anyone ever ask for?

    He scooped me up our eyes never unlocking from each others. He

    carried me along the trail at human pace, appreciating the clear, starry night.

    A full moon came into view behind the trees. The silver light casted over us,

    like magic. He set me down and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I

    wasnt sure how much more love I could take before my frozen heart

    exploded. It seemed impossible to love Edward Cullen anymore then I did

    now, but then again, maybe I was wrong.

    He put his hands on my hips and we swayed side to side. Dancingwithout music. The moonlight was covered by dark clouds and the rain came

    pouring down, but we didnt stop. We twisted and twirled for hours, not

    speaking much. Our arms stretched out and I twirled into them. We swayed

    like that for a while and Edward pressed his cheek to mine, so his mouth was

    by my ear.

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    Words could never give justice to how much I love you. He

    whispered. His voice was seductive and sincere. Well Ill give it a try. I

    paused; sucking in an unnecessary breath and continued, I love you with all

    my heart and so much more Edward. Id give up everything including my

    life for you if I ever had to and I get to spend all of eternity loving you and

    being loved by you. I took a fake gasp of air and finished, Is that enough

    justice? He chuckled and shook his head. Not even close. But in summary,

    I feel the exact same way, Bella, love. Thats all I need to hear. I said

    before I pressed my lips to his.

    Our tongues met and I explored his mouth with new enthusiasm, as he

    did mine. The rain continued to pour, but it didnt matter. As long as I was

    with Edward, nothing really mattered. We tumbled into the grass and

    continued kissing. After some time the light began to show past the clouds.

    The sun beamed from between to clouds and covered us with

    diamonds. I smiled at Edwards beauty. His hair was still slightly darkenedfrom the rain and his clothes were soaked, but he was the most beautiful

    thing I had ever seen. I pulled myself to him and he wrapped his arms

    around me. I buried my head into his chest and fiddled with the grass under

    us. I tried to hold it back but I broke into tearless sobs.

    He pulled back to examine my face. Did I make you cry? He asked,

    pain thickening his voice. He began to get up, but I pulled him back down.

    No, you stupid, beautiful vampire. Im crying, well, because Im happy.

    No, Im so much more then that! I am absolutely convivial! He smiled and

    murmured, I am too. I brought myself together and sat up. He pulled

    himself up and began playing with ruffled, grass-filled hair. He chuckled

    when he pulled a daisy from it. I kissed the center of the flower and tucked it

    behind his ear. I was the one to laugh now. Flowers arent really my thing.

    He said sarcastically. I giggled and insisted, No, no! You look adorable!

    He smiled and got to his feet. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me up.

    We ran to the cottage to change into dry clothes. I walked into our

    huge closet and sighed. Alice could be such a pain sometimes. Id just worn

    my last pair of good jeans. Shes going to have to go shopping sometime this

    week. Edward noticed my hesitation and sifted through my area of clothes to

    find me an outfit. He took out a black, silk pencil skirt and a blue blouseclose to the same one I had worn the night he saved me from the drunken

    men. I shook my head and let the dim memory fade.

    I zipped the skirt just as Edward had finished pulling on a sky blue

    button up and black pants. I raised one eyebrow at him and he looked at me

    with confusion. I walked to stand in front of him and I pulled his zipper up.

    He looked away in embarrassment and I laughed. Never miss a thing, do

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    you Mrs. Cullen? A wide grin spread across my face and I shook my head

    with confidence. No, I do not Mr. Cullen. He grabbed a hair band from

    box atop of one of my dressers and pulled back the sides. I rolled my eyes at

    his perfection and tied on a pair of black converses.

    Are you ready? He asked waiting by the front door. Um, yes, just

    one second. Can you come here? I called from Renesmees room. He strode

    in and sat next to me on the piano bench, Id like your opinion on

    something I made up. He nodded and smiled encouragingly at me. I played

    through Renesmees lullaby and began to sing along with it towards the end.

    I know its not that great, but I just wanted you to hear it. Its beautiful. It

    took me years to learn the piano and youve got it down in one month, love.

    I envy your skills. I laughed at his absurdity. I believe you have it

    backwards. Youre the perfect one, here. He shook his head and chuckled.

    Edward grabbed my hand and led me back to the house.

    Edward and I walked through the door to find Rosalie and Emmettarm wrestling on the ground, Carlisle and Esme cooking for Renesmee,

    Alice and Jasper chatting under the stairs, and Renesmee playing with the

    piano, as if it were only her in the large room. Alice looked up from hers and

    Jaspers hands, to see us. She was at my side in a second and swiftly kissed

    my cheek. Emmetts laugh boomed as he slammed Roses hand to the

    ground. He looked up and groaned when he saw us.

    I didnt hear much last night. Chess mustve been boring. Edward

    growled, but Esme interrupted. Leah and Nahuel will be here soon. Behave

    Emmett. Emmett scowled and asked, No sex jokes? Disappointment

    filled his voice. No Emmett. Esme said sternly. I laughed and walked to sit

    beside Renesmee.

    She looked up at me and smiled, her perfect teeth shining. Listen

    Mommy! She exclaimed. She carefully placed her hands on the keys and

    played through a song. It was absolutely beautiful. I clapped and kissed the

    top of her bronze hair. Did you like it, Daddy? She turned around to ask

    Edward. It was beautiful, Princess. She smiled again and pressed her hot

    hand to my cheek. She envisioned me playing her the lullaby I had created. I

    nodded and patted the empty space next to me for Edward. He sat down and

    pulled Renesmee onto his lap with that crooked grin of his. I played themRenesmees lullaby and got up, so Renesmee could take my place on the

    bench. She kept on hitting random notes as Edward got up.

    So where are we gonna do this, Em? Emmett looked up and threw

    me a full-teethed smile. Follow me.

    We sprinted out the door and over the river. We ran east for a couple

    minutes until we came to a big tree stump. Emmett got to his knees and put

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    his elbow on the stump. He opened and closed his fist a couple times and

    smiled. I got down and placed my hand in his. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

    Ready, set, go! Edward shouted. Emmett put a lot of pressure on my

    hand causing me to lose 5 inches. You can do better. Emmett growled. I

    shrugged and added a little pressure. I gained back those five inches.

    Emmett snarled and flexed his muscles. I lost 2 inches. I flexed, pushed, and

    slammed his hand into the stump. His arm and clenched fist left a deep,

    distinct outline.

    Damn it! Emmett boomed. He drove his foot into the stump, leaving

    a stamp of his shoe. He punched another tree as he zoomed back to the

    house. I laughed and turned around to see Edward reshaping the stump. He

    stood up and opened his arms. I jumped into them and laughed with victory.

    Fabulous job, love. He leaned in for a kiss, but I slid out of his arms.

    What are you trying to do Bella? He asked in frustration. I gave him a

    sweet grin and tugged on one of his fingers. We ran back to the house,Edward growling every once in a while.

    He put his arm over my shoulder as we walked through the door, then

    froze. No! Not now! He shouted, glaring at Alice. She shrugged and threw

    him an apologetic smile. What? I asked, frightened. Tanya! He boomed.

    I relaxed and slid out from under his arm, to put my hands on his waist. So

    what? So what, Bella?! Me! Thats what! He shouted. I raised an

    eyebrow. I thought Tanya was over you the second she knew we were

    getting married. I smiled at the last word. Although it had almost been 10

    months since Edward and I had made vows to each other, the word had

    always made my frozen heart flutter, almost with warmth. The exact

    opposite of what I had felt about the word when I was human. Well you

    didnt have to read her mind the whole time at the wedding and when she

    came to protect Renesmee! Now I was the one to freeze. Uh oh. Do you

    see what I mean? I nodded speechless. Shell be here in a week. He

    added. I was about to speak, but loud laughter stopped me.

    Jacob, Seth, Leah, Nahuel, and Paul walked through the door. My

    mouth dropped open. Hey Bella! Long time no see! Well theres not much

    of a difference to you. Whaddaya know! Im part of Jakes pack now! Paul

    laughed at his stupid joke and casually threw himself on the couch.Great. More dumb mutts. Rose muttered in the kitchen. Nahuel was

    on the opposite side of the couch, holding Leah in his arms. Her eyes were

    now full of life, happiness, and most importantly, love. I heard that

    Blondie! Ooh is that steak I smell? Paul got up and ran to the kitchen. I

    heard Rosalie growl and then flesh tare. A horrid smell filled the room and

    Paul came out of the kitchen, blood coming out from three separate gashes

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    on his arm. This was nothing like it had been with Renesmee. Her blood was

    so much sweeter smelling. His was justdisgusting. Slowly I watched his

    skin close over the cuts. Good as new. He muttered going to sit on the

    couch again.

    Esmes soft footsteps came in from the backdoor and she began

    scolding Rose softly. I turned to Edward who was now staring out the

    window thoughtfully. Lets do something! He exclaimed. I stared at him

    with curiosity. Yes! Lets go to Seattle! Do you want to go dancing or see a

    movie? He sounded so excited. I laughed and nodded. He swept my off my

    feet into his arms and we were in the garage. Which car? He asked. I bit

    my lip and looked from the Volvo, to the Porsche, to the jeep, to the Ferrari,

    to the BMW, to the Mercedes.

    I pushed my shield away and replayed the night I had found out he

    was a vampire, in the Volvo. He smiled as my thoughts entered his mind. I

    snapped my shield back into place. He offered his hand and led me to thepassenger seat of the Volvo.

    Our drive to Seattle was fast and quiet. Luckily it was a cloudy day, so

    we parked on the side of the street and walked to the Bellevue Arts Museum

    hand in hand. Every once in a while, on our way to the museum, men

    flashed me a smile. I would have blushed if I couldve.

    Edward and I observed the paintings for almost 4 hours, which was

    surprisingly interesting. Being around other people wasnt too hard. As longas I didnt focus on any one scent. But being with Edward was always a

    distraction so there wasnt much to worry about.

    We walked to a near by clothing store, so I didnt have to look so

    teacher-like. I chose designer jeans and decided to keep the same blouse.

    Edward pulled my hair band out so my thick, brown curls could fall to my

    waist. How do I look? I asked, pirouetting for him. Stunning as always,

    love. I laughed

    We walked around Seattle for a few hours and came upon Emerald

    Queen Casino. Id never been to a casino, although I wasnt technically legal

    to be in one either, my ID was as real as one from a DMV.

    Hey Handsome. A woman in a tight, red satin gown that was way

    too short slid her fingertips along Edwards shoulder. I was assuming shehadnt noticed that I our hands were intertwined. I highly doubt she had even

    noticed me. Her black, straight hair hung to the middle of her back and she

    was disgustingly thin. I dug my finger nails into Edwards hand and he

    gently squeezed mine in return.

    Actually miss, my name is Edward and this is my wife, Bella. I

    casually brushed my hair back with my left hand and she caught a glimpse

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    of my wedding ring, like I was hoping. She finally looked at me and I

    watched her face fall. Would like to play a game of poker? I asked, hoping

    to lighten the mood. She shot an annoyed glare at me, but nodded.

    Of course, as expected Edward won. Jeanine, the girl, left with out

    word after the game had ended. Edward and I then walked to the Alibi

    Room. Although Edward was a classical kind of man, he really knew how to

    dance when it came to hip-hop. I tried to keep up, but failed miserably.

    I took my cell phone out of my pocket and the time said it was 3 a.m.

    Renesmee? I asked. He smiled. Dont forget Renee. Some how I had

    managed to forget that she was coming later today. I groaned with

    frustration. He grabbed my hand and led me back to the Volvo.

    Hey, man! Is this your ride? 2 men in dark, baggy clothes were

    observing the car. Edward nodded and the mens eyes widened as they took

    in my appearance. Well hello, pretty lady. Mind if we take it, or maybe you,

    for a spin? Edward wound his arm around his waist and shook his head.Im afraid not. My wife and I must get home to tend to our daughter. One

    of the men cocked his head and stepped closer to the both of us.

    If I were still a fragile human Id probably be shaking in fear. But

    knowing I was immortal, and probably 100 times stronger then both of the

    men combined, it made me more confident. Come on dude. Just one short

    spin with the pretty lady No. Edward said coldly. And no thank you. I

    added. Edward drew his keys from his pocket and the second man attempted

    to snatch them. I shoved both men away, so I could get to my seat. I slid in

    and locked the door. Edward was already next to me starting the engine.

    Both men stood in front of the vehicle, which was the only way to get out of

    the space, seeing at we were too close to the car behind us to back out.

    Edward growled and revved the engine. One man jumped out of the way in

    fear and the other didnt move. Edward tapped the pedal and the car lurched

    forward. The man still wouldnt move. Edward. I said, uncertainty filling

    my voice. Relax, love. He made a very fast, sharp u-turn, rolling over one

    of the mans feet. He screamed in pain and crumpled to the ground in the

    rearview mirror.

    We were home in less then a half hour to find Renesmee asleep. We

    ran back to the cottage and I kicked off my converses. I slowly pulled on anold t-shirt and silk pajama pants. Edward changed into fleece pants and came

    to lie beside me on our bed. For the first time I (hypothetically of course) felt

    tired. He fondled with my hair that was spread across the pillow and kissed

    my hand multiple times. He pulled our hands together and played with my


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    I stared at our hands and sighed. I love you, I whispered. I could say

    that a million times and it still wouldnt feel like enough, I know. Bella,

    love, please dont stress. I know this is a lot to take on, but well get through

    it. How? He smiled and pecked my lips. We have each other. And thats

    all we need to get through it. I knew he was right, but things were just so

    complicated. It didnt seem possible that the answer could be so simple.

    I closed my eyes and curled up on his chest. He wrapped his arms

    around me and sang Ill be your lover too in my ears, softly. I smiled and

    just lay there, until the sun began to rise.

    He finished humming the last part of my lullaby when I finally opened

    my eyes. It was unwillingly of course, but Renee was coming today, so it

    was necessary. He grinned his crooked smile and said, I never get tired of

    watching you sleep. I giggled at his impossible comment and sat up on the

    bed. He grabbed my waist, pulled me back down, and murmured, Not yet.

    Then when? He raised his eye brows in confusion. I dont know. Just notnow. I laughed lightly and brushed my lips against his neck, then the

    hollow of his throat, and finally his jaw.

    Are you taunting me? He asked, chuckling. Maybe, I sang against

    his neck. That was enough for him. He put his finger under my chin and

    pulled my lips to his. It was hard, but I pulled away all too soon. Edwards

    eyes looked crazed and hungry for more. I bit my lip I stood up. My attempt

    at hiding a giggle, when he growled, failed. I quickly ruffled his hair and

    went to the closet, pulling the door shut behind me.

    I snuggled on a pair of jean shorts and took one of Edwards white

    button-up shirts. I grabbed a hair band and tied the shirt at my waist. I

    looked and myself and groaned. I look nothing like I did when I was human.

    I pulled my hair into a side ponytail and tied on a pair of sneakers. I came

    out of the closet to still see Edward on the bed with a bewildered expression.

    What? I asked in frustration. What are you trying to do to me? He

    motioned to my clothing as he got off the bed. Should I change? Do I look

    bad? Renee has to be reminded of the old me as much as possible and I

    think I looked about right. No, Bella. You look so gorgeous and tempting

    and what you just did He trailed off in thought. I waited for him to speak,

    but before I knew it, Edwards mouth was on mine and his arms were tightaround my waist. I held my hands up in surrender, but I didnt reject the kiss.

    3 minutes later, Edwards grip loosened and he stepped back from me.

    There. He claimed, smiling. I looked at him like he was crazy. Go! Go!

    Renees going to be here soon! I pushed him into the closet.

    He came out wearing a white button-up shirt and jeans. Now were

    matching. I groaned, but laughed. He took my hand and we made our way

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    back to the main house. Renesmee had slept in Rosalies arms last night. We

    didnt want to disturb her sleep by running home, so we left her.

    Well, hello. Im Renee Swan. Its nice to meet you. My mom held

    out her hand to me when I stepped in the door. Her scent was mouth-

    watering. She smelled delicious. The second I inhaled my throat was on fire.

    I held my breath and my chin was probably to the ground with surprise. Im

    sorry? Did I say something wrong? My mom looked worried. I inhaled, my

    throat burning. Mom. That one word made her eyes widen and step back.

    She managed to gasp out, Bella? I looked at the ground and nodded. Oh!

    Sweetheart! What happened! She rushed in and wrapped her warm arms

    around me. Luckily, Edwards shirt covered my entire torso, so she couldntfeel my cold skin. I didnt breathe while I wrapped my arms around her.

    Bella was Edward began to explain, but he snuck a look at me.

    He wanted to know if I could get Renesmee. I nodded and asked, Where?

    Up in Alices room. Renee looked confused. I walked up the stairs at a

    normal pace and found Rosalie dressing up Renesmee.

    Grandmas here, baby girl. I was crying now. I didnt know why

    though. Renesmee cocked her head, but danced into my arms. I cradled

    Renesmee and she sniffed. She pressed her hand to my cheek and replayed

    my talk to her about Mike. I nodded and she tucked her head into me.

    I walked down the stairs and the second Renee had me in her view I

    whispered as loud as I could. I was pregnant mom. I was really sick. If I

    wanted to live I had to change my appearance. I would have done anything

    to be able to see my daughter, Renesmee, grow up, so I agreed and now we

    are here. Renees heart was thundering with anger, but it softened into

    sorrow. I was at the bottom of the stairs and she rushed toward me. Oh

    Bella! She cried. She threw her arms around me and Renesmee. I held my

    breathe with fright.

    How much does Charlie know? She asked as soon as she pulled

    away. Everything. Edward admitted. Renees face turned a strange shadeof pink then turned back to her normal, pale complexion. Why wasnt I

    told? I was afraid, Mom. I am so sorry, but you know now I heard

    Renees teeth grit. Her face softened and her eyes focused on Renesmee who

    was sleeping.

    Whats her name? I smiled and kissed the tip of Renesmees nose.

    Renesmee Carlie Cullen. I said proudly. Re-nezz-may? Renee

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    pronounced each syllable individually. I nodded. Like Renee and Esme

    combined. Her middle name, Carlie, is like Carlisle and Charlie combined.

    Tears filled her blue eyes and a smile spread across her face. Oh,

    thank you honey! May I hold her? I looked to my side and Edward nodded

    in encouragement. I carefully placed Renesmee in Renees folded arms. As

    soon as I let go of her Renees arms sunk a little.

    Well shes a big girl, isnt she? I gave her a fake smile. My oh my.

    Shes absolutely beautiful. The most gorgeous baby Ive ever seen, besides

    you of course. I laughed and said, Dad didnt seem to think so. Well

    Charlie isnt the best with women. I laughed again and felt Edward stiffen.

    A car was turning onto the dirt path to the Cullens house. Charlie.

    Oh no. I whispered. What is it sweetie? My mom asked, worry filling

    her eyes. Charlie. Edward breathed out. Renee relaxed and shrugged.

    Alright, and?

    Hey guys! Renee? Charlie opened the door. I heard Sues heartstutter. Renees eye went straight to their entwined hands. Sues left hand

    was behind her back, holding above her right elbow, hiding her engagement


    Oh Charlie! Its so nice to see you! Renee walked to Charlie and put

    the arm, that wasnt supporting Renesmee, around his waist. Out of the

    corner of my perfect vision, Sue rolled her eyes and ran her tongue along her

    lips. Edward tensed again and I looked into his eyes.

    He leaned down to my ear and whispered, Shes debating on whether

    or not to kiss Charlie. A tiny gasp escaped my lips, but I kept my face

    blank. Renee planted a kiss on his cheek and began to pull him forward. Sue

    kept her place and Charlie was jerked back by her strong grip.

    Renee eyed Sue and said, Oh. Renee was searching her memory

    trying to remember Sues name. Its Sue. Charlie said. He looked into

    Sues angry eyes and she nodded, as if telling him to proceed. This is Sue

    my fiance. The smallest gasp broke through Renees dried lips. She gulped

    and shook her head.

    Well congratulations! Its absolutely great to meet you, Sue! Renee

    composed her expression and her face was currently full of fake joy. Sue

    gave her a fake smile and nodded in thanks. Whens the wedding? Is Aliceplanning it?

    Alice trilled down the stairs, holding Jaspers hand. Nope. Charlie

    said, Im sorry Alice, but youll make it bigger then I want it to be. Alice

    said, perfectly mimicking my fathers voice. Renee giggled, never

    unwinding her arm from Charlies waist.

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    Hey Hun, can you get your other two suitcases from the trunk? Phil

    asked lugging two big suitcases through the door. When he looked up to see

    me his eye widened. He dropped the suitcases, walked over, and offered me

    his hand.

    Im Phil. Its nice to meet you. I left my hand by my side and said,

    The names Bella Cullen? I giggled quietly and wrapped my arms around

    Edwards waist. Bella Cullen. Just the sound of that made me smile. Edward

    put his arm over my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.

    Bella? Iyoubutwhat happened? Phil put both his hands on

    the back of his bald head and let out a loud breath.

    Renee handed me Renesmee and walked out to get her suitcases.

    Oh well whos this? Phil asked trying to get a look at Renesmees

    hidden face.Phil, this is Renesmee. Mydaughter. I was pregnant and to survive

    I had to undergo some changes. Telling Phil about Renesmee was a lot less

    dramatic then telling Renee.

    Well shes absolutely gorgeous.

    I laughed and nodded. I know.

    Phil looked past me and laid eyes on Charlie and Sue. He walked

    around us and shook Charlies hand.

    Charlie. Good to see you again and you are? Sue shook Phils hand

    and answered with what sounded like relief, Im Sue, Charlies fiance.

    Oh well congratulations you guys! Phil smiled at them and helped

    Renee bring all the luggage in.

    My lullaby began playing. Edward gave a sheepish smile and dug inhis pocket for his phone.


    Esme and I left just a while ago. Are Renee and Phil there already? I

    could hear Carlisle just fine and Im sure Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rose

    could also, but I could see Renee and Phil struggling to catch Carlisles

    words escaping from the quiet phone.

    Yes, theyve arrived.Show them to your previous room and let them know to feel at


    Of course.

    Well be back soon.

    Alright, see you soon.

    Edward hung up and apologized.

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    Renee, Phil, if you would follow me, Ill escort you to your room.

    Edward and I led them upstairs and to his old room.

    Wow. Renee and I whispered in unison. The room was so beautiful.

    The walls, that were not windows, were now an off white. There was

    huge bed with maroon and cinnamon colored sheets on it. A large mahogany

    dresser was to the right of the bed. The plasma screen TV was still in place.

    On both sides of the bed there was a paper lantern hanging from the wall. It

    was so Renee.

    Oh its wonderful! Renee squealed and hopped on the bed. Phil

    laughed and began to unpack.

    Tell Esme that we love it! Oh where is she? Id love to talk to her

    about Charlies wedding.

    Shell be back soon; she and Carlisle went out for baby food.

    Edward said, lying smoothly.

    And mom, I dont think Charlie would appreciate that. But, if youreally think its a good idea maybe you should talk to Alice. I added.

    Great idea! Renee shouted. She jumped around the bed on her

    knees like a little girl. I laughed and sighed.

    Well leave so you guys can settle in. Edward took my hand and led

    the way downstairs.

    Alice! I shouted rushing down the stairs.

    She was lying on the ground on top of one of Esmes shattered China

    plates. Her eyes were closed and her breathing had stopped.

    Jasper what happened? Edward asked, dropping to his knees in

    front of Alice.

    I dont know. Shehershes in horror. Its her vision. Alice?

    Jasper! I cant read her mind! Shes blocking me somehow.

    Alice fluttered her eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes.

    Oh, Alice, thank god. Rosalie sighed. Emmett scooped her up and

    set her on the couch.

    Alice? Baby? Are you alright? Jasper lightly kissed her lips and

    pulled her into his arms.

    III dont know. Something. Something terrible is going to

    happen soon. I dont know what, but. Im sorry. She began to cry and sheburrowed her face into Jaspers chest.

    Alice, Alice, shh. Its okay. Its okay. He squeezed her tightly. She

    looked up at me and her eyes glazed over.

    Bella, youre the only who can save him. She said, emotionless.

    What are you talking about Alice? She rubbed her eyes and blinked


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    What Bella? She acted as if shed never said anything.

    Bella, love, come into the kitchen with me. Nessie why dont you go

    cheer up Aunt Alice? I set her down and she danced over to Alice. Edward

    pulled me into the kitchen and sat me on the counter.

    Alice is confused. Let her sort her thoughts and she may be able to

    remember her vision. Im worried. I couldnt read her mind, at all. Like

    yours. You werent shielding her were you?

    No Edward, not at all. Unless I didnt know, but it takes effort to

    shield people so I think I would have known if I was. Im afraid.

    I walked into his arms and he pressed his lips to my hair.

    Me too, love, me too. He murmured.

    The next 5 days went by in a blur. Each day was like the onebefore. We had breakfast, we showed them the city, we had lunch, we

    watched a movie, we had dinner, and they went to sleep. Pretty simple.

    Our goodbyes were sweet, but now I had Tanya to worry about.

    Edward, Im going to hunt. Care to join me? I asked.

    Oh, love, Im helping Renesmee with her lullaby right now. If you

    wouldnt mind waiting a while

    Oh no no, dont worry about it. Ill be fine alone. Ill be back soon. I

    love you.

    I love you too. He kissed my cheek and I walked out into the cloudy

    day alone.

    A gust of wind sent a sweet smell through my nose. I sniffed again.

    Grizzly bear? Id never had grizzly before. I started running in the direction

    of the scent, but something stopped me. Another vampire. I followed the

    tracks until I ran into a handsome red-headed red-eyed male vampire.

    So its true. He claimed running his hand through his hair.

    Excuse me?There really is the gold eyed coven.

    Why yes there is.

    And what might your name be? Beautiful?

    Its Bella. I said sternly. I gave him my left hand to kiss so he could

    see my wedding ring.

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    Married are we? Well I can change that. He kissed my hand and

    began to shimmy down my wedding ring with his teeth.

    I yanked my hand from his grasp.

    Whats your name and where are you from?

    My name is Randolph. Im a nomad. I apologize for making you

    uncomfortable, my beautiful Bella.

    Weve heard about the recent murders. Why are you still here?

    Murders? Why, I havent hurt a single soul since Ive entered

    Washington state.

    Then why are you here?

    Id like to become a gold eyed vampire. Im tired of hurting so many

    innocent people. It makes me sick. Not literally of course. I want to stop, but

    I dont feel that I have the support.

    Well why dont you hunt with me and after Ill take you to meet the

    rest of my coven. I didnt particularly want him as part of the coven, but Iwanted to try to be nice. There was something about him that I just couldnt

    put my finger on. He didnt seem right.

    We found to grizzlies in the clear and snatched them.

    Hmm, bears arent very good compared to humans. Have you ever

    had a human, darling? He asked as he threw the lifeless bear to the side.

    Bella. And no, I havent. Lets go. Edward will be waiting for me.

    About 10 feet from the house Edward came running out and grabbed


    He smashed his lips to mine. I knew that Edward was reading

    Randolphs mind when he decided to do this, but I didnt mind. It lasted for

    a while until Randolph cleared his throat.

    Oh, Randolph this is my husband, Edward. I gestured toward them.

    Nice to me you Edward.

    Same to you. So, youd like to be come one of us?

    Yes, Id like to try. Your Bella just had me try some grizzly which

    was quite delicious.

    Fantastic. Would you like to join us inside? Edward asked as

    politely as he could, but I could hear the strain in his voice.

    Absolutely.For the next hour or so we told Randolph everything about Carlisle

    and why he started his life like this.

    Amazing. What a brave thing to do Carlisle. Randolph patted

    Carlisles knee.

    Well thank you all for having me. But I better get going.

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    Oh Randolph! Would you care to stay for the night? Esme asked.

    She had no idea how Randolph felt about me.

    Bella Im going to get a quick snack before we head back to the

    cottage. Ill meet you there. He winked at me.

    Ill miss you. I giggled and quickly kissed him.

    Edward would you mind if I came? Randolph asked.

    Edwards smile was obviously fake when he nodded. I sighed in relief

    as the door slammed, but remembered that Randolph is staying the night.

    EsmeRandolph likes me. I said quickly.

    Of course he does dear. She smiled at me.

    Esme. All 5 of us said.

    Oh Bella Im sorry. I promise this will be the only night.

    Its alright. One night wont be too bad. I pulled the sleeping

    Renesmee from Roses arms and ran back to the cottage.

    I quickly tucked her in and shut her bed room door. I dug through mycloset, searching for the scent of satin and eventually found what I was

    looking for. The dreadful fabric now looked half decent on me. It definitely

    wasnt as bad as it was on our honeymoon. Still embarrassing though. I

    brushed through my hair until I heard the front door opened. I smiled at

    myself in the mirror and zoomed to Edward.

    I laughed as his eyes widened. As we kissed I managed to unbutton

    his shirt and toss it to the side. Never parting our lips, I jumped up and

    locked my legs around waist. He chuckled and carried us back to the best

    room, shutting the door behind us.

    Needless to say, I had a great night, but something was off. At about

    5:30 a.m. Edward began to complain.

    BellaI feel freezing. On the inside.

    Edward are you sure? Then I smelled it. I smelled his blood.