Rile y---- Ma.) - 7,-19-8.? .--- -- ----.:------- ReY:iew Jame, Whikomb RIie.) High Schoo l, 405 E. E wing A,e., South Bend, IN 46613 New staffs nam ,ed at press dinner BJ Sh!\ en Rosenberg H1lhard ~ilol·rman .md Brendan l'o"er'> were named l.'di1ur,-i11-chicl nl thl.' RIie, Rc,lew and .It 1111,ler Sh,m :dtl'r ".1, 11.unl.'d editn;·lll•l·h1d of 1he l'll'<J Hoo ,le r Poet .11 lhl.' .ir11111.II Quill and Scroll Prc'>s 1>11111l'r ,\pril 2h at Hans HJu, Re,taurant lli1i:hligh1, nf tht· l.'vening included ,ki1, by both ) c.u-huok ,111d nl'" ,paper staffs. The RUc} Re, le>I, slw, ··F\\ing Slrl.'et Blue<,."wa, a parodv ol the pupul.ir I\' ,ho" ·•Hill SI reel Blues." Editor-in,chit•f Sl·utt Dunham pl.1H·d 1he ruk nf E\lerhnu,l' ,1nal) ting 1hc "'tlan~l·r," ol P•"'"ll( uut thl• paper during fourth h,11,r ll11u\le1 Po,:1 ,1.1tler\ prewntt•d "1\, ,I\ lhl.' :-l1gh1 lktnrt.• lkatlline. ·· ,1 tribute In \Caronok < 0 ili111r-111-chict Vikki Gl·org1 .rnd ht·r ·•·patient attrihute,. ·· Mr. l11h11 ,I. Pu,H·r,. 111,111,1g111g rdi1ur nf 1hc South lkml I rihune. ".1, 1lw tea tu red '>pl.'aker a1 the dinner. Ii" ,pecch lCllll're!I 1111hnw ht• gut started in 1ourn,1h,111 ,11111 ho" ., life III jnurnalism has 11, good and b,1<I po1111s. Other t.:d1111r, for both puhkiarion, \\Crc named .is r,,11,"'" Rik, Rt•\i\.'>1,-- IIC\\S editor su~.111 Sh.m and 1 t11ul,1 , 1 1 ,, p Ii n t 5 ull :111d Rtck aip: feature editor Neal \\ chcr and ,., edt1111 Chn, l'ickcnpaugh: spurt,; editor Charlie Panko" .rnd c-11 cduor Dcrm,c .loz" 1.11.. \I,.. h11<;111css rnnn,1gcr 1.1mm, Michael. ad m:i11.1gl·r M,1n· K.11, \\llh ...... ,..1an1 Mar) Klusrcrman, .111,I UllUl.111011 111,111agcr Rick C'onlon. Dottie Dobbs "111 c11urd111a11• phntngrapll\ .ind grnphll, for both pubhl.1111111,. ----------------------- Vol. I.~. No. I.~ Jl·nnltcr Sho>1, alter 2 Van Halen 's new release 3 Do freshm en spend their money wisely ? 4 Softball team smothers Clay Riley debate team isleague champion BJ Brett Kunt, •· 11w ran~ for thl' \\\l"l'P· \l,1kl·, \\II\ likl.' 1he Kl.'nlul'k, Derh). in that" e held off 1ill th~ lin;il turn and raced into the homt.• \ln·tch, ·· said lkh;11c Coa,·h C:.T. Goodman. ··111 1hb reh111ld111g year. thl· thorough• hrl·d blood uf the Riley L>ebale 1ea111 pre\'aikd:· The lt·,1111 l\tpturl.'d top honors ,II the St. ,ln~eph \'.Ille) Foren\lt" l.c:tgUl' B.111quet la,1 Mond,I\. ,\nwng the honor, the team rCl'Ct\<.:d. umlt-r c,1p1,1in Nick l·p~ qe:;i, "crl' tir~t place 111 lc,1g11c deh.11ing with 14 "in .. :ind 2 hh,c,, ;ind thl• 11,iff ,M.iplc S11cep,t.1ke:.. \11:ird. prcscnll.'d 111 the l,•,11,!111· ll'am "ith tht· top o\'crall ,,iecrh and ,ll'l>alt' member'> l11dh1dual lt•agul' hunor, \\Cre rcn·iH·cl oy sophomores Robin lfo11. e1gh th pl,1cc l'c nn Congress: ,ind Geoff Klinger. ~e1enth place l'c1111 Dtsrusi.ion. St•niur Breit Kuni£ ploct:cl second III the Penn Cungn•:,;s, ,11111 ,ct·ond in the Uumornus ,\Iler d1111icr Spe.,king. 1•.1rtkip,1t111g in lht• kagul' tor Rift•) I his , c.11 I\ ere Semor, I pcril'SI and Kuntl, juniors \,ilh K 1n< an and Mch~sa l\111gh1. ,ind ,,,phomores Borr. Khngl'r. l>.1,1d ( lark. Doug ll1111h.1111, l',111, Murph,, 1111d M,11\ or ... ich. ~andreceixes awards ,c=~=-=..;=-i,----~ , 8) Susa n Sha~ \t l-lkh.1r1 C1•ntrj,1I ll1gh Slh11ol recent I). the Rile, ") mphonic h.111tl reec1, ed first pl.ice lnr their performance:,; of "Pas Ht.:dnublc" hy Sai111- S:ien" Frnd;enpohl. "Nor• wcgt.1n Rh.1psm\\ •· hv ( larc <..1rund111.111, and "Chorale ,11HI Sh.1kl.'r Dant•c" b\ J,1lt11 I'. Zdcchhd,. W11h the rci,;ul,1r conlert performance, Rile, rClt'iHcl f1r,;1pl,H c marl., from all three Judge-.. In ,1gh1-1cadmg. the hand ,tJ!.1111rcret, cd a fir,,, pl.He { mnmg up 1111 I hursda,, 1\.1,1) IJ. at JO pm 1s the hand's ,111nualend of the \ car lOnccrt, fc,1111nng the scnwr band nwmhcr!., Ilic concert \<ill be hdd 111 lhl.' .l1tl'k\nll nud11urium. I 11:kct'> cost 75 cc nti, single nnd S.2 l.1111ih. c.111 he purch.1sed fnim ,111\ h.1110mcntht r .111tl at the duo,. lloo,il•r Pul"I .:i,,..,tanl editor and ,111dl•n1 hie ed1111r .k 11n1ter ~tl.'ele: , i..uaf.., cdilor Dottle Dobbs \\ 11h ... ;,1\1 1111 Chris \'11nderheHl<.:n; busi11t•:..:,; m.111.1gn Kdl\ \l,1J•H. senior :;ectiu11 editor-, And) llunn ,inti I ori K1111111,1rc-1)k, ,1l-:Hkt111c, l·dilnn; I CJ nne Sl h.ile1 and Su.,,111 Sha"; ,port, l.'dirnr Sue \ ,111 lk 1'1111<•: 11mlcrcl.1'>s ethh1r .11\1 ~.11.1; or~.11111,1111111', ult101 1111da Garhcnlk: carcul,1tinn, p10111111u111. a11cl 1111h•x !\lidwllc Sil panek. NHS men1hers attend St. Joe High Art students receive high honors 8) .lean Co lle ) After lhc hK'11I :.chnlast1c t·ompetlllllll, major 11\\ard- winning" ork ~,,en• i;cnt to Nl·" , orl; lnr lhl.' 1982 Natinnal Schol.1stit· ,\rt ,\\\art!\. .111d Raley", ,\rt Dcpartmenl wnn rnorl· m111onal 11r1 and photog• raph) awards than any other high i.chool in lhl' :.late. In phowgraphv Riley rl·t·cl\ed ,i, a,1 anls. Cheri Guqin. Honvr ,\,\ard; Sco11 Hughe,. Special Merit ,\\\,ircl (one out of thirly in the 11:llion) ,111d ,111 Uon orable Mt•nrion tor hi, porlfolin; Joe ll1r1S. Honor A\\ard: ,ind .left M1llcr, two Hunnr Awards. In Art, there w:i-. a total of 10 .m ,1rd,. Hnnorable Mentim1' \\Crc !(I\Cn to l.nri Butts, Shawn t>ietl. Joan Grie-.inger, Haley McCatlcry (2). Gina Spagnolo <21. a11d Gary '1\chida. l'he Hallmark Honor A1,ard 11 ,I'>" on b, Michelle .lankm, ,ki. M1l'helll' ,~ill rcn·iH· a check of SI 00 .111d the lwnor of being nnc 111 1,0 qudcnt, to han• n:ceived lhl\ :11< ard. .S1ephanie N:1gy receh·ed a ml.'d,11 fur an entry in mixed ml•dia Shl i, one of 406 '>llldcnt, llltned in 1he Natmnal Schol.1,1il' ,\rt ,\\\,1rd, lo rcrci\'e thi, ml.'dal. Srudcnts \\ho ret•ci,cd ll onor A«ard, "ill be ghcn a S20 check. Photographers Wanted The Yearbook staff needs photographers for next year. Camera knowledge preferred. Please apply in room 301 during 4th or 6th hours. llirec l<ilc, N.ttional Honor S,11.·11't) (NHS) members rc- t·cn1lv "Pl"lll a du~ .111cndi11g el,..,,e:.. .11 St. Jue High School, St 11i11r,.Ion Shafer and Scott Uunh.1m, anti Junior Senti Regina par11cipatcd in NHS day, c;p1111,ored by the .lt"cphite (St. .Inc) C'h,1pter ot the National llono1 Socil.'I). I he purpo.,e of tht• ,pcl'ial day. which wa., .1111•11dcd h\· Adam,,, Clav. I uSalle. Marian, ,ind Rilev. w;s tu 11.'tNHS member, ext:hange idc;1,; lor prnjl'Ct.., and acli\·itic\. ' I he three rcprc..,cnlativc, for c11d1 :..chool "ere e'>t:ortcd 1hrough a rcgul:tr ,chool day schedule h) SL Joe NHS member-.. During 1hc la-;t perind •• 1II rhc rcprcscnt.,ti\es gathered for a di:..rn sion period. 'I he requirements fur enlrv into c11ch ,chool's NHS r.111~ed from grade poinl :1\l·ragc of .1,h to .1.0 \\ith 1-nmc .,,res, on cxtra-curncular acti\'i- 1ie,, (Rill')' require!> a minimum GPA uf 3.0). Ideas tor ut·ti,·itie., included an NIIS ,1ude111 counseling program hirnilar lo Rile) ·s c.1dc1 n,un,elin1i: \\Stem). hlood dri,e,. an ··NHS ,nlull.'" l'nlumn m lhc !>chnol nc\\ ,,. paper. and l'i'>it, tu rl•tiremcnt home'>, Current Rilcv NHS Prl·,ident Jon Shafer ~puke 10 the group .about Rile)·, NHS prnjt-c" including the gr.1dua1e ,un·cy, and l·arnalion sale,. S1. Joe NHS Prc ... idcnt Jav 1 C\\ i'> .ind n1.ln) other St. JtX.• NIIS member, ha\'e turned the progrnm around at rhcir ,;chool 1hi\ ,car. l'rC\'iou,ly. the NHS prugr.un appeared 10 be a group lor he ,kworm,, ,1t•cnrding lo Jowphitc Chapter Vice Prcsi- d<'nl W.R. Mack. fhi:.. vcar. the members \\ hhcd ll; change that image, su thC) m:ille nn cx1cn'>ive schedule nf .,cti\'itie" including tubing al Bendix Wood, , miniature golf. retreat\, plays, 11nd film,;, Ench Jo.,cphill' mcmocr is required to put in one hour of ,ervice, such a~ student tulori11g. every week. The NHS day \\a, meant to 111~p1rc tht• <•tlwr ~chuob to rcJu,cnall' th.ctr programs f.•lhm rng St. Joc·i, kad. ,\.., 11 Mand, nu". the Hum.in Hc,ourl't'!> po~ition \\ ill nu h111gcr cxi,t in thl· South Bend C'on11111111i11 Schon\ C'orpor.11ion nc\l )Car. 1 he g,1p 1ha1 will be kit will ha\'C to hl' lilll•d b) wme,111e. Rile) NHS ad, i,cr Mr, . rr.1111-c:.. Smllh Sil\'', tha1 ti "ill be up to the NHS. and the ,tudl·nt go,ernmc111 lo take mer ,0111e of the rl.'i.ptm,ibihl\· for lhi, juo. ,\, ,1 .,.-huol. St. .loc differ, quilt.· nntit·eab\\· trom Rile, . I hl'ir \l'hl•dule· include:. ,:n · · hnur~ · · out tour of I hl.'m ,trc th,• 20-mmule lunch period,. They tin 11111 h,1\C open lunch. rhcir lunch room sent':. soft drink,. l'h1p,, .ind lf ostcss Junk food, rhe ,chool ha:. g) 11111a- sium-auditorium l"omhination in "hich pigt•nn, enter nnd exit trcely. I heir locker'> arc w:ircdy lhre<' feet high nnd les, than one fuo1 widc. But. lhc, have one of the mn ..1 acti\'e and vi,iblc NH S chapter .. in South Bend.

Rile Van Halen 's new release ReY:iew

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Page 1: Rile Van Halen 's new release ReY:iew

Rile y---- Ma.)- 7,-1 9-8.? .--- -- ----.:-------

ReY:iew Jame, Whikomb RIie.) High Schoo l, 405 E. Ewing A,e., South Bend, IN 46613

New staffs nam ,ed at press dinner

BJ Sh!\ en Rosenberg H1l hard ~ilol·rman .md Brendan l'o"er'> were

named l.'di1ur,-i11-chicl nl thl.' RIie, Rc,lew and .It 1111,ler Sh,m :dtl'r ".1, 11.unl.'d editn;·lll•l·h1d of 1he l'll'<J Hoo,le r Poet .11 lhl.' .ir11111.II Quill and Scroll Prc'>s 1>11111l'r ,\pril 2h at Hans HJu, Re,taurant

lli1i:hligh1, nf tht· l.'vening included ,ki1, by both ) c.u-huok ,111d nl'" ,paper staffs. The RUc} Re, le>I, slw, ··F\\ing Slrl.'et Blue<,."wa, a parodv ol the pupul.ir I\' ,ho" ·•Hill SI reel Blues." Editor-in,chit•f Sl·utt Dunham pl.1H·d 1he ruk nf E\lerhnu,l' ,1nal) ting 1hc "'tlan~l·r," ol P•"'"ll( uut thl• paper during fourth h,11,r ll11u\le1 Po,:1 ,1.1tler\ prewntt•d "1\, ,I\ lhl.' :-l1gh1 lktnrt.• lkatlline. ·· ,1 tribute In \Caronok <0 ili111r-111-chict Vikki Gl·org1 .rnd ht·r ·•·patient attrihute,. ··

Mr. l11h11 ,I. Pu,H·r,. 111,111,1g111g rdi1ur nf 1hc South lkml I rihune. ".1, 1lw tea tu red '>pl.'aker a1 the dinner. Ii" ,pecch lCllll're!I 1111 hnw ht• gut started in 1ourn,1h,111 ,11111 ho" ., life III jnurnalism has 11, good and b,1<I po1111s.

Other t.:d1111r, for both puhkiarion, \\Crc named .is r,,11,"'" Rik, Rt•\i\.'>1,--IIC\\S editor su~.111 Sh.m and

1 t11ul,1 , 1 1 ,, p Ii n t 5 o· ull :111d Rtck aip: feature editor Neal \\ chcr and ,., edt1111 Chn, l'ickcnpaugh: spurt,; editor Charlie Panko" .rnd c-11 cduor Dcrm,c .loz" 1.11..

\I,.. h11<;111css rnnn,1gcr 1.1mm, Michael. ad m:i11.1gl·r M,1n· K.11, \\llh ...... , .. 1an1 Mar) Klusrcrman, .111,I UllUl.111011 111,111agcr Rick C'onlon. Dottie Dobbs "111 c11urd111a11• phntngrapll\ .ind grnphll, for both pubhl.1111111,. -----------------------

Vol. I.~. No. I.~

Jl·nnltcr Sho>1, alter

2 Van Halen 's new release

3 Do freshm en spend their money wisely ?

4 Softball team smothers Clay

Riley debate team is league champion

BJ Brett Kunt, •· 11w ran~ for thl' \\\l"l'P·

\l,1kl·, \\II\ likl.' 1he Kl.'nlul'k, Derh). in that" e held off 1ill th~ lin;il turn and raced into the homt.• \ln·tch, ·· said lkh;11c Coa,·h C:.T. Goodman. ··111 1hb reh111ld111g year. thl· thorough• hrl·d blood uf the Riley L>ebale 1ea111 pre\'aikd:· The lt·,1111 l\tpturl.'d top honors ,II the St. ,ln~eph \'.Ille) Foren\lt" l.c:tgUl' B.111quet la,1 Mond,I\.

,\nwng the honor, the team rCl'Ct\<.:d. umlt-r c,1p1,1in Nick l·p~ qe:;i, "crl' tir~t place 111 lc,1g11c deh.11ing with 14 "in .. :ind 2 hh,c,, ;ind thl• 11,iff,M.iplc S11cep,t.1ke:.. \11:ird. prcscnll.'d 111 the l,•,11,!111·

ll'am "ith tht· top o\'crall ,,iecrh and ,ll'l>alt' member'>

l11dh 1dual lt•agul' hunor, \\Cre rcn·iH·cl oy sophomores Robin lfo11. e1gh th pl,1cc l'c nn Congress: ,ind Geoff Klinger. ~e1 enth place l'c1111 Dtsrusi.ion. St•niur Breit Kuni£ ploct:cl second III the Penn Cungn•:,;s, ,11111 ,ct·ond in the Uumornus ,\Iler d1111icr Spe.,king.

1•.1rtkip,1t111g in lht• kagul' tor Rift•) I his , c.11 I\ ere Semor, I pcril'SI and Kuntl, juniors \,ilh K 1n< an and Mch~sa l\111gh1. ,ind ,,,phomores Borr. Khngl'r. l>.1,1d ( lark. Doug ll1111h.1111, l',111, Murph,, 1111d M,11\ or ... ich.

~andreceixes awards ,c=~=-=..;=-i,----~ ,

8) Susa n Sha~ \t l-lkh.1r1 C1•ntrj,1I ll1gh

Slh11ol recent I). the Rile, ") mphonic h.111tl reec1, ed first pl.ice lnr their performance:,; of "Pas Ht.:dnublc" hy Sai111-S:ien" Frnd;enpohl. "Nor• wcgt.1n Rh.1psm\\ •· hv ( larc <..1rund111.111, and "Chorale ,11HI Sh.1kl.'r Dant•c" b\ J,1lt11 I'. Zdcchhd,.

W11h the rci,;ul,1r conlert performance, Rile, rClt'iHcl

f1r,;1 pl,H c marl., from all three Judge-.. In ,1gh1-1cadmg. the hand ,tJ!.1111 rcret, cd a fir,,, pl.He

{ mnmg up 1111 I hursda,, 1\.1,1) IJ. at JO pm 1s the hand's ,111nual end of the \ car lOnccrt, fc,1111nng the scnwr band nwmhcr!., Ilic concert \<ill be hdd 111 lhl.' .l1tl'k\nll nud11urium. I 11:kct'> cost 75 cc nti, single nnd S.2 l.1111ih. c.111 he purch.1sed fnim ,111\ h.1110 mcntht r .111tl at the duo,.

lloo,il•r Pul"I .:i,,..,tanl editor and ,111dl•n1 hie ed1111r .k 11n1ter ~tl.'ele: , i..uaf.., cdilor Dottle Dobbs \\ 11h ... ;,1\1 1111 Chris \'11nderheHl<.:n; busi11t•:..:,; m.111.1gn Kdl\ \l,1J•H. senior :;ectiu11 editor-, And) llunn ,inti I ori K1111111,1rc-1)k, ,1l-:Hkt111c, l·dilnn; I CJ nne Sl h.ile1 and Su.,,111 Sha"; ,port, l.'dirnr Sue \ ,111 lk 1'1111<•: 11mlcrcl.1'>s ethh1r .11\1 ~.11.1; or~.11111,1111111', ult101 1111da Garhcnlk: carcul,1tinn, p10111111u111. a11cl 1111h•x !\lidwllc Sil panek. NHS men1hers attend St. Joe High Art students receive high honors

8) .lean Colle ) After lhc hK'11I :.chnlast1c

t·ompetlllllll, major 11\\ard­w inning" ork ~,,en• i;cnt to Nl·" , orl; lnr lhl.' 1982 Natinnal Schol.1stit· ,\rt ,\\\art!\. .111d Raley", ,\rt Dcpartmenl wnn rnorl· m111onal 11r1 and photog• raph) awards than any other high i.chool in lhl' :.late.

In phowgraphv Riley rl·t·cl\ed ,i, a,1 anls. Cheri Guqin. Honvr ,\,\ard; Sco11 Hughe,. Special Merit ,\\\,ircl (one out of thirly in the 11:llion) ,111d ,111 Uon orable Mt•nrion tor hi, porlfolin; Joe ll1r1S. Honor A\\ard: ,ind .left M1llcr, two Hunnr Awards.

In Art, there w:i-. a total of 10

.m ,1rd,. Hnnorable Mentim1' \\Crc !(I\Cn to l.nri Butts, Shawn t>ietl. Joan Grie-.inger, Haley McCatlcry (2). Gina Spagnolo <21. a11d Gary '1\chida.

l'he Hallmark Honor A1,ard 11 ,I'>" on b, Michelle .lankm, ,ki. M1l'helll' ,~ ill rcn·iH· a check of SI 00 .111d the lwnor of being nnc 111 1,0 qudcnt, to han• n:ceived lhl\ :11< ard.

.S1ephanie N:1gy receh·ed a ml.'d,11 fur an entry in mixed ml•dia Shl i, one of 406 '>llldcnt, llltned in 1he Natmnal Schol.1,1il' ,\rt ,\\\,1rd, lo rcrci\'e thi, ml.'dal.

Srudcnts \\ho ret•ci,cd ll onor A«ard, "ill be ghcn a S20 check.

Photographers Wanted The Yearbook staff needs photographers for next

year. Camera knowledge preferred. Please apply in room 301 during 4th or 6th hours.

llirec l<ilc, N.ttional Honor S,11.·11't) (NHS) members rc­t·cn1lv "Pl"lll a du~ .111cndi11g el,..,,e:.. .11 St. Jue High School, St 11i11r, .Ion Shafer and Scott Uunh.1m, anti Junior Senti Regina par11cipatcd in NHS day, c;p1111,ored by the .lt"cphite (St. .Inc) C'h,1pter ot the National llono1 Socil.'I). I he purpo.,e of tht• ,pcl'ial day. which wa., .1111•11dcd h\· Adam,,, Clav. I uSalle. Marian, ,ind Rilev. w;s tu 11.'t NHS member, ext:hange idc;1,; lor prnjl'Ct.., and acli\·itic\.

' I he three rcprc..,cnlativc, for c11d1 :..chool "ere e'>t:ortcd 1hrough a rcgul:tr ,chool day schedule h) SL Joe NHS member-.. During 1hc la-;t perind •• 1II rhc rcprcscnt.,ti\es gathered for a di:..rn sion period. 'I he requirements fur enlrv into c11ch ,chool's NHS r.111~ed from grade poinl :1\l·ragc of .1,h to .1.0 \\ith 1-nmc .,,res, on cxtra-curncular acti\'i-1ie,, (Rill')' require!> a minimum GPA uf 3.0).

Ideas tor ut·ti,·itie., included

an NIIS ,1ude111 counseling program hirnilar lo Rile) ·s c.1dc1 n,un,elin1i: \\Stem). hlood dri,e,. an ··NHS ,nlull.'" l'nlumn m lhc !>chnol nc\\ ,,. paper. and l'i'>it, tu rl•tiremcnt home'>, Current Rilcv NHS Prl·,ident Jon Shafer ~puke 10 the group .about Rile)·, NHS prnjt-c" including the gr.1dua1e ,un·cy, and l·arnalion sale,.

S1. Joe NHS Prc ... idcnt Jav 1 C\\ i'> .ind n1.ln) other St. JtX.• NIIS member, ha\'e turned the progrnm around at rhcir ,;chool 1hi\ ,car. l'rC\'iou,ly. the NHS prugr.un appeared 10 be a group lor he ,kworm,, ,1t•cnrding lo Jowphitc Chapter Vice Prcsi­d<'nl W.R. Mack.

fhi:.. vcar. the members \\ hhcd ll; change that image, su thC) m:ille nn cx1cn'>ive schedule nf .,cti\'itie" including tubing al Bendix Wood, , miniature golf. retreat\, plays, 11nd film,;, Ench Jo.,cphill' mcmocr is required to put in one hour of ,ervice, such a~ student tulori11g. every week. The NHS day \\a, meant to

111~p1rc tht• <•tlwr ~chuob to rcJu,cnall' th.ctr programs f.•lhm rng St. Joc·i, kad.

,\.., 11 Mand, nu". the Hum.in Hc,ourl't'!> po~ition \\ ill nu h111gcr cxi,t in thl· South Bend C'on11111111i11 Schon\ C'orpor.11ion nc\l )Car. 1 he g,1p 1ha1 will be kit will ha\'C to hl' lilll•d b) wme,111e. Rile) NHS ad, i,cr Mr, . rr.1111-c:.. Smllh Sil\'', tha1 ti

"ill be up to the NHS. and the ,tudl·nt go,ernmc111 lo take mer ,0111e of the rl.'i.ptm,ibihl\· for lhi, juo.

,\, ,1 .,.-huol. St. .loc differ, quilt.· nntit·eab\\· trom Rile, . I hl'ir \l'hl•dule· include:. ,:n · · hnur~ · · out tour of I hl.'m ,trc th,• 20-mmule lunch period,. They tin 11111 h,1\C open lunch. rhcir lunch room sent':. soft drink,. l'h1p,, .ind lfostcss Junk food, rhe ,chool ha:. g) 11111a­sium-auditorium l"omhination in "hich pigt•nn, enter nnd exit trcely. I heir locker'> arc w:ircdy lhre<' feet high nnd les, than one fuo1 w idc. But. lhc, have one of the mn .. 1 acti\'e and vi,iblc NHS chapter .. in South Bend.

Page 2: Rile Van Halen 's new release ReY:iew


RILt:Y REVIEW O pi n i On Moy 7

• l98l

'Diver Down' Van Halen 's latest experiment in big rock and roll 8) Scan O'Neill

\!an tialen al" ay, lea\'e you wondering\\ ha1 they'll do ne~I. l'im\ 1ha1 lhey·re set for life 111

the hucks departmcnl, thn · t·an put \\hall'\'er they want on an ,llhum and it \\ ill ,ell million<; of t·opies. So whal art· they going tu dn?

Van Halen·, Ill'\\ album. Oh cr Down, gin:, the ,111w,er: Whatever they\\ ant. The ,ong, r,1ngt• fmm the ht·a\'y•metal lu!.t

"Thl' full Bug" lo lhc pup remake of Rn, · Orbhon·., "Prell\' Woman·= 10 lhc jau ""Big Bad Bill (b Swee! William Nim r· to lht• drunken!\' funnv "Happy ' I I ail,." Trigg~r mu~I be rolling over in hi\ gra,e.

The rernrd kick, oft \\ ilh a Cll\'Cr ver'iion of lhc Kink\,' "Whcrc Have All the Good lime, Gonet'" I think David I cc Roth ha., a Ray Davie, li,a1ion. "H,1ng 'Em High"' i,

One man tells another

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all nght. ont· of the two weak ,poi, of thl· album.

I ju,1 don't und~r,tand how Eddie Van Halen did ··Cathc• dral." It sound, c,actlv like ., church organ. Guitar~ dnn'1 makt· nni,c, like that. Add one vutc for Eddie a, ruck and roll guitari\l of the dec;1de. Nc>.t h "Senct,." lhe wt·ond weak -.pol of the ,album, "'Intruder," the in1rn to ·· Prelly Woman." ,ound, like the ,nundtrack to a cl1op-pre11y-girl,-10-bits movie . E,cnone·, already heard .. Prc-"11,· Woman." · ,o \\ hv ,hould ·1 '"" ;,n,·thing ;iboul it;!

Side 1wo i, killer. opcning \\ 1th the Pl'\! -,ong of the n:cord. a rcm;ikc of Martha ;ind lhe Vcnddl;i, · "[),11King in the S1rt·c1," Mo1m,11 wa, nc,cr like 1hi,.

"I 111lc Ciu11,1r, .. i, ;1 prc11y mdlcm ,nng. \\ i1h ,111 incredibly qu11:k an,u,ttl' intro ... Big Bad Bill ti, S\,l'l'I W11li,1m Nim)" i-.

•a g1k><I old 1.111 ,ong. fl•:ituring .1.tn \',111 11:th:n. t\k, .1nd

Van Halen

F.cidic ·., dad. on cl.irinet. 'I he Mmg i-, abn111 :1 n;i,I) guy who get, married and \\ hooped. Shaclc, of Eddie \!;111 Hak·n - Val Bencnelli?

I he la,1 ,nnJ.! i, "llappy '!rail-.." You knm,. the Roy Roger, wng. I i,tcn 10 1hcm laugh al the encl. 1 hey' re young. thl') ·re n·ry m:h. 1ht·y c,1n du\\ h:11c, er lhC) "ant. and the, k111m it. JI', grea1.

lhc bi.:,1 1hing aboul Van Halen i, 1hc,· kmm ,\h.tl lhe, l·omi.: ofl likl: .' Da, id Lee Ruth i~ nbnmiuu,. out he', ;i good ,inger and a grca1 -.ho" man. Alcx \!an ti;llcn and Mil·hael ,\n1h11ny \Cl up :i mc,111 1 hythm ,cc1iun, Eddil' Van Hak •n i, Olll'

nf the 1hrl'l' bc,1 gui1;1ri-.1, in lhc 111,tnn nl rnd .ind roll .

Tniit•lht·r lhc, \\ rl'Ck had• ,lal(l ''>. llll\ lim1111,inl·,. c,11 :vl,\M", (1111b1m\n onc, plt·a,t•). g1H' gn·a1 lnll'rViC\\ '· C.\l'lll' million, 111 Ian,, lo(l'I marril·cl. "111 ,t\\ anb. .111d 111,1kc great 11111,k 'I he, an• \'an I l,1k11 .

• I hl' Go-Ciu'~. I h..:1r mu,ic ,111111<1, likt· n•mnwrcial jingles :111<1 lhl'i1 lead ,ingl'r looh likt• .1 pig .

-1 Inn• -8-0-.om Buddle~. fut, and

B, Scan O'Nclll 11111 Street Blue-.. 1 hc acting Still mo~ ·th lng, to think about• and writing on all of them arc

Nu" 1ha1 Sprmg i, finally grt•,11. So "hy d1,c,11·1 .111ynnt• hl'rc ;111d Summer i, coming. \\att·h them? hcrc arc the three thing, I hate -Joan Jell. 11·, abuu1 timt• ahout ,ummcr •· I. chocolate ,ome rol'k .ind roll (and good kc, cream-faced kid, gelling looking \\l'lll·hc,) !(Ill in 1hc Top yelled at by their morm in -10. <,upermarkel'>. 2. bug'>. 3. ,Su S.S. F ,,prc,-. i, going lo .,,,caty people in shopping pl,1y the prom. Great. So \\ ho'., mall-.. S S. E).prc,,'!

-Rich,1rd Pr,or Live on Sunsc1 -All the disc jt'll"kcy, from U9J Strip 1' a re;i.lly good movie. ,111d(ll02 ,hould be takl·n to a

-Sorn GEE. but I don't care jail and m:idc to li<,ten 10 Led ,1bou1 -,he Falkland Island, Zeppelin ;ind Sieve Dahl either. And I s1ill don't want lo ,eminar\ for five month, nr until get drafted. Even if I don"t have 1hey gel 1a,1c. \,hicl1e,..:r come!. 10 go to war, I do11'1 \\ant lo fir,1. learn 3,000 ways 10 kill '>0me -Li11lc kids tire '>ll yippy 1hew poor !>lob ju<,t because he day,. When I \\,1, li11le. I didn't happens to live in a different ""Y anything bccau..c I wa., country. I'm just a mellow guy. '>l'.tri:d of gelling beat up." hich

•I hate u,ually happened an)·\,ay. No\, -Alan Alda. In the new lhcv kno\\ vuu won·1 hit them,

M•A •S•H he is so over-sincere ~o ihey ,ay "hatever they want. that it makes me ill. Why Make, me mad. doesn't he just try to be funny, -The prom co,;ts a l01 of

'-~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::~.!--_::.li::;ke::..· ~o:.::n:....:.:lh.:.:c:...::o.:.:ld:...::o:.::n~c.::.s?:..· ________ m_o_n_e-'·y_._l_h_o,._pc_i_t ·_!>_w_·_or_1_h_._11_. ____ .

Page 3: Rile Van Halen 's new release ReY:iew


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Page 4: Rile Van Halen 's new release ReY:iew

,-- ______________ R_IL_t::_Y_RE_'\_'IE_"_' 5 po rts Ma,=7=, ='9=R-=) ========-=-======;;;;;;-,

Track team drops two after strong 5-0 start By Brendan Po"c"'

,\ltcr ka,ing rirnl team, in 1he du,t with II strong 5-0 '>tart. Rik,·, tral·k lcam ate some du'>t i1,eir la,t "eek. losing first to Mi,ha" ak;1 and lhcn to Penn. Bui 1hi-. past ,, eek they h,1d hope-. ot rebounding with meets ,t·hedulcd again'>! Elkhart Mt•murial on Tuesday and Mrchigan Ci1y Ebton on Thursduy. Tomnrnm lht!y art! tu run in 1hc r.lkhan Charger Ill\ i1a1ional and "ill 1hen fini,h 1he ,ca,on \\ilh a meet at l::lkh,111 Central un May 11 and 1he l'enn ln\'ilatielnal un May IJ.

Ye,. that's righ1. The Scr1io11:il h uni) 1\\\1 "eek!> .,way ( I hur,day. May 20) but lk.1d Coach I arry S,c,cchow-.ki lcl'I, hi, team i, rcadv.

.. We aren't e,en close tu 800 (2:03. 7) and the 3200 rt·aching our peak yet. .. Coach (Cl:45.6). Abo strong for Riley S,czl'cho" ,ki went on to '>a\' ,, a, ,enior frank Willi'> "ho 1ha1 ,, hilc both Penn and took the 100 ( 11 .4) and the 200 Mi'>h,1wak;1 arc in Riley''> (2J.J). But the effort'> fell '>hort Secllonal. he feels the results of as the Cats were beaten 72 the previous mecls against I / 2-54 I / 2. the,e 1cams can be rcvcr'>ed. Against Penn 1he Wildcat .. Both meets were tight ones... cindermcn again put forth a ht• e;,.plained. "The next time ,1rnng running performance but ,,e meet the \'ictoric<; could were edged uul 70,57. Senior ca,ily gu 1he other way." Anthonv Grundv took both thl!

Many people considered 1he 110 high hurdle~ ( IS.ti) and the In,, 111 l',fo,ha,, aka an up,et, but 200 low hurdle'> (40.J). Willi, Coach SLctcchow ski docs not again 100k 1he 100 ( 11.2) and the agree. "Mishawaka wa, .i tough 200 (2J.J). In the 1600 I u,k wa'> tt•am." he \lated. "I ne\'er '>aid edged oul by rhul.lim Nagle but ,,c ,,ere '>Uppt>scd to win; nor lhl! Riley co-c,,ptain rebounded did I l'all tht! mccl an upset." to capture the ,1200 (9:58.2).

Riley lung distance <,tur Al If the team 1s to do well in the l.u,k conlinucd thi, blal'c, Sectional<,. the field event, "ill l·apiuring the 1600 (4:J0.2). the be the key. "Right 1111" lack of

Gl,ls' tennis team off to slow statt experience is our wurst encnw... Coach S1C1echowski comn~c111cd. " I c;in't a,k any more of the gup than I already After pulling in early and

long hours of ,,ork 1he Riley girl,' 1ennb 1cam "as pul 1111hc 1csi un April 20. upcning 1he <,casnn "i1h· a dechi\C vktory "'er Mi,ha\\ :ika b• I. Senior co•taplain, Haley Ml·Cuffcr) I II I ,inglc,) and Mary (lain: Mnr,c (/12 -.inijlCs) outplavcd 1hcrr oppunen1,. defca1ing them h-3. h•l and b-1. respccti\'cl)".

I ht' ,·1ch1rics con1ir;11ed with senior Vikki <il'nrgi (/IJ ,ingle<,) winning in ,traight set,. pulling out a tic-bre11kcr 10-8 111 capture :he rirst ,c1 7-h o, erpo" cring her oppont•n1 in the ,enmd ,ct h• I •

,\ ncwcomt·r to the te:im, lrcshm,111 l:l11inc l.a"i.un (#5 '>lllgle,) look rnnlrnl ol the m,11ch for her lir:,I high !.Choo! \IClon h-2. h,4 , Senior Karen De\'\<,1r ,ind junior Mar) Z11nrncr (Ill double,) worked "ell toge I her 10 dcfcal thcir opporwnts 6-.1. 6-4. S111rt111g off ,lo,dv Rile\·, #2 doubles team ot 1;rn1or Lori Hint!'> and lrc.,hman Leann Lbcnko ,qucc,ed out 1hc tir,t 1-et 7.5 and ,prin1ect .,head tu "in the ,econd ,ct 6,0 , ... , h1, "as a nice ,1.ir1 10 the w:i.,on." stated new co.1ch Eth, ard rulh,,her, !Mey n1.11h 1e:11:her.

I he girl, quickh· drnp11cd the ncxl t\\ o 111a1chc-. to top contenders in the conference. I he) los1 to a 1nugh Penn ll"am h, I, 1he1r unh win coming at 112 Mnglcs whc;e Morse · <lc:fcated

her opponent b ,0. 6-.1. ' I he 1ennis team lo'>t a very

dow and important ma1ch In Wa,hing11111 4,J. Winning for Riky \\ ere Mor-.c at 112 -.inglcs h•J. 6 ,2 Georgi 111 1/J '>ingle'> b-0. 6-4: and Li, La" '>1111 at 114 ,inglc, t,.J. 6-.l. Co-captain McC.'.1fll•ry ,1a,cd. "We ju,1 couldn't pull oul the clo'>e ones \\C needed.·'

GoHteama contender in strong field

By Suun Sha" With ., NIC record of 2-1.

Jerry Fl.i11ug.1n·, Riley golfor, .trl' in 1he race for a ,t·nmd -placc pm,i1ion in thc rnnll·renl·e. ,\cn1rding to Coach l'l:11111ga11, Penn i, lhe tuught.•st in the NIC. and ,\d11m-. rs a Slrong l~llllcndt·r for 1hc M'Ctmd place '>Jllll.

Rilc,··, rcgu l:ir ,casnn rcrord ,n htr" 6 ,4, ,111h lo:.w, 10 Penn, t .1Pur1e. Rocht''>tcr. and Wa, "a,ct• , l he 1c,1111 ,aw win, .1gai11,1 Cul,er Mili1ary. Che'>• 1cr1011, Mi,h:rnaka (lwicc). Flkhart Memorial. and LaVillc.

I he 'C.11i. opened the ,ca,on \\ ith a lie for ,i.,th place (out of nint• lcan1') al lndian:1poli-.', Oakland In, i1a1iunal. In the K,1l·pplcr C'ity ·1 ourn.1ment the learn placed third (of ,even) and pl.1ced fif1h (of IS) in the Wawa,ce lnvitalional.

Softball team strong against Clay B~ Denis e Jo1wlak

Riley·~ ,oft ball 1eam i, off to a good :.rnrl "ith ,1 6-2 record. r h" pa,1 ,, eek w a, bu,) with a doubleheader again,1 Concord un ,\pril 24 and game'> agai nst Penn on April 27 :ind W:1,hington on April 28.

I he Wildcat,; split the doublchcadcr again'>I Concord, winning the opener 18-2 but ln,ing 1hc wcond game 4-5. The C'al\ had a total of 10 hit-. in 1hc fir'1 g.1me "ith '>Cnior Deb Medich hilling a triple and ,enior Diana Bauer and junior Lori Bonk both with doubles.

During the i.econd game. fre,hman Leslie Henry tu rned in 1wo hiti.. "We had people on ba,e. but couldn't score," said

Coach Kelly Adelsperge r after lhc game.

·r he Cim defeated Penn. 10-8. Senior Li'>a Engdahl hi1 a triple.

The Cat'> then won again,1 Wa,hington 5-4. Riley scored 5 run, during the tir,t inning with Engdahl and junior Tracy Mariella each hilling a double. Wa-,hing1on scored 4 runs during the -.ccond inning. Tracy Marie11.1 pitched during the game again,t Wu,hington hecau,c Cindy Milbourn ,pr.tined her wri,t.

"Wt• rcallv looked like a 1eam." '>aid C.:oach Adehpcrgcr "We need Ill \\ork on knocking out errors ... she added. "We arc having 2 or J a game."

The Cats will 1ravel to St. Joe for a game today at 4 p.m.


Girls' track team remains without a win

By Phil l'areliu., I a'>t Saturdnv 1he Rile) g1r1'

lini,hcd 5th in the :.h•team South Ht·nd Ci1v I r:1ck Mce1. srunng -17 poinl',. ,\dam, look honu: till' , ic1nr\' "ilh IJ8 point,, followed hy LaSalle (Q2). w,..,hrng1011 (htl), and (lay (,19), ju,1 '" 11 pninl'i .1head 11t Riley. S1 . .lnwph plan·d blh ,,ith 11 poi111,.

Nann · Sl"alc, ,,1111 top honur, 111 1hc l()(J hurdh:, "i1h a IS.I clock in~ . l'cre,.1 Walker took ,enmd, hehmd ' ,' .d,1m-.· Hc1h C.1r1cr in 1he ·lOO \\llh ,1 1.02.S. Hile, had 1,1 o indi, idu,11, place 1111lw lb(l<l: C'ht:nl W,1lkcr (41hJ .111d Sall\ Kim;n (blhl ,d1h lime~ of S:55. h7 and h:04 .J rc ,,pcr 1h cl). ,\ngre Bo\·kin,· high jump .ind \'.irl•na 'limn• '>l"llll', ,hol p111 both po,tt·d ,ecmtd pl,tl'C lini..hc,. Riley's 800 rcla, look 4th: tht• 400 nml 1 tlO<l reiav, fini,hcd S1h.

On ,\pr .ii 29, Rile) fell III Penn Xb 112• 18 1/2 . Boykin, w.1, the hull' Wildl'al "inner ,, i1h , ll'lurin in lht· 400 and !ugh jump . · Mi,h:i"aka delc,lll'd 1he Cal:. t>J-42 nn April 27. Nanc) Scale, "•" ., doublt: ,,inner. in 1hc hl\\ hurdle, and 100 meter da-,h . 'I. Walker took thl' 400. To" nwnd the ,hol pu1. and Boykin, the high jump .

Tomorrirn 1hc C.il'> will par1icipa1e in the Mi,ha,,aka Prince'>'> Rel:t\'\ , The girl, "ill fact· Elkharl Central on ., ue .. day .

FIRST BASEMAN Steve Rey J•erl s lttt ches to put out a Penn opponent. Photo by Be n Feterman.

Cats end lengthy slump with 9-5 win over St. Joe

B) Charlie Pankow M:iyhe it \\as the ,c,·cn

gamt·, pl.ived in a 1cn-dav span. or 1he one-run -.cure'> (four uf 1hem). in "hkh Rikv w a, c1111,1a111I) coming up ;111 lhe ,hurt end , Whit-he,er or "h;11c,c1 ii'"" 1ha1 plummeted lht· ha,l·hall learn·, renlrd from .1 re,pct ·iahk .l -2 In a di,a,1rou'> •l-11. kh many ',l',1r, Oil the c,,.,· hope, tor ., good NIC' ,e;..,on .

I ht· dm, nt.111 ,1artt•d on ,\pril 20. Hile\' 111,1 :111 earl\' 2,0 lead ,, ht·n EikhMt Mt:moiial srured three 11m1·, 111 1he lllp halt nt the 1hird mning and \\Cnl on In \\Ill J -2 . .SIC\'C Reygacrl alhmed ju,1 th t' hil'> in a lo,ing c11u,e and l·1111111t,i.11t·d a tnpl · a l 1hc pl:ite.

·1 he ne,1 d:1y at Mil'htgan Cil) l·h1<111 .• 1 duel ,,ith 1hc Red Pn 11, n•,cmhlcd more a 111.1,srierl' 1han II ha,ehall g:1me. Rile, ,'.l'>tr:tltit·~ indudcd i1, pi1d1i11g. ,1 hich ,urrt·ndt'rl·d 17 hit, .111d 19 nrn,. and ii.. tit·lding. "hich helped 1hc Red Dl·,il ,tllal'k \\tlh ti,e lrror, . Onl\ 1he C:11,· hilling pro,cd kar,nmt· ,I'> Wildcal h;1llt·r, pounded 11111 10 hil'> :111d ,eH'll run, 111 the ont· -,ickd Ii,,,. l>t·n11.., Barker ripped :i

1hrel••h,1ggt•r. 1111d Fr.ink S1eigt•r ,ind l'.11 i:1n1111g,111 added doubles lor Hiky.

,\her .1 1-0 los, 10 ,\darn, on .111 unc;trnt·cl run, and ,1 t() .<J tlcle:11 h) \\' .i,-hinglnn t\\ o da) s lall'r. lhl' Cah ,4uamlcred lc,llh 111 1,, 11 :ind lour runs in u 7-6 rt'lll,lll ·h Iii-;, ,., Memori,tl , lfarkl·r ~ultered 1hc dctcat tor Riley dc,pite good bullpen hdp from Senti K1w;11ch und Mike .Jal'km1 i,1k and e\l ·eptional delcn'>t,c ctlort in lht· field .

Hans Burkart Pharmacy

2805 S. Mld,fpn Pnecrfptloal 291-5383

I hl· (.'; 11-. ,ultcred 1hc1r '>l'H'lllh ,1raigh1 be.11ing al the hand, ot .St. .Inc when lht• Indian, Jlllllped out tu ti 6-1 .,d, :1111.,ge ,ind held 011 tnr a tl•S 1ri11111ph in the hr:.1 game ,,f ., douhkhl·adl'r . John O'Brien ,lammed ;1 1riplc In help ln<ing pildll 'r Fr;1nk S1cigc1, \\ ho ,1d1kd a dnuhlc l11m'iCII.

In the nightt ·,1p, Wiltlca1 b:11s ,i11led tor I 7 ht1s and 111ne run,; 10 P•" l.' 1he ,, ,I\' lor a <I S Rrlcy , ir1on . Mike Huckl•r broke loow "uh tour hi1s. includmg ., l\\o , run homc1, ,111d .luhn S10111 ,rn.1:.lwd :1 douhlc 111 lwlp cml lhl' losing s1rcak, .ind ghc pi1d1cr ( hri, Jurd ,111 the ,,111.

Ille (:I{ \\CfC \0 have tiOSlCd

Flkharl ( cn1r.1I l.1s1 1'.fond,I\ .,ml 1rnH·led 10 :-.t,,ha\\,11..a lo, :, g;1mt• \\ 11h 1hc Ca,cmcn Wedm ·,d:I\ . I on1gh1 the Wild­c,,1!> ""ii C'l.1, ,dwrc the, ,\ill 1 I\ 111 ,I\ engc .111 l' ar lrer loo;, lo 1hc Cnluni,il, .

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