RIHANNA Laura Snader 10/6 Book Megastars: Rihanna by Bridget Heos

RIHANNARIHANNA Laura Snader 10/6 Book Megastars: Rihanna by Bridget Heos

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Laura Snader



Megastars: Rihanna by Bridget Heos

EARLY YEARS On February 20th, 1988 Robyn Rihanna Fenty

was born on the island of Barbados. As a kid, she grew up in an abusive family.

Her dad abused her mom because he was addicted to cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol. She found out about this when she was eight years old.

It worried her so much she started getting bad headaches. They were so bad she had to have a cat scan to make sure she didn’t have a brain tumor. Her headaches continued for six years until her parents divorced.

Rihanna went to Combermere Secondary School. At school she won the talent show, beauty contest, and started a band.

Rihanna persevered through having a bad family life. Whenever it was getting her down, she would sing. She sang to her friends, her stuffed animals, and everything else possible.

After playing for a record producer with her band, Rihanna went to America with him to record a demo. She lived with him and his wife in Connecticut.

Jay-Z heard her demo and loved it. She auditioned for him and was signed to his record label at only 16 years old.

ADULT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Every year since she came out with an

album. She came out with five albums since then.

Music of the Sun A Girl Like Me

Good Girl Gone Bad Rated R

Loud Her albums were so successful she sold

over 20 million of them and won over 70 music awards.

Rihanna persevered to become a famous singer. Most people don’t get to be singers. She had to work hard to get the best demo possible and sound really good at her audition.

Most people who get signed don’t sell enough music. She had to do her best to make good albums that will sell.

Rihanna also became a Cover girl and appeared on the cover of People’s most beautiful issue.

ABUSE One of the biggest obstacles in Rihanna’s

life was abuse. Not only did she have problems with it when she was a kid, but it came back when she was older. She started dating Chris Brown. They were dating for years. One night they were driving and something snapped. He got really mad and started hitting her. Someone in a nearby house called 911. She was taken to a police station. A picture taken of her there was leaked online. The media found out about it so lots of people started hating Chris Brown.

At first she felt sorry for him because a lot of his fans now hated him. She went back to him for a little, but realized she really didn’t like him anymore.

She persevered through her sadness and used what had happened for the storyline of her next album.

COMPARISONChristina Augilera & Rihanna

Had an abusive dadBecame famous at young age

Used stories of abuse for songs


Lover of musicWho excels at singing

Who feels music is the outlet to problemsWho needs stories to tell in her songs

Who gives all she has to singingWho fears abuse

Who would like to see a world without abuseBelieves anything is possible

Stands for helping peopleIs against relationship abuse



Rihanna persevered through many things in her life. She had to go through a lot of abuse. Her perseverance came through singing, which ended up making her famous. Later it also helped her write some of her best songs. That is how Rihanna is an inspiration.