sssiTBBiBsaci t nnn A lVFOrsi)AY OltM. AI'C? fi. 1ST jc Tinur. n.n loioOTaivh informs ua wo are not. aftr all the fuss and fury, to Lave any thing like an int"$rnatUHaI Juibroglio out of the Gordun-UMiio- n onuir. vu un contrary, the equsbWe- - in Manitoba promises to end ir tho flnrJ escape ol the swindling scoundrel, whoso onforced arrest has occasioned tho BL Paul pco pie, who attcmrWed 'It, eo nittrh doable. 11 takes a long-time- " to RwaUea our English brgtherg t$ anything lifee an adeqwate Senee oT the necessity for quick work witk criminal?, such is their tense f feir ptay. . Unlike us, they make haste slowly, ;heue the abundant op portunities offered fellows of the Gordon Gordon stripe to perpetrate swindle after swindle, under ever so many assumed names awl titles, up- borne and . sustained by genteel man a era, respectable appearance,' a df cent wardrobe and plenty of cheok, After two years of notoriety in the States as a thief of the firet-clas- s, pub- lished in, all the. ieafiing papers of the country, and advertised in counection with his crimes in Xew York, based on his pretentions and assumptions as moneyed "lord'' with a high-soundi- title, here cwmps tlieToronto itfai', lazi ly e&ougli, and perhaps "loo late," bur dened with over three columns of par liculars of history, telliDg us that he is the natural son o; an English clergyman, Rev. Dr.Hussey, rector of Hayes, in the county of Kent and that from the time of his entrance unou the race of life as a clerk in the. house of White & Son, of Loudon, 1S4S, lte has adopted a career of crime. His motto was evidently that attributed to the "poorwWte trash" of our south em country, that work or play"the world owes him a livings" and he was baund to have it Te jerve his purposes he has been everything by turns and noth ingloog.. He 'hits even assumed the professioa of his erring father the more successfully to carry out his fixed purpose of "bilking" some" b dy out of a living, but finding this would not hoW out well that it would tot do to nlav the "dead-bent- " and the minister too, he threw aside the surplice, and put on the coronet, pretending to be first Lord Giencairn,aDd afterward Lion' Gordon, and. biucular to relate, 'playing it - as finely" in Soot land with tbeee titles as in ' .Lon don or New 'York. He has played a bokl baml, awl always with firm re- solve to succeed, and- - his victims have ever been among those who, though un- usually shrewd and sharp in all ottatr matters, are easily taken in with rank aud title, ami, would promptly resent any attempt by ;our plain, matter-of- - fact reputyicau rascal to "get them for a cent." In London, this Lord Gordon- - Gordon, as Lord Gleucairn, swindled his attorney or barrister, a gentleman of high repute in his profession, oat of twenty-five ."'thousand dollars, a id with the same easeingratiated him' self into the good graces of the cute, fcharp, long-head- Jay Gould, of Hew York, wlQ Jie "stuck" to the tune of one hundred and sixty-fiv- e thousand dollars, or thereabouts. Jay and his set were quite taken with the patronizing c jndeeeenefea of "My Lord Gordon," their republican training being noshietd against the persistent efforts of "my lord" to get into the inside of the great Erie ring and share in Its profits. The London swell was too muek for ifee partner of Fink, the greatest and sharpest of the American swells. He was overcome by him and succumbed, aud the result is h I0S3 of ii early twe hundred tlieu-tsm- l dollars, an attempted kidnapping in order to his puni-hme- nt by a Fnitod States court, and the armt and imprisonment of the1 kidnappers, with lawsuits in the future, involving, mayhap, as mueh more, and, perhaps, to eventu ate in the eeeape ef the scrundrel who has played his little game so well for twenty-fou- r years this game of"brains' against tne world, which has won. notwithstanding steam and elootricity and all the machinery of the modern system of peliee, wjth its exchanges, rogues galleries and deteutlves. It does seem as if the criminal classes rise equal to any and every emergency of police supervision. .and skill, and that, like military engineers, they can plan to puzzle those they ooafrent,no matter how heavy their artlllery.how big their guns, or how many their number. Is Gor- dou-Gord- tojprove this and get away at last? THE BOTH Bit. Obstructions to Immigration are igno- rance of modes of cotton culture, and the supposition that the south, since it exports this and sugar and tobacco, pro duces nethiBg else. Most men absolute- ly believe that nothing else grows in the south but cotton, mules and colored peo- ple. Then, too, the Impression prevails that cotton only grow In alluvial fields, and that the whole bouth is one great morass aud burial place for strangers. On the contrary, life insurance compa nies take risks here on the same terms as elsewhere in America, and their ta bles of mortality show that northern Mississippi and counties of western Ten nebsee, about Memphis, are as healthful as any equal area of the United Slates. Then it happens that European farmers don't know how to cul tlvate peculiar southern crops, and they have beard, thrpugb eastern papers, countless horrible kuklux lies manufactured for partisan purposes, and the south has no aecesa to the ears of Europe, and 'Memphis will not employ agencies for the correction of most grievous and ruinous errors. There is an obstacle to immigration even greater than all these. It consists in the strong local attaenmenis or southern farmers. However utterly decayed the residence and outbuildings on the old homestead, and however uncomfortable, even for laborers aoeustomed to ahantiea, and however exhausted the condition of the fields, and ruinous rthat of barns and fences, the southern fanner, despite the number of farmers who should sell, de- mands two prices for hia property. Let a stranger buy a arm near Memphis at twenty-fiv- e dollars per acre. He pays one-thir- d down and ernerts the X . T . J I,. i tl - . "t ,T. debtedness. When he . finds that the place has been recklessly cultivated, that the soil is exhausted, that every- thing must be renovated, he learns that he must expend more on the place than iu extinguishing the ,purohaKe-iUfrne- y mortgage. Keckleee, bad farmint;, un- der existing systems, renders, farms un- salable. If the south would attract white populations of other States, it must send abroad newspapers aud de- scriptive pamphlets, it must correet er- rors of opinion entertained every- where in Europe, it must sell lands for less money, or enrich farms, and make fences perfect, aud houses decent and comfortable. Aid when we add that European populations will never Jive sandwltched with ne- groes, or toil with them, even when ou c farms, the tecsssity becomes .5 lations.who may have their own schools and churches. Irraddition to this, the Financial Bulletin says that the condi- tion of the' finances of the southern States operates very directly against the migration of men and capital to that section. To common observers,, the spectacle of suspension and repudiation carries the inference of poverty and ty, and suggests the possibility of onerous taxation; and, very naturally, a large majority of settlers prefer to go to sections to which no forbidding Etig- - mn is attached. Until the southern Slates respectively effect some perma- - aeat settlement of their finances, at iquarely and as fully aa possible in tho Interest of thir creditors, theyieurrouSd In their several citizenship reatier gomt; glve your accc-unto- f our wun a certain sugma 01 uiecrewt to which niRst high-minde- d men refuse voluntarily to subject themselves. 1 Iir. BtD IME OF MEMPHIS. Ve have met recently in many papers dispatches by the Memphis agent of the. Associated Press, of July 27th, isth.and 29th. Among them thersew Yotk Jour- - no of Commerce, the paper Hbove all other American newspapers, wLich goes into.the hands, specially, all over tlicrcommeroial world, of the men who are engaged in commerce, finance, manufacturing, and business enterprises of all Itind.- - These dispatches are objec tionable, and seriously so. Hot because it tlieir "untruth, for probably they are true, but for the reason that they help to create the impression abroad that the frequent and import ant events occurring at Memphis, important to be known throughout the country, are murders, rapes, roooeries, assassinations, burglaries, epidemic pan ics, and the catalogue of deviltries gen erally. These publications give our city a bad name, worse that it really de serves. Uertainiy, muea aime is perpe trated here; but by no means as much as people elsewhere believe; not more, in proportion, than Is perpetrated in the American cities generally. Our city has, probably, a worse name for crime than anv other citv m the Union, borne degree of foundation for this has un doubtedly been given by the actual facts that have occurred here; but more of it has been given, ana is tow largely sustained, by the prom inence Kiven to criminal news oythe local reporter; and publics tions of the turn or tne uispaicnes uamed, can have no other influence than o continue and increase our bad reflec ted. Surely there are events occurring iu Memphis, other than crimes. There is some good in Memphis. Event3 do occur from day to day not calculated to mantle our cheeks with shame. These might be ascertained, and, dissemi- nated by the telegraph, and be credita ble to the city and to the citizens; rath er Uianasaassinations, murders, burgla- ries, raues and the like. The world has some interest to know what good occurs hi well as all the evil. This bad name is extremely injurious to every useful in- terest here. We need increase of popu lation, addition to capital, to industrial, commercial,manufacturing, mechanical business, and the people engaged in these pursuits. Where crime prevails, crimi nals naturally gravitate to that place; where Industry, enterprise things that are good and useful prevail, the kind of people who desire to engage in such pur suits naturally go to that place. Give a dog a bad name, and you may as well kill him. Give a man a bad name, and ou destroy him. What Is true of man and dog is true of a city. Give it a bad name, and it draws to it the criminal ana destructive classes, uive to n a ood.name, aud it draws to it the good and useful. Let us do now what we can truly and fairly to establish for Mem phis a good name, and to correct the mischief done the city by its having had bad name. HACK TAXES. We made some comment on there- - cent decision of the supreme court In the. case of MoKee versus McLemore's heirs, and said: "We do not propose, until the decree of the court has been carefully read, to define its results." On feet. Inasmuch all Tmipli authorized to lauds is repealed The uses very general terms, and states that section of the act repeals "alt laws for collection taxes and sale land for taxes." We only of case and state of facts sub mitted for his and the sweep terms employed not include suits instituted for back taxes by Colonel Anderson. The eightieth sec tion of little statute, itself aeta "on the subject of the of taxes and the sale of for taxes in with the provisions of this acL" The eighth section of the act does not repeal all laws on the subject, in confltef with act. are that the twenty-fir- st of March, the btate for taxes, but applicable to lands bought by municipal inu -- act smid to been. qu twenty.flfth March, the day in question was signed. would be strange if suffering that in force. with one another. gambling-shop.- " Work BEAISS. common Tl parent jar cf large tracts Ci be sold on time to popu- - HE1 MEMIIS rIgLlj Pf-W- E ON THE PACIFIC RAILROAD. From Cheyenne to San Francisco Tho Country, the Settlements, the Wliito.. Salt Late People aud the Indians. and natlc andlhe Great The an Occs.Henol Gerrejpendtnt. abcr- - Memphis, August 3. me to jorlsdlctioris enjwable trip, " extended " to the Pu- - "iti after our return to Denver from Santa Fe. I promise to be as ooncL-- e as before; anything beyond a plain history might be regarded as an unwarranted sharpening of thd mental sight. I am warned not to expatiate, by some doubt ini? Thomas wlio. nfler hearlni? of the ous are of iu on of are in of of of routii.'Xn, tlitfbOMklT; rirnei)eslrt7 "two eiDreseed Chinese expressly seats letter tibemacleare than testant scientious souls would head maie." jeaxa snirlt ministrv. wish cloSSJy afrkirs "quick imagination.' with absolute After little party closely 8atisfactbrily.lt'rSbiuee subject .andlLesermsed then started California. We'-passe- d Denver Pacific Glori Fourth." This line farms uecting link between Denver Chey- enne Union Pacific passes tiirough country almost entirely timber, covered buffalo grass. Cache Poudre North Platte, both large creeks tlawinsr eastward from, mountains. only streams between .Denver Cheyenne. This entire .section fertility grazing aboutDenver.andl around Evans Greeley,the largest road lands western forming rapidly nucleus good society, certainly does distinguish sheep Mexico, Cheyenne, village perhaps eight hundred seuls seventy-fiv- e undulating everything greasewood. Cheyenne "snow-fences- ," .wind-storm- s growing pro- portions .seventy-thre- e unprotected quiet-lovin- g celebrated reminded however, strongly vegetation openings Wahsatch thousands which shape Organ Allow uaa or building me buildings of not sduTcetifTiride every Mormon, awoudrous Itsground-pTa-fl- n of plIlare,and8upport ft Itself of , building. pTauepiftcr only ellurtb, grand propor-JioifiMf- ty walipup presents once 'imposing, finished, walnut by In twasermons Mormons, in a! .1. n 1. the of glory fatpnf the I excluded) and conviction that I hail " up ihe I of best in form of mv first with reserved lor visiting of the sensational the accept as legiti-- 1 now about sev- - in warning is an ims .. in agw, jjuu Mv sprwltive !a tourhed. vet watches anv to indulce in I and the of of mere as au our return to Denver ouc thonty amoutr his as any studied aud days of Constantino haa the important ef over his adherents, for ever on " a con ou the It a level, devoid Df and witl The la and the the and is regarded as one the apnts au to and purposes al the was that and two towns on the the were tued wiui tne class or men and a of a feature that not the country oi Colorado or mew arriving at a crowding ruIt&HiPolygauiy progressive American'- Yellowstone covered" working-Mormons- . plain Mountains population object Union land, fact, thing. Beyond were soon westward' desert Humboldt valley with flo'wingjiver same The great Pacific and carpet green. speed that Teaching valley "Humboldt railways" Wells" several creat monopolies, take generally about The) Theylookpreciselylikewellsdugandtlie country from Cheyenne west four hun dred barren with the exception that portion the Laramie over which the road runs, and not all like the swards plaiBS Colorado and des tituteof save small but hardy growth green bushes called sage-brus- h and Soon after leaving Laramie plains reached. They extend along the: railway calculated traveler, Sierras snow-DiocKa- mat Tiie gradually whirlwind, during thelmit, to, many were not In conseoaeace. the snow the drifts as to train weeks. Since the places uave been wiui lines oi placed near the caicmng neavy posed plains will not admit being erected; dangerous. along the stations neatly kept, and quite number rapiuiy as to already the towns. Laramie City, five west Omaha, as and as Cheyenne, and spring and autumn wnisue over town brines the citizens passing over the and summer turage, and which well watprpd. country oeyona wiui Darren appear- ance and Juardv forcibly ureary uore pictures m Mor- later across from green train name, hour. other their :ime aud, from their with awe. route such Juras, miles track sweep with time severe every detain then long units. Trieso snow sheds wouiu them route miles open winus with force that gust upon Mates. Alter Lara- seven feet, wnicn airoru their belncr some wastes arter were were even being the find apparently that may true the Wr verv wifh law ride and tbatsuch action was nght, S 5K2 court condemn eighteenth the not and gen-- ; with desert, hundred distinguished uio vcvuiMiiun iJUIUii liMlfrp. rAnHarinw it uuare discussion, ing land told diet had took pass cuts more thev wild Bed diuiV. hsin. derives name the barren soil, waters told that: living iounu onits proau area. rot Is west fifty code, repeals emigrants eonflici Moreover, journeying Justbe-run- at Chinamen. "heavy" whisky. Thestations distinctive undergone banks many ago. This stream so Impregnated as miter ther beast banks oruuo brush. Oue miles from Omaha and the Echo and the before the passage the act 8reat through signed alone, well as old the years ago. The or mese perpendicularly from the narrow way feet, and either side reuei. uomes ture meant the same castellated natural monuments, worn .c.ucujr rrom stone wans. had give same neither iiau supplies jnake has gravelly The maite Qe waste ttTot- - beeears that the o,lll,. ui JtvxeepuDg in tnere growtn huo mountain or rich grasses The well their church and and yet not suffer. The chytch. that torvastness might compare to grand old 'citlcand wonder that if& for Indeed the tire edifice roof thatii the whole The Is seats gradual the organ, the ornament the behind the and aa rears feet along tho the domed roof, it yea, is relieved Koldnml crimson, and one the largest organs the world. from ttie bat .uui near lextgiveu The ministers the services but the song" the Aiormomsm iniaiiiumiy, invited com mune with during service (thi rabbits." the aad tied number the the mattrrnnri i.'ro more over-con-- 1 strangers. Brisham Young, the church, is suiucieni. and lriultK'.tha disclaim even directs idea the finance, the the and the country told bouujern rough winter thorough thousand Bitter style Gentiles howev er, rof the church, and monism will as brings info degrees, stand leaving Salt Lake Cify, tool Central raeinc ugaen, i 1 I . 1 1 . aiuuu ui' shore Corlnae, Utah ffrom which stage) and fields of reward few hours the scene had bright irreen nature had self of desola tion. Only barren glinting jedsor were seen, is desert Rockv and , it once of thou- - Uhis vast there no we Pacific in no ind at I this lies its speed of of do I of beautiful high ore this eastern boast They, likpl are passed. are in all I number and said to have ' no bottom.' and miles is of umber, of or plains is at of of and Kansas, of water surface. whole country idence mighty change, which place since ic desolation reigned terest. 4y-fl- very heavy, tram requiring engines. bierrasare aueau noczy mountains grandeur, wierd" well distance of sixtyJl to portion (hei wqnder terrible wa&rtbe Grandest scenery the caused detention of trains during, There through the railway navereacneu Along I nllows ascent by circling the windstorms I peaks to sum-forc- a alluded the during piled solidly in great in cut iosr, tne lor exposed protected tiact. ex of render All the are are so assume hundred of is in ine the a a dls tne six thousand pas are for ihe its patches stunted. bushes, us of of me do one its all be auucui sue the tho our are its at ana oue in,- - and the the the the by ;nori the by a the the the wa3 a the Ilea the On a six area the the not of. the face has the age, next or in The the foot thir- - two .the or tne and m and as and this fill his and that the is the tne this belt the the the the It corn- so the anil mar, the for the 0f nfinoiion can is the the one by the ascent, suow-sucd- ?, which? make one complete pring for fifty miles! The line from Sierras Sacra is and either . 1 . 1 . . , presents some must, ueuuu-ff- rl scenery Pacific. fore reaching Sacramento ' the road nasses uortion countrv iraiiy teeming verdure. as the garden the ban Francisco, distant one and thir- ht the road passes wheat California. passed over saw fields waving jrraiti iu unbroken line for miles, and extending west as as ihe eye could The very hot in summer, lone with small California oak there mie which have altitude I the broad fields, givingit beauty fertilitv. from color crand day tuese great utter them wild sixty than 6aw all the soil is cultivated. should like say omething Sacramento but themselves reuuire space letter. niesay wefoundbanJ?ranoisco The does not than his Don Quixote. All along the sixty and leaving liaramie, Indians the I tolu that the winters, Shoshone and other tribes are seen I more pleasant, there less hu lounging about all I inidity. We shall always remember naintpd Willi vprmlllion. mnnv ilrwcod I Lrpnf. hnv tnwmnnhfl with careful review decisiou, ridiculous costumes, de- - J cause climate and it be that court had I imitating the as I novel and the kind it thp mpHnn whoiiipr near as a few and sociable the people, and i --- - .. . . ... , (finw, ...i ' u ... i . : ,1 the COUrt Mas light refusing wiri Milt. In snmp t.h rnnntrv in cwuuemu jauua jepoiieu uuuef oiui adorn their Indians the - k. d for taxes, that I along the Union and Central Pacific are I 1 ' the extent the mav all free as the law under which the was the road-han- fmiw-sne- lit rimlpr.i court the nice very level great from They require salary, reliable as drink erally present looks border villages, fea- tures. The seven suppose, that tho sixty miles west Omaha, is . , ui aiuuu uiq Jca- - in runroa ... ' . . 0 o cine roaa. is a natural the do the this con tions. of haveno I thing is distant Creek station. From follows celebrated little stituting mighty only all collection but the the aet for the not the but few out let was this Bit- - the by its years is with to be tnorougnry and feud. Nei man nor can drink it, and there is alone sage mighty Known as Weber on3. passes legislature.adopted tHTcanshe Tneyneeome- - pine land-mar- k on route either I passes road-- 1 iu ooiu rowerinir and 1 time wis aj m vunmiBiiQns anu Og- genius to to t UUVAU kLI iHKM fM distance rT nrm ror to year's with. the long shore on west. Mnnri; cent mdst doors of kwnr THo ot.v uecome no was tL Kacsas Kansas afford tithe saints is a it affair. oval, Iwdvrof consists Interior" on of theaters. colossal in pulpit; bare, white to an grand. of heard neither case i a conduct TaiU. odiats. or or its ufllcient of I followera favored hights estamisnea glory of or depart - couutry, higher at jn Lime we northern to point passengers with grain fruit-tre- es flowers, In which of to be preat between Sierras. iand). averase eurhteen the of to the about ev of a taking Sierras are the point for miles rar for a entrance miles. It was on of mind as sufferintr of no cne in iilbtl. of resistless. the of me a spienaiu lte for her uiences thrjugh of all of taKen gether, would cov- - mento rapid descent, . on Central. Be throus-- tne Tlcuest; beautiful as spots of Mormons, irom hundred miles, through the great country of we it we eastaud far is almost level for a distance, plains, au of of where to of they of the of a Let a climate. range .higher fifty-fiv- e degrees- - in summer, we different stations, nlp.i.qnr4. hp- - a of we jn of its balmy many sirous of sights, fcimnlv possible; dressing of nf. Circuit in to nnD.;n imtfHpsfc me ungainly world. of whole of decision be allowed to on trains at of Laramie emnlnvpd Th nf of of legisla- - a rma theroad miles a we on are are no far alkali no its thou- sand are of of an emizrant are to roe reu At do tor ft au iu Ii colored, to be "burden are he oui are we iiau to on me of of In of Schools and Hotels- - JJrpin.aa Occasional 3. The crops i - i ii , uus secuou, uotu curu. inferior, so, perhaps, In any other of country. This is; dwiug to too much rain in the early part of No country beautiful none could be ren dered delightful and productive than Aortu but it has been al most ruined by the excessive, culture of It is a gram stock re fer creek, because of suf-- people give very at-- ferings along mountains August tention either these. A change must and will after while. The people now are full the idea a direct rauroaa to uairo anu sc; Xiouis, wnicn would also give shortest to Nashville. been a little cholera here, it did amount to much, as else that r been, was greatly to bad water, proper attention Hunts- - In question, the "h p,S pI?" T aue TV vUte 13 a charming plaperbut at present an act similar in all to law &tw thf ceTe thing to revive their town. Thehotelis for sale of lands bought by brated tree," a towering closed, but be reopened corpora Ja. have of It Front do standing and of on, nana rise almost alone on standing uui. at to re- - The aiiu are the the more and more tine of cdme them route has not badf"OQd, want of the the will the seen saua soon, it is This be great convenience to travelers. of best schools for boys south is charge of Dr. G. Smith, brother of Smith, city. He a of rare learning and admirably suiteu to giving boys and a thorough educa- tional As a scholar, and as peal It aa to the State; and it only pos- - den. one and thirty-tw- o. miles maa in whole country. Several of Bible that the leeislature of ,9mab.a we 100 Utah Ce.n" young men of Memphis have been the will verv the men the the i . r . . - . ' . : - -- "'i i vuiu uuLCi J3 uiwcu. luiav dov iuul' tuc una congressional uisinct, am mat the great city of the Mormons. Brig- - Poifc house, in X)ec-atu- is the best wnion it aia not do, repealing uam j ouiig anu nis wiiowers, in tneix hotel that was ever kept that the "back-ta- x crabbing" State law. and aisIll lrom "e luuignation or the people place. The proprietor is Dr. Thomas G. main oi nonnwesi, couiu, 1 imnK, Poifc. fnrmirlv of Memnhis. Thenassen- ui muuiiauauues re--1 havA iliaonvcrfvl fnnra omW "7 ItJZ r..T In,- - .1 These acts, pas.ed spot than where he founded Salt Wat Kmithprn md P.it thprp. .ind rp the same and signed on the same Late Clty Tbls gem of the far west 1 deliahted. Why those on the Memphis day should not have been in utter con- - a P.laln almost level. Its streets aud Charleston do not, since two of the V. c as a iuo i trains mere about uiuner-um- e, bo engineer marked oneknows Iam sureit be verv cold streams are. by a of f a ft,m fimv pnnia. jo uiuuuwms, i tjprings, nityitnree mues soum, or ueca- - to flow rapidly tur. on the Louisville and of Coiumbna, Georgia, hits 8id? ?f street, cleansing the eru has a number of. visitors, two-thlr- d. of th nrt- - anu always a cool, nest and is very Dopular. though the accom- - ira aiuiuiuus, iu lueir iu- - are not so goou as iney powewofthlsregionon the beat diistry, now a city of snow-whit- e SoSa be for the price-fi- fty dollars per betting our deeply embedded in, shade. month. have been gen- - pojtioq of accruing, foL 'credit,' 'cotton' and fcac aihi" withf8no3 "e ffourJ lwt ten hleh have very much . I ' I III Pft ft v ' ' i !t1-- . IJolnlng protected. nlllar.' that we now have un. " J T" cTT, improveu tne cropa, eamuy r O CUL iTJll 1 I 1 UHoutourmulesandlands; andinseven the to the west, yet mountains s t i. iitau liih iMNiHiira some warenouse f h rarif Ik iTr "Trvr," this crop And Just a on cast and a bo as the farmers and .planters pur- - mountainous the their present mad poliey of buying aunensions are said to be one to buy corn, atL'SLSSSf.S1 baconandhavwith.andthenpaytwot)er as mountalncua ot a money from April to of this protect it from . . , .. I the ''infuriate winrl io v,- A. M, able and borrowers at the i Atlantic It tabernacle, I- - metropolitan I spheroidical eggghaped. a immediately Indescribably I Presbyterians, understand, Th&Protestant tgeSichurch southernersj a changed: nerrranidlv everything. a a wheat-countr- y charming exceedingly ALABAMA. HuNTSvriiiiE, Alabama, gion.butthe a everywhere w.dnlL ''thousand-mil- e tmS,rariIv thought. a Chancellor a extraordinary greater MEMPHIS FEMALE C0LLE6E, Street. fSHS 'rZTSu IT .Fiy William Carroll, Resident, nf l,nSnnrliiflnn nffio mi I tOO. tbeMormOfj haa tVia I Scholastic Yeaf InEtlta -- rrr comforts that lnterln; 1 wBl.begin onMonUay. September snavine-snop- s, proviueu a "-- n iu. .T-o- in. 1873. and close on rnaay, nW,lr H,,m - - v.vn " "" mesnaae. trees Bait Xiake it, ue wnuie couutry l city is mnoer in Sicht. one counting-roo- m and T JL. H J ae Memphis aLaifobile rail-- o long foreign road at City, Better storrm-- of winter, of of provide thousand nor hundred for tlon laie "uui The all around, and the seem growth than carpet of and waving grain. soli Is as rich aa man cau and the deluded devotees of Mormouiam to give of one-tent- h to the is short,pIaln half The The it appearance fplendidly said .4 Tr.rtata is, world to them disregarding weakening pow sooner After ana I T. Dasseu leave for beau liful plain and hard in decked vision alkali unis that the is living miles roads the rate the! They the the rises The of bears been when supreme. to the summit is each iu their beauty, nearly the winter misrnt round and to the r i. .' qanu oi the lit with bacramento to As dry and of here and landscape lever of I and San Francisco, would long that thermometer loute and the the "pale-face- s" I nf The and and the and point Dunne Correspondent In . .i oi cuuuu very more than part is cotton. and to of of the There but have it attributable and to 'cleanliness. 1878 l One the in whole here, under C. of your is man most young trainiuGr. is i?6? -- w Aif intend to in me not, tiponllfiil " about fertile time is bullton uu luugiii, pas3 best could have them, would Clear, svstem I ofrrnW,. Rtnnnt. "'b"""" and made down either Great South- - The mayor .eac? city, road, large ap-- iiautc. when have dwellings, There rains future called 'cater- - lD& days, il nothing away , shore fertilizerto cotton month iv,nvrnt plain siopes, .larger green ask, stands grade reach! groves manners summer. glvng Vo. 259 Poplar Za rWxvrto and P.ltv oTl M1HE Fifth Of thii the woree :' jui Dare aa, jc The um course of Instruction-tril- l be pur sued as heietofore. The syeUun or ntiTTKS ezaralnaUons will fert Tigldlj iidhered. to, an4 medals and prize wal tied p'apils lor proficiency in the different pa I is a. V 17. lO if " Tne i. healtby i Boaraera family of tb ,.. j. a hool Is located in one of the most id desirable portions or the city cau oe accommouaiou in mo Pres lent. iCnr rnii n, tic Jiaru a to terms, etc., toe rllrAJi VA.BKOLL, A. M VrMlduf oi to tsr. A. TACOIXO. f A. Liquors. B. TACOABO. DICXXAHK. Importers nnd la AND CIGA11S, N07324 Front Street. - Memphis. JPOBESTA. & TrnnTuCiTu TTnnnB tipathdc HAVE REMOVED TO VAOOABO nrwlera JL. 3. TSTo. 270 2P.roxa.-- r Stroot. soUcrted. We now have a larger OUDERS and expect'to keep a lamer and better stock: or Imported and Domestic Liquors. Wine midClg'rs. nn.t LAND FOR SAIE. LOTS ozrsr- - For Sale. jut I have forty lota in the division or ray home place, SO by 150 rcet. Also, my RESI- DENCE, with two acres attached, on Walnut street, which I deslrqto. sell; Also, lota front- - ins on the river, west of the tiayoso house. Persons desiring to purchase can see me at 3IY OFFICE, ro. 373 2L1DT STEEET, JACKSON BLOCK, over Sledge, McKay & CO. myll GEORGE DIXON. Hare Cliauce to Secure a Home. rpHE undersigned will, on tho 21st rtny ol 1 Aucust next, sell at public auction, at Uermantown.Tenn., his plantation, consist-- 1 ingoi tHe.v-iu- u acres 01 goou larmiDg lanus; 100 acres improved, balance well timbered. Situated two miles northeast of German town, and one mile norut or tTirresL mn,xn ine Memphis, and uutrleston railroad, in uneiDy pnnnrv. Trt snTil In 40 nrrR hlotK Terms, of Sale One-slst- h eah on day of sale, a on tne lain day or uctooer next, uaiance one ana two years. Parties desiring to purchafo can obta n plats, and Information as to title, location, e'e, by applying id air. Uen. J- - v. Owen, who lives near tho place, or to Donoho & Bultey, I Real iftate Asentn. or to C. C. Graham. Presl- - I dent Mechanics' and Traders' Bank, Mem-- 1 j.hlK. Tenn. A or addres me at Madlwn. Ark. JOHN PARHAM. fie This Los. EOrjT THREE HUNDKFD AND SIXTY of these beautiful lots fctl'l we will keep t08m open at the on hand, resent LOW PRICKS and LIBERAL TERMS of payment for a short time longer. All who would avail themselves of the present advantage must not delay closing negotiations, for when the, prices are advanced we do not propose to reduce them again. Call get plots and make a thorough inspection of the property without delay.. 1UL&L.1 IU., mj-2- 5 3trilnlloa Street. THREE TALUABLE COTTON PLANTATIONS In Panola Connly, Jlississippi, On Easy Terms acd at Iott Prices. fVE tract. acres, 500 In cultivation; j net income miui. One other tract, 800 acres, 400 in cultiva tion; net income saxju. One other tract, 400 acres, ICO in cultivation; income SSOO. Good gins and cotton presses on eachr good water, goou Duuaings ana good lencmg. gether with good labor, on each place. Will be sold, one-ha-lf paid first January next and balance in twelve months, at gh! 50 per uaiion and once and SOO acre, - l.uil-l.- 'f . It...... ..it.. ,iin i . c. . j n jjiiua.iur, .,1 .n... For full particulars, or correspond with either. sir Any one desiring to loot at said farms wlU call on Cant. S. D. PoweiL at Batesvllle. Misswbo will furnish conveyances and go I with parties to the plantations. IHSUSA2TCE. lelS BLUFF CITY INSURANCE CO,, (Fire and Marine.) So. 333 Main st.jj Mkjiphis, TESif., July 7, 1873. CUT The Board of Directors of this Onmrnint has this day declared a dividend of Ave per itjuu, uuu uruereu il lu ua creuiieu Tne siook notes oi the stockholders. jya W.f IN" -- &2. D. T. n. W. A. 6. O. V. K. A. P1NSON. FIEE A5D MARCTE NSUEANCE COMPANY OF MEMPHIS, TENN., OFTICE HADISOST POKIEB, XOWHSESD, Ticc-Preside- GOODXAJfjSecrctarj. LOIfSDALE, Jr., Aas't Secretary, D.H.TOWNSEND, KAilBABT 11. D. JOaNSON, C J.PHXLLlPSj N. B. 8LEDQE, KS. DA1I, H. UIHECTOKS: RADFORD 1TJHTEB, A.JWH1TB, COFFIJT, McNirrr, BKOOICS. E1SEMAN. feSS NLAND km HEINE INSOBANCE. mO SmPI'KRS AND OTHEES DESIRING effect Inland and Marina insurance, L cau uuw uue tuu PACIFIC MUTUAL INS, CO. OF ISEW OKH, TOTAti ASSETS 81,021,091 59 MhAflfWYTtn fiTfi tittftlTiraa. Herttandlnc lsnot only u first-clas- the umiea eiaies, dui in Europe. IIboh Street. REAL ESTATE. IBEZKVAMT. TUEZEVAXTs RE.iT. ESTATE JEXCULtSTGE OF L. U. T. K. L. s. f. S. 11. JL to in - " J; f. . . S. X. cor. Slain and JcHernon Sto. Rental Departmentlu charge W. D. McCailuro. Bayers and renters or real estate cannot know that they have been best suited intU. tney see our catalogue, wnicn emoraces a large very wnicn ii wiu uiways do our pieaure- - to snow. Tor Sale. That aa tho C. W. ttv nlendld ntonertv known OOODLOELANTAXroN;fitt the counties of Lincoln and. Desha, Arkansas, re- puted one of the-fine- cotton plantations on Arkanaa river, belonging to wno uveal loo great a lwance io gi ve 1 1. per&on-- ai attention, Is oBered for sale at fifth cash, and fonr annual nayments: possession 1st January, 1S74, from, which time deferred payments would date Tho- - has 1C00 one-ha- ir cleared and in a state of cultivation, well drained, securely fenced, all buildings necrasarv. suah residence, labor. ers' cabins and and with an ade- quate force of laborers, most of whom havo resided on the place for the last fifteen years. With a Dlantatlon of such extent and capacity or production a bale to the acre being a safe I estimate the remunerative prices now Dre--1 vailing, ana easy terms upon wnicn if may do bought, an energetio and, experienced cotton-- 1 trrower could easily meet the payments and I seenre a spienam estate. Applications in person or by letter re ceive our special auenuon. i it J. BM1TU, aro to be piM to me, and no other is allowed to receipt lor same. A. 2k in to on as & Jyl5 mivuaeii ituuiuu;, Assignee, HOTHLSl mm house. LINDLEX & 1YIKFPS, PROPRIETORS, LITTLE SOCK, ARE.- - ea Thu Hotel is ne.wlyrarnUhcd thronshont. The table will be found inferior to nana in the Easterri cities. Persons visiting- - Little Bock San. Uave their bagrage checked to the AN- THONY, on application to the baggage mar-- ter on trains' -- We employ no rnnnen. 1RAND ItOTEX. Broad-way- , opposite Con- - erest Parte Kara: oca. new and mag- - nlflceni Hotel, accommodating 1000 persons, openfd Jane i, TUe proprietors have adopted the following "chedule of prices: For June.septembernrtd-October- , trannlentguests, Si SO per dayr weekly pests, tt per day: monthly jjneaa, St 51 per day. For and Angnst, transient i'est, J5 per day; weekly frnesls, Jl 50 p- -r day; monthly ftnestn, ffl per day. Qilmore'u. ramons Boston Jubilee Band Is engaged for the season. Families wishinc to enijagu apartmedts In this modern hotel possesfch-- g of clothes-presseS- r water and electric beli s m every sni, cr apan. ment-- . will apply to oJrfwa vr. VV. U- - TjANI COOrnil HQ fl.wara.wg.i. inn YEAST POWD2ES. Tie; - - r- : r'' t, rrrja, Cnele-Her- a"..z Jt . i C Jfrrfn Itr Pvt nl StiUi . Acl irleryg k j ST uicaf iu. lb CjJiA CSTI ' , :j f.r.i .A li VCRJ, l It ITUi; rTZP 0 i- .J It crry f; e STST TXASTPOWVEK r ir.t'. n, fi tl " So'X ET CROCBSa i OT..HJT39 CVHtTTTCIEnK anactoreJ DGOCBT i. EEOTHXr. 69 STREET. NEW-YOK-? PAE,T2TSKSHIP. IIIP SOTICE. PARTNERS after date. N.M, Trezevant be a-- partner in our business without change of name. TREZEVANT Memphis, June J.P.TKKZEVA5T. y. JU TBKSVA IT. ESTATE XUHANUE. Trezevn,.! i RKAli (successors to Hoyster.Trezevant N. f. Main JeCersonits. While we a s eclaltv of public sales, in ha loug experience is brought to the serlratf our patrons, we are fnUy prepared to at- tention to property in our lianas at private sale, orfor jentorescHauge. na-O- ur Rental uepartment is m cnarge or w . u. jictaiinin, H fully quauuea to gausiaction, ennnuy to lanuioru anu tenanu J e!4 T.i "'-vV- T m. HOOPSKIRTS. souTUKztsr IIOOPSKIRT and CORSET EJANtrFACTORY, No. 8S2 aOTaisi Stro ot. W1IUI.ESAXI: RETAIL. VT"AN tJFACTURE all of tlie popular JolntIes3 WalklneSklrUnnd the Folding Bustles. genuine without trade-mar- k on waistband, constantly ready the largest of Werir. L'01?eau Dnpont Corsets; Abdominal Support Glovc-Flttl- ac Misses Corsets: Stockinir bunrortinz w rsmeios, x.ic. I Goods warrant45d Kina. Crap, Calif. NSW this Mr. will nrm CO. 1ST3. I'o.) and wli give who give AND sizes UL Mem- - phi None stock real and Imr. and hi&w, iress torsei faos, LOI ! LANGE. 2.TJ2JLBSR. LATHS AND SHINGLE WE are constantly sawing and are pre- pared to furnish lumber of all di mensions, Xattas and SftJngles, at snort notice. DENTISTS. de. l mm & SONS, 243 Haitt Street, nTempliis, Term. Teeth Extracted Wltnont ROOFING. riHIOSE in need of good anil gubstantial J. rools will consult their Interests by ex amining our PLASTIC SLATE ROOFING before makimr contracts. Considerici: Its cheapness, durability, and Its Impervionbness to water and lire, it is equal, if not superior. loaayroouDR in use. xls ease oi appiic&uon anu perieci auaptation to roois oi sua either right angles, horizontals orperpendicu. lar mnst commend It to the favorable con. slderadon of the public, valleys of any shape made without tho use or metals of any Anti-Corrosiv- e. No chemical preparation has yet been dis covered which so effectually and securely protect meuu roois irom tne action oi ine atmnsnherp. and from rust, corrosion anu uecay, as u su.uc-W- e refer to Col. L. J. DuPre (Editor Appeal), Chas.Kortrecht.Esa.. Col. P. C Bethell. H. I. who have uedit. u to its merits as a roofing. tor references to ieadlnz citizens of other cities, and examination of samples of roofing. piease cau at our omce, jyis 115 2 Ucnle Street. Fain hence OAVIS & WALKER. EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY .407 Street, Memphis, Tenn. JPurulettt Granular CtmJuncUra. VpMOalmuu tcun jtxmnut. ITioa the treatment or all Diseases and inju- - jl uiese ueucaw organs. Also, all CM UONlCDISKAHES, and diseases oi j.ne- - IjUjuq, XAijii.x, anu jxAanu ua. TABHU, treated with unparalleled success by Medicated Inhalations and other valuable remedial agents. Established expressly to aflbrd the afflicted sounu,ana scientific meoicai aiu. au3 Lu JU CUlMAiN , a. u. CAUKIHGTOH AGENT, IOUAjISIJKI jBOMS OF BOUND MUSIC. Geran of.Sacrea Song. neasor German Sonc. (Jtmn of Scottisb Sons;. Wreath of Gems. Shower of. Pearls, Operatic Pearls, Best Vocal Daets, Opera Songs. .Erlce or each book Bds. S2 SO; CI. S3; Full Tho above volumes are oulte unsumassahlR. as each one is filled and crowded wlih the varloty of property for Jaale and, for rent, and. I best Vocal: Mnslo of its kind. Books are ?50,X tract acres, high will Thts July 11th, make Best large, and wonderfully cheap. Pases fuil sneet-rnusi- c size, ro saj pages.; Rkxembeh oua New ORG AIT. AT HOME. Home is not complete without it. Look a THE STANDARD, for Choirs, EUs..m ItlVSlt 0i LIFE, for Sunday-School-s by any .52 50 1H m The above books for sale bv all dental. ocni, n receipt off price. OLIVER D1TSON 4 CO., Boston CiiAH. H. DITSOX & CO., au2 711 Broadway, New York. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, 35 X AM prepared to take charge of a few Insane Personn. Such accommodations as may De desired can bo secured. On a long and large experience in tho treatment of this class of cases, with a reference to the p ofesclon and BAHKS. ? . Sterling Exchange. USIOS ASD rLANTKEX BAZ Of MEMFniS, ) - - - J one-18- , WEI, 0" Ilavlcg effected proper armngemcnta, this Canlc win hereafter draw en London or LI verpooMn soma to salt purchasers. JeW JC P. ItKAD, Cashier. TREABfjItY DEPARTMENT, ) OmCIO? C0MPTB0I.I.ml0PTUKf01Utl!!CT WAanisOTON, llarch 31, 1K73. J wnsiMS, by MUs factory evidence pre- - sen ted to the undersigned, tt has been m appear lasfr Tho FotirtJi Rational Bank of Memphis, in the city of MempUK In the county or Shelby, and Btolj of Xennewee, hah oeen duly organized coder and according to the requlre-men- ta of the act of Contress entitled "An act to provide n Nastotrat Cnrnmcy secured by a pledge of United 8t te Koaan, nod to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved Jons 3, and has compiled oil the provlnlons of es.ld aot required to be compiled wttit before commencing the busl-neD- H of bunking under said a at. Now, therefore, I, John Jay Knor, Comp- troller of the Currt-ncy- , do hereby certify that Tna Fottxth Natiokai. Bazhc of MmtPiiiH, In the city of Memphis, In the county or Shelby, and State of Tennessee, Is luthortzed to comm6aie the batlne,aof banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of oClce, thia 31t da kT March, 1573. (Slgaetl jSu HYK30X, BLANK BOOKS. PliTTMBER. J. "W. x. BSOWM STEAM AND GAS FITTER 16 Jefferson Street, BETWEEN MAIN AND FRONT PSOPESSIOIiAX. ATTOSSEY-AT-LA- BAKDitj, SJISSISSII'PI. w Keferences: Bates. Flrer M.L-i- l rncham. RontAS k Co ir 3". . MACCA3KB, ATTORNEY AND COUHSBLLOR No. 41 3radison Street. Boom 36, IUO. "W.TEOirPSON xno.t. wjalkneb TH05LPS0N s FALKNEB, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Riple?; Mississippi, Ci FECIAL an.l uroioct attention zlven t O collections In Tippah and adjoinin. counties. Kefer to colonel to. a. finson. Colonel TJt Dlllard. Bouthworth, Thayer tMemphi ATTOSNSY-AT-IA- W, 15 BSIOX STREET, LEE B LOGIC 1IE3IPHI8. TENNESSEE SAH.-SIAKS- R. CASSIDY & MILLER, SAIL MAKERS AND COTTON DUCK AGENTS, NITVSr OKIXAHS, . Z.OTTISZAHA, VTANUFACTUBEBS OF ALL SIZES AND J3X qnaiiues or rinson, Tents, Tarpaulins, Wagon-Cover- s, Every description of "Wcroow and DookShates: also. Flags or all Natioxs Buntings, all colors, etc. Wholesale. lealers m jiasiixa AJn TAnsm lives, ait sizes from the Plymouth Cordate Company. Ply mouth, Mass. We keep on hand, ready for Biupment, a large block or ou ine aoove ora- cles. CASSIDTf 4 MILLER, 197 pvTijus Btbeet, near Camp, ap.1 New OrleiuiA. LoniFJnn. COMMISSION. ESTABLISHED 1855. J. O. MATIIETTSOX, General Gommissiou Merchant, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Beference National Fork BankvNewYork. PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS rBOPOSALS are lnviteil for build Ine a Jail a at Senatobla. Tate county. Jlissfcslrral. xneuruwings anu specincaironscan oeseen' attheofflceof th Architect James Si Madison street, Memphis, Tenn or at-th- office of the Chancery Clerk, O. i West, Sena- - 411 proposals to be sealed and delivered on or before thellst day of July, 1CT3, either with O. F. West, Esq or James B. Cook, Architect? Memphis, Tenn. The Board of Supervisors- reserve, the rizht oi lejeci ing any or au oius. SI With 4 ay oruer ci me uoara. T. S. TATE, President. laZS O.F. WEST. Clerk. SEALKD PROPOSALS- - for the building of Section of the Mississippi Iiirer Telegraph, rom Itfemphls. Tennessee, to Friars Points Plans and. SDeciflcations can be seen at tha omce ur tne Washington insurance Company. The right to accept or reject any or all bids reserved. x. w. BiiuwK, president. O. w. L. ( rook. Acting Secretary. lya) Jl x sso xTTsr?xo:Kr. rpHE copartnoTshlp heretofore existing be- - x tween w. h.jjujsouo ni tt. r. kiit.k-- . LEY, is tills day dissolved by mntual consent, W. B. Donoho having sold his entire interest luuuu unii lu u. ir. uniKipr. wnn MsnntM nil Liitr uuDiuiies oi ine oiu nrm, ana is alone au- uiorizeu. to use ine nrm name m iinnirinMnn U. D. Bulkley will continue the Keal Estate and Allan Lino Steamship Agency on. his own uer wvuria name ana siyie Of Memphls,.Tenn. July 3T, unjj CARD. BULKLEY, X beg to tender my sincere thanks w an inenos, anutocommeoa Dotttmyesu mable former associate and Iheiranortant in terests in which ho- is enznsreil. to the cordial patronage and encouragement of the public. Successors to Donoho 4 Bulkier. 3SA1 ESTATE ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIP AGENCY 30 Madison Street,. Mem phis, Tenn. EE COTTON PRESS. urrr.r. mi hm.tr.rnr. H ft vote my attention td the manufacture of this WSOtlllHT TRfllfl fiCKRff PRESS. 8 it now surpasses all others, both, for horaeroatl stsm power, i am mwk - auuu continue to do so, and sustain the unrivaled character that it has attained and to It is nstly entitled. I alto mn.nnf&ctnre-tha- t extraordinary and most wonderful machine', tho CBeetc Cotton. StiilEs .Crnsber, ntust necessarily su- percede all hand labor for clearing oa the old stalk. . All orders ror euncr mo n - or hills 1iia iielale firm or KKNSEDV community wno Know me, 1 must dopenu for he nddre: rd f -- AND- persona. aeienaw which which i.TUsner public cenfldence. AJd-tJ- s, unu,riii.i bjiu, au2 No, 18 WtCort street. I Jya M. D. CHS, Patenus, deto Wt, SPRIN& CRT GOODS. A1SDMME EM DS On and after MONDAY, JULY 2Stli, we will offer nr Macniflcent htock of At Closing-ou- t Figures. HAVING FtmTKKB EBDTJCED THE PRIt ES OF UUK LINEN LAWNS, PIQUES, PERCALES, GSBNiDMS, - Ladles destroMOf purehaslng may be sabred of UPSECSDENTSD BAH.GJlIU'S IK THSBS GOODS We have also made a Bed action in our elegant line of LADIES' AB VICTORIA LAWN, LGiEM, 6RASS-1INE- N & PIQUE WALIIJfB SUITS Which we are cow offering aX less thra. the eojt of manirfiatare. We will also 0r the meet complete assortment of IHS'HOSIERY.&LOVES&UeERWEAR Ever shown in thLs market, at EXTBAOKDINAXILT ATTHA'.TIVE PRICE?. S4iS and 244 WnixL Street, Coi'. sJe3Fersm. HAHDWAHE-CTJTJLER-GTmS-E- TC. JAS. G. BAF.BO0K. AND DEAXEXS IX- - JAS. G. CUTLERY, BUNS, BUILDING MATERIALS? 1 Agrienltiiral Implements, Stc. 281 JhKJHT ST., CLAY BUIX23Z2TG, IHPOKTIHS removed onr stock of Hardware and to the large and eemmttUoas 331 Haln Mreet. clay BniWloc. we have tn store and are reeoiviBZ- - a much larger and much more complete assortment of goods in oar use titan qrotoforo, mhliili we. offer to Merchants and others vtsitins Mempfai at Kxtromely Loir Flnre. A careiru inspecuonoi outba m rrasaann riuc2i is respectfully seueitea. & SI Special Cutlery AST) AND DEAL EES IN-- AND and SIS S'S AGENTS SPOOFS. SIMPSON 2SSMPHIS, TSlaN". HAVIN'G BiRBOOR SI3IPSOS. HARD WARS CUTLEH.3T. -- inroBTERS AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, T12ii&lT, Deering'3 Horse Engine, Goilett'a Gins, Bradford's Grist 21 lib, Buckeye Reapers and Sowers, Universal Fan 2U13, Case Mills, Evaporators, Steam Engines, Saw mils and Hachinery Gencrallr, Marrin's Eire-Pro- of Safes. 1842 1 THE OLDEST1 HARDWARE HOUSE IN MEMPHIS (1873 A. J. WHITE. A. D. ZANGSTA7T. FS.2I). STICCESSOES TO A. J. "WHITE & CO. TTrYTPORTSHS AWD JOBBERS m 234: 5?ront Street, Memplais. AGENTS rOK 2. WHli'i. Deering's Horse Engines, Branch, Crookes a;cd.'S Circular Saws, Henry Cisslon A Sons' areolar Saws. ZEI-GrX- iE COTTOET C3-X3ST- SHDEDLH COTTOIsT G-XjNT- S, Oj&JTZ V JOEL'S OOTTOK- - G-HiT- S,' ISAAC STRAUB'S C3KELXS"2? TVTTTiXiS Planters' Cotton. Presses, Klrby's Reapers and Mowers. Buford'i Bloek Hawk Wacons.Oas Pipes, Hall's Fire and Burglar Proof Hfes, Vaalt Fronts, Fairbanks' Scales, Rubber Ealtlnjr, Eaektnff and itese. Tirlln Kind Powder Company. TOSELTDfSON'S lUSTTRAKCS AGENCY. Ne 17 9 ANQ t . T..i, - - IN IL, : OF AND - - - IN - 260 3BC 3?B lo. W CO,, IMPLEMENTS STcaipMs, SSTABIjiISHB 1868 :"TOMLINSON Madison Street. QUEEN INSURANCE &. LIVERPOOL LONDON, OAPIT.A SlO,COO,OOb ASSETS UNITED STATES, $722,413 ROYAL INSURANCE GO. LIVERPOOL LO&DOiM, o.:sr3xi'j.a.A.X-B- , $10,000,000 ASSETS UfllTSD STATES, S!,300,0G0t SLOBE MDTUA1 258-AR- BEAS5WAY, 'St w; IETS, ::::::: $31I5 TOML.I3KTS JSaflisoa Street, Mempliis, Tenn. .OSSES ADJUSTED IN MEMPHIS AND PROMPTLY PAID

rIgLlj Pf-W- mm · Aid when we add that European populations will never Jive sandwltched with ne-groes, or toil with them, even when ou c farms, the tecsssity becomes.5 lations.who

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Page 1: rIgLlj Pf-W- mm · Aid when we add that European populations will never Jive sandwltched with ne-groes, or toil with them, even when ou c farms, the tecsssity becomes.5 lations.who

sssiTBBiBsaci t nnn A

lVFOrsi)AY OltM. AI'C? fi. 1ST

jc Tinur.n.n loioOTaivh informs ua wo are not.

aftr all the fuss and fury, to Lave anything like an int"$rnatUHaI Juibroglio out

of the Gordun-UMiio- n onuir. vu uncontrary, the equsbWe- - in Manitobapromises to end ir tho flnrJ escape ol

the swindling scoundrel, whoso onforced

arrest has occasioned tho BL Paul pco

pie, who attcmrWed 'It, eo nittrh doable.11 takes a long-time- " to RwaUea ourEnglish brgtherg t$ anything lifee anadeqwate Senee oT the necessity for quickwork witk criminal?, such is their tense

f feir ptay. . Unlike us, they makehaste slowly, ;heue the abundant opportunities offered fellows of the Gordon

Gordon stripe to perpetrate swindleafter swindle, under ever so manyassumed names awl titles, up-

borne and . sustained by genteelman aera, respectable appearance,' a dfcent wardrobe and plenty of cheok,

After two years of notoriety in theStates as a thief of the firet-clas- s, pub-

lished in, all the. ieafiing papers of thecountry, and advertised in counectionwith his crimes in Xew York, based on

his pretentions and assumptions asmoneyed "lord'' with a high-soundi-

title, here cwmps tlieToronto itfai', lazily e&ougli, and perhaps "loo late," burdened with over three columns of parliculars of history,telliDg us that he is the natural son o;

an English clergyman, Rev. Dr.Hussey,rector of Hayes, in the county of Kentand that from the time of his entranceunou the race of life as a clerk in the.house of White & Son, of Loudon,1S4S, lte has adopted a career of crime.His motto was evidently that attributedto the "poorwWte trash" of our southem country, that work or play"the worldowes him a livings" and he was baundto have it Te jerve his purposes hehas been everything by turns and nothingloog.. He 'hits even assumed theprofessioa of his erring fatherthe more successfully to carry outhis fixed purpose of "bilking" some"

b dy out of a living, but finding thiswould not hoW out well that it wouldtot do to nlav the "dead-bent- " and theminister too, he threw aside the surplice,and put on the coronet, pretending to befirst Lord Giencairn,aDd afterward Lion'Gordon, and. biucular to relate,'playing it - as finely" in Sootland with tbeee titles as in ' .London or New 'York. He has playeda bokl baml, awl always with firm re-

solve to succeed, and- - his victims haveever been among those who, though un-

usually shrewd and sharp in all ottatrmatters, are easily taken in with rankaud title, ami, would promptly resentany attempt by ;our plain, matter-of- -

fact reputyicau rascal to "get them for acent." In London, this Lord Gordon- -Gordon, as Lord Gleucairn, swindledhis attorney or barrister, a gentleman ofhigh repute in his profession,oat of twenty-five ."'thousand dollars,a id with the same easeingratiated him'self into the good graces of the cute,fcharp, long-head- Jay Gould, of HewYork, wlQ Jie "stuck" to the tune ofone hundred and sixty-fiv- e thousanddollars, or thereabouts. Jay and his setwere quite taken with the patronizingc jndeeeenefea of "My Lord Gordon,"their republican training being noshietdagainst the persistent efforts of "mylord" to get into the inside of thegreat Erie ring and share in Itsprofits. The London swell wastoo muek for ifee partner of Fink, thegreatest and sharpest of the Americanswells. He was overcome by him andsuccumbed, aud the result is h I0S3 ofiiearly twe hundred tlieu-tsm- l dollars,an attempted kidnapping in order to hispuni-hme- nt by a Fnitod States court,and the armt and imprisonment of the1kidnappers, with lawsuits in thefuture, involving, mayhap, as muehmore, and, perhaps, to eventuate in the eeeape ef the scrundrel whohas played his little game so well fortwenty-fou- r years this game of"brains'against tne world, which has won.notwithstanding steam and elootricityand all the machinery of the modernsystem of peliee, wjth its exchanges,rogues galleries and deteutlves. It doesseem as if the criminal classes rise equalto any and every emergency of policesupervision. .and skill, and that, likemilitary engineers, they can plan topuzzle those they ooafrent,no matter howheavy their artlllery.how big their guns,or how many their number. Is Gor-dou-Gord- tojprove this and get awayat last?

THE BOTH Bit.Obstructions to Immigration are igno-

rance of modes of cotton culture, andthe supposition that the south, since itexports this and sugar and tobacco, produces nethiBg else. Most men absolute-ly believe that nothing else grows in thesouth but cotton, mules and colored peo-ple. Then, too, the Impression prevailsthat cotton only grow In alluvial fields,and that the whole bouth is one greatmorass aud burial place for strangers.On the contrary, life insurance companies take risks here on the same termsas elsewhere in America, and their tables of mortality show that northernMississippi and counties of western Tennebsee, about Memphis, are as healthfulas any equal area of the United Slates.Then it happens that Europeanfarmers don't know how to cultlvate peculiar southern crops, andthey have beard, thrpugb easternpapers, countless horrible kuklux liesmanufactured for partisan purposes, andthe south has no aecesa to the ears ofEurope, and 'Memphis will not employagencies for the correction of mostgrievous and ruinous errors. There isan obstacle to immigration even greaterthan all these. It consists in the stronglocal attaenmenis or southern farmers.However utterly decayed the residenceand outbuildings on the old homestead,and however uncomfortable, even forlaborers aoeustomed to ahantiea, andhowever exhausted the condition of thefields, and ruinous rthat of barns andfences, the southern fanner, despite thenumber of farmers who should sell, de-mands two prices for hia property. Leta stranger buy a arm near Memphisat twenty-fiv- e dollars per acre.He pays one-thir- d down and ernerts theX . T . J I,. i tl - . "t ,T.

debtedness. When he . finds that theplace has been recklessly cultivated,that the soil is exhausted, that every-thing must be renovated, he learns thathe must expend more on the place thaniu extinguishing the ,purohaKe-iUfrne- y

mortgage. Keckleee, bad farmint;, un-der existing systems, renders, farms un-salable. If the south would attractwhite populations of other States, itmust send abroad newspapers aud de-scriptive pamphlets, it must correet er-

rors of opinion entertained every-where in Europe, it mustsell lands for less money, orenrich farms, and make fences perfect,aud houses decent and comfortable. Aidwhen we add that European populationswill never Jive sandwltched with ne-

groes, or toil with them, even when ouc farms, the tecsssity becomes


lations.who may have their own schoolsand churches. Irraddition to this, theFinancial Bulletin says that the condi-

tion of the' finances of the southernStates operates very directly against themigration of men and capital to thatsection. To common observers,, thespectacle of suspension and repudiationcarries the inference of poverty and ty,

and suggests the possibility ofonerous taxation; and, very naturally,a large majority of settlers prefer to goto sections to which no forbidding Etig- -

mn is attached. Until the southernSlates respectively effect some perma- -

aeat settlement of their finances, atiquarely and as fully aa possible in thoInterest of thir creditors, theyieurrouSd

In their severalcitizenship reatier gomt;glve your accc-unto- f ourwun a certain sugma 01 uiecrewt towhich niRst high-minde- d men refusevoluntarily to subject themselves.

1 Iir. BtD IME OF MEMPHIS.Ve have met recently in many papers

dispatches by the Memphis agent of the.

Associated Press, of July 27th, isth.and29th. Among them thersew Yotk Jour- -

no of Commerce, the paperHbove all other American newspapers,wLich goes into.the hands, specially, allover tlicrcommeroial world, of the menwho are engaged in commerce, finance,manufacturing, and business enterprisesof all Itind.-- These dispatches are objectionable, and seriously so. Hot because

it tlieir "untruth, for probably they aretrue, but for the reason that they helpto create the impression abroadthat the frequent and important events occurring at Memphis,important to be known throughout thecountry, are murders, rapes, roooeries,assassinations, burglaries, epidemic panics, and the catalogue of deviltries generally. These publications give our citya bad name, worse that it really deserves. Uertainiy, muea aime is perpetrated here; but by no means as muchas people elsewhere believe; not more, inproportion, than Is perpetrated in theAmerican cities generally. Our cityhas, probably, a worse name for crimethan anv other citv m the Union, bornedegree of foundation for this has undoubtedly been given by the actual factsthat have occurred here; but moreof it has been given, ana is

tow largely sustained, by the prominence Kiven to criminal newsoythe local reporter; and publicstions of the turn or tne uispaicnesuamed, can have no other influence thano continue and increase our bad reflec

ted. Surely there are events occurringiu Memphis, other than crimes. Thereis some good in Memphis. Event3 dooccur from day to day not calculated tomantle our cheeks with shame. Thesemight be ascertained, and, dissemi-nated by the telegraph, and be creditable to the city and to the citizens; rather Uianasaassinations, murders, burgla-ries, raues and the like. The world hassome interest to know what good occurs

hi well as all the evil. This bad nameis extremely injurious to every useful in-

terest here. We need increase of population, addition to capital, to industrial,commercial,manufacturing, mechanicalbusiness, and the people engaged in thesepursuits. Where crime prevails, criminals naturally gravitate to that place;where Industry, enterprise things thatare good and useful prevail, the kind ofpeople who desire to engage in such pursuits naturally go to that place. Give adog a bad name, and you may as wellkill him. Give a man a bad name, and

ou destroy him. What Is true of manand dog is true of a city. Give it a badname, and it draws to it the criminalana destructive classes, uive to n aood.name, aud it draws to it the good

and useful. Let us do now what we cantruly and fairly to establish for Memphis a good name, and to correct themischief done the city by its having had

bad name.


We made some comment on there--cent decision of the supreme court Inthe. case of MoKee versus McLemore'sheirs, and said: "We do not propose,until the decree of the court has beencarefully read, to define its results." On


Inasmuchall Tmipli

authorized to lauds is repealedThe uses very general terms, andstates that section of theact repeals "alt laws for collectiontaxes and sale land for taxes." We

only of case and state of facts submitted for his and the sweep

terms employed not includesuits instituted for back taxes by

Colonel Anderson. The eightieth section of little statute, itself

aeta "on the subject of the oftaxes and the sale of for taxes in

with the provisions of this acL"The eighth section of the act does notrepeal all laws on the subject, inconfltef with act. are

that the twenty-fir- st of March,

the btate for taxes, but applicableto lands bought by municipal

inu --act smid to been.qu twenty.flfth March,

the day in question was signed.would be strange if

suffering thatin force.

with one another.

gambling-shop.- "





parent jar cf large tracts Cibe sold on time to popu--



From Cheyenne to San Francisco ThoCountry, the Settlements, the Wliito..

Salt Late

People aud the Indians.

andnatlc andlhe Great The

an Occs.Henol Gerrejpendtnt.


Memphis, August 3. me tojorlsdlctiorisenjwable trip, " extended " to the Pu- -"iti after our return to Denver fromSanta Fe. I promise to be as ooncL-- e asbefore; anything beyond a plain historymight be regarded as an unwarrantedsharpening of thd mental sight. I amwarned not to expatiate, by some doubtini? Thomas wlio. nfler hearlni? of the













"two eiDreseed Chinese expresslyseats

letter tibemaclearethan testant

scientious souls would headmaie." jeaxa

snirlt ministrv.wish cloSSJy afrkirs

"quick imagination.' with absoluteAfter littleparty closely 8atisfactbrily.lt'rSbiuee

subject .andlLesermsedthen started California. We'-passe-


Denver Pacific GloriFourth." This line farms

uecting link between Denver Chey-enne Union Pacific passestiirough country almost entirely

timber, coveredbuffalo grass. Cache Poudre

North Platte, both large creekstlawinsr eastward from, mountains.

only streams between .DenverCheyenne. This entire .section

fertility grazingaboutDenver.andl

around Evans Greeley,thelargest road lands

westernforming rapidly

nucleus good society,certainly does distinguish sheep

Mexico, Cheyenne,village perhaps eight hundred seuls





"snow-fences- ,"

.wind-storm- s


portions.seventy-thre- e








openings Wahsatch


which shape




or buildingme

buildings ofnot

sduTcetifTiride every Mormon,awoudrous Itsground-pTa-fl- n

of plIlare,and8upportft Itselfof , building.


ellurtb,grand propor-JioifiMf- ty

walipup presentsonce 'imposing,

finished, walnut by

Intwasermons Mormons, in

a!.1. n 1.

theof glory

fatpnf the I excluded) andconviction that I hail " up ihe I of best in

form of mv first with reserved lor visitingof the sensational the

accept as legiti-- 1 now about sev--

in warning is an ims .. in agw, jjuuMv sprwltive !a tourhed. vet watches

anv to indulce in I and the ofof mere as au

our return to Denver ouc thonty amoutr his as anystudied aud days of Constantino haa

the important ef over his adherents,for

ever on "a con

ou the Ita level,

devoid Df and witlThe la and


theand isregarded as one the apnts auto and purposes althe wasthat and two

towns on the the weretued wiui tne class or

men and aof a feature that

not thecountry oi Colorado or mew

arriving at a



progressive American'-


working-Mormons- .


Mountainspopulation object

Union land, fact, thing. Beyondwere soon westward' desert Humboldt valley with

flo'wingjiver sameThe great Pacific and carpet green.

speed that Teaching valley "Humboldtrailways" Wells" several

creat monopolies, takegenerally about The) Theylookpreciselylikewellsdugandtlie

country from Cheyenne west four hundred barren

with the exception thatportion the Laramie over whichthe road runs, and

not all like the swardsplaiBS Colorado and destituteof save small buthardy growth green bushes calledsage-brus- h and Soon afterleaving Laramie plains

reached. They extend along the:railway calculated traveler,

Sierrassnow-DiocKa- mat


whirlwind, during thelmit,to, many

were not In conseoaeace.the snow the

driftsas to train

weeks. Since the placesuave been wiui lines oi

placed near thecaicmng neavyposed plains will not admit

being erected;dangerous.

along the stations neatlykept, and quite number

rapiuiy as to already thetowns. Laramie City, five

westOmaha, as and

as Cheyenne, and spring andautumn wnisue over town

brinesthe citizens

passing over the


turage, and whichwell watprpd.

country oeyona wiui Darren appear-ance and Juardv

forciblyureary uore pictures m






other their:ime




with awe.route such Juras,

miles tracksweep with





units. Triesosnow

shedswouiu them



winuswith force thatgust upon

Mates. Alter Lara-

seven feet,wnicn airoru

their belncr


arter were were evenbeing


find apparentlythat may true theWr verv


lawride and

tbatsuch action was nght, S 5K2courtcondemn



gen-- ;

withdesert, hundred

distinguisheduio vcvuiMiiun iJUIUiiliMlfrp. rAnHarinw it uuare












diuiV. hsin.derives name thebarren soil, waters

told that: livingiounu onits proau area. rotIswest fifty

code, repeals emigrants




Justbe-run- at


whisky. Thestations


undergonebanks many ago. This stream

so Impregnated asmiter

ther beastbanks

oruuo brush. Ouemiles from Omaha

and theEcho and

the before the passage the act 8reat through


alone, wellas old the

years ago. Theor mese

perpendicularly from the narrowway feet, and

either sidereuei. uomesture meant the same castellated natural monuments, worn

.c.ucujr rrom stone wans.

had give


iiausuppliesjnake has gravelly



Qe wastettTot- -

beeears that the

o,lll,.ui JtvxeepuDg intnere growtn

huo mountainor

rich grassesThe

welltheir church

and and yet not suffer. Thechytch. thattorvastness might compare togrand old'citlcand wonder that if&


the tire edifice

roof thatiithe whole The Is

seats gradualthe

organ, the ornament thebehind the

and aa rearsfeet along thothe domed roof, it


relievedKoldnml crimson, and onethe largest organs the world.

from ttie bat.uui near lextgiveu

The ministers the services

butthe song" theAiormomsm iniaiiiumiy,

invited commune with during service (thi

rabbits." theaad tied number the themattrrnnri i.'romore over-con-- 1 strangers. Brisham Young,

the church, issuiucieni.

and lriultK'.thadisclaim even directs



the the



country told








Gentiles however,

rof the church, andmonism will as

brings infodegrees, stand

leaving Salt Lake Cify, toolCentral raeinc ugaen, i

1 I . 1 1 .aiuuu ui'

shore Corlnae, Utah ffromwhich

stage) andfields of

rewardfew hours

the scene had brightirreen nature hadself of desolation. Only barren glintingjedsor were seen, is

desertRockv and

, it once of thou- - Uhis vast there nowe Pacific in no

ind at I this lies itsspeed of of

do I of beautifulhigh ore this

eastern boast They, likpl are passed. are inall I number and said to have ' no bottom.'

and miles is ofumber, of

or plainsis

at ofof and Kansas,


water surface. wholecountry

idence mighty change, whichplace since ic

desolation reigned

terest.4y-fl- veryheavy, tram requiring engines.

bierrasare aueau noczymountains grandeur,

wierd" welldistance of sixtyJl to

portion (hei wqnderterrible wa&rtbe Grandest scenery the

caused detention of trains during, There throughthe railway navereacneu

Along I nllows ascent by circlingthe windstorms I peaks to sum-forc-

aalluded the

duringpiled solidly in great incut iosr, tne lor




render Allthe are

areso assume

hundredof is

inine the

a a dls


six thousandpas

are forihe

itspatches stunted.

bushes, us of ofme
















and the


thethe by


theby a



the wa3a

the Ileathe On

a six areathe





age,next or in

The the foot thir--

two.the or tne

and mand as

andthis fill his and

thatthe is the

tnethis belt the

the thethe It corn-











is the




the ascent,suow-sucd- ?, which?

make one completepring for fifty miles!

The line from Sierras Sacrais and either. 1 . 1 . . ,

presents some must, ueuuu-ff- rl

scenery Pacific.fore reaching Sacramento ' the roadnasses uortion countrviraiiy teeming verdure.

as the garden theban

Francisco, distant one and thir-ht the road passes

wheat California.passed over saw fields

waving jrraiti iu unbroken line for miles,and extending west as as iheeye could Thevery hot in summer,

lone with smallCalifornia oak there

mie which have altitude I the broad fields, givingit beauty


from color


day tuese






than 6aw allthe soil is cultivated. should likesay omething Sacramento

but themselvesreuuire space letter.

niesay wefoundbanJ?ranoiscoThe

does not thanhis Don Quixote. All along the sixty and

leaving liaramie, Indians the I tolu that the winters,Shoshone and other tribes are seen I more pleasant, there less hulounging about all I inidity. We shall always remembernaintpd Willi vprmlllion. mnnv ilrwcod I Lrpnf. hnv tnwmnnhfl with

careful review decisiou, ridiculous costumes, de- - J cause climate andit be that court had I imitating the as I novel and the kind

it thp mpHnn whoiiipr near as a few and sociable the people, andi --- - .. . . ... , (finw, ...i ' u ... i . : ,1

the COUrt Mas light refusing wiri Milt. In snmp t.h rnnntrv incwuuemu jauua jepoiieu uuuef oiui adorn their Indians the - k. d

for taxes, that I along the Union and Central Pacific are I 1 'the extent the mav all free

asthe law under which the was the road-han- fmiw-sne- lit rimlpr.i







They requiresalary, reliable as

drinkerally present looks bordervillages, fea-tures. The seven

suppose, that tho sixty miles west Omaha, is. , ui aiuuu uiq Jca--in runroa ... ' . . 0o cine roaa. is a natural



this con



I thing isdistant

Creek station. Fromfollows

celebrated littlestituting mighty only all



the aet



notthebut few

outlet was

thisBit- -


its yearsis withto be tnorougnry and feud. Nei

man nor can drink it, andthere is alone


mightyKnown as Weber

on3. passeslegislature.adopted

tHTcanshe Tneyneeome- -

pineland-mar- k on

route either I

passesroad-- 1

iu ooiu rowerinir and 1

timewis aj m vunmiBiiQns anu Og-

genius to to t



rTnrm ror toyear's with. the

long shore on west.

Mnnri;cent mdst

doors of kwnr

THoot.v uecome no

wastL Kacsas



saintsis a


affair.oval, Iwdvrof



of theaters.colossal in

pulpit;bare, white




neither case i aconduct


odiats. or

or its








glory ofor depart

-couutry, higher

at jnLime we

northern topoint passengers

with grainfruit-tre- es flowers,


ofto be

preat betweenSierras.


averase eurhteen the


tothe about evof a


Sierras are the pointfor



for a entrancemiles. It was on of mind as

sufferintr ofno

cne iniilbtl. of

resistless. theof







uiences thrjughof all of taKengether, would cov--

mento rapid descent, .

on Central. Be

throus--tne Tlcuest;

beautiful as spots ofMormons, irom

hundredmiles, through

the great country ofwe it we

eastaud faris

almostlevel for a distance,

plains, au ofof where

to ofthey of

the of aLeta climate.

range .higher fifty-fiv- e

degrees- - in summer, we

different stations,nlp.i.qnr4. hp--

a of we jn of its balmy manysirous of sights,

fcimnlv possible; dressing ofnf.

Circuit in to nnD.;n imtfHpsfcme ungainly world.

ofwhole of decision be allowed to on trains at

of Laramie emnlnvpd Th nf


legisla- -



theroad miles






no itsthou-

sand are

of of

an emizrant

are to

roe reu At

dotor ft




to be














Schools and Hotels- -

JJrpin.aa Occasional3. The crops

i - i ii ,uus secuou, uotu curu.

inferior, so, perhaps,In any other of country. Thisis; dwiug to too much rain in the earlypart of No country

beautiful none could be rendered delightful and productivethan Aortu but it has been almost ruined by the excessive, culture of

It is a gram stock refer creek, because of suf-- people give very at--ferings along



tention either these. A changemust and will after while. Thepeople now are full the idea a directrauroaa to uairo anu sc; Xiouis, wnicnwould also give shortestto Nashville. been a littlecholera here, it did amount tomuch, as else thatr been, was greatlyto bad water,proper attention Hunts- -

In question, the "h p,S pI?" Taue TV vUte 13 a charming plaperbut at presentan act similar in all to law &tw thf ceTe

thing to revive their town. Thehotelisfor sale of lands bought by brated tree," a towering closed, but be reopened

corporaJa. have





standing and

of on,nana rise almost

aloneon standinguui.at to





themore and




them routehas


badf"OQd, want of

thethe will

the seen


soon, it is This be greatconvenience to travelers. of

best schools for boyssouth is charge of Dr. G.Smith, brother of Smith,

city. He a of rare learningand admirably suiteu to givingboys and a thorough educa-tional As a scholar, and as

peal It aa to the State; and it only pos-- den. one and thirty-tw- o. miles maa in whole country. Several ofBible that the leeislature of ,9mab.a we 100 Utah Ce.n" young men of Memphis have been



verv the



i . r . . - . ' . : - --"'i i vuiu uuLCi J3 uiwcu. luiav dov iuul' tucuna congressional uisinct, am mat the great city of the Mormons. Brig-- Poifc house, in X)ec-atu- is the bestwnion it aia not do, repealing uam j ouiig anu nis wiiowers, in tneix hotel that was ever kept thatthe "back-ta- x crabbing" State law. and aisIll lrom "e luuignation or the people place. The proprietor is Dr. Thomas G.


oi nonnwesi, couiu, 1 imnK, Poifc. fnrmirlv of Memnhis. Thenassen-ui muuiiauauues re--1 havA iliaonvcrfvl fnnra omW "7 ItJZ r..T In,- - .1

These acts, pas.ed spot than where he founded Salt Wat Kmithprn md P.it thprp. .ind rpthe same and signed on the same Late Clty Tbls gem of the far west 1 deliahted. Why those on the Memphisday should not have been in utter con- - a P.laln almost level. Its streets aud Charleston do not, since two of the


c as a iuo i trains mere about uiuner-um- e, boengineer marked oneknows Iam sureit be verv

cold streams are. by a of fa ft,m fimv pnnia.jo uiuuuwms, i tjprings, nityitnree mues soum, or ueca- -

to flow rapidly tur. on the Louisville andof Coiumbna, Georgia, hits 8id? ?f street, cleansing the eru has a number of. visitors,

two-thlr- d. of th nrt- - anu always a cool, nest and is very Dopular. though the accom- -ira aiuiuiuus, iu lueir iu- - are not so goou as iney

powewofthlsregionon the beat diistry, now a city of snow-whit- e SoSa be for the price-fi- fty dollars perbetting our deeply embedded in, shade. month. have been gen- -

pojtioq of accruing, foL 'credit,' 'cotton' and fcac aihi" withf8no3 "e ffourJ lwt ten hleh have very much.I ' I III Pft ft v ' ' i !t1-- .



nlllar.' that we now have un. " J T" cTT, improveu tne cropa, eamuyr O CUL iTJll 1 I 1

UHoutourmulesandlands; andinseven the to thewest, yet mountains

s t i. iitau liih iMNiHiirasome warenouse fh rarif Ik iTr "Trvr,"this crop And Just a on cast and a

bo as the farmers and .planters pur- - mountainous thetheir present mad poliey of buying aunensions are said to be one

to buy corn, atL'SLSSSf.S1baconandhavwith.andthenpaytwot)er as mountalncua ota money from April to of this protect it from

. . , .. I the ''infuriate winrl io v,-

A. M,able and borrowers at the i Atlantic It




eggghaped. a













wheat-countr- y









w.dnlL''thousand-mil- e tmS,rariIv

thought. a







fSHS 'rZTSu IT .Fiy William Carroll, Resident,

nf l,nSnnrliiflnn nffio mi I tOO. tbeMormOfj haa tVia I Scholastic Yeaf InEtlta--rrr comforts that lnterln; 1 wBl.begin onMonUay. Septembersnavine-snop- s, proviueu a "--

n iu. .T-o- in. 1873. and close on rnaay,nW,lr H,,m - -

v.vn " "" mesnaae. trees Bait Xiakeit, ue wnuie couutry l city is mnoer in Sicht.

one counting-roo- m and

T JL.H J ae Memphis aLaifobile rail-- o

long foreign road at City,













"uuiThe all around, and the

seem growth thancarpet of and

waving grain. soli Is as rich aaman cau and the deluded devoteesof Mormouiam to give

of one-tent- h to the







.4 Tr.rtata


world tothem

disregardingweakening pow



I T.Dasseu

leave forbeau

liful plainand


in deckedvision

alkali unisthat the



the rate the!They



rises Theof bears

beenwhen supreme.

to the summit iseach

iu theirbeauty,

nearly the

winter misrnt



ther i. .'qanu oi



bacramento to


dry and

of here and

landscape leverof I

andSan Francisco,would long


loute and


the"pale-face- s"









CorrespondentIn. .i oi cuuuu

very more thanpart


cotton. and


of of


have it attributableand

to 'cleanliness.1878


One thein whole

here, under C.of

your is manmost



-- wAif

intend to inme not,

tiponllfiil "about fertile

time isbullton

uu luugiii, pas3best could have them, wouldClear, svstem I ofrrnW,. Rtnnnt.

"'b""""and made down either Great South- -The mayor .eac? city, road, large

ap--iiautc.when havedwellings, There rains

future called 'cater- - lD& days,ilnothing



fertilizerto cotton



plainsiopes, .larger










Vo. 259 Poplar


rWxvrto and P.ltv oTl M1HE Fifth Of thiitheworee :' jui


aa, jcThe um course of Instruction-tril- l be pur

sued as heietofore.The syeUun or ntiTTKS ezaralnaUons will

fert Tigldlj iidhered. to, an4 medals and prizewal tied p'apils lor proficiency in the differentpa








Tne i.healtby i

Boaraerafamily of tb


ahool Is located in one of the mostid desirable portions or the city

cau oe accommouaiou in moPres lent.

iCnr rnii n, tic Jiaru a to terms, etc., toe

rllrAJi VA.BKOLL, A. M VrMlduf






Liquors.B. TACOABO.


Importers nnd la


N07324 Front Street. - Memphis.

JPOBESTA. &TrnnTuCiTu TTnnnB tipathdc




JL. 3.

TSTo. 270 2P.roxa.-- r Stroot.soUcrted. We now have a largerOUDERS and expect'to keep a lamer and

better stock: or Imported and DomesticLiquors. Wine midClg'rs. nn.t


LOTSozrsr- -

For Sale.jut I have forty lota in the division or ray

home place, SO by 150 rcet. Also, my RESI-

DENCE, with two acres attached, on Walnutstreet, which I deslrqto. sell; Also, lota front- -

ins on the river, west of the tiayoso house.

Persons desiring to purchase can see me at3IY OFFICE, ro. 373 2L1DT STEEET,JACKSON BLOCK, over Sledge, McKay & CO.


Hare Cliauce to Secure a Home.rpHE undersigned will, on tho 21st rtny ol

1 Aucust next, sell at public auction, atUermantown.Tenn., his plantation, consist-- 1ingoi tHe.v-iu- u acres 01 goou larmiDg lanus;100 acres improved, balance well timbered.Situated two miles northeast of German town,and one mile norut or tTirresL mn,xn ineMemphis, and uutrleston railroad, in uneiDypnnnrv. Trt snTil In 40 nrrR hlotK

Terms, of Sale One-slst- h eah on day ofsale, a on tne lain day or uctooernext, uaiance one ana two years.

Parties desiring to purchafo can obta nplats, and Information as to title, location,e'e, by applying id air. Uen. J- - v. Owen, wholives near tho place, or to Donoho & Bultey, I

Real iftate Asentn. or to C. C. Graham. Presl- - I

dent Mechanics' and Traders' Bank, Mem--1j.hlK. Tenn.


or addres me at Madlwn. Ark.JOHN PARHAM.

fie This Los.EOrjT THREE HUNDKFD AND SIXTYof these beautiful lots fctl'l

we will keep t08m open at theon hand,

resent LOWPRICKS and LIBERAL TERMS of paymentfor a short time longer. All who would availthemselves of the present advantage mustnot delay closing negotiations, for whenthe, prices are advanced we do not propose toreduce them again. Call get plots andmake a thorough inspection of the propertywithout delay..

1UL&L.1 IU.,mj-2-5 3trilnlloa Street.



In Panola Connly, Jlississippi,

On Easy Terms acd at Iott Prices.fVE tract. acres, 500 In cultivation;j net income miui.

One other tract, 800 acres, 400 in cultivation; net income saxju.

One other tract, 400 acres, ICO in cultivation;income SSOO.

Good gins and cotton presses on eachr goodwater, goou Duuaings ana good lencmg.gether with good labor, on each place.

Will be sold, one-ha-lf paid first Januarynext and balance in twelve months, at gh! 50per uaiion





acre,- l.uil-l.- 'f . It...... ..it.. ,iini . c. . j n jjiiua.iur, .,1 .n...

For full particulars, or correspond with either.sir Any one desiring to loot at said farms

wlU call on Cant. S. D. PoweiL at Batesvllle.Misswbo will furnish conveyances and go I

with parties to the plantations.




(Fire and Marine.) So. 333 Main st.jj

Mkjiphis, TESif., July 7, 1873.CUT The Board of Directors of this Onmrnint

has this day declared a dividend of Ave peritjuu, uuu uruereu il lu ua creuiieu Tnesiook notes oi the stockholders.

jya W.f


-- &2.

D. T.

n.W. A.


O. V.K. A. P1NSON.






XOWHSESD, Ticc-Preside-


LOIfSDALE, Jr., Aas't Secretary,








mO SmPI'KRS AND OTHEES DESIRINGeffect Inland and Marina insurance, L

cau uuw uue tuu



TOTAti ASSETS 81,021,091 59MhAflfWYTtn fiTfi tittftlTiraa.Herttandlnc lsnot only u first-clas- the

umiea eiaies, dui in Europe.

IIboh Street.



L.U. T.

K. L.s. f.S. 11.

JL to


- "

J; f.

. .

S. X. cor. Slain and JcHernon Sto.

Rental Departmentlu charge W. D. McCailuro.Bayers and renters or real estate cannot

know that they have been best suited intU.tney see our catalogue, wnicn emoraces a large verywnicn ii wiu uiways do our pieaure- - to snow.

Tor Sale. Thataa tho




nlendld ntonertv knownOOODLOELANTAXroN;fitt the

counties of Lincoln and. Desha, Arkansas, re-puted one of the-fine- cotton plantations onArkanaa river, belonging towno uveal loo great a lwance io gi ve 1 1. per&on-- ai

attention, Is oBered for sale at fifthcash, and fonr annual nayments: possession1st January, 1S74, from, which time deferredpayments would date Tho- - has 1C00

one-ha- ir cleared and in a state ofcultivation, well drained, securely fenced, allbuildings necrasarv. suah residence, labor.ers' cabins and and with an ade-quate force of laborers, most of whom havoresided on the place for the last fifteen years.With a Dlantatlon of such extent and capacityor production a bale to the acre being a safe I

estimate the remunerative prices now Dre--1vailing, ana easy terms upon wnicn if may dobought, an energetio and, experienced cotton-- 1

trrower could easily meet the payments and I

seenre a spienam estate.Applications in person or by letter re

ceive our special auenuon.

i itJ. BM1TU, aro to be piM to me, and noother is allowed to receipt lor same.

A. 2k






Jyl5 mivuaeii ituuiuu;, Assignee,


mm house.



ea Thu Hotel is ne.wlyrarnUhcd thronshont.The table will be found inferior to nana in theEasterri cities. Persons visiting- - Little Bock

San. Uave their bagrage checked to the AN-

THONY, on application to the baggage mar--

ter on trains'-- We employ no rnnnen.

1RAND ItOTEX. Broad-way- , opposite Con- -

erest Parte Kara: oca. new and mag--nlflceni Hotel, accommodating 1000 persons,openfd Jane i, TUe proprietors haveadopted the following "chedule of prices: ForJune.septembernrtd-October- , trannlentguests,Si SO per dayr weekly pests, tt per day:monthly jjneaa, St 51 per day. For andAngnst, transient i'est, J5 per day; weeklyfrnesls, Jl 50 p--r day; monthly ftnestn, ffl perday. Qilmore'u. ramons Boston Jubilee BandIs engaged for the season. Families wishincto enijagu apartmedts In this modern hotelpossesfch--g of clothes-presseS- r

water and electric beli s m every sni, cr apan.ment-- . will apply to oJrfwa vr. VV. U- -TjANI COOrnil HQ fl.wara.wg.i. inn


Tie; - - r - : r'' t, rrrja,Cnele-Her- a"..z Jt . i C Jfrrfn Itr Pvt nlStiUi . Acl irleryg k j S T uicaf iu. lb CjJiACSTI ' , :j f.r.i .A li VCRJ, l It ITUi; rTZP 0

i- .J It crry f; e STST TXASTPOWVEK

r ir.t'. n, fi tl "So'X ET CROCBSa i OT..HJT39 CVHtTTTCIEnK



IIIP SOTICE.PARTNERS after date. N.M,Trezevant be a-- partner in our businesswithout change of name.

TREZEVANTMemphis, June

J.P.TKKZEVA5T. y. JU TBKSVA IT.ESTATE XUHANUE. Trezevn,.! iRKAli(successors to Hoyster.Trezevant

N. f. Main JeCersonits. While wea s eclaltv of public sales, in ha

loug experience is brought to the serlratfour patrons, we are fnUy prepared to at-tention to property in our lianas at privatesale, orfor jentorescHauge. na-O- ur Rentaluepartment is m cnarge or w . u. jictaiinin,

H fully quauuea to gausiaction,ennnuy to lanuioru anu tenanu

J e!4 T.i "'-vV-T m.



No. 8S2 aOTaisi Stro ot.W1IUI.ESAXI: RETAIL.

VT"AN tJFACTURE allof tlie popular JolntIes3

WalklneSklrUnnd theFolding Bustles.

genuine without trade-mar-kon waistband, constantlyready the largest ofWerir. L'01?eau DnpontCorsets; Abdominal Support

Glovc-Flttl-ac MissesCorsets: Stockinir bunrortinzw rsmeios, x.ic.

I Goods warrant45d


Crap, Calif.


this Mr.will





who give



Mem- -phi None

stock realand

Imr. andhi&w, iress torsei faos,




WE are constantly sawing and are pre-pared to furnish lumber of all di

mensions, Xattas and SftJngles, at snortnotice.


de. l mm & SONS,

243 Haitt Street, nTempliis, Term.

Teeth Extracted Wltnont


riHIOSE in need of good anil gubstantialJ. rools will consult their Interests by examining our

PLASTIC SLATE ROOFINGbefore makimr contracts. Considerici: Itscheapness, durability, and Its Impervionbnessto water and lire, it is equal, if not superior.loaayroouDR in use. xls ease oi appiic&uonanu perieci auaptation to roois oi suaeither right angles, horizontals orperpendicu.lar mnst commend It to the favorable con.slderadon of the public, valleys of anyshape made without tho use or metals of any

Anti-Corrosiv- e.

No chemical preparation has yet been discovered which so effectually and securelyprotect meuu roois irom tne action oi ineatmnsnherp. and from rust, corrosionanu uecay, as u su.uc-W- e

refer to Col. L. J. DuPre (Editor Appeal),Chas.Kortrecht.Esa.. Col. P. C Bethell. H. I.who have uedit. u to its merits as a roofing.

tor references to ieadlnz citizens of othercities, and examination of samples of roofing.piease cau at our omce,

jyis115 2 Ucnle Street.





.407 Street, Memphis, Tenn.

JPurulettt Granular CtmJuncUra.VpMOalmuu tcun jtxmnut.ITioa the treatment or all Diseases and inju- -jl uiese ueucaw organs.

Also, all CM UONlCDISKAHES, and diseasesoi j.ne- - IjUjuq, XAijii.x, anu jxAanu ua.TABHU, treated with unparalleled success byMedicated Inhalations and other valuableremedial agents.

Established expressly to aflbrd the afflictedsounu,ana scientific meoicai aiu.

au3 Lu JU CUlMAiN , a. u.


Geran of.Sacrea Song.neasor German Sonc.

(Jtmn of Scottisb Sons;.Wreath of Gems.

Shower of. Pearls, Operatic Pearls,Best Vocal Daets, Opera Songs.

.Erlce or each book Bds. S2 SO; CI. S3; Full

Tho above volumes are oulte unsumassahlR.as each one is filled and crowded wlih the

varloty of property for Jaale and, for rent, and. I best Vocal: Mnslo of its kind. Books are


tractacres, high







large, and wonderfully cheap. Pases fuilsneet-rnusi- c size, ro saj pages.;

Rkxembeh oua NewORG AIT. AT HOME.

Home is not complete without it.Look a

THE STANDARD, for Choirs, EUs..m

ItlVSlt 0i LIFE, for Sunday-School-s



.52 50


The above books for sale bv all dental.ocni, n receipt off price.


au2 711 Broadway, New York.



X AM prepared to take charge of a fewInsane Personn. Such accommodations asmay De desired can bo secured. On a long andlarge experience in tho treatment of this classof cases, with a reference to the p ofesclon and


Sterling Exchange.

USIOS ASD rLANTKEX BAZ Of MEMFniS, )- - - J one-18-, WEI,

0" Ilavlcg effected proper armngemcnta,this Canlc win hereafter draw en London orLI verpooMn soma to salt purchasers.


OmCIO? C0MPTB0I.I.ml0PTUKf01Utl!!CTWAanisOTON, llarch 31, 1K73. J

wnsiMS, by MUs factory evidence pre--sen ted to the undersigned, tt has been mappear lasfr

Tho FotirtJi Rational Bank ofMemphis,

in the city of MempUK In the county orShelby, and Btolj of Xennewee, hah oeen dulyorganized coder and according to the requlre-men- ta

of the act of Contress entitled "An actto provide n Nastotrat Cnrnmcy secured by apledge of United 8t te Koaan, nod to providefor the circulation and redemption thereof,"approved Jons 3, and has compiledoil the provlnlons of es.ld aot required to becompiled wttit before commencing the busl-neD- H

of bunking under said aat.Now, therefore, I, John Jay Knor, Comp-

troller of the Currt-ncy- , do hereby certify thatTna Fottxth Natiokai. Bazhc of MmtPiiiH,In the city of Memphis, In the county orShelby, and State of Tennessee, Is luthortzedto comm6aie the batlne,aof banking underthe act aforesaid.

In testimony whereof witness my hand andseal of oClce, thia 31t da kT March, 1573.

(Slgaetl jSu HYK30X,



J. "W. x. BSOWM


16 Jefferson Street,




BAKDitj, SJISSISSII'PI.w Keferences: Bates. Flrer

M.L-i-l rncham. RontAS k Co ir

3". . MACCA3KB,


No. 41 3radison Street. Boom 36,

IUO. "W.TEOirPSON xno.t. wjalknebTH05LPS0N s FALKNEB,

ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW,Riple?; Mississippi,

Ci FECIAL an.l uroioct attention zlven tO collections In Tippah and adjoinin.counties.

Kefer to colonel to. a. finson. Colonel TJtDlllard. Bouthworth, Thayer tMemphi









Tents, Tarpaulins, Wagon-Cover- s,

Every description of "Wcroow andDookShates: also. Flags or all NatioxsBuntings, all colors, etc. Wholesale. lealersm jiasiixa AJn TAnsm lives, ait sizesfrom the Plymouth Cordate Company. Plymouth, Mass. We keep on hand, ready forBiupment, a large block or ou ine aoove ora-cles. CASSIDTf 4 MILLER,

197 pvTijus Btbeet, near Camp,ap.1 New OrleiuiA. LoniFJnn.




General Gommissiou Merchant,AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.

Beference National Fork BankvNewYork.



rBOPOSALS are lnviteil for build Ine a Jaila at Senatobla. Tate county. Jlissfcslrral.

xneuruwings anu specincaironscan oeseen'attheofflceof th Architect JamesSi Madison street, Memphis, Tenn or at-th-

office of the Chancery Clerk, O. i West, Sena--

411 proposals to be sealed and delivered onor before thellst day of July, 1CT3, either withO. F. West, Esq or James B. Cook, Architect?Memphis, Tenn.

The Board of Supervisors- reserve, the rizhtoi lejeci ing any or au oius.




ay oruer ci me uoara.T. S. TATE, President.

laZS O.F. WEST. Clerk.

SEALKD PROPOSALS- - for the building ofSection of the

Mississippi Iiirer Telegraph,rom Itfemphls. Tennessee, to Friars PointsPlans and. SDeciflcations can be seen at tha

omce ur tne Washington insurance Company.The right to accept or reject any or all bids

reserved. x. w. BiiuwK, president.O. w. L. ( rook. Acting Secretary. lya)

Jl xssoxTTsr?xo:Kr.rpHE copartnoTshlp heretofore existing be--x tween w. h.jjujsouo ni tt. r. kiit.k-- .

LEY, is tills day dissolved by mntual consent,W. B. Donoho having sold his entire interestluuuu unii lu u. ir. uniKipr. wnn MsnntM nilLiitr uuDiuiies oi ine oiu nrm, ana is alone au-uiorizeu. to use ine nrm name m iinnirinMnnU. D. Bulkley will continue the Keal Estateand Allan Lino Steamship Agency on. his ownuer wvuria name ana siyie Of

Memphls,.Tenn. July 3T, unjj

CARD.BULKLEY, X beg to tender my sincere thanksw an inenos, anutocommeoa Dotttmyesumable former associate and Iheiranortant interests in which ho- is enznsreil. to the cordialpatronage and encouragement of the public.

Successors to Donoho 4 Bulkier.



30 Madison Street,. Mem phis, Tenn.


urrr.r. mi hm.tr.rnr. H ftvote myattention td the manufacture of this

WSOtlllHT TRfllfl fiCKRff PRESS. 8 itnow surpasses all others, both, for horaeroatlstsm power, i am mwk - auuucontinue to do so, and sustain the unrivaledcharacter that it has attained and toIt is nstly entitled.

I alto mn.nnf&ctnre-tha- t extraordinary andmost wonderful machine', tho CBeetc Cotton.StiilEs .Crnsber, ntust necessarily su-percede all hand labor for clearing oa the oldstalk. .

All orders ror euncr mo n - orhills 1iia iielale firm or KKNSEDV community wno Know me, 1 must dopenu for he nddre: rd f






public cenfldence. AJd-tJ- s, unu,riii.i bjiu,au2 No, 18 WtCort street. I Jya M. D. CHS, Patenus,






On and after MONDAY, JULY 2Stli, we will offer nrMacniflcent htock of



- Ladles destroMOf purehaslng may be sabred of


We have also made a Bed action in our elegant line of LADIES' ABVICTORIA LAWN, LGiEM, 6RASS-1INE- N & PIQUE WALIIJfB SUITS

Which we are cow offering aX less thra. the eojt of manirfiatare. We will also 0r the meetcomplete assortment of


S4iS and 244 WnixL Street, Coi'. sJe3Fersm.







Agrienltiiral Implements, Stc.281 JhKJHT ST.,



removed onr stock of Hardware and to the large and eemmttUoas331 Haln Mreet. clay BniWloc. we have tn store and are reeoiviBZ- - a much

larger and much more complete assortment of goods in oar use titan qrotoforo, mhliili we.offer to Merchants and others vtsitins Mempfai at Kxtromely Loir Flnre.

A careiru inspecuonoi outba m rrasaann riuc2i is respectfully seueitea.&
















Deering'3 Horse Engine, Goilett'a Gins, Bradford's Grist 21 lib, Buckeye Reapersand Sowers, Universal Fan 2U13, Case Mills, Evaporators, Steam Engines,

Saw mils and Hachinery Gencrallr, Marrin's Eire-Pro- of Safes.





234: 5?ront Street, Memplais.AGENTS rOK

2. WHli'i.

Deering's Horse Engines, Branch, Crookes a;cd.'S Circular Saws, HenryCisslon A Sons' areolar Saws.




ISAAC STRAUB'S C3KELXS"2? TVTTTiXiSPlanters' Cotton. Presses, Klrby's Reapers and Mowers. Buford'i Bloek Hawk

Wacons.Oas Pipes, Hall's Fire and Burglar Proof Hfes, VaaltFronts, Fairbanks' Scales, Rubber Ealtlnjr, Eaektnff and itese.

Tirlln Kind Powder Company.


Ne 17


ANQ t .

T..i, - -IN IL, :


- - -IN -


3BC 3?B

lo. W






Madison Street.




o.:sr3xi'j.a.A.X-B- , $10,000,000ASSETS UfllTSD STATES, S!,300,0G0t


'St w ;

IETS, ::::::: $31I5TOML.I3KTS

JSaflisoa Street, Mempliis, Tenn.