Right Way to Make Rice

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Right Way to Make Rice

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The key is to remove the starch

The key is to remove the starch. Cheers. White (BASMATI) Long Grain Rice White rice is easy. Forget what it says on packets. 1. Always use long grain (1 teacup for 3 people) (I prefer Basmati for perfumed smell, flavor and taste); 2. Rinse rice in a sieve in cold water 3. Fill a large pot to with water, add salt and at least 25 g butter and bring to boil; 4. Add rice, stirring well to avoid any sticking, the butter helps in this respect 5. Cover, bring back to boil and simmer for 10/12 mins until rice is soft but still has a slight bite 6. Meanwhile boil water in a kettle; 7. After 10/12 minutes, drain rice in sieve then pour over with hot water from kettle; 8. Stir with fork; Stick free rice.