Riga Project Feasibility Study

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  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study



    FEASIBILITY STUDYPreparation and Analysis:

    Bank Financing ofConstruction Project

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Project

    Two stories of a commercial Western standard"mall" area retail commercial establishments a bank service establishments (laundry, dry-cleaning etc) up-scale restaurants fast-food facilities a night-club and disco

    office and residentialThis shopping mall space will be the first of its

    kind in and around Riga

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Project

    The project site is situated on the mainhighway between Riga and RigaInternational Airport.

    3 - 4 minutes to reach the Mall site from thecenter of Riga by way of the bridge over theDaugava River

    3 minutes' drive to the southwest is an old-

    Soviet-style multiple high-rise housingcomplexes in which close to a quarter of amillion persons presently reside.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Project

    The project site is situated on the mainhighway between Riga and RigaInternational Airport.

    Most of these people work in Riga and mustreach their jobs by using the highway, thusensuring that they will pass the Mall twice a day

    There are virtually no shopping facilities of anysize or substance in the vicinity of this housingarea.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    DESCRIPTION: $48 million conventionalconstruction and/or take out loan (mortgage);term: 7 10Years (Terms flexible), rate: 10%(or lower).

    SECURITY: (1)Mortgage of land and improvement to be executed

    by MESA (land - or such other entity as to which theland may be conveyed at the start of construction) andMOS-MALL (improvement);

    (2) Full guarantee of initial draw- down; (3) Performance and payment (subcontractors and

    suppliers) bond.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    EQUITY: Flexible in terms of debt equitymix but can be structured to include: (1) straight equity injections

    (2) land; worth after clearing which has beencompleted - $1.5 million presently owned byMESA and investors;

    (3) preparation of design and engineering

    drawings by MESA ($1 million +/-) (4) condo sales $3 - $5 million held in escrow.

    (4) LOC enhancements and/or structures.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    PURPOSE: Construction of commercial Westernstandard "mall" area which will contain retailcommercial establishments (a large western"department store selling mid-range goods priced

    to be affordable, and a large auto show-room willserve as an anchor tenants), up-scale restaurants,a general-purpose hall, above ground parking, apetrol and refueling station, and a 13-14-storyoffice/residential apartment tower. With a

    tentative list of viable, interested parties, tenantcommitments will grow quickly once projectreceives a conditional commitment.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    PROJECT SITE: Situated on principal routeto new Riga International airport. Mostpeople work in Riga and must reach jobs by

    using the highway, ensuring that they passthe Mall twice a day. Virtually no shoppingfacilities of any size or substance exist in

    vicinity of this project.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    EQUITY YIELDS: Final deal structure willdetermine project equity yields.

    While preliminary analysis point to average

    equity ROE 31.9%, returns appear understated.

    If rents increase beyond projection assumptionsrelative to supply/demand factors, increase in

    GDP, continuing control of inflation, andexpected increase in disposable income,average ROE should increase beyond 45%.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    LENDERS PRIMARY SOURCE OF PAYMENTCASH FLOW: Conservative projections geared totest viability of the project to protect construction(and/or take out lender) in terms of (1) ability of the project to generate operating cash

    flows over debt service

    (2) probabilities that the project requires additionalequity over $7 million and

    (3) whether, after debt service, returns are available toservice equity participants. Given conservativeprojections, it appears the project is solid and sound interms of full lender payout.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    CONSTRUCTION: MESA HOUSINGGROUP, INC.: (Architect / designer-builder).

    Principal participant for design and construction,

    MESA is highly experienced in working in Russiaand the surrounding republics, as well as inNorth Africa and, of course, Turkey.

    The firm received international recognition for themassive housing project at Tchailkowvka, Russia, tohouse contingents of Russian officers and theirfamilies returning from postings in East Germany.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    The MESA GROUP of Companies (MESA),based in Ankara, Turkey, is a fifteen (15)corporation conglomerate which has

    operated for over 25 years in real estatedevelopment, construction, engineering andarchitectural, resort and tourism, andmarketing fields. The firm developed, designed and delivered

    more than twenty-five major housing complexeswith all related facilities, in Turkey and abroad.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet


    a) Existing office stock versus need

    A shortage of Western standard office spacecontinues to dog the Riga market. Much of thetrading and office spaces in Riga do notcorrespond to Western standards.

    As a result, rental agreements with upwards of 30%of future tenants are generally reached whileconstruction is still in progress;

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    b) Current rental/purchase rates:As of April 1998, rents for offices and

    shops in downtown Riga is 40-60 US$ per

    square meter per month. (Lower ratespertain for so called "Russian standard"offices)

    Higher rates are generally available for

    fully equipped "Western standard" offices.Purchase of office and residential space isover $US 1,000 per M2 and climbing

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Term Sheet

    ECONOMIC AND MARKET CONDITIONSIN LATVIA AND RIGA: Since regainingindependence in 1991, Latvia has put in

    place a comprehensive program ofeconomic reforms which will develop anopen market economy based on free trade

    and competition. Latvia now is welcomingextensive international trade andinvestment.

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Budget and Construction Costs

    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500


    Foundation and Structural System

    Civil Works Course

    Civil Works Finishing

    Fixed Furniture and Decoration

    Electric and Electromechanic Works

    Passenger Lift and Escalator

    Sanitary System

    HVAC Works

    Shopping Center

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Budget and Construction Costs


    Land Fee

    Design and Permits

    Advance Payment


  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Budget and Construction Costs



    Foundation and Structural System

    Civil Works

    Garage Foundation and Structural System

    Garage Civil Works

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Budget and Construction Costs


    Civil Works Finishing

    Fixed Furniture and Decoration

    Electric and Electro-mechanic Works

    Passenger Lifts

    Sanitary System

    Heating System


  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Budget and Construction Costs



    Foundation and Structural System

    Civil Works Course Civil Works Finishing

    Fixed Furniture and Decoration

    Electric and Electro-mechanic Works

    Passenger Lift and Escalator

    Sanitary System


  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    The Budget and Construction Costs


    Infrastructure and Landscaping

    Approvals and Permissions


    Project Total

  • 7/28/2019 Riga Project Feasibility Study


    Development of a

    Project Budget: DetailsThe Riga Project

    Excel Workbook Analysis