Second Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2021 (FY2020) Financial Highlights October 28, 2020 Ricoh Leasing Company, Ltd.

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Second Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2021 (FY2020)

Financial Highlights

October 28, 2020

Ricoh Leasing Company, Ltd.

Intentionally blank

Table of Contents


1. Consolidated Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2021

2. Performance by Segment

3. Mid-Term Management Plan and Topics (FY2020 - FY2022)

4. Consolidated Income Forecast for Fiscal Year Ending March 2021

5. Reference Material


1.Consolidated Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March



1. Net sales increased and profit decreasedNet sales increased for 11 consecutive periods, and gross profit rose for 3 consecutive periods.Operating profit and net income decreased due to an increase in allowance for doubtful accounts caused by the impact of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

2. Operating assets 943.8 billion yen (50.6 billion yen decrease from the end of the previous fiscal year)Operating assets decreased due to the securitization of lease receivables and a decline in transaction volume due to the impact of COVID-19.

3. FY2020–FY2022 Mid-term Management Plan targets releasedPresented targets under the Mid-term Management Plan and long-term growth image.

4. Full-year forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2021 remains unchanged.Aiming to achieve the full-year forecast announced at the beginning of the year.

Financial Performance Overview for the SecondQuarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2021

* In this document, “Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent” is listed as “Net Income.”


• Net sales and gross profit increased due to the effects of improved return on operating assets and making early repayments of large receivables.

• We carefully examined the effects of the COVID-19 disaster and recorded an allowance for doubtful accounts for individual receivables.

Consolidated Results

* Actual ROA and ROE are annualized numerical figures

(Billion Yen)2020/3 2021/3

2Qcumulative total

2Qcumulative total



165.7 173.5 4.7% 330.4 52.5%17.6 18.8 6.7% 36.9 51.1%

8.6 9.9 15.2% 20.2 49.1%

Provision of Allowance for DoubtfulAccounts 1.2 1.9 59.3% 3.2 60.3%

9.0 8.9 (1.4%) 16.7 53.6%9.0 8.7 (3.2%) 16.4 53.5%6.2 6.0 (3.0%) 11.3 53.5%

YoY change45.00 45.00 - 95.00 -

201.56 196.30 (5.25) 366.59 -22.3% 22.9% 0.6% 25.9% -1.16% 1.06% (0.10%) 0.97% -7.1% 6.6% (0.5%) 6.1% -

ROA(Return on Asset Ratio)ROE(Return on Equity Ratio)


Net Sales

Operating ProfitOrdinary ProfitNet Income

Dividend per Share(yen)


Gross Profit

Earnings per Share(yen)Dividend Payout Ratio

Selling, General andAdministrative Expenses


Gross Profit

9.06billion yen 8.94

billion yen


0.12billion yen






Factors Affecting Operating Profit

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (Billion Yen)

Leases & Finance Business

Gross Margin for Leases and Installment

Sales Business

Gross Margin for


Gross Margin for Services Business

Gross Margin for Investment


Financial Expenses Human


Other expenses

Allowance for Doubtful


20/3 2Q

cumulative total




21/3 2Q

cumulative total

• Total assets decreased from the end of the previous fiscal year due to securitization of off-balance sheet lease receivables.

• We retained funds on hand to cope with liquidity risk.


Consolidated Balance Sheets

* Allowance for doubtful accounts shows the total of current assets and non-current assets.* Long-term debt within one year is included in short-term Interest-Bearing debt.

(Billion Yen)

2020/3 2020/3

ActualEnd of 2Q


Increase/Decrease at theEnd of thePrevious


ActualEnd of 2Q


Increase/Decrease at theEnd of thePrevious


Cash and deposits 0.8 21.2 20.3 Short-termInterest-Bearing Debt 211.1 223.1 11.9

Lease receivables andinvestments in lesases 597.5 539.9 (57.5) Long-term

Interest-Bearing Debt 608.4 583.7 (24.7)

Installment receivables 172.1 172.1 (0.0)Long-term payablesunder securitization oflease receivables

40.0 40.0 0.0

Accounts receivable- operating loans 181.6 184.2 2.6 Other liabilities 109.4 102.1 (7.3)

Assets for lease 50.2 53.0 2.7 Total Liabilities 969.0 948.9 (20.0)Allowance for doubtfulacounts (9.6) (10.6) (0.9) Total net assets 181.6 186.4 4.7

Other assets 157.9 175.4 17.5Total assets 1,150.7 1,135.4 (15.3) Total liabilities and net assets 1,150.7 1,135.4 (15.3)

2021/3 2021/3


• Operating assets decreased by 4.4 billion yen from the end of the previous fiscal year due to a decline in transaction volume for the impact of COVID-19.

• The default rate remained at a low level, although default loss amount increased.

Operating Assets and Default Rate

* The balance of operating assets includes the amount of securitization of lease receivables (Amount of Securitized Lease Receivables for the second quarter of 21/3: 70.8 billion yen).

* Default rate = Default loss amount / Average balance of operating assets (default rate has been calculated by annualizing the default loss amount for the second quarter of 21/3)

(Billion yen)

562.7 576.1 589.8 622.1 610.7

20.8 23.0 29.030.5 30.495.8 111.3

133.1152.9 152.0



181.6 184.22.0


31.7 37.1



1,019.1 1,014.6

0.18% 0.17% 0.17% 0.16%0.18%

17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/32Q

Investment Business


Installment Sales

Operating Leases

Finance Leases

Default Rate


* Payables under securitization of lease receivables includes off-balance sheet financing.

• Diversified financing by securitization of lease receivables.

• Interest-bearing debt temporarily increased due to retaining funds on hand.

• Financial expenses increased due to an increase in interest-bearing debt and temporary deterioration in the financing environment.

Total Procurement Amount

Financial Expenses and Financial Expenses Ratio

Total Procurement Amount and Financial Expenses

(Billion yen)

(Billion yen)

* Financial expenses ratio = Financial expenses / Average balance of operating assets

* For the second quarter of 21/3, financial expenses ratio has been calculated by annualizing financial expenses.

0.60 0.55 0.51 0.54 0.67

0.56 0.52 0.51 0.58

1.16 1.08 1.02 1.12

0.15% 0.13% 0.12% 0.12% 0.14%






17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/32Q



112.1 111.0 96.2 67.2 34.6

127.9 95.7 134.4 143.8 188.4

426.6 499.9 524.4 608.4 583.7

20.0 20.0 20.060.0 100.0686.6 726.6 775.2

879.5 906.8

17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/32Q

Payables under securitizationof lesase receivables

Long-term Debt

Long-term Debt within oneyear

Short-term Debt


2.Performance by Segment


Finance LeasesOperating LeasesInstallment SalesRental

Leases and Installment Sales Business

Financial Services Business

Leases & Finance Business

Services Business

Investment Business

LoansCommission Business

• Collection Agency Services• Factoring Services for

Healthcare & Nursing-Care Facilities

Housing Rental

Finance LeasesOperating LeasesInstallment SalesRentalLoans

Collection Agency ServicesFactoring Services for Healthcare & Nursing-Care Facilities

Housing Rental and Real EstateSolar Power GenerationSolar Power Generation


Former segments New segments

Outline of Segment Changes

• In accordance with changes in management segments, reporting segments were changed in the first quarter of the current fiscal year.

• Leases & Finance Business continued improvement of return on assets. Though Gross profit increased, Segment profit declined due to an increase in allowance for doubtful accounts.

• Both Services Business and Investment Business saw increases in sales and profits.


Net sales and profit

Operating Assets

Performance by Segment

(Billion Yen)

(Billion Yen)

* The balance of operating assets includes the amount of the securitizations of lease receivables






Net Sales 162.7 169.6 4.2%Segment Profit 8.8 8.6 (2.8%)

Net Sales 2.6 2.7 2.9%Segment Profit 0.7 0.8 4.9%

Net Sales 0.3 1.2 211.5%Segment Profit 0.0 0.3 335.5%

Leases & Finance Business

Services Business

Investment Business



Actual End of 2QActual

Increase/Decreaseat the End of thePrevious Term

987.4 977.5 (9.8)31.7 37.1 5.4


Leases & Finance BusinessInvestment Business

• Transaction volume declined due to the impact of COVID-19 , the impact in the previous year of the last-minute demand before the increase in consumption tax and OS migration-related demand.

• Acquired yields of new contracts continued to improve.


Transaction Volume by Contract

Leases and Installment Sales Transaction Volume by Product

Actual Results of Leases & Finance Business

(Billion Yen)

(Billion Yen)

* The Transaction Volume for Leases and Installment Sales for the Environmental Field is included in the transactionvolume of the above.

2020/32Q cumulative

total2Q cumulative


Rate Finance Leases 156.7 118.9 (24.1%) Operating Leases 8.8 8.8 (0.2%)Total Leases 165.6 127.7 (22.9%)Installment Sales 54.2 41.7 (23.1%)

219.9 169.5 (22.9%)Loans Transaction Volume 24.1 19.8 (17.8%)

244.1 189.4 (22.4%)


Total Transaction Volume for Leases and Installment Sales

Total Transaction Volume for Leases & Finance Business

2020/32Q cumulative

total2Q cumulative


RateOffice and IT-Related Equipment 108.2 85.5 (20.9%) (12.2%)Medical Equipment 19.7 15.5 (21.2%) (14.7%)Industrial Machinery 25.1 21.1 (15.8%) (22.8%)Commercial and Service Equipment 18.4 10.9 (40.8%) (22.1%)Transport Equipment 12.0 10.5 (12.4%) (17.0%)Others 36.3 25.7 (29.1%) (10.4%)

219.9 169.5 (22.9%) (15.4%)

Environmental Field 28.1 26.5 (5.6%)

Total Transaction Volume for Leases and Installment Sales

2021/3 Japan LeasingAssociation (cumulative

total from 20/4 to20/8)

Growth Rate

8.57 8.86 9.85 10.84 11.42

8.97 9.33 10.22


17.55 18.19 20.07


17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/32Q

1-2Q 3-4Q

• The number of transactions in Collection Agency Services continued to increase.• Factoring Services for Healthcare & Nursing-Care Facilities expanded through new contracts and

an increase in the number of stores of existing customers due to growing financial needs.


Number of Transactions in Collection Agency Services

Transaction Volume of Factoring Services for Healthcare & Nursing-Care Facilities

Actual Results of Services Business

(million cases) (Billion yen)

29.1 35.3 38.0 49.4 50.3

31.4 36.7


51.1 60.6

72.0 78.1

100.6 5.9 6.7 7.9

11.1 10.8










17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/32Q

1-2Q 3-4Q Balance

• Although business investment in Solar Power Generation has increased steadily, progress has slowed slightly due to construction delays caused by COVID-19.

• Housing Rental and Real Estate maintained a cautious stance.


Investment Amount

Operating Assets

Actual Results of Investment Business

(Billion yen)

(Billion yen)

2020/32Q cumulative

total2Q cumulative

total Growth Rate

Solar Power Generation Business 0.9 2.8 209.6%Housing Rental and Real Estate Business 3.9 4.3 8.4%

Total Investment Amount 4.9 7.1 46.5%



Actual End of 2QActual

Increase/Decreaseat the End of thePrevious Term

Solar Power Generation Business 8.3 10.7 2.4Housing Rental and Real Estate Business 23.4 26.4 3.0

Total Operating Assets of Investment Business 31.7 37.1 5.4


3. Mid-Term Management Plan and Topics (FY2020 - FY2022)


Target Vision of Ricoh Leasing

Contribution to customers

Contribution to society

Happiness of employees

Create favorable circulation in the environment, society and the economy by adopting “management centered on individuals” and be a bridge to an abundant future



us v





Realization of management centered on individuals


• Environment ⇒ Environmental circulation• Social ⇒ Social & Community• Governance ⇒ Business & Governance

Creation of sustainable

circulatory society

Financial Services

Advance into new businesses around the Company’s core business fields

FY2017 – FY2019 Mid-term Management Plan

FY2020 – FY2022 Mid-term Management Plan

5 to 10 years later




Direction from a Long-term Perspective

Aggressive capital policy

Enhancement of corporate valueTrends

• Demographic changes• Changes in the global

environment• Technological leap

Corporate Philosophy

We will be a bridge to an abundant future

with our independent financial services

• Integrity and reliable business activities

• Services beyond expectations

• Enjoyable and active• Enhance corporate value

Business growth

Execution of SDGs commitment

Continuous value creation■ Contribution to society ■ Contribution to customers ■ Happiness of employees

Reinforce-ment of


[E] Environmental circulation Renewable energy, 3R circulation

Creation of pleasant and diverse living environments, local healthcare

[G] Business & Governance No. 1 vendor leasing, unique services

Organizational strength Solid infrastructure

Governance, internal control, management quality

Deployment & extension of measures

• Profitability• Asset efficiency

Creation of sustainable

circulatory society


[S] Social & Community

Quality control

Enhance-ment of



Business growth


Manage-ment Plan

Business domains

Promotion of Sustainability Management

Contributing to realizing a clean global environment rooted in

environmental circulationCreation of safe, secure and pleasant housing and living


Further evolution of vendor leasing and enhancement of value provided to customersReconstruction of the rental


Contributing to reasonable environmental circulation and

restorationContributing to the creation of rich and vigorous communities

Contributing to economic activities — work, commerce,


[G] Business & Governance[S] Social & Community[E] Environmental circulation

Execution of SDGs commitment to realize CSV

Pioneering new business areas and creating business modelsBusiness expansion not dependent on assets

Business expansion under alliance with Mizuho Leasing

Development of a mission-critical system and operation structure for

pursuing high quality and high efficiency

Human resource management that links the employees’ happiness with the Company’s business expansion

Reinforcement of governance

FY2020 – FY2022 Mid-term Management PlanScheme to Realize the Target Vision


20.0 billion yen17.0 billion yen

FY2019 results FY2022 targets

1.1% or more1.08%

6.7% or more6.6%

1,200.0 billion yen1,019.1 billion

yen* Pre-deduction balance of securitizations of

receivables, etc.

FY2020 – FY2022 Mid-term Management PlanTargets

Operating Profit

ROA(Return on Assets)

ROE(Return on Equity)

Balance of Operating Assets



Conceptual Image of Long-term Growth

FY2020–FY2022 Mid-term Management Plan FY2023 and beyond 10 years later

[Conceptual image of profit expansion]

[New business initiatives]• Commercialization in peripheral fields

┗ In addition to RiLTA (advance payment of salary service) and accounts receivable guarantees, strengthen new services such as renewable energy-related services

• Expansion into new business areas┗ Consider housing-related, subscription collaboration, and overseas expansion┗ In addition to organic growth, consider M&A as a growth driver

→ Environment (power generation business, etc.), healthcare and nursing-care (remote medical service, nursing-care, etc.), Office (office brokerage, business BPO, etc.), housing and living(brokerage, management, renovation peripheral, etc.), Various tech companies involved (venture)

┗ Business partnership with Mizuho Leasing and the Ricoh Group is expected to produce results in all areas mentioned above.

Leases & Finance BusinessBy increasing efficiency and ingenuity, we ensure steady growth over the mid-to-long-term. Build a base for this purpose during FY2020–FY2022 Mid-term Management Plan.

Services and Investment BusinessExpand business of housing rental, equity investment, power generation, collection agency and factoring service during FY2020–FY2022 Mid-term Management Plan to become business pillars.

New businessCreate business by continuing to pursue the corporate philosophy and ESG perspective from a mid-to-long-term perspective.


Long-term Target

Set a path during FY2020–FY2022 Mid-term Management Plan and boost corporate value through circulation and creation

Operating profit: 30.0 billion yen or more(double of the current figure)

ROA: 1.3%ROE: 8%

Dividend Payout Ratio: 35%Productivity per person: 1.4 times

Identify and build new business centered on non-asset business

Both Services and Investment Businesses to become second and third business pillars.

Strengthen human resources and

infrastructure to ensure business


Continue promotion of sustainability

management to realize corporate philosophy

Long-term target(10 years later)

Mid-term Management Plan: Business Growth Strategy ④Pioneering new business areas and creating business models

Newly establish 20.0 billion yen investment facility focused on ESG

Topic 1:Business investment focused on ESG







Create a positive impact on environmental and social issues through startup investment

Create new services and enhance corporate value through business tie-ups with investee companies








lity Total investment

facility Investment period Scale of investment

20.0 billion yen About 10 years Hundreds of millions of yen (per company)





et E



Social Governance

Investment theme

Energy Healthcare AI IoT Robotics, etc.

Topic 2:Reinforcement of existing businesses and creation of new business opportunities

Mid-term Management Plan: Business Growth Strategy ⑦Business expansion under alliance with Mizuho Leasing

March 2020: Business alliance with Ricoh, Mizuho Leasing and us (in April 2020, we became an equity-method affiliate for respective companies).






Strong relationship with large- and medium-scale companies

Offering solutions to issues concerning clients’ balance sheets and business strategies

Actions in focus areas as well as expanding business fields

Client base mainly consists of SMEs Approx.400 thousand clients(98% are SMEs)

Expertise in vendor finance gained through transactions with approx. 6,000 vendors

Operational structure which enables processing large volume of contracts with greater efficiency and quality, such as an operational process with IT

Strengthen existing business and create new business opportunities







t fr

om n



Build a vendor finance scheme by leveraging Ricoh Leasing's strengths Expand business opportunities for

both companies through expansion to Mizuho Leasing customers

Improve services by providing mutual customers with productsthat each company has strengths in

Promote creation of individual collaborative and referral projects

Trial use in Ricoh Leasing's collection agency service

Promote utilization of existing systemscentered on the mechanisms of customer contact and applications owned by Ricoh Leasing

Consider other mid-term collaboration areas to create new value Medical and environmental fields

Divided into multiple subcommittees and individual consultations, and having specific discussions with the aim of realizing and maximizing results at an early stage


Topic 3:Promotion of Sustainability Manegement


Established “Our way to Sustainability” and identified four new materialitiesWe promote Sustainability Management by carrying out “Mid-Term Sustainability Management Plan”.Details of these initiatives are included in the first integrated report issued in September 2020.

Overview of Sustainability Management

Corporate Philosophy

Mid-to-long-term vision "Become a Circulation-Creating Company"

Overview of Mid-Term Sustainability Management Plan

Our way to Sustainability

Materiality (Key issues)

In order to realize our corporate philosophy, the Group will create common value with society through sincere corporate activities and promote initiatives to achieve a sustainable society.

Contribute to clean global environment

Newly identified materialities and themes of initiatives

Enhance quality of life

Develop a virtuous cycle for a sustainable economy

Create a company and a society with happiness

③Create a community to live in (andcontinue to live in)

④Enhance life base⑤Collaborate and tie up with communities

⑧Diversity & inclusion⑨Human resources development⑩Realize work style reform based on health


①Mitigate and adapt to climate change②Resource circulation

⑥Create common value through business⑦Strengthen partnerships with Group

companies and business partners


4.Consolidated Income Forecast for Fiscal Year Ending March 2021

• Corporate capital investment continued to be restrained due to uncertainty about the future, but economic activities gradually resumed and sales activities recovered.

• The number of requests for postponement of payment has been decreasing since 2Q. The default loss is expected to remain at a low level due to the impact of administrative funding support, etc.


Impact of COVID-19

Segments 1Q 2Q Outlook for 3Q and 4Q

Leases & Finance Business

• Curbed new contract activitiesdue to declaration of a state of emergency

• Increase in allowance for doubtful accounts due to requests for postponement of payment

• Activated non-face-to-face activities

• Although it was generally difficult, there were also areas of business recovery such as environmental and vehicles

• The number of requests for postponement of payment has significantly decreased compared to 1Q

• Continue with non-face-to-face activities

• Acquire demand for short-term rentals

• Expect low number of new requests for postponement of payment and default losses

Services Business

• Existing customers were the driver of the overall performance during the curbed new contract activities

• Both collection agency serviceand factoring service were strong, especially for existing customers

• Growth rate to slow due to decline in 1Q sales activities

• Strengthen non-face-to-face activities such as use of the Internet, DM, etc.

Investment Business • Cautious stance on real estate • Delayed installation of some

solar power generation• Continue to monitor market

conditions, select projects to take action

Others• Continued operation by

reducing the number of employees coming to work by utilizing a "flexible vacation"

• Reduced the number of employees at work to 2/3 or less, and promoted working from home and online meetings

• Review business process and improve business

• Company-wide PC thin client system as part of work style reform


Consolidated Income Forecast

(Billion yen)

• Lower sales and lower profit are expected due mainly to the impact of COVID-19.There is no change in FY2020 consolidated income forecast announced on May 8,2020.

• Dividend per share of 95 yen, an increase for 26 consecutive periods, and a dividend payout ratio of 25.9% are expected.





Net Sales 332.2 5.8% 330.4 (0.6%)Gros Profit 35.1 6.8% 36.9 4.9%

18.1 15.9% 20.2 11.2%

Provision of Allowance forDoubtful Accounts

2.8 76.4% 3.2 11.1%

Operating Profit 17.0 (1.5%) 16.7 (1.9%)Ordinary Profit 17.0 (1.7%) 16.4 (4.0%)Net Income 11.8 (1.0%) 11.3 (4.5%)

YoY change YoY changeDividend per Share(yen) 90.00 10.00 95.00 5.00Earnings per Share(yen) 382.80 0.20 366.59 (16.21)Dividend Payout Ratio 23.5% 2.6% 25.9% 2.4%ROA (Return on Asset Ratio) 1.08% (0.11%) 0.97% (0.11%)ROE (Return on Equity Ratio) 6.6% (0.4%) 6.1% (0.5%)

2020/3 2021/3

Selling, General andAdministrative Expenses



16.70billion yen

Gross Profit Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

17.01billion yen


Forecast on Factors Affecting Operating Profit• The speed of accumulating operating assets will slow down, due mainly to a decrease in transaction volume

caused by COVID-19.• Based on the strategy for enhancement organizational strength, investments to reinforce the business foundation

(human resources, IT infrastructure) will continue, and an allowance for doubtful accounts will increase.

(Billion yen)

20/3 4Q Cumulative Total

Leases & Finance Business

Gross Margin for Leases and Installment

Sales Business

Gross Margin for


Gross Margin for Services Business

Gross Margin for Investment


Financial Expenses

Human Resources

Strategic Expenses

Other expenses

Allowance for Doubtful







(0.32) 0.31billion yen

21/3 Full-Year Forecast


Breakdown of Operating Assets —Forecast

(Billion yen)

* Pre-deduction balance of securitizations of receivables, etc.





 Finance Leases 622.1 32.3 627.0 4.8 Operating Leases 30.5 1.5 31.0 0.4Total Leases 652.7 33.9 658.0 5.2Installment Sales 152.9 19.7 158.0 5.0

805.7 53.6 816.0 10.2

Loans 181.6 21.0 206.0 24.3Leases & Finance Business 987.4 74.7 1,022.0 34.5Investment Business 31.7 22.4 65.0 33.2Total Operating Assets 1,019.1 97.2 1,087.0 67.8

2020/3 2021/3

Total Transaction Volume forLeases and Installment Sales

Intentionally blank

5. Reference Material



Consolidated Statements of Income

(billion yen)

2Q cumulativetotal


2Q cumulativetotal




Net Sales 165.7 6.7% 173.5 4.7% 330.4 (0.6%)Leases 117.8 3.1% 120.6 2.4% 233.1 (2.2%)Installment Sales 25.5 4.0% 24.6 (3.7%) 53.2 4.1%Loans 1.5 9.2% 1.7 14.2% 3.8 15.7%Commission Received 3.0 7.2% 3.0 (0.1%) 6.1 (0.5%)Others 17.7 44.6% 23.4 31.9% 34.2 2.7%

Cost of Sales 148.1 6.3% 154.7 4.5% 293.5 (1.2%)Leases 106.6 2.6% 108.8 2.1% - -Installment Sales 24.0 3.3% 22.9 (4.5%) - -Financial Expenses 0.5 6.7% 0.6 24.1% - -Others 16.9 45.7% 22.2 31.2% - -

Gross Profit 17.6 9.5% 18.8 6.7% 36.9 4.9%

8.6 14.7% 9.9 15.2% 20.2 11.2%

Operating Profit 9.0 4.9% 8.9 (1.4%) 16.7 (1.9%)Ordinary Profit 9.0 4.1% 8.7 (3.2%) 16.4 (4.0%)Net Income 6.2 4.2% 6.0 (3.0%) 11.3 (4.5%)


Selling, General andAdministrative Expenses

New Business Domains


Solving social issues through business activities by strengthening existing businesses and creating new business.

ESG Domain Sub-domain

EEnvironmental circulation

Contributing to reasonable environmental circulation and restoration

Energy (energy-creation and energy-saving)

3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Social & CommunityContributing to achieving safe and secure housing and living environments to diverse customer groups and creating rich & vigorous communities

Healthcare & Wellness

Residence & Life support

Business & GovernanceContributing to economic activities —work, commerce, manufacturing —for society to achieve sustainable growth

Work & Commerce

Industry & Infrastructure

FY2020 – FY2022 Mid-term Management PlanBusiness Growth Strategy - 1

Further evolution of vendor leasing and enhancement of value provided to customers

Creation of safe, secure and pleasant housing and living environments

Contributing to realizing a clean global environment rooted in environmental circulation

Business Growth Strategy Measures

• Further enhancement of vendor support function

• Development of portal for customers and enhancement of value provided

• Deployment of measures to further upgrade assets

• Contribution to revitalization of local communities by the housing rental business + peripheral services

• Provision of diverse loans in line with the external environment

• Reinforcement of sales of solutions in the fields of healthcare and wellness

• Provision of finance services in the renewable energy field and investment in the power generation business

• Reinforcement of 3R contributing to environmental circulation and reduction of environmental load 36

FY2020 – FY2022 Mid-term Management PlanBusiness Growth Strategy - 2

Pioneering new business areas and creating business models

Reconstruction of the rental business

• Expansion of the rental business through collaboration with Ricoh Group companies

• Expansion of initiatives in the ICT field• Deployment of new rental services

Business expansion not dependent on assets

• Reinforcement of new field pioneering by existing products

• Development of services that meet expectations and needs of society and customers

Business expansion under alliance with Mizuho Leasing

7 • Reinforcement of existing businesses and creation of new business opportunities

• Pioneering new fields through diversification of financing methods

• Creation of new businesses through collaboration with investees and alliance partners

• Business investment focused on ESG• Taking on challenges into overseas markets

Business Growth Strategy Measures


FY2020 – FY2022 Mid-term Management PlanStrategy for Enhancement of Organizational Strength


Development of a mission-critical system and operation structure for pursuing high quality and high efficiency

• Development of a new mission-critical system

• Promotion of business efficiency and improvement of quality through standardization and automation

• Examination and credit function reforms (mechanisms and use of AI)

Human resource management that links the employees’ happiness with the Company’s business expansion

• Deployment of measures to increase the happiness of employees

• Continued promotion of diversity & inclusion• Recruitment and development of human

resources to realize business growth

Reinforcement of governance

3• Deployment of measures to increase

corporate value• Enhancement of internal control and internal


Strategy for Enhancement of Organizational Strength Measures

Continue mid-to-long term investments in IT and human resources, looking toward sustainable growth

IT investment Human resource investment

New mission-critical system



Leases Commissions


Business-specific system Individual business

systemReinforcement of

settlement function

Expansion of profitability in each business



er p





Mid-to-long term investments (FY2020 – FY2022, FY2023 –FY2025 Mid-term Management Plan)

Investments for Reinforcement of Business Foundation

Digital workflowsImplementation of electronic contracts

Improvement of operating


Reinforcement of governance

Response to remote working

Business expansion and response to


Improvement of productivity

Staff mem-bers


Investing human resources in profitable divisions


Common system


AssetsBusiness partners


Contents of investment Aim



Common system across operations


Documentation control

Reinforcement of human resources for creating new businesses and strengthening governance

Maintaining manpower by pursuing efficiency through using IT and improving operations

New business



(Million Yen)

19.9 19.9





18/3 19/3 20/3 21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3以降


FY2023 and onward

Productivity per person

Forward-looking statements including earnings forecasts contained in this document are based on certain assumptions deemed to be rational in light of the information available to the Company at the time of preparing the document, and are not intended to be guarantees of future performance. Actual results may differ significantly from plans and forecasts due to a variety of factors.


Corporate Planning DepartmentTel : 03-6204-0608Email : [email protected] : https://www.r-lease.co.jp

Ricoh Leasing Company, Ltd.