Published ***rv Saturday by Job» M!tch*Il Jr.. proprietor, at U4 Kart Broad Stow*. Blah mobo. Vb. -Phone 985 JOHN MITCHELL, JR.. AH oonimunloatloas lat*nd*d for publloatioB aast b* **nt to th* editor, Jobs Mitchell. Jr.. 4 Stat Broad street aad should reach abm oa TassflaT TBRMS IN ADVANCE. Oae Copy, od* year,..-..*!-!£ OasCopy. eight month*... .¦...JJ Ob* Copy, ni month* .. -JJ Oaa Copy, t*>ar month,.. Oaa Copy, three moatba.- .tasia Copy. . . .<* ADVERTISING bates. fa* oaa lash, ona laaertioa-.9 .*> For oaa tana, each eabaequeot Insertion... .40 *»r two Inch**, taree month*.. OOO For two inches, eli month* 1* 00 For two taco**, nine month*......«-. 14 00 For two (nebea, twelve months. SB 00 Marriage aad funeral notices,. 60 ¦aaa di ag aad traaaaaat notices par Bas.. OB Postage Stamps of a denomination hither than two cents not received on .abocriptlons. Taa Pi^lwar ia inroad weekly. The subscrlp- i aprlcets 01.60 a year, tn advance. Taara are rora wats by wbich mooev can be aaat by mail at oar risk.ta a Post Office Money Order; by Bank Check or Draft, or aa Express Money Order, and when none ot these caa bs procared. la a Registered Letter. Mo* st Obpebs..Yon caa bay a Money Order atyoar Post.Office, payable at tbs Richmond Post-office, aad we will be responsible for Its safe arrival. Express «*oaay Orders can be obtained any office of tba American Exprsss Co.. tbs United States Express Co.. and the Wells. Pars-o and Go.'s Express Company. We will De respon¬ sible tor money soft by any ot these coupanles- Tbe Express Money Order ls a safe and convs. .ytsnt way for forwarding money. Bboistebko Lbttebs..If a Money Order Post Oates or aa Express Office la aot w thia yoar raaehyonrPostmaster will register the 1st ter yon wish to send ns on payment ot ten cants Thea, tf tbe letter is lost or stolen, lt can bs Yoa caa send money In this manner at oar risk. Wa cannot be responsible or money sent in Isjisn In any other way than one of the four ways mentioned above. If yon aend your mon¬ ey in any other way, yon mast do lt at yoar awn risk. Bbhbwals, etc..If .von do not want tbe Pl Alt¬ ar continued for another y*sur after your aub- scrlptlon has run on*, yon then notify ns by a Postal Card to discontinue it. Tbe courts have decided that subscribers to newspapers who do not order their paper discontinued at the expi¬ ration of tim* for which lt h"s been paid, ara bald-ltabl. tor tb* payment of their subscription ap to tbs date wben they order the paper discon Oteasd. OeaurmtrcATioNs..Wben writing to ns to r*- asw yoar subscription or to discontinue your paper, yon should give your nsme and address tn foll, otherwise we cannot find your name on OV books. Cbab«b or Addbkss..In order to chang* the address oj a subscriber we mast be sent tbe for¬ mer aa wall as th* present ad Jr.s._ Entered In ths Post-office at Richmond. Va., aa second das* matter. SATURDAY, - FEB. 2,1895 Editorial Opinion. God ls raising np white friends for no. To have true religion ls not to lose hope. The jury system of this country la rory defective. I> justice in the courts ls the cry¬ ing evil of the sge. It la natural to do wrong; lt la heavenly to do right. When conscience does its duty, worry of mind follow*. Thc fire* of persecution set m to be brighter and hotter. Oub sinful natures are constantly struggling against upright living. Frowns upon the countenance gen¬ erally Indicate vengeance In tbe heart. The Indian haa his trouble and fights lt out; the Negro has his and prays. Good behavior helps ns much as a people and we should not fall to practice it. Sobriety, even under difficulties will do much towards remedying ev¬ ils. Disappointments aro the order of the age, lt seems and we should not lose heart on account of them. President Cleveland ls sadly In need of a Secretary of the Treasury, bat Mr. Carlisle doesn't seem to know lt. Bb frugal, be Industrious, be God fearing, and be ever ready to keep out of the way of the lynchers. Babah words cause much trouble, and Indiscreet actions, and wasteful expenditures land ns In tho poor¬ house. Every one should Impress upon his neighbor the necessity of sup¬ porting race journals. If we can In¬ crease the circulation, we can im¬ prove the appearance of our publi¬ cations. Afro-American journals are stead¬ ily on the increase. Hard times seem not to wipe out the venturesome spirit. Well, the more the merrier. We aro pleased to see thom come. The bar-roorpc&ie having a larger attendance on Sunday than the churches, and i. .lon* in the first named pla n the Increase. Ir colored people were a race of paupers as some of these preju¬ diced white people would picture thom to be, a building covering as much ground aa the city of Rich¬ mond would not accommodate the indigent of the race. We have received the catalogue of Morgan College of Baltimore, M 1 noe J. Wagner, A.M., D. D. Tho faculty of the Lynchburg Insti¬ tution ls Frank Trigg, A. M., prin¬ cipal, K. V. Harris, Mrs. S. A.Boob and Mlo* M. G. Tatlob. The Future State of Ki City, Mo. comos to no much Improv¬ ed In appearance, lt ls now a hand¬ some 26 pago magazine, published monthly by Ebnest D. Lynwood, Esq. Wo are pleased with lt, and recommend lt to the public: THE GREAT BROOKLYN STRIKE. The great Brooklyn Street-Car Strike ia about ended, and the com¬ pany won, aa must have boon appar¬ ent from the first that it would do. Ito victory, however has been cost¬ ly, and the lesson taught on both sides should tend to show all parties the necessity for conservatism and tho settlement of affairs of this kind by arbitration. The company was unwilling to do this, and as a result lost thousands of dollars, which will aggregate more money than tho increase of wages In question amounted to. The strikers are heavy losers. Be¬ sides the consequent loss of life, they In common with the people of New York state must bear tho expense entailed In the transportation and maintenance of troops in the riotous district. The decision of Judge Gaynor that tbe companies owe a duty to tbe public first and the stockholders af¬ terwards and accordingly must op¬ erate their lines and furnish the ser¬ vice required under their charters is good law. He asserted that these companies muet secure tbe labor necessary for the ful Oiling of their contracts with the city, even though they have to pay more for lt. If they saw fit to get cheaper la¬ bor, they could do so, but not to the detriment of tho service guaranteed the public. On the other hand, the city and state are under obligations to afford protection and see to lt that the companies are not prevent¬ ed from carrying out the stipula¬ tions In their charters by lawless parties. We cannot understand how the striking motor-men and conductors could hope to win in the face of the financial depression and universal poverty ezlrtlng throughout the country. Able-bodied men in other sections were on the verge of starva¬ tion and the companies knew it. The terms offered were so much In excess of the nothing which they were receiving that they were ready to risk life and limb In order to se¬ cure it. It will be a long time in tbe future before the line between capital and labor will be properly defined. One of the leaders of the strike de¬ clared that the government owner¬ ship of the railway lines would be the only proper solution of the problem. The doctrine is to an extent socialis¬ tic and yet we doubt not, but what during the next generation some such plan may be put on foot which will lead to the operation of the roads upon the same principle that the post-office department ls han¬ dled. This can only come, however, by legislation of such a character as to make the operation of the many lines unprofitable to the capitalists who will hasten to sell out to the government rather than Buffer fur¬ ther loos. RICHARD BROWN'S STATEMENT. The plain, straight forward state¬ ment of Richard Bbown, relative to the treatment accorded him both by his employer and the courts has awakened much interest and caused positive expressions of sympathy. Here ls a colored man who had earn ed $3.33 for the week.. His employer, Charles H. Page paye him fl 33, an amount which ls insignlficent. He retains $2.00 to pay on a fine that he presumed would be Imposed upon him [Page] either for running an unlicensed cart upon the streets or over-loading a mule. Richard Bbown demanded the money which Charles H. Page un¬ lawfully withheld and upon his refus¬ al to give him the same threatened him. Page becomes frightened and pays him the money, and then after, as Brown alleges chasing him a equare with a gun goes and secures a warrant for the arrest of Bbown, charging him with having felonious¬ ly secured from him by threat the money referred to. Bbown did not strike Page. The latter does not even claim that he did, bat a jory after hearing the facts In the case finds him guilty and ascertains his punishment at five ybabs in the penitentiary. Brown's counsel moves for a new trial and Judos Witt seta aside the ver¬ dict. Consternation seizes the white counsel for the accused and he agrees to a verdict of "assault and battery." Now as to where the assault took place or who "got the battery" ls the most interesting question. Suf¬ fice lt to say that upon such a mis¬ leading plea and Indictment. Bbown ¦/as sentenced to one year in jail and to-day gft&ea through, the bars ot the prison, a monui the dis¬ regard of law and tbe visitations of Injustice. If Chas. H. Page had a gun and chased Richard Brown, was he not guilty of oven a more heinous offense than that with which the latter stood charged? uninterrupted, transacting his bu* lneao while Bbown lo con fl oed In the city jail. Moreover, there io no re¬ cord that Charles H. Page has boen punished for running an un¬ licensed wagon upon the streets. There is no record that a warrant has been sworn out for his arrast, although lt is now known that ho had no such license upon the wagon which Brown drove. Charles H. Page did unlawfully pursue one Richabd Bbown with a gun for the purpose of killing him Has any such charge been preferred against him, and If so has he boon punished? Bbown should not hove threatened Mb. Paoe, but tho latter had the former's money and would not give lt to him. Would not any man have acted just aa Bbown did ? If lt was unlawful for Bbown to de¬ mand his money under threat, was it not wrong for Page to retain it without due process of law? We maintain that every official in this state is In honor bound to re¬ cognize the civil and political equal¬ ity of all men before the law. Io dealing with a whlto man and a colored one they muet treat the two just as they would two white men or two colored ones when the aforesaid gentlemen come to them with conflicting Interests. It won't do to say gentlemen that he is a "nigger." It your prfjodiceo will not allow you to administer justice impartial¬ ly, far better will lt be for j ou now, and your souls in the hereafter that you resign the office or decline to accept a position which causes you to live a lie and to practice per jory. We aver that severity In dealing with a Negro and leaning tn dealing with a white man ls In direct antag¬ onism with the oath of office and tn violation of the guarantees of the Bill ot Rights of Virginia. No Chris¬ tian should be guilty of such con¬ duct; no unbeliever, should labor juider such a monument of dishonor. Tynch-law must go! THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. President Cleveland's message upon the financial situation con¬ tributes nothing new to the public, but tends to emphasize a condition which Democratic .imbecility has made possible. The abandonment of the financial scheme of bis Secretary of the Treas¬ ury, John G. Carlisle was in keep¬ ing wita what was to be expected. Helios placed the financial depart¬ ment of hts administration in thor¬ oughly incompetent hands and he now comes forward with suggestions which will be taboed by party associates and regard¬ ed with indifference by the Republi¬ cans. The country is slowly, but surely drifting to another financial parlc, and values of commodities as well as money will be unsettled. The result of this will be tha remarkable spectacle of a Democratic President calling an extra sessslon of a newly elected Re¬ publican Coogress to save the coun¬ try from disaster and to avert one of the greatest financial maelstroms, any nation has ever seen. A COW AND A CALF. Mary Martin, white, charged with stealing a cow was tried in the Hen- rlco County Court Wednesday, Jan¬ uary 23,1895, and sentenced to one monta In jail and fined $5.00. She had been guilty of stealing a cow before. Henry Johnson, colored,] who stole a calf, was tried In the same court about twelve weeks ago, found guilty, and hts punishment ascer¬ tained at five years tn the Virginia penitentiary. Van Perkins, colored, charged with assaulting two white girls, was on Friday, January 18th, tried. The uncles of the two girls testi¬ fied that Perkins was with them at the time the offence was alleged to have been committed. A jory (of white men deliberately brought in a verdict of guilty and ascertained bis punishment at one year In jail. These are samples of j astico aa ad¬ ministered tn the courts of this lo¬ cality. It should not be forgotten that Richmond etty is in Henrico County aud the court.house referred to is within the confines of this municipal¬ ity. A white woman ls given a month In jail for stealing a cow and theodor ed man five years tn the penitentiary for stealing a calf. It ts to be pre¬ sumed that had he stolen the cow and the age of the animal In any wise trebled or quadrupled that of the calf the colored man would have received a virtual life-sen tance for doing the very thing for which a white person receives one month tn jail. The Van Perkins case is one of the most flagrant we have yet been called upon to chronicle. The question of altbt amounts to noshing to these jurors. Here is a practical demonetrat ion of th* theory which we have more than.OLce referred to. 'There are hun¬ dreds of whita men who believe that when an offence has been committed by a Negro, some other Negro should be made to softer for lt. A more pernicious doctrine could not be conceived, a more unjust visi¬ tation of the law could not bo prac- ced. being in the midst of such these that cause us to won- we are to submit to nd be silent in the lon. toland aro bo 1.1.1-¦-.¦.. lng enacted scenes of similar charac¬ ter, and Ethiopia ls stretching forth her hands unto God for deliverance and appealing to tho liberal mind¬ ed white men for oympathy. A chango most como, unrighteous decisions must be rebuked, and tho agitation kept op until justice to oc¬ cured for our down trodden people. Cough ! Cough ! ! It's the hacking cough that often ends in the most serious trouble, Jain-mtfij/er stops the cough at once removing the cause and thus prevents the trouble. Put two teaspoonfuls of this good old remedy in a small cup of j molasses, take % teaspoonful often, and your cough will quickly cease. Sold eve- where. You now get double j the quantity of Pain-Killer for the same old price. Perry Davis & Son, Providence, R. I. GROCERS. JOHN G. SMITH, 1301 East Leigh St Fine Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. U Wood and Coal-2 Low prices and quick sales. aaarCavil and aaa him. WG- SINGLETON, 1828 1A8T FRANKLIN STREET. (Femsrlj wltfc ta* lat* C. C. Ultskall.) Pink Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco. Ths boot Wines and Liquors. Pro sn pt Attention Given. All Goods at tho Lo weet Prices. Call raid See Mo. GOODS DELIVERED FREE G. K POLLOCK, 901 N 3rd Street, Dealer in ^ GROCERIES, Fresh Meats, and Country Produce, Fine Liquors, Wines, Cigars, To- Tobacco. WOOD AND COAL Haf~Satislaction guaranteed. Call and see him. JOSEPH HOFFMAN, .DEALER IN. Cheap Groceries, Frosh Meats and Vegetables, Fleur, Feed, Coal and Wood. WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. Coal sold by the measure and load at Yard prices. BEER Garden and Lunch Counter for Ladies and Gentlemen. 107 W. Baker St., Richmond, Va. (Opposite Baker St. School.) R. D. Granderson, 110 N. 18th St. CHEAP & RELIABLE STORE . o- Consisting of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Mill/bed etc. Country produce generally. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. GIVE ME A CALL. HUMPHREYS9 VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, Bogs, AJTD POCTLTBY. SOO Pa«e Book oa Treatment of Animal* sud Chart Meat Free, crass 5 Fever*.Cons;estiona, Inflammation A.A.iSpiunl Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B..Strains, I.Bmcnon, lt hm ma liam. CC.Distemper, Nasal Discharge** B.D..Bots or (.rubs. Worms. K.K.'-t'ouvh*, Heaves, Pneumonia*. V.V..Colic or Urines, Bellyache. <;.<;..Mi nra rr luge. Hemorrhages. 11.11.. I rinary and Kidney Diseases* 1,1..Eruptive Blseases. Mange. .K..Disease**f Digestion, Paralysis. Single pottle (over 50 doses), - - .60 (stable Case, with Specifics. Manual, rinary < ure Oil an.l Medlcator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, . . l.OO SaM fey Dragttatai sr aaa! praaaM aay a bara a»4 ts emf .SaaUty sa raeelpt of prk*. BTBFBBKT8' BED. CO., Ula 1 llWilliam St., Sra-Tai*. L»gE ll H01CB0FATHIC fl ft UH USPECIFIC No GO In ass 30 years. Tbe only .nccsssfnl letaedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other BsnsiaC 01 per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powdar, for Oft. Sold >>y Drnjtfrlaia, or aent poetpald ob raratpc ol pru-*. mmr^BITS'BSD. Ca, 1 il * 11* Wllams .*.,sewlars. $a**irtiflct America* oavAAT*. flt*Oh MAR'S, C"r»YRtCMT0 *tcJ .v err ii '<s a\ 'iJMMmgisjm sharp 10 Um j^tifntifir ^raen .au FUNERAL DIRECTORS, JOHN HARRIS FUHSRAi. DIRECTOR. Undertaking Rooms, 812 IL Broad Street. ¦¦TOrders Promptly Attended. Beoidence and Office 208 E. Leigh. Phone 475. A. lXPKlCE. Ondt risking rooms mndUvety stables. 412* 414 HorvL 3rd atrwta [Residence at the earn* Bamber.] Order, promptly filled ot short not! Telephone ordero promptly attend od. Holla rented for meetings and ol nice entertainment*. Plenty ol roon Wat*, all neesee ary coBrenleBeoo. 'PbKbbtb tomb _jiff Established 1868. aT-:o:- HENRY COOKE. Funeral Director k Bmialmcr. Office and Undertaking Rooms, 1547 E. Broad St.. - Richmond* Va. Hi?"A ll orders by telegraph pr'vaaptly Siled. .rhone 156.. W. S. SELDKN. FUNERAL No. 1S06 S. Broad St., fjchmoad, (Ksar Ut Bapt, Charam.) -O- Raaidaaca: ltOt E. Latch M. .o- Long experience and a thoroogi knowledge of mow methods en- ear* sattsfaotloa. Ail Ords** eroaaptAr * steaded. Funeral k fcCTOR, Office wabekoom, 7.' S. 2nd St. Residence: 725 N. sud Ml First Class Hacks Caskets ol all de¬ scriptions. I hare a spars room far bodies when the family bars not a suitable place. All conn try orders are given spec¬ ial attention. Tom* appeal attention ie called to the new style Oak Caskets. Call and sse Sao and you rbeil be waited on nicely. aVTTORNEYS AT LAWT Geo, W% Lewis, Attorney at Law, ROOM NO. 5.PLANET BUILDIG. 814. Broad St. Practices in the Courts ol the city of Richmond and in the State and Federal Courts. KafSpecial attention given to the ex¬ amination of titles and the preparation of 'egalpapers. J. E. BYRD, attorney at law, f0« a. Bread S%^ Racamond, Va. Practice* la al tao Couria of Tlrgin la shad Woshrnfrtoa, D. C. Qoiek AUaaaaiaa givea to ail Di- yarea saoea, Exasaina- .ftemaf tides, writ- inc ooooX w*h\ aaad attics** Thos. W. Johnson, Attornev and Counsellor at Law 905 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va., 0 Hirts. City of Richmond and ad¬ joining counties. Divorce and oth¬ er chancery matters conducted. Le- fal documents drawn. Titles to toperty Examined, etc. The pa¬ tronage of the public ts solicited. Office opens evenings for any who cannot call in the day. Money loan ed In sums to suit. PRUDENT PEOPLE Prepare tor by kstphag their .area. Thea, Insure at oneal De lt nowt Do aot wait! leavre ia The Security ladostrial Lils Insurance Ce., which does not dis* sriminats oa account of solor. Livs Company. AD claims paid promptly agents wasted to can- waa* ths city, Oflseell B OawaH Wonderful Discovery CURLY HAIR MAD* STRAIGHT 8V rm takin raoM Liri. A atross ano arris tbcatmint OZONIZED OX MARROW (OOPYBIOHT Br BOOB a KATH BB. OHICAOO.) This wondsrfu) hair pnraarto ls the only *afs preparation io ths world that makes kink; hair straight aa shown abova. It renders the heir soft, pliable and glossy, and by nourishing th- imparts r.*w Ute. and vigor. Elegantly perfumed. iM Ox Marrow Is mar .ly by Buck A Rayner, the w*ll known druggists of Chicago. Their reputation Ir a guarantee that ;t ts taswflaaattw nara aad harmNn. lie- wsrs i** that Hi' blown. Liusands wt. th* g«- . '*. never falling merits. Full directions wit! bottle. Prlfs onl; druggists, i !.>es not keep lt. ws will send you 3 bottles for tt.Ufi 01 Always Inclosss post omeo money order, ss w* t send goods C. O. I> Writs your sddrtss sad name plainly. Address r BUCK du RAYNER, STATC aaa MADISON OTP.. CMICAOO Mention this Paper. AGENTS*-' "FR0M THE VIRGINIA PLANTATION-Tl £, THE NATIONAL*CAPITOL" ff #%¦!¦ lim Ll ~W Hon. .JOHN IV*. LANGSTON, (Ex I. S. Representative free* Virginia). THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP TMB + Famous Silver-Tongued + COLORED ORATOR AND POLISHED SCHOLAR. SELF-RELIUCE THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. Great Historical Work eMORACJNO 50 Years of RACE PROGRESS. SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED. # ILL COLORED READERS WUTIHQ FOR IT. No race library complete without it. S High grade illustrations, paper, printing and binding makes it the handsomest and most attractive race book ever published. Gives a full and most interesting account of Mr. Langston's great an tul right for his seat in the House of Representatives at Washington. A big opportunity to make money ; don't miss it. Send $1.00 for canvassing outfit and secure territory at once, or send for descriptive circulars and terms to agents. Address, mentioning this paper, a . AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO-, SBoYtor?/wii.s.. or Cincinnati, Ohio. CLAIRVOYANT MBS. MABTH. ta* world rcaewasd aa* htaOJ aslsbrate* basia*** aad ts** TRANCE CLAXB 70YAJ>T,r*v*als svsr> thing. Ho tmpoettloa. Oaa ba eoaealted oa all altair* of Ute. Siana isa. Lot* and klarrisa* a ap*eJalty. Every Bsysasry -wvseJsd. also of absent, dsesaasd aad Urta* Crtsnda. H*mov*s all troaMss aad satraage- .eata, a**taa ths separated, aad saasas ap ss dy ¦an-tags*. $1,000 enaUsng* to aay bk adi oro waa caa sxossd her la Sar startling rwalataoae af aaa past, prseaat aad tfcs tatar* svsnts ot ob*'* asa, tUmsmber sits sill aot for aay pries flatter voa; yoe B>ay rest assured yoa will gala teeta wita- oat aonssnss. Sh* caa b* eoa*alt*d eeo* all affaire of Ufa, Love, Courtship, Mar- -lag*. Frteada. arte-, vrlth dsserioUoo of tatars eompaaloB. Ska ai rmrj aecarats la 'dsscrlbLng Blissing friends, .neates. ste. Hsr envies bbob dntasss. chengs la b nain sss, jonrasys. lawsuit* 9oate*t*4 willa, divorc* aad speculation 1* valaa- ols aad rsllabl*. Bbs neds you dsstliij gs*d or bad: shs withhold* Bothlng. USS. MABTH. bora with a dsante wsB. to a s»v*nth eaagbawr. tall* yoar sntlrs Ut*--past. present ead tatar*.la a DBAJ> TSAJNCS; ha* aad the power ot aay two clairvoyant* yoa svsr .st. Ia tests shs tails yoar saothar's fol] sams . .sfor* marriage, th* nam ss et alt yoar taan'ly. tbsir ages and description.tha nama and tin In sss rt yoar present husband, ths nams of yocr next tf .voa ar* to havs ons, ths nama of th* voaag maa who now calls ob yoa, th* sams of yoar fatnrs husband, aad ths day. month end year vf yonr marriage.bow many chlldrse yoa havs >r will havs. whether yoa ar* married or slngls; whether yoa present sweetheart will b* tras t* ron aad lt hs wli 1 marry yoe; lt yoa havs aa .weetheart, shs will 1*11 yo* when yoa will hav aad his asaisbuslnsss and dals of acquaint**** nalrvoyantly ALL, YOUS FOTU&K will a* erlttsa ia aa honest, clear, plain mannsr ead a a deed trance. Mothers should know ths ass¬ ess of their husbands and children, young ladMs should know svsry thing about their sweetheart tr Intended husband. Do aot keep com pasy, marry or go into basins** uatll yoa know au; do aot let silly religious sere piss prsrsnt yeal .oasul tang. Madams te ths oaly oas la ths world waa aaa wal yoa ths FOLL KA MK et yoar tatar* hus¬ band, with ag* aad dals of marris**, ead sala whether ths on* yo* love te tra* or (ate*. EGYPTIAN TALISMANS. MBS. MABTH, walls wanderin*; with ths Syp- >les, obtained lt aad now te th* only oas la ths sty who haa ths Osbdibb Ca a bm. Although aa irinrlpled women who call thsmsslvss Clairvoy¬ ants, Astrologers and Portana Tellers. daUa te nave lt* secret, rest assured tts power te too sae.".d to ba In th* head* ot snch arttal womsa who would put lt to bad uss. Bea dar, do yoa svsr notice that soaks psoph assn to havs good luck all ths tims, ao matter what they do, tn asa seem to prosper, white oth¬ ers, yourself bs, havs such a hard tims to g*t along. No matter how hard they try, they Sad at ths sad ot ths ysar thsy ars ar* ao better *S haa aban ths* started. This te because thsy havs aot the Tallsn as, white ths successful peo¬ ple, la all probebllltlss, havs been to oas af ta* irennlns msdlums and obtained oaa. Ii yoa ars ansuoesesfnl la business, hers bad s.'h, thing* so wrong with yon then yoa should hav* aa Ergp tina Talisman. Ttl* rsmovs* ail .vii laSaeace*. brings good luck aad keep* alt trouble and sickness away. Do aot marry, be¬ ela aay business or do anything anttl hav* as¬ sured one ot her Talismans Itwui bria*; baot the ranaway lover, wif* or hawk sad. SOW TO OBTAIN A TALISMAN OF TOUBOWN FREE WILL AND ACCORD. By Mading a preesat of a SS.** aot* fa a reste tared tetter ead yoar full name ead address, I *iU send yon in return a Talanuan aa a preesat. Advice by .tetter*. $1.1*. No letters answered without stamp*. Hoar*; lt to a Sitting* tl.tft. Addre** MRS. M. B. MABTH, 419 Cumberland St.. Brooklyn. N. 1 .trAll Letters Mast Centals $1*0* MaaaloKaaMPi FARRAR&MOORE Cor. 3rd and Dural Sta., COHTATORS k BUDDIES ->:o:.- til work done tu flrst-olaos stylo aad la accordanos with the latest architectaral designs. First- class Work Guaranteed. »»*The patronage ol tho poblis u ¦SWaPtfall-y ES? ANO SAVE n ts ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MAD E MONEY sJHgP^ ttl: OR OIIl DllALIRS ran nell yon machine*! cheaper than you can Ret elsewhere. Xhe HIW lionel* ourbeM, but we ninkeehcaper kinds, sim li hm the CLIMAXi IDi:AL and other Illili Arm Full Nie kel flated Sewing Tlnchlncn for $15.00 and np. Call on our agent or write us. \%'o want your trade, and IT priers, term* and square dealing will win, we will have lt. ttl* challenge Hie world to produce a BKTTKR 050.00 .Hewing Machine for $50.OO, or a better $20. Sewing Machine tor $'20.00, thau you eau huy Oona us, or our Agent*. TBI KEW BOHR SEWING MACHI.ll COIPAtt. Orango. Mas*. Iloston.MaPS. 28 Union Sq,. N.Y. tex. aj .-.'mi..,:.. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE BY o S.T EN ri W ¦ I T^^wl all iTTll -^F COPYRIGHTS.^ CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT* Fora prompt answer kt.A an honest opinion, write to '(..who have h«d nearly fifty years' experience In ths patent rosiness. Communica¬ tions atrtetly confidential. A Handbook of In¬ formation conceminit Patents and bow to ob¬ tain thom mm >> cnialonueof meehan* loni sjsa safer** :n ^ -. i rea .on ft Co. receive ¦-rican, and thus *re br. re ths public with. oat cost to r. This splendid naper. Issued weekly, des ant ly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of say scientific work in tbe world. 0.1 * vi-n .ptos sent free. building K - niy, fi.'.a a yeer. copies, '£H cenu Kvery number oontsina beau¬ tiful plates, tn colors and photos-rapha boase*, with plano a lo show tb* latest designs sud secure contracts. TlUNM A CO., > .161 BHOADWAT. 9tt&tt*&&gS?S*tt<&&^ : Highest Honors at tte World's Columbian Exposit!.*. .Scad two-ctnt stamp for our 34-pege Catalogue-A **york of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, a ss itionarcn t^ycie twompany, '?jj Retail Salesroom. a8o Wabash Ave. Lake and lialsted StS.. CHICAQO, ILL. ¦?5 &k&&e±e£££££S£g£Zi2^^ Chas. G.Jurgens' S' MANGFaCTirjLaiB AJID UMAUsm 0 Furniture, Bedding and Carpets of] kinds and prices SOLD ON INSTALLMEN' Sraaeh: 109 N. Sta 9$. THONE NO. SST. atti Batt Broad RICHMOND, Ti VA.BUILDING LOAN & TRUS Company, Richmond, Va. Capital stock, - 150,001 OFFERS To those wishing to 8ave! To those wishiag to Invest!! To the Home Seeker!! Tha IddaJ Plan. Every oas aboard awn 8tock io this Company. OFFICERS . J. E. Jones, President; Thomas H. Lewis, Vies Pres.; Geo. W. Lewis, Attorne B. P. Vand-arvall, Secretary. DIRECTORS I 511 E. Clay St., - Richmond, V; J. E. Jones, P. W. Lewis, D. W. Daria, J. 8. Powell, 8. H. Dismond Te H. Lewis, W. P. Daba***, D. J. Chavers, G. W. Lewis. ba£! A Clear Complexion and Straight Hair Our JMLoJtti Ba DR. SIMMS* Mid-Winter Sales are now going on. All goods duced to the same price.read his prices and send in your ordt during these sales. OSLINE. Is the only preparation that is now on the market that will make crooked hi straight. Nothing like it has eyer been offered to the public before. By the use chis new method anyone can straiKhten the most Kinky and Crooked Bait of 1 in a very short while. With O.-line any one can make the hair so straight jerfect that it can be put op in any style that one would a ant it.it haa gi perfect satisfaction wherever it has been used yet. The method of ming Ot is so plain and simple that a child of twelve years can soon learn to straigl ind keep the hair in perfect condition. I guarantee O.sline to be perfectly harmless, and that there is nothing gu peri< "t for preserving the hair. Do yon wsnt straight hair? Do yon want your pat Iota a condition that will enable you to put it ap and prepare it foi occasion? If yon do. order a bottle of O.-line, as this preparation will give a] faction. Full instructions as to how to straighten and care for the bair sent each bottle. Price 50c. per bottle, 8 for $1 25. FACE BLEACH. Freckles, pimples, black-heads, liver-spots and all blemishes are removed the face by Dr. Simms' face bleach, tanned, sun-burnt, sallow and muddy st bleached and given a cbur, transparent complexion. The skin Is bit-ached one to three shades brighter In ono week by this wonderful bleach. There is tog to equal it in beautifying the face. Price 50a per bottle or three bottle fl .25 YALLARIS. Is the greatest Tonic that ba* ever been discovered for growing the hair, ris will restore the hair back on the temples. Will make a thin growth heavj store the bair to its natural color and give an elegant blaek glossy appen Will stop the bair from falling out la twenty-four hours. If you want ni bair you should order a bottle of this wonderful Tonic. Nothing to tqual i| *ver been offered to the'public. Try this and you will never get any other. i»er bottle, or three for fl 25. ELIXIR OF BEAUTT.t There is nothing to equal this great preparation for coloring and bean ti the face. It is an aqfual relief for delicate and pale faced women Women extremely ugly coropirxlon can impart a color of beauty to their faces.4 women eau make their cheeks flash with the bloom of youth. Paints and powders are done away with wherever the Elixir ot Beantv its wa v. This preparation is the most com pl its dressing that can be had foi face. Order a bottle; I know you will like it. Price, 50c per bottle; 3 for $] CHAPL1SE. Cha plink is guaranteed to cure chapped hands, lips and face. It will p the hands and lips from chapping and keep the skin smooth and soft. Pric per bottle or three for f 1.25. Dr. Simms will send to'any address three the snme preparation for fl .2"> or 3 bottles each one of a different preparatif $125. Pick your choice and buy now. Send all moneys by registered let postal money osder. Address: DR: JAS. N. SIMMS, Complexion Special ?30 Brook Street, - Louis viii AGENTS WANTED, writs for terms to agents. Terms are better ever before. Mention this paper when yoo write.

Richmond Planet.(Richmond, VA) 1895-02-02.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1895-02-02/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · aastAHoonimunloatloas lat*nd*d for publloatioB b***nttoth* editor,

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Published ***rv Saturday by Job» M!tch*IlJr.. proprietor, at U4 Kart Broad Stow*. Blahmobo. Vb.

-Phone 985JOHN MITCHELL, JR..AH oonimunloatloas lat*nd*d for publloatioB

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aa second das* matter.

SATURDAY, - FEB. 2,1895

Editorial Opinion.God ls raising np white friends for


To have true religion ls not to losehope.

The jury system of this country larory defective.

I> justice in the courts ls the cry¬ing evil of the sge.

It la natural to do wrong; lt laheavenly to do right.

When conscience does its duty,worry of mind follow*.

Thc fire* of persecution setm to bebrighter and hotter.

Oub sinful natures are constantlystruggling against upright living.Frowns upon the countenance gen¬

erally Indicate vengeance In tbeheart.

The Indian haa his trouble andfights lt out; the Negro has his andprays.

Good behavior helps ns much as a

people and we should not fall topractice it.

Sobriety, even under difficultieswill do much towards remedying ev¬ils.

Disappointments aro the order ofthe age, lt seems and we should notlose heart on account of them.

President Cleveland ls sadly Inneed of a Secretary of the Treasury,bat Mr. Carlisle doesn't seem toknow lt.

Bb frugal, be Industrious, be Godfearing, and be ever ready to keepout of the way of the lynchers.

Babah words cause much trouble,and Indiscreet actions, and wastefulexpenditures land ns In tho poor¬house.

Every one should Impress uponhis neighbor the necessity of sup¬porting race journals. If we can In¬crease the circulation, we can im¬prove the appearance of our publi¬cations.

Afro-American journals are stead¬ily on the increase. Hard times seemnot to wipe out the venturesomespirit. Well, the more the merrier.We aro pleased to see thom come.

The bar-roorpc&ie having a largerattendance on Sunday than thechurches, and i. .lon* in thefirst named pla nthe Increase.

Ir colored people were a race ofpaupers as some of these preju¬diced white people would picturethom to be, a building covering asmuch ground aa the city of Rich¬mond would not accommodate theindigent of the race.

We have received the catalogue ofMorgan College of Baltimore, M

1noe J. Wagner, A.M., D. D.

Tho faculty of the Lynchburg Insti¬tution ls Frank Trigg, A. M., prin¬cipal, K. V. Harris, Mrs. S. A.Booband Mlo* M. G. Tatlob.

The Future State of KiCity, Mo. comos to no much Improv¬ed In appearance, lt ls now a hand¬some 26 pago magazine, publishedmonthly by Ebnest D. Lynwood,Esq. Wo are pleased with lt, andrecommend lt to the public:


The great Brooklyn Street-CarStrike ia about ended, and the com¬pany won, aa must have boon appar¬ent from the first that it would do.

Ito victory, however has been cost¬ly, and the lesson taught on bothsides should tend to show all partiesthe necessity for conservatism andtho settlement of affairs of this kindby arbitration.The company was unwilling to do

this, and as a result lost thousandsof dollars, which will aggregatemore money than tho increase ofwages In question amounted to.The strikers are heavy losers. Be¬sides the consequent loss of life, theyIn common with the people of NewYork state must bear tho expenseentailed In the transportation andmaintenance of troops in the riotousdistrict.The decision of Judge Gaynor that

tbe companies owe a duty to tbepublic first and the stockholders af¬terwards and accordingly must op¬erate their lines and furnish the ser¬vice required under their charters isgood law. He asserted that thesecompanies muet secure tbe labornecessary for the ful Oiling of theircontracts with the city, even thoughthey have to pay more for lt.

If they saw fit to get cheaper la¬bor, they could do so, but not to thedetriment of tho service guaranteedthe public. On the other hand, thecity and state are under obligationsto afford protection and see to ltthat the companies are not prevent¬ed from carrying out the stipula¬tions In their charters by lawlessparties.We cannot understand how the

striking motor-men and conductorscould hope to win in the face of thefinancial depression and universalpoverty ezlrtlng throughout thecountry. Able-bodied men in othersections were on the verge of starva¬tion and the companies knew it.The terms offered were so much In

excess of the nothing which theywere receiving that they were readyto risk life and limb In order to se¬cure it. It will be a long time in tbefuture before the line between capitaland labor will be properly defined.One of the leaders of the strike de¬

clared that the government owner¬ship of the railway lines would be theonly proper solution of the problem.The doctrine is to an extent socialis¬tic and yet we doubt not, but whatduring the next generation somesuch plan may be put on foot whichwill lead to the operation of theroads upon the same principle thatthe post-office department ls han¬dled.This can only come, however, by

legislation of such a character as tomake the operation of the manylines unprofitable to the capitalistswho will hasten to sell out to thegovernment rather than Buffer fur¬ther loos.

RICHARD BROWN'S STATEMENT.The plain, straight forward state¬

ment of Richard Bbown, relative tothe treatment accorded him both byhis employer and the courts hasawakened much interest and causedpositive expressions of sympathy.Here ls a colored man who had earned $3.33 for the week.. His employer,Charles H. Page paye him fl 33,an amount which ls insignlficent.He retains $2.00 to pay on a finethat he presumed would be Imposedupon him [Page] either for runningan unlicensed cart upon the streetsor over-loading a mule.Richard Bbown demanded the

money which Charles H. Page un¬

lawfully withheld and upon his refus¬al to give him the same threatenedhim. Page becomes frightened andpays him the money, and then after,as Brown alleges chasing him aequare with a gun goes and securesa warrant for the arrest of Bbown,charging him with having felonious¬ly secured from him by threat themoney referred to.Bbown did not strike Page. The

latter does not even claim that hedid, bat a jory after hearing thefacts In the case finds him guilty andascertains his punishment at fiveybabs in the penitentiary. Brown'scounsel moves for a new trial andJudos Witt seta aside the ver¬dict. Consternation seizes the whitecounsel for the accused and heagrees to a verdict of "assault andbattery."Now as to where the assault took

place or who "got the battery" lsthe most interesting question. Suf¬fice lt to say that upon such a mis¬leading plea and Indictment. Bbown¦/as sentenced to one year in jail andto-day gft&ea through, the bars otthe prison, a monui the dis¬regard of law and tbe visitations ofInjustice. If Chas. H. Page had agun and chased Richard Brown,was he not guilty of oven a moreheinous offense than that with whichthe latter stood charged?

uninterrupted, transacting his bu*lneao while Bbown lo con floed In thecity jail. Moreover, there io no re¬cord that Charles H. Page hasboen punished for running an un¬licensed wagon upon the streets.There is no record that a warranthas been sworn out for his arrast,although lt is now known that hohad no such license upon the wagonwhich Brown drove.Charles H. Page did unlawfully

pursue one Richabd Bbown with a

gun for the purpose of killing himHas any such charge been preferredagainst him, and If so has he boonpunished? Bbown should not hovethreatened Mb. Paoe, but tho latterhad the former's money and wouldnot give lt to him. Would not anyman have acted just aa Bbown did ?If lt was unlawful for Bbown to de¬mand his money under threat, wasit not wrong for Page to retain itwithout due process of law?We maintain that every official in

this state is In honor bound to re¬

cognize the civil and political equal¬ity of all men before the law. Iodealing with a whlto man and acolored one they muet treat thetwo just as they would two whitemen or two colored ones whenthe aforesaid gentlemen come tothem with conflicting Interests. Itwon't do to say gentlemen that heis a "nigger."

It your prfjodiceo will not allowyou to administer justice impartial¬ly, far better will lt be for j ou now,and your souls in the hereafter thatyou resign the office or decline toaccept a position which causes youto live a lie and to practice perjory.We aver that severity In dealingwith a Negro and leaning tn dealingwith a white man ls In direct antag¬onism with the oath of office and tnviolation of the guarantees of theBill ot Rights of Virginia. No Chris¬tian should be guilty of such con¬duct; no unbeliever, should laborjuider such a monument of dishonor.Tynch-law must go!

THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE.President Cleveland's message

upon the financial situation con¬tributes nothing new to the public,but tends to emphasize a conditionwhich Democratic .imbecility hasmade possible.The abandonment of the financial

scheme of bis Secretary of the Treas¬ury, John G. Carlisle was in keep¬ing wita what was to be expected.Helios placed the financial depart¬

ment of hts administration in thor¬oughly incompetent hands and henow comes forward with suggestionswhich will be taboed byparty associates and regard¬ed with indifference by the Republi¬cans.The country is slowly, but surely

drifting to another financial parlc,and values of commodities as wellas money will be unsettled.

The result of this will betha remarkable spectacle of aDemocratic President calling anextra sessslon of a newly elected Re¬publican Coogress to save the coun¬try from disaster and to avert oneof the greatest financial maelstroms,any nation has ever seen.


Mary Martin, white, charged withstealing a cow was tried in the Hen-rlco County Court Wednesday, Jan¬uary 23,1895, and sentenced to onemonta In jail and fined $5.00.She had been guilty of stealing a

cow before.Henry Johnson, colored,] who

stole a calf, was tried In the samecourt about twelve weeks ago, foundguilty, and hts punishment ascer¬tained at five years tn the Virginiapenitentiary.Van Perkins, colored, chargedwith assaulting two white girls, was

on Friday, January 18th, tried.The uncles of the two girls testi¬

fied that Perkins was with them atthe time the offence was alleged tohave been committed.A jory (of white men deliberately

brought in a verdict of guilty andascertained bis punishment at oneyear In jail.These are samples of j astico aa ad¬

ministered tn the courts of this lo¬cality.It should not be forgotten that

Richmond etty is in Henrico Countyaud the court.house referred to iswithin the confines of this municipal¬ity.A white woman ls given a month

In jail for stealingacow and theodored man five years tn the penitentiaryfor stealing a calf. It ts to be pre¬sumed that had he stolen the cowand the age of the animal Inany wise trebled or quadrupled thatof the calf the colored man wouldhave received a virtual life-sen tancefor doing the very thing for which awhite person receives one month tnjail.The Van Perkins case is one of the

most flagrant we have yet beencalled upon to chronicle.The question of altbt amounts to

noshing to these jurors.Here is a practical demonetration

of th* theory which we have morethan.OLce referred to. 'There are hun¬dreds of whita men who believe thatwhen an offence has been committedby a Negro, some other Negroshould be made to softer for lt.A more pernicious doctrine could

not be conceived, a more unjust visi¬tation of the law could not bo prac-ced.

being in the midst of suchthese that cause us to won-

we are to submit tond be silent in the

lon.toland aro bo


lng enacted scenes of similar charac¬ter, and Ethiopia ls stretching forthher hands unto God for deliveranceand appealing to tho liberal mind¬ed white men for oympathy.A chango most como, unrighteous

decisions must be rebuked, and thoagitation kept op until justice to oc¬cured for our down trodden people.

Cough ! Cough ! ! It's thehacking cough that often endsin the most serious trouble,

Jain-mtfij/erstops the cough at once

removing the cause and thusprevents the trouble. Put twoteaspoonfuls of this good oldremedy in a small cup of

j molasses, take % teaspoonfuloften, and your cough willquickly cease. Sold eve-

where. You now get doublej the quantity of Pain-Killer forthe same old price.Perry Davis & Son, Providence, R. I.


JOHN G. SMITH,1301 East Leigh StFine Groceries, Wines, Liquors,Cigars and Tobacco.UWood and Coal-2Low prices and quick sales.

aaarCavil and aaa him.

WG- SINGLETON,1828 1A8T FRANKLIN STREET.(Femsrlj wltfc ta* lat* C. C. Ultskall.)

Pink Groceries,Cigars and Tobacco.Ths boot Wines and Liquors. Pro snptAttention Given. All Goods attho Loweet Prices. Call raid


G. K POLLOCK,901 N 3rd Street,

Dealer in ^

GROCERIES,Fresh Meats, and CountryProduce, Fine Liquors,

Wines, Cigars, To-Tobacco.

WOOD AND COALHaf~Satislaction guaranteed. Call and

see him.


Cheap Groceries, Frosh Meatsand Vegetables, Fleur, Feed,Coal and Wood.WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO,

AND CIGARS.Coal sold by the measure and load at

Yard prices. BEER Garden andLunch Counter for Ladies and

Gentlemen.107 W. Baker St., Richmond, Va.

(Opposite Baker St. School.)

R. D. Granderson,110 N. 18th St.


Consisting of Groceries, Wines,Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco,Mill/bed etc. Country

produce generally.GOODS DELIVERED FREE.



For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, Bogs,AJTD POCTLTBY.SOOPa«e Book oa Treatment ofAnimal*sud Chart Meat Free,crass 5 Fever*.Cons;estiona, InflammationA.A.iSpiunl Meningitis, Milk Fever.B.B..Strains, I.Bmcnon, lt hmma liam.CC.Distemper, Nasal Discharge**B.D..Bots or (.rubs. Worms.K.K.'-t'ouvh*, Heaves, Pneumonia*.V.V..Colic or Urines, Bellyache.<;.<;..Mi nra rrluge. Hemorrhages.11.11.. I rinary and Kidney Diseases*1,1..Eruptive Blseases. Mange..K..Disease**f Digestion, Paralysis.Single pottle (over 50 doses), - - .60(stable Case, with Specifics. Manual,rinary < ure Oil an.l Medlcator, $7.00Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, . . l.OOSaM fey Dragttatai sr aaa! praaaM aayabara a»4 ts emf.SaaUty sa raeelpt of prk*.

BTBFBBKT8' BED. CO., Ula 1 llWilliam St., Sra-Tai*.

L»gE ll H01CB0FATHIC fl ftUH USPECIFIC No GOIn ass 30 years. Tbe only .nccsssfnl letaedy for

Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,and Prostration, from over-work or other BsnsiaC01 per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powdar, for Oft.Sold >>y Drnjtfrlaia, or aent poetpald ob raratpc ol pru-*.

mmr^BITS'BSD. Ca, 1 il * 11* Wllams .*.,sewlars.

$a**irtiflct America*

oavAAT*.flt*Oh MAR'S,

C"r»YRtCMT0 *tcJ.v err ii '<sa\ 'iJMMmgisjm

sharp 10 Umj^tifntifir ^raen .au



Undertaking Rooms,812 IL Broad Street.

¦¦TOrders Promptly Attended.Beoidence and Office 208 E. Leigh.Phone 475.

A. lXPKlCE.Ondt risking rooms mndUvety


412* 414 HorvL 3rd atrwta[Residence at the earn* Bamber.]

Order, promptly filled ot short not!Telephone ordero promptly attendod. Holla rented for meetings and olnice entertainment*. Plenty ol roonWat*, all neeseeary coBrenleBeoo.'PbKbbtb tomb_jiff

Established 1868.aT-:o:-

HENRY COOKE.Funeral Director k Bmialmcr.

Office and Undertaking Rooms,1547 E. Broad St.. - Richmond* Va.

Hi?"A ll orders by telegraph pr'vaaptlySiled..rhone 156..

W. S. SELDKN.FUNERALNo. 1S06 S. Broad St., fjchmoad, T»

(Ksar Ut Bapt, Charam.)-O-

Raaidaaca: ltOt E. Latch M..o-

Long experience and a thoroogiknowledge of mow methods en-ear* sattsfaotloa. Ail Ords**

eroaaptAr *steaded.

Funeral k fcCTOR,Office wabekoom, 7.' S. 2nd St.

Residence: 725 N. sud Ml

First Class Hacks Caskets ol all de¬scriptions. I hare a spars roomfar bodies when the family barsnot a suitable place. All conntry orders are given spec¬

ial attention. Tom*appeal attention ie called to the newstyle Oak Caskets. Call and sse Saoand you rbeil be waited on nicely.


Attorney at Law,ROOM NO. 5.PLANET BUILDIG.

814. Broad St.

Practices in the Courts olthe city of Richmondand in the State and

Federal Courts.KafSpecial attention given to the ex¬

amination of titles and the preparationof 'egalpapers.

J. E. BYRD,attorney at law,f0« a. Bread S%^ Racamond, Va.

Practice* la al tao Couria of Tlrginla shad Woshrnfrtoa, D. C. QoiekAUaaaaiaa givea to ail Di-

yarea saoea, Exasaina-.ftemaf tides, writ-

inc ooooX w*h\ aaad attics**

Thos. W. Johnson,Attornev and Counsellor at Law

905 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va.,0 Hirts. City of Richmond and ad¬joining counties. Divorce and oth¬er chancery matters conducted. Le-

fal documents drawn. Titles totoperty Examined, etc. The pa¬

tronage of the public ts solicited.Office opens evenings for any whocannot call in the day. Money loaned In sums to suit.

PRUDENTPEOPLEPrepare torby kstphag their.area.

Thea, Insure at onealDe lt nowt Do aot wait!leavre ia The Securityladostrial Lils InsuranceCe., which does not dis*sriminats oa account ofsolor. Livs Company.AD claims paid promptlyagents wasted to can-waa* ths city, OflseellB OawaH



rmtakin raoM Liri.

A atross ano arris tbcatmint

OZONIZED OX MARROW(OOPYBIOHT Br BOOB a KATH BB. OHICAOO.)This wondsrfu) hair pnraarto ls the only *afs

preparation io ths world that makes kink; hairstraight aa shown abova. It renders the heir soft,pliable and glossy, and by nourishing th-imparts r.*w Ute. and vigor. Elegantly perfumed.

iM Ox Marrow Is mar .ly byBuck A Rayner, the w*ll known druggists ofChicago. Their reputation Ir a guarantee that;t ts taswflaaattw nara aad harmNn. lie-wsrs i** that Hi'blown. Liusands wt.th* g«- . *° '*.never falling merits. Full directions wit!bottle. Prlfs onl;druggists,i !.>es not keep lt. wswill send you 3 bottles for tt.Ufi 01Always Inclosss post omeo money order, ss w*

t send goods C. O. I> Writs your sddrtsssad name plainly. Address r


Mention this Paper.


ff #%¦!¦ limLl ~W Hon. .JOHN IV*. LANGSTON,(Ex I. S. Representative free* Virginia).


+ Famous Silver-Tongued +COLORED ORATOR



Great Historical WorkeMORACJNO

50 Years of RACE PROGRESS.



No race library complete without it. S High grade illustrations, paper, printing and bindingmakes it the handsomest and most attractive race book ever published. Gives a full and most interestingaccount of Mr. Langston's great an tul right for his seat in the House of Representatives at Washington.A big opportunity to make money ; don't miss it. Send $1.00 for canvassing outfit and secure territoryat once, or send for descriptive circulars and terms to agents. Address, mentioning this paper,a .

AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO-, SBoYtor?/wii.s.. or Cincinnati, Ohio.

CLAIRVOYANTMBS. MABTH. ta* world rcaewasd aa* htaOJaslsbrate* basia*** aad ts** TRANCE CLAXB70YAJ>T,r*v*als svsr> thing. Ho tmpoettloa. Oaaba eoaealted oa all altair* of Ute. Siana isa.Lot* and klarrisa* a ap*eJalty. Every Bsysasry-wvseJsd. also of absent, dsesaasd aad Urta*Crtsnda. H*mov*s all troaMss aad satraage-.eata, a**taa ths separated, aad saasas ap ssdy¦an-tags*. $1,000 enaUsng* to aay bkadioro waa

caa sxossd her la Sar startling rwalataoae af aaapast, prseaat aad tfcs tatar* svsnts ot ob*'* asa,tUmsmber sits sill aot for aay pries flatter voa;yoe B>ay rest assured yoa will gala teeta wita-oat aonssnss. Sh* caa b* eoa*alt*d eeo*all affaire of Ufa, Love, Courtship, Mar--lag*. Frteada. arte-, vrlth dsserioUoo of tatarseompaaloB. Ska ai rmrj aecarats la 'dsscrlbLngBlissing friends, .neates. ste. Hsr envies bbobdntasss. chengs la bnainsss, jonrasys. lawsuit*9oate*t*4 willa, divorc* aad speculation 1* valaa-ols aad rsllabl*. Bbs neds you dsstliij gs*dor bad: shs withhold* Bothlng.USS. MABTH. bora with a dsante wsB. to as»v*nth eaagbawr. tall* yoar sntlrs Ut*--past.present ead tatar*.la a DBAJ> TSAJNCS; ha*aad the power ot aay two clairvoyant* yoa svsr.st. Ia tests shs tails yoar saothar's fol] sams .

.sfor* marriage, th* nam ss et alt yoar taan'ly.tbsir ages and description.tha nama and tinIn sssrt yoar present husband, ths nams of yocr nexttf .voa ar* to havs ons, ths nama of th* voaagmaa who now calls ob yoa, th* sams of yoarfatnrs husband, aad ths day. month end yearvf yonr marriage.bow many chlldrse yoa havs>r will havs. whether yoa ar* married or slngls;whether yoa present sweetheart will b* tras t*ron aad lt hs wli 1 marry yoe; lt yoa havs aa.weetheart, shs will 1*11 yo* when yoa will havaad his asaisbuslnsss and dals of acquaint****nalrvoyantly ALL, YOUS FOTU&K will a*erlttsa ia aa honest, clear, plain mannsr eada a deed trance. Mothers should know ths ass¬ess of their husbands and children, young ladMsshould know svsry thing about their sweethearttr Intended husband. Do aot keep compasy,marry or go into basins** uatll yoa know au;do aot let silly religious serepiss prsrsnt yeal.oasultang.Madams te ths oaly oas la ths world waa aaa

wal yoa ths FOLL KA MK et yoar tatar* hus¬band, with ag* aad dals of marris**, ead salawhether ths on* yo* love te tra* or (ate*.

EGYPTIAN TALISMANS.MBS. MABTH, walls wanderin*; with ths Syp-

>les, obtained lt aad now te th* only oas la thssty who haa ths Osbdibb Caabm. Although aairinrlpled women who call thsmsslvss Clairvoy¬ants, Astrologers and Portana Tellers. daUa tenave lt* secret, rest assured tts power te toosae.".d to ba In th* head* ot snch arttal womsawho would put lt to bad uss.Bea dar, do yoa svsr notice that soaks psoph

assn to havs good luck all ths tims, ao matterwhat they do, tn asa seem to prosper, white oth¬ers, yourself bs, havs such a hard tims to g*talong. No matter how hard they try, they Sadat ths sad ot ths ysar thsy ars ar* ao better *Shaa aban ths* started. This te because thsyhavs aot the Tallsn as, white ths successful peo¬ple, la all probebllltlss, havs been to oas af ta*irennlns msdlums and obtained oaa.

Ii yoa ars ansuoesesfnl la business, hers bads.'h, thing* so wrong with yon then yoa shouldhav* aa Ergptina Talisman. Ttl* rsmovs* ail.vii laSaeace*. brings good luck aad keep* alttrouble and sickness away. Do aot marry, be¬ela aay business or do anything anttl hav* as¬sured one ot her Talismans Itwui bria*; baotthe ranaway lover, wif* or hawksad.SOW TO OBTAIN A TALISMAN OFTOUBOWN FREE WILL AND

ACCORD.By Mading a preesat of a SS.** aot* fa a reste

tared tetter ead yoar full name ead address, I*iU send yon in return a Talanuan aa a preesat.Advice by .tetter*. $1.1*. No letters answeredwithout stamp*. Hoar*; lt to a Sitting*tl.tft. Addre**

MRS. M. B. MABTH,419 Cumberland St.. Brooklyn. N. 1.trAll Letters Mast Centals $1*0*


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J. E. Jones, President; Thomas H. Lewis, Vies Pres.; Geo. W. Lewis, AttorneB. P. Vand-arvall, Secretary.



511 E. Clay St., - Richmond, V;J. E. Jones, P. W. Lewis, D. W. Daria, J. 8. Powell, 8. H. Dismond

Te H. Lewis, W. P. Daba***, D. J. Chavers, G. W. Lewis.


A Clear Complexion and Straight Hair Our JMLoJtti


DR. SIMMS* Mid-Winter Sales are nowgoing on. Allgoodsduced to the same price.read his prices and send in your ordtduring these sales.

OSLINE.Is the only preparation that is now on the market that will make crooked hi

straight. Nothing like it has eyer been offered to the public before. By the usechis new method anyone can straiKhten the most Kinky and Crooked Bait of 1in a very short while. With O.-line any one can make the hair so straightjerfect that it can be put op in any style that one would a ant it.it haa giperfect satisfaction wherever it has been used yet. The method of ming Otis so plain and simple that a child of twelve years can soon learn to straiglind keep the hair in perfect condition.

I guarantee O.sline to be perfectly harmless, and that there is nothing gu peri<"t for preserving the hair. Do yon wsnt straight hair? Do yon want yourpat Iota a condition that will enable you to put it ap and prepare it foioccasion? If yon do. order a bottle of O.-line, as this preparation will give a]faction. Full instructions as to how to straighten and care for the bair senteach bottle. Price 50c. per bottle, 8 for $1 25.

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the face by Dr. Simms' face bleach, tanned, sun-burnt, sallow and muddy stbleached and given a cbur, transparent complexion. The skin Is bit-achedone to three shades brighter In ono week by this wonderful bleach. There istog to equal it in beautifying the face. Price 50a per bottle or three bottlefl .25

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ris will restore the hair back on the temples. Will make a thin growth heavjstore the bair to its natural color and give an elegant blaek glossy appenWill stop the bair from falling out la twenty-four hours. If you want nibair you should order a bottle of this wonderful Tonic. Nothing to tqual i|*ver been offered to the'public. Try this and you will never get any other.

i»er bottle, or three for fl 25.ELIXIR OF BEAUTT.t

There is nothing to equal this great preparation for coloring and bean tithe face. It is an aqfual relief for delicate and pale faced women Womenextremely ugly coropirxlon can impart a color of beauty to their faces.4women eau make their cheeks flash with the bloom of youth.

Paints and powders are done away with wherever the Elixir ot Beantvits wav. This preparation is the most com pl its dressing that can be had foiface. Order a bottle; I know you will like it. Price, 50c per bottle; 3 for $]

CHAPL1SE.Cha plink is guaranteed to cure chapped hands, lips and face. It will pthe hands and lips from chapping and keep the skin smooth and soft. Pric

per bottle or three for f 1.25. Dr. Simms will send to'any address threethe snme preparation for fl .2"> or 3 bottles each one of a different preparatif$125. Pick your choice and buy now. Send all moneys by registered letpostal money osder. Address:

DR: JAS. N. SIMMS, Complexion Special?30 Brook Street, -Louis viii

AGENTS WANTED, writs for terms to agents. Terms are betterever before. Mention this paper when yoo write.