tT I'he RNQUIRP.il U pabltsUed mice ft week, gene rally, and three limes it nrek doling the seesloa ol' Ihe State Legislature.—I'rlce.lhe sjrneas heretofore, Five Hollars per annum, psyshle in advance. Notes Af Char- tered specie-paying Dunks. (onlo) will he received in payment. The Editors will gaarauUe the safety of remitting them Oy mail, the postage of all letters being paid bt the witters. VT No paper will lie discontinued,fhnt at the discre- tion of the Editors,] until all ancaiagcs bate been paid up. iy Whoever will euataulee Ihe payment of nine papers, Shall receive a tenth gratis. I BUMS OF ADVERTISING. ty One Square—First Insertion, 73 cents—ea- h continuance, 30 cents. Vo Advertisement inserted until it has either Seen staid for, or assumed !>y some yersoa ill this city or its environs. _ Zy~Qu ick Travelling from Richmond to Rut- timurr. via ICnshlngton fit1/ P ASSENGERS »ia> leave Richmond every day except Sundav, M (hire t. vi. will slrt-p <1:1 board the strata boat, and airive at Wasbintlon City the next tuorning. and at Haiti mart the same day hy n'wn— belli; 1/drty.lN'u hours on their pn•>»*!;.■ frnui Rich ■iioild to Haltiinoie. Travellers I out Petersburg will do well to take the stage the evening before the stages leave Kiehmoutl. ami avail themselves of much the cheapest and most expeuitious and cottilotuhlc mute tury can take. Washington, April 11, 103..tf r pHK kittle ol the subscriber's health rett- S derintr, in liie own opinion as well as vital of liia plivsiciai's, a sea voyage indispensable to ti recovery, all persons evuce.t tied ate hereby notified tliat he will leave tile United Sut< s in the course of the ensuing tnoptlt (April; William Leigh Eta. near Hallifax Court House, his attorney in (net, ana counsel, will represent hint during his absence ; to whom all applications are requested lo he ttiude hy persons having business with him, and Ip whom all debts due huts will, after his departure, he paid. Air.Thomas \. Mortou of I'arinville will attend to the atlaira of the I’.traire E-statc, ami transact all ueefoscry business for the sttb- aeriber as Executor and titiMee of the late Mrs. Judith Randolphof lli/arre. JOHN BAN DOLE* H of tiounoke. Washington, Match 25, IS20. N. B. If practicable, the subscriber will attend Charlotte or Buckingham April court, where all who utav have business with him will have au opportunity of a personal inter- view, with him. It).1*. .Of. I II 0001)1. JUST received—Sn permit (liudumt—Seeisncters— Dimities—Sleani loom Shillings— Calicoes— cam. Iiritki—Muslins—Naukreu & Canton Crapes,and Crai e stresses—Stuns, Florences ami Italian Lustrings— best London Cloths—Caasitkeres ami Vestings—with n variety of wilier SEASONABLE GOODS, for side ai very reduced pt.ces By n. <v H. NEILon a CO. April 11. ins..lit *r~ TIUM' SALK BV viilue of a bred «, trust made t;> the suhscriberi h> David I. Ituri J ol tvlle, Francis l; diet and wife, and Vincent l.ra ami wile, dated tin until day of Jan1}, rn the year ISIS, aud of ivord in the court of iiustiug] of tire city ol itiebruoi.d—Will be exposed to SA'erai auction, on the premises, on Holiday, the 24/A day oj April next, all that Loj OF LAND iu the city of Rich mono, known and distinguished hi the plan of the said city, •> > lUe number hi, i, and all Buildings and improve tuents tlieicurt. and winch is Know n try liie name of The. Union Air Furnace. Terms of taie, J 2.331 33, with interest inereoH from 4bc2Ulh day ol Jauuaiy last, and the cost and expeoses attending thr sale to be paid tlorvu In cash. The residue of the pm chase money, as far as it sbalfexUiid, tube paid iu the loilowing instalments, to wit: $2934 33, mi the 29lb January, ui the 'tar tbit—$ 3033 33, on th>- 29<h January, iu tbe year 1822 jjjjaj ou uie 29ih January, 111 the year 1823—$ 2293 31, ou tbe lillh Jail, ■in the year IH.t—and fhr tin- surplus, if any, credit will be ali.oved to liie lime last mentioned. For the four instxliiicms as ur us they shall extend, and fur tue surp! ■. if any, the purchaser must execute negotiable notes a ilh an approved eudnrsrr, payable at either ol (he hauks in the city, and also a deed of trust on tbe properly lo secure the pay inriit cl the said instalments as they shall become due, and of like tenor with the deed ot irnst bow in he acted on. CHARLES COPLAND, ) CARTER D. PAGE, j Trustees. JAMES BROWN, jr. J £TThe properly above advertised, comprehends An Iron Fuitnrtery, with two air furnaces, one Cupel for nace, on the iuosi appiowd construction, mill wain Blast—and all y ic interior fixtures uf the loiiudeiy com plele and hi for immediate use. A brass Foundery and finishing shop. A film-'Smith's .Shop, with three lories and over; pivper convenience. A fin/-I Oritk two story Duelling House. Sheds for store rooms,coke oveu,<k.c. Arc. The whole forming a complete establishment fo casting, making and finishing all kinds of machinery and well worthy the ARC III I6n of p*-r;.ous iu that line immediately alter the saie of the a hove property will he sold at public auction, on a credit of six twelve, and eighteen months, for approved endorse! Holes, all the I’.iUrins, Flasks, IReilsilt, Eouls air! implements appertaining to said foiiudcly aitdwuik shops. N. B. All orders for castings, previous to the abnvi sale, mil be received and duly executed. FOLLEl, BURR At CO. F’eh.24. 91..Ids 1 4 U .*> I 3.4 / \N Wednesday, the 10 Hi Mir, at 1* o’clock pre '* * cisely, oil I tie premise*. "III lie sold at I’Llll.ll AUCTION to Die highest bidder, that adtruntageousli situated and valuable Erick House dad Cummvdiou /.of on Hunk street, formerly occupied liy A. t* It 31 Cnuni'iglniMi, and uuw belonging to l.esltr a Mr Indoe, and by them conveyrd by deed lo liusires, lo Lriicht of those theicili named. ierttis— H, 12 atul li niomhs. Negotiable u tes mill a deed of litist, am approved eiidorsrrs on the nisi note. D'j order of the Trustees, VV. &. It. HAXALL, V. M. Petersburg April II. Iii.a..irls JT~T~PTT KLIN H KI >, \ND for sale at Wt«. II. Fltzwhyisoiiii's Bookstore and by I’cter Kppts at Hie Capitol, AHJNFORDS GENERAL INDEX Jo tier. Virginian Law Authorities. L? Price S e Jan. 50. 79,.ti Notice to Masons V Bridge Builders. DKOFOItLS will !.e received till the ilh of June J next, by the subscribers, Foil I HK KKlXlltif OF A FULL RKIDOK across James river al this place 'lire river is 2!>J yards wide si the contemplated siren lire bridge—tbe avetage depth thereof al common lov water in summer two feet rune inches, the bottom solii rock entirely across. There are several quarries o rock,of good quality, not more than 300 yards diilan from tbe site on ike tvatei’s >.dge,and the wooden mate rials ran he conveniently obtained by water from th neighborhood, either above or below. 'Ilie luidge i to rest oji piers 40 feet apart, each pier to be 12 fee wide at the bottom and H feet on the lop ; 23 feet htgl and 23 feet lovg, of solid masonry of the most sub stsulial kind, and Hie top will he required of limber o suitable size atul strength, to lie covered with subsinnlia plank. One fourth of the cost of the bridge will h paid when the work commences, one fourth when hal Jiilisbed, and the balance «n ibe completion of tip work.,..,Bond with approved secorhy will he reqolrei from Hie undertaker before any money Is arivaitced.- The above Is the general plan of the hildge content plated by the board of mauageil, but is subject to b altered upon the suggestion of oue more apprnved.- Coinmuincatioiis may lie made by any petsun dispose to undertake this work, to the undersigned, agents c tlie bridge company, at Carttrsville, Virginia. a A MLi KL WILSON, F. B. DRANK, JOHN (i. DANIEL. March 54. I0J..I4J t7 the K ilots ol the National Intelligencer wi please insert ibe above twice a we k ‘till the 4th Junt and forward their acrottttl lo ibisofliee for payment \M I if if ALL persons having claims against the estate of Job P. Smith, det’d. of Prinre Ldwanl county, ar requested lo make them known Immediately, in r>rd« <hat arrangements may be made for tbe payment of th »ame. SIEHMno SMITH, kxevutor of John /'. Smith, itec’d. Jamestown, Prince Edward, April 7. 107..If ALL persons indebted to JOSEPH IMHMSTAI) dec. are requested to make payment to me tmiiu diaiely.as I am desirous of closing th* adminisiralio as soon as possible, aud therefore cannot grant in tin 8«nce to any body, DANIKL CALL, Es'or of Josepa Daruisladt, dec. f»b.»._ 83..If n, '.'s i ER OF PARISH 4HAVE on hand and ptirpove kreplng a constat supply of lit'uo lit ground I’l.AFrEK.of the he' "<»y, at my niill upon the canal, and at Pit belt A hainher House on ilte balir, for sale at reduced prieei 1 dOHN s r a pi.i s. B—wny-rim. > ... j.ii ■■■ ■- \T a meeting of the President and Directors of the James Ktver Company on the aytJi March, idtui— Pttku-.x r—JOHN rOAl.l I.K, President. BMW: Ct'NMNUHAM.t CHARLES COPl AND, { l»lrccl,,r** It was resolved lo publish the following advertisement, to n it: TIIE JAMES RIVER COMPANY, Being authorized hy an act ot the fJeueral Assembly of Virginia, passed the I7lh day ot February, 18'ZU, enti. lied an act to amend the act for clearing and im- proving tbe navigation of James Rives,and tor uniting tile Fasteru and Western witters hy the James and Ka uawba litvers," to hoirow (luring the present yi.ir,a si :i of mouey not exceeding 5-200.000, ut a rate of interest not exceeding six pel cent, pet annum, lo be paid semi-annually, on Die 13th day of July and lath d yj of January iu cacti year, now give notice, that they are ready and desirous to contract for a loan or loans ot money, pursuant to said act, al tbe above rate ol interest. Tbe President and Directors, have- no doubt that this loan, on an examination of its principles, and the sta- bility ol the I10. lv pledged for the payment of tbe iu. Iciest, mil be luiind oiler great inducements lo those, who w>sli Invest ilnir money in a safe and permanent stuck, to make such investments: and al. though they hope that hereafter, when this subject is ( better understood, than it ctiu be at present, they will be able to nter the market on an ei|iiatity with oilier | six per cent, stock which now sell* (.shove par, they ate willing, f.-r so inucb money as is uotv wanted, to I cunt• ai t at the rale a .nve mentioned. It is not wished by ilietn, al this time, lo borrow llie whole of the sn 111 which ihe la « anlhurizts, iu as inucb as contracts not having yet liecu made lor the work, they would he paying interest fur ruouies lying idle; they are hevetthelrss willing and desirous now to re- oei%i as lar as 3-r,,,.uou,10 enable them to begin their operations ; ami as to the residue, it will he entirely agreeable to tbem to receive propositions tor fuithrr loans, payable at a future day, as may suit the conve- nience >! those wishing to lend. It is also proposed, for the accommodation of persons living at a distance, and who may wish yrr.scntty invest monies 111 this fund, (hat they shall immediately notify the President amt Directors of such tush, in which case a preference will he given to them over other:-, who mav even bring in their money previous lo tbe payment hy siitli part), and uht^shall nave given no uoticeof such thrlr wish. Flic monies loaned, will be reserved hy the Plrsblrnt and Directors hi 110 other way but liy a deposit to their credit, in some one of tbe following Bank', to wit I ire Bank of Virginia, lire Fanners* Bank 1 f Virginia, or any or rhe branches of either of those Banks ; the Bunk of the 1 mted Slates in Philadelphia, or itsollices of discount and deposit in Huston, New York, I’.alil. more or Washington ; and the party making such rle- P'> it, in compii ti.ee with a previous slipulaiiou totlu- clfuct. ill any of the Banks abovctneniioned, will rr. ceive a certificate of loan from the Pieiidt nt and Dw j i:ct.-re, iu conformity lo the act, so soon as they shall irn enc ultima! lulorutatiofi th.it such deposit has been made, tni '.iiug the party to interest from the date of such deposit. out the limits of Yiigiuia. and whp may i>r ilesirmia l>* lend iheir money, ilic Pr^itdrnl and Directors have I tiaitiiiHtled lo each of ibe Hanks of ibe (Jutted Stales j above mentioned,a copy of the ait of Assembly sutho- rising tbe loan : anil they furthermore solicit an en- Rniiy tbrourii the p. ivaieand confidential agents of the parties in Hi- linimiil as ’to the solidtiy ol' the Hock | proposed to he issued. f Hie President and Directors art- also desirous to draw the attention or perrons capable of undertaking he norks, nrat to In ext- olid under the act, either as engineers or contractors to do the work and will lie clad lo rective written communications from applicants on this subject. Letters directed to ibe President ami Directors »f the James Hirer company at Htchmoad, will lie regu. larly attended to. UOBLKI POLLAltD, Link. A |sr J A. ItW. ,w8w LIT The Fditors oi tbe National Intelligencer, Boston Pali i.>t, New York Mercantile Advertiser, and piiila- ■lelpliia Democratic Press, \< ill please insert the above w rer.lv, two moiiihs, and forward their acoiunis lu this otiire for pigment. BY virtueof a deed oi' trust executed tvn.'-t*Iu Groom, hearing dale August I7ib, lam, to the s inscribrr, lo secure the payment of a certain sum of niOUey therein inriiUoiird, due lo Xacliariuh IV. Per. klus—Will be sold to the highest bidder fur ready mo. ney, at the residence of said Kn-hard Groom, in Hie lower end of Finvanua county, on Tuesday, the'MU day of SI Y nett, tbe following SLAVES, to wit Teancr, Handolpb. Lucy Lewis, Morns, Isaac, I'oin, w it.stun, Milly.Huldy, Atlive, William, Elvy, Pamelia, and Waller, and the future increase of the female staves, and all the estate, right, title and interest of saidH. Groom nolo ibe aforesaid slaves—Also, live horses, one waggon and gear, one set of blacksmith's tools, with the present crop of wheat,or so much thereof as may be sufllcient to satisfy theile.t therem mentioned with interest.and the expense of carrying raid deed, into extcuiiuii. D AVID SHEPHERD, Trustee. April II.__108....Ills 1). \V. cc <\ WAUW lCIv, F I -"'E fur sale, on aeconimodating terms— * » lid crates and bhds. well assorted Earthen and Glass Ware •JOO grace P«rier and tVine Bottles bar and Hoop iron Shot, Nails, and White Lead ground In oil. f>b D>-_ 88..if /’’(/f.V Dollars Howard. S> ANAWAY from the subscriber on tbe Ath of April, * v in the county of Albet/.arle, a negro man naimd JOHN,but soms: lines calls himself John Slirkes he isa Fla. k fellow, about ‘gw or 30 years of age. live feel, S or lu incurs high, remarkable on account of haring large while lee Hi. He was purchased of a Mr. Hooes, living near Floor's Ferry,in King George county, where I es. peit lie is now fuming. I will give llieabove reward, together -riili ail reasonable expellees, to any person who will deliver him to me on my farm ill the above mentioned county, near Scotlsville, or s -cure bim in any jail so I gel him again. 1 EGBERT LEWIS. April 14. iUiciiju/i ( raw's Mills in I Jammer. ON the south bran h of i’amunky river, s.irl rat tor's crcrk, and his I tND, lying between these water | courses, estimated H453 acres, are for sale. This properly being conveyed to Carter Berkeley and Jame: I’leasanls liy a deed of trust, dated liic 3d of March, HID, mill recorded in the Clerk's Oilice of Hanover, for Ihe purpose of securing the payment of two liontii l.i Charles Citiisbaw, described in the sail! deed, mil be sold at auction for ready money in front of the Eagle Hotel in the city of Richmond, HI II o'clock V M. oj the i*//t <;/' Mag, 1 will—or so much of the t.- tl property as will lie tutlicient to dischsige the bonds spe. itied in the trust deed,and the expellees of iis ex- ecution. Mis. Crew’s tight of dower in Hie properly ii noi relinquished. CARTER BERKELEY. April 7. 1U7. .Iris Lands fur Sa/r, upon Credit, IYY virtue of a decree of the Honorable IlieSnperioi M.J9 Court of Chancery for the Richmond Iristiici ! piououncedon tbelOlb of February, ism, in n causr therein depending between Henry Banks, plaintiff, and Hamel Call, Eixetuter of, an t devisee in trust, lindei r the last will and testament of Robert Means, dec’d. and Charles Spencer, defendants—will be sold, but witboul any warranty, at public unction, to Stic highest bidder at Hie front door of t F.aglr Hotel in the city ol j Richmond, on (hetJd dag op Mag ufjl, upon a ore ! **** of one and two years, the porciiaseis giving bond with teem tty, and a deed of trust upon the lands, in secure the payment of the purchase money, the fo|. y lowing TRACTS OP LAM>—viz: lunette acres, in llir , comity of (.ireenhrier, on the north east side of Hit Meadow river; Ifinn acres, described in 'he patent to tie f situate In tbr county Of 11 at rison. »n the (ilady f»rk»l Cheat river—lnoo acres, described ill ihe patent to be I situate in the county of Harrison, on the iit-sd waters of Stewart's run, a drain of t iger valley river—.Mint] acres,described In the patent as situate in the sonnty ; of Harrtsou, on tljrlier’s creek—llbtl acres,deitnlirrl in the patent as situate In the county of Harrison, on , ihe waters of i|uaily rreek—500 acres,described in the { patent as situate In the county of Harnson, between (Hen an'* run and Heddtsn’s mill—500 acres, described in the patent »» situate in the county of Harrison, upon the waters of Blew art's run—5mt acres, described in the patent as situate in (lie county of Harrison, upea Stewart's run—Mill acres.described In the pamt asalsn j silouiv in the county of Harrison, upon .Stewart’s run lotto acres, tlesciitied in the ptHeut as situate lit tin umnityof Harris-.n, upon the tilady fork of Cheat n ver- 500 ttcres, described in the patent as illume in tb< cunniy of Harrison, upon Stewart's run.The pa tents for the above lands arc all irsued to Rohm Means t a* assignee of Henry Banks r IrANICI. CAI.L, e Execnlor and derisee In trust, under the last wit and lesMibent of Robert Means, dec’d. J. l.til-KRANT, w. s. «.. c. o. iy. At the tame time and place, and upon the saoo 7 terms of sale, I shall, by virtue of a decree of the Ituu orable Court of the Culled States, for Hie filth «ticui n and Virginia district, also sell, two othertracla of I lid I that If lay, loon acres, described In the patent a situate In the county of Harrison, upon the waters o flauly and Williams’river—and mno acres, describe) in tbe patent as titnate in Hie county of Harrison upoi <>auly river. The patents for the two last tract* o •sod are issued to Robert Means, vs assignee of Wil t Imrn Hasten, assignee of Richard Smith, who wa t istigneeof William Eenls Lovetv. s UANIEL CALE, i. Esecutor of, and devisee in trust, under the lai wltl and testament Of Uwbtft Means, der’d. Mail'll 17. |ot..td* ti-rmnwriiwm Ifcinn .u.A*sm DOMESTIC. Promotions anti Apiwintmcuts in the Navy ami in the Marini' Corps. (confirmed by the senate.) Lieutenants in the Navy to be Blasters Com- mu udant. Geo. Build, Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, Joseph S M’Plierson, John Porter, Wm. Bolton Fineli, William B. Shuhrick, Benj. W. Booth, and Alexander Claxlon. Midshipmen to be Lieutenants in the Nary : John Jay Yeung, Charles M. Bell, Alua- ham Bigelow, Otho Stallings. William Roden, (since dead) Zac hariah \V. Nixon, John P Camhreling. Ileiny C Newton, !• rank Ellery, Frederick Vanillin, Fred- erick G. Wolbnrl, Waller N1 wcomh, Jo- seph R. Jarvi«, Thomas W. Freclon, and Pardon M Whipple. Samuel E Watson, First Lieutenant, to be Captain of'Marines, vice Lyman Kellogg, resigned. Janies M. Clements, Second Lieuten- ant, to be a first Lieutenant <>| Marines. J’o be Surgeons' Mates : Joseph Kecz, L' 11 Francis S. Beattie, Pa. Thomas J Nelson, N. Y James Cor- uick, Va. ltn. F Dandrulg.j, Va. Charles II. Smith, Cl. William W.lliamson, N. J. Willinni 1). Babbit, Mass. Robert Fal- coner, N. C. Samuel C. Smith, Kv. Alex- ander Williams, Telin. Joseph B Still- man, N. Y. Thomas Boyd, Del. Edward Tilley, Md. George Terrill, Va. and Da- vid N. Mahon, Pa. J'o be Pursers in the Navy. John B. Fanning, Mjj^s Eduard N. Cox, N. Y. ami Nathaniel II. Perry, It L J'o be second Lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Augustus A. Nicholas, S. C. Charles Betts, Va. Charles Sears, Mass. James M’Cauley.jr. Pa. Beniamin Macomhor, It I George Cooper, Mass. Ahralmui N. Brevoort, N. Y. and Samuel S. Coeie man, J. N. IS. We understand, Use Midship men, who would under the order of lire Navy Department, have been entitled Jo ho examination, and who were at s* a and not in a situation to he examined, will have Ibeir commissions when given, dated back to the present lime. Intercourse nitfi the Indian Tribes. The folluw'tnv regulations, in addition t those prescribed in lire circular of the 3d ot September, !»13, have been adopt- ed, with !!>«■ approbation of the (’resident ol the United Stated, fo govern the future distribution ot the sum appropriated by Congress (or (lie civilization ol the In- dians, among individual* or societies who haveestubl shed,or contemplate establish- ing, schools for the education of Indian children, in conformity to the above mention, d circular, and who desire lire co-operation ot the government; i he position selected for the establish- ment, a plan of l In building* conlemplat ed, with an estimate ot the cost, to tie submitted to the Secretary ol war, to lie laid Leiore the President. Government will, if it has the means and approves ol the arrangement, pay two-third* ol the xpeiisc ol erecting the lieeessaiy buildings. No part ol the money to be advanced till alter the buildings are commenced; and one-Imirtli to-tic reserved until they are completed. The payment to be made on the certificate of the Agent oi Indian affairs, tor the tiibeor nation in which the establishment is located, as to the facts of the cooniieiiceuieul and com- pletion ol the buildings. rhe Piesideut of the United States ■•ill eoiitrihute out of the annual appro- priation, to each institution which may be approved of by him, a sum propor- tiuuaie to tin* number ol pupils belonging to cue It, regard being had to the necessa- ry expense of the establishment, and the degree of success winch has alt. tided it. N' advance to be made except lor the buildings till the sclmti) is in actual ouera- Mm ; ol whir!) fact, and Ihc number of pupils belonging to it, the certilieate ol '• e superintendent or person iiavmg liie principal control of liie institution, will be sufficient evidence. A report will be annually made for r;n h establishment on tfie Isl’ol October, «»l the number and names ol liie teach ers and other persons belonging to it, the tnher ot stud nls ; ihe number which ave completed their course ami left Hie in*1 Motion, since Ihe first day Ol Oclobei of the prei ediug year ; file nuuiber enter- ed, the amount of disbursements for the same period, and ihe value and descrip- li u ol property on band : which report wtd he certified by the Hiipeniilemleul or peison having the principal control ol the establish? ), ut. It is com id-red to he the duly of all persons who may be employ ed, or attach- ed to any institution, not only to set a guo-l example ol >obriely, industry, and honesty, but, as far as practicable, lu impress on Ihe minds ol the Indians the friendly aud benevolent views of liie gov- ernment towards them, and tin* advantage to them in yielding lo Ihe policy of gov- ernment, and co-operating with it in such measures as it may deem necessary for their civilization aud happiness. A'con- trary course ol conduct cannot fail lu incur the displeasure ot government.as if is impossible Hist the object which it lias in view can be effected, and peace be habitually pr.seived, if the distrust of the Indians, as lo its benevolent views, should be executed. J. C. CALHOUN. Department op War, t February 2i), 182U. $ Currency.—Governor Wolcott has written a pamphlet, on "The present slate of Curieftcy, Commerce, Credit, and National Industry, in reply lo the t Address ol Tammany Society." Jl is dis ; tinguivhed for a clear and sound examin [ ation of the causes which have produced | the preeeut depression, aud which are f Irated with the accuracy and precision ol an experienced hand. Gov. Wolcott, 1 in pointing out the remedy, says, " I liopt it will not bo deemed presumptuous il I 1 s.iy,that the people ought to expert and be ready to support a system ol interna —aw B w*-r:i itlon* | e(f. He thinks, that extise duties on f articles which iuterfeie with domestic io- ! dustry. on the luxuries of the rich, ami ! the vices of the improvident, are ti e most henehcial sumptuary laws which can he devised, an I nothing would he so advuti tageous at present as to charge the ex- j penses of government upon such uh ; jecls.” We concur in the recomnirmia*- tiun to tax articles of luxury., but there | is a great diversity of opinion in relation j to u system of internal revenue. How* evi r, if it must he so. let us meet it at once tat hi r than resort to temporary ex pedicnls. fjV. Y. Kat. Ado. Department of State. L*l<d Jan. 1820. Flic Secretary of State, to whom ha* been referred tile Kesoiuliou of the Se nate, of the 1st of f\ hntary last, request* in« such information relative to theexe- cution of so much of the first article «.i the late I'reaty of Peace and Amity be- tween His Britannic Majesty amt theUni- le,l States as the President might possess, ily which had not heretofore been commit nice, fed, l.a-i the honor of submitting fo the President extracts of two despatches from the Minister of thv United States at Lon- don, containing the inhumation desired. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. hxIntel cf a letter from Air. Rush to the Secretary of Stale, doled London, January ‘2I.IS20. In pursuance of the tiisliucltons < ni- brsceil in it,* I proceeded lo name to his Lordship (Casdereagh) the emperor of Httssia as the sovereign, to whose deci- sion the government of tin- United Slates desired that the difference between the two countries respecting the slaves, might he referred, reminding him of the provi- sion contained in the 5th article of tile convention ol October, IHIS, upon this subject. He replied, ih«t he would lay .... (iMipirani n»ir III> |.uy«.l 111 and furnish me at a* early u day as in liis power, with an answer.” /.'jhavt of a letter from Mr. Hush, to the. St entail/ of Stair, dated London,January 21,1320. " I received a nole Irom Mr. Plants, invitinguie lo rail at the (meign Otiice yesleiday al three o’clock. I went accor- dingly. ||e acknowledged, on the hr*- hall ol Lord Cast lereagh, the receipt «>l my note, saying that Ills Lordship would a i point a lime (or seeing me as sin n as he relumed. He then proceeded to make two communications which l lose no time in transmitting lor the itifonna lion ol the President. I' ir-t. lie said that lie had heen instruct- ed by Lord Castlereagh, lo make known to ine, in general terms, that his Lord- ship lead already taken the commands of the Prince Regent, as lo the point in con- troversy between the two government" respecting the slaves; and that his Royal Highness acceded lo the President’s de sire, that the true construction ol t|»- trea- ty of Ghent, in this particular should be referied to the decision of the Emptier ol Uuvsia. His Lordship, desirous that I should lie apprized at once ol this assent, would not leave town without leaving the pro- per instructions for my being so. On ins return, he would, Mi Plauta subjoined, suggest to me such official steps, as it appeared lo this government proper, that both parties should lake to carry into cl* led their mutual dcsiir. 1 shall wait these further suggestions from his Lord- ship, and have the honor to convey them to you in a despatch the moment they are made known to me. Meanwhile, I will apprize Mr. Campbell of llis Royal Highness’s assent.’’ •I>»,sp-iicti No. 18 of No. 10, 1310, from tin Secretary ol .State to Mr. Rush. AN "INDEPENDENT” BANK. Lexington, (Kentucky) March ya We are happy to «.b* rve ttiat the dt rectors of one iiauk in thestale have show n sufficient Independence to denounce tilt outrageous attempt of the legislature to destroy vested rights and impair the obli- gations of contracts. The Bank ot GUF.KNVH.LK has formed the noble de- tl>rillitl‘lfir.li In /•nr.llt.iw. « r. I__I »iness as usual, notwithstanding the re- pealing act, until a derision shall be had by the supreme judicial tribunal. Tin directors, who are men ol wealth, Imvr likewise entered into a bond, pledging their private properly tor ttic redemption of the notes of the bank. |Monitor. The iud iclment now depending againsi Mr. Goodwin, has been removed into the Supreme Court of this state by writ of certiorari. We understood the ques- tion whether the prisoner 11iI undergo another trial, will be argued at the next term of sold court, to be held m May next. Mr. Goodwin is admitted in bail in the sum of 40,01 Ml dollars—hiuisell in 20,000 dollars and four sureties, each in the sum of 5,000 dollars. [ xV. V. fll. Ad ^fourth CLNSUS-C ongress liavr passed a law for taking ibe Census of tin IT. Slates. The enumeration is to com- mence on the first Monday of August, ol the prevent year, [1820J and he tinishei! within six calleildar months thereafter, that is by the first Monday of February 1821. The law makes it the duty of tin marshals and assistants, not only to taki account of persons, hut of niauiifacfurhiii establishment* and manufactures, iu then several districts Extract of a letter from Captain I.aomis commander ef the United Stales UntUr elated ill Sew Orleans, Slaixhtj, 1820. "We compelled the Pirates to evaeuaU the Island of St. Louis, and the port o Galveston, L-ing in lire Louisiana pur chase, and tfie acknowledged limitsol tin (Tinted Stales, being 500 miles from the Mississippi.” Baltimore, Aptil rj.—We under- stand the gentleman who carried tin petition to the President in behalf ol Ferguson and Denny reached this citi last night Inmi Washington. The attemp to save them has proved unavailing: con sequeutly Iheuwtul sentence ol the lav I will be arried into itfed THIS D\Y. ABsTK ACT OF vnocELDi:sos of to son ess. in senate. Tuesday, Apnl II.—The Senate took up t!ie ieport of the ci>nimiMre on Indian etia r-<, adverse to tlit expediency ol a h'dishiug the system of Indian trade as established by the art of |hI!. Mr. I riiuLle nhsirvnl that it had been his intention to oppose this report, and move its recommitment, vs it It distinctions to bring inn bill to abolish the piesent s\stern of indiaii trade, and substitute a different syatem ; hut as the session was drawing to a close, and a great deal of in- formation had been called for, on the subject, from the Secretary ot the Trea sui'v, w hieii it would he necessary to pos- sess, before acting on the system ol In diau trade, lie would wave his opposition now, and let the irpnrl pass—the subj» ct could be taken up at the next sesion. I ho report was concurred in. I he Senate then resumed the conside- ration ot the hill to renew mid extend the charter ol the city of W ashington ; and continued occupied tor several hours in an examination ot the detail*, w Inch are very numerous, as the bill embraces most of the provisions ol the late chatter, with sundry additions. On some of these a good (teal of de- bate took place, particularly on the ex- pediency of aiillmiisiug the corporation to raise 10,000 dollars a year by way wf lottery, lor ceitain purposes to be ap* proved by the President of the United States. This power formed part of the late charter, in < xi*lence twenty years, hut lias not until lalrl\ been exercised ; being incorporated in this bill also, Mr. liurrifl proposed Jo expunge it, and the qu» slum was argued at much length—the motion was finally mgatived—ayes 14. lines 21. Mi. Morrill moved to extend the rigid ol suflrage in t|,e city to all free while male citizens of the United S:at<v, of the age ol21 years, having resided in the ci ty one year helure the lime ol voting, wilhout any ptoperty or other qualified lion than above slated instead ol requir- ing that they slut I, in addition to this qualification, have been assessed lo a certain amount, and have paid a tax.— This motion was supported by Messrs. Movril and JL/ogd,umt was opposed by Messrs. JiunHI anti Hursri/, and was tie galived, only .‘J or 4 rising hi lavor ol it. J !»'• bill was ordered to be engrossed lor a third reading, a* amended. NAVIGATION BILL. I lie Senate resumed the consideration ol the bill supplementary to the act con- cerning navigation/1 Mi. Jtrmcn observed that, on reflection, and consultation with the friends «>f the bill, if was herii veil the amendment sug- gested by Mr. Parrott when the hill was (‘i*I up, to extend its provisions »o IheUrit- i.-lt poits in Lower Canada, might prove useful--lie moved an amendment having that object ; which was agreed to. All the amendments u, Hie bill, adopt- ed by the committee, having been agreed lo in the Senate, I lie question was staled on ordering the bill torn third reading. Mr. Dana wished only to *emark, that he should vote lor the bill, though be had m I entire confidence in its efficiency ; lie did not think it comprehensive enough, or that it went far enough to ( fleet its object. I he bill was then ordered to be engros- sed and nad a third lime, by the follow, lowing vote : YEAS—Messrs. Barbour, Brown, Burrill, Haiia, Diekerxou, leal oil, Edwards, Klliolt, (.aillaid, Horsey, limiter, Join.son, ol Lmi.' king of Alali. king, of N. Y". Lawman, Leake, Lloyd, Loirau. Lowrie, Macon. Milieu, Morill, Noble Ons, Palmer, Pairoff, Pleasants, I{o- lieris, Kugirl. uSanl'oid, Smith, Stokes, I ay- i tor, '1 homos, Ticlieuor, Tumble, Van Dyke, (Maker, of A lab. Walker, of Geo. William*, j NAY —Mr. Wilson. I Wednesday, April 12 Mr. Morril lain 1 upon die lal*ie Hie following resolutions: Kesnlretl, That the practice ol Duelling ism. | hitman, luiinoral. ami eeiuuiiable Itrsolced,Thai the I'd nideiit of the United Slates would lie jiiMifiahle in -ti ikiug irom the roll* of the army and navy tin |.-antes ot all liertona thereon, who have lieeu or hereafter may he. diieetly or indirectly (iigagcd itt y duel, or may have been, or hereafter may be, in any way or inauiier aeees*arv Hsrn to. The Senate, on motion r,1 Mr. Sanford, proceeded to the coiiHuhrali-.u of the Re- port of the committee ol lonleu nre on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses-, on the amendment of the SenaU- to the military appropriation bill. Mr. /tnrritl mov-d that I lie Senate re- cede from their said amendment. Mr. Johnson of Kcntmd;\ having pre- mised tliai lie had no! Iiefoie troubled the Senate with any remarks on Hits subject, siibr»iill« d a few observations to slit-iv that as tlie oilier House had manifested so de- cided an opposition to the prosecution ol the Missouri expedition above the Conn cil Bluff/., it was to be expected that the executive would, from respect tor that decision, no! desire at present t * go be- yond (bat point ; that the House bad also decided that they approved this expedi- tion as far as the Council Blutls ; that the .Senate had yielded to tin- House, the first point, but tlioHght it important that a sufficient sum should be appropriated to snpporl the expedition at the Council BluOa, and to enable the Secretary of War to comply with obligations entered into according to law ; that this bjecl rrquir- ed hut J>«»(),000 more than the (louse hail agreed to ; and he thought, if the Senate would still insist on its amendment, so as to bring the subject again before the committee of cotifetcnce, an arrangement would be agreed to by which this sum would be vieldcd by I he other House, see- iag lliat Hip Senate had yielded to the House in ita viawa as related to ihe Man dan villages, Ac. He therefore, with these views, hoped lh« Scnaltt would not recede, hut would again insist on their amendment. The question was then taken on re- 1 ceding from the amendment, and decided in the affirmative—ave* 22. The engrossed bill supplementary to fh» " act concerning navigation and wmwi—i i11 ill iiasK~.-ySmsi^ujc afr* rv'-eiiii. lli-»n«r<s cil lull to eMhl.h It tlieitisliut oi IVaii river, in Mississippi, were m ve- iiills n ail tin* 1Vir«I lime, pau-eif, noil sent lo tin* Iiousr ol Kepicsenuitives lor cou- cui retu-e. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monday, April 10,—Tint Speaker laid befats * the House cerium Documents relating to the ( ruize nl the Sloop ot War /imaiio; whic were ordered to lie on the table. Mr. Sil&hee, from the committer on naval af- lairs In whom was rifVii d tiie peiitn n nf Fj( t. Satnuel C. R id, iu bob ol l.imsei> at.il the oiher Hirers ,:tid new of tin pi n t. arm* d biiti Gemr-il Armstrong, made: ieport ad- wise to tin prayer tli e®l; which w.is read »nd orrfeie to lie oil the table. Mr. Pitti/u/I submitted the following rcsoln- lion: Resolved That a committee he appointed to enquire into ih? expediency ot providing by law for tile payment ot pensions in the comi- ties, parishes, or townships iu which the pen- sioner'1 reside. On the question to agree to this resolution it was detei mired in the negative. On motion of Mr. Cam. it was Resolved, Thai the committee on Public Buildings be diiectrd to enquire into tt.u practicability of ifiideiiag the House of Re- presentative* convenient for the liansaciiuti of Public business DISTRICT RANKS. The House then, arrordutg to the order of the Day, resolved itself into a committee of the whole. Mi. Si-orr in tlm chair, cn the hill concerning tin Distiict Banks. This hill provides- Sec 1 That 1 lie clinrtcrs of all the In- corporated Banks that now pay specie oil tb— mand,l»« extended until the 10th June. IsrkJ. Sec. <2. Should any of said Banks refuse to pay specie, or lawful currency of the United Stales on demand, they ate to pay an iuit i- cst ot 10 per cent, pel- annum until payment ot such demand :* made, and Congiess ij* empowered fmtliwiih to revoke thcii rhai- ters and provide lor settling their accounts. Sec. 3. No Bank to is.siie, rc issue, or te- ceivc in payiuciit on dcposiie, any Hill note, &c under five debars, after the 1 .t January next,except lo receive such in tear noiesas may have her*:; issued before thut time in ex- change for current coin or a debt due stub Bank Charter forfeited to- offending. .•sec. 4. Any otiicer of n Bank who shall con- aw*. ctu '-IHMVF ill U|r (.‘Hlirtrllllli Ut .i embezzlement of ar.y property ot a Hank' lo be adjudged a felon, and impiisoned nut inert* than 10 .ears, and fined net levs ’hail 1000 nor more loan *20 000 doilai %—one moiety to the Foiled Male*, the other to the infor- mer ; ad debts due by him to snitj bank being til-I satisfied. See, 5. Any Bank ceasing to pay on demand, no nltu-er or director or .,aid Hank p. rmit- ted to buy up in person, or bs agent, or re- el ive in p.iViHini-mV note or bill ot said Hank :u a le.-s piice oi value than its lace purports it to tie worth—for each offence. io lo* impus- oned tor one m> nth, and pay thiicc the value oi such bill or note. Sec. Hie pre ent charter of the Hank ol Columbia tevoked on 1st, Jan. 1G22. and it-rharieied on tne same fooling of ihe oilier District Banks until the Itith June 1814. See. 7 Revokes Hie chattel ot the Flank- iiii i >«:iik of Ait'Xai'diia, aiui piovult*$ for jtel- line their accounts •'*.*•* S.'l he President and Dirc;t*»is foaeh Bank to lilo fjp-ir declaration in writing in the office of the .Secretary of the l iea*nr\. within six months, assenting to die tein’i.s hereby granted, or to forfeit their charter and -ettie Munr aecom ts.a.s allowed the Funk- tic Bank m Alexandi ia. f,|<>hihit' any corporation within the District ot t'olnmbia other than said Bank* issuing or discounting notes or hills aftur the 1st ot January next—my -i..x-*i \;» detmar,l ounciliuan Ac for t acii cflcnie, to pay not less than 100 nor moie than 1,000 doilai s. Sec. 10 A-y prison who shall sign, couutei sign, or endorse my note hill, Ac. atoiesaid in addition lo said penalty, to he iinpiisoneil not less than tlnee nor uiuie than twelve months Sec II Declares null and void all drafts, bills, Ac. i.e.i in payment tor money dis- counted by any corpoiatiou, euntiaiy :o the piovisionsoi this act whether such bills aie made payable tosttch corporation, oi to nny person as agent or trusioe Sec. 12. Any mayor, alderman.councilman, cli ii. &i. that shall, alter tIts 1st id .laniiarv next issue aud pass into circulation, any lull «r note, as aforesaid, to incur ->11 mid pen- alties, not withstanding said note uni. be •igned prior to said first day ot Jannciy. Sec. 1.1 A 11 provides tor the consolidation ot the banks of Alexandria into two liaok-, with a capital of one million or doilai* uuii. lo take place by written nriirlee of nssooi..- UO". prior to llie Kith June, |«5 ; provided lin y continue until that period : charters to t?xltfiul lo 10th June, I Kill subject f<> llie j ic- r"Ul%* c"m,i"‘» A;r ot llie Farmery * Rank ol A lex and ii a, a nd also to the ulrs, con- dition*, &r ol this act. Sec lo, provides id n sim Inr manner for the coiiKoli.lalion of the Hunks ot George* limn other than llie Bank ol Columbia into one hank with a capital which, auded lo (he capital of the Hank of ( olomhiu, shall make the sum two millions of dollars, ant! no more »!ihj,et to the present titles, conditions *.<•„ ot tlie Fanners’ and Mechanic’ Hank of (•eotgetowu, ami also to the titles, A,c. ini- posed l>\ this act, •Sec iti. contains like piovisinn* for the con soiidMioii of the Rank of Washington anil the ”,,n^ with a capital ot out million I of ffnlturg Sec. 17. in like manner extends the char- ter ol the Hank of tile Metropolis, w ith per-- fills-.on to augment llieir capita! to one miil*- ton ot dollars. Sections IH and I f preset ihe the modes of pioeeedmg ofsnrh hi.uk* and stock ooidvis as may or may not accept ti c ciovimoiis ot this act, •See. JO All Hank* in the District except tlia Franklin Hank of Alexandii i, trom and alter the 1st Jan. IK/O, lo p»v m.e sixth of one per centum on its capital slock ... tiog (jper nt. to i<s stockholder*, to const i— lute a school fund for the education o( imIU gent etiildiHii iM each town. Each Hank, sctni-aiinnully, on paying tliuir dividend* and the aforesaid one per centum to tender an exact account of it* condition to the Secrets* ry of the Treasury—-on failure thereof, or an nifrmpt to defraud the fund aforesaid con- giex* have power to deflate the chat ier* unit and void. See. Jl, 1 his art to he infoice f rom and af- ter the passage thereof.J Mr Col>h moved to amend the hill, liy strik- ingoiitfhe wh le of n except Hie . nacliorr clause, and inserting in lieu ihvieot the to* lowing : *' That for llie pttrpo*e of enabling the *ry~ jih! f..ictrieir<l ItHukiu* IHAiifwii!• in ilip District oft olnmhia to close their hitsiuessand concerns, Ihe everal. barters ot ti.e said R-mh ing institutions, Ihe same now exi*i shall he and tlm same are hereby extend. <J for ami during (he term of-years from and Hftei the first day of June next, from and after which nay ihe >at.l seveiai chat ler* of < a. ft and every Hanking Iiistiiiii|,.>, within in« said District llmll ceai. anu detet mine 'Mr (W delivered his xeiitim. nts hi some length in favor ot tin* propomi.on. Messrs. M> rctr and IVurfttld opyomfil. The question was then taken r n Mr.Cvbb’* moiiou anil decided in the negative by a lur-o majotitv, * Mr. ill'Loin of Kentnck* moved lo amend tho lid by adding to it a provi ton io nmk<xm<s

Richmond enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1815). 1820-04-18 [p ]. · 2019. 12. 11. · nace, on the iuosi appiowd construction, mill wain Blast—and all y ic interior fixtures uf the loiiudeiy

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Page 1: Richmond enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1815). 1820-04-18 [p ]. · 2019. 12. 11. · nace, on the iuosi appiowd construction, mill wain Blast—and all y ic interior fixtures uf the loiiudeiy

tT I'he RNQUIRP.il U pabltsUed mice ft week, gene rally, and three limes it nrek doling the seesloa ol' Ihe State Legislature.—I'rlce.lhe sjrneas heretofore, Five Hollars per annum, psyshle in advance. Notes Af Char-

tered specie-paying Dunks. (onlo) will he received in payment. The Editors will gaarauUe the safety of remitting them Oy mail, the postage of all letters being paid bt the witters.

VT No paper will lie discontinued,fhnt at the discre- tion of the Editors,] until all ancaiagcs bate been paid up. iy Whoever will euataulee Ihe payment of nine papers,

Shall receive a tenth gratis. I BUMS OF ADVERTISING.

ty One Square—First Insertion, 73 cents—ea- h continuance, 30 cents.

Vo Advertisement inserted until it has either Seen staid for, or assumed !>y some yersoa ill this city or its environs.


Zy~Qu ick Travelling from Richmond to Rut- timurr. via ICnshlngton fit1/

P ASSENGERS »ia> leave Richmond every day except Sundav, M (hire t. vi. will slrt-p <1:1 board the

strata boat, and airive at Wasbintlon City the next tuorning. and at Haiti mart the same day hy n'wn—

belli; 1/drty.lN'u hours on their pn•>»*!;.■ frnui Rich ■iioild to Haltiinoie. Travellers I out Petersburg will do well to take the stage the evening before the stages leave Kiehmoutl. ami avail themselves of much the cheapest and most expeuitious and cottilotuhlc mute tury can take.

Washington, April 11, 103..tf

r pHK kittle ol the subscriber's health rett-

S derintr, in liie own opinion as well as vital of liia plivsiciai's, a sea voyage indispensable to ti recovery, all persons evuce.t tied ate hereby notified tliat he will leave tile United Sut< s

in the course of the ensuing tnoptlt (April; William Leigh Eta. near Hallifax Court House, his attorney in (net, ana counsel, will represent hint during his absence ; to whom all applications are requested lo he ttiude hy persons having business with him, and Ip whom all debts due huts will, after his departure, he paid.

Air.Thomas \. Mortou of I'arinville will attend to the atlaira of the I’.traire E-statc, ami transact all ueefoscry business for the sttb- aeriber as Executor and titiMee of the late Mrs. Judith Randolphof lli/arre.

JOHN BAN DOLE* H of tiounoke. Washington, Match 25, IS20.

N. B. If practicable, the subscriber will attend Charlotte or Buckingham April court, where all who utav have business with him will have au opportunity of a personal inter- view, with him. It).1*. .Of.

I II 0001)1.

JUST received—Sn permit (liudumt—Seeisncters— Dimities—Sleani loom Shillings— Calicoes— cam.

Iiritki—Muslins—Naukreu & Canton Crapes,and Crai e stresses—Stuns, Florences ami Italian Lustrings— best London Cloths—Caasitkeres ami Vestings—with n variety of wilier SEASONABLE GOODS, for side ai very reduced pt.ces By

n. <v H. NEILon a CO. April 11. ins..lit


BV viilue of a bred «, trust made t;> the suhscriberi h> David I. Ituri J ol tvlle, Francis l; diet and wife,

and Vincent l.ra ami wile, dated tin until day of Jan1}, rn the year ISIS, aud of ivord in the court of iiustiug] of tire city ol itiebruoi.d—Will be exposed to SA'erai auction, on the premises, on Holiday, the 24/A day oj April next, all that Loj OF LAND iu the city of Rich mono, known and distinguished hi the plan of the said city, •> > lUe number hi, i, and all Buildings and improve tuents tlieicurt. and winch is Know n try liie name of

The. Union Air Furnace. Terms of taie, J 2.331 33, with interest inereoH from

4bc2Ulh day ol Jauuaiy last, and the cost and expeoses attending thr sale to be paid tlorvu In cash. The residue of the pm chase money, as far as it sbalfexUiid, tube paid iu the loilowing instalments, to wit: $2934 33, mi the 29lb January, ui the 'tar tbit—$ 3033 33, on th>- 29<h January, iu tbe year 1822 jjjjaj ou uie 29ih January, 111 the year 1823—$ 2293 31, ou tbe lillh Jail, ■in the year IH.t—and fhr tin- surplus, if any, credit will be ali.oved to liie lime last mentioned. For the four instxliiicms as ur us they shall extend, and fur tue surp! ■. if any, the purchaser must execute negotiable notes a ilh an approved eudnrsrr, payable at either ol (he hauks in the city, and also a deed of trust on tbe properly lo secure the pay inriit cl the said instalments as they shall become due, and of like tenor with the deed ot irnst bow in he acted on.


£TThe properly above advertised, comprehends An Iron Fuitnrtery, with two air furnaces, one Cupel for nace, on the iuosi appiowd construction, mill wain Blast—and all y ic interior fixtures uf the loiiudeiy com plele and hi for immediate use.

A brass Foundery and finishing shop. A film-'Smith's .Shop, with three lories and over;

pivper convenience. A fin/-I Oritk two story Duelling House. Sheds for store rooms,coke oveu,<k.c. Arc. The whole forming a complete establishment fo

casting, making and finishing all kinds of machinery and well worthy the ARC III I6n of p*-r;.ous iu that line

immediately alter the saie of the a hove property will he sold at public auction, on a credit of six twelve, and eighteen months, for approved endorse! Holes, all the I’.iUrins, Flasks, IReilsilt, Eouls air! implements appertaining to said foiiudcly aitdwuik shops.

N. B. All orders for castings, previous to the abnvi sale, mil be received and duly executed.

FOLLEl, BURR At CO. F’eh.24. 91..Ids

1 4 U .*> I 3.4 / \N Wednesday, the 10 Hi Mir, at 1* o’clock pre '* *

cisely, oil I tie premise*. "III lie sold at I’Llll.ll AUCTION to Die highest bidder, that adtruntageousli situated and valuable Erick House dad Cummvdiou /.of on Hunk street, formerly occupied liy A. t* It 31 Cnuni'iglniMi, and uuw belonging to l.esltr a Mr Indoe, and by them conveyrd by deed lo liusires, lo Lriicht of those theicili named. ierttis— H, 12 atul li niomhs. Negotiable u tes mill a deed of litist, am approved eiidorsrrs on the nisi note.

D'j order of the Trustees, VV. &. It. HAXALL, V. M.

Petersburg April II. Iii.a..irls

JT~T~PTT KLIN H KI >, \ND for sale at Wt«. II. Fltzwhyisoiiii's Bookstore

and by I’cter Kppts at Hie Capitol, AHJNFORDS GENERAL INDEX

Jo tier. Virginian Law Authorities. L? Price S 0«

e Jan. 50. 79,.ti

Notice to Masons V Bridge Builders. DKOFOItLS will !.e received till the ilh of June J next, by the subscribers, Foil I HK KKlXlltif OF A FULL RKIDOK across James river al this place 'lire river is 2!>J yards wide si the contemplated siren lire bridge—tbe avetage depth thereof al common lov water in summer two feet rune inches, the bottom solii rock entirely across. There are several quarries o

rock,of good quality, not more than 300 yards diilan from tbe site on ike tvatei’s >.dge,and the wooden mate rials ran he conveniently obtained by water from th neighborhood, either above or below. 'Ilie luidge i to rest oji piers 40 feet apart, each pier to be 12 fee wide at the bottom and H feet on the lop ; 23 feet htgl and 23 feet lovg, of solid masonry of the most sub stsulial kind, and Hie top will he required of limber o

suitable size atul strength, to lie covered with subsinnlia plank. One fourth of the cost of the bridge will h paid when the work commences, one fourth when hal Jiilisbed, and the balance «n ibe completion of tip work.,..,Bond with approved secorhy will he reqolrei from Hie undertaker before any money Is arivaitced.- The above Is the general plan of the hildge content plated by the board of mauageil, but is subject to b altered upon the suggestion of oue more apprnved.- Coinmuincatioiis may lie made by any petsun dispose to undertake this work, to the undersigned, agents c

tlie bridge company, at Carttrsville, Virginia. a A MLi KL WILSON, F. B. DRANK, JOHN (i. DANIEL.

March 54. I0J..I4J t7 the K ilots ol the National Intelligencer wi

please insert ibe above twice a we k ‘till the 4th Junt and forward their acrottttl lo ibisofliee for payment

\M I if if ALL persons having claims against the estate of Job

P. Smith, det’d. of Prinre Ldwanl county, ar requested lo make them known Immediately, in r>rd« <hat arrangements may be made for tbe payment of th »ame. SIEHMno SMITH, kxevutor

of John /'. Smith, itec’d. Jamestown, Prince Edward, April 7. 107..If

ALL persons indebted to JOSEPH IMHMSTAI) dec. are requested to make payment to me tmiiu

diaiely.as I am desirous of closing th* adminisiralio as soon as possible, aud therefore cannot grant in tin 8«nce to any body, DANIKL CALL, Es'or

of Josepa Daruisladt, dec. f»b.»._ 83..If

n, '.'s i ER OF PARISH

4HAVE on hand and ptirpove kreplng a constat supply of lit'uo lit ground I’l.AFrEK.of the he' "<»y, at my niill upon the canal, and at Pit belt

A hainher House on ilte balir, for sale at reduced prieei 1 dOHN s r a pi.i s.

B—wny-rim. > ... j.ii ■■■ ■-

\T a meeting of the President and Directors of the James Ktver Company on the aytJi March, idtui— Pttku-.x r—JOHN rOAl.l I.K, President.

BMW: Ct'NMNUHAM.t CHARLES COPl AND, { l»lrccl,,r**

It was resolved lo publish the following advertisement, to n it:

TIIE JAMES RIVER COMPANY, Being authorized hy an act ot the fJeueral Assembly of Virginia, passed the I7lh day ot February, 18'ZU, enti. lied an act to amend the act for clearing and im- proving tbe navigation of James Rives,and tor uniting tile Fasteru and Western witters hy the James and Ka uawba litvers," to hoirow (luring the present yi.ir,a si :i of mouey not exceeding 5-200.000, ut a rate of interest not exceeding six pel cent, pet annum, lo be paid semi-annually, on Die 13th day of July and lath d yj of January iu cacti year, now give notice, that they are ready and desirous to contract for a loan or loans ot money, pursuant to said act, al tbe above rate ol interest.

Tbe President and Directors, have- no doubt that this loan, on an examination of its principles, and the sta- bility ol the I10. lv pledged for the payment of tbe iu. Iciest, mil be luiind t» oiler great inducements lo those, who w>sli i» Invest ilnir money in a safe and permanent stuck, to make such investments: and al. though they hope that hereafter, when this subject is

( better understood, than it ctiu be at present, they will be able to nter the market on an ei|iiatity with oilier

| six per cent, stock which now sell* (.shove par, they ate willing, f.-r so inucb money as is uotv wanted, to

I cunt• ai t at the rale a .nve mentioned. It is not wished by ilietn, al this time, lo borrow llie

whole of the sn 111 which ihe la « anlhurizts, iu as inucb as contracts not having yet liecu made lor the work, they would he paying interest fur ruouies lying idle; they are hevetthelrss willing and desirous now to re- oei%i as lar as 3-r,,,.uou,10 enable them to begin their operations ; ami as to the residue, it will he entirely agreeable to tbem to receive propositions tor fuithrr loans, payable at a future day, as may suit the conve- nience >! those wishing to lend.

It is also proposed, for the accommodation of persons living at a distance, and who may wish yrr.scntty t« invest monies 111 this fund, (hat they shall immediately notify the President amt Directors of such tush, in which case a preference will he given to them over other:-, who mav even bring in their money previous lo tbe payment hy siitli part), and uht^shall nave given no uoticeof such thrlr wish.

Flic monies loaned, will be reserved hy the Plrsblrnt and Directors hi 110 other way but liy a deposit to their credit, in some one of tbe following Bank', to wit I ire Bank of Virginia, lire Fanners* Bank 1 f Virginia, or any or rhe branches of either of those Banks ; the Bunk of the 1 mted Slates in Philadelphia, or itsollices of discount and deposit in Huston, New York, I’.alil. more or Washington ; and the party making such rle- P'> it, in compii ti.ee with a previous slipulaiiou totlu- clfuct. ill any of the Banks abovctneniioned, will rr. ceive a certificate of loan from the Pieiidt nt and Dw

j i:ct.-re, iu conformity lo the act, so soon as they shall

irn enc ultima! lulorutatiofi th.it such deposit has been

made, tni '.iiug the party to interest from the date of such deposit.

out the limits of Yiigiuia. and whp may i>r ilesirmia l>* lend iheir money, ilic Pr^itdrnl and Directors have

I tiaitiiiHtled lo each of ibe Hanks of ibe (Jutted Stales j above mentioned,a copy of the ait of Assembly sutho-

rising tbe loan : anil they furthermore solicit an en-

Rniiy tbrourii the p. ivaieand confidential agents of the parties in Hi- linimiil as ’to the solidtiy ol' the Hock

| proposed to he issued. f Hie President and Directors art- also desirous to

draw the attention or perrons capable of undertaking • he norks, nrat to In ext- olid under the act, either as engineers or contractors to do the work and will lie clad lo rective written communications from applicants on this subject.

Letters directed to ibe President ami Directors »f the James Hirer company at Htchmoad, will lie regu. larly attended to. UOBLKI POLLAltD, Link.

A |sr J A. ItW. ,w8w LIT The Fditors oi tbe National Intelligencer, Boston

Pali i.>t, New York Mercantile Advertiser, and piiila- ■lelpliia Democratic Press, \< ill please insert the above w rer.lv, two moiiihs, and forward their acoiunis lu this otiire for pigment.

BY virtueof a deed oi' trust executed o» tvn.'-t*Iu Groom, hearing dale August I7ib, lam, to the

s inscribrr, lo secure the payment of a certain sum of niOUey therein inriiUoiird, due lo Xacliariuh IV. Per. klus—Will be sold to the highest bidder fur ready mo. ney, at the residence of said Kn-hard Groom, in Hie lower end of Finvanua county, on Tuesday, the'MU day of SI Y nett, tbe following SLAVES, to wit Teancr, Handolpb. Lucy Lewis, Morns, Isaac, I'oin, w it.stun, Milly.Huldy, Atlive, William, Elvy, Pamelia, and Waller, and the future increase of the female staves, and all the estate, right, title and interest of saidH. Groom nolo ibe aforesaid slaves—Also, live horses, one waggon and gear, one set of blacksmith's tools, with the present crop of wheat,or so much thereof as may be sufllcient to satisfy theile.t therem mentioned with interest.and the expense of carrying raid deed, into extcuiiuii.

D AVID SHEPHERD, Trustee. April II.__108....Ills

1). \V. cc <\ WAUW lCIv, F I -"'E fur sale, on aeconimodating terms— * » lid crates and bhds. well assorted Earthen and

Glass Ware •JOO grace P«rier and tVine Bottles

bar and Hoop iron Shot, Nails, and White Lead ground In oil.

f>b D>-_ 88..if

/’’(/f.V Dollars Howard. S> ANAWAY from the subscriber on tbe Ath of April, * v in the county of Albet/.arle, a negro man naimd JOHN,but soms: lines calls himself John Slirkes — he isa Fla. k fellow, about ‘gw or 30 years of age. live feel, S or lu incurs high, remarkable on account of haring large while lee Hi. He was purchased of a Mr. Hooes, living near Floor's Ferry,in King George county, where I es. peit lie is now fuming. I will give llieabove reward, together -riili ail reasonable expellees, to any person who will deliver him to me on my farm ill the above mentioned county, near Scotlsville, or s -cure bim in any jail so I gel him again.

1 EGBERT LEWIS. April 14.

iUiciiju/i ( raw's Mills in I Jammer. ON the south bran h of i’amunky river, s.irl rat tor's

crcrk, and his I tND, lying between these water

| courses, estimated H453 acres, are for sale. This properly being conveyed to Carter Berkeley and Jame: I’leasanls liy a deed of trust, dated liic 3d of March, HID, mill recorded in the Clerk's Oilice of Hanover, for Ihe purpose of securing the payment of two liontii l.i Charles Citiisbaw, described in the sail! deed, mil be sold at auction for ready money in front of the Eagle Hotel in the city of Richmond, HI II o'clock V M. oj the i*//t <;/' Mag, 1 will—or so much of the t.- tl property as will lie tutlicient to dischsige the bonds spe. itied in the trust deed,and the expellees of iis ex- ecution. Mis. Crew’s tight of dower in Hie properly ii noi relinquished. CARTER BERKELEY.

April 7. 1U7. .Iris

Lands fur Sa/r, upon Credit, IYY virtue of a decree of the Honorable IlieSnperioi M.J9 Court of Chancery for the Richmond Iristiici

! piououncedon tbelOlb of February, ism, in n causr therein depending between Henry Banks, plaintiff, and Hamel Call, Eixetuter of, an t devisee in trust, lindei

r the last will and testament of Robert Means, dec’d. and Charles Spencer, defendants—will be sold, but witboul any warranty, at public unction, to Stic highest bidder at Hie front door of t — F.aglr Hotel in the city ol

j Richmond, on (hetJd dag op Mag ufjl, upon a ore ! **** of one and two years, the porciiaseis giving bond

with teem tty, and a deed of trust upon the lands, in secure the payment of the purchase money, the fo|.

y lowing TRACTS OP LAM>—viz: lunette acres, in llir , comity of (.ireenhrier, on the north east side of Hit

Meadow river; Ifinn acres, described in 'he patent to tie f situate In tbr county Of 11 at rison. »n the (ilady f»rk»l

Cheat river—lnoo acres, described ill ihe patent to be I situate in the county of Harrison, on the iit-sd waters

of Stewart's run, a drain of t iger valley river—.Mint] acres,described In the patent as situate in the sonnty

; of Harrtsou, on tljrlier’s creek—llbtl acres,deitnlirrl in the patent as situate In the county of Harrison, on

, ihe waters of i|uaily rreek—500 acres,described in the { patent as situate In the county of Harnson, between

(Hen an'* run and Heddtsn’s mill—500 acres, described in the patent »» situate in the county of Harrison, upon the waters of Blew art's run—5mt acres, described in the patent as situate in (lie county of Harrison, upea Stewart's run—Mill acres.described In the pamt asalsn

j silouiv in the county of Harrison, upon .Stewart’s run —

lotto acres, tlesciitied in the ptHeut as situate lit tin umnityof Harris-.n, upon the tilady fork of Cheat n ver- 500 ttcres, described in the patent as illume in tb< cunniy of Harrison, upon Stewart's run.The pa tents for the above lands arc all irsued to Rohm Means

t a* assignee of Henry Banks r IrANICI. CAI.L, e Execnlor and derisee In trust, under the last wit

and lesMibent of Robert Means, dec’d. J. l.til-KRANT, w. s. «.. c. o. iy.

At the tame time and place, and upon the saoo 7 terms of sale, I shall, by virtue of a decree of the Ituu

orable Court of the Culled States, for Hie filth «ticui n and Virginia district, also sell, two othertracla of I lid I that If l» lay, loon acres, described In the patent a

situate In the county of Harrison, upon the waters o

flauly and Williams’river—and mno acres, describe) in tbe patent as titnate in Hie county of Harrison upoi <>auly river. The patents for the two last tract* o

•sod are issued to Robert Means, vs assignee of Wil t Imrn Hasten, assignee of Richard Smith, who wa t istigneeof William Eenls Lovetv. s UANIEL CALE, i. Esecutor of, and devisee in trust, under the lai

wltl and testament Of Uwbtft Means, der’d. Mail'll 17. |ot..td*

■ 1» ti-rmnwriiwm Ifcinn .u.A*sm

DOMESTIC. Promotions anti Apiwintmcuts in the Navy

ami in the Marini' Corps. (confirmed by the senate.)

Lieutenants in the Navy to be Blasters Com- mu udant.

Geo. Build, Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, Joseph S M’Plierson, John Porter, Wm. Bolton Fineli, William B. Shuhrick, Benj. W. Booth, and Alexander Claxlon. Midshipmen to be Lieutenants in the Nary :

John Jay Yeung, Charles M. Bell, Alua- ham Bigelow, Otho Stallings. William Roden, (since dead) Zac hariah \V. Nixon, John P Camhreling. Ileiny C Newton, !• rank Ellery, Frederick Vanillin, Fred- erick G. Wolbnrl, Waller N1 wcomh, Jo- seph R. Jarvi«, Thomas W. Freclon, and Pardon M Whipple.

Samuel E Watson, First Lieutenant, to be Captain of'Marines, vice Lyman Kellogg, resigned.

Janies M. Clements, Second Lieuten- ant, to be a first Lieutenant <>| Marines.

J’o be Surgeons' Mates : Joseph Kecz, L' 11 Francis S. Beattie,

Pa. Thomas J Nelson, N. Y James Cor- uick, Va. ltn. F Dandrulg.j, Va. Charles II. Smith, Cl. William W.lliamson, N. J. Willinni 1). Babbit, Mass. Robert Fal- coner, N. C. Samuel C. Smith, Kv. Alex- ander Williams, Telin. Joseph B Still- man, N. Y. Thomas Boyd, Del. Edward Tilley, Md. George Terrill, Va. and Da- vid N. Mahon, Pa.

J'o be Pursers in the Navy. John B. Fanning, Mjj^s Eduard N.

Cox, N. Y. ami Nathaniel II. Perry, It L J'o be second Lieutenants in the Marine Corps.

Augustus A. Nicholas, S. C. Charles Betts, Va. Charles Sears, Mass. James M’Cauley.jr. Pa. Beniamin Macomhor, It I George Cooper, Mass. Ahralmui N. Brevoort, N. Y. and Samuel S. Coeie man, J.

N. IS. We understand, Use Midship men, who would under the order of lire Navy Department, have been entitled Jo ho examination, and who were at s* a and not in a situation to he examined, will have Ibeir commissions when given, dated back to the present lime.

Intercourse nitfi the Indian Tribes. The folluw'tnv regulations, in addition

t • those prescribed in lire circular of the 3d ot September, !»13, have been adopt- ed, with !!>«■ approbation of the (’resident ol the United Stated, fo govern the future distribution ot the sum appropriated by Congress (or (lie civilization ol the In- dians, among individual* or societies who haveestubl shed,or contemplate establish- ing, schools for the education of Indian children, in conformity to the above mention, d circular, and who desire lire co-operation ot the government;

i he position selected for the establish- ment, a plan of l In building* conlemplat ed, with an estimate ot the cost, to tie submitted to the Secretary ol war, to lie laid Leiore the President.

Government will, if it has the means and approves ol the arrangement, pay two-third* ol the xpeiisc ol erecting the lieeessaiy buildings.

No part ol the money to be advanced till alter the buildings are commenced; and one-Imirtli to-tic reserved until they are completed. The payment to be made on the certificate of the Agent oi Indian affairs, tor the tiibeor nation in which the establishment is located, as to the facts of the cooniieiiceuieul and com- pletion ol the buildings.

rhe Piesideut of the United States ■•ill eoiitrihute out of the annual appro- priation, to each institution which may be approved of by him, a sum propor- tiuuaie to tin* number ol pupils belonging to cue It, regard being had to the necessa- ry expense of the establishment, and the degree of success winch has alt. tided it.

N' advance to be made except lor the buildings till the sclmti) is in actual ouera- Mm ; ol whir!) fact, and Ihc number of pupils belonging to it, the certilieate ol '• e superintendent or person iiavmg liie principal control of liie institution, will be sufficient evidence.

A report will be annually made for r;n h establishment on tfie Isl’ol October, «»l the number and names ol liie teach ers and other persons belonging to it, the

tnher ot stud nls ; ihe number which ave completed their course ami left Hie

in*1 Motion, since Ihe first day Ol Oclobei of the prei ediug year ; file nuuiber enter- ed, the amount of disbursements for the same period, and ihe value and descrip- li u ol property on band : which report wtd he certified by the Hiipeniilemleul or peison having the principal control ol the establish? ), ut.

It is com id-red to he the duly of all persons who may be employ ed, or attach- ed to any institution, not only to set a

guo-l example ol >obriely, industry, and honesty, but, as far as practicable, lu impress on Ihe minds ol the Indians the friendly aud benevolent views of liie gov- ernment towards them, and tin* advantage to them in yielding lo Ihe policy of gov- ernment, and co-operating with it in such measures as it may deem necessary for their civilization aud happiness. A'con- trary course ol conduct cannot fail lu incur the displeasure ot government.as if is impossible Hist the object which it lias in view can be effected, and peace be habitually pr.seived, if the distrust of the Indians, as lo its benevolent views, should be executed.

J. C. CALHOUN. Department op War, t

February 2i), 182U. $

Currency.—Governor Wolcott has written a pamphlet, on "The present slate of Curieftcy, Commerce, Credit, and National Industry, in reply lo the

t Address ol Tammany Society." Jl is dis ; tinguivhed for a clear and sound examin [ ation of the causes which have produced | the preeeut depression, aud which are f Irated with the accuracy and precision

ol an experienced hand. Gov. Wolcott, 1 in pointing out the remedy, says, " I liopt it will not bo deemed presumptuous il I

1 s.iy,that the people ought to expert and be ready to support a system ol interna

— —aw B w*-r:i

itlon* | e(f. He thinks, that extise duties on f articles which iuterfeie with domestic io- ! dustry. on the luxuries of the rich, ami ! the vices of the improvident, are ti e most

henehcial sumptuary laws which can he devised, an I nothing would he so advuti tageous at present as to charge the ex-

j penses of government upon such uh ; jecls.” We concur in the recomnirmia*-

tiun to tax articles of luxury., but there | is a great diversity of opinion in relation j to u system of internal revenue. How*

evi r, if it must he so. let us meet it at once tat hi r than resort to temporary ex pedicnls. fjV. Y. Kat. Ado.

Department of State. L*l<d Jan. 1820. Flic Secretary of State, to whom ha*

been referred tile Kesoiuliou of the Se nate, of the 1st of f\ hntary last, request* in« such information relative to theexe- cution of so much of the first article «.i the late I'reaty of Peace and Amity be- tween His Britannic Majesty amt theUni- le,l States as the President might possess, ily which had not heretofore been commit nice, fed, l.a-i the honor of submitting fo the President extracts of two despatches from the Minister of thv United States at Lon- don, containing the inhumation desired.

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. hxIntel cf a letter from Air. Rush to the

Secretary of Stale, doled London, January ‘2I.IS20.

In pursuance of the tiisliucltons < ni- brsceil in it,* I proceeded lo name to his Lordship (Casdereagh) the emperor of Httssia as the sovereign, to whose deci- sion the government of tin- United Slates desired that the difference between the two countries respecting the slaves, might he referred, reminding him of the provi- sion contained in the 5th article of tile convention ol October, IHIS, upon this subject. He replied, ih«t he would lay .... (iMipirani n»ir III> |.uy«.l 111 and furnish me at a* early u day as in liis power, with an answer.” /.'jhavt of a letter from Mr. Hush, to the.

St entail/ of Stair, dated London,January 21,1320.

" I received a nole Irom Mr. Plants, invitinguie lo rail at the (meign Otiice yesleiday al three o’clock. I went accor- dingly. ||e acknowledged, on the hr*- hall ol Lord Cast lereagh, the receipt «>l my note, saying that Ills Lordship would a i point a lime (or seeing me as sin n as he relumed. He then proceeded to make two communications which l lose no time in transmitting lor the itifonna lion ol the President.

I' ir-t. lie said that lie had heen instruct- ed by Lord Castlereagh, lo make known to ine, in general terms, that his Lord- ship lead already taken the commands of the Prince Regent, as lo the point in con- troversy between the two government" respecting the slaves; and that his Royal Highness acceded lo the President’s de sire, that the true construction ol t|»- trea- ty of Ghent, in this particular should be referied to the decision of the Emptier ol Uuvsia.

His Lordship, desirous that I should lie apprized at once ol this assent, would not leave town without leaving the pro- per instructions for my being so. On ins return, he would, Mi Plauta subjoined, suggest to me such official steps, as it appeared lo this government proper, that both parties should lake to carry into cl* led their mutual dcsiir. 1 shall wait these further suggestions from his Lord- ship, and have the honor to convey them to you in a despatch the moment they are made known to me. Meanwhile, I will apprize Mr. Campbell of llis Royal Highness’s assent.’’

•I>»,sp-iicti No. 18 of No. 10, 1310, from tin Secretary ol .State to Mr. Rush.

AN "INDEPENDENT” BANK. Lexington, (Kentucky) March ya —

We are happy to «.b* rve ttiat the dt rectors of one iiauk in thestale have show n sufficient Independence to denounce tilt outrageous attempt of the legislature to

destroy vested rights and impair the obli- gations of contracts. The Bank ot GUF.KNVH.LK has formed the noble de- tl>rillitl‘lfir.li In /•nr.llt.iw. « r. I__I

»iness as usual, notwithstanding the re- pealing act, until a derision shall be had by the supreme judicial tribunal. Tin directors, who are men ol wealth, Imvr likewise entered into a bond, pledging their private properly tor ttic redemption of the notes of the bank. |Monitor.

The iud iclment now depending againsi Mr. Goodwin, has been removed into the Supreme Court of this state by writ of certiorari. We understood the ques- tion whether the prisoner 11iI undergo another trial, will be argued at the next term of sold court, to be held m May next. Mr. Goodwin is admitted in bail in the sum of 40,01 Ml dollars—hiuisell in 20,000 dollars and four sureties, each in the sum of 5,000 dollars. [ xV. V. fll. Ad

^fourth CLNSUS-C ongress liavr passed a law for taking ibe Census of tin IT. Slates. The enumeration is to com- mence on the first Monday of August, ol the prevent year, [1820J and he tinishei! within six calleildar months thereafter, that is by the first Monday of February 1821. The law makes it the duty of tin marshals and assistants, not only to taki account of persons, hut of niauiifacfurhiii establishment* and manufactures, iu then several districts

Extract of a letter from Captain I.aomis commander ef the United Stales UntUr elated ill Sew Orleans, Slaixhtj, 1820. "We compelled the Pirates to evaeuaU

the Island of St. Louis, and the port o Galveston, L-ing in lire Louisiana pur chase, and tfie acknowledged limitsol tin (Tinted Stales, being 500 miles from the Mississippi.”

Baltimore, Aptil rj.—We under- stand the gentleman who carried tin petition to the President in behalf ol Ferguson and Denny reached this citi last night Inmi Washington. The attemp to save them has proved unavailing: con sequeutly Iheuwtul sentence ol the lav

I will be arried into itfed THIS D\Y.

ABsTK ACT OF vnocELDi:sos of to son ess.

in senate. Tuesday, Apnl II.—The Senate took up

t!ie ieport of the ci>nimiMre on Indian etia r-<, adverse to tlit expediency ol a

h'dishiug the system of Indian trade as established by the art of |hI!.

Mr. I riiuLle nhsirvnl that it had been his intention to oppose this report, and move its recommitment, vs it It distinctions to bring inn bill to abolish the piesent s\stern of indiaii trade, and substitute a different syatem ; hut as the session was drawing to a close, and a great deal of in- formation had been called for, on the subject, from the Secretary ot the Trea sui'v, w hieii it would he necessary to pos- sess, before acting on the system ol In diau trade, lie would wave his opposition now, and let the irpnrl pass—the subj» ct could be taken up at the next sesion.

I ho report was concurred in. I he Senate then resumed the conside-

ration ot the hill to renew mid extend the charter ol the city of W ashington ; and continued occupied tor several hours in an examination ot the detail*, w Inch are very numerous, as the bill embraces most of the provisions ol the late chatter, with sundry additions.

On some of these a good (teal of de- bate took place, particularly on the ex- pediency of aiillmiisiug the corporation to raise 10,000 dollars a year by way wf lottery, lor ceitain purposes to be ap* proved by the President of the United States. This power formed part of the late charter, in < xi*lence twenty years, hut lias not until lalrl\ been exercised ; being incorporated in this bill also, Mr. liurrifl proposed Jo expunge it, and the qu» slum was argued at much length—the motion was finally mgatived—ayes 14. lines 21.

Mi. Morrill moved to extend the rigid ol suflrage in t|,e city to all free while male citizens of the United S:at<v, of the age ol21 years, having resided in the ci ty one year helure the lime ol voting, wilhout any ptoperty or other qualified lion than above slated — instead ol requir- ing that they slut I, in addition to this qualification, have been assessed lo a certain amount, and have paid a tax.— This motion was supported by Messrs. Movril and JL/ogd,umt was opposed by Messrs. JiunHI anti Hursri/, and was tie

galived, only .‘J or 4 rising hi lavor ol it. J !»'• bill was ordered to be engrossed

lor a third reading, a* amended. NAVIGATION BILL.

I lie Senate resumed the consideration ol the bill supplementary to the act con- cerning navigation/1

Mi. Jtrmcn observed that, on reflection, and consultation with the friends «>f the bill, if was herii veil the amendment sug- gested by Mr. Parrott when the hill was (‘i*I up, to extend its provisions »o IheUrit- i.-lt poits in Lower Canada, might prove useful--lie moved an amendment having that object ; which was agreed to.

All the amendments u, Hie bill, adopt- ed by the committee, having been agreed lo in the Senate,

I lie question was staled on ordering the bill torn third reading. Mr. Dana wished only to *emark, that he

should vote lor the bill, though be had m I entire confidence in its efficiency ; lie did not think it comprehensive enough, or that it went far enough to ( fleet its object. I he bill was then ordered to be engros- sed and nad a third lime, by the follow, lowing vote :

YEAS—Messrs. Barbour, Brown, Burrill, Haiia, Diekerxou, leal oil, Edwards, Klliolt, (.aillaid, Horsey, limiter, Join.son, ol Lmi.' king of Alali. king, of N. Y". Lawman, Leake, Lloyd, Loirau. Lowrie, Macon. Milieu, Morill, Noble Ons, Palmer, Pairoff, Pleasants, I{o- lieris, Kugirl. uSanl'oid, Smith, Stokes, I ay- i tor, '1 homos, Ticlieuor, Tumble, Van Dyke, (Maker, of A lab. Walker, of Geo. William*,

j NAY —Mr. Wilson. I Wednesday, April 12 — Mr. Morril lain 1 upon die lal*ie Hie following resolutions:

Kesnlretl, That the practice ol Duelling ism. | hitman, luiinoral. ami eeiuuiiable

Itrsolced,Thai the I'd nideiit of the United Slates would lie jiiMifiahle in -ti ikiug irom the roll* of the army and navy tin |.-antes ot all liertona thereon, who have lieeu or hereafter may he. diieetly or indirectly (iigagcd itt y duel, or may have been, or hereafter may be, in any way or inauiier aeees*arv Hsrn to.

The Senate, on motion r,1 Mr. Sanford, proceeded to the coiiHuhrali-.u of the Re- port of the committee ol lonleu nre on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses-, on the amendment of the SenaU- to the military appropriation bill.

Mr. /tnrritl mov-d that I lie Senate re- cede from their said amendment.

Mr. Johnson of Kcntmd;\ having pre- mised tliai lie had no! Iiefoie troubled the Senate with any remarks on Hits subject, siibr»iill« d a few observations to slit-iv that as tlie oilier House had manifested so de- cided an opposition to the prosecution ol the Missouri expedition above the Conn cil Bluff/., it was to be expected that the executive would, from respect tor that decision, no! desire at present t * go be- yond (bat point ; that the House bad also decided that they approved this expedi- tion as far as the Council Blutls ; that the .Senate had yielded to tin- House, the first point, but tlioHght it important that a sufficient sum should be appropriated to snpporl the expedition at the Council BluOa, and to enable the Secretary of War to comply with obligations entered into according to law ; that this bjecl rrquir- ed hut J>«»(),000 more than the (louse hail agreed to ; and he thought, if the Senate would still insist on its amendment, so as to bring the subject again before the committee of cotifetcnce, an arrangement would be agreed to by which this sum would be vieldcd by I he other House, see-

iag lliat Hip Senate had yielded to the House in ita viawa as related to ihe Man dan villages, Ac. He therefore, with these views, hoped lh« Scnaltt would not recede, hut would again insist on their amendment.

The question was then taken on re- 1 ceding from the amendment, and decided

in the affirmative—ave* 22. The engrossed bill supplementary to

fh» " act concerning navigation and

wmwi—i i11 ill iiasK~.-ySmsi^ujc afr* rv'-eiiii. lli-»n«r<s cil lull to eMhl.h It tlieitisliut oi IVaii river, in Mississippi, were m ve- iiills n ail tin* 1Vir«I lime, pau-eif, noil sent lo tin* Iiousr ol Kepicsenuitives lor cou- cui retu-e.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monday, April 10,—Tint Speaker laid befats *

the House cerium Documents relating to the ( ruize nl the Sloop ot War /imaiio; whic were ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Sil&hee, from the committer on naval af- lairs In whom was rifVii d tiie peiitn n nf Fj( t. Satnuel C. R id, iu bob ol l.imsei> at.il the oiher Hirers ,:tid new of tin pi n t. arm* d biiti Gemr-il Armstrong, made: ieport ad- wise to tin prayer tli ■ e®l; which w.is read »nd orrfeie to lie oil the table.

Mr. Pitti/u/I submitted the following rcsoln- lion:

Resolved That a committee he appointed to enquire into ih? expediency ot providing by law for tile payment ot pensions in the comi- ties, parishes, or townships iu which the pen- sioner'1 reside.

On the question to agree to this resolution it was detei mired in the negative.

On motion of Mr. Cam. it was Resolved, Thai the committee on Public

Buildings be diiectrd to enquire into tt.u practicability of ifiideiiag the House of Re- presentative* convenient for the liansaciiuti of Public business

DISTRICT RANKS. The House then, arrordutg to the order of

the Day, resolved itself into a committee of the whole. Mi. Si-orr in tlm chair, cn the hill concerning tin Distiict Banks.

This hill provides- Sec 1 That 1 lie clinrtcrs of all the In-

corporated Banks that now pay specie oil tb— mand,l»« extended until the 10th June. IsrkJ.

Sec. <2. Should any of said Banks refuse to pay specie, or lawful currency of the United Stales on demand, they ate to pay an iuit i- cst ot 10 per cent, pel- annum until payment ot such demand :* made, and Congiess ij* empowered fmtliwiih to revoke thcii rhai- ters and provide lor settling their accounts.

Sec. 3. No Bank to is.siie, rc issue, or te- ceivc in payiuciit on dcposiie, any Hill note, &c under five debars, after the 1 .t January next,except lo receive such in tear noiesas may have her*:; issued before thut time in ex- change for current coin or a debt due stub Bank Charter forfeited to- offending.

.•sec. 4. Any otiicer of n Bank who shall con- aw*. ctu '-IHMVF ill U|r (.‘Hlirtrllllli Ut .i embezzlement of ar.y property ot a Hank' lo be adjudged a felon, and impiisoned nut inert* than 10 .ears, and fined net levs ’hail 1000 nor more loan *20 000 doilai %—one moiety to the Foiled Male*, the other to the infor- mer ; ad debts due by him to snitj bank being til-I satisfied.

See, 5. Any Bank ceasing to pay on demand, no nltu-er or director or .,aid Hank p. rmit- ted to buy up in person, or bs agent, or re- el ive in p.iViHini-mV note or bill ot said Hank :u a le.-s piice oi value than its lace purports it to tie worth—for each offence. io lo* impus- oned tor one m> nth, and pay thiicc the value oi such bill or note.

Sec. (» Hie pre ent charter of the Hank ol Columbia tevoked on 1st, Jan. 1G22. and it-rharieied on tne same fooling of ihe oilier District Banks until the Itith June 1814.

See. 7 Revokes Hie chattel ot the Flank- iiii i >«:iik of Ait'Xai'diia, aiui piovult*$ for jtel- line their accounts

•'*.*•* S.'l he President and Dirc;t*»is foaeh Bank to lilo fjp-ir declaration in writing in the office of the .Secretary of the l iea*nr\. within six months, assenting to die tein’i.s hereby granted, or to forfeit their charter and -ettie Munr aecom ts.a.s allowed the Funk- tic Bank m Alexandi ia.

f,|<>hihit' any corporation within the District ot t'olnmbia other than said Bank* issuing or discounting notes or hills aftur the 1st ot January next—my -i..x-*i \;» detmar,l ounciliuan Ac for t acii cflcnie, to pay not less than 100 nor moie than 1,000 doilai s.

Sec. 10 A-y prison who shall sign, couutei sign, or endorse my note hill, Ac. i» atoiesaid in addition lo said penalty, to he iinpiisoneil not less than tlnee nor uiuie than twelve months

Sec II Declares null and void all drafts, bills, Ac. i.e.i in payment tor money dis- counted by any corpoiatiou, euntiaiy :o the piovisionsoi this act whether such bills aie made payable tosttch corporation, oi to nny person as agent or trusioe

Sec. 12. Any mayor, alderman.councilman, cli ii. &i. that shall, alter tIts 1st id .laniiarv next issue aud pass into circulation, any lull «r note, as aforesaid, to incur ->11 mid pen- alties, not withstanding said note uni. be •igned prior to said first day ot Jannciy. Sec. 1.1 A 11 provides tor the consolidation ot the banks of Alexandria into two liaok-, with a capital of one million or doilai* uuii. lo take place by written nriirlee of nssooi..- UO". prior to llie Kith June, |«5 ; provided lin y continue until that period : charters to t?xltfiul lo 10th June, I Kill subject f<> llie j ic-

r"Ul%* c"m,i"‘» A;r ot llie Farmery *

Rank ol A lex and ii a, a nd also to the ulrs, con- dition*, &r ol this act.

Sec lo, provides id n sim Inr manner for the coiiKoli.lalion of the Hunks ot George* limn other than llie Bank ol Columbia into one hank with a capital which, auded lo (he capital of the Hank of ( olomhiu, shall make the sum two millions of dollars, ant! no more »!ihj,et to the present titles, conditions *.<•„ ot tlie Fanners’ and Mechanic’ Hank of (•eotgetowu, ami also to the titles, A,c. ini- posed l>\ this act,

•Sec iti. contains like piovisinn* for the con soiidMioii of the Rank of Washington anil the

”,,n^ with a capital ot out million I of ffnlturg

Sec. 17. in like manner extends the char- ter ol the Hank of tile Metropolis, w ith per-- fills-.on to augment llieir capita! to one miil*- ton ot dollars.

Sections IH and I f preset ihe the modes of pioeeedmg ofsnrh hi.uk* and stock ooidvis as may or may not accept ti c ciovimoiis ot this act,

•See. JO All Hank* in the District except tlia Franklin Hank of Alexandii i, trom and alter the 1st Jan. IK/O, lo p»v m.e sixth of one per centum on its capital slock ... tiog (jper c« nt. to i<s stockholder*, to const i— lute a school fund for the education o( imIU gent etiildiHii iM each town. Each Hank, sctni-aiinnully, on paying tliuir dividend* and the aforesaid one per centum to tender an exact account of it* condition to the Secrets* ry of the Treasury—-on failure thereof, or an nifrmpt to defraud the fund aforesaid con- giex* have power to deflate the chat ier* unit and void.

See. Jl, 1 his art to he infoice f rom and af- ter the passage thereof.J

Mr Col>h moved to amend the hill, liy strik- ingoiitfhe wh le of n except Hie . nacliorr clause, and inserting in lieu ihvieot the to* lowing :

*' That for llie pttrpo*e of enabling the *ry~ jih! f..ictrieir<l ItHukiu* IHAiifwii!• in ilip District oft olnmhia to close their hitsiuessand concerns, Ihe everal. barters ot ti.e said R-mh ing institutions, n« Ihe same now exi*i shall he and tlm same are hereby extend. <J for ami during (he term of-years from and Hftei the first day of June next, from and after which nay ihe >at.l seveiai chat ler* of < a. ft and every Hanking Iiistiiiii|,.>, within in« said District llmll ceai. anu detet mine

'Mr (W delivered his xeiitim. nts hi some length in favor ot tin* propomi.on. Messrs. M> rctr and IVurfttld opyomfil. The question was then taken r n Mr.Cvbb’* moiiou anil decided in the negative by a lur-o majotitv, *

Mr. ill'Loin of Kentnck* moved lo amend tho lid by adding to it a provi ton io nmk<xm<s