VOL X. PHILLIPS AGADEMY, ADOVER, MASS, MARCH 14, 18E8, NO. 42. RICHARtON & GERTS. O X nl-n4n 00 _eo> ¢3 o LBM. McALOON & CO., C l^ e Special Notice! ILO, C e, Special Bargain in Neckwear, at ct + BO W DOIN SQUARE, 50 and 75 crnts, D BO S . ie holidayos btein e, we e .e enabled to ofler illlatn Silks t z abuove rices. whlichl coulltl lnot ihave n E First-Class Work. ;and evell 1.7-). two eeks n1ro.- 4^ w r< > RICHARDSON AND GERTS, ! ; .EN'S OURFIERS AND SHIRT TAIPLORS, - si c , 385 Washington Street, . ew 0ptyle for dens 'H,,,NEIL, ,. H OD BS I N, Special Style for Students. OlI.iste Fiankln t. BOSTON. t ' o 11 I tle 11 -i .lulil-lor I' -o n-r, lilPi AM.ur , 14'All.1 -0 * , SHREVE, RUBP & LOW, Fall River Line, 432 Washington St., Boston. New York, South, & West, THAYER, McNEIL, & HODGKINS, I Diamonds, : G :R I | - 1 -nCTXT-~ j~ 1 : ,, 1 ""'1lzb~ wt 'z*II- 1 1 11 " St.l i tl llltI, vv atches, Ilsltl.S'l' r T PROV l IDl NC' I. l~ i;'I I :1I;< .\ND I>K.\1.1:1;< IN.i O I.nula riiiiniig vfn di' iii th N e rk,Siul. ~ IJ e' 7 3W T , ic rlitl l. rili. Onrl j lidg.i lr Ir.ll tkll ;ii I .0lr-Lli Citv | \~tlll I C?~l ' t iJewelry, ' hlll,.t'( lilll I llll.llel.l, t. 'at -.- itti.il ~iN fslt.;ne..Iiiotniii from (ii i Colom Sta tion rac. It Qi .r. M..imictiin tigii t F1all Ifiver il 80 lih"i tc-, Ntitli BOOTS and SHOES. Bric a Brac. . IIhi ,, lIi,, CI .tl,,l,,,ili. Atrll i i t 1 tllo r i liitd (I /oiill i I Plltod r-;iii.e t ULtTA 'r lls. :,:niil t(lii (u1.1.11 . - { i tt tii. \\ *; i . .1. 1I. KI:>NI)il('K, ti n. a i:nager. ;EO. L.. t'ONNOR, (;. P.., Ne Y,, k :EN(; 1AVI:I.s AN STATIONEIRS, L. H. PALMER, Agent. Specialties for ('alti.I Vxc'i t('lt(l (llicklv. .\oiri- 3 L STTI. _IlO -_.IS'I N. ,ztnils, Crt;;'t' : 111 (l .\Al ( l rlC-( ti;lie1tl il ''lThe Hub "Wraps" and Drawers, YOU N G M E N. -- __ lt-Plltetell Alt , Tl. PIANOS TO RENT. Oii lihil l 'll 'litnt t er liltilerate plriceL tile iist Cill- Very Stylish and Durable, and ilete ,ariet f e ncc lh.l -. , ' \ UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS / ' Moderate in Price. 'ti IIE F4'LNI IN -,l:7W E.N6i. I. i'iaiio for sale, for ca.li or ,,tii the Instalmnent plain. .Amongo thelill i vIy lie follni tile Pi'allo f i)f J. & C. FIiclier, Chickering, Welher. Steinway, lIrigg., ', L^ol Iltealcy, anil lalny other makers. Each andl every 'iano is warranted. Personi not famillar with pianos can depend upiiun Ilave miny superior advanitages over all others. 47 Temple Place, full valne receivel. Now Is the Letter F, in ct, shows the Platteted Suspensory ore, which prevents chafingi and tilghtenng over tlhe knee. tilie to select when the stoek The wrnl, wltl cllest protector-opening in front-has isa Iliost complete. a superiority of adljustlmnent, mnadelo of all wool flaninel andl fttomig loosely. Extreme protection to Muscular Pianos Tuned at Short Notice. and Climatic Changes. Nelligee Shirts, Lawn Tennis, 0 T 0 N Piano Cirs, Pino tools, nd Piano ic- etc. Cstom Shirts, hand made, easy and perfect fitting af W J. U .Piano Chairs, Piano Stools, an Plano Music-Racks Hub Shirt Emporium, for Sale. "Hub" Shirt Emporium, OLIVER DITSON CO., BOSTON. 383 WASINGTON STEET,' OLIVER DITSON & CO, BOSTON. Up-stairs, Room 10. Opp. Franklin St. 49 & 451 Washington Street. I. A. HOWE, BOSTON, MASS.

RICHARtON & Notice! m° LBM. McALOON ILO,pdf.phillipian.net/1888/03141888.pdfVOL X. PHILLIPS AGADEMY, ADOVER, MASS, MARCH 14, 18E8, NO. 42. RICHARtON & GERTS. O nl-n4n X 00 _eo > ¢3

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RICHARtON & GERTS. O X nl-n4n 00

_eo > ¢3 m° o LBM. McALOON & CO.,

C l^ e

Special Notice! ILO,

C e,Special Bargain in Neckwear, at ct + BO W DOIN SQUARE,

50 and 75 crnts, D BO S .

ie holidayos btein e, we e .e enabled to ofler illlatn Silks t z abuove rices. whlichl coulltl lnot ihave

n E First-Class Work.

;and evell 1.7-). two eeks n1ro.- 4^ w r< >


.EN'S OURFIERS AND SHIRT TAIPLORS, -si c ,385 Washington Street, . ew 0ptyle for dens

'H,,,NEIL, ,. H OD BS I N, Special Style for Students.OlI.iste Fiankln t. BOSTON. t ' o11 I tle 11 -i .lulil-lor I' -o n-r, lilPi AM.ur , 14'All.1 -0 * ,

SHREVE, RUBP & LOW, Fall River Line,432 Washington St., Boston. New York, South, & West,

THAYER, McNEIL, & HODGKINS, I Diamonds, : G :R I | -

1-nCTXT-~ j~ 1



w t'z*II- 1 1

1 1" St.l i tl llltI,

vv atches, Ilsltl.S'l' r T PROV l IDl NC' I.l~ i;'I I :1I;< .\ND I>K.\1.1:1;< IN.i O I.nula riiiiniig vfn di' iii th N e rk,Siul. ~

IJ e' 7 3W T , ic rlitl l. rili. Onrl j lidg.i lr Ir.ll tkll ;ii I .0lr-Lli Citv| \~tlll I C?~l't iJewelry, ' hlll,.t'( lilll I llll.llel.l, t. 'at

-.- itti.il ~iN fslt.;ne..Iiiotniii from (ii i Colom Sta tionrac. It Qi .r. M..imictiin tigii t F1all Ifiver il 80 lih"i tc-, NtitliBOOTS and SHOES. Bric a Brac. .IIhi ,, lIi,, CI .tl,,l,,,ili.Atrll i i t 1 tllo r i liitd (I /oiill i I Plltod r-;iii.e t ULtTA 'r lls. :,:niil t(lii (u1.1.11 . -{ i tt tii.

\\ *; i . .1. 1I. KI:>NI)il('K, ti n. a i:nager.

;EO. L.. t'ONNOR, (;. P.., Ne Y,, k


Specialties for ('alti.I Vxc'i t('lt(l (llicklv. .\oiri- 3 L STTI. _IlO -_.IS'I N.

,ztnils, Crt;;'t' :111(l .\Al (l

rlC-( ti;lie1tl il ''lThe Hub "Wraps" and Drawers,YOU N G M E N. -- __ lt-Plltetell Alt , Tl.

PIANOS TO RENT.Oii lihil l 'll 'litnt t er liltilerate plriceL tile iist Cill-

Very Stylish and Durable, and ilete ,ariet f e ncc lh.l -. , ' \UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS / '

Moderate in Price. 'ti IIE F4'LNI IN -,l:7W E.N6i. I.i'iaiio for sale, for ca.li or ,,tii the Instalmnent plain.

.Amongo thelill i vIy lie follni tile Pi'allo f i)f

J. & C. FIiclier, Chickering, Welher. Steinway, lIrigg., ',L^ol Iltealcy, anil lalny other makers. Each

andl every 'iano is warranted. Personi not famillar with pianos can depend upiiun Ilave miny superior advanitages over all others.47 Temple Place, full valne receivel. Now Is the Letter F, in ct, shows the Platteted Suspensory ore,

which prevents chafingi and tilghtenng over tlhe knee.tilie to select when the stoek The wrnl, wltl cllest protector-opening in front-has

isa Iliost complete. a superiority of adljustlmnent, mnadelo of all wool flaninelandl fttomig loosely. Extreme protection to Muscular

Pianos Tuned at Short Notice. and Climatic Changes. Nelligee Shirts, Lawn Tennis,0 T 0 N Piano Cirs, Pino tools, nd Piano ic- etc. Cstom Shirts, hand made, easy and perfect fittingaf W e» J. U .Piano Chairs, Piano Stools, an Plano Music-Racks Hub Shirt Emporium,

for Sale. "Hub" Shirt Emporium,OLIVER DITSON CO., BOSTON. 383 WASINGTON STEET,'

OLIVER DITSON & CO, BOSTON. Up-stairs, Room 10. Opp. Franklin St.49 & 451 Washington Street. I. A. HOWE, BOSTON, MASS.

Messenger Bros & Jones,TAILORS and IMPORTERS,

No. 388 Washington Street, Boston.W i_\\ a:ke a peci:llty of being ont:ilt i ill regard to the latest

,111-opetll ''o u dge% :11 or(ei. for : oy ,r tile ver styh.,l, w in'edce( i,l.t(11oll 1 I'ris w1i ll he fitllfTlv exec ate(l h.lpectioll liitd i


All Goods Warranted for Excellence of Makeand Superiority of Colors.

- S\ _ __ LONDON: PARIS:

COLLINS & FAIRBANKSSuccessors to D. P. Ilsley & Co.,

Opera Crush--a-ts,-- Leather-Hat-Boxes, ----Silk Hats, ,-.. < 1^ .- Umbrellas, Fur Caps,

Felt and Cloth Hats, ": Walking Sticks.Agents for Heath's, White's and Lincoln Bennett & Co.'s London Hats.

('llI, 1l.rt. ,. 1 ('11) llI:,.lt' to) (1.'.e. 38 Washington St., Boston.


Pbil lips : Asadely, VIEWS --ANDOVER, - and S P E C I A LT Y.

1879 to 1887. GR O UPS. 22 Winter St., Boston.


,' .l.,=l.--r<Y IN ITSELF." BOSTON.


l'l,)M (WR LAlGE STt 'IC 0P


GENTLEMEN'S WEAR,Th latetil-t of t ls work coipr. -___ _-------letitsi c l be mIllde of Suits S T Y L E S

A DICTIONARY and Overcoats that are tastyo zlntaing li,Nxi Avord, and 'Kr nllgravingn

A CAZETTEER OF THE WORLD and dressv in appearance, stylish n25,a)O Titles, with pronuncli tion, &o., (recently added) alnd

A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY fit, and of durable qualities, at a i,,ot,,,,, SROTUCEDnearly 10,000 Noted Persons; also vario Tales, PRONOUNCED

ALL IN ONE BOOK. siaving from custom prices. to P.. A. Stiulents. SUPERORTO ANY.It Ihas L. m oro Wrds and narly XX)o more Illuh.trntionlls7

thaln any other American Dictionary. _ A f Co "No family of children ought to bo brought up without S UlA o.

having ready access to this grand volume. It will answerthousands of questions to the wide-awake child."thousands o questions to te wide-awak child" i MANUFACTURING RETAILERS, Extra facilities for Hats or Caps to Order, Inchid-

Webster is Standard Authority in the Gov't Printing o0ce, in the Oxford Acadeuic Cap, furnlshed to Tufts Col-and witlI the U.S. Suprme Court. Itts recommended by ing te Of r A. cademlc Cap, furnished to Tuft s Co01thand State Supthes U. Schools In 36 States, and by theo leading J 44 WASHIINGTON STREET, lege, Wi

llliams College, etc., the past year.:,,?Stat.,or Sc.ools In,.S.,., by , 440 WASIGTON STREET, ,.

College residents of the U. S. and Canada.Published by G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass. TO CORNER OF SUMMER STRFET, ie Silk Umbrellas,

B O S T ON Elegant Walkign Sticks.

^~-- -- "- .------ __1__ I1~-_·_Y- LI*-lr*)LI_

The Phillipian.T1he Phillipinn nill e devoted to the interests F a n c y S h irts !

of thle Academy. lMembers of the school, past

and present. are invited to contribute to its

columns. Graduates are requested to furnish Confined patterns with special style collars openpersoiIal itemsi. M:tter for publication must beaccompanied by witers full niame and address back, $1.50. Opn front $1.75 and $2.00.back, $1.50. Open front $1.75 and $2.00.and nmust e received not later tlhan noon on

the dy before it is intended to appear. or SPECIALTY: FASHIONABLE COLLARS.the convenience of miembers of the Academy

who (lesire to c'ontri)bute, a box is placed in thle " '

main liall, in which all matter may be dropp,,ed.

(Communications should lat addIres.cld to -R- pTHE PHILLIPIAN,


Philo. of general business some little discussion The McCall Mission;was indulged in over a proposal to have

A very interesling talk was given i1,an entertainnment of sonic killnd for te C

Thie meeting of this- society last Fri-. of e tile Free church. Suinday evening, lby D.,'.~~ , last eeti ng of the terim, adi it w as,

day evening was not so well attended ansClk uponhis ission i France.finally decided to enlarge the committee Imany of the previous ocs ones have been. The spcaker, who has spent ome timealready apointed to lookafter that mllat- hut this was plerhapsl owing to two meet- inl that country, ill all earnest manner

,1 , rn, ter y tile addition of tile President and ,'ings occurring the same week. e ter the addition of the Presidet andshowed to attentive audience the at-first exercise consisteil o a critique by Vice-President to its numbers. A motioni titrde of te Freh people towards both

r h e biys to adjourn was then imade and carried idur. arwell in hiclh lie expressedl Ilse] the Roman Catholic and the ProtestantMr. ae in whc le x s is l l te nceting canle to a close a little i. 1

doubt as to time ~wisdomli of cli ooiig el t has, lelieioet. They have heretofore enijoydearlier than has been the ile recentlv. "(lulestions for debate which re(uired ' a sort of toleration i their choice ofsound knowledge of topics of tie day. on .Gm a Exe ' worship. ut now alsolute liberty is

Winter Games at Exeter.the grounds that students aie too busy :iner ranted themn. This is a novely f6rto read the newspaplers-reg-ula4-A- ,r. Last Saturdav afternoon Exeter held them, but through the ejoymemnt of itEddy made-an extemporaneous speech the first winter tournament in her new tlhey nre ready to leave the' forms and -on the late Germnan emperor: at the coni- gymnasiumn. The- entries were niany ceremonies which have bound thei so

ienceii ent hli expressed hliN mnisgivings and included the best men in school. As long and to accept thie freedom givingconcerning his ability to speak interest- tile result the tournament was a .grand faith in Christ Jesis. There is a greatingly and accurately o sch a subject, ,success. Following is the )progranlnme need of men and money, and like Jauan,but succeeded quite as well as tle ae- and tlhe winners: from seven to ten years will place therage speaker. An address was thlen read 1 lar vaulting-Won by MOl'ison, '88. Protestant cliurch in Fra;nce upon a self-Iby Mr. Grant on the subject of tlle (cft. 2 3-4 ii. Kales. '89. secomd. ft. supporting basis.American Navy, lie expressed the opin- 3-4 in.ionl that a navy was not so nmuch requiied Putting tle shot--Morison, '8S. 31 ft. Intercolleiiate News.tlo tile country as good coast defences, 11 ini.; Furinan, '90. second. 31 ft. 5 1-2 in. ome sustantiaifts .ave been adeome .substantial gifts have beei madetaking a comprehensive survey of the Standing high jumip--Spothers, '90, to Williams lately. Among them.imnaritime interests of thils -'country he 4 ft. 5 1-2 ill.; Duane. 'S, second. 4 ft. tie leluct of L95,000 received by tlieIbrought forward many points in support 4 1-2 i. :will of the late William Hilton. In ad-of this opinion and his composition Club s.winging-llamIlond. '8. first; iditio n Jud e Dervey f Worcester, hasshowed careful and thoughtful prepara- Illis, '90. second. l established two scholarships of $3,000tion. Mr. Boddie thegave a select Iighkick-Hayward' 9, 8 ft. eac, and t1-e inteest of 1,000 as areading in which lie dilated on tle nat- in. Kales, '89, ft. 4 1-2 in., beating prize to the one pronouncing te bestural advantages of America and grew the best academy record by inches. o ation on co mencement day.eloquent over the beauty and glorious Ilorizontal bar- Ward,'89, first: M-or-

* Z^ c .1 .i i ic-,i ' At a fair to be hleld soon in New Yorkinfluence of the ocean on the human ison, '88, second. in nlind. The debate was.on Relative Ad- Tumbling-ard, '89, list: oo, city by the ladies iestd ie Ho

e opathic College and Hospital of thatvantages of the American and English '89, second. op ic g ospital of thatSystems of Carrying on Elections; this Parallel bar-Ladd. 'S9, lirst: Frank- city an eight-oared shell will be voted tothroughout ws caried o i a looseli'8, second. the most popular college. Harvard, Yalethlioliout was carried on i aI loose ^lin, '8, second.manner and it was evident that neither Running high juinp-Hayward, '89, Colubia, Cornel' and University ofside had been able to procure informnation first, 5 ft. 4 1-2 in.; Spotliers, '90, second Pennsylvania have entered.

on the subject or had neglected to do so. 5 ft. 1 i. At the recent convention of te Inter-Mr. Ogilvie, leader on the affirmative, The last event was a tug-of-war be- collegiate Athletic Association it wascontended that intimidation and bribery twcen '90 and '88; '90 won the drop, but decided that at the expiration of two

could not b)e practised under the English '88 the pull by 2 1-2 in. years te. celebrated ott aven cup

plan, while Mr. Cartwright in behalf of The judges were Prof. Clarence Get-, shall beconme the permanent property ofthe negative., claimed that tl'e danger chell and Harold Swaine of Tufts Col- Harvard. Thus this much hisputedfrom neithier of these evils was very lcge, and the referee was A. T. Dudley. question was settled.

great in America, and also that the ss- The directors were: George F. Harding, Williams College will place a memo-tern practised here is preferable both '88, A. C. ~xash, '89, R. J. Bardwell, '90, rial tablet in the college cenietery, in

on the grounds of cheapness and celerity. and F. W. Mallory,'91. memory of its late ex-President, Dr.

The support given from tile House was I Mark Hopkins. 'Tle tablet will be madeof a very weak nature on both sides and InquiryWesterly granite, and will weightile debate was brought to a close at an The subject for the meeting Wednes- about six tons. It will consist of aearly hour when the opinions of the day evening will be, "All are invited" large, highly-polished plate, supportedHouse and the President were rendered (Rev. XXII. 17-21). Leader, H. S. by six engraved columns.-N. Y. Evan-

in favor of the negative. In the course Graves. elist.

The Phillipian. make the nine a successful one. It is not who enters! the school', receives a heartyalone the honor of the school which is at welcome, and is made to feel all the

Publishied oin Wedesdays andl Saturdlnys, of stake; it isa'question which appeals to pleasure of life here.the school year. every one of us. Tle "old boys," who

Annual Subscription, $2.50 so long and nobly upheld rile athletic Notice.By Mail. $2.75 honor of the school, lnust look upon us

I, .as a brood of waklgs. We owe it to The Glee Club will repeat the concerttPtyab'lr trictly/ . ,, , ina s as rood o weaklings. eowe it the school, to them, and to ourselves to given Tuesday evening, next Thursday

Shioke co, ies, fitthe. O l at ver retrieve our fallen fortunes. It is no eveniig. Those whio procured ticketslonger a case of wliat we ought to do, and did not use them Tuesday' may ex-

E DITO R s. can do or will do; but what we must do, change them at Mr. Cole's store for likeII. I,. I.AnI)ON, ;ngitiig Editor. and every other thought must be put tickets winch will give admission to the: t'. IARTLETr, niiw-: 3 ger. aside. e entreat every ilan in school concert Thursday evening. Those who

A. l:. Ai:..,, '. .r. T. CAu.. *i,. i. to take this home to himself. Let us all did use them oni presenting their checksE. . Il,,i NA,. 's,. .1. C. M l'O.T. '. remember our individual responsibility, will be given tickets of admission to the

i:. Ii«.nl ,,.,,o1*..'. 11. i. A. '1,„ . and may there be that earnestness and Thursday evening concert, but will havdr. D., '-,:-.. .. co-operation in all our work wilich alone to paI. tell cents extra f01 reserved seats.

- - - calln ive Ius success.Euitere iS.,v,'.n'i-.hi>.-';,tti Matte, tAnd,,,.r -t-ofiv. The lair oberatr doile largest observatory dome in tile

world is being built for tle UniversityTHE ANDOVER PRESS. PRINTERS. Ill all the colleges there are sucdior- of Micigan. It weigls tell tons and

-anizations as tile Southern Club, re- Is a diameter of 45 ft. 4 in. at the base.There call be no question cncericlnlg cenltly formed at Harvard, and tile --N s.

tile value of systematic and well directed Miinnesota Club and other state clubstraining for a contest of any description. and similar organizations at Yale. The Towards he close of every year theIt is tile part of wisdom never to ap- purposes of these clubs are two: First, academical department at Yale is ill tleproacll any serious undertaking withlout to render tile social side of college life habit of offlering prizes, varying in valuea course of preliminary preparation more pleasant ad attractive to those from *30 to *250 for excellence in essayswhich will enable us to come to it with who belong to them ; secondly, to further ill both English and tile dead languages.the particular faculties on which depend the interests of the college in some pal- This year $250 is offered for the bestits successful accomplishlment in their tic:ilar section of the country. As a English essays; 100 for the man wlhomost perfect development allnd vigor. On direct outgrowth of these organizations pronounces an English oration in tilethis account especially it is one of our in the colleges, tilere are in nearly all of best manner. For the best specimens ofgreatest misfortunes that we have not our Eastern cities, and in many of tile English composition five plremiumls ofthe facilities for keeping the candidates Western ones, college clubs, which exer- $12 each are offered.for our different athletic teamns in active cise a powerful influence in binding the Prizes to the amount of $.300 are oftraining. in view of this the athletic alumni of the colleges more closely fered for excellence in Greek and Latin.mel owe it t the school and to them- together, and manking them better ac- Iu addition there are awarded ill theselves to keep ill tile best possible pllysi- quainted with tle needs of their Alma mathenmatical department prizes to tilecal condition and to train as faithfully as Mater. Thie result has been more stu- amount of $400 for excellence ill thiatour facilities will allow. We nieart this dents and more money. These clubs branch of study. It hlas been tile cs-particularly for the base-ball men. So are mlore affected at Yale than at any tonm of the Cobden Club, of London, tofar tile men have shown the utmost dis- other college, and tilere their influence ofier annually a medal for tile greatestregard for this very important require- has been more iaiked. Undoubtedly proficienicy in the science of politicalmlent, if we lope to'have a good nine. A Yale owes much of her recent wonderful economy. This offer is open to any ungreat many fellows have disregarded tile growth to tile unprecedented activity of dergraduate of eitller the Academic orrepeated requests of thle captain to come her alumni all over the country. Now, the Sheffield scientific departments,to the gymnasium, and many others when if these .clubs are such an influence for --Crimsol.they do come cannot be induced to do good in the colleges, why -ould thiey Tile trustees of Atlanta Universityanything. Not only is this so, but there not be the same in tile preparatory ],ave refused to comply with tile law ofare prominent candidates for thle nine schools? We feel confident tat the tile State which forbids the co-educationwhose habits of living are characterized interests of the Academy would be greatly of wlites and blacks, and thereby forfeitby a looseness which must inevitably af- furthered, particularly ill tile West. by tile State appropriation.feet their word later. We don't seem to such] organizations; especially if An-realize the necssity of iard work, but our dover Clubs should be organized in cities Great excitement was caused at theopponents do and are surely, if slowly, like Cliicago, St. Louis and Minneapolis, gym. recently by the appearance amongforging ahead of us. 011! fellows, throw where there are many Andover alumni. tile spectators of a girl armed withoff this indifference! Arouse yourselves By thle co-operation of such clubs in a pair of opera glasses. It was conjec-to the glorious possibilities of hard work. these cities and a Western Club in the tured that she was a memb3r of theThere is no reason why we should be de- Academy most happy results would i- Wellesley University crew.-Crimson.feated again this spring; on the contrary evitably be effected. We are certain In tile recent races at Cambridge, Eng.everyth'ng is indicative of success, if we that the attendance could be increased, No. 4 in the Clare College boat waswill only show a proper appreciation of as these clubs would prove very efficient killed by being run into by tile bow ofthe advantages we posses. It will re- advertising agencies. We believe, also, tile Trinity Hall boat.quire some personRl sacrifice we jadmit that if the financial needs of the Acad-.for the candidates for the nine to corn- emy could be brought more prominently According to the new Intercollegiatemence strict training now, but we must before the younger alumui of the West Association rules tile three front tug-of-all be ready to make sacrifices this year. the necessary funds would be secured. war cleats are to be four inches highThe great body or tile students have dis- We would urge the Western men in whils the anchor's cleat is to be five in-played their willingness to do so by the school to take this mutter into thought- cees. This makes it much easier formanner in which they have met the ful consideration, and, as the first step the anchor.management's call for support, and now towards "booming" the interests in the The singles in tile American cham-it remains for the base-ball men to show West, let us have a Western Club or- pionship tennis tournament will be playedthe same commendable,spirit. by doing ganized, and letit be the first duty of at Newport, and the doubles at Orange,everything that they consistenly can to that club to see that every western boy N. J.

. -* ., . '--^-.

Entries for Tournament. ' Communlcationis. the Se' edLriehderea douibly attractive:*--r l- -'--- , ' -by Mr. Hamlin's whistling. .As Mr.

SPARRING.O . Editors Pallilipian: Beeson was unable to be present. Mr.Lilh weight- J. A. Phillips. Being conscious of the fact that S. E. Farwell favored the audience with

O. B. Brown. much has been said in the PHILLIPIAN "Three Little Kittens." -A' quartette,A. Johnson. concerning tlhe Reading-room I dislike Messrs. Carr, G. B Hollister, S. E. Far-

.MiIdle weigt--E. B. Bishop. to have more to say; hut viewed in the well ad R. . Farwellsang "The RoseJ. T. Upton. light of reason and fairness there is suf- of Worthersie" in a very happy manner.

Heal/y wteiht--P. T. Haskell. ficient cause. Whoever has charge of Afte a short intermission "We eetA. D. Coffin. the Reading-room has certainly failed of Again To-night" and "The OwlandPus-S. Jacobson. late to half do his duty; he has allowed sy Cat" were given by Mr. S. E. Farwell

VWRESTLING. the fire to go.out and stay so for three accompanied by lr. Carr on a guitar.Feather-weilt-I. Iwaya. _or four days at a time, and of course one Mr. Farwell has a rich, musical voice

. . . R. K. Dickerman. canot si; in that cold place and read which easily filled the hall. The featureP. C. Aylesworth. with any confort under s ch circum- of the evening was "OlivPtte" by Mr.

Lit 2cyei'k'i-E. R. Sanfod. stances. If the person in charge will Hamlin who whistled in an admirableG. K. Davis. see tl lat the fir cs are ket wllile it is yet manner and greatly pleased the house.

lildle tig-C. . loodv.wi l ter, 1 can assure him that there will The Banjo Club again gave a selectionJ. T. Cpton. be eternal friendship among those who and ere encoled tllree times. "DeltaJ. T. Upton;. n and were encored three times. "DeltaP. Fuller. go to tellc eadingl-rool and lhim. Kappa Epsilon" and "Tlle Image of the

HIeanc, weei,-l--S. 5Mowry. ONE OF THE FROZES. Rose" by 3lr. Crr, whose voice wasA. ). Coffin. heard at its best advantage in the latter,

JPAIAI.LL mI \I. Second Annual Concert of followed. Theeillt selection "A ClurchC. II. Fo.s. the Phillips Glee Club. in the Wildwood" and '"Mary, Mary"0. GT. sClariwrighit. On accout of the severe storm of f.;,..ishowed an excellent volume of tone and(). . C.l't\riwfllt. O11 accollunt of te severe stolr of

M d1o -c r, iele xcept tl Lwas very effective. Messrs. Carr, andHOIZONTAL .l. Monday evening, few people except the

.„ .,ti i 2. .* 1.1 Hollister's duet on the uitar and banjoF. W. Moore. Academy boys were present to enjoy tile C. II. io, ----- -excellent collecrt givell v tile Glee was very good as was the encore "Home,

Cl. Sweet Home." The last part onil tileClb.(. A. Orvis. Ti IN le first selectioi, a march, was well programme was "Lizette" and could not

C. t. Orvis. Tll 1 rnst selection, a n arcll, was well(*. L. "oss. lelldred, but at first sowed a slight' fail to be appreciated by all present.C Fsrenderedi . Tile malagelment has decided, as so

-II *o Cs N.-touch of stage fright, which soon wore .ITC i-.AiND-KiCKo. Ilo ever. This was followed by "Lau- many were unable to be present, to- re-

In. L. Bixh. hwrier oratius" and "Sailing" by ar. peat tlhe concert on next Tllursday even-rigor l1oratius" ad "Sailing" by M1r.P. T. Htaskell... Hasell. G. B. Hollister accompanied by Mr. Carr in. a 11 those whlo ll ave tickets mayI ( " .JUIo'. 011 tle guitar. Owing to Mr. Beeson's exchange them for fresl ones at Mr.

J. 1I. Field. oCole's b pying ten. celts additional.J I I. L i~c lx. absence there was a slight delay before olc s by ayl tte lents adiioll.II.L.Bixyi). S- the Banjo club played an exceptionally Weare sure tlat after hearlng such a

It. W. olmes. . concert as was iven Moday evening allgood selection, which the audience cocet as was given Monday evening allF. II. I3rainarl. grceted with a storlr of appl ause. n. iwill wish to attend the one on Thursday.greeted with a storm of applause. Mir.

TUMBLIN(;. Stone ill a relmarkably clear, melodious Har s f G . A. avis. voice >ave arvard stands first, DePauw second,- - -. DaG-vis. _ : oice g-ave a-5aLv.'s Lamb''! , . d UpOI and Syracuse-tli rdt il-titeist ofcolllleg.es-G-.- S. .t.eeler. being encored responded with one short ~~~r **i T. Tl,.t/p < verse.receiving the large gifts for tle yearJ. . Upiton. verse. Tle fifth selection "A Home byg t fts for t88 yeW. W. Parker.


C. II. FossTailor toS. C. utclins. S EASONABLE. Tailor to

FENCE VAULT. PfI L I S G-COPEBIATI SIPPL'Y CO.O. G. Cartwright. Send a $1.00 Bill toE. D. Funl:.

TUGC-OF-VAI TAMSnn l'88 CANNON' -P. T. HEIaskell, Anllchor.W. H. Peabody, No. :3. 00. B. Brown, No. 2.W. W. Parker, No. . COMMERCIAL COLLEGE,E. D. Funk, Anchor. C. Moody, No. 3. 586 Essex Street, E. B. Bishop, No. 2.G. M. Smith, No. 1.WREN 90LAWRENCE,'90 'ANDOVER,

S. Mowry, Anchor. A. E. Addis, No. 3. -t l get 'MASS.J. H. Brewster, No: 2. - .F. E. lMcDuffee, No. 1. Pack of Beautifully Written 4

'91C. H. Foss, Anchor. C A R D S J. Ogilvie, No. 3.J. A. Case, No. 2. Bevel Edges, $1.50 per pack.A. W. Sprague, No. 1.Sub. for '90, H. P. Johnson. NEATEST CARD OUT. ALL THE LEDIG STYLES.

Sub. for '91, G. Wiley. - Repairing Neatly Done., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* ,"; t { elr, * _e * * w " :Y' **:: ^"-*^ ^ ;t 't ' ; i ^^?^'? , _

->The Andover BookstoreeLATEi


VFIE oRC SSo Writing Paper by the Pound.


T - J O HN i . C CO L E, -STUDENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. (Successor o XV. F. Draper.)


Tailor, Clothiaer dz :r;rlsLber,^ Supply Co.

MAIN STREET, ANDOVER. Agent for Scripture's Laundry. Repairing Neatly Done.

Bulletin Board. COMMONSAll adverlisenlents inserted in tis DII - I HIALL,

columi mutst be paid fJr prrevious to it-sertion. Tl/e char-e is cents per line Open to students of Phillipsfor every issue. Academy fronm September to July.

Permanent Board, $3 a Week.ATT *PT RAPHE R N. B.-MIr. Chas;A. Peakins of theARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, oHolmes M'f'g. Co. will be in Andover WM R ND Pr

493 Washington Street, BOSTON. on Wednesday March 14 with a full line W -- - ... -- 1of his rib stitched jerseys and sporting

lSolid Goldand Solid Siller le-rllds Ctloane, ll goods, which are being extensively intro-)Itterlu; a o tile Uml b Uxlahrel.la, ita Golid, Silver, g dI 'ory, ail tlral %oo lnll-l dle,. Ah.o w' niannfac-trea artile of Cl, n all Pi- to order, x ith lla'lr duced into Harvard under the direction O CHAPMANdesign or mionogrn.. r ent ,. H PM AI ,

N. . WOOD & SON.Je444 wlan d SiltversmithBosto, Messellger Bros. and Jones, English D ININ G ROOMS444 Washington Street. Boston.Next door to .ordani, M:ar.l. & Co. tailors and importers, have in stock con-

«-.- -n_-_ -, . .. stantly a complete line of elegant suitings Fruit, Confectionery, llnk l]k4os, sttimonery, Inks,JOHN H. GREER, Ph. G., for yonlg imen. ' ero-ene Oil, and I.-IInI. Largc Stock ('ianinel Good-.

Bks.e ll1ouls.~ - -- -Prescripoll harmacistlldUl ,j Richardson and Gerts, the largest out-No. 25 Essex St., cor Pemberton fitting house in Boston. Credit given to Everything pertaining to a Student's Outfit.

LAWRENCE, MASS. reliable students.

-- -We cheerfully recommend the open - -- -.Establisned 1863. front shirt sold at 81.50 at Ray's. cor.

F. W. SCHAAKEE, West and Wash. Sts. Boston.J B INFin- Tailorins . The J. W. Brine agency has constant-

Fine Tailoring. ly on lhand a full line of polo sticks.P. 0. Block,- Lawrence. Fashionable collars and cuffs at Ray's. A R AD O TITTE

- - . . . ... - Just rcceived a nice line of leather UU II I.BROWN, travelling bags, silk handkerchiefs and

mufflers, silk mbrellas, eck-wear at Tennis Rackets,FINE BOOTS AND SHOES, |Ib Bradley's Main St.S.tudents' Patrona I e cctll Solicitel. D Don't buy a fancy shirt till you see theANDOVER, - MASS. Tennis Balls, Nets,

-_ _ASSlarge line shown by Ray, cor. West andWm. Forbes & Sons, Wash. Sts., Bosto. Jesey Pants,&QlimhP^ A StTafoi Fitt To pll Jersey Pillipiants,

Plumbers & Steam Fitters. TInteriors, groups and photo. work

FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED. done. Practical instruction in amateur Hose and Shoes,448 & 450 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE. photography. Special attention being

__-__----- given to developing, timing and toning. Foot-ball Jackets, andSTlrAM JOB PR1NTI&G, One lesson a week, 50 cents per lesson.

Please call and leave names at Phillips English Rugby Balls.IN Laboratory. P. C. HEADLEY, Jr.

THE NEATEST STYLE, Amateurs can have dark room privi- Samples of Suiting & Neckwear~AT ~leges cheaply.

THE OFFICE OF THE I have just recieved afull line of Ray's TO BE FOUND ATND OV .ER . PRE 8 Purgatory Collars, also large lot of fine ..

AN DOV E . P R ESS Neck Wear.-J. M. Bradley Main St. I" DC . 22 ',_____________________ CI .,-. .,---'- .-.- -.- ;

; r A. A. SPECIA L.b. L. D NN,

TAILOR AND IMPORTER,338 Washington Street, Boston.

A large variety of the CHOICEST LONDON NOVEL-TIES just received.

Tailor to the HARVARD CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY.The Largest Student Trade of any House in the United



THIS SPA CE Ric llalds. P.A. '85, I l.U. '89. anld ITIS ;Plilrdg P.A. '85, Techlilologly '89. were

Will be occupied during tis \ear tlie rlguests of 3Mr. Gile last Sunday.

by The cadtlidates for the nine put inlsomIC good work at the gynm. hlst Satulr-BICKNELL BRO'S., d f,,, Ine el, t itl,.POf,~ Lawrence. o 0 day afternoon. eep it il).

Of Lawr e. _ Monday)'s lhowling blizzard 1de us Kennelly & SylvesterManufaoctiriing Retailer.s of Genits' long for the "wild and lwoolly" West Have a Large Assortment of First Clas

Wearing Ap)parel, also I with its e l t le zeplyr s. PIANOS and ORGANS.

Exeter has two weeks at her Spriung tTlihe also have a Laige Stock of Sheet Music.lents'Q Outfitters. :vacftionii tihis !acl. 'Violi'ns, thsnjoI, Ban, (:luit;ars ;undl Smal:l 3lusicalGents' Outfitters. vereaintise.

Calmpbcll conducted the nieeting of KENIELLY & SYLVESTER,Inquiryi last Sunday evenin'g.

____ ___i>~ 1_ ' .- 1256 Essex St., Lawrence.-c- Te Seniors enjoyed an examinationl -I i llomi:i Anliqities last Saturday.

BROWN'S r l'rof. Iniicks occupied the Ipul)it ill, W. S. BREWER & CO.,- - ~- - - _ - ... Barltlett-clhapleliast Sllndar..-. .. - - -- ---------- -----------

Andover and Boston Express, t t t , ,' ,Lalkemcn has returned to school after beiling absent for several davys on account TAILORS,

OFFICES: | of sickness.

34 COURT SQUARE, and " lrof. Eaton is giving a series of short 488 Washington St.,77 KINGSTON STREET. readlilns before the Junior iddlers as

bKiblicals. Nearly opposite Temple Place.

......... _ ______.......... _ _I Entries for tlle tournament wre -- i. A. LAWRE closd o e in g. r _ ARTIST'S MATERIALS.Closed Molday evellli. ]ning Materials, Ma;thaticllIn-truncit.,leco-C. A. LAWRENCE, ratirve Crt SNovlties, SI ll: iti.ll ralt variety, Ac.

At a class meeting of P.A. '89 o t,

Ii 0 W U G KRr [A P H .U K, Tuesday tle committee on class mottoes FROST & ADAMS,I handed in the following which was a - 37 Cornhill, Boston, Mass.

181 Essex Street, Lawrence. ceted ao 1 I or Illltratel r'ittgllue, ., dt meltion this

Photographs and Ferrotypes of all Styles. *Photographsand Ferrotypes of all Styleepted, "aro 'n'tpa rzPTa." The colors paler. Special rate, to Teacher- and Academies.

__ . .-...... _ ...._. ..... _ . wlich were also chosen, were gold anld . P i ,L. J, BAk CIeALUPO dark w . DEA. .IN.ZEN J. BACIGI AjUPO DE_:_,UALER IN

anufacturer of Confectionery ad Dealer Old Letters. Lamps, Oil Stoves, Etc.,in Foreign and Domestic Fruits. - it SLL'EI. iniUO'lT .A. 'S.

As he wvlou soeI dimly lighted hall Park St., Andover.Main Street, Andover, Mass. Sees, weiidly figured 'gainst the darkness

cloak, CEO. H. LECK,-TIHE- Spectres that visionary.thoughts prowoke, CO . .nLr C K

LEW IS- ENGRAVING C0., Fancies sift fleeting e'en beyo0nd recall,- PAnd, clutching at some vision, loses faith,No. 15 Cornhill, Boston. Wondering, poor dreamer, if the world has 283 Essex St., Lawrence.

M AOIL~B ~ mm ......lEl tU nLS~~C PR"fed, Students of Phlllips Academy will find t moro cn-SIMMMNS iM ~aL lLUSM IMOSISI YY., , IsWflfled, ilenesla venlent and less expensive to come hero for Photo-

Burying his treasues with the nameless dead, eKram than to go to poston. Special prices to ClassesBY PHOTO PROCESS. And he a nothing, yet perchance a wraith; olng but firstclass lork.

~. i. JA~ LJ [ * Penned by a hand that wrote at love's dictate, PEDRICK & CLOSSON,Ope wide the portals, rusty-hinged of late, Established 1850.

Examination Blanks, Proflingwitlla light that faintly shines, Dealers in Furniture & Carpets,The scenes ow sleeping in the Past's domain,

SRL6J5 5 B0 anui ISATUETY A realm of shawdows summoned up again. And House Furnishing Goods generally.-. -. 6. -6. 2e Neto England Magazine. -361 Esse St., cor. Amesbr-, t-Tr&nce.

., ,= :..j,, - '

FRANKLIN CROSBY, FRENCH SHIRTINGS..English Cheviots, English and French Fhin-

Carpets, R ugs, nels, Silk and Wool and Pure Silk Shirtings. fortennis. stenmer, travelling, lunting. and fishing,

Straw lMattings, railway all yachiting. always in stuck or inialeto special Illleaslre, lit Noyes lBros.'Window Shades, etc., Englisli lackintosl coat fr Indies-a and gen- ticmnn, at Noyes Bros.' RICHARDSON SWETT,

Private patternls froil thil leading Morning and evening wl cdding outfits for gcn-

tlenllell most carefully made t et Bros.' Successors to W. HAPCOOD,-111;111lfaCtIt urer ll ower thanII thle ulSlual "Iligh ('labs" Engli4li neckXng; just oiened

at Noyes hrsL.'I-prices. Alell. Solly Conpiuly's -11i"ni Class" T11-

dlerwear and osiery inll l weights, 2 to 50Special discount to students. inchecs. n)w ieadly, at Noyes lhos.'

Enig.isli t albriggan nerino. and pure silk i-44 (New) WASHINGTON STREET, dCrwcar and hosiery at Noyes Eros.'

Blanket wi:aps for the nursery, for the sickB 0 S TO N room. for the bath, for steamer traveling, for

tln'- rilway canriages and for yatcing. 17 Court St Boston.For en, women. children and the baby. $2,7-

to .'7;.00. witlih hool and girdle complete. Al-[hi,, irfc M CORN PII ways in stock or to special order at Noyes Bros.' Students patronage solicited to

JOHN. 'CO R L'T new London tan hlovesat $l., are ab- v*om we shall be pleased to giveso(lutely the best rentlenien's walkin glove inl

DEAUlERl IN the country. They are Messrs. Xoyes Bros.' special terl'1S.specialty.

Juror'. saward for ,eityv ,forknmnsiiil, andIIonnd IllJUU. UdU* tlUU Ollfl. tlesignn and distinguishled excellence in the nu-

fartuxe of sliirts to Noyes Bros.'


MAIN STREET, ANDOVER. sirs, 10rs, and Shit-akersWashington and Summer Sts., Boston.


Ea.r roi), vl~ ln lrom 2 torat- the Ant.loer to ,,ton,. I-.:7. ,, 8., s.., 9.47, 1.1 A.M.; UUiUl . UUUOlu ESUpair lir S;5 a c:ir~t liclh woult l t 1)U limilh at 1 .. ,;, 1.. 2. ,, 3.i1., ! ,4., 5.+1, 7.i.. .:1'i,.:i:;' r.x,. Sna).i

100 it car;t. t tle pr se nt 1) rice of (lia on ., thit 7.491,, 4.3 ... ; 12.20. 4.32,.5.53, ... iM.TO ORDER.lot was 'li -o od i, l o -o tliekly thait 12 imore pirshave lbeen pa el ini our h.nls wcighlii nl from 2 to J"t 4,l 1. Andll,)r.A;. O, 1.. I.:i., 10.2 .M. ; 1L.00 .; 9 earats to e ,,.l,,.,., wi,,'.,l e a'.i to sell at,. e 2.15, .- , 4.,2. 5.,, .S,. .:, .,, .1, , .. .. ,11 FlU NITURE, CARPETS,samne price.. W\\e niilnt thi<ni i (le-zred in 18 kt. A.l ,.,W,7. 11 P. FU U CARETS,,ol(, 1ativ !I , or -8 . p.iir. Anilover to ien. .. . .. 8.5.s. 111.4. M BEDDIN, ETC ,

11,30 A.M.; 12.52, .2. .00, 1.15, 5.lll, 5.45, .47, 7.31, 7.BIE,N. G. WOOD & SON, 11.4.. S ,.... 1.., .. 47. .25 AT T'ILhE 01,1) 'STAN:,.

Wsh!nt,, Nest to Joral, arsh& Co,, BCston, .I->, re ,, ,,, ,i, .. ,, :.,>, Park Street, - - Andover.._ __ 11.0, 1.0) A. M.; 12.1, 12.17.2., °., 3. 13. 4.15. 5.4,). 30,

', * '7.02.7 , '19.3 v.,,. Slllll. , .4. 8.1:> A.M.; 12.10, 4.2.5,W. H. EATON, 5;7.0. 7.1,.5 ia.-l. i Iiii:I.:. 7.411, .15 .i.'r.:12.1,W. . H EiATOIN , :,;'""Pi"".H. P. WRIGHT,

Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry (;.i iNurt. s;, :., i..; I-'., :,,-.^. l..y, Dealer in Boots Shoes and Rubbers,

F epairing, l n .. .... 1.2. .4 . Main Street, ANDOVER, MASS. -

With Arthur Bliss, Druggist..M i epairs Iroptly attended to.


REGALIA, SOCIETY, MILITARY,Dentist, Tilhe old and reliable Scriptulr's *'"

THEATRICAL GOODS,Draper's Block, Andover, Mass. LaunlliN'y ~illal'lltees fist-class wolk 04 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON.

... ...............--- and insu'rance in cse ofloss.

Notice. JOHN PRAY,Those needling tile services of ANDOVER AGENT,

Hzl~~se~~~:^ ^ '^ :~ .. „ „,LIVERY and BOARDING STABLE. ,Hairdresser -ill please call on J, Iff, BRA D31&EY, MIN STREET, NDOVER.

E. A. BIRD, L. C. 2-1.


Dealer in Stoves, Tin-ware, etc. lic C [ioo SoriCo H A IR CUT-T R,Essex St., Andover. Andover,_ Mass. TOWN HALL BUILDIG.

N. G. WOOD & SON, J. H. CHANDLER,M errimac House. JEWELLERS & SILVERSMITHS, Proprietor of

444 Washington Street, Boston, *IIi MI N *** * *1next to Jordan, .Marsh, and Co., JoBn'5 a07 AND ON W s,

A. V. PARTRIDGE, Prop'r. Keep) constantly on hand a full line of STEIILL.G SILVEIGoous, such as poons, Forks, Tea-sets, and an extensive Dealer in Periodicals, Stationery, Confectionery, anl

F. E. Partrlge, 'CLEKs. SS. asortment of Silver Goods in Cases for Wedding Gifts. Foreign and Domestic Fruita.W. It. , 0 =,sI Lowell, Ma We also manutfacture to order anything wanted in ourW , L-Bowell, Mass, ~line. All goods marked in plain figures. Opposite Town Hall, ANDOVER.

SMITH & MANNING, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, ETC. T. A. HOLT & CO.,DEALERS N Cool Soda, all flavors, 5 cents, Hot Coffee, Sc. Hot DEALER L

Chocolate, Sc. Hot Cocoa, 5c. Hot Ginger, 5c,. eet

Dry oSeds aid Greeeries, Teac. Aent foratentnCps ll colors. Dry Goods and Groceries.C; C. L Y L E. aement of Bapti Churh,

Andover, Mass , Central Street, Andover, ass. Central t., , Aidover, Mass.