Copyright © 2007, Zend Technologies Inc. Rich Internet Applications with PHP IDC: RIA offer the potential for a fundamental shift in the experience of Internet applications, leading to applications that come closer to delivering on the promise of the Internet. PHP delivers modern Web applications Stanislav Malyshev Zend Technologies

Rich Internet Applications with PHP

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Copyright © 2007, Zend Technologies Inc.

Rich Internet Applications with PHP

IDC: RIA offer the potential for a fundamental shift in the experience of Internet applications, leading to applications that come closer to delivering on the promise of the Internet.

PHP delivers modern Web applications

Stanislav MalyshevZend Technologies

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Rich Internet Applications

• Goal: Delivering the desktop experience in the browser

• Advantages of RIAs: Richer user interfaces

• Provide desktop like feeling including drag&drop, sliders, and UI changes without full page refreshes.

More responsive• Less visible interaction with the server.

Asynchronous interaction with the server Leverage the deployment advantages of the browser Ajax is a response to the need for a richer and easily

deployable interface in the browser

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Disadvantages of RIA

• Three tier architecture is significantly more complex

• Requires in-depth knowledge of an additional language and platform, Javascript & the browser

• Few established standards• Need to deal with cross-browser compatibility• Few tools in existence

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John F. Andrews, President, Evans Data Corporation, 2007:

Close to half of developers surveyed say they are already working with AJAX or plan to do so in the coming year.

Consistent with the increasing adoption of web services we are also seeing the same for AJAX. This framework, now more than ever, is allowing developers the means to make web-based applications function more like desktop ones.

Ajax Momentum

Gartner, 2006:

Ajax is also rated as high impact and capable of reaching maturity in less than two years. …  High levels of impact and business value can only be achieved when the development process encompasses innovations in usability and reliance on complementary server-side processing (as is done in Google Maps). ”

“ ”“

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PHP & Web 2.0

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PHP == Web Integration

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PHP Ajax Projects

Amodules3, AJASON, AjaxAC, Cajax, HTS, jPOP, Stratos Framework, PAJAX, PAJAJ, Flexible Ajax, Tiny Ajax, SimpleJax, phpwebbuilder, SAJAX, sniPEAR

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PHP and Ajax - Simplicity

Embedded HTML<div id="DataTable"><?php $page->DataTable->show(); ?></div>


$json = Zend_Json::encode($phpNative);

$phpNative = Zend_Json::decode($encodedValue);

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PHP and Ajax - Simplicity



$clients = simplexml_load_file('clients.xml');foreach($clients as $client) {

print "{$client->name} is {$client->desc}\n";}?>

• PHP enables overloading of OO syntax both from extensions and user-land classes

• Enables exposing OO-like models natively (XML, SOAP, Java, …)

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PHP for Microsoft Ajax library

<html> <head> <title>Hello, World!</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../MicrosoftAjaxLibrary/MicrosoftAjax.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="HelloService.php/js"></script> </head><body>Name: <input id="name" type="text" /><input type="button" value="Say Hello" onclick="button_click(); return false;" /><br />Response from server: <span id="response"></span></body><script type="text/javascript"> function button_click() { HelloService.SayHello($get('name').value, function (result) { $get('response').innerHTML = result; }); }</script></html>

<?php require_once '../../dist/MSAjaxService.php'; class HelloService extends MSAjaxService{ function SayHello($name) { return "Hello, " . $name . "!"; }} $h = new HelloService();$h->ProcessRequest(); ?>

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Copyright © 2007, Zend Technologies Inc.

Sample Application

Credits:Stas MalyshevPádraic Brady

Sébastien Gruhier – Rich Windowprototype


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• High-quality PHP 5 open-source framework

• Easy-to-use, powerful functionality, focusing on the best practices of robust, secure and modern Web applications.

• Follows principle of “extreme simplicity,” which makes it easy to learn and easy to use for programmers

• Developed by members of the PHP community, led by a team at Zend

• Open-source process, hosted at framework.zend.com under the business-friendly BSD license

• Corporate contributions:

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Zend Framework Architecture

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What is the MVC component?

• The heart of ZF web applications Model: domain-specific

representation of data View: renders model data into

a user-interface element; PHP-based template engine

Controller: processes events, invokes changes in models

• Simple solution in most applications Sensible defaults are built in Flexible and extensible Supports advanced applications



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How to use MVC: controllers

• Controller classes handle groups of request URLs

http://zend.com/controller/actionThe default controller class is


• Action methods in each controller class handle individual requests

http://zend.com/controller/actionThe default action method is


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Chat Application


/ (index)



/ (index)



/ (index)









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Controller Actions

• Each controller action method is responsible for doing one specific task

• Controller binds model and view together

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MVC entry point: index.php

<?php$config = new Zend_Config(array(), true);$config->datafile = './data/chat.xml';// Store the config for other parts to useZend_Registry::set('config', $config);// Setup and run the Front Controller$controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();$controller->

setControllerDirectory('./application/controllers');$controller->throwExceptions(true);// Go!$controller->dispatch();

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Class ChatDataEncapsulates XML storage

Implemented as SimpleXMLEncapsulates data search

Implemented as Zend_Search_Lucene

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Model: XML handling

$this->_xml = simplexml_load_file($file);

$newMessage = $this->_xml->addChild('message');$newMessage->addChild('author', $author);$newMessage->addChild('timestamp', time());$newMessage->addChild('text', $message);


$newMessages = $this->_xml-> xpath("/chat/message[timestamp>$last]");

Loading data

Adding new message

Saving data

Checking new messages

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Model: Search handling

$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open($indexfile);$messages = $this->getNewMessages($since);foreach($messages as $newmsg) { $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed( 'timestamp', $newmsg['timestamp'])); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text( 'author', $newmsg['author'])); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text( 'text', $newmsg['text'])); $index->addDocument($doc);}


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Model: Search handling


$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open($indexfile);$hits = $index->find($query);return $hits;

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• Each action has its own view template

• Templates rendered automatically Unless the user asks not to

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View – displaying search results

<? if(count($this->hits)): $day = ""; ?>

<span class="searchterm">Looking for '<? echo $this->query; ?>':</span><br><? foreach($this->hits as $message) {

$mday = date("d-M-y", $message->timestamp);if($day != $mday) {

$day = $mday;echo "<p class=\"day\">$day</p>"; } ?>

<p><span class="time"><? echo date('H:i:s', $message->timestamp) ?></span> <span class="screenname"><? echo $message->author; ?></span>: <span class="msgtext"><? echo $message->text; ?></span> </p><? } else: ?>Nothing found for '<? echo $this->query; ?>', sorry.<? endif; ?>

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AJAX communication - JSON

// This function returns JSON, not template$this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true);$phpMessageArray = $data->getNewMessages($last);$onlineUsersArray = $data->getOnlineUsers();$jsonArray = array( 'newmessages'=>$phpMessageArray, 'onlineusers'=>$onlineUsersArray);$responseJSON = Zend_Json::encode($jsonArray);$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');$this->getResponse()->setBody($responseJSON);

PHP data to JSON

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AJAX communication - JSON

$uri = 'http://search.yahooapis.com';$service = '/ContentAnalysisService/V1/termExtraction';$request = array(

'appid' => $this->yahoo_key,'context' => $text,'output' => 'xml'

);$rest = new Zend_Rest_Client();$rest->setURI($uri);$response = $rest->restPost($service, $request);$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');$this->getResponse()->setBody(Zend_Json::fromXML(



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Handling services - Flickr

$flickr = new Zend_Service_Flickr($this->flickr_key);$flickrSearchptions = array('page'=>1,

'sort'=>'interestingness-desc');$results = $flickr->tagSearch($keywords,$flickrSearchptions);// Collect results into PHP array$phpRes = array();foreach($results as $result) { $newres = array(); $newres['id'] = $result->id; $newres['title'] = $result->title; $img = $result->Small; $newres['src'] = $img->uri; $newres['w'] = $img->width; $newres['h'] = $img->height; $newres['clickUri'] = @$result->Original->clickUri; $phpRes[] = $newres;}// Send the results out as JSON data$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');$this->getResponse()->setBody(Zend_Json::encode($phpRes));

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What’s next?

• Ajax-enabled Form component in Zend Framework 1.1 ~Oct 2007

• Ajax support in development tools – Eclipse-based Javascript editing – syntax highlighting, code completion Javascript debugging Toolkit support (class browsers) Opens up opportunity for using Flex

• Significantly grow support for Web Services vendors

• Important enhancements to our Lucene implementation Range queries, wildcard queries Support for Lucene 2.3 file format (faster, better,

backwards compatible, …)

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What’s next?

• Zend Component Model Server:

• PHP component architecture Client:

• Ajax Toolkit• Client side messaging• Client-server connectivity

Development tools:• Tooling for components

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Copyright © 2007, Zend Technologies Inc.


Stanislav Malyshev [email protected]://devzone.zend.com/
