Rice Pests

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  • 7/29/2019 Rice Pests


    Crickets and their feeding damage (IRRI)Crickets or gryllid

    Euscyrtus concinnus (de Haan)


    Irregular to longitudinal exit holes Cutting of central portions of the leaf blades leaving only the midrib DeadheartCrickets are defoliators. They can be numerous at times and can totally infest the crop, especially the young

    rice panicles.


    Adult moth (IRRI) Cutworm larva (IRRI)

    Common cutworm

  • 7/29/2019 Rice Pests


    Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)


    Seedlings cut at bases

    Leaf surfaces skeletonized Entire plants devoured

    The cutworm is polyphagous and may become serious during the seedling stage, especially in upland rice.


    Larva creating notches (IRRI)

    Green semilooper

    Naranga aenescens (Moore)


    Leaves scraped exposing the lower epidermis Leaf edges damaged

    Larval scrapings (IRRI)

  • 7/29/2019 Rice Pests


    Larva of greenhormed caterpillar (IRRI)

    Greenhorned caterpillar

    Melanitis leda ismene Cramer, Mycalesis sp.


    Leaf margins and leaf tips devoured Leaf tissues and veins removed

    The greenhorned caterpillars are minor pests of rice. Their potential severity is generally too low to

    cause yield loss. Natural enemies usually control their populations and rice compensate from the

    feeding damage of greenhorned caterpillars.


    Rice mealybug

    Brevennia rehi(Lindinger)

    The rice mealybug causes heavy losses to crops in Bangladesh, India, and Thailand. High density (> 100

    mealybugs/hill) caused plants to wilt and die.


    Mole cricket

    Gryllotalpa orientalis Burmeister

    Mole crickets are polyphagous. They feed on the underground parts of almost all-upland crops. They

    occasionally become sufficiently abundant to cause heavy damage to roots and basal parts of rice plantsgrowing in raised nursery beds or upland conditions. In wetland rice, infestation occurs when there is no

    standing water.


    Rice whorl maggot

    Hydrellia philippina Ferino

  • 7/29/2019 Rice Pests


    Rice Root Aphid

    Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Sasaki)

    Rice root aphids are minor pests of rice. They are seldom widespread within a field.
