rnEst0 Jtrt0n G01LEGE, FOttOW THE RAMPAGE FOR Att FJC NEWS ,ltrlre tf I l¡¡ocl ¡D $rrD¡l!¡ ATTEND ATt 1957 SPRING SOCIAT EVENTS I vor. tx Pat Pryce, Al Mend oza Rule Dance Pat¡icla Pryce, l8-yea¡-olcl fresh- mau buslness EaJo& was chosen as queeD of the "Spring Mist" fon m¿l Frlday night in the stuclent union soclal hall. Adolph Mendoza, 22 yøat old sophomore Ben€ral educatiotr Da- i¡r, ¡eltned as klng. Elccted By Ballot Popular ballot was the metËod of eelectlng the two winners from ¡ g¡rruD repreeenting different ca^m- pus organizatlons. "Bouquete to the Newman Glub fo¡ thelr good plann¡ng and man- agement of a very bêautiful FJC Sprlng Formal." -Kay Seagravee The da¡ce, at which Lou Monte a¡d hls orcbestra played, w&s sponsored by tho f'JC Newma¡ Club. Prexy Spearheade Þrive Pla¡s for the affalr we¡e sDoar- h€âded by Ma¡tlyn Snyder, New- na¡ Club presldent, and Yeda Luhm, soclal chalrua,n. Ruben Ba¡rios, stualent body presltlent, was Easter of c€rgnG Dies- ltusic Department Presents Review ln RHS Auditorium Today the Fresno Junior College music department is presenüng a nuslc revleìr'at tàe Roogevelt HIgh School auditorlum. The cholr and da¡ce ba¡tl under the dlrectlon of C. Lowell Spencer, FJC muelc iastructor, le pre6ent- tog a varlety of comedy nu.mbers a,nd vocal selectlonq.' 'Manhattan Serenado' The choir is presenti¡g "Ma¡- hattan Serenade," a¡d the da¡ce band has a variety of musical se' lectlo¡¡. Sonya Mlller a¡d Cbuck Davls will Blng e duet, "Love Me To. ¡ltùL" a¡d Cha¡les Gulte¡rez wlll sfng "Autumn IæaYeB" wtth Blllle Bradshaw playlog the marlmba- Prescnts Program The cholr wiu present a progrun Thursdêy night, May 9, for the vo- cetlonal class graduation at the trbesno Dletrict Í'airgrounds. Sonya Mlller and Blllte Brad. shaw wlll preseut EoDe muslcal ente¡t¿fnment at the Elke Club Wed¡esalay evenlog, Moy 1. Fresno JC Studenfs Enferfain Elks Club Ibesno Junlor College wea oue of several schools to entertaln at tho FesDo Ellks Club National Youth lV'eek and the F'resno PuÞ llc Schogl Week pfogram last night" Achie Bradshaw, dean of stu- dent persoDnel,. said that Sonya Miller sang a Eedley of Broarlway show tu¡es accompanled by Low- ell Spencer, muslc instructor; Billte Bra.dshaw played "Stardust" a¡tl "TicoTlco" oD. the marimba. Bradshaw was the master of ceremonleg. FRESNO, CATIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1957 Charles Etter, Estes, Jequita oe | 1oo per cent protecuon' wttt, Tosbio oku,'Mtft&. tr'orath, I Voluntcerc Llgtcd and Mlss 'Wllson. | ' Mrs. Gá.bel ¡¡leasetl the following a¡" qemmittee that choos.es the I llst of physlciaDs and Du.rses who student speakers le composed of al tenerously gave thelr services: faculty member from, e&cb dlvislon I Da Mamhafl Tlese, James Sowers, of the school. l3---1 _t"""^,1"1Tt::,-I"T"_lT._îl_1: M. Snauffer Cherles Bcnm Arthrrr NO. 25 Nom¡nat¡on Assembly Scheduled For May 8 fire Nomination Assembly will be llfay 8, at 10:3O Alf in auditorium. obtain petitions for c¿ndidacy petitionis cali ¡e'secur€d from Mrs. Lena Fuller in the registration office Bookstore Sets Cap And Gown Deadline May 3 TherÞ are 13 offlces to bo filled, inclutltng president vlcepreldent, secretary, treasur€r, a¡d trl.De r€Þ resentatives. The ca¡tlklates are pertitt¡d to campalp unül May 17. The ca,m- palg¡ rules a¡e: He Ba¡d of approxlmately 150 | nlace- withln fiftv feet of tJre elec' candldates for graduation only l uo: loo:h on el€cuon 9"t: . . about 50 have ordcred ""o" .nã | 4. Postera must be romoyed by gowns. The deadline has bcen lcandidates-t! th.." end. of the clo¡- extcnded untlt tomorrow so that I tns hour of electlon' thc tart minuto people can gct I 5. Each candldate shall llmtt the ¡n the¡r ordêÈa. - | expenses of hls cempalgn to dftee¡ The dcposlt ls 05 and studcnt8 lu"ålT".o ca.ndidate must have his wlll havc tho uee of thc capo I -Il -l-- l and sowns ror ono *..j11:¡ l:tr'^iåi"::".i",ä"#ïr",H ï,i: DÀ,NCE RULERS - 4dolph Mendozc¡ cmd.Pg! Pryce-were I eraduatlon for plcturce. Th¡ canl lü""ìã--".ee prtor to execuuon.. selected _King qrd Queen at the onnuolrFresno ]unior I f.i1^s::l_":i" _._._-::^,:"_,r11_": I Nr.i.* ,,",,oa rhâr. ¡r.rrdanr¡r College S_pring Forçcl Fridccy night in the'student union I rie ht after the graduatlon cere l"o-ri"i. " socicl hcrll. -Pendergrass Photo I monv. ldurins the -l Studente wlshlng to keep thc I The elec 1,33 8 Rece ive F ree Solk l rF, fi i:l:iTilsri'"il# L"i'"î Poliomyelitis Shofs l l a toral of 1,888 srudents took advanrase of the free ,r* | NeWman ClUb I polio clinic which wa^s conducted in the Fresno Junior College Student Union la.st Thursday, Apr.25.' Mrs. Anne Gabel, the FJC school nurse, stated that both FJC and Fresno State College ^.j-19:.1t., and members- of their -+fâ.ml¡ies took wl*" Ett*l'#fi# li:yËï:::*;{i'i-"#îrríl 1.,.r, ^ t ^'.1 "Itwasav lyt#o"snvder'presltlentof thel Wil Speqk Atly:, g::l sa'd, "and wouta bavel 'iir. snydersaÍtrtha.ltio"r.o:"o,la"îi ì:î: ". - '- l::::::lj.::t:_:j:-It3:"^r^ljlro' tn"-n""' coìo"otroo wm belrers ces- F J C Exercíseslüi,'::ii'Tt:i",",iî¿Ë:".'ïil",;:îl"H*i-i:"ïf*;ï:.'J,f*lä,x;iï îîi:Lå* ffiS:å"ît ..Attên¡oh all a¡¡oclate¡ of I .1, All posters must be epproveal artc degree candldatecl ! Tomor,- | by the Dean of 'Women, Aal' 116' now ¡s thc poeltlne, abôolutc, and I before posting. finat day to order capo and | 2' Banners may be dlsplayed for gowns for. graduatlon," stated I the elecUon date' but not for a¡y Weeley Andoraon, manager of lgfflce or candldate. bookstore. | 3. No ca.mpaiSnlng ma'y ta'tse Jo A¡n wlson and allan Estes I valu.able tlme'" lag the conventlon in Reno must I learlership in student affalrs, and Dr. Irwin O. Adclicott, tne erec. I Services, 'w&8 responstble for ob- | noom 200 of Mclo¡e Hall on the Dr. Irwin O. Addicott, the exec. lservices, 'was responstble for ob'lRoom 200 of Mclo¡e Hall on thel tlon convention ln Lo¡ An- uüve dea¡ of the Ílesno State Col- | talning varigus _F:re14o ao9lors and I untversity Avbnue caurpus. I cgTA 12:30 _89. Nomlnatlons legþ, yill De the princlpal sBea.ker. ln\rses for.the d¿y lo¡g clfnlc' Acccmbly Rehcar¡al 2:30 to bave been selected student I -. - voluntcere Hclp -.--l -------- speakerÊ for tàe s¡¿dua'on erer-r,, "o:*-^ry g:.tg: rod^.-oo".".:f beattonight'smeetíng'she"dd"d'l"t@ cires June 6. I the FJC Faculty Wives Club, a¡d I l- Georse rfolsretn, dean of aanre-lmemters of rhe srudenrnursea o"-f Archie BrqdshqwTo Givel .GAIENDAR 0F IHE WEEK stons and record.s, sar¿ rhe speat.lsanizptlou, The catleceus, keBtü"lVocàtionol Nursinq Test I MfY__ ers a.re cÞosen from pmong the tgplll""t Pol.r-ns- at a fast pacel .a.rchie Bradshaw, Fresío .runiorl 2 FBLA mect¡ng at 12:80 ln 10 of the class scholasticalìy. Theirl throughout the day. I Couese d.ean of stúdent personnel.l 88. activtties and speaklns abittty arel.-D! EttnaTlinter, the tlfrector.of lwil glve a vocational uurslng"pUll g_Callfornla Junlor- Gollegc also taken lnto consideratlon- ltheFresno statecollegeEealthltude test May ? et g Âfu-htl, studentGovcrnmcntA¡¡ocla- i";""it'åih"å :äüii 'å:*,i:l:î'"-t¡:."i:*"*p_:¡:,Tjl# Ëi"äl",:ä"i""i,:iåffi| " i-*,1"1,:"r'-y, y"i'"'jå1 r#*ï;:'Jl"H:liö:1,:li"i;l,,il';i"Ti""iË$ åilr;r; ;ú"c "^ffi;; äzil '1il"i:":;,iifiïi,i¿.10:3o zuka, Rodney Iilll, DoDalal llotter, I Three shots are needed to lnsure weldins clqT Helps lliä#i" lnternolioncll lnslitute | -î"*ã. *n" gave tùeir rime a¡a The executlve dlrector of the In-lservices were: Mesdames GL A, ter¡atlonal Institute eppreclates I Eckenrod, pbil Smith, ÌÌed Myers, a¡tl thanks tr'JO'a ,H. Dea¡ Larsen, lRolert Hapls, Iqayne Slmpson, the lustructor, antl his weliling l5¡a l'tsh, Suzan Dennon, Pat class for the 2rl Íron flag etandards lDoylanrl, Davlil Shailduck and Ed.- that the class made for the Instt-lna Dectroot; I[tss Wiltte Cham. tute. _ lilon, Eilleen Cruz, a.nd Jean Mater-l TAKE IT EASY DOC 'Or so ,one students seems to be JaDIce Janes, the dlrectoa satd I gia. Ja'nlce Janes, the 'llrectol, satc I sta. I thinking os Dr. Earl H. Coleman prepares to give him his thet the iron flas stanjards arel .The.Tt -s{t Dolto lmmuniza'l polio iãoculqtion. On the right, Dì. trrfqrshcll Il fiese seis sturdy and wtll be used frequently. lüon wlll be heltl on May 28. porro rnoculqrron. (ln tne ngnt, llr. Mqlshqll J. 'l'iese gets reody to give q shot to qnother student.-Pendergrcrss Plioto

RHS Auditorium Ett*l'#fi# · rnEst0 Jtrt0n G01LEGE, FOttOW THE RAMPAGE FOR Att FJC NEWS,ltrlre tf I l¡¡ocl ¡D $rrD¡l!¡ ATTEND ATt 1957 SPRING SOCIAT EVENTS I vor. tx Pat Pryce,

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Page 1: RHS Auditorium Ett*l'#fi# · rnEst0 Jtrt0n G01LEGE, FOttOW THE RAMPAGE FOR Att FJC NEWS,ltrlre tf I l¡¡ocl ¡D $rrD¡l!¡ ATTEND ATt 1957 SPRING SOCIAT EVENTS I vor. tx Pat Pryce,

rnEst0 Jtrt0n G01LEGE,FOttOW THE



,ltrlre tf I l¡¡ocl ¡D $rrD¡l!¡




vor. tx

Pat Pryce,Al Mend ozaRule Dance

Pat¡icla Pryce, l8-yea¡-olcl fresh-mau buslness EaJo& was chosenas queeD of the "Spring Mist" fonm¿l Frlday night in the stuclentunion soclal hall.

Adolph Mendoza, 22 yøat oldsophomore Ben€ral educatiotr Da-i¡r, ¡eltned as klng.

Elccted By BallotPopular ballot was the metËod

of eelectlng the two winners from

¡ g¡rruD repreeenting different ca^m-pus organizatlons.

"Bouquete to the Newman Glubfo¡ thelr good plann¡ng and man-agement of a very bêautifulFJC Sprlng Formal."

-Kay Seagravee

The da¡ce, at which Lou Montea¡d hls orcbestra played, w&ssponsored by tho f'JC Newma¡Club.

Prexy Spearheade ÞrivePla¡s for the affalr we¡e sDoar-

h€âded by Ma¡tlyn Snyder, New-na¡ Club presldent, and YedaLuhm, soclal chalrua,n.

Ruben Ba¡rios, stualent bodypresltlent, was Easter of c€rgnGDies-

ltusic Department

Presents Review

ln RHS AuditoriumToday the Fresno Junior College

music department is presenüng anuslc revleìr'at tàe Roogevelt HIghSchool auditorlum.

The cholr and da¡ce ba¡tl underthe dlrectlon of C. Lowell Spencer,FJC muelc iastructor, le pre6ent-tog a varlety of comedy nu.mbersa,nd vocal selectlonq.'

'Manhattan Serenado'The choir is presenti¡g "Ma¡-

hattan Serenade," a¡d the da¡ceband has a variety of musical se'lectlo¡¡.

Sonya Mlller a¡d Cbuck Davlswill Blng e duet, "Love Me To.¡ltùL" a¡d Cha¡les Gulte¡rez wlllsfng "Autumn IæaYeB" wtth BlllleBradshaw playlog the marlmba-

Prescnts ProgramThe cholr wiu present a progrun

Thursdêy night, May 9, for the vo-cetlonal class graduation at thetrbesno Dletrict Í'airgrounds.

Sonya Mlller and Blllte Brad.shaw wlll preseut EoDe muslcalente¡t¿fnment at the Elke ClubWed¡esalay evenlog, Moy 1.

Fresno JC StudenfsEnferfain Elks Club

Ibesno Junlor College wea oueof several schools to entertaln attho FesDo Ellks Club NationalYouth lV'eek and the F'resno PuÞllc Schogl Week pfogram lastnight"

Achie Bradshaw, dean of stu-dent persoDnel,. said that SonyaMiller sang a Eedley of Broarlwayshow tu¡es accompanled by Low-ell Spencer, muslc instructor;Billte Bra.dshaw played "Stardust"a¡tl "TicoTlco" oD. the marimba.

Bradshaw was the master ofceremonleg.


Charles Etter, Estes, Jequita oe | 1oo per cent protecuon'

wttt, Tosbio oku,'Mtft&. tr'orath, I Voluntcerc Llgtcdand Mlss 'Wllson. | ' Mrs. Gá.bel ¡¡leasetl the following

a¡" qemmittee that choos.es the I llst of physlciaDs and Du.rses who

student speakers le composed of al tenerously gave thelr services:faculty member from, e&cb dlvislon I Da Mamhafl Tlese, James Sowers,of the school. l3---1 _t"""^,1"1Tt::,-I"T"_lT._îl_1:M. Snauffer Cherles Bcnm Arthrrr

NO. 25

Nom¡nat¡on AssemblyScheduled For May 8

fire Nomination Assembly will be llfay 8, at 10:3O Alf inauditorium.obtain petitions for c¿ndidacypetitionis cali ¡e'secur€d from

Mrs. Lena Fuller in the registration office

Bookstore SetsCap And GownDeadline May 3

TherÞ are 13 offlces to bo filled,inclutltng president vlcepreldent,secretary, treasur€r, a¡d trl.De r€Þresentatives.

The ca¡tlklates are pertitt¡d tocampalp unül May 17. The ca,m-palg¡ rules a¡e:

He Ba¡d of approxlmately 150 | nlace- withln fiftv feet of tJre elec'

candldates for graduation only l uo: loo:h on el€cuon 9"t: . .

about 50 have ordcred ""o"

.nã | 4. Postera must be romoyed by

gowns. The deadline has bcen lcandidates-t! th.." end. of the clo¡-

extcnded untlt tomorrow so that I tns hour of electlon'

thc tart minuto people can gct I 5. Each candldate shall llmtt the

¡n the¡r ordêÈa. - | expenses of hls cempalgn to dftee¡

The dcposlt ls 05 and studcnt8 lu"ålT".o ca.ndidate must have hiswlll havc tho uee of thc capo I -Il -l-- land sowns ror ono *..j11:¡ l:tr'^iåi"::".i",ä"#ïr",H ï,i:

DÀ,NCE RULERS - 4dolph Mendozc¡ cmd.Pg! Pryce-were I eraduatlon for plcturce. Th¡ canl lü""ìã--".ee prtor to execuuon..selected _King qrd Queen at the onnuolrFresno ]unior I f.i1^s::l_":i" _._._-::^,:"_,r11_": I Nr.i.* ,,",,oa rhâr. ¡r.rrdanr¡rCollege S_pring Forçcl Fridccy night in the'student union I rie ht after the graduatlon cere l"o-ri"i. "socicl hcrll.

-Pendergrass Photo I monv. ldurins the

-l Studente wlshlng to keep thc I The elec

1,33 8 Rece ive F ree Solk l rF, fi i:l:iTilsri'"il# L"i'"îPoliomyelitis Shofs l l

a toral of 1,888 srudents took advanrase of the free ,r* | NeWman ClUb


polio clinic which wa^s conducted in the Fresno Junior CollegeStudent Union la.st Thursday, Apr.25.'

Mrs. Anne Gabel, the FJC school nurse, stated that bothFJC and Fresno State College

^.j-19:.1t., and members- of their


tookwl*" Ett*l'#fi# li:yËï:::*;{i'i-"#îrríl1.,.r, ^ t ^'.1

"Itwasav lyt#o"snvder'presltlentof thel

Wil Speqk Atly:, g::l sa'd, "and wouta bavel 'iir. snydersaÍtrtha.ltio"r.o:"o,la"îi ì:î:". - '- l::::::lj.::t:_:j:-It3:"^r^ljlro' tn"-n""' coìo"otroo wm belrers ces-

F J C Exercíseslüi,'::ii'Tt:i",",iî¿Ë:".'ïil",;:îl"H*i-i:"ïf*;ï:.'J,f*lä,x;iï îîi:Lå* ffiS:å"ît

..Attên¡oh all a¡¡oclate¡ of I .1, All posters must be epproveal

artc degree candldatecl ! Tomor,- | by the Dean of 'Women, Aal' 116'

now ¡s thc poeltlne, abôolutc, and I before posting.finat day to order capo and | 2' Banners may be dlsplayed forgowns for. graduatlon," stated I the elecUon date' but not for a¡yWeeley Andoraon, manager of lgfflce or candldate.bookstore. | 3. No ca.mpaiSnlng ma'y ta'tse

Jo A¡n wlson and allan Estes I valu.able tlme'" lag the conventlon in Reno must I learlership in student affalrs, and

Dr. Irwin O. Adclicott, tne erec. I Services, 'w&8 responstble for ob-

| noom 200 of Mclo¡e Hall on theDr. Irwin O. Addicott, the exec. lservices, 'was responstble for ob'lRoom 200 of Mclo¡e Hall on thel tlon convention ln Lo¡ An-

uüve dea¡ of the Ílesno State Col- | talning varigus

_F:re14o ao9lors and

I untversity Avbnue caurpus. I cgTA 12:30 _89. Nomlnatlons

legþ, yill De the princlpal sBea.ker. ln\rses for.the d¿y lo¡g clfnlc' Acccmbly Rehcar¡al 2:30 to

bave been selected aÊ student I -. - voluntcere Hclp -.--l --------

speakerÊ for tàe s¡¿dua'on erer-r,, "o:*-^ry g:.tg: rod^.-oo".".:f beattonight'smeetíng'she"dd"d'l"t@

cires June 6. I the FJC Faculty Wives Club, a¡d I l-

Georse rfolsretn, dean of aanre-lmemters of rhe srudenrnursea o"-f Archie BrqdshqwTo Givel .GAIENDAR 0F IHE WEEKstons and record.s, sar¿ rhe speat.lsanizptlou, The catleceus, keBtü"lVocàtionol Nursinq Test I MfY__

ers a.re cÞosen from pmong the tgplll""t Pol.r-ns- at a fast pacel .a.rchie Bradshaw, Fresío .runiorl 2 FBLA mect¡ng at 12:80 ln10 of the class scholasticalìy. Theirl throughout the day. I Couese d.ean of stúdent personnel.l 88.

activtties and speaklns abittty arel.-D! EttnaTlinter, the tlfrector.of lwil glve a vocational uurslng"pUll g_Callfornla Junlor- Gollegc

also taken lnto consideratlon- ltheFresno statecollegeEealthltude test May ? et g Âfu-htl, studentGovcrnmcntA¡¡ocla-

i";""it'åih"å :äüii 'å:*,i:l:î'"-t¡:."i:*"*p_:¡:,Tjl# Ëi"äl",:ä"i""i,:iåffi| " i-*,1"1,:"r'-y,y"i'"'jå1 r#*ï;:'Jl"H:liö:1,:li"i;l,,il';i"Ti""iË$ åilr;r; ;ú"c "^ffi;; äzil '1il"i:":;,iifiïi,i¿.10:3ozuka, Rodney Iilll, DoDalal llotter, I

Three shots are needed to lnsure

weldins clqT Helps lliä#i"lnternolioncll lnslitute |

-î"*ã. *n" gave tùeir rime a¡aThe executlve dlrector of the In-lservices were: Mesdames GL A,

ter¡atlonal Institute eppreclates I Eckenrod, pbil Smith, ÌÌed Myers,a¡tl thanks tr'JO'a ,H. Dea¡ Larsen, lRolert Hapls, Iqayne Slmpson,the lustructor, antl his weliling l5¡a l'tsh, Suzan Dennon, Patclass for the 2rl Íron flag etandards lDoylanrl, Davlil Shailduck and Ed.-that the class made for the Instt-lna Dectroot; I[tss Wiltte Cham.tute.

_ lilon, Eilleen Cruz, a.nd Jean Mater-l TAKE IT EASY DOC 'Or so ,one students seems to beJaDIce Janes, the dlrectoa satd I gia.Ja'nlce Janes, the

'llrectol, satc

I sta. I thinking os Dr. Earl H. Coleman prepares to give him histhet the iron flas stanjards arel .The.Tt -s{t Dolto lmmuniza'l polio iãoculqtion. On the right, Dì. trrfqrshcll Il fiese seissturdy and wtll be used frequently. lüon wlll be heltl on May 28.porro rnoculqrron. (ln tne ngnt, llr. Mqlshqll J. 'l'iese getsreody to give q shot to qnother student.-Pendergrcrss Plioto

Page 2: RHS Auditorium Ett*l'#fi# · rnEst0 Jtrt0n G01LEGE, FOttOW THE RAMPAGE FOR Att FJC NEWS,ltrlre tf I l¡¡ocl ¡D $rrD¡l!¡ ATTEND ATt 1957 SPRING SOCIAT EVENTS I vor. tx Pat Pryce,


ttEslo Jllfl!¡ c0lll¡E



Clut lleut

h¡bltsbeil weekly by the Journallsn students ol the f'resno JunlorColtege,1101 Unlverstty, Fresno, Callfornla, a,nd composeil at the CentralCslüorÃla Typo8raphlc Servlce, phone AD 8-8001. Unslgnetl edltorlalssre the expresslon of the edltor.DDITOR .........MIK8 EAR:IMA.}¡ASSIST.A,NT EDITOR -.......RU88N BARRIOSBUSINDSS MA.ÀIAGER ...-.._.-..._. aÌ-IcE! ar.vaREz

This ls the atonlc age wlth la-bor savlng machines aurl intenlousdevlces..

It woultl seen to me the collegesshould lnclude some of thege mod-ern contraptions for stude.nts.

What we neeal is a dlctaphone forevery classroom for note tal(lng.The professor could record hls lec.ture for the day on tape and letthe students take notes as fast"orslow' as they want. Thls methoddf note taklng would prcbeblyproye very effective. The students'notes would be more legible due tothe right speed of the the lecturethat they could cont¡ol.

Anotþer great boon to the class-room would be thought wave type-writers. These machlnes wouldtype letters ln a hurþ a¡d auto-matlcally erase anything that youthin-k of erasing. .A.lthough thls con-ttivance has not been lnvented yet,it may aomeday come into being.

Books that will automaticallymatnify the importaít polntg ontests, sounds, good. Books that willma8¡ify ln neon llghts the an-swers to tests when you open them,sounds even better.

spoRTs EDITOR_-.-._. __......._.JOEN rÂUGAtIt

Police W¡ll lmpoundCars Blocking Drives

Students attending the University Ave. campus have beenwanred timé and again, and now the threats are coming true.

From this time on, cars found parked in driveways willbe towed away and it will be up tobile to pay for the towing charges,

Paul H. Stan, Fresno Junior Cafter talking with police officials, that, "both FJC and FresnoState College students have been parking in driveways,'andthat the police have gone along with the gag long enough.From now on cars parked in violation will be towed away,and the driver will have to'pay the tow charges."

If or when a car has been towed away the driver, or own-er, of the automobile must first go to policre court and payfor the ticket, then he must pay the tow charges before hecan pick up hiq car. It has been estimated that the total costwould be in the neighborhood of $1õ to $18.

Students should take note of this last waming and watchwhere they park; no one likes to kick out $15-$18 at one time,especially for something like this.

of the FSC-FJC students. No one wants to parkaway from their own house just because some person blocks

especially for something like this.Just as important as the money, is the fact that the Journ Maior "How can FJC have more school spirit next fall.?" Here areJust as important as the money, is the fact that the people

whose driveways are being bloocked get a bad impressionof the FSC-FJC students. No one wants to park eight blocks Magtheir driveway so he won't have to walk three.

exehanîe tlotetBy BETTY TORIGIAN


Views On Improving Spirítrhe Rampagé RovinglitH:l"tiìerviewed G Fresno Jun-

ior College students and received answers to the question,

Six FJC Sfudenls Express

I shoultl be a llttle friendlier."Clara Randolph, home economics, i L..",,. rArrrra o¡i ño{^n

Deanna Lipari, ho4e economics, they shoultl show a llttle moref r'e s h m e n, "I I spirtt and do something about it,',think stutlents Arbadella Leon, secreterlelFJc should...o"llo", f reehman,m o r e frtendlterl foé shout¿ navethan they are, noon dances

more often whereIVhen Ica-m e- here, rl tn" gr-". corrl¿ditln't know a¡y-lbe advertisedone and verf few | *"ru of time.P:o?1".weDt out| The reuys could:rl::.Ílli:

::t:::il ¡:. ;,:. Pvulru wYu! uuLl Thg fêllyS COUIdj:r:: :li;;i:::: 1:i.,.,:l; of thelr wa-v_ -to I ue .p."t"d by

be frlendty. school sptrtt s¡Tg b" I l""f"S

""ì"briüesnuch better tf the klils. would re I ptus -the

saimes.member to be frlentlly to new ar'l schoot spirit ts lacking. studentsrivals."

Barbara Waldo, art mejor, fresh-mau, "The schoolshould haverallys suchnoon ándnight rallys.Ucize footballbaseball games

stutlents. to the.and. dancesso thaD is

actlvltles aral getacqualnted. Tho

ently belng donaÀdvance publ

clubs should l¡troduce club mem- | city woulal reauy help attenda¡ce.,,

bers at speclal meetingt."_. I Sandy Hlckg business admtnls-Barbara Bckcrlan, journaltsnlr,,,,.,,,,o,,,,r,,.,,i..,..,.,,,:r:i:r:r::::::i,ä:iir,o I I ^ñ rrocÌ¡.

Paciflc WeeklyWife to henpecked hugband: Of

oourse I want you to have oPinlonsof yciur owD. I Just don't want tohea¡ them.

-College of Pacific

The GampusThe followlng ad was cllpped

from a, smell-town newspaper:"Second hanrl tombstone for sale,Wonderful bargain for a famllynamed Auchlncloss."

Joe: "I suppose you heard thatpoor oltl Dick kllled hls wlfe?"

Blow: "No! IIow?"Joe: "Wlth a golf club."Blow: "How many strokes?"

ai*(To slre) "Slr, Latly Godiva rldes

without."Str (after glancing wlthout)

'Yery tactfully put my maD.."laa

Math Prof: "Now lf I lay threeeggs here a¡d flve eggs here, houirnany eggs wtll I have?"

Student': "I don't belleve you cêDdo lt slr,"

Charlotte and Jerry were dlscus-sing llfe.

Satal Charlotte: "What're yougolng to do when you g¡adu¿tefrom college?"

Replietl Jery: After I'm a law-yer for my mother and presldentfor 4y father, I'm. Bping to be acotton.picker for miself.

-College of the Seguolas


Pony ExpreqeLouls F'reeman Best, forner clty

school officlal who dled recentlyat 79, was an art studeut a.t Sac-ramento Junior College for the pasttwo years. Best came to SJC topose for an art class. IIe becaneso lnterested that he en¡olled iDthe school.

-Sacramento JC


Schoot W L Pèt.dos..............--........--.8 3 .t27

Sqn Froncisco Stqte ToGive Summer Credwomen a¡nouncecl that fór'aqd number of selected women stu-dents the San trlancisco StateCollege ls plannlng to offer aseven unlt prog¡a¡n in cooperatlonwlth a ns,tional organlzaUon.catlous nust be ln by May ?.

f reshmaD, "Weshoulal have e"Big Slster .'BigBrother" 'activity

for new students.Those who h¿vebeen here longerEhould lrvlte nerr

maJor, freshnao,"We should have

rallys. Stu-ents shoultl

more enthu-r,, By attend-all the acti-

vtties antl belngItrterested

ln the school e¡alto make

JC a school they can be proutl of.Too Dany students compleln dbouthow dead the echool ts-instead

lon, fresh-'lThere

be mo¡easssEbuog

da¡ces. '[Vhydlsmlss clas-

for lrep, rallys.posters

ln adva¡ceCoalinga -.-----.--...-...--- 8 3

FRESNO -...---.--.-..--.. 6 5

Reerlley--.----..---------.--.6 6

Ifancock --.--.--.....-.--.-- 6 7

Portervllle --.----.----.-. 4 6

laft ------.-.-.-..-.---.-.-----. 1







'i :i of a gn^me anil

.: , iireally advertlse


HATYIBURGERS ------ t 5c

3I t5 Blockstone

the event-alot of ktils don't k¡owthat a gam.e ls to be playeil unulIt's over wlth."



Speciol Roles lo Sludents

FJ C Frosh

Eddie Briggs, a, freshman Jour-nallsm major at tr'JC, erlits and pub-lishes a rrrestllng magazine, the"Wrestllng World. Results-news."This mimeographecl publication isthe only one of its kintl in theworld.

The magazlne' ls publishealmonthly and lssued by subscrlptiononly.

Àpproxlmately 90 reporters lnall parts of the world - SouthAfrica, England, New Zealand, Ire-land, Äustralia, Scotland, and themajor citles of the U¡itetl St¿tes,report to Briggs on the profession-al wredtllng contests in thelr arba.

Items oÎ interest included ln themagazlne a¡e fan club news andtheir llsdngs, a.nd biographles ofwrestlerg-

Brtggs also writes a monthly col-umn for "The Ring" magazine,wrestling and boxing news.

'Whtle attentling Clovls HtShSchool, he najoretl ln Jourûelisma¡d speech. Àfter graduation ln1951, he worked as a,n announcerfor redio station KCHJ in Dela¡o.

In the Navy he was connectedwith the Arned tr'orces Ratlio gerv-ice ln Japan for 36 months.

Thls ls imposslble at the pres-ent, but someday tt mey not be.

Push button electronlc chalrsthat wheel you from class to cl¿sswould be very ha^ndy. Imagine, nomore tired feet and wornout shoesoleg. It plght cause a t¡afflc haz-ard but probably ths bugs couldbe worked out okay,

Other miraculous lnventionsmight be fountain pens that Deverrun out of lnk, or mechanicalbrains that do your homewbrk foryou.

The greatest boon to all studentswill be a Beer-O-Matlc machlnepresently being workeal on by a¡ingenious F'JC student., this ma-chlne is similar to the present daybeverage dlspenslng machjne. Youput in a quarter a¡d either a bot-tle or can of beer wlll be dlspensed.

A future ide¿ ls a mixetl dr{nkmachlne on every campus.

Soon we may have these lnyentions but uDtil then we'll Just haveto bear with tt.


Phl Beta LambdaPhi Beta Lambtla, the Í'JC chap

ter of the fìLrture Businese l-cade¡sof Anerlca, will sponsor a fleldtr{p to the Pacific Gl¿s and Eilec-trlc Company tomonow a.t 1:30PM.

Geryase Eckenrod, tr'Br.À spon-sor, said that the gmup will bemainly inte¡ested ln the machlneaccounting department and the newbilltng a¡d mailing machlne.

Anyone interestecl ln golngshoulal sign up in .À-15 or B-8 a¡rlindicate whether they havs trans-portation.

Påi Theta KappaThe members of Phi Theta Kap-

pa, an FJC honor soclety, electedofficers for the fall semester at ameetint Monday evening.

The new officers are Âl Grace,presid.en{; Bob Broome, vice-pnesl.atent; Shirley Spomer, secretary;Sumiye Taniguchl, treasurer; Ray-mond Halfaker, Jr., parllamenta-rian; Elaine Anderson, publicltychairman.


The best u/oy to getreqdy for finol

exqms is to get oCollege Outline Series

text of condensedihformotion.

We hove them.***

Remember, oll net

prof¡ts go ¡nto Studeni

Body fund.

'Your Bookstore

ÍACO TIENDA"Sponiså Fooil oì ll¡ 8es/'

Plenty of Pofking SpcceCorner

Clinton & Blockstone


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"Where the Stors ploy"





2O Blockstone Ave. Corner Divisqdero ond BlqckstoneOPEN DAII.Y 7 A.'I'I. TO I I P.M. WE P]CKUP AND DEI.IVET

Page 3: RHS Auditorium Ett*l'#fi# · rnEst0 Jtrt0n G01LEGE, FOttOW THE RAMPAGE FOR Att FJC NEWS,ltrlre tf I l¡¡ocl ¡D $rrD¡l!¡ ATTEND ATt 1957 SPRING SOCIAT EVENTS I vor. tx Pat Pryce,

USM Team Dean 0f Student Personnel Conducts

W¡ll Visit Survey 0n Fresno JC Student Needs


we¡e, or how and where to locatethem.

Bradshaw suggests tàat a stu-dent should see hls counselor gev-eral tlmes during a senester. Ileespecially advlses a student to seehis counselor before the end of thtssemester to eheck his general pro-gram of studles for next fall or lfhe ls transferrlng to a, unlversityor state college to cbeck wlth hiscounselor about subJects and graderequlrements ln hls major fleltl.

Fresno JC StudenfsO gan¡ze Club

The newly orgaDized Intema-tional Club of Fresno Junlor Col-lege ls. made up of people frommany foreign countrles.

the club, organlzed. about +monttr agq recently announced ltsflrst set of officers: they are PetePaplanov, órestatent; Suras¿kSwang, vice presideDt; SilvlaAmlrkhan, secr€tary; Rita Manoo-gian, treasurer; and Ken Tlu¡oto,soctal chalrman.

The club meets every Tuesdaynlght tn room M-214, and welcomesvisitors a.nd prospectlve membgrs.

Mrs. Kay Seagraves Is the clubsponsor.


FJC Campus.ô. United St¿tes Marine Corps

Offlcer Procuremeut Tea,m fromSan FÌancfsco wtll visit FresnoJunlor College on May 7, from g

AM to 3 PM and will be locatetladJacent to the main campus bookstore.

'Captain Charles R. Stephenson

III will be ayall¿ble to intervlewmeD who are lnterestetl ln enroll-ing in one of the Marine "Iu Col-lege" training progxams that leadto & commissio.n as a, Second Lleu-tenant in the Marine Co¡ps Re-serye.

The Platoon Leaders ,Class a¡clAviatlon Platoon Class are opento freshmen and sophomores.These programs are draft deferableand require the students that theyhave neither drills or mllitaryclasses during the. school year.

The P LC recelves trainlngat the fa,Eþal .Merine Corps schoolat Quentlcq Virginta, during twosix week summer trainingcourses.

Upon successful completion otthese courses and graduation fromcollege the fLC is commisslonedand ordered to active duty.

The aviation candidates receivetheir flight tests during ttre sum-mer traitritrg pèrlotl and upon grad-

In 1965:56, A¡chle Bra.dghaw,dean of studeut per¡onnel, condudt-ed a survey as to student needs.The,survey lntllcateal that studentsditl not know who thelr cou¡selors

Rampage StaffMembers W¡llAttend Conclave

Etlltor Mike Hartm¿n of theRa.mpage wlll recelve a certiflcateas the most outdtantliug Journalisnstudent at F'JC for the- 1956-57school year, at the a¡nual confer-ence of the San Joaquin ScholastlcPress .A,ssoclation to be held onSaturtlay.

The F'JC Rampage will recelve acertlficate of excellence for the fallsemester issues also at the spridgconference. The crltical ratingservice ls conducted a¡nually bythe association.

The students representlng tr'JCa^re Betty Torlgian, Tom Gonzales,



uation are commlssioned aDdderetl to Pensaoola, X'lorid¿,flight trainfng.

Social EventsOn Tap ForCollege Goers


Flesno Junior College studentsand tea,cherÊ have seven more sG.

cIaI events this semester, one ofthem for faculty members.

The members of Pht Theta KaÞpa wlll atteDd. a swlm party atBlakely's Pool M^ay 15, at 4 PM.a da.uoe, the "Cotton Ball," ln thesocial hall of the student unlon oDMay 1? flom I PM to 12 M.

The staff of the Rampage wlllhave lts ennual banquet on May23 at the Tow¡ a¡d Country Lotlgeat 6:30.

The l¡atln Àmerlca"n .Club wtllsponsor a Latln A-mericau da¡ceon Ïay 24 from 9 PM to 12 M lnthe Bocla,l hall of the student unlon.

The past presldents of the AWS[¡'iu haYe a reunlon on May 25.

The members of the F'JC FacultyClub will attend an ¿nDual dinnerat 7 PM at the EÌlk's Club. JohnR. McCarthy, presldent of the cluband Mlss Margaret Tylor, chalnman of the soclal commlttee arrplanning the affair,

The AÂ Deg¡ee ca¡dldates haveûot made tlefinlte plans yet. How-ever, totlay the g¡aduatlng classwill meet in M-200 to make ileft-alte plans.

Swimming PoolOpens May 7¡h

Be€innfng May ?, the fhesno Jun-ior College sr¡lmming pool will beopen for Btudent recreatlon¿l Bwlm-mlng, said Margaret Tyler, F'JCPhysical Educatlon. instructor.

Iloqrs set for use of the pool bystudents are 1:45 PM to 4 PMthrcugh the ¡emalnder of theschool yea,r.

Miss Tyler went on to say thatstudents who have on skln olls ortan oils are prohibited to use thepool.

Mlss Tyler Invites everyone totake advantage of this opportunlty.

sluct( FoR ooucH?

álxSrlRT SIlClfl|NGl

Çþ mAKE¡z5We'll pay 926 for every Stickler wepúnt-and for bund¡eds more th¿tn€ver geü used! So start Sùickling-they're so eaey you can tÀink of doze¡sin eeco¡fe! Sticklers are eimple riddleewith twó-word rhymingânswere. Bothwords mwù have the sane ¡umber ofLuck¡esTaste Better

"lT's ToAslED" 1o TASTE BETTER ., . . GIEANER, FRESHER, sl,looTHER !

wr{Ar ts A TEAKY PB.ll

E^iL rrrlEi. Blofret hÉ¿îu. oF ¡tâ¡t


nrc'^¡D suLLrY^Í , B¿fr* nü¿tI t. oF ct{tc^co

lHlS HOftfBRE lives in a Dallas palace. He's gotoceans of oil, ca¡loads of c e-and plenty ofLuckies, too. But if he's always beggmg for amatch at light-up time, this affable gent becomesa Vexin' Texøn! Çiys him ctedit for knowing hisbrands, though: a Lucky tastes like a rnilìion bucks

-trÐo rnillion, in Texas! That's becauóe a Lucky

is all cigarette . .. nothing but fne, mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TO,ASTED to taste evenbëtter. Tþ a Lucky right now. Reckon you,ll sayit's lhe best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked!

wH^Í ts A srÁ m êf,l

RorERt !^LDRrc^. Brüilzt SPríttlu. oF lllaftEsol


xo¡L DoyrE. JR.. Feígn Paín?ROYIDE'ICC COLLEGE

wHAl 15 A l^lcns WAGONT

JoE !ÁReE. Ta¡t catts^lr JosE JR. cottEga


wHAt 15 A T l¡qÍvE FA¡l^ lOYt




PatronizeOur Advertisers '(OÀT.Co. p¡oDucr ", ,lY''4t"rt-trfu A t


Page 4: RHS Auditorium Ett*l'#fi# · rnEst0 Jtrt0n G01LEGE, FOttOW THE RAMPAGE FOR Att FJC NEWS,ltrlre tf I l¡¡ocl ¡D $rrD¡l!¡ ATTEND ATt 1957 SPRING SOCIAT EVENTS I vor. tx Pat Pryce,

RA¡IPAGE lâov 2,1957

JunÍor CollegeShop VîewsGerhg,rdt Cor"Boy oh Boy," what a plece of

uechlnery, was the expresslou ofall who vlewed the Intllanapolls'600" mlle race car whlch w&B

showrx ¿t the llesno Ju¡lor Col-lete outo shop Àprll 9.

The ca¡ was shown through thecourtesy of hed Gerhardt aniltrïeal De da¡.

De Orla¡, seulor mecha,nlo forGerha¡tlt's nu.mber 46, s¿ys be lsalmost eure the car wlll wln,whlch wlU b€ drlven by BtUCheesebrough.

De Orla¡ erplained some lmpor-tant mecba¡ical features to Ca¡lRustlgaD, who helpeal to make a¡-rangemente for the showing of theqar.

Some of the questions asked bylnquisltive vlewere wer€: the cost,make ol euglne and how fa6t tt willgo?

The ca¡ ha¡ an Offenhauser motor end was bullt by Myer DraJrewith t¡d cost of the complete unltapBrorimately $36,000 lncluding la-bor a¡d parts. The 3?5 horsepowermotor vlth 266 cublc inches hasa compresslon ratlo of 14 to 1 antla bore a¡d stoke ol 47132 by 4)binches.

Top sp€€d on-stralghtaways andthrough the tur¡s are 185 mllesa¡d 136 mlles per hour aroundtu:rrs.

GmHÄnDT SPECIAI - Members of the Fresno lunior-Col-lege cdtemoon cuto shop look over the Gerhodt Special,to be driven in the Indicrrcrpolis "500" mile clqssic Mcry 30.The co will be hcrrdled by Bill CtreeÈebrough.

Tigers DropDecision ToFresno, 3 -2 Roms Blsst

HqncockForSchool Msrk

Coach Clare Slaughter's nå.Dnine spllt a doubleheader with theIla¡cock College Bulltlogs, wlnnlngthe nlne inning ope¡ier 19-8 a¡ddropping the flnale 2-1 a,s Paul DeD-han bested Lerry Keller in a üghtpltchers' tluel last trHday i¡ Sa¡taMarla. The Rams then jou¡aeyedto Sa¡ta Barba¡a where the Va-qlrer)Ál from the coast edged them4-B on Sa$urday moraing.

Scorlng Record'FÈesno bla.stetl two BuIdog

pltchers for 22 hlts ln wr¡Dlng täeflrst game. Cloyce Keeney led theway with a perfect üve hlts ln flYetlmes at bat, inclutlinB a double.Left fielder Stm Busch had fourhits in sh trles whlch includetl atrlple. Clyde Reetl a,nal Keller col-lected three hits aplece. Thlrdsacker Don Í'ertuoon a¡d second,ba,sema¡ Augie Calilere each col-lected a pair of safetles. The 19

runs scor€d ls the Dew gchool rec-

Brown, Schmidt

ord for oDe giaJne-

Halcocr WlneIla¡cock scored tw-Ice I¡ the

tou¡th on tbree hits a¡(l a walk.The two runs were all that flre'baller Paul Denham needed to wlnthe 2-1 battle. Denham llmited theRam batters to slx hitg over theseven fnning stint.

IJarry Keller ga,ve uD only elghthits and except for the fourtbframe matched Denham pitch forpitch. No Ram collected more thauone hit.

Reêd StaÉEClyde Reerl made his flrst aI>

pearance of the' seasoD on themound for Slauthte¡'Ê nine egafnstthe Santa Ba¡ba¡a Ju¡lor CollegeVaqueros. The raÐry curve ballershowed fine form for five lnningsbefore gfvlng way to Rlchmontlwho ln tu¡¡ was pulletl ln favor ofBurcher.

Reed held a 2-1 leatl when ùe leftthe game and the VaqueroÊ got toRichmond for two runs ln the sev-enth. I'resno leil 4-3 when Burchertook over ln the seventh fromRlchmond. S¿nta Barba¡a tietl theBcore at four-all tn the elghth andthen-pushed across the wlnnlngmarker in the flnal frame. Burcherwas charged wfth the loss.

Ea¡rcoct I.On ,OO ,Or- * rf ÏFJC -,..-.-.-...------. A02 840 6(XF19 22 I

fu9âee,9t...By JOEN EAIIGAIY

About two weeks agp tå.ls re-porter, to coln e phrase, "loweredtbe boom" on the trlesno JuniorCollege beseball nlne. Sl¡ce thatwrtttng, the teem has showD con-slderable improvement to the er-tent of smashlng its way tùroughthe Bakersfield. tourney, crushlngTaft Junior College, and settlng anew echool record. aga,lDBt the Al-Ian Eaúcock nlne.

Desplte the 11 Dlscue6 In threegames at Bakersfleld the Ramslooked aûd htt llke a dlfferenttea.m. FJC has lntleetl.looketl like achamplonshlp tean a,nd the studentbody can be well pleaseal with theteam'a ahowing,

Coach Erwl¡ Gllnsburg's trackforces have had'tlôdbles through-out the present campatgn but lastSaturday the tra¿k team Joüaeyed.to Salinas a¡tl turned In tbe bestlndividual performdnces of the sea-son.

Lanky Eiltlie Young chu¡ned upthe track and over the hurtlles toset a new school record of 15 sec-onds ln the 120 yard high hurdles.

^A,t that, he stumbled on the eighthhu¡dle or he could.'have brokenthe 15. second mark.

Slim Dave 'Wlmmer addeal fur-ther points and broke the existingschool record of 13 feet 3 Inchesin the pole vault by 2Ye, inchee,Wlmmer injured hls leg ea¡lier lnthe eeason and. has been slowlyroundlng back lnto shope. H9 ls afreshman thls year

Lefty Jim Richmontl and JerrvBurchetr comblned pltchlng talenùsto hand the Reedley CollegeTlgers their fifth defeat of thèseason on the Romaln diamondTuesday afternoon, 3-2,

Reedley managed only four hltsoff the two Ram hurle¡s ln thenlne lnnlng contest.

Rlchmond went tbe flrst sevenhnlngs before hie wllalness load-etl the bag8. Burcher came oDonly to walk the flrst mcn faced,allowlng one ruD across. A sacri-flce fly produced the other Reed-ley tally before the flre was putout.

' Ramc scorcFresno got to Reeclley chucker

Ted Collins in the flfth frame.Comblnlng two walks, three stolenbases, and a slntle t9 r¡roduce tworuns. Don tr'erguson. walked andstole second and,thlrd. Phtl Ber-telsen walked and stole second,Clyde Reed followed with a sharp-ly hlt stngle to center ffekl ilrtv-ing ln Ferguson and Bertelsen.

Wlnnl,ng RunThe Rams got, the gane win-

nlng run iD the slxth frame.Cloyce Keeney slngled, went tosecond on the pltche¡'s oyerthrowat flret, . stole third ¿rid cabe-home on Ferguson's slngle oversecond.

Zet:ø Zlmmørman carnê tbroughwltb a eDa¡kling, defenslveeffort tn the elghth frame.Zlmmerman made a back-handed,over the shoulder catch of atteeply hit bail off the bat of Reetl-ley thlrtl baseman Duane Hensen.Llne scor€ ' I RHEFJC ----.....--000 021 00x 3 6 IReedley ---..-.000 000 200 2 4 3

Rlchmonal. Bu¡cher 7, entl BoDd;Collins, a¡d lfinney.

Win Positions 0nAll CCJCAA Five

Two members of the 1956-6? edi-tlon of the οm baskretball squadwere 'recer¡tly chosen to the Cen-t¡al. Callfornta Junlor College As-soclatlon .All Conference tr'ive.Second year veter¿n -A.l Brown andf¡sshman 'Warren Schmldt bropghthome the honors for thelr out-standlng play throughout thebasketball campale¡.

,Rounalf¡g out tbe all-conferenceflve arc, stellar Suartl from Col-lege of Sequloas, trlditie Mttchell;Dave l{yatt a,Dd Paul Howard f¡pmthe CCJCAT Conference Cha.mpiona¡<l St¿te Champlon Squacl of ÄllenHancook Ju¡lor College.

Commentlng oD hls selectlon,Brown stated,'I an hlghly pleaseda.nd. compllmeDt€d on belng chosen,a¡d ny tha¡ke to Coach Joe Kellyout the lnillvlduEl tal€Dta."for his ter¡lllc coachlng to brlng

Fteshman whlz a¡rl the playerwho set two nev gcorlDg recordsat FTesno Junlor College, 'Warren

Schmldt, felt that the ,style ofcoachlng by Kelly was the decltlingfactor ln hls anal Browu's selec-tlon to the all'conference cageteam. Schmiclt said; "Any of the 10to 15 players nomlnated could haveverY well Placed. on the 1s¡m, Ialso feel thst Paul Denham of theHancock Squad was one of ttrebetter players of the confe¡encebut his enterlng late diat notqualfy him for honors."

Further honots were glven toB¡own by betng voted the "MostValuable Player" on the Bqued bytle team Ecmbers.

Rockef TeqmLose Two ToFqlcon Squqd

The Ramblln8: Rams of tr'resnoJunlor College traveled to Coa-linga to match rackets vlth theCoallnta Falcons net squad anddropped the Batch 3-2.

Last Monday afternoon theRams hosted the tr'alcone on thecollege cou¡ts and lost the matchby the same score, 3-2.

In the lntlivitlual matches CathyPodzakoff won both tlmes forFJC. FJC also won the mlxeddoubles event in both m¿tches.

. FJC 2 Falcons 3

CamÞbeu, FJC, 6-2, 6-2.FJG 2 Falcon¡ 3

a¡cl Jlm McGhee vs. Bob d_"rTir#åaJril Joht

ts a,ud GþDe

CC|CAA PERFORMANCE RECORDFreano Junior College Baceball Stat¡stical Report ae oÍ 418157

Inilivtitudl Stattstlcs lnclutling the batttng antl fielding'averages to date:AB H Pct"GP PO A E Pct.2b3bHRR I

S. Buech -------..-..of. 12 18 .429 10, 10 2 7 .923 3 1 0 10 6C.Keeuey..--.-----of 33 13 .394 I72 1 1 .929 2 L 0 7 7

L. Keller ..-..--of-p 38 74 .369 10 30 16 6 .885 1 0 0 10 6C. Reed ..--......--tf-p 42 13 .310 10 23 25 10 .829 .1 0 0 7 6D.Bond-..----...-.---.c10 3.300 ? 31 0 01.000 10 0 2 4

J.RehE----.-..-.....of 7 2.286 6 4 I 0 1.000 01 0 2 0J.Richmond-.-Jf-p2p 6 .261 I ?0 4 6 .92õ 0 1 0,1 4D. f,'erguson --.-.3b 35 I .267 10 10 20 2 .938 3 0 0 6 11R. Lujan ----..--.---2b I 2 .250 4

À. Caldera ---.----.2b 33 8 .242 IP. Bertelsen ....if-c 23 4 .L74 9

J. Burcher ..--of-p 17 2 .177 8

J. Zlmmerman lfof 18 1 .066 6

D. Ifale ,..-...--..-of-p 1 0 .000 I

2 2 01.000 0'0 0 r 07 23 1 .882 0 0 0 61

51 4 7.982000 640 71.875000142 01.66?000 030 0 0.000000 00

Team Totals -..----.-320 95 .297 L0 262 105 33 .915 11 4 0 61 58XRBI

Indlvldual Performance Statlatlcs of the Ram pltchlng staff to date:SO BBHoffRoff ERO lP ERA W L Þct.

Lar¡y Keller -.---.----- 28 t7 33 18 13 37.3 9.2 2 2 .600Jerry Burcher -....1..-- 40 16 38 26 16 86.? 3.7 2 g .400JlmRlchmond....--.. 11 7 I 7 g 10.0 2.7 1 01.000

Tea¡o Totals ....--...--. ?9 40 ?9 50 31 81,0 8.3 6 5 .600

Dave Wimmer, Eddie YoungSet Pole Vault, Hurdle Marks

s enjoyed their fiirestIlartnell Relays heldthe meet and in the

competition th¿t followed, Fresno's Dave lVimmer and EddieYoung set two new meet and school records.

Dave Wlm-er and Edtlle Youugplaced flrst in tùe pole vaulJ a¡dhigh huralles, respectiveF. I W¡m-mer set a D€w SaUD,a^s Eeetrecord a¡d a Ftesno Junlor Collegerecord as he cleâ¡ed 13 leet 6g(inches.

Young also set a mêet rtco¡d'and ¡'JC record aB he scamperedthe 120 ya¡d htgh hurallos ln fif-teen second flat. Coach ErwlnGlnsburg conmented Young htt theeighth burdle heril anil Dearlystumbled, yet he sü¡l ü¡lshed, farahead of tùe second place msD.Glnsburg said, "You¡g alnostcerta,lnly would. have brcken 16secouds flat had he not Þtt ttrehurdle." r ¡

Fra.nk Eller, aleo of tle R¿^msquad, toppeil the fleltl lD the dlg-cug wlth a heave of 160 fæa X,lnches.

Wlmmer, Young, and Eller rlllbe th¡eate to the J.u¡rtor CoUceBcompetltion in the West Coa¡t Bela,ys.

F.JC wltt send eigùt meû to lra,rttctqate tn tbe Cedtral CaüforataJunlor College ¡soclatlon meet tobe helil In Vlselia tomorrow andSâtr¡¡ilay.

-Cozby Photo

ON G1OSE EXAII¡NAIIONI'Of ell t¡e diftre¡¡t sorts of grlys

îhere ale onlSr two tbsü I despirs:l$s ftst I rcally wor¡ld like to sla¡û

Is the one who copþ &on my €cn'r,lte other one's the dirty'skulk

Who covers h¡B aDd lets t¡¡e ft¡Dkl

tOfAlr You'll pass the pleazure t€t Fith Chsten6e¡d.Ki¡g. Yæ, ifyou want your pleasurea¡hme er¡¡n laude, oohe ChesterûeldK¡ng! BIG bngtb, BIG favor, tbeooothest tasting ooke tod4ybecar¡æ ifs paclhedr.cu oootbly by ACCU.RAY.

Cho¡¡crf¡ld l¡¡lg ¡ñr.¡ ycr, mono'l wlro3 ¡notro rnoklng fort

'W 66tø IûL F.W¿¿¡ Iow 8æ fu.Aná, Iw, lÇ fu Cltæ. Eitü, pæzz
