Program for forurensning 1 In situ biologisk rensing av kreosotforurenset grunn, utvidelse av pilotskala feltforsøk Prosjektansvarlig: Norges Geotekniske Institutt Prosjektleder: Breedveld, Gijs Forsker Prosjektnr: 134107/720 Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.2000 2000: 300,000 Videreføre arbeidet med in situ biologisk rensing ved forsøksfeltet på Hommelvik (NFR-prosjekt 113385/720), Trondheim ytterligere 1 år. -Kartlegge oppførsel av fri fase kreosot i grunnen og utprøve teknikker for fjerning av fri fase - Utvidet undersøkelse av nedbrytningsprodukters effekt på tokisitet og mobilitet av forurensning - Videreføre arbeidet med in situ biologiske rensemetoder (barriereløsninger) Pilot studies at the Hommelvik wood preservation facilities show promising results for remediation of creosote contaminated soil and groundwater, using in situ bioremediation. However, free-phase DNAPL has a major impact on groundwater contamination levels. The project studies removal methods for DNAPL and the consequences for contamination levels. Reactive barriers are studied in addition to conventional pump-and-treat. Toxicity studies have shown a discrepancy between contamination levels and toxic effect. The contribution of degradation products of creosote to the observed toxicity in the groundwater will be studied as part of the project. 2 Alkylerte fenolers hormonelle innvirkning på torsk Prosjektansvarlig: Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder: Svardal, Asbjørn Forsker Prosjektnr: 134109/720 Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.2000 2000: 500,000 Det primære mål er å påvise eksperimentelt om alkylerte fenoler kan forstyrre den normale sesongmessige variasjon av kjønnshormon og modningsinduserende hormon hos torsk og klarlegge om slike stoff direkte eller indirekte kan påvirke fiskens reproduksjon. En vil samtidig studere hvilke effekter slike stoffer har på de to viktigste avgiftningssystemene hos fisk, nemlig cytokrom P450 og glutationsystemet. 3 Contaminant Transport And Biological-Effects Monitoring in The Skagerrak (CONTAMS) Prosjektansvarlig: Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder: Hassel, Arne Forsker Prosjektnr: 134112/720 Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.2001 2000: 500,000 2001: 500,000 Elucidate transport of contaminants in the Skagerrak by providing data:

RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

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Page 1: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

Program for forurensning

1 In situ biologisk rensing av kreosotforurenset grunn, utvidelse av pilotskala feltforsøk

Prosjektansvarlig:Norges Geotekniske Institutt Prosjektleder:Breedveld, Gijs Forsker Prosjektnr: 134107/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20002000: 300,000

Videreføre arbeidet med in situ biologisk rensing ved forsøksfeltet på Hommelvik (NFR-prosjekt 113385/720), Trondheim ytterligere 1 år. -Kartlegge oppførsel av fri fase kreosot i grunnen og utprøve teknikker for fjerning av fri fase- Utvidet undersøkelse av nedbrytningsprodukters effekt på tokisitet og mobilitet av forurensning- Videreføre arbeidet med in situ biologiske rensemetoder (barriereløsninger) Pilot studies at the Hommelvik wood preservation facilities show promising results for remediation of creosote contaminated soil and groundwater, using in situ bioremediation. However, free-phase DNAPL has a major impact on groundwater contamination levels. The project studies removal methods for DNAPL and the consequences for contamination levels. Reactive barriers are studied in addition to conventional pump-and-treat. Toxicity studies have shown a discrepancy between contamination levels and toxic effect. The contribution of degradation products of creosote to the observed toxicity in the groundwater will be studied as part of the project.

2 Alkylerte fenolers hormonelle innvirkning på torsk

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder:Svardal, Asbjørn Forsker Prosjektnr: 134109/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20002000: 500,000

Det primære mål er å påvise eksperimentelt om alkylerte fenoler kan forstyrre den normale sesongmessige variasjon av kjønnshormon og modningsinduserende

hormon hos torsk og klarlegge om slike stoff direkte eller indirekte kan påvirke fiskens reproduksjon. En vil samtidig studere hvilke effekter slike stoffer har på de to viktigste avgiftningssystemene hos fisk, nemlig cytokrom P450 og glutationsystemet.

3 Contaminant Transport And Biological-Effects Monitoring in The Skagerrak (CONTAMS)

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder:Hassel, Arne Forsker Prosjektnr: 134112/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20012000: 500,000 2001: 500,000

Elucidate transport of contaminants in the Skagerrak by providing data:- on concentrations of organic contaminants from sediments and sediment traps- on effect of currents on composition of particles and contaminants entering near-bottom sediment traps- for implementation into existing sediment-transport module of NORWECOM

Assess ecological and socio-economic implications of the findings by providing:- an assessment of findings with respect to potential mass resuspension events of sediments and contaminants- a report proposing ecological quality objectives for the Skagerrak with respect to remobilization of contaminants in sediments

The Skagerrak is part of the North Sea ecosystem. The Skagerrak is a commercially imporant area for fisheries and recreation. Unfortunately, it is also a major route for agricultural and industrial wastes. 50-70 % of the suspended matter in the North Sea reportedly accumulates in the Skagerrak. To aid responsible environmental management of the Skagerrak (and greater North Sea), it is necessary to understand the processes regulating the transport and distribution of contaminants. This knowledge can assist researchers to pinpoint sources of contaminants as well as to predict how long contaminants may continue to accumulate in some areas of the Skagerrak, even if input of contaminants to the North Sea ecosystem is stopped. Further, the project's findings should elucidate the danger that storms and bottom fishing may present for causing massive remobilization of "deposited" contaminants and silty sediments, which might enter coastal currents to affect local fish stocks, fish farms, kelp forests and the world's largest, cold-water coral reefs. This project aims to gather information on the relationship between bottom currents and resuspension/transport of sediments and associated contaminants, and to improve contaminant-transport

Page 2: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

forecasting. The findings shall be useful for environmental and fisheries managers as well as public interest groups.

4 Opptak og omsetning av radioaktive stoffer og tungmetall i reinsdyr

Prosjektansvarlig:Statens strålevern Prosjektleder:Strand, Per Avdelingsdirektør Prosjektnr: 134118/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-1.6.20042000: 510,000 2001: 789,089 2002: 622,000

Mål: Gjennom feltstudier og kontrollerte fôringsforsøk studere hvordan radioaktivt cesium,strontium, polonium og bly, samt tungmetallet kadmium, tas opp og omsettes i næringskjeden til rein, og hvordan dette varierer mellom ulike områder. Modeller for overføring av forurensning til rein vil bli utviklet til bruk for konsekvensanalyser.

Delmål:1. Feltstudier i forskjellige beiteområder for kartlegging av omsetningen av stoffene i næringskjeden til rein2. Fôringsforsøk for kartlegging av opptak og omsetning av strontium, 210Pb/210Po og kadmium i rein3. Utvikle modell for konsekvensvurderinger av radioaktiv forurensning i reinsdyr4. Identifisere sårbare reinbeiteområder5. Øke kunnskapen om opptak av forurensningene i rovdyr

Experiences gained after fallout of radionuclides from nuclear weapons testing and the Chernobyl accident have shown that reindeer is the part of Norwegian food production being most vulnerable to airborne contamination. This is due to the importance of lichens in the reindeer's winter diet, and the accumulation of nutrients and contamination by lichens directly from air. This also causes elevated doses to reindeer and reindeer meat consumers from the naturally occurring nuclides 210Pb and 210Po. Reindeer meat production gives important income, and the meat itself important food for parts of the Saami population, and wild reindeer is an important food source for many hunter households. The knowledge about radiocaesium contamination and reindeer is extensive, but less is known about 90Sr and 210Pb/210Po in Norway. Through controlled feeding experiments, field studies and modelling, the project will study ecological and metabolic aspects of the mentioned radionuclides. This is important knowledge for identification of vulnerable areas and implementation of cost-effective countermeasures in future fallout situations with 137Cs and 90Sr. Similar studies will also be conducted for the heavy metal cadmium, also found in elevated concentrations in

reindeer. Contamination levels in reindeer predators (lynx and wolverine) will also be studied.

5 Sources and source regions of airborne lead in Norway: Temporal and spatial trends

Prosjektansvarlig:Naturvitenskap og teknologi, Fakultet for,Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitetProsjektleder:Steinnes, Eiliv Professor Prosjektnr: 134141/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-14.4.20022000: 230,000 2001: 210,000

Main goal: Identify contributions from different processes and source regions to atmospheric deposition of lead in Norway at different times. The role of long range atmospheric transport from other parts of Europe will be emphasized.Secondary goals:1. Determination of stable lead isotope ratios in moss samples collected at the same 20 sites in 1977, 1985, 1990 and 1995.2. By air trajectory analysis, informations on lead emissions and literature data on stable lead isotope ratios for different sources, elucidate contributions from different source regions and categories.3. Study lead deposition in Norway over the last 500 years by stable isotope analysis of peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs.

Investigations of lead concentrations in terrestrial moss, natural surface soil, and cores from peatbogs have demonstrated extensive exposure to atmospheric deposition of lead from sources elsewhere in Europe over a long period of time. Previous work has shown analysis for stable lead isotope ratios to be a promising method to distinguish between contributions from different sources to lead pollution. Combined with meteorological data this method is likley to provide substantial information on dominant sources of atmospheric lead deposition. Moss samples collected at 4 different times during the period 1977-1995 at the same 20 sites distributed over Norway will be analysed for stable lead isotopes. These data will be compared with literature data for lead isotope "signatures", air trajectory data, and informations on lead emissions in different countries, to estimate relative contributions from different processes and source regions to the lead deposition during this period. Moreover analysis of 5 dated peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs in different parts of Norway will be performed to study the temporal trend and the contribution from different sources to the lead deposition during the last 500-1000 years.

Page 3: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

6 Nitrogenretensjon i fjell og heiProsjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Wright, Richard F. Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 134167/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-1.7.20032000: 500,000 2001: 950,000 2002: 980,000

Hovedmål: Øke forståelsen av gjeldende prosesser ved N-immobilisering, N-opptak og N-lekkasje i fjell- og heiområder med høy atmosfærisk N-belastning.

Delmål:- Teste eventuelle empiriske sammenhenger mellom ulike feltegenskaper og nitrat i avrenningen.- Bidra med kunnskap og input-data for modeller som brukes i internasjonale forhandlinger om utslippsreduksjoner.- Utarbeide grunnlag for prognoser om framtidig N-lekkasje i ulike økosysem-typer.

Little is known about the storage and release of nitrogen in the non-forested heathlands and mountain areas, which comprise more than half of Norway. Such information is necessary to predict (model) future N leaching and thus future acidification and exceedence of critical loads. The project will focus on N immobilisation in Norwegian mountain and heathland areas that have high N deposition. The project will comprise a close coupling between process studies, empirical data and model developmen and testing. The time-dynamic aspect of N retention in soils will be central. There are 3 sub-projects: 1. Runoff chemistry, soil chemistry, soil processes, and vegetation in small catchments. 2. Nitrogen retention in nutrient-poor lakes. 3. Integration, evaluation and modelling of N retention. The project is in many respects an outgrowth of the inter-institutional project "Nitrogen from mountains to fjords" that ran from 1992-96.

7 Samspill mellom makrovegetasjon, planteplankton og epifytter i innsjøer - endringer langs trofigradienten

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Solheim, Anne Lyche Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 134208/720

Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20032000: 200,000 2001: 370,000 2002: 370,000 2003: 260,000

Hovedmål: Øke kunnskapen om samspillet mellom planteplankton, epifytter og vannvegetasjon, samt vurdere ulike faktorers (som lys, næring, beiting, allelopati) betydning for utformingen av plantesamfunnene i grunne innsjøer med økende trofigrad. Tålegrenser i forhold til eutrofiering vil bli vurderte for ulike innsjøtyper. Prosjektet tar også sikte på å vurdere tiltak for å moderere utviklingen i eutrofierte innsjøer gjennom styring av biotiske interaksjoner. Delmål: . Sammenfatte data fra norske innsjøer for en syntese av problemstillingene rundt utvikling av planteplankton, makrofytter og epifytter i innsjøer langs en trofigradient . Generere hypoteser for årsaksammenhenger (biotiske interaksjoner) som styrer ulik utvikling i eutrofierte innsjøer . Teste hypoteser fra syntesen nevnt ovenfor . Etablere kunnskapsbase og modeller for å vurdere aktuelle tiltak for å kunne bevare biologisk mangfold i eutrofiutsatte områder

The project synthesise Norwegian data concerning biological effects of eutrophication, with special emphasis on the interactions between macrophytes, phytoplankton and epiphytes. Based on the synthesis of existing data, fieldwork and experimental analysis, one will elarify the importance of different biotic intemetions in different types of lakes. The project will also evaluate whether it is possible to influence changes in interactions caused by eutrophication.

8 Kvikksølvakkumulering i ferskvannsfisk - normalisering i forhold til stabile N-isotoper

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Andersen, Tom Førsteamanuensis Prosjektnr: 134210/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.2.2000-31.12.20032000: 100,000 2001: 200,000

HovedmålEtablere en forståelse av sammenhengen mellom nivåene av en biomagnifiserbar miljøgift (kvikksølv) i ferskvannsfisk og fiskens trofiske nivå målt ved stabile N-isotoper (andel 15N).

Delmål1. Belyse muligheten for å benytte stabile N-isotoper som en artsuavhengig prediktor-variabel

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(normaliseringsfaktor) for nivåene av kvikksølv i ferskvannsfisk innen enkelte ferskvannslokaliteter.

2. Benytte stabile N-isotoper i klorofyll fra fytoplankton til å justere for variasjoner i isotopforholdet i næringskjedene mellom lokalitetene som skyldes forskjeller i nitrifikajson/denitrifikasjon, samt innflytelse fra kloakk, kunstgjødsel og husdyrhold.

9 Miljøgiftbelastning, immunstatus og populasjonsøkologi hos polarmåke: et eksperimentelt studie

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA,Arktisk økologiProsjektleder:Erikstad, Kjell Einar Professor Prosjektnr: 134302/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20022000: 233,000 2001: 433,000 2002: 360,000

Hovedmål:Undersøke om negative effekter på reproduksjon og overlevelse hos polarmåle kan skyldes svekkede immunfunksjoner som følge av persistente organiske miljøgifter.

Demål:1. Studere sammenhengen mellom effekten av parasittfjerning og immunaktivitet hos individer med ulik belastning av persistente organiske miljøgifter.2. Kvantifisere immunstatus ved forskjellige nivåer av miljøgifter ved bruk av serologiske tester.3. Kvantifisere effekten av redusert parasittintensitet på reproduksjon og overlevelse.

Several environmental contaminants have immune suppressive effects, which may increase mortality as a result of disease. In a study of the glaucous gull, Larus hyperboreus, it has been found that individuals with high burdens of PCBs have higher immune activity, and that there is a negative relationship between survival and PCBs. The project will experimentally test if high levels of environmental pollutants lead to more resources being spent on immune functions instead of reproduction and survival, by removing parasites in a group of glaucous gulls. It is predicted that individuals having their parasite burden reduced will show reduced investment in immunological activity compared to untreated individuals. This reduction is expected to covary with the concentrations of contaminants, and individuals with high levels will show a less flexible response to reduced parasite intensities than individuals with low levels. Effects of environmental pollutants on parasite intensity, immune defence, reproduction and survival will be

quantified to estimate how environmental pollutants influence the frequency of infectious diseases - something that can have important repercussions on the glaucous gull population. The experiment will be carried out at Bear Island where the effects of enviromental pollutants on population ecology of the glaucous gull has been studied for three years.

10 Opptak, vevsfordeling og metabolisme av heptylfenol hos torsk (Gadus morhua) etter oral eksponering

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder:Svardal, Asbjørn Forsker Prosjektnr: 134307/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20002000: 495,000

Målet med denne undersøkelsen er å bestemme kinetikken for opptak og utskillelse av den langkjedede alkylfenolen hetylfenol hos torsk. I tillegg skal forsøkene klarlegge heptylfenol sin fordeling i ulike vev samt identifisere gallemetabolitter.

11 Betydningen av langtransporterte forurensninger for nivået av tungmetaller i jord, vann og sedimenter

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Monsen, Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 134410/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-1.6.20032000: 300,000 2001: 299,963 2002: 300,000

Hovedmål: Få en bedre og mer helhetlig oversikt over betydningen av langtransporterte forurensninger for fordelingen av tungmetaller i jord og vann og innsjøsedimenterDelmål:Beregne fluxer for tungmetaller gjennom jord, vann og sedimenterBestemme de viktigste faktorene for retensjon av tungmetaller i de enkelte økosysemeneKvantifisere betydningen av forsuring for mobilisering av tungmetallerUtrede den relative betydningen av antropogene atmosfæriske avsetninger i forhold til naturlige bidrag fra

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berggrunnen for akvatiske økosystem fra ulike deler av landet

During the regional surveys in the 1990s of heavy metals in precipitation, mosses, soil, water and sediments in Norway, we know that the regional distribution of heavy metals in both air, soil, water and sediments is influenced by long-range transboundary air pollutants (lrtap). The project aims to look at all the regional data in a common context to give a better picture of the fate of the heavy metals in the different parts of the ecosystem; how much is retained in the soils, how much deposited in the sediments, what is the importance of the acidification situation and other physical and chemical conditions in the catchments for the fluxes of heavy metals through the ecosystem.

12 Biological effects in pelagic ecosystems - a practical workshop

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Hylland, Ketil Professor Prosjektnr: 134417/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20012000: 100,000

Målet for 2000 blir:

Å legge grunnlaget for en praktisk workshop som vil bli avholdt i 2001. Dette kan inndeles i følgende aktiviteter:- å etablere forpliktende avtaler med aktuelle partnere (skip, utstyr, osv)- å identifisere deltagere til den praktiske workshopen- å identifisere metoder som vil bli benyttet under den praktiske workshopen- å detaljplanlegge aktivitetene for 2001.

There is a lack of agreed methods to assess the impact of contaminants in pelagic ecosystems. Earlier workshops have successfully stimulated research into the use of biological effects methods to monitor contaminant impacts in benthic ecosystems. Many of the techniques developed have now been incorporated in national and international monitoring programmes. There is therefore a need for a co-ordinated initiative to stimulate research on effects in pelagie ecosystems. The objective of the workshop is to bring together scientists involved in relevant research in a practical workshop in order to assess the ability of selected methods to detect biological effects of contaminants in pelagic ecosystems. The methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England, Germany, Norway and Scotland will collect selected pelagic organisms and water samples at eight sampling stations in

two areas of the North Sea. Samples will be obtained on a contaminant gradient in the German Bight and in the vicinity of an oil field in the northern North Sea. In addition, cages with fish, mussels, SPMDs (semipermeable membrane devices) and DGTs (dialysis gradient in thin films) will be positioned at all stations for 5 weeks in May-June 2001. The results from the workshop will be presented for a wider audience at a conference to be held in May, 2002.

13 Undersjøisk deponering av forurensede muddermasser i marine, anoksiske bassenger - effekter av tildekking

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Schaanning, Morten T. Forsker Prosjektnr: 134419/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20042000: 250,000 2001: 350,000 2002: 430,000 2003: 430,000 2004: 250,000

Hovedmålet med prosjektet er å framskaffe kunnskap om underjordisk deponering av forurensede masser (f.eks. havnesedimenter) i avgrensede, anoksiske bassenger er en miljømessig akseptabel løsning under forutsetning av at massene etter endt deponering tildekkes med egnede rene masser.Delmålene er å fastslå: - hvilke egenskaper dekkmassene bør ha for å få til en effektiv isolering av de forurensede sedimentene (kornstørrelse, mineralsammensetning og innhold av organisk materiale)- hvilken tykkelse dekklaget bør ha for å stoppe diffusiv og advektiv transport av miljøgifter gjennom dekkmassende og for å hindre at gravende dyr blir eksponert for forurensede sedimenter- hva som skjer (fysisk, kjemisk og biologisk) hvis det anoksiske bassenget på et tidspunkt etter en dypvannsfornyelse blir oksisk

Contaminated sediments accumulated near point sources and in harbours appear in shallow water. These areas are exposed to currents, waves, underwater constructions and turbulence from ship propellers. Due to this high energy environment contaminated sediments are frequently resuspended and replaced. This increases the potential of remobilisation and bioaccumulation in marine organisms. As a consequence the contaminated sediments should be removed (dredged) to obtain an environmental improvement. At the same time the sailing depths in harbours are increased (maintenance dredging). The problem is an environmental safe disposal of contaminated dredged material. One alternative is the disposal of the dredged material in natural anoxic basins followed by capping with clean sediments. The removal

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of contaminated sediments from shallow and productive areas and deep water placement in abiotic, anoxic environment may have the following advantages: - The remobilisation of contaminants from the dredged material may be inhibited by capping. - By adding a cap sufficiently thick to exceed the depth of bioturbation the organisms established on top of the cap will not be exposed to contaminated sediments.

14 Determination and quantification of new organic pollutants in eggs from selected Norwegian predatory bird species

Prosjektansvarlig:NILU - Tromsø Prosjektleder:Kallenborn, Roland Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 134455/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20002000: 299,274

The main goal of the proposed project is to gather evidence about the fate and occurrence of new, yet scarcesly investigated persistent organic pollutants and metabolites in eggs of marine and land bound Norwegian predatory birds. Based on the results of a preliminary project financed by the Norwegian Research council, birds of prey eggs collected in Norway by the Norwegian Institute for nature Research will be subject for investigation concerning levels and distribution patterns of presistent organic pollutants. Trace analytical methods developed optimised by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research with the primary goal to integrate new compound groups of yet scarcely investigated persistent pollutants ill be employed.

Recently, a pilot study performed by the Norwegian Institutes for Air and Nature Research (NIVA) revealed high levels of persistent pollutants in eggs of Norwegian predatory bird. These first results proved the need of detailed studies on the occurrence of persistent organic pollutants in top predators. The project intends to carry out comprehensive investigations on the ecotoxicological fate of 'new' persistent compounds. 'Non-target' analysis will be included in order to elucidate the structure of yet unknown hazardous chemicals. In the initial part of the project 'new' persistent compounds will be investigated in the egg samples already collected and analysed for standard compounds during the pilot study. In addtition, new eggsamples from selected predatory bird species will be collected. These egg samples will be subject for a comprehensive analytical program. Furthermore, the ecotoxicological significance of analytical data will be evaluated by all partners involved.

15 Vannkjemiske effekter av barskogplanting på Vestlandet

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Larssen, Thorjørn Forsker Prosjektnr: 134457/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-1.1.20042000: 350,000 2001: 350,000 2002: 350,000 2003: 233,333

HovedmålVurdere betydningen av økning i barskogbestander i forsuringsfølsomme vassdrag på Vestlandet, og om de vannkjemiske endringene som følge av dette, spesielt i kombinasjon med sjøsaltepisoder, vil kunne ha negative effekter på laksebestander.

DelmålA. Kartlegge granskogbestander (areal og alder) i området Rogaland til Sør-TrøndelagB. Kartlegge forsuringstatus i jord, jordvann og vassdrag i en del aktuelle områder i de ovenfor nevnte fylkerC. Kartlegge sjøsaltpåvirkninger på bakgrunn av klimadata og nedbørkjemidata fra stasjoner i områdetD. Vurdere efffekter av sjøsalt-tilsetning på ulike jordtyper innsamlet under kartleggingen i pkt. BE. Studere effekter av sjøsalt-tilsetning i spesielt utvalgte felt på bakgrunn av pkt. A, B, C, D. Dette vil være hovedaktiviteten f.o. m. 2001.

In recent decades stocks of wild salmon have declined in many rivers on the Norwegian West Coast. One possible reason is increased water acidification, even though the acid deposition in the area has been declining. Increased afforestation with spruce can enhance water acidification in areas with low critical loads. Forest growth is a soil acidifying process, and dense monocultures of spruce may strongly acidify the soil. Coniferous trees also increase deposition of ions due to a higher scavenging effect relative to other vegetation. Hence more S-, N- and sea salt components will be deposited in the catchment. During storms with high inputs of seasalts, this may lead to increased mobilization of aluminium and hydrogen ions in the soil through ion exchange with sodium and magnesium. The result is negative impact on the aqueous fauna, including salmon. Such negative impacts from sea salt episodes were particularly well observed during a winter storm in the South West in 1993, where dead fish was observed in several rivers. In the project several sets of paired catchments (one afforested with spruce, the other natural birch-pine-heather) will be investigated to quantify the acidifying effect of afforestation, in particular during seasalt episodes. The catchments will be located along the Norwegian West Coast from the county of Møre and Romsdal in the North to Rogaland in the South.

Page 7: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

Vegetation, soil and stream water will be studied, and the data integrated with the help of acidification models.

16 Mekanismer for biologisk skade av fotodynamisk behanding og UVA stråling

Prosjektansvarlig:Det Norske Radiumhospital HF,Inst. for kreftforskningProsjektleder:Moan, Johan Forsker Prosjektnr: 135194/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 17.4.2000-31.12.20002000: 270,000

Hovedmål:Oppnå større kunnskap om betydningen av og mekanismene for cellekommunikasjon i strålingsbiologi og fotobiologi.Delmål:1. Verifisere bystander fenomener ved stråling på bredest mulig grunnlag.2. Undersøke hvilke typer skade som kan formidles mellom celler3. Kartlegge mekanismene som ligger til grunn for de koorperative fenomenene som er observert4.. Gjennomføre disputas for Jostein Dahle før 31.12.2000

By measuring the distribution of radiation damage in microcolonies and confluent monolayers the project has shown that a bystander effect plays an important part in cell damage induced by UVA-radiation and photochemotherapy. Damage is transferred to neighboring cells. More knowledge about the bystander effect and the mechanisms behind can be important for the understanding of radiation induced carcinogenesis. Different fotosensizers have been used to investigate if the cellular localization of the initial damage is important. Gap junctional intercellular communication has been shown not to be involved in the bystander effect in photodynamic treatment. The bystander effect has been verified both for cells dying by necrosis and for cells dying by apoptosis. The project has started to investigate if molecules involved in oxidative stress are involved in the bystander effect. The significance of lipid peroxidation processes will also be investigated.

17 Operasjonelt verktøy for tiltaksvurdering av forurensede marine sedimenter

Prosjektansvarlig:SINTEF Kjemi - Trondheim Prosjektleder:Ramstad, Svein Forsker

Prosjektnr: 135288/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20002000: 100,000

Målsettingen med dette prosjektet er å utarbeide en revidert prosjektsøknad til programstyret for PROFO rettet mot utvikling av et operasjonelt verktøy for tiltaksvurdering av forurensede marine sedimenter der det tas hensyn til innspill/kommentarer fra programstyret.

18 Kjemisk og toksikologisk karakterisering av olje-vann- systemer relatert til utslipp av olje i marint miljø

Prosjektansvarlig:SINTEF Kjemi - Trondheim Prosjektleder:Daling, Per S. Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 135306/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20042000: 391,000

Hovedmål: (Overordnet mål for doktorgradsarbeidet) - Gjennomføre grunnleggende kjemiske og toksikologiske studier av olje: vann-systemer generert under realistiske eksponeringsbetingelser. Dette skal danne grunnlag for å bedre dagens modellverktøy for prediksjon av biologiske effekter av oljeutslipp i marint miljø. Delmål: (For prosjektperioden det søkes støtte for her) - Formulere sammenhenger mellom kjemisk sammensetning av vannløselig fraksjon fra olje og observert giftighet. - Kartlegge korrelasjon mellom giftighetsdata oppnådd med Microtox(R)-testen og andre metoder for giftighetstesting (litteraturstudium) Evaluere brukbarheten av Microtox-data som input til modeller som predikerer miljøeffekter. - Ferdigstille publikasjoner (~4) fra doktorgradsarbeidet. ( i tillegg foreligger 2). - Skriv sammen avhandling (basert på publikasjonene)

19 Radonemanasjon og geokjemiske prosesser - en prediktiv modell for potensiell anrikning av Ra og U

Prosjektansvarlig:Geovitenskap, Institutt for,Universitetet i BergenProsjektleder:Lauritzen, Stein-Erik Professor Prosjektnr: 135370/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 25.4.2000-24.7.20032000: 411,000 2001: 594,768 2002: 430,000 2003: 166,366

Page 8: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

Hovedmål: 1. Finne sammenhengen mellom sekundære mineraliseringer i løsmasser og transport og anrikning av uran-serie nuklider med hensyn til radon emanasjon.2. Utvikle en modell for potensiell anrikning av uran-serie nuklider i ulike mineraliseringer (f.eks. Fe-, Mn-oksider og humus). 3. Stimulere transort og eventuell anrikning av radon fra slike mineraliseringer ved hjelp av matematiske modeller som utvikles parallelt under TRIL-II prosjektet.Delmål: 1. Danne grunnlag for sikrere vurderinger av risiko for forhøyet radonkonsentrasjon i nye byggeområder.2. Bedre utnyttingen av innsamlede data i TRIL-II prosjektet3. Øke samarbeidet mellom forskningsinstitusjoner og FOU i næringslivet.

20 The Fate of Drilling Chemicals in Off-shore Pile Deposits. Simulated Seabed Study on 14 C-Labelled Esters and Olefins

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Schaanning, Morten T. Forsker Prosjektnr: 135440/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-30.3.20022000: 570,000 2001: 570,000

Main objective:To assess the fate of the organic chemicals attached to bore hole cuttings when deposited in thick layers (piles) on the seabed close to off-shore installations.Sub-objectives:- Improve understanding of natural remediation processes of contaminated sediments- Obtain biodegradation rates of drilling fluids on buried cuttings- Compare in situ degradation rates of two of the most commonly used chemicals (an olefin and an ester)- Assessment of the formation of refactory metabolites from the organic phase- Assessment of bio-accumulation of drilling fluids using 14 C and 133Ba in organisms and sediments.

Simulated seabed studies performed by Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) at Marine Research Station Solbergstrand have been used by authorities and industry to select chemicals with least harmfull effects on the seabed environment. These studies were designed to simulate thin layer deposits at 50 m or more away from the discharge site (platform). Closer to the platforms, cuttings have accumulated in thicker piles within which degradation is assumed to occurr anoxic, hence more slowly. In forthcoming decomissioning and site clean up, major questions are how fast will natural remediation

processes operate and how soon can normal activities (e.g. trawling) be resumed? The experiment proposed here was designed to address pile remediation rates and mechanisms involved. The abundance of opportunistic animals found at pile fringes suggests that bioturbation (burrowing and pumping) may play an important role in pile erosion. One hypotheses may be: Anaerobic degradation tests show that chemical A degrade faster than chemical B. However, chemical A have more negative effects than chemical B on bioturbation. Overall effect is that in the natural seabed environment chemical B degrade faster than chemical A. By insertion of a layer of contaminated cuttings below a diverse benthic community in replicate mesocosm enclosures, realistic degradation rates, pathways, metabolites and end-products, as well as possible interactions between the contaminants and the benthic communities will be studied. The use of 14C-labelled chemicals is expected to greatly enhance the interpretation of results.

21 Plantevernmidler i norsk jordbrukslandsskap: Kilder, Oppholdstid, Nedbrytning, Transport og Miljøeffekter i vann "KONTAM"

Prosjektansvarlig:Jordforsk Prosjektleder:Ludvigsen, Gro Hege Forsker Prosjektnr: 135509/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20002000: 399,735

Hovedmål: Årsaksforklare, verifisere og internasjonalt publisere sammenhenger i jordsmonnsovervåkingsprogrammets plantevernmiddelovervåking.

Delmål 1: Påvise og publisere eventuelle sammenhenger mellom:- nedbør/avrenning/partikkeltransport og forekomst av plantevernmidler i JOVÅ-felt med vannføringsmålinger.- plantevermidlenes egenskaper med hensyn på binding/mobilitet, nedbrytning og forekomst av plantevernmidler i akvatisk miljø

Delmål 2: Utvikle metoder for biologisk overvåking av effekter av plantevernmidler i akvatisk miljø og verifisere eventuelle funn gjennom labforsøk.

Page 9: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

22 Ecotoxicological studies on the fate of new hazardous compounds in freshwater and marine food chains at Bear Island

Prosjektansvarlig:Akvaplan Niva AS Prosjektleder:Dahle, Salve Direktør Prosjektnr: 135604/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-1.5.20022000: 520,000 2001: 770,000

The main goal of the project is to study biomagnification of selected POPs ('new' contaminants) in Arctic freshswater and marine food chains from Bear Island.Subgoals:- to study the linkages between the marine and the limnic ecosystem on Bear Island, and to quantify to which extend 'new' contaminants are transferred from the marine food chains to the freshwater food chains through the deposition of guano.- to integrate the result from relevant ecotoxicological research programs that are presently run on Bear Island - to produce information/results which can be used in the development of monitoring programmes for Arctic areas

There is an increasing concern about the distribution and possible biological effects of the so-called "new" contaminants (e.g. toxaphenes, brominated flame-retardants, polychlorinated alkanes, polychlorinated naphtalenes). As Bear Island (or at least a part of the island) can be considered as a focussing zone for long-range atmospheric transport of contaminants, this proposal suggests to use Bear Island as a case study, in order to produce information that can be used in the development of future monitoring programmes for Arctic areas. The aim of the present project is to map levels of selected "new" contaminants and study their biomagnification in freshwater and marine food chains at Bear Island. By linking the results from freshwater and marine food chains it is aimed to elucidate whether trophodynamics and interaction between marine and terrestrial food chains can be natural mechanisms for biomagnification of POPs in specific geographic areas.

23 Ellasjøen, Bear Island - a mass balance study of a highly contaminated arctic area

Prosjektansvarlig:Akvaplan Niva AS Prosjektleder:Christensen, Guttorm Normann Forsker Prosjektnr: 135632/720

Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2000-31.12.20042000: 300,000 2001: 1,200,000 2002: 800,000 2003: 500,000 2004: 300,000

Hovedmålsetting med prosjektet er å bestemme kilder og transportveier ved episodiske tilfeller, samt bestemme belastning av langtransporterte organiske miljøgifter tilført med luft og deponert i et avgrenset arktisk område (Bjørnøya) i Barentshavet. Dette skal gjennomføres ved kvalitativ og kvantitativ bestemmelse av den atmosfæriske transporten og deposisjon fra nedbør, fordampingsprosesser, 3D-trajektorieanalyser i tillegg til studier av miljøgiftenes oppførsel i de terrestriske og limniske systemene. Tidligere innsamlet datamateriale og data fra denne studien vil gi et omfattende grunnlag for utarbeidelse av teoretiske modeller som beskriver transport, deposisjon og akkumulering av langtransporterte organiske miljøgifter i et arktisk område. Målsetting for 2000 og 2001 vil være å gjennomføre målinger og analyser av miljøgifter i regn, snø og tåke. Videre vil det bli gjennomført en sammenligning av meteorologiske forhold mellom Ellasjøen og et område nord på Bjørnøya. Ved forhøyede konsentrasjoner av miljøgifter i måleperioden (episoder) vil det bli gjennomført 3D-trajektorieanalyser for å vurdere kilder.

As there is no local source to explain the elevated levels of contaminants on Bear Island, the questions that need to be addressed include the source of these contaminants, the transport pathways that deliver these contaminants to this site, total deposition and finally contaminant fate including biological uptake and effects. As outlined in the AMAP report, atmospheric long-range transport is a very important source for a selected number of semi-volatile compounds, including the above mentioned chemicals. The project will carry out a mass balance study on the sources and the sinks of POPs for the Ellasjøen area. The results obtained from the field studies will be used for an integrative modelling of the POP fate in this well-defined area. Furthermore, the model developed during the project can be used for other related studies to estimate POP input and behavior. The basis for the project is a suspicion that Bear Island is situated in a "contaminant focusing zone". Whether or not this suspicion is correct, will be a major research issue in the project. Two overall questions forms the basis for the project: - How can local meteorological conditions influence the principles of global atmospheric transport of POPs? - How does a pristine and fragile ecosystem deal with a high POP input? The project will provide unique data for the estimation of atmospheric input into the Norwegian Arctic. In connection with the already installed sampling facilities in Ny-ζlesund, the data from the Ellasjøen sample station can be used to model and predict atmospheric transport of a variety of airborne persistant pollutants. In addition, the

Page 10: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

Ellasjøen project can be seen as a pilot study to estimate the influence of small scale or local meteorological parameters in a large-scale atmospheric transport process. The results can be used to describe the transport and deposition of persistant pollutants and their fate in a pristine ecosystem. The obtained data can further be used to support political decision-makers on a national and international level.

24 Satellittelemetri sjøfugl: sjøfuglers arealutnyttelse i relasjon til sårbarhet for oljeforurensninger

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA Hovedadm. Prosjektleder:Anker-Nilssen, Tycho Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 136378/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.1999-31.12.20001999: 152,000

Prosjektet har til formål å øke kunnskapen om pelagiske sjøfuglers sårbarhet for forurensninger fra petroleumsvirksomheten ved å studere sjøfuglenes arealutnyttelse i og utenfor hekkesesongen. Arbeidet tar i bruk avansert satellittelemetrisk utstyr som i dag er den eneste kostnadseffektive metoden for slike undersøkelser. I første omgang vil en, som et pilotstudium, prøve ut metoden på lunder som hekker på Røst og bidra til utvikling av mindre og mer formålstjenlige satellittsendere ved å delta i et nordisk samarbeid. Arbeidet er en videreføring av et treårig prosjekt som ble igangsatt av OED i 1998.

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) has purchased five of the smallest satellite transmitters available for diving birds and used them on Atlantic puffins breeding in Røst, North Norway. The work in 1998 was financed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, motivated by the enormous potential this method has for studying the movement patterns of individual birds at sea. Such information is vital for quantifying the risk that pelagic seabirds get in contact with contamination from the petroleum industry. The puffin population of Røst constitutes 15% of all Norwegian seabirds by numbers and is the nation's largest aggregation of seabirds with a particularly high vulnerability to oil pollution. Besides improving the virtually non-existing knowledge of how this internationally important population utilises the sea areas, experiences from this pilot study may also be of practical importance for the development of new and smaller transmitters that can be used on a wider range of species.

25 Påvirkning av løst og dispergert olje fra regulære utslipp og uhellsutslipp på fisk

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder:Serigstad, Bjørn Daglig leder Prosjektnr: 136380/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.1999-31.12.19991999: 200,000

Undersøke hvordan opptak og utskillelse av olje varierer hos torsk, avhengig av oljetype og behandling av oljen med kjemiske midler. Sammenligning av fôret og sultet torsk i en forsøksperiode på 1 måned, for å undersøke om fôropptak og ernæringsstatus påvirker opptaks- og utskillelseshastighet samt eventuelle effekter. Undersøkelse av gallemetabolitter, cytochrome p450 EROD, ELISA-aktivitet i lever, vitellogenin, estradiol, serumioner og kompakthet av beinvev blir påvirket av oljeeksponeringen. Fisk fra de enkelte forsøksgrupper blir etter eksponering overført til smitteforsøk for å undersøke om immunsystemet er påvirket av olje eller dispergert olje.

26 Alkylerte fenolers hormonelle innvirkning på torsk

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder:Svardal, Asbjørn Forsker Prosjektnr: 136382/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.1999-31.12.20001999: 480,000

Det primære mål er å påvise eksperimentelt om alkylerte fenoler kan forstyrre den normale sesongmessige variasjon av kjønnshormon og modningsinduserende hormon hos torsk og klarlegge om slike stoff direkte eller indirekte kan påvirke fiskens reproduksjon. En vil samtidig studere hvilke effekter slike stoffer har på de to viktigste avgiftningssystemene hos fisk, nemlig cytokrom P450 og glutation-systemet.

27 Bioteststudier av ulike typer råolje og oljerelaterte kjemikalier på fiskeegg og larver under realistiske eksponeringsbetingelser


Page 11: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

Prosjektleder:Serigstad, Bjørn Daglig leder Prosjektnr: 136384/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.1999-31.12.19991999: 300,000

Undersøke terskelverdier for effekt på ulike utviklingstrinn hos torsk, sild, lodde og makrell. Det vil bli undersøkt om ekspneringen påvirker larvenes fysiologi og adferd. Adferdsstudiene vil hovedsakelig bestå i undersøkelse av hvordan eksponeringen påvirker larvenes evne til å unnvike predatorer og deres evne til selv å fange byttedyr. Det vil også bli undersøkt om tilstedeværelse av alger eller annen biomasse i testsystemet påvirker terskelen for effekt på testorganismen.

28 Alkylerte fenolers hormonelle innvirkning på torsk: Del 2B -Generasjonseffekter

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder:Asbjørn SvardalProsjektnr: 136386/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.10.1999-31.12.20001999: 190000

Prosjektets hovedmål og delmål

Prosjektet er en oppfølging av et større påbegynt prosjekt som det også søkes midler til med tittel: Alkylerte fenolers hormonelle innvirkning på torsk. Sistnevnte prosjekt er en undersøkelse på foreldrefisk om alkylerte fenoler kan forstyrre den sesongmessige variasjon av kjønnshormon og modningsinduserende hormon hos torsk og således påvirke fiskens reproduksjon. Samtidig studeres eventuell innvirkning på fiskens detoksifiseringssystemer.

Prosjektet som skisseres her er et oppfølgingsprosjekt på ovennevnte og er primært et studie av kjønnsdifferensieringen av avkommet (yngel fra den eksponerte morfisken). Dersom en kan dokumentere påvirkning på kjønnsdifferensiering som følge av alkylfenolpåvirkning av foreldrefisken, legges eksperimentene opp slik at mekanismene for dette også med sannsynlighet kan påvises.

Et delmål er å undersøke om alkylfenoler gitt til foreldrefisken kan påvirke otolittenes bilaterale symmetri hos avkommet. Dette kan være av interesse siden det er blitt foreslått at graden av avvik fra denne symmetri kan reflektere ulike typer miljørelatert stress.


Det finnes et stort behov for økt kunnskap om virkningene, spesielt langtidsvirkningene, av regulære utslipp av kjemikalier og oljeholdig produksjonsvann fra petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel. Som et ledd i arbeidet med å fremskaffe slik kunnskap skisseres et prosjekt hvor en vil studere bestemte bioeffekter av en viktig stoffgruppe som finnes i produsert vann - alkylerte fenoler. Eksponering for slike forbindelser kan medføre endokrinologiske forstyrrelser både hos mennesker, andre mammalske organismer og fisk, med reproduksjonsproblemer som den endelige konsekvens. Problemet omfattes av den grunn med stor interesse både i vitenskapelige kretser og massemedia. Undersøkelsen gjøres ved å sammenligne hormonell utvikling, gonadeutvikling og eggkvalitet hos en kontrollgruppe med to grupper som er blitt eksponert for alkylerte fenoler. Hormonell utvikling følges ved at det tas regelmessige blodprøver av fisken for å se om alkylerte fenoler påvirker de sesongmessige variasjonene av kjønnshormonene østradiol-17^X og testosteron samt det modningsinduserende steroid 17^t, 20^X-dihydroksy-4-pregnen-3-on. Histologiske og morfologiske målinger inngår for å studere gonadeutviklingen. Mengde alkylerte fenoler som er akkumulert i lever og gonader bestemmes sammen med en rekke biokjemiske parametre som cytokrom P450 og glutation med tilknyttede enzymer.

29 Akkumulerbarhet, langtidseffekter og persistens av løst og dispergert olje i sjøvann. Workshop for tilrettelegging av forskningsaktiviteter

Prosjektansvarlig:SINTEF Kjemi, TrondheimProsjektleder:Odd Gunnar BrakstadProsjektnr: 136390/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.8.1999-31.12.20001999: 100.000

Prosjektets hovedmål og delmål:Å arrangere en Workshop for å belyse forskningsbehov innen studier av marin oljeforurensning, med vekt på identifikasjon og skjebne av oljekomponenter som gir potensielle langtidseffekter, pelagiske organismer som er utsatt for slike effekter, samt indikatororganismer og biomarkører som kan være egnet til overvåkningsformål.Delmål:-Planlegge og ta stillling til hvilken form Workshop'en skal ha, hvilke foredragsholdere, og om den skal være lukket eller åpen for interesserte- planlegge og gjennomføre den praktiske delen av Workshop'en

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- Foreta en oppsummering fra Workshop'en i form av en rapport med anbefaling av påfølgende forskningsaktiviteter.

Prosjektsammendrag:Prosjektet skal belyse forskningsbehov knyttet til langtidseffekter av oljeforurensninger i vannsøylen med vekt på opptak og subakutte effekter, persistens, nedbrytbarhet og metabolisme, identifikasjon av oljeforbindelser og kjemikalier som gir mulige langtidseffekter, følsomme organismegrupper/livsstadier og markørsystemer som kan benyttes og være egnet i overvåkingsøyemed. Prosjektet vil bli utført ved å definere disse forskningsbehov i rapports form. Fokus vil være på utslipp fra kontinuerlige kilder som produsertvann, men har også relevans for akutte utslipp i form av overflate- eller undervannsutslipp, samt påvirkning fra operasjonelle inngrep.

30 Dioksiner i GrenlandsfjordeneProsjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Næs, Kristoffer Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 139032/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 20.3.2000-1.4.20042000: 1,000,000 2001: 585,130 2002: 3,414,870 2003: 266,666

Hovedmål: Prosjektet skal gi en helhetlig, kvantitativ forståelse av kjemisk og biologisk flyt av dioksiner i Grenlandsfjordene.

Delmål: (refererer til mål for de enkelte underprosjektene):- utvikle en helhetlig, kvantitativ forståelse av kilder, transporter (massebalanser) og omsetning av dioksiner i vann og sediment- utvikle statiske og tidsdynamiske modeller for den abiotiske flyten av dioksiner- etablere sammenfattende modell som kvantitativt binder sammen abiotiske massebalanser og biologisk respons - utvikle og anvende verktøy for risikovurdering av miljøgifter i norske kystøkosystem- etablere struktur for intern og ekstern kommunikasjon og informasjonsflyt for hovedprosjektet

Emissions, distribution, fate and effects of micropollutants have been, and still are, an environmental issue of major concern nationally and internationally. In Norway, changes in production processes and installation of cleaning devices over the past decade have resulted in a strong decline in emissions from industrial point sources. Consequently, concentrations in water, sediments and biota have decreased. For organisms, the decrease has not necessarily been direct proportional to the reductions in emissions, as is the case for dioxins in the

Grenlandsfjords, Southern Norway. The objective of the project is to achieve a holistic, quantitative understanding of abiotic and biotic distribution and effects of dioxins in this area. This is done through:1. Abiotic mass balances, both as a simple empirical model and as steady and unsteady state fugacity models. 2. Analyses of uptake, accumulation and effects of dioxins in selected marine food webs. 3. The use of the results in risk assessment models.

31 The effect of the noise environment at schools and kindergartens for children's development

Prosjektansvarlig:Transportøkonomisk institutt (TØI) Prosjektleder:Klæboe, Ronny Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 139441/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.7.2000-31.12.20002000: 200,000

Objective: Gain competence with regard to the effects of noise for children's development during kindergarten and school. Sub goal for this pilot project: Review literature in the field. The follow up proposal will describe a project to chart kindergarten and school situations with the object of assessing the number of situations where external or internal generated noise may have an adverse effect on development. Sub-goal : establish contact with researchers working in this field. Sub-goal: strengthen contact with Ministry of Education and teachers associations.

Children in our largest cities are in many cases exposed to high external noise levels as the result of child care institutions and schools being situated in the vicinity of road, railroads and/or airports. Noise from classroom activities and in the learning situations, inadequate noise isolation and indoor climate problems contribute to an adverse learning environment. Children's needs in schools and kindergartens are however not adequately covered by working environment or other legislation and often neglected. Competence on the different aspects of noise in kindergarten and schools and their effects on children's environment and the impact of noise on the development is needed. Such competence is a prerequisite before undertaking studies paying a closer look at externally and internally produced noise exposure in kindergarten and school situations in a second stage and in a third stage suggest remedial action and noise reduction measures. Noise reduction measures can be technical, but changes in conduct codes, teaching schedules, teaching modes and other non-technical approaches may also be productive. Positive measures in order to provide a supportive sound environment should also be considered at this stage.

Page 13: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

32 Environmental noiseProsjektansvarlig:SINTEF IKT,SystemutviklingProsjektleder:Gjestland, Truls Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 139443/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.7.2000-31.12.20002000: 1,000,000

Plans for a comprehensive long term research program on environmental noise with this objective will be developed. The primary goal of the initial study is to provide a foundation for the development of a computer assisted information system for noise information and for noise planning purposes, primarily to be used by agencies on a national or regional level. The system will be based on Internet technology. It will provide decision support in the noise planning process, give the decision makers information about noise, noise abatement, and the noise impact of existing and planned installations, and supply a basis for priorities for noise policies. The system will also provide an arena for co-operation in the noise research area among Norwegian research institutions. This will give a synergetic effect and form the basis for a successful implementation of the official government policy.

Plans for a comprehensive long term research program on environmental noise will be developed. A web-based information system will be developed. The system will consist of interchangeable modules containing noise data and computation methods such as data for fixed and mobile noise sources, noise propagation models, techniques and calculation procedures for noise abatement, models for assessment of negative noise impact (annoyance, sleep disturbance, health effects, etc.) The system will also contain geographical information and statistical information about population, dwellings, weather, noise sources, etc. and it will contain information about noise regulations, planning procedures, examples of best practice, etc. The system will be highly modular with well defined input and output parameters, so that individual modules can be interchanged and replaced by new ones. These modules can be further developed as independent research projects by any of the institutions participating in the program. This proposal describes necessary work to establish a provisional prototype to display the possibilities and potential for an information system like this. This provisional system will also be the basis for further planning of a noise research program, and it will act as a platform for co-operation among relevant research institution. The prototype system will focus on road traffic noise. Plans for a workshop for potential research partners and prospective users of the information system are included

in this proposal. This workshop will produce valuable input and priorities to the noise research program. Specific plans for research projects in selected areas will be developed. These areas constitute modules in the information system that need to be studied further. This planning process also involves university students and a postdoctoral position at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and The Norwegian National Institute of Public Health. A consortium has been established to present a project proposal under the 5th EU Framework Program. Finally a continuing education course in environmental noise engineering will be presented at NTNU, in order to strengthen the competence and know-how among Norwegian authorities and consultants.

33 Indicators linking transport activities to transport noise annoyance in Norway - A study into a noise policy result control system, using tr

Prosjektansvarlig:Statistisk sentralbyrå Prosjektleder:Rypdal, Kristin Forsker Prosjektnr: 139444/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.5.2000-31.12.20002000: 300,000

The overall objective with the suggested pilot project is to evaluate the possibilities for establishing a cost-efficient and simplified system of result control for noise, covering status and trends for noise emissions, quality, exposure and annoyance. Such system will provide data on an annual basis according to the objectives presented in the Parliamentary White Paper no 8 (1999-2000). The sub-goal is to increase the competence in this field through the cooperation between Statistics Norway and Institute for Transport Economy.

A cooperation between Institute for Transport Economy (TØI) and Statistics Norway (SN) is established to develope a simple indicator system for noise according to the goals stated above. The possible future system that is outlined in the suggested pilot project, should at an annual basis supply authorities, research environments and the general public with indicators at a national level concerning status and trends for noise emissions, quality, exposure and annoyance. The indicator system will be limited to noise from road traffic, airports and railroads. These are the main contributors to noise annoyance at a national scale. It is a precondition that such a system is kept simple, and that it is operative after a relative short period of time of development. However, possibilities to extend and improve the system with new or improved modules, data and other information must be open.

Page 14: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

The national result goal is connected to annoyance. More infrequent, additional socio-acoustic surveys are suggested. Here noise exposure modelling is linked to the simpler indicators, and the simple annoyance indicators are linked to a more extensive survey of the population, including their activities, environmental attitudes and the meaning they attach to noise. At the same time it is necessary to establish indicators of important changes in the population and in society that might change the relationship between a given noise exposure and people's reactions.

34 Passive sampling of metals ions in water using DGTs

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Røyset, Oddvar Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 140375/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 600,000 2002: 600,000

Study passive sampling for metal ions in water using the novel DGT passive sampler. The project will focus on the following topics 1) Develop analytical methods using the DGT - sampler for toxic metals using ICPMS as measurements methods. 2) The elements most toxic to salmon will be studied (the soil acid reactive metals normally released in acid water A1, Fe and Mn, as well as Cu, Zn). Study the behavior of these ions compared to DGT in the pH-range 4 to 7 in natural fresh waters. 3) Compare DGT to common biomonitors (Salmon gills samples and river mosses) to establish DGTs as a new biomonitoring tool. 4) To the extent possible we will use the multielement possibilities of ICPMS to document the sampler for additional metals (the classical heavy metals and other trace elements which might have environmental interest either as pollutant or as an tracer.

A novel sampling technique based on passive diffusional sampling of metal ions in water have been developed by Bill Davison and Hao Zhang at Aquatic Chemistry, Environmental Science Department, Lancaster University, UK. The technique was first described in 1994 in Nature, is patented and commercially available. The DGT (Diffusional Gradients in Thin films) is a major breakthrough in sampling of labile ("bioavailable") metal species in water. It is the first sampler manufactured which has succeeded in sampling ions from aqueous solution based truly on diffusion alone and where it is possible to estimate free metal concentrations in the water phase just based on the diffusional behavior of metal ions. The diffusional property of some of the most common heavy metal ions are now well understood, the sampler works well for heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Co and Ni. Promising results suggest that the sampler may be used for environmental important di/tri-valent metal ions

such as Al, Fe, Mn, Hg, U and many others. The goal of this project is to study the DGT passive sampler for the measurement of metal ions in water with focus on the most toxic elements to salmon (Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) as well as the classical heavy metals and elements of environmental interest. To evaluate the sampler one needs to study the diffusional behavior of metal ions in the diffusion barrier gels used in the DGT in the pH-range 4 to 7. The project will compare DGT and salmon gill analysis to establish DGT as a new biomonitor of metal exposure to salmon. The project will also compare the results from DGTs with the established trace/heavy metal biomonitor river moss, to establish relations between river mosses and DGTs. ICPMS will be used as measurements methods. One will use the multielement possibilities of ICPMS to document the sampler for additional metals in different fresh water samples the classical heavy metals and other trace elements which might have environmental interest either as pollutant or as an tracer.

35 ANC-RECOVERY. Hva er den kjemiske grenseverdien for naturlig reproduksjon hos ørret under redusert forsuring

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Rosseland, Bjørn Olav Professor Prosjektnr: 140379/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20042001: 700,000 2002: 700,000 2003: 700,000

Hovedmål:· Finne ANClimit for reetablering av en selv-reproduserende ørretbestand · Fastlegge dose-respons for Al i gytebekker for ørret for å bedre ANC til bruk i modeller for "recovery"· Utvikle ny overvåkingsmetodikk med bruk av passive prøvetakere (DGT-teknologi) for metaller og koble disse til gjellemetall og dødelighet hos ørret. Delmål:.Identifisere fysiologiske og histologiske effekter på ørret av vannkvaliteter analysert tradisjonelt og ved bruk av DGT-teknologi, for å utvikle effektmodeller for anvendelse av passive prøvetakere i overvåkingsammenheng· Ved standard fiskeundersøkelser i innsjøer koble vannkvalitet og økotoksikologi i gyte- og oppvekstområder til bestandsresponser og vannkvalitet i innsjøer

Page 15: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

36 Mykorrhiza-soppfloraen i heipreget skog med høy nitrogen-belastning, effekter på produksjon og biodiversitet

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA - Oslo Prosjektleder:Brandrud, Tor Erik Forsker Prosjektnr: 140391/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20052001: 120,000 2002: 95,000 2003: 95,000 2004: 95,000 2005: 175,000

Å vise hvordan endringer av mykorrhizasoppfloraen i heipregete furuskogområder henger sammen med variasjon i nitrogenbelastning, herunder:- analysere endringer og tap av mangfold i definerte furuskogsutforminger i belastede områder som avvik fra 1) lite belastet referanseområde og 2) forventet naturtilstand, blant annet ved bruk av multivariat statistikk- vurdere tålegrenser for følsomme arter/artsgrupper i f.t. nitrogendeposisjon og nitrogenmetning- etablere/videreføre tidsstudier av referanseområder med ulik nitrogenbelastning.

In large-scale-Nitrogen-experiments (the NITREX programme) the mycorrhizal fungi stands out as one of the most sensitive biotoa with respect to N-saturation in coniferous forests. Similar, negative effects on the mycorrhizal fungi are to be expected in southernmost Norway, in shallow-soil, open pine forests where N-leachage has been recorded. These effects are expected to increase in the future because of: 1. Continuous high N-deposition (almost unchanged levels). 2. Gradually increased degree of N-saturation in the soil. 3. Climate changes leading to increased decomposition and release of accumulated, organic N. The mycorrhizal fungus flora will be investigated in ecologically similar, oligotrophic, open, shallow-soil pine forests along a gradient in N-deposition, including permanent plots investigated first time 10 years ago. Possible changes and loss of biodiversity in plots with high N-deposition will be measured as deviation from (i) reference site conditions (site with low deposition), and (ii) deviation from expected natural conditions. Multivariate methods will be applied. Critical loads will be estimated for sensitive species/species groups, that is taxa that according to experimental studies seem to be important bioindicators on N-pollution.

37 Biological effects of contaminants in pelagic ecosystems - a practical workshop

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Hylland, Ketil Professor Prosjektnr: 140393/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 740,000 2002: 440,000

The objective of the workshop is to bring together scientists involved in relevant work in a practical workshop in order to assess the ability of selected methods to detect biological effects of contaminants in pelagic ecosystems under uniform and standardised conditions. The methods will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes.

There is a lack of agreed methods to assess the impact of contaminants in pelagic ecosystems. Earlier workshops have successfully stimulated research into the use of biological effects methods to monitor contaminant impacts in benthic ecosystems. Many of the techniques developed have now been incorporated in national and international monitoring programmes. There is therefore a need for a co-ordinated initiative to stimulate research on effects in pelagie ecosystems. The objective of the workshop is to bring together scientists involved in relevant research in a practical workshop in order to assess the ability of selected methods to detect biological effects of contaminants in pelagic ecosystems. The methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England, Germany, Norway and Scotland will collect selected pelagic organisms and water samples at eight sampling stations in two areas of the North Sea. Samples will be obtained on a contaminant gradient in the German Bight and in the vicinity of an oil field in the northern North Sea. In addition, cages with fish, mussels, SPMDs (semipermeable membrane devices) and DGTs (dialysis gradient in thin films) will be positioned at all stations for 5 weeks in May-June 2001. The results from the workshop will be presented for a wider audience at a conference to be held in May, 2002.

38 Bruk av overvåkningsdata i modellering av effekter av Göteborgprotokollen

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Larssen, Thorjørn Forsker

Page 16: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

Prosjektnr: 140401/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 250,000 2002: 250,000

Hovedmål: Utnytte overvåkingsdata i modellering av framtidige effekter av Göteborgprotokollen, inkludere usikkerheter og presentere prognoser for effekter med sannsynligheter for måloppnåelse.

Delmål: A) Kvalifisere usikkerehet i kalibrering av MAGIC for overvåkningens feltforsøksområder.B) Inkludere usikkerheter i modellering av vannkjemiske effekter basert på regionale overvåkningsdata.c) Presentere prognoser for vannkjemi på regional skala som sannsynligheter for å oppnå politisk definerte mål med utgangspunkt i Göteborgprotokollen.

The project will utilize the available monitoring data from Norway in modeling of future effects of implementing the Gothenburg protocol. The dynamic acidification model MAGIC will be applied for prediction of the water chemistry in 4 field research stations and about 100 lakes included in the Norwegian Pollution Control Authorities' monitoring program. Effort will be made to take into account uncertainties in available data as well as in the model and it will be emphasized on presenting the data as risks and probabilities rather than absolute limits for exceedance of critical loads. The project will contribute to utilize monitoring data in prediction of the effect of the present agreements and as basis for further work on international agreements on long range transported air pollutants. Earlier no effort has been made to couple results from dynamic acidification modeling with risk analysis.

39 Utlekking, transport, omdanning og akkumulering av miljøgifter fra deponi til marint miljø

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 140405/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20042001: 300,000 2002: 800,000 2003: 800,000 2004: 300,000

Hovedmål: å øke kunnskapen om hvordan sjønære avfallsdeponier fungerer som miljøgiftkilder til fjorder, og hvordan transportveier, spredning, omsetning og bioakkumulering av tungmetaller er avhengig av kildeegenskaper, tilstandsform, salinitetsgradienter og partikkelforhold.

Delmål:-Klarlegge hvordan tungmetallers mobilitet og tilstandsform i sjønære deponier endres som følge av faktorer som gir utlekking.- Bedre kunnskapen om hvordan salinitet og partikkelforhold i en fjord styrer transport, omsetning, sedimentering og bioakkumulering av tungmetaller med ulik tilstandsform.- Sammenlikne bioindikatorers og passive indikatorers evne til å påvise episodisk tungmetalltilførsel som funksjon av tilstandsform, salinitet og partikkelforhold.

Shoreline waste deposits are in focus as contaminant sources in Norwegian fjords. Heavy metals appear in various physical and chemical state in such waste, and processes which cause leachage may change the state. Metals leaching to the sea are absorbed to and desorbed from particles. These processes are regulated by state of the metals, particle properties, and conditions in the receiving water, e.g. salinity. Dispersion, sedimentation and bioaccumulation in the fjord may thus be a function of conditions in the waste deposit and in the recipient, as well as of the episodic factors that cause the leaching. The project aims to study a set of hypotheses regarding the significance of these factors in affecting the fate of metals in an estuarine fjord system. This will be done through a series of mesocosm experiments where a model waste deposit is coupled to a model fjord with several basins separated by sills. The mesocosm system is established at the NIVA Marine Research Station Solbergstrand. The project will study the significance of episodic factors causing leaching of heavy metals from the model waste deposit, and compare how the metals are distributed in water, suspended matter, bottom sediment, accumulating organisms (bioindicators) and passive samplers across a salinity gradient along the model fjord. The experiments will comprise analyses of total metal concentrations, binding state, metal origin (through stable isotope ratios), particle characteristics, and a range of supporting parameters in the various compartments of the waste deposit and the fjord.

40 Endocrine disruption in Arctic top predators. Synergistic effects of contaminant mixtures on steroid hormone physiology

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk Polarinstitutt Prosjektleder:Wolkers, Hans Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 140408/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.4.2001-1.4.20042001: 290,000 2002: 261,970

Page 17: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

This proposal will aim as studying the synergistic effects of contaminant mixtures on the steroid hormone physiology and possible reproductive impairment in arctic seals. Analytical techniques and knowledge from different research disciplines will be combined, resulting in a multidisciplinary assessment of endocrine effects and possible impacts on reproduction.

The following goals will be targeted:- Identify the composition of contaminant mixtures present in seal milk and seal blubber (PCBs, chlorinated pesticides, and brominated compounds will be included in the analyses) and study the synergistic effects of these mixtures on steroid synthesis in vitro in adult and juvenile seals using our recently developed steroid synthesis impact (SSI) assay.- Assess the endocrine effects of the contaminant mixtures using competitive binding assays and reporter gene assays (ER/ARCALUX)

The hormone system is vital for many physiological processes in the body including re production. Consequently, hormones are likely targets for contaminant-induced reproductive impairment. The increased incidence of reproductive impairment in wildlife has been attributed to hormone disrupting chemicals in the environment and several studies have shown that low-level chronic exposure to contaminants impacts the hormone system, possibly affecting the reproductive performance of animals. Many environmental contaminants, including PCBs, have hormone-disrupting effects. However, in general wild life is exposed to a coctail of contaminants and little is known about possible synergistic effects of these contaminant mixtures. Synergistic effects of contaminant mixtures present in seal blubber and milk on the hormone system of arctic seals will be studied. Potential impacts on steroid hormone physiology in adults and pups will be assessed. This study will use a multidisciplinary approach where chemical, biochemical, pharmacological, molecular biological, and ecological expertise will be combined. Blubber and milk will be analyzed for the quantitative and qalitative presence of PCBs, chlorinated pesticides (DDTs, chlordanes, toxaphenes, HCHs, HCB), and brominated flame retardants. Effects of these contaminant mixtures on hormone production and hormone receptor-mediated effects will be addressed. The contaminant data from the project will be made available to Akvaplan-niva to start up a modeling project.

41 Development and evaluation of a model strategy for POPs in contaminated fjord areas - a case study for PCBs in the Oslofjord

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning

Prosjektleder:Pacyna, Jozef M. Professor Prosjektnr: 140530/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 375,000 2002: 374,969

The principal goal of the proposed project is to further develop and evaluate a model strategy for POPs in cantaminated fjord areas. Sub-goals of the project include:1. Further development of a multi-media fate and transport model.2. Parameterisation and application of the model for the Oslofjord.3. Development and application of statistical approaches to identify, quantify and evaluate the uncertainties of the applied model.4. Evaluation of the results and assessment of the model strategy for risk assessment in fjord areas/coastal zones.5. Dissemination and communication of the results.

In Norway, most of the anthropogenic activities that impact on the environment occur in coastal zone areas. Several fjords are affected by the historical and current releases of various persistent organic pollutants. Due to their potential prolonged persistence in cold climates, knowledge about the long-teen environmental response to changes in the release of these substances in these environments is needed. In the project, a model will be developed, tested and evaluated for further use as a tool for integrated coastal zone management in relation to the contamination of POPS. A non-steady state fugacity based multimedia model will be developed to meet the project objectives. A case study has been selected for PCBs in the Oslofjord, because of the high environmental relevance, the suitability of PCBs as a good indicator for POPS, as well as the general data availability for this area. Current environmental data and established databases for PCBs at NIVA will be exploited and additional samples analyzed. Finally, the model results will be carefully evaluated by use of statistical methods. Finally, the applicability of the method will be discussed in relation to other POPS and the potential application at other sites.

42 Dose-effects relationships in biota from exposure to ionising radiation

Prosjektansvarlig:Statens strålevern Prosjektleder:Brown, Justin Forsker Prosjektnr: 140585/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20042001: 800,000 2002: 800,000 2003: 800,000

Page 18: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

This primary aim of this project will be to explore dose-effect relationships for different endpoints and types of radiation and develop methods for environmetal dosimetry. This will be achieved via the following objectives1) exploring the effect of different types of radiation on aquatic and terrestrial organisms and where possible deriving RBEs for determined endpoints2) perform dose-response experiments to elucidate the effect of radiation on defence mechanisms in selected test organisms3) develop models to determine the absorbed dose to test organisms4) quantify the uptake of, distribution of and doses arising from selected radionuclides in reindeer

Radiological protection frameworks, in most countries, have historically been firmly focused on protection of man. Environmental protection from radiation has been considered using the unsubstantiated tenet that if man is adequately protected from radiation then the environment will also be protected. It has become increasingly evident, however, that problems exist in the application of the current framework of radiological protection to the environment. This has Ied to the need for the development of a new system, which can be used to assess impacts on biota. The rationale for the project is to support this construction of this system. The project will involve 4 work-packages. In the first two work-packages, the dose-effects relationship in freshwater and terrestrial species will explored. Endpoints of interest will include reproduction, immunological response and defence mechanisms. Where possible, RBEs will be derived for selected endpoints. Work-package 3 will involve modelling of dose to the organisms used in work-package 1 and 2. A range of dosimetric models will be utilised including internal and external exposure models. Finally, in Work-package 4, previously unpublished data concerning chromosome aberrations and immunological responses in reindeer following exposure to pre-determined concentrations of radionuclides will be proposed to derive dose-response relationships. Further experimental work will also be conducted in order to study the uptake and distributions of selected radionuclides via ingestion.

43 Molekylærbiologiske studier av ørrets tilpasninger til spormetaller i gruveforurensede områder

Prosjektansvarlig:Biologi, Institutt for,Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitetProsjektleder:Olsvik, Pål Postdoktorstipendiat Prosjektnr: 140636/720

Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 600,000 2002: 614,000

Prosjektets hovedmål vil være å studere de molekylærbiologiske mekanismer som ligger til grunn for ørrets tilpasning til fluktuerende konsentrasjoner av Cd, Cu og Zn i gruveforurensede elver i Rørosregionen.

Hovedhensikten med utenlandsoppholdet vil være opplæring i nye molekylærbiologiske metoder, som siden vil etableres og utvikles ved NTNU for å anvendes i prosjektet:1. Studere fiskepopulasjoners tilpasninger til spormetallinnhold i ferskvann under naturlige flomepisoder med forhøyede mengder av metaller.2. Undersøke induksjonsrater av metallbindende proteiner i vev fra fisk under episoder med økte nivåer av spormetaller i ferskvann.3. Molekylærbiologiske undersøkelser av metallothionein mRNA i vev fra fisk under slike akutte episoder. Videre studere hvordan ulike metallioner er involvert i basale mekanismer for metallothionein gen-regulering i fiskepopulasjoner fra metallbelastede områder.

44 Oil pollution in the Arctic and its effects on microbial diversity and ecology

Prosjektansvarlig:Institutt for biologi,Universitetet i BergenProsjektleder:Øverås, Lise Prosjektnr: 140658/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.3.2001-28.2.20032001: 560,000 2002: 645,000 2003: 92,834

The main goal of the project is to gain basic knowledge about the diversity of arctic soil microbial communities, and study the natural diversity of bacteria under extreme climatic conditions. This proposal focuses on the potential for bioremediation by describing the biological diversity, processes and interactions in oil contaminated soil from Svalbard.More specific the objectives are:1 To assess the total genetic and functional diversity of arctic soil bacterial communities2 To investigate the effect of oil compounds on the general adaptation to stresses at an ecosystem level.3 To determine biodegradation of oil products in arctic soil. The aim of the project is to aquire basic knowledge of the diversity of microorganisms under extreme climatic conditions. The natural genetic and functional diversity of microorganisms in soil from Arctic regions will be characterised and described. The effect of oil pollutants

Page 19: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

on microbial diversity will be investigated, and the response of microbial communities to stresses such as oil contamination will be monitored. Further the influence of different external factors on the diversity will be investigated. Among abiotic factors the effect of low temperature will be given particularly attention because it is significant to production at higher altitudes and latitudes. The investigation will be performed using a combination of culturing and molecular biology methods. The methods are: 1. Reassociation of DNA isolated from soil bacteria to assess total diversity. 2. PCR amplification and DGGE analysis of ribosomal rRNA genes (rDNA) in total community DNA to assess the diversity of these populations in the arctic soil. 3. Realtime PCR (RT-PCR) for quantification of functional genes for degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons. In these analysis the project will particularly focus on genes coding for biphenyldioxygenase (BPH), naphtalene dioxygenase (NAH), toluene dioxygenase (TOL), toluene/xylene monooxygenase (TOD), phenol monooxygenase (PHE), and ringhydroxylation toluene monooxygenase (RMO). This will allow the project to study the microflora both at the community, organismal and genetical level.

45 Investigation of persistent bioaccumulative and toxic compounds (PBTs) and their transformation products in eggs of Norwegian birds of prey

Prosjektansvarlig:NILU - Tromsø Prosjektleder:Herzke, Dorte Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 140666/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 298,824 2002: 300,000

The main goal of the proposed project is to investigate existence and level of new emerging persistent organic pollutants as brominated flame retardants and synthetic musk in relation to conventional pollutants as PCB and chlorinated pesticides. Eggs of land bound and marine birds of prey give information both about contamination of the mother organism as well as spatial trends in relation to feeding behaviour. Structure elucidation of yet unknown organic compounds and metabolites can be used to gain information about toxicological effects and develop future monitoring programmes.

Based on the results and the POP pattern obtained by former studies, a long term measuring campaign in eggs will be carried out. Two sampling campaigns will be

organised to cover annual fluctuations. The analyses of brominated flame retardants, synthetic musks and chlorinated paraffins in samples from the years 1990 to 2002 will be implemented in the routine analysis programme to gain information about time trends. Structure elucidation of yet unknown halogenated compounds and polar metabolisation products of POPs combined with method optimisation for the implementation of these new found compounds in the analytical method will be performed. Chiral separations will be included. Furthermore, in continuation of former projects founded by NFR in 2000, the ecotoxicological significance of the analytical data will be evaluated by all partners involved, with NINA as the host of the biological data set.

46 Klorerte organiske miljøgifter i isbjørn - nivåer og mulig effekter

Prosjektansvarlig:Veterinærinstituttet Oslo Prosjektleder:Skåre, Janneche Utne Avdelingsdirektør Prosjektnr: 140730/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.3.20032001: 397,000 2002: 412,000

Doktorgradsstipend:Ved å karakterisere forekomst, nivå og effekter av klorerte organiske miljøgifter i isbjørn på Svalbard, og å vurdere om assosiasjoner mellom miljøgifter og responser kan knyttes opp mot kausale sammenhenger, ønsker prosjektet å forbedre kunnskapsgrunnlaget om tålegrenser for organiske miljøgifter.

Delmål 1:Fremskaffe kunnskap om kilder og transportveier for denne type forurensning i isbjørn fra Svalbard, Sibir og Alaska (geografiske trenger).Delmål 2:Avsløre om den høye PCB-belastningen som er påvist hos isbjørn ved Svalbard og som overføres til avkom, har biologiske effekter (generasjonsoverføring, effekter).Delmål 3:Studere sammenhengen mellom isbjørnens immunglobulinnivå og miljøgiftbelastning.

Biomagnification of lipophilic and persistent organochlorines (OCs) has resulted in alarmingly high levels of especially PCBs in polar bears at Svalbard. Preliminary studies on effects of PCB on the immune system indicate that the PCB exposure at early stage may affect the immune system. The purpose of the project is competence building with respect to ecotoxicology and is a "spin off" of earlier polar bear projects at NVH/VI. The project will contribute to existing knowledge about sources and transport

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pathway to the OC exposure in polar bears, the disposition of OCs in polar bears with specially focus on the transfer of OCs from mother to offspring, and effects of OCs on the immune system. The project will contribute with data important for risk assessment of OC exposure in polar bears in the Norwegian Arctic. The project will try to indicate parameters that can be monitored to reveal pollutants at early stage. The project therefore represents an extension of existing knowledge about polar bear and environmental toxicology and will contribute to the basal knowledge of the subject plus extent the fundament for further research on other species and pollutants.

47 Kvikksølv i Arktis. Betydningen av atmosfæriske avsetninger og effekten av biomagnifikasjon i næringskjeder

Prosjektansvarlig:Akvaplan Niva AS Prosjektleder:Christensen, Guttorm Normann Forsker Prosjektnr: 140779/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 400,000 2002: 400,000

Hovedmålsetting med prosjektet er å studere hvorvidt lokale forskjeller i meteorologiske forhold fører til ulike avsetninger av biotilgjengelig kvikksølv, og hvilke mekanismer som er avgjørende. Dernest å studere i hvilken grad forskjeller i kvikksølvkonsentrasjonen i fisk skyldes atmosfæriske avsetninger eller effekten av biomagnifikasjon i næringskjeden.Dette søkes oppnådd i følgende delstudier:- Beregne kvikksølvavsetningene ved deponeringen i nedbørfeltene til to arktiske innsjøer som har forskjellig grad av våtavsetninger- Belyse mekanismene for biomagnifiseringen av metylkvikksølv i næringskjeden fra to innsjøer med to bestander av stasjonær røye fra arktiske lokaliteter der de med ulike atmosfæriske avsetninger er ulike.

Mercury is today one of the most focused contaminants in Arctic areas, and recent results indicate a general increase of concentrations in the upper levels in Arctic food-chains. As there is no local source to explain the elevated levels of mercury, the questions that need to be addressed include the sources, the transport, total deposition and finally contaminant fate including biological uptake and effects. As outlined in the AMAP report, atmospheric longrange transport is a very important source for mercury in the Arctic. Due to uncomplicated catchment areas and simple food-chains, Arctic lakes are well suited to study the relative importance of atmospheric deposition, metylization and

biomagnification of mercury content in freshwater fish. Recent results indicate increased levels of mercury in Arctic char from Bear Island compared to the levels found in Arctic char from Svalbard and Arctic areas in Canada. Furthermore, the results from Bear Island indicate that biomagnification is an important factor. However, there is a gap in knowledge regarding atmospheric deposition and the methylmercury concentrations in the lower area of the freshwater food-chain. Filling this gap can explain the increased levels in the upper area of the food-chain.

48 Brominated flame retardants and polychlorinated alkanes in terrestrial and fresh water environments of Norway

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Schlabach, Martin Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 141202/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-1.4.20042001: 949,999 2002: 950,000 2003: 633,333

Study of the environmental behavior and the ecotoxicological impact of PBDE and PCA. Task 1: Sources: Measurement of BFR and PCA in emissions from waste incinerators and sewers. Task 2: Time trend, spatial trend, and transport: Analysis of BFR and PCA in air samples. Task 3: Terrestrial environment: Analysis of BFR and PCA in samples of herbivores and carnivores. Task 4: Fresh water environment: Analysis of BFR and PCA in samples of fresh water fishes and water. Task 5: Study of some aspects of the toxicology of BFR and PCA in mice Task 6: Data synthesis.

The knowledge on sources, levels, trends, transport, and effects of brominated flame retardants (BFR) and polychlorinated alkanes (PCA) is very limited. During this project the environmental behavior and the ecotoxicological impact of PBDE and PCA will be studied. A special focus is given to the study of source patterns, transport mechanisms, and levels in air, terrestrial and fresh water environment. The use of the focused substances shall be totally stopped in 2005 (PCA) or decreased considerably before 2010 (BFR) (Stortingsmelding nr. 58 1996-97). Therefore, measurements of these pollutants in all compartments of the environment are of high importance for the monitoring of national and international recommendations. The high levels of PCA found in Swedish terrestrial herbivores and the increasing levels of BFR are an additional motivation to perform this project in Norway. The project intends to explore further the effects of PBDE on CNS and liver using gene-arrays to see if one can detect specific changes in genomic activity. From this it may be possible to make qualified assumptions regarding

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potential dangers of exposure to brominated diphenylethers. Secondly, one wishes to investigate effects of PBDE on specific parameters which have given good response with the structuraly comparable non-planar PCB.

49 The role of natural organic matter (NOM) for the transport of pesticides

Prosjektansvarlig:Norges landbrukshøgskole,Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskapProsjektleder:Riise, Gunnhild Førsteamanuensis Prosjektnr: 141207/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-30.4.20042001: 590,183 2002: 595,012 2003: 564,805

Principle objective:- Explain why pesticides that strongly interact with a solid phase are transported to surface water and drainage water

Sub-goals:- Characterize NOM associated with particles/colloids in water transported through different flow paths - Estimate the interaction between NOM and pesticides in water - Evaluate the influence of the hydrological flow regime on the transport of NOM and pesticides Pesticides are generally classified in mobility classes based on water solubility characteristics. Occurrence of poorly soluble pesticides in surface and drainage water is, therefore, poorly understood. NOM (natural organic matter) has a central role with respect to the binding of hydrophobic micropollutants, such as pesticides, and soil organic content is an important parameter in risk assessment on pesticide leaching. Information on the content of organic matter in the water phase is, however, not included in runoff models on pesticides. During the erosion process particulate and colloidal forms of NOM can be detached from the soil and transported away from the field together with associated pesticides. In order to get increased knowledge on NOM and its influence on the transport of hydrophobic pesticides, the transport pathways (surface/drain runoff) of different forms of NOM and associated pesticides will be studied. Special focus is put on the size distribution (particulate/colloids) and the hydrophobicity of NOM, as these properties will influence the transport distance and the affinity towards hydrophobic micropollutants. In laboratory experiments NOM fractions will be characterized with respect to size, hydrophobicity and interaction with pesticides (sorption, desorption, kinetics, vertical leaching in soil columns). In field experiments runoff of pesticides and NOM fractions from large scale plots will be measured. Results from the field experiments

will be compared with results from the laboratory experiments and implemented in mathematical models.

50 Effekter av produksjonsvann på egg og larveutvikling samt kjønnsdifferensiering hos torsk

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet Prosjektleder:Svardal, Asbjørn Forsker Prosjektnr: 141213/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-1.4.20042001: 1,000,000 2002: 1,000,000 2003: 666,666

Prosjektet er primært en undersøkelse av om eksponering av egg, plommesekklarver og yngel til produksjonsvann påvirker senere kjønnsdifferensiering.Et delmål er å studere effekten av produksjonsvann på egg- og larveutviklingen.Et annet delmål er å undersøke om eksponering av egg og larver til produksjonsvann kan påvirke otolittenes bilaterale symmetri på et senere utviklingstrinn. Dette har interesse siden det er blitt foreslått at graden av avvik fra denne symmetri kan reflektere ulike typer miljørelatert stress.

51 Metodikk for overvåkning og risikovurdering av effekter av ulike persistente miljøgifter i marine økosystem

Prosjektansvarlig:Biologi, Institutt for,Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitetProsjektleder:Jenssen, Bjørn Munro Professor Prosjektnr: 141369/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 15.8.2001-31.12.20042001: 251,875 2002: 557,000 2003: 570,000 2004: 320,125

Basert på undersøkelser av biomarkører i egg eller nyklekte unger av utvalgte sjøfuglarter, vil en utvikle og etablere en overvåkingsmetodikk som gjør det muig å foreta en kostnadseffektiv risikovurdering med hensyn til effekter av ulike persistente organiske miljøgifter i marine økosystemer. I første fase undersøkes effekter av kontrollert eksponering for polybromerte difenyl etere, toksafener og PCB i egg, samt kombinasjoner av disse, på biomarkører. Dette for å undersøke evt. synergistiske og antagonistiske effekter.

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I fase to undersøkes biomarkører i egg/unger fra ulike lokaliteter på Svalbard og/eller Norge. I fase tre gjøes en risikovurdering basert på resultater fra labstudier og felt.

52 Spredning av effekter av persistente organiske miljøgifter i en toppredator i det marine økosystemet i Barentshavregionen

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA,Arktisk økologiProsjektleder:Bustnes, Jan Ove Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 141443/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20042001: 600,000 2002: 600,000 2003: 400,000 2004: 400,000

Hovedmål: Å undersøke den geografiske fordelingen og demografiske effekter av persistente organiske miljøgifter hos svartbak i en gradient langs kysten av Nord-Norge Delmål: 1. Å måle nivåer og fordeling av organiske miljøgifter hos svartbak som hekker i forskjellige kolonier langs kysten av Nord-Norge. 2. Å undersøke transportveier for persistente organiske miljøgifter på bakgrunn av stoffsammensetning (PCB-kongenere og pesticider) hos svartbak som hekker i forskjellige kolonier langs norskekysten. 3. Å undersøke om dagens nivåer og fordeling av organiske miljøgifter hos svartbak påvirker demografiske parametre. 4. Gjennomføre sensitivitets- og elastisitetsanalyser for å vurdere effekter av miljøgifter på populasjonsdynamikken hos måkefugl i Barentshavregionen.

A gap in the knowledge about long-transported pollution in the northern areas is the distribution of persistent organochlorines in top predators over a large geographical scale. A general assumption is that the Arctic is heavily polluted by such compounds, but studies from adjacent temperate areas to back up this claim, are lacking. By studying great black-backed gull Larus marinus this project will examine levels and composition of organochlorines in a gradient along the coast of northern Norway. Moreover, the project will study the effects of the present level of organochlorines on important demographic parameters. This will provide information about the pollution in the Arctic compared to nearby temperate areas. It will also give information about sources and transport of organochlorines, and the effects of these compounds on the population dynamics of a top, predator in the area.

53 Utilization of bark pockets as pollution time capsules

Prosjektansvarlig:Institutt for energiteknikk - Kjeller Prosjektleder:Åberg, Gøran Seksjonsleder Prosjektnr: 141446/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20012001: 300,000

The main objective is to demonstrate the historical changes of environmental pollution during serveral hundred years up to present time using bark pockets as pollution time capsules for identification of different sources of atmospherically transported lead deposited in Norway. Subgoals: 1. Linking the present project to an international bark pocket project for a better understanding of the evolution and diffusion of global environmental pollution. 2. Comparison of lead isotope data acquired from the bark pocket techniqe with published results from the peat bog technique, and validation of the two techniques against each other.

There is a close relationship between global environmental pollution and the industrialization of developed countries. The level of pollution before the Industrial Revolution and the increase up till today is thus of considerable interest for evaluating the present situation. Many types of environmental historical archives have been utilized over the years. The problem, though, is obtaining a closed system where no later dispersion or migration of elements take place. However, a new method has been developed for monitoring of historical trends in air pollution utilizing tree trunk bark pockets. After damage to the tree trunk a covering of the wound with newly produced bark and xylem takes place. When the wound has been healed there is no migration of elements or contamination of the encapsulated outer bark, containing enclosed past pollution, but it behaves like a closed system. The bark samples will be analysed for lead concentration and lead isotope ratio since lead has been a major pollutant from industrial and domestic coal firing, sulphide smelters, and gasoline.

54 Effects of air pollution and climatic stress in Norwegian forests

Prosjektansvarlig:Skogforsk Prosjektleder:Solberg, Svein Prosjektnr: 141450/720

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Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-1.4.20042001: 600,000 2002: 365,139 2003: 517,430

The principle objective of the project is to describe the relationships between forest condition and air pollution and climatic stress factors.Sub-goals are 1. Describe the empirical relationship between forest growth indices and air pollution, soil acidification and climatic stress, when the effects of site productivity, tree age and stand density are removed.2. Detect long-term trends in throughfall and soil water chemistry during 1986-2002 and describe the relative importance of precipitation chemistry as driver.3. Identify stress-specific molecular gene markers in Norway spruce. Forests, with the long living organisms, trees, have limited possibilities to adapt to a changing environment, like climate change and acidification. There is a need to clearify the effects of such changes. Forest monitoring in Norway, and elsewhere in Europe has run since 1984. The increasing databases from the forest monitoring provide the possibility of closer examination of causal relationships. The project concists mainly of two approaches, using water chemistry data and growth data, which are linked to external data for air pollution and climate. Firstly, water chemical data is gathered every 1-2 week since 1986. These long time series with several hundred observations are especially valuable in the study of acid deposition effects. Througfall and soil water are those parts of the ecosystems that are most directly influenced by precipitation, and time series of their chemistry in relation to precipitation chemistry can clearify influences of acid deposition. Secondly, forest growth data is available from a large number of plots, and they can be recalculated to indices (relative stand growth, annual ring indices). These indices will be correlated to a number of stress variables for air pollution, soil acidification status and climate stress.

55 Pharmaceutical residues as pollutants in North Norwegian contaminated and pristine aquatic ecosystems

Prosjektansvarlig:NILU - Tromsø Prosjektleder:Kallenborn, Roland Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 141465/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20032001: 299,999 2002: 300,000 2003: 300,000

The project aims to develop and apply analytical methods for investigation of pharmaceutical residues ( 17 compounds for medical use) in effluents of wastewater (Regional Hospital Tromsø) and pristine seawater. In addition, bile and filet from local Haddock and Atlantic cod will be analysed to assess bioconcentration.The project intend to:1) develop suitable analytical methods for the determination of pharmaceutical residues in the environment2) determine the levels of this type of contaminants in the Norwegian environment3) evaluate the ecotoxicological potential and the fate of pharmaceutical residues

Presistent pollutants are already under investigation for decades. However, the ecotoxicological potential of pharmaceutical residues in effluents of production plants, hospital effluent wastewater and municipal sewage plants is still highly underestimated. Recent investigations carried out by German research groups revealed the presence of a vast array of pharmaceutical residues in sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents and river water (Ternes, 1998) in concentrations up to the ng/L-range. No comparable information is available from Norway yet. The project intends to contribute to this scientific issue. Seventeen compounds are chosen for a first screening in Norwegian environmental samples covering the majority of applications for pharmaceutical products used for medical treatments. The selection of the compounds is mainly based on published information about annual use for pharmaceuticals in Norway (medical applications). The project intends to deliver first information about the ecotoxicological potential of pharmaceutical residues for the environment and the human society in northern Norway.

56 Characterisation of radioactive particles in the environment by Electron Microscopy and Synchrotron Radiation based microtechniques

Prosjektansvarlig:Norges landbrukshøgskole,Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskapProsjektleder:Salbu, Brit Professor Prosjektnr: 141479/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.3.2001-31.12.20042001: 490,763 2002: 527,000 2003: 540,000

Objectives:- Improve impact assessment models predicting the behaviour of radioactive particles in contaminated areas by identifying source-specific particle characteristics

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using electron microscopy and synchrotron radiation based micro-techniques- Provide new tools (advanced techniques) in radioecology essential for predicting weathering rates and subsequent mobilization of associated radionuclides Sub-objectives:Determine particle characteristics influencing weathering, transfer and bioavailability in ecosystems such as: - size, shape and morphology (SEM/XRMA) - local contamination and spatial distribution of fission products (SEM/XRMA, u-SRXRF) - distribution of crystalline phases (u-XRD) - porosity-channels and cavities (3D u-tomography) - variation in the local oxidation states of U within particles (u-XANES)

A significant fraction of radionuclides released by nuclear events (e.g., nuclear weapons tests, nuclear reactor accidents, effluents from nuclear reactors and reprocessing plants, leaching from dumped radioactive waste) is associated with particles. Thus , contamination with radioactive particles appears more frequently than previously anticipated, and can be expected in the future if a severe reactor accident takes place . Entering the environment, particle weathering occurs and subsequently associated radionuclides (e.g. 90Sr) are mobilised and are potentially transferred into the food chain. Weathering rates depend on particle characteristic (matrix composition, crystallography, porosity, oxidation states) reflecting the specific source and the release conditions under which particles are emitted (explosion, fire, corrosion) and environmental factors. Until weathering takes place, ecosystem transfer is low and traditional short-term impact assessments are overestimated. Long-term assessments are, however, underestimated when particle weathering occurs. According to IAEA, "radioactive particles lead to sample heterogeneity problems, and false and/or erratic measurement data, but no standard techniques are available for collection, isolation and characterization of radioactive particles". Therefore, electron microscopy (EM) and synchrotron radiation (SR) based techniques will be utilized for radioactive particle characterization to improve quality of data, to implement particle weathering in impact assessments and to provide advanced analytical tools/techniques to radioecology.

57 Nitrogenets rolle i forsuring i fremtiden; Modellerte, empiriske og eksperimentelle studier av endret nitrogenavrenning

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Monsen, Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 141498/720

Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 13.8.2001-13.5.20062001: 174,000 2002: 25,000 2003: 308,334 2004: 381,000 2005: 381,000 2006: 133,500

Hovedmål: Øke forståelsen av hvilke prosesser som er styrende for nitrogenlekkasje fra fjell og heiområder med høy atmosfærisk N-belastning. Delmål: - Avklare dagens status med hensyn på nitrogenlekkasje og utvikling av nitrogenavrenning de siste 20 år fra fjell- og heiområder. - Teste eventuelle empiriske sammenhenger mellom ulike feltegenskaper og nitrat i avrenningen. - Kvantifisere immobilisering (retensjon) av N i ulike felttyper. - Utarbeide grunnlag for prognoser om fremtidig N-lekkasje i ulike typer økosystem med hovedvekt på fjell- og heiområder.

58 Enhanced atmospheric deposition of mercury in northern latitudes - a source of mercury exposure in Arctic ecosystems?

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Berg, Torunn Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 141607/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-1.4.20042001: 299,996 2002: 300,000 2003: 166,666

1. To quantify enhanced atmospheric deposition of mercury in the Arctic environment;2. To describe the atmospheric processes (physical &/or chemical mechanism) leading to removal/deposition of gaseous mercury from the arctic troposphere during the spring and to increased concentrations of gaseous mercury during the summer.

Recently, a new phenomenon has been observed in the high Arctic. After polar sunrise higher levels of mercury are deposited from the atmosphere than earlier suggested. This is caused by the chemical conditions that occure in the Arctic during spring. Earlier investigations have shown that tropospheric ozone is rapidly depleted during this period, due to the formation of oxidising radicals. Apparently, mercury is similarly affected: Elemental mercury may be oxidised and converted to reactive gaseous mercury and/or particles, which have considerably higher deposition velocities than vapour phase species, leading to an enhanced deposition flux of mercury. This imply that the deposition of mercury in the Arctic is considerable at a time when biota are preparing for peak summertime activity, and may also explain the increased concentrations observed in Arctic biota and sediments. Simultaneously, high resolution measurements

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of vapour phase mercury will be carried out at Ny-ζlesund, Alert and Rørvik. To investigate transformation of Hgo to other species in air, simultaneously measurements of several species of mercury will be determined. In order to understand the processes and quantify deposition fluxes, a process model will be used for simulating the behavior of Hg in the arctic atmosphere.

59 Models as a tool in evaluating mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals - Cd,Cr,Cu - in contaminated soils

Prosjektansvarlig:Norges landbrukshøgskole,Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskapProsjektleder:Mulder, Jan Professor Prosjektnr: 141609/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20022001: 779,580 2002: 1,022,000

Main objective: Apply and further develop a model for the speciation of heavy metals in soil solution. Furthermore, bioavailability and effects of heavy metals will be correlated with form and concentration of metals in soil solution. Speciation models are believed to be necessary tools for risk assessments of heavy metal contaminated soils. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: - Parameterise and test the WHAM model with respect to the contents of the active humic material and heavy metals by means of batch titration data carried out on soils collected from contaminated sites at Mo in Rana. - Analyse the concentration of total dissolved and free ionic metal activity in soil solution collected from pot experiments and field lysimeters installed in the root zone of contaminated soils, and carry out speciation of Cd, Cr and Cu in the collected soil solutions. Test the current hypotheses concerning the relationship between bioavailability of heavy metals and their physico-chemical form in soil and soil solution.

Speciation studies of heavy metals in water and soil solution should detect the important toxic forms of metals and their implications for biological uptake. Chemical equilibrium models have been developed to speciate dissolved heavy metals. However, simulation of the interaction of metals with dissolved and particulate organic matter is notoriously difficult. Improvement of our modeling capability with respect to metal-organic matter interactions is of particular importance in the root zone of the soil, rich in organic matter. The recently developed Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM) explicitly addresses the interaction of metal and soil organic matter. So far, the WHAM model has not been tested extensively and neither has it been used in ioavailability studies.

The experimental work proposed here is designed such that it allows parameterisation and testing of WHAM, along with tests of bioavailability. Model parameterisation and model validation are based on equilibrium studies in the lab using soils collected from contaminated sites. Pot- and field experiments are set up to study relationships between metal speciation and bioavailability. Central elements of WHAM are currently being used for the develoment of contamination assessment models by the US-EPA.

60 Environmental noiseProsjektansvarlig:SINTEF IKT Prosjektleder:Gjestland, Truls Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 144536/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20012001: 1,720,000

The primary goal of this project is to provide a basis for accomplishment of the official government policy of reducing negative community noise impact with 25 % over the next 10 years. A number of activities that will provide new insight in the factors governing annoyance from noise, with special emphasis on road traffic noise in urban areas, have been planned. This know-how will be used for new and improved models to characterize the present situation and to predict the effect of different mitigation measures. The plans also include education at a university level. This application is a joint venture between SINTEF and The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. The program emphasizes a close tie between research on practical environmental noise engineering and the university curriculum in order to strengthen the recruitment of personnel with a university degree in this field.

Plans for a comprehensive long term research program on environmental noise will be developed. A web-based information system will be developed. The system will consist of interchangeable modules containing noise data and computation methods such as data for fixed and mobile noise sources, noise propagation models, techniques and calculation procedures for noise abatement, models for assessment of negative noise impact (annoyance, sleep disturbance, health effects, etc.) The system will also contain geographical information and statistical information about population, dwellings, weather, noise sources, etc. and it will contain information about noise regulations, planning procedures, examples of best practice, etc. The system will be highly modular with well defined input and output parameters, so that individual modules can be interchanged and replaced by new ones. These modules can be further developed as independent research

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projects by any of the institutions participating in the program. This proposal describes necessary work to establish a provisional prototype to display the possibilities and potential for an information system like this. This provisional system will also be the basis for further planning of a noise research program, and it will act as a platform for co-operation among relevant research institutions. The prototype system will focus on road traffic noise. Plans for a workshop for potential research partners and prospective users of the information system are included in this proposal. This workshop will produce valuable input and priorities to the noise research program. Specific plans for research projects in selected areas will be developed. These areas constitute modules in the information system that need to be studied further. This planning process also involves university students and a postdoctoral position at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and The Norwegian National Institute of Public Health. A consortium has been established to present a project proposal under the 5th EU Framework Program. Finally, a continuing education course in environmental noise engineering will be presented at NTNU, in order to strengthen the competence and know-how among Norwegian authorities and consultants.

61 Emission and propagation of vibration from road and rail traffic. Model development

Prosjektansvarlig:Norges Geotekniske Institutt Prosjektleder:Madshus, Christian Fagansvarlig Prosjektnr: 144538/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20012001: 340,000

The objectives of the projects are the following:- To gain extended knowledge of the generation and propagation of vibration.- To develop a reliable and robust model for prediction of vibration emission and propagation from road and rail traffic.In order to reach the objectives, the following sub-goals will be accomplished:- Developing a conceptual model for road and rail vibration- Using the database VibBase as a foundation for a new statistically based model- Modelling by connecting theory and new statistical results.

Emission of noise from road and rail traffic is the largest contributor to human noise annoyance (SPI) in the Norwegian society. The combined effect of noise and

vibration has shown to increase the amount of people annoyed from these sources, and often are the vibrations the major cause of the complaints, rather than the noise. The project will develop a prediction model for vibration in buildings caused by road and rail traffic. The model will be statistically formulated, and based on vibration records in NGI's database VibBase and wave propagation theory. The model is essential to reliably estimate the amount of people in Norway being annoyed by vibration, and to pinpoint the areas where vibration reduction is essential, and to obtain an optimum reduction in peoples annoyance to noise and vibration where both impacts appear. The model will also serve as a guidance for the implementation of vibration countermeasures. The following activities will be performed: Development of conceptual model, dataprocessing and statistical analyses, model development and adaption to theory and data, reporting and publication. Internationally the project will be related to the newly started project NordVib, where NGI, CTH and KTH are essential.

62 Noise annoyance in outdoor recreational areas: An empirical basis for annoyance reducing measures

Prosjektansvarlig:Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt Prosjektleder:Engdahl, Bo Forsker Prosjektnr: 144539/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.4.2001-31.8.20012001: 230,000

P1: Establish dose - response curves for recreational areas, dependent on noise exposure at home.P2: Provide an empirical basis for desicion making and recommondations for further researchS1: Supplement exisiting field data with data on aircraft noise exposure at the recreationists homesS2: Analyse the relation between aircraft noise annoyance and exposure in outdoor recrational areas, controled for exposure at home and other relevant variablesS3: Publish the resultsS3: Search in data bases and contact relevant institutions to gather existing knowledge on effects on noise in outdoor recreational areasS4: Report with weight on relevance for Norwegian conditions

In conjunction with the relocation of Norway's main airport from Fornebu to Gardermoen, the National Institute of Public Health conducted a study on the effects of aircraft noise on pople in outdoor recreational areas. In the study, data from field studies at Bygdøy (n=975) and Romeriksåsen (n=298 and 706) are analysed. In addition to dose-response data for the outdoor recreational areas, home address and data on noise annoyance at home were

Page 27: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

collected. The aim of the proposed study is to investigate if there are special demands for silent recreational areas in the population living within the noise zones around airports. Different dose-response curves for the recreational areas will be established for groups with different exposure to aircraft noise at home. Secondly, th project will review the existing literature on noise annoyance in outdoor recreational areas, to provide the authorities with better empirical based tools for taking the entirety of the local environment into consideration, when planning measures to reduce noise annoyance.

63 Feasability of utilising existing noise and vibration calculations for exposed dwellings to assess the effect of noise reduction measures

Prosjektansvarlig:Transportøkonomisk institutt (TØI) Prosjektleder:Klæboe, Ronny Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 144542/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-31.12.20012001: 300,000

The municipalities and the regional offices of the public road authorities and the railway authorities have an extensive database of emission and exposure data related to all noise exposed buildings in Norway. The feasability study will ascertain the quality of the data and the possibility of utilising the database to assess the effect of noise abatement measures on noise exposure along Norwegian major road and railroads. A specific task will be to find means to link the information to map coordinates of the buildings and if possible to the national noise mapping efforts proposend by Statistics Norway.

The Norwegian Parliament has set a national target that noise annoyance right outside peoples residences should be reduced with 25% by 2010. A geographical information system (GIS) forms the basis for a national noise mapping system to monitor the national efforts to reduce noise. As the road authorities and larger municipalities have already calculated the noise exposure for a substantial part of the noise-exposed dwellings, this feasibility study was instigated in order to explore the possible use of the previously calculated values. While these values are more precise than the values from the GIS-based system, there are problems in establishing the necessary linking information. The information about the road network, the traffic counts and the information relevant to the noise calculations will be gone through as part of the project. The availability of geographical coordinates, the coordinate systems and their reliability will be checked against digital electronic road and railway maps of Norway. Special efforts will be

made to ascertain the status and quality of the data for municipal road networks collected 10 years ago.

64 Kildemodeller for vegtrafikkstøy

Prosjektansvarlig:SINTEF IKT Prosjektleder:Gjestland, Truls Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 145675/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.4.2001-30.9.20022001: 500,000 2002: 500,000

Det skal utvikles en beregningsmodell som kan prediktere støy fra vegtrafikk under visse forutsetninger om utviklingstrekk i den norske kjøretøyparken. Det vil bli etablert en database som inneholder typiske støyspektra for ulike typer kjøretøy under ulike kjørevilkår. Databasen vil også inneholde støyspektra fra ulike bildekk og ulike typer vegdekke.

På grunnlag av kjennskap til kjøretøyparkens sammensetning og typisk kjøremønster kan det beskrives svært nøyaktige kildemodeller for aktuelle vegstrekninger. Disse kan benyttes i eksisterende prediksjonsmodeller for å beregne aktuelle støyparametre (f eks SPI).

Beregningsverktøyet kan benyttes for å forutsi endringer i støybelastningen som følge av naturlige eller fremprovoserte endringer i kjøretøyparken (avgiftsreduksjoner for støysvake kjøretøy), endringer i bil- og vegdekker og endringer i kjøremønster (hastighetsreduksjon, trafikkomlegging, etc).

65 Consequences of contaminant releases into the arctic marine environment from Sibirian Rivers (Comer)

Prosjektansvarlig:Statens strålevern Prosjektleder:Iosjpe, Mikhail Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 147437/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2002-31.12.20042002: 330,000 2003: 540,000 2004: 400,000

The prime aim of this project will be to assess the vulnerability of Arctic coastal areas to contaminant input from large rivers and their estuaries, namely the Ob and Yenisey river systems. This aim will be achieved by (1) improving the methodology for modeling releases from large, point-sources of contaminants, (2) collecting field data to validate contaminant transport models, and (3)

Page 28: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

tying the model results to formal analyses of sensitivity of coastal resources. The project is expected to result in improved assessment tools that wiIl aid in the further development of better protection strategies for Arctic resources.

1. Site-specific information will be gathered from the estuaries in summer 2001. The field programme is funded separately through an EU project. As part of the project, one will gather data on particle distributions and their associated contaminant loads and sediment deposition and mixing rates. The information will be used in model simulations of discharges from the estuaries. 2. The sensitivity analysis will be based on results of model simulations of contaminant distributions. These simulations will be conducted using an improved box model. The following improvements will be made to the box model: (i) introduction of a heavy metals module, (ii) improvement of the information data base used in the model, and (iii) introduction of an ice module. 3. Connecting the results of the modeling work to the sensitivity analysis, the project will determine the likely consequences to the marine environment/habitats, biota and populations from contamination discharges from the Ob and Yenisey estuaries. The project will identify "conflict areas" where high levels of contaminant deposition in the environment coincide with particularly sensitive habitats or populations of Arctic species. The final results will be presented visually as sensitivity maps presenting the distribution of sensitive species and habitats in the region.

66 Stressproteiner og genekspresjon. Intracellulare mekanismer, med hovedvekt på studier av dyr fra tungmetallforurensede områder

Prosjektansvarlig:Biologi, Institutt for,Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitetProsjektleder:Andersen, Rolf Arvid Professor Prosjektnr: 147474/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.4.2003-31.3.20062003: 419,250 2004: 655,000 2005: 555,000 2006: 138,750

1. Undersøke hvordan dyr fra tungmetallbelastede miljøer er påvirket av forurensninger på vevs- og cellenivå. 2. Kombinere studier av stressproteiner som metallothionein, enzymer koblet til håndtering av oksygenradikaler (catalase, superoxide dismutase og gluthation peroxidase) og heat shock proteins med genom-studier av disse stressproteinenes gener for å etablere sammenhenger mellom stressnivå og gen-

ekspresjon i ulike vevstyper som f.eks. gjelle og lever i fisk. 3. Utnytte mulighetene som åpner seg med det nye fagfeltet toxicogenomics innenfor tradisjonelle økotoksikologiske problemstillinger, ved å bruke DNA macro/microarray teknikker for å studere hvordan en lang rekke av gener uttrykkes i forskjellige celletyper etter eksponering for miljøgifter.

67 Sex allocation effects from exposure to organochlorine contamination. A study of Arctic breeding glaucous gulls - Larus hyperboreus -

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA,Arktisk økologiProsjektleder:Erikstad, Kjell Einar Professor Prosjektnr: 147736/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2002-31.12.20022002: 200,000

Hovedmål: Undersøke hvordan forurensning i form av organiske klorforbindelser påvirker kjønnsratio hos arktiske måker.

Delmål: - kjønnsbestemmelse av unger fra polarmåke som blir analysert for organiske klorforbindelser- undersøke sammenhengen mellom de observerte verdier av organiske klorforbindelser og primær kjønnsratio hos polarmåke på Bjørnøya.

68 AMAP konferanse og workshop: Impacts of POPs and Mercury on Arctic Environments and Humans

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk Polarinstitutt Prosjektleder:Gabrielsen, Geir Wing Forsker Prosjektnr: 147752/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2002-31.12.20022002: 100,000

Hovedmål:Arrangement av kombinert konferanse og workshop ved tittel "Impacts of POPs and Mercury on Arctic Environments and Humans" ved Polarmiljøsenteret i Tromsø, januar 2002.

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Delmål:Utarbeide en rapport som oppsummerer status og prioriterte forskningsoppgaver innen effekter av organiske miljøgifter og kvikksølv på arktiske organismer og mennesker.

69 Strømningsveier i nedbørfelt - vann- partikler-pesticider

Prosjektansvarlig:Jordforsk Prosjektleder:Øygarden, Lillian Forsker Prosjektnr: 147954/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2002-31.12.20042002: 512,308 2003: 1,147,692 2004: 820,000

Hovedmål:Øke kunnskap om strømningsveier for næringsstoffer, partikler og pesticider i vann i små nedbørfelt dominert av jordbruk.

Delmål:1. Styrke koblingen mellom forskning og overvåking for å øke kunnskapsgrunnlaget for de prosesser som leder til avrenning av næringsstoffer og pesticider fra jordbruksarealer.2. Videreutvikle metodikk og øke kompetansen på bruk av tracere som hjelpemiddel for å identifisere kilder, strømningsmønster, oppholdstider og transportveier i nedbørfelt.3. Bedre risikovurderinger og grunnlaget for valg av effektive og optimale tiltak for å redusere avrenning av næringsstoffer og pesticider. Identifisere og dokumentere forskjeller mellom og innen små nedbørfelt som gir ulik tap til vannforekomster.

70 Environmental NoiseProsjektansvarlig:SINTEF IKT Prosjektleder:Gjestland, Truls Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 148096/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2002-1.4.20042002: 2,299,401 2003: 1,666,666

This research program will provide knowledge to assist the authorities in reaching the target of 25 percent decrease in noise annoyance within 2010, and to strengthen the Norwegian noise research community.

These main objectives can be reached by:· Developing tools and methods for measuring and predicting noise annoyance,

· Studies aimed at understanding physiological, sociological, and psychological factors influencing noise annoyance,· Designing and developing noise abatement strategies, and models for cost-benefit analysis of noise reduction measures· Providing know-how and competence on all levels. The original proposal outlined plans for a comprehensive cross-institutional research program on environmental noise. Due to limited funding the plans had to be downscaled considerably. Five Norwegian institutions with a leading role in noise research have established a research consortium. They will act as a resourceful partner for the Norwegian Research Council. The plans are in compliance with the targets for noise research set forth by the Research Council. The plans include the following elements: - description and analysis of the present noise situation with respect to both physical, sociological, and psychological aspects of environmental noise as a basis for predicting future changes

- models for prediction and optimization of the effect of planned or implemented noise reduction measures in a complex noise environment

- models for cost-benefit analysis of noise reduction measures, and for complex situation where noise abatement is but one of several factors implemented to improve living conditions in a community - increased noise competence and awareness on all levels of public administration - international co-operation and networking.

71 Statistical techniques for risk assessment of environmental effects of pollutants from diffuse sources

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk Regnesentral Prosjektleder:Høst, Gudmund Prosjektnr: 148307/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2002-31.12.20042002: 200,000 2003: 400,000 2004: 300,000

Principal objective: To establish a common mathematical framework for risk analysis of diffuse pollutants distributed in space and space-time.Sub-goals:1. Develop techniques for quantifying various sources of uncertainty (measurements, model structure, target populations) in risk estimates.2. Develop techniques for scaling-up risk assessment and uncertainty estimates from single sites to region.

Page 30: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

3. Developing techniques for visualizing results (spatial, spatio-temporal) of risk and uncertainty such that these are suitable for use by policy-makers.

The project will develop a common statistical framework for risk analysis of diffuse pollutants with space-time characteristics. For such problems, the aim is to improve the basis for environmental decision making by providing a link from pollutant exposure to the probability of adverse effects. This may contribute to a new approach for setting environmental standards for diffuse pollutants. The methods will be general, enabling use within a broad range of applications. Surface water acidification and persistent organic compounds in fish will be used as case studies, making the research directly relevant to the work done under the UN-BCE Conventi for Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants. The case studies will also link the research to data from ongoing national monitoring programs.

72 Perfluorinated organic compounds -FOC - in the Norwegian Environment

Prosjektansvarlig:NILU - Tromsø Prosjektleder:Kallenborn, Roland Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 148394/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2002-31.12.20022002: 165,477

Liquid chromatographic separation methods coupled to mass spectrometric detection will be used for the development of a reliable and sensitive analytical method for perfluorinated chemicals in the environment.Three major subgoals of the project:

1. ) Development of a quality controlled and method optimized HPLC-MS technique for the unequivocal identification and quantification of perfluoro-compounds (see figure 1) in the environment.2.) Elucidating evidence about the presence of FOCs in the Norwegian environment3.) Supporting national decision-makers leading to adequate political decision about the handling and use of perfluorinated compounds in the Norwegian environment. Indications for the environmental presence of FOC have been published. High levels of perfluorinated compounds (PFOS, PFHS, PFOSA and PFOA) were found in biota representing different trophic levels including Arctic biota. This data set represents the only information available on the presence of this type of hazardous compounds in Norway. Compared to other persistent organic compounds the group of FOC is not accessible by standard methodology (gas chromatography and mass sepctrometric detection). It is one of the very first groups

of pollutants requiring trace analysis by LC-MS. The method published so far is rather vague and does not include sufficient information about method optimisation and quality control measures. Method robustness is a rather critical parameter since electrospray ionisation was applied which is very sensitive to ionisation disturbances by sample matrix. Currently, no information is available about alternative ionisation techniques such as APCI or about MS/MS fragmentation patterns for a safe identification. Therefore, the presented study intends to develop a better defined method. Alternatives to be tested are APCI using LC-TOF-MS LC-lon trap-MSn and LC-quadrupole-MS/MS.

73 Atmosphere speciation of mercury

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Berg, Torunn Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 148404/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.7.2002-30.7.20052002: 278,000 2003: 535,000 2004: 555,000 2005: 277,500

The overall aim of the project is: To quantify the atmospheric cycling of different species of mercury. The following spesific questions will be addressed: 1. What are the reaction mechanisms involved in the oxidation of elemental mercury during polar sunrise? 2. Do the "mercury depletion events" contribute significantly to the atmospheric loading of mercury to the Arctic? 3. What are the emission rates of Hg from natural terrestrial sources in Norway? 4. What are the main species of Hg from industrial sources?

Mercury pollutants are of increasing importance for the environmental quality in Europe and the rest of the world. Many of the mercury species are able to exist in both gas and condensed phases in the environment. Atmospheric transport and transformations are key processes for the loading of Hg in many regions, e.g. the Arctic. Air-surface exchange processes, such as re-emissions from sea surfaces and ground-air interactions are also of prime importance. For Hg, natural emissions also play an important role in the atmospheric cycling of this pollutant, although these sources have not been quantified. The project will carry out speciation of mercury during the "Arctic mercury depletion events". The global database on Hg fluxes has increased significantly the last ten years, but there are still large gaps. Flux measurements will therefore be carried out on different ground types in Norway in order to get an overview of emission/reemission from Norwegian areas. Until now emission measurements of mercury close to industrial

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sources have included almost exclusively elemental mercury. New information have however showed that more reactive species of mercury (RGM) are emitted from the antropogenic emission sources, forms that are much more dangerous to the ecosystems. The RGM emissions will be measured close to different anthropogenic sources.

74 Tilleggsspørsmål i Samordnet levekårsundersøkelse 2001

Prosjektansvarlig:Statistisk sentralbyrå Prosjektleder:Vågane, Liva Førstekonsulent Prosjektnr: 150973/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2001-1.4.20022001: 140,000

Stille spørsmål om hvor plaget man er av støy og forurensning i samordnet levekårsundersøkelse 2001 - tverrsnittsundersøkelsen. Undersøkelsen gjennomføres av Statistisk sentralbyrå i perioden august 2001 - januar 2002. Utvalget er på 5000 personer over 16 år trukket etter SSBs utvalgsplan.

Filer med tilleggsspørsmålene og bakgrunnsopplysninger gjøres tilgjengelig for NFR, SFTog TØI 15. mars.

75 Continuous monitoring of trace metals in seawater

Prosjektansvarlig:Norges Geotekniske Institutt Prosjektleder:Strout, James Michael Prosjektnr: 152745/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-1.4.20042003: 466,666

1 Development A :Development of a robust automated instrument for in-situ measurement of trace metals for long time service interval. B: Develop software for telecommunication and processing of data from the instrument buoy to land2 Lab test, verification in lab with standard methods 3 Field test , two weeks unatendet use on buoy Contaminated seabed sediments has become a serious problem in several Norwegian fjords and harbours. The environmental risk associated with these sediments is strongly related to the mobility of the contaminants. Remediation work involves the risk of increasing the mobility and availability of contaminants during the work. The project will develop an instrument for automated in situ measurement of trace metals based on electrochemical technology. Monitoring of trace metals

during engineering operations in contaminated sediments, will give an immediate warning when trace metal concentrations in the water phase available to marine organisms increases. The project will give a tool to be used for monitoring during dredging and disposal work and for monitoring after completion of remediation. With this tecnology a better understanding of trace metal mobility in the seawater will be possible. This will give important input to the development of tools for risk assessment of contaminated sediments and remedial actions in these.

76 Speciation, transport and bioavailability of Cd and Zn in contaminated terrestrial ecosystems. BIOMOD

Prosjektansvarlig:Norges landbrukshøgskole,Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskapProsjektleder:Mulder, Jan Professor Prosjektnr: 153370/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20052003: 1,000,000 2004: 1,000,000 2005: 1,000,000

Main objective Quantify mobility, bioavailability and ecological effects on dominant plants and micro-organisms of Cd and Zn in contaminated terrestrial ecosystems. The research will be carried out at contaminated and uncontaminated semi-natural catchments in Odda municipality, Norway. Specific objectives 1.Determination of concentrations of labile and free metal ions in soil solution using diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT). 2. Calibration of the equilibrium model WHAM for the speciation of trace metals in soils. 3. Assessment of relationships between trace metal speciation in soil solution and bioavailability (plants and micro-organisms). 4. Calibration of the CHUM model to estimate the transport of metals in the catchment and their transfer to surface water. 5. Assessment of the practical use of these techniques as tools in evaluating ecological risk of trace metal contaminated soils.

Trace metals are major pollutants in the industrialized world affecting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Despite intensive investigations over decades, many questions concerning trace metals remain unresolved, including their behaviour in soils and water and their ecological effects. In the past, much of trace metal research focused on total concentrations in soil and different soil fractions. Such information is valuable, but does not allow precise predictions of trace metal mobility and bioavailability. As a consequence reliable assessment of ecological risks of trace metals remains difficult. The project seeks to find quantitative relationships between trace metal speciation, mobility, bioavailability

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and effects in selected contaminated and uncontaminated (semi-)natural catchments in Odda County, Norway. Ecological effects of Cd and Zn and their speciation and bioavailability for living organisms in soils (plants and micro-organisms) will be assessed together with the transfer to surface water. The project will use newly developed biological and chemical analytical methods, along with mathematical modelling for predicting and assessing transport, effects of trace metals on microbes and plants, and ecological risk of metal contaminated soils.

77 Study of the physical properties and the chemical characterisation of particulate matter at Birkenes

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Tørseth, Kjetil Prosjektnr: 153373/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20052003: 360,000 2004: 360,000 2005: 360,000

Main goal: The overall goal is to study the mass concentration of PM10 and PM1.0 , the particle size/number distribution as well as its chemical composition sampled at Birkenes. The information obtained will support current strategies in abating precursor emissions under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). Specific goals: 1. Providing data for understanding gas to particle conversion (nucleation events) to improve the modelling of particle dynamics in the atmosphere. 2. Use of back trajectories to geographically locate the sources contributing to the particulate matter sampled at Birkenes 3. Attempts to apportion of emitting sources of particulate matter that contribute to the mass concentration sampled at Birkenes by using chemical characterisation and receptor analysis.

Long-range transport of aerosols accounts for a significant portion of particulate air pollutant concentrations in Scandinavia. Accurate determination of the aerosol size distribution is an essential prerequisite for determining the transport distances and thus the geographic origin of particulate air pollutants arriving in Scandinavia from sources in continental Europe. Chemical speciation is required for pinpointing the types of sources from which the long-range transported aerosols originate. The use of a newly developed differential mobility particle sizer at the Birkenes site is proposed for obtaining detailed information about physical particle properties. More specifically, the project will measure the size distribution of long-range transported particular air pollutants over a wide range of size parameters and with a

high temporal resolution. Using analytical techniques such as ICP/MS, IC, GC/MS, LC/MS and Thermal Optical EC/OC, several aerosol-related chemical parameters will be determined. Of special interest is the use of Thermal Optical EC/OC. To our knowledge, this technique has not been employed earlier for analysing ambient air particles collected in Norway. Air mass back trajectories and receptor analysis will be useful in order to geographically locate the sources of air pollutants, and to provide insights into the relationships among the various

78 The response of hyperbenthos, infauna and foraminifera to hypoxia in fjord-basins:

Prosjektansvarlig:Havforskningsinstituttet,Senter for marint miljøProsjektleder:Mortensen, Lene Buhl Forsker Prosjektnr: 153383/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20052003: 1,200,000 2004: 1,200,000 2005: 700,000

Objectives: Increase the knowledge of the effects of eutrophication on the bottom-fauna of fjords and establish controlling environmental factors. Sub-goals are: 1)Document the response of different components of the bottom-fauna in sill-basins to increased carbon flux and the resulting reduced oxygen concentration. To establish an eutrophication index based on the sensitive fauna-components. 2)Provide a documentation of the species richness of the bottom-fauna in 11 Norwegian fjords along the Skagerrak coast, which can serve as a baseline for monitoring the regional coastal biodiversity. 3)Identify general relationships between the basin characteristics and dynamics and bottom-fauna to make a model as a tool for prediction of fjord health. 4)Identify fjords that historically have experienced low oxygen concentrations through a retrospective study of the environmental conditions based on the foraminiferal fauna preserved in the sediment of the fjord-basins.

A unique long time series of oxygen measurements exists from several Skagerrak fjords as part of an ongoing monitoring program. It reveals a clear decline after 1975 due to eutrophication. This is a large scale experiment that offers a possibility to get detailed observations on how the bottom fauna is affected. Today indicators of eutrophication are based mainly on infauna but, the fauna living at the sediment-water interface, "the hyperbenthos", is assumed to be particularly sensitive, however, the detailed knowledge of the response of this fauna group is sparse. The projeet will compare the "hyperbenthos", macro infauna, and foraminifera, together with environmental factors, of 11 sill-basins that are part of the unique

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monitoring program. Because the historical levels of oxygen in the bottom water at these localities differ a comparison of the bottom fauna wiIl produce detailed information on responses to hypoxia. In addition, a documentation of this fauna will provide a baseline for the monitoring of coastal biodiversity. Furthermore, it will add data that can connect the earlier observed correlation of both carbon-flux and fauna-diversity with fjord topography and improve the existing carbon-flux sill-depth model by including a fauna component. Moreover, the fjords which naturally have experienced repeated situations of hypoxia will be identified by using the foraminifera in sediment cores as an archive of historical bottom conditions.

79 Guano: a carrier medium for persistent organic pollutants (POPs)?

Prosjektansvarlig:Akvaplan Niva AS Prosjektleder:Dahle, Salve Direktør Prosjektnr: 153411/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20042003: 600,000 2004: 600,000

The main goal of the project is to assess the role of guano as a carrier medium for POPs from the marine to the limnic ecosystem. Subgoals are to:- elucidate seasonal variations in the contribution from guano in the freshwater system and to assess the uptake in the freshwater food chain.- include the contribution from guano into a quantitative model that models the uptake and transport of POPs through the food chain- gather new scientific results which can be used in the development of monitoring programmes for Arctic areas - summarise the results in scientific publications and a thesis that fulfil the requirements for the Doctor scientarium degree. The main goal of the project is to trace the transport of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from the marine food web into the abiotic compartment of a lake system and further into the food web of the lake. Food web transfer and biomagnification of POPsin marine and freshwater food chains have been elucidated through a number of studies, but the possibility for transfer between different ecosystems through biological pathways has only recently been described. The goal of the project is therfore to study the role of guano as a biological transport medium for POPs. The project will be performed on Bjørnøya, in an area where previous studies have revealed high concentrations of POPs, both in a lake system (Lake Ellasjøen) and in guano samples from seabirds. Ellasjøen

is heavily affected by seabird guano. Another lake on Bjørnøya, Øyangen, which is much less affected by seabirds, will be used as a reference site. The results produced will be used as input to a model where uptake and transport of POPs through the food chain is quantified. Levels of POPs (with main focus on "new hazardous chemicals") in the food chains in Ellasjøen and in the marine environment close to Bjørnøya have been mapped through a project funded by the Norwegian Research Council (project 135604/720) and the Norwegian Pollution Control Authorities. Some guano samples were also analysed through this project. The results obtained are very interesting and emphasises the importance of studying this biological pathway for POPs-transport more closely.

80 Application for an overseas fellowship to support postdoctoral research at the University of Toronto

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Breivik, Knut Forsker Prosjektnr: 153437/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-15.7.20032003: 124,000

The principal objective of the proposed research is to increase the knowledge related to scientific basis for multimedia environmental models based on the fugacity approach. Important short-term sub-goals include further development, parameterisation and evaluation (validation) of such models as well as preparation of peer-reviewed papers. The proposed work is also expected to enhance the scientific outcome of two ongoing research projects, facilitated by close cooperation with leading scientists in this field of research. Finally, a long-term strategic sub-goal is to facilitate the participation and outcome of future projects, related to the fate of POPs under Nordic environmental conditions.

Knut Breivik (NILU) is invited to work as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Toronto (Canada) for one year (15. July 2002 - 15. July 2003). The key research activity is related to the fate of POPs (Persistent Organie Pollutants) under norther environmental conditions. This will be approached by further development and evaluation of so-called multimedia fate and transport models. Such models are increasingly used as tools in studies of the environmental fate of POPs (e.g. risk assessment of new substances, lake, sea and fjord pollution, arctic pollution etc.). The salary will be covered by NILU, based on two ongoing and related research projects (NFR/CEFIC), as well as internal funding. NFR is requested to support tbe postdoctoral research activities at the University of

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Toronto with a 6 1/2 month Utenlandsstipend (Overseas fellowship).

81 Time-dependent bioavailability and toxicity of pesticides to soil living organisms

Prosjektansvarlig:Jordforsk Prosjektleder:Sverdrup, Line Emilie Postdoktorstipendiat Prosjektnr: 153444/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20062003: 491,250 2004: 565,250 2005: 565,250 2006: 416,250

The objectives of this project areI. to describe the temporal changes in bioavailability, biodegradability and toxicity of hyrophobic pesticides in soil based on changes in sorption characteristics.2. to derive a model that predicts toxicity of hydrophobic pesticides to a soil invertebrate at changing exposure concentrations. To reach these objectives, it is important- to elucidate the influence of desorption kinetics on the uptake rate of pesticides in soil invertebrates.- to describe the effect of sorption on biodegradability of pesticides.· to clarify the relationship between exposure and effect on soil invertebrates.· to integrate sorption, biodegradation and leaching in exposure models and link tissue concentrations to toxicity for a soil invertebrate. Soil sorption is a key parameter controlling the fate and ecological effects of pesticides. Recent monitoring data show that several pesticides are more persistent than expected, and that non-target exposure is likely to occur. Thus, the current risk assessment procedures often fail to describe environmental risk properly. One of the main problems associated with the current guidelines on risk assessments is that the exposure and effect assessment is based on total contaminant concentrations instead of the soil-specific bioavailable fraction of a compound. By linking sorption, bioavailability and ecological risk, the project seeks to improve exposure and effect assessment of two pesticides in particular, and on organic compounds in general. By relating temporal changes in sorption behaviour to changes in biodegradation, as well as bioaccumulation in earthworms, the influence of sorption on these processes will be revealed. A model will be developed that predicts toxic effects under changing exposure concentrations, and this model will then be parameterised and tested in mesocosm experiments. In addition, a simple and promising tool for determining bioavailability: non-exhaustive extraction with ^X-cyclodextrine, will also be evaluated.

82 Increased N removal in constructed wetland filters - use of stable nitrogen isotopes to determine factors controlling denitrification /DNRA

Prosjektansvarlig:Jordforsk Prosjektleder:Søvik, Anne Kristine Forsker Prosjektnr: 153448/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-3.12.20052003: 550,000 2004: 550,000 2005: 550,000

Examine N-removal processes in constructed wetlands such as denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). Stable N isotopes will be used to examine the environmental factors favouring the processes. · Use batch studies to examine relevant processes for N retention in wetland filter material, as well as identifying environmental factors influencing these processes· Study N-processes coupled to transport in a meso-scale constructed wetland· Evaluate whether use of natural isotopic fractionation of N isotopes may be used as a method for determining denitrification rates in constructed wetlands

Release of nitrogen and phosphorus to lakes, rivers and coastal areas constitutes the main risk for reduced water quality and eutrofication. The most important antropogenic sources for nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in Norway are municipal wastewater, runoff from agricultural areas, landfill leachate and loads from the industry. Nitrogen removal from wastewater is currently demanded in some cities and we expect requirements to come for non-urban areas e.g. in connection with the new requirements of the Water Framework Directive. In non-urban areas, constructed wetlands may be a feasible and cost-efficient method for wastewater treatment. Research at Jordforsk related to nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands indicates that processes of relevance for removal and buffering of nitrogen are besides the nitrification-denitrification process, also dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and ammonium sorption. With denitrification, nitrogen is permanently removed from constructed wetlands, however, the greenhouse gas N2O may constitute a substantial part of the emitted gases. DNRA on the other hand is an unfavourable process as nitrate is reduced to ammonium instead of being denitrified. It is not yet clear which environmental factors that favour the different processes in constructed wetlands. In co-operation with an interdisciplinary research team the project will use isotope studies to examine the

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environmental factors favouring the different processes, in order to optimize the removal of nitrogen in constructed wetlands, while at the same time minimising the emissions of N2O.

83 Bioavailability and effects of organochlorine contaminants in relation to seasonal lipid cycles in arctic fox

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA,Arktisk økologiProsjektleder:Jørgensen, Even Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 153484/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20052003: 626,000 2004: 705,000 2005: 385,000

Overall goal:Study the influence of natural winter emaciation in an arctic top-predator on organochlorine contaminant tissue distribution, bioavailability and biological impact.

Partial goals:I. Quantify OC distribution between 'insensitive' storage tissues (adipose tissue), blood (transport medium), and sensitive tissues (liver, brain, gonads) in relation to seasonal emaciation.2. Determine the effect of OC tissue distribution (see point I.) on OC bioavailability (i.e. hepatic CYP1A biomarker responses).3. Assess possible effects of natural OC body burdens on adrenal steroidogenesis and plasma hormone levels in fat and lean arctic fox.

Arctic animals utilize periods with high food availability for feeding and lipid deposition, whereas they rely on stored lipids during unfavourable periods. Hence, many arctic inhabitants exhibit profound seasonal cycles of fattening and emaciation. In the Arctic, feeding is associated with fat deposition and contaminant accumulation. When lipids are mobilized, accumulated contaminants are released into the circulation. Consequently, blood contaminant concentrations may increase markedly and result in a redistribution of the contaminant(s) from "insensitive" adipose tissues to sensitive organs, and increased contaminant bioavailability. Such variations complicate interpretations of pollutant toxicity, both in effect studies and in monitoring programs, and remain an important future research area. The project will use arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) as a model species for investigating tissue distribution and bioavailability of organochlorine contaminants (OCs) in relation to natural variations in lipid status (field study). These data will be supplemented and validated through a contamination study with blue fox (A. lagopus), where the

seasonal changes in lipid status of wild fox are simulated in the laboratory. In the field and laboratory study, possible effects of OCs on steroid hormone synthesis, and plasma levels of hormones, vitamin E and retinol will also be assessed.

84 Mercury in lake sediments; trends in fluxes, geographical pattern and sources

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Skjelkvåle, Brit Lisa Forsker Prosjektnr: 153515/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.4.2003-31.12.20052003: 625,000 2004: 600,000 2005: 350,000

Identify historical and recent trends in the supply of atmospherically deposited mercury into lakes in Norway with respect to rates, geographical patterns and pollution sources.

Sub-goals:- Reveal the temporal and geographical variations in the atmospheric depositions of mercury and other trace elements in Norway by analysis of dated lake sediment cores-Determine the ratios of stable mercury isotopes in the dated sediment cores and in different source materials for atmospheric mercury pollution (coal, elemental mercury, non-ferrous ores etc.)- Elucidate the historical and recent sources of mercury pollutants in lake sediments by comparing the stable mercury isotope ratios in dated strata with the ratios in potential source materials. The analysis will focus on the influence of long-range atmospheric transport versus emissions from local smelters and process industry

Mercury is a ubiquitous contaminant because of the dominantly atmospheric pathways by which it is transported to regions far from the emission sources. Lake sediments are suitable as environmental archives for tracing the history of mercury depositions, as airborne mercury deposited on the lake surface, and supplied from the catchments, are likely to be scavenged by organic particles and deposited in the sediments. The project will examine historical trends and geographic variations in atmospheric mercurydepositions by analysis of dated lake sediment cores. Resent results indicate that natural mass dependent fractionation of mercury isotopes may give rise to small, but significantly distinct isotopic signatures in different environmental samples. This offers the opportunity for using isotope ratios in source-oriented studies of mercury pollution. The project will use isotope analyses to examine the historical and recent sources of atmospheric mercury pollution. The ratios of stable mercury isotopes in dated

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sediments will be compared with the ratios of source materials of atmospheric mercury pollution (coal, elemental mercury, non-ferrous ores). The isotope analyses will be done by a high-resolution mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) in co-operation with a scientific group at Trent University, Canada. The project will especially focus on the influence of long range transboundary atmospheric mercury pollution (main source is burning of coals) versus local emissions from non-ferrous smelters and other process industry.

85 Bioaccumulation, ecotoxicology and biomarker responses of new and old POPs in a marine ecosystem;..

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA,Avd. for terrestrisk økologiProsjektleder:Nygård, Torgeir Forsker Prosjektnr: 153560/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20052003: 853,000 2004: 863,000 2005: 705,000

1) To investigate the levels of ‘new’ and ‘old’ POPs along a gradient from a (polluted) urban fjord site to a remote (clean) coastal site. 2) Method adaptation and optimisation for the implementation of new compounds such as metabolites of brominated flame retardants, chlorinated naphtalenes and alkanes, and perfluorinated organic compounds into standard methods for POP analysis. 3) study bioaccumulation rates of different POPs in two parallel food chains. 4) evaluate the ecotoxicological implications of the observed levels of POPs and biomarkers in relation to growth and reproductive success of model species, in particular the Shag.

The project will make use of two simple and representative food-chains to study bioaccumulation and biomagnification of new and little studied organic pollutants such as brominated flame retardants (BFR), chlorinated alkanes (PCA) and synthetic musks, as well as PCBs, DDE, HCH and HCB. Therefore, during the project, biological samples in marine food chains (Blue mussel -Eider, Saithe and Shag) will be collected in three carefully selected localities, along a gradient from "polluted" to "pristine". This will also allow an evaluation of the importance and magnitude of local vs. long-range transported load of POPs. Basic data on POP levels in seawater will be obtained during the project by the use of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMD). Two of the sites are seabird colonies with long and ongoing series of population and reproduction studies, and a carefully designed study of POP levels, biomarker responses, growth and breeding achievements of a fish-eating seabird, the Shag, will make ecotoxicological interpretations possible. The results will deepen and

broaden the information gathered during the study under ongoing projects performed by the same research group. The analytical achievements will be implemented in new and better procedures for existing and future research and monitoring programs.

86 Radioactive dose assessment improvements for the Nordic marine environment:...

Prosjektansvarlig:Statens strålevern Prosjektleder:Gwynn, Justin Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 153568/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20052003: 1,000,000 2004: 1,000,000 2005: 1,000,000

The principal objective is to further constrain dose assessments for the Nordic marine environment through statistical and experimental examination and reassessment of abiotic and biotic parameters of a pre-existing dose assessment box model. This will be achieved through:- The determination of technetium-99 (99Tc) levels and time series in pelagic and benthic food webs in Norwegian waters. Improved understanding of time-dependent distribution coefficients (KD) and concentration factors (CF) of 99Tc in key marine organisms and the removal of contaminants during alginate industrial processing. Improvement of the NRPA box model by the integrated analysis of model hindcasts for 99Tc dispersion, the introduction of selectable flow fields and novel and reassessed abiotic and biotic parameters and a critical analysis of current radionuclide monitoring designs.

Radioactivity in the Arctic environment is a central topic within environmental pollution issues. The project (acronym "RADNOR") includes model and monitoring assessments and improvements, several hypothetic case studies with sources of different character and location, dose calculations and use of realistic climatic background scenarios in order to assess corresponding consequences for transport of radioactive pollutants. The measurements that are used in RADNOR origin from fieldwork and monitoring performed by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority. The models central in RADNOR are a 3-D hydrodynamic oceanographic model, calculating radionuclide transport pathways and concentrations, and an oceanographic box model, which gives average radionuclide levels on a longer time scale. RADNOR consists of three main components: - A first part, dealing with model hindcasts and observations for spreading of technetium-99 from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant during the 1990s; - Part 2, containing working packages on improvements of the box model; and

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- Part 3, applying the models for a selection of scenarios taking both different climate forcing situations and different kinds of accidental discharge scenarios into account. From the model outputs, doses to man and environment will be calculated resulting in a valuable database for use within environmental management and for decision makers.

87 Triclosan - A New POP?Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Schlabach, Martin Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 153688/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20042003: 700,000 2004: 800,000

Within the proposed project a first assessment ot concentration levels, fate and environmental risk of Triclosan in abiotic and biotic Norwegian environmental samples will be performed. It is planned to -develop and validate a reliable trace analytical method based on gas chromatographic (GC) separation and mass spectrometric (MS) detection for qualitative and quantitative determination of triclosan in air, water and biota samples. -provide first evidence about the presence and distribution of triclosan in the Norwegian aquatic environment. -study seasonal variations due to the photochemical degradation of triclosan -perform an environmental risk analysis for triclosan -disseminate the result of this project to authorities and public

There is a growing concern about the increasing use of triclosan, due to its ability to lead to antibiotic resistance in micro-organisms and due to other undesired environmental effects. Triclosan has been used as an effective antiseptic in cosmetics, soap, toothpaste and plastic for kitchens and table utensils. Triclosan is a relatively stable, lipophilic compound and bioaccumulate. Environmental occurrence of triclosan has been reported in samples of wastewater, surface water, sediment and fish. Within the project a reliable trace analytical method will be developed and validated together with the project partners in Sweden and Switzerland. A first assessment of concentration levels, fate and environmental risk of Triclosan in abiotic and biotic Norwegian environmental samples will be performed. Samples of wastewater, surface water, mussel and cod from the Oslo fjord area and surface water and fish from the lake Mjøsa will be analyzed. In order to evaluate the potential peculiarities under Northern environmental and climatic conditions a study of the seasonal trend in surface water will be performed. As an integrated part of the dissemination strategy the project will be finished with an open workshop bringing

together the project partners from NILU, NIVA, ITM (Sweden) and SFRS (Switzerland), relevant authorities and other interested organizations.

88 Effects of pesticides on endocrine function and development in amphibians

Prosjektansvarlig:Biologi, Institutt for,Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitetProsjektleder:Jenssen, Bjørn Munro Professor Prosjektnr: 153698/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.7.2003-31.12.20052003: 150,000 2004: 150,000 2005: 150,000

Establish an amphibian model using Rana temporaria as a model species for examining endocrine disruptive effects of pesticides on development (metamorphosis, sexual differentiation, growth) and endocrine homeostasis in amphibians.Eggs and adults will be exposed to pesticides (DDT, permetrin and fenitrotion) to evaluate to which extent these pesticides may have endocrine disruptive properties that may affect popullations of amphibians.To assess the impact of combined effects, eggs and adults will also be exposed to a combination of pesticides and UV-B radiation.Effects will also be studied in individuals from naturally high and low exposed populations.

Pesticides can be an important contributing factor to the world-wide decline in amphibian populations. The aim of the project is to examine to which extent pesticides affect development (metamorphosis, sexual differentiation and growth) and endocrine function in amphibians, and thereby assess the contributing effect of pesticides to the amphibian decline. Rana temporaria is chosen as a model species. Increased UV-B radiation is another factor that has been suggested to be a contributing factor, and the study will focus on the combined effects of pesticide and UV-B exposure. Studies will be conducted through experimental exposure of adults and eggs, and individuals from polluted sites and from control sites will be collected and assessed in relation to the experimentally exposed individuals. Effects will be examined biometrically, anatomically and histologically, and by studying thyroid and sex hormone homeostasis, retinoid, thiamin and tocopherol status.

89 Perfluorinated aliphatic surfactants and airborne fluorochemicals in Norwegian environmental samples


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NILU - Tromsø Prosjektleder:Berger, Urs Forsker Prosjektnr: 153740/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.12.20052003: 520,000 2004: 725,000 2005: 540,000

A first assessment of environmental risk and concentration levels of perfluorinated organic compounds (FOCs) in abiotic and biotic Norwegian environmental samples will be performed.

Sub-goals1. Develop and validate reliable trace analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of FOCs in water, air and biota samples.2. Provide first evidence about the presence and distribution of FOCs in the Norwegian environment.3. Gain better insight into potential toxicological and ecotoxicological effects caused by man-made FOCs and their transformation products.4. Provide data and expertise to national decision-making institutions leading to adequate decisions concerning production and use of FOCs in Norway.

Fluorinated organic compounds (FOC) are used for a wide range of industrial applications. The presence of perfluorinated aliphatic surfactants in environmental samples including biota from remote areas and of airborne polyfluorinated alcohols in air samples has recently been reported. The lack of pertinent data and information on the deviating properties of these newly emerging persistent hazardous substances presents urgent need for elucidation. The exceptional physical properties of fluorinated compounds ask for completely new sample clean-up and analysis techniques. A currently on-going project gave very promising results concerning separation and detection of the target analytes in ultra-trace levels by liquid chromatography coupled to different mass spectrometric techniques. The project intends to optimise and adapt these methods to the requirements of analysis of a comprehensive set of environmental samples such as air, water and marine biota. Furthermore, different toxicity tests such as membrane studies from fish brains and free radical and cell death studies with primary cell cultures will be performed. The toxic effects can be directly correlated with those of the well investigated PCBs and brominated flame retardants. Finally, the scientific findings of the environmental monitoring and toxicity testing will be given to political decision-makers.

90 Development of a modelling tool for subaqueous tailings deposits at sulphide mines


Geologi og bergteknikk, Institutt for,Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitetProsjektleder:Thornhill, Maria Førsteamanuensis Prosjektnr: 153828/720Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2003-31.3.20042003: 500,000

Principal objective - Development of a modelling tool to predict water quality and pollution transport from subaqueous tailings deposits at sulphide mines. The final concrete of the project will be an improved model.Sub-goals/results:-Research methods for model development-Develop a protocol for the characterisation of tailings for the purposes of model development.-Assess the efficiency of a new passive sampling technique to detect pollutants.-Create a NTNU-NIVA partnership to increase and strengthen Norway's expertise in subaqueous deposition of tailings/AMD/modelling-Collaboration with international researchers.-Disseminate results at national and international levels.

Prior to the implementation of remediation measures releases of polluted water from Norway's sulphide mines were responsible for the largest discharges of copper, zinc, nickel and locally, cadmium and lead. The project is designed to evaluate the success of subaqueous deposition of tailings and to enable prediction of any pollution releases from such deposits. This will encompass the following objectives: 1. Development of a modelling tool to predict water quality and pollution transport from subaqueous tailings deposits at sulphide mines, in order to assist the monitoring and prediction of environmental pollution and potential remediation requirements at such mines in a cost-effective manner. 2. Through field and laboratory work gain information about the geochemical and physical processes within the deposit in order to broaden the knowledge base for further model development. 3. Develop a protocol for the characterisation of tailings for the purpose of model development. 4. Assessment of the efficiency of a new passive sampling technique to detect pollutants. 5. Creation of a partnership between the Department of Geology and Minerals Engineering, NTNU and NIVA to increase and strengthen Norway's expertise in this area of research which is currently very limited and to enable contact and collaboration with international researchers.

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91 Brominated flame retardants: Study of environmental fate and synergistic toxic effects with a special focus on the Norwegian environment

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Schlabach, Martin Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 159116/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 1,050,000 2005: 1,050,000

Study of source, transport, levels and effects of brominated flame retardants with emphasize on the Norwegian environment.

Task 1: Study on spatial distribution and long-range atmospheric transport of brominated flame retardantsTask 2: Study the biomagnification processes of BFR in the pelagic food web of Lake Mjøsa- a deep Nordic lake2.1 Determine particulate and free fraction of BFR in lake water.2.2. Estimate the sampling characteristics of SPMD with respect to different BFR congeners: use of SPMD to detect spatial variation in concentrations of BFR in lake water.2.3. Determine the concentration of BFR in major invertebrate prey groups.2.4. Estimate the net trophic transfer efficiency of BFR between major compartments in the pelagic food web.Task 3: In vitro and in vivo study of neurotoxic and immunotoxic effects of BFR in fish and rodents.

The knowledge of sources, levels, trends, transport and toxic effects of brominated flame retardants (BFR) is still very limited. Based on our findings of extraordinary high levels of BFR in Lake Mjøsa, this project will study the behaviour and ecotoxicological impact of BFR on environment. Major objectives will be spatial distribution and long range transport of BFR, biomagnification processes of BFR in a pelagic food web of Lake Mjøsa, and in vitro and in vivo study of neurotoxic and immunotoxic effects of BFR in fish and rodents. Human and wildlife animals are often exposed to high concentrations of different environmental toxins. The project will have especially focus on possible synergistic toxic effects of BFR in combination with the major environmental contaminants PCB and methyl-mercury. As a consequence of this improved understanding, authorities will be furnished with a better basis for decisions such as reduction or complete ban of these or similar compounds.

92 Functional role of macrofauna on contaminated sediments and the potential of fauna recovery following sediment remediation

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Olsgard, Frode Forsker Prosjektnr: 159200/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 475,000 2005: 400,000

The principal objectiveThe overall objective is to establish cause and effect relationships between pollutants and macrobenthic fauna structure and function in order to predict possible improvements in the ecological health following remediation of strongly polluted marine sediments.Project sub-goals:- Investigate the link between pollution and the functional role of the benthic communities and identify the most important organisms for ecosystem functioning-Investigate the relationships between the chemical and ecological status of selected polluted coastal and offshore areas in order to generate plausible cause and effect hypotheses for further experimental testing in field experiments and mesocosm studies -Provide a basis for producing ecologically based environmental health classification systems

In a number of Norwegian coastal and fjord sites, bottom sediments are heavily contaminated by micropollutants from anthropogenic discharges. Prevalent contaminants are metals, PAH, PCB, dioxins and TBT. The sediments may represent significant sources to contaminants in ambient water and biota. Presently Norwegian environmental authorities consider to implement rather expensive measures to clean the sediments in the most polluted areas. Sediments are complex dynamic habitats in which the fauna interplay with physical and chemical processes. The present study aims at assessing the functional role of benthic communities on contaminated sediments and estimate community recovery following sediment remediation. This will be approached through 1)identifying links between chemical pollutants and key structural and functional factors of benthic species communities, and 2) evaluting different methods for estimatig faunal recovery. Links between faunal function and comtaminants will be assessed from existing data in databases combining information about species composition with functional traits such as reproduction, life duration, feeding habits, body form and mobility. Methods for estimating recovery will be based on comparisons with reference areas, faunal changes along gradients and theoretical approaches combined with

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functional traits. Field investigations will be carried out at localities with severe sediment pollution to supply data and test predictions. The product seeks to develop a conceptual framework for estimating recovery. The results will be of general importance for risk assessments and management of contaminated sediments and is relevant to the EU water frame directive.

93 A flexible, integrated tool for management of contaminated sediments 2

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Næs, Kristoffer Forskningsleder Prosjektnr: 159214/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 1,350,000 2005: 1,350,000

The principle objective is:-To develop a flexible, user-friendly tool for management of contaminated sediments. To achieve this, the specific scientific objectives are:1. Develop a flexible modelling tool that can be used to describe the fate and food chain accumulation of contaminants in multiple Norwegian aquatic ecosystems2. Enhance the acceptability and capability of the model in decision support for managing contaminated sediments3. Develop a framework for cost-benefit analysis under uncertainty for the evaluation of scenarios for clean-up of contaminated sediments

Developing strategies to manage contaminated sediments has been identified as one of the major environmental challenges facing the European Community and Norway. To that end, Norway has newly launced comprehensive action plans. Given the complexity, question of utilitarian value and cost related to clean-up measures, tools for decision support are imperative. To provide stakeholders with the tools to assess the risks associated with contaminated sediments, we need to formulate a predictive model,which should be based on easily obtainable properities of any given system and pollutant molecule. It should be an integrated model that incorporate the fundamental processes involved in sediment - water transfer of POPs and predict the fluxes of bioavailable POPs into the overlying waters, see these in relation to other sources and include food chain accumulation. The process-based model should be able to make predictions of fluxes and resulting water concentrations of any given POP for any given fjord/bay over different time scales into the future. Given the nature of the cost involved in remedial actions, there is also a need to develop methods for economic cost-benefit analysis. We here propose to develop a user-friendly tool for management of contaminated sediments.

94 Pollution induced modulation of sex steroid transport and cellular responses - POLLMOD

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for vannforskning Prosjektleder:Tollefsen, Knut-Erik Forsker Prosjektnr: 159243/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 370,000 2005: 390,000

The objective is to develop methodology determine whether chemical interference and modulation of SBP-assisted transport of sex steroids represents a novel mechanism for endocrine disruption and clarify how this mechanism interacts with traditional estrogen receptor (ER)- mediated endocrine disruption. Studies will encompass traditional and priority pollutants like BFR, PFOS and PPCP.

The objectives of the project will be achieved by:1 in vitro determination of direct interference with the SBP2 in vitro determination of interaction with SBP-modulating and ER-mediated mechanisms for endocrine disruption3 in vitro assessement of the endocrine disrupting potential of selected chemicals

Attempts to link adverse health effects in wild fish populations to the exposure to endocrine disruptors are complicated by the low potency of many of these chemicals. The low estrogenic potency of these chemicals would require either exposure to very potent unknown endocrine disruptors, environmental mixtures of several active compounds, additional mechanisms of endocrine disruption or co-operation between multiple mechanisms for toxic effect. While classical mechanism of endocrine disruption an mixture toxicity is well documented in literature, studies on novel mechanisms of endocrine disruption and cooperative action between multiple mechanisms are highly warranted. This applies in particular to studies encompassing high priority environmental pollutants like brominated flame retardants (BFR) perfluorinated organic chemical (PFOS) and pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCP) where knowledge of toxic mechanisms and potential is limited. POLLMOD will investigate novel mechanisms of endocrine disruption involving the plasma sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) through use of a combined approach using fish in vitro and in vivo experiments. Methods developed will be used to assess the endocrine disrupting potential of traditional and "new" environmental pollutants and is anticipated included in an environmental monitoring "toolbox".

Page 41: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

95 Integrated risk assessment for the transport of particles, nutrients and pesticides in agricultural catchments - INTRA

Prosjektansvarlig:Jordforsk Prosjektleder:Øygarden, Lillian Prosjektnr: 159255/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 1,500,000 2005: 1,500,000

The overall goal of the project is to develop/conduct an integrated (combined nitrogen, phosphorus, soil erosion and pesticides) pollution risk assessment for optimal implementation of measures to critical source areas. The subgoals are: 1. Identification of relative critical source areas for low/high losses of soil, nutrients and pesticides. 2. Development of risk assessment indices for N, P and pesticides for a case area (The Skuterud catchmen). 3. Defining pathways from source via the soil to surface waters. 4. Incorporate in the soil erosion risk assessment also other erosion forms than sheet erosion. 5. Development of an integrated tool for management of mitigation strategies.

There is a need to develop an integrated management strategy at the catchment scale that jointly include the spatial variation in risk of nutrient, particle and pesticide losses. This project seeks to develop such an integrated approach, based on risk assessment indices for erosion, P loss, N loss and loss of pesticides. The project will be based on existing data within the JOVA-programme as well as other related projects, e.g. PhD.- project on development of a P index, empirical nitrogen models from work in relation to the 5th North Sea conference. Some additional studies will be carried out to highlight special issues, especially at the catchment scale. The indices in themselves provide a categorisation of the edge-of-field risk of loss and additionally the catchment scale approach will be represented in form of e.g. connectivity, stream bank erosion and retention. The output from this project will be a pilot integrated index for a catchment, which will be useful for end-users implementing differing management strategies for different areas of the catchment.

96 POP transfer through Arctic marine food webs - further model development and data analyses

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk Polarinstitutt

Prosjektleder:Borgå, Katrine Forsker Prosjektnr: 159417/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.3.2004-31.12.20052004: 685,000 2005: 594,000

i) Theoretical modelling of food web transport of pollutants - Continue improvement of the Campfens Mackay (1997) model by additional development and tests of chemical, environmetal and organism parameters - Complete a multi-species mass-balance unsteady-state food web model by including numerical solutions to change the present steady state model to a non steady state-condition - Further develop a user-friendly modelling tool for research and management purposes in terms of scenario building ii) Analyse Canadien and European Aarctic marine fod web organochlorine datasets jointly to identify and explain semi-circumpolar patterns.

The proposed post doctoral project consist of two interlinked parts which will study in details marine food web accumulation of contaminants in Arctic marine ecosystems by the use of already existing organochlorine data in Arctic marine food webs -Barents Sea and North Water Polynya - . Both parts are different approaches to study the overall aim: to understand which factors are important in the bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in marine food webs. Both parts require and will be conducted in collaboration with international scientists. Part i) to further develop and adapt a steady state mass balance food web model (Campfens and Mackay 1997) to make it applicable to Arctic marine ecosystems with an unsteady state assumption. The model will be available for research and management purposes and can be used to identify variables of importance for bioaccumulation in Arctic marine food chains, ii) to analyze Canadian and Norwegian food web data sets jointly to properly investigate the semi-circumpolar contaminant distribution in invertebrates, fish, seabirds, seals and polar bear.

97 Killer whales in Norway - transfer, sex - and age-specific accumulation and biological responses of contaminant mixtures

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk Polarinstitutt Prosjektleder:Wolkers, Hans Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 159432/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20042004: 120,000

Page 42: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

The proposed study aims to investigate exposure of Norwegian killer whales to "old" and "new" contaminants, contaminant transfer from prey to predator, contaminant-specific accumulation and biomarker responses. In this proposal we ask for resources to analyze killer whale tissues, sampled in November 2002, for a broad range of contaminants, including new compounds, as well as biomarker responses.Subgoals:- Assess contaminant-specific food chain transfer and accumulation in Norwegian killer whales.- Assess the biological response to contaminant exposure (CYP 1A activities) in relation to contaminants in food and blubber.

Marine predators, like seals and whales are exposed to high levels of contaminants, including PCBs and pesticides. However,in recent years there is growing concern about the increase of "new" compounds, like polybrominated flame retardants(BFRs), in the environment. Recent studies have indicated that these "PCBs of the 21 st. century" double their concentration every 5 years. Killer whales worldwide hold the gloomy record as most polluted marine mammal in the world. Due to their high trophic level these animals can be considered as ultimate indicators of marine ecosystem health, but surprisingly, Norwegian killer whales have not been subject to any ecotoxicology-related studies. Ecological as well as physiological factors make killer whales particularly sensitive to contaminant exposure and research on this high profile top predator is desperately needed. The proposed study reaches beyond the traditional measurements of levels. It addresses for each contaminant group: 1) the degree and type of exposure with emphasis on new compounds;2)transfer in the herring-killer whale link of the marine food web; 3)bioaccumulation and metabolism of "old" and "new" compounds; 4) contaminant-induced biological responses (CYP1A assays).

98 Long-term trends and ecological effects of pollutants in a tawny owl population in central Norway

Prosjektansvarlig:NINA,Arktisk økologiProsjektleder:Bustnes, Jan Ove Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 159435/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 700,000 2005: 750,000

Principal objective:Examine fluctuations and potential ecological effects of various pollutants, and develop improved monitoring

methods for terrestrial top-predators, by using a long-term data series on the tawny owl.

Sub-goals:- Document fluctuations in levels of heavy metals and organic pollutants in central Norway during the 1980s and 1990s.-Examine the occurence and trends of less studied environmental contaminants in central Norway during the last 20 years.- Investigate if population dynamics of tawny owls are affected by pollutants, and how such effects are influenced by natural stress factors - food abundance and climatic conditions .- Use long term data to develop new methodologies for monitoring of pollution in terrestrial top-predators, to save resources for data collection.

Various pollutants, including heavy metal and organochlorines, have been of great concern in Norway, but long term data sets on wildlife likely to be affected by such pollutants have been lacking. Here we propose a study of levels, fluctuations and possible ecological effects of different pollutants in a tawny owl (Strix aluco) population in central Norway, by using a long-term data series. The data are individual based, and tail feathers have been collected presently from 193 female owls since 1986 (514 feathers). In addition more than 300 eggs have been collected in the same period. Simultaneously measures of reproductive output adult survivel and diet have been recorded. The data will be analysed using recent developments in statistical modelling which will enable us to extract the effects of pollution from natural environmental variation. This data series provide a uniqe opportunity to document changes in pollution levels, occurrence of new contaminants and effects of pollution over a period when management effort to reduce pollution has been very high. In addition it will enable us to develop an improved sampling design for monitoring of pollutants in terrestrial top-predators.

99 Controls and fate of springtime atmospheric mercury deposition in the Arctic

Prosjektansvarlig:Norsk institutt for luftforskning Prosjektleder:Berg, Torunn Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 159437/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 982,000 2005: 402,000

The main aim is to study the controls and fate of springtime atmospheric mercury deposition in the Arctic. The following specific questions will be addressed: 1. What chemical species comprise reactive gaseous mercury?. 2.What are the sea ice processes leading to the

Page 43: RG report - Norges forskningsråd · Web viewThe methods used will be assessed for their applicability in future monitoring programmes. During 2001, research vessels from England,

release of photolyzable bromine? 3. To what extent is the snowpack a sink for reactive gaseous mercury and a source of elemental mercury? 4. What is the biotic fate of the deposited mercury?. 5 What are the climatic variables that control mercury deposition rates? 6. What are the mechanism behind the high mercury concentrations in moss wrowing at the Norwegian Arctic coast.

The discovery of the springtime atmospheric mercury vapour depletion phenomenon at Alert in the Canadian Arctic stimulated a vigorous research effort in six circumpolar nations and other countries with a keen interest in preventing pollution of polar regions. The last 4 years have demonstrated that atmospheric mercury depletions/deposition episodes (AMDEs) occur perennially, not only at Alert but also at other locations in the Arctic: Alaska, Svalbard, Greenland, Russia, Hudson Bay and in Antarctica. While the existing of this ecologically important phenomenon in cold environments is now accepted by the scientific community, many uncertainties remain in our understanding of AMDEs. A workshop in Toronto, 2002, brought together 40 scientists on this subject from eight countries. Its primary objectives were to share the knowledge pertaining to AMDEs, review and discuss outstanding research questions, examine opportunities for future collaborations, and initiate preliminary planning of prospective studies to fill the existing knowledge gaps. Attendees concluded with a compilation of high priority research questions related to this polar phenomena. The present project consists of three sub projects, all aiming on answering these questions. The sub prosjects are: International mercury study at Barrow, The fate of atmospheric mercury at Ny-Ålesund and Mercur in mosses at the arctic coast of Norway.

100 Environmental Noise 2004- 2005

Prosjektansvarlig:SINTEF Tele og data,Telecom and InformaticsProsjektleder:Gjestland, Truls Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 159459/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.1.2004-31.12.20052004: 2,800,000 2005: 2,800,000

The proposal outlines plans for the continuation of a comprehensive cross-institutional research program on environmental noise. Five Norwegian institutions with a leading role in noise research have established a research consortium. They will act as a resourceful partner for the Norwegian Research Council. The plans are in compliance with the targets for noise research set forth by the Research Council. The plans include the following elements: • description and analysis of the present noise situation with respect to both physical, sociological, and

psychological aspects of environmental noise as a basis for predicting future changes. • description and analysis of major noise sources, in particular road traffic noise • models for prediction and optimization of the effect of planned or implemented noise reduction measures in a complex noise environment. • models for cost-benefit analysis of noise reduction measures, and for complex situation where noise abatement is but one of several factors implemented to improve living conditions in a community. • increased noise competence and awareness on all levels of public administration• international co-operation and networking. More details on main targets are presented in the annex: Proposal for a cross-institutional research program, phase 2. Special attention will be given to community noise models, neighborhood soundscapes, and noise annoyance and sleep disturbances in urban areas. In this phase 2 of the project, there will also be an emphasis on noise reduction strategies, and studies on the noise generation mechanisms of vehichles and vehichle/road interaction.

This research program will provide knowledge to assist the authorities in reaching the target of 25 percent decrease in noise annoyance within 2010, and to strengthen the Norwegian noise research community. These main objectives can be reached by: • Developing tools and methods for measuring and predicting noise annoyance, • Studies aimed at understanding physiological, sociological, and psychological factors influencing noise annoyance, • Designing and developing noise abatement strategies, and models for cost-benefit analysis of noise reduction measures •Providing know-how and competence on all levels.

101 Miljøvennlige vegdekkerProsjektansvarlig:SINTEF IKT Prosjektleder:Gjestland, Truls Seniorforsker Prosjektnr: 164148/S30Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd: 1.4.2004-30.12.20042004: 200,000

Hovedmålet med prosjektet er å fremskaffe kunnskap om støysvake vegdekker som er egnet for bruk under norske forhold.