Tflis DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE PLORtDA SEPTdJPER lit 1W i J H c- c T t m > NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA County court is now in session in Quincy Over thirty criminal cases are on docket besides several civil open There is tome talk of the HaptUts of Pine Cnstle building themselves a church anti withdrawing from the Union At the annual meeting of the Dade County Fair Association held In Mi- ami tart Tuesday Mr J C Halle was elected jreideht Columbia College at Lake City will open Wednesday Sept 29th and there is every Indication of a very large attendance this year Orlando has a new hotel the Wll lola owned and run by W H Walker It is situated un South Orange ave- nue nsr the school bulhllns The land and Timber Cumpiuiy of Tampa have sold lauuou acres of laud to capitalist This malls n great thing tor Florida The young men of the Methodist Sunday school at Jasper hove organiz- ed a llaraca class Stafford Caldwell was elected president of the new organization- The contract has burn let for the erection of the new creek bridge near Tampa to take the place- of the one that was washed away some time ago An election is soon to be called in Lakeland to bond the town for 05 000 for improvements Lakeland Is very prosperous now and several new buildings are going up The Hollenbeck Hotel in St Peters- burg is undergoing many Improve- ments A stone or brick building Is also to be built back of the hotel for an engine or boiler room The box factory in Tampa is manu- facturing more boxes than ever and employing more men thus showing that the demand Is greater than ever before In the past front the cigar fac tories t C H Tedder of coun- ty recently Issued statistics show- Ing that the average production per acre of land in Florida is 14290 or about the highest of any State In the Union The home of Mrs Eliza Demker- In Largo was struck by lightning on Wednesday and Demker had a narrow escape being badly burned anti rendered unconscious for snore than an hour From the numerous inquiries being received by the hotel men real estate Kalers and secretary of the Hoard- of Trade It Is evident that Tamp- aI to have a large Influx of tourists and homeseekers during this winter Work on the St Johns bridge at Palatka was commenced last Monday- A carload of cement and a quantity of structural steel for the draws- have already arrived and things are beginning to look busy on the river- front The LaFayette county high school opened last Monday under very favorable conditions About one hun- dred and sixty pupils were enrolled the first day and It is very probable that during the next few weeks this number will be doubled Arthur Dueastat of Spanish type was arrested in Pensacola a few days ago for selling goods without a II He was peddling perfume around from house to house The DONT BOTHERW- ith Himelakinf While the Weather Is So Warm Take u test iluriii the rvuiaiinler of tin t iiuintT and try our homemade liukln- N hardly expect to say it is as oo l your own but way town in your lart youll think eo Just the wine But try it mijway you an t ntitte l to nt- M well as anybody KEYSTONE BAKERY Phony LOS R T Schafer Prop I l 11 Ills borough t a t r Athuntic Gulf Slx Mile Mrs re use you ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < NATURES WARNING Gainesville People Must Recognize- and Heed It Kidney ills come quietly myste- riously nut nature always warns you Notlcu the kidney secretions It there are settlings and sediment Passages frequent scanty painful Its time then to use Doans Kidney iiiu- To ward off Brights disease or dla Fetes Roans have done great work in this Mrs J L Warren of Starke Fla ays For some time I was a victim ol- duney trouble The kidney secretions too frequent in passage causing ne the greatest annoyance and I suf tred constantly from backaches and Jull pales through the kidneys I could not rest well and In the morning arose tteling tired nnd worn out My sack became ery lame and I often found it dlfllcult to get around I at length rend about Doans Kidney IMIls and procured a box Since using them I have been free from back- aches and the soreness and lameness aas disappeared The annoyance from the kidney secretions also ceased and i am able to sleep well Roans Kid aey Pills benefited me wonderfully and 1 can recommend them as the kidney remedy I ever used For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Co Buffalo ew York sole agents for the United States Remember time name Doans and take no oUter man claimed that he didnt know he sad to have a license and was fined ten dollars and costs A company of new settlers from tVeot Virginia hate recently arrived n Arcadia fur the purpose of making DeSoto county their home They ex- pect to go Into fruit growing and arming for a livelihood Fifteen or Lxvtnty snore families from the same section are expected a little later- A man named John Burke who was beating his way on a north bound train a few days ago was acci- dentally killed by falling between the cars while the traps was In motion death being instantaneous Time acci- dent occurred between Quarry and Long Key It Is thought that the man had been drinking Mrs J J Dicklson the aged widow of Floridas general and the defender and protector of her soil during the lurid days of 61 to 05 left Jacksonville last Monday for Houston Texas where her Lieu Bryan and three of her grand- children and several reside Florida loses a precious charge In Mrs Dlcklsons departure- It Is said that the new road to be built by the company headed by C II Lutz of St Petersburg from Tarpon Springs to Keystone Park where It will connect with the Tampa North ten for Tampa will be In readiness- by January first The building of this road will be of Inestimable worth to the whole West Coast and par- ticularly to that portion north of Clearwater Tine new State Hag ordered by Sec- retary of State H C Crawford for the capItol at Tallahassee arrived last Monday It l six feet wide feet long and Is made of the best banner silk bordered with three Inch bullion fringe The white ground has bars of crimson running diagonally across from corner to cor ner and in the center is n large circle outlined with in which Is painted the beautiful seal of Florida Hastings held Its first election Wed- nesday under the new charter incor- porating the town While there was no opposition to the candidates for mayor tax collector and town clerk there were ten candidates for coun oilmen with but seven seats to be filled and this created lots of inter- est In the result Hastings Is now- a fullfledged town and its rapid growth Is practically as It has n very rich farming country for n backbone Health Menu the ability to do a good days work without undue fatten amid to find lift worth living You coot have Indigestion or con tiMitkHt with- out it njmettlng the liver and pollut- ing the blood Such a condition puny b relieved by Her UiH tk b t liver regulator that work ever known Holt by W M Johnson tee Debt POliter M11burn d wilt amid quickest has ut ant san Iu law great grand chil- dren b- Ight gold leaf nssmirt the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + GEO MORRIS IS HOME Enjoyed a Fine Trip to Alexandria Bay and Other Points George P Morris special agent of the Prudential Life Insurance Com- pany has returned from a mot de- light fill nnd beneficial outing to Alex indrin Kay New York points In Can ida and along the famous St Lnw- rtiice river where he went as a guest f the company he represents This free trip was offered by tit company to a certain number In sections of the country who wrote the greatest amount of insure nice and Mr Morris was one of tit fortunate out of nearly two hundred successful representatives with the result that all his traveling and hotel expenses were paid He was de Ighted with the trip and declares hat the upper New York and Canadian ountry Is the finest In the world luring the summer season Perfectly Moulded FiguresA- nother Medical Discovery- To get out of condition is detriment il to beauty of forth as well an to leallh There Is n certain liabilities which robs a good figure of charm Dud grace Those who are beginning o grow fat rapidly are never in the rink of condition nut here medical science has slip ted in with a very wonderful remedy- one which not only restores a per ectly moulded form but renews health md strength We give the recipe- In full for the benefit of our stoutIsh friends h oz Mnrmola Vi oz Fluid Cascara Aromatic and 3 z Pepperment Water Any druggist will make up this prescription or supply you with the ngredlents which you can mix your- self The dose Is one teaspoonful af- ter each meal and at bedtime The great virtue of this harmless remedy is that whilst the excess fat is being expelled the jwrson under treatment has a healthy appetite and does not need to study dietics or go In for tiresome exercises The whole system Is refreshed and relnvigo rated the blood renewed and mus- cular development restored Typewriter ribbons for sale at this tfllce The best on the market Only tentyflve cents All colors and for so on all standard machines Big Furniture We are offering bar gains the coming week- at prices never before equaled in Gainesville Look through the locals read our ads and be convinced then see if you are willing to take advan- tage of these prices We merely mention while passing along the road of prosperity- a few of these many bargains which you would do well to con sider before buying elsewhere Look through the great medium The Sun for our bargain ads Bud bo- one among the many of our satisfied cus- tomers Gainesville Furniture Co xtrnCt The Store u va- rious ad- vertising > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ice Cream PowderM- akes Ice Cream- at cost of 1 cent A per plate RECIPE package of lee Cram Powder one bottle snidenix and frwe Nothing more AH Ingredients la the package Makes 2 quarts ol Pure Delic ious Ice Cream in I minutes Grocers for ol Recipes FREE Address Ute Geacsce Fire Feed Ct Le fey N Y- IN COUNTY JUDGES COURT Prominent Autoict Found Guilty of Reckless Driving of Machine There was an Interesting case In the County Judges court Friday es- pecially to owners nnd drivers of au tomohlles as It was a case III which was to be settled the rights and of these vehicles on the public ilghwny The case was that of the State vs Dr AI II DePass who was arraign- ed upon a charge of exceeding the speed limit or In plait words reck- less driving on the public road The complainant was Hobt Barton of Rocky Point who cites In the charge that the defendant met him on the road some time ago the defendant- In his auto the plaintiff driving a horse attached to a buggy The pe- tition further cltea that the defend- ant being cognizant of the fact that the two vehicles must meet did not exercise the proper precaution causing his horse to become un manageable- The case was tried by a Jury of which Major John W Tench was fore- man and the verdict was rendered- in favor of the plaintiff Sentence was suspended In the case as attorneys for the defense gave notice that they would argue for a new trial on Tuesday or Wednesday LETTER TO L C GRACY Gainesville Florida Dear Sir There IK only one paint that takes least gallons to cover a job Devoe All the rest of the more than 200 makes of paint In the United States take more On n 10gallon job the nextbest paint takes oce gallon more 15 more another two three four tire nine 4 ten W eleven 65- M twelve fi and that Is about the On a job the extra cost of the work Is about Thor are paints at every figure more as the cost runs up There Is only one paint that takes least gallons Devoe Yours truly F W DKVOE S The Gainesville Hardware Co sell our paint MISS TEBEAUS SCHOOL ThirtySixth Annual Term Will Begin Monday Morning The Sun notes with pleasure the opening of such an educational insti- tution an Miss Tebeaus school lo- cated at 300 West Main street S which will occur tomorrow morning This Is not only one of the best schools In the State but probably- the oldest private school entering now In Its thirtysixth year under one management Many men and women of the city and State have acquired an education there and today the children of many of these graduates- are learning under the same tutorship ThlH famous school has been recog nlzMl for Its superiority by the Epls copAl Diocese which body has official ly ln Hl It as the Diocv an School of Florida Have You a Baby Then watch It clo ly And above all things dont tat It suffer for any IttiiKth of time with woruift that In fatal It Its complexion gets yellow and pasty K It U llnttaM or Rot thin miff with tlatuI- WWM Kit It Whit Cream Vernal fuje thi ir that nwr falls tMt i u IH SaW by W- M Johason JellO I 1 I Mil J packages ISc Book 1 4 J I I 10 1110 0 elect 40 GOO 93 t cross 1Ht Ib nisi Jell O scone privil- eges there- by 25 fix even a- l 4 worst 100 gallon Co- P s hay ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > To a Safe Realty Investment Is urn When we immure that we are thor posted on just what we are Buying whether we are purchasing estate or a law suit An Abstract made by us posts you on all the facts relative o the title yoff are thinking of puce Prompt service at reasonable rates CWHTY AISTMCT Ci Gainesville Florida iss H Norton Hoieltlcs Books Stationer Soiwnirs Sheet Pictures and Pictore Frames m East Utertj Shill Dr A Dolan Kcditlunce- ilagnolia Hotel aineBvillA- INCSVILLC FLA CAPITAL S75JIMIU- R ALBS 251111 OFFICERS W R Thomas President 0 K Irceme First VicePresident E D Turner Cashier- W ft Tar Second vicepresident DIRECTORS K Iraem- B Parigett F Dutton A MauHtky J Ntehcte M Venabfe W R W Tayler Per Cent Paid Savings Department PHONE No 9- Wo Make a Specialty of All Classes of Dray Work Better See Us First Fancy anal StyMi Uw- yS M D AUI Old With Now 4 111r1l1 ERINA RIAN DAnK Co TIM in Heavy Hauling I Stand acne 1 I UI rfl w- Qur Pilot e r DUTTON A a <

rfl Jell Ice Cream - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01521/00565.pdf · Tflis DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE PLORtDA SEPTdJPER lit 1W i J H c- c T t > m NEWS

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Page 1: rfl Jell Ice Cream - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01521/00565.pdf · Tflis DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE PLORtDA SEPTdJPER lit 1W i J H c- c T t > m NEWS


i JH c-







County court is now in session inQuincy Over thirty criminal casesare on docket besides several civilopen

There is tome talk of the HaptUtsof Pine Cnstle building themselvesa church anti withdrawing from theUnion

At the annual meeting of the DadeCounty Fair Association held In Mi-

ami tart Tuesday Mr J C Halle waselected jreideht

Columbia College at Lake City willopen Wednesday Sept 29th andthere is every Indication of a verylarge attendance this year

Orlando has a new hotel the Wlllola owned and run by W H WalkerIt is situated un South Orange ave-

nue nsr the school bulhllns

The land and TimberCumpiuiy of Tampa have sold lauuouacres of laud to capitalist Thismalls n great thing tor Florida

The young men of the MethodistSunday school at Jasper hove organiz-ed a llaraca class Stafford Caldwellwas elected president of the neworganization-

The contract has burn let for theerection of the new creekbridge near Tampa to take the place-of the one that was washed awaysome time ago

An election is soon to be called inLakeland to bond the town for 05000 for improvements Lakeland Isvery prosperous now and several newbuildings are going up

The Hollenbeck Hotel in St Peters-burg is undergoing many Improve-ments A stone or brick building Is

also to be built back of the hotelfor an engine or boiler room

The box factory in Tampa is manu-facturing more boxes than ever andemploying more men thus showingthat the demand Is greater than everbefore In the past front the cigar factories t

C H Tedder of coun-ty recently Issued statistics show-Ing that the average production peracre of land in Florida is 14290 orabout the highest of any State In theUnion

The home of Mrs Eliza Demker-In Largo was struck by lightning onWednesday and Demker had anarrow escape being badly burnedanti rendered unconscious for snorethan an hour

From the numerous inquiries beingreceived by the hotel men real estateKalers and secretary of the Hoard-

of Trade It Is evident that Tamp-aI to have a large Influx of touristsand homeseekers during this winter

Work on the St Johns bridge atPalatka was commenced last Monday-A carload of cement and a quantityof structural steel for the draws-have already arrived and things arebeginning to look busy on the river-front

The LaFayette county high schoolopened last Monday under veryfavorable conditions About one hun-dred and sixty pupils were enrolledthe first day and It is very probablethat during the next few weeks thisnumber will be doubled

Arthur Dueastat of Spanish typewas arrested in Pensacola a few daysago for selling goods without a II

He was peddling perfumearound from house to house The


ith Himelakinf While

the Weather Is So WarmTake u test iluriii the rvuiaiinler of tint iiuintT and try our homemade liukln-

N hardly expect to say it is as oo l

your own but way town in yourlart youll think eo Just the wine Buttry it mijway you an t ntitte l to nt-

M well as anybody




11 Ills borough




Athuntic Gulf

Slx Mile


re use











Gainesville People Must Recognize-and Heed It

Kidney ills come quietly myste-riously

nut nature always warns youNotlcu the kidney secretionsIt there are settlings and sedimentPassages frequent scanty painfulIts time then to use Doans Kidney

iiiu-To ward off Brights disease or dla

FetesRoans have done great work in this

Mrs J L Warren of Starke Flaays For some time I was a victim ol-

duney trouble The kidney secretionstoo frequent in passage causing

ne the greatest annoyance and I suftred constantly from backaches and

Jull pales through the kidneys Icould not rest well and In the morningarose tteling tired nnd worn out Mysack became ery lame and I oftenfound it dlfllcult to get around I atlength rend about Doans Kidney IMIlsand procured a box Since usingthem I have been free from back-aches and the soreness and lamenessaas disappeared The annoyance fromthe kidney secretions also ceased andi am able to sleep well Roans Kidaey Pills benefited me wonderfullyand 1 can recommend them as the

kidney remedy I ever usedFor sale by all dealers Price 50

cents Co Buffaloew York sole agents for the United

StatesRemember time name Doans and

take no oUter

man claimed that he didnt know hesad to have a license and was finedten dollars and costs

A company of new settlers fromtVeot Virginia hate recently arrivedn Arcadia fur the purpose of making

DeSoto county their home They ex-

pect to go Into fruit growing andarming for a livelihood Fifteen orLxvtnty snore families from the samesection are expected a little later-

A man named John Burke whowas beating his way on a northbound train a few days ago was acci-

dentally killed by falling between thecars while the traps was In motiondeath being instantaneous Time acci-

dent occurred between Quarry andLong Key It Is thought that theman had been drinking

Mrs J J Dicklson the agedwidow of Floridas general and thedefender and protector of her soilduring the lurid days of 61 to 05

left Jacksonville last Monday forHouston Texas where herLieu Bryan and three of her grand-children and several

reside Florida loses a preciouscharge In Mrs Dlcklsons departure-

It Is said that the new road to bebuilt by the company headed by C IILutz of St Petersburg from TarponSprings to Keystone Park where It

will connect with the Tampa Northten for Tampa will be In readiness-by January first The building ofthis road will be of Inestimable worthto the whole West Coast and par-

ticularly to that portion north ofClearwater

Tine new State Hag ordered by Sec-

retary of State H C Crawford forthe capItol at Tallahassee arrivedlast Monday It l six feet wide

feet long and Is made of thebest banner silk bordered with threeInch bullion fringe The whiteground has bars of crimson runningdiagonally across from corner to corner and in the center is n largecircle outlined with inwhich Is painted the beautiful sealof Florida

Hastings held Its first election Wed-

nesday under the new charter incor-porating the town While there wasno opposition to the candidates formayor tax collector and town clerkthere were ten candidates for counoilmen with but seven seats to befilled and this created lots of inter-est In the result Hastings Is now-

a fullfledged town and its rapidgrowth Is practically as It

has n very rich farming country forn backbone


Menu the ability to do a good dayswork without undue fatten amid tofind lift worth living You coothave Indigestion or con tiMitkHt with-

out it njmettlng the liver and pollut-ing the blood Such a condition puny

b relieved by HerUiH tk b t liver regulator that

work ever known Holt byW M Johnson



POliter M11burn


wilt amid quickest


ut ant

san Iu law

great grand chil-




gold leaf



















Enjoyed a Fine Trip to AlexandriaBay and Other Points

George P Morris special agent ofthe Prudential Life Insurance Com-

pany has returned from a mot de-

light fill nnd beneficial outing to Alexindrin Kay New York points In Canida and along the famous St Lnw-

rtiice river where he went as a guestf the company he representsThis free trip was offered by tit

company to a certain number Insections of the country who

wrote the greatest amount of insurenice and Mr Morris was one of titfortunate out of nearly two hundredsuccessful representatives with theresult that all his traveling and hotelexpenses were paid He was deIghted with the trip and declareshat the upper New York and Canadianountry Is the finest In the worldluring the summer season

Perfectly Moulded FiguresA-

nother Medical Discovery-

To get out of condition is detrimentil to beauty of forth as well an toleallh There Is n certain liabilitieswhich robs a good figure of charmDud grace Those who are beginningo grow fat rapidly are never in therink of condition

nut here medical science has slipted in with a very wonderful remedy-

one which not only restores a perectly moulded form but renews healthmd strength We give the recipe-In full for the benefit of our stoutIshfriends h oz Mnrmola Vi oz Fluid

Cascara Aromatic and 3z Pepperment WaterAny druggist will make up this

prescription or supply you with thengredlents which you can mix your-

self The dose Is one teaspoonful af-

ter each meal and at bedtimeThe great virtue of this harmless

remedy is that whilst the excess fatis being expelled the jwrson undertreatment has a healthy appetite anddoes not need to study dietics or goIn for tiresome exercises The wholesystem Is refreshed and relnvigorated the blood renewed and mus-

cular development restored

Typewriter ribbons for sale at thistfllce The best on the market Onlytentyflve cents All colors and forso on all standard machines

Big Furniture

We are offering bargains the coming week-

at prices never beforeequaled in Gainesville

Look through thelocals read our adsand be convincedthen see if you arewilling to take advan-

tage of these prices

We merely mentionwhile passing alongthe road of prosperity-a few of these manybargains which youwould do well to consider before buyingelsewhere Lookthrough the great

mediumThe Sun for our

bargain ads Bud bo-

one among the manyof our satisfied cus-


Gainesville Furniture Co

















Ice CreamPowderM-akes Ice Cream-at cost of 1 cent A

per plate

RECIPEpackage of lee CramPowder one bottle snidenix and frweNothing more AH Ingredients la thepackage Makes 2 quarts ol Pure Delicious Ice Cream in I minutes Grocers

for ol RecipesFREE AddressUte Geacsce Fire Feed Ct Le fey N Y-


Prominent Autoict Found Guilty ofReckless Driving of Machine

There was an Interesting case Inthe County Judges court Friday es-

pecially to owners nnd drivers of automohlles as It was a case III whichwas to be settled the rights and

of these vehicles on the publicilghwny

The case was that of the State vsDr AI II DePass who was arraign-ed upon a charge of exceeding thespeed limit or In plait words reck-less driving on the public road Thecomplainant was Hobt Barton ofRocky Point who cites In the chargethat the defendant met him on theroad some time ago the defendant-In his auto the plaintiff driving ahorse attached to a buggy The pe-

tition further cltea that the defend-ant being cognizant of the fact thatthe two vehicles must meet did notexercise the proper precaution

causing his horse to become unmanageable-

The case was tried by a Jury ofwhich Major John W Tench was fore-man and the verdict was rendered-in favor of the plaintiff

Sentence was suspended In the caseas attorneys for the defense gavenotice that they would argue for anew trial on Tuesday or Wednesday


Gainesville FloridaDear Sir There IK only one paint

that takes least gallons to cover ajob Devoe All the rest of the morethan 200 makes of paint In the UnitedStates take more On n 10gallon jobthe nextbest paint

takes oce gallon more 15 moreanother two


nine 4

ten Weleven 65-

M twelve fi

and that Is about the On ajob the extra cost of the

work Is aboutThor are paints at every figure

more as the cost runs upThere Is only one paint that takes

least gallons Devoe Yours trulyF W DKVOE

S The Gainesville Hardware Cosell our paint


ThirtySixth Annual Term Will BeginMonday Morning

The Sun notes with pleasure theopening of such an educational insti-tution an Miss Tebeaus school lo-

cated at 300 West Main street Swhich will occur tomorrow morning

This Is not only one of the bestschools In the State but probably-

the oldest private school enteringnow In Its thirtysixth year under onemanagement Many men and womenof the city and State have acquiredan education there and today thechildren of many of these graduates-are learning under the same tutorship

ThlH famous school has been recognlzMl for Its superiority by the EplscopAl Diocese which body has officially ln Hl It as the Diocv an Schoolof Florida

Have You a Baby

Then watch It clo ly And aboveall things dont tat It suffer for anyIttiiKth of time with woruift that In

fatal It Its complexion gets yellowand pasty K It U llnttaM or

Rot thin miff with tlatuI-

WWM Kit It Whit Cream Vernalfuje thi ir that nwr fallstMt i u IH SaW by W-M Johason


1 I

Mil J packages ISc Book









elect 40




cross1Ht Ib


Jell O





fixeven a-


worst100 gallon














< >

To a Safe Realty Investment Is urn

When we immure that we are thorposted on just what we are

Buying whether we are purchasingestate or a law suit

An Abstract made by us posts youon all the facts relative

o the title yoff are thinking of puce

Prompt service at reasonable rates

CWHTY AISTMCT CiGainesville Florida

iss H Norton

Hoieltlcs Books StationerSoiwnirs Sheet Pictures

and Pictore Frames

m East Utertj Shill

Dr A Dolan


ilagnolia Hotel aineBvillA-



RALBS 251111


W R Thomas President0 K Irceme First VicePresidentE D Turner Cashier-

W ft Tar Second vicepresident


K Iraem-B ParigettF Dutton

A MauHtky

J NtehcteM VenabfeW RW Tayler

Per Cent PaidSavings Department


Wo Make a Specialty of AllClasses of Dray Work

Better See Us First

Fancy anal

StyMi Uw-

yS M DAUIOld With Now








Heavy Hauling


Stand acne1 I UI

rfl w-

Qur Pilot





