REVOLUTION OF TIME Beyond the Gregorian calendar by Raah Sirus If the Gregorian calendar was to be offered as a new device for measuring time, we, with our present knowledge would reject it as something utterly impracticable, lacking in harmony and order, unbalanced and irregular, too clumsy a calendar to make calculations by…” B. Richmond, Time Measurements and Calendar Construction. At present our global standard of time measurement is the Gregorian calendar. In AD 1582 the Pope Gregory XIII adapted this system of time from the calendar of Julius Caesar. After their time of power both Julius and Augustus Caesar renamed the 7th and 8th months after themselves in order to proclaim their immortality. Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar and The Pope The first Roman calendar was instituted by Romulus at the time of the foundation of Rome 753 BC, had only 10 months at first and later was upgraded to 12 months by Numa 715 BC. The 10 Month calendar began with the month Martius - March in dedication to the God of War. Thus began the Roman Empire of the conquerors. Calendar of Romulus Gregorian calendar Looking further back in time to find the origin of the 12 months we find them in the time systems of the Babylonians and Egyptians. Each had it’s own relation to twelve. The Babylonian system related to the lunation cycle of 29.53 days, twelve of which would fit into each

Revolution of Time

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summary of the reason for "calendar" changevarious examples of natural time systemhighlights the corrupt inherent in the Gregorian War calendar... taxing the poor to feed the rich

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Beyond the Gregorian calendar by Raah Sirus

“If the Gregorian calendar was to be offered as a new device for measuring time, we, with our present knowledge would reject it as something utterly impracticable, lacking in harmony and order, unbalanced and irregular, too clumsy a calendar to make calculations by…”

B. Richmond, Time Measurements and Calendar Construction. At present our global standard of time measurement is the Gregorian calendar. In AD 1582 the Pope Gregory XIII adapted this system of time from the calendar of Julius Caesar. After their time of power both Julius and Augustus Caesar renamed the 7th and 8th months after themselves in order to proclaim their immortality.

Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar and The Pope

The first Roman calendar was instituted by Romulus at the time of the foundation of Rome 753 BC, had only 10 months at first and later was upgraded to 12 months by Numa 715 BC. The 10 Month calendar began with the month Martius - March in dedication to the God of War. Thus began the Roman Empire of the conquerors.

Calendar of Romulus Gregorian calendar

Looking further back in time to find the origin of the 12 months we find them in the time systems of the Babylonians and Egyptians. Each had it’s own relation to twelve. The Babylonian system related to the lunation cycle of 29.53 days, twelve of which would fit into each

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year + an extra month in seven years of a 19 year cycle known as the Metonic cycle.

Lunar cycle of Nineteen years Egyptian count

The Egyptian system used 12 months of 30 days + a five day period at the end dedicated to purification. This system related to maintaining accurate solar observations and star alignments. The year began with the helical rising of Sirius, when the Sun and Sirius rise together at Dawn. Celebrated 5th August in the present day. (Sirius rises on this day 50 mins before the Sun in order to compensate for the Sun's brightness). Using a system of duodecimal (base twelve) time is not the only way people of the earth have related to time. Another count of time is also in use around the world, based upon observing the nature of human biology. This is embodied by women as keepers of the flow of time in their rhythm of 28 days (or 29.5). In a year of 28 day moons there are 13 moons + 1 day in between the years. 13 x 28 + 1 = 365.

Stonehenge Time Observatory Green Turtle Shell

Origins can be found all around the world of the sacredness of this count of thirteen. The Druids of ancient Britain used many time systems including a 13 Moon count; this has been confirmed by the

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structural alignment of ancient stone circles. The Cherokee also have used a 13 Moon count, which is held in harmony by the Green Turtle having 13 segments upon its shell. This is the origin of the name of the Earth by the Native American peoples as Turtle Island. The turtle represented the protection of the sacred cycle of the mother of life. In the Peruvian and Mayan tribes there is also the continued respect for the natural cycle of a 13 Moon count.

Thirteen Moon Count Thirteen Moon Count To understand what the significance of each of these systems of time has begins the next part of this adventure. First we can see the purpose behind a count of time to synchronize the people of each culture within its order & ritual of life. Time systems are used to maintain the chronology of a cultures beliefs and attitudes. The present world management system is based upon following the Gregorian calendar. If we look more closely at this system we can see many discrepancies. The lengths of each month range from 28 - 31 days in an irregular order. Yet it is still held as the global standard of “measure”. If you were to use a ruler with unequal length your plans would be crooked. Here is the truth about the corruption of time and subsequent amnesia of knowing harmonic time. As mentioned before the original Roman calendar began in the month of March - Mars the God of War. The last 4 months of this calendar Sept-ember, Oct-ober, Nov-ember and Dec-ember represented 7, 8, 9 & 10. Now in the present Gregorian system these months represent 9, 10, 11 & 12, their meaning and relationship have become corrupted. We can see this corruption apparent in many levels of our global society.

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Ruler of Uneven Months and Ruler of Measure

The Revolution of Time is one of equality, for the New (yet Ancient and timeless) Time is based on harmonic relations. Embodied within the rhythmic cycles of the Thirteen Moons is a foundational matrix, a moon having four perfect weeks of seven days each. Alongside this sequence which itself is a Revelation of the harmony of Time is another level, which is unique among the world systems of time, namely the Tzolkin of the Maya.

Tzolkin Sacred Count of Days Fractal Template

The Tzolkin matrix came about also through observing nature, for nature indeed has many keys for us. It is a grid of 13 x 20, which creates the 260 possibilities (13 major joints / 20 finger and toes). In the biological realm the average length of gestation (37 weeks = 259) within the womb as 9 moons, (9 x 28 = 252) or (9 x 29.53 = 266), these lengths being +6 / -8 of the Tzolkin at 260 days. In addition a fractal mirror of the Tzolkin is the Precession of the Equinox’s. This relates to the synchronization of the seasonal cycle with the Sun and the centre of the Galaxy, and takes approx. 26,000 years. So one could say the with the end of the Mayan long count on Dec 21st 2012, Earth’s time of gestation of the human species is completed. All is required is to see if we can truly experience our birth consciously.

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Can we be conscious at this most precise and precious time, is the question of the Revolution of Time. Also bringing an awareness of the current consensus and present an alternative choice. The paradox we live with everyday is one of inequality. This can be seen with the power of the people being separated from and ignored by the governments to make real changes, while in truth it is only our self who has the power to change our reality. This is the point of Revolution: to change. The many-headed beast of the now G-8 institutional/industrial complex is maintained through the use and propagation of the Gregorian calendar. Indeed looking to the origin of the meaning of ‘Calendar’ a sublime truth is revealed. The word ‘Calendar’ comes from ‘Calends’ or accounts. The original purpose of this government system is the collection of taxes, now misused on a daily basis to promote war & terrorism.

Only a species whose time sensibility had been captured by instruments of artificial measure could have become so alienated as to have produced the monstrous conundrum known as the “fast world”, a civilization where money and technological advance prevail over human sensibility and the natural order” – The Planet Art Network - www.tortuga.com

The abolishment of capitalist time, manifest through the philosophy “Time is money”, has the possibility of being replaced by an alternative timing system embodying the principle “Time is Art”. Transforming the linear arrow of time into a fractal spiral of time.

To study a timing system like the Thirteen Moon count enables the use of fractals to understand time in a more practical and biologically balanced manner. This leads to even deeper insights about the harmonies in nature viewed as a radial matrix. A radial matrix is a self-existing order of number ratios and harmonics within a radial

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relationship whose power of exponential magnification is infinite. The more the numbers are focused upon the greater amount of synchronicities appear, inspiring holographic awareness of mind. 13 Moons of 28 Days = 28 Wavespells of 13 Days. A wavespell empowers being creative with time. Each step of the wavespell has specific powers. To gather potential into the moment of now produces action. Thirteen is the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. Eat of it and receive the revelation of time in harmony with nature.

In Service to the New Time Kin 137 - Red Resonant Earth, Solar Moon Limi 20

White Spectral Wizard Year

THE DAY OUT OF TIME Date: Gregorian 25th July, between the cosmic and magnetic

moons. In a year of Thirteen Moons there is a day in between each year, which is not a day of the week or the moon. This is an opportunity to honour the beginning in the end. Every year in an ever-growing number of people, organizations, rainbow kin, who stand for peace and living in harmony with nature gather in celebration of revolution, the revolution of time. This year on the 25th July 2004 there will be hundreds of festivals all around the world created to united the people in harmony and to begin the new time. The last four years in the world peace movement known as Planet Art Network (Pan), we have been campaigning for the Great Calendar Change. The next Thirteen Moon year is called Blue Crystal Storm (catalysing self-generation) by the day in the Tzolkin that it lands on.

THE BANNER OF PEACE This symbol is used by the Planet Art Network as a message of the revolution through peace. Peace is our original natural awareness in relation to ourselves and all the peoples of the earth.

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The Roerich Pact was signed and became an international treaty in 1935.

Above is the symbol of the pact representing human unity and protection of cultural heritage. It was named after the visionary artist

Nicholas Roerich who created the symbol. The three small inner circles stand for the arts, science and spirituality, which exist within the one

greater circle of culture. The colour of the banner is red to represent the one blood we all share.

Where there is Peace, there is Culture; Where there is Culture, there is Peace.

- Nicolas Roerich

Updated: Kin 177 - Red Galactic Earth, Spectral Moon Kali 4

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