HELPING WOMEN IN CHRIST 2014 Ministry Report

Revive Our Hearts 2014 Ministry Report

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Ever wondered how Revive Our Hearts was funded this past year? How we spent our money? What we accomplished? How women’s lives were changed? And what our goals are for this next year? You’ll find all this and more in the 2014 Ministry Report.

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2014 Ministry Report

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is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor

sits in the seat of scoffers.


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Dear friend,Earlier this year, a huge storm came through my neighborhood and took

down several massive oak trees. Though the trees were tall and looked

healthy, it turned out their roots were not nearly deep or strong enough

to hold up against the fierce winds.

Psalm 1 says that a person who loves God’s Word will be like “a tree

planted by streams of water.” This is what we desire for women to

experience through the ministry of Revive Our Hearts—to sink their roots

down deep into the soil of God’s character, heart, and ways through His


Trees with deep, strong roots ultimately produce fruit that brings

nourishment and life to others . . . and they stay standing, even when

storms arise or conditions are less than ideal.

Throughout the Psalms, we often see the psalmist struggling with adverse

circumstances, but he always returns to a place that is secure. This is

because he draws his life—finds his refuge and strength—from God. This

is our prayer for women—that they would thrive in Christ regardless of

the drought and storms around them.

It has been a joy to partner with the Lord and with you in another year of

ministry. I hope this report encourages you as you see how the Lord has

been at work through the outreaches of Revive Our Hearts.

May He be pleased in the year ahead to send countless women deep into

His Word—producing fruit that remains—as we work together to magnify

His Name.

Believing Him for a great harvest!

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is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.


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“I can’t tell you how

many times God has

confirmed His Word

through your teaching.”


“Wow, this was so powerful! I love the Word of God so much more every day from listening to Revive Our Hearts.”

“My mom invited me to the

True Woman Conference

with her church. On the

last night I said, ‘That’s it

God! I’m done. I can’t do

this anymore. I am so tired

of running from You.

Please, just take me as I

am.’ And He did! Right then

and there I became a child

of God.”

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“Revive Our Hearts

provided the most

insightful lesson I

have experienced

during my eleven-year

journey with Christ. I

have never feasted so

well on God’s Word.”

“Nancy dissects some of

the toughest Scripture

and brings it to us in a

way that every ear will

understand and see how

to live it out. Thank you

Nancy for bringing the

Word of God to us with

so much meaning and so

much life.”

“This has been the most interesting, deep, challenging, thought-provoking study I have ever completed.”

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He is like a tree by streams of water

that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.


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“I’m sixty-two years

old and have walked

my entire life with a

feeling of being ‘less

than.’ Not anymore!

I finally believe and

know for myself that

I am approved, loved,

and accepted.”

“Thank you Revive Our Hearts for being there

during the most difficult years of my life when I felt

like I had no one to turn to for comfort.”

“Your teachings have literally saved my marriage.”

“My life, my marriage, and my family have been changed because of this ministry.”


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“I am only fifteen,

and I listen to Revive

Our Hearts often.

This message really

challenged me to

see sin as it really is,

as Christ sees it. It

encouraged me to say

‘no’ to what seems

like an overwhelming


“I don’t know how many letters you

get from men, but I thought you’d

be encouraged that while I’m lifting

weights at 5 a.m. to get physically

strong, I’ve been getting spiritually

stronger by listening to your program

over the years. It doesn’t get more

manly than that!”

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In that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.

PSALM 1:3-4

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“I shared your website

with a young Arabic gal,

and she is being blessed

beyond belief from this

teaching. She shares

it via the Internet all

over the world with her

Muslim friends, and her

prayer is to someday

soon go back to the

Middle East to share

Jesus in person.”

“My husband and I are missionaries in South Africa,

and we will be teaching and reaching out to a deeply

rural community. As I was preparing, I stumbled onto

ReviveOurHearts.com. The transcripts ministered to my

own heart and really helped in my preparation.”

“The Lord spoke through Nancy loud and clear to my heart when she said, ‘You have that two-year-old and that five-year-old. You have full-time ministry; you are shaping and molding those young lives.’”

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“I think I finally get it, after

twenty-five years of trying to

change myself with self-help

books to be a better person, wife,

mother, etc. All I really needed to

do was focus on Christ!”

“The way Revive Our Hearts paints

the picture of Jesus Christ based on

the Scriptures is just wonderful. Jesus

means so much more to me personally

than He ever has.”

“I have been a Christian for many years, but lately I have had a hunger to know Christ more personally. Revive Our Hearts is an answer to my prayers.”

“I’ve been listening to Nancy for five years now, and she has

changed the way I think about my relationship with God. No

fluff, no cultural Christianity . . . it is the real deal. Listening

to Revive Our Hearts is truly a little piece of heaven!”


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Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

PSALM 1:5-6

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Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

PSALM 1:5-6

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Number of programs released each year (Revive Our Hearts half-hour, Aviva Nuestros Corazones half-hour, Seeking Him one-minute feature)

Stations were added in several cities including Detroit, Phoenix, and Little Rock

Countries in which Aviva Nuestros Corazones is aired on 77 stations

Yadira is an Aviva Nuestros Corazones

Ambassador from Guatemala, living in

Germany. She leads women from Mexico, Venezuela,

Bulgaria, Germany, and Africa through Aviva

Nuestros Corazones programs and the Lies Women

Believe book. Some speak Spanish, others translate for

those who do not.”

1,800 1,080

Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ through


My husband and I feel strongly that he’s called to become a pastor, so we’re considering selling

our home so he can go to seminary. We’ve received a lot of opposition from my in-laws, and

I’ve been very discouraged and fearful. I can’t tell you how much your podcast on ‘Facing the Giants’

encouraged my heart. Thank you for speaking truth into the lives of women who need it like I did.”

Number of times each weekday one of Revive Our Hearts’ programs is heard via radio

Unique radio outlets airing Revive Our Hearts’ programs

Aviva Nuestros Corazones Ambassadors promoting the Spanish outreach from Canada to Patagonia and beyond


17 Please pray! The Aviva Nuestros Corazones staff still shares a small studio with a local radio station, and their office space consists of one very small room. Pray for a place the team can use regularly for studio and office space—and the funds to secure it.

My husband, kids, and I are missionaries in Sierra Leone—currently on leave due to the Ebola

outbreak. I’ve been listening to Nancy for years, but it wasn’t until I heard ‘Into the Face of Fear’

that I had tears of conviction. I resonated deeply when Nancy said, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ Now I see my

selfishness and unbelief for what they are—rebellion and sin!”

“780ON AIR

M Tu W Th F

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Number of emails and blog comments the Revive Our Hearts’ team personally responded to in 2014


4.7 Million

Followers of Revive Our Hearts and True Woman on Facebook (225% growth in Facebook followers in the past 2 years)

104,000 50+%

Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ


Today’s program

was very helpful to

me. I enjoyed checking it out

on my iPhone. Thanks for

your new improvements to

make the site mobile friendly.”

A number of us here in Moscow are

following Revive Our Hearts. We are

so grateful you make this available online.”

Number of visits to Revive Our Hearts’ websites in the last year (doubled in four years)

I was thrilled to discover the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge. I’m a military wife,

and my husband just left for his third deployment, this time to Afghanistan. He feels he is missing vital

time with his kids, so he tries to micromanage from a distance. Instead of being understanding of his

concerns, I’ve been grumpy and defensive with him. I need an attitude change! This challenge is just what

I need. Thank you for this awesome tool.”

Total Twitter followersNew Revive Our Hearts and

True Woman ‘14 app


Launched smartphone-ready and tablet-friendly websites to serve women in various ways, who need help on-the-go

The percentage of Revive Our Hearts’ web users accessing Revive Our Hearts content via a mobile device (compared to just 7% in 2010)

Re-designed and re-launched LiesYoungWomenBelieve.com

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Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ


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Launched the Revive Our Hearts’ Ambassadors initiative.

This multiplying network of regional representatives is a strategic way of reaching women in our nation and around the world with the message of revival and biblical womanhood.

The Lord brought back home this prodigal daughter

that was right there in church, going through the

motions, but my heart was so far from Him. ‘Thank you Lord

for receiving me with open arms.’”

Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ through


Number of women who have attended a True Woman or Revive leadership conference since 2008

I attended True Woman '14 with a stone cold heart, not sure if God even existed. I’ve been running

from God for a long time and thought I’d please my friend by going, and that’s it. God had other

things in mind. He rescued me out of the bondage of homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, and many others. I

never believed my heart could be changed so drastically. It’s like I am a totally new, different person!”

Senior pastors’ wives who were given a free registration to True Woman ’14

Total True Woman ’14 Conference App downloads

Women’s ministry leaders who attended the True Woman ’14 Leadership Pre-Event

Total True Woman ’14 live-stream users (9,248 in English and 2,222 in Spanish)

Thank you for all the prayer and

preparation that went into True

Woman '14. I left True Woman '14 feeling several

spiritual pounds lighter. I’m not the same

woman I was before attending this conference!”


8,400True Woman ’14 attendees




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Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ through


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Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ through


Percentage of royalties from Nancy’s books donated to Revive Our Hearts ($2.1 million invested back into direct ministry since 2000)

God allowed me to share Lies Women Believe with a young woman who just graduated with

honors from Texas A&M. The sin chapter rocked her world; she had no idea she was a sinner.

The marriage chapter has her world turned upside down; the young man she is going to be engaged to

has no resemblance to a biblical husband. She is interviewing at some of the top medical schools in the

nation. She is wealthy, beautiful, and brilliant, and this book is changing her life.”

I can’t believe the richness in this tiny,

harmless-looking booklet. A 30-Day Journey

Through the True Woman Manifesto warrants the

honor of a hardcover and gold leaf, and I’m merely

on day three! I now feel the blood flowing in my

veins, the wonder at God’s Word. I’ve longed for this

in my dry season.”

Number of books Nancy has released in the past fourteen years with over 2.6 million copies distributed in 18 languages

I am going through A 30-Day Walk

with God in the Psalms while battling

terminal cancer. Studying the Psalms has

been such an encouragement to me, and

then I share what’s touched my heart with

my husband and teenage sons. My prayer

through this trial is that the Lord will

receive the glory. I am encouraged that

‘though our outward man is perishing, the inward man

is being renewed day by day.’ Your study in the Psalms is

helping me renew that inner woman daily.”

18 Major upcoming book release:

True Woman 201: Interior Design—Ten Elements of Biblical Womanhood (March 2015)


4 New Resources Released:

The Wonder of His Name gift book, “Come Adore” Christmas piano CD, A 30-Day Journey Through the True Woman Manifesto, and Peace In the Storm 2015 Calendar

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DonationsResource SalesConferences

Total $5,312,179

How Revive Our Hearts Was Funded This Past Year

Ministry Outreach (Websites, Radio, Social Media, Events, Resources, International, Communication, and More)

Operations/Infrastructure ( Facilities, Administration, Support Services, Fundraising)


How Money Was Spent at Revive Our Hearts This Past Year

Revive Our Hearts produces programming and

resources focused on heart revival and biblical

womanhood. Our content is continually expanding;

attracting new viewers, readers, and listeners daily.

The ministry also engages with like-minded

outreaches and mercy ministries. We were able

to give $295,000 in print resources and support

last year to inmates, pregnancy care centers,

international ministries, women’s ministry leaders,

and others.

Providing these services requires a considerable

investment in people, technology, and systems;

we’re currently a staff of fifty-four (full-time and

part-time). We provide our audio and digital

content worldwide—without charge—to impact as

many people as possible.

We aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man. (2 Cor. 8:21)






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Plan and produce Revive ’15—a conference for over 2,000 women’s ministry leaders, with many more participating via LIVE streaming

Gain fifty or more Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors in order to deepen relationships with thousands of women’s ministry leaders who have connected with the ministry

See 20% growth in

Revive Our Hearts’ websites

and social media followers, continuing to optimize all sites for mobile users

Host the first international True Woman Conference February 2015 in the Dominican Republic. Impact thousands of women onsite and thousands more through LIVE streaming


Develop and launch a True Woman Training initiative

Build a base of core content that is electronically transferable to other languages

Release True Woman 201: Interior Design—Ten Elements of Biblical Womanhood (based on Titus 2)

29Helping Women Thrive in Christ |

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God feeds and nourishes us so we can feed and nourish others. Thank you for partnering with Revive Our Hearts

to nourish women in Christ.

We would not be able to continue our current

outreaches or pursue new, fruitful opportunities

without your prayers and financial support.

This year, may you be blessed, and may you be

a blessing to many.

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Revive Our Hearts P.O. Box 2000

Niles, MI 49120

(800) 569-5959

www.ReviveOurHearts.com | www.TrueWoman.com

Revive Our Hearts is an outreach of Life Action Ministries