Supliment al Supplement of Revista Romana de Acupunctura Romanian Journal of Acupuncture 1/ 2015 SSN 1233-1754 Cod CNCSIS 93 Editor: Corneliu Moldovan publicat de published by Kapa Advertising S.R.L. Bucuresti www.kapa-advertising.ro © 2015 INMCA. All right reserved Copyright of The National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicines “Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila” (Bucharest 5, 22 Panduri street) www.medicinacomplementarasialternativa.ro

Revista Romana de Acupunctura Romanian Journal of Acupuncture

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Page 1: Revista Romana de Acupunctura Romanian Journal of Acupuncture

1 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Supliment al

Supplement of

Revista Romana de


Romanian Journal of


1/ 2015

SSN 1233-1754 Cod CNCSIS 93

Editor: Corneliu Moldovan

publicat de

published by

Kapa Advertising S.R.L. Bucuresti


© 2015 INMCA. All right reserved

Copyright of The National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicines

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila” (Bucharest 5, 22 Panduri street)


Page 2: Revista Romana de Acupunctura Romanian Journal of Acupuncture

2 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan


Al Patru-lea Congres National cu

Participare Internationala de Medicina Integrativa

Al 24-lea Congres National de Acupunctura

Al 30-lea Congres National de Homeopatie

Bucuresti, 19-22 noiembrie 2015


The Fourth National Congress with International

Participation of Integrative Medicines

The 24th National Congress of Acupuncture

The 30th National Congress of Homeopathy

Bucharest, November 19-22, 2015

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3 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan



Presedinti Presidents and Chairpersons

Vicepresedinti Vice-presidents

Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Ifrim, Dr. Doina Pavlovschi,

Editor Editor and Special Advisor:

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Comitetul Stiintific Scientific Committee

Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Ifrim, Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Corneliu Moldovan,

Acad. Prof. Dr. Farm. Ovidiu Bojor,

Dr. Doina Pavlovschi, Fiz. Ioan Mamulas, Acad. Prof. Dr. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea, Acad. Prof. Dr. Adrian Restian, Prof. Dr. Marian


Conf. Dr. Manole Cojocaru, Dr. Iosif Mezei, Dr. George Cojocaru

Secretar General Secretary

Dr. Gigi Nastase, Dr. Ileana Randasu

Secretariat Secretary

Irinel Peiu

Trezorier Treasurer

Mihaela Olteanu

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4 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan






Autori: Asoc.Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan(1), M.D., D.Sc (MA), Senior

Researcher, Dipl. Eng. Marian Velcea(2), D.Sc, Dipl. Eng. Mihai Chetan(3), D.Sc.,

Asoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Ioan Plotog(4), D.Sc., Dipl. Eng. Bogdan Mihaiescu(5),

Alexandru Corneliu Moldovan(6), B.Eng Electronic Engineering 1Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”,2SC INVEL, Bucuresti, 3S.C. MED.CO S.R.L, Bucuresti, 4,5Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Romania

6University of Strathclyde, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,

Glassgow, U.K.


Cuvinte cheie: dispozitive rezonante pasive, stimulare electromagnetica a

punctelor de acupunctura, hipertensiune arteriala esentiala, studiu clinic, coerenta,

efecte cooperative de rezonanta, sincronizarea excitatiilor/ dezexcitatiilor

rezonatorului, efecte hipotensive de durata

Medicina Bioenergetica isi asuma faptul ca ca procesele biologic-active, precum

bio-rezonanta, procesele electrice, magnetice, electro-magnetice precum si emisia

de bio-fotoni sunt esentiale pentru ceea ce numim viata. Functia “bio-energetica”,

ca purtator de "bio-informatie", este cruciala pentru homeostazie si pentru

echilibrul integrat al organismului. Fiecare lucru din Univers vibreaza, toate

formele si modelele au un spectru de unda asociat. Corespondenta dintre forma

fizica si spectrul de unda asociat si viceversa este descrisa de domeniul matematic

cunoscut ca Teoria Tamburului (Peterson, 1998; Gordon & Webb, 1996). Se

considera ca formele de unda sunt primare si ca acestea creeaza “pattern”-urile si

formele lumii fizice, generand un Univers Holografic, care este in perpetua

schimbare. JOURNEY INTO INFINITY William C. Goughn.

Lucrarea prezinta o noua metoda de stimulare a Sistemului Energetic Acupunctural

si Aplicatiile EM-CO-PADS (Electromagnetic Choerent Pads) care sunt un set de

dispozitive originale destinat stimularii electromagnetice de inalta frecventa a

punctelor si meridianelor de acupunctura si a altor zone electro-dermice active, fara

sursa de energie externa, care se aplica direct la nivelul uneia sau a mai multor zone

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5 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

cutanate, in scopul obtinerii unei stimulari directe (electro-magnetice) sau indirecte

(termice, electrice sau de camp electromagnetic) a punctului sau a zonei cutanate

active. EM-CO-PADS se comporta ca un sistem de antene de receptie si de emisie

electromagnetica si ca un amplificator/inhibitor al fenomenelor de camp proprii

structurilor functionale electrodermale active, printre care si a punctelor de

acupunctura, permitand astfel obtinerea unor efecte de tonifiere (stimulare) sau de

dispersie (sedare), specifice acupuncturii conventionale sau stimuloterapiei. EM-

CO-PADS actioneaza prin cresterea coerentei sistemului, rezonante multiple si

efecte cooperative intre dispozitivele aplicate la nivel cutanat. Metoda originala si

dispozitivele prezentate au aplicatii medicale multiple si sigure, nu prezinta consum

de energie si nu genereaza efecte secundare sau nocive.

Metoda si dispozitivele rezonante pasive pentru stimularea electromagnetica de

inalta frecventa (EM-CO-PADS) au fost medaliate cu aur la Salonul International

de Inventica de la Geneva din aprilie 2015, au obtinut Diploma 2015 Europe France

Inventeurs a Federatiei Franceze a Inventatorilor, medalia de aur si Diploma de

Excelenta la Salonul International de Inventica – PROINVENT 2015 si Medalia de

Argint ARCA a Uniunii Inventatorilor din Croatia in aprilie 2015.

Lucrarea prezinta si rezultatele unui studiu clinic efectuat pe un lot de 23 pacienti

(Lot A), cu varste cuprinse intre 39 de ani si 68 ani (10 de sex feminin si 13 de sex

masculin), diagnosticati cu hipertensiune arteriala esentiala, stadiile I si II, netratati

alopat si tratati prin metoda EM-CO-PADS, comparativ cu un lot de 30 de pacienti

(LOT B), cu varste cuprinse intre 42 ani si 72 ani (17 de sex feminin si 13 de sex

masculin), cu hipertensiune arteriala esentiala, stadiile I si II, tratati prin metoda

neconventionala de iradiere de joasa putere laser, a microsistemului acupunctural de

la nivelul arterei radiale stangi si a mucoasei nazale.

Presiunea sanguina crescuta, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), hipertensiunea

arteriala (HTA), afecteaza mai mult de 22% din populatie si aproape 1/2din toti

indivizii de 70 ani sau mai in varsta. Aproape 1,1 miliarde de oameni au in mod

frecvent hipertensiune arteriala si acest numar va creste cu mai mult de 50% pana in

anul 2025. Pe plan global hipertensiunea arteriala este a treia cauza de deces. HTA

determina stres/distres asupra sistemului cardiovascular, insuficienta ventriculara

stanga, scaderea irigatiei sanguine cardiace, iar in secundar leziuni ale vaselor

coronariene; poate determina aparitia de accidente vasculare cerebrale ischemice sau

accidente vasculare craniene hemoragice, poate produce deteriorarea organelor

vitale: plamani, rinichi, ficat, etc. fiind considerata ca “Ucigasul Tacut”, deoarece

determina simptome manifeste, de obicei, cand este prea tarziu.

Metodele si materialele din studiu au constat in:

1.determinarea valorilor tensiunii arteriale cu un tensiometru profesional HBP-1300

OMRON (inainte de tratament, la cca. 20 minute dupa tratament si la 3 zile de la

incetarea tratamentului;

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6 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

2.efectuarea unei traseu EKG cu electrocardiograful portabil compact Prince 180B

cu analiza automata a 240 secunde de inregistrare;

3.efectuarea unei inregistrari de Biorezonanta Magnetica Quantica cu aparatul

Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer 2015, Quantum Magnetic Resonance Body

Scanner, cu salvarea datelor privind Raportul de Analiza Cardiovasculara si

Cerebrovasculara, Raportul privind starea meridianelor energetice principale si

colaterale si a Indicelui Global de Apreciere a Starii de Sanatate, inainte si la 3 zile

de la terminarea tratamentului;

4.efectuarea unei inregistrari 3D-NLS (Metatron) cu Sistemul de Diagnostic

Nonlinear 3D CELL 2015/ (UE/USA) inainte si la 3 zile dupa tratament;

5.din studiu au fost exclusi pacienti cu: a) diabetul zaharat, insulinodependent; b)

accidente cerebro-vasculare; c) infarctul de miocard, angorul instabil, angorul de tip

Printzmetal, angorul intricat, insuficiente de organ cu exceptia insuficientei

ventriculare stangi; tulburari de ritm si de conducere cardiaca, cu exceptia tahicardiei

si a extrasistolelor supraventriculare; purtatori de peacemaker cardiac; tensiunea

sistolica mai mare de 200 mmHg si tensiunea diastolica mai mare de 140 mmHg;

alura ventriculara mai mare de 120 batai/ minut; d) epilepsia; e) tetania severa; f)

psihoze, nevroza depresiva; g) insomnia cronica; h) consumul de alcool peste 3

ori/zi; i) fumatul mai mult de 20 tigari/zi; j) hipertiroidismul; k) pielonefrita,

polichistoza renala si alte afectiuni care conduc la insuficienta renala cronica; l)

bolnavi in tratament cronic cu corticosteroizi; m) boli febrile sau boli infecto-

contagioase intercurente.

6.aplicarea dispozitivelor EM-CO-PADS (N=17, 8 pereche, 1 nepereche in Shen

Men drept) la nivel cutanat in acupunctele F2 (Xingjian), S36 (Zusanli), Shen Men

– auricular (Divine Gate) drept; VC 10 (Xiawan); IG 11 (Quchi); IG 4 (Hegu); S40

(Fenglung); VB 20 (Fengchi); R1 (Yongquan) pentru 30 minute/zi, 8 sedinte/cura,

zilnic sau la 2 zile, la pacientii hipertensivi din lotul A;

7.aplicarea sistemului de laserterapie de joasa energie cu λ=650nm, la nivelul zonei

inchieturii pumnului stang si a arterei radiale stangi si a cornetelor nazale inferioare,

timp de 30 minute/sedinta, 7 sedinte, zilnic sau la 2 zile la pacientii din Lotul B;

8.prelucrarea statistica a datelor cu ajutorul programului Statistica 10, for Windows


Pe baza prelucrarii datelor obtinute din studiul clinic s-a constatat:

1. scaderea valorilor tensionale sistolice cu cca 25-38% la 78.4% subiectii din Lotul

A si la 64.7% din subiectii Lotului B;

2. scaderea valorilor tensionale diastolice cu cca 18% - 29.4% la 62.5% subiecti din

Lotul A si la 46% din subiectii Lotului B;

3. scaderea valorilor tensionale sistolice se insoteste de scaderea valorilor de

rezistenta vasculara periferica determinate prin Metoda de Biorezonanta Magnetica

Quantica la 82% din subiectii ambelor loturi, in proportii aproximativ egale si de

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7 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

scaderea numarului de nidusuri patologice 5 si 6 prezente pe aria cardiovasculara si

pulmonara la determinarea 3D NLS;

4. scaderea valorilor tensionale diastolice se insoteste de modificarea semnificativa

a nidusurilor cu continut patologic 5 si 6 si intermediar – 4, la 2 si 3, la determinarea


5. scaderea valorilor tensionale a fost cu 12.5% mai mare pentru subiectii de sex

feminin din studiu.

In ambele cazuri de tratament neconventional la pacientii cu hipertensiune arteriala

esentiala, necomplicata, stadiile I si II, rezultatele terapeutice au fost relativ

comparabile, cu un efect relativ mai favorabil la pacientii la care in scop terapeutic

s-au aplicat dispozitivele EM-CO-PADS, conform metodologiei descrise. Se

remarca scaderea mai pronuntata a valorilor tensionale sistolice si scaderea

rezistentei vasculare periferice. La toti pacientii din Lotul A s-a constatat in plus o

diminuare a anxietatii, o imbunatatire a dispozitiei, o crestere a calitatii somnului, o

crestere cu cca 5-7% a pO2, determinata prin puls-oximetrie si confirmata in cca 41%

din cazuri prin imbunatatirea ventilatiei pulmonare si a oxigenarii tisulare la

determinarile de Biorezonanta Magnetica Quantica si Analiza Nelineara 3D NLS.

Rezultatele obtinute pot fi corelate cu schema acupuncturala folosita, stimularea

punctelor de acupunctura, receptivitatea individuala la terapie, actiunea campurilor

electromagnetice de inalta frecventa (Mega Hertz) si intensitate extrem de mica,

nenocive, asupra structurilor energetic-informationale ale organismului, cresterea

nivelul de ordine in macro-sistemul organic, prin plasarea de “pattern”-uri ordonate,

care cresc coerenta sistemului si activeaza mecanisme de polarizare/ depolarizare


Autorii considera ca, partial, rezultatele obtinute pot fi explicate prin sincronizarea

excitatiilor/dezexcitatiilor punctelor de acupunctura, produse de activarea organica

si electromagnetica a dispozitivelor originale EM-CO-PADS, care genereaza efecte

biologice subsecvente, cu activarea mecanismelor de reglaj, a scaderii entropiei si a

interventiei mecanismelor homeostatice proprii ale organismului.






Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan(1), M.D., D.Sc (MA),

Senior Researcher, Dipl. Eng. Marian Velcea(2), D.Sc, Dipl. Eng. Mihai Chetan(3),

D.Sc., Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Ioan Plotog(4), D.Sc.,

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8 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Dipl. Eng. Bogdan Mihaiescu(5), Alexandru Corneliu Moldovan(6),

B.Eng Electronic Engineering 1National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”,2SC INVEL, Bucharest, 3S.C. MED.CO S.R.L, Bucharest 4,5Polytechnical University of Bucharest, Romania

6University of Strathclyde, Department of Electronic & Electrical

Engineering, Glassgow, U.K.


Keywords: passive resonant device, electromagnetic stimulation of the acupuncture

points, essential high blood pressure, clinical study, coherence, cooperative effects

of resonance, resonant excitation/disexcitation synchronization, longer period of

time lower blood pressure effects.

The Bio-energetic Medicine assumes the fact that the active-biological processes,

as the bio-resonance, the electric-magnetic, magnetic and electric-magnetic and the

bio photons emission, as well, are essential for that we call life. The “bio-energetic”

function as a bio-information carrier”, is crucial for the homeostasis and for the

integrative organism balance. Every single thing in the Universe vibrates, all the

forms and shapes have an associate wave spectrum. The correspondence between

the physical shape and the associated wave spectrum and the reverse is described

by the mathematics field known as the Drum Theory (Peterson, 1998; Gordon & the

Drum Theory. Is says that the wave shapes are primary and these ones create

“patterns” and the physical world shapes, generating a Holographic Universe that

changes continuously. JOURNEY INTO INFINITY William C. Goughn.

Our dissertation presents a new method of Acupuncture Energetic System

stimulation and the EM-CO-PADS (Electromagnetic Coherent Pads) which are a set

of original devices meant to the high frequency stimulation of the acupuncture

points and meridians and of other active electric-dermal zones , without an external

source of energy directly applied at the level of one or many cutaneous zones, in

order to obtain a direct stimulation (electromagnetic) or an indirect one (thermal,

electric or electromagnetic field) of the active cutaneous point or zone. EM-CO-

PADS acts as a system of electromagnetic reception-emission of aerials and as an

amplification/inhibition of the field phenomena specific to the active electric-dermal

functional structures among which there are also the acupuncture points, allowing

some fortifying (stimulation) or dissipation (sedation) effects, specific to the

conventional acupuncture or to the stimuli-therapy.

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9 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

EM-CO-PADS acts by increasing the system coherence, multiple resonances and

cooperative effects among the devices applied to the cutaneous level. The original

method and presented devices have multiple and sure medical applications, they

don't consume energy and don't generate secondary or harmful effects.

The method and the passive resonant devices used for the high frequency

electromagnetic stimulation (EM-CO-PADS) have received the Gold medal at the

International Salon of Inventions in Geneva in April 2015, they were awarded by a

Diploma 2015 Europe France Inventeurs of the French Federation of the Inventors,

Gold medal and Excellency Diploma at the International Salon of Invention –

PROINVENT 2015 and the Silver Medal ARCA of the Inventors Union of Croatia in

April 2015.

Our study includes also the results of a clinic study made on a lot of 23 patients (Lot

A), aged between 39 and 68 years old (10 females and 13 males), with the essential

arterial high blood pressure diagnosis, I and II stages, without taking a allopathic

treatment and treated by EM-CO-PADS method, compared to a lot of 30 patients

(LOT B), aged between 42 and 72 years old (17 females and 13 males), having the

same diagnosis of essential arterial high blood pressure, I and II stages, treated by

the unconventional method of low laser irradiation of the acupuncture micro-system

of the left radial artery and of the nasal mucous membrane.

The High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), arterial hypertension (HTA), afflicts more

than 22% of the population and almost ½ of all the people aged of 75 years old or

older. Almost 1.1 billion people have frequently arterial high blood pressure and this

number will increase by more than 50% until 2025. In the world the arterial

hypertension represents the third cause of dying. HTA causes stress/distress upon the

cardiovascular system, left ventricular insufficiency the cardiac sanguine irrigation,

and secondary, the coronary vessels lesions; it can produce ischemic vascular

cerebral strokes or hemorrhagic cranial vascular strokes, it can cause the

deterioration of the vital organs: lungs, kidneys, liver etc., being called the “Silent

Killer”, because it can manifest symptoms, usually, only it is too late.

The methods and materials we used in this study consisted in:

1.determination of the arterial blood pressure values by a professional blood pressure

device HBP-1300 OMRON (before the treatment, after about 20 minutes after the

use of the treatment and 3 days after we had interrupted the treatment;

2.creating an EKG tract by a mobile compact electrocardiograph Prince 180B able

to automatically analysis a 240 seconds of recording;

3.recording a Quantic Magnetic Bio-resonance using a Quantum Resonance

Magnetic Analyzer 2015, a Quantum Magnetic Resonance Body Scanner saving the

data concerning the Cardiovascular and Cerebral-vascular Analysis report, the

Report concerning the main and collateral energetic meridians and of the Global

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10 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Index of Evaluation of the Health state, before and 3 days after ceasing the


4.recording in 3D-NLS (Metatron) by the Nonlinear 3D CELL 2015/ (UE/USA)

Diagnosis System and 3 days after ceasing the treatment;

5.we have excluded from the study patients having: a) diabetics depending on

insulin, b) cerebral strokes; c) miocardium infarcts, unstable angor , Printzmetal

angor, intricate angor, failures of organs, except the left ventricular insufficiency;

cardiac troubles of rhythms and tract, tachycardia and supra ventricular extra-

systoles; peoples equipped with pacemakers; systolic blood pressure higher than 200

mmHg and diastolic blood pressure higher than 140 mmHg; ventricular allure more

than 120 beats/minute; d) epilepsy; e) severe tetany ; f) psychosis, depressive

neuroses; g) chronic insomnia; h) alcohol consumption more than 3 times/day; i)

smoking more than 20 cigarettes/day; j) hyperthyroidism; k) pielonephritis, kidney

polycystosis and other problems that can lead to a chronic kidney failure; l) ill people

under chronic corticosteroids treatment; m) fever diseases or inter-current

infectious-contagious diseases;

6.applying the EM-CO-PADS devices (N=17, 8 even, 1 odd in the right Shen Men)

at the cutaneous level in the acupuncture points F2 (Xingjian), S36 (Zusanli), Shen

Men – right auricular (Divine Gate) ; VC 10 (Xiawan); IG 11 (Quchi); IG 4 (Hegu);

S40 (Fenglung); VB 20 (Fengchi); R1 (Yongquan) for o period of time of 30

minutes/day, 8 sessions/cure daily or every 2 days for the hypertensive patients from

the Lot A;

7.use of the low laser therapy with λ=650nm, at the level of the left fist wrist zone

and of the left radial artery and of the inferior nose cornets for 30 minutes/session, 7

sessions daily or every 2 days for the patients from the Lot B;

8.processing the data using Statistics 10 program for Windows 2015.

Processing the data we have obtained from our clinic study, we have concluded the


1. the systolic blood pressure values got lower by about 25-38% la 78.4% to the

subjects from the Lot A and about 64.7% for the subjects from the Lot B

1. lower diastolic blood pressure values by about 18% - 29.4% at the subjects from

the Lot B and by about 46% at the subjects from the Lot B;

2. the lower systolic blood pressure values goes along with the diminution of the

vascular peripherical resilience values determined by the Quantic Magnetic Bio-

resonance at 82% from the subjects of both lots, in approximately equal ratios and

by diminution of the pathological niduses number 5 and 6 present in the

cardiovascular and pulmonary aria at the 3D NLS determination;

3. diminution of the diastolic blood pressure along with the significant of the

pathological niduses 5 and 6 and intermediary– 4, at 2 and 3, and 3D NLS


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11 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

4. the blood pressure values diminution was 12.5% higher for the female subjects

of the study.

In the both cases of unconventional treatment applied to patients with essential high

blood pressure, non-complicated, stages I and II, the therapeutic results were

relatively comparable, with a slight much better effect to the patients treated by the

EM-CO-PADS devices, according to the above described methodology.

We can notice a more important diminution of the systolic blood pressure values and

of the peripheral vascular resilience, as well. We have also noticed to all the patients

from the Lot A a diminution of the anxiety, a mood improvement, an improvement

of the sleep quality, about 5-7% of the by pO2, determinate by oxymetry-pulse and

confirmed in about 41% of the cases by the pulmonary ventilation and tissue

oxygenation improvement using Quantic Magnetic Bio-resonance and 3D NLS non-

linear Analysis.

The obtained results can be correlated with the used acupuncture chart, the

stimulation of the acupuncture points, the individual receptivity to the therapy, the

high frequency magnetic fields action, (Mega Hertz intensity) and to the extremely

low intensity, non-harmful, upon the energetic-informational structures of the

organism, the enhancing of the order level in the organic macro-system by placing

organized “patterns” which increases the coherence of the system and activates the

molecular polarization/depolarization mechanisms.

The authors of this study consider that, partially, the obtained results can be

explained by the points excitation/dis-excitation synchronization produced by the

organic and electromagnetic activation of the original EM-CO-PADS devices which

generate subsequent biological effects, by regulating mechanisms activation, the

entropy diminution and the homeostatic mechanisms intervention proper to the



Autori: Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan1, M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D.

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan2, Fiz. Ioan Mamulas2, D.Sc. (MA), Ph.D. 1Societatea Romana de Acupunctura,

2Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara

si Alternativa “Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”

Bucuresti, Romania


In ultimul sfert de secol XX au fost aduse treptat in media noi achizitii stiintifice

intr-o serie de domenii de cunoastere care obliga la o noua paradigma, la o

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12 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

reformulare a tuturor reperelor fundamentale prin care s-a motivat pana acum

intreaga existenta umana.

Toti comentatorii preocupati de viitorul omenirii apreciaza ca ne aflam intr-un

moment in care lumea pare sa-si fi pierdut sensul, sa nu se mai poata regasi. In timp

ce prezentul se zbate in agonia supravietuirii, o noua gandire se contureaza, cea a

constiintei care face saltul de la preocuparea excusiva a trebuintelor biologice la o

motivare spirituala noua.

Sinteza intre ceea ce istoria a dovedit a fi peren, viabil si intre posibilitatile de

cunoastere ale stiintelor actuale, inclusiv ale tehnologiei actuale, constituie premisa

relevarii adevarului despre noi, reclamat cu stringenta de nevoia de supravietuire

intr-o lume tot mai complexa si mai incerta.

Sunt aduse in discutie argumentele semnificative care pledeaza pentru o noua

spiritualitate, din stiintele neurocognitive, psihologia transpersonala, fizica moderna

si experientele transcenderii in alte dimensiuni de Univers.


Authors: Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin Dulcan1 M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D.,

Asoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan2 M.D., D.Sc. (M.A.),

Ioan Mamulas2 Ph.D., D.Sc. (M.A.), 1Romanian Acupuncture Society,

2National Institute for Complementary and Alternative

Medicine “Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”,

Bucharest, Romania


In the last quarter of the twentieth century they were gradually brought new

acquisitions scientific media in a number of areas of knowledge that obligation to a

new paradigm, a reformulation of all fundamental milestones that motivate the entire

human existence until now.

All commentators concerned about the future of mankind considers that we are in a

time when the world seems to have lost its meaning, no longer can relate to. While

this is struggling in agony survival, new thinking is emerging, that of consciousness

that make the leap from excusal concern of needs new spiritual biological reasons.

The synthesis between what history has proven to be evergreen, viable and of

opportunity for knowledge of science today, including current technology, a

prerequisite revealing the truth about us, complained to the pressing need for

survival in a world increasingly complex and uncertain.

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13 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Significant arguments are discussed advocating for a new spirituality in

neurocognitive science, transpersonal psychology, modern physics and transcending

experiences in other dimensions of the universe.



Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. Restian Adrian, M.D., D.Sc.

UMF „Carol Davila”,

Bucuresti, Romania


Desi terapiile complementare folosesc anumite tehnici si anumite proceduri, bazate

pe metode fizice, chimice si psihice, in spatele lor se afla niste conceptii despre viata

si despre lume, care se deosebesc de multe ori radical de conceptiile promovate de

medicina conventionala. In timp ce terapiile complementare se bazeaza de obicei pe

niste conceptii spirituale foarte vechi, izvorate de multe ori din diferitele religii ale

lumii, medicina conventionala se bazeaza pe niste conceptii materialiste, oferite de

cercetarile stiintifice orientate doar spre aspectul material, palpabil si masurabil, cu

ajutorul mijloacelor tehnice actuale. In pofida marilor deosebiri conceptuale, ambele

curente ale medicinii contemporane obtin anumite rezultate, dar au si anumite limite

in prevenirea si combaterea bolilor cu care este confruntata societatea contemporana.

Medicina conventionala, care a obtinut rezultate foarte bune in tratamentul bolilor

infectioase, in tratamentul bolilor chirurgicale, al tehnologiei medicale si al

imagisticii medicale, nu accepta eficacitatea terapiilor complementare, capabile sa

obtina de multe ori rezultate mult mai bune in prevenirea si tratamentul bolilor

cronice, asa cum ar fi bolile cardiovasculare, bolile metabolice, bolile reumatismale,

bolile psihice si cancerul, boli in care medicina conventionala se dovedeste a fi foarte

limitata. Chiar daca impreuna, intr-o medicina integrativa, ambele curente ar obtine

rezultate mult mai bune, deocaM.D.ata colaborarea dintre ele este foarte slaba. Iar

acest lucru se datoreaza mai ales diferentelor dintre conceptiile pe care se bazeaza

cele doua curente ale medicinii contemporane.

Probabil ca cea mai mare diferenta dintre conceptiile celor doua curente consta in

faptul ca medicina complementara considera ca la baza vietii s-ar afla o anumita

energie vitala, asa cum ar fi prana (de la hindusi), energia QI (din medicina

traditionala chineza), mana (de la polinezieni), forta vitala sau fluidul vital (al lui

Paracesus) si asa mai departe, energie vitala pe care medicina conventionala, in

tendintele ei reductioniste, nu vrea sa o recunoasca. Aproape toate terapiile

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14 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

complementare considera ca in spatele corpului fizic, recunoscut de medicina

conventionala, se afla o serie de corpuri invizibile, dar de multe ori detectabile, asa

cum ar fi corpul mental, corpul eteric sau corpul cauzal, pe care medicina

conventionala nu le recunoaste. Majoritatea terapiilor complementare considera ca

energia vitala care se afla la baza vietii, circula de-a lungul unor meridiane sau a

unor ceakre, foarte dificil de evidentiat fizic, dar a caror stimulare da anumite

rezultate, chiar si acolo unde medicina conventionala nu poate interveni.

Unele terapii complementare, asa cum ar fi samanismul, apeleaza la niste forte

spirituale, care conduc lumea in care traim, lucru pe care medicina conventionala nu

il recunoaste. De fapt fiecare religie apeleaza la cate o terapie complementara.

Hinduismul apeleaza la metode yoghine, la asane, la tehnicile de respiratie si la

meditatie. Iar crestinismul apeleaza la credinta in Dumnezeu, la iubirea de oameni,

la compasiune, la rugaciune si la contemplare. Dar medicina conventionala nu

recunoaste existenta sufletului, pe care toata lumea il presupune.

Pentru medicina conventionala viata si fenomenele patologice care atenteaza asupra

ei, se reduc la niste modificari moleculare. Astfel intreaga patologie umana a fost

transferata, de o maniera strict materialista, de la nivelul organic la nivelul

molecular. Acest lucru a reprezentat un mare progres, care nu reprezinta decat un

pas spre calea descoperii aspectelor mult mai ascunse ale patologiei umane. De aceea

noi am aratat ca in spatele modificarilor moleculare, care apar in diferitele boli, se

afla de fapt informatia, deoarece fiecare molecula poarta odata cu substanta din care

este constituita si o anumita informatie moleculara. Informatia moleculara este cea

care face posibila recunoasterea moleculelor intre ele, face posibila comunicarea

dintre numeroasele celule ale organismului si in cele din urma reglarea numeroaselor

procese biologice care au loc in organismul uman. De aceea noi am aratat ca

informatia reprezinta parametrul ascuns al patologiei umane. In cele din urma

informatia este cea care face legatura dintre aspectul material, pe care se bazeaza

medicina conventionala si aspectul spiritual pe care se bazeaza terapiile


Este foarte important de remarcat faptul ca marile progrese ale stiintei contemporane

si mai ales ale fizicii cuantice, scot la iveala faptul ca diferentele dintre conceptiile

medicinii clasice si ale medicinii conventionale nici nu sunt chiar atat de mari dupa

cum au parut pana acum. Principiile fizicii cuantice, asa cum ar fi dualismul unda

corpuscul si legaturile instantanee dintre diferitele particule materiale, prin niste

mijloace care nu au fost detectate pana acum, precum si descoperirea faptului ca cea

mai mare parte din materia si energia din univers sunt nedetectabile, asa zisa materie

intunecata, ne fac sa credem ca medicina complementara s-ar putea sa invinga in

cele din urma medicina conventionala inghetata in convingerile ei reductioniste. Iar

noi sa facem apel de fiecare data la terapiile care se potrivesc cel mai bine pentru

prevenirea si tratamentul bolilor de care sufera bolnavul. Acest lucru nu va fi deloc

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15 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

usor deoarce si terapiile complementare se deosebesc foarte mult intre ele. De aceea

va fi necesara o analiza doctrinara obiectiva a tuturor mijloacelor terapeutice de care

dispune medicina contemporana si de o utilizare a lor acolo unde ar putea da

rezultatele cele mai bune.



Authors: M.Sc. Dr. Reymundo Miranda Leyva, Dr. Jorge Luis

Fernández García, M.Sc. Dr. María Concha Morales de la Lastra

LABIOFAM Entrepreneurial Group

Havana, Cuba


The Traditional and Natural Medicine (TNM) is a wide profile specialty, with an

integrative approach of the health`s problems that has evolved during millennia and

its results, as for promotion of health, prevention and cure of diseases, as well as for

their rehabilitation, are very notorious. It doesn't constitute a method of alternative

treatment to be used under low supply conditions, but a discipline of the medical

sciences that is necessary to study, to develop and to preserve permanently in the

country, so much in time of peace as of war and in exceptional situations also, just

forming part of the medical and paramedic personnel's professionalism while

increasing with these procedures their therapeutic arsenal. It includes a group of

therapeutic modalities as Acupuncture and related techniques (Digitopuncture,

Moxibustion, Suction cups, Auriculotherapy, etc.), the Magneto therapy,

Phytotherapy and Homeopathy, among others.

The acupuncture with a long practice history in the Asian countries. It is used for the

treatment of different diseases or symptoms, by means of the stimulation of certain

points of the body with fine needles.

This one by itself, doesn't include all the therapeutic potentialities of the Asian

Traditional Medicine, but it is one of the fundamental pillars of this medicine with a

long use experience and with more than 5000 years of being used.

The 60 command points are specific points of the 12 regular channels corresponding

with the characteristics of the 5 movements, 5 manifestations and/or 5 elements that

are located from the elbow to the hands and from the knee to the feet.

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Autor: Dr. Ion Gheorghe, M.D.

CMI “Dr. Gheorghe Ion”

Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: acupunctura, medicamente beta-blocante, ciprofloxacine,

dezechilibre energetice

In mod frecvent, bolnavii solicita tratament prin acupunctura in timp ce iau

medicatie alopata. La foarte multi constatam, la examenul clinic, prezenta unei

simptomatologii complexe. Identificam pe langa simptomele afeciunii / afectiunilor

de baza si prezenta unor simptome ce sunt consecinta efectelor secundare ale


Automedicatia este inca un factor care amplifica numarul cazurilor cu efecte


Prin mecanimele lor de actiune medicamentele pot induce tulburari energetice in

organe pe oricare din componente: Yin, Yang, Qi sau Sange.

Medicul acupunctor trebuie sa analizeze simptomele si sa identifice pe cele care

reprezinta efecte secundare ale medicatiei alopate.

Este necesar a se alcatui astfel un tratament personalizat.

In lucrarea prezenta ma voi referi la medicamente foarte mult folosite, si anume beta-

blocante si ciprofloxacine, ce se pot procura cu sau fara reteta.



Author: Dr. Ion Gheorghe M.D.

CMI Dr. Gheorghe Ion,

Voluntari, Romania


Keywords: acupuncture, beta-blockers drugs, ciprofloxacin, energetic imbalances

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17 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Frequently, patients seek acupuncture treatment while taking allopathic medication.

In many found on physical examination, the presence of a complex symptomatology.

We identify symptoms besides affection / underlying disease and the presence of

symptoms that are caused by medication side effects.

Self-medication is another factor that amplifies the number of cases of side effects.

The drugs can induce action energy disturbances in any component organs: Yin,

Yang, Qi and Blood.

The acupuncturist must analyze symptoms and identify those that represent side

effects of allopathic medication.

It is thus necessary to compile a personalized treatment.

In this paper I will refer to widely used drugs, namely beta-blockers and

ciprofloxacin, which can be bought with or without a prescription


Autori: Stefan Manea, Gabriela Vlasceanu,

Lili Ivopol, Viorica Tamas

Hofigal Export Import SA,

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: drojdie de bere, lucerna, siliciu organic, enzime.

Combinatiile sinergice de fitonutrienti, multivitamine si minerale asigura

echilibrarea functiilor metabolice ale tesuturilor si organelor, reglarea schimburilor

la nivel celular. Datele din literatura de specialitate au evidentiat ca drojdia de bere

(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) prin continutul in proteine, aminoacizi esentiali,

vitamine solubile in apa, enzime, sursa bogata de saruri minerale, alte substante

nutritive (lipide, glucide) si anumite oligoelemente indispensabile vietii (seleniu,

crom) constituie un nutrient complex, un regenerator al metabolismului ce poate fi

recomandat la toate varstele pentru efectele sale benefice asupra sanatatii. Exista

numeroase studii prin care se dovedeste ca lucerna amelioreaza unele tulburari

functionale ale aparatului digestiv, inclusiv a unor tulburari digestive cronice, motiv

principal de asociere cu drojdia de bere. Prezenta siliciului organic in frunzele de

topinambur este motivul asocierii cu drojdia de bere, avand drept scop realizarea

unei combinatii echilibrate de componente bioactive in vederea obtinerii unui

supliment alimentar benefic pentru optimizarea functiilor organismului. Enzimele

si microenzimele induc asupra corpului uman efecte deosebite, normalizand

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18 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

digestia, metabolismul si respiratia tisulara. Abordarea naturala a oricarei boli

degenerative are ca punct de plecare folosirea in cantitate cat mai mare a vegetalelor

bogate in enzime.


Authors: Stefan Manea, Gabriela Vlasceanu,

Lili Ivopol, Viorica Tamas

Hofigal Export Import SA,

Bucharest, Romania


Key words: yeast, alfalfa, organic silica, enzymes

The synergistic combinations between phytonutrients, multivitamins and minerals

assured a balancing metabolic functions of tissues and organs, adjusting exchanges

to the cell level. Data from literature have revealed that brewer's yeast

(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) via the protein content, essential amino acids, vitamins

soluble in water, enzymes, rich source of mineral salts, other nutrients (lipids,

carbohydrates) and certain essential elements for life (selenium, chromium)

constitutes a complex nutrient, regeneration of metabolism what can be

recommended to all ages for its beneficial effects on health. There are numerous

studies proving that alfalfa improves some functional disorder of the digestive tract,

including chronic digestive disorders, and this is the reason the main association with

brewer's yeast. The presence of organic silica organic into leaves of Jerusalem

artichokes is the reason why this association with brewer's yeast, which is aimed at

achieving a balanced combination of bioactive components in order to obtain a food

supplement beneficial to optimize body functions. Enzymes and microenzimes

leading on the human body particular effects, regulation of digestion, metabolism

and tissue respiration. Natural approach of any degenerative diseases has as a

starting point to use as much of protecting plants rich in enzymes.





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19 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Autor: Dr. Mezei Iosif M.D., Mac., D.Sc.. Med.Alternativa

Asociatia Transilvana de Medicina Integrata si Cuantica

Centrul Medical Tongtian

Sighisoara, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: T.E.R.R.E., disfunctie osteopata, focare iritative, rezonanta

metabolic tisulara

Cu exceptia indicatiilor osteo-articulare si posturale, sunt putine dovezile care

confirma utilitatea tehnicilor osteopate si in alte tipuri de patologie.

Lucrarea de fata documenteaza interrelatiile etiopatogenice dintre manifestarile

clinico-metabolice si tulburarile neuro-musculare generatoare de disfunctii


Testul Electro-fiziologic de Reactivitate Rezonanta Evocata este o metoda utila in

determinarea corelatiilor dintre disfunctia osteopata si caile etiopatogenice ale

patologiei generale.

Testul se bazeaza pe principiile de biorezonanta, determinand reactivitatea

organismului la diferiti stimuli – campuri informationale – analizand ulterior

rezonanta raspunsurilor evocate.

Prin exemplificarea cu date, furnizate de T.E.R.R.E., a interconexiunilor

etiopatogenice, autorul demonstreaza utilitatea tehnicilor osteopate in abordarea

terapeutica holista a pacientului.





Author: Dr. Mezei Iosif M.D., Mac., D.Sc.. Med. Alternativa

Asociatia Transilvana de Medicina Integrata si Cuantica

Centrul Medical Tongtian

Sighisoara, Romania


Key words: E.E.R.R.T., osteopathic dysfunction, irritation herds, metabolic tissue


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20 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Except the osteo-articular indications in postural dysfunctions, few proofs are

confirming the utility of osteopathic techniques in other types of pathology.

The present paper aims to document the ethiopathogenic interrelations of clinical-

metabolical manifestations and neuro-muscular disorders leading to osteopathic


The Electrophysiological Evoked Resonant Reactivity Test is a useful method in

determining the correlations between the osteopathic dysfunction and the

ethiopathogenetic pathways in general pathology.

The test is based upon the principle of bioresonance, by means of which the human

body’s reactivity to different stimuli such as informational fields is determined and

subsequently analysed the resonance of their evoked responses.

By presenting examples of data provided by E.E.R.R.T. about etiopathogenic

interrelations, the author emphasise the importance of using osteopathic technics in

the holistic approach of patients.




Autori: Dr. Gheorghe Cojocaru, M.D., medic primar MF, medic specialist

medicina sportiva, medic specialist recuperare, medicina fizica si balneologie1,

Dr. Marius-Cristian Cojocaru, M.D., medic specialist recuperare,

medicina fizica si balneologie 2,

Dr. Ioana-Maria Cojocaru, M.D., medic specialist dermato-venerologie3 1CMI Dr. Cojocaru Gheorghe, 2CM.D.TAMP, 3”Regina Maria”,

Bucuresti, Romania


Prostatectomia este indicatia de electie in faza incipienta a cancerului de prostata.

Interventia este una laborioasa si complexa datorita bogatiei de filete nervoase din

zona ce trebuie conservate, deoarece lezarea lor poate produce infirmitati marcate

pentru pacient.

Complicatia cea mai frecventa si cea mai invalidanta este incontinenta urinara care

poate persista perioade lungi de timp, iar in unele cazuri, se poate permanentiza.

Persoana care trece prin acest tip de operatie trebuie sa urmeze un regim igieno

dietetic (evita alcool, condimente, substantele excitante, etc.) si un program de

kinetoterapie (exercitii ce au ca scop intarirea planseului pelvin, exercitii pentru

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21 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

stimularea obtinerii controlului mictional). Acestora li se poate asocia cu succes,

tratament prin acupunctura.

Prezentam cazul unui pacient la care tratamentul acpuncturistic s-a initiat a 5-a zi.

S-au folosit punctele: V23 – punct Shu al rinichiului, impreuna cu VG4 pentru a

distribui energia in pelvis; V28 – punctul Shu al vezicii; SP4 – reglarea activitatii

endocrine; R7 – pentru tonifiere rinichiului; F2 si F3 pentru reglarea functiei

musculaturii netezi si striate; S36 – punct general de tonifiere; IS3 – stimulator al

corticosuprarenalei; S30 – efect pe vascularizatia pelvisului. Auricular am folosit

Shenmen, Rinichi, Suprarenala, Subconstient, Pelvis. Am mai folosit si electro-

terapie de stimulare a zonei lombare.

Rezultatele au fost foarte bune cu inceperea redobandirii controlului mictional la 10-

15 zile de la operatie. Am obtinut controlul total al actului mictional la 3 saptamani

de la interventia chirurgicala.




Autori: Dr.farm. Gabriela Vlasceanu1, Zoltán Marosy2,

Stefan Manea1, Georgeta Negru1, Adriana Bira3

1Hofigal Export Import SA, 2Universitatea Ecologica, 3S.C.AgroEco BioTerra S.R.L.,

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: apa structurata diamagnetic, shungit, plante medicinale, aromatice,


Numeroase cercetari stiintifice sustin ipoteza ca apa poate fi structurata cu ajutorul

mineralelor, metalelor rare sau al campurilor magnetice si electrice. Folosirea

mineralelor pentru stimularea germinarii plantelor e o metoda veche, dar putin

folosita la ora actuala. De asemenea, apa structurata cu diferite campuri magnetice

variabile aduce un aport semnificativ la dezvoltarea plantelor dupa germinarea lor

efectiva. Aceste metode deschid noi perspective in directia stimularii cresterii

plantelor si a protejarii lor de diferitii agenti patogeni, incadrandu-se in cerintele

culturilor ecologice. Mediul biologic este diamagnetic. Apa este esenta vietii si

capacitatea ei nativa diamagnetica permite ca viata si schimburile informatice dintre

celule sa creeze o punte de legatura pe care sa o folosim pentru imbunatatirea

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22 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

comunicarii cu mediul. Folosind apa structurata intr-un dispozitiv specializat s-a

verificat ipoteza ca prin marirea capacitatii diamagnetice a apei folosite la udare,

impactul este favorabil asupra cresterii plantelor, atat a celor de apartament, cat si a

plantelor medicinale si aromatice in cultura.




Authors: Dr.Pharm. Gabriela Vlasceanu1, Zoltán Marosy2,

Stefan Manea1, Georgeta Negru1, Adriana Bira3

1Hofigal Export Import SA, 2Ecological University from Bucharest, 3S.C. AgroEco BioTerra S.R.L.,

Bucharest, Romania


Key words: structured diamagnetic water, shungit, medicinal plants, herbs, culture

Numerous scientific research claim assumption that water can be structured using

minerals, rare metals or of magnetic and electrical fields. The use of minerals to

stimulate plant germination an old method but least used at the present time. Also,

the structured water with different variables magnetic fields brings a significant

contribution to the plants development after their actual germination. These methods

open new perspectives in the direction of growth plant stimulating and its protection

against various pathogenic agents, beeing into the eco-crop requirements. Biological

environment is diamagnetic. Water is the essence of life and its native diamagnetic

capacity allows that life and informational exchanges between cells to create a bridge

that we use to improve communication with the environment. Using water structured

in a special device was verified the assumption that by increasing the diamagnetic

capacity of the water used to wetting, the impact is favorable on plant growth, both

of for apartment as well as medicinal plants and herbs in culture.



Autor: Dr. Doina Pavlovschi, M.D., D.Sc..

Societatea Romana de Homeopatie,

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23 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Bucuresti, Romania


Baronul Clemens Maria Franz von Boenninghausen si Repertoriul sau homeopatic

“Therapeutic pocket book” folosit de Heiner Frei ca baza a metodei sale de Analiza

a polaritatilor pentru o judicioasa si practica alegere a medicamentului homeopatic

similimum fiecarui pacient.



Author: Dr. Doina Pavlovschi, M.D., D.Sc..

Romanian Society of Homeopathy,

Bucharest, Romania


The baron Clemens Maria Franz von Boenninghausen and his Repertory

“Therapeutic pocket book” used by Heiner Frei to rely on for his method Polarity

Analysis for a judicious and practical choice of the homeopathic similar medicine

for the each patient.



PSIHO-ACTIVATA (ASPA© corneliu moldovan 2013, 2014, 2015)

Autori: Asoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan(1), M.D., D.Sc (MA), Senior

Researcher, Dr. Angelica Noica Dumitrescu, M.D. (2) 1Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”

(2)CMI “Dr. Angelica Noica Dumitrescu”

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: Medicament Homeopatic Aronia/Apa Structurata Psiho-Activata,

metoda originala de obtinere a apei structurate, Aronia Melanocarpa,

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24 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

electrofotografie Kirlian, spectometrie in electroluminescenta, Indice Global de

Eficacitate, Test Anova Factorial, efecte energetice si informationale, biorezonanta

medicamentului homeopat.

Homeopatia este o medicina vibrationala si aceasta medicina este foarte potenta.

Eficienta medicamentelor homeopatice a fost verificata de milioane de medici si de

practicanti ai homeopatiei, dar si de pacientii care s-au tratat cu acest tip de medicina

integrativa de mai bine de 200 de ani. Principala critica adusa de lumea medicala

homeopatiei este reprezentata de faptul ca dilutiile homeopate nu mai contin practic

nici o molecula de substanta activa, situandu-se, in marea lor majoritate, sub

Numarul lui Avogadro (reprezinta numarul de molecule dintr-un kilomol de

substanta). Remediile homeopatice contin insa amprenta energetic-informationala a

substantei de origine. Mai mult de 68% din medicamentele homeopate provin din

plante, alte remedii au ca baza minerale, extracte animale, tulpini bacteriene etc.

Medicamentele homeopate pot proveni si din surse non-materiale, ca de ex:

frecvente muzicale, variatia campurilor electro-magnetice, variatia campurilor

magnetice sau electrice, a culorilor sau a unei surse laser etc. Medicina Homeopata

promoveaza vindecarea biologica si fiziologica si autoreglarea biologica si nu

supresia simptomatica promovata de medicina alopata actuala. Scopul lucrarii a fost

realizarea unui medicament original homeopat, bazat pe suc proaspat de Aronia

Melanocarpa si Apa Structurata Psihoactivata (ASPA© corneliu moldovan 2013,

2014, 2015) in dilutiile CH7, CH15 si CH30. Tehnologia de obtinere si utilizarea

apei structurate in homeopatie au facut obiectul unei comunicarii la Congresul

National de Homeopatie din anul 2014. Pentru obtinerea apei activ-structurate s-a

utilizat o metoda originala care a constat in urmatoarea secventa: filtrarea apei de la

retea, concomitent cu o magnetizare in dublu sens (N-S/S-N), utilizand 2

electromagneti de curent alternativ monofazati cu flux magnetic generator de

armonice; filtrarea secundara si ionizarea apei magnetizate; iradierea laser multipla

(trei surse laser cu lungimi de unda si puteri nominale de emisie, diferite), in montaj

3-D cu franje de interferenta variabile a apei acaline (pH=9-9.5) magnetizate si

ionizate, obtinute anterior, concomitent cu oxigenarea/ozonarea apei (in medie 30

µg/ml O3) urmata de stimularea cu fononi acustici si optici generati de un montaj

orginal care contine structuri cristaline si generatoare de frecvente. Apa structurata

obtinuta prin metodele descrise este: buna pentru consum, nu contine nitriti si alti

poluanti, este puternic ionizata, alcalina, oxigenata, are un potential redox crescut,

este magnetizata, particular structurata si are un camp de coerenta extrem de crescut,

evidentiat prin tehnici speciale de imagistica KIRLIAN si prelucrari de date

spectrometrice si Microscopie Digitala. Activitatea biologica crescuta a acestei ape

este, posibil datorata structurii particulare, multistrat de aranjamente moleculare,

initial hexagonale regulate, ulterior octogonale si in final sferice, care sub

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25 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

videomicroscopie digitala de transmisie, pare a fi animata de miscari coordonate,

coerente. Scorusul negru - Aronia melanocarpa, din familia Rosacee, provine din

America de Nord si este naturalizat si in Europa. Este foarte usor de cultivat, este

capabil sa creasca si in soluri care nu sunt fertile sau usor mlastinoase. Scorusul

negru rezista la temperaturi scazute, fructele au dimensiuni mici, sunt de culoare

neagra si sunt grupate in ciorchine. Arbustul peren prefera locuri deschise si insorite,

soluri umede si permeabile si creste pana la 3 m, fiind rezistent la ger iarna. Fructele

de Aronia sau sucul 100% organic, neaditivat, contin de 15 ori mai multi antioxidanti

decat afinele, contin antociani, proantocianidina, fier, calciu, cupru, iod, bor,

molibden, mangan, cobalt si potasiu, precum si vitaminele C, P, PP, B6, B2, E si

provitamina A. La testul ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) nivelul de

antioxidanti ai fructelor de aronia este de 16062 pentru 100g, una dintre cele mai

mari valori dintre 277 de alimente. Aronia are numeroase intrebuintari medicale:

reduce valorile crescute ale glicemiei, reduce valorile TA la bolnavi hipertensivi,

stimuleaza sau moduleaza imunitatea, este utila pentru tratamentul dislipidemiilor, a

steatozei hepatice, a bolilor cardio-vasculare, este utila in prevenirea imbatranirii

precoce, asigura protectie impotriva radiatiilor ionizante sau UV, are actiune anti-

oxidanta puternica si este utila in terapia integrativa a cancerului etc. Materialele si

Metodele utilizate in studiu au constat in realizarea Medicamentului Aronia in dilutii

CH 7, CH 15 si CH 30 din apa structurata psiho-activata si testarea acestuia pe un

Lot Experimental (Lot AS0) de 14 subiecti umani (8 de sex feminin), varsta medie

de 52.3 ani, limitele de varsta intre 32-64 ani. A fost efectuata urmatoarea secventa:

consemnarea numelui, sexului, varstei, greutatii, inaltimii, suprafetei corporale,

determinarea valorii TA (sistolica/diastolica), pulsului, pO2 %, numarului de

respiratii/min, temperaturii frontale, temperatura ambientala, reflexul electro-dermal

de potential - palmar bilateral, inregistrarea unui traseu de 240 secunde EKG mono-

canal, determinarea si inregistrarea profilului Biorezonantei Magnetice Quantice

(Indexul General de apreciere a starii de sanatate, gradul de hidratare, gradul de

oxigenare, Ph-ul mediu, Indicele BMI (body mass index), tendintele privind

procesele patologice, starea meridianelor energetice etc). La 5 subiecti au fost

efectuate si inregistrari Kirlian (imagistica electrografica in electroluminiscenta in

trenuri de impulsuri de radiofrecventa). Datele au fost comparate inainte si dupa

aplicarea unei cure de 21 zile cu Medicamentul homeopat Aronia/apa structurata. S-

a calculat un Indice Global de Eficacitate (IGE) ca raspuns la homeopatie (Test

ANOVA Factorial). Acesta a fost de cca 72%, in conditiile in care F=34 (p<0.05).

Au fost efectuate si teste pentru caracterizarea energetica a Medicamentului

Aronia/Apa structurata: Spectrometrie in Electroluminiscenta cu descarcare pe ecran

transparent si Electro-fotografie de tip Kirlian. Datele obtinute din studiul efectuat

indica o eficacitate neta a preparatului homeopatic care utilizeaza apa structurata,

atat din punct de vedere a calitatilor energetice cat si a ameliorarii simptomatologiei

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26 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

si conditiei fizice a subiectilor in test. Organismele vii si in special fiinta umana sunt

sisteme complexe, deschise, cu auto-organizare care schimba continuu substanta,

energie si informatie cu mediul inconjurator, fiind clasificate ca structuri disipative.

S-a demonstrat experimental ca apa este de asemenea un sistem cu auto-organizare,

in care influente externe determina modificari structural-functionale care pot fi

stabile in timp. Aceasta semnifica ca apa isi aminteste influentele fizice sau chimice

la care este supusa, fenomen definit ca “memoria apei”. S-a demonstrat ca numai

cateva molecule dintr-o anumita substanta pot schimba semnificativ structura

clusterilor de apa. Principiile si practica Homeopatiei demonstreaza acest lucru. Apa

structurata poate inmagazina frecventele de biorezonanta ale unui anumit remediu,

iar acestea pot actiona asupra biocampului uman provocand efecte manifeste atat

energetice, cat si informationale, dar mai ales clinice, precum studiul de fata o

demonstreaza. In completarea acestui studiu vom prezenta si un proving realizat

conform standardelor in domeniu.




(ASPA© corneliu moldovan 2013, 2014, 2015)

Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan(1), M.D., D.Sc (MA), Senior

Researcher, Dr. Angelica Noica Dumitrescu, M.D. (2) 1National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine “Prof. Dr. Florin

Bratila” (2)CMI “Dr. Angelica Noica Dumitrescu”,

Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: Homeopathic Medicine Aronia/Psycho-Activated structured Water,

original method of obtaining a structured water, Aronia Melanocarpa, Kirlian

electric-photograph technique, spectrophotometry in electric-luminescence,

Efficiency of Global Index, Factorial Anova Test, energetic and informational

effects, homeopathic medicine bio-resonance.

Homeopathy is a vibrational medicine and this kind of medicine is a very potent one.

The efficiency of the homeopathic medicine has been verified by millions of medical

doctors and by other practitioners of the homepathy and patients, as well, who have

been treated by this kind of integrative medecine for more than 200 years. The main

critics brought to the homeopathy by the medical world concerns the fact that the

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27 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

homeopathic dilutions practically contain no longer any molecule of active

substance, remaining, in their large majority, below the Number of Avogadro (it

represents the number of molecules reported to a kilomole of substance). But the

homeopathic remedies contain the original substance energetic-informational print.

More than 68% of the homeopathic remedies are taken from plants, others have as

basis minerals, animal extracts, bacterial strains etc. The homeopathic medicine can

also be provided by non-material sources as, for example: musical frequencies,

electromagnetic fields variation, magnetic or electrical field variation, colors or laser

source variation etc.

The Homeopathic Medicine promotes the biological and physiological healing and

the biological self-regulation and not the symptomatic suppression as it is the case

in the present allopathic medicine. The goal of this work was to create an original

homeopathic medicine based on fresh juice of Aronia Melanocarpa and Psycho-

activated structured water (ASPA© corneliu moldovan 2013, 2014, 2015) having the

dilutions CH7, CH15 and CH30. The technology of obtaining and using the

structured water in the homeopathy was the subject of a dissertation at the National

Congress of Homeopathy in 2014. In order to obtain the active-structured water we

used an original method consisting in the following sequences: filtration tap water

while applying to it a bidirectional magnetic field (N-S/ S-N), using 2 monophasic

electromagnets with alternating current having harmonic generating magnetic flux;

re-filtration and ionization of the resulted magnetized water; multiple laser

irradiation (three sources of laser with different wavelengths and nominal power

emission), displayed in a 3-D with variable interference band of the magnetized and

ionized alkaline water, previously obtained, in the meantime proceeding to an

oxygenation/ozonation of this water (an average of 30 µg/ml O3), followed by

stimulation with acoustic optical phonons generated by an original display that

contains crystalline structures and generating frequencies. The structured water

obtained by the described methods is: drinkable, it doesn't contain nitrites nor other

pollutants, it is highly ionized, alkaline, oxygenated, it has got a increased Redox

potential, it is magnetized, specifically structured and it has got an extremely high

coherency field, made evident by special KIRLIAN image techniques and

processing of spectrometric and Microscopy Digital data. The increased biological

activity of this water is probably due to its particular, multy-layered molecular

structure, initially displayed as a regular hexagon, then as an octagon and, in the end,

turning into a spherical one, which, tested by digital video microscopy, shows

coherent and coordinate movements. The black service/rowan tree - Aronia

melanocarpa, from the Rosacea family, has its origins in North America and it grows

in Europe, as well. It is very easy to be cultivated, it can grow even in the infertile

soils or slightly swampy. The black service tree can resist at low temperatures, its

flowers are small, black and they are grouped in bunches. The perennial shrub

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28 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

prefers open and sunny places, humid and permeable soils and can reach a height of

3 m, having a strong resilience to the frost in winter. The Aronia fruit or its organic

juice 100%, without additives, contain 15 times more antioxidants than the

blueberries, they contain antocyans, proantocyanides, iodine, copper, iron, calcium,

boron, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and potassium, vitamins C, P, PP, B6, B2,

E and provitamin A, as well. The test ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity)

shows that the antioxidant level of the Aronia fruit is 16062 for 100 g, one of the

highest value among 277 kinds of food. Aronia has numerous medical uses: it

reduces the high level of the blood sugar, the blood pressure for the hypertensive

people, it stimulates or modulates the immunity, for the treatment of the

dyslipidemias, of the hepatic steatosis, of cardiovascular diseases, it is useful in

preventing the early aging, ionized radiations or UV, it has a strong antioxidant

action and it is useful in the integrative therapy of the cancer etc. The materials and

methods used in this study consisted in creating the Aronia medicine in dilutions of

CH 7, 15 and 30 from the psycho-activated structured water and testing this one on

an Experimental lot (Lot AS0) of 14 human subjects (8 of them females with an

average age of 52.3 years, between 32-64 years old). The test consisted in:

registration of the name, sex, age, weight, height, body surface, blood pressure

values TA (systolic/diastolic), pulse, pO2 %, number of breathing per minute,

forehead temperature, the environmental temperature, the electric-dermal reflex of

bilateral palms potential, registration of a 240 seconds EKG mono-canal tract,

determination and registration of the Quantic Magnetic of the Bio-resonance profile,

(The General Index of evaluation of the health status, the hydration level, the

oxygenation level, the average Ph, the BMI Index (body mass index), the tendencies

concerning the pathological processes, the energetic meridians status etc). 5 subjects

were submitted to the Kirlian registrations (electric-graphic image in electric

luminescence in trains of radio frequencies impulses). The data were compared

before and after a cure of 21 days with the Aronia Homeopathic medicine/structured

Water. We calculated the Efficiency Global Index (IGE) as a response to the

homeopathy (Factorial ANOVA Test). This one was about 72%, in conditions where

F=34 (p<0.05). We also made tests in order to define the energetic characteristic of

the Aronia Medicine/structured Water: Spectrometry in Electric-luminescence with

discharge on a transparent screen and Kirlian Electric-photograph. The obtained data

from this study shows an evident efficiency of the homeopathic remedy which uses

structured water not only for its energetic qualities, but also for the fact that it

ameliorates the symptoms and the physical condition of the subjects who had

participated to this test, as well. The living organisms and mainly the human being

are complex systems, open, with a self-organization who continuously change

substance, energy and information with the environment, being considered as

dissipate structures. We have experimentally proved that water is also a self-

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organized system, where external influences produce structural-functional

modifications which can be stable in time. That means water can remember the

physical or chemical influences it is submitted to, phenomenon defined as “water

memory”. We have demonstrated that only a few molecules of a certain substance

can significantly change the clusters water structure. The Homeopathy principles

and practice prove that. The structured water can store the bio-resonance frequencies

of a certain remedy and these ones can operate upon the human bio-field bringing

about effects manifested not only energetically, but also at the informational level,

and mainly clinically, as the present study proves it.

In addition to this study we will present a proving made according to this specific

field standards.



Autori: Dr. Angelica Cornelia Noica Dumitresu1 M.D.

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan2 M.D., D.Sc.(M.A.), 1CMI “Dr. Angelica Noica Dumitrescu

2Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa “Prof. Dr.

Florin Bratila”,


Aronia melanocarpa este un arbust de origine est-americana, cultivat de curand si

in Europa, ale carui fructe s-a constatat ca au un puternic efect antioxidant,

hipolipemiant, hipoglicemiant, protector vascular, detoxifiant ajutand ficatul si

rinichiul sa elimine acumularile de Cadmiu sau alte substante toxice exogene sau

endogene cum ar fi radicalii liberi, dar si un efect antimutagen, inhiband proliferarea

celulelor canceroase si stimuland apoptoza lor.

Avand in vedere aceste importante actiuni ale acestei plante si a faptului ca populatia

lumii creste, productia de suc de Aronia este si costisitoare si insuficienta pentru a

trata o masa mai larga de oameni, ne-am gandit s-o studiem din punct de vedere

homeopat, care este un mod de preparare mult mai econom si nepoluant.

D-nul prof. asoc. dr. Corneliu Moldovan a venit cu ideea de a folosi la prepararea

remediului homeopat apa structurata produsa de dumnealui pentru a imbunatatii

efectele remediului homeopat, dar pentru a vedea care sunt efectele Aroniei din

punct de vedere homeopat, care e profilul acestui remediu aveam nevoie si de

remediu obtinut clasic din dilutii potentate cu apa distilata si alcool, asa incat s-au

constituit 3 loturi de experimentatori si s-au efectuat 3 provinguri homeopate:

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30 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

1. aronia cu apa structurata;

2. aronia;

3. apa structurata.

Cu aceasta ocazie studiul s-a extins si la efectele apei structurate asupra organismului

uman si asupra rolului ei in prepararea remediilor homeopate.

In lucrarile congresului se vor prezenta rezultatele obtinute.



Authors: Asoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan1 M.D., D.Sc.(M.A.),

Dr. Angelica Cornelia Noica Dumitresu2 M.D. 1National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”, 2Family Medicine, Bucharest Romania


Aronia melanocarpa it's a shrub originated from east of America, recently grown in

Europe too, whose fruits were found to have a powerful antioxidant effect, lipid-

lowering, hypoglycemic, vascular protective, detoxifying helping the liver and

kidneys to eliminate the accumulation of Cadmium or other toxic substances

exogenous or endogenous such as free radicals, but it also has an antimutagenic

effect, inhibiting proliferation of cancer cells and stimulating their apoptosis.

Given these important actions of this plant and the fact that human population is

growing, Aronia juice production is expensive and insufficient to treat a wider mass

of population, we thought about studying it in a homeopathic way, which is a more

economical mode of preparation and unpolluted.

Associate professor dr. Corneliu Moldovan came up with the idea to use structured

water produced by him in the preparation of the homeopathic remedy in order to

improve the effects of this remedy, but to see what are the effects of Aronia from

the homeopathic point of view, which is the profile of this remedy we need the

classic obtained one from potentiated dilutions with distilled water and alcohol, so

there were three groups of experimenters and have conducted three homeopathic


1. water structured Aronia,

2. Aronia,

3. structured water.

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31 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

With this occasion the study was extended to the effects of structured water on the

human body and its role in the preparation of homeopathic remedies.

In the congress, the results will be presented.



Autor: Dr. Ileana Randasu, M.D.

Societatea Romana de Homeopatie,

Bucuresti, Romania


Pacienta N.A., în varsta de 25 de ani, profesoara de muzica, prezinta de la varsta de

18 ani episoade de raguseala diagnosticate ca insuficienta glotica. Isi dorea foarte

mult sa urmeze cariera de cantareata de opera, dar se vedea mereu in situatia de a nu

reusi, din cauza raguselii pe care a tratat-o alopatic fara succes. Dupa administrarea

remediului Simillimum, cazul a evoluat favorabil, in decurs de o luna, cu disparitia

simptomelor. Prezentarea de caz va arata modul in care s-a ajuns la indicarea

remediului potrivit, folosind temele si conceptele intalnite la caz.



Author: Ileana Randasu M.D.

Romanian Society of Homeopathy,

Bucharest, Romania


Patient N.A., female, 25 years old, teacher of music, presented since she was 18,

episodes of hoarseness diagnosed as glottis insufficiency. She wanted very much to

become an opera singer, but was always in difficulty, because of thee hoarseness

which she treated allopathically without any success. After the administration of the

simillimum, the case evolved very well, in an interval of one month, with the

disappearance of the symptoms. The paper case will show how I came to the

indication of the remedy, using the themes and concepts of the case.

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32 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan



Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea, M.D., D.Sc

UMF „Carol Davila”, Facultatea de Farmacie,

Disciplina de Farmacologie si Farmacie Clinica,

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: dilutii homeopate, dinamizare, unde electromagnetice,


Secretele dilutiilor homeopate sunt: dinamizarea si apa.

Prepararea prin dinamizare antreneaza fenomenele urmatoare: structurarea apei,

emisia de unde electromagnetice si generarea de nanoparticule. Toate aceste

fenomene au fost puse in evidentă in dilutiile homeopate. Cercetarile experimentale,

„in vitro” pe duoden izolat si „in vivo” pe soarece, au demonstrat faptul ca dilutiile

inalte peste 12 C (cu un minus molecular mai avansat de 6,023Mx10-1) prezinta

efecte numai daca au fost supuse procesului de dinamizare (Cristea A.N. şi colab. în

"Signals and Images" (edit. by M. Bastide), Kluwer Acad. Publ., the Netherlands,

1997, p. 161 – 170). Dinamizarea este un fenomen vital, ce exista si in organismul

uman si animal, unde este exercitata de contractia ritmica a pompei cardiace, ce

dinamizează sangele, imprimand pulsul arterial, arterioalar şi celular.

Apa are capacitatea de a se structura, functie de stereostructurile active incluse,

datorita polaritatii ei de dipol, ce permite legaturi de hidrogen specifice. Legaturile

de hidrogen sunt legaturi slabe, ce se formeaza si se desfac in procesul dinamizarilor,

permitand astfel dinamica informatiei. Structurarea dilutiilor homeopate a fost

evidentiata prin cercetari de: microcalorimetrie (Cristea A.N., Dragan Gh., -

Corelarea acţiunii farmacodinamice, cu unele aspecte structurale ale soluţiilor

apoase înalt diluate de Belladonna, Conf. Naţ. de Homeopatie, Sibiu, 12-13 Oct.

1989) spectroscopie in UV si RMN. Cercetarile au aratat ca structurile specifice sunt

distruse prin incalzire sau inghetare.

In lucrare sunt detaliate si explicate aceste fenomene, sustinute de cercetari stiintifice


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33 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan



Author: Acad.Prof. Dr. pharm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea, M.D., D.Sc.

Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, University of

Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila”, Faculty of Pharmacy,

Chair of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy,

Bucharest, Romania


Key words: homeopathic dilutions, dynamization, structuring, electromagnetic

waves, nanoparticles.

Secrets of homeopathic dilutions are: dynamization (activation) and water.

Preparation by process of dynamization (rhythmic agitation process), involve the

following phenomena: structuring water, emission of electromagnetic waves and the

generation of nanoparticles. All these events were highlighted in homeopathic

dilutions. Experiments, "in vitro" on the isolated duodenum and "in vivo" in mice,

have shown that high dilutions over 12 C (with a minus number of molecules under

6,023Mx10-1) has effect only if they have undergone through the dynamization

(Cristea A.N. şi colab., In "Signals and Images" (edit. by M. Bastide), Kluwer Acad.

Publ., the Netherlands, 1997, p. 161 – 170). The dynamization is a vital

phenomenon that exists in the human and animal body, exercised by rhythmic

contraction of the heart pump, which stimulates blood, and arterial, arterioalar and

cellular pulse printing.

Water made the structuring phenomenon as possible, according to the active

stereostructure-included, because of its dipole polarity, which allows specific

hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds being formed and breaked in the

process of dynamization, allowing dynamics of information. Structuring

homeopathic dilutions was highlighted by research: microcalorimetry (Cristea AN,

Dragan Gh., Correlation of pharmacodynamic activity with some structural features

of highly diluted aqueous solutions of Belladonna. First national Conference

on homeopathy with international participation. Sibiu Romania, 12-13 Oct. 1989

(Proceedings 83-85), UV spectroscopy and NMR. Research has shown that specific

structures are destroyed by heating or freezing.

The paper detailed and explained these phenomena, supported by valid scientific


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Authors: Karavis M., M.D., FICAE, Spec. in Rehabilitation Medicine &

Physiatry, Spec. in Acupuncture and Pain treatment, Director of International

Postgraduate Center of Acupuncture – AcuScience, President of Hellenic Medical

Acupuncture Society, Director of Acupuncture Department, Rehab. Med. Center

“Filoktitis”, Director of ISOM (International Society Oriental Medicine),

Korakakis Korakakis V., Baltiotis K., Andricopoulos A.,

Vlachou E., Visarakis G.



There are many issues that make it difficult to conduct a research in order to

investigate the efficiency and effectiveness of acupuncture on post-stroke

rehabilitation. Series of clinical trials in recent years have shown that acupuncture,

as an ancient technique of peripheral sensory stimulation, regulates cerebral

microcirculation, cerebral hemodynamics, brain metabolism, focal neuronal activity

and function of specific brain regions. Animal studies support also the hypothesis

that acupuncture inhibits post-ischemic inflammation, promotes neurogenesis and

angiogenesis, increases neurotrophine and BDGF concentration and, as a form of

sensory stimulation, induces sensory-dependent neural plasticity. Clinically, there

are some reports (small sampled, low quality) that acupuncture improves motor

function and balance, upper and lower limb spasticity, self-care ability and quality

of life. Furthermore, acupuncture is claimed to be effective in insomnia, anxiety and

depression. Finally, some acupuncture points show a specificity on cognitive

function (memory, attention, concentration, vocational ability) and their use are

considered of great importance on stroke rehabilitation. That is the reasons why we

decided to include acupuncture as a commonly used technique in our stroke

rehabilitation unit.

Given the former, in Filoktitis Rehabilitation Centre, Athens-Greece, we

conducted (starting from 2011) a preliminary study regarding the effect of TCM

acupuncture and electro-acupuncture, on short and long term outcome, in a cohort

of 90 patients (52 men and 38 women, mean age ± SD 41.1 ± 16.6 years). The main

objective of this preliminary study was to assess the effect of an additional

(acupuncture) intervention, in parallel with a routine stroke pharmacological

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treatment and rehabilitation program, in a sample of subjects with spectrum of

neurological conditions, but especially on stroke patients.

Based on this experience and data provided by our experience and the preliminary

study, we aim to assess the effect of electro-acupuncture, TCM acupuncture or a

combination on a bigger cohort of patients and their short and long term outcomes.

The main objectives of this study were the assessment of treatment strategies

concerning plasticity of the nervous system amendment of rehabilitation and

improvement of short and long term functional and physical outcomes.

The design of the present research project (The Filoktitis Research Project) is

multidimensional. Basically in order to evaluate baseline characteristics and

treatment outcomes in evidence based medicine, we had to use valid and reliable

tools. The majority of the scales and questionnaires used in rehabilitation medicine

are not validated in Greek language for Greek speaking patients, assessors and

clinicians. One of our objectives is to formally translate, adapt and validate key

scales and questionnaires in Greek language such as, UK FIM+FAM and modified

Ashworth Scale. Furthermore, we aim to assess the test-retest reliability of the scales

by examining the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability. Finally, in a randomized-

controlled design we aim to evaluate the effect of TCM (combined or not with

electro-acupuncture) in big cohort of patients in our rehabilitation Centre.

In this presentation we will present you our latest data and we will share with you

the challenges and problems we face in our daily routine using acupuncture in stroke





Autori: Dr. Carmen-Maria Caba, M.D., Dr. Dragos Marinescu, M.D.

Dr. Denisa Ungureanu, M.D., Fiz. Ioan Mamulas, D.Sc. (M.A.), Ph.D.

Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si

Alternativa “Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”

Bucuresti, Romania


Cresterea numarului de infectii respiratorii (viroze, gripa, etc.) in ultimul timp a

ridicat si ridica numeroase probleme, in sensul gasirii unui tratament profilactic

eficient (vaccinari, vaccin antigripal, in principal). Aceasta deoarece, pe de o parte,

frecventa crescuta a acestor infectii respiratorii, mai ales la copii si la persoanele in

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36 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

varsta sau care sufera de boli cronice, debilitante, este expresia unei afectari a

sistemului imunitar al organismului, iar pe de altă parte riscul complicatiilor a

crescut (si datorita acestei imunitati “bolnave” si datorita dezvoltarii rezistentei

germenilor la antibiotice, care au fost si sunt folosite in exces). Explicatiile sunt

multiple: la copii este vorba de un sistem imunitar imatur, la cei bolnavi, in general,

sistemul imunitar este suprasolicitat, etc. Pe langa aceste cauze, sa le numim “firesti”

oarecum, exista si numeroase alte cauze, expresie a “civilizatiei” in care traim:

poluare atmosferica, poluare sonora, poluare electromagnetica (telefon mobil, cuptor

cu microunde, computer, etc.), alimentatie (alimente “fast food” obtinute prin

inginerie genetica, “incarcate” in chimicale – hormoni, pesticide, etc.), produse

cosmetice si detergenti. Toate acestea se adreseaza direct, ca informatie de prelucrat,

sistemului nostru imunitar si in aceste conditii, la o astfel de suprasolicitare, este

normal ca acesta sa fie incapabil de a mai raspunde prompt si eficient la stimulii

“clasici”: bacterii, virusuri, etc. De aici si aceasta crestere a patologiei in acest

domeniu, de la simple infectii respiratorii, la boli autoimune, pana la boli grave

(cancer, SIDA).

Scopul cercetarii efectuate pe parcursul a cinci ani este imbunatatirea starii de

sanatate in cazul bolilor respiratorii si din sfera ORL prin tratament homeopat si

modificarea biopotentialelor masurate in punctele JING distale ca obiectivare a

tratamentului homeopat aplicat.




Autor: Dr. Didi Surcel, M.D.

Blue Life Medical Center,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Reteaua celulara complexa din epiteliul intestinal care confera integritate structurala

si functionala sistemului digestiv este formata din celule epiteliale intestinale, celule

ale sistemului imun si ale sistemului mezenchimal. La acest nivel raspunsul imun

trebuie sa actioneze simultan si diferentiat, tolerant pentru flora comensala si

antigenii alimentari si distrugator impotriva florei patogene. Acceptand faptul ca

trupul omenesc este un sistem energo-informational coerent, structurat din aceiasi

materie fundamentala ca aceea a intregului univers si ca boala este un blocaj sau un

dezechilibru in fluxul energetic al fortei vitale, intelegem ca apararea organismului

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37 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

fata de agentii microbieni, de celulele canceroase sau de structurile proprii,

modificate, inseamna efortul conjugat al acestor celule de readucere la echilibru si

imbunatatirea comunicarii intercelulare. Ruperea barierei epiteliale cu invadarea

florei bacteriene comensale, insotita de activarea celulelor imune, de productia

excesiva de citokine inflamatoare, de comunicarea incoerenta a celulelor de la acest

nivel, induce la dezvoltarea unui proces inflamator, care prin cronicizare sta la baza

dezvoltarii bolilor inflamatorii intestinale. La acest nivel al blocajului comunicarii

intercelulare intervine benefic terapia alternativa, iar gemoterapia ocupa un loc cu

totul special, datorita faptului ca meristemul comunica cu celula stem umana

eficient, dat fiind prezenta de receptori membranari asemanatori, precum cei din

clasa Toll Like R.

Lucrarea aduce in prim plan 2 elemente:

a)necesitatea indepartarii blocajulului inca din fazele incipiente ale bolii; b)rolul

benefic al gemoterapiei a carei mecanism de actiune implica exact aceste categorii

de celule a caror functii modificate duc la o comunicare aberanta.




Author: Dr. Didi Surcel, M.D.,

Blue Life Medical Center,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


The existence of the complex cellular network in intestinal epithelium, which

confer structural and functional integrity in the digestive system is consists of

intestinal epithelial cells, cells of the immune system and of the mesenchymal

system. The immune response has a particular feature meaning that must have a very

special requirement, which makes it able to act simultaneously and differentially,

tolerant for commensal flora and food antigens and destroyer against pathogenic

flora. Accepting the human body is an energy-informational coherent, structured in

the same basic material as that of the universe and that the disease is a blockage or

imbalance in the flow of life force energy, we understand that the body's defenses

against microbial agents, to cancer cells, or to own modified structures, it means a

return to balance, and improving intercellular communication. By breaking of the

epithelial barrier commensal bacterial flora invades intestinal epithelium and is

accompanied by activation of immune system cells, the excessive production of

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38 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

inflammatory cytokines. Incoherent communication of the cells, at this level,

induces development of the inflammatory process that underlies the development of

chronic inflammatory bowel disease. At this level of the blockage of the intercellular

communication, intervenes alternative therapy and Gemmotherapy occupied a

special place because communication of the meristem with human stem cell is very

effective, because they have the same receptors from class Toll Like R.

The paper emphasize two elements:

a) the need to remove blockage still in the early stages of the disease

b) the beneficial role of Gemmotherapy, on the these types of cells, with modified

functions and with aberrant communication.



Author: Dr. Damián Triay

LABIOFAM Entrepreneurial Group.

Havana, Cuba


Malignant tumors are the leading cause of death in Cuba; at the end of 2014 a total

of 23.729 deaths occupied a rate of 212,6x100.000 inhabitants, with a higher

incidence in males and with 18,2 years of life potentially lost as a consequence.

There have been significant advances in the treatment of solid tumors for the early

and local control of the advanced disease. Combined to the chemotherapy and

radiotherapy are other biotherapies that complement the improved quality of life and

survival time of patients. In the late 80s, the potentialities of the Rhopalurus junceus

scorpion venom as an antitumor were discovered. Its simultaneous use can have a

synergistic effect or enhancing of the antitumor activity in conventional cancer

treatment. The objective was to evaluate the use of a solution of Rhopalurus junceus

scorpion venom in patients with tumor lesions.

A prospective, observational, longitudinal research of 18 patients with tumor lesions

of various locations, attended in consultations of the Medical Services of the

Entrepreneurial Group LABIOFAM for 6 months of treatment with the natural

peptide solution was performed. The treatment time, daily dose, the improvement of

clinical symptoms, evolution of lesions in imaging studies, adverse events and

concomitant treatments were the main variables. Absolute numbers and percentages

were calculated to characterize the sample.

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39 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

The use of a solution of Rhopalurus junceus scorpion venom is effective and safe in

treating patients with tumor lesions improving their symptoms, quality of life and

demonstrating the antitumor and ant metastatic effect of the product. During the

study any adverse reaction was reported.




Author: Dr. María Isabel Bermúdez Domínguez

LABIOFAM Entrepreneurial Group

Havana, Cuba


ACITAN, is a nutritional supplement of natural origin obtained from the stem of the

banana plant. It has a high content of oligoelements such as zinc and selenium which

are very important for the immune response. It also has a high percentage of dietary


An experimental prospective study was performed in a total of 11 immunodeficient

children between the ages of 2 and 6 years with hypoplasia of the thymus. The

objective of this study was to test the effectiveness of ACITAN as an

immunostimulant supplement in immunodeficient children. The main variable was

the total area of the thymus, measured by ultrasound before and after treatment and

the secondary variables were the hemoglobin levels, age, height and weight of

children as well as the recurrence of serious infectious processes. These children

were treated with a tablet of ACITAN of 500 mg every 8 hours for a period of 10

weeks. 100% of children with hypoplasia of the thymus significantly increased the

total area of the thymus and 85% of children managed to reach normal thymus size

in 10 weeks. It was observed that 100% of children increased weight, height and Hb

indexes and only two of them had light infections without hospital admission or


It is concluded that the use of the nutritional supplement ACITAN is effective and

safe in immunodeficient children. ACITAN is considered as an excellent

immunostimulant and its daily use as a nutritional supplement is recommended in

children and adults.

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40 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan


Autor: Conf. Dr. Manole Cojocaru, M.D., D.Sc.

Facultatea de Medicina, Universitatea “Titu Maiorescu”,

Bucuresti, Romania


Riscul de a prezenta boala Alzheimer (AD) creste odata cu avansarea in varsta,

factori genetici si numerosi factori de risc medicali. Studiile epidemiologice indica

ca AD este o boala multifactoriala cu numerosi factori de risc modificabili. Studiile

au sugerat ca dieta si stilul de viata pot sa influenteze riscul, crescand posibilitatea

strategiilor preventive sa fie efective. Prevenirea obezitatii si hiperglicemiei prin

adoptarea unui stil de viata sanatos ar putea sa contribuie la mentinerea integritatii

functionale mintale la varste inaintate. Exista dovezi in favoarea modificarii

evolutiei AD in stadiile asimptomatic sau moderat simptomatic. Dieta sanatoasa,

modificarea stilului de viata, suplimentele nutritionale, exercitiul fizic si activitatile

care stimuleaza functia creierului sunt cateva dintre cele mai bune cai care previn

sau intarzie aparitia AD. Liniile directoare preliminare care sa reduca riscul de AD

au fost formulate la Conferinta Internationala despre Nutritie si Creier de la

Washington din 19-20 iulie 2013. Cele sapte linii directoare care sa reduca riscul de

AD sunt: reducerea aportului de grasimi saturate, alimentatia bazata pe vegetale,

legume, fructe, cereale integrale, aportul de 15 mg vitamina E din alimente in fiecare

zi, administrarea de suplimente cu vitamina B12, interzicerea vitaminelor cu fier si

cupru, folosirea produselor fara aluminium, exercitiul fizic timp de 120 minute pe

saptamana. Alte masuri preventive: somnul de noapte de minimum 7 ore si 30-40

minute activitate mentala in fiecare zi (cuvinte incrucisate, cititul presei sau

invatarea unei limbi noi) pot sa ajute mentinerea functiilor normale ale creierului.

In concluzie, se impune sa investim in programele educationale care sa ajute oamenii

sa invete liniile directoare care in prezent sunt demonstrate clinic a fi efective in

lupta cu aceasta epidemie globala.


Author: Conf. Dr. Manole Cojocaru, M.D., D.Sc.

Faculty of Medicine, “Titu Maiorescu” University,

Bucharest, Romania

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41 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan


Risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) is increased by older age, genetic

factors, and several medical risk factors. Epidemiological studies indicate that AD

is a multi-factorial disease with several modifiable risk factors. Studies have also

suggested that dietary and lifestyle factors may influence risk, raising the possibility

that preventive strategies may be effective. Prevention of obesity and hyperglycemia

by adopting a healthy lifestyle will contribute to the maintenance of functional

integrity and mental health later in life. There are good arguments in favour of

modifying the course of AD before dementia, in the asymptomatic or minimally

symptomatic stages. A prudent diet, lifestyle modifications, nutritional supplements,

exercise and activities to stimulate the brain are some of the best ways to prevent or

delay AD. The preliminary guidelines to reduce risk of AD were formed at the

International Conference on Nutrition and the Brain in Washington on July 19 and

20, 2013. The seven guidelines to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease are: Minimize

your intake of saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fat is found primarily in dairy

products, meats, and certain oils (coconut and palm oils). Trans fats are found in

many snack pastries and fried foods and are listed on labels as “partially

hydrogenated oils. Eat plant-based foods. Vegetables, legumes (beans, peas, and

lentils), fruits, and whole grains should replace meats and dairy products as primary

staples of the diet. Consume 15 milligrams of vitamin E, from foods, each day.

Vitamin E should come from foods, rather than supplements. Healthful food sources

of vitamin E include seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Note:

The RDA for vitamin E is 15 milligrams per day. Take a B12 supplement. A reliable

source of B12, such as fortified foods or a supplement providing at least the

recommended daily allowance (2.4 micrograms per day for adults), should be part

of your daily diet. Note: Have your blood levels of vitamin B12 checked regularly

as many factors, including age, impair absorption. Avoid vitamins with iron and

copper. If using multivitamins, choose those without iron and copper, and consume

iron supplements only when directed by your physician. Choose aluminium-free

products. While aluminium’s role in AD remains a matter of investigation, those

who desire to minimize their exposure can avoid the use of cookware, antacids,

baking powder, or other products that contain aluminium. Exercise for 120 minutes

each week. Include aerobic exercise in your routine, equivalent to 40 minutes of

brisk walking, three times per week. Other preventive measures, such as getting a

minimum of seven hours of sleep each night and participating in 30 to 40 minutes of

mental activity most days of the week, such as completing crossword puzzles,

reading the newspaper, or learning a new language, can only help boost brain health.

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In conclusion, let’s invest in educational programs to help people learn about

guidelines that are now clinically proven to be more effective in fighting this global




Autor: Dr. Biol. Princ. Carmen L. Defta

UMF “Carol Davila, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara,

Departamentul II, Disciplina de Microbiologie,

Bucuresti, Romania


Spagyria isi propunea de la inceputuri o abordare globala care tine cont de om in

calitate de microcosmos, o lume in miniatura, chiar inainte de a elabora remediile.

Paracelsius, parintele oficial, spune ca „Spagyria este arta care face lucrurile sa se

dezvolte, coferindu-le maturizarea pe care natura nu le-o poate da”. Dar in acelasi

timp este si o stiinta straveche prin care se separa cele trei principii active alchimice

ale unei plante, respectiv: uleiul esential (principiul sulf – sufletul nemuritor al

plantei), tinctura hidroalcoolica (principiul mercur – spiritul plantei), sarurile

minerale si oligoelementele (principiul sare – corpul, materia plantei). Aceste trei

elemente se purifica, dupa care se reunesc in vederea intensificarii calitătilor

acestora. In urma acestor procese rezulta un preparat complex obtinut dupa principii

alchimice care este ELIXIRUL ALCHIMIC.

Acesta este un proces de separare care „deschide” planta, o purifica in cele Trei

Principii ale sale, reintegrandu-le intr-o natura mai subtila si mai patrunzatoare

(Spao -a despartii, Ageiro - a uni).

Fiecare isi poate alege propiul elixir fito-spagyric conform practicii sale obisnuite,

de exemplu raportandu-se la proprietatile si indicatiile clasice ale fitoterapiei sau ele

pot fi recomandate de catre un medic, farmacist, terapeut care poate lua in

considerare si aspectele psiho-existentiale ale plantelor.

Elixirele alchimice sunt suplimente pure, parfumate, aromate care pot fi utilizate atat

timp cat le sunt resimtite beneficiile si necesitatea. Se consuma diluat in putina apa

(15 picaturi de doua ori pe zi inainte de mese, iar pentru copiii intre 3 si 12 ani cateva

picaturi sunt suficiente).

Remediile alchimice sunt in numar de 192 elixire unitare si 36 sub forma de

combinatii; toate sunt elaborate dupa schemele originale ale lui Paracelsius, cu efecte

terapeutice remarcabile.

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43 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Pentru ilustrare sunt date cateva exemple: AMA, 11 ani, un copil vioi, dar cu o

tendinta de ingrasare imediat dupa inceperea cursurilor primare. Se simte stanjenit

de autoritatea invătatoarei, inchizandu-se, dar nu se plange. I se administreaza 15

picaturi de Elixir Cassis, dar simtindu-l dulce si aromat, copilul mai ia 15 picaturii

fara stirea mamei. Rezultatul - a doua zi copilul manifesta un rosu in gat extrem de

pronuntat, cu febra si stare de slabiciune; aceast tablou dispare dupa 3-4 zile fara

efecte secundare, dar apare o deblocarea a comunicarii.

Dna V.I., 52 ani, medic BMF, cu insuficienta renala cronica, dependenta de dializa,

la 50 de ani primeste al treilea rinichi de la mama, dupa care si acesta intra in

insuficienta. Ajunge sa faca foarte des dializa, apeleaza la spagyterapie, trece pe un

tratament intensiv cu un set de trei elixire complexe (care armonizeaza fiinta in

intregul sau). Dupa aproximativ 6 luni ajunge sa faca dializa o data pe luna.



Author: PhD. Princ. Biol. Carmen L. Defta

UMF „Carol Davila”, Faculty of Dentistry,

Department II, Chair of Microbiology,

Bucharest, Romania


Spagyria beginnings was aiming at a comprehensive approach which took account

of man as a microcosm, a miniature world, even before drawing remedies.

Paracelsus, the official father, says "Spagyria is the art that makes things grow,

Confer them the maturation which nature cannot give them." But at the same time is

an old science which separates the three active alchemic ingredients of a plant,

namely: essential oil (principle of sulfur - the immortal soul of the plant), hydro

alcoholic tincture (principle of mercury - the plant spirit), minerals and trace

elements (principle of salt - body, the matter of the plant). These three elements are

purified and then come together to enhance their quality. Following these processes

a complex preparation is produced and that is obtained through ELIXIR ALCHEMY

via alchemic principles.

It is a process of separation which "opens" the plant, it purifies the three principles

of its reassemble them in a more subtle and pervasive nature (Spao – to divide,

Ageiro – to unite).

Everybody can choose their own phyto spagyric-elixir in accordance with their usual

practice, for example in relation to the properties and classic phytotherapy

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44 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

indications, or it may be recommended by a physician, pharmacist, therapist who

can take into account the psychological aspects exist in plants.

The Alchemic Elixirs supplements are pure, perfumed aromas that can be used as

long as their the benefits and necessity are felt. It is drunk diluted in a little water

(15 drops, twice a day before meals, and for children aged 3 to 12 years a few drops

are enough).

Alchemic remedies are 192 of unit elixirs and 36 as combinations, all receipts being

developed by Paracelsus’s originals.

For illustration there are some examples with remarkable therapeutic effects: AMA,

aged 11 years old, is a lively child but with a tendency to gain weight immediately

after initiation of the primary course. She feels embarrassed by her teacher’s

authority, she becomes withdrawn but she does not complain. She is administered

15 drops of Cassis Elixir but as it tastes sweet and aromatic the child take another

15 drops without her mother's knowledge. The result - the child shows a very severe

red throat with fever and exhaust. This clinical aspect disappears after 3-4 days

without side effects but there is an ease of communication.

Ms. V.I. is a doctor, she is 52 years old with a chronic kidney disease dialysis

dependent and at age 50 receives a third kidney from her mother after which this one

fails. She gets to do dialysis very often and turning to spagyterapie she undergoes

intensive treatment with a complex set of three elixirs (which harmonizes being as a

whole). After about 6 months, she gets to have dialysis once a month.



Autori: Prof. dr. Andy R.M. Chirculescu,M .D., D.Sc, Dr. Shorab Amer, M.D.

S.C. Complex Reumatologie SRL,



Cuvinte cheie: auriculoterapie, ureche externa, reactie cutanata

Prezentam cazul unei paciente supraponderale, in varsta de 61 ani, cu leziuni

organice multiple ale coloanei lombare, coxalului drept, articulatiilor sacro-iliace,

soldului si genunchiului bilateral si tulburari psihice (anxietate, claustrofobie, atacuri

de panica), careia i s-au aplicat (cu acordul sau) sedinte alternative de somato-

acupunctura si auriculoterapie. Durerea era mai pronuntata pe partea dreapta, la toate


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45 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Rezultatele au fost pozitive, durerea, impotenta functionala, tonusul psihic

imbunatatindu-se evident.

Particularitatea acestui caz o prezinta reactia/aspectul urechii externe imediat dupa

insertia acelor, numai pe dreapta - un pliu linear al tegumentului, unind punctele de

proiectie pe ureche ale coloanei lombare (1)→ sacru (2)→ sold (3)→ genunchi (4),

ce dispare imediat dupa indepartarea acelor, la toate sedintele. Insertia acelor s-a

facut perpendicular pe suprafata urechii.

Nu s-a observat nici un fel de laxitate tegumentara particulara a urechii sau altor parti

ale corpului. Aceasta reactie a fost observata pentru prima data.

Structura histologica a urechii externe contravine acestui fenomen, intrucat exista un

contact strans al tegumentului cu cartilajul subjacent, fara sa existe alt tesut, care sa

explice pliul ridicat pe tegument.

Acest caz demonstraza obiectiv ca, pe langa efectele subiective: diminuarea durerii

si a impotentei/nesigurantei functionale, poate apare o reactie morfologica, ce nu

poate fi justificata de substratul local histologic al pavilionului urechii.



Authors: Prof. Andy R.M. Chirculescu, M.D., PhD,

Dr. Shorab Amer, M.D., PhD

S.C. Rheumatology Complex Ltd.,

Bucharest, Romania


Key words: auriculotherapy, external ear structure, skin reactivity

A female patient aged 61, with complex, multiple lesions of lumbar vertebrae, right

innominate bone, sacro-iliac, hip and knee joints, bilaterally, and some psychic

disorders: anxiety, claustrophobia, panic attacks, agreed to and followed a 10

sessions set of alternative somatoacupuncture and auriculotherapy. The pain and

functional impairment were predominantly on the right side.

The results were positive/encouraging, for both pain and mood.

The peculiarity of this case is the reaction of the pinna - a small fold/ridge of the

skin, between the points for the lumbar column (1)→ sacrum (2)→ hip (3)→ knee

(4), rising each time 1-2 minutes after needles were inserted, on the right side only,

and smoothened after the needles were removed. The needles were always inserted

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46 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

perpendicularly to the surface of the pinna. No unusual skin laxity was notice in any

part of the patient’s body.

In our knowledge, this reaction was observed for the first time. The histological

structure of the pinna shows a very tightly adherent integument to the subjacent

cartilage, without any trace of muscle fibers, or loose connective tissue, which could

explain the described skin shrinkage.

This case shows that, altogether with the positive subjective improvement, there

might appear a morphologic reaction, without any local histological explanation.




Autori: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Corneliu Moldovan(1) M.D., D.Sc (MA), Senior Researcher,

Dipl. Eng. Gheorghe Cohal (2) 1Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”, Bucuresti 2 S.C. BIO-COH Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: Fototerapie, Cromoterapie, Sistemul Luviom, Metode multiple de

stimulare optica-magnetica-electrica, spectrometrie in electroluminiscenta, Testare

clinica, Terapie informationala, Biocamp, Biorezonanta

“Everything that exists our cosmos can be viewed as a qualification or energetic

expression of light—even densest forms of matter are essentially a form of light.”

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency

and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.

Fototerapia (terapia prin lumina) si Cromoterapia (terapia prin culori), ca proceduri

medicale de utilizare a luminii ca agent terapeutic sunt cunoscute din antichitate.

Medicina culorii a fost intens practicata in India (Ayurveda si Terapia Chakrelor),

China, Grecia si Egipt. Au fost utilizate, initial expunerea directa sau indirecta (prin

filtre de culoare) a corpului la soare sau la culori primare aplicate pe peretii incintelor

de tratament. Au fost utilizate si minerale colorate, cristale sau coloranti aplicati

direct pe piele, pe haine etc. Avicenna (978 AD), este poate primul care a pus in

evidenta calitatile diagnostice ale culorilor (tegumentelor, sclerei, urinii etc) si a

calitatii terapeutice ale acestora, stabilind numeroase corelatii, pertinente si astazi.

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In epoca moderna utilizarea fototerapiei in practica medicala a devenit frecventa

odata cu practica fizioterapiei, a tratamentul icterului neonatal si a tulburarilor

asteno-depresive ca urmare a privarii indelungate de expunerea la lumina soarelui

(Sad Therapy). Din punct de vedere al medicinii alopate directiile de dezvoltare,

initial promitatoare s-au oprit aici. A fost randul tehnicilor de medicina

complementara si alternativa, a celor integrative, a medicinii numite “vibrationale”,

sa dezvolte tehnici noi, echipamente revolutionare si sa le aplice in practica.

Se afirma ca energia asociata fiecarei din cele 7 culori ale spectrului rezoneaza cu

energia fiecarei din cele 7 Chakre (centre energetice ale corpului). Colorterapia poate

reechilibra perturbarile energetice ale Chakrelor survenite in cazul diferitelor

procese patologice, chiar inainte de declansarea bolii, clinic manifeste.

Lucrarea prezinta o noua modalitate si un nou sistem terapeutic de aplicare de la

distanta a foto si colorterapiei prin intermediul unui sistem original de stimulare

compus din doua aplicatoare cu multiple fotodiode LED cu lungimi de unda diferite

(alb, verde, rosu-roz si albastru-indigo), cu aprindere intermitenta, pulsata si

controlata, centrate de cristale de cuart de stanca, de puritate crescuta, transparente,

putin prelucrate si a unui aplicator cu LED-uri in domeniul albastru-indigo cu emisie

continua pe durata tratamentului.

Am utilizat in terapie acest sistem de foto/colorterapie in mai multe montaje:

A. Aplicarea unuia din cele doua dispozitive optice stimulatoare la cca 20 cm de

vertex (punctul VG20 din acupunctura); am aplicat al doilea dispozitiv la cca 10 cm

de regiunea perineala (in asa fel incat varful cristalului sa fie pozitionat in dreptul

mijlocului regiunii dintre anus si coccis); am aplicat al treilea dispozitiv optic

matricial cu diode albastre, la nivelul zonei triunghiului Chauffard; am aplicat

stimularea cu parametrii variabili (durata, frecventa de aprindere a LED-urilor,

secventa de aplicare a culorilor) in functie de varsta, sexul pacientului, gradul de

hidratare, suprafata corporeala etc;

B. Aplicarea ambelor stimulatoare optice la nivelul microsistemelor

(palme/plante/urechi) sau la nivelul de simetrie anterior/posterior (hemitorace, fata,

abdomen, membre) cu variatiile de aplicare descrise la punctul A;

C. Sistemul Luviom in montajele A sau B plus terapie electromagnetica pulsata


D. Sistemul Luviom in montajele A sau B plus Laserterapie de Joasa Energie

(LLLT), Laseracupunctura sau Laser stimulare de Meridian;

E. Sistemul Luviom in montajele A, B, C, D plus Electropunctura, TENS si IR

(aplicare secventiala/aplicare concomitenta).

Am controlat, si unde a fost posibil monitorizat, rezultatele terapeutice cu masuratori

electrodermale, termoviziune, termografie de contact, reactometrie neurovegetativa,

puls-oximetrie, masurarea TA, puls, EKG si spectrometrie in electroluminiscenta.

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48 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Am aplicat foto/colorterapia Luviom in cca 3 ani, pe un numar de 472 pacienti cu

diverse tipuri de afectiuni, dupa cum urmeaza: 247 pacienti cu afectiuni

reumatismale cronice, 59 pacienti cu afectiuni neurologice sechelare dupa accidente

vasculare, 68 pacienti cu afectiuni medicale functionale cronice (gastro-duodenite,

colon iritabil, dischinezie biliara etc), 61 pacienti cu afectiuni vasculare periferice

cronice si 20 pacienti cu afectiuni neuro-motorii congenitale cronice. Rezultatele

terapeutice globale: ameliorari simptomatice marcate sau remisiune simptomatica:

cca 42% dintre cazuri; ameliorari simptomatice medii: 52% din cazuri; ameliorari

simptomatice minore si fara efect: 4% din cazuri; efecte adverse: 0.

Spectrometria in electroluminiscenta indica o deplasare a spectrului emisiei

electroluminiscente a policelui drept, spre domeniul albastru-ultraviolet, la pacientii

cu raspuns terapeutic net favorabil, o deplasare spre regiunea rosu, a pacientilor cu

raspuns terapeutic moderat si o deplasare a spectrului predominant spre regiunea

rosu-infrarosu la pacienti putin sau non-respondenti.

Efectele terapeutice obtinute sunt posibil de natura informationala si nu de tip

fizioterapic. Aparatul dl. Cohal se incadreaza in domeniul Medicinii Complementare

si al Medicinii Integrative, domeniu in plina dezvoltare care promoveaza tehnici

neconventionale originale.

Este posibil ca actiunea terapiei Luviom sa se exercite primar la nivelul campului

energetic periproximal corpului uman, asa cum reiese din interpretarea masuratorilor

efectuate. Este de mentionat ca acest tip de terapie nu actioneaza nici prin cresterea

temperaturii locale, nici prin modificarea mediului magnetic/electromagnetic

organic, avand predominant o valenta energetica corelata informational.




Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan(1), M.D., D.Sc (MA),

Senior Researcher, Dipl. Eng. Gheorghe Cohal (2) 1National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine “Prof. Dr. Florin

Bratila”, 2 S.C. BIO-COH, Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: Phototherapy, Chromo therapy, Luviom system, Multiple methods of

stimulation magnetical-electrical-optical, Electroluminescence spectrometry,

Clinical tests, Informational Therapy, Bio field, Bio resonance

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49 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

“Everything that exists in our cosmos can be viewed as a qualification or energetic

expression of light—even densest forms of matter are essentially a form of light.”

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency

and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.

Phototherapy (light therapy) and chromo therapy (color therapy) are medical

procedures that use light as a therapeutic agent; they are known from antiquity. Color

Medicine has been widely practiced in India (Ayurveda and Chakra Therapy),

China, Greece and Egypt. They were used initially, by direct or indirect exposure

(through color filters) of the body to sunlight or the primary colors were applied to

treatment places walls. There were used also colored minerals, crystals or dye

applied directly to the skin, clothing etc. Avicenna (978 AD) is perhaps the first to

put out the diagnoses qualities of colors (skin, sclera, urine etc.) and their therapeutic

qualities, setting numerous correlations, pertinent nowadays. In the modern era, the

use of phototherapy in medical practice has become prevalent with physiotherapy

practice, the treatment of neonatal jaundice and the treatment of astheno-depressive

disorders as a result of prolonged deprivation at the exposure to sunlight (Sad

Therapy). The initially promising directions of development of allopathic medicine

stopped here. It was the role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Techniques, and of the Integrative Medicine called "Vibrational Medicine" to

develop new techniques and revolutionary equipment and to apply them in practice.

It states that energy associated with each of the seven colors of the spectrum resonate

with each of the 7 Chakras Energy (energy centers of the body). Color therapy can

rebalance energy perturbations occurred in the different pathological processes, even

before the onset of the disease becomes clinically manifest. This paper presents a

new method and a new therapeutically original system for the application of remote

phototherapy and color therapy through a system composed of two applicators with

multiple LED photodiodes with different wavelengths (white, green, red-pink and

blue-indigo) with controlled flashing and pulsed light, centered by transparent quartz

rock crystal of high purity and an applicator with LEDs in the blue-indigo continuous

wave during treatment.

We used this system of photo therapy/chromo therapy in many montages:

A. Application of one of the two optical devices of stimulation at about 20 cm from

the vertex (acupuncture point DU 20); the second device were placed about 10 cm

of perinea region (so as to be positioned on the center region between the anus and

coccyx); I applied the third optical device with diode matrix of blue LEDs at the mid

site of Chauffard Triangle. We have applied the stimulation with variable parameters

(duration, frequency of LED ignition, the sequence of color application) depending

by age, sex of the patient, the degree of hydration, body surface area etc.

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50 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

B. The application of the pair crystal optical stimulating applicators at the level of

the Microsystems (palms / plants / ear or at the level of symmetry anterior / posterior

(hemi thorax, face, abdomen, limbs) with variations of application, as described in

section A.;

C. The A or B Luviom montages plus pulsed electromagnetic therapy (PEMF);

D. The Luviom in assemblies A or B plus low energy laser therapy (LLLT), Laser

acupuncture or Channel Laser stimulation;

E. The Luviom in assemblies A, B, C, D plus Electro-acupuncture, TENS and

Infrared therapy (applying sequential or simultaneous application).

We controlled and monitored, where possible, the therapeutic results with Electro

dermal measurements, Thermal imagery, Contact thermography, Pulse oximetry,

measurement of BP, pulse, EKG and electroluminescent spectrometry.

We applied Luviom Photo / Color therapy for about three years, on a total of 472

patients with various diseases, as follows: 247 patients with rheumatic chronic

disorders, 59 patients with neurological disabling after stroke, 68 patients with

functional medical conditions (chronic gastro-duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel

syndrome, biliary dyskinesia, etc.), 61 patients with chronic peripheral vascular

disease and 20 patients with chronic congenital neuron-motor disorders. Therapeutic

results overall: marked symptomatic improvement or symptomatic remission: about

42% of cases; average symptomatic improvement: 52% of cases, minor symptomatic

relief or without effect: 4% of cases, adverse effects: 0. The Electroluminescence

spectrometry indicate a shift of electroluminescent emission of the patient thumb

toward the blue-ultraviolet, in patients with net favorable therapeutic response, a

shift to red region, in patients with moderate response and a spectrum shift

predominantly to the region red – infrared in patients less or non-responders.

Therapeutic effects are possibly of information nature and not of the type of those

obtained in physiotherapy. Luviom device fits into the complementary and

integrative medicine, a growing area that promotes genuine, unconventional

techniques. It is possible that the action of Luviom therapy to primary exercise on

per proximal to the human body, energy field, as shown in the interpretation of

measurements taken. It is worth mentioning that this type of therapy does not work

by increasing the local temperature or by altering the organic magnetic/

electromagnetic environment, predominantly having a valence of energetic -

informational effect.



Autor: Dr. L.C. NWABUDIKE, M.D.

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51 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Institutul de diabet “N. Paulescu”,

CMI Dr.Nwabudike

Bucuresti, Romania


Dermatita herpetiforma (DH) este o boala cronica buloasa, considerata a fi

consecinta unei reactii imune la nivelul pielii. Exista asociatii puternice cu

enteropatiile sensibile la gluten, iar eliminarea glutenului din dieta a aratat o

imbunatatire a bolii. Sunt disponibile diverse modalitati de tratament pentru

suprimarea manifestarilor clinice ale bolii, inclusiv eliminarea glutenului continut

de alimente, dapsona, colchicina, azatioprina și prednisolon.

Este prezentat un caz, confirmat histopatologic, de dermatita herpetiforma tratata cu

succes cu ajutorul homeopatiei. A fost folosit remediul homeopat Aurum Metallicum

in potenta MK. Nu numai ca pacienta a fost in remisie in ultimii 2 ani, dar a fost, de

asemenea, posibil sa revina la consumul de alimente care contin gluten, fara sa

reapara patologia cutanata.

Se poate concluziona ca homeopatia poate fi o modalitate de tratament util pentru

DH si poate imbunatati, de asemenea, tulburari intestinale asociate cu aceasta

tulburare. Acest lucru sugereaza o cale de a trata aceasta boala, precum si pentru a

elibera pacienti de restrictiile si sarcinile pe care le poate aduce o viata de evitare a


Mai multe prezentari de caz si studii clinice sunt necesare pentru a stabili locul

homeopatiei in tratamentul DH.



Author: Dr. L.C. NWABUDIKE M.D., D.Sc.

Institute of diabetes “N. Paulescu”,

Dr. Nwabudike privat practice

Bucharest, Romania


Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a chronic bullous disease thought to be the

consequence of an immune reaction in the skin. There are strong associations with

gluten-sensitive enteropathy and the elimination of gluten from the diet has been

shown to improve the disease. Various treatment modalities are available for the

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52 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

suppression of the clinical manifestations of the disease, including the elimination

of gluten-containing foods, dapsone, colchicine, azathioprine and prednisolone.

A case of histopathologically confirmed dermatitis herpetiformis successfully

treated with homeopathy is presented. The homeopathic medicine Aurum

metallicum at MK potency was used. Not only has the patient been in remission for

the past 2 years, but she has also been able to return to consuming gluten-containing

foods without return of her cutaneous pathology.

One may conclude that homeopathy may be a useful treatment modality for DH and

it may also improve the bowel disorder associated with this disorder. This suggests

a path to treatment of this disease, as well as to freeing patients from the restrictions

and burdens that a lifetime of gluten avoidance may bring.

More case presentations and clinical trials may be needed to establish the place of

homeopathy in the treatment of DH.


Autor: Dr. L.C. NWABUDIKE, M.D.

Institutul de diabet “N. Paulescu”,

CMI Dr.Nwabudike

Bucuresti, Romania


Verruca vulgaris este o boala cronica, uneori auto-limitanta, o infectie virala a

pielii. Aceasta este cauzata de infectia cu virusul papilloma uman. Foarte adesea este

implicata pielea din zona palmara si plantara, dar pot fi, de asemenea, implicate si

alte zone. Aspectele estetice, precum si simptome cum ar fi durerea si mancarimea

pot cere atentia medicului.

Sunt recomandate diferite modalitati de tratament, incluzand chirurgie, crioterapie,

electroterapie, terapie laser si cauterizare chimica. Tulburarea este adesea recurenta

si poate fi rezistenta la terapii.

Este raportata o serie de 15 cazuri de verruca vulgaris tratata homeopatic. Acest

grup cuprinde 4 femei si 11 barbati, cu varste cuprinse intre 10-55 ani. Fiecare

pacient a primit un remediu homeopatic particularizat pentru tulburarea sa. Cele mai

multe cazuri nu s-au rezolvat cu tratamentul alopat conventional.

Doua cazuri nu s-au rezolvat cu tratamentul recomandat, in timp ce 13 cazuri au fost

tratate cu succes. In cazurile de succes a existat de asemenea si o imbunatatire a altor

tulburari de care au suferit pacientii, cum ar fi diabetul zaharat, dermatita seboreica

si chisturi.

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53 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Rezultatele acestei serii mici de cazuri ar ridica, de asemenea, intrebarea daca

remediile homeopatice pot fi o terapie utila pentru tratarea infectiilor pielii. De aici

apare si intrebarea de ce intr-adevar o boala infectioasa, intr-o situatie in care un

remediu este indreptat spre constitutia individului, mai degraba decat agentul

infectios, este capabil de a eradica cu succes agentul infectios.


Author: Dr. L.C. NWABUDIKE M.D., D.Sc

Institute of diabetes “N. Paulescu”,

Dr. Nwabudike privat practice

Bucharest, Romania


Verruca vulgaris is a chronic, sometimes self-limiting, viral infection of the skin. It

is caused by infection by the human papilloma virus. Very often the skin of the

palmar and plantar areas are involved, but other areas may also be involved. The

aesthetic aspects as well as symptoms such as pain and itching may prompt attention

of the physician.

Various treatment modalities including surgery, cryotherapy, electrotherapy, laser

therapy and chemical cautery are recommended. The disorder is often recurrent and

may be recalcitrant.

Reported is a series of 15 cases of verruca vulgaris treated with homeopathy. This

group comprised 4 females and 11 males, age range 10-55 years. Each received an

individualized homeopathic medicine for their disorder. Most cases had failed

conventional allopathic treatment.

Two cases failed treatment, while 13 cases were successfully treated. In the

successful cases, there was also an improvement in other disorders such as diabetes,

seborrheic dermatitis and cysts that the patients also suffered from.

The results of this small case series would also raise the question of whether

homeopathic medicines may be a useful therapy for skin infections. It also begs the

question of what really an infectious disease is, in a situation where a medicine

directed at the constitution of the individual, rather than the infectious agent, is able

to successfully eradicate the infectious agent.



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54 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Authors: Lic. Walter Góngora Amores, M.Sc. Luis Enrique Rodríguez

Rodríguez, Dr. José B. Pérez Thomas, Lic. Amaury

Góngora Pupo, Dr. Javier Corella Sánchez

LABIOFAM Entrepreneurial Group.

Havana, Cuba


Trofin-Vital, as part of a generation of natural products based on natural

components, is proven to increase iron supplies in the body. It is of great

applicability in different populations with iron deficiency; studies in children, the

elderly, athletes and pregnants have demonstrated its potential throughout the

eastern part of Cuba for more than ten years. Due to its protein-mineral contribution,

it decreases the mineral deficiency, with its preventive and therapeutic use. The

widespread use of the product patented by the National Center of Biological and

transferring its technology to the Immunological and Blood by Product Center in

Holguin has benefited to more than 200.000 individuals in this region with the

benefits of a distinctly Cuban product. Since 2003, over 40 000 children with iron,

immunological, hematological deficiency and malnutrition have been treated and no

adverse reactions were reported. The product has been also used with more than

30.000 elderly and pregnant women because of the coverage and priority providing

to maternal and nursing homes. More than 20 000 adult patients in the three

provincial hospitals with satisfactory results in terminal phase (Oncology),

convalescence, gastrointestinal disorders, iron deficiency anemia and hyper

catabolic clinical conditions. In the field of sports medicine, this product has showed

satisfactory results in athletes from junior and senior high school. It also evidenced

high yields in the treatment of suboptimal hemoglobin.



Autor: Dr. Adrian Dumitrescu, M.D.



Lucrarea isi propune sa evidentieze unele dintre cele mai importante studii clinice

care arata ca homeopatia este mult superioara efectului placebo.

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55 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Studiile au fost publicate in prestigioase reviste de specialitate si indeplinesc cele

mai inalte criterii de calitate: dublu orb randomizate cu grup de control placebo.



Author: Dr. Adrian Dumitrescu, M.D.



The paper aims to highlight some of the most important clinical trials showing that

homeopathy is far superior to the placebo effect.

The studies were published in prestigious magazines and meet the highest quality

criteria: randomized double blind placebo control group.




Autor: Dr. Pantelimon Barbulescu, M.D.

Societatea Romana de Acupunctura Medicala si Medicina Integrativa

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: disfunctii cognitive, acupunctura

In procesul imbatranirii, creierul sufera o serie de modificari involutive si progresive

care apar in general dupa varsta de 60-65 de ani.

Manifestarile clinice specifice au o etiologie polimorfa si sunt urmare a unor

modificari complexe circulatori, metabolice, genetice, etc.

MTEO precizeaza ca odata cu varsta, esenta rinichiului scade instalindu-se un

deficit general de YANG si Qi in conditiile in care nici splina nu-si mai indeplineste

corect functia de transport si hrana. Ca urmare, organele si mai ales creierul (in

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56 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

relatie directa cu rinichiul), nu mai sunt sustinute energetic si nutritional, instalindu-

se o suferinta cronica a tuturor organelor, cu modificari involutive.

Am selectionat cazuri diagnosticate cu tulburarii involutive de tip Alzheimer

sustinute de date clinice, psihometrice si de laborator. Am aplicat somato si

craniopunctura, la care am adaugat si suplimente nutritionale de sustinere a

functiilor creierului. S-au obtinut rezultate incurajatoare in formele usoare de

involutie, realizindu-se o remisie a simtomelor clinice si intarziere a instalarii

ulterioare a modificarilor involutive.

Observatii: Rezultatele tratamentului se instaleaza relative repede, dar este necesara

o sustinere terapeutica, de durata.




Author: Dr. Pantelimon Barbulescu M.D.,

Romanian Medical Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Society

Bucharest, Romania


Key words: cognitive dysfunctions, acupuncture

During the ageing process, the brain suffers from various regressive and progressive

alterations that generally appear after the age of 60-65 years old.

The specific clinical manifestations have a polymorph aetiology and are provoked

by complex circulatory, metabolic, genetic modifications, etc.

MTEO is mentioning that during the ageing, the essence of kidney decreases,

appearing a general deficit of YANG and Qi as not even the spleen does not properly

fulfil its transport and food function. Therefore the organs and especially the brain

(directly connected to kidney) have no more an energetic and a nutritional support,

being installed a chronic pain of all organs with repressive modifications.

We selected various cases of regressive disturbances type Alzheimer supported by

clinic, psychometric and laboratory data. We applied somato and cranial puncture,

adding also nutritional supplements for supporting the brain functions. We obtained

good results for the mild regression forms getting a remission of clinical symptoms

and delaying a further arising of regressive alterations.

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57 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Observations: the treatment results appear relative soon, but it is necessary a long

therapeutic support.





Autor: Dr. Dan-Vlad Filimon, M.D., D.Sc.

Societatea Romana de Acupunctura Medicala si Medicina Integrativa

Bucuresti, Romania



Aparatul digestiv este cel mai complex sistem de organe, tesuturi si functii din

intregul organism. Daca in cazul altor formatiuni se poate discuta despre faptul ca la

baza structurii lor pot fi identificate subunitati morfo-functionale caracteristice cum

sunt nefronul, neuronul, miocite, osteocite etc., la nivelul tubului digestiv se

intalnesc componente provenind din toate structurile embrionare, alcatuind un vast

amestec de formatiuni celulare care indeplinesc sarcini dintre cele mai diverse:

imunologice, secretorii, nervoase, bariere de protectie s.a.m.d.

Aceasta diversitate structurala ridica problema identificarii corecte a bolilor, dar un

interes special se refera la abordarea din punct de vedere terapeutic a acestui sistem.

Este evident ca incercarea de a rezolva problematica patologiei tubului digestiv

utilizand produse farmaceutice moleculare cu actiune tintita asupra unei singure

functii este sortita, asa cum arata practica medicala, esecului. Acest fenomen este

usor de inteles daca se ia in calcul faptul ca la buna functionare a oricarui sistem

contribuie toate componentele sale, in sinergie, situatie care a condus la

recunoasterea comportamentului holistic evidentiat de altfel de teoria sistemelor

promovata de Bertalanfy.

De aici decurge faptul ca abordarea terapeutica trebuie sa tina cont de aceste date

astfel incat, interventia asupra unei functii sau organ/tesut sa nu conduca la afectarea

alteia sau si mai rau, la dezechilibrarea intregului bio-sistem. De exemplu, prin

administrarea de antibiotice in cazul unor infectii, agresiunea medicamentoasa nu se

limiteaza selectiv doar florei patogene, ci va distruge in egala masura si componenta

microbiana intestinala saprofita.

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58 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Este evident ca atitudinea corecta ar fi aceea ca, pe langa inlaturarea agentilor

patogeni sa se realizeze si sustinerea factorilor eubiotici, concomitent cu eliminarea

cauzelor inflamatiilor digestive cronice, corectarea pH-ului, refacerea barierei de

protectie reprezentata de mucoasa intestinala, etc.

Din aceste motive recunoastem ca interventia farmacologica, trebuie sa fie una

complexa, sa aiba in vedere o sumedenie de factori ce trebuie influentati sau chiar

indepartati, iar pe de alta parte sa potenteze acele functii cu efect regenerator.

Prin urmare, terapia corecta a bolilor digestive cronice trebuie sa fie asigurata de

utilizarea unor retete magistrale al caror continut sa acopere toate aceste deziderate.

In prezentul material prezentam un produs inspirat de farmacopeea antica chineza

respectiv ”Digest” al companiei Eden Line.






Author: Dr. Dan-Vlad Filimon, M.D., D.Sc.

Romanian Medical Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Society

Bucharest, Romania


The digestive system is the most complex system of organs, tissues and functions

inside the whole organism. If, regarding other formations, we can discuss about the

fact that at the basic of their structure can be identified typical morpho-functional

subunits, such as the nephron, the neuron, the myocytes, the osteocytes and so on, at

the level of the alimentary canal there are components from all the seminal

structures, composing an extensive mixture of cellular formations which carry out

all kind of miscellaneous labors, immunologic, secretion, nervous, protection barrier

and so on.

This structural diversity raises the problem of the correct identification of the

diseases, but a special interest refers to the approach from the therapeutic viewpoint

of this system.

It is obvious that the attempt of solving the alimentary system pathology issue, using

molecular pharmaceutical products, with an aimed action over a single function, is

doomed to failure, as the medical practice shows. This phenomenon is easy to

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59 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

understand if we consider the fact that all the components of a system contribute at

its health, in synergy, situation which led to the recognition of the holistic behavior,

marked out, furthermore, by the systems theory promoted by Bertalanfy.

From here we can conclude that the therapeutic approach must take into account all

this data so that the intervention over a function or organ/tissue should not affect

another one, or worse, to overbalance the entire bio-system. For example, by

administrating antibiotics against infections, the medicinal aggression does not

affect only the pathogen flora, but also the saprophytic intestinal microbial


Obviously, the correct attitude should be that of, besides the elimination of the

pathogen agents, standing for the eubiotic factors, concomitant with the elimination

of the chronic digestive inflammations causes, with the PH correction, with the

restoring of the protection barrier represented by the intestinal lining, etc.

All these reasons make us to admit that the pharmacological intervention should be

a complex one, to consider a lot of factors that must be influenced or even removed

and, on the other side, should intensify those functions with regeneration effect. The

correct therapy of the chronic digestive affections must be assured by the utilization

of some extraordinary prescriptions whose content should cover all these requests.

In this material we present a product inspired by the Chinese ancient pharmacopoeia,

that is “Digest” from the company Eden Line.


Autori: Ing. Alexandra-Daniela Baltac,

Dr. Angelica-Cornelia Noica-Dumitrescu, M.D.

Bucuresti, Romania


In conditiile lumii actuale in care gradul de poluare atmosferica de tot felul a crescut

alarmant de mult incat insasi viata omului a inceput sa fie serios perturbata, ne-am

gandit sa creem o formula homeopata care sa aiba capacitatea de a apara organismul

uman la cele mai subtile nivele de aceasta agresiune polimorfa si extrem de

periculoasa. De ce formula homeopata? Pentru ca ea poate penetra intr-un timp

extrem de rapid si eficient la toate nivele organismului, inclusiv cel informational

(AND-ul), actionand intr-un mod bland, lipsit de toxicitate.

Produsul AC-5 elemente este o extensie a Formulei AVQ, studiata de noi si

prezentata la Congresul de Homeopatie din 2012, deja existenta pe piata, produsa de

PlantExtrakt sub denumirea de Formula nr. 158. Ea contine Abies alba (Bradul alb),

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60 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Viola tricolor (Trei frati patati) si Quart in diferite potente homeopate, la care am

adaugat Introna (Interferon homeopat) si Geranium robertianum (Napraznic) tot in

diferite potente homeopate. De ce aceste elemente? Pentru ca am observat din studii

anterioare ca in general:

Quartul homeopat are capacitatea de a scoate din organism tot ce nu e propriu

(self) lui, ajutand sistemul imunitar sa curete organismul de informatii straine

(microbi, toxine alimentare, metale grele sau metale in plus);

Abies alba (Bradul alb), prin rasina lui, de a “pansa”/ocupa situsurile din care au

iesit toxinele astfel incat sa nu mai fie ocupate de alte toxine si de a intari

membranele celulare inclusiv cea a nucleului lor, aparand si mai mult AND-ul

fiecarei celule;

Viola tricolor (Trei frati patati), prin mucilagiile pe care le contine, are rolul de a

ingloba toxinele intr-o “carcasa” protectoare pentru organism astfel incat in acest

proces de detoxifiere el sa nu fie afectat;

Geranium robertianum (Napraznicul), din provingul homeopat efectuat in

perioada 2003-2006, am observat ca actioneaza pe cortico-suprarenala, rinichi,

ficat, pancreas, intestine, actionand ca un puternic detoxifiant si anti-stres al


Introna (Interferon homeopat), are rolul de a stimula bland si a regla productia

interna de interferoni, proteine cu rol in apararea organismului de actiunea

microbilor si a celulelor canceroase, care nu sunt de fapt decat celule “obosite” ale

organismului, in prag de apoptoza, dar preluate de catre virusi oncogeni si folosite

pe post de gazda, modificandu-le structura ADN, anulandu-le mecanismul natural

de apoptoza si transformandu-le in niste “celule nemuritoare”.

Scopul pentru care am gandit aceasta formula homeopata a fost de a minimiza riscul

aparitiei cancerului si chiar de a-l elimina in cazul aparitiei lui. In lucrare vom detalia

mecanismele detoxifierii, a cancerului si a modului de functiune al produsului AC–

5 elemente, precum si reactia esantionului la provingul efectuat. De asemeni, vom

face cateva precizari-descoperiri cu privire la interactiunea elementelor intr-o

formula complexa homeopata cum este si cea cu 5 elemente descrisa mai sus.


Authors: Eng. Alexandra-Daniela Baltac,

dr. Angelica-Cornelia Noica-Dumitrescu, M.D.

Bucharest, Romania


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In current world conditions which the degree of atmospheric pollution of all kinds

has increased alarmingly much than human life itself began to be seriously

perturbated, we decided to create a homeopathic formula that would have the ability

to protect the human body to the most subtle levels by this polymorphic aggression

and extremely dangerous. Why homeopathic formula? Because it can penetrate in an

extremely fast and efficient mode to all levels of the body, including the information

level-AND, acting in a gentle mode and lack of toxicity.

AC-5 elements product items is an extension of the Formula-AVQ, studied and

presented at the Congress of homeopathy in 2012, already existing on the market,

produced by PlantExtrakt under the name of Formula No. 158. It contains Abies alba

(White Fir), Viola tricolor (Pansy) and Quart, in various homeopathic potencies, in

which I added Introna (Interferon homeopath) and Geranium robertianum

(Napraznic) too in all different potencies. Why these elements? Because I have

noticed from previous studies that in general:

Homeopatic Quart has the ability to pull out of the body all that is not his own

(self), helping the immune system to clean the body from foreign information

(microbes, food toxins, heavy metals or metals);

Abies alba (White Fir), through his resin „bandage up”/ocupied the places where

the toxins go away so as to no longer be occupied with other toxins and to

strengthen cell membranes including their core, protecting even more DNA in each


Viola tricolor (Pansy) through their snotties it contains, is intended to embrace the

toxins into a "housing" for the body so that in the process of detoxifying it should

not be affected;.

Geranium robertianum (Napraznicul) from the homeopathic proving, effectuated

during 2003 -2006, I noticed that acts on the cortico-suprarenala, kidney, liver,

pancreas, intestines, acting as a powerful detoxifying and anti-stress for the body;

Introna (homeopath Interferon), designed to stimulate and regulate the internal

production of interferons, proteins involved in the body's defenses by the action of

bacteria and cancer cells, which are not in fact that the "tired" cells of the body's in

threshold of apoptosis, but taken over by oncogenic viruses and used as the host,

altereting DNA structure of them,their natural apoptosis mechanism and turning

them into some "immortal" cells.

The purpose for I thought this homeopathic formula was minimize the risk of cancer

appearace and to remove it if he will appear. In the paper we detail the mechanisms

of detoxification, cancer and the way of operation of AC-5 elements, as well as the

reaction of the provers. Also, we will make some clarifications/findings concerning

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the interaction of elements in a complex homeopathic formula as the 5 elements

formula described above.



Autor: Dr. Dumitrescu Noica Cornelia Angelica, M.D.

Medic primar medicina de familie,

Bucuresti, Romania


Este de datoria noastra ca medici integralisti sa atragem atentia pacientului ca pe

langa corpul lor fizic mai au si o structura energetica, dar mai ales un corp spiritual

de care trebuie sa aiba grija. Orice problema fizica ar avea trebuie sa fie un semnal

de alarma ca ceva in gandurile lui sau in emotiile lui n-a fost bun. Din Medicina

Traditionala Chineza stim ca emotiile negative ca de exemplu furiile, enervarile,

blocheaza energia pe Loja Lemn, adica pe Meridianele Ficat/Vezica Biliara, ca de

altfel si o proasta gestionare a discernamantului si a interrelationarii noastre cu

Dumnezeu si cu semenii nostri incercand sa trecem peste liberul arbitru al fiecaruia,

dar daruit de Dumnezeu fiecarei fiinte umane. Emotia pozitiva care ar vindeca aceste

organe si ar face ca fluxul energetic sa circule cum trebuie prin meridianele aferente

ar fi RABDAREA, iar din punctul de vedere al gandurilor, o mai multa


pentru ceilalti. De asemenea ura/resentimentele catre una sau mai multe persoane

ne blocheaza energia pe loja Foc reprezentata de Meridianele Inima/Intestin subtire,

Trei Focare si Pericard (Vase/sex), ceea ce poate sa duca la probleme de sanatate ale

intregului organism. Emotia pozitiva care vindeca si duce la o mai buna curgere a

energiilor prin aceste meridiane este IUBIREA si, deci, asa cum ne invata Insusi

Creatorul prin Insusi Fiul Sau, Iisus Hristos, IUBIREA VRASMASILOR, A

CELOR CARE NE FAC RAU, este cea mai eliberatoare energie din corp si face

posibila cuplarea noastra cu ENERGIA CREATOARE A LUI DUMNEZEU,

ENERGIA SFANTULUI DUH, cea mai fina si subtila energie din univers pe care o

primim numai daca suntem intr-o stare de smerenie si iubire

absoluta/neconditioanata. Ingrijorarile/stresul ne blocheaza energia pe loja

Pamant, reprezentata de Meridianele Stomac/Splina Pancreas, care controleaza

structura noastra mai soft, dar si imunitatea si iata de ce racim mai usor sau facem

diabet ori cancer. Energia noastra pozitiva cu care ne putem vindeca de aceste



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IISUS HRISTOS, spune: “Credinta ta te-a vindecat” sau de ce credeti ca ne invata

“Cautati intai Imparatia lui Dumnezeu si apoi toate vi se vor da pe deasupra!“

Incepand totul prin rugaciune toate energiile noastre vor curge cum trebuie prin

meridianele noastre si tot organismul nostru va functiona cum trebuie, noi vom fi

mai eficienti, vom putea ajuta pe pacientii nostri cum se cuvine fara sa consumam

din propria noastra energie. Tristetea/supararile inhiba energia pe loja Metal,

reprezentata de Meridianele Plaman/Intestin gros, iar energia pozitiva care debloca

este BUCURIA. De ce credeti ca Iisus Hristos isi incepe propovaduirea pe Muntele

Fericirilor prin CELE 9 FERICIRI si ne indeamna sa ne BUCURAM! E adevarat

ca sunt momente de tristete in viata, dar nu trebuie sa ramanem blocati in ele. Alte

tipuri de energii negative care blocheaza de data aceasta rezervorul nostru de

ENERGIE ANCESTRALA, de ENERGIE VITALA sunt fricile, fobiile noastre.

Refacerea acestui rezervor se face prin respecterea LEGILOR DIVINE ALE

CREATIEI SI IUBIREA DE CREATOR, care te ajuta sa le indeplinesti si pe

celelalte cu usurinta. Prin SFANTA IMPARTASANIE noi primim din nou


Iata de ce e bine ca medicul, daca vrea cu adevarat sa-si ajute pacientii, sa fie

informat sau sa se formeze in toate domeniile medicale si spirituale, dar mai ales

in Acupunctura pentru al ajuta in echilibrarea corpului sau energetic, dar si in

Homeopatie, pentru ai putea descoperi softul lui si greselile pe care le face si cum

ai putea sa-l reglezi si pe plan emotional, dar mai ales informational si spiritual

deschizandu-i calea spre ADEVARATA VINDECARE.



Author: Dr. Angelica Cornelia Noica Dumitrescu, M.D.

Family medicine, Bucharest, Romania


It's our duty as integralist doctors to notice the patient that beside their physical body

they have an energetic structure too, but most importantly a spiritual body that they

have to take care of. Any physical problem they have must be a warning signal that

something in his thoughts or emotions wasn't right.

From the traditional Chinese method we know that negative emotions such as anger,

annoyance, block the energy on "wooden box" that is on the liver/gallbladder

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meridians, this leads to a wrong handling of our discernment and interrelating with

God and with our own kind trying to pass over our own free will, a gift that God

gave us. The positive emotion that could heal these organs and will make the

energetic flux to flow as it should through the meridians of PATIENCE, and from

the thoughts point of view, A BETTER CORRECT UNDERSTANDING OF

THINGS, and more COMPASSION for the others. Also hate/feelings to one or

more persons blocks our energy on Fire Box represented by meridians of Heart/small

intestines, three outbreaks and pericardium (vessels/sex), that can lead to health

problems of the whole body. The positive emotion that heals and leads to a better

energy flow along this meridians is LOVE, so, as Jesus thought us, LOVING OF

OUR ENEMIES, OF THE ONE THAT HARMS US, is the most releasing energy

from the body and makes possible the link with THE CREATING ENERGY OF

GOD, ENERGY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, the most fine and subtle energy of the

universe that we receive only if we are in a devoutness state and

absolute/unconditionally love. Concerns/stress blocks our energy on Earth box,

represented by stomach/spleen pancreas meridians which controls not just our soft

structure but the immunity too, this is why we catch a cold easily or even worse we

get diabetes or even cancer. Our positive energy that we can heal these problems are


GOD transmit through JESUS: "Your faith healed you", or why do you think that

He teaches us:" First search for God, and then you will get all". Starting all by

praying, all our energies will flow as they should through our meridians and all our

body will function properly, we will be more efficient, we could help our patients as

we should without consuming our energy. Sadness/annoys inhibit the energy on

Metal box, represented by Lungs/ Big intestine meridians and the releasing positive

energy is JOY. Why do you think Jesus starts His teaching on Happiness Mountain

through THE 9 COMMANDMENTS and makes us TO BE JOYFUL! It's true that

in life there are sad moments, but we don't have to remain stuck in them. Other

negative energy types that this time blocks our ANCESTRAL ENERGY TANK,

VITAL ENERGY are our fears and phobias. Recovery of this tanks is done with


which helps to fulfill the others easily. From the HOLLY COMMUNION we

receive from the ideal human being genetic code, GOD’S HUMAN BEING.

That's why it's good doctor if he really wants to help his patients to be informed or

to be formed in all areas of medical and spiritual, especially in Acupuncture to

assist in balancing the body or energy and in Homeopathy for his software and

you might discover mistakes you make and how you could get it adjusted and

emotionally, especially information and opening her spiritual path to TRUE


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Autor: Dr. Maria Zlatev Ionescu, M.D., D.Sc.

Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infectioase si Tropicale “Dr. V.Babes”

Bucuresti, Romania


Obiective: Eficienta si complianta la tratamentul cu CPAP

Material si metoda: Evaluarea bolnavilor cu SASO internati in perioada 01.01-01.09

2015 in serviciul Pneumologie al Spitalul de Boli Infectioase si Tropicale “Dr.V.

Babes” Bucuresti.

Rezultate: Au fost investigati poligrafic/polisomnografic 204 pacienti din care 130

au fost diagnosticati cu SASO si 112 tratati cu CPAP (AHI initial a variat intre 21-

85 apnei+hipopnei/ora). Acestia au varsta cuprinsa intre 27-78 ani, 35 au fost femei,

iar veniturile lunare au fost intre 700-2800 lei. Din cei 112 pacienti, au prezentat

obezitate 100 pacienti, iar obezitate morbida 30 dintre ei; cu BPOC au fost 40

pacienti; obezitate asociata cu boli cardiovasculare sau/si metabolice 60 pacienti;

sindrom de obezitate-hipoventilatie 12 pacienti. Tratament: CPAP, dieta,


Dupa o luna de tratament revin la control 70 pacienti ameliorati clinic, cu scaderea

somnolentei diurne. Residual AHI 4-7/ora; scadere ponderala peste 5 kg au prezentat

20 pacienti. Motivele compliantei insuficiente tin de venituri (tratamentul nu este

compensat) si de neintelegerea prezentei si gravitatii bolii. Decese prin insuficienta

respiratorie asociata SASO si afectiuni pulmonare -3. La pacientii care nu au

acceptat CPAP – internari pentru agravari ale insuficientei respiratorii – 10 pacienti.

Concluzii: Tratamentul cu CPAP este eficient pe diferiti parametrii, dar complianta

este insuficienta.



Author: Dr. Maria Zlatev Ionescu, M.D., D.Sc.

Clinical hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases “Dr. V.Babes”

Bucharest, Romania

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66 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan


Objectives: Efficacy and compliance with CPAP treatment

Material and method: Evaluation of patients with OSA admitted between 01.01-

01.09.2015 in the “Dr.V. Babes” Clinical Hospital Bucharest-Pulmonary diseases


Results: We investigated with poligraphy/polysomnograpphy 204 patients: 130 had

OSA and 112 (AHI varied between 21-85 apneas/hypopneas /hr) patents accepted

CPAP treatment. Age varied betwee 28-78 years; there where 35 women, median

income 150-650 E/mo. 100 patients where obese and 40 of them had morbid obesity.

60 patients where obese and had also arterial hypertension, metabolic diseases, 40

had associated COPD; only 12 patients had Obesity hypoventilation syndrome.

Treatment: CPAP, dietary interventions, antioxidant therapy.

After one month of treatment only 70 come back for control (62.5%), evidently

ameliorated clinically (residual AHI 4-7/hr, without daily somnolence). 20 patients

lossed weight more than 5 kg. The reasons for insufficient compliance are low

income and misunderstanding of the severity of the disease.

Mortality through respiratory insufficiency in OSA associated with pulmonary

diseases-3 patients (2.67%), readmittance for respiratory insufficiency-10 patients

(8.92%) without CPAP.

Conclusions: Treatment with CPAP is efficent but compliance is not


Autor: Dr. Haimovitz Thea, M.D.

Laboratoarele Thea, THEA MED,

Israel, Romania


Acneea este cea mai comuna afectiune a pielii. In majoritatea cazurilor modul de

manifestare al acneei implica o schimbare majora a aspectului pielii care “se

definitiveaza” de-a lungul timpului si ajunge sa imbrace forme severe pana la

modificari in plan fizic (cicatrici) si in plan psihologic (depresie) care dureaza ani de


In functie de caracteristicile sale clinice, aceasta poate fi definita ca o boala cronica,

conform criteriilor Organizației Mondiale a Sanatatii. Acneea este, de asemenea, o

componenta cardinala regasita in mai multe boli sistemice:

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67 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

-hiperplazia glandelor suprarenale, sindromul androgenetic de alopecie: seboree-

acnee-hirsutism-androgenetic alopecie;

-sindromul ovarelor polichistice, hiperandrogenism-rezistenta la insulina- sindromul

acanthosis nigricans;

-sindromul Apert, sinovita-acnee-pustuloza-hiperostoza-osteitis sindrom si artrita

piogenica-pyoderma gangrenosum-sindrom acnee .

Sindromul ovarelor polichistice (SOP) este cea mai frecventa tulburare endocrina a

femeilor la varsta reproducerii. Acest diagnostic de sindrom este in mare masura

constituit din trei componente: hiperandrogenism, oligoamenoree, ovare polichistice

la sonografie. Comorbiditatile pot include rezistenta la insulina, diabet zaharat tip 2,

hipertensiune arteriala si boli cardiovasculare. Este importanta corelarea

sindromului SOP cu varsta pacientei. Productia de hormoni androgeni la femeie

poate scadea din cauza imbatranirii ovariene sau datorita scaderii productiei

hormonale a glandelor suprarenale de-a lungul timpului.

Prevalenta hirsutismului cu acneea este in concordanta cu scaderea numarului de

foliculi ovarieni vis-a-vis de volumul ovarelor, care odata cu varsta cresc in volum.

Principiile de baza ale medicinii homeopatice "Similia similibus curentur",

"Experimenta in homine Sano”, ''doze minime" si "Unitas REMEDII" sunt bazate

pe ideea ca boala este o tulburare a echilibrului intern la nivel fizic, mental si psihic.

In conformitate cu punctul de vedere homeopatic, bolile de piele sunt manifestari ale

unor modificari interne sau constitutionale. De aceea, homeopatia in boli de piele

este bazata pe aspectul morfologic, local si criterii constitutionale.

Modificarea campurilor de torsiune reprezinta instalarea unor dezechilibre

energetice care ulterior avanseaza la nivel fizic ceea ce conduce la debutul unor boli


Medicina conventionala evidentiaza diagnosticul de acnee „manifesta”, iar medicina

cuantica arata zonele de risc care trebuiesc luate in considerare pentru ca rezultatele

terapeutice sa fie cat mai rapide si concrete.


Author: Dr. Haimovitz Thea, M.D.

Laboratories THEA, Thea Med,

Israel, Romania


Acne is the most common skin disorder. In the majority of cases, acne is a disease

that changes its skin distribution and severity over time; moreover, it can be a

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physically (scar development) and psychologically damaging condition that lasts for


According to its clinical characteristics, it can be defined as a chronic disease

according to the World Health Organisation criteria. Acne is also a cardinal

component of many systemic diseases or syndrome, such congenital adrenal

hyperplasia seborrhoea – acne-hirsutism-androgenetic alopecia syndrome,

polycystic ovarian syndrome, hyperandrogenism-insulin resistance-acanthosis

nigricans syndrome, Aapert syndrome, synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperostosis-

osteitis syndrome, and pyogenic arthritis-pyoderma gangrenosum-acne syndrome.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder of

reproductive-age women. This diagnosis of PCOS in manly based on the following

three components: (1) hyperandrogenism, (2) oligo-amenorrhea, (3) the observation

of polycystic ovaries on a sonogram. The comorbidities may include insulin

resistance, type ll diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Importantly the diagnostic criteria and complications related to PCOS are age-

dependant. Androgen production in women may decrease because of ovarian aging

or decreased production by the adrenal glands over time. The prevalence of hirsutism

and acne decrease in follicle number seemingly greater than that of ovarian volume.

The basic principles of homeopathic medicine ‘similia similibus curentur’,

‘experimenta in homine sano ‘ , ‘doses minimae’ and ‘unitas remedii’ are funded

upon the idea of illness as a disorder of the internal equilibrium at the physical,

mental and psychic levels.

According to the homoeopathic view, skin diseases are manifestations of an internal

and constitutional disorder. Thus, homeotherapy of skin diseases is based on

morphological, local and constitutional criteria.

Changing torsion fields is installing energy imbalance advancing further care at the

physical level which leads to the onset of organic disease.

Conventional medicine diagnosis highlights the “manifest” acne and quantic

medicine shows risks zones which will be taken in consideration in order to reach

the best results as soon as possible.



Autor: Dr. Ciprian Ene, M.D.

Centrul Holistic SOMA

Bucuresti, Romania


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69 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Cuvinte cheie: medicina cuantica, inflamatie, analiza electro-fotonica, diagnoza

bio-informationala Metatron, terapie SCENAR

Principiile fizicii cuantice au aplicabilitate certa in medicina integrativa. Pornind de

la natura duala - materiala si energetica - a particulelor care compun organismul

uman, starea de boala si vindecarea pot fi privite ca evenimente cuantice. Suportul

stiintific pentru existenta bio-campului uman este unul incontestabil, existand deja

aparatura necesara inregistrarii acestuia. Inflamatia, ca proces fizio-patologic

primordial, necesita diagnosticare precoce si instituirea unui tratament rapid si

eficient. Procesele inflamatorii, mai ales cele cronice, modifica intr-un mod specific

bio-campul organului afectat si al organismului in ansamblu. Tehnologiile moderne

de medicina cuantica au baze teoretice solide si experienta practica suficienta pentru

a ne servi ca instrumente utile pentru inregistrarea acestor fenomene, preferabil in

stadii incipiente sau ca riscuri/predispozitii. Analiza electro-fotonica ofera informatii

de baza pentru un diagnostic holistic: starea functionala generala a organismului,

intensitatea si echilibrul bio-campului, activitatea centrilor energetici principali

(chakre-lor) si a meridianelor de acupunctura. Evaluarea micro-sistemului

acupunctural palmar, ca structura holografica a bio-sistemului uman furnizeaza

informatii despre parametrii biologici principali si despre functionalitatea fiecarui

organ. Diagnoza bio-informationala Metatron permite cuantificarea entropiei

sistemelor biologice si a tendintelor evolutive; pot fi alese in consecinta diferite

posibilitati de corectare a acestora prin Meta-terapie, Fito-terapie, Dieto-Terapie,

etc. Evaluarea nivelului de stress - cauza importanta pentru multiple patologii - si

monitorizarea acestuia cu ajutorul aparatelor Bio-Well si Inergetix-Core

completeaza intelegerea asupra dimensiunii psihologice a actului medical si a

vindecarii in contextul actual al medicinii integrative. Terapia SCENAR foloseste

microcurenti modulati prin bio-feedback cu efect anti-algic, anti-inflamator si anti-


In prezenta lucrare, aplicabilitatea acestor tehnologii in cazul inflamatiilor, dincolo

de aspectele teoretice, este sustinuta de exemple de cazuri din practica curenta.

Evaluarea eficientei diferitelor terapii alopate sau alternative/complementare

aplicate in inflamatii trebuie realizata si din perspectiva medicinii cuantice, avand

astfel posibilitatea adaptarii continue a tratamentelor la necesarul fiecarui pacient.



Author: Dr. Ciprian Ene , M.D.

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SOMA Holistic Center

Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: Quantum Medicine, inflammation, electro-photonic analysis, Metatron

bio-informational diagnosys, SCENAR therapy

The principles of Quantum Physics can certainly be applied to Integrative Medicine.

Starting from the dualistic (energetic and material) nature of the particles that

compose the human body, disease and healing can be considered quantum

fenomena. There is undoubtable scientific support for the existence of the human

bio-field and of the necessary devices to record it. Inflammation as a basic patho-

physiological fenomenon needs early diagnosys and fast and efficient treatment.

Inflammatory pathologies, especially cronic ones, alter the organ and general bio-

fields in a process-specific manner. Modern quantum medicine technologies are

backed by enough theoretical and practical data in order to be reguarded as useful

tools for recording such fenomena, prefferably in early stages or as

risks/predispositions. Electro-photonic analysis offers basic information for a

holistic diagnosys: general functional status, intensity and balance of the bio-field,

activity of main energetic centers (chakra-s) and accupuncture meridians. By

evaluating the hand accupunctural micro-system, as a holographic image of the

whole body, one can depict information about the main biological parameters and

the functionality of every organ. Metatron bio-informational diagnosys quantifies

the entropy of biological systems and their pathological tendencies; subsequently

one can choose different types of corrective methods: Meta-therapy, Phyto-terapy,

Nutritional therapy or others. Stress level evaluation by Bio-Well and Inergetix-

Core devices allows for an important cause of many pathologies to be monitored and

completes our understanding of the psychological aspects of treatment and healing

in the modern context of Integrative Medicine. SCENAR therapy uses bio-feedback

modulated micro-curents to produce anti-algic, anti-inflammatory and anti-entropic


In this presentation, the applicability of these technologies in cronic inflammatory

pathologies is supported – beyond theoretical data - by several examples of medical

cases from everyday practice. Effectiveness evaluation of different allopathic or

alternative/complementary interventions in inflammatory pathologies must be done

through Quantum Medicine’s perspective also, as this allows to continuously adjust

our treatments to every patient’s needs.

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Autori: Dr. Mihaela Hanganu, M.D.

As. principal Mihaela Stoica

Clinica de Medicina Integrata Sciencemed

Buzau, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: fiziologie, homeostazie, medicament homeopatic, metoda ESTECK,

indicatori fiziologici, APT, ciclul Krebs, -d/a, RVS, DO2, spatiu interstitial, aura.

In aceasta lucrare, pornind de la analogia dintre fiziologie, homeostazie /homeopatie

si folosind metoda ESTECK pentru determinarea unor parametri fiziologici, am

evidentiat eventuale tinte fiziologice de actiune ale remediului homeopatic la nivelul

organismului uman.

Din cele doua studii clinice efectuate pe un numar de 360, respectiv 98 de pacienti,

am concluzionat ca tintele fiziologice de actiune ale remediului homeopatic sunt:

-nivelul de ATP la nivelul neuronilor si celulelor organelor interne;

-parametrii microcirculatiei (parametrii arterelor medii si mici): RVP si –d/a;

-rata transportului arterial tisular de O2 = DO2.

Actiunea remediului homeopatic s-ar putea produce pe calea microcirculatiei si

tesutului interstitial, de unde influenteaza functiile metabolice celulare si

mecanismele homeostazice, inclusiv pe cele energo-informationale care implica





Authors: Dr. Mihaela Hanganu, M.D.

Main Registered Nurse Mihaela Stoica

Integrated Medicine Clinic Sciencemed,

Buzau, Romania


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72 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Key words : physiology, homeostasis, homoeopathic remedy, ESTECK method,

physiological indicators, APT, the Krebs cycle, -d / a, SVR, DO2, interstitial space,


In this paper, starting from the analogy about physiology, homeostasy/homeopathy,

and by using the ESTECK method for determing some physiological parameters, I

highlighted the eventual physiological targets that the homeopathic remedy may act


From the two clinical studies made on 360, respectively 98 patients, I have

concluded that the physiological targets of the homeopathic remedy are:

-ATP level in neuronal and tissue cells;

-microcirculation parameters (small and medium arteries): SVR and – d/a;

-transport rate of the tissular arterial O2 = DO2.

The homeopathic remedy could manifest itself by way of microcirculation and that

of the interstitial tissue, from where it influences the cellular metabolic functions and

the homeostatic mechanisms, including the energo-informational ones.



Autor: Dr. Simona Nitu, M.D.

Societatea Romana de Homeopatie

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: leziune cutanata, miasme, tratament holistic, vindecare

Pielea sau tegumentul, reprezinta cel mai mare organ al corpului. La un adult de 70

kg tegumentul are 2 metri patrati si 15% din greutatea corporala. Este format din 3

straturi: epiderm, derm, hipoderm. Functiile pielii sunt multiple: de protectie, de

termoreglare, echilibru: functia de ecranare, functia de rezervor de celule

embrionare, functia imunologica – recunoastere a unor agenti patogeni (virusi, etc),

functia de organ de simt, functia de comunicare a starilor emotionale (paloare,

roseata), a unor boli interne (ex: icterul din hepatita).

Din punct de vedere homeopatic inspectia pielii reprezinta un ghid important in

evaluarea starii de boala, deoarece, tot din punct de vedere homeopatic se considera

ca nici o leziune cutanata nu se opreste la nivelul pielii si nu are loc doar la nivelul

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pielii. In toate afectiunile cutanate este implicata reactivitatea intregului organism,

pielea este “oglinda” reactivitatii organismului fizic de la simpla urticarie – cu reactii

modulate de mediatori chimici – pana la eczeme si psoriasis ce cuprind nivele mult

mai largi de dis-reactivitate, modificari care pot sa afecteze chiar si sistemul

emotional afectiv.

Prezentarea cazurilor clinice cu probleme dermatologice - 3 cazuri cronice – cu

implicarea miasmei psorice, sicotice, luezice si un caz clinic acut - demonstreaza

logica si eficienta unei astfel de abordari.

Tratamentul homeopatic este un tratament holistic, capabil sa initieze reactii in

interiorul organismului care pot sa redea functionalitatea celulara si integritatea

tisulara, vindecand din interior spre exterior, in contrast cu tratamentul local cu

unguente, care un numai ca nu vindeca, ci prezinta un grad de risc, anuland

simptomul si ”inpingand” dezechilibru profund spre interiorul organismului.

Problemele care afecteaza pielea nu ameninta viata, dar aspectul exterior al fiintei

umane este important…



Author: Simona Nitu, M.D.

Romanian Homeopathy Society

Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: cutaneous lesion, miasmas, holistic treatment, healing

The skin or tegument is the largest organ of the body. In a 70 kg adult the outspread

tegument measures 2 square meters and represents 15% of body weight. It consists

of 3 layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The skin functions are multiple: of

protection, thermoregulation, balance, the screening function, embryonic tank

function, immunological function - recognition of certain pathogens (viruses, etc.),

the function of sense organ, the emotional status communication function (pallor,

blush) in the case of some internal diseases (e.g. hepatitis’ jaundice).

From the homeopathic point of view skin inspection is an important guide in

assessing the state of the disease because, also from the homeopathic point of view,

it is considered that no cutaneous lesion stops at skin level, nor does it occur only in

the skin. All skin disorders involve the entire organism’s reactivity, since the skin

"mirrors" the body's reactivity, physically from simple hives - with reactions

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modulated by chemical mediators - to eczema and psoriasis, which comprise much

broader levels of dis-reactivity, changes that can even damage the emotional

affective system.

Presentation of clinical cases with dermatological problems - 3 chronic cases -

involving the psoric, sycotic and syphilitic miasmas and 1 acute clinical case that

demonstrates the logic and efficiency of such an approach.

Homeopathic treatment is a holistic treatment, able to initiate reactions within the

organism that restore cellular functionality and tissue integrity, healing from the

inside to the outside, in contrast with the ointment topical treatment which not only

fails to heal, but also carries a degree of risk, cancelling the symptom and “pushing”

the deep imbalance inner into the body.

The disorders that affect the skin are not life-threatening, but the human being’s

outer appearance is important...



Autori: Dr. Andrada Pop, M.D., Dr. Marius Dan Pop, M.D.

Excelsior Medical Group

Baia Mare, Romania


In primul rand trebuie sa subliniem ca cele mai bune tehnici de vindecare sunt

originare din EXTREMUL ORIENT....

Ayurveda este o stiinta veche de vindecare a corpului si a spiritului provita din

hinduismul indian.

Sarcina acestui vechi tip de terapie este de a pastra echilibrul dintre corpul uman,

suflet si mediu.

Pentru a atinge acest deziderat invatatii din extremul orient au imaginat un program

in 4 pasi:

1.Exercitii respiratorii si fizice - pentru intarirea organiasmului uman si a spiritului;

2.Programul alimentar Ayurveda - pentru atingerea formei maxime si evitarea


3.Purificarea – pentru a elimina toxinele;

4.Meditatia – pentru stimularea activitatii spirituale si creativitatii.

Este un proces dinamic care mentine echilibrul intre corpul uman si univers.

Instanta suprema a acestei tehnici de vindecare este considerata a fi CONSTIINTA.

Ayurveda este organizata dupa 3 tipuri de dominatie a celor 3 forte interioare:

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1.VATA ca miscare pentru respiratie si activitatea neurologica;

2.PITTA ca metabolism pentru procesarea alimentelor si facilitarea functionarii


3.KAPHA ca structura pentru mentinerea celulelor impreuna pentru crearea de

oase, musculatura si tendoane.

Toate aceste tipuri de caracteristici teoretice vor fi prezinte in versiunea extensa a

acestei comunicari.

Despre caracteristicile MEDICINEI TRADITIONALE CHINEZE stim mai mult

din activitatea noastra de zi cu zi.

Deci acesta lucrare va prezinta in extenso asemanarile si deosebirile dintre cele doua

feluri de terapii extrem orientale.

Amandoua ii invata pe oameni sa fie intr-un echilibru permanent cu interiorul

corpului uman si conectati cu Universul.

Carl Sagan, bine cunoscutul astrofizician, accentua foarte plastic: “TOTI SUNTEM

NISIP COSMIC” in Univers.



Authors: Andrada Pop M.D., Marius Dan Pop M.D.

Excelsior Medical Group

Baia Mare, Romania


First at all we must emphasized that the best healing techniques are originate in the


Ayurveda is an old science for healing the body and the spirit originate in the Indian


The task of this old kind of medicine is to preserve the equilibrium between the

human body, soul and the environment.

To reach this desiderate the far east initiates imagine an program in 4 steps:

1. Respiratory and physical exercises - for strengthen the human body and


2. Ayurveda alimentary program - for reaching the maximal shape end avoid the


3. Purification - for removing the toxins;

4. Meditation - for stimulation the spiritual activity and creativity.

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This process is dynamic witch maintains the equilibrium between the human body

and universe.

The supreme instance in this healing technique is considered to be THE


Ayurveda is organized after 3 types on the domination of 3 interior forces:

1.VATA as the movement for berthing and neurological activity;

2.PITTA as the metabolism for processing the aliments and facilitating

intellectual function;

3.KAPHA as the structure for maintain the cells together for creation of the

bones, muscles fat and tendons.

All this kinds of theoretical characteristics will be presents on the extended version

of this communication.

About TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE characteristics we know more

from our daily activity.

So this paper will presents in extenso the similarities and differences between the

two kind of extreme oriental medicine.

Both of them teach the people to be in an permanent equilibrium with the interior of

human body and connected with the Universe.

Carl Sagan the well known astrophysicist emphasized very plastic: ”WE ALL ARE

COSMIC SAND” in the Universe.


Author: Cristina Mocanu, M.D..PhD,



Nutritional genomics or nutrigenomics, is the study of how foods affect our genes

and how individual genetic differences can influence the way we are influenced by

the food nutrients we ingest.

Nutrigenomics is important for preventing, mitigating, or treating chronic disease

and certain cancers, through major dietary changes.

The concept for this new branch of genomic research relies on several principles:

a. Diet can be a serious risk factor for a number of diseases;

b. Regular dietary chemicals can act on the human genome, either directly or

indirectly, to alter gene expression or structure;

c. Diet influences the balance between healthy and disease states, but may depend

on an individual's genetic makeup;

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d. Some diet-regulated genes are likely to play a role in the onset, incidence,

progression, and/or severity of chronic diseases;

e. Dietary intervention based on nutritional requirement, nutritional status,

and genotype ("personalized nutrition") can be used to prevent, mitigate or

cure chronic disease.

The promise of nutritional genomics is personalized medicine and health based

upon an understanding of our nutritional needs, genotype, nutritional and health

status. Nutrigenomics will also have impacts on society "from medicine to

agricultural and dietary practices to social and public policies" and its applications

are likely to exceed that of even the human genome project. Chronic diseases (and

some types of cancer) may be preventable, or at least delayed by balanced, sensible

diets. Knowledge gained from comparing diet/gene interactions in different

populations may provide information needed to address the larger problem of global

malnutrition and disease. Approximately 40 micronutrients are required in the

human diet. Deficiencies in micronutrients can cause DNA damage and are

associated with a number of serious human diseases (Table 1).

Some cases of micronutrient deficiencies are due to poor diet while others are due

to polymorphisms in genes encoding the enzymes involved in micronutrient

metabolism. Approximately 50 human genetic diseases can be attributed to

enzyme polymorphisms and can be remedied or ameliorated by the administration

of high levels of the vitamin component of the corresponding coenzyme. As many

as one third of enzyme variants are due to increased Km for a coenzyme, resulting

in a lower rate of reaction. The Michaelis-Menten constant, Km, is a measure of

binding affinity of an enzyme for its ligand (substrate or coenzyme) and is defined

as the concentration of ligand required to fill half of the ligand-binding sites.

Intracellular concentrations of coenzyme may be increased by high doses of the

corresponding vitamin, which would partially restore enzymatic activity and

potentially ameliorate the phenotype. Changing substrate concentrations may be a

general approach to circumvent decreased coenzyme binding or decreased

enzymatic activities caused by a given coding SNP (cSNP).




Autor: Dr. Nastase Gigi , M.D.

Lotus Medical Center

Bucuresti, Romania

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Cuvinte cheie: acupunctura clasica japoneza, particularitati scoala Terapia

meridianului, diagnostic prin palparea meridianului, ac japonez cu tub de ghidaj,

tratament tiroidita Hashimoto.

In august 2012, am participat, la Tokio, la un curs de acupunctura japoneza, urmat

de o reuniune a tuturor scolilor traditionale si maestrilor de acupunctura clasica

numita Terapia meridianului din Japonia. Evenimentul exceptional, care a durat 2

saptamani, a beneficiat de cursuri si prezentari practice ale maestrului Shudo

Denmei si a altor maestrii japonezi. Fiecare curs dura 2 ore, 1 ora si 30 minute teorie

si 30 minute practica. La sfarsitul cursului, am putut urmari, intr-o sala imensa,

majoritatea maestrilor de Terapia meridianului, care isi demonstrau abilitatile

practice si isi explicau particularitatile tehnicilor individuale. Cursul a fost

”condimentat” de vizita omagiala la mormantul lui Sughiama Waichi, inventatorul

tubului cu ghidaj pentru acul japonez de acupunctura.

Caracteristici ale scolii Terapia meridianului. Perspectiva clasica asupra

acupuncturii, cu dezvoltare dupa 1945, ca o renastere a valorilor acupuncturii vechi,

avand la baza Nan Jing (Tratatul despre Problemele Dificile). Pleaca de la premiza

ca avem unul din cele 10 tipuri constitutionale, cate 2 pentru fiecare din cele 5

miscari (elemente), unul de defict si celalalt de exces(1). Diagnosticul este bazat pe

palparea meridianului, diagnostic abdominal si puls. Afirma ca meridianele Yin

se confrunta mai ales cu situatii de deficit, iar meridianele yang cu situatii de exces.

Considera ca cea mai frecventa situatie este cea de deficit de yin (explicabil

constitutional la japonezi, care au majoritatea o constitutie fragila) si foloseste foarte

mult punctele de tonifiere de pe meridianele yin pentru tonifierea organelor

deficitare. Deficitul fundamental este cel de Rinichi. Sunt foarte eficienti in practica,

diagnosticheaza prin puls, prin palparea meridianului si palparea abdominala, prin

modificarile emotionale, ale culorii fetei, a vocii, a mirosului si prin anamneza

(dispunand de o semiologie foarte clara si bine fundamentata), trateaza si apoi

obiectiveaza prin puls schimbarile care intervin, verificand, imediat dupa tratament,

veridicitatea tratamentului. Daca sedinta de acupunctura nu are eficienta scontata,

adeseori reintervin pana apare reechilibrarea dorita!!! Spre deosebire de chinezi, nu

insista asupra perceptiei de Qi a pacientului, ci pe perceptia terapeutului in ceea ce

priveste contactul cu energia pacientului. Localizarea punctelor de acupunctura este

uneori diferita de cea chineza!!!(2). Folosesc ace foarte subtiri, tehnicile de insertie

ale acelor sunt fine, insertia este superficiala si se manevreaza acul cu viteze

uimitoare! Insertia este adesea nedureroasa, acul intra foarte putin in piele si aproape

ca se odihneste pe suprafata cutanata!!! Aproape toti acupunctorii japonezii folosesc,

la insertia acului de acupunctura, tubul de ghidaj!

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Experienta personala in folosirea abordarii diagnostice si a tratamentului specifice

scolii Terapia meridianului a fost incununata de succes terapeutic. Am folosit

aceasta abordare la pacientii cu o constitutie fragila, cu deficite constatate mai ales

pe meridianele si organele Rinichi, Splina, Ficat, Plamani. Dintre patologiile alopate

abordate, cele mai bune rezultate le-am inregistrat in cazurile de tiroidita Hashimoto,

pacientii fiind tratati cu o combinatie de puncte de tonifiere a meridianelor Yin (R7,

R3, SP2, SP3, F8, F3, P9, etc). Efectele terapeutice au fost uimitoare si am inregistrat

remisiuni totale ale acestei cazuistici la majoritatea pacientilor tratati!

Recomand acesta abordare japoneza si consider ca este cea mai potrivita pentru

pacientii romani cu o constutie fragila, de tip deficit.

(1)Shudo Denmei - Introduction to Meridian Therapy, Eastland Press,

Seattle, 1990

(2)Shudo Denmei – Finding Effective Acupuncture Points, Eastland Press, Seattle,



Authors: Msc Dr. Reymundo Miranda Leyva, Dr. Jorge Luis

Fernández García, MSc Dra María Concha Morales de la Lastra

LABIOFAM Entrepreneurial Group

Havana, Cuba


In Cuba, the malignant tumors occupy the second place among the main causes of

death, only overcome by heart diseases, with a significant increase from the year

1970. In the Vimang Laboratory, the incidence of consultations for oncological

diseases have been superior in the last year until more than 40%, where patients that

receive onco-specific treatment in specialized centers of the country and patients that

refuse this intervention by their own will are included.

The radiological clinical evolution of the JLDR male patient, white race and of 74

years of age, smoker (3 daily packs), with diagnostic of lung nodule, questionable

of onco-proliferative process that began treatment in October 2010 is presented. A

retrospective study supported in the theoretical method of analysis and synthesis for

the revision of the patient's clinical history was carried out. The treatment consisted

on diminishing the consumption of cigarettes; the ingestion of natural products

(VIMANG, VIDATOX and NONI) and the periodic examination in reconsults. It was

observed a gradual decrease of the dyspnea and cough until disappearing and the

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80 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

corporal weight was increased. The hemoglobin and erythro-sedimentation values

were stabilized and there was significant radiological decrease of the lung nodule.

The combination of the natural products VIMANG, VIDATOX and NONI

demonstrated to be beneficial in improving some parameters of the patient's life




Autori: Zoltan Marosy1, Andronicus Torp2,

Gabriela Vlasceanu3

1Universitatea Ecologica, 2Universitatea Politehnica, 3Hofigal Export Import SA,

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: bioenergie, camera GDV, plante medicinale, culturi ecologice

O alimentatie echilibrata asigura fiintei umane o buna stare de sanatate si un tonus

ridicat pentru perioade lungi de timp. Este necesar consumul unei varietati de

alimente cu continut echilibrat de proteine, vitamine si fibre pentru a asigura o

sanatate optima. Legumele, fructele, plantele condimentare si aromatice sunt o parte

esentiala a dietei, cea mai importanta sursa de fibre si de vitamina C; asigura volumul

alimentar, facilitand tranzitul si absorbtia intestinala. Cu toate acestea, printr-o

agricultura haotica ce foloseste produse chimice care grabesc cresterea vegetalelor,

aportul energetic este scazut. Crescand fortat, plantele nu reusesc sa absoarba

suficienta energie benefica din sol. In ultima perioada agricultura ecologica a luat

amploare. Este un pas logic facut de consumatori pentru a servi la masa o hrana

bogata atat in vitamine, cat si cu un aport energetic marit. Exista metode de a

evidentia incarcatura energetica a plantelor, forta lor subtila.

Prin experimentele din ultimii cinci ani echipa noastra de cercetare interdisciplinara

a urmarit demonstrarea importanţei apei, solului, mineralelor si coloizilor metalici

in cresterea armonioasa a plantelor medicinale (aromatice si condimentare) in

cultura. O directie de studiu este cea care utilizeaza aparatul camerei GDV,

dispozitiv creat de cercetatorul rus Korotkov, care evidentiează diferenta

bioenergetica intre plantele crescute in medii diferite, udate cu ape diferite.

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81 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Prezentul studiu subliniaza importanta cresterii ecologice a plantelor medicinale in

cultura pentru marirea eficientei remediilor naturale finale sub forma carora sunt

valorificate: medicamente, suplimente, produse cosmetice.



Authors: Zoltan Marosy1, Andronicus Torp2,

Gabriela Vlasceanu3

1Ecological University, 2Polytechnic University, 3Hofigal Export Import SA,

Bucharest, Romania


Key words: bioenergy, GDV camera, medicinal plants, eco-culture

A levelled food enssuring a good state of health and a high energy for long periods

of time. It’s required for consumption a variety of food with balanced content of

protein, vitamins and fiber to ensure optimal health. Vegetables, fruit, herbs and

aromatic plants are an essential part of diet, the most important source of fiber and

C vitamin. Ensure the food volume, by facilitating the transit and intestinal

absorption. However, by way of a chaotic agriculture, that uses chemical products

to hurry increasee of plants, energy input is low. Forced growing plants are not able

to absorb enough beneficial energy from ground. In the last period organic

agriculture has developed. It's a logical step made by the consumer to serve to table

a rich food in both vitamins and energy with an increased energy input. There are

methods to highlight energy load of plants, their subtle power.

By experiments in the last five years our interdisciplinary research team demonstrate

importance of water, soil, minerals and metal coloides for harmonious growth of

medicinal plants (aromatic and herbs) in culture. A direction of study is the one that

uses GDV camera, device created by Russian researcher Korotkov, which record the

bioenergetical difference between plants grown in different environments, weted

with different waters.

This study underlines the importance of ecological farming of medicinal plants in

culture for improving the efficiency of final natural remedies in the form which are

Recovered: drugs, supplements, cosmetic products.

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Autor: Dr. Diana Bosancu, M.D.

S.C. Quantum Life S.R.L. Arad, Romania

Reprezentant oficial in Romania al Institutului de

Psihofizica Practica (IPP), Omsk, Rusia


Cuvinte cheie: Metatron, diagnostic nonlinear, camp de torsiune

In prezent stiinta si intreaga societate se confrunta cu problema inundatiei de

informatii. In fiecare zi se fac descoperiri minore si majore, in fiecare an apar noi

sisteme si dispozitive medicale. Fara indoiala ca este o directie foarte buna. Cu toate

acestea, omul se pierde in acest ocean de informatii si nu mai vede imaginea de


Doar cu un secol in urma, pentru a pune un diagnostic, un terapeut avea nevoie de

pacient si de experienta de mii de ani a medicinei. Astazi, pentru a stabili un

diagnostic sunt necesare numeroase studii si analize costisitoare. Dar ce l-a ajutat pe

terapeut sau medic sa stabileasca un diagnostic corect? A fost acel simt inexplicabil

numit intuitie.

Din 10 milioane biti de informatii doar unul este perceput, restul raman in sfera

subconstientului. Informatia din subconstient este extrasa fie prin impuls, fie in stari

de constiinta modificate: hipnoza, visare, meditatie sau dupa administrare de

substante psihotropice.

Rezultatul numeroaselor studii din acest domeniu a fost crearea unui echipament

nou, capabil sa patrunda bariera dintre constient si subconstient. Acest proces

(controlat partial de cercetatori) poate sa ne ofere cantitati enorme de informatii

despre lumea inconjuratoare.

Institutul de Psihofizica Practica din Omsk, Rusia, a creat un echipament de

cercetare denumit Metatron, care permite monitorizarea conditiei unui obiect

biologic prin studierea modificarilor caracteristicilor de unda ale tesuturilor

organismului, separat ale celulelor, enzimelor si hormonilor. Sistemele de diagnostic

nonlinear Metatron reprezinta unele din cele mai avansate tehnologii

informationale si pot fi considerate realizari uimitoare si de perspectiva pentru stiinta

naturala moderna.

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Dispozitivele de diagnostic Metatron se bazeaza pe studierea campurilor de torsiune

ale obiectelor biologice si sunt unice si fara analog in lume. Numeroasele

experimente realizate de Institutul de Psihofizica Practica impreuna cu Institutul

International de Fizica Teoretica si Aplicata condus de academicianul Akimov au

demonstrat ca exista o relatie apropiata intre campurile de torsiune si sistemele

biologice, cu mentiunea ca aceste campuri sunt folosite de sistemele biologice in

interactiunile extracelulare si intracelulare.

In termeni mai simpli, teoria campurilor de torsiune a academicianului Akimov (sau

camp “terminal” conform clasificării lui T.Van Hoven) poate fi explicata in felul

urmator: fizica moderna opereaza cu urmatoarele 4 nivele ale substantelor - solid,

lichid, gazos si particule elementare ionizate (plasma). Studiile moderne au aratat ca

mai exista un nivel al realitatii si anume campurile de torsiune. Potrivit conceptelor

moderne campurile electromagnetice sunt generate de sarcina, campurile

gravitationale de masa, in timp ce campurile torsionale sunt generate de spin, adica

de momentul cinetic intrinsec al unei particule (rotatie a unei particule in jurul axei

proprii). Asa cum orice obiect cu masa creeaza un camp gravitational, la fel orice

obiect rotativ creeaza un camp torsional. Campurile de torsiune au anumite

proprietati unice. Campurile de torsiune transfera informatia fara a transfera energia,

se raspandesc practic instantaneu pe orice distanta si nu sunt ecranate de mediile

cunoscute. In plus, campurile torsionale mai au o proprietate surprinzătoare si anume

promoveaza auto-organizarea substantei, inclusiv a materiei vii.

Toate aceste proprietati ale campurilor torsionale stau la baza dezvoltarii conceptului

de analiza nonlineara caracteristic dispozitivului de diagnostic Metatron.

Baza teoretica si experimentala a paradigmei campurilor de torsiune, disponibila

acum, le permite acestora existenta la fel ca si electromagnetismul si gravitatia.

Campurile electromagnetice contin intotdeauna o componenta de torsiune care

reprezinta un factor fundamental important.

Asadar, cum disting si recunosc sistemele biologice informatia necesara din

zgomotul de fond si cum apar comunicarile extracelulare si intracelulare? Aceasta

este marea intrebare la care au incercat sa raspunda oamenii de stiinta.

Urmatorul raspuns face referiri la rezultatele senzationale ale studiilor efectuate de

oamenii de stiinta rusi - Petr Garyaev si Georgy Tertyshny. Cercetarile au

demonstrat clar ca moleculele ADN, cromozomii si proteinele sunt capabile sa

genereze o emisie torsionala coerenta, la fel ca laserele. Cu alte cuvinte, acestea sunt

emitatori originali cu lungimi de unda presetate. In acelasi timp, acestea se comporta

si ca antene de receptie (receptori). Aceste proprietati ale ADN-ului asigura

schimbul de informatii genetice in organism, o parte semnificativa care asa cum am

stabilit e stocata in aparatul cromozomial. Corpul uman este unul dintre cele mai

complicate sisteme spin.

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Complexitatea campului de torsiune spatialo-frecvential al corpului uman este data

de existenta unui set extraordinar de componente chimice, iar complexitatea

distribuirii acestora in organism este determinata de dinamica avansata a

modificarilor biochimice din timpul comunicarilor. Fiecare persoana poate fi

considerata o sursa (generator) de camp torsional strict individualizat. Fiecare

persoana sanatoasa fizic prezinta un camp torsional de dreapta, adica dextrogir.

Extrem de rar, la persoanele care sufera de boli severe (in principal afectiuni

oncologice) semnul campului de torsiune se modifica spre stanga (levogir). Campul

de torsiune static, de fond, al unei persoane sanatoase are o valoare suficient de


DeocaM.D.ata nu putem inregistra campurile de torsiune direct din cauza puterii lor

de penetrare imense. Putem judeca efectul campurilor de torsiune asupra sistemelor

biologice prin interpretarea unor semne indirecte.

Campul de torsiune este componenta a campului electromagnetic. Campul de

torsiune, asa cum il cunoastem, are 2 tipuri de polarizare – de dreapta (dextrogira)

si de stanga (levogira); campul electromagnetic are 2 poli – nord si sud. In

concordanta cu legile fizicii, campul de torsiune levogir va fi generat în jurul polului

nord. In acelasi timp, campul de torsiune dextrogir va fi generat in jurul polului sud.

Un magnet permanent are intotdeauna 2 poli – nord si sud: unde polul magnetic nord

este destructor universal (se pierde informatie din sistem), iar cel sud este protector

universal (se acumuleaza informatie in sistem). Prin urmare, toate procesele

informationale influentate de un camp magnetic permanent in sistemele biologice

vor avea o singura directie - de la polul nord la polul sud.

Orice sistem biologic (celulele sau tesuturile unui organism) poate fi privit ca un

dispozitiv cibernetic sau o cutie neagra. Pe acest principiu a fost construit

dispozitivul de diagnostic nonlinear Metatron.

Conform legilor ciberneticii un sistem biologic va functiona daca vor exista 2

semnale: intrare si iesire. In acelasi timp putem fi constienti de caracterul proceselor

din sistem. Pentru a evalua starea unui sistem, ar trebui sa interpretam semnalele de

intrare si de iesire dintr-un sistem.

Conform teoriei logice a cuantumului entropic – teorie care sta la baza dezvoltarii

dispozitivului de diagnostic nonlinear Metatron, semnalul de intrare intr-un sistem

(legat de primirea de informatii) poate fi corelat cu efectul polului magnetic sud, iar

semnalul de iesire dintr-un sistem (legat de pierderea de informatii) cu efectul

polului magnetic nord. Astfel semnalul polului sud (de intrare) va reprezenta efectul

mai crescut al mecanismelor de reglare in raport cu sistemul biologic, iar semnalul

polului nord va reprezenta raspunsul unui sistem la influenta reglarii. Daca un sistem

este integru, nivelul de zgomot din sistem este apropiat de zero, astfel ca in acest caz

semnalele de intrare si iesire vor fi relativ similare. Daca un sistem biologic este intr-

un stadiu de distructie, vom vedea un decalaj intre semnalul de intrare si cel de iesire.

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Acest decalaj se numeste disociere de semnal. Cu cat e mai mare disocierea, cu atat

mai crescut este nivelul de zgomot informational de fond din jurul sistemului afectat,

precum si viteza si gradul de extindere al distructiei sistemului. Din acest motiv

putem aprecia viteza si extinderea distructiei unui sistem pe baza interpretarii valorii

zgomotului informational de fond, manifestat prin disocierea dintre semnalul de

intrare si semnalul de iesire.

Analiza frecventială a disocierilor pe spectrele grafice caracteristice dispozitivului

Metatron ne permite sa intelegem care tesuturi sunt distruse mai rapid si mai mult,

sa corectam dezechilibrele in limitele rezervelor mecanismelor de autoreglare

existente, cu alte cuvinte sa facem preventie.

In concluzie, toate aceste corelatii realizate intre stiinte precum biologie, chimie,

matematica, informatica si notiunile noi de fizica cuantica care aduc in discutie

prezenta si rolul campurilor de torsiune, creeaza un fundament important pentru

dezvoltarea medicinei preventive a viitorului, o medicina care imbina cele mai noi

tehnologii cu naturalul si autenticul.



Autor: Dr. Diana Dragos,

Cluj Napoca, Romania


Cum si cand tratam numai prin medicina alternativa sau cand alaturi de alopatie

apelam la alt tip de tratament?

Caz 1: Hipostatura

Pacienta in varsta de 13 ani se prezinta la consultatie in februarie 2013 pentru

hipostatura. In momentul prezentarii: 143 cm inaltime, aspect dismorfic. S-a stabilit

diagnosticul citogenetic de 46Xdel(x) (q.27;qter). S-a initiat terapia Bowen, o

sedinta saptamanal si tratament homepat cu Lachesis si ulterior Lycopodium pans in

septembrie 2014. Inaltimea este de 160 cm, aspect armonios.

Caz 2: Boala Wilson

Pacienta in varsta de 40 de ani cu sindrom extrapiramidal de 8 ani, diagnosticata cu

Boala Wilson in urma cu 2 ani, se prezinta în 2009 pentru: tremor al extramitatilor,

mers dificil, impotenta functionala marcata; biologic: ceruloplasmina 9mg/dl (VN

20-60), cupru plasmatic 16.7ug/dl (VN 76-152). Se incepe terapia Bowen si

tratament homeopat cu Cuprum si Gelsemium, pe langa tratamentul alopat. Dupa 6

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86 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

ani de tratament mersul este mult ameliorat, impotenta functionala minima; biologic:

ceruloplasmina 20mg/dl, cupru plasmatic 98.7 ug/dl.

O buna colaborare intre alopatie si medicina alternativa sau complementara poate

aduce beneficii în afectiunile genetice.



Author: Dr. Diana Dragos, M.D.

Cluj Napoca, Romania


How and when can we treat only with alternative medicine or alongside allopathy?

Case 1: Low stature

Thirteen years old female patient presents in February 2013 for low stature. Physical

exam revealed 143 cm height, dismorphism. A cytogenetic diagnosis of a terminal

deletion on the long arm of chromosome X had been previously established. Bowen

therapy was initiated, one weekly session and homeopathic treatment was

recommended with Lachesis and subsequently Lycopodium. In September 2014 she

measured 160 cm with harmonious aspect.

Case 2: Wilson Disease

40 years old female patient with extrapyramidal syndrome for 8 years, diagnosed

with Wilson disease 2 years previously presents in 2009 for tremor of the

extremities, gait disturbance and marked functional impairment. Laboratory tests:

ceruloplasmin 9 mg/dl (VN 20-60); plasma copper 16.7ug/dl (VN 76-152). Bowen

therapy and homeopathic treatment with Cuprum and subsequently Gelsemium are

initiated, alongside allopathic drugs. Progressive improvements were made

concerning her gait and tremor and after six years of treatment her symptoms are

minimal and her lab tests reveal ceruloplasmin 20 mg/dl, plasma copper of 98.7




Autori: Dr. Biol. Princ. Carmen Defta1, Elena C. Moldoveanu2

1UMF “Carol Davila, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara, Departamentul II,

Disciplina de Microbiologie, Bucuresti

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87 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

2Clinimed, Alba Iulia,



Gemoterapia este o terapie naturala care utilizeaza extracte obtinute din tesuturi

embrionare vegetale aflate in faza de crestere (muguri).

Gemoterapia (terapie meristematica - tesuturile embrionare vegetale numindu-se

meristeme) este o modalitate de tratament descoperita si initiata de Dr. Pol Henry

care foloseste substante vegetale de origine embrionara.

Gemoderivatele se obtin prin extractie hidro-glicero-alcoolica, rezultand macerate

glicerinice, din amenti, muguri, mladite, radicele, scoarta de ramuri tinere, seva,

seminte ce contin un complex remarcabil de minerale, oligoelemente, enzime

necesare functionalitatii normale a organismului, dar si energia renasterii Naturii

care ne sustine in fiecare an.

In continuare cateva exemple de repunere in echilibru homeostatic a individului

uman si schemele ce au insotit aceste abordari.

Amenoree: Varianta (I) dimineata si pranz buxus sempervirens MG-D1(cimisir

muguri), seara alnus glutinosa MG-D1 (arin negru muguri) si alnus incana MG-D1

(arin alb). Varianta (II) dimineata si seara Lemn dulce tinctura primele 13 zile ale

ciclului menstrual, apoi din a 14 zi rubus ideaeus MG-D1 (zmeur mladite) si tinctura

de branca ursului pana la un nou ciclu. Tratamentul dureaza trei luni.

Chist ovarian: dimineata ribes nigrum MG-D1 (extract din muguri de coacaz

negru) si malus sylvestris MG-D1 (extract din muguri de mar salbatic), pranz rubus

idaeus MG-D1 (extract din mladite de zmeur) si castanea vesca MG-D1 (castan

comestibil), seara tilia tomentosa MG-D1 (extract de tei argintiu tilia tomentosa) si

buxus sempervirens MG-D1(cimisir muguri). Schema se administreaza in primele

14 zile ale ciclului menstrual, apoi 14 zile de pauza, 2-3 luni. Dupa 28 de zile se

poate relua cu exceptia diminetii, cand in loc de coacaz negru se introduce in terapie

salix alba amenti MG-D1 (extractul de amenti de salcie). Curele se pot repeta cu o

pauza intre ele.

Astenie sexuala: dimineata fraxinus excelsior MG-D1 (muguri de frasin), pranz

sequoia gigantea MG-D1 (extract din mladite de sequoia) si rosmarinus officinalis

MG-D1 (extract de muguri rosmarin), seara quercus pedunculata ghindae MG-D1

(extract din ghinde de stejar).

Cistita: dimineata ribes nigrum MG-D1 (extract muguri de coacaz negru) si malus

sylvestris MG-D1 (extract de muguri de mar paduret), pranz vaccinium vitis idaea

MG-D1 (extract din mladite de merisor) si calluna vulgaris MG-D1 (mladite de

iarba neagra), seara vaccinium myrtillus MG-D1 (extract din mladite de afin).

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88 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Infectie urinara: dimineata rubus idaeus MG-D1 (extract din mladite de zmeur),

pranz vaccinium vitis idaea MG-D1 (extract din mladite de merisor) si betula linfa

MG-D1 (extract din seva de mesteacan), seara calluna vulgaris MG-D1 (mladite de

iarba neagra) si vaccinium myrtillus MG-D1 (extract din mladite de afin).

Litiaza renala (pt. calculi renali): dimineata betula linfa MG-D1 (extract din seva

de mesteacan) si fraxinus excelsior MG-D1 (extract din muguri de frasin), pranz

calluna vulgaris MG-D1 (mladite de iarba neagra) si malus sylvestris MG-D1

(extract din muguri de mar paduret), seara fagus sylvatica MG-D1(extract din

muguri de fag).

Menopauza: dimineata rubus idaeus MG-D1 (extract din mladite de zmeur) si

buxus sempervirens MG-D1 (cimisir muguri), pranz malus sylvestris MG-D1 (mar

paduret) si sequoia gigantea MG-D1 (extract din mladite de sequoia), seara

vaccinium vitis idaea MG-D1 (extract din mladite de merisor) si tilia tomentosa MG-

D1 (tei argintiu).

Aceste scheme au fost modificate mai mult sau mai putin in functie de individ, pentru

ca s-a urmarit individul si nu tipul de boala.

Tratamentul gemoterapic ne dovedeste de fiecare data cat de generoasa si minunata

este natura in plenitudinea ei, ajutandu-ne astfel sa parcurgem frumos calatoria

noastra pe acest pamant.



Authors: PhD. Princ. Biol. Carmen L. Defta1,

Homeopathic pharmacist Elena C. Moldoveanu2 1UMF „Carol Davila”, Faculty of Dentistry, Department II,

Chair of Microbiology Bucharest, 2Clinimed, Alba Iulia



Gemotherapy is a natural therapy using embryonic plant tissue extracts obtained in

the phase of growth (bud).

Gemotherapy (a meristematic therapy - the embryonic tissues are called plant

meristems) is a treatment discovered and initiated by Dr. Pol Henry, which uses plant

substances of embryonic origin.

The Gemmoderivatives can be obtained by hydro-glycero-alcoholic extraction (

resulting in macerated glycerine) from amenti, young shoots, sprouts, radicles, the

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89 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

bark of young branches, sap, seeds containing a remarkable complex of minerals,

trace elements, enzymes necessary for normal functionality of the body but also the

Nature Renaissance Energy that supports us each year.

Here are several examples of reinstatement of the human homeostatic balance and

schemes which accompanied these approaches.

Amenorrhea: Option (I) in the morning and at noon buxus sempervirens MG-D1

(boxwood buds), in the evening alnus glutinosa MG-D1 (black alder buds) and alnus

incana (white alder). Option (II) in the morning and in the evening sweetwood

tincture in the first 13 days of the menstrual period, then from the 14th day rubus

ideaeus MG-D1 (raspberry sprouts) and cow parsnip tincture up to a new menstrual

period. The treatment lasts three months.

Ovarian Cyst: in the morning ribes nigrum MG-D1 (black currant bud extract) and

malus sylvestris MG-D1 (wild apple bud extract), at lunchtime rubus idaeus MG-

D1 (extract of raspberry sprouts) and castanea vesca MG-D1 (edible chestnut), in

the evening tilia tomentosa MG-D1 (extract of silver linden) and buxus sempervirens

MG-D1 (boxwood buds). The prescription is administered in the first 14 days of the

menstrual period, followed by a 14 day break, for 2-3 months. After 28 days it can

be retaken except for the mornings, when instead of black currant extract is inserted

salix alba amenti MG-D1 (amenti willow extract). The cures can be repeated with a

break in between.

Sexual asthenia: in the morning fraxinus excelsior MG-D1 (ash shoots), at

lunchtime sequoia gigantea MG-D1 (sequoia tree bud extract) and rosmarinus

officinalis MG-D1 (rosemary sprout extract), in the evening quercus pedunculata

ghindae MG-D1 (extract of Quercus pedunculata oak acorns).

Cystitis: In the morning ribes nigrum MG-D1 (black currant bud extract), and malus

sylvestris MG-D1 (wild apple bud extract), at lunchtime vaccinium vitis idaea MG-

D1 (extract of cranberry sprouts) and calluna vulgaris MG-D1 (heather shoots), in

the evening vaccinium myrtillus MG-D1 (extract of bilberry sprouts).

Kidney stones: in the morning betula linfa MG-D1 (extract of birch sap) and

fraxinus excelsior MG-D1 (ash bud extract), at lunchtime calluna vulgaris MG-D1

(extract of heather sprouts) and malus sylvestris MG-D1 (extract of wild apple buds),

in the evening fagus sylvatica MG-D1 (beech buds extract).

Urinary infection: in the morning rubus idaeus MG-D1 (raspberry sprout extract),

at lunchtime vaccinium vitis idaea MG-D1 (cranberry sprouts extract) and betula

linfa MG-D1 (extract of birch sap), in the evening calluna vulgaris MG-D1 (extract

of heather sprouts) and vaccinium myrtillus MG-D1 (bilberry rootlets extract).

Menopause: in the morning rubus idaeus MG-D1 (extract of raspberry sprouts) and

buxus sempervirens MG-D1 (boxwood), at lunchtime malus sylvestris MG-D1(wild

apple) and sequoia gigantea MG-D1 (sequoia gigantea extract) and in the evening

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90 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

vaccinium vitis idaea MG-D1 (cranberry shoot extract) and tilia tomentosa MG-D1

(silver lime).

These schemes have been changed more or less depending on individuals as it was

the individual who was watched and not the type of disease.

The gemmotherapy treatment proves us every time how generous and wonderful

nature is in its fullness, helping us to go through our journey on this beautiful planet.



Autor: Dipl. Eng. Nisulescu Elena

Asociatia Generala a beneficiarilor de terapii complementare

Bucuresti, Romania


O data ce fundamentele fizicii cuantice au fost intelese, se poate vorbi de biocampul

uman si ce este foarte important sa se poate masura, inregistra pe suport. Elementele

la care ma voi referi sunt inregistrate si masurate prin SISTEMELE INTERACTIVE



Pentru exemplificare voi prezenta rezultatele rapoartelor.

Aura chakra raport si raport marimea aurei:

Rezulta tipul de personalitate - pe baza culorii din aura: analitic, intelectual, inclinat

spre detalii, logic, structurat, stiintific, care se regaseste in ambele rapoarte.

Explicatia este din analiza faptului ca chacrele sunt rotunde si aliniate perfect.

Deasemenea marimea aurei se situeaza intre 75-1oo – ceea ce indica o radiatie

intensa si puternica. Charisma si puterea aurei conduc la implinirea telurilor si


Graficul minte corp:

SPIRIT - concentrare asupra dezvoltarii personale, asupra sentimentelor,

initiativelor, spiritualitatii si a calitatii launtrice;

MINTE - concentrare asupra creativitatii, asupra exprimarii mentale si emotionale,

a comunicarii;

CORP - concentrare asupra realitatilor si rezultatelor fizice, asupra activitatilor

legate de corp.


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91 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Din acest grafic, echilibrul YIN-YANG este foarte apropiat - energiile masculine si

feminine sunt in echilibru - acele sunt apropriate.


Arata diferitele canale de energie care sunt masurate in principal pe activitatea


1. Canalul Indigo reprezinta energia INTUITIVA,

2. Canalul Verde reprezinta energia MENTALA,

3. Canalul Albastru deschis reprezinta energia EMOTIONALA,

4. Canalul Rosu reprezinta energia FIZICA.

Barele de nivel apropiat indica faptul ca diferitele canale de energie au un curs in

armonie si fiecare parte a sistemului vibreaza la aceiasi frecventa. Valorile indica

rata vibrationala. Datele se coreleaza cu zonele corpului codificate prin culori.

Intre 500.000-800.000 (PLAJA DE VIBRATIE MARE) arata de obicei o persoana

intuitiva si sesibila. Analizand datele prezentate, rezulta ca persoana avea un CAMP


Fac precizarea ca la aceste rezultate au ajutat mult tehnicile specific terapiilor

complementare, folosite in mod sustinut:






Tehnicile REIKI folosesc SIMBOLURI. SIMBOLUL este purtator de energie si

ajuta la racordarea la valorile spirituale, de asemeni gandul atrage energie.

In cadrul asociatiei noastre am studiat, am experimentat metode specific terapiilor

complementare in paralel cu o activitate sustinuta pentru reglementarea prevederilor

prevazute si in legea 118/2007 (Lege privind organizarea si functionarea activitatilor

si practicilor de medicina complementara/alternativa), problema inca nerezolvata

pana in prezent.

Este necesar sa se rezolve toate problemele care conditioneaza o desfasurare

corespunzatoare in tara noastra a terapiilor complementare. Se impune rezolvarea

integrala a etapelor legislative pentru a se asigura conditiile necesare si desfasurarii

pregatirii terapeutilor de terapii complementare. Aceasta activitate este prevazuta in



ALTERNATIVA se manifesta prin:

- organizarea congreselor specifice cu participare internationala,

-cursuri de medicina integrativa in colaborare cu Universitatea Titu Maiorescu,

- conferinte specifice.

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92 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

Multumim in acest sens Prof. Asoc. Dr. Corneliu Moldovan, pentru implicarea

deosebita in aceasta problema.



aveau termen 1 an de la intrare in vigoare a acesteia) pentru a se legaliza desfasurarea

activitatilor de terapii complementare.



Autori: Prof. Univ. Dr. Marian Vladimir Constantinescu1,

Dr. Drd. Florin Eugen Constantinescu2, Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Raescu3 1Departamentul de Reabilitare Orala, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara,

Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Titu Maiorescu”, 2Asociatia pentru

Reabilitare Orala si Posturoterapie din Romania – ROPOSTURO, 3Departamentul de

Preventie Dentara si Sanatate Orala, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara,

Universitatea “Titu Maiorescu”,

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: medicina bioposturala, sistem postural, informatie bioposturala,

protocol diagnostic digital neinvaziv, tratamentul tulburarilor de postura

Medicina bioposturala studiaza echilibrul corpului uman in pozitie verticala si/sau

in miscare si corecteaza tulburarile functionale ale sistemului care gestioneaza

activitatile de postura si cinetica numit Sistem Postural (SP).

Corpul uman cand se ridica in picioare se lupta cu gravitatia pentru a-si asigura

stabilitatea si a se orienta in spatiu. Informatia senzoriala se capteaza prin receptorii

de la nivelul intrarilor posturale (ochi, urechea interna, picioare, muschi si piele), iar

creierul prelucreaza schema corporala pentru a intelege rapoartele corpului fata de

mediul inconjurator in context spatial si temporal conform unor scheme motorii pre-


Cand Sistemul Postural (SP) prezinta tulburari functionale, informatiile senzoriale

sunt discordante, ansamblul se deregleaza si apar unele tulburari (rau de mare, rau

de miscare, instabilitate etc), iar creierul face apel la dimensiunea cognitiva pentru a

gasi o strategie de compensare.

La fiinta umana expusa stresului pentru identificarea tulburarilor de postura se

practica o analiza globala printr-un protocol de diagnostic digital neinvaziv

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93 Proceedings of RO-INMED 2015, Bucharest, November19-22, Editor: Dr. Corneliu Moldovan

(biometrie digitalizata, baropodometrie, stabilometrie, analize morfologice, etc) care

ajuta in descoperirea unor deficite anatomice si functionale ale receptorilor posturali.

Pentru reprogramarea corpului uman, in amendarea tulburarilor de postura, pe langa

medicina bioposturala este necesara si interventia altor discipline medicale

(neurologie, oftalmologie, otorinolaringologie, ortopedie, stomatologie, osteopatie

si podologie).



Authors : Prof. Univ. Dr. Marian Vladimir Constantinescu1,

Dr. Drd. Florin Eugen Constantinescu2, Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Raescu3 1Department of Oral Rehabilitation, School of Dental Medicine, University of

Medicine and Pharmacy "Titu Maiorescu », 2Asociaţia for Oral Rehabilitation and

Posturoterapie in Romania - ROPOSTURO, 3Dept. Preventive Dentistry and Oral

Health, Faculty of Dentistry," Titu Maiorescu "University

Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: bio postural medicine, postural system, bio postural Information, digital

noninvasive diagnostic protocol, treatment of posture disorders

Bio postural Medicine studying the human body balance in upright and / or moving

and correct functional disturbances of the system that manages activities and kinetic

posture called Postural System (PS).

The human body when getting up fights gravity to ensure stability and to orient in

space. Sensory information is captured by receptors in the input positions (eyes,

inner ear, legs, muscle and skin), and the brain processes the body scheme to

understand reports the body to the environment in the context spatially and

temporally according to scheme motor preprogrammed .

When the Postural System (PS) has functional disorders, sensory information are

discordant ensemble is disturbed and there are some disturbances (nausea, motion

sickness, instability etc.) and brain appeals to the cognitive dimension to find a

strategy for compensation.

Exposed human beings to identify stress disorder posture practiced a comprehensive

analysis by digital noninvasive diagnostic protocol (digitized biometrics,

baropodometry, stabilometry, morphological analysis, etc.) that help in the

discovery of anatomical and functional deficits receptor posts.

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For reprogramming human body in fine postural disorders, besides bio postural

medicine intervention is required other medical disciplines (neurology,

ophthalmology, ENT, orthopedics, dentistry, osteopathy and chiropody).

Keywords: biopostural medicine, postural system, biopostural Information, digital

noninvasive diagnostic protocol, treatment of posture disorders



Author: Dr. Razvan Ungureanu,

National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicines

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”

Bucharest, Romania


The theory of the 5 Elements constitutes the basis of Chinese medical theory. The

five Elements, which are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, represent the

fundamental qualities of all matter in the univere.

The five Elements are not basic constituents of Nature, but five basic processes,

qualities, phases of a cycle or inherent capabilities of change of phenomena.

Essential to the very concept of the 5 Elements are the various interactions among

them. The most important relationships between the Five Elements are those

controlled by the Sheng and Ke cycles.

In the Sheng cycle, or the Generating sequence, each Element generates another an

is generated by one.

In the Ke cycle or the Controlling sequence each Element controls another an is

controlled by one.

The relationships among the 5 Elements are like a model of relationships among the

internal organs and between them and various tissues, sense organs, colours, smells,

tastes and sounds.

The Sheng and Ke cycles, the Generating and Controlling sequence respectively,

provide the basic model of physiological relationships among the internal organs.

There are several ways in which the theory of the 5 Elements is applied in practice.

One of them is the energetic rebalance using the 5 Transporting points (also named

the 5 distal Shu points or the 5 ancient Shu points). These are the points that lie

between the fingers and the elbows or between the toes and knees. Their names are:

Well point=Jing- the point at the tips of fingers or toes.

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Spring point=Ying-Spring (of water), Pool (of water)-the second point of the five

(in all cases it is the second point along the channel).

Stream point= Shu (to transport) – the third point of all the five; in all cases it is the

third point along the channel (except for the Gallbladder channel where is the


River point= Jing (to pass through) – the fourth point of the five; not always the

fourth point along the channel.

Sea point=He (to unite, join) – the fifth point of the five (in all cases it is the point

at the elbows and knees).

The method of energetic rebalancing based on the 5 Elements theory is using the 5

Transporting points and it is a method of transfer of qi. It is a complex method used

to rebalance the qi from a relatively hyperactive organ to a deficient Organ. As this

method is more complicated, the route of transfer must be carefully planed, as this

is likely to travel across more than one Organ.

The transfer is planned as it follows: draw a diagram where the full (+) qi is felt and

were it is deficient qi (-).

Then mark out a route from the ‚+’ to ‚-’ making sure that the qi flow travels in a

clockwise direction.

The next step is to work out which needles should be used, remembering always to

insert the first needle into the deficient organ and to work backwards along the

pathway. There is no needle in the excess organ.

This method of energetic rebalancing based on the 5 Elements theory is very




Autor: Dr. Gearavela George, M.D., lector acupunctura,

Societatea Romana de Acupunctura Medicala si Medicina Integrativa

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: AVC post HTA, tratament hemipareza spastica, eficenta mare a

tratamentului exclusiv prin acupunctura

Pacienta in varsta de 70 ani, cunoscuta de 3 ani cu sechele de hemipareza spastica

dreapta post AVC, post HTA, cu multiple internari in clinici de neurologie si

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recuperare medicala (Sp. Clinic Bagdazar-Arseni), se prezinta pentru ultima

speranta de recuperare, la acupunctura.

Clasic, din perspectiva MTEO, afectiunea a fost incadrata intr-un sindrom de vant

intern al Ficatului. S-a instituit tratament exclusiv cu acupunctura, 4 sedinte, primele

2 sedinte zilnic, urmatoarele 2 sedinte la 2 zile, alegandu-se combinatii din

urmatoarele grupe de puncte:

a) puncte cu actiune generala;

b) puncte cu actiune locala.

Dupa cele 4 sedinte de acupunctura, pacienta s-a recuperat, putandu-se deplasa

singura, fara baston, a castigat capacitatea de a se alimenta singura si a redevenit

independenta de ajutorul familiei!



Author: Dr. George Gearavela M.D. senior lector in Acupuncture,

Romanian Medical Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Society

Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: post stroke hypertension, spastic hemiparesis treatment, great efficiency

exclusively acupuncture treatment

The patient aged 70 years known for 3 years with sequel of hemiparesis Spastic right

post stroke, post BPH, with multiple hospitalizations in Neurology and

Rehabilitation Therapy (Sp. Clinical Bagdazar-Arseni) are a last hope of recovery,


Classic in the light of MTEO the disease was within an internal wind syndrome of

the Liver. The treatment was exclusively with acupuncture 4 sessions, the first 2

sessions daily, these 2 sessions in two days, choosing the combinations of these

groups points:

a) general action points;

b) local action points.

After 4 sessions of acupuncture, the patient recovered and can go alone, without a

cane, won the ability to feed and only regained independence from family support!

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Autori: Dr. Dan-Vlad Filimon, M.D., D.Sc.

Dr. Farm. Roxana Mihailescu



Din literatura de specialitate, se cunoaste ca reumatismul cronic degenerativ este

intalnit cu precadere la persoanele varstnice. O caracteristica a acestei categorii de

pacienti este si aceea ca, in majoritatea cazurilor, aceasta degenerescenta este insotita

de o serie intreaga de comorbiditati care intereseaza alte sisteme si organe. Aceasta

patologie polimorfa determina epuizarea rezervelor energetic ale pacienţilor şi, prin

urmare şi capacitatea lor de a răspunde favorabil la tratatamentul cu acupunctură,

cunoscut fiind faptul că acupunctura doar reechilibrează raportul de tip Yin-

Yang, fără a creea energie Qi, ci doar redistribuind-o în mod adecvat prin meridiane.

Prin urmare, literatura şi practica acupuncturii demonstrează că persoanele în vârstă

care suferă de diverse artropatii degenerative, având în acelaşi timp şi alte boli

cornice, se prezintă cu un deficit de energie Yin, sau/şi cu un deficit global de energie

Qi. În aceste condiţii, succesul tratamentului nu depinde doar de corectarea

blocajelor la nivelul meridianelor şi a dezechilibrului Yin-Yang, cât mai ales de

refacerea rezervelor lor de energie.

Asociind artropaţilor, pe lângă tratamentul cu acupunctură şi administrarea

produsului Artrohelp Forte, de la firma Zenyth Pharmaceuticals, la grupul luat în

studiu (128 cazuri) s-a constatat că, pe lângă remiterea (în diferite proporţii) a

simptomatologiei osteoarticulare şi o creştere a vitalităţii în general, obiectivabilă

prin teste clinice şi de laborator.

În prezentul material aducem precizări şi explicaţii farmacodinamice despre această


În concluzie, Artrohelp Forte, prin formula sa complexă, manifestă un efect de

potenţare prin sinergia componentelor sale, care, acţionând la nivel mitocondrial

duce la refacerea căii aerobice a producţiei de ATP.

De fapt, acest aspect completează semnificaţia care trebuie dată propoziţiei din Nei

King: ``sângele urmează energia, iar energia hrăneşte sâgele``. Şi, mai mult decât

atât, din cele prezentate mai sus rezultă şi modul în care poate fi obţinută refacerea

deficienţei de energie Yin, deficit caracteristic bolilor degenerative cronice mai cu

seamă la persoanele vârstnice.

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Autori: Psih. Clin. Andreea Manea1, Psih. Clin. Alex Caraivan 1Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si

Alternativa “Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”

Bucuresti, Romania


In lucrarea “Conexiunile energetice dintre tulburarile psihice si manifestarile

acestora” dorim sa evidentiem legatura dintre minte - trup - suflet, la pacientii

diagnosticati cu tulburari mentale.

In studiul de fata vom urmari parametrii energetici ai chakrelor inainte si dupa

interventia psihologului clinician.

Rezultatele masuratorilor precum si concluziile studiului vor fi prezentate la “Al IV-

lea Congres National cu Participare Internationala de Medicina Integrativa, Al

XXIV-lea Congres National de Acupunctura, Al XXX-lea Congres National de

Homeopatie, RO-INMED 2015.



Autori: Dr.Radu Turchin, Dr.Gheorghe Guzun, Dr.Sergiu Suman,

Dr.Victor Mazniuc

Catedra de anatomie topografica si chirurgie operatorie

Universitatea de Stat de Medicina si Farmacie „N. Testemitanu”

Chisinau, Moldova


Cuvinte cheie: lipitori medicinale, hirudoterapia, hirudoreflexoterapia

Conform literaturii din domeniu, istoricul hirudoterapiei numara cateva milenii.

Odata cu dezvoltarea stiintei, cercetarile din domeniul medicinii s-au soldat cu

succese destul de bune si rapide in tratamentul bolilor acute. In acest mod, intr-o

scurta perioada de timp s-a dezvoltat o industrie farmaceutica puternica, care

propune cantitati impresionante de preparate medicamentoase sintetice. Ca urmare,

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ponderea remediilor naturale a scazut considerabil, iar specialistii in acest domeniu

au fost stramtorati esential.

Astazi observam ca medicina moderna, performanta, redescopera hirudoterapia.

Pentru extragerea activa a sangelui, lipitorile poseda un mecanism ce blocheaza

sistemul de hemostaza a donatorului, reprezentat de substante biologic active,

secretate de glandele salivare. Datorita acestor substante hirudoterapia are mai multe

efecte terapeutice.

Dupa cum s-a mentionat, hirudoterapia actioneaza asupra organismului uman prin

efecte generale, locale si bioenergetice.

Astfel, in hirudoterapie, in primul rand, regionalitatea efectului curativ se determina

prin reglarea circulatiei sanguine si limfatice zonale, in scop de a reabilita functia

organului patologic schimbat. Deci actiunea locala este cea mai importanta

manifestare a hirudoterapiei, iar tratamentul general este bazat pe aplicarea

lipitorilor in anumite zone reflexogene, dispuse la nivelul pielii si in regiuni cu

bogate anastamoze intre sistemul venos superficial si cel profund.

In acest context rolul anatomiei clinice in determinarea punctelor si regiunilor in care

se aplica lipitorile este unul esential.



Autor: Dr. Nogali Luiza-Amelia, M.D.

Societatea de vechi practici Taoiste "APTA"

Bucuresti, Romania


Cuvinte cheie: Qigong medical, scrieri sacre, vindecare, samanism, China antica.

O scriere sacra este un desen ezoteric care a fost utilizat in mod traditional in China

antica pentru protectie impotriva influentelor negative sau pentru realizarea unui

scop precis cum ar fi o stare buna de sanatate si viata lunga. Samanii taoisti au fost

capabili de a stiliza anumite aspecte ale Universului intr-o reprezentare grafica

folosind o caligrafie speciala cunoscuta sub numele "Scriere Innorata" sau

"Caligrafie Celesta". Termenul chinezesc pentru acest tip de scriere este Fu 符,

insemnand "simbol" si a fost tradus in necorespunzator de Occident ca "talisman".

O scriere sacra poate prezenta pozitiile astrologice ale corpurilor ceresti (soarele,

luna, planete si constelatiile), puterile specifice ale celor cinci elemente si opt

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trigrame etc. Scrierile sacre pot fi sculptate sau imprimate pe un produs tangibil (cum

ar fi hartie, lemn, sol, nisip, argila, piatra, jad, metal) sau in medii energetice (cum

ar fi apa, fum, ceata, aer). In timp ce este scris, o scriere sacra este imputernicita prin

utilizarea de incantatii si de “hand seals”, astfel incat acestea sa devina o poarta

deschisa pentru comunicarea directa cu aspectul reprezentat de trezire a utilizatorii

lor in scopul de a vindeca, a proteja sau spiritual. Avand radacini in vechiul taoism

samanic, Qigong-ul medical foloseste scrierile sacre ca parte a metodelor sale de



Author: Dr. Nogali Luiza-Amelia, M.D.

Ancient Taoist Practice Society “APTA”

Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: Medical Qigong, Sacred Script, healing, shamanism, ancient China

A Sacred Script is an esoteric drawing that was traditionally used in ancient China

for protection against undesirable influences or for achieving a specific purpose such

as good health and long life. Taoist shamans were able to stylize certain aspects of

the Universe into a graphic representation, using a special calligraphy known as

"Cloud Writing" or "Celestial Calligraphy". The Chinese term for this kind of

writing is Fu 符 meaning “symbol” and it was improper translated in the West as

“talisman”. A Sacred Script may represent the astrological positions of the Heavenly

Bodies (the sun, moon, planets and constellations), the specific powers of the Five

Elements and the Eight Trigrams etc. Sacred Scripts can be carved or imprinted on

tangible items (such as paper, wood, soil, sand, clay, stone, jade, metal) or within

energetic mediums (such as water, smoke, mist, air). While being written, Sacred

Scripts are empowered through the use of incantations and Hand Seals, so they

become open gates for direct communication with the represented aspect, in order

to heal, protect, or spiritually awaken their users. Having its root in ancient Taoist

Shamanism, Medical Qigong uses Sacred Scripts as part of its healing methods.



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Autor: Dr. Alice Popescu, M.D.

Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si

Alternativa “Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”

Bucuresti, Romania


Lucrarea prezinta diferite boli cronice frecvent intalnite in practica si tulburarile

energetice ce le stau la baza din punctul de vedere al medicinii traditionale chineze.

Ficatul este implicat intr-o multitudine de afectiuni, ca de pilda migrena,

hipertensiunea arteriala, glaucomul, dismenoreea, accidentul vascular cerebral.



Autor: Ioan Opris, PhD



Creierul joaca un rol major in codificarea, reprezentarea, clasificarea si

recunoasterea informatiei cognitive. Abilitatile cognitive pot utiliza proprietatile

transformationale “input-output” ale microcircuitelor laminare corticale si ale

hipocampusului pentru a genera reprezentari spatiale si sa clasifice caracteristicile

spatiale ale obiectelor, imaginile precum si caracteristicile lor numerice. Joaquin

Fuster a inventat termenul de "cognit" pentru a descrie astfel de retele neuronale

distribuite, in care aceieasi neuroni participa in mai multe circuite neuronale diferite

("de jos in sus", adica de la cortexul parietal si temporal la cortexul frontal si "de sus

in jos", adica din cortexul frontal la nucleul caudat, putamen si talamus sau la

structurile hipocampice). Pentru a caracteriza reprezentarile distribuite in cortexul si

hipocampul primatelor non-umane, 4 maimute au fost instruite intr-un test DMS cu

2-7 imagini afisate pe un ecran, in timp ce activitatea multi-neuronala a fost

inregistrata simultan in cortexul prefrontal si in hipocampus. Rezultatele arata ca

neuronii corticali si din hipocamp participa la o clasificare numerica a imaginilor, in

plus fata de codificarea diferentiala de localizare spatiala a stimulilor relevanti.

Celulele neuronale individuale codifica stimulii vizuali numai pentru anumite tipuri

de evenimente, in care imaginea sau pozitia spatiala a imaginii sunt indicate la

inceputul testului. In concordanta cu alte studii, s-a demonstrat ca microstimularea

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aplicata in timpul prezentarii imaginii a facilitat selectia imaginilor pentru care

locatiile spatiale au fost precizate initial. Aceste constatari sprijina existenta unor

codificari neuronale specifice pentru reprezentarile spatiale si numerice ale

obiectelor in hipocampus si neocortex. In plus, proprietatile transformationale ale

microcircuitelor hipocampice, impreuna cu microstimularea sustin importanta

practica a acestei abordari pentru cresterea performantei cognitive si reabilitare,

necesare in terapiile cognitive.



Author: Ioan Opris, PhD



The primate brain plays critical roles in the encoding, representation, categorization

and retrieval of cognitive information. Such cognitive abilities may use the

transformational “input-output” properties of cortical and hippocampal laminar

micro circuitry to generate spatial representations and to categorize features of

objects, images, and their numeric characteristics. Joaquin Fuster coined the term

“cognit” to describe such distributed networks in which the same neurons

participate in several different circuits (“bottom-up” in parietal/temporal-to-frontal

and “top-down” in frontal-to-caudate/putamen or hippocampal subfields). To

characterize the distributed representations in cortex and hippocampus nonhuman

primates were trained in a delayed-match-to-sample (DMS) task with 2-7 images

displayed on a screen, while multi-neuron activity was simultaneously recorded

from the prefrontal and hippocampal cell fields. The results show that cortical and

hippocampal neurons participate in a numeric categorization of images, in addition

to the differential encoding of spatial location of relevant stimuli in the task.

Individual cells encoded visual stimuli only on specific types of trials in which

retention of either, the Sample image, or the spatial position of the Sample image

indicated at the beginning of the trial, was required. Consistent with such encoding,

it was shown that patterned micro stimulation applied during Sample image

presentation facilitated selection of either Sample image spatial locations or types of

images, during the Match phase of the task. These findings support the existence of

specific codes for spatial and numeric object representations in primate hippocampus

and neocortex which can be applied on differentially signaled trials. Moreover, the

transformational properties of hippocampal micro circuitry, together with the

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patterned micro stimulation are supporting the practical importance of this approach

for cognitive enhancement and rehabilitation, needed for cognitive therapies.



Authors: Asoc. Prof. Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan(1), M.D., D.Sc. (MA), Senior

Researcher; Physiotherapists Mariana Negoita(2) 1National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

“Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila”, Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: Bioenergetics medicine, Bio-electromagnetism, PEMF, low pulsating

electro-magnetic field, optimum window for stimulation, clinical indications.

The Bio-Energetic medicine assumes that active processes, as well as bio-resonance,

electrical, magnetically processes, and bio-photon emission, are essential to life

processes. Bio-energy functions, as a carrier of "bio-information", is crucial to

homeostasis. Biophysics has determined that the body is an electric-volume

conductor, a resonant cavity and generates wave interference patterns - base for

living structures holographic mechanisms.

Pulsed Magnetic Field (Wave) Therapy (PEMF) is a non-invasive medical

procedure. This technique belongs to the Energetic Medicine. It is one of the latest

methods, originate from the current research into treatments, taking model from the

complementary and alternative techniques that are able to control the human’s

natural healing process. Bio-electromagnetism is a discipline that examines the

electric, electromagnetic, and magnetic phenomena which arise in biological

tissues. PEMF therapy has demonstrated to be effective in a various therapeutic

applications with no side-effects. A low or extra low pulsating magnetic field

produces one core effect: stimulating cell metabolism. This effect causes a sequence

of processes in the human body, and leads to the improvement of health without

adverse effects. Electromagnetic Wave Stimulation influences the cell performance

by inducing electrical charges within the cell membranes. It also improves the blood

microcirculation. As a result, it increases the pressure of oxygen in the cells and also

promotes the calcium transport and absorption. It is possible that a non-specific

electrostatic interaction activates the water dipoles as well as the cell membranes.

This suggests that the Pulsed Electromagnetic Waves Stimulation, probably works

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much more quickly and effectively than electric stimulation, heat, infrared light,

laser or microwave on electro dermal areas and acupuncture points. PEMF does not

utilize magnets and is not magnetic therapy. Magnetic fields affect the charge of the

cell membrane, which allows membrane channels to open up. This helps to rebalance

and restore optimum cell function. By opening the cell channels, nutrients are better

able to enter the cell, and waste is more easily eliminated from the cell. This helps

to rebalance and restore optimum cell function. The optimum window for stimulation

is from 2 µTesla to 120 µ Tesla and from 1 Hz to 120 Hz. There are many scientific

studies (more than 10.000) on the degree of effectiveness of PEMF. This method of

treatment is suitable for: regenerating tissues, improving circulation, reducing

muscle tension, stimulating the immune system, reducing inflammation,

regenerating tissues, improving cell function, detoxify the body, reducing stress,

improving the uptake of nutrients, improving sleep, improving the oxygen

consumption, balancing acupuncture meridians and Chakras etc. We have tested

Pulsed Magnetic Field (Wave) Therapy (PEMF) for 4 years, with different kind of

devices (BEMER, IMPULSER, PROMAG etc) for different clinical conditions:

chronic pain, preventative care, ageing, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia,

chronic insomnia and sleep disorders, chronic stress, high blood pressure, non-union

bone fractures, urinary incontinence, depression and anxiety, vision improvement,

diabetic ulcer & neuralgia, emphysema, endometriosis, frozen shoulder, healing

after surgery, migraine headache, multiple sclerosis, prostatitis, psoriasis,

rehabilitation, rheumatic pain, sciatica, tendinitis, neuralgia, low back pain, burns,

cerebral palsy, peripheral arteritis, asthma etc. The overall results (61.7%

improvements, p<0.0001) shows better than placebo (2.3% improvements,

p<0.005). The possible action mechanisms are connected to resonant interaction of

PEMF with endogenous vibrations states of biological systems. Control of cell and

tissues functions by applying without side effects, specifically configured, weak,

time-varying electromagnetic fields has added a new, dimension to biology and
