Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3

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  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    for real players


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3




  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3




    WORLD No. 1 femaleStef Graf


    CRApSJocul de craps



    LAWReglamentele UE 20

    OMAHA pOKERRules | Reguli

    OSCAR 2223KENNY TRANPoker player


    CIGAR HISTORYIstoria trabucului 2



    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 05

    WPT BucharestWorld Poker Tour in Romania 06




  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    WPT Bucharest

    March 27to

    April 02


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3




  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    POKERMAHAOmaha Hieste o variant de holdem care

    devine oarte popular, n principaldatorit numeroaselor posibiliti acombinaiilor de mini. n Omaha Hi,ecare juctor ncepe cu patru crihole n loc de dou.

    Fie c este vorba despre joc on-line sauntr-o sal de jocuri comercial ( b&m),Omaha Hi se joac la el. La el ca n ca-zul majoritii ormelor de poker, Oma-ha Hi utilizeaz un set de cr i standardormat din 52 de cri. Omaha Hi este,de obicei, jucat de 9 sau 10 juctori on-line.

    Blind-uriFiecare mn Omaha Hi ncepe cu doublind-uri. Blind-urile sunt pariuri pre-

    liminare cute de doi juctori naintede a se ace crile, pentru stimulareaaciunii. Dac nu ar exista nimic dectigat, primul juctor care trebuies ia decizia nu ar avea motive s acun pariu. Poziia din care se ac crileeste indicat printr-un un disc alb, et-ichetat D, denumit butonul dealer-uluisau, mai simplu, butonul. Aceasta estepoziia din care dealer-ul va distribuicrile dac dealer-ul este unul din-tre juctori. naintea de distribuirea

    crilor, juctorul din partea stnga butonului pune se egale cu (de obi-cei) jumtate din pariul minim pentru

    joc. Juctorul din stnga acelui juctorpune se egalecu pariul minim pentru joc.

    Aezare la masCnd v aezai pentru prima dat lamas, trebuie s ateptai ca blind-ulmare s ajung la poziia dumneavoastr.

    Acest lucru se ntmpl n mod natural,deoarece butonul se mut o poziie sprestnga (n sensul acelor de ceasornic)dup ecare mn. Alternativ, pentru

    a primi cri imediat, v putei nscrieimediat dac punei un blind care areaceeai mrime cu blind-ul mare. Dacv nscriei, vi se mpart cri imediatla minile succesive.

    Fiecare juctor trebuie spun un blind mic i un blind mare npot, ecare o dat pe tur. Dac rataiblind-urile ntr-o tur, trebuie sateptai e ca blind-ul mare s ajungla dumneavoastr, e s postai ambeleblind-uri care lipsesc. Putei ace acest

    lucru o singur dat. O valoare egalcu cea a blind-ului mare este parte dinpariului dumneavoastr. (Joac pentrudumneavoastr.) O valoare egal cu di-mensiunea blind-ului mic devine partea pot-ului i nu ace parte din pariuldumneavoastr. De exemplu, ntr-un

    joc cu limit 2 $ / 4 $, dac ratai blind-urile i nu ateptai ca blind-ul mares ajung la dumneavoastr pentrua reintra n joc, punei 3 $ n pot, dincare 2 $ ar considerai parte a pari-ului dumneavoastr cnd este rnduldumneavoastr n prima tur, i 1 $se consider c aparine potului - careurmeaz s e ctigat de eventualulctigtor al potului.

    Prima turCnd blind-urile sunt puse, dealer-uldistribuie patru cri, una o dat, cuaa n jos, pentru ecare juctor, n-cepnd cu blind-ul mic. Aceste patrucri de pornire sunt denumite crihole. Crile dumneavoastr hole aparcu aa cu aa spre dumneavoastr peecran, dar nu v acei probleme, doar

    dumneavoastr v putei vedea crilehole. Doar spatele crilor hole alecelorlali juctori apar pe ecran. Toiceilali juctori au o vedere similar,putndu-i vedea doar propriile crihole.

    Fiecare juctor ncepe cu patrucri hole n loc de dou (de apt, uneleb&m oer variante cu cinci sau asecri, dar nu vei gsi aceste varianteon-line.) Dup care, dealerul aeaz

    cinci cri cu aa n sus pe mas.Aceste cri comune ac parte din mnaecrui juctor, astel nct ecare

    juctor are acces la nou cri. O altdieren ntre Omaha Hi i holdemeste c ecare juctor ormeaz o mnmare din cinci cri util iznd doar dou(nici mai multe, nici mai puine, nspot oricare dou) din crile sale holempreun cu doar trei (nici mai multe,nici mai puine, ns pot oricare trei)din cele cinci crile comune. Suntposibile mult mai multe combinaiictigtoare a de holdem. Holdemare doar o combinaie de pornireormat din dou cri; Omaha Hi arease.Chiar dac nu ai mai avut experiene

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 09

    RULEScu Omaha Hi, nu trebuie s v aceigriji care sunt cele mai bune cri; pro-gramul sotware alege automat cele maibune cinci cri pentru dumneavoastrn momentul comparrii minilor.De exemplu, dac n criledumneavoastr hole se af trei ai ise af un as printre crile comune,mna dumneavoastr cea mai bun

    nu are cinci ai. Dac printre crilecomune s-a afat i o pereche, cea maibun mn a dumneavoastr ar unull house cu trei ai. Dac cea de-apatra carte a dumneavoastr a ost unpop iar crile comune au ost A Q J 109, de trei culori dierite, cea mai bunmn a dumneavoastr ar o chint,asul ind cea mai mare carte, cea maibun mn posibil pentru acest fop.Facei aceast mn cu ajutorul A K dincombinaia minii dumneavoastr cu Q

    J 10 din crile comune. (Cu toate aces-tea, exist posibilitatea s mpriipotul. Oricine are K Q, K J, sau K 10printre crile hole ar avea i o chintcu asul cea mai mare carte.) Putei afamai multe detalii despre combinaii icare mini sunt mai bune n Clasicrimini.Omaha Hi, ca i oricare alt orm depoker, se reduce la pariere. Omaha Hiare patru runde de pariere. Mrimeapariurilor depinde de structura jocului,din care Omaha Hi are trei posibiliti:

    jocculimit jocpotl imit(cul imitdepot) jocnolimit(frlimit)Parierea din prima tur ncepe ntot-deauna cu juctorul din partea stng

    a blind-ului mare. Aceast poziie este,de obicei, denumit under the gun sauprimul juctor care trebuie s acioneze.n imaginea de mai sus, suntei primul

    juctor care trebuie s acioneze. Caprim juctor, avei trei posibiliti.Putei: aprsimna deschide cu valoarea minim

    (chema) plusa

    Selectai operaia prin executareaunui clic pe caseta de dialog. Dacprsii mna n orice moment, criledumneavoastr sunt eliminate din

    joc i nu mai suntei aat pe ecran,suntei scos din joc pn la urmtoareatur i nu mai avei niciun interes npot. Dac prsii mna, urmtorul

    juctor are aceleai opiuni. Dac toiprsesc mna, inclusiv blind-ul mic,

    potul merge la blind-ul mare i estecut urmtoarea mn.Dac dumneavoastr, sau oricare alt

    juctor, deschidei, ecare juctor suc-cesiv are trei posibiliti: aprsimna de a chema, adic de a egalapariul precedent deaplusa,adicdeamripar-iul precedentFiecare juctor care urmeaz areaceleai trei alegeri. Dac s-a cut oplusare, ecare juctor care alege s

    continue trebuie e s cheme pariul to-tal sau s pluseze. n oricare rund depariuri poate exista maximum un pariui trei plusri. Cnd parierea (denumiti aciune) ajunge la blind-uri, juctorii

    au aceleai alegeri. Cu toate acestea,juctorii au deja se n pot, i acele seavantajeaz pariul lor. De exemplu dacntr-un joc cu limit 2 $ / 4 $, ai de-schis cu 2 $, i doi juctori au plusat,pariul total va de 6 $. Cnd a venitrndul blind-ului mic, juctorul poateprsi mna. Juctorul poate chemablind-ul mare, punnd 5 $ n pot. (El

    deja are 1 $ n pot.) Sau acel juctorpoate plusa, punnd 7 $ n pot. Aceas-ta ar ultima plusare pentru rundarespectiv, ajungndu-se la maximum.(Jocurile cu limit de pot i r limitnu au limit la numrul de pariuri carepot cute.)

    n mod similar, blind-ul mare,care deja a investit 2 $ n pot, intr cu2 $ mai puin. Dac nu exist plusricnd pariurile ajung la blind-ul mare,

    juctorul are o aa-numit opiune.Poate opta s pluseze, caz n care e-care juctor activ din turn are de alesntre a chema plusarea sau de a re-plu-sa, sau de a prsi mna. Blind-ul marepoate de asemenea opta s nu pluseze,ceea ce oprete pariurile pentru run-da respectiv. n aceast situaie deopiune, blind-ul mare este cunoscutn jargonul de poker sub numele de liveblind........

    Va urma...

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    hand. Alternatively, to get dealt inimmediately, you can post, that is,put in a blind the same size as thebig blind. I you post, you get dealtin right away and on succeedinghands.Each player must put both a smallblind and a big blind into the potonce each per round. I you evermiss the blinds in a round, youmust either wait or the big blindto get to you, or post both missed

    blinds. Tis you do at one time. Anamount equal to the size o the bigblind is part o your bet. (It plays oryou.) An amount equal to the sizeo the small blind becomes part othe pot and is not part o your bet.For example, in a $2/$4 limit game,i you miss the blinds and do notwait or the big blind to get to youto get back into play, you would put$3 into the pot, o which $2 wouldbe considered part o your bet whenit is your turn to act on the rstround, and $1 would belong to thepot-to be won by the eventual win-ner o the pot.

    First RoundWhen the blinds are in place, thedealer distributes our cards oneat a time ace down to each player,starting with the little blind. Teseour starting cards are called holecards. Your hole cards appear aceup on screen, but dont worry; only

    you can see your hole cards. Onlythe backs o every other playershole cards appear on screen. Everyother player has a similar view, withonly his own hole cards visible.

    Each player starts with our holecards instead o two (In act, someb&ms oer variants with ve oreven six hole cards, but you wontnd those variants online.) Tenthe dealer places ve cards ace-up in the center o the table. Tesecommunity cards are part o eachplayers hand, so each player hasaccess to nine cards. Another di-erence between Omaha Hi and

    holdem is that each player ormsa ve-card hand by using only two(no more, no less, but they can beany two) o his hole cards togetherwith only three (no more, no less,but they can be any three) o theve community cards. Many morewinning combinations are possiblethan in holdem. Holdem has justone two-card starting combina-tion; Omaha Hi has six.Even i you havent had experiencewith Omaha Hi,you dont have toworry which are the best cards; thesotware automatically chooses thebest ve or you when it comes timeto compare hands.For example, i your hole cards in-clude three aces and there is one aceon the board, your best hand doesnot have our aces. I a pair alsowas on the board, your best handwould be a ull house, aces ull. Iyour ourth card was a king and theboard was A Q J 10 9 o three di-

    erent suits, your best hand wouldbe an ace-high straight, the nutsor this particular fop. You makethis hand by using the A K romyour hand in combination with

    Omaha Hiis a variant o holdem that is becom-ing very popular, due mainly to itsmany hand combination possibili-ties. In Omaha Hi,each player startswith our hole cards instead o two.

    Whether online or in a brick-andmortar cardroom (b&m), OmahaHi plays the same. As in most ormso poker, Omaha Hi uses a standard52-card deck. Omaha Hi is usuallyplayed 9- or 10-handed online.

    BlindsEach hand o Omaha Hi starts withtwo blinds. Blinds are preliminarybets made by two players beorecards are dealt or the purpose o

    stimulating action. I there wasnothing to win, the rst player tomake a decision would have no rea-son to make a bet. Te deal positionis indicated by a white disk, labeledD, called the dealer button, or, sim-ply, the button. Tis is the positionrom which the dealer would dis-tribute cards i the dealer were oneo the players. Prior to cards beingdistributed, the player to the leto the button puts in chips equal to

    (usually) hal the size o the mini-mum bet or the game. Te player tothat players let puts in chips equalto the minimum bet or the game.

    Sitting DownWhen you rst sit down at a table,you must wait or the big blind to ar-rive at your position. Tis happensnaturally, because the button movesone position to the let (clockwise)ater each

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    the Q J 10 on the board. (You mightwell split the pot, however. Anyonewith K Q, K J, or K 10 among his holecards would also have an ace-highstraight.) You can see more aboutcombinations and what beats what

    in Hand Rankings.Omaha Hi,as any orm o poker, isabout betting. Omaha Hi has ourbetting rounds. Te sizes o the betsdepend on the structure o the game,o which Omaha Hi has three possi-bilities: limitgame



    Te betting on the rst round alwaysstarts with the player just to the

    let o the big blind. Tis position issometimes called under the gun. Inthe picture above you are under thegun. As the rst player, you havethree choices. You can: fold

    open for the minimum

    (limp) openforaraise

    You choose your action by clicking ina dialog box. I you old at any point,your cards are removed rom play

    and no longer appear on the screen,you are out until the next hand, andyou have no urther interest in thepot. I you old, the next player hasthe same choices. I everyone olds,including the small blind, the pot

    goes to the big blind, and the nexthand is dealt.I you or anyone else opens, each suc-ceeding player has three choices: fold

    call, that is,match the pre-ceding bet raise, that is, increase the

    preceding betEach player in turn has the samethree choices. I there has been araise, each player who chooses to

    continue must either call the totalbet thus ar or himsel raise. In anyone round o betting, there can be amaximum o one bet plus three rais-es. When the betting (also called ac-tion) gets to the blinds, they have thesame choices. However, they alreadyhave chips in the pot, and thosechips count towards their bet. Forexample, i, in a $2/$4 limit game,you had opened or $2, and two play-ers had raised, the total bet would

    be $6. When it was the turn o thesmall blind, that player could old.Te player could call, by putting $5into the pot. (He already has $1 in.)Or that player could raise, by put-ting $7 into the pot. Tis would cap

    the betting or that round, that is,cause it to reach the maximum. (Potlimit and no limit games have no capon the number o bets that can bemade.)

    Similarly, the big blind, who alreadyhas $2 invested in the pot, gets in or$2 less. I there have been no raiseswhen the bets gets to the big blind,that player has what is called the op-tion. He can opt to raise, in which

    case each active player in turn is o-ered a choice o calling the raise orreraising-or olding. Te big blindcan also choose not to raise, whichstops the betting or that round. Tebig blind in this option situation isknown in poker parlance as a liveblind.

    nO.3 MARCH - APRIL 11

    to be continued...

    Play for realto feel the fun

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3




  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    nO.3 MARCH - APRIL 13


    April 15May31

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3





    Country Germany

    Residence Las Vegas, Nevada

    Date of birth June 14, 1969 (age 40)

    Place of birth Mannheim, Baden-Wremberg, West


    Height 1.75 metres (5 9 in)

    Weight 64 kilograms (140 lb)

    Turned pro 1982

    Rered 1999

    Plays Right; One-handed backhand

    Career prize money US$21,891,306(4th in all-me rankings)

    Int. Tennis HOF 2004


    Career record 900115 (88.7%)

    Career tles 107

    (3rd in all-me rankings)

    Highest ranking No. 1 (August 17, 1987)

    Grand Slam results

    Australian Open W (1988, 1989, 1990, 1994)

    French Open W (1987, 1988, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999)

    Wimbledon W (1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995,


    US Open W (1988, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1996)

    Major tournaments

    WTA Championships W (1987, 1989, 1993, 1995,

    1996)Olympic Games Gold medal (1988)


    Career record 17372

    Career tles 11

    Highest ranking No. 5 (November 21, 1988)

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    nO.3 MARCH - APRIL 15


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3






  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    nO.3 MARCH - APRIL 17ZAR


    ti dorit vreodata sa jucatiCraps? Mai mult probabil,veti descoperi un joc intimi-dant sau prea complicat pen-

    tru a va obosi sa-l invatati. Adevarul este canu este simplu sa invatati Craps, cel mai en-tuziasmant joc dintr-un cazino - de cei care

    si-au invins temerile si au invatat regulile.

    Acest articol va invata bazele jocului deCraps, incluzand regula de Shooter, de Passsi de Rolled. Aceste reguli undamentale deCraps vor oeri jucatorilor o baza excelentapentru a invata jocul de craps.

    Prima etapa o constituie intelegerea con-ceptului de Shooter, de ce se cheama Shoot-er, si cand zilele de Shooter sunt terminate.

    Aceasta este cunoscuta ca regula de Shooter.Jucatorii joaca pe rand la rolul de Shooter -persoana care arunca zarurile- in sens orar.

    Acelasi joc de Shooter continua prin arun-carea zarurilor pana cand se ajunge la CrapsOut, prin aruncarea unui 2, 3 sau 12.

    Intr-un cazino terestru, ata de cazino-urile online, regulile de Shooter presupunca trebuie sa utilizati o singura mana pen-tru a arunca zarurile si acestea se lovesc deperetele opus al mesei de Craps inainte de ase opri.

    In continuare, vom aborda regulile Rolledde Craps. Aceasta deneste actiunile caretrebuie luate in unctie de aruncarea zaru-lui. Prima aruncare de Shooter este numita

    Aruncarea de Come Out. Aruncarea de ComeOut stabileste Punctul . Daca prima ar-uncare este de 7, 11 sau Craps (2, 3 sau 12),Punctul este suma zaruri lor in aruncarea deCome Out. In cazul unei aruncari de 7 sau 11,Shooter-ul arunca un nou joc de Come Out,pentru a reincepe. In cazul unui joc de Craps,zarurile trec la umatorul Shooter si jocul re-


    Cand un Punct este stabilit, Shooter-ulva continua sa arunce zarurile pana candPunctul este atins din nou. De exemplu, o ar-uncare de 4+6 este un 10, si se obtine Punctul10. Rolul shooter-ului este de a arunca un a lt10 sau 7 ara sa se obtina Craps (2, 3 sau 12).Daca Shooter-ul realizeaza Punctul sau sauun 7, i se readuce zarul pentru a reincepe otruncare de Come Out. Daca Shooter-ul ar-unca un Craps (2, 3 sau 12), zarurile trec la

    jucatorul direct pe stanga - noul Shooter.

    Acum va explicam regula de Pass, cel mai

    simplu pariu din Craps, pe care jucatorii ilplaseaza inaintea aruncarii de Come Out. Inunctie de regula de Pass Rule, o linie de Passeste un pariu pe Shooter, parierea de a obtinearuncarea unui 7 sau a unui 11 pe aruncareade Come Out sau stabilirea unui Punct siaruncarea lui (sau 7) inainte de aruncarea

    Craps (2, 3 sau 12).

    Un pariu de linie de Pass poate plasat pearuncarea de Come Out. In cazul unei arun-carii de 7 sau 11, pariul de linie de Pass cas-tiga. Daca se arunca Craps (2,3 sau 12), par-iul este pierdut. Daca se stabileste un Punct,pariul de linie de Pass devine un pariu etalonpentru iesirea Punctului inainte ca jucatorulajunge la Craps Out sau arunca un 7.

    Regula de Pass unctioneaza invers pentruun pariu Dont Pass, iar jucatorul pariazaimpotriva Shooter-ului. Acest pariu poate plasat pe aruncarea de Come Out. Regula dePass ace ca un pariu de Dont Pass sa castigedaca aruncarea de Come out este de 2, 3 sau12. Daca un 7 sau 11 se arunca, pariul DontPass pierde. Daca se stabileste un Punct, par-iul de linie de Dont Pass devine un pariu eta-lon pentru a NU iesi Punctul inainte de a seajunge la 7 sau la Craps (2,3 sau 12).

    oate pariurile si odds-urile restante coboara

    direct din reguli le de Shooter, regulile Rolledsi regulile de Pass. Prin intelegerea corectaa acestor reguli undamentale, un nou juca-tor de Craps poate continua sa invete cumsa joace jocul complicat dar extrem de inte-resant de Craps.


    nva s jociCRAPS

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    id you ever wantto learn to playCraps? Most like-

    ly, you ound the game too intimi-dating or just too complicated tobother learning how to play. Tetruth is, learning to play Craps isnot only quite simple, it is com-monly reerred to as the most ex-citing game in a casino - by thosewho conquered their ears andlearned hot to play it, that is.

    Tis article will teach the un-damentals o Craps, including

    the Shooter Rule, Pass Rule andRolled Rule. Tese undamentalCraps rules will give new players agreat start in learning how to playcraps.

    rst step is to under-stand who the Shoot-

    er is, why he is the Shooter, andwhen his Shooting days are over.Tis is reerred to as the ShooterRule. Players take turns being the

    Shooter - the person who rollsthe dice - in clockwise ashion.Te same Shooter continues roll-ing the dice until he Craps Out byrolling a 2, 3 or 12.

    In a land-based casino, as opposedto online casinos, the ShooterRules state you must only use onehand to roll the dice, and theymust bounce o the opposite wallo the Craps able beore comingto a stop.

    Moving on, well discuss what isknown as the Craps Rolled Rule.Tis denes what action is takendepending on the roll o the dice.

    A Shooters rst roll is called theCome Out Roll. Te Come OutRoll establishes the Point. Unlessthe rst roll is a 7, 11 or Craps (2,3 or 12), the Point is the sum othe dice on the Come Out Roll. I a7 or 11 is rolled, the Shooter rollsa new Come Out Roll, essentiallystarting over. I Craps is rolled,the dice are passed to the nextShooter and play begins anew.

    Once a Point has been established,the Shooter will continue rollingthe dice until the Point hits again.For example, a roll o 4+6 is a 10,making the Point 10. Te shoot-ers job is to roll another 10 or 7without rolling Craps (2, 3 or 12).I the Shooter makes his Point or a7, he is returned the dice to begin anew Come Out Roll. I the Shooterrolls Craps (2, 3 or 12), the dice are

    handed to the player directly onhis let - the new Shooter.

    to explain the PassRule, the most sim-

    plistic bet in Craps, which mostplayers place beore the Come OutRoll. According to the Pass Rule, aPass Line bet is a bet on the Shoot-er, betting that he will accomplishhis goal o rolling a 7 or 11 on theCome Out Roll, or establishing aPoint and rolling it (or 7) beore

    rolling Craps (2, 3 or 12).

    A Pass Line bet can only be placedon the Come Out Roll. I 7 or 11is rolled, the Pass Line Bet wins.I Craps is rolled (2, 3 or 12), thebet loses. I a Point is established,the Pass Line bet becomes a stand-ing wager that the Point will comeagain beore the player Craps Outor rolls a 7.

    Pass Rule works in re-verse or a Dont Pass

    bet, where the player is bettingagainst the Shooter. Again, thisbet can only be made on the Come

    Out Roll. Te Pass Rule states thata Dont Pass bet wins i the ComeOut Roll is a 2, 3 or 12. I a 7 or 11is rolled, the Dont Pass bet loses.I a Point is established, the DontPass bet becomes a standing wa-ger that the Point will NO comeagain beore a 7 or Craps (2, 3, or12) is rolled.

    All o the remaining wagers andodds descend directly rom theShooter Rules, Rolled Rules andPass Rules. Tereore by obtain-ing a ull understanding o thesethree undamental rules, a newCraps player can go on to learn toplay the excitingly intricate gameo Craps.





  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    nO.3 MARCH - APRIL 19


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    urtea European de Justiie a ost extremde implicat n problema jocurilor de no-roc n ultimii ani mai mult. Multe din rilemembre au luat n considerare acordurile UE

    privind actele de putere a jocurilor de noroc pe Internet,i acum Spania a atras atenia CEJ. Actuala legislaie a

    jocurilor de noroc din Spania se af n neconcordan culegislaia UE n uncie de CEJ. Impozitele pe ctigurile

    jocurilor de noroc ale rii care provin de la companiile

    strine, dar care nu impoziteaz catigurile juctorilorcare provin de la loterii i jocurile de noroc pe teritoriultarii.Legea la supraa, arat discriminarea companiilorstrine a de jocurilor de noroc. O privire n continu-are, arat c exist anumite restricii care trebuie ndep-linite pentru a obine scutirea de taxe pentru ctigurilede la rme autorizate n Spania. Compania pentru a daaar castigurile scal trebuie s aib o conexiune la oorganizaie de caritate. Exist trei entiti care oer nprezent libera taxde impozitare a ctigurile la jocurile de noroc n Spania.

    Guvernul susine c acestea sunt cu ajutorul unei politi-ci sociale pentru a determina care companii pot acordaaciliti scale.Comisia European a ost ocupat cu instrumentarealegislaiei de internet pentru jocurile de noroc n trilemembre , pe parcursul anilor trecui. Frana i Italiasunt dou ri care si-au schimbat recent legislatia jo-curilor de noroc pentru a intra n conormitate cu acor-durile UE.SUA este una dintre rile care au ost avertizate de ctreComisie pentru schimbarea legislaiei. ReprezentantulBarney Frank a iniiat un proiect pentru schimbarealegislaiei n vigoare a jocurilor de noroc.

    Te European Court o Justice has been highlyinvolved with the gambling issue over the past severalyears. Many o the member countries have disregardedEU agreements with their Internet gambling laws, andnow Spain has caught the eye o the ECJ.Spains current gambling tax laws are in violation o EUagreements, according to the ECJ. Te country taxesgambling winnings that come rom oreign companies,but does not tax player winnings coming rom lotteriesand games o chance within the country.Te law, on the surace, looks like discrimination against

    the oreign gaming companies. A urther look, however,reveals that there are certain restrictions that have tobe met to gain tax exemption or winnings rom compa-nies licensed in Spain.Te company, in order to give out tax-ree winnings,must have a connection to a charity. Tere are three en-tities that are currently oering tax-ree gambling win-nings in Spain. Te government contends that they areusing a social policy to determine which companies cangive the tax breaks.Te European Commission has been busy investigatingInternet gambling laws in member countries over thepast year. France and Italy are two countries that haverecently changed their gambling laws to come into com-pliance with EU agreements.Te US is one o the countries that has been warned bythe Commission that they must change their laws. Rep-resentative Barney Frank is leading a charge in the legis-lature to change the existing online gambling laws.E





    uropean Union Calls

    Out Gambling Tax Laws

    n Spain


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    nO.3 MARCH - APRIL 21

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    Oscars Give Reason To Fight

    Against Online GamblingProhibition

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    n SUA la ora actual nu exist o dezbatere ndesfurare n ceea ce privete legalitatea sau ilegali-tatea jocurilor de noroc.

    UIGEA a fost creeat n 2006 pentru a aduce lacunotin legalitatea jocurilor de noroc online din ar.UIGEA las ns ca multe din legile actuale privind jocurilede noroc s poat fi interpretabile, acest lucru s-a ntm-

    plat i la Oscarul din acest an.

    Au fost acordate mai multe premii i de aceea miide oameni au ncercat s prezic ctigatorii . Multe din-tre aceste persoane au pariat pe acest eveniment folosinddiferite tehnici pentru a alege ctigatorul.

    Cei care au ales Hurt Locker n aceea duminic, au fcut oalegere iscusit.

    Sandra Bullock pentru cea mai bun actri. Jeff Bridgespentru cel mai bun actor, nici o problem pentru cei carecunosc istoria de atribuire i sentimentalism.

    Dezbaterea a fost facuta pentru a stabili dac acest tip dejocuri de noroc foloseste abilitaile care se gsec n joculde poker, sport sau de fantezie. Hotrrile Curii n SUA aufost mprite cu privire la legalitatea pokerului din cauzaproblemei la nivelul de aptitudini implicate n ctiguri.

    Reprezentantul Massachusetts Barney Frank a propus olegislaie care ar rsturna UIGEA. Este absurd de a avea ozon gri in ceea priveste jocurile de noroc, aceasta fiind sipremiza de la care a plecat Frank.

    Frank prevede o ar n care oamenii vor s li se permit sjoace de la computerele proprii, sub form de divertismentiar in SUA guvernul protejeaz consumatorul fa de po-sibilitatea corupiei n jocurile de noroc online.

    Frank doreste ca orice persoana sa aiba voie si po-sibilitatea de a paria pe actorul preferat fara a se ajungein tribunal. Exista posibilitatea de a explica gresit unui

    judector ce competene te-au facut sa alegi un anumefilm, iar acest lucru poate duce la o condamnare.

    here is an ongoing debate around the US betweenwhat is legal, or illegal, gambling. e Unlawful In-ternet Gambling Enforcement Act that was created

    in 2006, was supposed to shed light on the legality of on-line gambling in the country.

    Instead, the UIGEA further jumbled the law, leaving someforms of gambling to be up to interpretation. One of those

    forms of gambling is offi ce pools or wagers that were madein anticipation of this year's Oscar's ceremony.

    e top awards for motion pictures were given away lastnight, and thousands of people tried their hand at predict-ing the winners. ese people, many of whom gambled onthe event, used many different techniques to pick theirwinners.

    e UIGEA allowed for skill to be the determining factorin whether or not a gambling activity is legal. ose whochose e Hurt Locker on Sunday evening, will tell anyonethat will listen that it was a skillful choice.

    Sandra Bullock for Best Actress, a no-brainer for the well-trained eye. Jeff Bridges for Best Actor, no problem forthose who know the history of the award and the senti-mentality that sometimes is involved in a selection.

    e debate has been raised over the weekend as to whetherthis type of gambling is on par with the skill that is found inthe game of poker, or fantasy sports. Court rulings aroundthe US have been split on the legality of poker because ofthe question of skill level involved in the winning.

    Representative Barney Frank from Massachusetts has pro-posed legislation that would overturn the UIGEA. It is theabsurdity of having a gray area of what is legal gamblingthat is part of Frank's driving force to change the law.

    Frank envisions a country where people will be allowedto gamble from their own home computers as a form ofentertainment. A US where the government protects theconsumer against the possibility of offshore online gam-bling corruption.

    Most of all, however, Frank must see a vision of a personbeing allowed to bet on their favorite actor or actress with-out the possibility of ending up in a courtroom. e pos-sibility of having to explain to a judge what was the skillthat led them to their choice for Best Film, with the wronganswer leading them to a possible conviction.

    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 23


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  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 25


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3




    Feminin i delicat, misterioas i ispititoare,

    ambiioas i hotrt Isabela ne ncnt cu umorulsu debordant.La nici 24 de ani frumoasa Constneanc activeazntr-un domeniu dorit de multe tinere.Intotdeaunaam visat s ajung stewardes.Mi se prea ceva de neatins , era imposibil.

    Trebuie s ai ceva, s ndeplineti mai multe condiii,

    s ai anumite caliti.Pentru a ajunge stewardes trebuie s ai charism, sfii istea, s-i plac ceea ce faci.Am cltorit n multe ri i orae dar nu am ajunsnc n Las Vegas, sper s ajung n curnd s pot vizitaacele casino-uri magnifice.

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 27

    stewardessFeminine and delicate, mysterious and alluring, am-

    bitious and determined Isabella enchants us with hisoverflowing humor. At 24 years the beautiful Isabela working in a fielddesired by many girls. I always dreamed to becomestewardess.It seemed to be something untouched, was impos-


    You must have something to fulfill several conditions,

    to have certain qualities.To be stewardess must have charisma, to be smart andyou must like what you do.I traveled to many countries and cities but have notyet arrived in Las Vegas, I hope to get soon I can visitthose magnificent casinos.

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    Kenny Tran

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 29



  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    Come to our tournaments at Full Tilt Poker

    Every Saturday at 21:00 EET

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  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3




    Frunzele de tutunsunt recoltate la maturitate printr-un proces, carecombin utilizarea de cldur i de umbr pentru areduce coninutul de zahr i de ap fr a duce la pu-trezirea frunzelor. Aceast prim parte a procesului,numit conservare, dureaz ntre 25 i 45 de zile ivariaz n mod substanial, pe baza condiiilor climatic.Procesul de uscare este bazat pe tipul de tutun, precumi culoarea dorit a frunzelor. A doua parte o reprezintprocesul de fermentaie, prin care frunza este ajutat smoar ncet.Temperatura i umiditatea sunt controlate pentru a seasigura c frunza continu s fermenteze, fr a putrezii pentru a nu se dezintegra, acest lucru fiind posibil ncazul n care frunzele i aroma nu sunt afectate.Odat ce frunzele au vrsta corespunztoare, acesteasunt sortate pentru a fi utilizate ca umplere sau nveli.n timpul acestui proces, frunzele sunt umezite contin-uu i manipulate cu atenie pentru a se asigura c fiecarefrunz i pstreaz calitile sale individuale. Frunzelevor continua s fie ambalate, inspectate, reinspectate,i ambalate n mod repetat, pn se obine procesul de

    mbtrnire. n cazul n care frunza s-a maturizat nconformitate cu specificaiile productorului, aceasta vafi utilizat n producia de trabucuri.

    Trabucurile de calitate sunt nc fcute manual. Unlucrtor cu experien de netezire, poate produce sute detrabucuri pe zi de foarte bun calitate. Cilindri menintutunul umed iar nveliul n form de semilun specialconceput n form de cuite, numite chavetas,

    sunt folosite pentru umplerea i nvelirea frunzelor cuacuratee. Dup ce sunt laminate, trabucurile sunt sto-cate n cutii de lemn pentru a se usca. n acest stadiu,trabucul devine un produs finit, care poate fi pstrat zecide ani dac se respect temperatura de 21 C (70 F), i de70% umiditate. Odat achiziionate trabucurile, trebuiedepozitate ntr-o cutie special din lemn, sau Humidor.Chiar dac un trabuc devine uscat, aceasta poate fi cusucces reumezit dar cu atenie i n mod treptat, pier-derea gustului fiind iminent.

    Unele brandurile de trabucuri, Premium n specialutilizeaz diferite soiuri de tutun pentru umplere inveli.Trabucurile lungi sunt de o calitate mai bunfolosind funze lungi pe tot parcursul umplerii. Acestetrabucuri, folosesc o treime din frunze pentru nveli iexterior. Acest lucru permite un nvelis delicat i atractiv.

    Aceste igri de foi de nalt calitate, folosesc aproapentotdeauna un amestec de soiuri de tutun. Chiar itrabucurile cubaneze lungi combin mai multe tipuri detutun din diferite pri ale insulei care includ mai multearome diferite.


    Directiva Consiliului CE 2001/37/CEE: Fumatul

    dauneaza grav sanatatii tale si a celor din jur

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    leaves are harvested and aged using aprocess that combines use o heat andshade to reduce sugar and water contentwithout causing the large leaves to rot.Tis rst part o the process, called cur-ing, takes between 25 and 45 days andvaries substantially based upon climaticconditions as well as the construction osheds or barns used to store harvestedtobacco. Te curing process is manipu-lated based upon the type o tobacco, andthe desired color o the lea.Te second

    part o the process, called ermentation,is carried out under conditions designedto help the lea die slowly. emperatureand humidity are controlled to ensurethat the lea continues to erment, with-out rotting or disintegrating. Tis iswhere the avor, burning, and aromacharacteristics are primarily broughtout in the lea.Once the leaves have aged properly, theyare sorted or use as ller or wrapperbased upon their appearance and overallquality. During this process, the leaves

    are continually moistened and handledcareully to ensure each lea is best usedaccording to its individual qual ities. Telea will continue to be baled, inspected,unbaled, reinspected, and baled againrepeatedly as it continues its aging cycle.When the lea has matured according tothe manuacturers specications, it wil lbe used in the production o a cigar.Quality cigars are still hand-made.Anexperienced cigar-roller can producehundreds o very good, nearly identical,

    cigars per day. Te rollers keep the to-bacco moistespecially the wrapperand use specially designed crescent-shaped knives, called chavetas, to ormthe ller and wrapper leaves quickly andaccurately. Once rolled, the cigars arestored in wooden orms as they dry, inwhich their uncapped ends are cut to auniorm size. From this stage, the cigaris a complete product that can be laiddown and aged or decades i kept asclose to 21C (70F), and 70% relativehumidity, as the environment will al low.Once cigars have been purchased, properstorage is usually accomplished by keep-ing the cigars in a specialized woodenbox, or humidor, where conditions canbe careully controlled or long periods

    o time. Even i a cigar becomes dry, itcan be successully re-humidied so longas it has not been handled carelessly anddone so gradually.However, the loss ooriginal tobacco oils will greatly afectthe taste.Some cigars, especially premium brands,

    use diferent varieties o tobacco or theller and the wrapper. Long l ler cigarsare a ar higher quality o cigar, usinglong leaves throughout. Tese cigarsalso use a third variety o tobacco lea,called a binder, between the ller andthe outer wrapper.Tis permits the mak-ers to use more delicate and attractiveleaves as a wrapper.Tese high-qualitycigars almost always blend varieties otobacco.Even Cuban long-ller cigarswill combine tobaccos rom diferentparts o the island to incorporate sev-eral diferent avors.In low-grade and machine-made cigars,chopped tobacco leaves are used or theller, and long leaves or a type o papermade rom tobacco pulp is used or thewrapper which binds the cigar together.Tis alters the burning characteristics othe cigar, causing hand-made cigars tobe sought-ater.Historically, a lector or reader was al-ways employed to entertain cigar ac-tory workers. Tis practice became obso-

    lete once audio books or portable musicplayers became available, but it is stillpracticed in some Cuban actories.Tename or the Montecristo cigar brandmay have arisen rom this practice.

    nO.3 MARCH - APRIL 33





  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    rupul Genting a deschis n urm cu ctevasptmni primul casino in Singapore. Las

    Vegas Sands a anunat data la care casino-urile i vor deschide porile pentru clieni.Sands a transmis un comunicat prin care

    anunt c prima etap a Marina Bay Sands va ncepe pe datade 27 Aprilie. Aceast dat ace ca proiectul s e gata naintede termenul cauzat de recesiunea economic .Spre sritul anului 2009 LVS a iniiat o oert public n

    Asia. Compania deinea destule lichiditi pentru a puteacontinua proiectul de casino-uri din Singapore , care usese

    n prima az oprit. Iniial Marina Bay se astepta s e primacompanie care deschide un casino n Singapore, dar ntr-zierea a cut ca, titlul s e preluat de ctre Resort WorldSentosa.

    La el ca i multe companii din Statele Unite care exploreazoptiunile la nivel internaional i Grupul Genting are n ve-dere Statele Unite ca o posibil extindere a sa. Nu s-au acutplanuri concrete, dar n timpul deschiderii a Resort World,ocialii Genting au cut aluzie c SUA ar putea o destinaieposibil.Prima az a proiectului Marina Bay va include un casino,unhotel de 963 de camere,un centru de conerin, un restau-rant i o parte a unui mall. Urmtoarea az va nceputntr-un viitor apropiat, dar prima az va mai mult dect deajuns pentru a perturba operaiunile Resort World Sentosa.

    Analitii cred c Marina Bay va avea o via mai bun dect ceape care o are Resort World. Cu toate acestea Grupul Gentingplanic s deschid un parc universal pentru a ajuta ResortWorld s e competitiv.

    LAS VEGASSands Marina Bay Casino In SingaporeTo Open April 27th


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 35

    A couple of weeks ago ,the rst casino ever in Singapore was opened by theGenting Group. Now, Las Vegas Sands has announced thedate when the other authorized casino will open its doorsto customers.

    Sands issued a statement on Wednesday an-nouncing that the rst stage o Marina Bay Sands will beopen on April 27th. Tat date makes the project ahead oschedule ater a long delay caused by the economic reces-sion.

    Late in 2009, LVS held an initial public oeringin Asia. Te companys Asian arm raised enough cash inthat oering to re-start the Singapore casino project thathad previously stalled. Originally, Marina Bay was ex-pected to be the rst casino opened in Singapore, but thedelay helped Resorts World Sentosa to grab that title.

    Much like many US gaming companies are ex-ploring options internationally, the Genting Group is con-templating a move to the US. No concrete plans have beenmade, but during the opening o Resorts World, Gentingocials alluded to the act that they had discussed the USas a possible destination.

    Te rst phase o the Marina Bay project will includethecasino, a 963 room hotel, a convention center, dining op-tions, and part o a shopping mall. Te next phase will

    be opened in the uture, but phase one should be morethan enough to disrupt the operations o Resorts WorldSentosa.

    Analysts believe that Marina Bay will are betterthat Resorts World. Te Genting Group, however, is stillplanning on opening a Universal theme park to help Re-sorts World compete.


    April 27th

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    ...a true gemDIAMONDS

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 37

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3








  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3





    NO.3 MARCH - APRIL 39

    Diamanteleau ost o surs de acinaie de secole.Sunt cele mai grele i strlucitoare pietrepreioase. Cuvntul diamant vine dincuvntul grecesc Adamas, nsemnnd denenvins.Diamantul este o bijuterie obinut dincarbon, unul dintre elementele terestrecele mai comune. Formarea diamante-lor a nceput oarte devreme n istoriaPmntului, prin condensarea materieisolide ntr-o ser cauzat de temperaturii presiuni extreme.Condiiile creeate de depozitele de car-

    bon au dus la cristalizarea lor n adn-cul pmntului. n timp ce supraaapmntului sa rcit, activitatea vulcanicorat de fuxurile de magn (roclichid) au scos la supraa aceste cris-tale de diamante. Mai trziu, diamantelepurttoare de roc clit, au ost trans-

    ormate n loni de transport de diaman-te numite conducte.

    Dar nu toate diamantele sunt gsite n ca-

    zul primei ieiri la supraa. Eroziunileulterioare ale straturilor terestre au duspeste milioane de ani la splarea unoradintre diamante i devrsarea acestora nruri i uneori ct mai departe de mare.Este oarte probabil c ele au ost desco-perite n alte domenii, departe de locaialor original.Structura atomic a unui diamant i dproprietatea de a cea mai grea substana

    cunoscuta de om, natural sau sintetic.Diamantul este de mii de ori mai greudect corindonul, substana din care ru-binele i sarele sunt ormate. Chiar idup muli ani de uzur constant, diam-antele si vor pstra marginile lor ascuitei colurile pe cnd cele mai multe pietrevor i uzate.Cu toate acestea, muli oameni se ateaptca un diamant s e indestructibil. Acestlucru nu este adevrat. Structura unuidiamant de cristal are la baz o structur

    dur i una moale. O lovitur de orsucienta, ntr-o direcie oarte exact,poate crapa, ciobi, diviza sau chiar dis-truge un diamant.

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3



    Diamondshave been a source of fascination for cen-turies. ey are the hardest, the mostimperishable, and the brill iant of all pre-cious stones. e word diamond comesfrom the Greek word adamas, meaningunconquerable.

    A diamond is a transparent gem made ofcarbon, one of the earths most commonelements. e formation of diamonds be-gan very early in the earths history, whenthe condensation of solid matter into asphere caused the centre of the planet tobecome subjected to incredible extremesof temperatures and pressure.It was these conditions that caused de-

    posits of carbon to begin to crystallisedeep in the earth. As the earths surfacecooled, volcanic activity forced streamsof magna ( liquid rock) to the surface, car-rying with it the diamond crystals. Later,the diamond-bearing rock hardened, en-casing the diamonds in vertical volcanicpipes.But not all diamonds are found where

    they first came to the surface. Subsequenterosion of the topsoils over millions ofyears washed some of the diamonds intostreams and rivers, and sometimes as faraway as the sea. It is highly probable that

    they were first discovered in areas such asthese, far away from their original loca-tion.e atomic structure of a diamond givesit the property of being the hardest sub-stance known to man, natural or syn-thetic. e diamond is thousands of timesharder than corundum, the next hardestsubstance from which rubies and sap-phires are formed. Even after many yearsof constant wear, diamonds will preservetheir sharp edges and corners when most

    other stones will have become worn andchipped.However, many people expect a diamondto be unbreakable. is is not true. Adiamonds crystal structure has hardand soft directions. A blow of suffi cientforce, in a very exact direction, can crack,chip, split or even shatter a diamond.

  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3


  • 8/8/2019 Revista Gambling Magazine nr.3















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