Revision of Form 4 Add Maths Chapter 1: 1. Relation a) Domain ={  b) Codomain = { c) Object = d) Image = e) Ra ng e = { imag e} = { 2. Type of relation (a) one to one (b) one to many (c) many to one (d) many to many 3. Function a) one to one * Inve rs e func tion one to one  b) many to one Remars: 1. x = object; f(x ) = image 2. is mapped to it!s self   f(x) =x 2. f "#$ %  x  x +2  & x + 2 0 3. ' x ( 3' % 1   x ( 3 % ) 1 4. *. fg "#$ + gf "#$ ,. f 2  "#$ % ff"#$ -. f 1  "#$ % y   f  "y$ % # /. ff -1  "#$ % # 0#ample 1 Given tat f:x  !"  x # $ !% find (a) image of "% (b) object of & (c)  x 'en x is maed to its sef (c) +,etc te gra f(  x) for - .  x . "/ 0ence% dertermine te range of codomain/ 4. Composition function   f g  a  b c d e  z  y  x

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Revision of Form 4 Add Maths

Chapter 1:

1. Relation

a) Domain ={ b) Codomain = {c) Object =d) Image =e) Range = {image} = {

2. Type of relation

(a) one to one (b) one to many

(c) many to one (d) many to many

3. Function

a) one to one * Inverse function one to one b) many to one


1. x = object; f(x) = image

2. is mapped to it!s self  f(x) =x 

2. f "#$ % x

 x+2 & x + 2 ≠ 0 

3. ' x ( 3' % 1   x ( 3 % ) 1


*. fg "#$ + gf "#$

,. f 2 "#$ % ff"#$

-. f 


 "#$ % y  f   "y$ % #

/. ff -1 "#$ % #

0#ample 1

Given tat f:x  !" x # $ !% find(a) image of "%(b) object of &(c)  x 'en x is maed to its sef (c) +,etc te gra f( x) for - .  x . "/ 0ence% dertermine te range

of codomain/

4. Composition function

   f g 







 z  y x

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1 y



0#ample 1

Given function f ( x) =  x  # " and function  g ( x) = ax 4  # b/ If tecomosite function gf is given by gf ( x) = 4 x 4 # 34 x 5 3"% finda) te vaues of a and b

 b) gf (6)

0#ample 2

Given te functions g : x → x + 6 and  fg : x → 4 x – "% find(a)  f(x)

) te vaue of 1 'en  gf(x) = 7/

8/ nverse Function

   f(x) = y  f --1(y) = x


Given  g   # 3 : x  x+5

1− x

  % x ≠p/ ;ind

(a) p (b) g (x)

Chapter 2

3/ ;ind te roots < +ove te euationa) factori>ation ( )( )=-

 b) ;ormua

1 = a



64 −±−


4/ ;orm euation < form ne' euation

0#ample 1

a) ;orm te uadratic euation 'ic as roots 2 6 and2


 b)Given tat te roots of uadratic euation ( )4

4 3 - x h x k − + =+

 are 2" and $/ ;ind (i) te vaue of h (ii) te vaue of k  /

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c) α   and ? are te roots of te euations 4 x 4 # x # 3 = -/

;ind a uadratic euation for root @ 4 and ? 4

4. 3 Types of roots

a) 4 rea and distinct<different roots/ 2 4ac  b) 4 rea and eua roots<t'o same roots/ 2 4ac %

  c) no rea root/ 2  4ac 5  0#ample

Ae uadratic euation ( 4 x # 7 )4  = ( p # 3-) x as t'o distinctroots/ ;ind te range of vaues of p.

+o' tat te straigt ine y = 4 # 1 does not meet te curve 414 # y4

5 , = - if //

Chapter 3 Function 6uadratic

3/ min < ma1 oints


It is given tat te uadratic function f(1) = 2 4 x 4 534 x 24B(a) rite te euation of te a1is of symmetry%(b) +tate te ma1imum < minimum vaue

  (c) s,etc te gra for domain -  x  7/

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Chapter 4

+imutaneous 9uations (sustitution  5 factorise to sove) 4 euation% 4 variabes2 2x + y = x2 + y = 52 find coordinate 4 intersection oint of 4 gra

Chapter *

78C09 A78 ;<ART=M

am # an % am(n am  an % amn

"am$n % amn

"$ o>rithm a?"1$ lo>a a % 1 "2$ lo>a 1 %

"3$ lo>a#y % lo>a# ( lo>ay "4$ lo>a y


 % lo>a# @ lo>ay

"*$ lo>a #n % n lo>a# ",$ lo>a  %







"-$ lo>a  %ab*og



(a) 615" 26154 = " (b) 4124 E "154 = B3

a) ;ind te vaue of x if log  " (4 x # 3) = 3 # log  " ( x # 4)

 b) +ove 7 --- (2

3) n  3 7-- for te argest ositive integer of n/

c) Given tat og U 

 P= 7 and og

 P= "/ ;ind te vaue of og F P 

 U /

Chapter ,

(a) Distance bet'een (13% y3) and H(14% y4)

H =4



34   )()(   y y x x   −+−

(b) id oint H%    




4343   y y x x

J 'ic divides H in te ratio m : n! : n

 " ( x # y )  $ ( x # y ) P1 1 2 2

J(1% y) =













!xnx 4343 %

(d) Kocus (using distance formua

 JH =4



3   )()(   y y x x   −+−

"e$ Area of poly>on

(f) 0uation of strai>ht line

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Diagram 6 so's te triange %"$ 'ere % is te origin/ Joint &ies on te straigt ine "$/

(a) Cacuate te area% in unit4% of triange %"$/(b) ;ind te euation of te erendicuar bisector of ine segment


(c) Given tat te engt $& is4

5 of te distance of oint $

from te erendicuar bisector of te ine segment "$% find tecoordinates of oint & /

(d) oint P moves suc tat its distance from oint  $ is a'ayst'ice its distance from oint & / ;ind te euation of te ocus of  P /


Given te straigt ines y + ax = "and 6 y + bx = 6 are erendicuar toeac oter/ 91ress a in terms of b/

Cater 8 9TAT9TC9

easurement of Centra Aendencyean


 x x  ∑=

 ;or ungroued data



 fx x

 ;or ungroued data 'it freuency/

∑∑=  f  

 fx x   i

 ;or groued data% 1i = mid2oint


Ae data in te centre 'en arranged in order (ascending or descending)/


= K 5& 


 ' n




K = Ko'er boundary of median cass/n = Aota freuency; = cumuative freuency before te median cass

f m = freuency of median cassC = cass interva si>eHy Ogive


n  2

 * + , i a n

& - ! - l a . i / + ' 0 + - + n c y

U p p + 0 b o - n , a 0  

(c) ode

Date 'it te igest freuencyHy 0istogram :

 ' 0 + - + n c y

& l a b o - n , a 0 y * o , +

easurement of Disersion

(a) Interuartie Range;ormua :

L3 =& 


 ' n 3








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L" =& 


 ' n 3






;>ive :


& - ! - l a . i / + f 0 + 1 - + n c y

U p p + 0 b o - n , a 0  441




 ( ( n


6 ( (  n

Interuartie range = L" # L3

(b) Mariance% +tandard DeviationMariance = (standard deviation)4






;or ungroued data




 x f  



;or groued data

c) range and interuartie range0#ample

Aabe 4 so's te number of story boo,s read by a grou of students in a certain scoo/

 Number of story boo,s read

- 3 4 "

 Number of students 8 & "  x

(a) +tate te argest ossibe vaue of  x given tat te mode is 3/(b) +tate te argest ossibe vaue of  x given tat te median is 3/(c) Cacuate te vaue of  x given tat te mean is 3/

Aabe 4 so's te mar,s scored by 3-- students in te dditionaatematics arc onty test/Mar  3-2










$ B 33 38 47 36 34 8

0ffects of uniform chan>es in data on

+k -k ×k    ÷k 

ean % edian% odeRange% Interuartie

+tandard deviationMarianceAe mean of a set of numbers% 8% 36% 37% a% 4a% 68 and 74% is 48/(a) ;ind te vaue of a and te standard deviation of te set of 

numbers/(b) If eac of te numbers in te set is divided by 4% find te

variance of te ne' set of numbers/

Chapter / Circular Measurement


a) Radian → Degree

θ r  = θ ×  π  


 b) Degree → Radian

θ o = θ ×  3B-


 radc) Kengt of arc s =r θd) Ae engt of te cord

e) rea of sector  K = 4


r 4θ = 4


rsf) rea of segment

K = 4


r 4(θ r  # sin θo)


Diagram 3- so's a suare "$&7 'it sides 7 cm in engt/ "P& is asector 'it its centre at $ and "$& is a semicirce/



Diagram 3


4 8

(a) Cacuate(i) te area of te segment "P& % 4 !a0kP(ii) te erimeter of te saded regions% 4 !a0kP(iii) te area of te saded regions% 4 !a0kP

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(b) Given tat $48 is a sector 'it an ange 9  at its centre% $ andte engt of te arc "P  is $ cm% find(i) te ange 9  in radians% 3 !a0k P(ii) te engt of te arc 48 if te area of "P48 is 34/$ cm4 

" !a0kP


8FF0R07TAT;73/ Differentiation by ;irst Jrincie

 x y





δ    -→=

(a)   ,x

(a) = - (b)   ,x

(1n) = n1n23

(c)   ,x

(a1n) = an1n23

(d) Differentiation of roduct


(uv) = u ,x


 5 v ,x


(e) Differentiation of Luotient







,    ,x,/

,x,- −




  (f) Differentiation of Comosite ;unction


(a15b)n = an(a15b)n23 4/ 9uation tangent at J  9uation norma at J

"/ +tationary oint < turning oint→  ,x,y

 = -Ma#imum point: Minimum point:



 = - and4




  -   ,x


 = - and4




 Q -

Rate of Chan>e y







9mall chan>es:


,y y   δ δ    /≈

  yne' = yinitia 5δy91:

(a) ;ind te euation of te norma to te curve" 44 y x x= −  at te

 oint (3% 23)/

(b) It is given tat te euation of a curve is4 $ y x x= − /

;ind(i) te turning oint of te curve/ " !a0kP

  (ii) te vaue of x if


4  B -

, y ,y y x

,x ,x+ + =

(c) Ae radius of a serica baoon is increasing at te rate of  x  cms23/ Given tat te rate of cange of te voume of te

 baoon is 47π   c!"   23 'en its radius is 7 cm/ ;ind te vaue

of x. "6

": 0 π =


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(d) If y = "14 5 71 5 4% find te sma cange in y 'en 1 cangefrom " to "/-4

Chapter 1

9olution Trian>lea) Ao find un,no'n sides

a) se Cosine Rue to find te un,no'n sides or anges of atriange


c)d) mbiguous case (mbiguous means aving more tan one



Ae diagram so's a triange ;<3%

a) Dra' and abe anoter triange ;3< suc tat ST U = 8cm% SK =

&/7 cm and ∠ 3;<  remains fi1ed at "7 o / b) Cacuate te obtuse ange of STK∠

c) ;ind TKT∠

Chapter 11 nde# 7umer

Diagram 37 so's te bar cart for te monty saes of five essentiaitems sod at a sundry so/ Aabe 37 so's teir rice in te year

4--- and 4--$% and te corresonding rice inde1 for te year 4--$ta,ing 4--- as te base year/

(a) ;ind te vaues of (i)  x% (ii) y% (iii) z / " !a0kP(b) ;ind te comosite rice inde1 for coo,ing oi% rice% sat% sugar and

four in te year 4--$ based on te year 4---/ 4 !a0kP

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(c) Ae tota monty sae for coo,ing oi% rice% sat% sugar and fourin te year 4--- is R 4 7--/ Cacuate te corresondingmonty sae for te same items in te year 4--$/ 4 !a0kP

(d) ;rom te year 4--$ to te year 4--8% te rice of te coo,ingoi% rice and sugar increased by 4V% 'ie te rice of bot sat

and four increased by 7 sen/ ;ind te comosite rice inde1 for ate five items in te year 4--8 ta,ing 4--$ as te base year/ "!a0kP