Revised Ftp

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  • 8/3/2019 Revised Ftp


  • 8/3/2019 Revised Ftp


    Policy inRetrospect


    Policy in Retrospect

    This being the annual updation of Foreign Trade Policy 2009 14

    (which was announced on 27th August, 2009) one cannot expect too

    many changes.

    The recession is said to be over and therefore additional fiscal

    support by way of incentives would be for those sectors only which

    are still lacking behind.

    Exports have increased compared to 2008 2009 and 2009 2010.

    But, the growth is moderate compared to earlier years, 2002 2007.

    The excise duties have been increased from 8% to 10% in the last

    Budget and the revenue receipts for the year 2010 2011 as

    presented in the Union Budget 2011, read as under

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    Revenue Receipt(Rs. in Crore)

    534094465103474218Net Tax Revenue

    208997164832164361Less States' Share

    356031602500Less - NCCD transferred to theNational Calamity Contingency Fund

    / National Disaster response fund

    165116101602Taxes of the Union Territories

    680005800065000Service Tax

    132000102000106477Union Excise Duties


    603511425Other taxes and Duties

    128066131421112850Income tax

    301331255076256725Corporation tax

    746651633095641079Gross Tax Revenue

    1. Tax Revenue









    Revenue Foregone in financial years 2008-09 and

    2009-10(Rs. in crore)

    79.54%50229968.59%414099Grand Total

    6.01%379707.36%44417Less Export credit related


    39.43%24902137.39%225752Customs duty

    27.04%17076521.25%128293Excise Duty

    6.48%409296.22%37570Personal Income-tax

    12.60%7955411.08%66901Corporate Income-tax



    as a per

    cent of




    in 2009-10



    in 2009-




    as a per

    cent of




    in 2008-09



    in 2008-09

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    Not es: Aggregate Tax Collection refers to the aggregate of net direct

    and indirect tax collected by the Central Government.

    The figure of Aggregate Tax collection for 2008-09 is at actuals

    and that for 200910 is based on revised estimates.

    To conclude, the amount of revenue foregone continues toincrease year after year. As a percentage of aggregate tax

    collection, revenue foregone remains high and shows an increasing

    trend as far as Corporate Income-tax is considered for the financial

    year 2008-09. In case of indirect taxes the trend shows a significant

    increase for the financial year 2009-10 due to reduction in customs

    and excise duties. Therefore, to reverse this trend expansion in thetax base is called for.


    Revenue Foregone on Account of Export Promotion

    Concessions(Rs. in crore)

    38862059Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana


    2651220Target Plus Scheme9

    206418Duty Free Entitlement Credit Certificate8

    16461268Duty Free Import Authorization Scheme7



    88067092DEPB Scheme4



    1068212389Advance License Scheme1



    Name of the SchemeSr.No.

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    Revenue Foregone on Account of Export Promotion

    Concessions (Rs. in crore)


    Revenue Foregone on account of input

    tax neutralization or exemption schemes

    to be reduced from Gross Revenue

    Foregone on account of Customs Duty



    Less Revenue Foregone on account of

    incentive schemes mentioned at sl. nos. 8

    to 12



    769408Focus Market Scheme12

    526531Served from India Scheme11




    (Provisional)Name of the Scheme





    These aforesaid estimates of revenue foregone do not include revenue

    foregone on account of adhoc exemption orders issued under section 25

    (2)* of Customs Act, 1962, that relates to circumstances of an

    exceptional nature.

    *Section 25 (2) reads as under:

    If the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary in the public

    interest so to do, it may, by special order in each case, exempt from

    the payment of duty, under circumstances of an exceptional nature to

    be stated in such order, any goods on which duty is leviable.

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    Revenue & Exports


    0.1080.031265Target Plus Scheme9

    0.0840.024206DFCE Certificate80.6730.1951646DFIA Scheme7



    3.6021.0428806DEPB Scheme4



    4.3691.26310682Advance License



    % of indirect tax


    [Cus.+ C.Ex.+

    Service Tax=



    % of total





    Revenue forgone

    amount for the

    year 2009-10


    [In Rs. Crore]

    Name of the SchemeS.



    15.5314.49137970Revenue Foregone on account of

    input tax neutralization or

    exemption schemes to be reduced

    from Gross Revenue Foregone on

    account of Customs Duty


    2.3120.6685652Less Revenue Foregone on account

    of incentive schemes mentioned at

    sl. nos. 8 to 12



    0.3150.091769Focus Market Scheme12

    0.2150.062526Served from India Scheme11

    To conclude:

    The provisions made by finance ministry for release of funds towards export

    promotion would ultimately decide the future of all promotional schemes.

    Hence, one should not expect too much on actual incentives.

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    Export Promotion Schemes for

    import/procurement of Inputs



    Neutralisation /



    by way of DutyCredit

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    Adv. Autho.

    Import DomesticProcurement

    All Import dutiesincluding Anti-

    dumping duty andsafeguard duty are


    Excise Duty isexempted and

    domesticmanufacturergets Deemed

    Exports benefits


    Basic Customs

    Duty exempted

    [CVD is payable,

    however,importer can get

    Cenvat Credit]

    Duty Exemption





    If CenvatCredit

    is availed

    If CenvatCredit

    is not availed

    Drawback islimited to

    customs duty


    Drawback is

    available for

    Customs +

    Excise dutiespaid

    Duty Neutralisation / Remission

    Exemption and Neutralisation / Remission

    are mutually exclusive


    Neutralisation of BCD

    on inputs as perSION. It can be

    debited for payment

    of any Customs Dutyon permissible


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    from India




    Krishi and

    Gram Udyog







    Duty Credit

    Scrip of 10%

    Duty Credit

    Scrip of 5%

    Duty Credit

    Scrip of 3%

    Focus Product

    Scheme [FPS]/

    Market Linked

    Focus Products

    Scrips [MLFPS]

    Duty Credit

    Scrip of 2%

    Rewards/Incentive Schemes

    administered by DGFT

    Duty credit scrips are Transferable, they can besold and premium can be earned [except SFIS]


    Schemes specifically for

    import/procurement of Capital Goods



    Status Holder



    Zero DutyEPCG





    3% EPCGScheme

    for all


    Works as

    zero duty.

    Applicableonly for status

    holders of



    Zero duty

    for EOU/


    STP/BTP units

  • 8/3/2019 Revised Ftp


    Issues listed byTask Force with

    respect to FTP


    EDI system should be developed for issuance of ARO /

    Invalidation under Advance/EPCG Licenses

    Status of redemption of licenses should be available on

    DGFT server

    Message exchange with Customs should be implementedfor other variants of Advance License i.e. Annual

    Advance License and DFIA

    Message exchange with Customs should be implemented

    for Chapter 3 FTP schemes

    Offline software facility should be provided for filingapplications on DGFT server

    Online application facility should be provided for status

    holder certification

    EDI and other IT-related issues with DGFT should be



    Application fee for export promotion-related licenses

    (e.g., DEPB, Advance Authorization, EPCG) should not

    be charged on ad-valorem basis



    implemented ()or pending ()

    Issues listed by Task ForceSr.


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    Import of spares should be permitted without restriction,

    with a corresponding export obligation


    Requirement of submission of hard copies of DEPB EDI

    shipping bills should be done away with


    Priority treatment should be given to Status Holders while

    processing applications in DGFT and Customs


    Requirement of separate Legal Undertakings for each

    license and each organization may be should be done away



    Requirement of submission of export order for issue of

    export license may be done away with


    Requirement of submission of Proforma Invoice for issue of

    import license for restricted items may be done away with


    Adhoc norms should apply to all cases for the same exportproduct upto one year in retrospect4.

    Requirement of submission of Chartered EngineerCertificate with Para 4.7 applications may be removed



    SION for fashion related goods need to be revised at regular intervals

    and self-certification should be allowed for para 4.7 cases


    The norms for calculating average export obligation value under

    EPCG scheme need to be revised


    An annual EPCG license scheme should be devised, specially for theservice sector


    Requirement of submission of Chartered Engineer Certificate for

    issuance of EPCG licenses may be removed


    Passport copy of the applicant should be accepted for issuance of IEC16.

    The monthly exchange rate notified by Customs may be allowed to

    be used for converting shipping bills into FFE, in the EPCG scheme


    Duplicate verification of documents by Customs after redemption of

    licenses to be done away with


    Time taken for redemption of Advance Authorization / EPCG licenses

    should be reduced through better monitoring and self-certification


    MDA assistance should be company-specific and not individual-



    Time for submission of installation certificate by EPCG holders

    should be relaxed in case of delays by Central Excise


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    Suggest ions by Sudhakar Kast ure as amember of Task Force

    DEPB Rate Schedule to be aligned to ITC HS

    Classification for Export & Import Items


    Simplification of Invalidation of Authorisations

    Invalidation process should be made simpler. Instead

    of issuing ARO etc., a simple endorsement should be

    done on the body of authorization.


    Para 3.12.8 of FTP: Procurement from Domestic

    Sources - Local procurement is allowed under the

    Served from India Scheme [SFIS]. It was recommended

    to extend such facility for other Duty Credit Scrips

    viz. FMS, FPS and VKGUY as well.


    DEPB application should be modified to include

    FMS/FPS percentage also. Fees for DEPB to be




    Clubbing of Advance Authorisation:

    As per Para 4.1.3 of FTP there are no separate categories for

    Advance Authorisation any more.

    However, operationally, RAs treat Advance Authorisations issued

    for intermediate supply and Deemed Exports separately and this

    leads to unnecessary trouble and confusion.

    Even in guidelines for applicants given in the application format

    for clubbing, ANF 4D, prescribes that clubbing of Advance

    Authorisation and Annual Advance Authorisation is not

    permitted. This seems to be anomaly, as the basic provisions of

    Clubbing [Para 4.20 of HBPv1] do not contain such provision.

    It was therefore recommended that -

    A clause should be included in clubbing provisions as well as

    Export obligation provisions that Export or Deemed Export will

    qualify for discharge of export obligation against any

    authorisation howsoever, issued subject to time limit of 36

    months for exports, and 30 months for imports.

    Also the condition mentioned in ANF 4D for clubbing of Advance

    Authorisation and Annual Advance Authorisation should be



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    Para by Para Studyof Foreign Trade

    Policy &


    Chapter 1B-FTP

    Special Focus


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    PARA 1B.1 - Special Focus

    (ii) Technological Upgradation:

    At the end of sub-point (a) following sentence is added, which is as


    This scheme is being expanded to cover more export product groups

    including marine products, sports goods, toys, rubber & rubber products,

    additional chemicals / allied products and additional engineering

    products. The scheme is also being extended upto 31.3.2012.


    Addit ion of more products.

    New point at is added, which is as under;

    (c) The facility of EPCG Scheme for Annual Requirement is beingintroduced to reduce documentation and transaction time.


    Good pr ovision.


    (iii) Support to status holders

    In the para, Bold sentence is added.

    The Government recognized Status Holders contribute approx.

    60% of Indias goods exports. To incentivise and encourage the

    status holders, as well as to encourage Technological upgradation of

    export production, additional duty credit scrip @ 1% of the FOB

    value of past export shall be granted for specified product groups

    including leather, specific sub-sectors in engineering, textiles,

    plastics, handicrafts and jute. This duty credit scrip can be used for

    import of capital goods by these status holders. The imported

    capital goods shall be subject to actual user condition. The status

    holder incentive scrip scheme is being expanded to cover more

    export product groups including marine products, sports goods,

    toys, specified chemicals and allied products and additionalengineering products. The scheme is also being extended upto


    Remarks:Welcome provi sion.

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    (iv) Agriculture and Village Industry

    Sub-point (f) of Agriculture and Village Industry is

    substituted as under:

    Substituted point (f) Additional flexibility for agri-infra scrip by way oflimited transferability to other status holders and theunits in Food Parks allowed.

    Old point (f) Certain specified flowers, fruits & vegetables areentitled to a special duty credit scrip, in addition to thenormal benefit under VKGUY.

    Remarks:Transferabil it y expanded t o Food Park unit s.


    (v) Handlooms

    Following new sub point is added(a) 2% bonus benefits under focus product scheme.

    Bold sentence is added(c) Duty free import entitlement of specifiedtrimmings and embellishments is 5% of FOB value ofexports during previous financial year. Handloommade-ups have also been included for theentitlement.

    (vi) Handicrafts

    New sub point (h) is added, which is as under:

    (h) In addition to above, 2% bonus benefits underFocus Product Scheme for Handicraft exports.

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    (vii) Gems & Jewellery

    Bold words are added in sub point (b) under Sector (vii)

    Gems & Jewellery, which reads as under:

    (b) Duty Free Import Entitlement (based on FOB value

    of exports during previous financial year) of

    Consumables, Tools and additional items allowed for:

    1. Jewellery made out of:

    (a) Precious metals (other than Gold & Platinum) 2%

    (b) Gold and Platinum 1%

    (c ) Rhodium finished Silver 3%

    2 . Cut and Polished Diamonds 1%


    (viii) Leather and FootwearFollowing two new sub points are added

    (a) Additional 2% bonus benefits under Focus Product Scheme.

    (b) Finished Leather exports to be incentivized under FocusProduct Scheme.

    Underlined words are replaced by bold words in sub para (i)

    Re-export of unsold hides, skins and semi finished leather shall beallowed from Public Bonded warehouse (OLD- at 50% of theapplicable export duty) without payment of export duty.

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    (ix) Marine Products

    Sub point (e) is amended as under:New Para (e) Marine products are incentivized at special higher rate underVKGUY scheme.

    Old Para (e) Marine products are considered for VKGUY Scheme.

    Following new sub point (f) is added:(f) Marine sector included for benefits under zero duty EPCGscheme.

    (x) Electronics and IT Hardware Manufacturing IndustriesTwo new sub points are added

    (a) Export of electronic goods to be incentivized under FocusProduct Scheme.

    (d) Electronics Sector included for benefits under SHIS scheme.


    (xi) Sports Goods and Toys

    Two new sub points are added

    (e) In addition to above, 2% bonus benefits under

    Focus Product Scheme for Sports Goods & Toys.

    (f) Sports goods & Toys included for benefits under zero

    duty EPCG and SHIS schemes.

    General Remarks for point nos. (v), (vi), (vii), (viii),(ix ), (x) and (xi):Addit ional benefi t s are granted for vari ous sectors.

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    Chapter 1-HBPIntroduction


    PARA 1.1 Notification

    Underlined words are replaced by bold words

    In pursuance of the provisions of paragraph 2.4 of FTP,the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) herebynotifies the compilations known as HBPv1, HBPv2 andSchedule of DEPB rates. These compilations, as amendedfrom time to time, shall remain in force until 31stMarch, 2014, except DEPB scheme, which shall continueto be operative till 31st, December 2010 or till a

    replacement scheme is announced, whichever is earlier30th June, 2011.

    Remarks:DEPB scheme ext ended upt o 30t hJune, 2011.

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    Chapter 2-HBPGeneral Provisions

    Regarding Imports

    and Exports


    PARA 2.49 Application for Grant of Export Licence/ Certificate /


    In the first sentence of para mentioned after Point NO. IV ofprocedure/guidelines for filing/evaluation of applications forentering into an arrangement or understanding for site visits, on-siteverification and access to records /documentation - words forexport of any other item which is not restricted or prohibited forexport are substituted by words for export of items not coveredunder Drugs &Cosmetics Act, 1940, which have usage inhospitals, nursing homes and clinics, for medical and surgicalpurposes and are not prohibited for export..

    Substituted words for export of items not covered under Drugs &Cosmetics Act, 1940, which have usage in hospitals, nursing homes

    and clinics, for medical and surgical purposes and are not prohibitedfor export were appearing in the FTP earlier, which were replacedby PN No. 64 Dtd. 18.05.2010 and now are reintroduced.

    Remarks:Reintroduction of earlier provision.

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    PARA 2.70.6 - New EDI Initiatives Deleted

    Deleted para reads as under:To further improve quality of services some new EDI

    initiatives are being taken by DGFT:

    Electronic Message Exchange between Customs and

    DGFT in respect of incentive schemes under Chapter 3

    will become operational by 31st December, 2009.

    Remarks:In pract ice, Cust oms demand cert i f icate ofgenuineness from DGFT, which defeats the purpose of

    EDI init iat ives otherwise also.

    Chapter 3-FTP



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    PARA 3.12.6- Imports Allowed

    Second sub-para of para 3.12.6 amended, which reads as under:

    Utilization of Duty Credit scrip earned shall be permitted for

    payment of duty in case of import of only those vehicles, which are

    in the nature of professional equipment to the service provider.

    Old para

    Utilization of Duty Credit scrip earned shall not be permitted for

    payment of duty in case of import of vehicles, even if such vehicles

    are freely importable under ITC (HS).


    These would be vehicles similar to golf carts, battery operatedvehicles used to carr y equipments in studios et c. (mainly of f t heroad vehicles)


    PARA 3.13.4 - Agri. Infrastructure

    Incentive Scrip

    i) In the first para, Para no. 3.7.2 of HBPv1 is replaced by Para no.3.4 of HBPv1.

    Remarks:Para 3.4 of HBPv1 deals with refusal/suspension/ cancellationof stat us cert if icate and Para 3.7.2 of HBPv1 is relat ing to Agri .Inf rast ructure Incent ive Scrip .This is an error, wil l be correct ed subsequent ly.

    ii) In last sub-para of para 3.13.4 following bold words are added:However, for import of Cold Chain Equipment, this Incentive Scrip

    shall be freely transferable amongst Status Holders as well as toUnits (the term Units shall not include Developers) in the FoodParks.

    Remarks:Limited additional transferability provided.

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    PARA 3.15.2- Entitlement

    [Focus Product Scheme (FPS)]

    Following sub-para is added at the end of para 3.15.2

    New sub-para:

    Further, Focus Product(s) / sector(s) that are notifiedunder Table 7 of Appendix 37D shall be grantedadditional Duty Credit Scrip equivalent to 2% of FOBvalue of exports (in free foreign exchange) over andabove the existing rate for that product / sector fromthe admissible date of export / period specified in thepublic notice issued to notify the product / sector.



    PARA 3.16.1- (Status Holders Incentive Scrip)

    Bold words in first para are added:

    With an objective to promote investment inupgradation of technology of some specified sectors aslisted in Para 3.16.4 below, Status Holders shall beentitled to incentive scrip @1% of FOB value of exportsmade during 2009-10, 2010-11 and during 2011-12, ofthese specified sectors, in the form of duty credit.

    New sub-para added:

    The Status Holders of the additional sectors listed inthe Para 3.10.8 of HBPv1 2009-14 (RE-2010) shall beeligible for this Status Holders Incentive Scrip on exportsmade during 2010-11 and 2011-12.

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    PARA 3.16.1- (Status Holders Incentive Scrip)


    St at us holder i ncent ive scri p is fur t her extended for

    one more year f or 2011 2012 export s.

    The benefi t s of t he scheme have been ext ended t oaddit ional sect ors such as Chemical & All ied products,paper, paperboard and articles thereof, ceramicproducts, re-fractories, glass & glassware, rubber &articles thereof, plywood and allied products,

    electronics product s, sport s goods and toys and

    addit ional engineer ing product s . Such addit ionalsectors shall be entitled for the benefit only on exportsmade duri ng 2010-11 and 2011-12.


    PARA 3.16.4

    Following sub-para added at the end of para 3.16.4:

    The Status Holders of the additional sectors listed in

    the Para 3.10.8 of HBPv1 2009-14 (RE-2010) shall be

    eligible for this Status Holders Incentive Scrip on exports

    made during 2010-11 and 2011-12.

    Remarks:The additional sectors shall now enjoy the benefit ofSt at us Holders Incent ive Scri p.

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    Chapter 3-HBPPromotional



    PARA 3.7.2 (VKGUY)

    Third para of Para 3.7.2 of HBPv1 is amended, which reads as


    Applications received after the last date shall be summarily

    rejected, as Para 9.2 [OLD- Para 9.3] and Para 9.3 [OLD-Para 9.4]

    shall not be applicable.

    Remarks:Para 9.3 of HBPv1 is related to imposition of late cut, Para 9.4of HBPv1 is relat ed to supplementar y clai ms.

    Here also t here is an err or, as Para 9.2 of HBPv1 is aboutDenomination of Import Authorisation / Licence / Certificate /Permissions.

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    PARA 3.10 - Procedure for Status

    Holders Incentive Scrip

    Para 3.10.3 amended to read as under:

    Amended Para:

    The last date of filing the application shall be 31st March

    2011/2012/2013 for SHIS scheme for exports made during 2009-

    10/2010-11/2011-12 respectively.

    Further, in view of fourth sub-para of Para 5.1A of HBPv1:

    a) Para 9.3 of HBPv1 shall not be applicable for SHIS Scheme in

    cases where the SHIS application (say for exports made during

    2009-10) has been filed after the prescribed date (i.e. after

    31st March 2011) and Zero Duty EPCG Authorisation has beenissued to the applicant by any RA during the year 2010-11 (from

    1.4.2010 till 31.3.2011).


    b) Similarly for SHIS Applications for exports made during 2010-11

    & 2011-12 filed late (i.e. after the prescribed dates of 31stMarch 2012/2013 respectively), Para 9.3 shall not be applicablein cases where Zero Duty EPCG Authorisation has been issued tothe applicant by any RA during the year 2011-12 (from 1.4.2011till 31.3.2012) or 2012-13 (from 1.4.2012 till 31.3.2013) as thecase may be.

    c) In case SHIS Application is filed within the prescribed date(for exports made during 2009-10/2010-11/2011-12 as thecase may be, including any supplementary claim under Para9.4 of HBPv1) and where Zero Duty EPCG Authorisation hasbeen issued to the applicant by any RA during the relevantyear (i.e. during 2010-11/2011-12/2012-13 respectively, asthe case may be), SHIS application shall be summarily

    rejected in view of fourth sub-para of Para 5.1A of HBPv1.

    Old para 3.10.3:The last date of filing the application shall be 31st March 2011 forSHIS Application on exports made during 2009-10 (and 31st March2012 for SHIS Application on exports made during 2010-11).

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    Date of filing of application would be within one yearof t he year of export s eff ect ed.

    Duty credit scrip appli cati ons shall not be considered:

    In case, it is filed beyond prescribed last date of

    application. In case, Zero Dut y EPCG Scheme is avai led in t he

    par t icular peri od i .e. 201011, 201112 & 201213.

    Provision of late cut is not applicable, which please

    not e.


    PARA 3.10.8 New para added

    The following additional sectors shall be eligible for

    Status Holders Incentive Scrip on exports made during

    2010-11 and 2011-12:


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    Various codes(xi)Misc. Products (Codes 3201, 32029010, 32030010, 3604,

    3605, & 38021000)

    Various codes(x) Graphite Products (Codes 3801, 85451100 and 85451900) &

    Explosives (Codes 3601, 3602 and 3603)

    Codes 05061039 and


    (ix) Ossein & Gelatine

    Various codes(viii) Animal By-products (Codes 35030030, 05069099,

    05079010, 05079020, 05079050, 23011010, 23011090,

    96062910 and 96063010)

    Chapter 49(vii) Books, Publications & Printings

    Chapter 48(vi) Paper, Paper Boards & Paper products

    Chapter 69(v) Ceramics / refractories

    Chapter 44(iv) Plywood and allied products

    Chapter 70(iii) Glass and glassware

    3208, 3209, 3210(ii) Paints, Varnishes & Allied Products

    4001 to 4010,

    4014 to 4017(i) Rubber products,

    Chemical & Allied Products (other than Bulk minerals,

    Granite/Stones, Processed minerals, Cement, Clinkers and



    ITC(HS)Products / Product GroupsSl.




    (iii) Ferro Alloys

    (ii) Pipes and tubes

    (i) Iron and Steel

    Chapter 72Engineering products for the three groups

    indicated below4

    Chapter 95 and Codes

    420321, 650610

    Sports Goods and Toys3

    Electronics Products2

    Remarks:SHIS is now ext ended t o above ment ioned addi t ional sectors.

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    PARA 3.11 - Common procedural features for

    promotional schemes, applicable to all schemes in

    this chapter, unless specifically provided for:

    PARA 3.11.8 - Declaration of Intent on Free Shipping Bills

    Bold paras are reintroduced which were deleted and replaced videPN.82 dtd.16.07.2010 and other paras are newly introduced:

    For export shipments filed under Free Shipping Bill category,for exports of products / to markets eligible under Chapter 3 ofFTP (Appendix 37A, 37C, 37D), the exporter shall state theintention to claim benefits under Chapter 3 of FTP by declaringon the Free Shipping Bills as under:

    I/We, hereby, declare that I/We shall claim the benefits, asadmissible, under Chapter 3 of FTP.

    This declaration shall not be required for export shipments underany of the schemes of Chapter 4 (including drawback) or Chapter5 of FTP.



    Further for products, markets notified during the year, this

    declaration shall be necessary for exports under Free ShippingBills, only after a grace period of one month from the date ofrelevant public notice.

    Moreover for exports made prior to date of notification ofproducts / markets, such a declaration will not be required, sinceexport shipments under Free Shipping Bills have already takenplace.

    Newly i ntr oduced paras are :

    For exports made w.e.f 1st January 2011, the above Paragraph shallbe replaced as under:

    For products/markets listed in Appendix 37A, 37C, 37D that areeligible for benefit under Chapter 3 of FTP, exporters shall declaretheir intention to claim benefit by stating in all categories ofShipping Bills as under:

    I/We, hereby, declare that I/We shall claim the benefits, asadmissible, under Chapter 3 of FTP.


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    This declaration shall also be required on export shipments under

    any of the Schemes of Chapter 4 or Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 of FTP aswell as on Bills of Exports filed for Supply to SEZ. No claim under

    Chapter 3 shall be admissible without this declaration. However,

    Schemes names are not required to be mentioned in the declaration

    of intent.

    Further, for products / markets notified during the year, the

    declaration of intent shall be necessary for exports under all

    categories of Shipping Bills only after a grace period of one month

    from the date of relevant Public Notice which notifies such product

    / market. For exports made prior to date of notification (i.e. the

    date of the relevant Public Notice which notified such product /

    market), such a declaration will not be required since export

    shipments have already taken place.

    Remarks: Procedural clari f icat ion.

    Chapter 4-FTP

    Duty Exemption &

    Remission Schemes

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    PARA 4.1.10- Advance Authorisation

    for Annual Requirement

    Sentence in bold is added in first sub para. Remaining

    sub paras remain unchanged.

    Advance authorisation can also be issued for annual

    requirement. Imports are exempted from payment of

    basic customs duty, additional customs duty,

    education cess, antidumping duty and safeguard duty,

    if any.


    This is just compliance, which was otherwise due;since goods impor t ed are not meant for domest icconsumpt ion.



    PARA 4A.1.1

    Word in bold is deleted from the sentence

    Replenishment authorisation may also be issued for

    consumables & tools as per paragraph 4A.28 of HBP v1.


    Tools are not input s and hence this delet ion.

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    Chapter 4-HBPDuty Exemption &

    Remission Schemes


    PARA 4.7.1 - Entitlement

    i) Words in bold are added in the second sub para

    However, in cases where NC has already ratified norms

    for same export and import products in respect of an

    authorization obtained under paragraph 4.7, such norms

    shall be valid for a period of one year, both with

    retrospectively as well as prospectively, reckoned from

    the date of ratification.


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    PARA 4.7.1 - Entitlement

    ii) Sentence in bold is added at the end of third sub para

    In such cases Authorisations shall be issued by RA concerned under

    "Adhoc Norms Fixed" category and application copies need not be

    forwarded to NC for fixation / ratification of norms. Where the

    application has already been forwarded before the ratification of

    Norms, the RA shall finalise the case as per the norms

    subsequently ratified by NC in a similar case.

    Remarks:This would solve the problems of pending cases for redemption

    purposes, pr ovided the provision is implemented in tr ue spir it .


    PARA 4.20 - Facility of Clubbing

    Sentence in bold is added at the end of the para

    Facility of clubbing shall be available only for redemption/regularisation of cases and no further import or export shall beallowed. For this facility, authorisations are required to havebeen issued under similar Customs notification even pertainingto different financial years. However in case of Authorisationsissued in 2004-09 period and thereafter, Advance Authorisationswith different customs notification can be clubbed. Advanceauthorisation for annual requirement can also be clubbedwith the advance authorisation.

    Remarks:Long overdue amendment f inall y approved.

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    PARA 4.21 - Enhancement/ Reduction in the value ofAuthorisation

    Bold words are deleted, in the first sentence of this para

    In respect of an Advance Authorisation, RA concerned (as

    per their financial powers) may consider a request for

    Remarks:Al l enhancement / reduct ion t o be carr ied out byregional authority, only procedural simplification.


    GEMS AND JEWELLERYPARA 4A.28 - Replenishment Authorisation for Import ofConsumables etc.

    Words in bold are added in the first sub para

    A replenishment authorization for duty free import ofConsumables, Tools and other items namely, Tags and labels,Security censor on card, Staple wire, Poly bag (as notified byCustoms) for Jewellery made out of precious metals (other thanGold & Platinum) equal to 2% and for Cut and Polished Diamondsand Jewellery made out of Gold and Platinum equal to 1% of FOBvalue of exports of the preceding year, may be issued on productionof Chartered Accountant Certificate indicating the exportperformance. However, in case of Rhodium finished Silverjewellery, entitlement will be 3% of FOB value of exports of suchjewellery. This Authorisation shall be non- transferable and subjectto actual user condition.

    Remarks:Good Provision

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    Chapter 5-FTPExport Promotion

    Capital Goods



    PARA 5.1 Zero duty EPCG Scheme

    i) The additional products are added in second sub para.

    The added products are marked in bold.

    The scheme will be available for exporters of

    engineering & electronic products, basic chemicals &

    pharmaceuticals, apparels & textiles, plastics,

    handicrafts, chemicals & allied products, leather &

    leather products, paper & paperboard and articles

    thereof, ceramic products, refractories, glass &glassware, rubber & articles thereof, plywood and

    allied products, marine products, sports goods and

    toys subject to exclusions as provided in HBP Vol. I.


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    ii) In third sub para, the operational period of Zero duty

    EPCG Scheme is extended for the further period of one

    year. The old and new sentence is as under:

    Old sentence of third sub para:

    The zero duty EPCG scheme will be in operation till


    New sentence of third sub para:

    The zero duty EPCG scheme will be in operation till


    Remarks:Zero Dut y EPCG scheme has been ext ended by onemore year till 31.03.2012.


    PARA 5.2D EPCG Authorization for Annual


    New para added, which reads as under:

    EPCG Authorization can also be issued for annual

    requirement to Status Certificate Holders and all other

    categories of exporters having past export performance

    (in preceding two years), both under zero duty and 3%

    duty Schemes. The annual entitlement in terms of duty

    saved amount shall be upto 50% of FOB value of Physical

    Export and / or FOR value of Deemed Export, inpreceding licensing year.

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    PARA 5.2D EPCG Authorization for Annual


    Remarks: Good provision.

    Export er shall now have the flexi bili t y t o get a high valueEPCG authorisation by filing application on Annual basis,inst ead of mult iple i ndivi dual appli cat ions.

    It wi ll reduce paper work against fi ling of mult ipleapplications and monitoring thereof.

    It wi ll also reduce t ransact ion t ime and cost .

    It is appli cable only t o t he St atus Holder AND othercategories of exporters having export in atleast precedingtwo years.

    The upper li mit of dut y saved amount f or t he purpose ofEPCG authori sati on is li mit ed to 50% of preceding year sexports.

    Chapter 5-HBP

    Export Promotion

    Capital Goods


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    PARA 5.1A Exclusions under Zero

    Duty EPCG Scheme

    Second and third sub paras are amended. The amended

    paras are as under:

    Chapters 1, 2, 4 to 24, 25 to 27, 31, 43, 44 (except

    plywood and allied products), 45, 47, 68, 71, 81 (metals

    in primary and intermediate forms only), 89, 93, 97, 98.

    ITC(HS) 4011 to 4013, ITC(HS) 7401 to 7406, 7501 to

    7504, 7601 to 7603, 7801,7802, 7901 to 7903, 8001, 8002

    and 8401. However, zero duty EPCG Scheme will be

    available for handicraft exports under Chapters 5, 68,97.



    Benef it of t he scheme is expanded to cover paper & paperboard andarticles thereof, ceramic products, refractories, glass & glassware,rubber & art icles t hereof, plywood and alli ed product s, mari ne

    product s, sport s goods and t oys and addit ional engineeringproducts.

    Since t here is addi t ion and delet ion i n Chapt ers and ITC (HS) codes,

    it is necessary t o check t he exclusion li st carefull y before availi ng ofZero Duty EPCG Scheme. (The l ist is given below)

    44Chapt er deleted f rom Zero EPCG

    Scheme for Handicraft Export s

    7201 to 7212, 7218 to 7220, 7224

    to 7226

    ITC (HS) delet ed f rom exclusion


    4011 to 4013,ITC (HS) added under exclusion


    3, 40, 44 (except plywood andalli ed products), 48, 49, 69, 70

    Chapt ers delet ed f rom exclusionlist

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    PARA 5.2A EPCG Authorisation for

    Annual Requirement

    New para added, which reads as under:

    The Authorization for Annual Requirement will be issued subjectto the following conditions in addition to other terms andconditions governing the EPCG scheme:-

    Authorizations shall be issued with a specific duty saved amountand corresponding export obligation. The applicant would berequired to indicate export products proposed to be exportedunder the authorization.

    The authorization holder shall also be required to submit a NexusCertificate from an independent Chartered Engineer (CEC) inAppendix 32A, to the Customs authorities at the time of clearance

    of imported capital goods. A copy of the CEC shall be submitted tothe concerned Regional Authority along with copy of the bill ofentry, within 30 days from the date of import of the CapitalGoods.



    Remarks: Procedural simpli f icat ion.

    Now EPCG authori sati on for annual requirement can begrant ed upto 50% (dut y saved value) on FOB value of pr ecedingyears export s.

    Detai ls of products proposed t o be export ed should be givenwhile f il i ng initi al applicat ion.

    Nexus certificate as per prescribed format is to be submittedat t he time of physical i mport , at Cust oms aut hori t y i nst ead atinitial stage of application with concerned RA. Thereafter,copy of the same should be submitted to RA along with Bill ofEntr y, wit hin 30 days of import . In other words, nexus will bemonit ored by Cust oms inst ead of Regional Authori t y.

    This provi sion would be very useful t o lar ge companies whereall details of imports are not finalised in advance. It willreduce the application fees substantially.

    Very welcome provision.

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    Chapter 8-HBPDeemed Exports


    PARA 8.3.1 Procedure for claiming Deemed Exports

    Drawback & Terminal Excise Duty Refund / Exemption

    First point of the para is substituted as under

    Words in bold are added

    An application in ANF 8 along with prescribed documents, shall bemade by Registered office or Head office or a branch office ormanufacturing unit ofsupplier to RA concerned. Where applicantis branch office or manufacturing unit of a supplier, it shallfurnish self certified copy of valid RCMC. Recipient may also claimbenefits on production of a suitable disclaimer from supplier in theformat given in Annexure III of ANF 8 along with a self declaration

    in the format given in Annexure II of ANF 8 regarding non-availmentof CENVAT credit in addition to prescribed documents.

    Remarks:Good procedural simpli f icat ion.

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    There are no practical changes made in the following chapters:

    Chapter 1C-FTP - Board of Trade

    Chapter 2-FTP - General Provisions Regarding Imports and


    Chapter 6-FTP and HBPv1 - Export Oriented Units (EOUs),

    Electronics Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs), Software

    Technology Parks (STPs) and Bio-Technology Parks (BTPs)

    Chapter 8-FTP - Deemed Exports

    Chapter 9-FTP - Definitions

    Chapter 9-HBP - Miscellaneous Matters

    Updates on SEZ

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    Fact Sheet on Indian SEZ

    No. of Notified SEZs as on 20.07.2010 358 (out of 575) +

    (7 Central Govt. + 12 State/Pvt. SEZs)

    No. of valid formal approvals 576

    No. of valid in-principle approvals 155

    Operational SEZ as on 31.12.2009 114 (Out of these 14 are

    multi-product SEZs, remaining are IT/ITES, Engineering,

    electronic hardware, textiles, Biotechnology, Gem& Jewellery

    SEZs and other sector specific SEZs)

    Units approved in SEZs as on 30.06.2010 3,048

    Source: www. sezindi c.i n


    SEZs-Area Requirement

    Area Estimates


    (in hectares )


    1,98,992Total Area for proposed SEZs

    1,29,668In-principal approvals

    69,324Formally approved and notified


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    Fact Sheet on Indian SEZ

    2,00,327 personsEmployment in Govt. SEZs

    2,89,738 personsEmployment created in

    notified SEZs (as on 30th

    June 2010)

    Rs. 1,49,744.55 crTotal Investment made in

    notified SEZs (as on 30th

    June 2010)


    Fact Sheet on Indian SEZExports from the functioning SEZs during the last three years are as









    Growth Rate of exportsExports (Rs. crores)Year

    Exports in 2010-11 as on 30.06.2010 - Rs. 58,685.46 crore

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    Changes effectedtill August 2010


    SEZ Draft Guidelines Dtd.13.11.09 -

    Guidelines for Development of SEZs

    Draft Guidelines were issued by the Ministry of

    Commerce and Industry (MoC&I) on 5th August, 2009 and

    were circulated to SEZ Developers. On getting

    suggestions from the SEZ developers, revised draft

    guidelines are issued by this notification.

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    S.O. 75 Dtd. 13.01.2010

    On 13th January, 2010 following sections of SEZ Act, 2005 have been


    Sections 20-Agency to inspect Section 21-Single enforcement officer or agency for notified


    Section 22-Investigation, inspection and search or seizure.

    S.O. 76 Dtd. 13.01.2010

    MoC&I specified acts or omissions punishable under the Foreign Trade

    (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (28 of 2005) as notified

    offences for the purposes of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005.

    S.O. 77 Dtd. 13.01.2010

    MoC&I authorizes Development Commissioner [DC] to be the

    enforcement officer in respect of the notified offences [as given in S.O.

    76 Dtd. 13.01.2010] committed in a SEZ.


    S.O. 78 Dtd. 13.01.2010

    Director STPI would no more be In-charge of SEZ particularly IT/ ITES/Software SEZs.

    S.O. No. 228 Dtd. 03.03.2010 Very important amendment. SEZs are authorized as deemed

    licensee for the purposes of distribution of electricity. Hence notified SEZs (notified under sub-section (1) of section 4 of

    the SEZ Act, 2005) need not make application for obtaining licencefor distribution of electricity under clause (b) of Section 14 of theElectricity Act, 2003.

    S.O. No. 527 Dtd. 03.03.2010 Clause (u) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005

    (definition of offshore banking unit) would not apply to offsite

    Automated Teller Machines [ATM] in the Special Economic Zones,and branches in Special Economic Zones by Banks, not licensed as

    Offshore Banking Units; with the prior permission of the ReserveBank of India under section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act,1949.

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    G.S.R. 501(E) Dtd. 14.06.2010

    Amends SEZ Rules, 2006

    Rule 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12 are amended and Rule 3A, 6A and 78

    are inserted. By this notification, following Forms are also added.







    UNDER RULE 6(2)(b)



    UNDER RULE 6(2)(a)



    Explanation on each amendment/insertion of rule is provided in

    EPCES Cir. No. 113 Dtd. 14.07.2010.


    G.S.R. 597(E) Dtd. 12.07.2010 Amends

    Rule 5 (2) (b) of SEZ Rules, 2006

    This notification amends Rule 5 (2) (b) related to sector specific

    SEZ. The inserted proviso prescribes minimum built up area for

    SEZs located in the cities as categorized under Annexure-IV.

    Annexure IV is also inserted by this notification. The minimum built

    up area prescribed is as under:

    Third Proviso of Rule 5(2) (c) related to FTWZ is also amended. The

    proviso says that in SEZ for a specific sector, FTWZ may bepermitted with no minimum area requirement, provided maximum

    area of FTWZ should not be more than 20% of processing area. This

    criterion under third proviso was applicable to Sector Specific SEZ,

    now after amendment, this provision is made applicable to SEZs

    having area less than 1000 hectares.

    25% of the area specified in Rule 5(2)(b)B2 category cities

    50% of the area specified in Rule 5(2)(b)B1 category cities

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    EPCES Cir. No. 100 Dtd. 08.01.2010

    This circular is issued referring A.P. (DIR Srs.) Cir. No. 22Dtd. 29.12.2009. In this circular it was clarified that SEZ

    developers are allowed to open, hold and maintain EEFC

    account and to credit up to 100% of their foreign exchange


    EPCES CIRCULAR NO. 104 DATED 2-3-2010 IT/ITES SEZs can also house electronic hardware units in

    these SEZs.

    For setting up a unit in the SEZ, where Industrial Licence is

    required, permission can be given by Board of Approvals.


    EPCES CIR. NO. 112 DTD. 16.06.2010 - Revised discussion paper on Direct

    Tax Code, released by Ministry of Finance on 15-6-2010.

    Very important circular relating to revised discussion paper on Direct Tax

    Code (DTC) released by Ministry of Finance on 15th June, 2010.

    Finance Minister has proposed in Revised DTC paper for discussion, in

    Chapter VII that, provision to protect profit linked deductions of units

    already operating in SEZs, for the unexpired period, will be incorporated.

    However, he has further clarified that since Profit linked deductions are

    distortionary in nature as they create an incentive to inflate profit as well

    as to transfer profits from a taxable entity to a non-taxable one, it has

    been decided not to extend the scope or the period of profit linked


    This amendment only meets the requirement of SEZ partially, as it protects

    only the existing SEZ units. This would practically close the door for new

    investment in the SEZ and hence, Dr. L.B. Singhal DG, EPCES, has invited

    representations from the Industry upto 30.06.2010.

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    Instruction No. 37 Dtd. 07.09.2009 Clarification on whetherimport, re-melt, re-make and export of imported finished jewelleryis an authorized activity in SEZIn view of the provisions contained in Section 2(r) of SEZ Act, 2005 readwith Rule 27(1) of SEZ Rules, it is clarified that import of jewellery andits remaking is an authorised manufacturing activity by an SEZ unitholding letter of approval for manufacturing of jewellery. Furtherimport would include re -import of exported jewellery.

    Instruction No. 38 Dtd. 11.09.2009 - SEZ Online Project.MoC is executing agreement with NDML for SEZ online project. This isto establish a nationwide integrated e-governance solution for theadministration of SEZ and to facilitate speedy processing oftransactions of SEZ Developers SEZ units.

    Instruction No. 39 Dtd. 11.09.2009 - Procedure for consideration ofoperational issues regarding SEZs.

    Very important instruction. For approvals or operational issues relatedto SEZ, the matter should be referred to Unit Approval Committee[UAC] or Board of Approval [BoA] and not to the individual Departmentsof Government of India.


    Instruction No. 40 Dtd. 01.10.2009-Effective implementation of the

    Hazardous Waste Rules, 2008For ensuring compliance with Hazardous Waste Rules, 2008, following

    recommendations are made by the Ministry of Environment and Forests[MOEF].

    Officers of the State Pollution Control Boards [SPCBs] are advised to

    attend the meetings of the Approval Committee and assist the

    Development Commissioner [DC] in ensuring compliance of the

    environmental regulations, especially Hazardous Waste (Management,Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008.

    SPCBs are also advised to monitor the units which are recycling/

    reprocessing imported waste on a regular basis.

    Instruction No. 41 Dtd. 13.11.2009 - Clarification on calculation of NFE

    as per Rule 53 of the SEZ Rules, 2006NFE is to be calculated in rupee terms only. In cases where SEZ unit

    achieves negative NFE due to foreign exchange fluctuations, they can

    approach Approval Committee. However, in such cases, SEZ unit will have

    to get the computations certified by the Authorised Bank, on a case to

    case, basis.

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    Instruction No. 42 Dtd. 18.11.2009 - Guidelines for consideration of

    proposals for authorized operations by the BoA.All requests for carrying out authorized operations, whether covered in

    the default list or not, are to be made initially to the concerned

    Development Commissioner [DC]. The DCs will send only such

    requests/items for consideration by BoA, which are outside their

    powers with their recommendations.

    Instruction No. 43 Dtd. 23.11.2009 - Procedure for seeking

    clarification on policy issues relating to SEZ Act and Rules from

    Department of Commerce.

    This is to facilitate speedy disposal at the hands of Zonal DC related to

    procedure for seeking clarification on policy issues relating to SEZ Act

    and Rules from Department of Commerce


    Instruction No. 44 Dtd. 24.11.2009 - Reports to be furnished by DCsfor review/monitoring of performance of SEZs

    DCs are required to submit monthly reports for reviewing/monitoringof performance of SEZs in the prescribed forms A to F, formats ofwhich are given in the Instruction. Further, Zonal DCs are also requiredto submit such reports in the Format G and H. Following is the list ofthese formats.Format of monthly reports to be furnished

    By DCsA. Approval of activities under SEZ Rules 17 & SEZ Rules 18,19B. Other PermissionsC. Permissions under Rule 74D. Statement on monthly Data on Export Duty, Import Duty and Duty

    ForegoneE. Import and Export DataF. Statement in respect of SEZ Developers coming under the

    Jurisdiction of DCI. Information regarding staffing positing in SEZs.

    By Zonal DCsG. INFORMATION on CST claims and drawbackH. [No title is given, however, information relates to built up and land


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    Instruction No. 46 Dtd. 12.01.2010 - Setting up of small

    scale units in Central Government SEZ

    Development Commissioners of Central Govt. SEZ should give

    preference to small scale units as defined under the Micro,

    Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.

    DCs of the IT/ITES SEZs are required to ensure that the

    IT/ITES SEZs are advised to set up incubators of size of

    minimum 200 seats and the minimum 10% of the space in the

    SEZ may be reserved for SSI IT/ITES units.

    All other SEZs should allocate 10% space to SSI units.


    Instruction No. 47 Dtd. 04.03.2010 - Procurement, Import andExport of Prohibited and Restricted Goods

    Following clarifications are provided in respect of procurement, Importand Export of Prohibited and Restricted Goods Export of prohibited items is permitted provided required raw

    materials are imported.

    Items which are prohibited for import can also be imported by SEZUnits if such imports are made for manufacturing export goods.

    In respect of supply of Restricted Items by a DTA unit to SEZDeveloper/Unit, the DTA unit can supply such items to a SEZDeveloper or unit for setting up of infrastructure facility or forsetting up of a unit.

    DTA units can also supply restricted raw materials to SEZ unit forundertaking a manufacturing operation except refrigeration,cutting, polishing and blending.

    However for all the above activities Prior Approval from Board ofApproval is required.

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    Instruction No. 49 Dtd. 12.03.2010 - Clarifications on FTWZ issues

    Ministry of Commerce & Industry has issued clarification on followingissues related to FTWZs. No approval for procurement of service Rental of immovable

    property for office outside the Special Economic Zone/FTWZ canbe given.

    Import of prohibited items will be as per Rule 27, Rule 26 andInstruction No.47 Dtd. 04.03.2010.

    Diesel is permitted to be procured for authorized operations in theprocessing area including material handling equipment.

    There are no limitations on Units set up in FTWZs located in SectorSpecific SEZs to carry out Trading and Warehousing Activities inrespect of any product.

    Trading and Warehousing units located within FTWZ can carry outDTA to FTWZ and FTWZ to DTA transactions.

    Requests for allowing cutting, polishing, blending etc. as part of

    authorised operation of a FTWZ unit can be considered by theApproval Committee on a case to case basis based on the merits ofthe case.


    Instruction No. 51 Dtd. 25.03.2010 - Declaration of Raw materialcomponents etc. imported by G&J units in respect of goods to be

    manufactured by them

    Important circular for G&J units in SEZ.

    In terms of Rule 17 of the SEZ Rules SEZ units are required to file a

    declaration in Form-F while submitting an application for setting

    up of a unit. The Approval Committee considers the same before

    granting Approval for issue of LOA.

    In this connection, procedure prescribed in this instruction should

    be followed by all G&J units for bringing in jewellery, broken

    jewellery etc. for remaking, remelting, repairing, etc.

    Instruction No. 52 Dtd. 20.04.2010 - Clarification on broad- banding

    in IT/ITES Sector SEZIt is informed by this instruction that no approval of BoA is required in

    case of developers in IT/ITES sector to broad-band their product

    profile by including electronic hardware. This is because IT/ITES

    includes both Hardware and Software.

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    Instruction No. 58 Dtd. 21.05.2010 Allowing of authorized

    employees of IT/ITES units in SEZ to work from home.

    Off-site employees of the IT/ITES units in SEZ are also permitted to

    work from home or from place outside the SEZ. It is also stated in theinstruction that IT units in DTA can carry out their job-work in a SEZ

    Unit by following procedures mentioned in Rule 43 of SEZ Rules, 2006.

    Instruction No. 59 Dtd. 18.06.2010 - Requests for transfer of units

    from one SEZ to another SEZ

    Board of Approval [BoA] permits shifting of units from one SEZ to

    another SEZ, provided all such proposals are placed before the BoA.

    Instruction No.60 Dtd. 06.07.2010 Clarification on holding of

    goods by units in FTWZ.

    Doubt raised by the FTWZ Developers: Whether units in the FTWZ

    can hold goods on behalf of Foreign Buyer, DTA Supplier and Buyer.

    Clarification provided by Department of Commerce: Subject toprovisions of Rule 18 (5) of SEZ Rules, 2006, FTWZ units can hold

    goods on behalf of foreign supplier and buyer and DTA supplier and



    Instruction No. 61 Dtd. 14.07.2010 Withdrawal of Instruction Nos.36, 25, 24 and 16.

    Following instructions are withdrawn

    Instruction No. 36 Dtd. 03.09.2009 Instructions regarding

    proposals to be considered by BoA

    Instruction No. 25 Dtd.16.07.2009 Guidelines regarding Putting

    up of a boundary wall

    Instruction No.24 Dtd.16.07.2009 Guidelines for dealing with

    Requests for change in area of SEZs

    Instruction No. 16 Dtd. 11.06.2009 - Validity of Formal Approval

    This is because issues addressed in these instructions are now

    considered and carried out in the SEZ Law, by amending the SEZ Rules,

    2006 by G.S.R. No. 501 Dtd. 14.06.2010.

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    Instruction No. 62 Dtd. 23.07.2010 Procedure for clearance of

    State SEZ Bills.

    This is regarding faster procedure for clearance of State SEZ Bill. It isdecided that Department of Commerce will create consensus of all

    concerned Departments and will send the recommendations and No

    Objection of concerned Departments of Government of India to the

    Ministry of Home Affairs [MHA] for final approval and MHA would get

    the assent of the President on the Bill.

    Instruction No. 63 Dtd. 10.08.2010- Procedure regarding removal of

    goods to bonded warehouse under Rule 46(13) of SEZ Rules, 2006

    Procedure for removal of goods from SEZ unit to the Bonded

    Warehouse under Rule 46 (13) of SEZ Rules, 2006 has been prescribed

    in this Instruction.

    Instruction No. 64 Dtd. 11.08.2010 Role of Zonal DCsThis Instruction is about responsibilities allocated to the Zonal

    Development Commissioner [DC].


    Thought for the Day

    T h e b e a u t y o f li fe is , w h i le w e ca n n o t u n d o

    w h a t i s d o n e , w e ca n s e e i t , u n d e r s t a n d i t ,

    le a r n f r o m it a n d ch a n g e .

    S o t h a t ev e r y n e w m o m e n t is s p en t n o t in

    re g re t , g u i l t , f e a r o r a n g e r , b u t i n

    w is d o m , u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d l ov e .

    - B u d d h a

  • 8/3/2019 Revised Ftp



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