Biofuels DOI: 10.1002/anie.201309953 Enzymatic Degradation of (Ligno)cellulose Uwe Bornscheuer, Klaus Buchholz, and Jɒrgen Seibel* A ngewandte Chemi e Keywords: biofuels · biomass · carbohydrates · enzyme catalysis · lignocellulose Dedicated to Professor Volker Kasche on the occasion of his 75th birthday . Angewandte Reviews J. Seibel et al. 10876 www.angewandte.org # 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 10876 – 10893

Reviews Biofuels Enzymatic Degradation of (Ligno)celluloseszolcsanyi/education/files... · global future energy demand (153 of 623 exajoules in 2035; Figure 1).[10] 2.1. Occurrence

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BiofuelsDOI: 10.1002/anie.201309953

Enzymatic Degradation of (Ligno)celluloseUwe Bornscheuer, Klaus Buchholz, and J�rgen Seibel*


Keywords:biofuels · biomass · carbohydrates ·enzyme catalysis · lignocellulose

Dedicated to Professor Volker Kasche on theoccasion of his 75th birthday

.AngewandteReviews J. Seibel et al.

10876 www.angewandte.org � 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 10876 – 10893

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1. Introduction

Biofuels from lignocellulosic material represent a majorchallenge: They offer huge potential for biofuel manufacture,provide new raw-material sources without competing withfood production, and present an opportunity for considerablyreduced greenhouse-gas emissions. A life-cycle analysispublished recently states that ethanol from cellulose reducesgreenhouse gases by 90% as compared to gasoline.[1] How-ever, severe open problems remain to be solved with respectto infrastructure, logistics, and transportation, technical aswell as economic problems, competition with other fuels,including biofuels, and notably the combustion of biomass toproduce electricity and thermal energy in delocalized instal-lations; also, fracking, as a new competing technology, seemsto have again delayed commercial lignocellulose-based proj-ects. Estimates suggest that the cost of producing cellulosicethanol is about US$ 0.5 per liter, and thus almost twice ashigh as for starch-based ethanol.[1, 2]

Research on enzymatic cellulose degradation has beenpursued with varying intensity in the last 30 years.[3] The topichas had several boom cycles since the 1970s, following the firstoil crisis. One pioneer was Elwin T. Reese,[4] who investigatedthe deterioration of cotton tents in the US Army laboratoriesduring the early 1950s. He identified fungi of the genusTrichoderma that produced major amounts of cellulases,which were potent in hydrolyzing cellulose to glucose,including one species that was later named Trichodermareesei. Reese was joined in 1956 by Mary Mandels, and thefocus of cellulase research changed from the prevention ofhydrolysis to its enhancement for the production of glucose.Systematic classification and characterization, as well as earlyresearch on the reactions and synergism of cellulases, waspioneered by the research group of Henrissat.[5] Among earlyreviews and publications concerning kinetics and processingare those by Ladisch and co-workers,[6] Ghose,[7] and Buch-holz and co-workers.[8] This review provides an update on thecurrent status of the enzymatic degradation of (ligno-)cellu-losic material. It examines the availability and structure of thestarting materials, the enzymes required, their mode of actionand discovery, protein engineering, and bioprocess consider-ations.

2. Biomass Materials

A rather broad range of available substrates have beeninvestigated as starting materials, including wood or parts ofit, residues from agricultural raw-materials processing in the

food industry, crop residues, such as corn stover, corncobs,and sugarcane bagasse, and energy crops, notably switchgrassand hybrid poplar. Biofuels are currently used to generate10% of the energy produced worldwide, or 53 exajoules.[9]

The global bioenergy potential from dedicated biomassplantations in the 21st century has been estimated withregard to a range of sustainability requirements to safeguardfood production, biodiversity, and terrestrial carbon storage.Biofuels hold the potential to provide one quarter of theglobal future energy demand (153 of 623 exajoules in 2035;Figure 1).[10]

2.1. Occurrence and Structures of Lignocellulosic Materials

Agricultural residues in general contain approximately30–40% cellulose, 20–30% hemicelluloses, and in the rangeof 15–30% lignin, whereas the softwood and hardwoodcellulose content is in the range of 40–42%, roughly 20–30%hemicelluloses and 25–32% lignin. By-product utilization,notably that of lignin, is considered essential for a viableindustrial process. Lignin can be a suitable source ofchemicals such as vanillin and other aromatic compounds.Cellulose occurs as d-glucose subunits linked by b-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Hemicelluloses occur as complex carbohy-

Glycoside-degrading enzymes play a dominant role in the bio-chemical conversion of cellulosic biomass into low-price biofuels andhigh-value-added chemicals. New insight into protein functions andsubstrate structures, the kinetics of recognition, and degradation eventshas resulted in a substantial improvement of our understanding ofcellulose degradation.

[*] Prof. Dr. J. SeibelInstitut f�r Organische ChemieJulius-Maximilians-Universit�t W�rzburgAm Hubland, 97074 W�rzburg (Germany)E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. K. BuchholzInstitut f�r Technische ChemieHans-Sommer-Strasse 10, 38106 Braunschweig (Germany)

Prof. Dr. U. BornscheuerErnst-Moritz-Arndt-Universit�t GreifswaldBiotechnologie und Enzymkatalyse, Institut f�r BiochemieFelix-Hausdorff-Strasse 4, 17487 Greifswald (Germany)

From the Contents

1. Introduction 10877

2. Biomass Materials 10877

3. Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes 10880

4. Engineering Aspects and Pilotand Demonstration Plants 10886

5. Discovery of Novel CAZymes 10887

6. Protein Engineering ofCAZymes 10888

7. Summary and FuturePerspectives 10891

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drate structures composed of different polysaccharides, suchas pentoses (e.g., xylan and araban), hexoses (mainly mannan,glucan, glucomannan, and galactan), and pectin. Thesepolysaccharides are readily hydrolyzed (Scheme 1).

In contrast, lignin is a random three-dimensional phenyl-propanoid (C9) polyphenol mainly linked by arylglycerolether bonds between the monomeric phenolic p-coumaryl(H), coniferyl (G), and sinapyl alcohol (S) units(Scheme 2).[11] Gymnosperm lignin consists almost entirelyof G (G-lignin), dicotyledonous angiosperm lignin is a mixtureof G and S (GS-lignin), and monocotyledonous lignin isa mixture of all three units (GSH-lignin). The polymer isalmost completely resistant against microbial (and enzymatic)attack.[12]

2.2. Pretreatment

A major issue concerning the access of the enzyme to thesugar components of (ligno-)cellulosic materials the resist-ance of plant cell walls to deconstruction. This key obstaclefor the cost-efficient production of fuels and chemicals needsto be addressed first to make cellulosic solids digestible withyields of enzymatic hydrolysis higher than 90% withinreasonable time periods (up to 1 day) so that a high sugarconcentration (above 10%, for glucose, additional arabinose,and xylose) results for the subsequent fermentation step.Without pretreatment, enzymatic conversion of the substrate,the reaction rate, and product yields would be very low andtherefore uneconomical. The key factors are the dissolutionof hemicelluloses and the alteration of the lignin structure toprovide improved accessibility of cellulose to hydrolyticenzymes through a deprotected, disrupted, and hydratedstructure with increased pore volume. The substrate charac-teristics that impact the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis includethe degree of cellulose crystallinity: Regions of high crystal-linity are separated by amorphous regions, surrounded byhemicelluloses, and protected by lignin. The formation offermentation inhibitors (formic, acetic, and levulinic acids,furan derivatives, and phenolic compounds) must be mini-mized. Minimum heat and power requirements and low costsare essential. Herein only a short introduction can be given;recent reviews on pretreatment include all relevant aspectsand should be studied for details. These aspects are: substratesize reduction and accessibility, the role of componentremoval, in particular the relative importance of hemicellu-lose versus lignin removal, component inhibition, reactionconditions, and substrate-specific optimization.[12, 13]

The elementary fibrils of cellulose and their aggregationsare determined by nature in native fibers, such as cotton orwood-pulp fibers, and are laid down in various cell-wall layersin a typical manner.[14] Three different types of polymers,cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin, are intimately associatedwith one another and inhibit enzymatic degradation.

Leu and Zhu[13c] concluded that hemicellulose removal ismore important than lignin removal for creating cellulase-accessible pores. Partial delignification is needed for thesatisfactory saccharification of lignocelluloses with a highlignin content, such as those in softwood species. Treatment

Uwe T. Bornscheuer completed his PhD inchemistry at the University of Hannover in1993. After postdoctoral studies at the Uni-versity of Nagoya (Japan), he completed hishabilitation in 1998 at the Institute ofTechnical Biochemistry of the University ofStuttgart. He has been Professor at theInstitute of Biochemistry at the University ofGreifswald since 1999. He is Editor-in-Chiefof Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. and a Chairmanof ChemCatChem. In 2008, he received theBioCat2008 Award and in 2012 the Chev-reul Medal of the French Society of LipidResearch.

Klaus Buchholz studied chemistry at theUniversities of Saarbr�cken and Heidelbergand received his PhD from the TechnicalUniversity of Munich in 1969. He subse-quently established a research group onenzyme technology at Dechema e.V. inFrankfurt/Main. He completed his habilita-tion in 1981 at the Technical University ofBraunschweig and joined its Institute forAgricultural Technology and the SugarIndustry in 1982. He was head of theInstitute from 1988 as well as Professor forthe Technology of Carbohydrates at theInstitute for Technical Chemistry inBraunschweig from 1991.

Figure 1. Uses of energy from biomass in 2010 (total 53 EJ) and 2035(total 153 EJ (exajoules); 1018 J). Green: heat; blue: transport; red:electricity.[10]

Scheme 1. Structures of cellulose and hemicellulose.


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that modifies the surface properties of lignin can be moreefficient for reducing or eliminating cellulase inhibition bylignin, thus leading to improved lignocellulose saccharifica-tion.

Steam explosion is the most widely employed physico-chemical pretreatment for lignocellulosic biomass. The bio-mass is subjected to pressurized steam at a high temperature(up to 240 8C) for several minutes and then suddenlydepressurized.[12] This pretreatment combines mechanicalforces due to explosive decompression and chemical effects

due to hydrolysis by the protons of waterand the acetyl groups present in hemi-celluloses (formation of acetic acid).Lignin is redistributed and to someextent removed from the material. Theremoval of hemicelluloses exposes thecellulose surface and increases enzymeaccessibility to the cellulose. The pretreat-ment leads to good yields in enzymatichydrolysis with high sugar recovery andavoids the formation of inhibitors. It hasbeen proven efficient for a wide range ofraw materials, such as poplar hardwoodsand agricultural residues (e.g. corn stoverand wheat straw). It is suitable for indus-trial-scale development, requires lowercapital investment, and offers morepotential for energy efficiency than othertechnologies, such as pretreatment withionic liquids.[12]

Pretreatment with liquid hot waterinvolves the application of water in theliquid state under pressure at elevatedtemperatures (2–25 bar, 160–240 8C, reac-tion times ranging from a few minutes upto one hour) to cause alterations in thestructure of the lignocelluloses, as inducedby the change in pH value of liquid waterunder these conditions.[12] The objective isto solubilize mainly the hemicellulose, tomake the cellulose more accessible, and toavoid the formation of inhibitors (e.g., bycontrol of the pH value). Two fractionsare obtained, a cellulose-rich solid, and

a liquid fraction rich in hemicellulose oligomers. Examples ofraw materials that have been investigated are corn stover,sugarcane bagasse, and wheat straw. In a detailed study, thehydrolysis yield of glucose increased from 3–9 % for the use ofnatural nonpretreated wheat straw to nearly 100% underoptimum conditions of 200 8C and 20 min with commercialenzyme preparations, including Celluclast (derived fromT. reesei) and Novozyme 188 (both products from Novozymes,Denmark).[13b] This method is attractive owing to its cost-saving potential and reactor construction (low-corrosionpotential).[12,13h,i]

Organosolv-like processing has been long discussed forthe delignification of the wood ultrastructure.[15] Organicsolvents (ethanol or short-chain alcohols) and water are usedto dissolve and thus separate part of the lignin and hemi-celluloses. The dissolved lignin and hemicelluloses can thenbe recovered by changing the concentration of the organicsolvent. The high cost of the solvent is regarded as prohibitivein organosolv processes.[16] As an alternative, a biphasicprocess for biomass pretreatment has been suggested. In thisOrganocat process, an aqueous solution of oxalic acid is usedas a catalytic agent and 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (MTHF) isused as an organic solvent.[17] MTHF solubilizes lignin,whereas the partially hydrolyzed hemicelluloses are dissolvedin the aqueous phase. Cellulose remains as a solid. This

J�rgen Seibel studied chemistry at the Uni-versity of Gçttingen and completed his PhDwith Prof. Lutz F. Tietze. In 2000, he movedto the University of Oxford for postdoctoralresearch with Prof. Chris Schofield. In 2002,he began his independent research career atthe University of Braunschweig. He movedto the Helmholtz Centre for InfectionResearch in 2007 and since 2009 has beenprofessor at the University of W�rzburg. Hewas awarded the Jochen Block Prize byDechema (Society for Chemical Engineeringand Biotechnology) in 2008 and the DuPontYoung Professor Award in 2012.

Scheme 2. Lignin synthesis and structure.[11] The polymerization step is catalyzed by perox-idase and laccase enzymes by radical coupling reactions between delocalized phenolicmonolignol radicals in a combinatorial fashion.

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process has been analyzed recently for economic viability.[16]

The proposed energy consumption is 5 MJ per kg of drybiomass and is mostly due to solvent recycling. The attractivefeatures of the Organocat process are the efficiency of ligninseparation and the synthesis of aromatic compounds, propyl-ene, and butadiene.

3. Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes

3.1. CAZyme Classification

Glycoside hydrolases are key enzymes of carbohydratemetabolism that are found in the three major kingdoms(archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes). The IUBenzyme nomenclature is based on the type of reaction thatenzymes catalyze and on their substrate specificity. Forglycoside hydrolases (EC 3.2.1.x), the first three digits areindicative of enzymes that hydrolyze O-glycosyl linkages,whereas the last number indicates the substrate and some-times reflects the molecular mechanism. In 1991, Henrissatclassified glycosyl hydrolases on the basis of amino acidsequence similarities and suggested a revision of the enzymenomenclature.[18] More data was collected, and the databaseCAZy—“Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes” (http://www.cazy.org/)[19]—was born. The CAZy database describes families ofstructurally related catalytic and carbohydrate-binding mod-ules (or functional domains) of enzymes that degrade, modify,or create glycosidic bonds. The CAZy database contains 133families of glycosyl hydrolases[18,20] (glycosidases and trans-glycosidases), 94 families of glycosyltransferases,[21] 22 fam-ilies of polysaccharide lyases,[22] and 16 families of carbohy-drate esterases. More recently, redox enzymes that act inconjunction with CAZymes were also added as “auxiliaryactivities”.[23] These families are given a number to identifythem; for example, Glycosyl hydrolase family 1 containsenzymes that possess a TIM barrel fold. These families areclustered into 14 different clans that share structural sim-ilarity. Currently, CAZyme information from 2931 bacterial,167 archaea, 76 eukaryota, and 255 virus genomes are coveredin the database.

CAZy data are accessible either by browsing sequence-based families or by browsing the content of genomes incarbohydrate-active enzymes. New genomes are added reg-ularly shortly after they appear in the daily releases ofGenBank. The mission statement of the CAZy database is tocover and classify all carbohydrate-active enzymes acrossorganisms and subfields of the glycosciences.

A typical cellulase system comprises three main activities:chain-end-cleaving cellobiohydrolases (CBHs), internallychain cleaving endoglucanases (EGs), and ß-glucosidases(BGLs), which hydrolyze soluble short-chain glucooligosac-charides to glucose. EGs mainly act on amorphous parts ofcellulose. Different CBHs may act on either amorphous orcrystalline parts of cellulose. EGs create new chain ends,whereas CBHs proceed with further hydrolysis to producemainly cellobiose (two glucose units), which is hydrolyzed byBGLs to yield glucose. The different enzyme systems andtheir diverse interactions with carbohydrate-binding modules

(CBMs) may be much more complex, as discussed inSection 3.5.

3.2. Occurrence of CBM

In general, glycoside hydrolases are inefficient enzymesfor the degradation of insoluble polysaccharides, as it isdifficult for the protein to access the substrate at the rightposition for catalysis. To overcome these limitations, glycosidehydrolases are often organized in a modular manner. Thus,these systems include the hydrolases as catalytic modules,which are connected to one or more carbohydrate-bindingmodules (CBMs). These CBMs are the noncatalytic part ofmany polysaccharide-targeting enzymes, such as cellulasesand hemicellulases, and bind to the cell-wall polymers. Buthow do they function exactly? Recent findings indicate thatCBMs enhance enzyme penetration into the cellulose sub-strates. Gilbert et al. raised important questions in anexcellent article: What are the carbohydrate motifs recog-nized by CBMs, and what are the structural features that driverecognition of these motifs?[24]

The CAZy database groups CBMs in 67 families[25]

according to their similar protein sequences, and 54 of thosefamilies are so far structurally represented. The CBMmodules are further divided into Types A, B, and C. Thisclassification has been introduced to define CBMs in terms oftheir binding specificity: Type A CBMs bind the surface ofcrystalline polysaccharides, Type B CBMs recognize internalglycan chains (endo type), and Type C CBMs bind the terminiof glycans (exo type).

3.3. Interplay between CBM and Glycoside Hydrolases andLinkers

There are different mechanisms that contribute to thebinding between carbohydrates and proteins, represented byCBMs, enzymes, and linkers. One typical mechanism betweenType A CBM63 from the b-1,4-(exo)glucanase Cex of Cellu-lomonas fimi and insoluble bacterial microcrystalline cellu-lose is the entropically driven expulsion of water moleculesfrom hydrophobic surfaces of the cellulose and the protein.[26]

In other mechanisms, we observe a liaison of CBM andthe hydrolase for carbohydrate recognition. Xyn10B fromClostridium thermocellum is a typical modular enzymecontaining an N-terminal family 22 CBM (CBM22-1),a family 10 glycoside hydrolase catalytic domain (GH10),a second CBM22 module (CBM22-2), a dockerin sequence,and a C-terminal family 1 carbohydrate esterase (CE1)catalytic domain. Residues from helix H4 of the GH10module provide the major contacts by fitting into the minorgroove of the CBM22-1 module.[27] The orientation ofCBM22-1 is such that it enables the substrate to be looselybound and subsequently delivered to the active site ina processive manner (Figure 2).[27] Many of these enzymesthat degrade lignocellulose are multimodular with CBMs andcatalytic domains connected by flexible, glycosylated linkers.These linkers have long been thought to simply serve as


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a tether between structured domains. Very recently, it wasshown that the linker enhances binding over that of the CBMalone by an order of magnitude; it exhibits dynamic bindingto the substrate and is thus probably an important contributorto enzyme activity (Figure 3).[28] MD simulations before andafter binding of the linker also suggest that the bound linker

may affect enzyme function owing to significant dampening ofthe enzyme fluctuations.

3.4. Multienzyme Complexes

Cellulosomes are multienzyme complexes discovered inthe early 1980s.[29] They were designed by cellulolytic micro-organisms as nanomachines for the efficient deconstruction ofcellulose and hemicellulose.[30] The “nanomachines” arecomposed of two complementary structural modules locatedon two separate types of interacting subunits. The cohesinmodule on the scaffoldin binds a dockerin module on eachenzymatic subunit.[31] On the basis of this principle, variouscellulolytic subunits, such as endoglucanases, cellobiohydro-lases, xylanases, and other degradative enzymes, work syn-ergistically to degrade heterogeneous, insoluble cellulosesubstrates. The attachment of the cellulosome to its substrateis mediated by a scaffoldin-borne cellulose-binding module(CBM). The fabrication of artificial cellulosomes to improvethe efficiency of enzymatic saccharification has beenreported.[32] In a chemical approach, a multicellulase con-jugate was assembled on a double-stranded DNA scaffold.The resulting DNA–(endoglucanase)n conjugate (Figure 4)exhibited unique hydrolytic activity towards crystalline cellu-lose (Avicel). Its activity depended on the cellulase/DNAratio of the DNA-based artificial cellulosome.[33]

3.5. Reaction Steps, Synergism, and Kinetics

The kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis by cellulases are highlycomplex, and it is difficult to establish rational models basedon mechanistic steps. This difficulty is due to several aspectswith respect to both the substrate(s) complex and the enzymecomplex, which is necessary for synergistic, and thus efficienthydrolysis.[3, 34] The substrate is highly heterogeneous indifferent respects and at several structural levels:

The planar sugar rings of different chains are aligned inone plane and engage in stacking interactions with otherlayers of cellulose chains, thus allowing tight assembly andfavoring a high degree of organization between singlecellulose chains and the formation of a stable intra- andinterchain-hydrogen-bond network.[35] Eventually, theseinteractions lead to tightly packed and highly ordered(“crystalline”) regions in cellulose.[36] The cellulose compo-nent includes amorphous regions as well as crystalline regions,which in turn have different sizes and accessibility and thusare degraded with very different reaction rates. These factorsvary with the source of the substrate. Moreover, structuralfeatures and the relevant parameters, such as the number ofaccessible binding sites, chain length, and crystallinity, changewith advancing degradation.[3, 34a] In technical applications, thesubstrate is intertwined with not only cellulose, but differenthemicelluloses, including notably arabinoxylans with variousstructures, which may protect the cellulose parts and limitaccessibility, as does lignin (Scheme 3).

Thus, factors relevant for hydrolysis are: 1) accessibility,2) available surface area, 3) crystallinity, 4) degree of poly-

Figure 2. Structure of the putative xylan-binding tract. The CtCBM22-1–GH10 monomer is shown as a solid surface to emphasize that theCBM22-1 (red) and GH10 (green) modules are intimately associatedin such a manner that the putative ligand-binding cleft on the CBM22-1 module is aligned with the GH10 catalytic cleft to form a longcontinuous tract (arrow) that could potentially accommodate xylanchains with at least 10 xylose residues. In the crystal structure (PDBcode: 2w5f), the xylotriose moiety is observed in subsites �1 to �3.[27]

Figure 3. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the T. reeseifamily 6 and family 7 cellobiohydrolases (TrCel6A and TrCel7A) boundto cellulose. The prediction from the MD simulations was examinedexperimentally by measuring the binding affinity of the Cel7A CBM andthe natively glycosylated Cel7A CBM linker. On crystalline cellulose, theglycosylated linker enhances the binding affinity with respect to thatobserved with the CBM alone by an order of magnitude. Together,these results suggest that glycosylated linkers in carbohydrate-activeenzymes, which are intrinsically disordered proteins in solution, aid indynamic binding during the enzymatic deconstruction of plant cellwalls.[28]

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merization, 5) lignin and hemicellulose content, 6) changes infeatures during degradation, and 7) pretreatment.[37] Adsorp-tion and desorption, as well as unproductive binding of thedifferent enzyme activities on different, heterogeneous sub-strate sites has to be taken into account.[34b,38] Furthermore,diffusion in the heterogeneous system may play a role.[39]

Steps involved in enzyme hydrolysis are: adsorption at the(heterogeneous) substrate surface; lateral diffusion on thesurface; complexation; catalysis; decomplexation; desorp-tion.[34b]

A typical cellulase system comprises three main activities:chain-end-cleaving cellobiohydrolases (CBHs), internally

chain cleaving endoglucanases (EGs),and ß-glucosidases (BGLs), whichhydrolyze soluble short-chain glucooli-gosaccharides to glucose. Furthermore,CBH enzymes exhibit a preference forhydrolysis of the cellulose chain fromeither the reducing (CBHI) or the non-reducing end (CBHII). The three majorhydrolytic enzymes act synergisti-cally.[3, 34]

Recent studies with modern meth-ods, such as protein structural analy-sis,[40] in situ atomic force microscopy(AFM),[34a, 41] PALM with two-dimen-sional total internal reflection fluores-cence (TIRF–PALM), the investigationpf cohesin–dockerin interactions,[30] anddifferential kinetic analysis,[34b] eluci-dated details of the complex interplayof enzymes with the substrate.[3] In situimaging (e.g. by AFM) offers insightinto dynamic features of enzyme actionand cellulose deconstruction down tothe mesoscopic and nanoscale morpho-logical level, and even down to the levelof single enzyme molecules. This insightinto cellulase activity on the cellulose

surface enables quantitative information on surface dynamicsto be obtained and obstacles identified, including rate-determining factors. The various visualization methodsemployed in different studies have substantially advancedour knowledge and helped to build and refine the model ofenzymatic cellulose degradation.[34a]

The adsorption of different cellulases is mediated byCBMs, two common types of which (with specificity for eithercrystalline or amorphous regions) have been identified oncellulolytic enzymes. Crystalline-specific CBMs tend tocluster on ridges, which are typical of linear regions withglucan chains oriented parallel to one another. Trichoderma

Figure 4. DNA–(EG)n conjugates for enhancement of the saccharification of cellulosic sub-strates.

Scheme 3. Hydrogen-bonding patterns in cellulose Ia and Ib according to Sturcova et al.[35] a,b) The two alternative hydrogen-bond networks incellulose Ia. c,d) The dominant hydrogen-bond network in cellulose Ib chains at the origin of the unit cell (c) and in cellulose Ib chains at thecenter of the unit cell (d).


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reesei cellobiohydrolase I (TrCBHI) binds preferentially tothe hydrophobic (110 or “planar”) face of crystalline cellulosemicrofibrils.[42] CBHI binding sites on crystalline cellulose arelimited owing to the tight packing of the chains and the likelyburial of chain ends in inaccessible regions within the crystal.Amorphous-specific CBMs bind more homogeneously acrossthe surface; they bind tightly to exposed glycan chains.[34b]

EGs show a preference for regions thought to be amor-phous.[3, 34a] CBMs may also assist in nonhydrolytic substratedisruption (amorphogenesis).[43] Furthermore, other nonhy-drolytic proteins have been demonstrated to aid in amorpho-genesis.[44]

Diffusion of the enzymes into (voids of) the solidsubstrate was investigated and modeled by Luterbacheret al. ,[38] but is not treated herein for two reasons: First, itdepends on particle size, which may be adjusted to anappropriate size by pretreatment, and second, the reactionrates decrease dramatically after the initial burst, thusreducing the influence of diffusion.

When studying Trichoderma reesei TrCBHII on cellulose(Valonia) crystals, Chanzy and Henrissat[45] observed that theenzyme acts from one distinct end, the nonreducing end of theelongated crystals, thereby sharpening the tip of one end ofthe crystal. This tip-sharpening effect suggests that thedegradation of ordered cellulose proceeds layerwise, startingfrom the readily accessible outer cellulose chains at a crystaledge. In contrast, TrCBHI starts degradation from thereducing end.[46] Additional evidence was presented ofa TrCBHI enzyme sliding along a microfibril,[42b] and inhigh-speed AFM studies, Igarashi et al.[41] even determinedthe velocity of TrCBHI to be 3.5 nm s�1.

3.5.1. Synergism

The cellulase complex with different functions andactivities acts synergistically (and it must do so for efficiency).Cooperativity and synergism are not fully understood.[3]

Synergism means that the hydrolysis rate of a combinationof the three essential enzymes is significantly higher forcellulose degradation than the sum of the rates of the singleenzymes.[3, 34,47] Synergistic effects of a combination of endo-and exoenzymes were observed early with each of the CBHenzymes.[45, 48] Endo–exo synergism is generally explained bythe generation of new chain ends for CBH attack bya randomly cutting EG.[49] In more detail, EG and CBHIImake the cellulose surface accessible for CBHI by removingamorphous unordered substrate areas, thus exposing other-wise embedded crystalline ordered nanofibrils of the cellu-lose. Subsequently, these fibrils are degraded efficiently byCBHI, thereby uncovering new amorphous areas. Thus, it hasbeen concluded that synergism among cellulases is morphol-ogy-dependent and governed by the cooperativity of theseenzymes.[34a]

Biochemical studies showed that synergistic degradationof the polymorphic substrate by the complete cellulase systemresulted in 90 % conversion; the rate of sugar release wasenhanced fourfold as a consequence of the synergy betweenEG and CBHII. Furthermore, a sixfold increase in thehydrolysis rate after the addition of CBHI was observed.

Hence, cooperativity between an endo–exo system (EG andCBHII), which prepares the cellulose, and an exocellulase(CBHI, with a pronounced preference for regions of higherorder) is pivotal, and this morphology-dependent synergytherefore constitutes the primary synergism.[34a]

In an excellent study,[34a] the research group of Nidetzkyused AFM to analyze the vertical degradation of polymorphiccellulose quantitatively on the basis of the complete cellulasesystem of T. reesei by evaluating multiple points on thesurface and tracking their change over time with reference tolarge crystallites. The substrate was mixed amorphous–crystalline cellulose consisting of crystallites and smallcrystalline fibrils. The bulk of the amorphous material wasdegraded first. The large crystallites were degraded extremelyslowly. The analysis led to the conclusion that cellulasesremove amorphous material surrounding the crystallinefibrils first, and then degrade the fibrils to uncover subjacentamorphous material again. Fibrils are degraded in variousways (Figure 5), primarily by thinning starting from the sidewalls, but also by shortening starting from fibril tips and theintroduction of defects in the middle of the fibrils (Fig-ure 5c,d). As soon as a new defect was generated (Figure 5c,circle in the left panel), degradation proceeded rapidly fromthe two new ends thus produced (Figure 5c, arrows).Remarkably, distinct degradation velocities could be identi-fied: When bared, small crystalline fibrils are degradedsignificantly faster ((3.8� 0.2) nmmin�1) than the residualamorphous matrix ((0.7� 0.2) nmmin�1). The reaction rate isstrongly dependent on crystal size and shape and theaccessibility of binding sites at crystals.[34a]

3.5.2. Reaction Kinetics

Kinetics can reveal key information about the mechanisticdetails of a reaction, as well as for reaction engineering,reactor design, and scale-up. However, no simple, mechanis-tically derived kinetics can be applied owing to the complexityof the substrates, with hemicellulose and lignin components,the use of pretreatment methods, and the range of complexevents and sequences (see above). Therefore, no consistentrational model that includes all effects and findings isavailable.[50] A review by Bansal et al.[51] provides an overviewof reported concepts and models of cellulose kinetics, andhence only a short summary is given herein. A mathematicalmodel—based on experimental data—should comprise themost relevant enzyme activities (endo-acting EG, exo-actingCBH, BGL) to provide a rational basis for the optimal designof the most appropriate enzyme mixture, which will dependon the structure of the substrate and the pretreatment methodapplied (also xylanases, arabanases, galactanases, etc. shouldpotentially be considered).

Endoglucanases were shown to potentiate the activity ofcellobiohydrolases, not only by generating free chain ends butalso by altering the substrate surface in such a way that theprocessive length of the enzyme is increased. Possiblereaction steps discussed are (Figure 6; with reference, forexample, to Ref. [41,47,52]): 1) A cellobiohydrolase is ad-sorbed to a crystalline region of the cellulose surface throughits CBM domain; 2) it diffuses along the surface and forms

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complexes with a cellulose chain end through its catalyticdomain; 3) it catalyzes an initial hydrolysis event to generateglucose, cellobiose, or cellotriose (G1, G2, or G3, respec-tively); 4) it catalyzes subsequent hydrolysis events, generat-ing only G2, as it moves processively along the chain; 5) itdecomplexes from the cellulose chain; 6) it recomplexes witha cellulose chain or desorbs from the surface. Endoglucanasesundergo similar steps, but they are generally thought toengage in nonprocessive random attack of amorphous or lesscrystalline regions with exposed single chains.

Kinetic data for individualsteps of a model system (hydro-lysis of bacterial microcrystallinecellulose, BMCC, by a cellobio-hydrolase alone and in the pres-ence of an endoglucanase) wereanalyzed quantitatively by Foxet al.[53] by the use of differentialequations. The analysis revealedthat the rate of the Trichodermalongibrachiatum cellobiohydro-lase I (TlCel7A)-catalyzedhydrolysis of crystalline cellu-lose is limited by the rate ofenzyme complexation withglycan chains, which was shownto be equivalent to the rate ofgeneration of the initial-cutproduct (G1, G2, G3). This rateis enhanced in the presence ofendoglucanase enzymes.[53] Theresults of the study and previousinvestigations show that theTlCel7A cellobiohydrolaseenzymes engage in unidirec-tional processive catalysis onthe hydrophobic face of thecrystal,[41, 42b] and that cellobio-hydrolase complexation is slowrelative to other kinetic stepsand is thus rate-limiting(Figure 5).[53] Estimates of proc-essive length for differentenzyme mixtures on the basisof the ratio of the concentrationsof processive-cut products andinitial-cut products for a proces-sive enzyme gave values in therange of 10–20 single reactionsteps. Surprisingly, these valuesare lower than estimates of theintrinsic processive length of theTrichoderma Cel7A enzyme onthis substrate by two orders ofmagnitude—a contradiction thathas not been resolved.[53] Theauthors concluded that the sur-face morphology limits proces-sivity, and that processive cello-

biohydrolases are probably hindered by physical obstructionsor other features that favor decomplexation, consistent withprevious studies showing that the processive length dependson the nature of the substrate.[52]

Advanced mechanistic models of the mechanisms ofselected steps have been developed by the research groupsof Clark and Blanch,[54] who used model substrates (micro-crystalline cellulose, whereby the solid cellulose substrate wasrepresented as an assembly of spherical particles or asBMCC) and single activities, as well as mixtures of endo-

Figure 5. In situ observation of the synergistic degradation of polymorphic cellulose by the completecellulase system of T. reesei. a) Substrate surface at the beginning of (t = 0 min) and after incubation(t = 237 min) with the complete cellulase system. A typical large crystallite, which was used as a markerfor height changes during degradation, is indicated. The substrate around it was degraded, whereas thecrystallite itself remained virtually unaltered. b) Section profiles of the area shown in (a) reflect thevolumetric degradation with time. Relative to the marker, the substrate around it was degraded by up to700 nm in 237 min. c) In situ observation of a defect (circle) introduced into a fibril. Subsequently, thefibril is attacked and degraded from both new ends generated by the defect (arrows). d) Snapshots alongthe time course of cellulose degradation show initial degradation of amorphous regions (17 min).Previously buried crystalline fibrils appear (28 min) and are quickly degraded in a processive mannerstarting at their ends as well as at previously introduced defects (49 min). Scale bar: 100 nm.[34a]


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and exocellulases. They included product inhibition, thermaldeactivation, and surface heterogeneities of the substrate.However, they did not distinguish amorphous and crystallineparts, nor did they consider real, more complex substrates orb-glucosidase activity. Nevertheless, the results providedetailed insight into individual reaction steps. The articlecritically reviews previous kinetic models, the utility of whichhas been severely limited by further simplifying assumptions.

Results obtained for individual enzymes (T. reesei endo-glucanase 2, EG2, and cellobiohydrolase I, CBHI) and sys-tems with both enzymes present were compared withpreviously reported experimental data. The model wassensitive to cellulase-accessible surface area; the EG2–CBHI synergy observed experimentally was only predictedat a sufficiently high cellulose surface area, and the impor-tance of separating the enzyme adsorption and complexationsteps was shown by the model; the individual cellulose chainlength and the time course with respect to the cellulosesurface area (shrinking) were also taken into account. Theadsorption and desorption of the cellulases were describedaccording to the balance between binding sites and enzymes;this balance provides the concentration of cellulose surfacesites and solution-phase enzymes. Balance and differentialequations for the enzymes (including soluble, adsorbed, andinhibited (not shown here)) and the surface concentration ofsolid cellulose chains (length i> 6) were derived [Eq. (1)[*]].A differential equation for the formation of cellobiose as themajor soluble product is given in Equation (2).[54a] Kineticparameters were taken from the literature.

d C0 i½ �dt¼ kcat�EG�cel

kM�EG�celE0EG�ads½ �qEG 2



C0 j� �

� i� 1ð Þ C0 i½ � !


kM�CBH�celE0CBH�ads½ �qCBH C0 iþ2½ � � C0 i½ �ð Þ







½C0 i�

þ kcat�CBH�cel

KM�CBH�celE0CBH�ads½ �qCBH



C0 i½ ��




With significant enhancement of cellobiose-inhibition andthermal-inactivation parameters, the model was able tocapture the slowdown in the hydrolysis rate exhibited by theexperimental data. Strong cellobiose inhibition was required:Ki = 0.01 mm for EG2 and Ki = 0.093 mm for CBHI. Theinclusion of short thermal-inactivation half-lives made quan-titative agreement of the model with the experimental datapossible, including EG2–CBHI synergy. These half-lives,however, were up to an order of magnitude smaller thanthose reported for a T. reesei cellulase mixture. Additionalmechanisms that limit enzyme activity therefore need to beexplored.[54a] (See also Ref. [53] for additional experimentaldata.)

The inhibition of cellobiohydrolase enzymes by glucoseand cellobiose is well-known. In a recent study, Bu et al.[55]

calculated the absolute free energies of binding of cellobioseto the Cel7A catalytic domain of T. reesei. For technicalapplications of the conversion of cellulosic material, exper-imental investigations remain mandatory with respect to(pretreated) substrates and their concentration, differentenzyme mixtures and their concentration, reaction time, thepH value, and temperature for optimal results in terms ofminimizing the amount of enzyme required, high conversionand yield, and high end-product concentration.[2a] For exam-ple, experiments with Celluclast showed the feasibility ofdesigning minimal enzyme mixtures for pretreated lignocel-lulosic biomass with different compositions to that of theoriginal enzyme mixture. Thus, enzyme mixtures with statisti-cally designed combinations of the four main activities (twoCBHs and two EGs) were used.[56] A large number ofempirical models have been reported that help in the

Figure 6. General reaction path used by cellobiohydrolases for the hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose (sugars are simplified). Reaction steps forstrict endoglucanases are similar, but do not occur in processive catalytic sequences.[53]

[*] E’ stands for uncomplexed adsorbed enzyme, and q is the fraction offree sites on the surface available to either CBH or EG; subscripts:ads stands for adsorbed enzyme, cel for solid cellulose, and i, j for thelength of the cellulose chain. Equation (2) is simplified to show theprinciple of the kinetics. It does not contain terms for solubleintermediates with 3–6 glucose units, which are assumed to havea low concentration. For the full equations, see the originalpublication.[54a]

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quantification of various effects observed. South et al.expressed the reaction rate constant in terms of conversion[Eq. (3)]:[57]

kðxÞ ¼ kð1�xÞn þ c ð3Þ

In this equation, k is the reaction rate constant for hydrolysis,x is conversion, k(x) is the reaction rate constant at conversionx, n is the exponent of the declining rate constant, and c isa constant. The parameters n and c were estimated byapproximating k(x) by fitting it to the conversion (x). Thisexpression was later used in modeling simultaneous saccha-rification and fermentation (SSF) with staged reactors andintermediate feeding of enzymes and the substrate.[58]

Adsorption equations, for example, the Langmuir isotherm,have been incorporated into hydrolysis models, whereby theconversion range and four different cellulosic substrates weretaken into account.[47,51]

Another empirical model for a commercial cellulasecomplex (Cellubrix, Novozymes) and both a model substrate(Avicel) and pretreated wheat straw was developed byDrissen et al.[59] Phenomena included in the mathematicalmodel were the adsorption of the enzyme onto the substrate,substrate heterogeneity, including the effect of substrateconversion (termed “substrate recalcitrance”), glucose inhib-ition, the temperature dependency of reaction rates (with theactivation energy Ea = 29.8 kJmol�1), and thermal enzymeinactivation (assuming a first-order type of process, Ea =

148 kJmol�1).

4. Engineering Aspects and Pilot and Demon-stration Plants

Processing and reaction engineering must provide reactorconcepts for the residence time required to obtain both highconversion and high product-concentration levels. Mostimportantly, feedback inhibition must be minimized tominimize the amount of enzymes required. The processsteps of pretreatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation need to beviewed holistically to maximize ethanol yield and the overallcost of the process. Starting in 2000, Genencor and Novo-zymes successfully carried out major research programs, withconsiderable funds from the US Department of Energy(DOE), to reduce the cost of making cellulases from morethan US$ 1.3 to less than 5.3 cents per liter. The enzymatichydrolysis can either be performed separately from fermen-tation (SHF, separate hydrolysis and fermentation) or incombination with fermentation (SSF, simultaneous sacchari-fication and fermentation). SSF avoids the primary drawbackof separate hydrolysis caused by product inhibition of theenzymes by the released mono- and disaccharides. Compro-mises in the reaction temperature and pH value must be madein the design of the process: Hydrolysis by T. reesei enzymes isoptimally performed at pH 5 and 50 8C, but adjustment tofermentation conditions at pH 5.5–7 and 30–40 8C isrequired.[60] In a model calculation for a SSF process byGalbe and Zacchi in 2007, the overall ethanol yield was 296 Lper ton of dry feedstock, including ethanol losses in the

process; the fact that part of the sugars are used for yeastproduction was also taken into consideration.[60d] This yieldcorresponds to 69% of the theoretical value based on thehexose content in the raw material.

However, new developments in enzyme varieties tend tofavor SHF for several reasons: A new enzyme cocktail (CellicCTec 2, Novozymes) gives a 16–17% higher final ethanolyield when applied separately in the hydrolysis, with anoptimal (higher) temperature, with higher b-glucosidaseactivity, which reduces inhibition by cellobiose, and with anadditional activity, a lytic polysaccharide monoxygenase(LPMO), which requires oxygen.[61] The investigations wereundertaken with wheat straw, which was submitted to hydro-thermal pretreatment (at 195 8C with a residence time of18.5 min, followed by a washing step). Operations wereconducted at very high dry-matter (DM) content (20 and30% DM), which is considered essential to make bioethanolproduction feasible in economic terms. Moreover, the surfac-tant PEG3000 was added in a further set of experiments at30% DM to investigate the possible beneficial effect on finalyields under industrially relevant conditions; it is assumedthat the surfactant prevents nonproductive enzyme adsorp-tion to lignin. For SHF, the hydrolysis was carried out at 50 8Cfor 72 h, and fermentation at 34 8C. To improve mixing, whichis inefficient in conventional reactors owing to the very highdry-matter content, a system based on roller bottles wasapplied. High glucose concentrations (maximum 150 gkg�1)were attained. The best results (summarized in Tables I and IIof Ref. [61]) were obtained with the new enzyme mixture(dosage 22.8 mg per gram of cellulose; Cellic CTec 2,Novozymes): 1) SHF: 88.8 % ethanol yield (with referenceto cellulose), hydrolysis at 50 8C, 72 h, 30% DM, addition ofPEG (0.4%; 30 % saving of enzymes), fermentation at 34 8C,96 h; 2) SSF: 86.3 % ethanol yield, same enzyme dosage,processing at 34 8C, 168 h, 20% DM.

A range of pilot studies and demonstration and/orcommercial production facilities have been announced inrecent years; however, only a few have been in operation ona relevant scale, for example, by POET (USA), IogenCorporation (Canada), Renmatrix, Inbicon in Denmark,and Abengoa in Spain (see also http://www.poet.com).[60b,61]

Start-up facilities, mostly in the USA, are expected to becompleted in 2012 or 2013 by Poet DSM Advanced Biofuels,KiOR, Beta Renewables, and ZeaChem, who will use, forexample, corn stover or wheat straw as raw materials;GraalBio of Brazil will use sugarcane bagasse.[62]

A survey of 11 major projects was given by McCoy in2012, with annual capacities up to 100000 m3.[63] IogenCorporation has operated the first demonstration facility inOttawa (Canada) since 2004, in which a combination ofthermal, chemical, and biochemical techniques are used toconvert biomass as well as wheat, oat, and barley straw intoethanol. A modified steam explosion process is used forpretreatment. For enzymatic hydrolysis, Iogen developeda multistage system followed by fermentation. Efficientcellulase enzyme systems are produced in-house by the useof T. reesei. Fermentation is performed by microorganismsthat convert both C6 and C5 sugars into ethanol. The yield is340 L per ton of fiber (wheat straw). Large-scale-process


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design includes efficient heat integration, water recycling, andcoproduct utilization for overall process economy.[64] Ademonstration plant in which straw and enzymes fromDanisco Genencor, Novozymes, and DSM are used isoperated in Kalundborg (Denmark) and produces 5400 m3

ethanol per year, along with lignin pellets and molasses as by-products.[65] The plant of Chemtex in Italy, as well as thecommercial-scale biorefinery of Beta Renewables in Cres-centino, with a capacity of 75000 m3 per year, both run onwheat straw and a giant reed, Arundo donax, with enzymesfrom Novozymes. Beta Renewables indicates a sugar pricefrom biomass of 22 cents per kg, as compared to 40–44 centsper kg for sugar from corn, and a price for ethanol of 65 centsper liter.[62a] BASF (Germany) will work with Renmatrix(USA) to scale up a process for producing sugars from, forexample, wood or straw, by using water at high temperatureand pressure; the sugars then can be fermented to produceintermediates such as 1,4-butanediol and succinic acid.[66]

Clariant developed the sunliquid process, for which noadditional fossil energy is required, for the synthesis ofethanol from lignocellulosic plant material. A pilot plant forthis process went into operation in 2012 in Straubing(Germany) with an annual capacity of up to 1000 tons ofethanol.[67]

Plant genetic engineering may open new perspectives forthe more straightforward hydrolysis of lignocellulosic mate-rial. One approach is to change the lignin content andstructure, as has been shown recently for mutants ofArabidopsis thaliana with respect to an enzyme central tothe lignin biosynthetic pathway.[68] These mutants depositedless lignin than do wild-type plants. As a result, the conversionof cellulose into glucose in the mutants was up to fourfoldhigher than in the wild type upon saccharification withoutpretreatment.

5. Discovery of Novel CAZymes

The traditional method for the identification of newenzymes is based on the screening, for example, of soilsamples, unusual habitats, or industrial sites, of straincollections by enrichment culture, or of plant or animaltissues. This general concept has also been applied for thediscovery of CAZymes, but this approach will miss themajority of the biodiversity of nature, as only a small numberof microbes can successfully be cultivated in the laboratory.As pointed out by Wilson in an excellent review, two majorproblems limit our understanding of the degradation ofcellulosic material: “the vast diversity of organisms present inmost cellulose degrading environments and the inability toculture most of them.”[69] Depending on the habitat, it wasestimated that less than 1% of the microbes present in anenvironmental sample can be grown under standard labora-tory conditions.[70] Reasons are that appropriate cultivationconditions are unknown, growth rates are too slow, or thegrowth of a microbe depends on other species, which providenutrients. The metagenome approach overcomes these limi-tations by circumventing the cultivation step. In this method,the complete genomic DNA is extracted from a sample,

fragmented, and cloned to yield the corresponding metage-nome libraries.[71] These libraries can then be screened eitherfor the desired activity (with a function-based assay) or ina sequence-based approach, in which the entire DNA issequenced and then genes are identified on the basis ofhomology to already described enzymes. Recent reviewsnicely summarize enzymes, including CAZymes, discoveredby both approaches.[72] These reviews also cover studies on thediscovery of novel glycoside hydrolases from ecosystems suchas soil, lakes, hot springs, rumina, and rabbit and insect guts.

In an outstanding effort, the human gut microbiome wasexplored by a metagenomic approach to discover newCAZymes.[73] The reasoning behind the exploration of themicrobial community present in the human intestine is thatdietary fibers are mainly composed of complex cell-wallpolysaccharides and lignins. Because of the wide structuraldiversity of dietary fibers, the authors assumed that humangut bacteria—of which only 20% could be successfullycultured by using standard microbiology methods—mustproduce a huge panel of CAZymes. In earlier studies, thisbiodiversity was already investigated by functional andstructural genomics analysis restricted to culturable bacte-ria.[74]

Tasse et al. first created and screened a metagenomiclibrary (5.4 � 109 base pairs of metagenomic DNA cloned andexpressed in Escherichia coli) by using functional plate-basedassays for b-glucan, xylan, galactan, pectin, and amylosedegradation for a total of 704 000 clones.[73] Subsequently, 310clones were subjected to a secondary screen with the aim ofdeciphering enzyme specificity towards 15 polysaccharidesand enzyme stability at different pH values and temperatures.Active clones were pyrosequenced, followed by gene anno-tation and taxonomic assignation. This effort resulted in thediscovery of 18 CAZy gene clusters comprising 73 CAZygenes from 35 families and 86 CAZy modules. Importantly,many novel genes discovered had no high sequence homologyto known proteins, which confirms that this strategy allowsthe identification of completely novel enzymes. In a morerecent study, the same group extended this concept to twometagenomic libraries from ileum mucosa and fecal micro-biota with a focus on the degradation of probiotic carbohy-drates, such as inulin and fructooligosaccharides.[75] Again,a broad set of novel carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymesbelonging to various CAZyme families were identified, aswell as transporters. Besides the use of agar-plate assays andstandard analytical methods, an NMR-based tool for the high-throughput screening of CAZymes was also developed toenable the quantitative identification of reaction products andprovide structural information.[76] The method involvinggene-library expression and direct analysis of the crudereaction medium was automated for carbohydrate-structuredetermination. Thus, a library of 4032 CAZymes could beanalyzed at a rate of 480 enzyme variants per day; 303 of theseenzymes could be accurately characterized.

In another outstanding study, the metagenome approachwas used to discover cellulosic-biomass-degrading enzymes inthe cow rumen with switchgrass as the target substrate.[77] Theauthors sequenced and annotated 268 gigabases of DNA frommicrobes present in cow rumen. In this way, they identified

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27755 genes encoding for putative carbohydrate-active pro-teins. From 90 candidates expressed, 57 % were confirmedactive against a panel of ten cellulosic substrates. Animportant aspect of this study is that the in-depth sequencingand comparison of the gene sequences discovered with theentries in the CAZyme database revealed that only 1% of the2716 sequences analyzed (encoding for b-(1,4)-endogluca-nase, b-glucosidase, or cellobiohydrolase) were highly similarto any CAZy database entry. In a recent study, oxygen-tolerant microbial consortia capable of the decomposition oflignocelluloses in agricultural residues and industrial pulpwaste were analyzed.[78] The authors found a stable coex-istence of Clostridium, Acetanaerobacterium, and Ureibacillusspecies with CMCase, xylanase, and b-glucanase activities.Shotgun pyrosequencing of one metagenome library identi-fied a variety of CAZymes belonging to 26 families. Theseexamples strongly indicate that the vast majority of CAZymeshave escaped identification by standard methods, and thatonly metagenomic approaches combined with extensivesequencing allow their discovery.

An almost untapped source of potential CAZymes areArchea.[79] In one example, Desulfurococcus fermentans wasidentified as a hyperthermophilic organism and found to beable to grow on crystalline cellulose at 81 8C. In a more recentstudy, Graham et al.[80] found that only a consortium of threehyperthermophilic archaea obtained from a continental geo-thermal source was able to act on crystalline cellulose bygrowth at 90 8C. Interestingly, attempts to separate theindividual species failed. It was argued that a single isolatedhyperthermophilic archaeon is unable to produce the variousenzymes needed for the complex degradation of lignocellu-losic substrates, possibly because of the restricted size of theirindividual genomes. Subsequent metagenomic analysis of theconsortium identified a 90 kDa multidomain endoglucanasewith uncommon structural features. This enzyme has aston-ishing properties, with optical activity at 109 8C and a half-lifeof 5 h at 100 8C, and was found to be very stable in thepresence of ionic liquids, strong detergents, and high saltconcentrations.

Recently, the importance of oxidative enzymes for thedegradation of (ligno-)cellulosic material was emphasized,and many known enzymes together with newly discoveredactivities were reclassified as “auxiliary enzymes” in theCAZy database.[23,81] This subfamily now includes well-studied enzymes, such as laccases, manganese peroxidases,and lignin peroxidases, all of which are multicopper oxidasesknown to be essential for oxidative lignin conversion. Other“auxiliary enzymes” are cellobiose dehydrogenases, pyranoseoxidase, and galactose oxidase. Cellulases so far classified asGH61 enzymes were recently shown to be copper-dependent(lytic) polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) thatenhance cellulase degradation in concert with classicalcellulases (see Ref. [82] and references cited therein). Thesefungal-derived PMOs from organisms such as Neurosporacrassa catalyze the oxidative cleavage of cellulose by usingreducing agents, such as ascorbate, gallate, or reducedglutathione. Most importantly, PMOs can act directly oncrystalline microfibril cellulose. Quinlan et al. reporteda type II copper site as the metal involved in this newly

observed GH61 activity.[83] Marletta and co-workers firstidentified the oxidation products at the nonreducing end as 4-ketoaldoses and could thus confirm that no C6 oxidation tookplace. By isotope labeling, they proposed a mechanism—depending on whether a type I or a type II PMO (PMO1 orPMO2) is used—by which oxygen insertion occurs at the C1or C4 position, followed by elimination leading to theketoaldoses (Scheme 4).[84]

Very recently, another family of auxiliary enzymes(AA11) was described,[85] thus increasing the number ofknown LPMOs that act on cellulose (AA9, formerly GH61)or chitin (AA10, formerly CBM33). The AA11 enzyme fromAspergillus oryzae was shown to have oxidative chitinolyticactivity, which yields aldonic acid oligosaccharides. Biochem-ical studies revealed that the properties of the AA11 enzymesare structurally and spectroscopically in between those of theAA9 and AA10 families.[82b]

CBM33 modules were reclassified and also resemblecopper-dependent LPMOs. In a pioneering study, CBP21 wasfirst shown to be in fact an oxidative enzyme that catalyzesoxidative cleavage of crystalline chitin, which is boosted bythe addition of ascorbate to yield the oxidized sugar 2-(acetylamino)-2-deoxy-d-gluconic acid.[86] Chauvign�-Hineset al. developed probes with alkyne tags for activity-basedprotein profiling (ABPP) for the direct labeling of theC. thermocellum cellulosomal secretome.[87] ABP selectivityfor glycoside hydrolase (GH) enzymes was followed by massspectroscopy.

6. Protein Engineering of CAZymes

Protein engineering is nowadays a well-established tech-nology for altering the properties of enzymes, and generalstrategies, as well as numerous successful examples, are well-documented.[88] The two principle concepts are rationalprotein design or directed (molecular) evolution. If the 3Dstructure or a reasonable homology model is available,rational protein design is the method of choice to predictthe type and position of amino acid mutations, which are then

Scheme 4. Reaction pathway proposed for the oxidative cleavage ofcellulose by PMO1 or PMO2.[83]


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Table 1: Selected examples of the protein engineering of CAZYmes.[a]

Enzyme family Sourceorganism




Remarks Ref.

Endoglucanase (endo-b-1,4-glucanase), EC

GH5/Cel5A Bacillus subtilis epPCR/DNAshuffling

Congored stain-ing/DNS/CMC

increased activity (up to 2.7-fold)towards CMC

slightly improved pH tolerance andthermostability; up to 12 mutations,most outside conserved regions


GH5/Cel5A Clostridium phy-tofermentans

epPCR Congored stain-ing, CMC

slightly improved half-lives forCMC, amorphous cellulose, andAvicel

surface display of a fusion protein;expression with or without CBM ora His tag; strong variation of mutantproperties as influenced by these con-structs


GH5/CBM3 Bacillus amyloli-quefaciens

error-pronerolling circleamplification


increased activity (up to 8-fold)towards CMC

six mutations found, but only E289 Vrelevant, as situated in the cellulasecatalytic domain


Cel8A Clostridium ther-mocellum

epPCR andconsensusmutations


improved thermostability witha 14-fold longer half-life at 85 8C

consensus approach identified a G283Pmutation, which was combined witha previous triple mutant


EGII Trichodermareesei

Congored stain-ing/Avicel/CMC

enhanced cellulase activity byimproved binding of CBM

CBM library targeting two residuescreated by cell-surface engineering inyeast; 1.5-fold higher binding ability and1.3-fold higher hydrolytic activity


CMCase Bacillus subtilis shuffling Congored stain-ing/CMC,HPLC

variants with 2–5-fold improvedactivity towards CMC

bacterial surface display for libraryscreening; up to 8 mutations, most inthe catalytic domain


Cellobiohydrolase, EC


three homolo-gous enzymes,e.g. from Humi-cola insolens

SCHEMArecombinationof 8 blocks


improved thermostability at 63 8C;variants active at temperatures 7–15 8C higher than for the wild type

15 variants with up to 63 mutationsinvestigated in detail, also variants withan improved pH profile; a later studyshowed that a single mutation wasresponsible


GH6/Cel6A best variantfrom a previousstudy[100]


Avicel half-life of 280 min at 75 8C,T50 = 80 8C (15–20 8C higher thanfor the wildtype)

crystal structures of mutants reported [102]

GH6/CBHII Phanerochaetechrysosporium


PASC modestly improved thermostabil-ity at 50 8C for 72 h

IVTT for enzyme production; best var-iant contained 15 mutations, whichresulted in an improved DTm value byca. 5 8C




point muta-tions/fusionwith CBM


thermoactivity and stabilityimproved; addition of CBMcaused a 7-fold activity increasetowards Avicel

an additional disulfide bridge near theN terminus and a single mutationimproved DTm by 4 8C






thermoactivity and stabilityimproved

five single S�S variants studied; onetriple mutant had an improved DTm

value by 9 8C and activity at 80 8C



five homologousenzymes, e.g.from Talaromy-ces emersonii

SCHEMArecombinationof 8 blocks

MUL/solid cel-lulose

thermostability; chimeras active at70 8C (wild type: 65 8C)

16 chimeras functionally expressed, onaverage 37 mutations per chimera


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introduced into the protein-encoding gene by site-directedmutagenesis. Once the variant has been produced byrecombinant expression, the enzyme can be purified andcharacterized for the desired property. In the absence ofa protein structure or sufficient information to guide proteinengineering, directed evolution, in which mutations areintroduced randomly (e.g. by error-prone PCR)[89] or homol-ogous genes are recombined (e.g. by DNA shuffling),[90] is themethod of choice. The key challenge in directed evolution isthe availability of a suitable high-throughput screeningmethod for the quick and reliable identification of desiredvariants from the huge mutant library created by randommutagenesis.

Protein engineering was also successfully used forCAZYmes, initially with a focus on the identification of thecatalytic mechanism,[91] followed by more recent research toimprove their properties.[91, 92] The engineering of theseenzymes is very challenging because the enzymatic hydrolysisis complicated, heterogeneous substrates are involved, andvarious components are required for enzymatic activity.Directed evolution has been used to create variants withenhanced activity on soluble substrates, improved thermo-stability, a different optimum pH value, or improved expres-sion. Improved thermoactivity (> 50 8C) is an importanttarget, as it results in reduced contamination and viscosityas well as increased hydrolytic activity. Improved stability alsoleads to reduced enzyme costs. An overview of selectedexamples is given in Table 1.

As early as 2010, Liu et al. stated that “the development ofhigh-throughput cellulase assays on solid cellulosic substratesis urgently needed”.[93] In most examples, variants were firstscreened either in agar-plate assays or in microtiter plates byusing soluble chromophores, such as 4-methylumbelliferyl b-d-lactoside or phosphoric acid swollen cellulose, in combina-tion with a dye to separate active from inactive clones. Only ina subsequent second assay were real cellulosic substrates, suchas Avicel, used for the identification of truely improvedvariants. A further challenge is that most CAZymes are notexpressed well in standard hosts used for directed evolution(e.g., E. coli, S. cerevisiae). As a consequence, the bestvariants might be missed owing to a lack of proper expression,or variants identified to exhibit improved properties mightfail in later large-scale studies when industrial productionhosts are used. In particular, CBHI cellobiohydrolases haveproven difficult to engineer, in part as a result of their lowexpression level in heterologous hosts, but mainly because oftheir complex structure. CBHI enzymes usually contain 8–10disulfide bridges and at least three glycosylation sites.Whereas in most directed-evolution experiments eithererror-prone PCR or shuffling were used, and often resultedin only moderate improvements (Table 1), Arnold and co-workers were more successful in using the SCHEMAalgorithm to guide mutant design. This structure-guidedrecombination method functions in the absence of high-throughput screening methods and identifies blocks suitable

Table 1: (Continued)

Enzyme family Sourceorganism




Remarks Ref.


chimera derivedfrom Talaromy-ces emersonii

rational designby FoldX/con-sensus con-cept

MUL/solid cel-lulose

thermostability; stability increasedby 10 8C to 65 8C, 50 % increase insugar release from CMC

computational analysis predicted 43mutants, 9 were investigated, the best 8combined; effective mutations were onprotein surface


GH8/Cel7A 11 startingenzymes, e.g.from Aspergillussp.

recombination MUL/Avicel

thermostability and activity; 86%of the 469 chimera were active, 51had higher stability; on average 4–5 mutations per chimera

“biased clique shuffling” claimed to besuperior to standard methods; also,a 100-fold better expression system wasdeveloped in Saccharomyces cerevisiae toavoid hyperglycosylation


Miscellaneous enzymes

GH11/xylanase not reported,metagenomeorigin

GSSM andrecombination


substantially improved thermosta-bility from 76 to 101 8C

most mutations in N-terminal region;3D structure provided no clear hint forimproved stability/activity and rathersuggests subtle changes



Lactobacillus reu-teri

rational design growthassay

allosyltransferase activity modeling predicted acceptance of noveldonors


Cel48 recombinationof three genesfrom Clostridiumsp.


Avicel large variations in temperaturerange, stability, and activity found

mutants contained up to 106 mutationsin comparison to the wild types; 60 newCel48 variants characterized


[a] DNS= dinitrosalicylic acid, CMC= carboxymethyl cellulose, CBM= cellulose-binding domain, MUL = 4-methylumbelliferyl b-d-lactoside,PSAC= phosphoric acid swollen cellulose, IVTT = in vitro transcription translation, GSSM = gene-site saturation mutagenesis.


J. Seibel et al.

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for the creation of chimeric enzymes even at sequenceidentities as low as 30%.[94]

7. Summary and Future Perspectives

The ability to obtain (cheap) fermentable sugars frombiomass is important not only for the production of ethanol,but also for many other fermentative processes in bulkchemistry, as the production of ethanol has to compete withrecently established economically viable alternatives basedon shale-gas utilization.[95] Recent developments, such as theoxygenases, are currently calling into question many aspectsof the classic mechanism and are somehow reshaping theconcept that we had of the enzymatic degradation ofcellulose. Different cellulases and oxygenases enable thedegradation of a wider variety of surfaces. The resultingmonosaccharides and oligosaccharides can be reassembled byengineered enzymes into novel tailor-made products. Thebiorefinery of the future may also allow the use of lignin andhemicelluloses as substrates for the production of bulkcompounds and fine chemicals if the repertoire of naturecan be extended to novel enzyme activities. In this regard, theimplementation of pretreatment, biocatalyst design, andreaction engineering will open new avenues for the synthesisof biofuels and chemicals.

A DuPont Young Professor Award for J.S. is gratefullyacknowledged.

Received: November 15, 2013Published online: August 18, 2014

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