Review On your whiteboard: Redraw the diagram to show the potential effect on the realized niches of Species 1, 2, and 3 if a predator of Species 3 is introduced into the habitat.

Review On your whiteboard: Redraw the diagram to show the potential effect on the realized niches of Species 1, 2, and 3 if a predator of Species 3 is

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On your whiteboard:Redraw the diagram to show the potential effect on the

realized niches of Species 1, 2, and 3 if a predator of Species 3 is introduced into the habitat.

What is Predation?

The process by which a predator hunts, kills, and consumes prey

Video Clip

Population CyclesPredation causes cycles in predatory and

prey population sizes


What are some defenses prey organisms have evolved over time?

Work with your partnerWrite your ideas on the whiteboard

Mimicry is the case in which one species looks similar to another species.

1. Batesian mimicry in which one non-poisonous species mimics another poisonous species.

2. Mullerian mimicry occurs when two poisonous species evolve to look like each other.


Blend in to hide from predators….or to BE a predator!



•An organism feeding on a plant


What are some defenses plants have evolved over time?

Work with your partnerWrite your ideas on the whiteboard

Thorns, Spikes, or Hair


Predation + -One benefits & other


Herbivory + -One benefits & other harmed