Sick, our nature demanded to be healed; fallen, to be raised up; dead, to rise again. We had lost the possession of the good; it was necessary for it to be given back to us. Closed in the darkness, it was necessary to bring us the light; captives, we awaited a Savior; prisoners, help; slaves, a liberator. Are these things minor or insignificant? Did they not move God to descend to human nature and visit it, since humanity was in so miserable and unhappy a state? Saint Gregory of Nyssa OUR CATHOLIC CHURCH--THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST LESSON 1 REVIEW OF THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST Sacred Scripture JOHN 1:1-17 Catechism of the Catholic Church #151, 240-241, 461, 2466 PARENTS’ & CATECHISTS’ READING REFLECTION & PRAYER HEART OF CATECHESIS The Annunciation Fra Angelico, 1433

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Page 1: REVIEW OF THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRISTheartofcatechesis.org/...The-Review-of-the-Life-of... · REVIEW OF THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST Sacred Scripture JOHN 1:1-17 ... was the first public

Sick, our nature demanded to be healed; fallen, to be raised up; dead, to rise again. We had lost the possession of the good; it was necessary for it to be given back to us. Closed in the darkness, it was necessary to bring us the light; captives, we awaited a Savior; prisoners, help; slaves, a liberator. Are these things minor or insignificant? Did they not move God to descend to human nature and visit it, since humanity was in so miserable and unhappy a state?

Saint Gregory of Nyssa



Sacred Scripture

JOHN 1:1-17

Catechism of the Catholic Church

#151, 240-241, 461, 2466



The Annunciation Fra Angelico, 1433

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Sacred Scripture

Grades K-1 New Catholic Picture Bible pp. 94-95 The Annunciation Grades 2-4 Bible for Young Catholics pp. 260 Grades 5-12 JOHN 1:1-17 Catechism

Grades K-2 First Communion Catechism pp. 27-30

Grades 3-6 Baltimore Catechism #1 pp. 35-37

Grades 7-12 Catechism of the Catholic Church #151, 240-241, 461, 2466




Reinforce the sequence of the events of Jesus’ life



The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary: And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Behold the handmaid of the Lord: Be it done unto me according to Thy word. Hail Mary . . .

And the Word became Flesh: And dwelt among us. Hail Mary . . . Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, that we to whom the incarnation of Christ, your Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by his passion and cross be brought to the glory of his resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. AMEN

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In a quiet village called NAZARETH, around the year 6 BC, a mighty angel GABRIEL knelt before a young virgin named MARY and revealed to her two Mysteries; THE HOLY TRINITY, that our One God is Three Divine Persons; “GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT… and also the Mystery of the


that GOD THE SON would be her Son too…and that she would be His Mother. And Mary said, “Behold the hand-maid of the Lord. May it be it done unto me according to your word.”

A Citation from Scripture worth remembering which helps us to locate and ponder the Mystery of the INCARNATION is LUKE 1… the Annunciation. Mary first went to help her cousin ELIZABETH, who by then was beyond the age for bearing children. But an angel had come to Elizabeth’s husband ZECHARIAH, an old priest, to tell her that by God’s favor Elizabeth would be the mother of…JOHN THE BAPTIST. When Elizabeth greeted Mary her unborn son leapt in his mother’s womb; mother and son were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. After staying with Elizabeth for three months, Mary returned home. Mary was betrothed/engaged to JOSEPH. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, he knew the baby was not his. He decid-ed to divorce her quietly...but an ANGEL appeared to Joseph in a DREAM and told him that the child was the Son of God and that he was to take Mary into his home as his wife. When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel asked.

Six months later Mary and Joseph had to travel to BETHLEHEM…and it was here that Mary gave birth to her Firstborn Son…JESUS. She wrapped Him in SWADDLING CLOTHES and laid Him in a MANGER, because there was no room for them in the inn. A Citation from Scripture worth remembering which helps us to locate and ponder the Mystery of Our Lord’s Birth is LUKE 2.

Angels appeared to SHEPHERDS who were keeping the night watch over their sheep. The shepherds came to visit the babe who would grow up to be the Good Shepherd. In those days a star’s light led WISE MEN to visit the baby who was the Word of God… the Wisdom of God. They paid Him homage…while a wicked King, HEROD, sought to kill the newborn “King of the Jews.” Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt to protect their son. They stayed there until after 4 BC…when King Herod died.

They returned to NAZARETH where Jesus helped Joseph in his trade as a CARPENTER. We know nothing of these Hidden Years except that once, when Jesus was about 12 years old, while on a visit to the TEMPLE in JERUSALEM, Mary and Joseph accidentally left Jesus behind. They found Him three days later in the Temple, sitting among the scholars and doctors of the Law, lis-tening to them and asking questions. He went home with Mary and Joseph to Nazareth, and He was obedient to them, and grew in grace and stature and wisdom in the eyes of God and men. We know nothing about the next 18 years!

Mary and Elizabeth Carl Heinrich Block

The Nativity Charles Poerson, 1600

Flight to Egypt Sebastian Bourdon, 1645

Finding in the Temple Giuseppe Bottani, 1515

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In the year 27 AD there suddenly appeared in JUDEA a thundering prophet, dressed in cam-elskin, with a belt about his waist, living on locusts and wild honey. He was Jesus’ cousin… JOHN THE BAPTIST. He called people to conversion and a BAPTISM of repentance to pre-pare for the coming of the MESSIAH… [THE CHRIST]. Jesus came to him at the Jordan River to be baptized…and after Jesus was baptized, the sky was ripped in two and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove. GOD THE FATHER’S voice spoke from the heavens, “YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.” This was the first public manifestation of the Holy Spirit. After this Jesus went out into the desert to fast for 40 days and was tempted by the DEVIL.

In the spring of the year 28 AD, Jesus returned from his days in the desert and went to see John the Baptist again. When John saw Jesus this second time, he said, “Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” Two of the Baptist’s DISCIPLES [“disciples” means “students”] began to follow after Jesus. They were ANDREW and JOHN THE BELOVED. Jesus asked them “WHO DO YOU SEEK?” They said, “Master, where do you stay?” Jesus said, “COME AND SEE.” Andrew brought his brother SIMON to meet Jesus—and Jesus promised that one day he would have a new name… PETER [which means “ROCK”]. Later they were joined by NATHANIEL and PHILIP.

With this band of 5 followers, Jesus returned to GALILEE and went to a wedding feast at CANA. Here He performed His first MIRACLE; Jesus changed water into wine. After this, Jesus returned to Judea and Jerusalem, where He chased the MONEYCHANGERS out of the Temple and tried to teach NICODEMUS about being born again in the SACRAMENT of BAPTISM. Nicodemus was not a very good student…but a sinful SAMARITAN WOMAN whom Jesus met by a well a while later did learn well from Jesus. She and the people of her town began to put their FAITH in Jesus. When Jesus returned to Jerusalem things were beginning to change. He healed a crippled man on the SAB-BATH…and the authorities and religious officials began to say that this act of kindness was a sin [because Jews were not allowed to work on the Sabbath]. This persecution, together with Herod’s arrest of John the Baptist was the sign that Jesus had to change His approach. He headed north to the territory of GALILEE, and would be there for the next 16 months.

Upon returning to Galilee in the late spring of the year 28 A.D., Jesus went down to the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Simon Peter, Andrew, and John had gone back to fishing. Jesus called them again…and this time they followed Him for good. Jesus began to perform miracles. He cast out demons, cured lepers, and helped crippled people to walk. Even though He was involved in very intense activity and work, Jesus always found time to go off and PRAY. Jesus’ miracles became more impressive; He brought Jairus’ daughter back from the dead and He stilled the storm at sea. But even with all these signs, the religious authorities began to hate Christ. It became more and more difficult for Jesus to teach in their synagogues, so He moved his “pulpit” out into the countryside.

Baptism of Jesus Francesco Albani, 1600s

All the Kingdoms of the World Ary Scheffer, 1854

The Call of Andrew and Peter Guisto de Menabuoi, 1376

Jesus Cleanses the Temple Raymond Balze, 1800s

Christ in the Storm Jan Bruegel, 1596

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Later that summer, Jesus spent a night on a mountain in prayer. When He came down the next morning, He chose His 12 APOSTLES. That same day He gave “THE SER-MON ON THE MOUNT,” explaining that God sees not as man sees…and that often those who are hungry or persecuted or poor in this life are especially loved by God and will receive their reward in the next life. Jesus also offered the people a great chal-lenge; “BE PERFECTED AS YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS PERFECT.” He said that we are all called to be holy, and to call God our Father in the prayer He gave to us… the OUR FATHER.

As Summer turned to Fall, Jesus once again changed His manner of teaching and began to instruct the people about the mysteries of the Kingdom in simple stories called PARABLES. A sinful woman named MARY MAG-DALENE heard and believed these teachings and became a faithful follower of Christ. Her sister MARTHA learned that running around busily doesn’t please God as much as praying, as Mary did, at the feet of Jesus.

Jesus’ popularity with the ordinary people in Galilee continued to grow over the months. During the winter He sent His Apostles out two by two on a “missionary tour.” When they returned home to Capharnum in the early spring of 29 AD Jesus invited them to, “COME ASIDE AND REST AWHILE.” They set out in the boat for a quiet place…but when they got there, huge crowds awaited them. As evening began to fall, Jesus told the Apostles to give the people something to eat. All they could find were a lad’s 5 loaves and 2 fish. Jesus took the loaves, and looking up to heaven blessed them, broke them, and gave them to the Apostles to give to the crowds. With this miracle of multiplication of the loaves and the fish, Jesus fed thousands of people, who became so excited they tried to carry Him off and make Him king. But this was not His plan, so He sent the Apostles off in the boat and Himself fled back to the mountain to pray. Later that night, Jesus walked on the water to catch up with the Apostles. They put in at Capharnum, and the next morning Jesus taught the crowds about THE BREAD OF LIFE.

Jesus told the people in the synagogue that HE was the Bread of Life…and that this Bread He would give is His Flesh for the life of the world. The people were stunned…and Jesus continued, saying that His Flesh was True Food, and that His Blood was True Drink. The people argued among themselves and most of them left Jesus and refused to follow Him any more.

Not long after this, Jesus asks the Apostles who the crowds think He is. They repeated some of the opinions they had heard… and then Jesus asks them who they think He is. Simon says, “You are the Messiah…The son of the living God.” Jesus says that Simon is blessed, and then gives him his new name… “PETER”… “AND ON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, AND THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT. I GIVE TO YOU THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. WHATEVER YOU DE-CLARE BOUND ON EARTH SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN; AND WHAT-EVER YOU LOOSE ON EARTH, SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN” [MT 16]. Jesus makes Peter the leader of the Apostolic Band.

Later in the spring and summer of 29 AD, Jesus takes the Apostles far away from the crowds. He begins to tell them that they are to go up to Jerusalem and that He will be crucified. Peter tries to talk Jesus out of it and is soundly rebuked. Seeing that Peter and the Apostles are not ready to face the scandal of the Cross, Jesus takes Peter, James and John up Mt. Tabor for His TRANSFIGURATION. He appears in glory with MOSES and ELIJAH beside Him. Still, the Apostles do not understand.

Sermon on the Mount Fra Angelico

Upon This Rock Pietro Perugino, 1481

Feeding of the Multitude Limbourg Brothers, 1416

Transfiguration Giovanni Bellini, 1460

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In the Fall of 29 AD, Jesus takes the Apostles up to Jerusalem. The SCRIBES, PHARI-SEES, and SADDUCEES begin to watch Jesus and to try to trip Him up. He cures a man who was born blind and saves a sinful woman from being stoned by an angry mob. The religious leaders, especially CAIAPHAS, the High Priest, decide that they need to kill Jesus.

Jesus enters Jerusalem shortly before PASSOVER, early Spring of the year 30 AD. He teaches during that week before Passover, and the religious leaders become even more determined to kill him. JUDAS…one of the Apostles arranges to hand Jesus over to the authorities, who give him 30 PIECES OF SILVER to betray Jesus. But be-fore His PASSION is to begin, Jesus needs one last and sacred moment with His Apostles.

On Thursday evening of Holy Week, Jesus gathers in an upper room with His Apostles for the LAST SUPPER. He takes Bread, says the Blessing, Breaks the Bread, and Gives it to His Apostles, say-ing…“TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT OF IT; FOR THIS IS MY BODY WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU.” Suddenly they realize that this is how they are to receive the Bread of Life which is Jesus' body—in the HOLY EUCHARIST—under the form and appearance of Bread! When supper was ended, Jesus took the cup. Again He gave thanks and praise to His Father. He gave the cup to His Apostles and said, “TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND DRINK FROM IT… FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD. THE BLOOD OF THE NEW AND ETERNAL COVENANT. WHICH WILL BE POURED OUT FOR YOU AND FOR MANY FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN. DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME.” The Last Supper was the First MASS…and we received HOLY COMMUNION for the first time.

After this things began to happen swiftly. Judas had left early and had gone off to get the soldiers to arrest Jesus. Jesus, with his Apostles, walks to the Garden of GETHSEMANE outside of the city walls. Here He prays for the strength to save us all, and is crushed beneath the weight of our SINS. The soldiers arrive and arrest Jesus…and the Apostles run away. But Peter and John follow from a distance to the palace of Caiaphas and Annas where Jesus is brought. Jesus is bound and sub-jected to an unjust and illegal trial. He is beaten, mocked, and spit on. They condemn Him to Death…but they cannot Crucify Him themselves. They need approval from the Romans.

To PONTIUS PILATE they bring Jesus the next morning…but Pilate thinks that Jesus is innocent. Eventually the mob forces Pilate to send Jesus to the Cross. He washes his hands of the matter…and Jesus takes up and carries His Cross… to CALVARY. Here Jesus is Crucified.

From the Cross Jesus forgives those who hurt Him. He promises the Good Thief who is crucified with Him that he will be saved. He gives Mary to us to be our Mother. After three terrible hours of suffering and thirst, Jesus says, “FATHER, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMEND MY SPIRIT,” and breathes His last. A Citation from Scripture worth remem-bering which helps us to locate and ponder the Mystery of Our Lord’s Death is JOHN 19.

Three days later, on EASTER SUNDAY, Jesus rises from the dead. We call this the RESUR-RECTION. He appears to Mary Magdalene, to the Holy Women, and to Peter. That evening He appears to the gathered disciples, and gives them the power to forgive sins. He confirms the weak faith of Thomas, who addresses Jesus as “My Lord and my God.” A Citation from Scripture worth remembering where these RESURRECTION stories may be found is JOHN 19.

The Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem Pietro Lorenzetti, 1320-1330

Judas Betrays Jesus Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308

The Last Supper from the Lahaye Bible Bernard Picart, 1728

Agony in the Garden Mosaic Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary Lourdes France

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