Review Game #2

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  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    The Americas



    Aztecs Columbian


    Incas Atlantic Slave


    10 10 10 10 10

    20 20 20 20 20

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  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    According to this cartoon#

    $hat did the conquistadors

     bring to the Americas%

    A& 'old# Silver# and things totrade

    (& The conquistadors brought

    ver) little to the Americas

    C& *orses# $eapons# and


    +& The conquistadors brought


     , 10 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    According to the map, when does Cortes arrive in the Aztec empire?

    A& 1"02

    (& 1"10

    C& 1"1-+& It is$n

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    According to

    the timeline#

    $hen does the

    Cortesdestro) the

    Aztec capital%

    A- 1519

    B- 1521

    C- 1452

    D- 1522

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    hat happened to the !ative American civi"ization

    according to this graph?A& The map is not ver) clear on $hat happens to the /ative American


    (& The a)an civilization quic.l) declined shortl) ater the arrival o

    the Spanish

    C& The /ative American civilizations ell in the earl) 300s

    +& The /ative American civilizations rose quic.l) and remained

     po$erul or thousands o )ears

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    “Then the hard, dry Spaniards came exploring

    through, greedy and realistic, and their greed was

    for gold or God. They collected souls as they

    collected jewels. They gathered mountains andvalleys, rivers and whole horizons, the way a man

    might now gain title to building lots. !ho is the author

    referring to in this particular "uote#

    A& Spanish priest

    (& Conquistadors

    C& Aztec $arriors

    +& Crusaders

     , "0 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    hat is going on

    in this image?

    A& *onor 4illing

    (& 4illing prisoners

    or their crimes

    C& An Aztec 5eligious


    +& 5o)alt) 4illing

     , 10 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    hat co"or is the Ancient Aztec civi"ization?A&'reen


    C&7urple+& 8ello$

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    #nder whom

    does the Aztec

    $mpire reachits height?

    A& ontezuma

    (& ontezuma


    C& Cortes

    +& Althuapha


  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    %rom 1519 to 15&',

    a(ter the arriva" o(

    Cortes, the Aztec

    pop)"ation dropped(rom 25 **** to

    a+o)t ******




    , !0 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    $%learly, it is difficult for us to come to a true understanding of what

    human sacrifice meant to the sixteenth century &ztec' but it may be

    observed that every culture possesses its own idea of what is and what is

    not cruel. &t the height of their career the (omans shed more blood in

    their circuses and for their amusement than ever the &ztecs did before

    their idols. The Spaniards so sincerely moved by the cruelty of the native

    priests, nevertheless massacred, burnt, mutilated and tortured with a

    perfectly clear conscience. !e, who shudder at the tales of the bloody

    rites of ancient )exico, have seen with our own eyes and in our days

    civilized nations proceed systematically to the extermination of millions

    of human beings and to the perfection of weapons capable of annihilatingin one second a hundred *times+ more victims than the &ztecs ever

    sacrificed. !hat was the authors message#

    A- e wi"" never )nderstand wh. the Aztecs tho)ght h)man sacri(ice was o/

    B- The 0panish was doing the right thing +. /i""ing the Aztecs

    C- The Ancient omans were worse than the Aztecs

    D- $ver. gro)p o( peop"e has their own de(inition o( cr)e"3, .et we o(ten times see

    o)rse"ves as more h)mane

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    !hat are the positive and negative effects of the%olumbian -xchange#

    a . Africa’s population stayed the same, trade between continents

    increased and new food was discovered.

    b. Africa’s population decreased, trade between continents decreased

    and new food was discovered.

    c. Africa’s population decreased, trade between continents increased and

    new food was discovered.

    d. All of the above

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2



    !hich was a result of the exchange of goods in this diagram#

    a. Decreased spread of disease between the Old and New World

    b. Improved variety of food choices between the Old and New World

    c. Decline in migration from the Old to New World

    d. Increased use of wheat in the Old World

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    escribe the exchange of goods from the /ld !orld to the 0ew !orld1a. he Old World e!ported a mi! of agricultural goods and animals.

    b. he Old World e!ported only agricultural goods.

    c. he Old World imported a mi! of agricultural goods and animals.

    d. he Old World imported dangerous diseases from the New World.

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    A(ter the arriva" o( the $)ropeans, which

    disease near". /i""ed a"" the !ative


    A9 AI+S

    (9 Cancer 

    C9 Small 7ox+9 The :lu

     , !0 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    “There is nothing more detestable or more

    cruel than the tyranny which the Spaniards

    use towards the 2ndians for the getting of

    riches. !hat is 3artolome de 4as %asassaying here#

    A- There is nothing worse than the war +etween the 0panish and the

    !ative Americans that "e(t +oth sides witho)t an. riches

    B- There is nothing worse than how the !atives treated the 0panish

    (or the getting o( go"d and si"ver

    C- There is nothing +etter than the wa. the 0panish traded with the

    !ative Americans so +oth sides co)"d +e wea"th.

    D- There is nothing worse than how the 0panish treated the !ative

    Americans (or the getting o( go"d and si"ver

    h th

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    here were the ncas


    A& 7eru and ;estern South America

    (& (razil and Eastern South America

    C& esoamerica

    +& 7aragua) and Central South

    America , 10 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    Based on the map, who

    had the "argest


    A& Aztecs

    (& 5omans

    C& Inca

    +& a)ans

     , 20 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    hen was ach) 6icch) pro+a+". +)i"t?A- 1157

    B- 1481

    C- 1445

    D- 149&

    -&7 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    hen was the end o( the ncan civi"ization?A& At the end o the time line in 1""0

    (& Incan civilization ended in 1!3 $hen 7achacuti too. the throne

    C& ;hen *uascar and Atahualpa $ent to $ar in 1"2<

    +& ;hen 7izzaro arrived in 1"2


    "I N W ld t b t $i d

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    "In a sense, New World con#uest was about men see$ing a way around

    one of life%s basic rules & that human beings have to wor$ for a living, 'ust

    li$e the rest of the animal world. In (eru, as elsewhere in the Americas,

    )paniards were not loo$ing for fertile land that they could farm, they were

    loo$ing for the cessation of their own need to perform manual labor. o doso, they needed to find large enough groups of people they could force to

    carry out all the laborious tas$s necessary to provide them with the

    essentials of life* food, shelter, clothing, and, ideally, li#uid wealth.

    +on#uest, then, had little to do with adventure, but rather had everything to

    do with groups of men willing to do 'ust about anything in order to avoid

    wor$ing for a living. )tripped down to its barest bones, the con#uest of (eru

    was all about finding a comfortable retirement. What made the con#uer of

    the Incas unusual-

     A& (eople were loo$ing for retirement& (eople were loo$ing for slaves

    +& (eople were not loo$ing to con#uer land/ instead loo$ing for a

    place to avoid doing hard wor$

    D& (eople were loo$ing for a place that does not e!ist anywhere

    on earth.

    h" h " / ( A( i d

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    o)gh". how man. s"aves were ta/en (rom A(rica and

    so"d into s"aver.?

    A& 12#000

    (& 12#000#000

    C& =#000

    +& =#000#000

     , 10 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    The o)rne. (rom A(rica to America (or most s"aves was o(tentimes

    ca""ed what?

    A&The Triangular Trade

    (&The Slave Trade

    C&The iddle 7assage+&The Trian ular Slave iddle 7assa e

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    According to this chart, the maorit. o( s"aves trave"ed to which


    A- #nited 0tates

    B- 0a)di Ara+ia

    C- Brazi"

    D- !orth A(rica : &7 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    hat can this time"ine

    te"" )s a+o)t s"aver.?

    A& Segregation lastedlonger than slaver)

    (&(lac.s in American

    $ere slaves longer thanan)thing else

    C&Slaver) and segregation

    lasted about the same time

    +& This chart does not

    give enough inormation

     , !0 points

  • 8/16/2019 Review Game #2


    According to this chart# $here did the main source o slaves come rom%

    A9 East Arica

    (9 ;est Arica

    C9 South Arica